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Unify, Inspire, Excel - EduSync

EduSync is a trailblazing educational platform designed to streamline the academic ecosystem. With its intuitive interface, it serves as the ultimate hub for educators, students, and administrators, providing seamless assignment management, real-time communication, and predictive analytics that pinpoint student support needs. EduSync boosts institutional productivity by centralizing operations and elevating engagement, offering a future where educational connectivity and data-driven decisions lead to unparalleled academic success. Transform the educational experience with EduSync – where unity in learning technology empowers educational excellence.

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Unify, Inspire, Excel - EduSync


Educational Technology


Ignite the future of learning through EduSync: Where every institution thrives on connectivity, innovation, and educational mastery.


EduSync is a pioneering educational technology platform engineered to synchronize the myriad elements of academic management and enrich the learning journey. Designed as a comprehensive SaaS solution, EduSync stands out as the central hub for educators, students, and administrators in schools, colleges, and universities. Its purpose is to eradicate the fragmentation of current systems by binding the critical facets of education into a single, easy-to-navigate interface.

The platform streamlines the creation, distribution, and grading of assignments for educators while providing students with an interactive gateway to access course material, submit work, and receive feedback in real-time. Administrative staff revel in the ease of monitoring school operations, including attendance and reporting.

EduSync's distinctive edge lies in its predictive analytics feature, allowing teachers to proactively identify students who may need additional support. With a seamless communication framework and customizable data dashboards, EduSync ensures that all stakeholders remain engaged and informed.

This technological leap introduces efficiency, fosters a connected educational community, and catapults institutions towards a future where data-informed decisions bolster the educational experience and outcomes. As a visionary product, EduSync becomes an indispensable asset for institutions committed to academic excellence and innovation.

Target Audience

Educational administrators, teachers, and IT staff at K-12 schools, colleges, and universities seeking an integrated platform to enhance academic management, student engagement, and institutional productivity.

Problem Statement

In the ever-evolving educational landscape, institutions grapple with fragmented technological ecosystems that lead to inefficient academic management, suboptimal communication among educators, students, and administrators, and an inability to fully utilize data for enhanced learning outcomes, emphasizing the need for a holistic platform that unifies these disparate components to drive educational mastery and institutional efficiency.

Solution Overview

EduSync tackles the fragmentation of educational technologies by integrating key academic management tasks into a single, unified SaaS platform designed for ease of use and clear communication among all educational stakeholders. Its core strategies include:

  1. Centralized assignments interface: Facilitates efficient assignment creation, distribution, and grading for educators while providing students with convenient access to coursework and feedback.

  2. Real-time analytics and predictive tools: Allows educators to quickly identify and support students who may be at risk, ensuring no one falls behind.

  3. Streamlined communication system: Keeps everyone connected with user-friendly messaging and notification features, fostering a cohesive educational community.

  4. Comprehensive administrative dashboard: Gives administrators a powerful tool for overseeing school operations, including scheduling, attendance, and reporting, ensuring a high level of organizational efficiency.

EduSync's purpose-built solution enhances collaboration, reduces administrative workload, and promotes a data-driven academic environment, making it an invaluable asset to educational institutions aiming for excellence and innovation in teaching and learning.


EduSync revolutionizes the educational ecosystem by providing a unified technology platform that bolsters academic management and enhances the overall quality of education. It facilitates a 30% increase in administrative efficiency for schools by centralizing key operational tasks, thereby freeing up educators to focus more on teaching and less on logistics. The platform's integrated communication tools have shown to improve engagement between students and teachers by up to 40%, fostering a more collaborative and supportive learning environment.

By harnessing the power of predictive analytics, EduSync empowers educators to anticipate and address student needs proactively, evidenced by a 25% uptick in positive student performance outcomes. Institutional decision-making is also enhanced, with data dashboards that enable a data-driven approach, contributing to strategic improvements and long-term planning. Ultimately, EduSync delivers a seamless, interactive educational experience that motivates a higher caliber of academic success and sets a new benchmark for educational platforms in terms of connectivity, usability, and effectiveness.


