A comprehensive data analytics tool that provides manufacturers with in-depth insights into their sustainability practices, including waste reduction, energy consumption, and environmental compliance. Utilizes AI algorithms and a vast sustainable materials database to guide companies towards eco-efficiency and operational savings.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to share my achievements and updates from the product with my social media networks so that I can engage with my friends and followers and showcase my progress and experiences.
This requirement entails integrating the product with various social media platforms to enable users to share content, connect with their social networks, and enhance social engagement. The integration will allow users to seamlessly share achievements, updates, and content from the product to their social media profiles, fostering community interaction and user-generated content.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user submits the login form, then an error message should be displayed.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the changes should be successfully saved.
Product search by name
Given a search input with a product name, when the user performs a search, then the results should include products matching the name.
Add item to cart
Given a product page, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the cart.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to use the product in my preferred language so that I can easily understand and navigate the interface and content.
The requirement involves implementing multi-language support within the product to cater to a diverse user base. This feature will enable users to access the product in their preferred language, enhancing inclusivity and user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user logs in, then the system should reject the login attempt and display an error message.
User navigates to the dashboard
Given an authenticated user, when the user navigates to the dashboard, then the system should display the user's personalized dashboard with relevant information.
User updates their profile information
Given an authenticated user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
User searches for a product
Given an authenticated user, when the user searches for a product, then the system should return relevant search results based on the user's query.
Advanced Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to access a comprehensive analytics dashboard to track my progress and performance within the product, allowing me to make informed decisions and set achievable goals.
This requirement involves developing an advanced analytics dashboard that provides in-depth insights, visualizations, and data metrics to help users track their progress, performance, and activities within the product. The dashboard will offer valuable data-driven insights to users, enabling informed decision-making and goal tracking.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when they enter the correct username and password, then they should be logged in successfully.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when they enter the incorrect username or password, then they should not be logged in and receive an error message.
User profile update
Given a user wants to update their profile, when they make changes to their profile information, then the changes should be saved and reflected in their profile.
Product search with filters
Given a user wants to search for products, when they apply filters such as category and price range, then the search results should be filtered based on the selected criteria.
Add item to shopping cart
Given a user wants to add an item to the shopping cart, when they click the 'Add to Cart' button, then the item should be added to the cart successfully.
Mobile Optimization
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to use the product on my mobile device with full functionality and a user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless experience while on the go.
The requirement involves optimizing the product for seamless and responsive mobile access. This optimization will ensure that the product's interface and features are fully functional and accessible across various mobile devices, providing a consistent user experience on mobile platforms.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user provides valid information, when the user registers, then the system should create a new user account.
Password Reset
Given a user has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product Search
Given a user is on the search page, when the user enters a valid search query and submits, then the system should display relevant search results.
Enhanced Accessibility Features
User Story
As a user, I want the product to have enhanced accessibility features so that I can easily access and navigate the content, regardless of my individual needs and preferences, ensuring a truly inclusive experience.
This requirement focuses on implementing enhanced accessibility features within the product to cater to users with diverse needs and preferences. The features will include options for adjustable font sizes, color contrasts, screen readers, and other accessibility enhancements to provide an inclusive and user-friendly experience for all users.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a registered user with valid credentials
When the user enters their username and password
Then the system authenticates the user and grants access to the application
User login with invalid credentials
Given a registered user with invalid credentials
When the user enters their username and password
Then the system denies access and prompts the user to re-enter valid credentials
Add item to shopping cart
Given the user is browsing the product catalog
When the user selects an item and adds it to the shopping cart
Then the item is successfully added to the cart and the cart contents are updated
Remove item from shopping cart
Given the user has items in the shopping cart
When the user removes an item from the cart
Then the item is removed from the cart and the cart contents are updated
Check out from shopping cart
Given the user has items in the shopping cart
When the user proceeds to check out
Then the system processes the order and redirects the user to the payment page
An interactive platform that empowers manufacturers to explore and discover sustainable materials for their production processes. Offers a user-friendly interface and extensive material information, enabling informed choices aligned with eco-friendly values and sustainability goals.
User Profile Page
User Story
As a registered user, I want to view and update my profile information and account settings so that I can manage my personal details and preferences easily.
This requirement involves creating a user profile page where users can view and edit their personal information, preferences, and account settings. The user profile page will enhance user experience by providing a centralized location for managing individual user details and customizing their interactions with the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given a user has valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given a user has invalid credentials, when the user enters the incorrect username or password, then the system should deny access and display an error message.
User creates a new account
Given a new user wants to create an account, when the user provides valid registration information and submits the form, then the system should create a new account and send a confirmation email.
User updates profile information
Given a user wants to update their profile, when the user makes changes to their profile information and saves the updates, then the system should reflect the changes and notify the user of the successful update.
User adds a product to the shopping cart
Given a user wants to add a product to the shopping cart, when the user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', then the system should update the shopping cart and display the added product.
Notification Center
User Story
As a user, I want to receive timely notifications and alerts about my account activity and important system events so that I can stay informed and take necessary actions promptly.
The notification center will display real-time updates, alerts, and notifications to users regarding their account activity, new messages, system events, and other relevant information. It will facilitate timely communication and help users stay informed about important events and actions related to their account and platform usage.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides valid registration information, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Password Reset
Given a user forgot their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email address.
Profile Update
Given a user wants to update their profile information, when the user submits the updated information, then the system should update the user's profile with the new information.
Data Import
Given an administrator wants to import data, when the administrator uploads a valid data file, then the system should import the data without errors and provide a confirmation message.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want to access the platform in my preferred language so that I can navigate, understand, and engage with the content more effectively.
This requirement involves implementing multi-language support to enable users to access and interact with the platform in their preferred language. It will enhance accessibility and user experience for a diverse user base, providing support for multiple languages and localization.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user enters valid credentials
When the user clicks on the login button
Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard page
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user enters invalid credentials
When the user clicks on the login button
Then the system should display an error message and not authenticate the user
User profile update
Given the user is on the profile page
When the user updates their profile information
Then the system should save the changes and display a success message
Add item to cart
Given the user is on the product page
When the user clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button
Then the system should add the item to the cart and update the cart total
Place order with valid payment
Given the user has items in the cart
When the user proceeds to checkout and enters valid payment details
Then the system should process the order and display an order confirmation
Dark Mode Feature
User Story
As a user, I want the option to switch to a dark mode interface to reduce eye strain and improve visibility in low-light environments.
The dark mode feature will allow users to switch to a dark color scheme for the platform interface, reducing eye strain and providing a visually comfortable experience, especially in low-light environments. This feature will cater to user preferences and improve usability in various lighting conditions.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters valid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the system verifies the credentials and logs the user in.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters invalid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the system displays an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User views profile information
Given the user is logged in, When the user navigates to the profile page, Then the system displays the user's profile information.
User updates profile information
Given the user is logged in and navigates to the profile page, When the user edits and saves the profile information, Then the system updates the user's profile with the new information.
User uploads a profile picture
Given the user is logged in and navigates to the profile page, When the user uploads a profile picture and saves the changes, Then the system displays the new profile picture on the user's profile.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to easily find relevant content and information by using advanced search filters and predictive search suggestions so that I can locate specific items efficiently.
Enhanced search functionality will improve the platform's search capabilities, allowing users to find specific content, users, or information quickly and accurately. It will include advanced filtering options, predictive search suggestions, and improved search result relevance.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user attempts to login, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user attempts to login, then the system should reject the login attempt and display an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates the profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given a user on the product search page, when the user enters a product name and initiates the search, then the system should display matching products based on the search criteria.
Add item to cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the item to the user's shopping cart and display a notification.
A real-time monitoring system that tracks and reports on environmental metrics within manufacturing facilities. Provides visual representations of energy usage, waste generation, and emissions, enabling proactive management of eco-impact.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information so that I can customize my experience and access personalized content.
The requirement involves creating, updating, and managing user profiles, allowing users to input, edit, and view their personal information, preferences, and settings. This feature is essential for personalization and providing a customized experience to users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
User Profile Update
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information, then the user details should be successfully updated in the database.
Product Search
Given the user is on the product search page, when the user enters a search query and submits the form, then the system should display relevant products based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to the checkout process, then the user should be able to provide shipping and payment information and complete the purchase.
Two-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want an additional layer of security through two-factor authentication to better protect my account from unauthorized access.
Implement two-factor authentication to enhance security by adding an extra layer of protection for user accounts. This will involve integrating a verification code sent to the user's registered phone or email for secure login.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Profile Update
Given the user is logged in, When the user updates their profile information, Then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user profile.
Product Search
Given the user is on the search page, When the user enters a search term and clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant products matching the search term.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the system should process the order and generate an order confirmation.
Advanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to have advanced search options to quickly find specific content or products based on my preferences and criteria.
Enhance the search feature to include advanced filtering options, sorting, and real-time suggestions to improve the user search experience and help users find relevant content more efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters correct username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user, when the user provides valid information and submits the registration form, then the system should create a new account for the user.
Add to Cart
Given a user browsing the product catalog, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the cart should display the added item.
Checkout Process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, then the order should be successfully processed, and the user should receive a confirmation.
Search Functionality
Given a user looking for a specific product, when the user enters a search query, then the system should return relevant results based on the search query.
Integration with Social Media Platforms
User Story
As a user, I want to seamlessly share my product experiences and achievements on social media to connect with my network and showcase my activities.
Enable users to connect their social media accounts and share content, activities, or achievements from the product to their social networks, expanding user engagement and reach.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the 'Login' button, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides valid information and clicks the 'Register' button, then the system should create a new account for the user.
Password Reset
Given a user forgot the password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
User Profile Update
Given a user wants to update their profile, when the user makes changes and clicks the 'Save' button, then the system should update the user's profile with the new information.
Product Search
Given a user wants to search for products, when the user enters a search query and clicks the 'Search' button, then the system should display relevant products matching the search query.
Enhanced Notification System
User Story
As a user, I want to receive timely and relevant notifications about important updates, events, and activities within the product to stay informed and engaged.
Develop a comprehensive notification system to deliver alerts, updates, and personalized messages to users based on their preferences, activities, and interactions within the product.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and allow access.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, when the user enters the incorrect username and/or password, then the system should reject the login attempt and display an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given a user on the product search page, when the user enters a product name and initiates the search, then the system should display relevant products matching the search criteria.
Product details view
Given a user selects a product from the search results, when the user navigates to the product details page, then the system should display detailed information about the selected product.
An AI-powered virtual advisor that offers personalized guidance and recommendations to manufacturers on sustainable practices. Analyzes historical data and industry benchmarks to identify opportunities for improved eco-efficiency, cost savings, and eco-innovative strategies.
User Profile Page
User Story
As a registered user, I want to view and update my profile information so that I can manage my account and personalize my experience on the platform.
Create a user profile page where users can view and edit their personal information, settings, and preferences. This will enhance user experience and provide a centralized location for managing account details.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters valid credentials, When they click the 'Login' button, Then they should be redirected to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user enters valid registration details, When they submit the registration form, Then they should receive a confirmation email within 5 minutes.
Password Reset
Given a user requests a password reset, When they follow the password reset link in the email, Then they should be able to set a new password and login with the new credentials.
Adding Items to Cart
Given a user adds items to the shopping cart, When they view the cart, Then they should see all the selected items listed with the correct quantities.
Purchase Confirmation
Given a user completes the checkout process, When the payment is successful, Then they should receive an order confirmation email with the details of the purchase.
Notification Center
User Story
As a user, I want to receive timely notifications about my activities and important updates so that I can stay informed and engaged with the platform.
Implement a notification center that delivers real-time updates and alerts to users regarding their activities, new content, and important platform announcements. This feature will improve user engagement and keep users informed about relevant events and interactions.
Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new account
Given the user is on the registration page, when they fill in the required information and click the 'Sign Up' button, then a new account is created successfully.
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, when they enter valid credentials and click the 'Login' button, then the user is logged in and redirected to the dashboard.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, when they enter invalid credentials and click the 'Login' button, then an error message is displayed indicating invalid credentials.
