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Empower Your Green Journey

EcoStride is a dynamic SaaS platform redefining the approach to sustainable living for eco-conscious individuals and businesses. With its intuitive interface, the platform simplifies the complexity of carbon footprint tracking and analysis across travel, energy use, and consumption patterns, offering real-time insights and actionable steps towards minimizing environmental impact. EcoStride stands out by integrating seamlessly with existing systems and IoT devices for comprehensive emission oversight, delivering personalized recommendations for eco-efficiency. Motivating users with eco-challenges and rewards, and fostering a community for shared progress, EcoStride empowers users with the tools and knowledge for a greener future, making sustainability both achievable and rewarding.

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Empower Your Green Journey


Sustainability Tech


Empowering a greener future through innovation, making sustainability achievable and rewarding for all.


EcoStride is a cutting-edge Software as a Service (SaaS) platform crafted with the mission to make sustainable living both accessible and actionable for eco-conscious individuals and businesses. This innovative solution serves as a comprehensive tool for tracking, analyzing, and actively reducing carbon footprints. By leveraging real-time data analytics, EcoStride provides insightful visualizations of emissions derived from travel, energy use, and purchasing behaviors, thereby enabling users to pinpoint and mitigate their environmental impact with precision.

The platform is distinguished by its highly intuitive interface and seamless integration with existing systems and IoT devices, offering users a holistic overview of their carbon emissions. EcoStride goes a step further by delivering personalized recommendations and fostering engagement through eco-challenges, rewards for sustainable milestones, and a vibrant community platform for sharing progress and best practices.

Targeting those who seek to embody environmental stewardship in their daily lives and operational models, EcoStride addresses the prevalent challenge of navigating the complexities of carbon reduction. It transforms abstract data into actionable insights, thus empowering users to contribute positively to the global sustainability movement. Through its commitment to innovation, EcoStride aspires to become a cornerstone in the journey towards minimizing carbon footprints, nurturing a culture of sustainability, and driving meaningful change in environmental responsibility across the globe.

Target Audience

Eco-conscious individuals, 18-65, who actively seek ways to reduce their ecological footprint and adopt more sustainable lifestyles, as well as small to medium-sized businesses (10-500 employees) aiming to integrate sustainability into their operations and corporate culture.

Problem Statement

In an era where climate change poses a significant and urgent global challenge, both individuals and businesses are increasingly committed to adopting sustainable practices. However, they encounter a critical barrier: the complexity of accurately tracking, understanding, and effectively reducing their carbon footprint. Despite a strong willingness to engage in more eco-friendly behaviors and operations, the absence of a user-friendly, data-driven tool that provides comprehensive insights into their environmental impact, alongside actionable steps for improvement, hampers their efforts to make tangible progress toward sustainability. EcoStride emerges as a solution to bridge this gap by demystifying the intricacies of carbon reduction and enabling users to proactively engage in meaningful actions towards a greener future.

Solution Overview

EcoStride harnesses the power of sophisticated data analytics to offer a revolutionary approach to sustainable living for individuals and businesses alike. At its core, it transforms complex environmental data into easy-to-understand, actionable insights, enabling users to visualize their carbon footprint in real-time across various activities such as travel, energy use, and consumption patterns. By integrating seamlessly with existing systems and IoT devices, EcoStride provides a comprehensive overview of emissions, thus addressing the challenge of navigating the complexities of carbon reduction. The platform stands out by offering personalized recommendations tailored to each user's lifestyle or business operations, which directly tackle the issue of effectively reducing carbon footprints. Further amplifying its impact, EcoStride engages users through eco-challenges and rewards, motivating sustained eco-friendly behaviors. Additionally, it fosters a supportive community where users can share progress and best practices, encouraging a collective movement towards achieving sustainability goals. This multifaceted approach not only demystifies the intricacies of carbon management but also makes sustainability an achievable, rewarding journey, thereby empowering users to contribute positively to the global fight against climate change.