In the heart of a bustling, vibrant classroom, educators found themselves burdened by the chaos of multiple educational tools and platforms. Each served a purpose, yet collectively, they created an overwhelming clutter, impeding the very learning journey they were designed to facilitate. It was the collective frustration of teachers, the untapped potential of students, and the logistical nightmares facing administrators that sowed the seeds for EduSync.

One educator, struggling to reconcile student data scattered across different systems, envisioned a future where this disparate information could flow into a single stream, a unison of purpose and potential. It was during an after-school meeting, where teachers collectively lamented the lost instructional time and the overlooked students who slipped through the cracks, that the urgency for a seamless solution crystallized.

The desire for a streamlined, communicative, and supportive educational environment dug deep into the hearts of the creators, as they aspired for a tool that would not just patch up the fissures in the educational framework but redefine it. The inspiration for EduSync emerged from the genuine needs in the trenches of teaching, the real-life challenges in the administration corridors, and the untapped aspirations within the students' minds.

EduSync's story began in these fragmented experiences, fueled by the conviction that learning should be a journey brimming with connections, not interruptions. It stands as a testament to those moments of inspiration, reflecting the true essence of the collaboration, innovation, and mastery it seeks to engender in the world of education.

Long Term Goal

EduSync aspires to redefine the educational landscape by establishing itself as an indispensable nexus of learning, innovation, and community. In the coming years, we envision EduSync to be at the forefront, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to personalize education and proactively shape student success. Our platform seeks to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology with human insight, cultivating an ecosystem where the barriers between education and technology dissolve, enabling every student to unlock their full potential.

We aim to calibrate EduSync as the heartbeat of educational institutions worldwide, ensuring that it evolves alongside the dynamic rhythms of pedagogy and technology. By fostering a global network of connected classrooms, we'll champion a community-driven approach to education, where shared knowledge elevates collective outcomes. Our commitment to creating a harmonious, data-driven, and user-centric educational experience aligns with our core values of empowerment, engagement, and excellence.

Ultimately, EduSync's ambition is to kindle the infinite possibilities of learning, pioneering an era where educational equity, adaptability, and efficacy aren't just ideals, but everyday realities, empowering learners and educators to excel beyond the traditional classroom boundaries.

Principal Patricia


Principal Patricia


Principal Patricia is a veteran educational administrator with over 20 years of experience. She is dedicated to ensuring the smooth operation of the school and creating an environment conducive to learning and growth. She oversees various aspects of school management, including budgets, staffing, and academic performance assessments.


Age: 45-60, Gender: Female, Education: Master's degree in Education Leadership, Occupation: School Principal, Location: Urban or suburban, Income Level: Upper-middle class


Principal Patricia has a wealth of experience in educational leadership, having served as a teacher, vice-principal, and now principal. She is married with children and is actively involved in the local community.


Principal Patricia is passionate about student success and believes in the value of data-driven decision-making. She is detail-oriented, organized, and seeks innovative solutions to enhance the educational experience. She values collaboration and open communication within the school community.


Principal Patricia aims to optimize school operations, improve academic performance, and foster a positive learning environment. She seeks to streamline administrative tasks, implement effective communication channels, and leverage data for strategic planning and student support.


Principal Patricia struggles with managing multiple administrative tasks, maintaining effective communication with staff, and ensuring the academic success of all students. She is often challenged by limited resources and seeks solutions that alleviate the administrative burden while maximizing educational outcomes.


Email, In-person meetings, Educational conferences


Principal Patricia uses EduSync to monitor school-wide operations, access data dashboards for performance analysis, communicate with educators and staff, and oversee the implementation of academic initiatives. She relies on the platform for efficient reporting and decision-making.


Principal Patricia considers factors such as the platform's ease of use, compatibility with existing systems, cost-effectiveness, and the level of support and training provided. She values solutions that offer comprehensive features tailored to educational administration and positively impact student achievement.


SyncConnect is a feature that allows Principal Patricia to seamlessly connect with educators, students, and parents through a unified communication platform. This feature provides real-time messaging, announcements, and notifications, ensuring that important information reaches the right recipients at the right time. It enhances Principal Patricia's ability to engage with the school community, address concerns, and celebrate achievements, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment.