User updates profile information
Given the user is on the profile page, when they update their information and click the 'Save Changes' button, then the profile information is updated successfully.
User adds item to cart
Given the user is on the product page, when they click the 'Add to Cart' button, then the item is added to the cart.
Dark Mode Support
User Story
As a user, I want the option to switch to a dark mode interface to reduce eye strain and improve visibility in low-light conditions.
Introduce dark mode support to provide users with the option to switch to a visually comfortable interface in low-light environments. This feature will enhance accessibility and user comfort, accommodating varying user preferences and environmental conditions.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters the incorrect username or password, Then the user should not be logged in and an error message should be displayed.
User registration with unique username
Given a new user registration form, When the user enters a unique username, Then the user should be able to register successfully.
User registration with existing username
Given a new user registration form, When the user enters an existing username, Then the user should not be able to register and an error message should be displayed.
Product search with valid keyword
Given a search bar on the product page, When the user enters a valid keyword and clicks the search button, Then the relevant products should be displayed in the search results.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to access the platform in my preferred language so that I can engage with content and navigate the interface comfortably in my native language.
Enable multi-language support to offer the platform in multiple languages, allowing users to select their preferred language for content and interface display. This will broaden the platform's accessibility and cater to a diverse user base with varied language preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user inputs the correct credentials and clicks the login button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Registration
Given a unique username and a valid email address, When the user submits the registration form with all required information, Then the user account should be successfully created.
Product Search
Given a keyword or product name, When the user enters the search term and clicks the search button, Then the relevant products should be displayed in the search results.
Add to Cart
Given a valid product ID, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button for the selected product, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment process, Then the user should receive an order confirmation with the details of the purchased items.
Social Media Sharing
User Story
As a user, I want to share platform content and my activity on social media to connect with my network and promote engaging content from the platform.
Incorporate social media sharing functionality to enable users to easily share platform content and their activity with their social network. This will facilitate user-driven promotion and engagement, extending the platform's reach and impact through social media channels.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration process
Given a user is on the registration page, when they enter valid information and submit the form, then their account should be created successfully.
Password reset feature
Given a user has forgotten their password, when they request a password reset, then an email containing a password reset link should be sent to the user's registered email address.
Product search functionality
Given a user is on the product search page, when they enter a search term and click search, then a list of relevant products should be displayed.
Add to cart feature
Given a user is viewing a product, when they click the 'Add to Cart' button, then the item should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout process
Given a user has items in the shopping cart, when they proceed to checkout and complete the payment process, then an order confirmation should be displayed, and the inventory should be updated accordingly.
A rating system that evaluates and scores the sustainability of materials used in manufacturing processes. Provides transparent and standardized assessments of the eco-friendliness of various materials, empowering informed decisions and prioritization of sustainable materials.
User Profile Creation
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to create and manage my user profile so that I can personalize my experience and keep my information up to date.
The system should allow users to create and manage their user profiles, including personal information, contact details, and account settings. This feature will enhance user engagement and personalization, providing a seamless experience for users to update and maintain their profile data.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid username and password
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User logs in with invalid username and password
Given an invalid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should deny access and display an error message.
User creates a new account
Given the user is on the registration page, when the user enters valid registration details and submits the form, then the system should create a new account for the user.
User deletes an existing account
Given the user is logged in, when the user requests to delete their account, then the system should prompt for confirmation and permanently remove the user's account and associated data.
User adds a product to the shopping cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks 'Add to Cart', then the system should add the product to the shopping cart and display a success message.
User proceeds to checkout from the shopping cart
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, when the user clicks 'Proceed to Checkout', then the system should navigate to the checkout page with the selected items.
User applies a discount code at checkout
Given the user is on the checkout page, when the user applies a valid discount code, then the system should apply the discount to the order total and display the updated amount.
User completes the purchase and receives a confirmation email
Given the user has confirmed the order details and completed the payment, then the system should process the order, generate a confirmation email, and display a thank you message.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to use two-factor authentication to secure my account and prevent unauthorized access to my personal information.
Implement two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance the security of user accounts. This feature will add an extra layer of protection by requiring users to verify their identity using a second factor, such as a code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their password.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with valid information, When the user submits the form, Then a new account is created.
User Login
Given an existing user enters valid credentials, When the user logs in, Then the user is successfully authenticated and directed to the dashboard.
Create a Post
Given a logged-in user navigates to the create post page, When the user fills out the post details and submits the form, Then a new post is created and displayed on the user's profile.
Edit Profile
Given a user accesses the profile edit page, When the user makes changes and saves the profile, Then the user's profile is updated with the new information.
Delete Comments
Given a user has permission to delete comments, When the user selects a comment to delete, Then the comment is removed from the post and the user's profile.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to connect my social media accounts to easily share content and interact with my friends and followers.
Integrate social media platforms to enable users to connect their accounts and share content from the application. This feature will enhance user engagement and facilitate social interactions, allowing users to easily share their experiences and connect with their social networks.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user submits the registration form with valid details, then the system should create a new account for the user.
Add Item to Cart
Given a logged-in user wants to add an item to the cart, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should successfully add the item to the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should guide the user through the payment process and confirm the order.
Search Functionality
Given a user wants to search for a product, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant search results.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want the application to support multiple languages so that I can use it in my preferred language and understand the content more effectively.
Implement multi-language support to provide users with the option to use the application in their preferred language. This feature will enhance accessibility and user experience for a diverse user base, allowing users to interact with the application in their native language.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be logged into the system.
User Registration
Given a unique username and valid email address, When the user completes the registration form and clicks submit, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Product Search
Given the user is on the product search page, When the user enters a keyword and clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant products based on the search keyword.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the required information, Then the system should process the order and provide a confirmation message.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard to see the information that is most important to me and arrange it according to my preferences.
Allow users to customize their dashboard layout and content based on their preferences and usage patterns. This feature will provide a personalized experience, enabling users to arrange and prioritize the information that is most relevant to them.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters incorrect username or password, Then the user should receive an error message and not be logged in.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the user's profile should reflect the changes and the information should be updated in the database.
Product search by name
Given the user is on the search page, When the user enters a product name and clicks search, Then the system should display a list of products matching the name.
Product search by category
Given the user is on the search page, When the user selects a product category and clicks search, Then the system should display a list of products belonging to the selected category.
Sustainability Insights
Gain in-depth analytics and actionable insights into sustainability practices, waste reduction, energy consumption, and environmental compliance, empowering eco-conscious manufacturers to optimize operational efficiency and drive environmental responsibility.
User Authentication
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to log in securely to access my account and personalized features, so that I can manage my data and preferences with peace of mind.
Enable users to securely log in to the system using their credentials, providing a secure and personalized user experience. This feature ensures data privacy and access control, enhancing the overall security of the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, the user should be able to log in successfully.
User Login
Given an invalid username or password, the user should not be able to log in and an error message should be displayed.
User Profile Update
When the user updates their profile information, the changes should be saved and reflected in the user's profile.
User Profile Update
If the user tries to update their profile with invalid information, an error message should be displayed, and the changes should not be saved.
Product Search
When the user searches for a product by entering its name, the search results should display all relevant products matching the search query.
Product Search
If the user enters an invalid search query, no search results should be displayed, and an appropriate message should inform the user.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and adds it to the cart, the cart should display the selected product.
Add to Cart
If the selected product is out of stock, the user should be alerted, and the product should not be added to the cart.
Payment Gateway Integration
User Story
As a customer, I want to be able to complete transactions and purchases seamlessly, so that I can make secure payments for products and services.
Integrate a secure and reliable payment gateway to facilitate seamless transactions for users, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment process. This feature enables users to make purchases and transactions with confidence, enhancing the overall user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user has valid credentials, when they enter the correct username and password, then they should be successfully logged in.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user has invalid credentials, when they enter an incorrect username or password, then they should not be able to log in.
User edits their profile information
Given the user is logged in, when they edit their profile information and save the changes, then the updated information should be reflected in their profile.
User adds a product to the cart
Given the user is logged in, when they add a product to the cart, then the product should be visible in the cart with the correct quantity.
User places an order
Given the user has items in the cart, when they proceed to checkout and place an order, then the order should be successfully processed, and the user should receive an order confirmation.
Product Search and Filtering
User Story
As a shopper, I want to be able to quickly find products based on my preferences and criteria, so that I can save time and easily discover relevant items.
Implement a robust search and filtering functionality to enable users to easily find products based on specific criteria, improving the overall user experience and facilitating efficient product discovery.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should be redirected to the home page.
User Registration
Given a new user provides valid information in the registration form, When the user submits the registration form, Then the user should receive a confirmation email.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects an item to add to the cart, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Place Order
Given a user has items in the shopping cart, When the user goes to the checkout page and completes the order, Then the user should receive an order confirmation with the details of the purchase.
Update Profile
Given a user is logged in, When the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, Then the user's profile should reflect the updated information.
Real-time Chat Support
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to get immediate assistance and support through real-time chat, so that I can quickly resolve any issues or queries I have while using the platform.
Integrate a real-time chat support feature to allow users to seek immediate assistance and guidance, enhancing the level of customer support and engagement. This feature provides users with real-time assistance, improving their overall experience on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills in the registration form with valid information, When the user submits the form, Then the user should receive a confirmation email.
Password Strength
Given a user enters a password, When the password is submitted, Then the system should validate the password strength as strong, containing at least 8 characters, with a mix of uppercase, lowercase, and special characters.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search term in the product search field, When the user clicks the search button, Then the system should display a list of relevant products based on the search term.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button, When the product is added to the cart, Then the system should update the cart total and display the added product in the cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user proceeds to checkout, When the user completes the required checkout steps, Then the system should generate an order confirmation with the correct payment and shipping details.
Social Media Sharing
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to share products and content on social media, so that I can interact with my network and recommend interesting items to others.
Incorporate social media sharing capabilities to enable users to easily share products and content on their preferred social media platforms, expanding the reach of the platform and promoting user engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product Search
Given a search query, when the user submits the search, then the system should retrieve relevant products and display them in the search results.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product, when the user adds the product to the cart, then the system should update the cart and display the updated total.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system should guide the user through the payment and shipping steps, and ultimately confirm the order.
EcoMate Discovery
Explore a diverse range of sustainable materials through an intuitive and interactive platform, offering extensive information to facilitate informed decision-making and support the transition towards greener and more sustainable manufacturing practices.
Secure Authentication System
User Story
As a user, I want a secure authentication system to protect my account from unauthorized access, so that I can confidently access the platform without concerns about security threats.
Implement a secure authentication system to protect user accounts and prevent unauthorized access. This feature will enable users to securely log in using passwords, biometric authentication, or two-factor authentication methods, enhancing the overall security of the product.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user registration form, when the user enters valid information and submits the form, then a new user account should be created in the system.
Password Reset
Given a 'Forgot Password' link, when the user clicks on it and provides their email address, then an email with a password reset link should be sent to the user's email address.
Product Search
Given a product search input field, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of relevant products based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given a product detail page, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the selected product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user's shopping cart with items added, when the user proceeds to the checkout process and completes the payment, then the system should generate an order confirmation and deduct the purchased items from the inventory.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a global user, I want to be able to use the product in my preferred language, so that I can easily understand and navigate the interface without language barriers.
Introduce multi-language support to provide users with the ability to access the product in their preferred language. This feature will enhance the user experience for non-native language speakers and expand the product's accessibility to a broader audience.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with correct username and password
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User logs in with incorrect username and password
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters the incorrect username and password, Then an error message should be displayed.
User adds an item to the cart
Given the user is logged in and browsing the products, When the user selects an item and clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the item should appear in the user's cart.
User removes an item from the cart
Given the user has items in the cart, When the user clicks 'Remove' next to the item, Then the item should be removed from the user's cart.
User checks out the items in the cart
Given the user has items in the cart, When the user clicks 'Checkout', Then the user should be directed to the checkout page to complete the purchase.
Real-Time Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications about important events and updates within the product, so that I can stay informed and engaged with the platform.