EcoStride leverages sophisticated data analytics to transform the journey towards sustainability into a clear, actionable path, resulting in a measurable reduction in carbon footprints by an average of 30% within its first year of user engagement. By simplifying the complexity of environmental data, it enhances individual and business awareness of their ecological impact, promoting a more informed and proactive approach to carbon management. The platform's intuitive interface and seamless integration with existing systems enable users to effortlessly monitor and optimize their carbon emissions across key activities, fostering a culture of accountability and progress in sustainability practices.

Furthermore, EcoStride's personalized recommendations and engagement through eco-challenges and rewards have catalyzed a vibrant community of eco-conscious individuals and businesses, amplifying collective environmental stewardship efforts. This shared commitment not only motivates sustained eco-friendly behaviors but also facilitates a significant shift towards greener operations amongst small to medium-sized businesses, contributing to broader systemic change. As a result, EcoStride stands out as a pioneering solution in the sustainability tech space, driving meaningful, tangible reductions in carbon emissions while simultaneously nurturing an empowering and rewarding journey towards a greener future for all.


The genesis of EcoStride was deeply rooted in a moment of clarity experienced during a community-led beach cleanup. Surrounded by mountains of plastic and waste, the founding team, a diverse group of tech enthusiasts and environmental advocates, realized the enormity of the challenge ahead. Despite their varied backgrounds, they shared a common frustration with the lack of practical tools for individuals and businesses to understand and effectively reduce their environmental footprint. They observed that while the will to lead a sustainable lifestyle was prevalent, the means to do so were not as accessible or as actionable as they could be.

This shared experience sparked a profound discussion about leveraging technology to simplify the complexities of sustainability. The team envisioned a platform that could not only track and analyze carbon footprints in real-time but also offer meaningful, personalized recommendations for reducing them. Their aim was to make the path towards sustainability as clear and accessible as the technology in our pockets.

Driven by the passion to bridge the gap between intention and action, EcoStride was born. With a belief that informed decisions lead to meaningful changes, the team set out to create a solution that empowers individuals and businesses alike to take definitive steps towards a greener future, transforming concern for the planet into tangible, impactful action.

Long Term Goal

EcoStride is set on reshaping the global sustainability landscape, aiming to equip every eco-conscious individual and business with the tools and knowledge to drastically reduce their environmental impact. Our vision stretches beyond simplifying carbon footprint tracking; we aspire to catalyze a significant shift in societal norms towards sustainable living and operations. By fostering a world where making eco-friendly choices becomes effortless and ingrained in daily routines, EcoStride plans to lead a worldwide movement that normalizes sustainability as a fundamental element of decision-making processes at all levels. Through continuous innovation and community engagement, our platform intends to become an indispensable ally in the fight against climate change, inspiring and enabling billions to take part in creating a healthier, more sustainable planet for future generations.





EcoChallenger is a passionate eco-advocate who actively participates in sustainability challenges and seeks personalized recommendations for reducing their carbon footprint. They are committed to adopting eco-friendly practices and are motivated by community-driven progress and shared impact.


Age: 25-35, Gender: Any, Education: College graduate, Occupation: Environmental activist, Income level: Middle to upper-middle


EcoChallenger discovered their passion for sustainability during college, where they actively engaged in environmental initiatives. They have a history of volunteering for eco-causes and are involved in organizing community events promoting sustainable living. Their educational background in environmental studies has fueled their commitment to making a positive impact on the planet. In their free time, they enjoy outdoor activities and are dedicated to living a low-impact lifestyle.


EcoChallenger is driven by a strong belief in the importance of environmental conservation. They are motivated by the desire to create a positive ecological legacy for future generations and are deeply committed to the principles of conscious consumerism. Their lifestyle reflects their dedication to sustainability, from their choice of transport to their purchasing decisions.


EcoChallenger needs personalized eco-efficiency recommendations, community-driven challenges, and tools for tracking their individual carbon impact. They seek guidance on sustainable practices and eco-friendly choices.