Insight360 is a comprehensive data analytics tool that empowers Principal Patricia to gain in-depth insights into student performance, attendance trends, and academic achievements. This tool uses predictive analytics to identify at-risk students and provides customizable reports for informed decision-making. With Insight360, Principal Patricia can proactively address student needs, optimize resource allocation, and drive strategic improvements to enhance overall academic performance.


TaskMaster is a centralized task management feature that enables Principal Patricia to allocate and oversee administrative tasks, create schedules, manage staff assignments, and monitor progress. This feature streamlines administrative processes, improves efficiency, and ensures that school operations run smoothly. TaskMaster facilitates efficient delegation, accountability, and time management for Principal Patricia, allowing her to focus on strategic leadership and academic support.


SyncConnect enables seamless communication between the school principal, educators, students, and parents through a unified platform. It provides real-time messaging, announcement, and notification features, ensuring timely and targeted delivery of relevant information. This feature enhances the principal's ability to engage with the school community, address concerns, and celebrate achievements, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment. SyncConnect is an essential tool for promoting effective communication and strengthening the school community.


Real-time Announcement
User Story

As a school principal, I want to create and send real-time announcements to educators, students, and parents so that I can effectively communicate important information and updates.


The real-time announcement feature allows the school principal to compose and send immediate, time-sensitive messages to the entire school community or specific groups, such as educators, students, or parents. This feature enables the principal to communicate important updates, event reminders, or emergency notifications in real-time. The principal can access this feature from their dashboard, compose the announcement with relevant details, select the target recipients, and send the announcement instantly. This feature enhances the principal's ability to maintain timely and transparent communication with all stakeholders, ensuring that vital information reaches the intended audience promptly.

Acceptance Criteria
Principal sends an announcement to all educators
When the principal selects all educators as the target recipients and composes an announcement with relevant details, Then the announcement is delivered to all educators instantly.
Principal sends an emergency notification to all students
Given there is an emergency situation, When the principal selects all students as the target recipients and composes an emergency notification, Then the emergency notification is delivered to all students immediately.
Message Targeting
User Story

As an educator, I want to send targeted messages to specific groups of students and parents so that I can provide them with personalized and relevant information.


The message targeting feature allows educators to send tailored messages to specific groups of students and their parents. Educators can select individual students or entire classes and send personalized messages related to academic updates, performance feedback, or event details. This feature empowers educators to engage with students and parents on a more personalized level, ensuring that the communication is relevant and meaningful. Educators can access this feature from their dashboard, select the target recipients, compose the message, and send it directly to the selected groups. This feature enhances the educator's ability to maintain constructive dialogue with students and parents, fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment.

Acceptance Criteria
Selecting individual students for targeted messaging
When an educator selects individual students from their dashboard for sending personalized messages, then the system should allow them to choose multiple students and ensure that the messages are delivered only to the selected students.
Composing a personalized message
Given an educator has selected the target recipients, when they compose a personalized message including academic updates, performance feedback, or event details, then the system should provide a user-friendly interface with formatting options and ensure the message content can be customized.
Sending message to selected groups
Given that the educator has composed the personalized message, when they send the message to the selected groups of students and parents, then the system should deliver the message to the specified recipients and provide a delivery confirmation for each message sent.
Emergency Notification
User Story

As a parent, I want to receive immediate emergency notifications from the school so that I can take necessary actions to ensure the safety and well-being of my child.


The emergency notification feature enables the school to send immediate alerts to parents in the event of emergencies, such as school closures, safety concerns, or urgent announcements. Parents will receive these notifications through the SyncConnect platform, ensuring that they are promptly informed about critical situations that may impact their child. This feature provides parents with a reliable and efficient communication channel for receiving urgent updates from the school, allowing them to take necessary actions to ensure the safety and well-being of their children. The school administration can access this feature from the dashboard, create emergency notifications with essential details, and send them to all registered parents, ensuring rapid dissemination of critical information.

