EduCollab facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among teachers, parents, and students. It enables real-time updates on student progress, personalized feedback, and interactive engagement, fostering a synergetic educational ecosystem.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information, preferences, and privacy settings so that I can personalize my experience and control how my information is used.
Enable users to manage their profiles, including personal information, preferences, and privacy settings. This feature will enhance user experience and provide personalized interaction within the product ecosystem, leading to increased user engagement and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters their username and password, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters their username and password, Then the user should receive an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the user's profile should reflect the updated information.
Password reset request
Given a user who has forgotten their password, When the user requests a password reset, Then the user should receive an email with a password reset link.
Product search by name
Given a customer on the product page, When the customer searches for a product by name, Then the search results should display the relevant products matching the name.
Real-time Chat
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to chat with other users in real-time so that I can communicate instantly and efficiently for various purposes such as collaboration and support.
Implement a real-time chat feature to facilitate instant communication between users. This feature will improve user interaction, collaboration, and support within the product, leading to enhanced user engagement and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a user's registration form, when all required fields are filled correctly, then the user is registered successfully.
User Login
Given a user's login form, when valid credentials are entered, then the user is logged in successfully.
Password Reset
Given the password reset functionality, when a user requests a password reset, then an email with a reset link is sent to the user's email address.
Profile Update
Given the user profile update form, when the user submits valid changes, then the user's profile is updated with the new information.
Product Search
Given the product search feature, when a valid search query is entered, then the relevant products are displayed in the search results.
Add to Cart
Given the product details page, when the user clicks 'Add to Cart', then the product is added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the shopping cart, when the user completes the checkout process with valid payment information, then the order is successfully placed.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a non-English-speaking user, I want the product to be available in my native language so that I can use the product comfortably and understand the content better.
Add support for multiple languages to enable users to access the product in their preferred language. This feature will expand the product's accessibility to a wider audience, supporting inclusivity and user satisfaction for diverse international users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given new user details, when the user submits the registration form, then the system should create a new user account and send a verification email.
Password Reset
Given a user with a forgotten password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a reset link to the user's email.
Product Search
Given a search keyword, when the user initiates a product search, then the system should return relevant products based on the search keyword.
Add to Cart
Given a selected product, when the user adds the product to the cart, then the system should update the cart total and display the added product.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to secure my account with two-factor authentication so that I can have greater confidence in the security of my account and personal information.
Introduce two-factor authentication for an additional layer of security during user login. This feature will enhance account security, protect user data, and instill trust in the product, improving overall user confidence and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters valid credentials and clicks 'Login', Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters invalid credentials and clicks 'Login', Then an error message should be displayed.
User profile update
Given the user is on the profile page, When the user updates their information and clicks 'Save', Then the information should be successfully updated.
Product search by name
Given the user is on the search page, When the user types the product name and clicks 'Search', Then the search results should display matching products.
Add item to cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the item should be added to the cart.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard layout and content so that I can access the most relevant information quickly and personalize my user experience.
Allow users to customize their dashboard layout and content based on their preferences. This feature will provide a personalized user experience, increased user engagement, and efficient access to relevant information, enhancing user satisfaction and retention.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid user credentials, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Profile Update
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Add Item to Cart
Given the user is logged in, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system should update the cart total and display the added item.
Search Product
Given the user is on the home page, when the user searches for a product, then the system should display relevant search results.
Complete Order
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user completes the order, then the system should process the payment and send a confirmation email.
AdaptiPath is an interactive AI-driven adaptive learning tool that creates personalized learning paths for K-12 students. It provides tailored lesson recommendations, adaptive assessments, and real-time performance insights, ensuring individualized learning experiences.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile and account settings so that I can keep my personal information up to date and tailor my experience on the platform.
The feature allows users to view and update their personal information, including contact details, profile picture, and preferences. It provides users with control over their account settings and the ability to customize their profiles to suit their needs.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid details, When they submit the form, Then a new account is created successfully.
User Login
Given an existing user enters valid login credentials, When they click the login button, Then they are authenticated and directed to the dashboard.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user is browsing products, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button for a specific item, Then the item is added to their cart and the cart total is updated.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in their cart, When they proceed to checkout, Then they are guided through the payment and shipping information steps.
Order Confirmation
Given a user successfully completes the checkout process, When the order is submitted, Then they receive a confirmation email and are redirected to the order confirmation page.
Two-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user concerned about account security, I want to enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection to my account.
This requirement involves implementing an additional layer of security for user accounts through two-factor authentication. It enhances account security by requiring users to provide an additional verification factor (e.g., SMS code, authenticator app) along with their password.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system should reject the login and display an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a confirmation message.
Add item to cart
Given a logged-in user, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system should update the cart contents and display the updated cart total.
Checkout process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should display the payment options and allow the user to complete the purchase.
Product Recommendations
User Story
As a user, I want to receive personalized product recommendations based on my interests and previous interactions with the platform, so that I can discover new items that match my preferences.
This feature involves implementing an intelligent recommendation system that suggests products to users based on their browsing history, purchase behavior, and preferences. It enhances the user experience by personalizing product suggestions and increasing the likelihood of relevant purchases.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the 'Login' button, Then they should be redirected to their user dashboard.
User Login
Given a registered user enters an incorrect username or password, When they click the 'Login' button, Then they should see an error message indicating the invalid credentials.
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with all required fields, When they click the 'Register' button, Then they should receive a confirmation email with an activation link.
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with missing or invalid fields, When they click the 'Register' button, Then they should see appropriate error messages indicating the required corrections.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link and enters their email address, When they click the 'Reset Password' button, Then they should receive an email with a link to reset their password.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link and enters an invalid email address, When they click the 'Reset Password' button, Then they should see an error message indicating the invalid email address.
Order Tracking
User Story
As a customer, I want to be able to track the status of my orders in real-time so that I can stay informed about the progress of my purchases and anticipate their arrival.
This requirement involves adding a real-time order tracking feature that allows users to monitor the status and location of their orders. Users can receive updates on their orders, including shipping status and estimated delivery times.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user has valid credentials,When the user enters their username and password,Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user has invalid credentials,When the user enters their username and password,Then the system should reject the login attempt and display an error message.
User navigates to the dashboard
Given the user is logged in,When the user clicks on the dashboard button,Then the system should display the dashboard with relevant user information.
User updates their profile information
Given the user is logged in,When the user selects the profile edit option and updates the information,Then the system should save the changes and display a confirmation message.
User adds a new item to their cart
Given the user is logged in and browsing the available items,When the user selects an item and adds it to the cart,Then the system should update the cart content and display the updated total.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to share products and my shopping experiences on social media directly from the platform, so that I can connect with my friends and recommend products to others.
The feature entails integrating the platform with popular social media networks, allowing users to share products, reviews, and their shopping experiences on their social profiles. It enhances social engagement and encourages user-generated content.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be logged in successfully.
User registration
Given valid user details, when the user submits the registration form, then the user account should be created successfully.
Add item to cart
Given a user is logged in and navigates to a product page, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the item should appear in the user's cart.
Place order
Given items are in the user's cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, then the order should be placed successfully.
View order history
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the order history page, then the user should see a list of previous orders.
EduInnovate is a feature that encourages project-based learning, allowing students to collaborate, create, and innovate. It fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, preparing students for real-world challenges.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile and privacy settings so that I can control my personal information and tailor my experience on the platform.
Enable users to manage their personal information, privacy settings, and account preferences. This feature allows users to update, edit, and customize their profiles, enhancing personalization and data control.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User Registration
Given a unique email address and a strong password, When the user attempts to register, Then the system should create a new user account.
Add to Cart
Given a product is available for purchase, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the product should appear in the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given items are in the user's cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the system should prompt the user to provide shipping and payment information.
Product Search
Given a search query entered by the user, When the user performs a product search, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As a non-English speaking user, I want to be able to access the platform in my native language so that I can fully understand and engage with the content and features.
Implement multi-language support to enable users to access the platform in their preferred language. This feature enhances accessibility and inclusivity for a diverse user base, improving user experience and engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the login button, then the user should be authenticated and directed to the dashboard page.
User Registration
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, when the user enters valid information and clicks the submit button, then the user account should be created, and a confirmation email should be sent.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user navigates to the profile settings page, when the user updates the profile information and clicks the save button, then the profile should be updated, and a success message should be displayed.
Password Reset
Given a user forgets their password and requests a password reset, when the user follows the link in the reset email, then the user should be directed to a page to set a new password.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query and clicks the search button, when the results are displayed, then the products matching the search query should be shown, and the user should be able to view product details.
Email Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive email notifications for important platform events and updates so that I can stay informed and engaged.
Introduce email notifications for important events, updates, and activities on the platform. This feature keeps users informed and engaged, providing timely updates and alerts for relevant interactions and information.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user is successfully logged in.
User Registration
Given a unique username and valid email address, When the user fills in the registration form and clicks 'Register', Then the user account is created successfully.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, When the user clicks 'Forgot Password' and follows the reset instructions, Then the user can successfully reset their password.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, Then the user's profile is updated successfully.
Search Functionality
Given a keyword input, When the user performs a search, Then the search results match the input keyword.
Dark Mode Theme
User Story
As a user, I want the option to enable a dark mode theme for the platform so that I can reduce eye strain and customize the visual appearance according to my preference.
Add a dark mode theme option for users who prefer a darker interface. This feature enhances user comfort and reduces eye strain, providing a customizable visual experience for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user provides correct username and password, When the user logs in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Login Failure
Given a registered user provides an incorrect username or password, When the user logs in, Then the system should display an error message and not grant access.
Create New Account
Given a new user fills out the registration form and submits valid information, When the user creates the account, Then the system should store the user's information and allow access to the user dashboard.
Create Account Failure
Given a new user fills out the registration form with invalid information, When the user tries to create the account, Then the system should display error messages and not allow account creation.
Forgot Password
Given a user has forgotten their password, When the user requests a password reset, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's registered email.
Reset Password
Given a user clicks on the password reset link from their email, When the user enters and confirms a new password, Then the system should update the user's password and allow login with the new password.
Search Product
Given a user enters a search query in the product search field, When the user clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant products matching the search query.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, When the user views their cart, Then the system should show the added product in the cart.
Given a user has items in their cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the system should display the checkout page for the user to review and complete the purchase.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to easily search for specific content using advanced filters and sorting options so that I can quickly find relevant information and navigate the platform efficiently.
Improve the search feature to include advanced filters, sorting options, and quick access to recent searches. This enhancement streamlines user navigation and content discovery, improving the overall search experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user, when the user completes the registration form with valid information, then the system should create a new user account.
Create Post
Given an authenticated user, when the user creates a new post, then the post should be displayed on the user's profile page.
Search Functionality
Given a search query, when the user performs a search, then the system should return relevant results based on the query.
Update Profile
Given an authenticated user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should reflect the changes in the user's profile.
InsightPlus provides educators with in-depth analytics and data visualization tools to gain actionable insights into student learning patterns, engagement levels, and personalized learning progress. It empowers teachers to make data-informed decisions and personalize lesson plans.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information and account settings so that I can update my details and personalize my experience on the platform.