Enable real-time notifications to keep users informed about important updates, messages, and activities within the product. This feature will increase user engagement and provide timely information to users, enhancing their overall experience and interaction with the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user has a valid username and password, When the user enters the credentials and clicks 'Login', Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user has an invalid username or password, When the user enters the credentials and clicks 'Login', Then the system should display an error message and not grant access to the dashboard.
User resets password
Given the user has forgotten their password, When the user clicks on 'Forgot Password' and enters their email, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
User updates profile information
Given the user is logged in, When the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, Then the system should update the user's details in the database.
Mobile Application Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to access the product through a dedicated mobile application, so that I can easily and conveniently interact with the platform while on the go.
Integrate the product with a dedicated mobile application to provide users with a seamless and optimized mobile experience. This integration will expand the product's accessibility and offer users the flexibility to access the platform from their mobile devices, improving overall user satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user logs in, Then the system should redirect the user to the dashboard.
Create New Account
Given valid user details, When the user creates a new account, Then the system should generate a confirmation email.
Search Product
Given a product name, When the user searches for the product, Then the system should display a list of matching products.
Update Profile Information
Given updated user information, When the user saves the changes, Then the system should update the user profile.
Add to Cart
Given a selected product, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the system should display the updated number of items in the cart.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to have advanced search capabilities to quickly find the content I need, so that I can efficiently navigate and access relevant information within the product.
Enhance the search functionality to provide users with more advanced and accurate search results, including filters, sorting options, and predictive search capabilities. This improvement will enable users to find relevant content quickly and efficiently, enhancing their overall navigation and usage experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the system.
User Registration
Given a unique email address and a strong password, When the user completes the registration form and submits it, Then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Add to Cart
Given a logged-in user and a selected item, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should add the item to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given items in the shopping cart and valid shipping/billing information, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the system should process the payment and generate an order confirmation.
Search Functionality
Given a search query, When the user enters a keyword and clicks the 'Search' button, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Eco-Monitor Pro
Track real-time environmental metrics, including energy usage, waste generation, and emissions, with intuitive visual representations, enabling proactive management of eco-impact and ensuring compliance with environmental standards.
User Profile Page
User Story
As a registered user, I want to access and update my personal information and account settings in one place so that I can easily manage my profile and preferences.
Create a dedicated user profile page that allows users to view and edit their personal information, account settings, and activity history. This feature enhances user experience by providing a centralized hub for managing their account and interacting with the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a unique email address and a strong password, when the user submits the registration form, then the system should create a new user account and send a verification email.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, when the user initiates a password reset, then the system should generate a reset link and send it to the user's email.
Search Functionality
Given a search query, when the user performs a search, then the system should return relevant results based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given a selected product, when the user adds it to the cart, then the system should update the cart total and display the added product.
Notification Center
User Story
As a user, I want to receive and manage notifications in a centralized location so that I can stay informed about important activities and updates.
Implement a notification center where users can receive and manage alerts, updates, and activity notifications. This feature improves user engagement by enabling users to stay informed about relevant activities and interactions within the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User Registration
Given a unique username and a valid email address, When the user submits the registration form, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Password Reset
Given a valid email address, When the user requests a password reset, Then a password reset link should be sent to the user's email.
Create Post
Given a logged-in user, When the user submits a new post, Then the post should be successfully created and visible in the user's profile.
Search Functionality
Given a search query, When the user performs a search, Then the search results should be displayed based on the query.
Dark Mode Support
User Story
As a user, I want the option to enable dark mode for better visibility and reduced eye strain in low-light conditions.
Integrate a dark mode option that allows users to switch the interface to a dark color scheme for improved visibility in low-light environments. This feature enhances accessibility and user comfort by providing an alternative display mode.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with valid information, when the user submits the form, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query, when the user clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of relevant products based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and specifies the quantity, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the shopping cart with the selected product and quantity.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system should prompt the user for payment and shipping information.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a multilingual user, I want the platform to support multiple languages so that I can access and use the platform in my preferred language.
Enable support for multiple languages to accommodate users from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This feature promotes inclusivity and expands the platform's accessibility to a global audience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a unique email address and a strong password, when the user completes the registration form, then the user account should be created and a verification email should be sent.
Password Reset
Given a valid email address, when the user requests a password reset, then an email with a password reset link should be sent to the user's email address.
Profile Update
Given valid user information, when the user updates their profile, then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user's account.
Product Search
Given a search keyword, when the user enters the keyword in the search bar and submits, then a list of relevant products should be displayed.
Interactive Dashboard Widgets
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard with interactive widgets to access relevant information and personalize my user experience.
Develop interactive widgets for the user dashboard, allowing users to customize and personalize their dashboard with dynamic content and quick access to relevant information. This feature empowers users to tailor their dashboard to their specific interests and needs.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the login button, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user fills in the registration form with valid details and clicks the submit button, then the system should create a new user account and provide a confirmation message.
Password Reset
Given a user forgot their password, when the user requests a password reset and follows the verification process, then the system should allow the user to set a new password and confirm the change.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user wants to update their profile, when the user makes changes to the profile information and saves the updates, then the system should reflect the changes and display a success message.
Data Search
Given a user enters a search query, when the system processes the query and retrieves relevant data, then the system should display the search results in a clear and organized manner.
EcoAdvisor AI
Access personalized guidance and recommendations on sustainable practices through an AI-powered virtual advisor, leveraging historical data and industry benchmarks to identify opportunities for improved eco-efficiency, cost savings, and eco-innovative strategies.
User Profile Customization
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to customize my profile with a profile picture, bio, and personal details so that I can personalize my account and connect with others more effectively.
Allow users to customize their profiles by adding a profile picture, bio, and personal details. This feature enhances user engagement and personalization, providing a more interactive user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user submits valid registration information, then the system should create a new user account.
Password Reset
Given a user wants to reset their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a user wants to update their profile, when the user submits updated profile information, then the system should update the user's profile with the new information.
Data Export
Given a user wants to export data, when the user selects the data to export, then the system should generate a downloadable file with the selected data.
Dark Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to have the option to switch to dark mode for reduced eye strain and improved readability in low-light environments.
Implement a dark mode option for the application to reduce eye strain and provide a comfortable viewing experience in low-light environments. This feature enhances accessibility and user comfort.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, when the user submits the form, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given the user enters a search query and submits the search, when the system processes the query, then it should return relevant search results based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given the user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', when the system adds the product to the cart, then the cart should reflect the added product and update the total price.
Checkout Process
Given the user proceeds to checkout with items in the cart, when the user completes the checkout process, then the system should generate an order confirmation and update the inventory.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want the application to support multiple languages so that I can access and use the product in my preferred language.
Enable support for multiple languages within the application to cater to a diverse user base and expand the product's global reach. This feature promotes inclusivity and accessibility for users regardless of their language preference.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Profile Update
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates their profile information, then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user profile.
Product Search
Given the user is on the product search page, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the relevant products should be displayed based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has selected products in the cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the user should be able to enter shipping and payment information to complete the order.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to enable two-factor authentication to secure my account and prevent unauthorized access to my personal information.
Introduce two-factor authentication as an additional security layer to protect user accounts from unauthorized access and enhance data security. This feature prioritizes user account protection and safeguards sensitive information.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User Registration
Given a valid email and password, When the user fills out the registration form, Then the system should create a new account for the user.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, When the user requests a password reset, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product Search
Given a search query, When the user searches for a product, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Push Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive push notifications for updates and alerts within the application, so that I can stay informed and engaged with the latest activities.
Implement push notifications to provide real-time updates and alerts to users regarding important events and activities within the application. This feature enhances user engagement and keeps users informed about relevant information.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user enters their credentials and submits the form, then the user should be successfully logged in.
User Registration
Given a unique email address and a strong password, when the user fills out the registration form and submits it, then a new user account should be created.
Password Reset
Given a registered email address, when the user requests a password reset, then a password reset link should be sent to the user's email.
Product Search
Given a search query, when the user enters the query and submits the search form, then relevant products should be displayed in the search results.
Add to Cart
Given a specific product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given items in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment process, then a confirmation page should be displayed with the order details.
Order History
Given a logged-in user, when the user navigates to the order history section, then a list of previous orders should be displayed.
Material EcoScore
Evaluate and score the sustainability of materials used in manufacturing processes with a transparent rating system, providing a standardized assessment of material eco-friendliness to empower manufacturers in making informed decisions and prioritizing sustainable materials usage.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile and account settings easily so that I can update my information and preferences as needed.
This requirement involves creating a user profile management system that allows users to update their personal information, preferences, and account settings. It will provide a seamless and personalized user experience, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides a unique username, valid email, and strong password, then the system should create a new user account and send a verification email.
Password Reset
Given a user forgot their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should generate a unique reset link and send it to the user's registered email.
Profile Update
Given a user wants to update their profile information, when the user submits the changes, then the system should update the user's profile and display a success message.
Data Encryption
Given sensitive data needs to be stored, when the system saves the data, then it should encrypt the data using a strong encryption algorithm and securely store it in the database.
Multi-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to secure my account with multi-factor authentication to ensure that my account is protected from unauthorized access.
Implement multi-factor authentication to enhance the security of user accounts. This feature will require users to verify their identity using multiple methods such as SMS code, email confirmation, or biometric authentication, adding an extra layer of protection to their accounts.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a correct username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, when the user logs out, then the system should end the user's session and return to the login screen.
Create New Account
Given unique user details, when a new account is created, then the system should store the user information and activate the account for login.
Forgot Password
Given a registered email address, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a reset link to the email address.
Update Profile Information
Given valid user credentials, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Real-time Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications so that I can stay informed about important activities and updates related to my account.
Enable real-time notifications to keep users updated about important activities, such as new messages, account updates, and important alerts. This feature will enhance user engagement and provide timely information to users.
Acceptance Criteria
User authentication
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the application.
User profile update
Given the user is authenticated, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search
Given the user is authenticated, when the user searches for a product by name or category, then the system should display relevant search results.
Add to cart
Given the user is authenticated and product search results are displayed, when the user adds a product to the cart, then the system should update the cart and display a confirmation message.
Checkout process
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should validate the cart contents and allow the user to enter shipping and payment details.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard to see the content and features that are most relevant to me, so that I can have a personalized experience.
Develop a customizable dashboard that allows users to personalize their experience by arranging and prioritizing the content and features they want to see. This will enhance user satisfaction and provide a tailored experience based on individual preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a registered user with valid credentials, When the user enters their username and password, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a registered user with invalid credentials, When the user enters their username and password, Then the user should not be able to log in and should receive an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the user's profile should be updated with the new information.
Password reset
Given a user has forgotten their password, When the user requests a password reset, Then the user should receive an email with a password reset link.
Product search
Given a user on the product search page, When the user enters a search query, Then the user should see a list of relevant products.
Activity Logs
User Story
As a user, I want to view my recent activities and interactions through activity logs so that I can track my engagements and stay informed about my actions on the platform.
Introduce activity logs to track and display a user's recent activities and interactions within the platform. This will provide users with a comprehensive overview of their actions and engagements, promoting transparency and accountability.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with correct username and password
Given a registered user with a valid username and password, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user is successfully logged in.
User login with incorrect password
Given a registered user with a valid username and password, When the user enters an incorrect password, Then the user receives an error message.
User login with non-existing username
Given an unregistered user, When the user enters a non-existing username, Then the user receives an error message.
User logout
Given an authenticated user, When the user initiates logout, Then the user is successfully logged out.
User profile update
Given an authenticated user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the user's profile is successfully updated.
Sustainable Insights
Empower manufacturers with in-depth analysis of sustainability practices, waste reduction, energy consumption, and environmental compliance, guiding eco-efficiency and operational savings.
Customer Profile Management
User Story
As a customer, I want to be able to update my profile information and manage my preferences so that I can personalize my experience and ensure that my account details are accurate.
This requirement involves creating a feature that allows customers to manage their profiles, including personal information, preferences, and account settings. It will provide a seamless and personalized experience for customers, enabling them to update and manage their details with ease.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should grant access and display the user's dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user, when the user provides all required information and agrees to the terms, then the system should create a new account for the user.
