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Harness Power. Empower Planet.

Soluxy is a ground-breaking solar power trading platform targeting homeowners, corporations and energy providers. It harnesses the power of blockchain and AI technology to create a decentralized marketplace for selling surplus solar power. Beyond just economical benefits, Soluxy champions sustainable living by maximizing renewable energy use and reducing environmental impacts. With its ability to optimize energy distribution and slash energy costs, Soluxy is not just a platform, but a catalyst for a global shift towards sustainable energy.

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Harness Power. Empower Planet.


Renewable Energy


"Redefining energy economics and igniting a global shift towards sustainable, shared power potential."


Introducing Soluxy - the game-changing solar power trading platform designed for homeowners, corporations, and energy providers. Aimed at revolutionizing energy management, Soluxy uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized marketplace for surplus solar power.

Intended to optimize energy distribution, this state-of-the-art system allows individuals and companies with solar panels to sell excess energy directly to peers on the same network. Powered by cutting-edge AI predictive algorithms, Soluxy ensures optimized power production and demand coordination, resulting in significant savings for all its users.

But Soluxy doesn't just stop at savings. Its purpose extends to prompting renewable energy use, marking a considerable step in reducing our environmental footprint. In a world overtaken by climate change, Soluxy thrives, disrupting conventional energy marketplaces and quickening the global transition to sustainable power.

By enabling solar power producers to sell leftover energy to consumers within the network, Soluxy effectively addresses current energy inefficiencies - a testimony to its unique features. Paving the way for resources to be harnessed to their fullest potential, Soluxy redefines energy and shares power like never before. Discover a new era of energy utilization - Discover Soluxy.

Target Audience

Sure, the target audience could be refined as:

Residential homeowners and commercial businesses with installed solar panels interested in optimizing energy use and monetizing surplus power, and conscious consumers keen on reducing their environmental impact and energy costs through renewable sources.

Problem Statement

The primary issue that Soluxy seeks to address is the significant inefficiency and wastage in the solar power sector, where excess energy generated by solar panel owners often goes unused. Moreover, traditional energy markets lack a direct, transparent mechanism to enable the trade of this surplus energy. As a result, potential consumers who are eager to utilize more sustainable and cost-effective energy sources are unable to tap into this unused solar power, exacerbating the environmental impact and high costs associated with traditional power sources.

Solution Overview

Soluxy provides an innovative and efficient solution to the problem of energy wastage and inefficiency in the solar power sector. It utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized platform, which facilitates the direct selling of surplus solar energy from solar panel owners to potential consumers within the network. The use of cutting-edge artificial intelligence predictive algorithms ensures an optimized coordination of power production and demand, enabling significant savings for users. The transparent and direct trading mechanism provided by Soluxy not only maximizes the usage of solar energy but also promotes sustainability by reducing the environmental impact and costs associated with traditional power sources. With Soluxy, energy distribution undergoes a revolutionary transformation, empowering users while driving the global shift towards renewable energy sources.


Soluxy's impact extends across economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Economically, it induces a cost-effective solution for solar panel owners and prospective consumers by monetizing surplus solar energy, optimizing usage, and promoting financial savings for all users on the network.

Socially, Soluxy democratizes access to renewable energy by connecting producers and consumers directly, strengthening communities' self-reliance, and reducing reliance on traditional power grids.

Environmentally, it ignites a conscious shift towards more sustainable energy sources. By maximizing the utilization of existing solar capacities, Soluxy considerably lowers greenhouse gas emissions, actively contributing to global climate change mitigation efforts.

Moreover, with its integration of blockchain and advanced AI algorithms, Soluxy presents an innovative model for the energy market, highlighting the transformative potential of technology in shaping sustainable futures.

Through Soluxy, producers, consumers, and the broader ecosystem experience the combinative benefits of efficiency, economy, empowerment, and environmental stewardship.


It all began on a regular summer day when a sudden power outage due to grid overloading plunged a whole neighborhood into darkness. As the residents scrambled to make sense of the situation, one house stood illuminated, unaffected by the area-wide blackout - a house powered by solar panels. But the irony didn't go unnoticed - while there was surplus solar power generated and stored during the day by many solar-panel equipped homes, it was not shareable amongst the neighbors due to a rigid, centralized power grid infrastructure. And that sparked the idea.

Recognizing this inefficiency stirred a curiosity in us. Why were we unable to harness excess generated power to its fullest potential? Why couldn't we direct this surplus to people in need of energy during high-demand periods? These momentary lapses plagued the existing energy system and indicated room for improvement. That's when the concept of Soluxy started to evolve.

The detrimental effects of climate change weighed heavy too. Traditional energy sources have played a significant role in escalating global warming, prompting an urgent need to lean towards renewable energy, primarily solar, which is bountifully available. This urgency to diminish our carbon footprint added to the mounting motivation to build Soluxy.

Together, these experiences and insights fueled the vision for Soluxy - changing the narrative on energy consumption and distribution. A solution that tackles surplus energy wastage, empowers individuals with control over their produced energy, promotes renewable sources, and significantly helps terrestrial ecosystems in the process.

An afternoon power outage served as an unlikely illumination of a broader problem, ultimately igniting the sustainable energy revolution we now know as Soluxy. By harnessing power, we aim to empower the planet, one user at a time.

Long Term Goal

Building on the essence of Soluxy, our long-term objective is not merely to exist as a leading marketplace for renewable energy trading. Beyond that, we envision ourselves as a catalyst for a global energy revolution, nurturing a self-sustaining eco-system revolving around renewable energy sharing and trade. We aim to redefine conventional energy economics and democratize access to renewable energy globally, contributing actively to a cleaner, greener world.

Alongside, we're committed to continual technological refinement and innovation, leveraging the latest in blockchain and AI to optimize our platform. We plan to expand our reach to every solar-powered home and business globally, making renewable energy consumption a norm rather than an exception.

In essence, our goal is to empower every individual and business with the capability to monetize solar power and promote sustainable living. Through Soluxy, we envision an era where power is shared, waste is minimized, and the planet's health is preserved—thus, actualizing a transformative shift in energy management, consumption, and sustainability.

Solar Savvy Steve


Solar Savvy Steve


Steve is a tech-savvy millennial homeowner who has recently installed solar panels on his property. He is passionate about renewable energy and wants to maximize the benefits of his investment by trading surplus energy.


Age: 30-35, Gender: Male, Education: Bachelor's degree, Occupation: Software Engineer, Location: Urban area, Income: Middle to high


Steve has a background in technology and is well-versed in using digital platforms. He is married with no kids and enjoys an active lifestyle.


Interests: Sustainable living, technology, renewable energy, outdoor activities, Attitudes: Forward-thinking, environmentally conscious, Values: Efficiency, sustainability, independence, Motivations: Saving money, reducing carbon footprint, enjoying a high-tech lifestyle


To optimize energy usage, trade surplus solar power, reduce energy costs, be environmentally responsible


Difficulty finding a reliable platform to trade surplus solar energy, lack of transparency in traditional energy markets, concerns about wasting generated solar power


Online platforms, social media, mobile apps, email


Steve uses Soluxy to monitor his energy production, trade his surplus solar power, and track his savings. He actively participates in energy management programs and engages with the Soluxy community to share experiences and learn best practices.


Steve considers factors such as platform reliability, ease of use, transparency, and customer support when deciding to use Soluxy. He also evaluates the potential savings and cost-effectiveness of the platform.

Progressive Patty


Progressive Patty


Patty is an environmentally conscious business owner who operates a small-scale solar power generation plant. She wants to leverage Soluxy's platform to sell excess solar energy to nearby businesses and homes, contributing to a greener community.


Age: 40-50, Gender: Female, Education: Master's degree, Occupation: Small business owner, Location: Suburban area, Income: Middle to high


Patty has a background in business and a deep commitment to sustainability. She is married with two children and actively contributes to local environmental initiatives.


Interests: Sustainability, community engagement, green initiatives, Attitudes: Proactive, environmentally conscious, Values: Sustainability, community wellbeing, Motivations: Making a positive impact, reducing carbon footprint, lowering energy costs


To sell excess solar power, contribute to a sustainable community, reduce operational costs for her business


Lack of a transparent platform to sell surplus solar energy, limited access to potential buyers, difficulties in establishing direct relationships with consumers


Online platforms, email, in-person meetings


Patty uses Soluxy to list her excess solar energy for sale, monitor her energy sales, and engage with potential buyers. She actively participates in community initiatives related to renewable energy and promotes her business as environmentally responsible.


Patty considers the platform's transparency, credibility, buyer network, and ease of use when deciding to use Soluxy. She also evaluates the potential financial benefits and cost savings for her business.

Eco-Conscious Emma


Eco-Conscious Emma


Emma is a young professional who rents an apartment in a sustainable urban community. Although she doesn't have solar panels, she wants to support renewable energy and participate in the local energy sharing economy through Soluxy.


Age: 25-30, Gender: Female, Education: Bachelor's degree, Occupation: Marketing Associate, Location: Urban area, Income: Middle


Emma has a background in marketing and is passionate about sustainability. She lives alone and actively seeks opportunities to reduce her carbon footprint.


Interests: Sustainability, community engagement, social impact, Attitudes: Eco-conscious, socially responsible, Values: Sustainability, community wellbeing, independence, Motivations: Supporting renewable energy, reducing carbon footprint, being part of a community


To support renewable energy initiatives, participate in the local energy sharing economy, reduce her reliance on traditional energy sources


Limited access to renewable energy sources, lack of options to support clean energy initiatives as a renter, minimal involvement in the renewable energy community


Online platforms, social media, mobile apps, in-person events


Emma uses Soluxy to purchase solar energy from local producers, track her renewable energy consumption, and engage with the community. She actively promotes Soluxy and encourages her friends and colleagues to participate.


Emma considers factors such as the platform's credibility, community engagement, ease of use, and accessibility when deciding to use Soluxy. She also evaluates the environmental impact and cost-effectiveness of purchasing renewable energy.

Soluxy Community Rewards

Soluxy Community Rewards is a loyalty program designed to incentivize and reward users for their sustainable energy practices. Users earn points for generating and trading surplus solar power on the Soluxy platform, which can be redeemed for various rewards such as discounts on energy-efficient appliances, solar panel installations, or even community events and initiatives. By rewarding users, Soluxy not only encourages sustainable energy practices but also fosters a sense of community and recognition among its users.

Integrated Energy Monitoring

Integrated Energy Monitoring is a feature that enables users to track and monitor their energy usage in real-time through the Soluxy platform. By integrating with smart meters, users can access detailed insights into their energy consumption patterns, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their solar power generation and usage. With this feature, users can make informed decisions on energy management, understand their environmental impact, and maximize their energy savings.

Green Energy Marketplace

The Green Energy Marketplace is an expansion of Soluxy's platform to include a wider range of renewable energy sources beyond solar power. This marketplace allows users to trade surplus energy generated from wind, hydro, geothermal, or other clean energy sources. By broadening the scope of the marketplace, Soluxy encourages the adoption of various renewable energy technologies and facilitates a more diverse and resilient energy ecosystem.

Carbon Footprint Tracker

The Carbon Footprint Tracker is a feature that calculates and tracks users' carbon footprints based on their energy consumption patterns. By integrating with energy data and using industry-standard metrics, users can easily monitor their carbon emissions in real-time through the Soluxy platform. This tracker not only raises awareness about the environmental impact of energy usage but also inspires users to make conscious choices to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

Smart Energy Trading Marketplace

The Smart Energy Trading Marketplace uses AI-powered algorithms to match energy buyers and sellers in real-time, ensuring seamless and efficient transactions within the Soluxy ecosystem. The marketplace takes into account factors such as location, energy requirements, pricing preferences, and availability to optimize energy trading among users. By automating the matching process, the Smart Energy Trading Marketplace improves the ease and speed of energy transactions, providing a seamless experience for both buyers and sellers.

Power Saver Insights

Power Saver Insights is an intelligent energy monitoring feature that provides users with real-time insights into their energy consumption patterns and helps them identify areas of improvement. By analyzing data from connected devices and smart meters, Power Saver Insights detects energy inefficiencies and offers personalized recommendations to optimize energy usage. Users can view detailed energy reports, track their energy savings over time, and make informed decisions to reduce their carbon footprint. This feature is available for both residential and commercial users, empowering them to take control of their energy usage and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Real-time Energy Consumption Monitoring
User Story

As a residential user, I want to monitor my energy consumption in real-time so that I can make immediate adjustments to reduce waste and save on my energy bills.


This requirement is to provide users with the ability to monitor their energy consumption in real-time. The feature should display the current energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh) on a user-friendly dashboard. Users should be able to track the energy consumption in real-time and see how it changes based on their activities and usage patterns. This real-time monitoring will enable users to identify energy-intensive appliances or behaviors and make immediate adjustments to reduce waste and save on their energy bills. The real-time monitoring should be accessible through the Soluxy mobile app and web portal.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the Soluxy mobile app
Given that the user has the Soluxy mobile app installed on their device, when the user opens the app, then they should see a dashboard displaying their real-time energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
User accesses the Soluxy web portal
Given that the user has access to the Soluxy web portal through a web browser, when the user logs into the portal, then they should be able to view their real-time energy consumption on the dashboard.
Device data is received
Given that the Soluxy system receives data from connected devices and smart meters, when new data is received, then the real-time energy consumption on the dashboard should be updated accordingly.
User engages in a specific activity
Given that the user engages in a specific activity that consumes energy, when the activity is in progress, then the real-time energy consumption on the dashboard should increase in response.
User reduces energy consumption
Given that the user takes actions to reduce their energy consumption, when the energy consumption decreases, then the real-time energy consumption on the dashboard should reflect the reduction.
User increases energy consumption
Given that the user takes actions that increase their energy consumption, when the energy consumption increases, then the real-time energy consumption on the dashboard should reflect the increase.
Energy Usage Analytics
User Story

As a commercial user, I want access to detailed analytics of my energy usage so that I can identify trends, patterns, and areas of improvement for energy optimization.


This requirement is to provide commercial users with detailed analytics of their energy usage. The feature should include advanced data analysis capabilities that can identify trends, patterns, and areas of improvement for energy optimization. Users should have access to visual charts, graphs, and reports that provide insights into their energy consumption over different time periods (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). These analytics will enable commercial users to identify energy-intensive processes or equipment, optimize their energy consumption, and make informed decisions to reduce costs and environmental impact. The energy usage analytics should be accessible through the Soluxy business portal.

Acceptance Criteria
View overall energy consumption trends
Given that I am a commercial user on the Soluxy business portal and I have access to the Energy Usage Analytics feature, when I navigate to the dashboard, then I should be able to see visual charts and graphs that display my overall energy consumption trends over different time periods.
Identify energy-intensive processes or equipment
Given that I am a commercial user on the Soluxy business portal and I have access to the Energy Usage Analytics feature, when I explore the detailed analytics, then I should be able to identify energy-intensive processes or equipment through visual representations and data analysis.
Track energy consumption over specific time periods
Given that I am a commercial user on the Soluxy business portal and I have access to the Energy Usage Analytics feature, when I select a specific time period (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), then I should be able to view my energy consumption during that period and compare it with previous periods.
Generate customizable energy usage reports
Given that I am a commercial user on the Soluxy business portal and I have access to the Energy Usage Analytics feature, when I generate an energy usage report, then the report should be customizable to include specific data points, time periods, and visualizations according to my preferences.
Receive personalized recommendations for energy optimization
Given that I am a commercial user on the Soluxy business portal and I have access to the Energy Usage Analytics feature, when I explore the analytics insights, then I should receive personalized recommendations on how to optimize my energy usage based on identified trends, patterns, and areas of improvement.
Energy Efficiency Recommendations
User Story

As a residential user, I want to receive personalized recommendations for improving energy efficiency so that I can reduce energy waste and lower my carbon footprint.


This requirement is to provide users with personalized recommendations for improving energy efficiency. The feature should analyze the user's energy consumption data and provide targeted recommendations for energy-saving practices. These recommendations could include adjusting thermostat settings, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, optimizing lighting usage, or implementing insulation measures. The recommendations should be tailored to the user's specific usage patterns and preferences, taking into account factors such as property size, occupancy, and climate. By following these recommendations, users can reduce energy waste, lower their carbon footprint, and potentially save on their energy bills. The energy efficiency recommendations should be accessible through the Soluxy mobile app and web portal.

Acceptance Criteria
User has no energy efficiency recommendations
Given that the user has not received any energy efficiency recommendations, when they access the Power Saver Insights feature, then no recommendations should be displayed.
User has energy efficiency recommendations
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they access the Power Saver Insights feature, then the recommendations should be displayed on the user's dashboard.
Energy efficiency recommendations are personalized
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they view the recommendations, then the recommendations should be tailored to the user's specific energy consumption patterns, property size, occupancy, and climate.
Recommendations include a variety of energy-saving practices
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they view the recommendations, then the recommendations should cover a range of energy-saving practices such as adjusting thermostat settings, upgrading appliances, optimizing lighting usage, and implementing insulation measures.
Recommendations prioritize energy-saving opportunities
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they view the recommendations, then the recommendations should be ordered based on their potential energy-saving impact, with the most impactful recommendations listed first.
Recommendations provide clear instructions
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they view the recommendations, then each recommendation should include clear instructions on how to implement the energy-saving practice, including any necessary steps or adjustments.
Recommendations include estimated savings
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they view the recommendations, then each recommendation should include an estimated energy savings amount associated with implementing the practice.
Recommendations are presented in a user-friendly format
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they view the recommendations, then the recommendations should be presented in a user-friendly format, such as a clear and visually appealing layout, with easy-to-understand descriptions and icons.
Recommendations can be marked as completed
Given that the user has received energy efficiency recommendations, when they view the recommendations, then the user should have the option to mark a recommendation as completed once they have implemented the suggested energy-saving practice.
Completed recommendations are removed from the list
Given that the user has marked a recommendation as completed, when they view the recommendations, then the completed recommendation should no longer be displayed in the list of recommendations.
Energy Savings Tracking
User Story

As a residential user, I want to track my energy savings over time so that I can see the impact of my energy-saving efforts and stay motivated to continue practicing energy efficiency.


This requirement is to provide users with a feature to track their energy savings over time. The feature should display a visual representation of the user's energy consumption before and after implementing energy-saving measures. Users should be able to view their energy savings in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and as a percentage reduction from their baseline usage. This tracking feature will allow users to see the tangible impact of their energy-saving efforts, stay motivated to continue practicing energy efficiency, and compare their progress over different time periods. The energy savings tracking should be accessible through the Soluxy mobile app and web portal.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their energy savings in kWh
Given that a user has implemented energy-saving measures, when they access the energy savings tracking feature, then they should be able to view their energy savings in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
User can view their energy savings as a percentage reduction
Given that a user has implemented energy-saving measures, when they access the energy savings tracking feature, then they should be able to view their energy savings as a percentage reduction from their baseline energy usage.
User can view a visual representation of their energy consumption
Given that a user has implemented energy-saving measures, when they access the energy savings tracking feature, then they should be able to view a visual representation of their energy consumption before and after implementing the measures.
User can track their energy savings over different time periods
Given that a user has implemented energy-saving measures, when they access the energy savings tracking feature, then they should be able to track their energy savings over different time periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or custom time ranges.
User can compare their energy savings across different time periods
Given that a user has implemented energy-saving measures, when they access the energy savings tracking feature, then they should be able to compare their energy savings across different time periods, such as comparing the energy savings of this month with the same month of the previous year.
User can export their energy savings data
Given that a user wants to analyze or share their energy savings data, when they access the energy savings tracking feature, then they should be able to export their energy savings data in a downloadable format, such as CSV or PDF.
Carbon Footprint Monitoring
User Story

As an environmentally conscious user, I want to monitor my carbon footprint in real-time so that I can make conscious decisions to reduce my environmental impact.


This requirement is to provide users with the ability to monitor their carbon footprint in real-time. The feature should calculate and display the user's carbon emissions based on their energy consumption and energy sources. Users should be able to see their carbon footprint in terms of CO2 equivalent emissions and track how it changes over time. This real-time carbon footprint monitoring will allow users to make conscious decisions to reduce their environmental impact, such as shifting to renewable energy sources, practicing energy conservation, or offsetting their emissions through sustainable initiatives. The carbon footprint monitoring should be accessible through the Soluxy mobile app and web portal.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their current carbon footprint
Given the user is logged in, when they navigate to the carbon footprint section, then they should be able to see their current carbon footprint in CO2 equivalent emissions.
User can track changes in their carbon footprint over time
Given the user is logged in, when they navigate to the carbon footprint section, then they should be able to see a visual representation of their carbon footprint over a selected period of time.
User can view the breakdown of their carbon emissions
Given the user is logged in, when they navigate to the carbon footprint section, then they should be able to see a breakdown of their carbon emissions by energy source, such as electricity, gas, or other sources.
User can set emission reduction goals
Given the user is logged in, when they navigate to the carbon footprint section, then they should be able to set emission reduction goals and track their progress towards achieving those goals.
User can compare their carbon footprint with benchmarks
Given the user is logged in, when they navigate to the carbon footprint section, then they should be able to compare their carbon footprint with industry benchmarks or other users in similar locations and demographics.

Energy Trading Marketplace

The Energy Trading Marketplace is at the core of Soluxy's functionality, enabling users to buy and sell surplus solar power directly within the platform. Homeowners, corporations, and energy providers can connect and trade solar energy efficiently, eliminating intermediaries and reducing transaction costs. The marketplace uses blockchain technology to ensure transparent and secure transactions, protecting the interests of both buyers and sellers. Users can set their own prices, negotiate deals, and track their trade history. With the Energy Trading Marketplace, Soluxy creates a decentralized ecosystem where renewable energy producers can monetize their excess power and consumers can access clean and affordable energy.


Real-time Energy Pricing
User Story

As a user, I want to see real-time energy pricing on the Energy Trading Marketplace so that I can make informed decisions about buying or selling surplus energy.


The Real-time Energy Pricing requirement involves displaying the current prices of energy on the Energy Trading Marketplace. This feature would provide users with up-to-date information on the market rates for buying and selling energy. By showing real-time pricing, users can make informed decisions on when to buy or sell their surplus energy. The real-time energy pricing would be sourced from market data and updated regularly to ensure accuracy. This requirement would benefit both buyers and sellers, as they can optimize their trades based on the current market conditions. Users can monitor the fluctuating prices over time and choose the best opportunities to trade their surplus energy.

Acceptance Criteria
User wants to view real-time energy pricing
Given that I am a user on the Energy Trading Marketplace When I visit the platform Then I should be able to see the current prices of energy
Real-time pricing updates regularly
Given that I am a user on the Energy Trading Marketplace When I am viewing the real-time energy pricing Then the prices should be updated at regular intervals
Pricing is sourced from reliable market data
Given that I am a user on the Energy Trading Marketplace When I am viewing the real-time energy pricing Then the prices displayed should be sourced from reliable and accurate market data
Prices reflect the current market rates
Given that I am a user on the Energy Trading Marketplace When I am viewing the real-time energy pricing Then the prices displayed should accurately reflect the current market rates for buying and selling energy
User can easily understand the pricing information
Given that I am a user on the Energy Trading Marketplace When I am viewing the real-time energy pricing Then the pricing information should be presented in a clear and easily understandable format
Advanced Trading Filters
User Story

As a user, I want advanced trading filters on the Energy Trading Marketplace so that I can refine my search and find the most suitable energy trading options.


The Advanced Trading Filters requirement involves enhancing the search and filtering capabilities on the Energy Trading Marketplace. This feature would allow users to refine their search based on various criteria such as price, location, energy source, and trading volume. Users can specify their preferences and find the most suitable energy trading options that align with their requirements. The advanced trading filters would provide a more personalized and tailored experience for users, enabling them to efficiently navigate through the marketplace and discover relevant energy trading opportunities. This requirement would benefit users by saving time and effort in searching for specific types of trades and improving the overall usability of the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Filter by price range
Given that I am viewing the Energy Trading Marketplace, when I set a price range filter, then only the energy trading options within that price range should be displayed.
Filter by location
Given that I am viewing the Energy Trading Marketplace, when I select a specific location filter, then only the energy trading options available in that location should be displayed.
Filter by energy source
Given that I am viewing the Energy Trading Marketplace, when I choose an energy source filter, then only the energy trading options related to that energy source should be displayed.
Filter by trading volume
Given that I am viewing the Energy Trading Marketplace, when I specify a trading volume filter, then only the energy trading options with the specified volume should be displayed.
Smart Contracts Integration
User Story

As an energy provider, I want Smart Contracts integration on the Energy Trading Marketplace so that I can automate and secure energy transactions.


The Smart Contracts Integration requirement involves integrating smart contracts into the Energy Trading Marketplace. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. This feature would enable automated and secure energy transactions between buyers and sellers. Smart contracts would ensure that the terms and conditions of the trade are automatically enforced, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of fraud. Energy providers can set up smart contracts to streamline their trading operations and ensure quick and reliable transactions. This requirement would benefit energy providers by increasing efficiency and reducing transaction costs, ultimately improving the overall trading experience on the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Buyer creates a smart contract to purchase solar energy
Given a buyer on the Energy Trading Marketplace, when the buyer creates a smart contract to purchase solar energy from a seller, then the smart contract is set up with the agreed terms and conditions.
Seller accepts a smart contract to sell solar energy
Given a seller on the Energy Trading Marketplace, when the seller accepts a smart contract to sell solar energy to a buyer, then the smart contract is activated and the energy transaction is initiated.
Smart contract automatically executes the energy transaction
Given an activated smart contract between a buyer and a seller on the Energy Trading Marketplace, when the conditions specified in the smart contract are met (e.g., available solar energy, agreed price), then the smart contract automatically executes the energy transaction.
Smart contract enforces the terms and conditions
Given an activated smart contract between a buyer and a seller on the Energy Trading Marketplace, when either party fails to meet the specified conditions in the smart contract (e.g., insufficient solar energy, price discrepancy), then the smart contract enforces the terms and conditions and takes appropriate action (e.g., cancel the transaction, impose penalties).
Smart contract records transaction details
Given an executed smart contract on the Energy Trading Marketplace, when the energy transaction is completed, then the smart contract records the transaction details (e.g., energy quantity, price, timestamp) for future reference and auditing purposes.
Trade History Report
User Story

As a user, I want a trade history report on the Energy Trading Marketplace so that I can track and analyze my past energy trading activities.


The Trade History Report requirement involves providing users with a comprehensive report of their past energy trading activities on the Energy Trading Marketplace. This feature would include details such as trade dates, volumes, prices, and counterparties. Users can access their trade history report to review and analyze their trading performance, identify patterns, and make informed decisions for future trades. The trade history report would provide transparency and accountability, allowing users to track their energy trading activities over time. This requirement would benefit users by providing valuable insights into their trading strategies and helping them optimize their energy trading decisions on the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User wants to view their trade history report
Given that the user is logged into the Energy Trading Marketplace, when they navigate to the trade history section, then they should be able to view their trade history report.
User wants to filter trade history by date
Given that the user is viewing their trade history report, when they select a specific date range, then only the trades within that range should be displayed in the report.
User wants to filter trade history by counterparties
Given that the user is viewing their trade history report, when they select specific counterparties, then only the trades involving those counterparties should be displayed in the report.
User wants to filter trade history by trade volume
Given that the user is viewing their trade history report, when they specify a minimum or maximum trade volume, then only the trades within that volume range should be displayed in the report.
User wants to export trade history report
Given that the user is viewing their trade history report, when they click on the export button, then the report should be downloaded in a preferred file format (e.g., CSV, Excel).
User wants to sort trade history by trade date
Given that the user is viewing their trade history report, when they click on the 'Sort by Date' button, then the trades should be arranged in chronological order based on the trade date.
User wants to sort trade history by trade volume
Given that the user is viewing their trade history report, when they click on the 'Sort by Volume' button, then the trades should be arranged in ascending or descending order based on the trade volume.
User wants to sort trade history by counterparties
Given that the user is viewing their trade history report, when they click on the 'Sort by Counterparties' button, then the trades should be arranged alphabetically based on the counterparties' names.
Integrated Payment System
User Story

As a user, I want an integrated payment system on the Energy Trading Marketplace so that I can conveniently and securely make transactions for buying or selling energy.


The Integrated Payment System requirement involves integrating a secure and convenient payment system into the Energy Trading Marketplace. This feature would allow users to make payments for buying or selling energy directly within the platform. Users can securely link their payment accounts and execute transactions with ease, eliminating the need for external payment services. The integrated payment system would ensure the smooth and seamless completion of energy trades, providing a convenient and hassle-free experience for users. This requirement would benefit both buyers and sellers by simplifying the payment process and reducing transaction friction, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience on the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User can securely link their payment account
Given that a user is logged into the Energy Trading Marketplace, when the user accesses the payment settings, then they should be able to securely link their payment account by providing the necessary account details.
User can execute a transaction to buy energy
Given that a user has sufficient funds in their linked payment account, when the user selects a specific energy offer to buy, then the payment system should deduct the appropriate amount from the user's account and complete the transaction.
User can execute a transaction to sell energy
Given that a user has available energy to sell, when the user selects a specific energy offer to sell, then the payment system should credit the appropriate amount to the user's linked payment account upon successful completion of the transaction.
Payment system ensures transaction security
Given that a user initiates a payment transaction, when the payment is being processed, then the payment system should utilize secure protocols (e.g., encryption) to protect sensitive user data and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the transaction.
Payment system provides transaction history
Given that a user has executed multiple transactions, when the user accesses their payment history, then the payment system should display a comprehensive and up-to-date record of all past transactions, including details such as transaction amount, date, and recipient/sender.
Integration with multiple payment methods
Given that a user wants to use different payment methods, when the user accesses the payment settings, then the payment system should provide the option to link and switch between multiple payment accounts (e.g., bank account, credit card) to facilitate flexibility and convenience for users.

Smart Energy Forecasting

Smart Energy Forecasting leverages artificial intelligence algorithms to predict power generation and consumption patterns based on historical data, weather forecasts, and other relevant factors. This feature provides users with accurate projections of their solar power production and helps them optimize energy utilization accordingly. By having visibility into future energy availability, users can plan their energy usage, schedule energy-intensive activities during peak production times, and take advantage of optimal trading opportunities. Smart Energy Forecasting empowers users to make data-driven decisions and maximize the benefits of their solar power installations.


Real-time Solar Power Generation Forecast
User Story

As a solar power user, I want to receive real-time forecasts of my solar power generation so that I can optimize my energy utilization.


The Real-time Solar Power Generation Forecast requirement enables users to receive real-time forecasts of their solar power generation. By leveraging historical data, weather forecasts, and other relevant factors, the feature provides users with accurate projections of their solar power production for the current day. This allows users to plan their energy usage more effectively and make data-driven decisions to optimize their energy utilization. With real-time visibility into solar power generation, users can determine the best times to perform energy-intensive activities or schedule the use of energy-hungry appliances. This requirement enhances the Smart Energy Forecasting feature by providing users with up-to-date information for better energy management and cost savings.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives real-time solar power generation forecast
Given that the user has a solar power installation and accesses the Soluxy platform, when the user navigates to the real-time solar power generation forecast section, then the user should see the current and projected solar power generation for the day.
Forecast updates in real-time
Given that the user is viewing the real-time solar power generation forecast, when there is a change in the weather conditions or other relevant factors, then the forecast should update in real-time to reflect the new projections.
Projections are accurate within a reasonable margin of error
Given that the user is viewing the real-time solar power generation forecast, when comparing the forecasted power generation with the actual power generation data, then the projections should be accurate within a reasonable margin of error, such as 5%.
Forecast includes relevant information
Given that the user is viewing the real-time solar power generation forecast, when accessing the forecast, then it should include relevant information such as the current weather conditions, historical data, and any relevant notifications or alerts.
Forecast is available on multiple devices
Given that the user has access to multiple devices (e.g., mobile phone, tablet, computer), when accessing the real-time solar power generation forecast from different devices, then the forecast should be consistent and accessible on all devices.
Forecast is accessible offline
Given that the user has previously accessed the real-time solar power generation forecast, when the user is in an offline environment, then the forecast should still be accessible and display the last updated projections until internet connectivity is restored.
Energy Consumption Forecast
User Story

As a user, I want to receive forecasts of my energy consumption so that I can plan my energy usage and optimize my energy utilization.


The Energy Consumption Forecast requirement allows users to receive forecasts of their energy consumption. By analyzing historical data, weather forecasts, and other relevant factors, the feature provides users with projections of their energy usage for a specific time period, such as a day, week, or month. This empowers users to plan their energy usage more efficiently and make informed decisions to optimize their energy utilization. With accurate forecasts of energy consumption, users can identify potential energy-saving opportunities, adjust their energy usage patterns, and align their energy demand with the availability of renewable energy sources. This requirement enhances the Smart Energy Forecasting feature by providing users with insights into their future energy consumption and enabling them to take proactive steps towards energy efficiency and sustainability.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives accurate energy consumption forecasts based on historical data
Given a user has historical energy consumption data available, when the user requests an energy consumption forecast, then the forecast should be based on the user's historical data.
User receives accurate energy consumption forecasts based on weather forecasts
Given accurate weather forecasts are available, when the user requests an energy consumption forecast, then the forecast should consider the predicted weather conditions and their impact on energy consumption.
User receives accurate energy consumption forecasts based on other relevant factors
Given other relevant factors, such as seasonal variations or special events, are known, when the user requests an energy consumption forecast, then the forecast should incorporate these factors to provide accurate predictions.
User can specify the time period for the energy consumption forecast
Given the user wants to forecast energy consumption for a specific time period, when the user requests an energy consumption forecast for that period, then the forecast should provide consumption projections for that time frame.
User can receive energy consumption forecasts for different time granularities
Given the user wants to receive energy consumption forecasts for different time granularities, when the user requests an energy consumption forecast, then the forecast should provide consumption projections at the desired granularity, such as hourly, daily, or monthly.
User is notified of significant deviations between forecasted and actual energy consumption
Given the user receives an energy consumption forecast, when the actual energy consumption deviates significantly from the forecasted values, then the user should be notified of these deviations.
User can access energy consumption forecast through various channels
Given the user wants to access the energy consumption forecast through different channels, when the user requests the forecast, then it should be available through the desired channels, such as a web portal, mobile app, or email.
Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms
User Story

As a data scientist, I want access to advanced machine learning algorithms for energy forecasting so that I can develop accurate models and improve forecasting accuracy.


The Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms requirement provides data scientists with access to advanced machine learning algorithms specifically designed for energy forecasting. These algorithms utilize various techniques, such as neural networks, support vector machines, and ensemble methods, to analyze historical energy consumption and generation data, weather patterns, and other relevant factors. By leveraging these algorithms, data scientists can develop accurate models for energy forecasting, improve the accuracy of predictions, and enhance the overall performance of the Smart Energy Forecasting feature. This requirement empowers data scientists to apply state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to energy data and contribute to the ongoing improvement of energy forecasting capabilities.