The system must allow users to create, edit, and manage their profiles, including personal information, contact details, and account settings. This feature enhances user experience, enables personalized interactions, and facilitates account management within the product ecosystem.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Registration
Given the required user details are entered, When the user clicks the register button, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Add Item to Cart
Given the user is on the product page, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item should be added to the cart.
Make a Purchase
Given the user has items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the purchase should be successful.
View Order History
Given the user is logged in, When the user navigates to the order history page, Then the user should be able to view their past orders.
Real-time Chat Messaging
User Story
As a user, I want to chat with other users in real time so that I can communicate and collaborate effectively without delays.
The platform should support real-time chat messaging functionality, allowing users to communicate seamlessly with each other. This feature enhances user engagement, fosters collaboration, and facilitates instant communication between users, leading to a more interactive and connected user community.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks on the login button, Then the user should be directed to the dashboard page.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, When the user provides valid registration details and clicks on the register button, Then the user account should be created and a confirmation email should be sent.
Add to Cart
Given a user is browsing the products, When the user selects a product and clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the selected product should be added to the shopping cart.
Place Order
Given a user has added products to the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the order should be placed successfully and a confirmation should be displayed.
Search Functionality
Given a user is on the search page, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the relevant search results should be displayed to the user.
Multi-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to secure my account with multi-factor authentication so that I can protect my personal information and ensure the security of my account.
The system should implement multi-factor authentication to enhance security and prevent unauthorized access. This feature adds an extra layer of protection, safeguards user accounts from potential threats, and increases overall system security.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the login button, then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
Password Reset
Given the user has forgotten their password, when the user clicks the 'Forgot Password' link, then an email with a password reset link should be sent to the user's registered email address.
Product Search
Given the user enters a search keyword, when the user clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant products matching the search keyword.
Add to Cart
Given the user selects a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system should prompt the user to enter shipping and payment details.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard to organize and prioritize the information I need so that I can have a personalized and efficient user experience.
The product should offer a customizable dashboard that allows users to personalize their interface, arrange widgets, and prioritize the display of relevant information. This feature empowers users to tailor their dashboard to their preferences, optimize their workflow, and access key data more efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user navigates to the login page, When the user enters valid credentials and clicks 'Login', Then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, When the user provides valid registration details and submits the form, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link, When the user enters their email and requests a password reset, Then the user should receive an email with a password reset link.
Profile Update
Given a user is logged in and navigates to the profile settings page, When the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, Then the user's profile should be updated with the new information.
Product Search
Given a user is on the search page, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the user should see a list of relevant products based on the search query.
Integration with Social Media Platforms
User Story
As a user, I want to connect my social media accounts to easily share content and engage with others so that I can effortlessly interact and stay connected with my social network.
The system must integrate with popular social media platforms, enabling users to connect their accounts and share content seamlessly. This feature enhances user engagement, expands the product's reach, and allows users to leverage their social networks for enhanced interaction and content distribution.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with valid information, When they submit the form, Then a new user account is created in the system.
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the login button, Then they are redirected to the user dashboard.
Add to Cart
Given a user is viewing a product they want to purchase, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item is added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in the shopping cart, When they proceed to checkout and enter valid shipping and payment information, Then the order is successfully placed.
Search Functionality
Given a user enters a search query in the search bar, When they click the search button, Then relevant search results are displayed.
ParentConnect is a parent engagement feature that provides real-time updates on student performance, personalized recommendations for parental involvement, and a communication channel with teachers. It fosters a collaborative learning environment involving parents in their child's educational journey.
User Authentication
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to securely log in to my account using multi-factor authentication and access specific features based on my assigned role, so that my personal information and account details remain secure and protected.
The requirement involves implementing a secure user authentication system with multi-factor authentication, password encryption, and role-based access control. This will enhance data security and user privacy, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks on the login button, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides valid registration information and clicks on the register button, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given the user is on the product search page, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant products based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the product to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has finished adding products to the shopping cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system should guide the user through the payment and shipping information input.
Order Confirmation
Given the user has completed the checkout process, when the user finalizes the order, then the system should display an order confirmation with the details of the purchased items and shipping information.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to easily share my achievements and updates from the product on social media platforms, so that I can engage with my social network and showcase my progress and experiences.
Integrate social media sharing capabilities into the product, allowing users to share content, achievements, and updates on social media platforms. This will increase user engagement and enable users to showcase their activity within the product to a wider audience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the account.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides valid details and submits the registration form, then the system should create a new account for the user.
Password Reset
Given a user has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Update Profile Information
Given a user wants to update their profile information, when the user submits the updated details, then the system should save the changes and reflect the updated information in the user's profile.
Search Functionality
Given a user wants to search for a specific item, when the user enters the search query and submits the search request, then the system should display relevant results based on the search query.
Notification System
User Story
As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications about important updates and messages within the product, so that I can stay informed and engaged with the platform.
Implement a real-time notification system to alert users about important updates, messages, and events within the product. This will improve user engagement and keep users informed about relevant activities and interactions.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be authenticated and directed to the dashboard page.
Add to Cart
Given a logged-in user, When the user adds an item to the cart, Then the item should be added to the user's cart and the cart total should be updated.
Search Functionality
Given the user is on the homepage, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the search results should be displayed on the search results page.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the user should be prompted to enter shipping and payment details.
Product Review
Given a purchased product, When the user clicks on the review button, Then the user should be able to submit a review for the product.
Performance Optimization
User Story
As a user, I want the product to perform seamlessly with minimal lag and quick response times, so that I can efficiently interact with the platform without delays or interruptions.
Optimize the product's performance by reducing loading times, improving responsiveness, and minimizing resource usage. This will enhance user experience and ensure smooth and efficient usage of the product across different devices and network conditions.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system should display an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Add item to cart
Given a user on the product page, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system should display the updated cart with the added item.
Checkout process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should collect payment information and generate an order confirmation.
Localization Support
User Story
As a user, I want the product to be available in my preferred language and adapt to my regional settings, so that I can easily navigate and understand the content and features.
Add support for multiple languages and regions to make the product accessible to a wider audience. This will enable users from different linguistic backgrounds to use the product in their preferred language, enhancing inclusivity and usability.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid credentials, When the user logs in, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard.
User Login
Given invalid credentials, When the user logs in, Then an error message should be displayed.
Add Item to Cart
Given available stock, When the user adds an item to the cart, Then the cart should be updated with the item.
Add Item to Cart
Given out-of-stock item, When the user adds the item to the cart, Then an out-of-stock message should be displayed.
Place Order
Given items in the cart, When the user places an order, Then the order should be processed and a confirmation email should be sent.
Place Order
Given empty cart, When the user places an order, Then an error message should be displayed.
View Order History
Given previous orders, When the user views order history, Then the user should see a list of past orders.
View Order History
Given no previous orders, When the user views order history, Then a message indicating no orders should be displayed.
Update Profile
Given user details, When the user updates the profile, Then the profile information should be updated.
Update Profile
Given incomplete user details, When the user updates the profile, Then an error message indicating incomplete details should be displayed.
EduMonitor provides real-time monitoring of student progress and engagement, offering educators instant insights into individual and group performance to tailor teaching strategies and interventions.
User Authentication
User Story
As a registered user, I want to securely access my account using a unique username and password, so that my personal information and data remain protected from unauthorized access.
Implement a secure user authentication system to ensure user data privacy and access control. This requirement is essential for protecting user accounts and sensitive information, preventing unauthorized access, and enhancing overall platform security.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with valid information when they submit the form then a new user account is created.
Login Authentication
Given a registered user enters valid credentials when they attempt to log in then they are granted access to the system.
Password Reset
Given a user forgets their password and requests a password reset when they follow the password reset process then they are able to set a new password.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query for a product when they submit the search request then the system returns relevant search results.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product to add to the cart when they click the add to cart button then the selected product is added to the user's cart.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to add an extra layer of security to my account through two-factor authentication, so that my account remains secure even if my password is compromised.
Integrate a two-factor authentication mechanism for an additional layer of user account security. This functionality enhances user account protection by requiring a second form of verification during the login process.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user tries to log in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User Login
Given an invalid username or password, When the user tries to log in, Then the system should display an error message and not grant access.
User Profile Update
Given a user profile with relevant information, When the user updates their profile, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
User Profile Update
Given a user profile with incomplete information, When the user updates their profile, Then the system should display an error message and not save the changes.
Product Search
Given a search query, When the user searches for a product, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Product Search
Given an empty search query, When the user searches for a product, Then the system should display a message indicating no results found.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the system should update the cart contents and display a confirmation message.
Add to Cart
Given an out-of-stock product, When the user tries to add the product to the cart, Then the system should display an out-of-stock message and not update the cart.
Password Recovery
User Story
As a user, I want to easily recover my password in case I forget it, so that I can regain access to my account without any hassle.
Enable users to reset their passwords via email or SMS verification. This feature provides a seamless process for recovering forgotten passwords, ensuring users can regain access to their accounts without compromising security.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user has valid credentials
When the user enters their username and password
Then the system logs the user in successfully
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user has invalid credentials
When the user enters their username and password
Then the system displays an error message
User submits a contact form
Given the user is on the contact form page
When the user fills in the required details and submits the form
Then the system sends a confirmation email to the user
User adds a product to the shopping cart
Given the user is viewing a product
When the user clicks 'Add to Cart'
Then the product is added to the shopping cart
User searches for a product
Given the user is on the search page
When the user enters a search query and hits 'Enter'
Then the system displays relevant search results
Role-Based Access Control
User Story
As an admin user, I want to assign different access levels to users based on their roles, so that I can control the permissions and actions allowed for each user category.
Implement role-based access control to enable different levels of access and permissions based on user roles. This requirement ensures that authorized users have access to specific features and functionalities based on their designated roles within the system.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid username and password, When user clicks on the 'Login' button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, When the user provides valid information and clicks 'Register', Then the user should receive a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given the user is on the product search page, When the user enters the product name and clicks 'Search', Then relevant products should be displayed in the search results.
Add to Cart
Given the user selects a product, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the product should be added to the shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has added products to the cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the user should be prompted to enter shipping and payment information.
Audit Trail Logging
User Story
As an administrator, I want to track and review user activities and system changes for security and compliance purposes, so that I can maintain a secure and regulated environment.
Develop an audit trail logging system to track and record user activities and system changes. This functionality provides a comprehensive record of user interactions and system modifications, aiding in security monitoring, compliance, and troubleshooting.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid data, When they submit the form, Then they should receive a confirmation email with an activation link.
User login
Given a registered user enters their correct credentials, When they click the 'Login' button, Then they should be directed to the dashboard page.
Add item to cart
Given a logged-in user selects an item and clicks 'Add to Cart', When the item is successfully added to the cart, Then the cart total should reflect the added item and the user should see a success message.
Place order
Given a user has items in their cart, When they proceed to checkout and complete the payment, Then an order confirmation should be displayed, and the user should receive an order confirmation email.
Product search
Given a user enters a search query and clicks the 'Search' button, When the search results are displayed, Then the results should be relevant to the search query and paginated.