Acceptance Criteria
Parent receives emergency notification when school closes due to inclement weather
Given the school is closed due to inclement weather, when the emergency notification is sent, then the parent receives the notification with closure details.
Principal sends urgent safety concern notification to all parents
Given the principal identifies a safety concern, when the safety concern notification is created and sent, then all registered parents receive the urgent safety concern notification with essential details.
Read Receipts
User Story

As a school administrator, I want to track message delivery and receipt status to ensure that important communications have been received and acknowledged by the intended recipients.


The read receipts feature provides school administrators with the ability to track the delivery and receipt status of messages sent through SyncConnect. When a message is successfully delivered and read by the recipient, the administrator will receive a confirmation and status update. This feature allows administrators to monitor the effectiveness of communication efforts, ensure that important messages have been received, and follow up on unread messages if necessary. Administrators can use this feature to maintain accountability and track the engagement of educators, students, and parents with the communicated information, ensuring that vital messages do not go unnoticed.

Acceptance Criteria
Confirmation of Delivered Message
Given a message has been sent through SyncConnect, when the message is successfully delivered to the recipient, then the system should confirm the delivery status and update the administrator.
Receipt Status for Read Messages
Given a message has been read by the recipient, when the read receipt is generated, then the system should update the receipt status for the administrator to track.


DataSync is a powerful data integration feature that enables seamless syncing of student and course data from multiple sources into one centralized platform. It allows administrators to streamline data management, eliminates the need for manual data entry, and ensures data accuracy across the educational ecosystem. DataSync benefits educational administrators, teachers, and IT staff by providing a unified and up-to-date view of student information, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.


Real-Time Data Sync
User Story

As an educational administrator, I want real-time data sync to ensure that the most current student and course data is available across all systems and applications, so I can make informed decisions and provide timely support to students and faculty.


The real-time data sync feature enables automatic and immediate synchronization of student and course data from multiple sources into the centralized platform. This allows educational administrators to access up-to-date information without delays, enabling them to make informed decisions, provide timely support to students and faculty, and ensure operational efficiency. This feature is essential for ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the most current data at any given time, enhancing the overall educational experience.

Acceptance Criteria
Initial Data Sync
Given the system is set up and ready for data sync, When the initial data sync process is triggered, Then all existing student and course data from multiple sources should be synchronized into the centralized platform.
Real-Time Data Updates
Given the system is actively running, When new student or course data is added or updated in any source system, Then the changes should be automatically and immediately reflected in the centralized platform in real-time.
Customizable Data Mapping
User Story

As a data integration specialist, I want customizable data mapping to define the relationships and mapping rules between different data sources, so that I can ensure accurate and consistent data integration tailored to our institution's specific requirements.


The customizable data mapping feature allows data integration specialists to define the relationships and mapping rules between different data sources, ensuring accurate and consistent data integration tailored to the institution's specific requirements. This feature empowers educational institutions to customize data mapping based on their unique needs, ensuring that data integration is aligned with the institution's specific workflows and data structures.

Acceptance Criteria
Customize Field Mapping
Given a data integration specialist wants to customize data mapping, when they define the mapping rules between different data sources, then the system should allow mapping of each field to corresponding fields in other data sources.
Rule-Based Mapping
Given a data integration specialist needs to define mapping rules, when they utilize rule-based mapping, then the system should support conditional mappings based on specified rules and conditions.
Error Handling and Logging
User Story

As an IT staff member, I want error handling and logging to identify and resolve data synchronization issues, so that I can maintain data accuracy and system reliability.


The error handling and logging feature provides detailed logging of data synchronization activities and identifies any errors or discrepancies in the data. This enables IT staff members to proactively address data synchronization issues, maintain data accuracy, and ensure system reliability. With this feature, IT staff can identify, troubleshoot, and resolve synchronization errors, ensuring that the data integrity and reliability of the system are maintained at all times.

Acceptance Criteria
Log data synchronization activities
When the system processes a data synchronization activity, then it logs detailed information including source, destination, type of data, and timestamp.
Identify synchronization errors
Given a data synchronization activity, when an error occurs during the process, then the system identifies and logs the error including the error type, affected data, and timestamp.


Engage360 is a comprehensive student engagement tool that facilitates real-time interaction and collaboration between educators and students. It includes features such as interactive discussions, live polls, and group activities to keep students engaged and foster a participative learning environment. Engage360 benefits educators and students by promoting active learning, enhancing communication, and building a sense of community within the educational environment.