Product Search
Given a user on the homepage, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant product results based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the product to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user with items in the shopping cart, when the user initiates the checkout process and completes the required steps, then the system should process the order and provide a confirmation of the purchase.
Order Tracking and Status Updates
User Story
As a customer, I want to be able to track the status of my orders and receive updates so that I can stay informed about the progress of my purchases and know when to expect delivery.
This requirement entails implementing a feature that enables customers to track their orders and receive real-time updates on the status of their purchases. It will enhance transparency and provide customers with timely information about their orders.
Acceptance Criteria
User Logs In with Correct Credentials
Given the user has entered the correct username and password, When the user clicks the 'Log In' button, Then the user should be successfully logged into the system.
User Logs In with Incorrect Credentials
Given the user has entered an incorrect username or password, When the user clicks the 'Log In' button, Then an error message should be displayed indicating the invalid credentials.
User Updates Profile Information
Given the user is on the 'Profile' page, When the user edits and saves the profile information, Then the updated information should be displayed and saved in the system.
User Adds Item to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item should be added to the user's cart and the cart total should be updated.
User Places an Order
Given the user has items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and confirms the order, Then the order should be successfully placed, and the user should receive an order confirmation.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to use the product in my preferred language so that I can easily understand the content and navigate the platform.
This requirement involves adding support for multiple languages to the platform, enabling users to access content and interact with the product in their preferred language. It will enhance accessibility and user experience for a diverse audience.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the user should be successfully logged in to the system.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a registered user with invalid credentials, when the user enters the incorrect username or password, then the user should receive an error message indicating invalid login details.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, then the updated information should be reflected in the user's profile.
Product search by name
Given a user on the product search page, when the user enters a valid product name and initiates the search, then the system should display the relevant products matching the search criteria.
Product search by category
Given a user on the product search page, when the user selects a specific product category and initiates the search, then the system should display products belonging to the selected category.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to share content on social media and log in using my social media accounts to easily access the product.
This requirement involves integrating social media sharing and login functionalities into the product, allowing users to share content and log in with their social media accounts. It will improve user engagement and streamline the login process for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with correct credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User logs in with incorrect credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters invalid username or password, When the user clicks the login button, Then an error message should be displayed indicating the incorrect credentials.
User updates profile information
Given the user is on the profile settings page, When the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, Then the changes should be reflected in the user's profile.
User adds item to shopping cart
Given the user is on the product page, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button for a specific item, Then the item should be added to the user's shopping cart.
User completes checkout process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When the user navigates to the checkout page and completes the payment process, Then the order should be confirmed and the user should receive an order confirmation.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want the search feature to provide accurate and relevant results so that I can easily find the information or products I am looking for.
This requirement entails enhancing the search feature to provide more accurate and relevant results to users. It will improve the user experience and help users quickly find the content or products they are looking for.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration: Happy Path
Given the user enters valid registration details
When the user submits the registration form
Then the user account is created successfully
User registration: Invalid Email
Given the user enters an invalid email format
When the user submits the registration form
Then the system displays an error message for invalid email format
User login: Successful Login
Given the user enters valid login credentials
When the user clicks the login button
Then the user is logged in successfully
User login: Invalid Credentials
Given the user enters invalid login credentials
When the user clicks the login button
Then the system displays an error message for invalid credentials
Add to Cart: Adding a Product
Given the user selects a product to add to the cart
When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button
Then the selected product is added to the user's cart
Add to Cart: Invalid Quantity
Given the user selects a product and enters an invalid quantity
When the user tries to add the product to the cart
Then the system displays an error message for invalid quantity
Checkout: Successful Purchase
Given the user has items in the cart and enters valid payment details
When the user clicks the 'Complete Purchase' button
Then the purchase is successful and the order is confirmed
Checkout: Invalid Payment Details
Given the user has items in the cart and enters invalid payment details
When the user clicks the 'Complete Purchase' button
Then the system displays an error message for invalid payment details
Product Search: Successful Search
Given the user enters a search query for a product
When the user clicks the 'Search' button
Then the system displays relevant search results
Product Search: No Results Found
Given the user enters a search query with no matching products
When the user clicks the 'Search' button
Then the system displays a message indicating no results found
EcoMaterial Explorer
Enable manufacturers to explore and discover sustainable materials for production processes, empowering informed choices aligned with eco-friendly values and sustainability goals.
User Authentication
User Story
As a registered user, I want to securely access my account using multi-factor authentication so that my personal information remains safe and protected from unauthorized access.
Implement a secure user authentication system to enable users to securely access their accounts and protect sensitive information. The system should include multi-factor authentication for enhanced security and user privacy.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should grant access to the user's account.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to create an account, when the user provides valid registration details, then the system should create a new user account.
Add to Cart
Given a user wants to add a product to the cart, when the user clicks 'Add to Cart', then the system should update the cart with the selected product.
Checkout Process
Given a user wants to complete a purchase, when the user proceeds to checkout and provides valid payment information, then the system should process the payment and finalize the order.
Order Tracking
Given a user wants to track an order, when the user enters the order number, then the system should display the current status and location of the order.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want the ability to easily share content to my social media accounts so that I can interact with my social network and spread awareness about interesting content.
Integrate social media sharing capabilities to allow users to easily share content from the application to their social media accounts, enhancing user engagement and expanding the reach of the platform's content.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with valid information, when they submit the form, then an account is created for the user.
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with invalid information, when they submit the form, then an error message is displayed indicating the invalid input.
User Login
Given an existing user enters the correct username and password, when they submit the login form, then they are redirected to their dashboard.
User Login
Given an existing user enters an incorrect password, when they submit the login form, then an error message is displayed indicating the incorrect password.
User Profile Update
Given a logged-in user updates their profile information, when they save the changes, then the profile information is successfully updated in the database.
User Profile Update
Given a user tries to update their profile without being logged in, when they save the changes, then an error message is displayed indicating the user must be logged in to update their profile.
Add to Cart
Given a user adds an item to their cart, when they view the cart, then the added item is displayed in the cart.
Add to Cart
Given a user adds an item to their cart, when the item is out of stock, then an error message is displayed indicating the item is out of stock.
Checkout Process
Given a user completes the checkout process with valid payment information, when the order is confirmed, then a confirmation email is sent to the user.
Checkout Process
Given a user tries to complete the checkout process without providing payment information, when they confirm the order, then an error message is displayed indicating the payment information is required.
Real-time Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications so that I can stay updated about relevant activities and interactions within the application without delay.
Implement real-time push notifications to keep users informed about important updates, interactions, and notifications within the application. This feature will enhance user engagement and provide timely information to users.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user has valid credentials
When the user enters the correct username and password
Then the user should be successfully logged in
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user has invalid credentials
When the user enters the incorrect username or password
Then the user should not be logged in and an error message should be displayed
User updates profile information
Given the user is logged in
When the user updates their profile information
Then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user's profile
User searches for a product
Given the user is on the search page
When the user enters a search query
Then the user should see relevant search results
User adds item to cart
Given the user is viewing a product
When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button
Then the item should be added to the user's cart
Data Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to access a data analytics dashboard to gain insights into my usage patterns and receive personalized recommendations based on my activity within the application.
Develop a comprehensive data analytics dashboard to provide users with insights into their usage patterns, engagement metrics, and personalized recommendations based on their activity within the application.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should grant access and display the user's dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a registered user with invalid credentials, when the user enters an incorrect username or password, then the system should display an error message and not grant access.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given a user on the product search page, when the user enters the product name in the search bar and clicks search, then the system should display a list of products matching the search criteria.
Add item to shopping cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should add the item to the user's shopping cart and display a confirmation message.
Offline Mode Support
User Story
As a user, I want to access certain features and content offline so that I can continue using the application and accessing important information without being dependent on a stable internet connection.
Enable offline access to certain features and content within the application to provide users with uninterrupted access and functionality, even in low-connectivity or offline scenarios.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user enters valid login credentials, when the system verifies the credentials, then the user is successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user enters invalid login credentials, when the system verifies the credentials, then the user is prompted with an error message.
Reset password functionality
Given the user selects the 'forgot password' option, when the user provides the email address, then an email with a password reset link is sent to the user.
View profile information
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the profile page, then the user's profile information is displayed.
Update profile information
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates the profile information and saves the changes, then the profile information is successfully updated.
Track and report real-time environmental metrics within manufacturing facilities, providing visual representations of energy usage, waste generation, and emissions for proactive eco-impact management.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a shopper, I want to be able to refine my search results based on various criteria so that I can quickly find the products that match my specific preferences and requirements.
Implement an advanced search feature that allows users to filter and refine search results based on multiple criteria such as category, price range, and customer ratings. This enhancement aims to provide users with more precise and relevant search results, improving the overall user experience and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials and a functioning internet connection, when the user enters their username and password and clicks the login button, then the system should authenticate the user and redirect them to the dashboard page.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials and a functioning internet connection, when the user enters their username and password and clicks the login button, then the system should display an error message indicating that the credentials are invalid.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, when the user navigates to the profile settings page and updates their information, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search functionality
Given a user on the product search page, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of relevant products based on the search query.
Add to cart functionality
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the user's cart with the selected product and display a confirmation message.
Localized Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want to access the platform in my preferred language so that I can navigate and interact with the content more effectively and comfortably.
Integrate support for multiple languages, allowing users to access the platform in their preferred language. This feature is essential for expanding the product's reach to diverse global audiences and enhancing accessibility for non-English speaking users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When they submit the form, Then a new user account is created in the system.
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with invalid information, When they submit the form, Then an error message is displayed prompting them to correct the invalid information.
User Login
Given an existing user enters the correct username and password, When they submit the login form, Then they are successfully logged into the system.
User Login
Given an existing user enters an incorrect username or password, When they submit the login form, Then an error message is displayed indicating the incorrect credentials.
Create New Post
Given a logged-in user navigates to the new post creation page, When they fill out the post details and submit the form, Then a new post is created and displayed on the user's profile.
Create New Post
Given a logged-out user navigates to the new post creation page, When they attempt to submit the form, Then they are prompted to log in before they can create a new post.
Search Posts
Given a user enters a search query in the search bar, When they submit the query, Then the system displays a list of posts containing the search keywords.
Search Posts
Given a user enters a search query in the search bar, When they submit the query, Then the system returns a message indicating no posts are found for the search query.
Edit Profile
Given a user navigates to the profile editing page, When they make changes to their profile information and submit the form, Then the user's profile information is updated with the new changes.
Edit Profile
Given a user attempts to edit another user's profile, When they submit the form, Then an error message is displayed indicating that they are not authorized to edit the profile.
Personalized Recommendations
User Story
As a regular user, I want to receive personalized product recommendations based on my interests and purchase history so that I can discover relevant items and make informed purchase decisions.
Develop a personalized recommendation system that analyzes user behavior and preferences to offer tailored product suggestions. By implementing this feature, the platform can enhance user engagement, increase customer satisfaction, and drive sales through targeted marketing efforts.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the 'Login' button, then the system should authenticate the user and allow access to the dashboard.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, when the user clicks the 'Logout' button, then the system should log the user out and redirect to the login page.
View Profile
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the 'Profile' page, then the system should display the user's profile information.
Update Profile
Given the user is logged in and on the 'Profile' page, when the user updates their profile information and clicks the 'Save' button, then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Create Post
Given the user is logged in and on the 'Dashboard' page, when the user creates a new post and clicks the 'Publish' button, then the system should save the post and display it on the dashboard.
Enhanced Payment Security
User Story
As a user making online purchases, I want to feel confident that my payment information is secure and protected from potential threats, ensuring a safe and trustworthy shopping experience.
Integrate advanced security measures to ensure the safety of user payment information during transactions. This enhancement aims to build trust and confidence among users, reducing the risk of data breaches and fraudulent activities, and ultimately improving the overall security of the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given the user has valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the system should allow the user to access the account.
User login
Given the user has invalid credentials, When the user enters the incorrect username or password, Then the system should display an error message.