EduCollab facilitates seamless collaboration among educators, enabling real-time communication, resource sharing, and lesson planning to enhance teamwork and synergy in the educational ecosystem.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile and account settings easily so that I can update my information and customize my experience on the platform.
The requirement involves creating a user profile management system that allows users to update their personal information, change passwords, and manage account settings. This feature enhances user control and personalization, leading to improved user experience and satisfaction. It integrates with the existing user authentication system and supports GDPR compliance for user data protection.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then they should be directed to the dashboard.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given an invalid username or password, when the user logs in, then an error message should be displayed.
User uploads an image
Given an image file is selected for upload, when the user submits the form, then the image should be successfully uploaded and displayed in the gallery.
User adds a product to the cart
Given a product is selected and added to the cart, when the user checks the cart, then the added product should be listed.
User makes a purchase
Given items are in the cart and payment information is provided, when the user completes the purchase, then an order confirmation should be displayed, and the inventory should be updated.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to perform advanced searches with filtering and sorting options so that I can quickly find the most relevant results based on my preferences.
The requirement involves implementing an advanced search functionality with filters, sorting options, and keyword suggestions. This feature improves the user's ability to find specific items or content quickly and efficiently. It integrates with the existing search system and enhances the platform's usability and search experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid data, When they submit the form, Then a new user account is created in the system.
User login
Given an existing user enters valid credentials, When they click the login button, Then they are successfully logged into the system.
Password reset
Given a user forgets their password, When they request a password reset, Then an email with a password reset link is sent to the user's registered email address.
Add item to cart
Given a user searches for an item and selects it, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the selected item is added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout process
Given a user has items in their cart and proceeds to checkout, When they complete the payment process, Then the items are successfully purchased and an order confirmation is displayed.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As a non-English speaking user, I want the platform to be available in my native language so that I can easily understand and engage with the content and features.
The requirement involves adding support for multiple languages to the platform, allowing users to switch between different language options. This feature expands the platform's accessibility and user base, catering to a diverse global audience. It integrates with the existing content management system and supports localization for text and interface elements.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should grant access and navigate to the user's dashboard.
User registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides a unique username and a valid email, and creates a strong password, then the system should create a new account for the user and send a verification email.
Product search
Given the user enters a search keyword, when the user initiates the search, then the system should display relevant products matching the search keyword.
Add to cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the product to the user's cart and update the cart total.
Checkout process
Given the user has added items to the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should prompt the user to enter shipping and payment information before confirming the order.
Real-time Chat Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to chat with other users in real-time so that I can have quick conversations and exchange information seamlessly within the platform.
The requirement involves integrating a real-time chat feature that enables users to communicate with each other instantly. This feature facilitates quick interactions, collaboration, and support within the platform, leading to improved user engagement and retention. It integrates with the existing messaging system and supports multimedia attachments and group chats.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and allow access to the dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a registered user with a forgotten password, when the user requests a password reset, then an email with a password reset link should be sent to the user's registered email address.
Product Search
Given a user on the product page, when the user enters a keyword in the search bar and clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant products based on the keyword entered.
Add to Cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the cart with the selected product and quantity.
Checkout Process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should guide the user through the payment and shipping details, and provide a confirmation of the order.
Integration with Social Media Platforms
User Story
As a user, I want to connect my social media accounts to the platform so that I can easily share content and engage with my social network without leaving the platform.
The requirement involves integrating the platform with popular social media platforms, allowing users to connect their accounts and share content directly. This feature enhances user connectivity and social sharing, expanding the platform's reach and visibility. It integrates with the existing user authentication system and supports content sharing and cross-platform engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when they input their username and password, then they should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when they input their username and password, then they should receive an error message and not be logged in.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when they update their profile information and save changes, then the updated information should be reflected in their profile.
Add item to cart
Given a logged-in user, when they add an item to their cart, then the item should appear in the user's cart with the correct details.
Checkout process
Given a user with items in their cart, when they proceed to checkout and complete the payment, then the order should be successfully placed and the user should receive a confirmation.
EduAssist offers personalized support for students through virtual tutoring, academic guidance, and academic resource recommendations, fostering personalized learning experiences and academic success.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to update my profile details and preferences so that I can ensure my account information is accurate and tailor my experience to my preferences.
Enable users to manage and update their profiles, including personal information, contact details, and preferences. This feature allows users to have control over their account information and customize their experience on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User log in with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, when the user enters valid username and password, then the user should be logged into the system.
User log in with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, when the user enters invalid username or password, then an error message should be displayed.
User registration with valid information
Given the user is on the registration page, when the user enters valid information and submits the form, then the user should be successfully registered in the system.
User registration with invalid information
Given the user is on the registration page, when the user enters invalid information and submits the form, then an error message should be displayed.
Accessing user profile page
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the profile page, then the user should be able to view and edit their profile information.
Two-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to add an extra layer of security to my account through two-factor authentication so that I can protect my account from unauthorized access.
Implement two-factor authentication for an added layer of security during the login process. This feature enhances account security by requiring users to provide two forms of verification before accessing their accounts.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When the user submits the form, Then the user should receive a confirmation email with an activation link.
User Login
Given an existing user enters valid login credentials, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be redirected to their dashboard.
Adding Item to Cart
Given a user selects an item and clicks 'Add to Cart', When the item is successfully added to the cart, Then the item count in the cart should increase by 1.
Placing an Order
Given a user has items in their cart, When the user goes to the checkout page and completes the order, Then the user should receive an order confirmation and the items should be removed from the cart.
Password Reset
Given a user requests a password reset, When the user follows the password reset link and sets a new password, Then the user should receive a confirmation email and be able to log in with the new password.
Advanced Search Filters
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to apply advanced filters to my search queries so that I can find exactly what I'm looking for with greater accuracy.
Introduce advanced search filters to allow users to refine their search results based on specific criteria such as price range, location, and date. This feature enhances the search functionality and provides users with more precise results.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user is logged in successfully.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters the incorrect username or password, Then an error message is displayed.
Create a new account
Given a user wants to create a new account, When the user provides valid account information, Then a new account is created successfully.
Add item to cart
Given a user is browsing the store, When the user adds an item to the cart, Then the item is successfully added to the cart.
Place an order
Given a user has items in the cart, When the user places an order, Then the order is processed and confirmed.
Integration with Social Media Platforms
User Story
As a user, I want to easily share content and interact with the platform community through social media integration so that I can connect with other users and contribute to the platform.
Enable seamless integration with popular social media platforms to allow users to share content and engage with the platform community. This feature enhances user interaction and promotes user-generated content sharing.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid credentials, when the user logs in, then they should be directed to the home page.
User Registration
Given a valid email address and password, when the user registers, then they should receive a verification email.
Product Search
Given a search query, when the user searches for a product, then relevant results should be displayed.
Add to Cart
Given a selected product, when the user adds it to the cart, then it should appear in the cart summary.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, when the user initiates checkout, then they should be prompted to enter shipping and payment information.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to access content in my preferred language so that I can fully understand and engage with the platform.
Implement multi-language support to cater to a diverse user base and provide content in multiple languages. This feature enhances accessibility and inclusivity for users from different language backgrounds.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User registration
Given the required registration information, When the user submits the registration form, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Product search
Given a search query, When the user performs a product search, Then the system should return relevant search results.
Add to cart
Given a product is selected, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the product should be added to the cart successfully.
Checkout process
Given the user has items in the cart, When the user goes through the checkout process, Then the user should be able to complete the purchase successfully.
EduEmpower empowers students to set personalized learning goals, track their progress, and access tailored resources, promoting self-directed learning and academic achievement.
Instant Search
User Story
As a user, I want to see search results instantly as I type, so that I can find the content I'm looking for more efficiently.
Implement an instant search feature that provides real-time search results as the user types. This feature aims to enhance user experience and provide quick access to relevant content.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Registration
Given a unique email address and a strong password, When the user submits the registration form, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Add to Cart
Given a product is available for purchase, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the product should be added to the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given items are in the user's cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the user should be able to complete the purchase successfully.
Password Reset
Given the user has forgotten the password, When the user requests a password reset, Then the user should receive an email with a password reset link.
Dark Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to switch to a dark mode to reduce eye strain and improve readability in low-light environments.
Introduce a dark mode option to reduce eye strain and improve readability in low-light environments. This feature provides users with a more comfortable viewing experience and greater accessibility.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user enters valid registration information, When they submit the registration form, Then the user account is created successfully.
Login Authentication
Given a registered user enters valid login credentials, When they submit the login form, Then the user is authenticated and granted access to the system.
Password Reset
Given a registered user requests a password reset, When they follow the password reset process, Then the user's password is successfully reset.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query, When they click the search button, Then relevant product results are displayed.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product to add to the cart, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product is added to the user's shopping cart.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to view the content in my preferred language, so that I can understand and engage with the platform more effectively.
Enable support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base. This feature allows users to access content in their preferred language, enhancing accessibility and inclusivity.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid username and password
Given the user is on the login page, when they enter a valid username and password, then they should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User login with invalid username and password
Given the user is on the login page, when they enter an invalid username or password, then they should see an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User profile update
Given the user is on the profile page, when they update their profile information and save the changes, then the updated information should be reflected in the database.
Adding item to cart
Given the user is on the product page, when they click the 'Add to Cart' button, then the item should be added to the user's cart.
Checkout process
Given the user has items in their cart, when they proceed to checkout and complete the payment process, then they should receive a confirmation email and the order should be processed.
Two-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want an extra layer of security for my account to prevent unauthorized access and protect my personal information.
Implement an additional layer of security through two-factor authentication. This feature enhances user account security by requiring a second form of verification during login, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the system.
User Registration
Given a unique email and a strong password, when the user registers, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given a keyword or category, when the user searches for a product, then the system should display relevant search results sorted by relevance.
Add to Cart
Given a selected product, when the user adds it to the cart, then the system should update the cart total and display a confirmation message.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart and valid shipping information, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should calculate the total amount and process the payment.
Offline Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to access key features and content even without an internet connection, so that I can continue using the platform during offline situations.
Introduce an offline mode that allows users to access certain features and content without an internet connection. This feature provides continued access to essential functionalities in offline scenarios.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration
Given a new user fills in the registration form with valid data, When they submit the form, Then the user should be successfully registered in the system.
Login functionality
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the login button, Then the user should be redirected to their dashboard.
Password reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link, When they provide their email address, Then the user should receive an email with a password reset link.
Product search
Given a user enters a search query in the search bar, When they click the search button, Then the system should display relevant products based on the search query.
Add to cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, When they view their cart, Then the selected product should be listed in the cart.
EduEngage enhances student participation and excitement in learning through interactive gamified activities, quizzes, and challenges that promote active learning and retention of knowledge.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to update my personal information and communication preferences so that I can tailor my experience and receive relevant updates and notifications.
The requirement involves creating a user profile management system that allows users to update their personal information, preferences, and communication settings. It will enable users to have a personalized experience and manage their account details seamlessly within the product ecosystem.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user provides the correct username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user provides incorrect username or password, then the system should display an error message and not grant access to the application.