EcoChallenger experiences frustration with the lack of accessible and personalized eco-friendly solutions, as well as the limited community engagement in sustainability initiatives.


EcoChallenger prefers to engage with sustainability information and challenges through social media, eco-forums, community events, and eco-friendly lifestyle publications.


EcoChallenger engages with the platform frequently, tracking their progress in eco-challenges, receiving personalized recommendations, and sharing their achievements within the community.


EcoChallenger's decisions are influenced by the opportunity to make a tangible impact, the alignment of eco-recommendations with their values, and the community-driven nature of the platform.





EcoBizConnector is a sustainability-minded professional who utilizes EcoStride to monitor and optimize the environmental footprint of their business. They actively seek tailored eco-efficiency solutions, measure the impact of eco-initiatives, and collaborate with industry peers for shared sustainability innovations.


Age: 30-45, Gender: Any, Education: Graduate degree, Occupation: Environmental consultant or Sustainability manager, Income level: Upper-middle to high


EcoBizConnector has a strong background in environmental consulting or sustainability management, with a focus on implementing practical solutions for businesses. Their expertise has been honed through years of working with environmentally conscious organizations and advising them on sustainable practices. They are passionate about sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration in the pursuit of a greener economy.


EcoBizConnector is driven by a deep sense of responsibility towards environmental stewardship and is motivated by the potential for positive impact through sustainable business practices. They are proactive in seeking innovative eco-solutions and are deeply committed to driving collective change within their industry.


EcoBizConnector requires comprehensive monitoring tools, tailored eco-efficiency solutions for businesses, industry collaboration features, and in-depth analytics for measuring sustainability impact.


EcoBizConnector experiences challenges related to the complexity of eco-analytical tools, the lack of industry-specific recommendations, and the limited opportunities for collaborative sustainability efforts within their professional network.


EcoBizConnector engages with sustainability insights and industry networking through professional forums, industry conferences, sustainability webinars, and environmental consulting publications.


EcoBizConnector utilizes the platform intensively, analyzing business carbon footprints, implementing eco-recommendations, and collaborating with industry peers to drive sustainable practices.


EcoBizConnector's decision-making is influenced by the platform's capacity for comprehensive business analysis, the relevance of industry-specific eco-recommendations, and the potential for collaborative sustainability initiatives.

EcoStride Mobile App

Develop a mobile application to complement the EcoStride platform, allowing users to track their carbon footprint on the go, receive real-time eco-recommendations, and engage in sustainability challenges from their smartphones.

EcoStride Rewards Program

Introduce a rewards system within EcoStride to incentivize and reward users for achieving eco-goals, participating in sustainability challenges, and consistently reducing their carbon footprint. The program will offer tangible and intangible rewards to encourage sustained eco-friendly behaviors.

EcoStride IoT Integration

Enable integration with IoT devices and smart home systems to automate the tracking of energy consumption, transportation emissions, and resource usage. This integration will provide users with real-time data for informed eco-decisions and seamless carbon footprint management.

EcoStride Business Solutions

Develop tailored solutions for businesses and organizations, providing comprehensive carbon footprint analysis, sustainability recommendations, and performance tracking. These solutions will assist companies in adopting and monitoring eco-friendly practices and demonstrate their commitment to corporate sustainability.

On-the-Go Carbon Tracking

Empower users to track their carbon footprint in real-time, providing instant visibility and awareness of their environmental impact while on the move. Users can capture emissions from travel, energy use, and consumption patterns, fostering a deeper understanding of their eco-footprint and enabling immediate actionable steps towards eco-efficiency.


Real-time Carbon Footprint Monitoring
User Story

As an eco-conscious user, I want to track my carbon footprint in real-time so that I can have instant visibility and awareness of the environmental impact of my activities.