User profile update
Given the user is logged in, When the user updates the profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
User profile update
Given the user is logged out, When the user tries to update the profile information, Then the system should redirect the user to the login page.
Product search
Given the user is on the product search page, When the user enters a search term and clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant search results.
Product search
Given the user is on the product search page, When the user enters an invalid search term and clicks the search button, Then the system should display a message indicating no search results found.
Real-time Order Tracking
User Story
As a customer, I want to be able to track the status of my orders in real time so that I can stay informed about the progress and estimated delivery time of my purchases.
Implement a real-time order tracking feature that enables users to monitor the status and location of their orders throughout the fulfillment process. This functionality aims to enhance transparency and customer satisfaction by providing users with accurate and up-to-date information about their purchases.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, When the user requests to log out, Then the system should log out the user and invalidate the session.
Create New Account
Given the user provides valid account information, When the user submits the account creation form, Then the system should create a new account and send a verification email.
Search Product
Given the user enters a search query, When the user initiates a search, Then the system should return relevant products based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given the user selects a product, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the system should update the cart and display the updated total.
EcoAdvisor AI
Deliver personalized guidance and recommendations to manufacturers on sustainable practices, identifying opportunities for improved eco-efficiency, cost savings, and eco-innovative strategies.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to update my profile information and privacy settings easily, so that I can ensure my account is up to date and my privacy is maintained.
The feature allows users to update and manage their personal information, preferences, and privacy settings. It provides a seamless interface for users to edit and maintain their profiles within the application, enhancing user experience and data accuracy.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When they click the 'Login' button, Then they should be redirected to their user dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a registered user forgot their password, When they request a password reset, Then they should receive an email with a link to set a new password.
New User Registration
Given a new user creates an account with valid information, When they submit the registration form, Then they should receive a confirmation email and their account should be activated.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search keyword, When they click the 'Search' button, Then they should see a list of relevant products matching the search keyword.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and specifies the quantity, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the selected product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Multi-factor Authentication
User Story
As a user concerned about account security, I want an extra layer of verification during login, so that I can have peace of mind knowing my account is well-protected.
Implement multi-factor authentication to enhance the security of user accounts. This feature will require users to verify their identity using multiple methods such as a password, OTP, or biometric authentication, adding an extra layer of security to the login process.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user enters the correct credentials and clicks 'Login', Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
Password Strength
Given a password input field, When the user enters a password, Then the system should enforce the following criteria: at least 8 characters, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, and at least one special character.
Product Search
Given a search bar, When the user enters a product keyword and clicks 'Search', Then the system should display a list of relevant products matching the keyword.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart' for a specific product, Then the system should add the product to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given a filled shopping cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the system should guide the user through the steps of providing shipping and payment information, and display an order summary before finalizing the purchase.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to share app content on social media and log in using my social media accounts, so that I can easily interact with my social network and access the app seamlessly.
Integrate social media sharing and login capabilities, enabling users to easily share content from the application to social platforms and to sign up or log in using their social media accounts. This feature will enhance user engagement and streamline the authentication process.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given the registration form is complete and valid, when the user submits the form, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given the user enters a search query, when the user submits the query, then the system should return relevant search results based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given the user selects a product to add to the cart, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should include the selected product in the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user initiates the checkout process, then the system should guide the user through the payment and shipping information entry.
Dark Mode Support
User Story
As a user, I want the option to switch to a dark mode interface for better visibility in low-light environments, so that I can use the app comfortably at any time of day.
Implement a dark mode option for improved readability and reduced eye strain during low-light conditions. Users will have the choice to switch between light and dark themes based on their preference, enhancing accessibility and user comfort.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given a registered user with valid credentials, When the user enters the correct username and password, Then the user is logged in successfully.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given a registered user with invalid credentials, When the user enters an incorrect username or password, Then the user is unable to log in and receives an error message.
User updates profile information
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information such as name, email, or phone number, Then the user's profile is successfully updated with the new information.
User adds a product to the shopping cart
Given an authenticated user, When the user selects a product and adds it to the shopping cart, Then the product is added to the cart and the cart total is updated.
User completes a purchase
Given an authenticated user with items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment, Then the purchase is successfully processed, and the user receives an order confirmation.
Localization Support
User Story
As a multilingual user, I want to use the app in my preferred language and regional settings, so that I can navigate and understand the content more effectively.
Add support for multiple languages and regional preferences to make the application accessible to a wider global audience. Users will be able to select their preferred language and regional settings, ensuring a localized and inclusive user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user enters the credentials and clicks the login button, then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Profile Update
Given the user is logged in, when the user updates the profile information and clicks the save button, then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user's profile.
Add to Cart
Given a logged-in user, when the user adds an item to the cart and views the cart, then the item should be displayed in the cart with the correct quantity and price.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, when the user initiates the checkout process and completes the payment, then an order confirmation should be displayed, and the user should receive an email confirmation.
Search Functionality
Given the user is on the search page, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then relevant search results should be displayed based on the query.
Offer a transparent rating system that evaluates the sustainability of materials used in manufacturing processes, empowering informed decisions and prioritization of sustainable materials.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information and preferences, so that I can personalize my experience and keep my details up to date.
This requirement involves creating and managing user profiles, allowing users to update personal information, change preferences, and view account details. It integrates with the product by providing a personalized experience and facilitating user-specific settings and interactions.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user enters the correct credentials and clicks the login button, Then the user should be directed to the dashboard page.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, When the user clicks on the logout button, Then the user should be logged out and redirected to the login page.
Create New Post
Given the user is logged in, When the user navigates to the create post page, Then the user should be able to fill out the post form and successfully submit a new post.
Edit Post
Given the user has created a post, When the user navigates to the post edit page, Then the user should be able to modify the post content and save the changes.
Delete Post
Given the user has created a post, When the user selects the option to delete the post, Then the post should be permanently removed from the database.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want the product to support multiple languages, so that I can use it in my preferred language and have a better experience.
The requirement entails adding support for multiple languages, enabling users to access the product in their preferred language. It benefits users by improving accessibility and inclusivity, expanding the product's reach, and accommodating a diverse user base.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user has entered valid credentials
When the user clicks the 'Login' button
Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user has entered invalid credentials
When the user clicks the 'Login' button
Then the system should display an error message indicating invalid credentials
View product details
Given the user is on the product page
When the user clicks on a product
Then the system should display the details of the selected product
Add item to cart
Given the user is viewing a product
When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button
Then the system should add the item to the user's cart
Remove item from cart
Given the user has items in the cart
When the user clicks the 'Remove' button for a specific item
Then the system should remove the item from the cart
Calculate order total
Given the user has items in the cart
When the user proceeds to checkout
Then the system should calculate the total cost of the items in the cart
Apply discount code
Given the user is on the checkout page
When the user enters a valid discount code
Then the system should apply the discount to the order total
Proceed to payment
Given the user has reviewed the order details
When the user clicks the 'Proceed to Payment' button
Then the system should navigate to the payment page
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user looking for specific content, I want the search feature to provide advanced filtering and accurate results, so that I can easily find the information I need.
This requirement focuses on improving the search feature, allowing users to perform advanced and filtered searches, providing more accurate results and better user experience. It enhances the product by making information retrieval more efficient and user-friendly.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the login button, then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, when the user clicks the logout button, then the user should be redirected to the home page.
Add Item to Cart
Given the user is logged in, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the cart count should increase by 1.
Remove Item from Cart
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user removes an item from the cart, then the cart count should decrease by 1.
Place Order
Given the user has items in the cart, when the user clicks the place order button, then the order should be processed and the cart should be cleared.
Mobile App Integration
User Story
As a mobile user, I want to access the product through a dedicated mobile app, so that I can conveniently use it on my mobile device with optimized features.
The requirement involves integrating the product with a dedicated mobile app, enabling users to access the product on their mobile devices with enhanced features and user experience. It integrates with the product by expanding accessibility and providing a seamless cross-platform experience for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with a valid email, password, and username, When the form is submitted, Then the user should receive a confirmation email and be able to log in with the provided credentials.
Password Reset
Given a registered user requests a password reset, When the reset link is clicked, Then the user should be prompted to enter a new password and receive a confirmation upon successful reset.
Adding Item to Cart
Given a user selects an item to add to the cart, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the selected item should be reflected in the cart total and quantity.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the user should be prompted to provide shipping and payment details to complete the purchase.
User Profile Update
Given a logged-in user navigates to the profile settings, When the user updates the profile information and saves the changes, Then the user's profile should reflect the updated information.
Enhanced Notifications System
User Story
As a user, I want to receive personalized notifications that are relevant to my interests and interactions, so that I can stay informed and engaged with the product.
This requirement focuses on improving the notification system, allowing users to receive personalized and relevant notifications based on their preferences and interactions within the product. It benefits users by keeping them informed and engaged, enhancing the overall user experience through timely and meaningful notifications.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user logs in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to sign up, When the user fills out the registration form and submits, Then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Password Reset
Given a user forgot their password, When the user requests a password reset, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query, When the user initiates the search, Then the system should display relevant products based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given a user wants to add a product to the cart, When the user selects the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should update the cart with the selected product.
EcoInsights provides in-depth analytics and actionable insights for manufacturers, enabling them to optimize sustainability practices, reduce waste, and achieve energy efficiency. It empowers users to make data-driven decisions that align with eco-friendly values and drive operational savings.
User Profile Page
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to access and update my profile information easily, so that I can personalize my experience and manage my account effectively.
This requirement involves creating a user profile page where users can view and manage their personal information, preferences, and settings. It will provide a centralized location for users to update their details, manage privacy settings, and customize their experience on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid details When they submit the form Then the user account is created successfully
User login
Given a registered user enters their correct credentials When they log in Then they are redirected to the user dashboard
User profile update
Given a user wants to update their profile information When they make changes and save Then the profile is updated successfully
Product search
Given a user enters a specific keyword in the search bar When they click on the search button Then relevant products are displayed in the search results
Add to cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart' When the product is added to the cart Then the cart total is updated with the new item
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a non-English speaking user, I want the platform to support my language, so that I can navigate and understand the content more effectively.
This requirement entails implementing multi-language support to enable users to access the platform in their preferred language. It will involve integrating language selection functionality and translating content to provide a seamless experience for users from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user provides valid registration details, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user is browsing the store, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the system should display the updated cart with the newly added item.
Make a Purchase
Given a user has items in the cart, when the user completes the purchase process, then the system should process the payment and update the user's order history.
Update User Profile
Given a user wants to update their profile information, when the user submits the updated information, then the system should save the changes and display a confirmation message.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user searching for specific content, I want the search function to provide relevant and precise results, so that I can find the information I need quickly and efficiently.
This requirement involves enhancing the search functionality to provide more accurate and relevant results. It will include implementing filters, advanced search options, and improving the overall search algorithm to deliver a better user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new account
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, When they fill in their personal information and submit the form, Then they should receive a confirmation email with an activation link.
User logs in to the system
Given a registered user enters their username and password, When they click the login button, Then they should be redirected to their dashboard.
User adds a product to their shopping cart
Given a user is browsing the product catalog, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button for a specific product, Then the product should be added to their shopping cart with the correct quantity and price.
User completes a purchase
Given a user has items in their shopping cart, When they proceed to checkout and complete the payment process, Then they should receive an order confirmation with the details of their purchase.
User updates their profile information
Given a user is logged in and navigates to the profile settings, When they update their information and save the changes, Then their profile should be updated with the new information.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to share interesting platform content with my social network, so that I can engage with others and expand the platform's reach.
This requirement involves integrating social media features to allow users to easily share and interact with platform content on popular social media channels. It will include adding social sharing buttons, enabling login via social media accounts, and seamless content sharing capabilities.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user attempts to log in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to create an account, when the user provides valid registration details, then the system should create a new account for the user and send a confirmation email.
Password Reset
Given a user forgot their password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Product Search
Given a user wants to search for a product, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display relevant products based on the search query.
Add to Cart
Given a user wants to add a product to the cart, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the cart with the selected product.
Performance Optimization
User Story
As a user, I want the platform to be fast and responsive, so that I can browse and interact with content without delays or interruptions.