Real-Time Discussion
User Story

As an educator, I want to facilitate real-time discussions with students so that I can create an interactive and engaging learning environment.


The feature should allow educators to initiate and moderate real-time discussions with students. Educators should be able to post discussion topics, and students should be able to participate by sharing their thoughts and engaging in meaningful dialogues. This feature will enable educators to foster a collaborative and interactive learning experience, promote critical thinking, and encourage active participation from students. This feature should be available during live class sessions or as a part of virtual classrooms.

Acceptance Criteria
Educator initiates a real-time discussion
Given the educator is logged into the system and has access to the real-time discussion feature, when the educator initiates a discussion topic, then the system should create a new discussion thread and display it to the students.
Students participate in real-time discussion
Given the students are logged into the system and have access to the real-time discussion feature, when the students join a discussion, then they should be able to post their comments, replies, and engage in a real-time conversation with other participants.
Discussion moderation by educators
Given the educator is logged into the system and has access to the real-time discussion feature, when the educator moderates a discussion by deleting inappropriate comments, then the system should remove the comment from the discussion thread and notify the student about the action taken.
Live Polling
User Story

As an educator, I want to conduct live polls to gather instant feedback from students so that I can assess their understanding and adapt my teaching approach accordingly.


The feature should enable educators to create and conduct live polls during class sessions. Educators should be able to create multiple-choice or open-ended questions, and students should be able to respond in real-time. The results of the poll should be displayed immediately, allowing educators to gauge student comprehension, identify areas of confusion, and adjust their teaching methods to address the needs of the students. Live polling will promote active engagement, provide valuable insights into student learning, and support data-driven teaching.

Acceptance Criteria
Educator creates a multiple-choice live poll
Given an active class session, when the educator creates a multiple-choice live poll, then the poll is displayed to the students for real-time response.
Educator creates an open-ended live poll
Given an active class session, when the educator creates an open-ended live poll, then the poll is displayed to the students for real-time response.
Students respond to a live poll
Given an active live poll, when students submit their responses, then the results are displayed to the educator in real-time.
Group Activities
User Story

As an educator, I want to facilitate group activities to encourage collaborative learning among students so that they can work together and learn from each other.


This feature should allow educators to create and manage group activities within the Engage360 platform. Educators should be able to assign students to specific groups and provide them with prompts, tasks, or projects to work on collaboratively. Students should be able to communicate, share resources, and collaborate within their assigned groups. Group activities will promote teamwork, peer learning, and the development of interpersonal skills. Educators can use this feature to encourage collective problem-solving, foster a sense of community, and promote a supportive learning environment.

Acceptance Criteria
Educator creates a new group activity
Given the educator is logged into the Engage360 platform When the educator selects the option to create a new group activity Then the educator should be prompted to enter the details of the group activity including title, description, and the number of groups to create
Educator assigns students to groups
Given the educator has created a group activity When the educator selects the option to assign students to groups Then the educator should be able to select specific students and assign them to individual groups within the activity
Students collaborate within their assigned groups
Given the students have been assigned to groups for a specific activity When the students access the group activity Then the students should be able to communicate, share files, and collaborate with other members within their assigned groups


DataSage is a predictive analytics feature that empowers educators with insights into student performance, allowing them to proactively identify students who may need additional support. By leveraging real-time data and machine learning algorithms, DataSage forecasts student trajectories, identifies at-risk students, and recommends targeted interventions. This feature enhances student success, improves retention rates, and supports educators in providing personalized academic support to each student.


Real-time Predictive Analytics
User Story

As an educator, I want to receive real-time predictive analytics on student performance so that I can proactively identify students who may need additional support.


This requirement entails the implementation of real-time predictive analytics within DataSage to provide educators with up-to-date insights into student performance. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, DataSage will analyze current student data and forecast future student trajectories, allowing educators to identify at-risk students and intervene early. Real-time predictive analytics will enable educators to intervene at the right time, improve student success, and enhance the overall educational experience.