Acceptance Criteria
Data scientist can access a variety of advanced machine learning algorithms
Given that a data scientist wants to develop an energy forecasting model, when they access the Smart Energy Forecasting feature, then they should have a variety of advanced machine learning algorithms to choose from.
Algorithms utilize historical energy consumption and generation data
Given that historical energy consumption and generation data is available, when the algorithms are applied for energy forecasting, then they should utilize this data to analyze and make predictions.
Algorithms consider weather patterns and other relevant factors
Given that weather patterns and other relevant factors are available, when the algorithms are applied for energy forecasting, then they should incorporate these factors into the prediction models.
Data scientists can develop accurate energy forecasting models
Given that data scientists have access to advanced machine learning algorithms, when they develop models using these algorithms, then they should be able to achieve accurate energy forecasting.
Accuracy of energy forecasting models improves over time
Given that data scientists continuously refine and optimize the models, when they utilize the advanced machine learning algorithms, then the accuracy of the energy forecasting should improve over time.
Performance of the Smart Energy Forecasting feature is enhanced
Given that data scientists apply advanced machine learning algorithms to energy forecasting, when they integrate the improved models into the feature, then the overall performance of the Smart Energy Forecasting feature should be enhanced.
Customizable Forecasting Parameters
User Story

As a power optimization specialist, I want to customize the parameters used for energy forecasting so that I can tailor the forecasts to specific user requirements and optimize energy utilization.


The Customizable Forecasting Parameters requirement allows power optimization specialists to customize the parameters used for energy forecasting. This includes the ability to adjust the weightage of different factors, such as historical data, weather forecasts, and energy consumption patterns, based on specific user requirements or domain expertise. By customizing forecasting parameters, power optimization specialists can tailor the forecasts to the unique characteristics of each user and optimize energy utilization accordingly. This requirement enhances the flexibility and adaptability of the Smart Energy Forecasting feature, ensuring that it can cater to a wide range of user needs and enable targeted energy management strategies.

Acceptance Criteria
Ability to adjust the weightage of historical data
Given that the power optimization specialist has access to the forecasting parameters, when they adjust the weightage of historical data, then the energy forecasts should be updated accordingly.
Ability to adjust the weightage of weather forecasts
Given that the power optimization specialist has access to the forecasting parameters, when they adjust the weightage of weather forecasts, then the energy forecasts should be updated accordingly.
Ability to adjust the weightage of energy consumption patterns
Given that the power optimization specialist has access to the forecasting parameters, when they adjust the weightage of energy consumption patterns, then the energy forecasts should be updated accordingly.
Ability to customize weightage based on specific user requirements
Given that the power optimization specialist has access to the forecasting parameters, when they customize the weightage based on specific user requirements, then the energy forecasts should reflect the customized weightage.
Ability to save and apply customized parameters
Given that the power optimization specialist has customized the forecasting parameters, when they save the customized parameters, then the customized parameters should be applied to future energy forecasts.
Ability to reset parameters to default settings
Given that the power optimization specialist has customized the forecasting parameters, when they reset the parameters to default settings, then the parameters should be restored to their original default values.
Integration with IoT Devices
User Story

As an IoT device user, I want the Smart Energy Forecasting feature to integrate with my IoT devices so that energy consumption data can be used for more accurate forecasts and optimization.


The Integration with IoT Devices requirement enables the Smart Energy Forecasting feature to integrate with IoT devices used for energy monitoring. This integration allows the feature to access real-time energy consumption data from IoT devices, which can then be incorporated into the forecasting models. By utilizing actual energy consumption data from IoT devices, the forecasts become more accurate and reflective of real-world conditions. Additionally, this integration facilitates seamless communication between the Smart Energy Forecasting feature and IoT devices, enabling users to monitor their energy usage in real-time and receive personalized recommendations for energy optimization. This requirement enhances the functionality of the Smart Energy Forecasting feature by leveraging the capabilities of IoT devices to provide users with more precise and actionable energy forecasts.

Acceptance Criteria
IoT device data is successfully captured
Given that the Smart Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with IoT devices, when the IoT device data is captured, then the data is successfully received and stored for further processing.
Real-time energy consumption data is accessed
Given that the Smart Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with IoT devices, when the feature requests energy consumption data from the IoT devices, then real-time energy consumption data is accessed and retrieved.
Energy consumption data is incorporated into forecasting models
Given that the Smart Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with IoT devices, when the feature receives energy consumption data from the IoT devices, then the data is properly processed and incorporated into the forecasting models.
Forecast accuracy is improved
Given that the Smart Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with IoT devices, when the feature uses real-time energy consumption data in the forecasting models, then the accuracy of the energy forecasts is improved compared to using historical data alone.
Real-time energy usage monitoring is enabled
Given that the Smart Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with IoT devices, when the integration is active, then users can monitor their energy usage in real-time through the system interface.
Personalized energy optimization recommendations are provided
Given that the Smart Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with IoT devices, when the integration is active, then users receive personalized energy optimization recommendations based on their real-time energy consumption data.

Carbon Footprint Tracker

The Carbon Footprint Tracker feature enables users to track and monitor their carbon emissions in real-time. By collecting data on energy usage, transportation, and other relevant activities, the tracker calculates the carbon footprint associated with each user's lifestyle. Users can visualize their emissions through intuitive charts and graphs, set reduction targets, and receive personalized tips on how to minimize their environmental impact. The Carbon Footprint Tracker fosters awareness and accountability, empowering users to make conscious choices that contribute to a more sustainable future.


Real-time Carbon Emission Tracking
User Story

As a user, I want to track my carbon emissions in real-time so that I can monitor and manage my environmental impact.


The Carbon Footprint Tracker should provide users with the ability to track and monitor their carbon emissions in real-time. This feature will collect data on energy usage, transportation, and other relevant activities to calculate the user's carbon footprint. The real-time tracking will allow users to see the immediate impact of their actions on their carbon emissions. By providing this information, users will be able to make more informed decisions about their lifestyle choices and take steps to minimize their environmental impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User can input their energy usage data
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracker page, when the user inputs their energy usage data, then the system should save the data and update the carbon footprint calculation in real-time.
User can input their transportation data
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracker page, when the user inputs their transportation data, then the system should save the data and update the carbon footprint calculation in real-time.
User can input other relevant activity data
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracker page, when the user inputs their other relevant activity data, then the system should save the data and update the carbon footprint calculation in real-time.
Real-time carbon footprint calculation and display
Given that the user has inputted their energy usage, transportation, and other relevant data, when the user views the Carbon Footprint Tracker page, then the system should calculate the user's carbon footprint in real-time and display it to the user.
Visualization of daily/weekly/monthly emissions
Given that the user has inputted their energy usage, transportation, and other relevant data, when the user views the Carbon Footprint Tracker page, then the system should provide visualizations (charts or graphs) of the user's daily, weekly, and monthly emissions.
Setting reduction targets
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracker page, when the user sets a reduction target for their carbon emissions, then the system should save the target and provide feedback to the user on their progress towards the target.
Personalized tips for emission reduction
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracker page, when the user views their carbon footprint information, then the system should provide personalized tips and recommendations on how to reduce their emissions based on their specific activities.
Visualization of Carbon Footprint
User Story

As a user, I want to visualize my carbon footprint through charts and graphs so that I can understand and analyze my environmental impact.


The Carbon Footprint Tracker should provide users with the ability to visualize their carbon footprint through intuitive charts and graphs. These visualizations will allow users to easily understand and analyze their environmental impact. Users will be able to see trends and patterns in their carbon emissions over time, as well as compare their emissions to benchmarks or targets. The visualization of the carbon footprint will enhance user engagement and foster a deeper understanding of the environmental consequences of their actions.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their carbon emissions over time
Given that the user has data recorded for their carbon emissions over different time periods, when the user navigates to the visualization page, then they should see a line chart that displays their carbon emissions over time.
User can compare their emissions to benchmarks
Given that the user has data recorded for their carbon emissions, when the user navigates to the visualization page, then they should see a horizontal bar chart that compares their carbon emissions to predefined benchmarks.
User can set reduction targets
Given that the user wants to set a reduction target for their carbon emissions, when the user navigates to the visualization page, then they should see an input field where they can enter their desired reduction target.
User receives personalized tips on reducing emissions
Given that the user has data recorded for their carbon emissions, when the user navigates to the visualization page, then they should see a section that provides personalized tips and recommendations on how to reduce their carbon emissions.
User can switch between different visualization types
Given that the user is viewing their carbon footprint visualization, when the user selects an option from a dropdown menu, then the visualization should update to display the selected visualization type (e.g., line chart, bar chart, pie chart).
Setting Reduction Targets
User Story

As a user, I want to set reduction targets for my carbon emissions so that I can work towards minimizing my environmental impact.


The Carbon Footprint Tracker should allow users to set reduction targets for their carbon emissions. Users will be able to define specific goals or targets, such as reducing their carbon footprint by a certain percentage or reaching a specific emissions level. The tracker will provide notifications and progress tracking to help users stay motivated and on track towards their reduction targets. This feature will empower users to take proactive steps towards minimizing their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Acceptance Criteria
User can define a specific reduction target percentage
Given that the Carbon Footprint Tracker is accessible to the user and the user wants to set a reduction target, when the user enters a specific reduction target percentage, then the system should save the entered target and display it for the user.
User can define a specific reduction target emissions level
Given that the Carbon Footprint Tracker is accessible to the user and the user wants to set a reduction target, when the user enters a specific reduction target emissions level, then the system should save the entered target and display it for the user.
User receives notifications about their progress towards reduction target
Given that the Carbon Footprint Tracker is accessible to the user and the user has set a reduction target, when the user's carbon emissions are tracked and updated, then the system should notify the user about their progress towards their reduction target.
User can track their progress towards reduction target
Given that the Carbon Footprint Tracker is accessible to the user and the user has set a reduction target, when the user's carbon emissions are tracked and updated, then the system should display a progress indicator or graph that shows the user's progress towards their reduction target.
User can monitor their carbon emissions in real-time
Given that the Carbon Footprint Tracker is accessible to the user, when the user performs activities that contribute to their carbon emissions, then the system should update the carbon emissions data in real-time and display the updated information to the user.
User receives personalized tips on reducing carbon emissions
Given that the Carbon Footprint Tracker is accessible to the user and the user has set a reduction target, when the user's carbon emissions are tracked and updated, then the system should provide personalized tips or suggestions on how the user can reduce their carbon emissions based on their specific targets and activities.
Personalized Tips for Reducing Emissions
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized tips on how to minimize my carbon emissions so that I can make conscious choices to reduce my environmental impact.


The Carbon Footprint Tracker should provide users with personalized tips and recommendations on how to minimize their carbon emissions. Based on the user's energy usage, transportation habits, and other relevant data, the tracker will offer customized suggestions for reducing emissions. These tips might include recommendations for energy-efficient appliances, eco-friendly transportation options, or sustainable lifestyle practices. By providing personalized guidance, the tracker will empower users to make conscious choices that contribute to a more sustainable future.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives personalized tips based on energy usage
Given that the user has inputted their energy usage data, when the user requests personalized tips, then the system should analyze the data and provide tips on reducing energy consumption.
User receives personalized tips based on transportation habits
Given that the user has inputted their transportation data, when the user requests personalized tips, then the system should analyze the data and provide tips on reducing carbon emissions from transportation.
User receives personalized tips based on lifestyle practices
Given that the user has inputted their lifestyle data, when the user requests personalized tips, then the system should analyze the data and provide tips on adopting sustainable lifestyle practices.
Awareness and Accountability
User Story

As a user, I want to be aware of my carbon emissions and hold myself accountable for my environmental impact.


The Carbon Footprint Tracker should foster awareness and accountability among users. The feature will provide regular updates and reminders about the user's carbon emissions, progress towards reduction targets, and the impact of their actions on the environment. By providing this information, the tracker will encourage users to be more mindful of their carbon footprint and make conscious choices to minimize their environmental impact. This awareness and accountability will contribute to a collective effort towards a more sustainable future.

Acceptance Criteria
Regular updates on carbon emissions
Given that I am a user of the Carbon Footprint Tracker, when I use the feature, then I should receive regular updates on my carbon emissions.
Progress towards reduction targets
Given that I have set reduction targets in the Carbon Footprint Tracker, when I track my progress, then I should see updates on how close I am to achieving my targets.
Impact of actions on the environment
Given that I am a user of the Carbon Footprint Tracker, when I input my actions and behaviors, then I should receive information on the environmental impact of those actions.
Encourage mindful behavior
Given that I am a user of the Carbon Footprint Tracker, when I view my carbon emissions and reduction progress, then I should feel motivated to make mindful choices that reduce my environmental impact.
Personalized tips for environmental impact reduction
Given that I am a user of the Carbon Footprint Tracker, when I set reduction targets and track my progress, then I should receive personalized tips and recommendations on how to further minimize my carbon footprint.

Solar Panel Performance Monitoring

The Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature allows users to monitor the performance of their solar panels in real-time. By connecting to the solar panel system, this feature provides detailed insights into energy production, including current and historical data, efficiency metrics, and potential issues or malfunctions. Users can assess the overall health and performance of their solar panels, identify any underperforming units, and take timely action to ensure optimal power generation. Solar Panel Performance Monitoring helps users maximize their investment in solar energy and maintain a reliable and efficient power supply.


Real-time Solar Panel Performance Monitoring
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want to monitor the performance of my solar panels in real-time so that I can track their efficiency and identify any potential issues.


The Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature should provide real-time data on the performance of the solar panels. This includes metrics such as energy production, efficiency, and potential issues or malfunctions. The user should be able to view this data in a user-friendly dashboard that displays the current status of each solar panel, as well as historical trends. Real-time monitoring allows users to track the efficiency of their solar panels and ensure optimal power generation. It also enables them to identify and address any issues or malfunctions promptly, minimizing downtime and maximizing the return on investment in solar energy.

Acceptance Criteria
User views real-time energy production
Given that the solar panel system is active and connected, when the user opens the monitoring dashboard, then they should be able to see the current energy production of each solar panel in real-time.
User tracks efficiency metrics
Given that the solar panel system is active and connected, when the user navigates to the efficiency section of the monitoring dashboard, then they should be able to view the real-time efficiency metrics, such as conversion efficiency and performance ratio, for each solar panel.
User receives real-time alerts
Given that the solar panel system is active and connected, when there is a potential issue or malfunction with any solar panel, then the user should receive real-time alerts through the monitoring platform, indicating the specific panel and the nature of the issue.
User accesses historical data
Given that the solar panel system is active and connected, when the user accesses the historical data section of the monitoring dashboard, then they should be able to view detailed historical performance data for each solar panel, including energy production over time and any past issues or malfunctions.
User monitors panel health
Given that the solar panel system is active and connected, when the user navigates to the panel health section of the monitoring dashboard, then they should be presented with a comprehensive overview of the health and status of each solar panel, including indicators for potential issues, maintenance requirements, and aging.
Historical Performance Data
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want access to historical performance data of my solar panels so that I can analyze trends and make informed decisions.


The Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature should store and provide access to historical performance data of the solar panels. This includes energy production data, efficiency metrics, and any recorded issues or malfunctions. Users should be able to view and analyze this data over a specified time period, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Historical performance data allows users to identify patterns and trends in their solar panel performance, helping them make informed decisions regarding maintenance, optimization, or future investments. It provides valuable insights into the long-term performance and reliability of the solar panels, aiding in the assessment of their overall efficiency and return on investment.

Acceptance Criteria
User requests access to historical performance data
Given the user has a solar panel system connected, when the user requests access to historical performance data, then the system should provide the requested data.
User selects a specific time period
Given the user has access to historical performance data, when the user selects a specific time period, then the system should display the performance data for that time period.
User analyzes energy production trends
Given the user has access to historical performance data, when the user analyzes energy production trends, then the system should provide visualizations or insights to identify patterns and trends in energy production.
User identifies underperforming solar panels
Given the user has access to historical performance data, when the user analyzes performance metrics and compares them to expected values, then the system should highlight or flag underperforming solar panels.
User identifies potential maintenance issues
Given the user has access to historical performance data, when the user reviews recorded issues or malfunctions, then the system should provide insights to identify potential maintenance issues.
Efficiency Metrics
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want to access efficiency metrics of my solar panels so that I can assess their performance and identify any improvements.


The Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature should provide efficiency metrics for each solar panel. This includes metrics such as conversion efficiency, capacity factor, and performance ratio. These metrics help users assess the overall performance and effectiveness of their solar panels by measuring how efficiently they convert sunlight into electricity. The efficiency metrics should be displayed in the monitoring dashboard, giving users a clear overview of their solar panel performance. By analyzing these metrics, users can identify any underperforming units and take necessary measures to improve their efficiency, such as cleaning or repairing the panels, optimizing their tilt or orientation, or upgrading to more efficient models.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the efficiency metrics of solar panels
Given that the user has a solar panel system, when they access the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature, then they should be able to view the efficiency metrics of their solar panels.
Conversion efficiency is displayed for each solar panel
Given that the user is viewing the efficiency metrics of their solar panels, when they check the details of a specific solar panel, then the conversion efficiency of that panel should be displayed.
Capacity factor is displayed for each solar panel
Given that the user is viewing the efficiency metrics of their solar panels, when they check the details of a specific solar panel, then the capacity factor of that panel should be displayed.
Performance ratio is displayed for each solar panel
Given that the user is viewing the efficiency metrics of their solar panels, when they check the details of a specific solar panel, then the performance ratio of that panel should be displayed.
Efficiency metrics are updated in real-time
Given that the user is viewing the efficiency metrics of their solar panels, when there is a change in the performance of a solar panel, then the efficiency metrics should be updated in real-time.
Efficiency metrics are displayed visually
Given that the user is viewing the efficiency metrics of their solar panels, when they check the dashboard, then the efficiency metrics should be displayed visually, such as through graphs, charts, or color-coded indicators.
Underperforming units are identified based on efficiency metrics
Given that the user is viewing the efficiency metrics of their solar panels, when they analyze the data, then they should be able to identify any underperforming units based on the efficiency metrics, such as panels with significantly lower conversion efficiency or performance ratio.
Actionable suggestions are provided for improving efficiency
Given that the user has identified underperforming units based on the efficiency metrics, when they select a specific panel, then they should be provided with actionable suggestions for improving its efficiency, such as cleaning, repairs, adjustments to tilt or orientation, or recommended upgrades.
Alerts and Notifications
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want to receive alerts and notifications about any issues or malfunctions with my solar panels so that I can take immediate action.


The Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature should send alerts and notifications to the user in case of any issues or malfunctions with the solar panels. This includes alerts for low energy production, drop in efficiency, potential faults, or system errors. The notifications should be sent via email, SMS, or through the Soluxy mobile app. Users should be able to customize the types of alerts they receive and the frequency of notifications. Alerts and notifications enable users to stay proactive and take immediate action in case of any problems with their solar panels. By addressing issues promptly, users can ensure optimal power generation, minimize downtime, and avoid potential losses in energy production.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives an alert for low energy production
Given that the solar panel's energy production falls below a specified threshold, when the system detects this, then the user should receive an alert notification.
User receives an alert for a drop in efficiency
Given that the solar panel's efficiency drops below a specified threshold, when the system detects this, then the user should receive an alert notification.
User receives an alert for potential faults
Given that the system detects any potential faults or errors in the solar panel system, when this occurs, then the user should receive an alert notification.
User customizes the types of alerts to receive
Given that the user wants to customize the types of alerts they receive, when they access the settings, then they should be able to select the specific alerts they want to receive.
User customizes the frequency of notifications
Given that the user wants to customize the frequency of notifications they receive, when they access the settings, then they should be able to select the desired frequency of notifications (e.g., real-time, daily, weekly).
User receives notifications via email
Given that the user has set up email notifications, when there is an alert, then the user should receive a notification via email.
User receives notifications via SMS
Given that the user has set up SMS notifications, when there is an alert, then the user should receive a notification via SMS.
User receives notifications through the Soluxy mobile app
Given that the user has installed the Soluxy mobile app and enabled notifications, when there is an alert, then the user should receive a notification through the Soluxy mobile app.
Performance Comparison
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want to compare the performance of my solar panels with industry benchmarks so that I can evaluate their efficiency and identify areas for improvement.


The Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature should provide a performance comparison feature that allows users to compare the performance of their solar panels with industry benchmarks. This can include average energy production per panel, average efficiency, or other relevant performance metrics. Users should be able to view these comparisons in the dashboard and see how their solar panels perform relative to the industry standards. Performance comparison enables users to evaluate the efficiency of their solar panels, identify areas for improvement, and set benchmarks for optimization. It provides valuable insights into the competitiveness and effectiveness of their solar panel system, helping them make informed decisions regarding maintenance, upgrades, or additional investments.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects the performance comparison option
Given that the user is on the solar panel monitoring dashboard, when the user selects the performance comparison option, then the performance comparison page should be displayed.
Industry benchmarks are available for comparison
Given that the user is on the performance comparison page, when the industry benchmarks are available, then the benchmarks should be displayed for the user to compare.
Solar panel performance data is available
Given that the user is on the performance comparison page, when the solar panel performance data is available, then the user's performance data should be displayed along with the industry benchmarks.
Comparison includes average energy production per panel
Given that the user is viewing the performance comparison, when the comparison includes average energy production per panel, then the user should be able to see how their solar panels perform in terms of energy production compared to the industry benchmarks.
Comparison includes average efficiency
Given that the user is viewing the performance comparison, when the comparison includes average efficiency, then the user should be able to see how their solar panels perform in terms of efficiency compared to the industry benchmarks.
User can set custom benchmarks
Given that the user is on the performance comparison page, when the user can set custom benchmarks, then the user should be able to define their own performance targets and compare their solar panel performance against them.
Historical Weather Data Integration
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature to integrate with historical weather data so that I can analyze the impact of weather conditions on the performance of my solar panels.


The Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature should integrate with historical weather data to provide insights into the impact of weather conditions on the performance of the solar panels. This integration allows users to analyze how factors such as sunlight intensity, temperature, and weather patterns affect the energy production and efficiency of their solar panels. By correlating historical weather data with solar panel performance data, users can gain a better understanding of the system's performance under different weather conditions. This information is valuable for optimizing the tilt or orientation of the panels, predicting energy generation in specific weather conditions, and identifying any weather-related issues that may affect the performance of the solar panels.

Acceptance Criteria
Accessing historical weather data
Given that I am a solar panel owner, when I access the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature, then I should be able to view historical weather data for a specified date range.
Correlating weather data with solar panel performance
Given that I am a solar panel owner, when I analyze the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring data, then I should be able to correlate the weather data with the performance data to gain insights into the impact of weather conditions on energy production.
Comparing solar panel performance with past weather conditions
Given that I am a solar panel owner, when I analyze the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring data, then I should be able to compare the performance of my solar panels with past weather conditions to identify any trends or patterns.
Identifying underperformance during specific weather conditions
Given that I am a solar panel owner, when I analyze the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring data, then I should be able to identify any instances of underperformance during specific weather conditions, such as low sunlight intensity or extreme temperatures.
Optimizing solar panel tilt and orientation
Given that I am a solar panel owner, when I analyze the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring data, then I should be able to optimize the tilt and orientation of my solar panels based on the correlation between weather data and performance metrics.
Predicting energy generation based on weather forecast
Given that I am a solar panel owner, when I access the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring feature, then I should be able to predict the energy generation of my solar panels based on the weather forecast for the upcoming days.
Detecting weather-related issues or malfunctions
Given that I am a solar panel owner, when I analyze the Solar Panel Performance Monitoring data, then I should be able to detect any weather-related issues or malfunctions that may affect the performance of my solar panels.

Energy Usage Comparison

The Energy Usage Comparison feature allows users to compare their energy consumption patterns with similar households or businesses in their area. By leveraging anonymized data from the Soluxy community, this feature provides insights into energy usage averages, trends, and best practices. Users can gain a better understanding of how their energy consumption stacks up against their peers, identify areas where they can improve efficiency, and set goals to achieve energy savings. Energy Usage Comparison promotes healthy competition and encourages users to adopt energy-efficient practices.


Energy Usage Comparison Filters
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to be able to filter the energy usage comparison results based on specific criteria so that I can get more targeted insights.


The Energy Usage Comparison feature should include filters that allow users to customize their comparison results. Users should be able to filter the results based on criteria such as location, size of the property, number of occupants, and time period. This will enable users to compare their energy usage with similar households that meet their specific criteria, providing more relevant and meaningful insights. By allowing users to filter the results, the feature enhances the user experience and empowers users with more personalized data for energy optimization.

Acceptance Criteria
Filter by location
Given that there are multiple locations available, when I select a specific location, then the energy usage comparison results should only display data from that location.
Filter by property size
Given that there are different property sizes available, when I select a specific property size, then the energy usage comparison results should only display data from properties of that size.
Filter by number of occupants
Given that there are different numbers of occupants available, when I select a specific number of occupants, then the energy usage comparison results should only display data from properties with that number of occupants.
Filter by time period
Given that there are different time periods available, when I select a specific time period, then the energy usage comparison results should only display data from that time period.
Energy Usage Comparison Benchmarks
User Story

As a business owner, I want to see benchmarks for energy usage comparison to understand where I stand in comparison to industry standards.


The Energy Usage Comparison feature should provide benchmarks for energy usage comparisons, giving businesses the ability to understand their energy consumption in relation to industry standards. This will allow business owners to identify areas where they are underperforming or excelling in terms of energy efficiency. By providing benchmarks, the feature helps businesses make informed decisions for optimizing their energy usage and enables them to set realistic targets for improvement. This information can also be used to communicate the energy performance of the business to stakeholders and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Acceptance Criteria
Business owner views energy usage benchmarks
Given that I am a business owner, when I access the Energy Usage Comparison feature, then I should be able to view benchmarks for energy usage comparisons.
Benchmarks are industry-specific
Given that I am a business owner, when I view the energy usage benchmarks, then the benchmarks should be specific to my industry.
Benchmarks are based on reliable data
Given that I am a business owner, when I view the energy usage benchmarks, then the benchmarks should be based on reliable and up-to-date data sources.
Benchmarks include different energy consumption metrics
Given that I am a business owner, when I view the energy usage benchmarks, then the benchmarks should include different energy consumption metrics such as electricity, gas, water, etc.
Benchmarks allow for customization
Given that I am a business owner, when I view the energy usage benchmarks, then I should be able to customize the benchmarks based on my specific business characteristics.
Energy Usage Comparison Recommendations
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to receive personalized recommendations based on energy usage comparison results to make improvements.


The Energy Usage Comparison feature should provide personalized recommendations based on the energy usage comparison results. After comparing their energy consumption with similar households, users should receive actionable suggestions on how to improve energy efficiency. These recommendations can range from simple changes in daily habits to more significant energy-saving investments. By providing personalized recommendations, the feature empowers users to take meaningful actions towards reducing their energy consumption and achieving energy savings. This enhances the user experience and ensures that the energy usage comparison feature goes beyond just providing data, but also offers practical solutions.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives personalized recommendations after energy usage comparison
Given that a user has completed an energy usage comparison, when the comparison is completed, then the user should receive personalized recommendations based on their energy usage.
Recommendations are based on energy usage comparison results
Given that a user has completed an energy usage comparison, when the user receives personalized recommendations, then the recommendations should be based on the comparison results and highlight areas for energy efficiency improvements.
Recommendations provide actionable suggestions
Given that a user receives personalized recommendations, when the recommendations are presented, then they should provide actionable suggestions on how to improve energy efficiency, ranging from simple behavior changes to energy-saving investments.
Recommendations are tailored to the user's energy consumption
Given that a user receives personalized recommendations, when the recommendations are presented, then they should be tailored to the user's specific energy consumption patterns and address their unique energy efficiency opportunities.
Recommendations promote energy savings goals
Given that a user receives personalized recommendations, when the recommendations are presented, then they should encourage the user to set energy savings goals and provide guidance on how to achieve these goals.
Recommendations enhance the user experience
Given that a user receives personalized recommendations, when the recommendations are presented, then they should enhance the user experience by being user-friendly, easy to understand, and visually appealing.
Energy Usage Comparison Visualization
User Story

As a data analyst, I want to visualize the energy usage comparison results in a variety of charts and graphs for better understanding and analysis.


The Energy Usage Comparison feature should include various visualization options to represent the energy usage comparison results. Users, particularly data analysts and energy professionals, should have the ability to view the data in different formats such as line charts, bar graphs, and heatmaps. Visualizations can help users identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in energy consumption, making it easier to analyze and interpret the comparison results. By offering visualizations, the feature improves data comprehension, facilitates data-driven decision-making, and enhances the overall analytical capabilities of the tool.

Acceptance Criteria
Display energy usage comparison results as a line chart
Given that energy usage comparison results are available, when I choose the line chart visualization option, then the energy usage comparison results should be displayed as a line chart.
Display energy usage comparison results as a bar graph
Given that energy usage comparison results are available, when I choose the bar graph visualization option, then the energy usage comparison results should be displayed as a bar graph.
Display energy usage comparison results as a heatmap
Given that energy usage comparison results are available, when I choose the heatmap visualization option, then the energy usage comparison results should be displayed as a heatmap.
Allow customization of visualization settings
Given that visualization settings are available, when I modify the settings such as colors, scales, or axes, then the visualization should update accordingly.
Provide interactive features in the visualizations
Given that energy usage comparison results are displayed using visualizations, when I interact with the visualizations such as hovering over data points or zooming in/out, then the visualizations should respond appropriately and provide additional information if available.
Ensure the visualizations are responsive and scalable
Given that energy usage comparison results can vary in size and complexity, when I view the visualizations on different devices or screen sizes, then the visualizations should adapt and maintain legibility and usability.
Energy Usage Comparison Notifications
User Story

As a business owner, I want to receive notifications when there are significant changes in my energy usage comparison results.


The Energy Usage Comparison feature should have a notification system that alerts users when there are significant changes in their energy usage comparison results. This can include unexpected spikes or dips in energy consumption, deviations from previous months or benchmarks, or achievement of specific energy-saving milestones. Notifications can be sent via email, mobile push notifications, or in-app notifications. By providing timely alerts, the feature keeps users informed about their energy performance, encourages continuous monitoring, and enables prompt action in response to any deviations or achievements.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a notification when there is a significant increase in energy usage compared to the previous month
Given the user has opted in to receive notifications When there is a significant increase in the user's energy usage compared to the previous month Then a notification is sent to the user
User receives a notification when there is a significant decrease in energy usage compared to the previous month
Given the user has opted in to receive notifications When there is a significant decrease in the user's energy usage compared to the previous month Then a notification is sent to the user
User receives a notification when their energy usage crosses a specific energy-saving milestone
Given the user has opted in to receive notifications When the user's energy usage crosses a specific energy-saving milestone Then a notification is sent to the user
User receives a notification when their energy usage deviates significantly from the average usage of similar households or businesses
Given the user has opted in to receive notifications When the user's energy usage deviates significantly from the average usage of similar households or businesses Then a notification is sent to the user
User receives a notification when their energy usage exceeds a benchmark set by the user themselves
Given the user has opted in to receive notifications When the user's energy usage exceeds a benchmark set by the user themselves Then a notification is sent to the user

Solar Power Forecasting

Solar Power Forecasting is a cutting-edge feature that leverages advanced AI algorithms to predict the amount of solar power generation for a specific time period. By analyzing historical data, weather patterns, and solar panel efficiency, this feature provides accurate forecasts, helping users plan their energy usage and optimize their solar power generation. With Solar Power Forecasting, users can efficiently manage their energy consumption, reduce reliance on traditional power sources, and maximize their cost savings.


Real-time Solar Power Forecasting
User Story

As a solar energy consumer, I want real-time solar power forecasting so that I can optimize my energy usage and plan for any fluctuations in solar power generation.


This requirement is for the development of a real-time solar power forecasting feature in Soluxy's Solar Power Forecasting module. The feature should provide users with up-to-date information on the expected amount of solar power generation based on current weather conditions, solar panel efficiency, and other relevant factors. Users should be able to view the forecasted solar power generation for different time periods, such as hourly or daily intervals.

The real-time solar power forecasting feature will benefit solar energy consumers by allowing them to optimize their energy usage based on the expected solar power generation. By knowing how much solar power is likely to be generated in real-time, users can adjust their energy consumption patterns accordingly. This can help them make informed decisions about when to use high-energy-consuming appliances or devices and when to rely more on solar power.

The real-time solar power forecasting feature can also help users plan for any fluctuations in solar power generation. By providing forecasts for different time intervals, users can anticipate changes in solar power availability and take necessary measures to mitigate any potential impact on their energy usage. For example, if the forecast indicates a period of low solar power generation, users can plan to reduce their energy consumption during that time period or rely on alternative power sources as a backup.

Overall, the real-time solar power forecasting feature will enhance the user experience by providing accurate and timely information about solar power generation. It will empower users to make informed decisions about their energy usage, leading to greater energy efficiency and cost savings.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view the real-time solar power forecast for the current hour
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the Solar Power Forecasting module, then they should see the forecasted solar power generation for the current hour.
User can select a specific time period for the solar power forecast
Given that the user is viewing the solar power forecast, when they select a specific time period, then the forecasted solar power generation should be updated accordingly.
Forecast is based on current weather conditions and solar panel efficiency
Given that the user is viewing the solar power forecast, the forecasted solar power generation should be based on the most up-to-date weather conditions and the estimated efficiency of the solar panels.
User receives notifications for significant changes in solar power forecast
Given that the user has enabled notifications for solar power forecasting, when there is a significant change in the forecasted solar power generation, then the user should receive a notification.
User can export the solar power forecast data
Given that the user is viewing the solar power forecast, when they choose to export the forecast data, then they should be able to download the forecasted solar power generation data in a suitable format.
Historical Solar Power Data Analysis
User Story

As an energy analyst, I want to be able to analyze historical solar power data so that I can identify patterns and trends in solar power generation.


This requirement is for the development of a historical solar power data analysis feature in Soluxy's Solar Power Forecasting module. The feature should allow energy analysts to analyze historical data on solar power generation and identify patterns, trends, and anomalies.

The historical solar power data analysis feature will provide energy analysts with valuable insights into the long-term performance of solar power systems. By examining historical data, analysts can identify patterns in solar power generation based on factors such as weather conditions, time of year, or solar panel efficiency. This analysis can help identify opportunities for optimization and inform decision-making related to energy infrastructure planning.

Furthermore, the historical solar power data analysis feature can help identify trends in solar power generation, such as increasing or decreasing output over time. These trends can provide insights into the overall performance and effectiveness of solar power systems. Analysts can use this information to assess the impact of external factors, such as policy changes or technological advancements, on solar power generation.

Additionally, the historical data analysis feature can help identify anomalies or outliers in solar power generation. By comparing actual solar power generation with the forecasted values, analysts can identify cases where the actual generation significantly deviates from the expected values. This analysis can help identify potential issues with solar power systems, such as equipment malfunctions or maintenance needs.