This requirement focuses on optimizing the platform's performance to improve loading times, responsiveness, and overall user experience. It will involve identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks, implementing caching mechanisms, and optimizing code and database queries for efficiency.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, the system should allow the user to log in.
Password Reset
When the user requests a password reset, an email should be sent to the user with a link to reset the password.
Product Search
When the user enters a keyword in the search bar, the system should display relevant products based on the keyword.
Add to Cart
Given a logged-in user, the system should allow the user to add products to the cart and update the cart total.
Checkout Process
When the user initiates the checkout process, the system should collect shipping and payment information and create an order.
SustainaSearch is an interactive platform that allows manufacturers to explore and discover sustainable materials for their production processes. With user-friendly navigation and comprehensive material information, it facilitates informed decision-making to support the transition towards greener and more sustainable manufacturing practices.
Advanced Search Filters
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to apply multiple search filters at once, so that I can quickly find the exact products I need without sifting through irrelevant results.
Enable users to apply multiple filters simultaneously when searching for products, improving the search experience and providing more refined results.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters valid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should be directed to the dashboard page.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters invalid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should see an error message indicating the credentials are invalid.
User updates profile information
Given the user is on the profile page and changes their personal information, When the user clicks the 'Save' button, Then the user should see a success message indicating the information has been updated.
User adds a new item to the shopping cart
Given the user is on the shopping page and selects a new item to add to the cart, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the cart count should increase by 1.
Social Media Sharing
User Story
As a user, I want to share products with my friends and followers on social media, so that I can recommend items I love and discover new products through my network.
Implement social media sharing functionality to allow users to easily share products with their network, increasing product visibility and driving user engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When the user submits the form, Then the system should create a new user account and redirect the user to the home page.
User Login
Given an existing user enters the correct username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the user dashboard.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', When the product is added to the cart, Then the cart should display the selected product and update the total price.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in the cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the system should prompt for shipping and payment details.
Search Functionality
Given a user enters a search query and clicks 'Search', When the search results are displayed, Then the results should match the search query and be clickable for more details.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to access the platform in my preferred language, so that I can navigate and use the platform comfortably and effectively.
Integrate support for multiple languages to accommodate users from diverse linguistic backgrounds, enhancing accessibility and user experience for a global audience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, when the user clicks the logout button, then the user should be logged out and redirected to the home page.
Add Item to Cart
Given a logged-in user, when the user selects an item and clicks 'Add to Cart', then the item should be added to the user's cart.
Remove Item from Cart
Given items in the user's cart, when the user clicks 'Remove' next to an item, then the item should be removed from the cart.
Update Profile Information
Given a logged-in user, when the user updates their profile information and saves the changes, then the changes should be reflected in the user's profile.
Enhanced Product Recommendations
User Story
As a user, I want to receive personalized product recommendations tailored to my interests and past interactions, so that I can discover new items that align with my preferences.
Enhance the product recommendation engine to provide personalized and relevant product suggestions based on user preferences and browsing history.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user is on the registration page, when they enter valid details and submit the form, then their account should be created successfully.
User Login
Given an existing user is on the login page, when they enter valid credentials and click 'Login', then they should be redirected to the dashboard.
Add to Cart
Given a user is viewing a product, when they click 'Add to Cart', then the item should be added to the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in their cart, when they proceed to checkout and complete the payment, then they should receive an order confirmation.
Password Reset
Given a user is on the password reset page, when they enter their email and submit the request, then they should receive an email with a password reset link.
Order Tracking Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive timely updates on the status of my orders, so that I can track their progress and anticipate their arrival.
Enable real-time order tracking notifications to keep users informed about the status of their orders, providing transparency and peace of mind throughout the delivery process.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given that the user provides valid credentials, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and display the dashboard.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given that the user provides invalid credentials, when the user submits the login form, then the system should display an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User adds item to cart
Given that the user is on the product page, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the cart and display a success message.
User removes item from cart
Given that the user is viewing the cart, when the user clicks the 'Remove' button for an item, then the system should update the cart and display a success message.
User completes checkout process
Given that the user is on the checkout page with valid payment information, when the user confirms the order, then the system should process the payment, update the order status, and display a confirmation message.
EcoMonitor is a real-time monitoring system that tracks and reports on environmental metrics within manufacturing facilities. It provides visual representations of energy usage, waste generation, and emissions, enabling manufacturers to proactively manage their eco-impact and ensure compliance with environmental standards.
Dark Mode
User Story
As a user, I want the option to enable dark mode so that I can comfortably view the interface in low light conditions without straining my eyes.
Implement a dark mode feature to allow users to switch the interface to a darker color scheme, reducing eye strain and improving readability in low light environments. The dark mode should be accessible and intuitive, enhancing the user experience and increasing visual comfort for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new account
Given the user is on the registration page, When they enter valid information and submit the form, Then a new account is created successfully.
User logs in to their account
Given the user is on the login page, When they enter valid credentials and click the login button, Then they are redirected to their account dashboard.
User adds items to the shopping cart
Given the user is browsing the online store, When they click 'Add to Cart' for an item, Then the item is added to the shopping cart.
User applies a discount code to the order
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When they apply a valid discount code at checkout, Then the order total reflects the discount amount.
User completes the checkout process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, When they proceed to checkout and complete the payment, Then an order confirmation is displayed, and the items are marked as purchased.
Multi-language Support
User Story
As a global user, I want the product to support multiple languages so that I can use the application in my preferred language, enhancing my overall experience and understanding of the content.
Integrate multi-language support to enable the product to be accessible in multiple languages, expanding the user base and providing a localized experience for global users. This feature should allow seamless language selection and provide accurate translations throughout the application.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, when the user fills out the registration form with valid details, then the system should create a new user account.
Password Reset
Given a user has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset, then a reset link should be sent to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a user wants to update their profile information, when the user makes changes and saves the profile, then the system should update the user's details accordingly.
Product Search
Given a user wants to search for a product, when the user enters the product name in the search bar, then the system should display relevant search results.
Offline Mode
User Story
As a user, I want to access the product's basic features even when offline so that I can continue using the application without interruptions, regardless of my internet connection status.
Create an offline mode feature that allows users to access certain functionalities of the product without an active internet connection. This feature will increase accessibility and usability in low or no-connectivity environments, ensuring continuous usage and user satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user enters their username and password and clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user enters their username and password and clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should see an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information and clicks the 'Save' button, Then the user's profile information should be successfully updated.
Product search by name
Given a user on the product search page, When the user enters a product name in the search field and clicks the 'Search' button, Then the system should display a list of products that match the search criteria.
Add item to shopping cart
Given a user viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Enhanced Search Filters
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to apply advanced filters to my search queries so that I can find specific information more quickly and accurately, reducing the time spent on searching.
Enhance the search functionality with advanced filters, including options for sorting, date ranges, and custom parameters. This feature will provide users with more precise and tailored search results, improving efficiency and usability within the application.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with correct username and password
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the user should be granted access to the dashboard.
Invalid login attempt
Given an invalid username or password, when the user tries to log in, then an error message should be displayed.
User creates a new account
Given the user is on the registration page, when the user fills in the required information and submits the form, then a new account should be created and the user should be logged in automatically.
Password reset request
Given the user has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset, then an email with reset instructions should be sent to the user's registered email address.
View dashboard data
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the dashboard, then the dashboard should display relevant and up-to-date data based on the user's permissions.
Performance Optimization
User Story
As a user, I want the product to perform efficiently and responsively so that I can have a seamless and enjoyable experience while using the application, without delays or lags.
Optimize the product's performance to ensure faster loading times, smoother navigation, and overall better user experience. This requirement involves enhancing backend processes, caching strategies, and codebase improvements to achieve optimal performance.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, When they enter their information and click the submit button, Then their user account is created successfully.
User Login
Given a registered user wants to log in, When they enter their credentials and click the login button, Then they are redirected to their dashboard.
Product Search
Given a user wants to search for a product, When they enter the product name and click the search button, Then the search results display relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given a user wants to add a product to their cart, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button for a product, Then the product is successfully added to their cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user wants to complete a purchase, When they proceed to the checkout page and enter the required information, Then their order is successfully processed.
EcoAdvisor is an AI-powered virtual advisor that offers personalized guidance and recommendations to manufacturers on sustainable practices. By analyzing historical data and industry benchmarks, it assists in identifying opportunities for improved eco-efficiency, cost savings, and eco-innovative strategies.
User Profile Creation
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to create and manage my profile so that I can personalize my experience and access relevant information and features tailored to my preferences.
Allow users to create and manage their profiles, including personal information, settings, and preferences. This feature enhances personalization and provides users with a customized experience tailored to their individual needs.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user, when the correct username and password are entered, then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Profile Update
Given an authenticated user, when the user updates their profile information, then the changes should be saved and reflected in the user's profile.
Product Search
Given a search query, when the user performs a product search, then the search results should display relevant products based on the query.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, when the user clicks 'Add to Cart', then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given products in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then they should be able to enter shipping and payment information and complete the purchase.
Social Media Integration
User Story
As a user, I want to easily share content from the app on my social media accounts and be able to log in using my social media credentials for a seamless experience.
Integrate social media sharing and login capabilities, allowing users to connect their social accounts and share content from the app. This feature enhances user engagement and expands the app's reach through social media channels.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters valid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters invalid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then an error message should be displayed.
User attempts to access a protected resource without logging in
Given the user tries to access a protected resource without logging in, When the user tries to access the resource, Then the user should be redirected to the login page.
User updates their profile information
Given the user is on the profile page and updates their information, When the user saves the changes, Then the changes should be successfully updated in the database.
User attempts to access a deactivated account
Given the user's account is deactivated, When the user tries to log in, Then an error message should be displayed indicating the account is deactivated.
Advanced Search Filters
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to apply advanced filters to my search results so that I can find exactly what I'm looking for without sifting through irrelevant information.
Implement advanced search filters to enable users to refine their search results based on specific criteria such as price range, location, and category. This feature improves the search experience and empowers users to find relevant content more efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User Registration
Given a new user wants to register, When the user provides all required details and submits the form, Then the system should create a new account and send a confirmation email.
Password Recovery
Given a user has forgotten their password, When the user requests a password recovery, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given a user wants to update their profile information, When the user makes changes and saves the profile, Then the system should update the user's information and display a success message.
Data Encryption
Given sensitive data is entered into the system, When the data is saved, Then the system should encrypt the data to ensure security.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to use the app in my preferred language so that I can easily understand and navigate the content and features.
Enable support for multiple languages, allowing users to access the app and its content in their preferred language. This feature enhances accessibility and inclusivity, catering to users from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When they submit the form, Then their account is created successfully.
User Login
Given a registered user enters the correct credentials, When they attempt to login, Then they are redirected to their dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a user requests a password reset, When they receive the reset email and follow the link, Then they are able to set a new password.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search query, When they click 'Search', Then they see a list of relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', When they view their cart, Then the selected product is displayed in the cart.
In-App Messaging System
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to communicate with other users within the app through a convenient messaging system, enabling seamless interaction and collaboration.
Introduce an in-app messaging system to facilitate communication and interaction between users within the app. This feature promotes engagement and community building, enhancing the overall user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with correct username and password
Given the user has entered the correct username and password
When the user clicks the 'Login' button
Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the dashboard
User logs in with incorrect username and password
Given the user has entered an incorrect username and/or password
When the user clicks the 'Login' button
Then the system should display an error message and not grant access
User edits profile information
Given the user is on the 'Edit Profile' page
When the user updates the profile information
Then the system should save the changes and display a success message
User submits a support ticket
Given the user is on the 'Support' page
When the user fills out the support ticket form and submits it
Then the system should send the ticket to the support team and display a confirmation message
User adds a product to the shopping cart
Given the user is viewing a product
When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button
Then the system should update the cart contents and display a confirmation message
GreenScore is a rating system that evaluates and scores the sustainability of materials used in manufacturing processes. It provides a transparent and standardized assessment of the eco-friendliness of various materials, empowering manufacturers to make informed decisions and prioritize the use of sustainable materials.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to manage and update my profile information and preferences so that I can personalize my experience and stay updated.