Create a new account
Given a new user, when the user provides valid registration details and submits the form, then the system should create a new account for the user.
View user profile
Given an authenticated user, when the user navigates to the profile page, then the system should display the user's profile information.
Update user profile
Given an authenticated user, when the user updates the profile information and saves the changes, then the system should update the user's profile with the new information.
Real-time Chat Feature
User Story
As a user, I want to have a real-time chat feature so that I can communicate with other users directly within the product and engage in real-time discussions and collaboration.
Implement a real-time chat feature that allows users to communicate with each other directly within the product. The chat feature will enhance user engagement and collaboration, providing a seamless communication channel for users to connect and interact in real-time.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides valid information and submits the registration form, then the system should create a new user account.
Password Reset
Given a user has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a reset link to the user's registered email.
Product Search
Given a user wants to search for a product, when the user enters a valid search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant search results.
Add to Cart
Given a user wants to add a product to the shopping cart, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the cart with the selected product.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As a global user, I want to be able to use the product in my preferred language so that I can easily understand and navigate the interface in a language I am comfortable with.
Enable multi-language support to provide users with the option to access the product in their preferred language. This feature will enhance the product's accessibility and user experience for a diverse audience, catering to different language preferences and improving inclusivity.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be successfully logged in to the system.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters the incorrect username or password, Then the user should not be able to log in and should receive an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the user's profile should be updated with the new information.
Add item to cart
Given a logged-in user, When the user adds an item to the shopping cart, Then the item should appear in the user's cart with the correct quantity.
Remove item from cart
Given a logged-in user with items in the cart, When the user removes an item from the cart, Then the item should be removed from the cart and the total should be updated accordingly.
Advanced Search Filters
User Story
As a user, I want to use advanced search filters to refine my search results and find specific content based on my preferences and criteria.
Introduce advanced search filters to allow users to refine their search results based on specific criteria such as date, location, category, and more. The advanced search filters will provide users with more control and precision when searching for content within the product.
Acceptance Criteria
User log in with correct credentials
Given the user enters the correct username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the system should authenticate the user and allow access to the dashboard.
User log in with incorrect credentials
Given the user enters incorrect username or password, When the user submits the login form, Then the system should display an error message and not allow access to the dashboard.
User updates profile information
Given the user navigates to the profile settings, When the user updates any profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
User adds item to shopping cart
Given the user browses products and selects an item, When the user adds the item to the cart, Then the system should update the cart contents and display the updated total.
User places an order
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and confirms the order, Then the system should process the order, deduct the items from inventory, and display an order confirmation.
Enhanced Security Measures
User Story
As a user, I want my personal information to be secure and protected through advanced security measures so that I can have peace of mind regarding the privacy and confidentiality of my data.
Implement enhanced security measures to safeguard user data and privacy, including measures such as two-factor authentication, encryption, and regular security audits. The enhanced security measures will ensure the protection of user information and build trust and confidence among users regarding data security.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the 'Login' button, Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect them to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user provides valid registration details, When they click the 'Register' button, Then the system should create a new user account and display a success message.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user is viewing a product they want to buy, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should update the user's shopping cart and display a confirmation message.
Checkout Process
Given a user has selected items for purchase in their shopping cart, When they proceed to the checkout page, Then the system should display the order summary and request payment information.
Password Reset
Given a user has forgotten their password, When they click the 'Forgot Password' link, Then the system should prompt the user to enter their email and send a password reset link.
EduAssist is a feature that offers personalized support and assistance to educators, providing resources, tips, and best practices tailored to their teaching style and classroom needs.
User Authentication
User Story
As a registered user, I want to securely log in to my account so that my personal information remains private and protected from unauthorized access.
Implement user authentication to secure user accounts, access control, and personal data. This feature will provide secure access to user accounts and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
Acceptance Criteria
User Authentication
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be allowed access to the system.
Password Strength
Given a password input field, When the user enters a password, Then the password strength should be evaluated and displayed to the user.
Account Creation
Given a registration form, When the user provides valid information and submits the form, Then a new account should be created for the user.
User Profile Update
Given a profile edit form, When the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, Then the user's profile should be updated with the new information.
User Logout
Given an active user session, When the user clicks on the logout button, Then the user should be logged out and the session terminated.
Two-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user concerned about account security, I want to enable two-factor authentication to further protect my account from unauthorized access.
Introduce two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security during the login process. This will enhance account security by requiring users to provide a second form of verification, such as a code from a mobile device, in addition to the standard username and password.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User Registration
Given a new user email and password, When the user attempts to register, Then the system should create a new account for the user.
Password Reset
Given a registered user email, When the user requests a password reset, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given an authenticated user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product Search
Given a search query, When the user searches for a product, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Password Reset Functionality
User Story
As a user who has forgotten my password, I want to be able to reset it securely to regain access to my account without contacting support.
Enable users to reset their passwords in case of forgotten or compromised credentials. This feature will allow users to securely reset their passwords and regain access to their accounts without manual intervention from support agents.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user enters the incorrect username or password, then the user should not be logged in and should receive an error message.
Adding a product to the shopping cart
Given a product detail page, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the shopping cart.
Applying a discount code to the order
Given a valid discount code, when the user applies the code to the order, then the discount should be applied to the order total.
Submitting a contact form
Given a contact form with required fields, when the user submits the form with valid data, then the form should be successfully submitted.
Profile Management
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to manage and update my profile information and account settings to personalize my experience and keep my information up to date.
Introduce profile management capabilities for users to update and manage their personal information, preferences, and account settings. This will empower users to customize and maintain their account details effectively.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Profile Update
Given user is logged in, When the user updates their profile information, Then the user profile should be updated with the new information.
Add Item to Cart
Given a logged-in user, When the user adds an item to the cart, Then the cart should display the added item.
Payment Process
Given items are in the cart, When the user initiates the payment process, Then the payment should be processed successfully.
Order Confirmation
Given the payment is processed, When the order is confirmed, Then the user should receive an email confirmation of the order.
Account Deactivation
User Story
As a user taking a break from the platform, I want to be able to temporarily deactivate my account to ensure security and privacy while I'm away.
Implement a feature that allows users to deactivate or temporarily disable their accounts. This functionality will give users the option to take a break from the platform while ensuring their account remains secure and inactive.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user registers with valid information, When the registration form is submitted, Then the user should receive a confirmation email.
User Login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be successfully logged in to the system.
Password Reset
Given a registered user forgets their password, When the user requests a password reset, Then the user should receive an email with a link to reset the password.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user wants to update their profile information, When the user submits the updated details, Then the user's profile should be successfully updated in the system.
Create New Post
Given a logged-in user wants to create a new post, When the user fills out the post creation form and submits the post, Then the new post should be visible on the user's profile.
EduConnect is a feature that facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between educators, allowing them to share resources, best practices, and insights to enhance teaching strategies and student engagement.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information and privacy settings so that I can control my account details and personalize my experience on the platform.
Allow users to view and update their personal information, privacy settings, and notification preferences. This feature provides users with control over their account details and enhances the overall user experience by personalizing their settings.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user enters valid registration details, When they submit the registration form, Then they should receive a confirmation email.
Login Authentication
Given a registered user enters correct credentials, When they attempt to log in, Then they should be granted access to the dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a user forgets their password, When they request a password reset, Then they should receive an email with password reset instructions.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user goes to their profile page, When they update their profile information, Then the changes should be saved and reflected on subsequent visits.
Search Functionality
Given a user enters a search query, When they click the search button, Then relevant search results should be displayed.
Multi-lingual Support
User Story
As an international user, I want the platform to support multiple languages so that I can access the content and interface in my preferred language, making the platform more accessible and user-friendly.
Implement support for multiple languages to accommodate users from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This feature enables users to access the platform in their preferred language, improving accessibility and creating a more inclusive user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user has entered valid credentials, When they click the 'Login' button, Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect them to the dashboard.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user has entered invalid credentials, When they click the 'Login' button, Then the system should display an error message and not authenticate the user.
User updates profile information
Given the user is on the profile page, When they update their information and click the 'Save' button, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
User initiates a password reset
Given the user is on the login page, When they click the 'Forgot Password' link and enter their email, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
User adds a product to the shopping cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should update the shopping cart and display the total price.
Real-time Chat Messaging
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to chat with other users in real-time so that I can communicate and collaborate more effectively within the platform.
Integrate a real-time chat messaging system to allow users to communicate with each other instantly. This feature promotes seamless communication and collaboration among users, enhancing engagement and interaction on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks on the 'Login' button, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User Registration
Given the registration form is complete, When the user submits the form, Then the user should receive a registration confirmation email.
Product Search
Given the user is on the search page, When the user enters a keyword and clicks on the 'Search' button, Then the user should see relevant search results.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the user should receive an order confirmation and the items should be removed from the cart.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard to suit my preferences and display the content that is most relevant to me, making the platform more user-centric and tailored to my needs.
Enable users to customize their dashboard layout and content display based on their preferences. This feature empowers users to arrange and prioritize information according to their needs, optimizing the user interface for a personalized experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, the user should be able to log in successfully.
Password Strength
When a user creates a new password, it must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character.
Profile Update
When a user updates their profile information, the changes should be saved and reflected in the user profile.
Product Search
Given a search query, the system should return relevant products matching the search criteria.
Checkout Process
When a user completes the checkout process, the system should generate an order confirmation and update the user's purchase history.
Integration with Social Media Platforms
User Story
As a user, I want to connect my social media accounts to the platform to easily share content and engage with other users, enhancing social interactions and expanding the platform's reach.
Facilitate seamless integration with popular social media platforms to enable users to share content and connect their social profiles with the platform. This feature enhances social engagement, expands user reach, and promotes user-generated content sharing.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, When they enter valid credentials and submit the form, Then a new user account should be created successfully.
Login Authentication
Given an existing user navigates to the login page, When they enter valid credentials and submit the form, Then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a user requests a password reset, When they receive the reset link and set a new password, Then the new password should be successfully updated in the system.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user wants to update their profile, When they make changes and save, Then the user's profile information should be updated accordingly.
Add to Cart
Given a user adds an item to the shopping cart, When they view the cart, Then the added item should be displayed in the cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user proceeds to checkout, When they complete the payment process, Then the order should be successfully processed and a confirmation email should be sent to the user.
EduTrack is a feature that enables real-time tracking of student progress and performance, providing educators with comprehensive analytics and insights to tailor lesson plans and support individual student needs.
Mobile App Dark Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to have the option to switch to dark mode so that I can reduce eye strain and use the app comfortably in low-light environments.
Implement a dark mode feature in the mobile app to reduce eye strain and improve user experience in low-light environments. This feature will give users the option to switch the app's interface to a dark color scheme.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with valid information, When the user submits the form, Then the user account is created successfully.
User Login
Given an existing user enters valid credentials, When the user logs in, Then the user is redirected to the dashboard.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user is logged in and viewing a product, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the item is added to the cart successfully.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the user can successfully complete the purchase and receive a confirmation email.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link, When the user enters a valid email address and submits the form, Then the user receives an email with a password reset link.
Enhanced Push Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive personalized push notifications so that I can stay informed about relevant updates and events.