Overall, the historical solar power data analysis feature will provide energy analysts with valuable insights and help them make data-driven decisions related to solar power generation. It will contribute to the continuous improvement and optimization of solar power systems, ultimately leading to increased energy efficiency and sustainability.

Acceptance Criteria
Analyst can retrieve historical solar power data for a specific time period
Given that the historical solar power data is available, when an analyst specifies a time period, then the system should retrieve the corresponding data for that period
Analyst can view graphical representation of historical solar power data
Given that the historical solar power data is available, when an analyst selects the graphical representation option, then the system should display a visual representation of the data such as a line chart or bar graph
Analyst can filter and sort historical solar power data
Given that the historical solar power data is available, when an analyst applies filters and sorting options, then the system should display the filtered and sorted data accordingly
Analyst can identify patterns and trends in solar power generation
Given that the historical solar power data is available, when an analyst performs data analysis, then the system should provide tools and features to identify patterns and trends in solar power generation
Analyst can detect anomalies in solar power generation
Given that the historical solar power data is available, when an analyst performs data analysis, then the system should provide tools and features to detect anomalies in solar power generation
Analyst can export historical solar power data analysis results
Given that the historical solar power data analysis is performed, when an analyst selects the export option, then the system should allow the analyst to export the analysis results in a desired format such as CSV or Excel
Integration with Weather Forecasting API
User Story

As a solar power system operator, I want the Solar Power Forecasting feature to integrate with a weather forecasting API so that I can have accurate and reliable solar power forecasts based on real-time weather data.


This requirement is for the integration of Soluxy's Solar Power Forecasting feature with a weather forecasting API. The integration should enable the Solar Power Forecasting feature to access real-time weather data, such as temperature, humidity, cloud cover, and precipitation. The weather data should be used as input for the solar power forecasting algorithms to generate accurate and reliable forecasts.

The integration with a weather forecasting API will benefit solar power system operators by providing them with more accurate and reliable solar power forecasts. By incorporating real-time weather data into the forecasting algorithms, the Solar Power Forecasting feature can take into account the current weather conditions and their impact on solar power generation. This will result in more precise forecasts, allowing operators to plan their energy production and distribution more effectively.

Additionally, the integration with a weather forecasting API can enhance the user experience by automating the data retrieval process. Instead of manually inputting weather data, the Solar Power Forecasting feature can automatically fetch the latest weather information from the API, ensuring that the forecasts are always up to date. This automation can save time and effort for solar power system operators, enabling them to focus on other important tasks.

Overall, the integration with a weather forecasting API will enhance the accuracy and reliability of the Solar Power Forecasting feature. It will provide solar power system operators with the necessary information to optimize their energy production and improve overall system efficiency.

Acceptance Criteria
Solar Power Forecasting integrates with the weather forecasting API
Given that the Solar Power Forecasting feature is enabled and connected to the internet, when the user selects the 'Fetch Weather Data' option, then the system should make a request to the weather forecasting API to retrieve real-time weather data.
Weather data is successfully retrieved from the weather forecasting API
Given that the Solar Power Forecasting feature has made a request to the weather forecasting API, when the API returns the weather data response with valid and up-to-date information, then the system should store the weather data for further processing.
Solar power forecasting algorithms utilize weather data
Given that the system has retrieved the weather data from the weather forecasting API, when the solar power forecasting algorithms are executed, then the algorithms should incorporate the weather data to generate accurate and reliable forecasts.
Solar power forecasts are updated in real-time
Given that the system has retrieved the latest weather data from the weather forecasting API, when there is a significant change in the weather conditions, then the solar power forecasts should be automatically updated to reflect the new information.
Integration handles API errors and interruptions
Given that the Solar Power Forecasting feature is attempting to retrieve weather data from the API, when there are API errors or interruptions in the data transmission, then the system should handle these situations gracefully by providing appropriate error messages to the user.
Integration maintains data privacy and security
Given that the Solar Power Forecasting feature is fetching weather data from the API, when accessing the API and transmitting data, then proper authentication and encryption measures should be implemented to ensure the privacy and security of the data.

Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading revolutionizes the energy market by enabling direct trading of surplus solar power between homeowners, corporations, and energy providers. With this feature, users can buy and sell excess solar energy through a decentralized marketplace, eliminating the need for intermediaries. By leveraging blockchain technology, this feature ensures secure and transparent transactions, empowering users to monetize their unused solar power and promote renewable energy adoption.


Integration with Smart Home Energy Management Systems
User Story

As a homeowner with a smart home energy management system, I want to integrate the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading feature so that I can seamlessly trade excess solar energy and optimize my energy usage.


The integration with Smart Home Energy Management Systems allows homeowners to connect their existing smart devices, such as smart meters or smart thermostats, to the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading feature. This integration enables real-time data exchange between the energy management system and the trading platform, providing homeowners with accurate information on their energy production and consumption. With this integration, homeowners can effortlessly trade their surplus solar energy and optimize their energy usage based on real-time insights and market conditions.

Acceptance Criteria
Homeowner successfully connects their smart meter to the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform
Given that the homeowner has a compatible smart meter, When they enter the necessary credentials and authorize the connection, Then the smart meter is successfully connected to the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform.
Real-time energy production data is accurately displayed in the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform
Given that the smart meter is connected to the trading platform, When the homeowner accesses the platform, Then the platform displays real-time energy production data from the smart meter.
Real-time energy consumption data is accurately displayed in the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform
Given that the smart meter is connected to the trading platform, When the homeowner accesses the platform, Then the platform displays real-time energy consumption data from the smart meter.
Homeowner receives notifications when excess solar energy is available for trading
Given that the smart meter detects excess solar energy production, When the trading platform identifies the surplus and matches it with potential buyers, Then the homeowner receives notifications about the availability of excess solar energy for trading.
Homeowner can set preferences for automated energy trading
Given that the homeowner has connected their smart meter to the trading platform, When they access their account settings, Then they can set preferences for automated energy trading, such as price thresholds and trading hours.
Verification of Energy Production and Consumption
User Story

As an energy provider, I want to verify the energy production and consumption of users participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading so that I can ensure fair and reliable transactions.


The Verification of Energy Production and Consumption requirement establishes a robust system for energy providers to verify the energy production and consumption of users participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading. This requirement involves implementing mechanisms to authenticate the energy production data from solar panels and validate the energy consumption data from users' smart meters. By ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data, energy providers can confidently engage in trading transactions, guaranteeing fair exchanges of energy between participants.

Acceptance Criteria
Energy provider verifies the authenticity of solar panel data
Given a user participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading with solar panels, When the energy provider receives energy production data from the user's solar panels, Then the energy provider verifies the authenticity of the data by validating the digital signature and blockchain records.
Energy provider validates the accuracy of smart meter data
Given a user participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading with a smart meter, When the energy provider receives energy consumption data from the user's smart meter, Then the energy provider validates the accuracy of the data by comparing it with the user's historical consumption patterns and cross-referencing with other trusted data sources.
Energy provider ensures data privacy and security
Given the energy production and consumption data of users participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading, When the energy provider processes and stores the data, Then the energy provider ensures the privacy and security of the data by implementing encryption, access controls, and compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
Energy provider monitors real-time energy production and consumption
Given users participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading, When energy production and consumption data is updated in real-time, Then the energy provider monitors and tracks the data to identify any discrepancies or suspicious activities.
Real-Time Energy Pricing
User Story

As a user of the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading feature, I want real-time energy pricing information so that I can make informed decisions when buying or selling solar energy.


Real-Time Energy Pricing requirement enables the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform to provide users with up-to-date and accurate information on energy pricing. This requirement involves integrating with energy market data sources and implementing algorithms to calculate the current market rates for buying and selling solar energy. By having access to real-time energy pricing, users can make informed decisions on when and at what price to buy or sell their surplus solar energy, maximizing their potential earnings and optimizing their energy consumption.

Acceptance Criteria
User wants to view the current market rate for buying solar energy
Given that the user is on the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform, when the user selects the option to view the current market rate for buying solar energy, then the platform displays the real-time price per unit of energy.
User wants to view the current market rate for selling solar energy
Given that the user is on the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform, when the user selects the option to view the current market rate for selling solar energy, then the platform displays the real-time price per unit of energy.
User wants to receive notifications for changes in energy pricing
Given that the user has subscribed to receive notifications for changes in energy pricing, when there is a significant change in the market rate for buying or selling solar energy, then the user receives a push notification with the updated price information.
User wants to set price alerts for buying or selling solar energy
Given that the user wants to set price alerts for buying or selling solar energy, when the user sets a target price for buying or selling solar energy, then the platform monitors the market rates and notifies the user when the price reaches the target.
User wants to compare energy prices across different time periods
Given that the user wants to compare energy prices across different time periods, when the user selects a specific time period, then the platform retrieves and displays the historical market rates for buying and selling solar energy within that period.
Transparent Transaction History
User Story

As a user participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading, I want to have access to a transparent transaction history so that I can track my trading activities and ensure fair and reliable transactions.


The Transparent Transaction History requirement ensures that users participating in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading have access to a transparent and auditable transaction history. This requirement involves recording and storing all trading activities on a blockchain-based ledger, which is accessible to participants. By having a transparent transaction history, users can track their trading activities, verify the accuracy of transactions, and have a clear record of their energy trades for financial or regulatory purposes.

Acceptance Criteria
User wants to view their transaction history
Given that the user is logged into their Soluxy account, when they navigate to the transaction history page, then they should be able to view a list of all their past energy trading transactions.
User wants to filter their transaction history
Given that the user is viewing the transaction history page, when they apply a filter by date, type of transaction, or participant, then the transaction history should update and display only the relevant transactions based on the applied filter.
User wants to view transaction details
Given that the user is viewing the transaction history page, when they click on a specific transaction, then they should be able to view the details of that transaction, including the date, participants, amount of energy traded, and any associated fees.
User wants to export transaction history
Given that the user is viewing the transaction history page, when they click on the export button, then a file containing the transaction history data should be downloaded to their device in a compatible format (e.g., CSV, PDF).
User wants to search for a specific transaction
Given that the user is viewing the transaction history page, when they enter a search query in the search bar, then the transaction history should be filtered to display only the relevant transactions that match the search query.
Secure and Scalable Blockchain Infrastructure
User Story

As a participant in Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading, I want a secure and scalable blockchain infrastructure so that I can trust the integrity of the trading platform and handle a large number of transactions efficiently.


The Secure and Scalable Blockchain Infrastructure requirement focuses on implementing a robust and reliable blockchain infrastructure for the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading platform. This requirement includes leveraging advanced encryption techniques, secure consensus algorithms, and distributed ledger technology to ensure the integrity and security of the trading platform. Additionally, the infrastructure should be designed to handle a large number of transactions efficiently, enabling seamless trading experiences for users even during peak demand periods.

Acceptance Criteria
Ensure that the blockchain infrastructure employs advanced encryption techniques.
Given a transaction on the blockchain, when it is encrypted using advanced encryption techniques, then the transaction data is protected from unauthorized access.
Ensure that the blockchain infrastructure implements a secure consensus algorithm.
Given a new block to be added to the blockchain, when the consensus algorithm is applied and agreed upon by the network nodes, then the block is considered valid and added to the blockchain.
Ensure that the blockchain infrastructure utilizes distributed ledger technology.
Given multiple nodes on the blockchain network, when the ledger is distributed and synchronized across all nodes, then all participants have access to the same transparent and tamper-proof transaction history.
Ensure that the blockchain infrastructure can handle a large number of transactions efficiently.
Given a high volume of transactions on the blockchain, when the infrastructure is capable of processing and validating transactions in a timely manner, then the trading platform can handle peak demand periods without significant delays or performance issues.
Automated Settlement and Balance Calculation
User Story

As an energy provider, I want an automated settlement and balance calculation system for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading so that I can streamline the financial processes and ensure accurate payments.


The Automated Settlement and Balance Calculation requirement aims to automate the settlement and balance calculation processes for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading. This requirement involves implementing algorithms that automatically calculate the energy usage, energy production, and financial transactions for each participant. By automating these processes, energy providers can streamline the financial operations associated with energy trading, reduce manual errors, and ensure accurate payments to users involved in the trading ecosystem.

Acceptance Criteria
Settlement calculation for energy usage
Given a user trades energy with another user, when the trading period ends, then the system should calculate the energy usage for each user based on the meter readings.
Settlement calculation for energy production
Given a user sells energy to another user, when the trading period ends, then the system should calculate the energy production for each user based on the meter readings.
Financial transaction calculation
Given a successful energy trade between users, when the trading period ends, then the system should calculate the financial transactions between the trading parties.
Multiple energy trade settlement
Given multiple energy trades occurring within a trading period, when the trading period ends, then the system should calculate the settlement and balance for each user for all the trades.
Accuracy of settlement and balance calculation
Given the settlement and balance calculation for a trading period, when compared to manual calculations, then the system should produce accurate results within a predefined tolerance level.
Automation of settlement and balance calculation
Given the automation of settlement and balance calculation, when a trading period ends, then the system should automatically trigger the calculation process without human intervention.
Integration with financial systems
Given the settlement and balance calculation, when completed, then the system should integrate with financial systems to generate payment requests and updates for the users involved in the energy trading.

Virtual Power Plant Integration

Virtual Power Plant Integration allows Soluxy to aggregate the capacity of individual solar power systems and operate as a virtual power plant. By combining multiple solar installations, this feature creates a flexible and reliable energy source that can be utilized by utility companies during peak demand periods. Through virtual power plant integration, users can unlock additional revenue streams by contributing their excess solar power to the grid, while utility companies can enhance their grid stability and reduce reliance on traditional power plants.


Real-time Solar Power Monitoring
User Story

As a solar power system owner, I want to monitor the real-time power output from my solar panels so that I can ensure optimal performance and contribute excess power to the virtual power plant.


The Virtual Power Plant Integration feature should provide real-time monitoring of the power output from each connected solar power system. This includes the ability to track the current power generation, identify any performance issues or abnormalities, and provide notifications/alerts to the system owner. The real-time monitoring should be accessible through the Soluxy mobile app and web dashboard, allowing users to easily keep track of their solar power production. By having access to real-time data, solar power system owners can ensure that their panels are operating at maximum efficiency and contribute any excess power to the virtual power plant, thereby optimizing their energy usage and potentially generating additional revenue.

Acceptance Criteria
System owner can view the real-time power output from their solar panels
Given that the user has a connected solar power system, when they access the Soluxy mobile app or web dashboard, then they should be able to view the real-time power output from their panels.
System owner can track the current power generation of their solar panels
Given that the user has a connected solar power system, when they access the Soluxy mobile app or web dashboard, then they should be able to track the current power generation of their panels.
System owner can identify performance issues or abnormalities in their solar power system
Given that the user has a connected solar power system, when they access the Soluxy mobile app or web dashboard, then they should be able to identify any performance issues or abnormalities in their panels.
System owner receives notifications/alerts for any performance issues or abnormalities in their solar power system
Given that the user has a connected solar power system, when there are performance issues or abnormalities detected in their panels, then they should receive notifications/alerts through the Soluxy mobile app or web dashboard.
System owner can easily access real-time solar power monitoring through the Soluxy mobile app
Given that the user has a connected solar power system, when they open the Soluxy mobile app, then they should have an easy and intuitive access to the real-time solar power monitoring feature.
System owner can easily access real-time solar power monitoring through the Soluxy web dashboard
Given that the user has a connected solar power system, when they log in to the Soluxy web dashboard, then they should have an easy and intuitive access to the real-time solar power monitoring feature.
System owner can contribute excess power to the virtual power plant
Given that the user has a connected solar power system, when they have excess power generation, then they should be able to contribute that excess power to the virtual power plant through the Soluxy mobile app or web dashboard.
Automated Power Contribution
User Story

As a solar power system owner, I want my excess power to be automatically contributed to the virtual power plant, so that I can maximize my energy generation and earn additional revenue.


The Virtual Power Plant Integration feature should automatically detect and contribute the excess power generated by each connected solar power system to the virtual power plant. This automated power contribution ensures that the solar power system owners can maximize their energy generation and earn additional revenue by selling the excess power to the utility companies. The system should be able to intelligently manage the power contribution based on the demand and availability of the virtual power plant. By automating the power contribution process, solar power system owners can effortlessly participate in the virtual power plant and optimize their solar power generation.

Acceptance Criteria
Solar power system detects excess power generation
Given a solar power system connected to the virtual power plant, when the solar power system generates excess power, then it should be detected by the system.
Automated contribution of excess power
Given a solar power system with excess power, when the system detects the excess power, then it should automatically contribute the excess power to the virtual power plant.
Demand-based power contribution
Given a virtual power plant with varying demand, when there is high demand, then the power contribution from the solar power system should increase, and when there is low demand, then the power contribution should decrease.
Availability-based power contribution
Given a virtual power plant with limited availability, when the availability of the virtual power plant decreases, then the power contribution from the solar power system should decrease.
Revenue calculation
Given a solar power system contributing excess power to the virtual power plant, when the power is successfully contributed, then the system should accurately calculate the revenue earned by the solar power system owner.
Integration with utility companies
Given the automated power contribution to the virtual power plant, when the power is contributed, then the system should seamlessly integrate with utility companies to facilitate the revenue generation process.
Optimization of power generation
Given a solar power system contributing excess power to the virtual power plant, when the power contribution is automated, then the system should optimize the power generation of the solar power system to ensure maximum energy generation and revenue generation.
Flexible Power Dispatch
User Story

As a utility company, I want to have the ability to dispatch the aggregated solar power from the virtual power plant to meet the peak energy demands and improve the grid stability.


The Virtual Power Plant Integration feature should provide utility companies with the ability to dispatch the aggregated solar power from the virtual power plant to meet the peak energy demands and improve the grid stability. This includes the ability to dynamically allocate and distribute the available solar power based on the real-time demand, grid conditions, and renewable energy goals of the utility company. The system should consider factors such as weather conditions, time of day, and energy consumption patterns to optimize the dispatch of power. By having the flexibility to dispatch the aggregated solar power, utility companies can improve the reliability and stability of their grids while reducing their dependence on traditional power plants.

Acceptance Criteria
Utility company can request power dispatch from virtual power plant
Given a utility company has access to the virtual power plant integration feature, when the utility company requests a power dispatch, then the system should allocate and distribute the available solar power to meet the requested demand.
Power dispatch is based on real-time demand and grid conditions
Given the virtual power plant integration feature is active, when there is a peak energy demand or instabilities in the grid, then the system should dispatch the aggregated solar power based on the real-time demand and grid conditions.
Power dispatch considers renewable energy goals
Given the virtual power plant integration feature is active, when dispatching the aggregated solar power, then the system should consider the renewable energy goals of the utility company and prioritize the use of solar power over other sources.
Power dispatch optimizes based on weather conditions and time of day
Given the virtual power plant integration feature is active, when dispatching the aggregated solar power, then the system should optimize the power dispatch based on weather conditions and time of day to maximize solar power utilization.
Power dispatch ensures reliable and stable grid operation
Given the virtual power plant integration feature is active, when dispatching the aggregated solar power, then the system should ensure that the power dispatch does not negatively impact the reliability and stability of the grid.
Grid Integration Monitoring
User Story

As a system operator, I want to monitor the integration of the virtual power plant with the grid to ensure smooth and reliable operation.


The Virtual Power Plant Integration feature should provide system operators with the ability to monitor the integration of the virtual power plant with the grid. This includes real-time monitoring of the power flow between the virtual power plant and the grid, identification of any grid constraints or issues, and notifications/alerts for any abnormalities. The monitoring should also include historical data analysis and reporting to track the performance and efficiency of the virtual power plant integration. By having comprehensive grid integration monitoring, system operators can ensure smooth and reliable operation of the virtual power plant, identify any areas of improvement, and address any grid-related issues promptly.

Acceptance Criteria
Monitor real-time power flow between virtual power plant and grid
Given that the virtual power plant is operational and integrated with the grid, when I access the monitoring dashboard, then I should be able to view the real-time power flow between the virtual power plant and the grid.
Identify grid constraints or issues
Given that the virtual power plant is operational and integrated with the grid, when I access the monitoring dashboard, then I should be able to identify any grid constraints or issues that may affect the operation of the virtual power plant.
Receive notifications/alerts for abnormalities
Given that the virtual power plant is operational and integrated with the grid, when there are abnormalities detected in the power flow or grid performance, then I should receive notifications or alerts to inform me about these abnormalities.
Analyze historical data for performance and efficiency tracking
Given that the virtual power plant is operational and integrated with the grid, when I access the monitoring dashboard, then I should be able to analyze historical data to track the performance and efficiency of the virtual power plant integration with the grid.
Revenue Tracking and Reporting
User Story

As a solar power system owner, I want to track and understand the revenue generated from my contribution to the virtual power plant.


The Virtual Power Plant Integration feature should provide solar power system owners with the ability to track and understand the revenue generated from their contribution to the virtual power plant. This includes comprehensive tracking of the amount of power contributed, the corresponding revenue earned, and the payment transaction details. The system should also provide detailed reports and analytics on the revenue generated over time, allowing solar power system owners to evaluate the financial benefits of participating in the virtual power plant. By having transparent revenue tracking and reporting, solar power system owners can gain insights into the financial impact of their contribution and make informed decisions regarding their energy generation and usage.

Acceptance Criteria
Solar power system owner wants to view their revenue
Given that a solar power system owner contributes to the virtual power plant, when they access the revenue tracking feature, then they should be able to view the total revenue generated from their contribution.
Solar power system owner wants to track their power contribution
Given that a solar power system owner contributes to the virtual power plant, when they access the revenue tracking feature, then they should be able to track the amount of power they have contributed over a specific time period.
Solar power system owner wants to view revenue details
Given that a solar power system owner accesses the revenue tracking feature, when they select a specific revenue entry, then they should be able to view detailed information about the revenue, including the date, time, amount, and transaction details.
Solar power system owner wants to generate revenue reports
Given that a solar power system owner accesses the revenue tracking feature, when they select the report generation option, then they should be able to generate comprehensive reports that provide an overview of the revenue generated over a specific time period.
Solar power system owner wants to analyze revenue trends
Given that a solar power system owner accesses the revenue tracking feature, when they utilize the analytics tools, then they should be able to analyze revenue trends, such as monthly revenue fluctuations or revenue growth over time.
Solar power system owner wants automated revenue updates
Given that a solar power system owner contributes to the virtual power plant, when there is a new revenue entry or update, then the revenue tracking feature should automatically update and reflect the changes in real-time.
Solar power system owner wants payment information
Given that a solar power system owner accesses the revenue tracking feature, when they view the revenue details, then they should be able to see the payment information, including the payment method used, payment status, and any associated fees.

Energy Usage Optimization

Energy Usage Optimization is a feature that analyzes energy consumption patterns and provides personalized recommendations to optimize users' energy usage. By considering the availability of surplus solar power, the energy needs of users, and the cost of electricity from traditional sources, this feature suggests the most efficient ways to utilize solar power, reduce reliance on the grid, and minimize energy costs. With Energy Usage Optimization, users can achieve maximum energy efficiency and financial savings.


Real-time Energy Consumption Monitoring
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to monitor my real-time energy consumption so that I can identify areas for energy optimization.


The Real-time Energy Consumption Monitoring requirement focuses on providing users with a real-time view of their energy consumption. Users will be able to see their current energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh) through a user-friendly dashboard on the Soluxy app or website. This will enable homeowners to identify areas of high energy consumption and take immediate action to optimize their energy usage. By visualizing their energy consumption in real-time, users can gain insights into how their energy usage fluctuates throughout the day and make informed decisions about which appliances or activities are having the greatest impact on their energy bills. This requirement will empower homeowners to take control of their energy usage and make adjustments to minimize waste and reduce costs.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the Soluxy app
Given that the user has installed and logged into the Soluxy app, when the user opens the app, then the real-time energy consumption dashboard is displayed.
User views their current energy consumption
Given that the real-time energy consumption dashboard is displayed, when the user views the dashboard, then the current energy consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh) is shown.
User identifies areas of high energy consumption
Given that the user views the real-time energy consumption, when the user analyzes the data, then areas of high energy consumption are visually highlighted.
User tracks energy usage throughout the day
Given that the user views the real-time energy consumption dashboard, when the user tracks their energy usage throughout the day, then the dashboard shows energy usage fluctuations in real-time.
User identifies appliances impacting energy bills
Given that the user views the real-time energy consumption data, when the user analyzes the data, then the appliances or activities having the greatest impact on energy bills are clearly identified.
User takes immediate action to optimize energy usage
Given that the user identifies areas of high energy consumption, when the user takes immediate action to optimize their energy usage, then the dashboard reflects the changes made in real-time.
Appliance-level Energy Monitoring
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to monitor the energy consumption of individual appliances so that I can identify energy-intensive devices and optimize their usage.


The Appliance-level Energy Monitoring requirement involves providing users with the ability to monitor the energy consumption of individual appliances in their home. This feature will utilize smart metering technology and device-level sensors to track the energy usage of specific appliances or devices. Users will be able to view detailed information about the energy consumed by each appliance and identify energy-intensive devices that may be contributing to high energy bills. By understanding the energy consumption patterns of individual appliances, homeowners can make informed decisions about how to optimize their usage. For example, they can identify appliances that consume a significant amount of energy during peak hours and adjust their usage accordingly. This requirement will enable homeowners to have granular control over their energy consumption and optimize the usage of energy-intensive devices to reduce costs and increase energy efficiency.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view real-time energy consumption of individual appliances
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system and has enabled Appliance-level Energy Monitoring, when the user accesses the Energy Usage Optimization dashboard, then they should be able to view the real-time energy consumption of each individual appliance in their home.
User can access historical energy consumption data of individual appliances
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system and has enabled Appliance-level Energy Monitoring, when the user navigates to the Energy Usage Optimization section, then they should be able to access historical energy consumption data of each individual appliance for a specified time period.
User can identify energy-intensive appliances
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system and has enabled Appliance-level Energy Monitoring, when the user analyzes the energy consumption data, then they should be able to identify appliances or devices that have a high energy consumption and are considered energy-intensive.
User can receive alerts for abnormal energy consumption
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system and has enabled Appliance-level Energy Monitoring, when an appliance or device has an abnormal energy consumption pattern, then the user should receive an alert or notification indicating the abnormal energy usage.
User can compare energy consumption of different appliances
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system and has enabled Appliance-level Energy Monitoring, when the user selects multiple appliances, then they should be able to compare the energy consumption of these appliances over a specified time period.
User can set energy-saving goals for individual appliances
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system and has enabled Appliance-level Energy Monitoring, when the user selects an appliance, then they should be able to set energy-saving goals for that appliance, specifying a target energy consumption level.
User can track progress towards energy-saving goals
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system and has enabled Appliance-level Energy Monitoring, when the user has set energy-saving goals for individual appliances, then they should be able to track the progress towards these goals, including the current energy consumption compared to the target consumption.
Energy Usage History and Trends
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to view my energy usage history and trends so that I can track my progress in reducing energy consumption and identify areas for further improvement.


The Energy Usage History and Trends requirement focuses on providing users with a comprehensive overview of their energy usage over time. Users will be able to access their energy usage history through the Soluxy app or website, which will display data in intuitive charts and graphs. This feature will allow homeowners to track their progress in reducing energy consumption and identify patterns or trends in their usage. For example, users can compare their energy usage month-over-month or year-over-year to see if their efforts to optimize energy consumption are making a difference. By visualizing their energy usage history and trends, homeowners can set goals for further improvement, implement energy-saving measures, and measure their impact. This requirement will enable users to have a clear understanding of their energy consumption patterns and make data-driven decisions to further optimize their energy usage.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their energy usage history for a specific time period
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy app, When the user selects a specific time period, Then the app should display the energy usage history for that time period in a clear and intuitive format.
User can view their energy usage trends over time
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy app, When the user views the energy usage history, Then the app should display the trends in energy usage over time, highlighting periods of high and low usage.
User can compare their energy usage month-over-month
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy app, When the user selects the month-over-month comparison, Then the app should display a visual representation of energy usage for each month, allowing the user to identify patterns or changes in consumption.
User can compare their energy usage year-over-year
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy app, When the user selects the year-over-year comparison, Then the app should display a visual representation of energy usage for each year, enabling the user to track their progress in reducing energy consumption.
User can set energy usage reduction goals
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy app, When the user sets energy usage reduction goals, Then the app should provide a feature to enter and track these goals, and display progress towards achieving them.
User can export energy usage data as a CSV file
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy app, When the user requests to export energy usage data, Then the app should generate a CSV file containing the user's energy usage history and trends, which can be downloaded and accessed outside of the app.
Energy Optimization Recommendations
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to receive personalized energy optimization recommendations so that I can implement energy-saving measures and reduce my energy consumption.


The Energy Optimization Recommendations requirement involves providing homeowners with personalized recommendations to optimize their energy usage. These recommendations will be based on the analysis of the homeowner's energy consumption patterns, energy rates, and the availability of surplus solar power. The Soluxy app or website will generate these recommendations, which may include suggestions such as adjusting thermostat settings, optimizing usage of appliances, or scheduling energy-intensive activities during times of surplus solar power. Users will be able to view these recommendations in a user-friendly interface and track their progress in implementing them. By following these recommendations, homeowners can reduce their energy consumption, decrease their reliance on the grid, and ultimately save money on their energy bills. This requirement will provide users with practical and actionable steps to optimize their energy usage and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Acceptance Criteria
Homeowner views energy optimization recommendations
Given that the homeowner has accessed the Soluxy app or website, When they navigate to the 'Energy Optimization' section, Then they should be able to view personalized energy optimization recommendations.
Recommendations are based on energy consumption patterns
Given that the homeowner has accessed the Soluxy app or website, When they view the energy optimization recommendations, Then the recommendations should be tailored to their energy consumption patterns.
Recommendations consider energy rates
Given that the homeowner has accessed the Soluxy app or website, When they view the energy optimization recommendations, Then the recommendations should take into account the current energy rates to suggest cost-effective measures.
Recommendations utilize surplus solar power
Given that there is surplus solar power available, When the homeowner views the energy optimization recommendations, Then the recommendations should include suggestions to leverage the surplus solar power.
User-friendly interface for viewing recommendations
Given that the homeowner has accessed the Soluxy app or website, When they view the energy optimization recommendations, Then the recommendations should be presented in a user-friendly and visually appealing interface.
Progress tracking of implemented recommendations
Given that the homeowner has implemented energy optimization recommendations, When they navigate to the 'Progress' section, Then they should be able to track their progress and see the impact of the implemented recommendations on energy consumption and cost savings.
Energy Usage Comparison with Similar Homes
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to compare my energy usage with similar homes in my area so that I can gauge how efficient or inefficient my energy consumption is.


The Energy Usage Comparison with Similar Homes requirement focuses on providing homeowners with the ability to compare their energy usage with similar homes in their area. This feature will leverage anonymized data from other Soluxy users to generate meaningful and relevant comparisons. Users will be able to see how their energy consumption stacks up against homes of similar size, age, or location. This comparison will be presented in a user-friendly format, such as a benchmark score or a visual representation, to easily understand the efficiency of their energy consumption. By comparing their energy usage with others, homeowners can gain insights into areas where they may be consuming more energy than average and take steps to optimize their usage. This requirement will enable users to benchmark their energy efficiency and drive behavior change to reduce energy consumption and costs.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects the 'Compare Energy Usage' option
Given that the user is on the energy usage optimization page, when the user selects the 'Compare Energy Usage' option, then the energy usage comparison feature is initiated.
User is presented with a list of similar homes
Given that the user has initiated the energy usage comparison feature, when the data is retrieved and processed, then the user is presented with a list of similar homes.
Data for energy usage comparison is anonymized
Given that the user is viewing the list of similar homes, when the data for energy usage comparison is displayed, then the data is anonymized to protect user privacy.
User can filter the list of similar homes
Given that the user is viewing the list of similar homes, when the user applies filters such as size, age, or location, then the list of similar homes is dynamically updated based on the applied filters.
User can see a benchmark score for energy efficiency
Given that the user is viewing the list of similar homes, when the benchmark score for energy efficiency is calculated for each home, then the user can see the benchmark score beside each home in the list.
User can see a visual representation of energy usage comparison
Given that the user is viewing the list of similar homes, when the visual representation of energy usage comparison is generated, then the user can see a visual representation (e.g., bar graph, pie chart) that compares their energy usage with the average usage of similar homes.
User can click on a specific home for more details
Given that the user is viewing the list of similar homes, when the user clicks on a specific home, then the user is redirected to a detailed view that shows more information about that particular home's energy usage.

Carbon Footprint Tracking

Carbon Footprint Tracking allows users to monitor and track their carbon emissions through the Soluxy platform. By integrating with energy consumption data and leveraging emission factor databases, this feature calculates users' carbon footprint in real-time. With this information, users can better understand their environmental impact, set goals for emissions reduction, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Carbon Footprint Tracking empowers users to make informed decisions on energy usage and promotes a conscious and responsible approach towards renewable energy consumption.


Real-time Carbon Footprint Monitoring
User Story

As a user, I want to monitor my carbon footprint in real-time so that I can understand my environmental impact and make informed decisions to reduce emissions.


The Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should provide real-time monitoring of the user's carbon emissions. By integrating with energy consumption data and leveraging emission factor databases, the feature calculates and displays the user's carbon footprint as they consume energy. This allows users to have a clear understanding of their environmental impact and make informed decisions to reduce their carbon emissions. Real-time monitoring enables users to track the immediate effects of their energy usage and take immediate action to minimize their carbon footprint.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature
Given that the user has access to the Soluxy platform, when the user navigates to the Carbon Footprint Tracking section, then the feature should be accessible.
User's energy consumption data is integrated into the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature
Given that the user has provided energy consumption data, when the data is integrated into the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature, then the feature should accurately calculate the user's carbon emissions.
User's carbon footprint is displayed in real-time
Given that the user's energy consumption data is integrated, when the user consumes energy, then the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should update and display the user's current carbon footprint in real-time.
User can view historical carbon footprint data
Given that the user has been using the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature, when the user accesses the historical data section, then the feature should display the user's carbon footprint data for previous time periods.
User can set carbon emissions reduction goals
Given that the user has access to the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature, when the user sets a carbon emissions reduction goal, then the feature should provide a way to track progress towards the goal and provide notifications/reminders to the user.
Emission Factors Database Integration
User Story

As a platform admin, I want to integrate an emission factors database so that accurate calculations of carbon emissions can be made.


The Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should integrate with an emission factors database that provides accurate and up-to-date data on the emissions associated with different sources of energy. This integration ensures that the calculations of carbon emissions are based on reliable and current information. The integration should allow for easy updating of the emission factors database to accommodate changes in the industry and ensure the accuracy of carbon footprint calculations.