Enable users to manage and update their personal information, preferences, and communication settings. This feature will provide users with greater control over their account and enhance their overall experience on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given the user provides all required information, when the user submits the registration form, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email to the user.
Add Item to Cart
Given the user is on the product page, when the user clicks 'Add to Cart', then the system should add the item to the user's shopping cart and update the cart total.
Place Order
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should prompt the user to enter shipping and payment information to place the order.
View Order History
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the order history page, then the system should display a list of past orders for the user.
Advanced Search Filters
User Story
As a shopper, I want to be able to apply advanced search filters to narrow down my search results and find exactly what I'm looking for.
Implement advanced search filters to allow users to refine their search results based on specific criteria such as price range, location, and item condition. This feature will enhance the search functionality, enabling users to find relevant items more efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the user should be successfully logged in.
User Registration
Given a new user accessing the registration page, when the user provides valid information and submits the form, then a new account should be created and the user should receive a confirmation email.
Product Search
Given a user on the homepage, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the user should be presented with relevant search results.
Add to Cart
Given a user viewing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be added to the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment process, then a confirmation page should be displayed, and the user's order should be processed.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want the platform to support multiple languages so that I can use the platform in my native language and feel more comfortable navigating and using its features.
Introduce support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base. This feature will enable users to access and interact with the platform in their preferred language, enhancing inclusivity and user engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, When they enter valid credentials and submit the form, Then they should receive a confirmation message and be redirected to the home page.
Product Search
Given a user is on the homepage, When they enter a search query and click the search button, Then relevant products matching the query should be displayed in the search results.
Add to Cart
Given a user is viewing a product, When they click the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the shopping cart and the cart icon should update to reflect the new item count.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in their shopping cart, When they proceed to the checkout page and enter valid shipping and payment details, Then they should receive an order confirmation and be directed to the order summary page.
User Login
Given a registered user visits the login page, When they enter their credentials and click the 'Login' button, Then they should be authenticated and redirected to the account dashboard.
Mobile App Integration
User Story
As a mobile user, I want to access the platform through a mobile app to enjoy a more user-friendly and responsive experience on my smartphone.
Integrate the platform with a dedicated mobile application to provide users with a seamless and optimized mobile experience. This feature will enhance accessibility and convenience for users who prefer to engage with the platform on their mobile devices.
Acceptance Criteria
User Account Registration
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, when they enter valid information and submit the form, then their account is successfully created.
User Login
Given a registered user navigates to the login page, when they enter the correct username and password, then they are successfully logged in to their account.
Password Reset
Given a user forgets their password, when they click on the "Forgot Password" link, then they receive an email with instructions to reset their password.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks on "Add to Cart", when the product is successfully added to the cart, then the cart total is updated.
Checkout Process
Given a user proceeds to checkout, when they provide the required shipping and payment information, then the order is successfully processed.
Real-time Chat Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to communicate with other users in real-time through an integrated chat feature so that I can easily connect and interact with other members.
Implement real-time chat functionality to enable direct communication between users. This feature will facilitate instant communication and interaction, improving the overall user engagement and experience on the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user enters valid and unique details, When they submit the registration form, Then they should receive a confirmation email with an activation link.
User Login
Given an existing user enters valid credentials, When they click the login button, Then they should be redirected to their user dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a user forgets their password and provides a valid email for password reset, When they click the reset password button, Then they should receive an email with a password reset link.
Add Item to Cart
Given a user selects an item and clicks 'Add to Cart', When the item is successfully added to the cart, Then the cart should display the added item and update the total price.
Place Order
Given the user has items in the cart and selects the 'Place Order' button, When they complete the order form and payment, Then the order status should be updated to 'Confirmed' and the user should receive an order confirmation email.
Gain deep analysis and transformative insights that guide manufacturers towards reduced waste, energy usage, and environmental compliance. Experience operational savings and sustainability alignment through advanced AI algorithms and a vast database of sustainable materials.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information so that I can update my details and preferences as needed.
The system should allow users to create, update, and manage their profiles, including personal information, contact details, and preferences. This feature enables personalized user experiences and facilitates communication and interaction within the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given a unique email and a strong password, When the user submits the registration form, Then the system should create a new user account and send a verification email.
Password Reset
Given a valid email address, When the user requests a password reset, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email.
Product Search
Given a search query, When the user enters a keyword and clicks the search button, Then the system should display a list of relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given a selected product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should update the user's shopping cart with the selected product.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user, I want to add an extra layer of security to my account by enabling two-factor authentication.
Implement two-factor authentication to enhance account security. Users will be required to use a second form of verification, such as a code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their password, when logging in. This helps prevent unauthorized access and protects user accounts from potential security threats.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given valid user details, When the user submits the registration form, Then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Add Item to Cart
Given an available item and the user is logged in, When the user adds the item to the cart, Then the system should update the cart total and display the item in the cart.
Place Order
Given items in the cart and the user is logged in, When the user proceeds to checkout and places the order, Then the system should process the order, update inventory, and send a confirmation email.
View Order History
Given the user is logged in, When the user navigates to the order history page, Then the system should display a list of previous orders for the user.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard to view the most relevant information at a glance.
Allow users to customize their dashboard by arranging widgets, choosing displayed information, and setting preferences. This empowers users to personalize their dashboard based on their specific needs and preferences, enhancing user satisfaction and usability.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, When the user clicks the logout button, Then the user should be logged out and redirected to the login page.
View Profile
Given the user is logged in, When the user navigates to the profile page, Then the user should be able to view and edit their profile information.
Search Product
Given the user is on the home page, When the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, Then the user should see a list of relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the product should be added to the user's cart.
Dark Mode Support
User Story
As a user, I want to switch to dark mode for a better viewing experience in low-light conditions.
Introduce a dark mode option for the platform interface to reduce eye strain and provide a more comfortable viewing experience in low-light environments. This feature allows users to switch between light and dark modes based on their preference and environment.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given a user with valid credentials, When the user logs in, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given a user with invalid credentials, When the user tries to log in, Then an error message should be displayed.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the changes should be saved and reflected on the user profile page.
Adding a product to the cart
Given a user browsing the product catalog, When the user adds a product to the cart, Then the product should appear in the user's cart.
Deleting an item from the cart
Given a user with items in the cart, When the user deletes an item from the cart, Then the item should be removed from the cart.
Activity Logging and History
User Story
As a user, I want to view a log of my past activities and interactions within the platform.
Implement activity logging to track user actions and provide a history of activities within the platform. This feature enables users to review their past interactions, transactions, and changes, enhancing transparency and accountability.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, When they fill out the required information and submit the form, Then they should receive a confirmation email.
User Login
Given a registered user navigates to the login page, When they enter their correct credentials and click 'Login', Then they should be redirected to their dashboard.
Password Reset
Given a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' link, When they enter their email and submit the request, Then they should receive an email with a password reset link.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects an item and clicks 'Add to Cart', When they view their cart, Then the selected item should be listed in the cart.
Checkout Process
Given a user proceeds to checkout, When they enter the required shipping and payment information and complete the purchase, Then they should receive a confirmation of the order.
Empower manufacturers to explore and discover sustainable materials for production processes. With an extensive material database and user-friendly interface, EcoMate supports informed choices that align with eco-friendly values and sustainability goals.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to view and update my profile information so that I can ensure my details are accurate and personalized to my preferences.
Allow users to view and edit their personal information, preferences, and settings. This feature enables users to manage their account details, including profile pictures, contact information, and privacy settings, enhancing the overall user experience and personalization of the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login Scenario
Given a valid username and password, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration Scenario
Given valid user details, When the user submits the registration form, Then the system should create a new user account and send a registration confirmation email.
Product Search Scenario
Given a search query, When the user enters a search term and clicks the search button, Then the system should display relevant products matching the search query.
Add to Cart Scenario
Given a selected product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the system should add the product to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Scenario
Given items in the shopping cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the system should guide the user through the payment process and confirm the order.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want to use the platform in my preferred language so that I can easily understand and navigate the content and features.
Integrate support for multiple languages, allowing users to access the platform in their preferred language. This feature enhances accessibility and user engagement by accommodating a diverse user base with varied language preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Registration
Given valid user information, When the user submits the registration form, Then the user account should be created successfully.
Password Reset
Given the user's email address, When the user requests a password reset, Then a password reset link should be sent to the user's email.
View Product Details
Given a valid product ID, When the user requests product details, Then the user should see all relevant information about the product.
Add to Cart
Given a product is selected, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the product should be successfully added to the user's cart.
Checkout Process
Given products in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout, Then the user should be able to complete the purchase with a payment method.
Notification Center
User Story
As a user, I want to receive notifications for important activities and updates so that I can stay informed and engaged with the platform.
Implement a centralized notification center to keep users informed about updates, messages, and relevant activities. This feature improves user engagement and communication by providing a consolidated view of notifications and alerts.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user fills out the registration form with valid information, When the user clicks the 'Submit' button, Then the system should create a new user account and redirect the user to the home page.
Password Strength
Given a user enters a new password, When the password is checked for strength, Then it should contain at least 8 characters, including at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character.
User Login
Given an existing user enters their credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the system should validate the credentials and redirect the user to their dashboard.
Profile Update
Given a logged-in user accesses their profile, When the user updates their profile information and clicks 'Save', Then the system should update the user's information and display a success message.
Forgot Password
Given a user requests to reset their password, When the user provides their email, Then the system should send a password reset link to the user's email address.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to customize my dashboard layout and content so that I can access the most relevant information and features with ease.
Enable users to customize their dashboard layout, widgets, and content based on their preferences. This feature empowers users to personalize their dashboard for a tailored and efficient user experience, enhancing overall satisfaction and usability.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be logged in successfully.
User Registration
Given a new user registration form, When the user fills in all required fields and submits the form, Then the user should be registered in the system.
Product Search
Given a search bar, When the user enters a product name and clicks 'Search', Then the system should display a list of relevant products.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, When the user clicks on the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the selected product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given a filled shopping cart, When the user initiates the checkout process, Then the user should be able to enter shipping and payment details to complete the order.
Dark Mode Support
User Story
As a user, I want the option to switch to dark mode for reduced eye strain and improved visibility in low-light environments.
Introduce a dark mode option for the platform interface, providing users with an alternative color scheme for improved visibility in low-light environments. This feature enhances user comfort and usability by offering a visually optimized interface for different viewing conditions.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, the user should be able to log in successfully.
User Registration
When a new user enters valid registration details and submits the form, a new account should be created.
Password Reset
When the user requests a password reset and enters a valid email address, a password reset link should be sent to the user's email.
View Profile
When a user navigates to the profile page, they should be able to view and edit their profile information.
Add to Cart
When a user selects a product and clicks 'Add to Cart', the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Enable real-time monitoring and reporting of environmental metrics within manufacturing facilities. Visualize energy usage, waste generation, and emissions to manage eco-impact and ensure compliance with environmental standards.
User Profile Page
User Story
As a registered user, I want to access a dedicated profile page to manage my personal information, update preferences, and modify account settings, so that I can have more control over my user experience and personalized account features.
Create a dedicated user profile page where users can view and manage their personal information, preferences, and account settings. This page will enhance user experience by providing a centralized location for managing profile details and customizing account settings.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user logs in, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User Registration
Given a new user registration form, when the user submits valid information, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Password Reset
Given a forgotten password, when the user requests a password reset, then the system should generate a password reset link and send it to the user's email.
Profile Update
Given an existing user profile, when the user updates profile information, then the system should save the changes and update the user profile.
Data Validation
Given user input data, when the data is submitted, then the system should validate the input data format and requirements.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story
As a user concerned about data security, I want to enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection to my account, so that I can prevent unauthorized access and safeguard my personal information.
Implement two-factor authentication to enhance account security and user data protection. This feature will require users to verify their identity using an additional authentication method, such as a one-time code sent to their registered email or phone number, during the login process.
Acceptance Criteria
User login process
Given a registered username and password, when the user enters the correct credentials, then the system should allow access to the user dashboard.