Enhance push notifications to include more personalized and relevant information, increasing user engagement and retention. This feature will allow for customization of notification settings and content based on user preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the login button, then the user should be redirected to the home page.
User registration
Given a unique username and a valid email, when the user submits the registration form, then the user account should be created and the user should receive a confirmation email.
Product search
Given a search query, when the user clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of relevant products based on the query.
Add to cart
Given a selected product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout process
Given items in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should prompt the user for payment and shipping information.
Order confirmation
Given completed payment and shipping details, when the user confirms the order, then the system should display an order confirmation page with a unique order ID.
Password reset
Given a request to reset the password, when the user provides a valid email for password reset, then a password reset link should be sent to the user's email address.
Profile update
Given a user profile, when the user updates the profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Access control
Given a user role, when the user attempts to access restricted resources, then the system should grant access based on the user's role permissions.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to use the app in my preferred language so that I can understand and engage with the content more effectively.
Integrate multi-language support to enable users to access the app in their preferred language, expanding the app's accessibility to a global audience. This feature will allow users to select their language preference and view app content in multiple languages.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with correct credentials
Given valid username and password, When the user enters their credentials and clicks 'Log In', Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect them to the home page.
User logs in with incorrect credentials
Given invalid username or password, When the user enters their credentials and clicks 'Log In', Then the system should display an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User updates profile information
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information and clicks 'Save', Then the system should update the user's profile details and display a success message.
User adds a product to the shopping cart
Given a logged-in user, When the user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the system should add the product to the user's shopping cart and display a confirmation message.
User completes a purchase
Given a user with items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the purchase, Then the system should process the payment, update inventory, and send a confirmation email to the user.
Offline Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to use the app even when I have no internet connection so that I can access important features and content at all times.
Implement offline mode functionality to allow users to access certain app features and content without an internet connection. This feature will improve user experience in low-connectivity environments and ensure continuous app functionality.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user is authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides valid details and submits the registration form, then the user account is created, and a confirmation email is sent.
Reset Password
Given a user forgot their password, when the user requests a password reset, then an email with a password reset link is sent to the user's registered email address.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user wants to add an item to their cart, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the item is successfully added to the cart, and the cart total is updated.
Checkout Process
Given a user wants to complete a purchase, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the user can enter shipping and payment information, review the order, and place the order successfully.
Biometric Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to use biometric authentication to log into the app quickly and securely without needing to enter a password.
Incorporate biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint or face ID) to provide an additional layer of security and convenience for users when logging into the app. This feature will enhance user data protection and streamline the authentication process.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page When the user enters valid credentials and clicks 'Login' Then the user should be directed to the home page
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page When the user enters invalid credentials and clicks 'Login' Then the user should see an error message indicating invalid credentials
User adds item to cart
Given the user is on the product page When the user clicks 'Add to Cart' Then the item should be added to the cart
User removes item from cart
Given the user is on the cart page When the user clicks 'Remove' for an item Then the item should be removed from the cart
User completes checkout process
Given the user is on the checkout page When the user enters shipping and payment details and clicks 'Place Order' Then the order should be processed and a confirmation page should be displayed
EduSync is a feature that fosters collaboration and synchronization among teachers, students, and parents, facilitating a cohesive and supportive educational ecosystem that ensures student success.
User Authentication
User Story
As a registered user, I want to securely authenticate my identity so that my personal information and account details are protected from unauthorized access.
Implement a robust user authentication system to protect user data and enable secure access to the platform. This feature will enhance security and privacy for users, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with correct username and password
Given the user is on the login page and enters a valid username and password, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User logs in with incorrect username and password
Given the user is on the login page and enters an invalid username and password, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the system should display an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User adds item to shopping cart
Given the user is on the product page and clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, When the item is successfully added to the cart, Then the cart icon should display the updated quantity.
User applies a coupon code at checkout
Given the user is on the checkout page and enters a valid coupon code, When the user clicks the 'Apply' button, Then the system should apply the discount to the order total.
User selects preferred language
Given the user is on the settings page, When the user selects a language from the dropdown menu, Then the system should display the user interface in the selected language.
Two-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to my account and prevent unauthorized access.
Introduce a two-factor authentication mechanism to add an extra layer of security for user accounts, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and identity theft. This feature will provide an additional security measure beyond traditional passwords, enhancing user account protection.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Registration
Given a new user, when the user completes the registration form with all required information, then the user account should be created successfully.
Add to Cart
Given a logged-in user, when the user selects a product and adds it to the cart, then the product should appear in the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment process, then the order should be successfully placed.
Product Search
Given a user on the homepage, when the user searches for a specific product, then the search results should display relevant products.
Password Recovery
User Story
As a user who has forgotten my password, I want to easily recover my account password through a secure and efficient process to regain access to my account.
Enable users to recover their account passwords through a secure and user-friendly process. This functionality will enhance user experience by providing a streamlined method for regaining access to their accounts in case of password loss or forgetfulness.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be successfully logged in.
User Registration
Given unique email address and valid password, when the user submits the registration form, then the user account should be created successfully.
Forgot Password
Given a registered email address, when the user requests a password reset, then an email with password reset instructions should be sent to the user's email.
Create Post
Given logged-in user, when the user creates a new post with title and content, then the post should be successfully created and displayed on the user's profile.
Search Functionality
Given search input, when the user performs a search, then relevant search results should be displayed based on the input.
Account Lockout Policy
User Story
As a user, I want my account to be temporarily locked after multiple failed login attempts to prevent unauthorized access and protect my account from malicious attacks.
Implement an account lockout policy to prevent unauthorized access and brute force attacks. This feature will enhance security by temporarily locking out user accounts after multiple failed login attempts, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard page.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, When the user requests a password reset, Then the user should receive an email with a reset link.
Product Search
Given a search input, When the user enters a product name and clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant products based on the search input.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the system should process the order and provide a confirmation message.
Secure Session Management
User Story
As a user, I want my sessions to be securely managed to prevent unauthorized access and protect my account from session hijacking and related security threats.
Enhance session management to securely manage user sessions and prevent session hijacking and other related attacks. This feature will improve security by ensuring that user sessions are protected from unauthorized access or tampering.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user registration form, When the user fills in all required fields and submits the form, Then a new user account is created in the system.
User Login
Given a user login form, When the user enters valid login credentials and submits the form, Then the user is authenticated and granted access to the system.
Profile Update
Given a user profile update form, When the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, Then the user's profile is successfully updated in the system.
Password Reset
Given a password reset request, When the user provides a valid email address and requests a password reset, Then the user receives a password reset link via email.
Product Search
Given a product search function, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the system displays relevant search results to the user.
EduEngage is a feature that promotes interactive and engaging learning experiences for students, offering gamified learning activities, quizzes, and challenges to enhance student motivation and retention.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to update my profile information and manage my account settings so that I can maintain accurate personal details and customize my user experience.
This requirement involves creating a user profile management system that allows users to update their personal information, preferences, and account settings. It includes features such as profile editing, password changes, and privacy settings, enhancing user experience and providing greater control over their accounts.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration
Given the user navigates to the registration page, When they enter valid registration details, Then they should be registered successfully.
User login
Given the user navigates to the login page, When they enter valid login credentials, Then they should be logged in successfully.
Add item to cart
Given the user has selected an item, When they click 'Add to Cart', Then the item should be added to the cart.
Remove item from cart
Given the user has items in the cart, When they click 'Remove' next to an item, Then the item should be removed from the cart.
Checkout process
Given the user has items in the cart, When they proceed to checkout and complete the payment process, Then the order should be successfully placed.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user concerned about account security, I want to have the option to enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection to my account and prevent unauthorized access.
Implement a two-factor authentication system to enhance security by requiring users to provide two forms of verification before accessing their accounts. This feature adds an extra layer of protection, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and account breaches.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user is on the login page, When they enter valid credentials and click the login button, Then they should be redirected to the dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user is on the login page, When they enter invalid credentials and click the login button, Then an error message should be displayed, and the user should remain on the login page.
User profile update
Given a user is on the profile page, When they update their profile information and click the save button, Then the changes should be saved, and a success message should be displayed.
Add item to cart
Given a user is viewing a product, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item should be added to the cart, and the cart count should increase.
Checkout process
Given a user has items in the cart, When they click the 'Checkout' button, Then they should be directed to the checkout page, and the total amount should be displayed.
Mobile App Integration
User Story
As a mobile user, I want to have a dedicated mobile app for the product to access its features on the go and receive timely notifications, ensuring a smooth and convenient user experience.
Integrate the product with a mobile application to provide users with a convenient and seamless experience on their mobile devices. This integration includes features such as push notifications, mobile-specific UI/UX, and offline access to key functionalities, expanding accessibility and user engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given the user has entered valid credentials, when the user clicks the login button, then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given the user navigates to the registration page, when the user fills in the required details and submits the form, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given the user enters a search query, when the user clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of relevant products based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given the user selects a product and clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, when the user views the cart, then the system should display the selected product in the cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has added products to the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, then the system should generate an order confirmation and update the inventory.
Localization Support
User Story
As an international user, I want the product to support multiple languages and regional settings so that I can use the product in my preferred language and cultural context, enhancing my overall experience.
Add support for multiple languages and regional settings to make the product accessible to a diverse global audience. This includes language selection, date and time formatting based on the user's location, and culturally relevant content, fostering inclusivity and expanding the product's reach.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard page.
User login with invalid credentials
Given an invalid username or password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should display an error message and not authenticate the user.
User profile update
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the updated information and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given the user is on the homepage, when the user enters a product name in the search bar and submits the form, then the system should display a list of matching products.
Add item to cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the item to the user's cart and update the cart total.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user looking for specific information, I want the search function to provide me with relevant and accurate results, along with helpful suggestions, to quickly find what I'm looking for.
Improve the search functionality to provide users with more accurate and relevant results. This enhancement includes advanced search filters, keyword suggestions, and search history, empowering users to find the information they need more effectively and efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user enters the incorrect username or password, then the system should display an error message and not authenticate the user.
Adding an item to the shopping cart
Given a user is viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the item to the cart and update the cart total.
Updating user profile information
Given a user is on the profile page, when the user updates their information and clicks 'Save', then the system should update the user's profile details and display a success message.
Placing an order with valid payment information
Given a user has items in the cart, when the user enters valid payment information and clicks 'Place Order', then the system should process the order and display a confirmation message.
Placing an order with invalid payment information
Given a user has items in the cart, when the user enters invalid payment information and clicks 'Place Order', then the system should display an error message and not process the order.
EduCollab enables seamless collaboration and communication among educators, students, and parents, fostering a cohesive educational ecosystem and real-time updates on student progress.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information so that I can personalize my experience and receive tailored recommendations and communication.
Implement a user profile management system to allow users to create, update, and manage their profiles. This feature will enhance user experience and personalize interactions based on user preferences and information.
Acceptance Criteria
User Log In
Given a valid username and password, when the user enters the correct credentials and clicks 'Log In', then the system logs the user in successfully.