Acceptance Criteria
Integration with Emission Factors Database exists
Given the Emission Factors Database is available, when the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature is accessed, then the integration with the Emission Factors Database should be detected and enabled.
Emission factors are up-to-date
Given the Emission Factors Database is updated regularly, when the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature calculates carbon emissions, then the emission factors used should reflect the most current data available.
Emission factors can be easily updated
Given the need to update emission factors due to changes in the industry, when the admin accesses the Emission Factors Database integration settings, then there should be a user-friendly interface to easily update and manage the emission factors.
Integration supports multiple sources of energy
Given the variety of energy sources, when the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature calculates carbon emissions, then the integration should support and provide emission factors for different sources of energy, such as fossil fuels, renewable energy, and grid mix.
Integration handles data synchronization
Given updates in the Emission Factors Database, when new emission factors are added or existing ones are modified, then the integration should ensure that the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature maintains accurate and synchronized data.
Integration has error handling
Given potential errors in the Emission Factors Database integration, when an error occurs, then it should be properly handled, and appropriate error messages or notifications should be displayed to the admin.
Goal Setting for Emission Reduction
User Story

As a user, I want to set goals for reducing my carbon emissions so that I can track my progress and contribute to a more sustainable future.


The Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should include a goal-setting functionality that allows users to set targets for reducing their carbon emissions. Users should be able to define specific emission reduction goals, such as a percentage decrease or a specific emission level to achieve. The feature should provide visual indicators and progress tracking to help users monitor their progress towards their emission reduction goals. This empowers users to take control of their carbon footprint and actively contribute to a more sustainable future.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a percentage-based emission reduction goal
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracking page, when the user specifies a percentage-based emission reduction goal of 20%, then the system should save the goal and display it in the goal list.
User sets a specific emission level reduction goal
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracking page, when the user specifies a specific emission level reduction goal of 500 kgCO2e, then the system should save the goal and display it in the goal list.
User sets multiple emission reduction goals
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracking page, when the user specifies multiple emission reduction goals, then the system should save all the goals and display them in the goal list.
User views the goal list
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracking page, when the user clicks on the 'View Goals' button, then the system should display a list of all the previously set emission reduction goals.
User tracks progress towards a goal
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracking page and a goal is set, when the user tracks their carbon emissions over time, then the system should calculate and display the progress towards the goal in a visual indicator.
Energy Usage Insights
User Story

As a user, I want to gain insights into my energy usage patterns and their impact on my carbon emissions so that I can make more informed decisions to reduce my footprint.


The Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should provide users with insights into their energy usage patterns and how they contribute to their carbon emissions. This could include visualizations of energy consumption over time, comparisons between different sources of energy, and identification of energy-intensive activities or appliances. By understanding their energy usage patterns and its impact on their carbon footprint, users can make more informed decisions regarding their energy consumption and identify areas where they can make changes to reduce their emissions.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their energy consumption trends over time
Given that the user has accessed the Carbon Footprint Tracking feature, when they navigate to the Energy Usage Insights section, then they should be able to view a clear and interactive visualization of their energy consumption trends over a specified period of time.
User can compare energy consumption from different sources
Given that the user is in the Energy Usage Insights section, when they select a specific date range, then they should be able to compare their energy consumption from different sources, such as electricity, natural gas, or renewable energy, through a visual representation.
User can identify energy-intensive activities or appliances
Given that the user is viewing their energy consumption details, when they explore the breakdown of their energy usage, then they should be able to identify energy-intensive activities or appliances that contribute significantly to their overall carbon emissions through clear visual cues or categorization.
User can set energy reduction goals
Given that the user has accessed the Energy Usage Insights section, when they review their energy consumption trends, then they should be able to set personalized energy reduction goals based on their current carbon footprint and desired emission reduction targets.
User can receive personalized recommendations
Given that the user has set energy reduction goals, when they explore the Energy Usage Insights section, then they should receive personalized recommendations on energy-saving measures and behavior changes that can help them achieve their goals and reduce their carbon emissions.
Carbon Footprint History
User Story

As a user, I want to view my carbon footprint history over time so that I can track my progress and assess the effectiveness of my emission reduction efforts.


The Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should maintain a history of the user's carbon footprint over time. This allows users to track their progress in reducing emissions and assess the effectiveness of their emission reduction efforts. The history could be presented as a timeline or a graph, showing the user's carbon footprint at different points in time. By reviewing their carbon footprint history, users can identify trends, milestones, and areas where further improvement is needed in their emission reduction journey.

Acceptance Criteria
User has carbon footprint data recorded for multiple time periods
Given the user has recorded carbon footprint data for multiple time periods, when the user views the carbon footprint history, then all the recorded data should be displayed in chronological order.
User has no carbon footprint data recorded
Given the user has no recorded carbon footprint data, when the user views the carbon footprint history, then a message should be displayed indicating that there is no data available.
User views carbon footprint history
Given the user has recorded carbon footprint data, when the user views the carbon footprint history, then the history should be presented in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format, such as a timeline or a graph.
User wants to compare carbon footprint data for specific time periods
Given the user has recorded carbon footprint data for multiple time periods, when the user selects specific time periods to compare, then the carbon footprint data for those selected time periods should be displayed side by side for easy comparison.
User wants to filter carbon footprint data by specific criteria
Given the user has recorded carbon footprint data for multiple time periods, when the user applies a filter based on specific criteria, such as location, energy source, or activity, then the carbon footprint data should be filtered accordingly, showing only the data that matches the specified criteria.
User wants to export carbon footprint data
Given the user has recorded carbon footprint data, when the user chooses to export the carbon footprint history, then the data should be exported in a common format, such as CSV or Excel, with each time period and corresponding carbon footprint value in separate rows or columns.
Carbon Footprint Comparison
User Story

As a user, I want to compare my carbon footprint with others in similar situations so that I can gain insights and motivation to further reduce my emissions.


The Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should allow users to compare their carbon footprint with others who are in similar situations. This could include comparisons based on factors such as location, household size, or energy consumption patterns. The feature should provide anonymized and aggregated data to maintain privacy while still allowing users to gain insights and motivation from the comparisons. By seeing how their carbon emissions stack up against others, users can gain valuable insights and motivation to further reduce their emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects location for carbon footprint comparison
Given a user is viewing their carbon footprint data, when the user selects a specific location for comparison, then the system should filter and display the carbon footprints of other users in the same location.
User selects household size for carbon footprint comparison
Given a user is viewing their carbon footprint data, when the user selects a specific household size for comparison, then the system should filter and display the carbon footprints of other users with the same household size.
User selects energy consumption pattern for carbon footprint comparison
Given a user is viewing their carbon footprint data, when the user selects a specific energy consumption pattern for comparison, then the system should filter and display the carbon footprints of other users with the same energy consumption pattern.
User views anonymized and aggregated carbon footprint data
Given a user is viewing their carbon footprint data, when the user chooses to compare their carbon footprint with others, then the system should display anonymized and aggregated carbon footprint data of other users in a way that maintains privacy.
User gains insights and motivation from carbon footprint comparisons
Given a user is viewing the comparisons of their carbon footprint with others, when the user is presented with clear visualizations and explanations of the comparisons, then the user should be able to gain insights and motivation to further reduce their carbon emissions.
Carbon Offsetting Integration
User Story

As a user, I want the option to offset my carbon emissions through the Soluxy platform so that I can contribute to environmental projects and achieve carbon neutrality.


The Carbon Footprint Tracking feature should integrate with a carbon offsetting platform that allows users to offset their carbon emissions. Users should have the option to purchase carbon offsets through the Soluxy platform, which would support environmental projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions or capturing and sequestering carbon. The integration should provide a seamless experience for users to calculate their carbon footprint, choose the appropriate carbon offset project, and make the necessary purchases. This empowers users to take responsibility for their carbon emissions and work towards achieving carbon neutrality.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects the Carbon Offsetting Integration option
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Tracking page, when the user selects the Carbon Offsetting Integration option, then they should be redirected to the carbon offsetting platform for further actions.
User calculates their carbon footprint
Given that the user has selected the Carbon Offsetting Integration option, when the user calculates their carbon footprint, then the calculated emissions should be displayed along with the available carbon offset projects.
User selects a carbon offset project
Given that the user has calculated their carbon footprint and the available carbon offset projects are displayed, when the user selects a specific carbon offset project, then the details of the project should be shown, including the description, location, and impact.
User reviews the cost of carbon offset
Given that the user has selected a carbon offset project, when the user reviews the cost of the carbon offset, then the pricing details should be displayed, including the price per ton of carbon offset and the total cost based on the user's calculated carbon footprint.
User makes a carbon offset purchase
Given that the user has reviewed the cost of the carbon offset and decided to make a purchase, when the user completes the transaction, then the carbon offset should be applied to the user's carbon footprint and the user should receive a confirmation of the purchase.

Multi-source Energy Trading

The Multi-source Energy Trading feature allows users to trade surplus energy generated from various renewable energy sources, including wind, hydro, geothermal, and more. By expanding the scope of the marketplace to include different energy sources, Soluxy enables users to maximize the utilization of diverse clean energy technologies. This feature opens up new opportunities for renewable energy producers to monetize their excess energy and for consumers to access a wider range of renewable energy options. Users can easily list their surplus energy from different sources on the Soluxy platform and trade them directly with interested buyers. This seamless integration of multiple energy sources enhances the sustainability and resilience of the energy ecosystem, supporting a more robust transition towards a greener future.


Integration with Renewable Energy Certification Standards
User Story

As a renewable energy trader, I want the multi-source energy trading feature to integrate with renewable energy certification standards so that I can ensure the authenticity and credibility of the energy being traded.


The multi-source energy trading feature should integrate with established renewable energy certification standards such as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) or Guarantees of Origin (GOs). This integration will allow renewable energy traders to verify the origin and environmental attributes of the energy being traded, ensuring that it meets specific sustainability criteria. By providing assurance and transparency, this requirement enhances the trust and credibility of the multi-source energy trading platform, attracting more users and facilitating the growth of renewable energy markets.

Acceptance Criteria
Verify integration with Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
Given a renewable energy trader wants to trade energy on the Soluxy platform, when they list their energy for trading and provide the necessary documentation, such as RECs, then the platform should integrate with the provided RECs to verify the origin and environmental attributes of the energy.
Ensure compatibility with Guarantees of Origin (GOs)
Given a renewable energy trader wants to trade energy on the Soluxy platform, when they list their energy for trading and provide the necessary documentation, such as GOs, then the platform should be compatible with the provided GOs to verify the origin and environmental attributes of the energy.
Display certification information to traders
Given a renewable energy trader wants to verify the certification of traded energy, when they view the details of a trade, then the platform should display the relevant certification information, such as REC or GO details, to provide transparency and assurance.
Support multiple renewable energy certification standards
Given a renewable energy trader wants to trade energy certified by different standards, when they list their energy for trading and provide the necessary documentation, then the platform should support multiple renewable energy certification standards, such as RECs and GOs.
Ensure synchronization of traded energy data with certification databases
Given a renewable energy trader trades energy on the Soluxy platform, when a trade is completed, then the platform should synchronize the traded energy data with the respective certification databases to maintain accurate and up-to-date certification records.
Advanced Matching Algorithm for Efficient Energy Trading
User Story

As a renewable energy trader, I want the multi-source energy trading feature to incorporate an advanced matching algorithm so that I can efficiently find suitable buyers or sellers for my surplus energy.


The multi-source energy trading feature should incorporate an advanced matching algorithm that considers various factors such as the desired energy type, quantity, location, and pricing preferences. This algorithm will enable renewable energy traders to efficiently find potential buyers or sellers for their surplus energy, ensuring optimal utilization and monetization of renewable energy resources. By streamlining the trading process and connecting the right stakeholders, this requirement improves the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the multi-source energy trading platform, creating a seamless experience for users.

Acceptance Criteria
Matching algorithm considers desired energy type
Given a renewable energy trader with surplus energy, when searching for potential buyers or sellers, then the matching algorithm should consider the desired energy type specified by the trader.
Matching algorithm considers quantity
Given a renewable energy trader with surplus energy, when searching for potential buyers or sellers, then the matching algorithm should consider the quantity of surplus energy available for trading.
Matching algorithm considers location
Given a renewable energy trader with surplus energy, when searching for potential buyers or sellers, then the matching algorithm should consider the location of the trader and match them with suitable trading partners within the specified geographical range.
Matching algorithm considers pricing preferences
Given a renewable energy trader with surplus energy, when searching for potential buyers or sellers, then the matching algorithm should consider the pricing preferences specified by the trader.
Matching algorithm provides a list of potential trading partners
Given a renewable energy trader with surplus energy and specified trading criteria, when searching for potential buyers or sellers, then the matching algorithm should provide a list of suitable trading partners that match the criteria.
Matching algorithm ranks potential trading partners based on compatibility
Given a renewable energy trader with surplus energy and specified trading criteria, when searching for potential buyers or sellers, then the matching algorithm should rank the potential trading partners based on compatibility, considering factors such as energy type, quantity, location, and pricing preferences.
Matching algorithm updates in real-time
Given a renewable energy trader with surplus energy and specified trading criteria, when new potential trading partners become available or existing partners modify their trading preferences, then the matching algorithm should update in real-time to reflect the changes and provide up-to-date matching results.
Matching algorithm handles large-scale trading
Given a large number of renewable energy traders with surplus energy and specified trading criteria, when searching for potential buyers or sellers, then the matching algorithm should handle the load and provide efficient matching results within an acceptable time frame.
Real-time Energy Trading Platform
User Story

As a renewable energy trader, I want the multi-source energy trading feature to provide a real-time platform for instant energy trading so that I can respond quickly to market demands and optimize revenue generation.


The multi-source energy trading feature should provide a real-time platform that allows renewable energy traders to engage in instant energy trading. This platform should enable traders to list their surplus energy, negotiate prices, and finalize transactions in real-time, ensuring prompt and efficient responses to market demands. By facilitating quick decision-making and enabling timely energy trading, this requirement empowers renewable energy traders to optimize revenue generation and stay competitive in the dynamic energy market.

Acceptance Criteria
Traders can list their surplus energy for trading
Given that a trader has surplus energy available, when the trader lists the energy for trading, then the energy is successfully listed on the platform.
Traders can negotiate prices for energy trading
Given that a trader has listed surplus energy for trading, when another trader shows interest in the energy and proposes a price, then the listing owner can negotiate and agree upon a price for the energy.
Traders can finalize transactions for energy trading
Given that a trader has negotiated a price for the listed energy, when both parties agree on the terms and conditions of the trade, then the transaction is finalized and completed on the platform.
Real-time updates are provided for energy trading
Given that a trader is engaged in energy trading, when there is a change in the availability or status of the listed energy, then real-time updates are provided to all relevant parties.
Market demand is promptly reflected in the platform
Given that there is a high demand for specific types of renewable energy, when the market demand changes, then the platform promptly reflects the updated demand and enables traders to take advantage of the opportunity.
Traders can view their trading history
Given that a trader has engaged in energy trading, when the trader wants to review their trading history, then the platform provides a comprehensive and accessible view of all past transactions and trading activities.
Transparent Pricing and Transaction Information
User Story

As a renewable energy buyer, I want the multi-source energy trading feature to provide transparent pricing and transaction information so that I can make informed decisions and ensure fair market value.


The multi-source energy trading feature should provide transparent pricing and transaction information to renewable energy buyers. This includes detailed breakdowns of pricing components, transaction history, and market trends. By offering this transparency, the platform enables buyers to make informed decisions, ensuring fair market value and fostering trust in the multi-source energy trading ecosystem. This requirement empowers renewable energy buyers to assess the value proposition of different energy sources and make sustainable purchasing decisions.

Acceptance Criteria
Buyer views detailed pricing breakdown
Given that a renewable energy buyer is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the multi-source energy trading section and select a specific energy listing, then they should be able to view a detailed breakdown of the pricing components, including generation costs, transmission costs, and administrative fees.
Buyer accesses transaction history
Given that a renewable energy buyer is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the multi-source energy trading section and go to their account dashboard, then they should be able to access their complete transaction history, including details of previous purchases, sales, and associated prices.
Buyer tracks market trends
Given that a renewable energy buyer is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the multi-source energy trading section and access the market analysis section, then they should be able to track and analyze market trends, including historical price data, demand-supply dynamics, and market forecasts.
Secure and Immutable Energy Transactions
User Story

As a renewable energy trader, I want the multi-source energy trading feature to ensure secure and immutable energy transactions so that I can have confidence in the integrity of the trading process.


The multi-source energy trading feature should leverage blockchain technology or a similar secure and decentralized system to ensure the security and immutability of energy transactions. By utilizing cryptographic techniques and distributed ledgers, this requirement prevents tampering, fraud, or unauthorized modifications to energy trading records. This enhances trust and confidence in the multi-source energy trading platform, attracting more participants and fostering a secure and reliable trading environment for renewable energy stakeholders.

Acceptance Criteria
Verify that energy transactions recorded on the blockchain cannot be tampered with
Given a recorded energy transaction on the blockchain, when attempting to modify the transaction, then the system should reject the modification and maintain the original transaction integrity.
Ensure that only authorized participants can engage in energy transactions
Given a participant attempting to engage in an energy transaction, when the participant is not authorized, then the system should reject the transaction and prevent any unauthorized actions.
Validate the integrity of energy transactions recorded on the blockchain
Given an energy transaction recorded on the blockchain, when verifying its integrity, then the system should be able to provide a cryptographic proof ensuring that the transaction has not been tampered with.
Protect sensitive information during energy transactions
Given an energy transaction, when sharing sensitive information such as participant identities or transaction details, then the system should ensure that the information is encrypted and securely transmitted to maintain privacy and confidentiality.
Ensure immutability of energy transactions
Given an energy transaction recorded on the blockchain, when attempting to modify or delete the transaction, then the system should prevent any modifications or deletions, ensuring the immutability of energy trading records.

Smart Energy Pricing

The Smart Energy Pricing feature utilizes advanced algorithms and real-time market data to optimize the pricing of energy on the Soluxy platform. By analyzing factors such as supply and demand, weather conditions, and time of day, the system dynamically adjusts the prices of energy listed on the marketplace. This ensures fair and competitive pricing for both energy producers and consumers, promoting transparency and efficient energy trading. The Smart Energy Pricing feature also encourages users to adjust their energy consumption patterns based on price fluctuations, incentivizing more sustainable and cost-effective energy usage. With this feature, Soluxy empowers users to make informed decisions about energy trading and encourages responsible energy consumption.


Real-time Market Data Integration
User Story

As an energy trader, I want to access real-time market data so that I can make informed decisions on pricing my energy listings.


The Smart Energy Pricing feature requires integration with reliable sources of real-time market data. This data includes information on market trends, energy supply and demand, weather conditions, and other relevant factors. By accessing up-to-date market data, energy traders can analyze the current state of the market and make informed decisions on pricing their energy listings. Integration with real-time market data also ensures that the prices listed on the Soluxy platform are accurate and reflective of market conditions. This requirement involves connecting to APIs or data feeds provided by market data providers. The integration should be reliable, secure, and capable of retrieving data in real-time with minimal latency.

Acceptance Criteria
Successfully connect to the market data provider API
Given the Soluxy platform is running, when the integration with the market data provider API is initiated, then a connection should be established successfully.
Retrieve real-time market data
Given the connection with the market data provider API is established, when a request for real-time market data is made, then the data should be retrieved accurately and in a timely manner.
Verify data accuracy
Given the real-time market data is retrieved, when comparing the data with other reliable sources, then the data should match within an acceptable margin of error.
Handle API errors gracefully
Given an error occurs during the integration with the market data provider API, when handling the error, then appropriate error messages should be displayed to the user.
Ensure data security
Given the integration with the market data provider API, when transmitting and storing the market data, then appropriate encryption and security measures should be implemented to protect the data.
Advanced Algorithm for Price Optimization
User Story

As a platform user, I want the Smart Energy Pricing feature to utilize advanced algorithms for price optimization so that I can get the best possible price for energy.


The Smart Energy Pricing feature requires the implementation of advanced algorithms for price optimization. These algorithms should take into account various factors such as market data, energy supply and demand, time of day, and weather conditions to determine the optimal pricing for energy listings. The algorithms should be designed to consider both the profitability for energy producers and the affordability for consumers. By utilizing advanced algorithms, the Smart Energy Pricing feature ensures that the prices listed on the Soluxy platform are competitive and fair. This requirement involves the development and integration of sophisticated mathematical models and optimization algorithms into the pricing engine of the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Algorithm adjusts prices based on real-time market data
Given real-time market data is available, when the algorithm is executed, then it should adjust the prices accordingly.
Algorithm considers energy supply and demand
Given energy supply and demand data is available, when the algorithm is executed, then it should take into account these factors to determine the optimal pricing.
Algorithm considers time of day
Given time of day data is available, when the algorithm is executed, then it should analyze this information to optimize the pricing based on demand patterns throughout the day.
Algorithm considers weather conditions
Given weather data is available, when the algorithm is executed, then it should consider weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, and solar radiation to adjust the prices accordingly.
Algorithm ensures fair pricing for energy producers
Given energy producer data is available, when the algorithm is executed, then it should optimize the prices to ensure profitability for energy producers.
Algorithm ensures affordable pricing for consumers
Given consumer data is available, when the algorithm is executed, then it should optimize the prices to ensure affordability for consumers.
Algorithm encourages sustainable energy consumption
Given energy consumption data is available, when the algorithm is executed, then it should adjust the prices to incentivize users to shift their energy consumption patterns towards more sustainable options.
Advanced mathematical models and optimization algorithms are implemented
Given advanced mathematical models and optimization algorithms are implemented, when the algorithm is executed, then it should utilize these models and algorithms to determine the optimal pricing for energy listings.
Dynamic Pricing Display
User Story

As a platform user, I want to see real-time dynamic pricing displayed for energy listings so that I can make informed decisions on purchasing energy.


The Smart Energy Pricing feature requires the implementation of a dynamic pricing display for energy listings on the Soluxy platform. This display should show the real-time prices for energy based on the current market conditions and other relevant factors. By visualizing the dynamic pricing, platform users can easily compare and evaluate the prices of different energy listings. This empowers users to make informed decisions on purchasing energy, considering both the price and other factors such as the source of energy and the carbon footprint associated with it. The dynamic pricing display should be intuitive, user-friendly, and responsive to updates in real-time. This requirement involves the development of a dynamic pricing component within the user interface of the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Display default pricing when no specific factors are applied
Given that no specific factors are applied, when I view the energy listings page, then I should see the default pricing displayed for each energy listing.
Display real-time pricing based on market conditions
Given that real-time market data is available, when I view the energy listings page, then I should see the prices of energy dynamically adjusted based on the current market conditions.
Display pricing adjustments based on supply and demand
Given that there is a change in supply and demand for energy, when I view the energy listings page, then I should see the prices of energy adjusted accordingly.
Display pricing adjustments based on weather conditions
Given that there is a change in weather conditions affecting energy production, when I view the energy listings page, then I should see the prices of energy adjusted based on the impact of weather on energy supply.
Display pricing adjustments based on time of day
Given that there is a change in time of day, when I view the energy listings page, then I should see the prices of energy adjusted based on peak and off-peak periods.
Display clear and intuitive pricing visualizations
Given that I am viewing the energy listings page, when I look at the pricing display, then it should be clear, visually appealing, and easy to understand.
Display updated pricing in real-time
Given that there is a change in pricing, when I am viewing the energy listings page, then the pricing display should be updated in real-time to reflect the new prices.
Display pricing comparison between energy listings
Given that there are multiple energy listings available, when I view the energy listings page, then I should be able to compare the prices of different energy listings side by side.
Display pricing units and currency
Given that I am viewing the energy listings page, when I look at the pricing display, then it should clearly indicate the units of measurement for energy and the currency used for pricing.
Price Adjustment Notifications
User Story

As a platform user, I want to receive notifications when the prices of energy listings are adjusted so that I can stay updated and make timely decisions.


The Smart Energy Pricing feature requires the implementation of price adjustment notifications for platform users. These notifications should be triggered whenever the prices of energy listings are adjusted based on the market conditions. Users should have the option to customize their notification preferences, such as receiving notifications via email, SMS, or push notifications. By receiving price adjustment notifications, users can stay updated with the latest pricing information and make timely decisions on purchasing energy. This requirement involves the development of a notification system that communicates price adjustments to platform users in a timely and efficient manner.

Acceptance Criteria
User is subscribed to email notifications
Given that a user is subscribed to email notifications When the prices of energy listings are adjusted Then the user should receive an email notification with the updated prices
User is subscribed to SMS notifications
Given that a user is subscribed to SMS notifications When the prices of energy listings are adjusted Then the user should receive an SMS notification with the updated prices
User is subscribed to push notifications
Given that a user is subscribed to push notifications When the prices of energy listings are adjusted Then the user should receive a push notification with the updated prices
User is not subscribed to any notifications
Given that a user is not subscribed to any notifications When the prices of energy listings are adjusted Then the user should not receive any notifications
User receives multiple price adjustment notifications
Given that a user is subscribed to email and push notifications When the prices of energy listings are adjusted multiple times Then the user should receive separate email and push notifications for each price adjustment
Energy Consumption Pattern Insights
User Story

As a platform user, I want to access insights on my energy consumption patterns so that I can adjust my energy usage based on pricing fluctuations and optimize cost.


The Smart Energy Pricing feature requires the provision of insights on energy consumption patterns to platform users. These insights should analyze the user's historical energy usage data and provide actionable recommendations on adjusting energy consumption based on pricing fluctuations. For example, the feature could suggest shifting energy-intensive activities to off-peak hours when the prices are lower. By accessing energy consumption pattern insights, users can optimize their energy usage to reduce costs and take advantage of the pricing fluctuations on the Soluxy platform. This requirement involves the development of data analysis and visualization functionalities within the platform to generate meaningful insights on energy consumption patterns.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their historical energy consumption data
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy platform and has energy consumption data, when the user navigates to the energy consumption insights section, then the user should be able to view their historical energy consumption data.
User can access actionable recommendations based on energy consumption patterns
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy platform and has energy consumption data, when the user navigates to the energy consumption insights section, then the user should be presented with actionable recommendations on adjusting energy consumption based on pricing fluctuations.
User can filter and analyze energy consumption data
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy platform and has energy consumption data, when the user navigates to the energy consumption insights section, then the user should be able to filter and analyze their energy consumption data based on different time periods, energy sources, and pricing data.
User can visualize energy consumption patterns in charts or graphs
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy platform and has energy consumption data, when the user navigates to the energy consumption insights section, then the user should be able to visualize their energy consumption patterns through interactive charts or graphs.
User can receive notifications on energy consumption patterns
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy platform and has energy consumption data, when the user's energy consumption patterns deviate significantly from the expected patterns, then the user should receive notifications for better understanding and adjustment of their energy usage.

Energy Storage Integration

The Energy Storage Integration feature allows users to seamlessly integrate their energy storage systems, such as batteries, with the Soluxy platform. By connecting their energy storage devices to Soluxy, users can store excess energy generated from renewable sources and trade it on the marketplace when the demand is high or during periods of grid outages. This feature enables users to maximize the value of their energy storage systems by monetizing stored energy during peak demand periods. It also contributes to better grid management by reducing strain during high-demand periods and supporting grid stability. Soluxy provides easy-to-use interfaces and APIs to facilitate the integration of energy storage systems, making the process smooth and hassle-free for users.


Real-time Energy Storage Monitoring
User Story

As a renewable energy system owner, I want to monitor the real-time energy storage levels of my system so that I can effectively manage and optimize my energy usage.


This requirement aims to provide users with the ability to monitor the real-time energy storage levels of their energy storage system. Users will be able to view the current state of charge of their energy storage system through the Soluxy platform, allowing them to make informed decisions about their energy usage. This real-time monitoring feature will display live data, showing the exact amount of energy stored in the system at any given time. By having access to this information, renewable energy system owners can optimize their energy consumption, ensuring they are utilizing their energy storage system efficiently. This requirement will enhance the user experience by providing transparency and control over their energy storage system.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the real-time energy storage level
Given a renewable energy system owner is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the energy storage monitoring section, then they should be able to view the current energy storage level of their system.
User receives updates on energy storage level
Given a renewable energy system owner is logged into the Soluxy platform, when the energy storage level of their system changes, then they should receive immediate updates and notifications indicating the new energy storage level.
User can set energy storage alerts
Given a renewable energy system owner is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the energy storage monitoring section, then they should be able to set customizable alerts for specific energy storage levels.
User receives alerts for energy storage level
Given a renewable energy system owner has set an energy storage alert, when the energy storage level of their system reaches or goes below the specified alert level, then they should receive an immediate alert notification.
User can access historical energy storage data
Given a renewable energy system owner is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the energy storage monitoring section, then they should be able to access and view historical data on the energy storage levels of their system over a specified time period.
Automated Charging and Discharging
User Story

As a renewable energy system owner, I want the Soluxy platform to automate the charging and discharging of my energy storage system based on optimal energy usage and market conditions, so that I can maximize the value of my stored energy and minimize my reliance on the grid.


This requirement aims to automate the charging and discharging process of the energy storage system connected to the Soluxy platform. Through advanced algorithms and market analysis, Soluxy will optimize the charging and discharging cycles based on optimal energy usage and market conditions. The platform will monitor the energy demand and pricing patterns, and automatically charge the energy storage system during low demand and low pricing periods. Similarly, it will discharge the stored energy into the grid or trade it on the marketplace during high demand and high pricing periods. This automated process will maximize the value of the stored energy by ensuring it is used or traded at the most opportune times. By minimizing reliance on the grid and taking advantage of favorable market conditions, renewable energy system owners can increase their energy cost savings and contribute to a more efficient and resilient energy system.

Acceptance Criteria
Energy storage system charges automatically during periods of low energy demand and low pricing
Given that the energy storage system is connected to the Soluxy platform and there is low energy demand and low pricing, when the automated charging process is triggered, then the energy storage system should start charging and storing energy from renewable sources.
Energy storage system discharges automatically during periods of high energy demand and high pricing
Given that the energy storage system is connected to the Soluxy platform and there is high energy demand and high pricing, when the automated discharging process is triggered, then the energy storage system should discharge the stored energy into the grid or trade it on the marketplace.
Automated charging and discharging process considers optimal energy usage
Given that the energy storage system is connected to the Soluxy platform and there are optimal energy usage patterns, when the automated charging and discharging process is executed, then it should prioritize charging the energy storage system during periods of excess renewable energy generation and discharging it during periods of high energy demand.
Market analysis is used to determine optimal charging and discharging times
Given that the energy storage system is connected to the Soluxy platform and market analysis data is available, when the automated charging and discharging process is executed, then it should consider market conditions, such as energy demand, pricing, and market trends, to determine the optimal times for charging and discharging the energy storage system.
Automated charging and discharging process is responsive to real-time energy demand and pricing changes
Given that the energy storage system is connected to the Soluxy platform and there are real-time updates on energy demand and pricing, when the automated charging and discharging process is running, then it should dynamically adjust the charging and discharging cycles based on the changes in energy demand and pricing.
Automated charging and discharging process is reliable and ensures consistent energy supply
Given that the energy storage system is connected to the Soluxy platform, when the automated charging and discharging process is running, then it should reliably charge the energy storage system during periods of excess renewable energy generation and consistently discharge it during periods of high energy demand to ensure a reliable and consistent energy supply.
Integration with Energy Trading Marketplace
User Story

As a renewable energy system owner, I want to connect my energy storage system to the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, so that I can monetize my excess energy and participate in peer-to-peer energy trading.


This requirement focuses on integrating the energy storage system with the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace. Renewable energy system owners will be able to connect their energy storage systems to the marketplace, allowing them to monetize their excess energy generated from renewable sources. By participating in peer-to-peer energy trading, users can sell their stored energy directly to other users who have a demand for it. This integration will provide an additional revenue stream for renewable energy system owners and incentivize the adoption of energy storage systems. The Soluxy platform will facilitate the trading process, ensuring secure and transparent transactions between buyers and sellers. This requirement will enhance the user's ability to actively participate in the energy market and contribute to the overall goal of a more decentralized and sustainable energy system.

Acceptance Criteria
1. User connects their energy storage system to Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a renewable energy system owner wants to monetize their excess energy and participate in peer-to-peer energy trading, When the user connects their energy storage system to the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, Then the connection is successfully established.
2. User can view their energy storage system on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a renewable energy system owner has connected their energy storage system to the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, When the user visits the marketplace, Then they can view and manage their connected energy storage system.
3. User can list their stored energy on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a renewable energy system owner has connected their energy storage system to the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, When the user wants to sell their stored energy, Then they can list the available energy quantity, price, and duration on the marketplace.
4. User can search for available stored energy on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a user wants to buy stored energy, When the user searches for available stored energy on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, Then they can view a list of energy listings with relevant information such as quantity, price, and location.
5. User can request to purchase stored energy from another user on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a user wants to buy stored energy, And they have found a suitable energy listing on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, When the user requests to purchase the stored energy, Then the request is sent to the seller for further processing.
6. User can accept or reject purchase requests for their stored energy on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a user has listed their stored energy on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, And they have received a purchase request from another user, When the user reviews the request, Then they can accept or reject the request.
7. User can complete the energy transaction on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a user has accepted a purchase request for their stored energy on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, When the user completes the energy transaction, Then the sold energy is transferred to the buyer and the corresponding payment is made.
8. User can review their transaction history on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace
Given a user has participated in energy trading on the Soluxy Energy Trading Marketplace, When the user wants to review their transaction history, Then they can access a record of their past energy transactions.
Energy Storage System Optimization
User Story

As a renewable energy system owner, I want the Soluxy platform to optimize the performance of my energy storage system by intelligently managing the charging and discharging cycles, so that I can extend the lifespan of the system and maximize its efficiency.


This requirement focuses on optimizing the performance of the energy storage system connected to the Soluxy platform. By intelligently managing the charging and discharging cycles, Soluxy will ensure that the energy storage system operates in an optimal manner. The platform will analyze the energy usage patterns, solar generation, and market conditions to determine the most efficient and effective charging and discharging cycles. Through this optimization process, the platform will extend the lifespan of the energy storage system by reducing unnecessary wear and tear. Additionally, it will maximize the system's efficiency by utilizing stored energy at the most opportune times. This requirement will benefit renewable energy system owners by increasing the longevity and performance of their energy storage systems, ultimately reducing maintenance costs and enhancing energy savings.