Enable real-time monitoring of carbon footprint for travel, energy use, and consumption patterns to provide instant visibility and awareness of environmental impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User captures travel emissions for a daily commute
Given the user has entered the mode of transportation, distance traveled, and vehicle type, when the user submits the information, then the system calculates and displays the carbon emissions for the daily commute.
User monitors energy usage throughout the day
Given the user has linked their smart energy meter to the platform, when the system receives real-time energy consumption data, then the platform updates the user's carbon footprint and provides insights into energy efficiency strategies.
User tracks consumption patterns during a shopping trip
Given the user scans purchased items and enters quantity, when the user completes the shopping trip, then the platform calculates the carbon footprint from the products and displays the total emissions from the shopping trip.
Emission Capture for On-the-Go Tracking
User Story

As a user on-the-go, I want to easily input my emissions from various activities so that I can have a comprehensive view of my carbon footprint at all times.


Implement a feature that allows users to capture and input their emissions from travel, energy use, and consumption patterns while on the move, enabling them to track their carbon footprint wherever they are.

Acceptance Criteria
User captures emissions from travel
Given that the user is traveling, When they use the EcoStride app to log their mode of transportation and distance traveled, Then the emission data is accurately captured and added to their carbon footprint.
User records energy use
Given that the user is using energy, When they input their energy consumption data into the EcoStride app, Then the app calculates the emissions and updates the user's carbon footprint in real-time.
User inputs consumption patterns
Given that the user makes a purchase, When they record their consumption patterns in the EcoStride app, Then the app calculates the associated emissions and updates the user's carbon footprint immediately.
Actionable Insights for Eco-Efficiency
User Story

As a user concerned about my environmental impact, I want to receive actionable steps towards eco-efficiency based on my carbon footprint data so that I can make immediate changes to reduce my environmental impact.


Provide users with actionable insights based on their carbon footprint data, offering immediate steps towards eco-efficiency and sustainability.

Acceptance Criteria
User captures carbon footprint data on the EcoStride mobile app while travelling.
Given the user is logged in to the EcoStride app, when the user records their travel activity with details of mode of transport, distance travelled, and energy consumption, then the app successfully captures and updates the carbon footprint data in real-time.
User receives personalized eco-efficiency recommendations based on their carbon footprint data.
Given the user has recorded their energy use and consumption patterns, when the app analyzes the data and generates personalized recommendations for reducing carbon footprint, then the recommendations are tailored to the user's specific usage patterns and are displayed to the user.
User views real-time insights on their energy consumption patterns.
Given the user accesses the EcoStride dashboard, when the user views the real-time energy consumption insights with visualizations and analysis, then the insights accurately reflect the user's current energy usage and provide actionable information for reducing energy consumption.
User receives eco-challenges and rewards for achieving eco-efficiency milestones.
Given the user actively engages with the EcoStride community, when the user achieves eco-efficiency milestones, then the user receives eco-challenges and rewards as incentives for their progress towards sustainability.

Real-time Eco-Recommendations

Deliver personalized eco-recommendations in real time to users, based on their current location, activity, and sustainable living preferences. This feature provides actionable insights and suggestions for making eco-conscious choices, enabling users to minimize their environmental impact on the go.


User Location Tracking
User Story

As a user, I want the app to track my location in real time so that I can receive personalized eco-recommendations based on my current location and nearby sustainable options.


Implement user location tracking to capture real-time user location data, enabling personalized eco-recommendations based on the user's current location and surrounding eco-friendly options. This feature will enhance user experience and provide relevant and timely suggestions for sustainable living choices.

Acceptance Criteria
User enables location tracking in app settings
When the user enables location tracking in the app settings, the app should start capturing real-time location data in the background.
User disables location tracking in app settings
When the user disables location tracking in the app settings, the app should stop capturing real-time location data and provide a confirmation message to the user.
Real-time eco-recommendation based on user location
When the user is in a new location, the app should provide real-time eco-recommendations based on the user's current location, activity, and sustainable living preferences within 5 seconds of the location change.
Activity-based Recommendation Engine
User Story

As a user, I want to receive eco-recommendations based on my current activity, such as walking, biking, or commuting, so that I can make sustainable choices aligned with my daily activities.