Acceptance Criteria
Educators can access real-time predictive analytics for individual students
Given that the educator is logged into the system, when they access the student's profile, then they can view real-time predictive analytics for that student's performance.
System provides early identification of at-risk students
Given current student data, when the system applies predictive analytics, then it accurately identifies at-risk students who may need additional support based on predefined criteria.
Educators can customize intervention strategies based on predictive insights
Given access to predictive insights, when educators review student performance trends, then they can customize targeted intervention strategies to support individual students.
Customized Intervention Recommendations
User Story

As an educator, I want customized intervention recommendations for at-risk students so that I can provide targeted support based on individual needs.


This requirement involves the development of customized intervention recommendations within DataSage to assist educators in providing targeted support to at-risk students. Through the analysis of student data, DataSage will generate personalized intervention recommendations tailored to each student's specific needs and challenges. This feature will equip educators with valuable insights and practical strategies to support at-risk students, ultimately improving student retention rates and fostering a supportive learning environment.

Acceptance Criteria
Data Analysis
Given a dataset of student performance, when the DataSage algorithm analyzes the data, then it should identify students at risk of underperformance.
Personalized Recommendations
Given identified at-risk students, when the personalized intervention recommendations are generated, then they should be tailored to each student's unique needs and challenges.
Recommendation Insights
Given the generated intervention recommendations, when educators review the insights, then they should provide actionable strategies for supporting at-risk students.
Student Success Forecasting
User Story

As an administrator, I want access to student success forecasting to improve institutional planning and resource allocation.


This requirement calls for the inclusion of student success forecasting capabilities in DataSage. Administrators will have access to predictive analytics that forecast student success rates, enabling them to make informed decisions related to institutional planning, resource allocation, and support services. Student success forecasting will empower administrators to allocate resources effectively, identify areas for improvement, and enhance overall institutional performance.

Acceptance Criteria
Admin access to student success forecasting
Given that the administrator is logged into the system, When they navigate to the DataSage dashboard, Then they should see a dedicated section for student success forecasting.
Student success prediction accuracy
Given historical student data and machine learning algorithms, When the system generates student success predictions, Then the predictions should have a minimum accuracy of 85% based on cross-validation.
Automated Student Progress Reports
User Story

As an educator, I want automated student progress reports to streamline the reporting process and provide timely updates to students and stakeholders.


This requirement involves the implementation of automated student progress reports within DataSage. Educators will be able to generate automated reports on student progress, performance, and intervention outcomes, streamlining the reporting process and ensuring timely updates to students and stakeholders. Automated student progress reports will reduce administrative burden, improve communication with stakeholders, and facilitate data-driven decision-making in academic support initiatives.

Acceptance Criteria
Report Generation
Given the educator has the necessary permissions and student data in the system, when they request an automated progress report for a specific student, then the system should generate a comprehensive report including performance metrics, intervention outcomes, and recommendations.
Stakeholder Communication
Given an automated progress report has been generated for a student, when the system notifies the student and relevant stakeholders, then the notification should include a clear summary of the student's progress, areas of improvement, and recommended interventions.
Data Accuracy
Given the system generates automated progress reports, when the student data is updated, then the system should ensure that the reports reflect the most current and accurate student information.


CommunityConnect is a seamless communication framework that fosters connectivity and engagement among educators, students, and administrators. This feature provides user-friendly messaging and notification features, facilitating clear and efficient communication within the educational community. CommunityConnect promotes collaborative learning environments, strengthens relationships, and ensures that all stakeholders remain informed and connected.


Real-Time Messaging
User Story

As a teacher, I want to send and receive real-time messages with my students so that I can provide immediate feedback and facilitate interactive discussions.


The Real-Time Messaging feature allows teachers to send and receive messages instantly with their students. This fosters a more engaging and interactive learning environment, as teachers can provide immediate feedback, answer questions, and facilitate real-time discussions. Students benefit from this feature by having direct access to their teachers and being able to engage in meaningful conversations, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This feature is used within the EduSync platform during live classes, study sessions, or any other educational interactions.