Acceptance Criteria
Optimization based on energy usage patterns
Given the energy usage patterns of the user's premises, when the energy storage system is being optimized, then Soluxy platform should analyze the patterns to determine the optimal charging and discharging cycles.
Optimization based on solar generation
Given the solar generation data of the user's premises, when the energy storage system is being optimized, then Soluxy platform should consider the solar generation to schedule the charging and discharging cycles for maximum efficiency.
Optimization based on market conditions
Given the market conditions and energy demand data, when the energy storage system is being optimized, then Soluxy platform should analyze the data to determine the ideal times for charging and discharging to maximize the value of stored energy.
Extended lifespan of energy storage system
Given the optimized charging and discharging cycles, when the energy storage system is operated as per Soluxy's recommendations, then the system's lifespan should be extended by reducing unnecessary wear and tear.
Maximized efficiency of energy storage system
Given the optimized charging and discharging cycles, when the energy storage system is operated as per Soluxy's recommendations, then the system should maximize its efficiency by utilizing stored energy at the most opportune times.
Reduced maintenance costs
Given the extended lifespan and optimized performance of the energy storage system, when the system is operated as per Soluxy's recommendations, then the maintenance costs should be reduced due to minimized wear and tear.
Enhanced energy savings
Given the optimized performance of the energy storage system, when the system is operated as per Soluxy's recommendations, then the energy savings should be enhanced due to efficient usage of stored energy.
Intuitive Energy Storage Control Panel
User Story

As a renewable energy system owner, I want a user-friendly and intuitive control panel in the Soluxy platform to easily manage and monitor my energy storage system, so that I can make informed decisions about my energy usage.


This requirement aims to provide renewable energy system owners with a user-friendly and intuitive control panel within the Soluxy platform. The control panel will allow users to easily manage and monitor their energy storage systems. Users will have access to a variety of features and controls, including the ability to view real-time energy storage levels, modify charging and discharging settings, and track energy usage patterns. The control panel will provide visual representations of the energy storage system's performance and relevant data, making it easy for users to understand and interpret the information. By having a user-friendly control panel, renewable energy system owners can effectively manage and make informed decisions about their energy usage, optimizing their energy savings and overall system performance.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view real-time energy storage levels
Given that I am a renewable energy system owner, when I access the control panel, then I should be able to see the current energy storage levels of my system in real-time.
User can modify charging settings
Given that I am a renewable energy system owner, when I access the control panel, then I should be able to adjust the charging settings of my energy storage system, such as the maximum charge rate and charge schedule.
User can modify discharging settings
Given that I am a renewable energy system owner, when I access the control panel, then I should be able to modify the discharging settings of my energy storage system, such as the maximum discharge rate and discharge schedule.
User can track energy usage patterns
Given that I am a renewable energy system owner, when I access the control panel, then I should be able to view and analyze the energy usage patterns of my system, including historical data and trends.
User can monitor energy system performance
Given that I am a renewable energy system owner, when I access the control panel, then I should be able to monitor the performance of my energy storage system, including metrics such as efficiency, state of charge, and battery health.

Energy Analytics Dashboard

The Energy Analytics Dashboard feature provides users with a comprehensive overview of their energy production, consumption, and trading activities. Users can access real-time and historical data on their energy generation, energy usage patterns, and trading transactions. The dashboard displays key performance indicators, such as energy production efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact. This feature empowers users to analyze and optimize their energy management strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about energy trading. With the Energy Analytics Dashboard, users can track their progress towards their sustainability goals and gain valuable insights into their energy consumption patterns.


Real-Time Energy Generation Monitoring
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want to monitor the real-time energy generation of my solar panels so that I can track their performance and identify any issues.


The Energy Analytics Dashboard should provide a real-time monitoring feature that allows solar panel owners to view the current energy generation of their panels. The dashboard should display the energy production in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and update the values in real-time. This feature will enable users to track the performance of their solar panels, identify any potential issues such as low output or malfunctions, and take necessary actions to optimize energy generation.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view the real-time energy generation of their solar panels
Given that the user has access to the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when they navigate to the real-time energy generation section, then they should see the current energy production of their solar panels displayed in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
Energy production values update in real-time
Given that the user is viewing the real-time energy generation of their solar panels, when there is a change in energy production, then the displayed value should update in real-time without any delay.
User can track the performance of their solar panels
Given that the user has access to the Energy Analytics Dashboard and is viewing the real-time energy generation of their solar panels, when they compare the current energy production with historical data, then they should be able to track the performance and identify any significant changes or discrepancies.
User can identify potential issues with solar panel performance
Given that the user has access to the Energy Analytics Dashboard and is viewing the real-time energy generation of their solar panels, when they notice a sudden drop or inconsistent energy production, then they should consider it as a potential issue with solar panel performance and take necessary actions to investigate and resolve the issue.
Real-time energy generation is accurate
Given that the user is viewing the real-time energy generation of their solar panels, when they compare the displayed values with an independent energy monitoring system, then the values should match within an acceptable margin of error.
Energy Usage Analysis
User Story

As a residential user, I want to analyze my energy usage patterns using the Energy Analytics Dashboard so that I can identify opportunities for energy conservation and cost savings.


The Energy Analytics Dashboard should provide an energy usage analysis feature that allows residential users to analyze their energy consumption patterns. The dashboard should display the historical energy usage data in a visually appealing and intuitive format, such as graphs and charts. Users should be able to view their energy usage trends over specific time periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. This feature will enable users to identify peak energy usage times, understand their energy consumption patterns, and identify opportunities for energy conservation and cost savings.

Acceptance Criteria
User wants to view their energy usage trends over a specific time period
Given that the user has accessed the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user selects a specific time period from the dropdown menu, then the dashboard should display the energy usage trends for that time period in a graph or chart format.
User wants to identify peak energy usage times
Given that the user has accessed the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user views the energy usage trends, then the dashboard should clearly highlight the peak energy usage times, such as through a visual indicator or annotation on the graph or chart.
User wants to understand their energy consumption patterns
Given that the user has accessed the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user views the energy usage trends, then the dashboard should provide insights or analysis on the user's energy consumption patterns, such as through comparative data or recommendations.
User wants to identify opportunities for energy conservation and cost savings
Given that the user has accessed the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user views the energy usage trends, then the dashboard should highlight areas or periods of high energy consumption where the user can potentially take actions to conserve energy and achieve cost savings.
Energy Trading Transaction History
User Story

As a business owner, I want to view my energy trading transaction history on the Energy Analytics Dashboard so that I can track my past trades and make better trading decisions.


The Energy Analytics Dashboard should provide an energy trading transaction history feature that allows business owners to view their past energy trading transactions. The dashboard should display transaction details such as the date, time, quantity, and price of energy traded. Users should be able to filter and sort the transaction history based on various parameters, such as date range or energy trading partner. This feature will enable users to track their trading activities, analyze the performance of their trades, identify successful trading strategies, and make informed decisions for future energy trading.

Acceptance Criteria
View all energy trading transactions
Given that I am on the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when I navigate to the Energy Trading Transaction History section, then I should see a list of all my past energy trading transactions.
Filter transaction history by date range
Given that I am on the Energy Trading Transaction History section, when I select a specific date range using the date filter, then the transaction history should be filtered to show only the transactions within that date range.
Sort transaction history by transaction date
Given that I am on the Energy Trading Transaction History section, when I click on the 'Transaction Date' header in the transaction history table, then the transaction history should be sorted in ascending order based on the transaction date.
Sort transaction history by energy trading partner
Given that I am on the Energy Trading Transaction History section, when I click on the 'Energy Trading Partner' header in the transaction history table, then the transaction history should be sorted in alphabetical order based on the energy trading partner name.
Environmental Impact Analysis
User Story

As an environmentally conscious user, I want to analyze the environmental impact of my energy consumption using the Energy Analytics Dashboard so that I can make sustainable decisions.


The Energy Analytics Dashboard should provide an environmental impact analysis feature that allows users to analyze the carbon footprint and environmental impact of their energy consumption. The dashboard should display the carbon emissions associated with their energy usage and provide insights on how to reduce their environmental impact. Users should be able to view the carbon emissions data in different formats, such as charts or comparative analysis. This feature will enable users to make sustainable decisions by understanding the environmental consequences of their energy consumption and taking actions to minimize their carbon footprint.

Acceptance Criteria
View carbon emissions data
Given that the user has access to the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user wants to view the carbon emissions data, then the dashboard should display the total carbon emissions associated with the user's energy consumption.
Display carbon emissions in different formats
Given that the user has access to the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user wants to view the carbon emissions data, then the dashboard should provide options to display the data in different formats, such as charts or comparative analysis.
Provide insights on reducing environmental impact
Given that the user has access to the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user views the carbon emissions data, then the dashboard should provide insights, recommendations, or suggestions on how to reduce their environmental impact and minimize their carbon footprint.
Ensure accuracy of carbon emissions data
Given that the user has access to the Energy Analytics Dashboard, when the user views the carbon emissions data, then the dashboard should provide accurate and up-to-date information on the carbon emissions associated with the user's energy consumption.
Customizable Dashboard Widgets
User Story

As a user, I want to customize the Energy Analytics Dashboard by adding, rearranging, or removing widgets so that I can tailor the dashboard to my specific needs and preferences.


The Energy Analytics Dashboard should provide customizable widgets that allow users to personalize the dashboard according to their specific needs and preferences. Users should be able to add, rearrange, or remove widgets based on their priorities. The widgets can include components such as energy generation, usage, trading, cost savings, environmental impact, and any other relevant metrics. This feature will enable users to create a dashboard layout that suits their requirements, focus on the metrics that are most important to them, and improve their overall user experience.

Acceptance Criteria
User adds a new widget to the dashboard
Given that the Energy Analytics Dashboard is open and accessible, when the user clicks on the 'Add Widget' button, then the user should see a list of available widgets to choose from.
User rearranges the position of a widget on the dashboard
Given that the Energy Analytics Dashboard is open and accessible, when the user clicks and drags a widget to a new position on the dashboard, then the widget should be repositioned accordingly.
User removes a widget from the dashboard
Given that the Energy Analytics Dashboard is open and accessible, when the user clicks on the 'Remove Widget' button for a specific widget, then the widget should be removed from the dashboard.
User saves the customized dashboard layout
Given that the Energy Analytics Dashboard is open and accessible, when the user finishes customizing the dashboard layout, then the user should be able to save the changes and have the customized layout persist across sessions.
User resets the dashboard to default layout
Given that the Energy Analytics Dashboard is open and accessible, when the user clicks on the 'Reset Layout' button, then the dashboard should be reset to the default layout with all the default widgets.

Carbon Footprint Measurement

The Carbon Footprint Measurement feature calculates and tracks the carbon footprint associated with the energy production and consumption of users on the Soluxy platform. By analyzing factors such as energy source, energy usage, and energy trading activities, the system provides an accurate estimation of the carbon emissions associated with the user's energy footprint. This feature raises awareness about the environmental impact of energy consumption and trading, encouraging users to reduce their carbon footprint and make more sustainable choices. The Carbon Footprint Measurement feature also enables users to offset their carbon emissions by participating in carbon offsetting programs or investing in renewable energy projects. Soluxy provides recommendations and resources to help users reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to global climate change mitigation efforts.


Real-time Carbon Footprint Calculation
User Story

As a user, I want to see real-time calculation of my carbon footprint so that I can monitor and reduce my environmental impact.


The Real-time Carbon Footprint Calculation requirement involves providing users with a real-time calculation of their carbon footprint. This calculation takes into account various factors such as energy source, energy usage, and energy trading activities. The system continuously analyzes the user's energy consumption and production data to provide an accurate estimation of their carbon emissions. This real-time calculation allows users to monitor their carbon footprint and track the effectiveness of their efforts to reduce it. By visualizing the carbon footprint data, users can easily understand the environmental impact of their energy-related activities and make informed decisions to minimize their carbon footprint.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the Soluxy dashboard
Given that the user has logged in to the Soluxy platform, when the user opens the dashboard, then the real-time carbon footprint calculation is displayed.
User updates their energy usage information
Given that the user has entered their latest energy usage information, when the user saves the changes, then the real-time carbon footprint calculation is updated based on the new information.
User trades energy on the platform
Given that the user has executed an energy trade on the platform, when the trade is successfully completed, then the real-time carbon footprint calculation is adjusted to reflect the impact of the trade.
User selects a specific time period
Given that the user selects a specific time period, when the user views the real-time carbon footprint calculation, then only the data from the selected time period is used for the calculation.
User receives real-time notifications
Given that the user has enabled notifications, when a significant change in the real-time carbon footprint calculation occurs, then the user receives a notification with the updated carbon footprint information.
Historical Carbon Footprint Tracking
User Story

As a user, I want to track my historical carbon footprint data so that I can analyze patterns and make more sustainable choices.


The Historical Carbon Footprint Tracking requirement enables users to track their historical carbon footprint data over time. By accessing their past carbon footprint records, users can analyze patterns and trends in their energy consumption and production. This historical data empowers users to identify areas of improvement and make more sustainable choices. Users can view their carbon footprint data in various formats such as graphs, charts, and tables, allowing for easier interpretation and analysis. With this feature, users can track their progress in reducing their carbon emissions and set goals for further carbon footprint reduction.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their carbon footprint data for a specific time period
Given that the user has historical carbon footprint data, when the user selects a specific time period, then the system displays the carbon footprint data for that time period.
User can view their carbon footprint data in a graphical format
Given that the user has historical carbon footprint data, when the user selects the graphical view option, then the system displays the carbon footprint data in a graphical format (e.g., line chart, bar chart).
User can view their carbon footprint data in a tabular format
Given that the user has historical carbon footprint data, when the user selects the tabular view option, then the system displays the carbon footprint data in a tabular format (e.g., table) with columns for date, carbon footprint value, and source of emissions.
User can track their progress in reducing carbon emissions
Given that the user has historical carbon footprint data, when the user compares the carbon footprint data of different time periods, then the system calculates and displays the percentage change in carbon emissions, indicating the progress in reducing carbon emissions.
User can set goals for further carbon footprint reduction
Given that the user has historical carbon footprint data, when the user sets a carbon emissions reduction goal, then the system tracks the user's progress towards the goal and provides visual feedback indicating the progress.
Carbon Footprint Comparison
User Story

As a user, I want to compare my carbon footprint with similar users so that I can gauge my environmental impact.


The Carbon Footprint Comparison requirement allows users to compare their carbon footprint with that of similar users. By comparing their carbon emissions with others in their region, energy source, or energy consumption category, users can gauge their environmental impact and understand how their carbon footprint compares to others. This feature provides valuable insights and motivates users to take action to reduce their carbon emissions. Users can view the comparison results in an easy-to-understand format, such as a leaderboard or a visual representation, to encourage healthy competition and drive positive environmental behaviors.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects the region for carbon footprint comparison
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Comparison page, when the user selects a specific region from the available options, then the system should display the carbon footprint comparison results for users in that region.
User selects the energy source for carbon footprint comparison
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Comparison page, when the user selects a specific energy source from the available options, then the system should display the carbon footprint comparison results for users with that energy source.
User selects the energy consumption category for carbon footprint comparison
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Comparison page, when the user selects a specific energy consumption category from the available options, then the system should display the carbon footprint comparison results for users in that consumption category.
User views the carbon footprint comparison results
Given that the user is on the Carbon Footprint Comparison page and has selected the desired comparison criteria, when the system fetches and displays the carbon footprint comparison results, then the results should be presented in a clear and visually appealing format, such as a leaderboard or a visual chart.
User is motivated to take action
Given that the user is viewing the carbon footprint comparison results, when the user sees that their carbon footprint is higher than others in the comparison, then the system should provide suggestions and resources for reducing carbon emissions, encouraging the user to take action.
Carbon Offset Options
User Story

As a user, I want access to carbon offset options so that I can offset my carbon emissions and contribute to sustainable initiatives.


The Carbon Offset Options requirement provides users with access to various carbon offset options. Users can explore and choose from a range of carbon offsetting programs and initiatives to offset their carbon emissions. These options may include investing in renewable energy projects, supporting reforestation efforts, or participating in verified carbon offset credits. The system provides information and recommendations on reputable carbon offset providers and initiatives. Users can easily navigate through the available options, understand the impact of their contribution, and make informed decisions to support sustainable initiatives. This feature empowers users to take active steps towards carbon neutrality and contributes to global climate change mitigation efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User can access the carbon offset options
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy platform, when the user navigates to the Carbon Footprint Measurement feature, then the user should be able to access the carbon offset options.
User can explore different carbon offset programs
Given that the user is on the carbon offset options page, when the user selects the 'Explore Programs' button, then the user should be presented with a list of different carbon offset programs to choose from.
User can view information about carbon offset programs
Given that the user is on the carbon offset programs page, when the user selects a specific program, then the user should be able to view detailed information about the program, including its purpose, impact, and accreditation.
User can select a carbon offset program
Given that the user is on the carbon offset programs page, when the user selects a specific program and clicks the 'Select' button, then the selected program should be added to the user's carbon offset portfolio.
User can track carbon offset contributions
Given that the user has selected carbon offset programs, when the user navigates to the carbon offset portfolio page, then the user should be able to track their carbon offset contributions, including the amount of emissions offset and the projects they have supported.
User can contribute to carbon offset initiatives
Given that the user has selected carbon offset programs, when the user clicks the 'Contribute' button on the carbon offset portfolio page, then the user should be able to make financial contributions to the selected carbon offset initiatives.
User can view their carbon offset impact
Given that the user has made carbon offset contributions, when the user navigates to the carbon offset impact page, then the user should be able to view their carbon offset impact in terms of reduced carbon emissions and supported sustainable initiatives.
User can access resources and recommendations
Given that the user is on the carbon offset options page, when the user clicks the 'Resources' button, then the user should be provided with a list of resources and recommendations to help them make informed decisions about carbon offsetting and sustainable initiatives.

Smart Energy Optimization

The Smart Energy Optimization feature utilizes advanced AI algorithms to optimize energy production and consumption based on real-time data. By analyzing factors such as weather forecasts, energy demand patterns, and available solar power, the system intelligently adjusts the energy distribution, ensuring optimal utilization of solar energy resources. This feature benefits both homeowners and businesses, as it maximizes energy efficiency, reduces energy costs, and minimizes reliance on traditional power grids. Users can access and control the energy optimization settings through the Soluxy platform, empowering them to make informed decisions and contribute to a more sustainable energy ecosystem.


Real-time Energy Usage Monitoring
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to monitor my energy usage in real-time, so that I can make adjustments and optimize my energy consumption.


The Real-time Energy Usage Monitoring requirement allows homeowners to monitor their energy usage in real-time. By providing instant feedback on energy consumption, homeowners can identify areas of high energy usage and make necessary adjustments to optimize their energy consumption. This feature helps homeowners in understanding their energy usage patterns and encourages them to adopt energy-saving practices. Real-time Energy Usage Monitoring is accessible through the Soluxy platform and provides visualizations, such as charts and graphs, to represent energy consumption data in an understandable format.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the Soluxy platform
Given that the user is registered and logged in, when the user opens the Soluxy platform, then they should be able to access the Real-time Energy Usage Monitoring feature.
User views the real-time energy consumption data
Given that the user is on the Real-time Energy Usage Monitoring page, when the page loads, then the user should be able to view their real-time energy consumption data.
User sees visualizations of energy consumption
Given that the user is viewing their real-time energy consumption data, when they scroll down the page, then they should be able to see visualizations such as charts or graphs that represent their energy consumption.
User can filter energy consumption data
Given that the user is viewing their real-time energy consumption data, when they interact with the filters, then they should be able to filter the data based on different time periods (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).
User receives notifications for high energy usage
Given that the user has set up energy usage thresholds, when their energy consumption exceeds these thresholds, then they should receive notifications alerting them of high energy usage.
User can access historical energy usage data
Given that the user is on the Real-time Energy Usage Monitoring page, when they navigate to the historical data section, then they should be able to access and view their historical energy usage data.
Automated Energy Distribution
User Story

As a business owner, I want the system to automatically distribute energy based on demand and availability, so that I can optimize energy utilization and minimize energy costs.


The Automated Energy Distribution requirement enables the system to automatically distribute energy based on demand and availability. Using AI algorithms and real-time data, the system analyzes energy demand patterns and available solar power to optimize energy distribution. This feature ensures that energy resources are utilized efficiently and minimizes reliance on the traditional power grid. By automating energy distribution, businesses can optimize energy utilization, reduce energy costs, and contribute to a more sustainable energy ecosystem. The Automated Energy Distribution feature is integrated into the Soluxy platform, providing businesses with control and visibility over the energy distribution process.

Acceptance Criteria
System optimizes energy distribution based on real-time energy demand and availability
Given a real-time energy demand and availability data, when the system receives the data, then it analyzes and optimizes the energy distribution.
System adjusts energy distribution to prioritize solar energy utilization
Given solar power availability and energy demand, when the system prioritizes solar energy utilization, then it adjusts the energy distribution accordingly.
System ensures smooth energy transition from solar power to traditional power grid during peak demand
Given a peak demand situation and insufficient solar power availability, when the system transitions from solar power to traditional power grid, then it does so smoothly to maintain uninterrupted energy supply.
Business owner can monitor and control the automated energy distribution through the Soluxy platform
Given access to the Soluxy platform, when the business owner monitors the automated energy distribution, then they can view energy distribution details and adjust settings if needed.
System provides real-time feedback on energy distribution optimization
Given automated energy distribution, when the system optimizes energy distribution, then it provides real-time feedback on the optimization process.
Weather Forecast Integration
User Story

As a user, I want the system to integrate weather forecasts, so that it can make informed decisions on energy optimization based on predicted weather conditions.


The Weather Forecast Integration requirement enhances the Smart Energy Optimization feature by integrating weather forecasts into the system. By analyzing predicted weather conditions, such as sunlight availability and temperature, the system can make informed decisions on energy optimization. For example, if a cloudy day is expected, the system can automatically adjust energy distribution to prioritize energy storage or reduce energy consumption. Weather Forecast Integration enhances the accuracy of energy optimization and ensures that energy resources are utilized efficiently based on current and future weather conditions. Users can access and view weather forecast data through the Soluxy platform, allowing them to understand the impact of weather on energy optimization decisions.

Acceptance Criteria
When the system receives the weather forecast data
Then the weather forecast data should be integrated into the energy optimization algorithm
Given a cloudy weather forecast
Then it should prioritize energy storage or reduce energy consumption
When the user accesses the Soluxy platform
Then the weather forecast data should be displayed
Given an inaccurate weather forecast
Then it should adjust its decisions based on real-time weather updates
When the user configures energy optimization settings
Then the system should consider weather forecast data as a factor
Optimal Charging for Electric Vehicles
User Story

As an electric vehicle owner, I want the system to optimize charging based on energy availability and cost, so that I can efficiently charge my vehicle and minimize charging expenses.


The Optimal Charging for Electric Vehicles requirement focuses on optimizing the charging process for electric vehicles. By considering factors such as energy availability, cost, and vehicle charging preferences, the system determines the most efficient charging strategy. For example, the system can schedule vehicle charging during times of high solar power generation or when energy costs are lower, reducing overall charging expenses. This feature benefits electric vehicle owners by providing them with an optimized charging experience, minimizing charging costs, and maximizing the use of renewable energy resources. Users can manage their vehicle charging preferences and view charging history through the Soluxy platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Optimal charging during periods of high solar power generation
Given that there is high solar power generation and an electric vehicle is connected to the system, when the charging process is initiated, then the system should prioritize using solar power for charging the vehicle.
Optimal charging during periods of low energy costs
Given that the energy costs are low and an electric vehicle is connected to the system, when the charging process is initiated, then the system should schedule the charging to occur during the low-cost period to minimize charging expenses.
User-defined charging preferences
Given that the user has defined their preferred charging settings, when the charging process is initiated, then the system should follow the user-defined preferences for charging, such as charge rate, charging duration, or specific time slots.
Real-time energy availability
Given the real-time energy availability information, when the charging process is initiated, then the system should adjust the charging rate based on the available energy to prevent overloading the system or exceeding the capacity.
Charging history and statistics
Given that a charging session is completed, when the user views their charging history and statistics, then the Soluxy platform should provide detailed information about the charging duration, energy consumed, charging cost, and the percentage of solar energy used.
Alerts and Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive alerts and notifications regarding energy optimization recommendations, system updates, and potential issues, so that I can stay informed and take necessary actions.


The Alerts and Notifications requirement enables the system to send alerts and notifications to users. These notifications can include energy optimization recommendations, system updates, and potential issues that require attention. For example, users can receive notifications regarding high energy consumption during specific periods or recommendations on adjusting energy usage to optimize energy efficiency. Alerts and Notifications help users stay informed about their energy consumption, receive important updates about the system, and take necessary actions to maximize energy optimization. Users can customize their notification preferences, such as receiving alerts through email or mobile notifications, within the Soluxy platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives an alert for high energy consumption during peak hours
Given that the user has enabled energy consumption alerts And the system detects high energy consumption during peak hours When the peak hours occur Then the user should receive an alert
User receives a notification for a system update
Given that the user has enabled system update notifications And a system update is available When the system update is released Then the user should receive a notification
User receives a notification for a potential issue
Given that the user has enabled notifications for potential issues And a potential issue is detected in the system When the potential issue occurs Then the user should receive a notification
User can customize their notification preferences
Given that the user wants to customize their notification preferences And the user accesses the notification settings in the Soluxy platform When the user modifies their notification preferences Then the changes should be saved and applied to future notifications

Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

The Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading feature allows solar panel owners to directly sell their excess energy to other users on the Soluxy platform. Through a secure and transparent blockchain-based system, consumers can purchase energy from neighboring solar producers at competitive prices. This feature encourages localized energy trading, enabling homeowners and businesses to support each other and foster a sense of community resilience. By eliminating the need for intermediaries and traditional energy providers, the Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading feature promotes renewable energy adoption, reduces energy costs, and enhances energy independence.


Real-time Energy Trading
User Story

As a solar panel owner, I want to instantly trade my excess energy with other users, so that I can optimize the utilization of my solar panels and earn additional income.


The Real-time Energy Trading requirement enables solar panel owners to engage in immediate energy trading with other users on the Soluxy platform. By leveraging blockchain technology and smart contracts, this feature facilitates seamless and secure peer-to-peer transactions, eliminating the need for intermediaries or delays. Solar panel owners can list their excess energy availability, set their preferred selling price, and connect with potential buyers in real-time. This enables them to optimize the utilization of their solar panels by monetizing their surplus energy and earning additional income. Users can track their energy trading activities, view historical data, and receive real-time notifications regarding successful transactions. This requirement enhances the efficiency and convenience of energy trading, empowering solar panel owners to maximize the benefits of their renewable energy generation.

Acceptance Criteria
Solar panel owner can list their excess energy availability
Given a solar panel owner has excess energy, when they list their available energy on the Soluxy platform, then their energy availability is displayed on the platform.
Solar panel owner can set their preferred selling price
Given a solar panel owner has excess energy listed on the Soluxy platform, when they set their preferred selling price, then the price is displayed with the energy listing.
Solar panel owner can connect with potential buyers in real-time
Given a solar panel owner has excess energy listed on the Soluxy platform, when they connect with potential buyers, then they receive real-time notifications for any inquiries or trading requests.
Buyers can view available energy listings
Given a buyer is using the Soluxy platform, when they search for energy listings, then they can view the available energy listings from solar panel owners.
Buyers can make energy purchase requests
Given a buyer has selected an energy listing, when they make a purchase request, then the request is sent to the respective solar panel owner for further processing.
Successful energy trading transactions are recorded
Given an energy trading transaction is successfully completed between a solar panel owner and a buyer, when the transaction is processed, then the details are recorded in the transaction history.
Users can track their energy trading activities
Given a user is using the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to their account dashboard, then they can access a section to view and track their energy trading activities.
Users can view historical data of energy trading
Given a user is viewing their energy trading activities, when they access the historical data section, then they can view past energy trading transactions and related details.
Notification sent to solar panel owner for successful transaction
Given a solar panel owner has completed an energy trading transaction, when the transaction is successfully processed, then the solar panel owner receives a notification confirming the successful transaction.
Energy Credit Management
User Story

As a consumer buying energy from other users, I want to manage my energy credits efficiently, so that I can have transparency and control over my energy transactions.


The Energy Credit Management requirement provides consumers with a comprehensive system to manage their energy credits in a transparent and efficient manner. When purchasing energy from other users through peer-to-peer trading, consumers receive energy credits that represent the amount of energy bought. This feature enables users to track and monitor their energy credit balance, view transaction history, and allocate credits to their energy consumption. Users can set credit thresholds to receive automatic notifications and alerts when their balance is running low. Additionally, they can transfer or sell their energy credits to other users on the platform. This requirement ensures transparency and control over energy transactions, allowing consumers to effectively manage their energy usage and optimize their expenses.

Acceptance Criteria
Viewing Energy Credit Balance
Given that I am a consumer on the Soluxy platform, when I navigate to the Energy Credit Management section, then I should be able to view my current energy credit balance.
Tracking Transaction History
Given that I am a consumer on the Soluxy platform, when I navigate to the Energy Credit Management section, then I should be able to access a transaction history that displays all my energy credit transactions.
Allocating Energy Credits
Given that I am a consumer on the Soluxy platform and I have energy credits, when I navigate to the Energy Credit Management section, then I should be able to allocate my energy credits to my energy consumption.
Setting Credit Thresholds
Given that I am a consumer on the Soluxy platform, when I navigate to the Energy Credit Management section, then I should be able to set credit thresholds to receive automatic notifications and alerts when my energy credit balance is running low.
Transferring Energy Credits
Given that I am a consumer on the Soluxy platform and I have energy credits, when I navigate to the Energy Credit Management section, then I should be able to transfer my energy credits to other users on the platform.
Selling Energy Credits
Given that I am a consumer on the Soluxy platform and I have energy credits, when I navigate to the Energy Credit Management section, then I should be able to sell my energy credits to other users on the platform.
Smart Energy Pricing
User Story

As a user participating in peer-to-peer energy trading, I want to have dynamic and competitive pricing options, so that I can choose the most favorable energy rates based on my needs and preferences.


The Smart Energy Pricing requirement introduces dynamic and competitive pricing options for users participating in peer-to-peer energy trading. This feature leverages real-time market data, energy supply and demand trends, and user preferences to establish pricing mechanisms that reflect the current market conditions. Solar panel owners can set their selling prices based on factors such as time of day, energy demand, and their own cost of production. Consumers can choose from multiple energy offers and compare prices to find the most favorable rates. This requirement enhances pricing flexibility, encourages fair competition, and enables users to make informed decisions when buying or selling energy. By providing users with a transparent and competitive pricing environment, the Smart Energy Pricing requirement enhances the overall user experience and fosters an efficient energy marketplace.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view real-time energy prices
Given a user is logged into the Soluxy platform, When the user navigates to the energy trading section, Then the user should be able to view real-time energy prices
Solar panel owners can set their selling prices
Given a solar panel owner is logged into the Soluxy platform, When the owner accesses the pricing settings, Then the owner should be able to set their selling prices based on the desired factors
Consumers can compare energy prices
Given a consumer is logged into the Soluxy platform, When the consumer explores available energy offers, Then the consumer should be able to compare the prices of different offers
Pricing mechanisms reflect real-time market conditions
Given real-time market data and energy supply and demand trends are available, When the pricing mechanisms are calculated, Then the pricing should accurately reflect the current market conditions
Pricing factors include time of day and energy demand
Given the pricing settings include time of day and energy demand as factors, When the pricing calculation is performed, Then the pricing should consider these factors to determine the final price
Users receive notifications for favorable energy rates
Given a user has set notification preferences, When a new energy offer with a favorable rate is available, Then the user should receive a notification
Pricing environment is transparent and competitive
Given the energy trading platform is designed with transparency and competition in mind, When users interact with the platform, Then they should be able to access clear information about pricing and have the ability to participate in fair competition
Pricing calculations are consistent across the platform
Given the pricing calculation algorithm is defined, When pricing is calculated for different users and scenarios, Then the results should be consistent and follow the defined algorithm
Pricing settings are easy to understand and adjust
Given a user accesses the pricing settings, When adjusting the pricing parameters, Then the user should find the settings easy to understand and make adjustments accordingly
Energy Trading Analytics
User Story

As a platform administrator, I want to have access to comprehensive analytics on energy trading activities, so that I can gain insights, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the energy trading platform.


The Energy Trading Analytics requirement provides platform administrators with comprehensive analytics on energy trading activities. This feature captures and analyzes relevant data such as transaction volume, energy prices, user behavior, and market trends. Administrators can generate reports, visualize data through graphs and charts, and extract insights to understand the performance of the energy trading platform. By monitoring key metrics and identifying trends, administrators can make data-driven decisions to optimize the platform, enhance user engagement, and improve the overall efficiency of the peer-to-peer energy trading system. This requirement empowers administrators with the tools and information needed to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvements in the energy trading ecosystem.

Acceptance Criteria
Admin can generate a monthly energy trading report
Given that the admin is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they select the monthly energy trading report option, then a report containing the total energy traded, average energy prices, and top performing users should be generated.
Admin can visualize energy trading trends through graphs and charts
Given that the admin is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the energy trading analytics dashboard, then they should be able to view graphs and charts depicting energy trading trends such as transaction volume, energy prices over time, and user engagement.
Admin can filter and sort energy trading data
Given that the admin is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they access the energy trading analytics dashboard, then they should be able to apply filters and sorting options to the energy trading data based on parameters such as date, location, user type, and energy traded.
Admin can extract insights from energy trading data
Given that the admin is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they analyze the energy trading data, then they should be able to extract valuable insights such as peak trading hours, popular energy trading locations, and user preferences.
Admin can export energy trading data for further analysis
Given that the admin is logged into the Soluxy platform, when they want to perform in-depth analysis on the energy trading data, then they should be able to export the data in a compatible format such as CSV or Excel.
User Rating and Feedback
User Story

As a user participating in peer-to-peer energy trading, I want to rate and provide feedback on the energy trading experience, so that I can contribute to the platform's community-driven quality assurance system and provide valuable insights to other users.


The User Rating and Feedback requirement allows users participating in peer-to-peer energy trading to rate and provide feedback on their energy trading experience. After each successful transaction, users can rate the counterparty based on factors such as reliability, communication, and overall satisfaction. They can also leave comments or suggestions to share additional insights or highlight exceptional experiences. The ratings and feedback contribute to a community-driven quality assurance system, allowing users to make informed decisions when engaging in energy trading. Additionally, this requirement provides valuable feedback to platform administrators and solar panel owners, enabling them to improve their service quality, address user concerns, and maintain a positive reputation within the community. By promoting transparency and accountability, the User Rating and Feedback requirement enhances user trust, fosters a sense of community, and encourages continuous improvement within the peer-to-peer energy trading ecosystem.