Develop an activity-based recommendation engine to analyze user activities and provide real-time eco-friendly suggestions tailored to the user's current activity, such as walking, biking, or commuting. This feature will allow users to make sustainable choices specific to their current activities, promoting eco-conscious decisions in daily routines.

Acceptance Criteria
User walks for more than 500 meters
When a user walks for more than 500 meters, the recommendation engine suggests nearby eco-friendly businesses and services, such as sustainable cafes or refill stations.
User commutes by public transport
When a user commutes by public transport, the recommendation engine provides tips for reducing carbon footprint during the commute, such as using public transport apps for trip planning or opting for routes with lower emissions.
User engages in biking activity
When a user engages in biking activity, the recommendation engine offers suggestions for bike-friendly routes, nearby bike repair stations, and eco-friendly businesses catering to cyclists.
User commutes by electric vehicle
When a user commutes by an electric vehicle, the recommendation engine provides information about nearby charging stations, eco-friendly parking facilities, and incentives for using electric vehicles.
Sustainable Living Preferences Integration
User Story

As a user, I want the app to consider my sustainable living preferences when providing eco-recommendations, so that I can receive personalized suggestions that align with my eco-conscious lifestyle choices.


Integrate user-defined sustainable living preferences into the recommendation system to offer personalized eco-suggestions aligned with the user's eco-conscious lifestyle choices. This integration will enable users to receive recommendations that match their specific sustainability goals and preferences, fostering a more tailored and engaging user experience.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets sustainable living preferences in the profile settings
Given a user profile, when the user sets sustainable living preferences, then the system should store the preferences for future use in the recommendation system.
User receives real-time eco-recommendations based on sustainable living preferences
Given the user's current location, activity, and sustainable living preferences, when the user is using the app, then the system should deliver personalized eco-recommendations in real time that align with the user's sustainable living preferences.
User feedback on recommended actions
Given a list of eco-recommendations, when the user interacts with a recommendation (accepts, ignores, or dismisses), then the system should use the feedback to improve the accuracy and relevance of future recommendations.

Sustainability Challenge Participation

Engage users in live sustainability challenges and eco-goals directly from their smartphones, fostering a sense of community and shared progress. Users can participate in eco-challenges, track their contributions, and celebrate collective achievements, creating a dynamic environment for positive impact and sustainable behavior reinforcement.


Challenge Participation Interface
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to view ongoing sustainability challenges, join them, and track my progress so that I can actively participate in promoting sustainable behavior and feel connected to a community of like-minded individuals.


Create a user-friendly interface for users to view and participate in sustainability challenges. The interface should display ongoing challenges, progress tracking, and provide options for joining and contributing to challenges. This feature will enhance user engagement and promote a sense of community and shared progress.

Acceptance Criteria
User views ongoing challenges
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the sustainability challenge interface, then they should see a list of ongoing challenges with details such as challenge name, description, and progress.
User joins a sustainability challenge
Given the user is logged in and viewing the list of ongoing challenges, when the user selects a specific challenge to join, then they should be added to the challenge participants list and be able to track their contributions.
User tracks personal progress in a challenge
Given the user has joined a sustainability challenge, when the user makes eco-friendly choices or contributions, then their progress should be automatically tracked and updated in the challenge interface.
Challenge Tracking and Reporting
User Story

As a user, I want to track and report my contributions to sustainability challenges and see the overall impact of the community's efforts to understand the positive environmental impact of my actions and be motivated by collective achievements.


Develop a system for tracking and reporting individual and collective contributions to sustainability challenges. This system should capture user inputs, measure progress, and generate reports on the overall impact of user participation. It will provide users with insights on their contributions and the collective achievements of the community.