Acceptance Criteria
Teacher sends a real-time message to a student
Given the teacher is logged in and has access to the class, When the teacher composes and sends a message to a specific student, Then the student receives the message instantly.
Student receives real-time message notification
Given the student is logged in and has notifications enabled, When the teacher sends a real-time message to the student, Then the student receives a notification for the new message.
Notification Center
User Story

As an administrator, I want to manage and send important notifications to the entire educational community so that I can ensure that all stakeholders are informed about important updates and announcements.


The Notification Center feature provides administrators with the ability to manage and send important notifications to the entire educational community. This includes students, teachers, and other staff members. Administrators can use this feature to ensure that all stakeholders are informed about important updates, events, and announcements. This facilitates efficient communication and ensures that everyone is aware of critical information. The Notification Center is accessible to administrators within the EduSync platform and can be used to broadcast time-sensitive messages and alerts that require immediate attention.

Acceptance Criteria
Notification sent by administrator
Given an administrator wants to send an important notification, when they access the Notification Center, then they can compose a message and select the recipients, and then send the notification to the entire educational community.
Notification priority
Given an administrator wants to send an urgent notification, when they compose the message, then they can set the priority level of the notification to ensure it receives immediate attention from the recipients.
Notification tracking
Given a notification has been sent by an administrator, when a recipient receives the notification, then the administrator can track the delivery status to ensure that all recipients have received the message.
Customizable Notifications
User Story

As a student, I want to customize my notification preferences so that I only receive relevant and important messages from the educational community.


The Customizable Notifications feature allows students to customize their notification preferences based on their individual needs and preferences. Students can choose to receive notifications for specific events, subjects, or communication channels, ensuring that they only receive relevant and important messages from the educational community. By customizing their notification settings, students can streamline their communication experience and reduce the clutter of unnecessary messages. This feature is accessible to students within the EduSync platform and provides a personalized communication experience for each student.

Acceptance Criteria
Customizing Notification Preferences
Given a student has logged into the EduSync platform, when the student navigates to the notification settings, then the student should be able to customize notification preferences based on events, subjects, or communication channels.
Selective Notification Management
Given a student has customized their notification preferences, when the student receives a notification for an event, subject, or communication channel, then the notification should align with the student's customized preferences.


DashGenius is a customizable data dashboard that offers comprehensive administrative insights, enabling school administrators to monitor and manage key operational metrics in real time. This feature provides intuitive data visualization, simplifies decision-making processes, and empowers administrators to make data-informed decisions for strategic improvements and long-term planning.


Customizable Dashboard
User Story

As a school administrator, I want to customize the data dashboard to view specific metrics and insights so that I can focus on the most relevant information for informed decision-making.


The customizable dashboard feature allows school administrators to configure the data dashboard to display specific metrics and insights based on their preferences. This customization empowers administrators to focus on the most relevant information for informed decision-making. Administrators can select, rearrange, and prioritize the data visualization components to align with their key operational metrics and strategic goals. This feature enhances user experience and enables administrators to efficiently access and analyze the data that matters most to them, leading to improved decision-making processes.

Acceptance Criteria
User can rearrange the position of data visualization components on the dashboard
Given that the user has access to the customizable dashboard and wants to rearrange the position of data visualization components, When the user initiates the rearrangement process by dragging and dropping the components to desired locations, Then the dashboard reflects the updated positions of the components accurately.
User can select specific metrics and insights to display on the dashboard
Given that the user has access to the customizable dashboard and wants to display specific metrics and insights, When the user selects the desired metrics and insights from the available options, Then the dashboard displays the selected data accurately and removes any previously unselected data.
User can prioritize the display of data visualization components on the dashboard
Given that the user has access to the customizable dashboard and wants to prioritize the display of data visualization components, When the user rearranges the priority order of the components, Then the dashboard reflects the updated priority order and displays the components accordingly.
Real-time Data Updates
User Story

As a school administrator, I want to receive real-time updates on key operational metrics to monitor school performance and make timely decisions.


The real-time data updates feature ensures that school administrators receive instant updates on key operational metrics within the data dashboard. This capability allows administrators to monitor school performance and make timely decisions based on the most current data. The feature provides a dynamic and responsive data visualization environment, enabling administrators to stay informed about changes in metrics and take proactive measures as needed. Real-time data updates contribute to proactive management and strategic decision-making, enhancing the overall effectiveness of administrators in monitoring and managing key operational metrics.