Acceptance Criteria
User successfully rates the counterparty after a completed energy transaction
Given that the user has completed an energy transaction, when the user provides a rating for the counterparty, then the rating is recorded and associated with the transaction
User successfully provides feedback on the energy trading experience
Given that the user has completed an energy transaction, when the user provides feedback on the energy trading experience, then the feedback is recorded and associated with the transaction
User can view the average rating of a counterparty
Given that the user is viewing the information of a counterparty, when the user accesses the counterparty's profile or transaction history, then the average rating of the counterparty is displayed
User can view the feedback provided by other users
Given that the user is viewing the information of a counterparty, when the user accesses the counterparty's profile or transaction history, then the feedback provided by other users is displayed
User can filter and sort feedback based on different criteria
Given that the user is viewing feedback from other users, when the user applies filters or selects sorting options, then the feedback is displayed based on the selected criteria

Energy Usage Monitoring

The Energy Usage Monitoring feature provides users with real-time insights into their energy consumption patterns. By integrating with smart meters and energy monitoring devices, Soluxy collects and analyzes data to present users with detailed information about their energy usage at various intervals. This feature allows users to identify energy-draining activities, set energy-saving goals, and track their progress over time. With access to comprehensive energy usage data, users can take proactive steps to optimize their energy consumption and reduce waste, ultimately leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.


Real-Time Energy Usage Monitoring
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to monitor my energy usage in real-time so that I can make immediate adjustments to optimize my energy consumption.


The Real-Time Energy Usage Monitoring requirement enables homeowners to access and track their energy usage in real-time. By integrating with smart meters and energy monitoring devices, Soluxy collects and displays live data on energy consumption. Users can view their real-time energy usage through an intuitive dashboard, providing them with immediate insights into their energy consumption patterns. This feature empowers homeowners to identify energy-draining activities and make necessary adjustments to optimize their energy consumption on-the-go. Whether it's turning off unnecessary appliances or adjusting thermostat settings, users can take immediate action to reduce energy waste, leading to potential cost savings and environmental impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their real-time energy usage
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy app and has a connected energy monitoring device, when the user opens the 'Real-Time Energy Usage' dashboard, then the current energy usage data should be displayed accurately in real-time.
User can track their energy usage over time
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy app and has a connected energy monitoring device, when the user accesses the 'Energy Usage History' section, then a graph or chart displaying the user's energy usage over a specified time period should be shown.
User can set energy-saving goals
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy app and has a connected energy monitoring device, when the user navigates to the 'Energy Saving Goals' section, then they should be able to set specific energy-saving goals such as reducing energy consumption by a certain percentage or reaching a target energy usage level.
User receives notifications for high energy usage
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy app and has a connected energy monitoring device, when the user's energy usage exceeds a predetermined threshold, then a notification should be sent to the user's mobile device alerting them of the high energy usage.
User can identify energy-draining activities
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy app and has a connected energy monitoring device, when the user explores the 'Energy Usage Details' section, then a breakdown of energy consumption by specific appliances or activities should be displayed, allowing the user to identify energy-draining activities.
Historical Energy Usage Data
User Story

As a business owner, I want access to historical energy usage data so that I can analyze trends and patterns in my energy consumption over time.


The Historical Energy Usage Data requirement allows business owners to access and review their energy consumption data over a specific period. Soluxy stores and organizes historical energy usage data collected from smart meters and energy monitoring devices. Users can generate reports and charts, allowing them to analyze trends, identify peak energy usage periods, and detect any anomalies in their energy consumption patterns. This feature provides valuable insights for optimizing energy usage, identifying potential efficiency improvements, and making informed decisions about energy conservation strategies. Business owners can use this data to track progress, set energy-saving goals, and evaluate the effectiveness of their energy management initiatives.

Acceptance Criteria
Business owner wants to view historical energy usage data for a specific month
Given that the business owner has logged into the Soluxy platform, when they select a specific month from the date range selector, then they should be able to view the historical energy usage data for that particular month.
Business owner wants to generate a report of historical energy usage data for a specific period
Given that the business owner has logged into the Soluxy platform, when they specify a start and end date in the report generation form, then they should be able to generate a report of historical energy usage data for that specific period.
Business owner wants to compare energy consumption between two distinct periods
Given that the business owner has logged into the Soluxy platform, when they select two distinct periods from the date range selector, then they should be able to compare the energy consumption data between those two periods.
Business owner wants to identify peak energy usage periods
Given that the business owner has logged into the Soluxy platform, when they view the historical energy usage data, then they should be able to identify the peak energy usage periods based on the provided data.
Business owner wants to detect anomalies in energy consumption patterns
Given that the business owner has logged into the Soluxy platform, when they analyze the historical energy usage data, then they should be able to detect any anomalies or unusual patterns in their energy consumption.
Business owner wants to track progress towards energy-saving goals
Given that the business owner has set energy-saving goals within the Soluxy platform, when they review the historical energy usage data, then they should be able to track their progress towards those goals.
Energy Usage Notifications
User Story

As a busy professional, I want to receive notifications about my energy usage so that I can stay informed and take action if needed.


The Energy Usage Notifications requirement enables users to receive notifications about their energy consumption. Users can set customized thresholds for energy usage, and when the consumption exceeds or falls below these thresholds, they will receive automated notifications via email or mobile app. These notifications serve as timely reminders and alerts, allowing users to stay informed about their energy usage and take necessary actions if any anomalies or unusual patterns are detected. For example, if energy consumption suddenly spikes, the user will receive a notification, prompting them to investigate the cause and address any potential issues. By providing proactive monitoring and alerts, Soluxy empowers users to manage their energy usage effectively and prevent unnecessary waste or excessive costs.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a daily energy usage threshold
Given that the user has access to the Energy Usage Monitoring feature, when the user sets a daily energy usage threshold, then the system should store and save the threshold value for future reference.
Energy usage exceeds the set threshold
Given that the user has set a daily energy usage threshold, when the energy usage exceeds the set threshold, then the system should send a notification to the user via email or the mobile app with details about the exceeded threshold and the current energy consumption.
Energy usage falls below the set threshold
Given that the user has set a daily energy usage threshold, when the energy usage falls below the set threshold, then the system should send a notification to the user via email or the mobile app with details about the below threshold and the current energy consumption.
User receives energy usage notification on a daily basis
Given that the user has set a daily energy usage threshold, when a new day starts, then the system should automatically calculate the energy usage for the previous day and send a notification to the user via email or the mobile app with a summary of the energy usage for the day.
User can customize notification preferences
Given that the user wants to customize notification preferences, when the user accesses the settings, then the system should provide options for the user to choose the notification method (email or mobile app) and specify the frequency of notifications (daily or weekly).
User receives notifications in real-time
Given that the user has set a daily energy usage threshold and the monitoring system is active, when the energy usage exceeds or falls below the set threshold, then the user should receive a notification in real-time, without any significant delay.
Energy Usage Comparison
User Story

As a environmentally conscious user, I want to compare my energy usage with similar households or businesses in my area so that I can gauge my energy efficiency.


The Energy Usage Comparison requirement allows users to compare their energy consumption with other households or businesses in their area. Soluxy aggregates anonymized and aggregated energy usage data from multiple users to provide meaningful benchmarks and comparisons. Users can view charts and graphs that illustrate their energy usage compared to the average consumption of similar households or businesses. This feature empowers users to gain insights into their energy efficiency and identify areas of improvement. By comparing their energy usage with peers, users can set goals, track their progress, and make informed decisions about energy conservation measures. This not only helps individuals and businesses optimize their energy usage but also fosters a sense of community engagement and healthy competition towards sustainable energy practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User compares their energy usage with similar households
Given that the user has accessed the Energy Usage Comparison feature, when they select the option to compare their energy usage, then they should see a list of similar households in their area.
User views a chart comparing their energy usage
Given that the user has selected a specific household to compare with, when they view the chart comparing their energy usage, then they should see their energy consumption plotted against the average consumption of similar households.
User sets energy-saving goals based on comparison
Given that the user has reviewed the comparison of their energy usage, when they choose to set energy-saving goals, then they should be able to specify a target energy consumption level.
User tracks progress towards energy-saving goals
Given that the user has set energy-saving goals, when they track their progress, then they should be able to view their current energy consumption compared to their target consumption level.
User receives recommendations for energy conservation measures
Given that the user has reviewed the comparison of their energy usage, when they choose to receive recommendations for energy conservation measures, then they should be presented with personalized suggestions based on their energy consumption patterns.
Energy Usage Recommendations
User Story

As a busy parent, I want to receive personalized recommendations on how to reduce my energy usage so that I can save money and minimize my environmental impact.


The Energy Usage Recommendations requirement provides users with personalized recommendations on how to reduce their energy usage. Soluxy analyzes historical energy consumption data, user preferences, and external factors to suggest energy-saving strategies tailored to each user's unique circumstances. Users can receive recommendations through the Soluxy dashboard or via notifications. These recommendations can range from simple energy-saving tips, such as adjusting thermostat settings or using energy-efficient appliances, to more advanced suggestions, such as investing in renewable energy sources or upgrading insulation. By providing actionable recommendations, Soluxy empowers users to take proactive steps towards reducing their energy consumption, lowering utility bills, and minimizing their environmental impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User views personalized energy-saving recommendations
Given that the user has an active Soluxy account and is logged in, when the user navigates to the 'Energy Usage Recommendations' section, then they should be able to view personalized recommendations based on their energy usage data and preferences.
User receives notifications for energy-saving recommendations
Given that the user has opted-in to receive notifications, when Soluxy generates new energy-saving recommendations for the user, then the user should receive notifications containing the recommendations via their preferred communication channel (e.g., email, SMS).
Energy-saving recommendations are customizable
Given that the user wants to customize their energy-saving recommendations, when the user accesses the 'Customize Recommendations' settings, then they should be able to configure their preferences, such as setting specific energy-saving goals or excluding certain types of recommendations.
Recommendations are based on accurate and up-to-date data
Given that Soluxy collects energy consumption data from reliable sources and updates it regularly, when generating energy-saving recommendations, then the recommendations should be based on accurate and up-to-date data to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.
Recommendations cover a wide range of energy-saving strategies
Given that users have different energy consumption patterns and goals, when generating energy-saving recommendations, then Soluxy should provide a diverse range of strategies, including both simple and advanced techniques, to suit different user preferences and circumstances.

Carbon Offset Marketplace

The Carbon Offset Marketplace feature enables users to offset their carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits directly from renewable energy projects and sustainability initiatives. Through partnerships with verified carbon offset providers, Soluxy offers users a transparent and accessible platform to support environmental projects and neutralize their carbon footprint. Users can browse and choose from a wide range of carbon offset projects, empowering them to take action towards reducing their environmental impact. This feature not only contributes to the fight against climate change but also aligns with the mission of Soluxy in promoting sustainable living and responsible energy consumption.


Browse Carbon Offset Projects
User Story

As a user, I want to browse carbon offset projects so that I can choose the one that aligns with my values and preferences.


The Carbon Offset Marketplace should provide users with a comprehensive list of carbon offset projects available for purchase. Users should be able to view details of each project, such as the type of project, location, and the environmental impact it addresses. This allows users to make an informed decision when selecting a carbon offset project that aligns with their values and preferences. The browsing experience should be intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate through the list, search for specific projects, and filter projects based on criteria such as project type, location, and certification standards. Users should also have access to information about the verified carbon offset providers associated with each project, ensuring transparency and reliability.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Carbon Offset Marketplace
Given that the user is on the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the Carbon Offset Marketplace, then they should see a list of carbon offset projects.
User views details of a project
Given that the user is on the Carbon Offset Marketplace, when they click on a specific project, then they should see detailed information about the project, including the type of project, location, and the environmental impact it addresses.
User searches for specific projects
Given that the user is on the Carbon Offset Marketplace, when they enter specific keywords or criteria in the search bar, then the platform should display relevant carbon offset projects that match the search.
User filters projects based on criteria
Given that the user is on the Carbon Offset Marketplace, when they apply filters such as project type, location, or certification standards, then the platform should display only the projects that meet the selected criteria.
User views verified carbon offset providers
Given that the user is viewing a carbon offset project, when they scroll or navigate to the project details section, then they should see information about the verified carbon offset provider associated with that project.
Purchase Carbon Credits
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to purchase carbon credits so that I can offset my carbon emissions.


The Carbon Offset Marketplace should provide users with a seamless and secure process to purchase carbon credits. Users should be able to select the desired carbon offset project and specify the quantity of carbon credits they wish to purchase. The marketplace should calculate the total cost based on the selected quantity and display it to the user. Users should have multiple payment options available to complete the transaction, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other relevant payment methods. The marketplace should ensure the security of users' payment information and provide a confirmation of the purchase once the transaction is completed successfully.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects a carbon offset project
Given that the user is on the Carbon Offset Marketplace page When the user selects a specific carbon offset project Then the selected project is highlighted or visually indicated
User specifies quantity of carbon credits
Given that the user has selected a carbon offset project When the user specifies the quantity of carbon credits to purchase Then the quantity is successfully recorded and displayed
Total cost is calculated correctly
Given that the user has specified the quantity of carbon credits When the user proceeds to the payment step Then the total cost is calculated based on the selected quantity and displayed accurately
Multiple payment options are available
Given that the user is on the payment step When the user is prompted to choose a payment method Then multiple payment options are presented, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other relevant methods
Payment information is securely processed
Given that the user has selected a payment method When the user enters their payment information Then the information is securely processed and encrypted to protect user privacy and financial data
Successful purchase confirmation
Given that the user has completed the payment process successfully When the transaction is confirmed Then the user receives a confirmation message or email that includes details of the purchased carbon credits
Track Carbon Offsets
User Story

As a user, I want to track and monitor the carbon offsets I have purchased so that I can stay informed about my environmental impact.


The Carbon Offset Marketplace should provide users with a tracking and monitoring feature to keep them updated on the carbon offsets they have purchased. Users should be able to access a personalized dashboard that displays their carbon offset history, including details such as the projects supported, the quantity of carbon credits purchased, and the corresponding environmental impact. The dashboard should provide visualizations and summaries to help users better understand their carbon offset achievements. Additionally, users should receive notifications or reminders at regular intervals to encourage them to continue their support for carbon offset projects and maintain their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the personalized dashboard
Given that the user is logged in to the Carbon Offset Marketplace, when the user navigates to the dashboard section, then the personalized dashboard should be displayed.
Dashboard displays carbon offset history
Given that the user is on the personalized dashboard, when the dashboard loads, then the user's carbon offset history should be displayed, showing details such as the projects supported, quantity of carbon credits purchased, and environmental impact.
Dashboard provides visualizations and summaries
Given that the user is on the personalized dashboard, when the dashboard loads, then visualizations and summaries should be displayed to help the user better understand their carbon offset achievements.
User receives notifications or reminders
Given that the user has purchased carbon offsets, when a specified time interval is reached, then the user should receive notifications or reminders to encourage continued support for carbon offset projects and maintaining their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint.
Integration with Personal Carbon Footprint Calculator
User Story

As a user, I want the Carbon Offset Marketplace to integrate with a personal carbon footprint calculator so that I can accurately offset my carbon emissions.


The Carbon Offset Marketplace should integrate seamlessly with a personal carbon footprint calculator feature within the Soluxy platform. This integration will allow users to accurately calculate their carbon emissions based on their daily activities and lifestyle choices. The calculated carbon footprint should be used as a reference for users when purchasing carbon credits through the marketplace. The integration should enable automatic synchronization between the carbon offset marketplace and the carbon footprint calculator, ensuring that users have up-to-date and accurate information about their carbon emissions. This integration not only enhances the user experience but also promotes transparency and accountability in carbon offsetting efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User calculates their carbon footprint using the carbon footprint calculator
Given that a user has access to the Carbon Offset Marketplace and the carbon footprint calculator feature, when the user enters their daily activities and lifestyle choices into the calculator, then the calculator accurately calculates the user's carbon emissions.
Carbon offset credits are recommended based on user's carbon footprint
Given that a user has calculated their carbon footprint using the carbon footprint calculator, when the user navigates to the Carbon Offset Marketplace, then the marketplace recommends carbon offset credits based on the user's calculated carbon emissions.
Automatic synchronization between carbon footprint calculator and carbon offset marketplace
Given that a user has calculated their carbon footprint using the carbon footprint calculator, when the user purchases carbon offset credits from the marketplace, then the calculator automatically updates the user's carbon footprint by deducting the offset amount.
Real-time updating of carbon footprint
Given that a user has performed activities that affect their carbon footprint, when the user accesses the carbon footprint calculator, then the calculator displays the most up-to-date carbon emissions based on the latest activity data.
Transparent display of carbon offset credits
Given that a user is browsing the Carbon Offset Marketplace, when the user selects a specific carbon offset project, then the marketplace provides clear and detailed information about the project's environmental impact and verification process.
Verified Carbon Offset Providers
User Story

As a user, I want to have confidence in the carbon offset projects offered on the marketplace, so I want assurance that the providers are verified and trustworthy.


The Carbon Offset Marketplace should partner with verified and trustworthy carbon offset providers to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the carbon offset projects offered. The marketplace should conduct a thorough vetting process of the potential providers, verifying their credentials, certifications, and adherence to recognized standards and methodologies. The marketplace should display relevant information about each provider, such as their accreditation, track record, and any certifications they have obtained. The transparency in showcasing the verified carbon offset providers will instill confidence in users when selecting and purchasing carbon credits, strengthening the credibility and integrity of the Carbon Offset Marketplace.

Acceptance Criteria
Displaying verified carbon offset providers
Given that I am a user on the Carbon Offset Marketplace, When I browse the list of carbon offset providers, Then I should see a distinct marker or badge indicating that the provider is verified.
Accessing provider information
Given that I am a user on the Carbon Offset Marketplace, When I click on a carbon offset provider, Then I should be able to access detailed information about the provider, including their accreditation, track record, and certifications.
Vetting process
Given that I am an admin of the Carbon Offset Marketplace, When I evaluate a carbon offset provider for partnership, Then I should verify their credentials, certifications, and adherence to recognized standards and methodologies before onboarding them.
Displaying provider credentials
Given that I am a user on the Carbon Offset Marketplace, When I view the information of a carbon offset provider, Then I should see their credentials, certifications, and any relevant accreditations prominently displayed.
Provider selection criteria
Given that I am an admin of the Carbon Offset Marketplace, When I assess the suitability of a carbon offset provider, Then I should consider their accreditation, track record, and adherence to recognized standards and methodologies.

Energy Forecasting

The Energy Forecasting feature leverages AI-powered predictive algorithms to forecast energy production and consumption patterns. By analyzing historical data, weather forecasts, and market trends, the system accurately predicts energy supply and demand, helping users make informed decisions about energy usage and trading. This feature provides valuable insights for homeowners, businesses, and energy providers, enabling them to optimize energy production, plan for peak demand periods, and manage energy resources efficiently. With precise energy forecasting, users can avoid energy shortages, maximize profitability, and contribute to a more stable and reliable energy grid.


Real-Time Energy Forecasting
User Story

As an energy provider, I want to access real-time energy forecasting to optimize my energy production and efficiently meet the demand.


The Real-Time Energy Forecasting requirement allows energy providers to access accurate and up-to-date energy forecasting data in real-time. By leveraging advanced AI algorithms and integrating with data sources such as weather forecasts and market trends, the system provides energy providers with precise predictions of energy supply and demand. This enables them to optimize their energy production and efficiently meet the demand, avoiding energy shortages or overproduction. With real-time energy forecasting, energy providers can make informed decisions and adjust their production strategies based on the current market conditions. This requirement provides energy providers with a powerful tool to enhance their operational efficiency, maximize profitability, and ensure a stable and reliable energy supply for their customers.

Acceptance Criteria
Energy provider can access real-time energy forecasting data
Given that the energy provider has access to the Soluxy platform and is logged in, when they navigate to the Energy Forecasting section, then they should be able to view real-time energy forecasting data.
Real-time energy forecasting data is accurate and up-to-date
Given that the Soluxy platform is integrated with reliable data sources such as weather forecasts and market trends, when the energy provider accesses the real-time energy forecasting data, then it should be accurate and reflect the current supply and demand conditions.
Real-time energy forecasting enables optimization of energy production
Given that the energy provider has access to real-time energy forecasting data, when they analyze the data and make adjustments to their energy production strategies based on the forecasted demand, then they should be able to optimize their energy production and efficiently meet the demand.
Real-time energy forecasting helps in avoiding energy shortages and overproduction
Given that the energy provider has access to real-time energy forecasting data, when they proactively monitor the forecasted demand and adjust their production levels accordingly, then they should be able to avoid energy shortages and overproduction, ensuring a reliable energy supply.
Real-time energy forecasting enhances operational efficiency
Given that the energy provider has access to real-time energy forecasting data, when they use the data to plan and optimize their energy production schedule, then they should be able to improve their operational efficiency and minimize production inefficiencies.
Real-time energy forecasting supports informed decision-making
Given that the energy provider has access to real-time energy forecasting data, when they analyze the forecasted data and use it to make informed decisions about energy production and trading, then they should be able to maximize profitability and adapt to changing market conditions.
Demand Response Integration
User Story

As a homeowner, I want the Energy Forecasting feature to integrate with demand response programs so that I can participate in energy saving initiatives.


The Demand Response Integration requirement enables the Energy Forecasting feature to integrate seamlessly with demand response programs. Demand response programs involve incentivizing consumers to reduce their energy consumption during peak demand periods in exchange for financial incentives or other rewards. By integrating with these programs, the Energy Forecasting feature empowers homeowners to actively participate in energy saving initiatives. When the system predicts a peak demand period, it provides homeowners with personalized recommendations to reduce their energy usage. This could include suggestions such as adjusting thermostats, shifting energy-intensive tasks to off-peak hours, or temporarily reducing non-essential appliances. By participating in demand response initiatives, homeowners can contribute to grid stability, reduce their energy costs, and promote sustainable energy consumption.

Acceptance Criteria
Energy Trading Integration
User Story

As a business owner, I want the Energy Forecasting feature to integrate with energy trading platforms so that I can make informed decisions about energy trading and optimize my energy sourcing strategy.


The Energy Trading Integration requirement enables the Energy Forecasting feature to seamlessly integrate with energy trading platforms. By connecting with these platforms, business owners can access real-time energy forecasting data to make informed decisions about energy trading. The system provides accurate predictions of energy supply and demand, helping business owners optimize their energy sourcing strategy. Based on the forecasted data, business owners can determine the best time to buy or sell energy, ensuring they take advantage of favorable market conditions. This requirement empowers business owners to optimize their energy costs, maximize profitability, and contribute to a more efficient energy market.

Acceptance Criteria
Business owner can seamlessly connect the Energy Forecasting feature with energy trading platforms
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is enabled and the business owner has valid credentials for the energy trading platform, when the business owner initiates the integration process between the Energy Forecasting feature and the energy trading platform, then the system successfully establishes a connection and authenticates the business owner's account.
Real-time energy forecasting data is accessible from the integrated energy trading platform
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is connected to an energy trading platform, when the energy trading platform provides real-time energy forecasting data, then the system successfully retrieves and displays the data in the Energy Forecasting feature.
Energy supply and demand predictions are accurate and up-to-date
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with an energy trading platform, when new energy supply and demand data is received from the platform, then the system updates the predictions in real-time and ensures that the forecasted data is accurate and up-to-date.
Energy trading decisions can be based on the integrated data
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is connected to an energy trading platform and real-time energy forecasting data is available, when the business owner accesses the integrated data, then the system provides a user-friendly interface that allows the business owner to analyze the data, make informed energy trading decisions, and create trading strategies.
Integration with multiple energy trading platforms is supported
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is designed to integrate with multiple energy trading platforms, when the business owner selects a different energy trading platform for integration, then the system allows the business owner to establish a connection with the selected platform, ensuring that the integration process is seamless and independent of other integrated platforms.
Energy Consumption Insights
User Story

As a homeowner, I want to access detailed insights about my energy consumption patterns to identify opportunities for energy savings.


The Energy Consumption Insights requirement provides homeowners with detailed insights about their energy consumption patterns. By analyzing historical data and real-time energy consumption data, the system generates personalized reports and visualizations that highlight energy usage trends. Homeowners can view their energy consumption patterns by day, week, month, or year, allowing them to identify opportunities for energy savings. The system also provides recommendations for energy-efficient behaviors and appliance upgrades based on the user's energy usage profile. With energy consumption insights, homeowners can make informed decisions about their energy usage, reduce their energy costs, and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Acceptance Criteria
View energy consumption by day
Given that I am a homeowner, when I access the Energy Consumption Insights, then I should be able to view my energy consumption patterns by day.
View energy consumption by week
Given that I am a homeowner, when I access the Energy Consumption Insights, then I should be able to view my energy consumption patterns by week.
View energy consumption by month
Given that I am a homeowner, when I access the Energy Consumption Insights, then I should be able to view my energy consumption patterns by month.
View energy consumption by year
Given that I am a homeowner, when I access the Energy Consumption Insights, then I should be able to view my energy consumption patterns by year.
Generate personalized energy consumption reports
Given that I am a homeowner, when I access the Energy Consumption Insights, then I should be able to generate personalized reports that highlight my energy usage trends.
Receive energy-saving recommendations based on consumption patterns
Given that I am a homeowner, when I access the Energy Consumption Insights, then I should receive recommendations for energy-efficient behaviors and appliance upgrades based on my energy usage profile.
Renewable Energy Integration
User Story

As an energy provider, I want the Energy Forecasting feature to integrate with renewable energy sources so that I can optimize the utilization of renewable energy.


The Renewable Energy Integration requirement enables the Energy Forecasting feature to integrate with renewable energy sources. By connecting with solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy generation systems, the system can accurately forecast the production and availability of renewable energy. This allows energy providers to optimize the utilization of renewable energy sources and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. The system provides real-time insights into the expected output of renewable energy sources, enabling energy providers to plan their energy production and distribution strategies accordingly. By integrating renewable energy forecasting with the overall energy forecasting capabilities, energy providers can maximize the utilization of clean energy resources, promote sustainability, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Acceptance Criteria
Integration with solar panel
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with a solar panel system, when the system analyzes historical data, weather forecasts, and market trends, then it accurately forecasts the production and availability of solar energy.
Integration with wind turbine
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with a wind turbine system, when the system analyzes historical data, weather forecasts, and market trends, then it accurately forecasts the production and availability of wind energy.
Real-time insights
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with renewable energy sources, when the system provides real-time insights into the expected output of renewable energy sources, then energy providers can make informed decisions about energy production and distribution strategies.
Optimization of renewable energy utilization
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with renewable energy sources, when the system accurately forecasts the production and availability of renewable energy and the system provides insights into energy demand and market conditions, then energy providers can optimize the utilization of renewable energy sources.
Reduction of fossil fuel reliance
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with renewable energy sources, when the system enables energy providers to forecast the availability of renewable energy and plan energy production strategies accordingly, then energy providers can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.
Promotion of sustainability
Given that the Energy Forecasting feature is integrated with renewable energy sources, when energy providers optimize the utilization of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, then the system contributes to the promotion of sustainability.
Energy Storage Optimization
User Story

As a business owner, I want the Energy Forecasting feature to optimize the utilization of energy storage systems to reduce peak demand charges and maximize energy savings.


The Energy Storage Optimization requirement empowers business owners to optimize the utilization of energy storage systems based on energy forecasting data. By analyzing the predicted energy supply and demand, the system determines the most efficient utilization of energy storage systems. During periods of low energy demand or excess energy production, the system enables the energy storage systems to store energy for later use, reducing the reliance on the grid and minimizing peak demand charges. During periods of high energy demand or limited energy production, the system intelligently manages the release of stored energy to meet the demand and avoid additional charges. By optimizing the utilization of energy storage systems, business owners can maximize their energy savings, reduce their reliance on the grid, and contribute to a more stable and efficient energy supply.

Acceptance Criteria
Energy storage system is utilized during low energy demand periods
Given that the energy demand is low, when the energy forecasting predicts excess energy production, then the system should enable the energy storage system to store the excess energy for later use
Energy storage system is utilized during limited energy production periods
Given that the energy production is limited, when the energy forecasting predicts high energy demand, then the system should intelligently manage the release of stored energy from the energy storage system to meet the demand
Peak demand charges are minimized
Given that the energy forecasting predicts peak demand periods, when the energy storage system is utilized to reduce the demand from the grid, then the system should effectively reduce the peak demand charges
Energy savings are maximized
Given that the energy forecasting predicts potential energy savings, when the energy storage system is optimally utilized, then the system should maximize the energy savings for the business owner
Reliance on the grid is reduced
Given that the energy forecasting predicts situations where stored energy can be used, when the energy storage system is effectively utilized, then the system should reduce the reliance on the grid for energy supply

Intelligent Energy Forecasting

Intelligent Energy Forecasting leverages advanced AI algorithms to predict energy production and consumption patterns. By analyzing historical data and real-time weather information, the system provides accurate forecasts of solar energy generation and demand. This feature enables users to proactively plan and optimize their energy trading activities, ensuring efficient utilization of solar power resources. With Intelligent Energy Forecasting, users can make informed decisions to maximize revenue generation and minimize wastage of excess energy.


Real-Time Energy Forecasting
User Story

As a user, I want to receive real-time energy forecasts so that I can make immediate decisions on energy trading.


The system should provide real-time energy forecasts by continuously analyzing live data and weather information. This feature enables users to have up-to-date information on energy generation and demand, allowing them to make immediate decisions on energy trading activities. Real-time energy forecasting helps users optimize their energy utilization and maximize revenue generation by identifying profitable trading opportunities and avoiding costly wastage of excess energy.

Acceptance Criteria
Receive real-time energy forecasts when logged in as a user
Given that I am logged in as a user, when I request a real-time energy forecast, then I should receive accurate and up-to-date information on energy generation and demand.
Display real-time energy forecasts in a user-friendly interface
Given that I have requested a real-time energy forecast, when I view the forecast in the interface, then it should be visually clear and easy to understand, with clear graphs, charts, and relevant data points.
Update the real-time energy forecast every few minutes
Given that I am viewing a real-time energy forecast, when the forecast updates, then the new information should be reflected immediately without any delay.
Ensure the accuracy and reliability of the real-time energy forecasts
Given that I am relying on the real-time energy forecasts for making immediate decisions on energy trading, when I compare the forecasted values with the actual energy generation and demand data, then the forecasted values should be highly accurate and reliable.
Handle unpredictable changes in energy generation and demand
Given that energy generation or demand suddenly changes, when the real-time energy forecast updates, then it should quickly and accurately adapt to these changes without any significant delay or error.
Granular Energy Consumption Analysis
User Story

As an energy trader, I want detailed insights into energy consumption patterns so that I can optimize my trading strategies.


The system should include granular energy consumption analysis that provides detailed insights into energy consumption patterns. This feature allows energy traders to understand the dynamics of energy demand, identify peak usage times, and adjust their trading strategies accordingly. By analyzing historical data and consumption patterns, users can optimize their energy trading activities to meet market demands efficiently and effectively.

Acceptance Criteria
Energy consumption analysis provides hourly usage data
Given a dataset of energy consumption data for a specific period, When the energy consumption analysis is performed, Then the system should provide hourly usage data.
Energy consumption analysis identifies peak usage times
Given a dataset of energy consumption data for a specific period, When the energy consumption analysis is performed, Then the system should identify peak usage times.
Energy consumption analysis provides insights into consumption patterns
Given a dataset of energy consumption data for a specific period, When the energy consumption analysis is performed, Then the system should provide insights into consumption patterns.
Energy consumption analysis enables adjustment of trading strategies
Given insights into energy consumption patterns, When energy traders adjust their trading strategies, Then the system should facilitate the adjustment.
Energy consumption analysis optimizes energy trading activities
Given insights into energy consumption patterns, When energy traders optimize their trading activities, Then the system should facilitate the optimization.
Localized Energy Generation Forecasts
User Story

As a solar power plant operator, I want localized energy generation forecasts so that I can plan my operations efficiently.


The system should provide localized energy generation forecasts based on the specific location of the solar power plant. This feature takes into account the geographical factors, such as latitude, longitude, and weather conditions, to accurately predict the energy generation potential of the solar power plant. By having localized energy generation forecasts, solar power plant operators can plan their operations effectively, optimize energy production, and ensure a consistent supply of solar power to the grid.

Acceptance Criteria
Generating energy forecast for a specific solar power plant location
Given the latitude and longitude of a solar power plant, when the system receives the current weather information, then it should generate an energy forecast specific to that location
Accurate energy generation prediction based on historical data
Given a solar power plant's historical energy production data, when the system analyzes this data along with current weather conditions, then it should provide an accurate energy generation forecast
Consideration of local weather factors in energy generation forecast
Given the latitude, longitude, and weather conditions of a solar power plant, when the system generates the energy forecast, then it should consider the local weather factors such as temperature, sunlight intensity, and cloud coverage
Comparison of forecasted energy generation with actual energy production
Given the energy generation forecast for a solar power plant, when the actual energy production is available, then the forecasted values should be compared with the actual energy production data to measure the accuracy of the forecast
Real-time updates of energy generation forecasts
Given the forecasted energy generation for a solar power plant, when there are changes in the local weather conditions, then the system should provide real-time updates to the energy generation forecast
Integration with Energy Storage Systems
User Story

As a user with energy storage systems, I want the intelligent energy forecasting to consider the availability and capacity of my energy storage systems.


The system should integrate with energy storage systems and consider the availability and capacity of these systems when providing energy forecasts. This feature allows users to optimize the utilization of energy storage by forecasting the available energy from storage and incorporating it into the overall energy trading strategies. By considering the energy storage systems, users can maximize the benefits of energy storage, minimize energy wastage, and improve the overall efficiency of energy trading activities.

Acceptance Criteria
Forecasting considers the availability of energy storage
Given that the energy storage system is available and has capacity, when the intelligent energy forecasting is performed, then the forecasted energy generation and consumption should consider the availability of energy stored in the storage system.
Forecasting incorporates energy storage capacity
Given that the energy storage system has a specific capacity, when the intelligent energy forecasting is performed, then the forecasted energy generation and consumption should take into account the available capacity of the energy storage system.
Optimization of energy trading activities with energy storage
Given that the energy storage system is integrated, when optimizing energy trading activities based on the intelligent energy forecasting, then the system should consider the energy storage availability and capacity to maximize the utilization of stored energy.
Minimization of energy wastage with energy storage
Given that the energy storage system is integrated, when optimizing energy trading activities based on the intelligent energy forecasting, then the system should minimize the wastage of excess energy by utilizing the energy storage system effectively.
Customizable Forecasting Parameters
User Story

As a user, I want the ability to customize the parameters used for energy forecasting to align with my specific requirements and business needs.


The system should allow users to customize the forecasting parameters based on their specific requirements and business needs. This feature provides flexibility in defining the time intervals, data sources, weather factors, and other parameters used for energy forecasting. By customizing the forecasting parameters, users can tailor the energy forecasts to align with their unique business goals and trading strategies, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of the forecasts.