User Authentication
Given an invalid username or password, when the user enters incorrect credentials and clicks 'Log In', then the system displays an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information and clicks 'Save', then the system saves the updated information and displays a success message.
Product Search
Given the user is on the product search page, when the user enters a search query and clicks 'Search', then the system displays a list of relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given a logged-in user, when the user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', then the system adds the product to the user's shopping cart.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want to access the product in my preferred language so that I can easily understand and engage with the content.
Integrate multi-language support to enable the product to be accessible in multiple languages. This will cater to a diverse user base and enhance the product's usability and inclusivity.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid username and password, When user clicks 'Login', Then user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
Password Reset
Given user has forgotten password, When user clicks 'Forgot Password', Then user should receive an email with a password reset link.
Product Search
Given user is on the product page, When user enters a search query and clicks 'Search', Then user should see a list of products matching the search query.
Add to Cart
Given user is viewing a product, When user clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the product should be added to the user's cart.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to quickly find relevant content through an efficient search function, so that I can access the information I need without obstacles.
Improve the search functionality to provide faster and more accurate results. This will streamline user navigation and improve content discoverability within the product.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters the incorrect username or password, Then the user should not be logged in and an error message should be displayed.
Creating a new account
Given a user wants to create a new account, When the user provides valid registration information, Then a new account should be created successfully.
Adding items to the shopping cart
Given a logged-in user, When the user adds items to the shopping cart, Then the items should be successfully added and reflected in the shopping cart.
Placing an order
Given a user with items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the order should be successfully placed and a confirmation email should be sent.
Mobile Responsive Design
User Story
As a mobile user, I want the product to be visually and functionally optimized for my device so that I can easily navigate and use the product on my mobile phone.
Optimize the product for mobile devices, ensuring seamless and responsive user experience across various screen sizes. This will improve accessibility and convenience for mobile users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should grant access to the user's account.
User Profile Update
Given an authenticated user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product Search
Given a search query, when the user searches for a product, then the system should display relevant search results based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given a product is selected, when the user adds it to the cart, then the system should update the cart count and display a confirmation message.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system should prompt the user for payment and shipping details.
Integration with Social Media Platforms
User Story
As a user, I want to easily share product content on social media platforms to connect with my network and promote products I like.
Enable users to share product content and engage with social media platforms. This will facilitate social sharing and increase product visibility and user engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the 'Login' button, Then they should be directed to the user dashboard.
User Login
Given a registered user enters an incorrect username or password, When they click the 'Login' button, Then an error message should be displayed.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user is viewing a product they want to purchase, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item should be added to the cart.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user adds an item to the cart, When they view the cart, Then the item they added should be displayed in the cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in the cart, When they click the 'Checkout' button, Then they should be directed to the payment and shipping details page.
Checkout Process
Given a user is on the payment and shipping details page, When they enter valid payment and shipping information, Then they should be able to complete the checkout process.
Search Functionality
Given a user enters a search term in the search bar, When they click the 'Search' button, Then relevant search results should be displayed.
Search Functionality
Given a user enters a search term and no results are found, When they click the 'Search' button, Then a message indicating no results found should be displayed.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks the 'Forgot Password' link, When they enter their email and request a password reset, Then they should receive an email with instructions to reset their password.
Password Reset
Given a user receives a password reset email, When they follow the instructions and create a new password, Then their password should be successfully updated.
EduAssist delivers personalized assistance and support to educators, providing tailored resources, lesson recommendations, and real-time insights to enhance teaching efficacy and student outcomes.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information and privacy settings so that I can control the information displayed on my profile and ensure my privacy preferences are met.
The requirement involves creating a comprehensive user profile management system that allows users to update their personal information, manage their privacy settings, and view their activity history. This feature enhances user experience and provides users with control over their profile data.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user registers with valid email and password, When the user submits the registration form, Then the user should receive a confirmation email and be logged into the system.
User Login
Given a registered user enters valid email and password, When the user logs in, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page and be able to access their account information.
Product Search
Given the user enters a search keyword, When the user performs a search, Then the system should display relevant products based on the search keyword.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and the product is in stock, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the system should update the cart total and display the added product in the cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in their cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the system should guide the user through the checkout steps and provide payment options.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want the platform to support multiple languages so that I can use the platform in my preferred language and have a seamless experience.
The requirement entails implementing multi-language support to enable users to view the platform in their preferred language. This feature enhances accessibility and inclusivity, catering to users from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
Acceptance Criteria
User Logs In
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Updates Profile Information
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the updated information and display a success message.
User Adds Item to Cart
Given the user is logged in, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system should update the cart total and display the added item in the cart.
User Submits Order
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user submits the order, then the system should process the order, update inventory, and provide an order confirmation.
User Searches for Product
Given the user is on the homepage, when the user searches for a product, then the system should return relevant search results and display them on the search results page.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a security-conscious user, I want to enable two-factor authentication for my account so that I can protect my account from unauthorized access and enhance security.
The requirement involves integrating a two-factor authentication mechanism to add an extra layer of security for user accounts. This feature enhances account protection and safeguards user data from unauthorized access.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When the form is submitted, Then the user should receive a confirmation email with an activation link.
Password Strength
Given a user creates a new password, When the password is entered, Then the system should validate the strength of the password based on predefined criteria (e.g., length, complexity, special characters).
Payment Processing
Given a user selects a payment method and initiates the payment process, When the payment details are submitted, Then the system should process the payment and update the user's account with the appropriate balance.
Search Functionality
Given a user enters a search query in the search bar, When the search is performed, Then the system should display relevant search results based on the query.
User Profile Update
Given a user updates their profile information, When the changes are saved, Then the system should update the user's profile with the new information.
Product Recommendation
Given a user browses a product category, When the user views a product, Then the system should display related product recommendations based on the user's browsing history and preferences.
Real-Time Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications about new messages and interactions so that I can stay informed and engaged with the platform.
The requirement includes implementing real-time notifications to keep users updated about new messages, interactions, and relevant activities on the platform. This feature enhances user engagement and provides users with timely updates on platform activities.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user enters valid credentials, when the 'Login' button is clicked, then the user should be redirected to the dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user enters invalid credentials, when the 'Login' button is clicked, then an error message should be displayed.
User registration
Given the user provides all required information, when the 'Register' button is clicked, then the user should receive a confirmation email and be able to log in with the registered credentials.
View product details
Given the user selects a product, when the user clicks on 'View Details', then the user should be directed to a page displaying all relevant information about the product.
Add item to cart
Given the user has selected a product, when the user clicks on 'Add to Cart', then the item should be added to the shopping cart.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to connect my social media accounts to the platform and easily share content with my social network.
The requirement involves integrating social media sharing and login capabilities to allow users to connect their social media accounts and share platform content. This feature enhances user connectivity and expands the platform's reach through social media channels.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard.
User Profile Update
Given the user is logged in, When the user updates their profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product Search
Given the user is on the search page, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should add the product to the shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user navigates to the checkout page, Then the system should display the order summary and provide payment options.
EduInnovate empowers students to collaborate, create, and innovate through project-based learning, promoting creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to manage my profile information and preferences so that I can personalize my experience and ensure that my account details are up to date.
The requirement involves creating a user profile management system that allows users to update their personal information, preferences, and settings. This feature enhances user experience by providing a personalized and customizable environment within the application.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
Product Search
Given the user is on the homepage, when the user enters a search query and clicks on the search button, then the user should see a list of relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and completes the required information, then the user should be able to place the order.
Order Confirmation
Given the user has placed an order, when the order is successfully processed, then the user should receive an order confirmation email.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to have the option to enable two-factor authentication to secure my account and protect my data from unauthorized access.
Implement a two-factor authentication system to enhance the security of user accounts. This feature adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users to provide two forms of identification before accessing their accounts.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they submit the login form, Then they should be redirected to their dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When they submit the form, Then they should receive a confirmation email and be able to log in with their new credentials.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query for a product, When they press the search button, Then they should see a list of relevant products matching the search query.
Add to Cart
Given a user is viewing a product they want to purchase, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should appear in their shopping cart with the correct quantity and price.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in their shopping cart, When they proceed to checkout and complete the payment process, Then they should receive an order confirmation and the purchased items should be removed from their cart.
Localization Support
User Story
As a global user, I want the application to support multiple languages so that I can use it in my preferred language and better understand the content.
Integrate localization support to enable the application to be presented in multiple languages. This feature improves accessibility for users from diverse linguistic backgrounds, expanding the application's reach and usability.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When they click the 'Register' button, Then their account should be successfully created.
User Login
Given an existing user enters their correct username and password, When they click the 'Login' button, Then they should be redirected to their account dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link and provides their email address, When they receive the password reset email and follow the link, Then they should be able to set a new password for their account.
Add to Cart
Given a user adds an item to their shopping cart, When they view their cart, Then the item should be displayed with the correct details and price.
Checkout Process
Given a user proceeds to checkout with items in their cart, When they complete the payment process, Then they should receive an order confirmation with the purchased items and total amount.
Activity Logging and Audit Trail
User Story
As an administrator, I want to have access to detailed activity logs and audit trails so that I can track user interactions, identify security issues, and maintain system integrity.
Develop a comprehensive activity logging and audit trail system to track user actions and system events. This feature provides transparency and accountability, allowing administrators to monitor user activity and investigate security incidents.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Profile Update
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Add Item to Cart
Given the user is logged in and browsing products, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system should update the cart total and display a confirmation message.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should display the checkout page with the selected items and total amount.
Order Confirmation
Given the user has completed the checkout process, when the order is successfully placed, then the system should generate an order confirmation with the order details and send it to the user's email.
Dark Mode Theme
User Story
As a user, I want the option to switch to a dark mode theme to reduce eye strain and improve visibility in low-light environments.
Implement a dark mode theme option to provide users with a visually comfortable experience, especially in low-light environments. This feature enhances user comfort and accessibility, catering to diverse user preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the account.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user fills out the registration form with valid details, then the system should create a new user account.
Password Reset
Given a user has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user wants to update their profile information, when the user saves the updated information, then the system should update the user's profile with the new details.
Product Search
Given a user wants to search for a product, when the user enters a search query and submits the search, then the system should display relevant search results.
EduTrack offers educators in-depth analytics and data visualization tools to gain actionable insights into student learning patterns, engagement levels, and personalized learning progress.
Social Media Sharing
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to share app content to my social media accounts, so that I can easily share interesting content with my friends and connections.
Enable users to share content from the app to popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This feature will enhance user engagement and provide a way for users to easily share interesting content with their social networks.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should log the user in successfully.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user enters the incorrect username or password, then the system should display an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the updated information and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given a user on the product search page, when the user enters a product name and clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant products matching the name.
Add product to cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the product to the user's shopping cart.
Dark Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to switch to a dark theme in the app, so that I can reduce eye strain and comfortably use the app in low-light conditions.