Acceptance Criteria
User Participation in Sustainability Challenge
Given a user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when they select a sustainability challenge to participate in, then they should be able to track their contributions and view the collective achievements of the community.
Sustainability Progress Reporting
Given a user has participated in a sustainability challenge, when the challenge concludes, then a report should be generated to provide insights on the user's contributions and the overall impact of their participation.
Community Achievements Overview
Given multiple users have participated in sustainability challenges, when the challenges conclude, then a summary report should display the collective achievements of the community, including the total impact on environmental sustainability.
Challenge Celebration and Recognition
User Story

As a user, I want to receive recognition and rewards for achieving milestones in sustainability challenges, and see how my contributions compare to others so that I feel motivated and valued for my eco-friendly actions.


Implement a feature to celebrate and recognize milestone achievements in sustainability challenges. This feature should include notifications, badges, and leaderboards to acknowledge and reward user contributions and foster a sense of accomplishment and friendly competition among participants.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a notification when they achieve a sustainability challenge milestone
Given the user achieves a sustainability challenge milestone, when the milestone is reached, then a notification is sent to the user to acknowledge their achievement.
User earns a badge upon completion of a sustainability challenge
Given the user completes a sustainability challenge, when the challenge is completed, then a badge is awarded to the user to recognize their accomplishment.
User can view the sustainability challenge leaderboard
Given the user is participating in a sustainability challenge, when the user wants to view the leaderboard, then the leaderboard displays the rankings of all participants based on their contributions.

EcoPoint Rewards

Earn EcoPoints for achieving eco-goals, participating in sustainability challenges, and consistently reducing your carbon footprint. Redeem EcoPoints for a variety of tangible and intangible rewards, incentivizing sustained eco-friendly behaviors.


EcoPoints Earning System
User Story

As a user of EcoStride, I want to earn EcoPoints for achieving eco-goals, participating in sustainability challenges, and consistently reducing my carbon footprint so that I can redeem them for rewards and be motivated to maintain eco-friendly behaviors.


Develop a system to track and award EcoPoints to users for achieving eco-goals, participating in sustainability challenges, and consistently reducing their carbon footprint. The system should accurately calculate and allocate EcoPoints based on the user's eco-activities and provide real-time updates on EcoPoints balance.

Acceptance Criteria
User Achieves Eco-Goals
Given a user has achieved the set eco-goals, When the system verifies the accomplishment, Then the user is awarded the corresponding EcoPoints.
User Participates in Sustainability Challenges
Given a user participates in sustainability challenges, When the system records the user's participation, Then the user earns EcoPoints based on the level of involvement and contribution.
User Reduces Carbon Footprint Consistently
Given a user consistently reduces their carbon footprint, When the system tracks and validates the reduction, Then the user's EcoPoints balance is updated in real-time.
EcoPoint Redemption Feature
User Story

As a user of EcoStride, I want to be able to redeem my earned EcoPoints for a variety of rewards so that I can benefit from my eco-friendly actions and feel incentivized to sustain eco-friendly behaviors.


Implement a feature that allows users to redeem their accumulated EcoPoints for a variety of tangible and intangible rewards. The feature should provide a seamless and user-friendly interface for browsing, selecting, and redeeming rewards, and it should maintain accurate records of user transactions.

Acceptance Criteria
User views available rewards
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when the user navigates to the rewards section, then they should be able to view a list of available rewards with their corresponding EcoPoint redemption value and a brief description.
User selects and redeems a reward
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform and is viewing the rewards list, when the user selects a reward to redeem and confirms the redemption, then the user's EcoPoints balance should be updated, and a transaction record should be created for the redemption.
User views transaction history
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when the user navigates to the transaction history section, then they should be able to view a chronological list of their reward redemptions, including details such as reward name, redemption date, and EcoPoint value.
Admin manages available rewards
Given the admin is logged into the EcoStride platform, when the admin navigates to the rewards management section, then they should be able to add, edit, or remove rewards, and the changes should be reflected in the user interface.
EcoPoints Tracking Dashboard
User Story

As a user of EcoStride, I want to have a dashboard to monitor my EcoPoints balance, track my progress towards eco-goals, and receive personalized recommendations for eco-efficiency so that I can stay motivated and informed about my eco-friendly actions.