Acceptance Criteria
User wants to set custom time intervals for energy forecasting
Given that the user has access to the customizable forecasting parameters, when the user selects a specific time interval for energy forecasting, then the system should generate accurate forecasts based on the selected time interval.
User wants to choose specific data sources for energy forecasting
Given that the user has access to the customizable forecasting parameters, when the user selects specific data sources for energy forecasting, then the system should use the selected data sources to generate accurate forecasts.
User wants to configure weather factors for energy forecasting
Given that the user has access to the customizable forecasting parameters, when the user configures weather factors for energy forecasting, then the system should consider the configured weather factors to generate accurate forecasts.
User wants to define custom parameters for energy forecasting
Given that the user has access to the customizable forecasting parameters, when the user defines custom parameters for energy forecasting, then the system should incorporate the custom parameters to generate accurate forecasts.
User wants to verify the impact of customized parameters on energy forecasts
Given that the user has access to the customizable forecasting parameters, when the user modifies the parameters and generates energy forecasts, then the user should be able to verify the impact of the customized parameters on the accuracy of the forecasts.

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic Pricing introduces a flexible pricing mechanism within the Soluxy ecosystem. This feature enables sellers to dynamically adjust the price of their surplus solar energy based on real-time market conditions, such as supply-demand dynamics and peak usage periods. Buyers benefit from this feature by accessing competitive pricing for solar energy, ensuring cost savings. Dynamic Pricing incentivizes users to trade surplus solar power when prices are favorable, creating a dynamic and responsive marketplace that optimizes energy trading opportunities for all participants.


Real-time Price Updates
User Story

As a solar energy buyer, I want to see real-time price updates so that I can make informed decisions about purchasing solar energy.


The system should provide real-time price updates for solar energy based on the current market conditions. This information should be displayed to the buyers, allowing them to compare prices and select the most cost-effective option. The real-time price updates should consider factors such as supply-demand dynamics, peak usage periods, and other market influences. This feature enhances the transparency and efficiency of the marketplace, enabling buyers to make informed decisions and maximize their cost savings.

Acceptance Criteria
Buyer opens the Soluxy app
Given that the buyer opens the Soluxy app on their device, when they navigate to the Dynamic Pricing section, then they should see the real-time price updates for solar energy.
Buyer compares prices
Given that the buyer is viewing the real-time price updates for solar energy, when they compare the prices of different sellers, then they should be able to identify the most cost-effective option.
Price updates based on market conditions
Given that there are changes in the market conditions (e.g., supply-demand dynamics, peak usage periods), when the system receives the updated information, then it should dynamically adjust the real-time price updates for solar energy.
Price updates are timely
Given that the market conditions change (e.g., supply-demand dynamics, peak usage periods), when the system receives the updated information, then it should provide the real-time price updates in a timely manner to the buyers.
Price updates are accurate
Given that the real-time price updates for solar energy are displayed to the buyers, when they make a transaction based on the displayed price, then the actual price charged should match the displayed price.
Dynamic Pricing Algorithm
User Story

As a seller of solar energy, I want a dynamic pricing algorithm that automatically adjusts the price based on market conditions, so that I can optimize my revenue.


The dynamic pricing feature should include an algorithm that automatically adjusts the price of surplus solar energy based on real-time market conditions. The algorithm should consider factors such as supply-demand dynamics, peak usage periods, and other market influences to determine the optimal price for the energy. This automated process eliminates the need for manual price adjustments by the sellers, saving time and ensuring that the pricing is always competitive. The dynamic pricing algorithm enables sellers to optimize their revenue by responding to market fluctuations and demand patterns.

Acceptance Criteria
Seller adjusts the price based on real-time market conditions
Given that the seller has surplus solar energy and the market conditions change, when the dynamic pricing algorithm is triggered, then the price of the solar energy is automatically adjusted based on the updated market conditions.
Price adjustment considers supply-demand dynamics
Given that the market experiences changes in supply and demand, when the dynamic pricing algorithm is triggered, then the price of the solar energy is adjusted in response to the changes in supply-demand dynamics.
Price adjustment considers peak usage periods
Given that there are peak usage periods in the market, when the dynamic pricing algorithm is triggered, then the price of the solar energy is adjusted to reflect the increased demand during peak usage periods.
Price adjustment considers other market influences
Given that there are other market influences such as regulatory changes or renewable energy incentives, when the dynamic pricing algorithm is triggered, then the price of the solar energy is adjusted to account for these influences.
Automated process eliminates manual price adjustments
Given that the dynamic pricing algorithm is implemented, when the market conditions change, then the price of the solar energy is automatically adjusted without the need for manual intervention by the seller.
Optimizes revenue by responding to market fluctuations
Given that the dynamic pricing algorithm is in place, when the market experiences fluctuations, then the price of the solar energy is adjusted to maximize revenue for the seller.
Price Alert Notifications
User Story

As a solar energy buyer, I want to receive price alert notifications so that I can take advantage of favorable pricing opportunities.


The system should provide price alert notifications to the buyers when there are favorable pricing opportunities for solar energy. Buyers can set their preferences for price thresholds, and they will receive notifications when the price falls below their specified threshold. This feature enables buyers to stay informed about price fluctuations and take advantage of cost-saving opportunities. Price alert notifications enhance the user experience by empowering buyers to make timely energy purchase decisions and maximize their savings.

Acceptance Criteria
Buyer sets a price threshold
Given that the buyer has access to the price alert settings, when the buyer sets a price threshold for solar energy, then the threshold is saved in the system.
Price falls below buyer's threshold
Given that the price of solar energy falls below the buyer's specified threshold, when the system detects this price change, then the buyer receives a price alert notification.
Price remains above buyer's threshold
Given that the price of solar energy remains above the buyer's specified threshold, when the system checks for price changes, then no price alert notification is sent to the buyer.
Multiple price alert notifications
Given that the price falls below the buyer's threshold multiple times, when each price change is detected by the system, then the buyer receives a separate price alert notification for each instance.
Buyer changes price threshold
Given that the buyer has previously set a price threshold, when the buyer updates the threshold to a new value, then the system saves the new threshold and uses it to determine whether to send price alert notifications.
Historical Price Data
User Story

As a solar energy trader, I want access to historical price data so that I can analyze pricing trends and make informed trading decisions.


The system should store and provide access to historical price data for solar energy within the Soluxy ecosystem. Users, especially solar energy traders, can analyze the pricing trends over time and make informed trading decisions based on historical data. The historical price data should include details such as date, time, pricing, and market conditions. This feature enables users to gain insights into market patterns, identify trading opportunities, and optimize their energy trading strategies.

Acceptance Criteria
User can access historical price data
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy system, when the user navigates to the Historical Price Data section, then they should be able to access the historical price data for solar energy within the Soluxy ecosystem.
Historical price data includes relevant details
Given that the user is viewing the historical price data, when they view a specific entry, then it should include details such as the date, time, pricing, and market conditions of the solar energy pricing.
Historical price data is stored and maintained accurately
Given that the system receives real-time solar energy pricing data, when the data is stored in the Historical Price Data database, then it should be stored accurately and without any data loss or corruption.
User can search and filter historical price data
Given that the user is viewing the historical price data, when they search or filter the data based on specific criteria (e.g., date, time, pricing), then the system should provide accurate search results and filter the data accordingly.
Historical price data is displayed in a user-friendly format
Given that the user is viewing the historical price data, when they access the data, then it should be displayed in a user-friendly format (e.g., table, graph) that is easy to understand and analyze.
User can download historical price data
Given that the user is viewing the historical price data, when they choose to download the data, then the system should provide a download option that allows the user to download the data in a commonly used format (e.g., CSV, Excel).
Price Comparison Tool
User Story

As a solar energy buyer, I want a price comparison tool so that I can easily compare prices from different sellers and select the best option.


The system should provide a price comparison tool that allows buyers to compare prices for solar energy from different sellers within the Soluxy marketplace. The tool should display the prices, along with relevant details such as seller ratings, energy quality, and availability. Buyers can use this tool to easily evaluate and compare the pricing options, ensuring that they select the best option based on their preferences and requirements. The price comparison tool enhances the user experience by simplifying the decision-making process and helping buyers maximize their cost savings.

Acceptance Criteria
Buyer selects a category for price comparison
Given that the buyer is on the price comparison page, when the buyer selects a category from the dropdown menu, then the price comparison tool should filter the results and display prices only from sellers in the selected category.
Buyer views price details for a seller
Given that the buyer is on the price comparison page, when the buyer clicks on the 'View Details' button for a seller, then the price comparison tool should display detailed information about the seller, including ratings, energy quality, availability, and any additional information provided by the seller.
Buyer sorts the prices in ascending order
Given that the buyer is on the price comparison page, when the buyer clicks on the 'Sort Prices' button and selects the 'Ascending' option, then the price comparison tool should sort the prices in ascending order and display them accordingly.
Buyer filters the prices within a specific price range
Given that the buyer is on the price comparison page, when the buyer enters a minimum and maximum price range in the filter options and clicks on the 'Apply' button, then the price comparison tool should filter the prices based on the specified range and display only the prices within that range.
Buyer resets the price filters
Given that the buyer is on the price comparison page and has applied price filters, when the buyer clicks on the 'Reset Filters' button, then the price comparison tool should reset the price filters and display all prices available, without any filtering.

Energy Trading Wallet

The Energy Trading Wallet is a secure digital wallet that allows users to manage their funds and transactions within the Soluxy platform. This feature provides a convenient and transparent way for users to deposit, withdraw, and monitor their energy trading balances. Users can easily track their earnings, manage payments, and securely store their financial information. The Energy Trading Wallet ensures a seamless and secure financial experience for users, fostering trust and confidence in the Soluxy platform.


User Registration
User Story

As a new user, I want to be able to register for an Energy Trading Wallet so that I can start trading energy.


The user should be able to create a new account on the Soluxy platform in order to access and utilize the Energy Trading Wallet. The registration process should collect necessary personal information, such as name, email address, and password. Upon successful registration, the user should receive a confirmation email and be granted access to their Energy Trading Wallet.

Acceptance Criteria
User successfully registers with valid personal information
Given the user is on the registration page, When the user enters valid personal information and submits the registration form, Then the user should be successfully registered and redirected to the Energy Trading Wallet.
User fails to register with invalid personal information
Given the user is on the registration page, When the user enters invalid personal information and submits the registration form, Then an error message should be displayed indicating the validation errors.
User receives a confirmation email after successful registration
Given the user is successfully registered, When the registration process is completed, Then the user should receive a confirmation email with instructions to verify their account.
User is granted access to the Energy Trading Wallet after successful registration
Given the user is successfully registered, When the registration process is completed, Then the user should be granted access to their Energy Trading Wallet.
Wallet Balance Tracking
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to view my current balance in the Energy Trading Wallet so that I can keep track of my available funds.


The Energy Trading Wallet should provide a clear and up-to-date display of the user's current balance. This balance should be automatically updated based on transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and energy trades. The user should be able to view their balance at any time within the Soluxy platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the Energy Trading Wallet
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy platform and has access to the Energy Trading Wallet, when the user opens the wallet, then they should see their current balance displayed prominently.
User performs a deposit
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy platform and has access to the Energy Trading Wallet, when the user performs a deposit transaction, then the balance should be updated to reflect the deposited amount.
User performs a withdrawal
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy platform and has access to the Energy Trading Wallet with a positive balance, when the user performs a withdrawal transaction, then the balance should be updated to reflect the deducted amount.
User completes an energy trade
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy platform and has access to the Energy Trading Wallet with an initial balance, when the user completes an energy trade transaction, then the balance should be updated to reflect the profit or loss from the trade.
User views balance history
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy platform and has access to the Energy Trading Wallet, when the user views their balance history, then they should be able to see a chronological list of all balance updates and associated transactions.
User navigates to other sections of the Soluxy platform
Given that the user has logged into the Soluxy platform and has access to the Energy Trading Wallet, when the user navigates to other sections of the platform and then returns to the Wallet, then the balance should remain the same and be persisted across different sections.
Funds Deposits
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to deposit funds into my Energy Trading Wallet so that I can participate in energy trading.


The Energy Trading Wallet should allow users to deposit funds from their bank account or other supported payment methods into their wallet. The platform should provide a secure and convenient way to initiate fund deposits, with clear instructions and guidance throughout the process. Once a deposit is successfully completed, the user's wallet balance should be updated accordingly.

Acceptance Criteria
User initiates a fund deposit from their bank account
Given that the user has a sufficient balance in their bank account, when they choose to deposit funds into their Energy Trading Wallet using their bank account, then the transaction should be successfully processed and the wallet balance should be updated accordingly.
User initiates a fund deposit from a supported payment method
Given that the user has a sufficient balance in their supported payment method, when they choose to deposit funds into their Energy Trading Wallet using a supported payment method, then the transaction should be successfully processed and the wallet balance should be updated accordingly.
Insufficient funds in the user's bank account
Given that the user does not have a sufficient balance in their bank account, when they attempt to deposit funds into their Energy Trading Wallet using their bank account, then the transaction should be declined and an error message should be displayed to the user.
Insufficient funds in the user's supported payment method
Given that the user does not have a sufficient balance in their supported payment method, when they attempt to deposit funds into their Energy Trading Wallet using a supported payment method, then the transaction should be declined and an error message should be displayed to the user.
Clear instructions and guidance for fund deposit
Given that the user wants to deposit funds into their Energy Trading Wallet, when they navigate to the deposit section of the platform, then clear instructions and guidance should be provided to the user on how to initiate the deposit and complete the process.
Funds Withdrawals
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to withdraw funds from my Energy Trading Wallet so that I can access my earnings.


The Energy Trading Wallet should enable users to withdraw funds from their wallet to their bank account or other designated payout method. The withdrawal process should be straightforward and secure, with appropriate verification measures in place to ensure the user's identity and account security. Upon a successful withdrawal request, the funds should be transferred from the user's wallet to their designated payout account.

Acceptance Criteria
User initiates a funds withdrawal request
Given the user has sufficient funds in their Energy Trading Wallet When the user initiates a funds withdrawal request Then the system should process the withdrawal request
User selects a designated payout method
Given the user has initiated a funds withdrawal request When the user selects a designated payout method Then the system should prompt the user to enter the necessary payout details
User enters the necessary payout details
Given the user has selected a designated payout method When the user enters the necessary payout details Then the system should verify the information and proceed with the withdrawal process
User confirms the withdrawal request
Given the user has entered the necessary payout details When the user confirms the withdrawal request Then the system should initiate the funds transfer to the designated payout account
Withdrawal request is processed successfully
Given the user has initiated a funds withdrawal request When the withdrawal request is processed successfully Then the user's Energy Trading Wallet balance should be updated accordingly
Withdrawal request fails
Given the user has initiated a funds withdrawal request When the withdrawal request fails Then the system should display an appropriate error message to the user
Transaction History
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to view my transaction history in the Energy Trading Wallet so that I can track and monitor my past activities.


The Energy Trading Wallet should maintain a comprehensive transaction history for each user. This history should include details such as transaction type (e.g., deposit, withdrawal, energy trade), timestamps, amounts, and counterparties involved. Users should be able to access and review their transaction history within the Soluxy platform, providing transparency and accountability for all financial activities.

Acceptance Criteria
Viewing transaction history for the first time
Given that I have logged into the Energy Trading Wallet for the first time, When I navigate to the transaction history page, Then I should see an empty transaction history with a message indicating that no transactions have been made yet.
Viewing transaction history with transactions
Given that I have performed transactions in the Energy Trading Wallet, When I navigate to the transaction history page, Then I should see a list of all my past transactions, including the transaction type, timestamp, amount, and counterparties involved.
Sorting transaction history
Given that I am viewing the transaction history in the Energy Trading Wallet, When I click on the sorting option, Then the transaction history should be sorted based on the selected sorting criteria (e.g., by date, amount).
Filtering transaction history
Given that I am viewing the transaction history in the Energy Trading Wallet, When I apply a filter based on transaction type or timeframe, Then the transaction history should be filtered to show only the transactions that match the selected criteria.
Downloading transaction history
Given that I am viewing the transaction history in the Energy Trading Wallet, When I click on the download button, Then a file containing the transaction history should be downloaded to my device in a readable format (e.g., CSV, PDF).
Secure Authentication
User Story

As a user, I want to be confident that my Energy Trading Wallet is secure and protected from unauthorized access.


The Energy Trading Wallet should implement robust security measures to safeguard user accounts and financial information. This includes measures such as strong password requirements, multi-factor authentication options, and encryption of sensitive data. The platform should regularly monitor and update security protocols to ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User successfully creates an account
Given the user is on the registration page, When the user enters valid credentials and completes the registration process, Then the user should be redirected to the login page and receive a confirmation email
User fails to create an account due to invalid credentials
Given the user is on the registration page, When the user enters invalid credentials or misses required information, Then the user should see an error message and be prompted to correct the issues
User successfully logs into their account
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters valid credentials and clicks on the login button, Then the user should be redirected to their Energy Trading Wallet dashboard
User fails to log into their account due to incorrect credentials
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters incorrect credentials or misses required information, Then the user should see an error message and be prompted to correct the issues
User enables two-factor authentication
Given the user is logged into their account, When the user navigates to the account settings and enables two-factor authentication, Then the user should be prompted to complete the two-factor authentication setup process
User disables two-factor authentication
Given the user is logged into their account and has two-factor authentication enabled, When the user navigates to the account settings and disables two-factor authentication, Then the user should no longer be prompted to complete the two-factor authentication process
User receives a password reset email
Given the user has forgotten their password, When the user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link and enters their email address, Then the user should receive a password reset email with instructions on how to reset their password
User successfully resets their password
Given the user has received a password reset email and follows the provided instructions, When the user enters a new password and confirms it, Then the user should be able to log in using the new password
Balance Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive notifications when my Energy Trading Wallet balance reaches a certain threshold or when significant transactions occur.


The Energy Trading Wallet should provide users with the option to set up balance notifications. Users can configure their preferred notification threshold, and when the wallet balance reaches that threshold or significant transactions occur (e.g., large deposits or withdrawals), they will receive a notification via email or within the Soluxy platform. This feature helps users stay informed and take timely action.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a balance threshold of $100
Given that a user has an Energy Trading Wallet balance of $200, when the user sets a balance threshold of $100, then the user will receive a notification when the balance reaches $100.
User sets a balance threshold of $500
Given that a user has an Energy Trading Wallet balance of $800, when the user sets a balance threshold of $500, then the user will receive a notification when the balance reaches $500.
User sets a balance threshold of $1000
Given that a user has an Energy Trading Wallet balance of $1500, when the user sets a balance threshold of $1000, then the user will receive a notification when the balance reaches $1000.
User makes a deposit of $500
Given that a user has an Energy Trading Wallet balance of $200, when the user makes a deposit of $500, then the user will receive a notification about the significant transaction.
User withdraws $1000
Given that a user has an Energy Trading Wallet balance of $1500, when the user withdraws $1000, then the user will receive a notification about the significant transaction.
User sets a balance threshold and makes a deposit simultaneously
Given that a user has an Energy Trading Wallet balance of $200, when the user sets a balance threshold of $100 and makes a deposit of $500, then the user will receive a notification when the balance reaches $100 and a separate notification about the significant transaction.
Currency Conversion
User Story

As an international user, I want the Energy Trading Wallet to support currency conversions so that I can easily trade energy in different currencies.


The Energy Trading Wallet should support currency conversions to facilitate energy trading across different countries and regions. This feature allows users to easily convert their funds from one currency to another within the Soluxy platform, eliminating the need for manual conversions or third-party services. The currency conversion rates should be accurate and updated in real-time to reflect market rates.

Acceptance Criteria
User wants to convert funds from one currency to another
Given that the user has funds in their Energy Trading Wallet balance, when the user initiates a currency conversion, then the funds should be converted from the source currency to the target currency based on the current exchange rate.
User wants to view the currency conversion rates
Given that the user wants to view the currency conversion rates, when the user navigates to the currency conversion section, then the user should be able to see the current exchange rates for all supported currencies.
User wants to select the source currency for conversion
Given that the user wants to convert funds, when the user selects the source currency from the available options, then the selected currency should be set as the source currency for the conversion.
User wants to select the target currency for conversion
Given that the user wants to convert funds, when the user selects the target currency from the available options, then the selected currency should be set as the target currency for the conversion.
User wants to enter the amount to be converted
Given that the user wants to convert funds, when the user enters the amount to be converted, then the entered amount should be validated and used for the currency conversion.
User wants to confirm the currency conversion
Given that the user has entered the amount and selected the source and target currencies, when the user confirms the currency conversion, then the funds should be converted at the specified exchange rate and the converted amount should be displayed.
User wants to review and finalize the currency conversion
Given that the user has confirmed the currency conversion, when the user reviews the details of the conversion, then the user should be able to verify the source and target currencies, the exchange rate, and the converted amount before finalizing the conversion.
Mobile Accessibility
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to access my Energy Trading Wallet on my mobile device so that I can manage my funds on the go.


The Energy Trading Wallet should be accessible via a mobile application or a responsive mobile website. This allows users to conveniently access and manage their wallet from their smartphones or tablets. The mobile interface should provide a user-friendly experience, with intuitive navigation and responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the mobile application
Given that the user has installed the Soluxy mobile application, when the user opens the app, then the Energy Trading Wallet should be easily accessible from the main menu.
User accesses the Energy Trading Wallet
Given that the user is logged into the Soluxy mobile application, when the user navigates to the Energy Trading section, then they should be able to access their Energy Trading Wallet.
Responsive design on different screen sizes
Given that the user accesses the Energy Trading Wallet on a mobile device, when the user switches between portrait and landscape modes, then the interface should adapt to the screen orientation and maintain usability.
Intuitive navigation
Given that the user is using the Energy Trading Wallet on a mobile device, when the user interacts with the navigation elements, then the interface should provide clear and intuitive navigation, ensuring easy access to different sections and functionalities.
Accessibility features
Given that the user has accessibility needs, when using the Energy Trading Wallet on a mobile device, then the interface should support accessibility features, such as screen readers, color contrast adjustment, and font size customization.
Support for Multiple Wallets
User Story

As a user, I want to have the option to create and manage multiple Energy Trading Wallets so that I can separate my funds for different purposes.


The Energy Trading Wallet should allow users to create and manage multiple wallets within a single user account. This feature enables users to separate their funds for different purposes, such as personal energy trading, business energy trading, or specific projects. Users should be able to switch between wallets and perform transactions within each wallet independently.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new Energy Trading Wallet
Given that the user is logged into their Soluxy account, when they choose to create a new Energy Trading Wallet, then a new wallet is created and linked to their user account.
User can switch between multiple Energy Trading Wallets
Given that the user has multiple Energy Trading Wallets, when they select a different wallet from the wallet switcher, then the selected wallet becomes active, and the user can perform transactions within that wallet.
User can view the balance of each Energy Trading Wallet
Given that the user has multiple Energy Trading Wallets, when they view the wallet dashboard, then the balance of each wallet is displayed, allowing the user to monitor the funds in each wallet.
User can perform transactions within a specific Energy Trading Wallet
Given that the user has multiple Energy Trading Wallets, when they initiate a transaction, then the transaction is performed within the active wallet, and the respective balance is updated accordingly.
User can delete an Energy Trading Wallet
Given that the user has multiple Energy Trading Wallets, when they choose to delete a wallet, then the wallet is permanently removed from their user account, and the funds from that wallet are transferred to the user's default wallet or another designated wallet.

Green Energy Certification

Green Energy Certification enables the verification and certification of solar energy generated and traded within the Soluxy ecosystem. This feature ensures transparency and authenticity in the origin and production of renewable energy. Users can obtain official certificates for their solar energy production, enhancing credibility and facilitating compliance with renewable energy standards and regulations. Green Energy Certification promotes trust among buyers and sellers, encouraging greater adoption of renewable energy sources and contributing to a sustainable energy future.


Green Energy Verification
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to verify the authenticity of the green energy generated within the Soluxy ecosystem, so that I can trust the origin and production of renewable energy.


The Green Energy Verification requirement is aimed at providing users with a mechanism to easily verify the authenticity of the green energy generated and traded within the Soluxy ecosystem. This requirement enables users to check the origin and production of renewable energy, ensuring transparency and credibility. Users will be able to access detailed information about the source of the energy, such as the location of the solar panels, the capacity of the solar panels, and the timestamp of energy generation. This verification process enhances trust among users and encourages the adoption of renewable energy sources. The Green Energy Verification requirement will have a user-friendly interface that allows users to input a unique identifier, such as a QR code or a serial number, associated with the green energy certificate. Upon verification, users will receive information about the energy's origin and can cross-reference it with the official records. This requirement will be used by both energy buyers and sellers, ensuring that the energy traded within the Soluxy ecosystem meets renewable energy standards and regulations. The Green Energy Verification requirement benefits both individual users and the overall business by promoting trust and credibility in the renewable energy market.

Acceptance Criteria
User verifies green energy origin using a QR code
Given a user has a unique QR code associated with a green energy certificate, when the user scans the QR code, then the app retrieves and displays detailed information about the origin and production of the green energy.
User verifies green energy origin using a serial number
Given a user has a unique serial number associated with a green energy certificate, when the user enters the serial number, then the app retrieves and displays detailed information about the origin and production of the green energy.
User verifies green energy origin with invalid QR code
Given a user has an invalid or expired QR code associated with a green energy certificate, when the user scans the QR code, then the app displays an error message indicating that the QR code is invalid or expired.
User verifies green energy origin with invalid serial number
Given a user has an invalid or expired serial number associated with a green energy certificate, when the user enters the serial number, then the app displays an error message indicating that the serial number is invalid or expired.
User verifies green energy origin with unassociated QR code
Given a user has a QR code that is not associated with any green energy certificate, when the user scans the QR code, then the app displays an error message indicating that the QR code is not associated with any green energy certificate.
User verifies green energy origin with unassociated serial number
Given a user has a serial number that is not associated with any green energy certificate, when the user enters the serial number, then the app displays an error message indicating that the serial number is not associated with any green energy certificate.
User cross-references verified green energy origin with official records
Given a user has successfully verified the green energy origin, when the user cross-references the information with the official records, then the information matches and is consistent.
Green Energy Certification Issuance
User Story

As a solar energy producer, I want to obtain official certificates for my solar energy production within the Soluxy ecosystem, so that I can enhance the credibility and compliance of my renewable energy.


The Green Energy Certification Issuance requirement allows solar energy producers within the Soluxy ecosystem to obtain official certificates for their solar energy production. This requirement aims to enhance the credibility and compliance of renewable energy sources within the Soluxy platform. Solar energy producers will be able to submit their energy generation data, including the location of the solar panels, the capacity of the panels, and the timestamp of energy production. This data will be securely stored and verified by Soluxy to ensure its authenticity. Once the data is validated, solar energy producers will receive official certificates that validate the renewable energy generated. These certificates can be used for compliance with renewable energy standards and regulations, and they enhance the credibility of solar energy production. The Green Energy Certification Issuance requirement benefits solar energy producers by providing them with a recognized certification for their green energy production, enabling them to market their energy as authentic and trustworthy. It also benefits the overall Soluxy ecosystem by promoting the adoption of renewable energy sources and facilitating compliance with renewable energy regulations.

Acceptance Criteria
Solar energy producer submits energy generation data
Given a solar energy producer in the Soluxy ecosystem, when they submit their energy generation data, then the data should be securely stored and verified by Soluxy.
Data validation process is triggered
Given submitted energy generation data by a solar energy producer, when the data validation process is triggered, then Soluxy should verify the authenticity of the data.
Validated data is issued a green energy certificate
Given authenticated energy generation data from a solar energy producer, when the data is validated, then Soluxy should issue an official green energy certificate to the solar energy producer.
Certificates can be used for compliance
Given a green energy certificate issued by Soluxy, when a solar energy producer uses the certificate for compliance with renewable energy standards and regulations, then it should be accepted as valid.
Certificates enhance credibility and marketing
Given an official green energy certificate from Soluxy, when a solar energy producer markets their energy using the certificate, then it should enhance their credibility in the market.
Certificates promote trust among buyers
Given a green energy certificate issued by Soluxy, when buyers see the certificate, then it should instill trust in the sustainability and origin of the renewable energy being sold.
Green Energy Certificate Storage
User Story

As a user, I want to securely store and access my green energy certificates within the Soluxy platform, so that I can easily manage and present them when needed.


The Green Energy Certificate Storage requirement aims to provide users with a secure and accessible storage system for their green energy certificates within the Soluxy platform. Users will be able to store their official certificates in a digital format, eliminating the need for physical copies and reducing the risk of loss or damage. The certificates will be securely encrypted and stored within the user's account, ensuring privacy and data protection. Users will have the ability to easily access their certificates whenever needed, whether it is for compliance purposes or for showcasing their renewable energy credentials. The Green Energy Certificate Storage requirement will have a user-friendly interface that allows users to view, download, and share their certificates with relevant stakeholders. This requirement benefits users by providing them with a convenient and secure way to manage their green energy certificates, streamlining compliance processes and enhancing their credibility as renewable energy consumers. It also benefits the Soluxy platform by promoting user engagement and satisfaction.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a green energy certificate file
Given that the user is logged into their Soluxy account, when the user selects the option to upload a green energy certificate file, then the file should be successfully uploaded and associated with the user's account.
User views their stored green energy certificates
Given that the user is logged into their Soluxy account, when the user navigates to the green energy certificate storage section, then they should be able to see a list of all their stored certificates.
User downloads a green energy certificate file
Given that the user is logged into their Soluxy account and viewing their stored certificates, when the user selects the option to download a specific green energy certificate file, then the file should be downloaded onto the user's device.
User shares a green energy certificate file
Given that the user is logged into their Soluxy account and viewing their stored certificates, when the user selects the option to share a specific green energy certificate file, then a shareable link should be generated that can be sent to the desired recipient.
User deletes a green energy certificate
Given that the user is logged into their Soluxy account and viewing their stored certificates, when the user selects the option to delete a specific green energy certificate, then the certificate should be permanently removed from the user's account.
Green Energy Trading Compliance
User Story

As an energy buyer, I want to ensure that the green energy I purchase within the Soluxy platform complies with renewable energy standards and regulations, so that I can support genuine renewable energy sources.


The Green Energy Trading Compliance requirement focuses on ensuring that the green energy traded within the Soluxy platform complies with renewable energy standards and regulations. This requirement aims to provide energy buyers with the confidence that the energy they purchase is indeed sourced from renewable sources. The Soluxy platform will implement a rigorous verification process to validate the authenticity and compliance of the green energy being traded. This process will include the verification of energy generation data, such as the location and capacity of the solar panels, and cross-referencing it with the official records. Energy buyers will have access to detailed information about the source of the energy and its verification status, allowing them to make informed decisions and support genuine renewable energy sources. The Green Energy Trading Compliance requirement benefits energy buyers by providing them with assurance that the green energy they purchase meets renewable energy standards and regulations. It also benefits the overall Soluxy ecosystem by promoting trust and transparency in the renewable energy market, ultimately contributing to a sustainable energy future.

Acceptance Criteria
Verify that energy buyer can view the compliance status of a green energy source
Given an energy buyer is on the Soluxy platform, when they view the details of a green energy source, then they should be able to see the compliance status indicating whether it meets renewable energy standards and regulations.
Verify that only green energy sources with verified compliance status are displayed for trading
Given a list of green energy sources available for trading, when the energy trading platform is accessed, then only the sources with a verified compliance status should be displayed for trading.
Verify that the verification process includes cross-referencing energy generation data
Given a green energy source that goes through the verification process, when the data related to energy generation is being verified, then it should be cross-referenced with official records to ensure accuracy and authenticity.
Verify that energy buyers can access detailed information about the compliance verification
Given an energy buyer is viewing the details of a green energy source, when they access the compliance verification information, then they should be able to see detailed information about the verification process, including the location and capacity of the solar panels.
Verify that non-compliant green energy sources are flagged and not available for trading
Given a non-compliant green energy source is identified, when the trading platform is accessed, then the source should be flagged as non-compliant and not available for trading until it meets the renewable energy standards and regulations.
Renewable Energy Standard Integration
User Story

As a platform administrator, I want to integrate recognized renewable energy standards into the Green Energy Certification process in Soluxy, so that we can ensure compliance and transparency.


The Renewable Energy Standard Integration requirement involves integrating recognized renewable energy standards into the Green Energy Certification process within the Soluxy platform. This requirement aims to ensure that the certification process aligns with industry standards and best practices. Soluxy will collaborate with relevant organizations and regulatory bodies to identify and implement the appropriate standards for the certification process. By integrating these standards, the Green Energy Certification process in Soluxy will provide a robust and reliable mechanism for verifying and certifying renewable energy sources. This requirement is primarily for the platform administrators who will be responsible for the integration and management of the renewable energy standards. The Renewable Energy Standard Integration requirement benefits the Soluxy platform by establishing credibility, compliance, and transparency in the green energy certification process. It ensures that the platform adheres to recognized industry standards and promotes trust among users and stakeholders.

Acceptance Criteria
Integration with recognized renewable energy standards
Given that Soluxy is integrated with recognized renewable energy standards, when a user applies for Green Energy Certification, then the system should verify the user's solar energy production against the specified standards.
Collaboration with relevant organizations and regulatory bodies
Given that Soluxy collaborates with relevant organizations and regulatory bodies, when updating the Green Energy Certification process, then the system should incorporate any changes or updates to the recognized renewable energy standards.
Alignment with industry best practices
Given the integration of recognized renewable energy standards, when certifying solar energy within the Soluxy platform, then the process should align with industry best practices to ensure credibility and compliance.
Transparency in the certification process
Given the integration of recognized renewable energy standards, when certifying solar energy within the Soluxy platform, then users should have transparent access to information regarding the standards applied and the verification process.
Trust and credibility among stakeholders
Given the integration of recognized renewable energy standards, when certifying solar energy within the Soluxy platform, then the certification process should promote trust and credibility among buyers, sellers, and other stakeholders.
Compliance with renewable energy regulations
Given the integration of recognized renewable energy standards, when certifying solar energy within the Soluxy platform, then the certification process should comply with relevant renewable energy regulations and policies.

Energy Usage Monitoring

Energy Usage Monitoring provides a real-time monitoring and analysis of energy consumption for users within the Soluxy platform. This feature allows users to track their energy usage patterns, identify opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their energy consumption. With Energy Usage Monitoring, users can gain insights into their energy usage behavior, set goals for reducing energy wastage, and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.


Real-time Energy Usage Tracking
User Story

As a user, I want to track my energy usage in real-time so that I can monitor and manage my energy consumption more effectively.


The Real-time Energy Usage Tracking requirement is aimed at providing users with the ability to monitor and track their energy usage in real-time. This feature will allow users to view their current energy consumption levels, as well as compare it with their past usage data. By having access to real-time energy usage information, users will be able to identify patterns, trends, and potential areas for energy efficiency improvements. This requirement will enable users to make data-driven decisions to optimize their energy consumption and reduce wastage.

The Real-time Energy Usage Tracking feature will be accessible through the Soluxy platform, and users will have the ability to view their energy usage in various formats, including graphical representations, charts, and statistics. Users will be able to set preferences for the frequency of energy usage updates, such as minute-by-minute, hourly, daily, or weekly updates. The feature will also allow users to set customizable energy consumption thresholds, which, when exceeded, will trigger notifications to alert users and provide insights into the reasons for the increased energy consumption.