Acceptance Criteria
Initial Data Load
Given the data dashboard is accessed, When the user logs in, Then the dashboard should load the initial data set.
Real-time Metric Display
Given the data dashboard is open, When new metric data is available, Then the dashboard should display the updated metrics in real time.
Data Refresh
Given the data dashboard is being viewed, When the user requests a data refresh, Then the dashboard should accurately fetch and display the latest data within a reasonable time frame.
Data Comparison Tool
User Story

As a school administrator, I want to compare historical data to current metrics to identify trends and patterns for strategic planning and improvements.


The data comparison tool provides school administrators with the ability to compare historical data to current metrics within the data dashboard. This feature enables administrators to identify trends, patterns, and changes in key operational metrics, supporting strategic planning and continuous improvements. By visually comparing historical data with the current state, administrators can gain valuable insights into the performance of the institution over time, leading to more informed decisions and targeted actions for long-term planning and improvements. The data comparison tool enhances the analytical capabilities of administrators and facilitates evidence-based decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
Visual Data Comparison
Given that a school administrator has historical and current data displayed on the data dashboard, when they initiate the comparison tool, then the tool should visually present the data in a clear and understandable format for easy analysis.
Customizable Data Comparison
Given that a school administrator selects specific metrics for comparison, when they use the data comparison tool, then the tool should allow them to customize the comparison by choosing the desired data points and time periods to compare.
Trend Identification
Given that a school administrator utilizes the data comparison tool, when they analyze the data, then the tool should identify and highlight trends, patterns, and changes in the key operational metrics to aid in strategic planning and decision-making.
Enhanced Data Visualization
User Story

As a school administrator, I want to access enhanced data visualization tools to gain deeper insights and understanding of the school's performance.


The enhanced data visualization feature offers school administrators access to advanced and interactive data visualization tools within the data dashboard. This capability enables administrators to gain deeper insights and understanding of the school's performance by visualizing complex data in intuitive formats. The feature includes interactive charts, graphs, and visual representations of key metrics, allowing administrators to explore and analyze data more effectively. Enhanced data visualization enhances the user experience, facilitates data interpretation, and supports informed decision-making by providing administrators with a clearer understanding of the school's performance indicators.

Acceptance Criteria
Interactive Chart Visualization
When a school administrator selects a specific metric from the data dashboard, Then an interactive chart visualization is displayed, allowing the administrator to explore the data by interacting with the chart elements.
Graphical Representation of Key Metrics
Given the data dashboard, When a school administrator navigates to the 'Key Metrics' section, Then graphical representations of the key metrics are displayed in a visually intuitive format.
Data Interpretation Support
Given the data dashboard, When a school administrator views the visualized data, Then the data interpretation support provided by the visualization tools facilitates a clearer understanding of the school's performance indicators.
Intuitive Navigation
Given the data visualization interface, When a school administrator interacts with the visualization tools, Then the intuitive navigation allows easy exploration and analysis of the data.
Customizable Visualization Options
Given the data dashboard settings, When a school administrator accesses the visualization customization options, Then the feature provides the ability to customize the visualization elements according to specific preferences and requirements.
Mobile Compatibility
User Story

As a school administrator, I want the data dashboard to be compatible with mobile devices so that I can access key metrics and insights on the go.


The mobile compatibility feature ensures that the data dashboard is optimized for mobile devices, allowing school administrators to access key metrics and insights on the go. This capability provides administrators with the flexibility to view and monitor key operational metrics from their mobile devices, enabling them to stay informed and connected even while away from their desks. Mobile compatibility enhances accessibility and convenience, empowering administrators to stay updated and responsive to school performance wherever they are. The feature aligns with modern work dynamics and supports administrators in remaining proactive and well-informed.

Acceptance Criteria
Accessing Key Metrics
Given a mobile device with a supported web browser, when the school administrator logs into the data dashboard, then they should be able to access key operational metrics and insights with responsive design and clear visualization.
Real-time Monitoring
Given a mobile device with a supported web browser, when the school administrator views the data dashboard, then the metrics and insights should update in real-time as per the latest data.
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