Implement a dark mode option in the app to reduce eye strain and improve user experience in low-light environments. This feature will provide users with the flexibility to choose their preferred visual theme, enhancing overall accessibility and usability of the app.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user has entered valid credentials
When the user clicks the login button
Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user has entered invalid credentials
When the user clicks the login button
Then an error message should be displayed
User profile update
Given the user is on the profile page
When the user updates their profile information
Then the profile should be updated successfully
Product search by name
Given the user is on the product search page
When the user enters a product name and clicks the search button
Then the product list should display matching products
Product checkout process
Given the user has added products to the cart
When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment
Then the order should be confirmed and the user should receive an order confirmation
Push Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive push notifications for new updates and important alerts, so that I can stay informed and engaged with the app.
Integrate push notifications to send real-time updates, alerts, and personalized messages to users. This feature will keep users informed about new content, important announcements, and relevant activities within the app, improving user engagement and retention.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should grant access.
User Registration
Given a unique username and a valid email address, when the user registers, then the system should create a new account.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Add to Cart
Given a logged-in user and available items, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system should update the cart contents and display the updated total.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As a user, I want the app to support multiple languages, so that I can use the app in my native language and fully understand the content.
Add support for multiple languages to ensure the app is accessible to a broader audience. This feature will enable users to switch the app's interface and content to their preferred language, enhancing inclusivity and user experience for non-English speaking users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Registration
Given the registration form is filled with valid user information, When the user submits the form, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Password Reset
Given the user is on the password reset page, When the user enters a valid email and clicks the reset button, Then the user should receive an email with a password reset link.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then a confirmation email should be sent to the user.
Offline Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to use the app's features and access content offline, so that I can continue using the app during internet outages or in areas with poor connectivity.
Develop an offline mode functionality that allows users to access certain features and content within the app even without an internet connection. This feature will provide users with uninterrupted access to essential app functionalities, ensuring a seamless user experience in offline scenarios.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be authenticated and directed to the dashboard.
Password reset
Given a user's request for a password reset, when the reset link is sent to the user's email, then the user should be able to reset their password using the link within 24 hours.
Add to cart
Given a logged-in user adding a product to their cart, when the user navigates to the cart page, then the added product should be displayed in the cart with the correct quantity and price.
Checkout process
Given a user with items in their cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the user should be able to enter shipping and payment information, and complete the purchase with a confirmation message.
Search functionality
Given a user entering a search term, when the user submits the search, then relevant products should be displayed in the search results.
EduConnect fosters parent engagement by providing real-time updates on student performance, personalized recommendations for parental involvement, and a direct communication channel with educators.
User Authentication
User Story
As a registered user, I want to securely log in to access personalized content and features, so that I can have a personalized experience and access my account information.
Implement a secure user authentication system to protect user data and provide personalized user experiences. This requirement involves integrating login, registration, and password reset functionality.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When they submit the form, Then the system creates a new user account and sends a confirmation email.
Password Strength
Given a user sets a new password, When the password contains at least 8 characters including uppercase, lowercase, and special characters, Then the system accepts the password as strong.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query in the product search bar, When they click the search button, Then the system displays a list of relevant products matching the search query.
Checkout Process
Given a user adds items to the cart and proceeds to checkout, When they enter valid payment and shipping information, Then the system processes the order and generates an order confirmation.
User Profile Update
Given a logged-in user navigates to the profile edit page, When they update their information and save the changes, Then the system updates the user profile with the new information.
Payment Gateway Integration
User Story
As an online shopper, I want to securely make online payments for my purchases, so that I can complete transactions conveniently and securely.
Integrate a payment gateway to enable users to make secure online payments for purchases. This requirement involves integrating payment processing, security measures, and error handling.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the login button, Then they should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Login
Given a registered user enters an incorrect password, When they click the login button, Then an error message should be displayed.
User Registration
Given a new user provides valid and unique registration details, When they submit the registration form, Then a confirmation email should be sent to the provided email address.
User Registration
Given an existing email address is used for registration, When the user submits the registration form, Then an error message should be displayed indicating that the email address is already in use.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', When they view the cart, Then the selected product should be displayed in the cart.
Add to Cart
Given a user adds a product to the cart, When they increase the quantity of the product, Then the total price in the cart should be updated accordingly.
Checkout Process
Given a user proceeds to checkout, When they enter valid shipping and billing details, Then the order summary should be displayed for confirmation.
Checkout Process
Given a user proceeds to checkout, When they select a payment method and confirm the order, Then a confirmation page with the order details should be displayed.
Search Function Enhancement
User Story
As a user looking for specific information, I want to find accurate and relevant search results quickly, so that I can efficiently access the information I need.
Enhance the search function to provide more accurate and relevant search results. This requirement involves improving search algorithms, filtering options, and result organization.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system grants access to the user account.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system displays an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system saves the changes and displays a success message.
Add item to cart
Given a logged-in user, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system updates the cart contents and displays the updated total.
Checkout process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system guides the user through the payment and shipping information input.
Responsive Design Optimization
User Story
As a mobile user, I want the website to adapt to my device screen size, so that I can easily navigate and access content without distortion or usability issues.
Optimize the website for responsive design to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes. This requirement involves updating the layout, content positioning, and media handling for responsiveness.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user registration form, when the user fills in their details and submits the form, then the user should be registered successfully.
Password Reset
Given the user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link, when they enter their email and submit the request, then an email with password reset instructions should be sent to the user's email address.
Product Search
Given the user is on the product search page, when they enter the product name and click 'Search', then the search results should display relevant products based on the entered name.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when they click the 'Add to Cart' button, then the item should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in their shopping cart, when they proceed to checkout and enter the required information, then they should be able to complete the purchase and receive an order confirmation.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to easily share content and interact with others using my social media accounts, so that I can engage with the community and share interesting content.
Integrate social media sharing and login capabilities to enhance user engagement and enable social interactions. This requirement involves integrating social media APIs, sharing functionality, and user profile linking.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Registration
Given a unique username and a valid email address, When the user submits the registration form, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Add to Cart
Given a valid product in the catalog, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the product should be added to the cart successfully.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the user should be able to complete the purchase successfully.
Product Search
Given a search query, When the user performs a search, Then relevant products should be displayed in the search results.
EduProgress is a feature that provides comprehensive tracking of student progress, including performance analytics, learning milestones, and personalized feedback. It enables educators to monitor individual student growth and identify areas for improvement, fostering a data-driven approach to teaching and student development.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile and account settings so that I can update my information and customize my experience on the platform.
Implement a feature that allows users to manage their profiles, including editing personal information, updating account details, and setting preferences. This feature enhances user experience and provides greater control over user data and settings within the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid credentials, when user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given unique email and valid password, when user registers, then the system should create a new account and send a verification email.
Password Reset
Given registered email, when user requests a password reset, then the system should send a reset link to the user's email.
Add to Cart
Given available product and desired quantity, when user adds the item to cart, then the system should update the cart and display the item.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart and valid shipping details, when user proceeds to checkout, then the system should generate an order and redirect to payment gateway.
Notification Center
User Story
As a user, I want to receive notifications about important activities and updates so that I can stay informed and engaged with the platform.
Develop a centralized notification center to display alerts, messages, and updates for the user, keeping them informed about relevant activities and events within the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user logs in, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Registration
Given a unique email address, When the user completes the registration form, Then the user account should be created.
Add to Cart
Given a product is available, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the cart should display the added product.
Checkout Process
Given items are in the cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the user should be prompted to enter shipping and payment information.
Order Confirmation
Given the checkout process is completed, When the order is confirmed, Then the user should receive an order confirmation email.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a non-English speaking user, I want to access the platform in my preferred language so that I can easily navigate and interact with the content.
Enable support for multiple languages to accommodate users from diverse linguistic backgrounds, offering a more inclusive and accessible platform experience for a global audience.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the system.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should display an error message and not grant access to the system.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
User password reset
Given a user with a forgotten password, When the user requests a password reset, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
User access level change
Given an administrator, When the administrator changes a user's access level, Then the system should update the user's access rights accordingly.
Search Filter Enhancement
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to filter search results by various criteria to find specific content more efficiently.
Enhance the search filters to provide users with more refined and specific search options, improving the accuracy of search results and streamlining the content discovery process.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a unique username and a valid email address, when the user registers, then a new account should be created with the provided credentials.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, when the user requests a password reset, then an email with a password reset link should be sent to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product Search
Given a search query, when the user searches for a product, then the system should return relevant results based on the query.
Dark Mode Theme
User Story
As a user, I want to switch to a dark mode theme for the platform interface to reduce eye strain and improve readability in low-light environments.
Introduce a dark mode theme option for the platform interface to reduce eye strain and offer a more visually comfortable experience, especially during low-light conditions.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given valid username and password, when the user logs in, then they should be redirected to the dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a valid email address, when the user requests a password reset, then they should receive an email with instructions to reset their password.
Product Search
Given a keyword search, when the user enters a product name and clicks search, then the search results should display relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, when the user clicks 'Add to Cart', then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given items in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then they should be able to enter shipping and payment information.
EduAssist is an intelligent assistant feature that offers personalized teaching recommendations, curriculum suggestions, and pedagogical support based on student learning patterns and classroom dynamics. It empowers educators with AI-driven insights and resources to enhance teaching effectiveness and student engagement.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile details and preferences so that I can customize my experience and keep my information up to date.
Allow users to create, update, and manage their profiles, including personal information, preferences, and account settings. This feature enhances user experience and personalization, contributing to user engagement and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, When the user enters their username and password, Then the system authenticates the user and grants access to the user account.
Password Reset
Given a user who has forgotten their password, When the user requests a password reset, Then an email with a password reset link is sent to the user's registered email address.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the system saves the updated information and displays a success message.
Product Search
Given a user on the product search page, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the system displays relevant search results based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given a user viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system adds the product to the user's shopping cart.
Advanced Search Filter
User Story
As a user, I want to refine my search results using various criteria so that I can find relevant items more easily and accurately.
Implement advanced filtering options to enable users to refine search results based on multiple criteria such as price range, location, category, and rating. This feature improves the search experience, making it more efficient and tailored to user preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the 'Login' button, then the user should be authenticated and directed to the Dashboard page.
User Registration
Given a new user accessing the registration page, when the user fills in all required information and clicks the 'Register' button, then a new user account should be created and the user should receive a confirmation email.
Search Functionality
Given the user is on the homepage, when the user enters a search query and clicks the 'Search' button, then the system should display relevant search results that match the query.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the selected product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to the checkout page and completes the payment process, then the system should generate an order confirmation and deduct the payment from the user's account.
Secure Checkout Process
User Story
As a customer, I want a secure checkout process to ensure that my payment details are protected and my transactions are secure.
Enhance the security of the checkout process by implementing additional authentication measures and encryption protocols to safeguard user payment information. This ensures data privacy and instills trust in the platform, leading to increased conversion rates and user confidence.
Acceptance Criteria
User profile creation
Given a new user registers on the platform, When they fill out the profile information, Then all mandatory fields are completed.
Password reset
Given a user requests a password reset, When they follow the reset link and set a new password, Then the previous password is no longer valid.
Search functionality
Given a user enters a search query, When they click on the search button, Then relevant results are displayed.
Order checkout process
Given a user adds items to the cart, When they proceed to checkout and complete the payment, Then an order confirmation is displayed.