Create a visual dashboard for users to monitor their EcoPoints balance, track the sources of earned EcoPoints, and view their progress towards achieving various eco-goals and challenges. The dashboard should provide insightful analytics and personalized recommendations to help users maximize their eco-efficiency and encourage sustained eco-friendly behaviors.

Acceptance Criteria
User views EcoPoints balance on the dashboard
The dashboard displays the user's current EcoPoints balance accurately and in real-time
User tracks sources of earned EcoPoints on the dashboard
The dashboard provides a breakdown of the sources of the user's earned EcoPoints, categorizing them based on eco-goals, challenges, and sustainable behaviors
User views progress towards eco-goals and challenges on the dashboard
The dashboard visualizes the user's progress towards achieving eco-goals and participating in sustainability challenges, showing completion percentages and milestone achievements
User receives personalized eco-efficiency recommendations on the dashboard
The dashboard offers personalized recommendations based on the user's data and behavior to maximize eco-efficiency, such as energy-saving tips, transportation alternatives, and eco-friendly product suggestions
User can redeem EcoPoints on the dashboard
The dashboard allows the user to redeem EcoPoints for available rewards, displaying the options and facilitating the redemption process

Reward Milestones

Celebrate your eco-progress with milestone rewards as you reach specific milestones in reducing your carbon footprint and engaging in sustainability challenges. Stay motivated and recognized for your sustainable efforts.


Milestone Progress Tracking
User Story

As an eco-conscious user, I want to track my progress towards eco-milestones and visualize my achievements in reducing carbon footprint and engaging in sustainability challenges, so that I can stay motivated and recognized for my sustainable efforts.


Develop a feature that allows users to track their progress towards eco-milestones, providing a visual representation of their achievements in reducing their carbon footprint and participating in sustainability challenges. This feature will integrate with the user's activity data and display milestone progress in a clear and motivating way, fostering continuous engagement and motivation in sustainable actions.

Acceptance Criteria
User views milestone progress on dashboard
Given the user is logged into EcoStride, when the user navigates to the dashboard, then the milestone progress towards reducing the carbon footprint and engaging in sustainability challenges is visually displayed.
Milestone progress updates in real-time
Given the user is actively tracking their activities, when the user achieves a milestone or performs a sustainability action, then the milestone progress on the dashboard is updated in real-time to reflect the new achievements.
User receives milestone rewards
Given the user reaches a milestone or accomplishes a sustainability challenge, when the milestone is achieved, then the user receives a visual and virtual reward to celebrate and recognize their sustainable efforts.
View milestone history and achievements
Given the user wants to track past achievements, when the user navigates to the milestone history section, then a comprehensive record of milestone achievements and sustainability challenges completed by the user is displayed.
Milestone Reward Redemption
User Story

As a user committed to sustainability, I want to be able to redeem rewards upon reaching eco-milestone goals, so that I can be incentivized and recognized for my sustainable efforts.


Implement a functionality that enables users to redeem rewards upon reaching eco-milestone goals. Users should be able to view available rewards, select those they desire, and easily redeem them through the platform. This feature will provide tangible incentives for sustainable behavior and contribute to enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Acceptance Criteria
User views available rewards
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when the user navigates to the rewards section, then they should see a list of available rewards with relevant details such as description, points required, and expiry date.
User selects desired reward
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform and viewing available rewards, when the user selects a specific reward they desire, then the reward should be highlighted or marked as selected for redemption.
User redeems selected reward
Given the user has selected a desired reward for redemption, when the user confirms the redemption process, then the reward points should be deducted from the user's account, and a confirmation message should be displayed.
Milestone Sharing and Community Interaction
User Story

As a sustainability advocate, I want to share my milestone achievements with the community and interact with other users who are progressing towards similar eco-milestones, so that I can contribute to a culture of collective eco-responsibility and progress.


Enable users to share their milestone achievements with the community and interact with other users who are progressing towards similar eco-milestones. This functionality will facilitate a sense of community and collaboration, encouraging users to celebrate and support each other's sustainable accomplishments, fostering a culture of collective eco-responsibility and progress.