This requirement is crucial for both residential and commercial users, as it empowers them to take control of their energy usage and make informed decisions to reduce their environmental impact. By closely monitoring their energy consumption in real-time, users will be able to identify energy-saving opportunities, adjust their behaviors and habits, and ultimately contribute to a more sustainable energy future.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their current energy consumption level
Given that the user has access to the Energy Usage Monitoring feature, when they navigate to the real-time tracking page, then they should be able to see their current energy consumption level displayed in a clear and understandable format.
User can compare current energy usage with past data
Given that the user has access to the Energy Usage Monitoring feature, when they select the option to compare current energy usage with past data, then they should be presented with a graphical representation or chart that shows a clear comparison between their current energy usage and their past energy usage.
User can set preferences for frequency of energy usage updates
Given that the user has access to the Energy Usage Monitoring feature, when they navigate to the settings or preferences section, then they should be able to set their desired frequency for energy usage updates, such as minute-by-minute, hourly, daily, or weekly updates.
User receives notifications when energy consumption exceeds set thresholds
Given that the user has access to the Energy Usage Monitoring feature, when they have set customized energy consumption thresholds, then they should receive notifications when their energy consumption exceeds those thresholds. The notifications should provide insights into the reasons for the increased energy consumption.
User can track energy usage for different time periods
Given that the user has access to the Energy Usage Monitoring feature, when they select a specific time period (e.g., day, week, month) for tracking energy usage, then they should be able to view their energy consumption data for that particular time period.
User can export energy usage data
Given that the user has access to the Energy Usage Monitoring feature, when they navigate to the export data section, then they should be able to export their energy usage data in a downloadable format (e.g., CSV, Excel).
Energy Usage Analysis
User Story

As a user, I want to analyze my energy usage data to gain insights and identify areas for energy efficiency improvements.


The Energy Usage Analysis requirement aims to provide users with the ability to analyze their energy usage data to gain meaningful insights. This feature will enable users to dive deeper into their energy consumption patterns and identify areas where they can make energy efficiency improvements. By analyzing their energy usage data, users will be able to identify energy-intensive devices or activities, detect abnormal energy consumption spikes, and pinpoint potential sources of energy wastage.

The Energy Usage Analysis feature will offer users various tools and visualizations to explore and analyze their energy usage data. Users will have access to detailed reports, graphs, and charts that provide a comprehensive overview of their energy consumption over different time periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. The feature will also offer comparison capabilities, allowing users to compare their current energy usage with historical data or industry benchmarks.

This requirement is essential for users who are committed to optimizing their energy consumption and reducing energy wastage. By gaining insights into their energy usage patterns and identifying areas for improvement, users will be empowered to make informed decisions and take actions that lead to more sustainable energy consumption practices. The Energy Usage Analysis feature will contribute to the overall goal of Soluxy to promote energy efficiency and a greener future.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view their energy consumption data for a specific time period
Given that the user has energy usage data available for a specific time period, when the user selects the desired time period, then the energy consumption data for that time period is displayed.
User can explore energy usage patterns through graphs and charts
Given that the user has energy usage data available, when the user selects the desired visualization option (graph or chart), then the energy usage data is visualized accordingly, providing insights into usage patterns.
User can compare current energy usage with historical data
Given that the user has energy usage data available, when the user selects the option to compare with historical data, then the current energy usage is compared with previous time periods, highlighting any changes or trends.
User can compare energy usage with industry benchmarks
Given that the user has energy usage data available, when the user selects the option to compare with industry benchmarks, then the energy usage is compared with established benchmarks, providing context and insights into efficiency levels.
User can identify energy-intensive devices or activities
Given that the user has energy usage data available, when the user analyzes the data, then energy-intensive devices or activities are identified, helping the user understand where energy is being consumed the most.
User can detect abnormal energy consumption spikes
Given that the user has energy usage data available, when the user analyzes the data, then abnormal energy consumption spikes are detected, indicating potential issues or inefficiencies.
User can set energy efficiency goals
Given that the user has energy usage data available, when the user sets energy efficiency goals, then the system tracks the progress towards those goals and provides feedback on the user's performance.
User can export energy usage analysis reports
Given that the user has energy usage data available, when the user requests an export of the energy usage analysis report, then the system generates a downloadable report containing the relevant analysis and insights.
Energy Efficiency Recommendations
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized recommendations for improving energy efficiency based on my energy usage data.


The Energy Efficiency Recommendations requirement aims to provide users with personalized recommendations for improving their energy efficiency. This feature will leverage the energy usage data collected by Soluxy to analyze users' consumption patterns and provide tailored suggestions on how to reduce energy wastage and optimize energy consumption.

The Energy Efficiency Recommendations feature will utilize advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze users' energy usage data and identify potential areas for improvement. These recommendations can include suggestions such as upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, adjusting thermostat settings, optimizing lighting usage, or adopting energy-saving habits. Users will receive these recommendations through the Soluxy platform, either as notifications, in-app suggestions, or email alerts.

This requirement is valuable for users who aim to reduce their carbon footprint and make more sustainable choices. By receiving personalized energy efficiency recommendations, users will have actionable insights and guidance on how to improve their energy consumption practices. Implementing energy-efficient measures based on these recommendations can lead to cost savings, environmental benefits, and an overall reduction in energy consumption.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives personalized energy efficiency recommendations
Given a user with energy usage data, when the system analyzed the data and identified areas for improvement, then the user should receive personalized recommendations for improving energy efficiency.
Recommendations are tailored to the user's specific energy usage patterns
Given a user with energy usage data, when the system generates recommendations, then the recommendations should be based on the user's specific energy consumption patterns and address areas with the highest potential for improvement.
Recommendations include actionable steps to improve energy efficiency
Given energy efficiency recommendations for a user, when the user views the recommendations, then the recommendations should include clear and actionable steps that the user can take to improve their energy efficiency.
Recommendations are regularly updated
Given a user with dynamic energy usage data, when the user receives recommendations, then the recommendations should be regularly updated to reflect the user's changing energy consumption patterns.
Notifications are sent to the user for new recommendations
Given new energy efficiency recommendations for a user, when the recommendations are available, then the user should receive notifications through the Soluxy platform to prompt them to view and act on the recommendations.
Recommendations are accessible through the Soluxy platform
Given energy efficiency recommendations for a user, when the user accesses the Soluxy platform, then they should be able to easily find and view their recommendations within the platform.
Goal-setting and Achievements
User Story

As a user, I want the ability to set energy-saving goals and track my progress towards achieving them.


The Goal-setting and Achievements requirement aims to provide users with the ability to set energy-saving goals and track their progress towards achieving them. This feature will enable users to set personalized energy conservation targets and monitor their energy consumption in relation to these goals.

The Goal-setting and Achievements feature will allow users to define their energy-saving objectives, such as reducing energy usage by a certain percentage, reaching a specific energy consumption threshold, or adopting specific energy-saving practices. Users will be able to track their progress visually through the Soluxy platform, either through progress bars, charts, or other graphical representations. The feature will also provide notifications and reminders to keep users motivated and engaged in achieving their energy-saving goals.

This requirement is beneficial for users who are motivated by goal-setting and strive to make a positive impact on the environment through energy conservation. By providing users with a sense of accomplishment and progress tracking, the Goal-setting and Achievements feature can encourage sustainable behavior change and long-term energy-saving habits. Additionally, this feature can also be utilized for gamification purposes, fostering competition among users, and creating a sense of community around energy conservation efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets an energy-saving goal
Given that the user is on the Soluxy platform, when the user navigates to the 'Goal-setting' section, then they should be able to set a specific energy-saving goal.
User tracks their progress towards the goal
Given that the user has set an energy-saving goal, when the user views their dashboard or progress page, then they should be able to see their current progress towards the goal in real-time.
User receives notifications and reminders
Given that the user has set an energy-saving goal, when the user is approaching their set deadline or falling behind the progress, then they should receive timely notifications and reminders to stay motivated and take necessary actions.
User updates or modifies the energy-saving goal
Given that the user has set an energy-saving goal, when the user wants to update or modify the goal, then they should be able to easily edit the goal parameters such as target energy reduction percentage, consumption threshold, or energy-saving practices.
User achieves the energy-saving goal
Given that the user has set an energy-saving goal, when the user's energy consumption meets or exceeds the goal criteria, then they should receive a congratulatory message or visual indication of goal achievement.

Community Engagement and Rewards

Community Engagement and Rewards foster a sense of community and incentivize users to actively participate in the Soluxy platform. This feature includes a social platform where users can connect, share experiences, and exchange knowledge related to renewable energy and sustainable living. Users can earn rewards and badges for their active engagement within the community, such as referring new users or providing valuable insights. Community Engagement and Rewards create a vibrant and supportive ecosystem, encouraging collaboration and knowledge-sharing among Soluxy users.


User Profile Badges
User Story

As a user, I want to earn badges on my profile so that I can showcase my achievements and contributions.


The User Profile Badges requirement is to implement a system where users can earn badges based on their achievements and contributions within the Soluxy community. Badges can be earned for various actions such as referring new users, providing valuable insights, participating in challenges or contests, and contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the community. The badges will be displayed on the user's profile, showcasing their accomplishments and enhancing their credibility within the community. This feature will motivate users to actively engage in the platform, as they can earn recognition and demonstrate their expertise in renewable energy and sustainable living.

Acceptance Criteria
User refers 10 new users to Soluxy
Given the user has referred 10 new users, when the referrals are verified, then the user should earn a 'Referral Master' badge.
User provides valuable insights in community discussions
Given the user has made at least 10 valuable contributions in community discussions, when the contributions are acknowledged by other users, then the user should earn an 'Insightful Contributor' badge.
User participates and completes a challenge
Given the user has participated in a challenge and successfully completed all the required tasks, when the challenge is closed and the tasks are validated, then the user should earn a 'Challenge Champion' badge.
User contributes to the growth of the community
Given the user has made significant contributions to the growth and development of the Soluxy community, such as organizing events or providing resources, when the contributions are recognized by the community moderators, then the user should earn a 'Community Leader' badge.
User actively shares and promotes Soluxy on social media
Given the user actively shares Soluxy content on social media platforms and promotes the platform, when the shared content receives a high number of engagements and referrals from the shared links are successfully tracked, then the user should earn a 'Social Influencer' badge.
Community Leaderboard
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to see my ranking on the community leaderboard so that I can track my progress and compete with other users.


The Community Leaderboard requirement is to create a leaderboard that ranks users based on their engagement and contributions to the Soluxy community. The leaderboard will display the top users who have earned the most badges, accumulated the highest points, or contributed the most valuable insights. Users will be able to see their own ranking as well as the rankings of other users, creating a sense of competition and motivation to actively participate and contribute. This feature will enhance user engagement by providing a gamification element and encouraging users to strive for the top positions on the leaderboard.

Acceptance Criteria
User is able to view their own ranking on the community leaderboard
Given that the user is logged in and on the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the community leaderboard section, then they should be able to see their own ranking on the leaderboard.
User is able to view the ranking of other users on the community leaderboard
Given that the user is logged in and on the Soluxy platform, when they navigate to the community leaderboard section, then they should be able to see the ranking of other users on the leaderboard.
Leaderboard is updated in real-time
Given that a user performs an action that affects their ranking, when the leaderboard is accessed, then it should be updated in real-time to reflect the user's new ranking.
Leaderboard ranks users based on earned badges
Given that the leaderboard is accessed, when users are ranked based on the number of badges they have earned, then the users with the most badges should be ranked higher on the leaderboard.
Leaderboard ranks users based on accumulated points
Given that the leaderboard is accessed, when users are ranked based on the number of points they have accumulated, then the users with the highest points should be ranked higher on the leaderboard.
Leaderboard ranks users based on contributions
Given that the leaderboard is accessed, when users are ranked based on the value of their contributions, then the users with the most valuable insights should be ranked higher on the leaderboard.
Referral Program
User Story

As a user, I want to refer new users to Soluxy and earn rewards for successful referrals.


The Referral Program requirement is to implement a program where users can refer new users to join the Soluxy platform and earn rewards for successful referrals. When a user refers a new user, they will receive a unique referral code or link that can be shared with others. If a referred user signs up using the referral code or link and becomes an active user, the user who referred them will receive a reward, such as bonus points, exclusive badges, or even monetary incentives. This feature will incentivize users to spread the word about Soluxy and attract new users to the platform, creating a larger and more vibrant community.

Acceptance Criteria
User provides valid referral code during sign-up
Given a user has a valid referral code and is signing up for Soluxy platform for the first time, when the user provides the referral code during the sign-up process, then the user should be successfully registered and associated with the referring user.
Referring user receives reward for successful referral
Given a user refers a new user to Soluxy platform and the referred user becomes an active user, when the referred user completes the activation process, then the referring user should receive the specified reward within a reasonable timeframe.
Referred user is associated with referring user
Given a referred user signs up using a referral code or link, when the referred user successfully completes the sign-up process and becomes an active user, then the referred user should be associated with the referring user and identifiable as their referral.
Referral code/link is unique and trackable
Given a user receives a referral code or link, when the referral code/link is shared with others, then each referral code/link should be unique and trackable to identify the referring user.
Reward system is configured and functioning
Given the referral program is active, when a user successfully refers a new user and the referred user becomes active, then the reward system should be configured and functioning correctly to assign and distribute the appropriate rewards to the referring users.
Challenges and Contests
User Story

As a user, I want to participate in challenges and contests organized by Soluxy to showcase my skills and win rewards.


The Challenges and Contests requirement is to organize regular challenges and contests for Soluxy users to participate in and showcase their skills and knowledge related to renewable energy and sustainable living. These challenges and contests can include tasks such as creating and sharing innovative energy-saving tips, submitting case studies on successful sustainability projects, or proposing new ideas for renewable energy solutions. Participants will be judged based on criteria such as creativity, impact, and feasibility. The winners will receive rewards, such as badges, points, or even special recognition within the community. This feature will encourage active participation and knowledge-sharing among Soluxy users, fostering a spirit of healthy competition and collective learning.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view the list of ongoing challenges and contests
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy platform, when the user navigates to the Challenges and Contests section, then the user should see a list of ongoing challenges and contests.
User can participate in a challenge or contest
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy platform and there is an ongoing challenge or contest, when the user selects a specific challenge or contest, then they should be able to participate by submitting their entry.
User can track their progress in a challenge or contest
Given that the user has participated in a challenge or contest, when the user selects the challenge or contest they have participated in, then they should be able to see their progress, such as the number of votes received or the current ranking.
User can vote for entries in a challenge or contest
Given that the user is logged in to the Soluxy platform and there is a challenge or contest with entries, when the user selects a specific challenge or contest, then they should be able to view the entries and vote for their favorite ones.
User can earn rewards for winning a challenge or contest
Given that the user has participated in a challenge or contest and their entry is selected as a winner, when the challenge or contest ends, then the user should receive rewards, such as badges, points, or special recognition within the community.
Community Forums
User Story

As a user, I want to participate in community forums where I can ask questions, seek advice, and share my insights with other Soluxy users.


The Community Forums requirement is to create dedicated forums within the Soluxy platform where users can engage in discussions, ask questions, seek advice, and share their insights on various topics related to renewable energy and sustainable living. These forums will enable users to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from experts in the field, and build a supportive community. Users can post questions, provide answers, share their experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations. This feature will facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaboration among Soluxy users, fostering a sense of community and creating valuable resources for users to refer to in their sustainability journey.

Acceptance Criteria
User can create a new forum topic
Given the user is logged in, when the user selects the option to create a new forum topic, then a new form should be displayed where the user can enter the title and description of the topic.
User can view existing forum topics
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the Community Forums section, then a list of existing forum topics should be displayed.
User can search for forum topics
Given the user is logged in and has entered a search keyword, when the user performs a search in the Community Forums section, then a list of forum topics matching the search keyword should be displayed.
User can filter forum topics by category
Given the user is logged in, when the user selects a specific category from the filter options in the Community Forums section, then a list of forum topics belonging to the selected category should be displayed.
User can view forum topic details
Given the user is logged in and there is an existing forum topic, when the user selects a forum topic from the list, then the details of the selected forum topic should be displayed, including the title, description, and comments.
User can post a comment on a forum topic
Given the user is logged in and there is an existing forum topic, when the user enters a comment in the comment section of the forum topic details, then the comment should be posted and displayed in the comments section.
User can like a forum topic
Given the user is logged in and there is an existing forum topic, when the user selects the like button for the forum topic, then the like count for the forum topic should increase by 1.
User can bookmark a forum topic
Given the user is logged in and there is an existing forum topic, when the user selects the bookmark button for the forum topic, then the forum topic should be added to the user's bookmarked topics list.

Customized Energy Trading Plans

Customized Energy Trading Plans allow users to create personalized trading plans tailored to their specific energy trading goals and preferences. This feature enables users to define trading parameters such as minimum and maximum energy volumes, preferred trading times, and targeted revenue goals. With Customized Energy Trading Plans, users can automate their trading activities according to their desired strategies, optimizing energy trading efficiency and maximizing returns. This feature empowers users with greater control and flexibility in managing their energy trading activities within the Soluxy platform.


Trading Plan Customization
User Story

As an energy trader, I want to customize my energy trading plans so that I can tailor them to my specific goals and preferences.


The Trading Plan Customization requirement enables energy traders to customize their energy trading plans in order to meet their specific goals and preferences. Users will have the ability to define trading parameters such as minimum and maximum energy volumes, preferred trading times, and targeted revenue goals. By customizing their trading plans, users can optimize their energy trading activities according to their desired strategies, resulting in increased efficiency and higher returns. This requirement provides energy traders with greater control and flexibility in managing their energy trading activities within the Soluxy platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User can set a minimum energy volume for their trading plan
Given that the user is customizing their energy trading plan, when they set a minimum energy volume, then the trading plan should only execute trades that meet or exceed the specified minimum energy volume.
User can set a maximum energy volume for their trading plan
Given that the user is customizing their energy trading plan, when they set a maximum energy volume, then the trading plan should not execute trades that exceed the specified maximum energy volume.
User can define preferred trading times for their trading plan
Given that the user is customizing their energy trading plan, when they define preferred trading times, then the trading plan should prioritize executing trades during the specified preferred trading times.
User can set targeted revenue goals for their trading plan
Given that the user is customizing their energy trading plan, when they set targeted revenue goals, then the trading plan should aim to achieve revenue that meets or exceeds the specified targeted revenue goals.
User can enable or disable automation for their trading plan
Given that the user is customizing their energy trading plan, when they enable automation, then the trading plan should automatically execute trades according to the defined parameters. When they disable automation, then the trading plan should not execute any trades automatically.
Automated Trading Execution
User Story

As an energy trader, I want my customized trading plans to be executed automatically so that I can save time and ensure consistent trades.


The Automated Trading Execution requirement allows energy traders to automate the execution of their customized trading plans. Once the trading parameters have been set, the system will automatically execute trades on behalf of the user. This feature saves time for energy traders, as they no longer have to manually monitor the market and execute trades themselves. Additionally, automated trading ensures consistent and timely execution of trades, reducing the risk of missed opportunities or human errors. By enabling automated trading execution, this requirement enhances the efficiency and reliability of energy trading activities within the Soluxy platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Successful execution of a customized trading plan
Given a customized trading plan with defined trading parameters, When the market conditions meet the specified criteria, Then the system should automatically execute the trades according to the plan
Scenario 2: Error handling for invalid trading parameters
Given a customized trading plan with invalid trading parameters, When the system attempts to execute the trades, Then appropriate error messages should be displayed to the user
Scenario 3: Verification of trade execution
Given an executed trade from a customized trading plan, When the trade is executed, Then the trade details should be recorded and accessible for verification purposes
Scenario 4: Flexibility to modify or cancel automated trades
Given an ongoing automated trade execution, When the user wants to modify or cancel the trade, Then the system should provide functionality to amend or cancel the trade execution
Scenario 5: Monitoring and reporting of automated trade execution
Given an ongoing automated trade execution, When the trades are executed, Then the system should provide real-time monitoring and reporting of the trades, including volume, price, and execution time
Real-time Market Monitoring
User Story

As an energy trader, I want access to real-time market data and updates so that I can make informed trading decisions.


The Real-time Market Monitoring requirement provides energy traders with access to real-time market data and updates within the Soluxy platform. Traders will be able to view live energy market prices, supply and demand trends, and other relevant information that can influence trading decisions. This feature ensures that traders have up-to-date and accurate information to make informed trading decisions. By having access to real-time market monitoring, energy traders can respond quickly to market changes, optimize their trading strategies, and maximize their trading profits.

Acceptance Criteria
Traders can view live energy market prices
Given a valid user, when accessing the real-time market monitoring feature, then the user should be able to view live energy market prices.
Traders can view supply and demand trends
Given a valid user, when accessing the real-time market monitoring feature, then the user should be able to view supply and demand trends.
Traders can access other relevant market information
Given a valid user, when accessing the real-time market monitoring feature, then the user should be able to access other relevant market information.
Traders receive real-time updates
Given a valid user, when accessing the real-time market monitoring feature, then the user should receive real-time updates on market data.
Traders can respond quickly to market changes
Given a valid user, when accessing the real-time market monitoring feature, then the user should be able to respond quickly to market changes based on the provided data.
Performance Analytics
User Story

As an energy trader, I want to analyze the performance of my customized trading plans so that I can make data-driven improvements.


The Performance Analytics requirement allows energy traders to analyze the performance of their customized trading plans within the Soluxy platform. Traders will have access to comprehensive performance metrics, including trade volumes, revenue generated, and profitability. This feature provides traders with valuable insights into the effectiveness of their trading strategies and allows them to identify areas for improvement. By analyzing performance analytics, energy traders can make data-driven decisions to enhance their trading plans, optimize their trading activities, and increase their overall trading success.

Acceptance Criteria
View overall trading plan performance
Given an energy trader has a customized trading plan, when they access the Performance Analytics feature, then they should be able to view the overall performance metrics of their trading plan, including trade volumes, revenue generated, and profitability.
Analyze performance by time period
Given an energy trader has a customized trading plan, when they access the Performance Analytics feature, then they should be able to analyze the performance of their trading plan based on different time periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or custom date ranges.
Compare performance against benchmarks
Given an energy trader has a customized trading plan, when they access the Performance Analytics feature, then they should be able to compare the performance of their trading plan against predefined benchmarks or industry standards to assess their trading effectiveness.
Identify top-performing trading strategies
Given an energy trader has a customized trading plan, when they access the Performance Analytics feature, then they should be able to identify the top-performing trading strategies within their plan, based on metrics such as revenue generated, profitability, or trade success rate.
Track trading plan performance over time
Given an energy trader has a customized trading plan, when they access the Performance Analytics feature, then they should be able to track the performance of their trading plan over time, visualizing performance trends and identifying patterns or fluctuations.
Risk Management Tools
User Story

As an energy trader, I want to have access to risk management tools to mitigate risks associated with energy trading.


The Risk Management Tools requirement provides energy traders with access to a range of risk management tools within the Soluxy platform. Traders will have access to features such as stop-loss orders, price alerts, and risk assessment tools to help them mitigate risks associated with energy trading. This feature allows traders to set predefined risk thresholds and take proactive measures to minimize potential losses. By utilizing risk management tools, energy traders can protect their investments, manage their risk exposure, and maintain a more secure and stable trading portfolio.

Acceptance Criteria
Setting a stop-loss order
Given that a trader wants to set a stop-loss order, when they define the stop-loss price threshold, then the system should automatically trigger a sell order when the market price reaches or falls below the defined threshold.
Setting price alerts
Given that a trader wants to set price alerts, when they set the desired price level, then the system should notify the trader via email or push notification when the market price reaches or exceeds the defined level.
Accessing risk assessment tools
Given that a trader wants to assess the risk associated with a specific trading position, when they input the relevant parameters such as volume, price, and duration, then the system should calculate and display the risk metrics such as potential loss, value at risk (VaR), or risk/reward ratio.
Defining risk thresholds
Given that a trader wants to define risk thresholds, when they set the maximum allowable loss or risk exposure, then the system should prompt the trader with warnings or notifications when their trading activities breach the defined thresholds.
Executing risk mitigation strategies
Given that a trader wants to execute risk mitigation strategies, when they select specific risk management actions such as hedging or portfolio diversification, then the system should facilitate the execution of these strategies within the trading platform.

Energy Grid Integration

Energy Grid Integration establishes seamless integration between the Soluxy platform and existing energy grids. This feature enables users to seamlessly synchronize their surplus solar energy production with the grid, maximizing the flow of renewable energy into the broader energy system. Energy Grid Integration ensures efficient utilization of solar power resources, promotes grid stability, and facilitates a smooth transition to a renewable energy future. This feature also enables users to intelligently manage energy distribution, optimizing energy generation and consumption patterns at the grid level.


Real-time Energy Grid Connection
User Story

As a solar power producer, I want to connect my surplus energy production to the grid in real-time, so that I can maximize the utilization of renewable energy and contribute to the overall grid stability.


The Soluxy platform should provide a seamless and real-time connection between the user's solar power generation system and the energy grid. This feature allows the user to synchronize their surplus energy production with the grid, ensuring that the excess renewable energy is efficiently utilized within the broader energy system. By connecting to the grid in real-time, solar power producers can maximize the flow of renewable energy, reduce dependency on conventional energy sources, and contribute to a more stable and sustainable grid.

Acceptance Criteria
Successful synchronization of surplus energy production
Given that the user has surplus energy production, when they connect to the grid in real-time, then the surplus energy should be successfully synchronized with the grid.
Efficient utilization of renewable energy
Given that the user's surplus energy production is connected to the grid in real-time, when there is a demand for energy in the grid, then the surplus renewable energy should be efficiently utilized to meet the demand.
Seamless integration with the existing energy grid
Given that the Soluxy platform is connected to the energy grid, when the user initiates the real-time energy grid connection, then the platform should seamlessly integrate with the existing infrastructure and protocols of the grid.
Maintaining grid stability
Given that the user's surplus energy production is synchronized with the grid in real-time, when there are fluctuations in energy generation or demand, then the platform should dynamically adjust the energy flow to maintain grid stability.
Real-time monitoring and control
Given that the user is connected to the grid in real-time, when they access the Soluxy platform, then they should be able to monitor and control the flow of energy between their solar power system and the grid.
Grid Load Monitoring
User Story

As a grid operator, I want to monitor the load on the energy grid, so that I can ensure the grid's stability and efficiently manage energy distribution.


The Soluxy platform should provide a comprehensive monitoring system for grid load. This feature enables grid operators to monitor and analyze the energy consumption patterns, demand peaks, and load fluctuations across the grid. By continuously monitoring the grid load, operators can proactively identify potential issues, balance the energy supply, and optimize the distribution of renewable energy. This ensures that the energy grid remains stable and reliable, even with the integration of solar power systems and the varying energy generation from renewable sources.

Acceptance Criteria
Grid load is monitored in real-time
Given that the Soluxy platform is running, when there is energy consumption on the grid, then the system should capture and display the real-time load information.
Peak demand periods are identified
Given historical grid load data, when the system analyzes the load patterns, then it should identify the peak demand periods on the grid.
Load fluctuations are detected
Given the continuous monitoring of the grid load, when the load level varies significantly within a short time, then the system should detect and alert the grid operator about the load fluctuations.
Load data is visualized in a user-friendly manner
Given the grid load information, when the system presents the data to the grid operator, then it should be displayed in a clear and intuitive manner, such as charts or graphs, allowing the operator to easily interpret and analyze the load trends.
Data is stored for future analysis
Given the grid load data, when the system records and stores the data, then it should be accessible for future analysis and historical comparison.
Load data can be exported
Given the grid load information, when the system allows the grid operator to export the load data, then it should provide an option to export the data in a common format, such as CSV or Excel, for further analysis or reporting.
Demand Response Integration
User Story

As an energy consumer, I want to participate in demand response programs through the Soluxy platform, so that I can optimize my energy usage and contribute to grid stability.


The Soluxy platform should integrate demand response programs, allowing energy consumers to participate in load management initiatives. This feature enables users to adjust their energy consumption based on grid conditions, pricing signals, or demand response events. By participating in demand response programs, users can optimize their energy usage, reduce their electricity costs, and actively contribute to the stability and reliability of the energy grid. The Soluxy platform should provide user-friendly interfaces and automation capabilities to seamlessly enable demand response integration.

Acceptance Criteria
User can opt-in to demand response programs
Given the user is on the Soluxy platform and demand response programs are available, when the user selects to participate in a demand response program, then the user is successfully enrolled in the program.
User can adjust energy consumption based on grid conditions
Given the user is on the Soluxy platform and the real-time grid conditions are available, when the user receives grid condition updates, then the user can adjust their energy consumption accordingly.
User can adjust energy consumption based on pricing signals
Given the user is on the Soluxy platform and pricing signals are available, when the user receives pricing signal updates, then the user can adjust their energy consumption based on the provided pricing information.
User can adjust energy consumption based on demand response events
Given the user is on the Soluxy platform and there is an ongoing demand response event, when the user receives a demand response event notification, then the user can adjust their energy consumption as per the event instructions.
User can monitor their participation in demand response programs
Given the user is on the Soluxy platform and participating in a demand response program, when the user accesses the demand response program dashboard, then the user can view their current participation status, program details, and any associated rewards or incentives.
Grid-Friendly Energy Dispatch
User Story

As an energy grid operator, I want to dispatch renewable energy efficiently across the grid, so that I can minimize energy losses and maintain grid stability.


The Soluxy platform should facilitate grid-friendly energy dispatch, allowing energy grid operators to schedule and distribute renewable energy efficiently. This feature optimizes the energy flow across the grid by considering factors such as energy demand, grid stability, and renewable energy availability. By applying intelligent energy dispatch algorithms, the platform minimizes energy losses, reduces wastage, and maintains the stability of the energy grid. Grid operators should have access to real-time dashboards and analytical tools to monitor and control the energy dispatch process effectively.

Acceptance Criteria
Dispatching renewable energy based on energy demand
Given a stable energy grid and high energy demand, when renewable energy is available in surplus, then the Soluxy platform should dispatch the surplus energy to meet the demand efficiently.
Optimizing energy flow for minimal losses
Given variable renewable energy generation and varying energy demand, when optimizing the energy flow, then the Soluxy platform should minimize energy losses and maximize energy utilization across the grid.
Considering grid stability in energy dispatch
Given fluctuating renewable energy generation and potential grid instability, when dispatching energy, then the Soluxy platform should prioritize stability by regulating energy flow to avoid grid disruptions.
Real-time monitoring and control of energy dispatch
Given the Soluxy platform is operational and connected to the energy grid, when monitoring and controlling energy dispatch, then grid operators should have access to real-time dashboards and analytical tools for effective monitoring and decision-making.
Analyzing energy dispatch patterns
Given a period of energy dispatch, when analyzing energy dispatch patterns, then the Soluxy platform should provide detailed insights and analytics on energy generation, consumption, and losses to support grid operators in optimizing energy dispatch strategies.
Grid Compatibility Assessment
User Story

As a solar power system installer, I want to assess the compatibility of a solar power system with the energy grid, so that I can ensure seamless integration and compliance with grid requirements.


The Soluxy platform should provide a grid compatibility assessment tool for solar power system installers. This feature enables installers to evaluate the compatibility of a solar power system with the energy grid before its installation. The assessment takes into account factors such as grid connection standards, power quality requirements, and local regulations. By conducting a grid compatibility assessment, installers can ensure that the system meets the necessary technical, safety, and regulatory requirements, facilitating a smooth integration process and minimizing any potential issues or disruptions to the energy grid.

Acceptance Criteria
Installer selects the grid compatibility assessment tool
Given that I am a solar power system installer, when I navigate to the Soluxy platform, then I should be able to easily locate and select the grid compatibility assessment tool.
Installer inputs the necessary system details
Given that I have selected the grid compatibility assessment tool, when I enter the necessary system details such as system capacity, configuration, and location, then the tool should accept and validate the input data.
Tool evaluates the grid compatibility
Given that I have entered the necessary system details, when I initiate the grid compatibility assessment, then the tool should evaluate the compatibility of the solar power system with the energy grid based on factors such as grid connection standards, power quality requirements, and local regulations.
Tool provides compatibility assessment results
Given that the grid compatibility assessment has been completed, when the assessment results are generated, then the tool should provide a clear and concise report indicating the level of compatibility between the solar power system and the energy grid.
Installer reviews the assessment report
Given that I have received the compatibility assessment report, when I review the report, then it should provide detailed information on any potential issues or areas of non-compliance with grid requirements, allowing me to address them before installation.
Soluxy Launches Ground-Breaking Solar Power Trading Platform

Soluxy, a revolutionary solar power trading platform, is changing the way homeowners, corporations, and energy providers trade surplus solar power. By harnessing the power of blockchain and AI technology, Soluxy creates a decentralized marketplace that enables transparent and secure trading of renewable energy. With real-time insights, accurate projections, and optimized energy distribution, Soluxy is driving the global shift towards sustainable energy. For more information, please contact [Contact Name] at [Contact Email].

Soluxy Empowers Homeowners, Businesses, and Communities with Sustainable Energy Solutions

Soluxy is empowering homeowners, businesses, and communities to embrace sustainable energy solutions. With features like real-time energy insights, surplus solar power trading, optimized energy usage, and carbon footprint tracking, Soluxy is revolutionizing the way we consume and trade energy. By maximizing renewable energy use, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting renewable energy adoption, Soluxy is paving the way for a greener future. For media inquiries, please contact [Contact Name] at [Contact Email].

Soluxy Introduces Loyalty Program to Reward Users for Sustainable Energy Practices

Soluxy is launching the Soluxy Community Rewards, a loyalty program that incentivizes and rewards users for sustainable energy practices. By generating and trading surplus solar power, users can earn points that can be redeemed for discounts, benefits, and community experiences. The Soluxy Community Rewards program aims to encourage users to actively participate in the renewable energy ecosystem and contribute to a more sustainable future. For further information, please contact [Contact Name] at [Contact Email].

Soluxy Expands Renewable Energy Trading with Green Energy Marketplace

Soluxy is expanding its renewable energy trading capabilities with the introduction of the Green Energy Marketplace. This new feature allows users to trade surplus energy from various renewable sources, including wind, hydro, and geothermal, in addition to solar power. By creating a diverse and resilient energy ecosystem, Soluxy is revolutionizing the way we trade and consume green energy. For media inquiries, please contact [Contact Name] at [Contact Email].

Soluxy Unveils AI-Powered Smart Energy Trading Marketplace

Soluxy is proud to announce the launch of its AI-powered Smart Energy Trading Marketplace. By utilizing advanced AI algorithms, Soluxy matches energy buyers and sellers in real-time, optimizing energy transactions and ensuring seamless energy trading. With dynamic pricing based on market conditions and real-time demand-supply analysis, the Smart Energy Trading Marketplace revolutionizes the way we buy and sell energy. For further information, please contact [Contact Name] at [Contact Email].