Email validation
Given a user enters an email address, When they submit the form, Then a validation message is displayed for invalid email format.
Real-time Chat Support
User Story
As a user, I want access to real-time chat support so that I can quickly address any issues or queries I encounter while using the platform.
Integrate a real-time chat support feature to enable users to seek immediate assistance and resolve queries directly within the platform. This facilitates quick problem resolution and enhances overall customer support experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the login button, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User registration
Given a new user navigating to the registration page, when the user fills in the required fields and clicks the submit button, then the system should create a new user account and confirm the registration.
Password reset
Given a user who forgot their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a reset link to the user's email, allowing them to set a new password.
Search functionality
Given a user entering a search query, when the user clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant search results based on the query.
Product purchase
Given a user adding a product to the cart and proceeding to checkout, when the user completes the payment process, then the system should confirm the purchase and update the user's order history.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want the platform to be available in multiple languages so that I can use it comfortably in my preferred language, irrespective of my location.
Implement support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base and enhance accessibility for non-native language speakers. This feature boosts inclusivity and expands the platform's reach to a global audience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user logs in, Then the system should grant access to the user dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, When the user requests a password reset, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Add to Cart
Given a product is available, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the system should display the updated cart with the added product.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the system should prompt for payment and shipping details.
Product Search
Given a search query, When the user performs a product search, Then the system should display relevant search results.
EduCollab is a collaborative workspace feature that facilitates seamless interaction and teamwork among students, allowing them to co-create projects, share ideas, and engage in group activities. It promotes a dynamic learning environment, fosters peer collaboration, and cultivates essential interpersonal and teamwork skills.
User Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to create an account and log in so that I can access personalized features and ensure the security of my information.
Implement a user authentication system to enhance security and user privacy. This will allow users to create accounts, log in, and access personalized features, ensuring a secure and customized experience for each user.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard page.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, When the user submits the registration form with valid details, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Product Search
Given a user wants to search for a product, When the user enters the product name in the search bar and clicks 'Search', Then the system should display a list of relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given a user wants to add a product to the shopping cart, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart' for a specific product, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user has added products to the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment process, Then the system should generate an order confirmation and process the payment.
Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to easily search for specific items or information so that I can quickly find what I need within the app.
Integrate a search function to allow users to quickly find specific items or information within the app. This feature will enhance user experience by enabling efficient navigation and access to relevant content.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials on the login page, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials on the login page, When the user enters the incorrect username and/or password, Then the system should display an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user on the profile page, When the user updates their profile information, Then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user profile.
Product search by name
Given a user on the search page, When the user enters a product name and submits the search, Then the system should display a list of products matching the search criteria.
Add item to cart
Given a user on the product details page, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart' for a specific product, Then the product should be added to the user's cart.
Two-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to use two-factor authentication for added security when logging into my account.
Implement two-factor authentication to provide an additional layer of security for user accounts. This feature will enhance account protection and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then they should be granted access to the system.
User logout
Given that the user is logged in, when the user selects the logout option, then they should be logged out of the system.
Create new account
Given a unique username and password, when the user fills out the registration form and submits it, then a new account should be created.
Update user profile
Given that the user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, then the user's profile should be updated with the new information.
Reset password
Given that the user has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset and follows the instructions in the email, then the user should be able to reset their password and log in with the new password.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to easily share content from the app on social media and log in using my social media accounts.
Integrate social media sharing and login capabilities to enable users to seamlessly connect their social accounts with the app. This will facilitate social sharing and provide a convenient login option for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides all required details and submits the registration form, then the system should create a new user account.
Adding Item to Cart
Given a logged-in user wants to add an item to the shopping cart, when the user clicks 'Add to Cart' for a specific item, then the system should update the cart with the selected item.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in the shopping cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system should display the order summary and prompt for payment information.
Search Functionality
Given a user wants to search for a specific item, when the user enters a search keyword and hits the search button, then the system should display relevant search results.
Notification System
User Story
As a user, I want to receive notifications about updates and important events within the app so that I can stay informed and engaged with the platform.
Implement a notification system to keep users informed about updates, messages, and important events within the app. This will enhance user engagement and provide timely information to users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills in the registration form with valid information, When they submit the form, Then they should receive a confirmation email.
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the login button, Then they should be redirected to their dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link and enters their email address, When they submit the request, Then they should receive an email with a link to reset their password.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user selects an item and clicks 'Add to Cart', When they view the cart, Then the item should be displayed in the cart with the correct details.
Place Order
Given a user has items in their cart, When they proceed to checkout and complete the payment process, Then the order status should be 'Confirmed' and the user should receive an order confirmation email.
EduMilestone is a feature that enables educators to set personalized learning milestones and goals for individual students, track their progress, and provide targeted support and guidance. It empowers teachers to align teaching objectives with student development, fostering a goal-oriented and supportive learning experience.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile and account settings so that I can update my information and privacy preferences as needed.
This requirement involves creating a user profile management system, allowing users to modify their personal information, change account settings, and manage privacy preferences. It will enhance user experience and provide control over their account details.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials on the login page, when the user enters their username and password, then they should be successfully logged into the system.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials on the login page, when the user enters their username and password, then they should receive an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user on the profile page, when the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, then the updated information should be reflected in the user's profile.
Product search with filters
Given a user on the product search page, when the user applies filters based on category, price, and brand, then the search results should be filtered according to the selected criteria.
Add item to shopping cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the item should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Apply discount code at checkout
Given a user with items in the shopping cart, when the user enters a valid discount code at checkout, then the total amount should reflect the discounted price.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want to be able to use the platform in my preferred language so that I can understand and navigate the content more effectively.
The requirement involves implementing multi-language support to enable users to access the platform in their preferred language. It will expand the product's accessibility and cater to a wider audience, improving inclusivity and user satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks on the login button, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
Reset Password
Given a registered email address, when the user clicks on the 'forgot password' link, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Add to Cart
Given a valid product selection, when the user clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the cart content and display the updated total price.
Place Order
Given items in the cart, when the user clicks on the 'Place Order' button, then the system should process the order, generate a confirmation, and update the inventory.
View Order History
Given an authenticated user, when the user navigates to the 'Order History' section, then the system should display a list of previous orders with order details.
Advanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to have access to advanced search options so that I can find relevant information more quickly and effectively.
This requirement aims to enhance the search functionality by implementing advanced filters, sorting options, and keyword suggestions. It will improve user experience and ensure more accurate and efficient search results for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user enters the correct credentials and clicks the login button, Then the user should be logged into the system.
User Registration
Given a new user, When the user completes the registration form with valid information and submits the form, Then the user should receive a confirmation email.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the cart.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the order status should be updated to 'Completed'.
Search Functionality
Given a search bar, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Interactive Data Visualization
User Story
As a data analyst, I want to use interactive data visualization tools to explore and understand complex data sets more effectively.
The requirement involves integrating interactive data visualization tools to present complex data in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. It will enhance data analysis capabilities and facilitate better decision-making for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Logs in with Valid Credentials
Given valid user credentials, When the user enters the username and password, Then the user is successfully logged in.
User Logs in with Invalid Credentials
Given invalid user credentials, When the user enters the username and password, Then an error message is displayed.
User Updates Profile Information
Given the user is logged in, When the user updates their profile information, Then the changes are saved and reflected in the user profile.
User Adds Item to Shopping Cart
Given the user is logged in, When the user adds an item to the shopping cart, Then the item is successfully added to the cart.
User Completes Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the user is able to complete the purchase and receive a confirmation message.
Real-time Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications about important updates so that I can stay informed and take timely action.
This requirement entails implementing real-time notifications to keep users informed about important updates, messages, and activities related to their account. It will enhance user engagement and provide timely information to users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to login, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
Password Reset
Given the user forgot their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Add to Cart
Given a product is selected, when the user adds the product to the cart, then the system should display the updated cart with the added product.
Checkout Process
Given items are in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should prompt for shipping and payment information.
Order Confirmation
Given the user completes the checkout process, when the order is confirmed, then the system should display an order confirmation message and send a confirmation email to the user.
EduEngage is an interactive engagement feature that incorporates gamified learning elements, interactive quizzes, and immersive learning experiences to boost student engagement and motivation. It promotes a dynamic and enjoyable learning environment, enhancing student participation and knowledge retention.
User Profile Creation
User Story
As a new user, I want to create a personalized profile so that I can receive tailored recommendations and relevant content.
This requirement involves implementing a user profile creation feature that allows users to set up their personal profiles, including details such as name, contact information, and preferences. It enables personalized user experiences and facilitates targeted content delivery based on user preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user enters their username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user enters their username and password, then the system should display an error message and deny access.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given a user on the product search page, when the user enters a product name and clicks search, then the system should display a list of matching products.
Add item to cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the item to the user's shopping cart.
Advanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a frequent user, I want to have advanced search options so that I can quickly find specific items based on detailed criteria.
The advanced search functionality enhances the search feature by allowing users to apply filters, sorting options, and advanced search queries to find specific items or content. It improves the user experience by providing more refined and accurate search results.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given the registration form is complete and valid, when the user submits the form, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Password Reset
Given the user requests a password reset, when the system validates the user's email, then the system should generate a password reset link and send it to the user's email address.
Profile Update
Given the user updates their profile information, when the changes are saved, then the system should update the user's profile data and display a success message.
Product Search
Given the user enters a search query, when the system processes the query, then the system should display relevant search results based on the query.
Mobile App Integration
User Story
As a mobile user, I want to access the product through a mobile app for a seamless and user-friendly experience on my mobile device.
This requirement involves integrating the product with a dedicated mobile app, enabling users to access the platform on mobile devices with optimized features and performance. It aims to expand the product's accessibility and enhance the user experience on mobile platforms.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters their username and password, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the system.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters their username and password, Then the system should display an error message and not grant access to the system.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given a user is on the products page, When the user enters a product name in the search bar and submits the search, Then the system should display a list of products matching the search criteria.
Add item to cart
Given a user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should add the item to the user's shopping cart.
Multi-Lingual Support
User Story
As an international user, I want to use the product in my preferred language so that I can fully understand and engage with the content.
Implement multi-lingual support to allow users to access the product in different languages. It caters to a diverse user base and expands the product's reach to non-English speaking users, enhancing inclusivity and accessibility.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with correct credentials
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User login with incorrect credentials
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters incorrect username or password, Then an error message should be displayed.
User profile update
Given the user is on the profile page, When the user updates their profile information, Then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user's profile.
Product search by name
Given the user is on the search page, When the user enters a product name and clicks search, Then the search results should display matching products.
Add item to cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a social media user, I want to share product content on social platforms and log in using my social media account for convenient access and engagement.
Integrate social media sharing and authentication features to enable users to easily share product content on social platforms and log in using their social media accounts. It enhances user engagement and facilitates seamless interaction with social media networks.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a unique username and email, When the user fills out the registration form and submits it, Then the user account should be created and an email verification should be sent.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, When the user requests a password reset, Then an email with password reset instructions should be sent to the user.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user's profile.
Item Search
Given a search query, When the user enters the query and clicks the search button, Then a list of relevant items should be displayed to the user.