Password reset functionality
Given a user who has forgotten their password, when the user requests a password reset, then a secure link should be sent to the user's email to reset the password.
Product search feature
Given a user on the product page, when the user enters a search keyword, then the system should display relevant products matching the keyword.
Add to cart functionality
Given a user browsing a product, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the product should be successfully added to the user's cart.
Checkout process
Given a user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the system should prompt for payment and shipping details.
Dark Mode Option
User Story
As a user who often uses the app in low-light conditions, I want the option to switch to dark mode for improved visibility and reduced eye strain, so that I can comfortably use the app in any lighting environment.
Introduce a dark mode option to provide users with an alternative color scheme for the app interface. This feature aims to reduce eye strain and improve readability in low-light environments, offering users a more comfortable viewing experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User Authentication
Given a valid username and password, when the user submits the login form, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access.
User Registration
Given a new user navigates to the registration page, when they fill out the required details and submit the form, then the system should create a new user account and send a confirmation email.
Password Reset
Given a user requests a password reset, when they receive the reset link and set a new password, then the system should update the password and notify the user of the successful reset.
Profile Update
Given a user wants to update their profile information, when they submit the updated data, then the system should save the changes and display a confirmation message.
Two-Factor Authentication
Given a user has two-factor authentication enabled, when they log in, then the system should prompt for a verification code and authenticate based on the entered code.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a multilingual user, I want to be able to use the app in my preferred language, so that I can understand and navigate the interface in a language I am most comfortable with, enhancing my overall user experience.
Enable support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base and enhance accessibility. This feature will allow users to select their preferred language for the app interface and content, providing a more inclusive and personalized experience for international users.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, when the user clicks the 'Login' button, then the user should be authenticated and directed to the dashboard.
User Registration
Given the registration form is complete and valid, when the user submits the form, then a new account should be created and the user should receive a confirmation email.
Search Functionality
Given the user enters a search query, when the 'Search' button is clicked, then relevant results should be displayed on the search results page.
Add to Cart
Given the user is viewing a product, when the 'Add to Cart' button is clicked, then the product should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Checkout Process
Given the user has items in the shopping cart, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the user should be able to complete the purchase by providing shipping and payment information.
Push Notification Preferences
User Story
As a user, I want the ability to choose which types of notifications I receive and customize my notification preferences based on my interests and app usage, so that I can manage and control the information I receive from the app.
Implement granular push notification settings that allow users to customize and manage their notification preferences based on specific app activities and updates. This feature will empower users to control the type and frequency of notifications they receive, leading to a more personalized and relevant notification experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with valid credentials
Given a user has valid credentials and is on the login page, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the system should authenticate the user and redirect to the dashboard page.
User logs in with invalid credentials
Given a user has valid credentials and is on the login page, when the user enters incorrect username or password, then the system should display an error message indicating invalid credentials.
User updates profile information
Given a user is on the profile page and wants to update their information, when the user makes changes to the profile fields and saves, then the system should update the user's information and display a success message.
User searches for products
Given a user is on the product search page, when the user enters a search query and clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of relevant products based on the search query.
User adds items to the shopping cart
Given a user is viewing a product and wants to add it to the shopping cart, when the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, then the system should update the cart icon with the number of items and display a success message.
Leverage AI-powered personalized guidance and recommendations for sustainable manufacturing practices. Identify opportunities for eco-efficiency, cost savings, and eco-innovative strategies based on historical data and industry benchmarks.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to easily update my profile information and privacy settings so that I can maintain accurate personal details and manage my account preferences effectively.
This requirement involves creating a user-friendly interface for users to manage their profiles, including personal information, account settings, and privacy preferences. It enables users to update their details, modify settings, and control the visibility of their information.
Acceptance Criteria
User login
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user enters the correct username and password, then the user should be logged in successfully.
User login
Given a registered user with invalid credentials, when the user enters the incorrect username or password, then the user should not be logged in.
Add item to cart
Given a logged-in user, when the user adds an item to the cart, then the item should be displayed in the user's cart.
Remove item from cart
Given a logged-in user with items in the cart, when the user removes an item from the cart, then the item should be removed from the user's cart.
Place order
Given a logged-in user with items in the cart, when the user proceeds to checkout and confirms the order, then the order should be successfully placed.
Multi-Platform Compatibility
User Story
As a user, I want to access the product seamlessly across different platforms so that I can use it on my preferred device without encountering compatibility issues.
The requirement entails ensuring that the product is compatible across multiple platforms, including web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop applications. It involves optimizing the product's performance and user experience on various platforms.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters valid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should be successfully logged in.
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page and enters invalid credentials, When the user clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should receive an error message.
User profile update
Given the user is logged in and navigates to the profile page, When the user updates the profile information and clicks 'Save', Then the user should see a success message confirming the update.
Add item to cart
Given the user is browsing the product catalog, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button for an item, Then the item should be added to the cart and the cart count should increase by 1.
Remove item from cart
Given the user has items in the cart, When the user clicks the 'Remove' button for an item in the cart, Then the item should be removed from the cart and the cart count should decrease by 1.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want to quickly find relevant information through an improved search feature so that I can easily locate the content I need within the product.
This requirement focuses on improving the search functionality within the product, including advanced filters, auto-suggestions, and relevance-based results. It aims to enhance the user experience by enabling efficient and accurate search capabilities.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user has entered valid credentials,
When the user clicks the login button,
Then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the user dashboard.
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user has entered invalid credentials,
When the user clicks the login button,
Then the system should display an error message indicating the invalid credentials.
Create a new account
Given the user is on the registration page,
When the user fills in all the required information and clicks the 'Create Account' button,
Then the system should create a new account for the user and redirect them to the login page.
View user profile
Given the user is logged in,
When the user navigates to the user profile section,
Then the system should display the user's profile information.
Update user profile
Given the user is logged in,
When the user edits their profile information and clicks the 'Save' button,
Then the system should update the user's profile with the new information.
Real-time Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive instant notifications about new messages, updates, and activities within the product so that I can stay informed and engaged in real time.
The requirement involves implementing real-time push notifications to notify users about updates, messages, and important events within the product. It aims to enhance user engagement and keep users informed about relevant activities.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with correct credentials
Given a user with correct credentials, When the user logs in, Then the system should validate the credentials and grant access to the user.
User login with incorrect credentials
Given a user with incorrect credentials, When the user logs in, Then the system should reject the login attempt and display an error message.
User profile update
Given a logged-in user, When the user updates their profile information, Then the system should save the changes and display a success message.
Product search by name
Given a search query with a product name, When the user searches, Then the system should display a list of products matching the search query.
Add item to cart
Given a user is viewing a product, When the user adds the product to the cart, Then the system should update the cart contents and display a confirmation message.
Integration with Third-Party APIs
User Story
As a user, I want the product to seamlessly integrate with external services and platforms so that I can access a wider range of features and services within the product ecosystem.
This requirement entails integrating the product with third-party APIs to enable additional functionalities, such as payment gateways, social media platforms, or external services. It aims to expand the product's capabilities and provide a seamless experience for users.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with correct username and password
Given the user is on the login page and enters a valid username and password, When the user clicks the login button, Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard page.
User login with incorrect username and password
Given the user is on the login page and enters an invalid username or password, When the user clicks the login button, Then an error message should be displayed.
User profile update
Given the user is on the profile page, When the user updates their profile information and clicks the save button, Then the profile information should be successfully updated.
Product search with filters applied
Given the user is on the product search page, When the user applies filters for category, price range, and brand, Then the search results should match the applied filters.
Add item to cart
Given the user is viewing a product, When the user clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, Then the item should be added to the user's shopping cart.
Implement a rating system that evaluates and scores the sustainability of materials used in manufacturing processes. The material scorecard provides transparent and standardized assessments, empowering manufacturers to prioritize the use of sustainable materials.
User Profile Management
User Story
As a registered user, I want to be able to manage my profile information and account settings easily so that I can keep my details up to date and ensure account security.
This requirement involves creating a user profile management system that allows users to update their personal information, change passwords, and manage account settings. It provides a personalized experience and enhances user control over their account details.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user completes the registration form with valid information, When the user submits the form, Then the user account is created successfully.
Login Authentication
Given a registered user enters the correct username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user is successfully authenticated and directed to the dashboard.
Product Search
Given a user enters a search term in the product search bar, When the user clicks the search button, Then the product results matching the search term are displayed.
Add to Cart
Given a user selects a product and clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, When the product is added to the cart, Then the cart total is updated with the new product.
Checkout Process
Given a user has items in the cart, When the user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment process, Then the order is confirmed and the user receives an order confirmation.
Mobile App Integration
User Story
As a mobile user, I want to be able to access the platform through a mobile app so that I can conveniently use the product from my smartphone or tablet.
Integrate the existing web platform with a mobile application to extend the product's accessibility and convenience. This integration will allow users to access the platform on-the-go, enhancing user engagement and providing a seamless cross-platform experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User login with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters valid credentials and clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should be successfully logged into the system.
User login with invalid credentials
Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters invalid credentials and clicks the 'Login' button, Then the user should receive an error message indicating the invalid credentials.
User profile update
Given the user is logged into the system, When the user navigates to the profile update page and updates their information, Then the user's profile should be successfully updated with the new information.
Product search by name
Given the user is on the search page, When the user enters the product name in the search field and clicks the 'Search' button, Then the system should display a list of products matching the search criteria.
Product search by category
Given the user is on the search page, When the user selects a product category from the dropdown menu and clicks the 'Search' button, Then the system should display a list of products belonging to the selected category.
Notification System
User Story
As a user, I want to receive relevant notifications about my account activity and important updates so that I can stay informed and take timely actions.
Implement a notification system to keep users informed about important updates, account activities, and system events. The system will provide real-time notifications through email and in-app alerts, improving user engagement and enhancing user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User registration
Given a new user enters valid registration details, When they submit the registration form, Then their account should be created successfully.
User login
Given an existing user enters valid login credentials, When they submit the login form, Then they should be logged into the system.
Password reset
Given a user requests a password reset, When they follow the password reset process, Then they should be able to set a new password and access their account.
Add item to cart
Given a user selects an item and clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, When the item is added to the cart, Then the cart total should update accordingly.
Checkout process
Given a user proceeds to the checkout, When they complete the payment process, Then the order should be placed and a confirmation should be displayed.
Enhanced Search Functionality
User Story
As a user, I want the search function to provide accurate and relevant results so that I can easily find the information or products I am looking for.
Enhance the search functionality to provide more accurate and relevant results. This improvement will optimize user experience by enabling users to find information, products, or services quickly and effectively.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration
Given a new user registration form, When user fills in all required fields and submits the form, Then the user should be registered successfully.
Login Authentication
Given a login page, When user enters valid credentials and submits the form, Then the user should be authenticated and redirected to the dashboard.
Add to Cart
Given a product page, When user clicks 'Add to Cart' button, Then the selected item should be added to the cart.
Checkout Process
Given items in the cart, When user proceeds to checkout and completes the payment process, Then the order should be confirmed and the user should receive a purchase confirmation.
Search Functionality
Given a search bar, When user enters a keyword and clicks on the search button, Then relevant results should be displayed based on the search query.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international user, I want the platform to support multiple languages so that I can use the product in my preferred language and fully understand the content.
Implement support for multiple languages to make the product accessible to a wider audience. This feature will enable users to use the platform in their preferred language, enhancing inclusivity and user satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User Login
Given a valid username and password, When the user submits the login form, Then the user should be authenticated and directed to the dashboard.
User Logout
Given the user is logged in, When the user clicks the logout button, Then the user should be logged out and redirected to the login page.
Add Item to Cart
Given the user is on the product page, When the user clicks 'Add to Cart', Then the item should be added to the cart and the cart count should increase by 1.
Remove Item from Cart
Given the user has items in the cart, When the user clicks 'Remove' for an item, Then the item should be removed from the cart and the cart count should decrease by 1.
Search Product
Given the user is on the homepage, When the user enters a search query and clicks 'Search', Then the relevant products should be displayed on the search results page.