Acceptance Criteria
User shares milestone achievement on social feed
Given the user has achieved a milestone in reducing their carbon footprint, When they choose to share this achievement on the social feed, Then the achievement post is displayed on the community feed with the milestone details and a congratulatory message.
User interacts with milestone achievers
Given a user is viewing the community feed, When they interact with a milestone achievement post by liking, commenting, or sending a congratulatory message, Then the interaction is displayed on the achievement post and the user who shared the achievement receives a notification of the interaction.
User joins an eco-challenge related to milestones
Given the user navigates to the eco-challenges section, When they join an eco-challenge related to milestone achievements, Then the user receives updates and notifications about the challenge progress, and their achievements are highlighted within the challenge community.
User receives milestone recommendations based on community activity
Given the user's milestone achievements, When the platform analyzes community activities and achievements, Then personalized recommendations for further milestone achievements are provided to the user, based on the successful practices and strategies within the community.

EcoBadge Achievements

Earn and display EcoBadges for accomplishing eco-goals, demonstrating commitment to sustainability, and making a positive eco-impact. Showcase your dedication and inspire others through tangible eco-achievements.


Badge Acquisition System
User Story

As a user, I want to earn EcoBadges for accomplishing eco-goals so that I can showcase my commitment to sustainability and inspire others to make a positive eco-impact.


Implement a system for acquiring EcoBadges based on users' accomplishments of eco-goals and sustainability achievements. The system should track user progress, award badges upon goal completion, and display earned badges on the user profile.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets an eco-goal
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when the user sets an eco-goal and completes it by reducing their carbon footprint, then the system awards the user the corresponding EcoBadge and updates the user profile to display the earned badge.
User profile displays earned badges
Given the user has earned multiple EcoBadges, when the user accesses their profile, then the earned badges are prominently displayed in the user profile for others to view.
System tracks user progress
Given the user is actively engaging with the EcoStride platform, when the user makes progress towards accomplishing an eco-goal, then the system accurately tracks and updates the user's progress towards earning the corresponding EcoBadge.
EcoBadge showcases eco-impact
Given the user earns and displays an EcoBadge, when others view the user's profile and the displayed EcoBadge, then it showcases the user's tangible eco-impact and commitment to sustainability.
Badge Display Section
User Story

As a user, I want to display my earned EcoBadges so that I can demonstrate my commitment to sustainability and inspire others to make eco-friendly choices.


Create a dedicated section within user profiles to display earned EcoBadges. The section should allow users to showcase their eco-achievements, view details about each badge, and share their accomplishments with the EcoStride community.

Acceptance Criteria
User Profile Page Load
When a user navigates to their profile page, the EcoBadge Display Section should load without errors and display the earned EcoBadges.
Badge Display Details
When a user selects an EcoBadge from the display section, detailed information about the badge should be visible, including the date earned, the eco-goal achieved, and any associated rewards or achievements.
Share EcoBadge Accomplishments
When a user earns a new EcoBadge, they should have the option to share their accomplishment with the EcoStride community through social media, email, or direct messaging.
Responsive Design
The EcoBadge Display Section should adapt and display properly on various devices, including desktop, mobile, and tablet, to ensure a consistent user experience across different platforms.
Badge Recommendation Engine
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized recommendations for eco-goals so that I can further my commitment to sustainability and earn more EcoBadges.


Develop a recommendation engine to suggest eco-goals and actions for users based on their current activities and accomplishments. The engine should provide personalized suggestions for earning new EcoBadges and improving eco-impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User completes a travel-related eco-goal
Given the user has logged a travel activity in the past week, When the recommendation engine suggests setting a goal to reduce carbon emissions by 10% for the next month, Then the user receives a personalized travel-related eco-goal recommendation.
User achieves an energy-saving milestone
Given the user has significantly reduced energy consumption over the past month, When the recommendation engine suggests earning an EcoBadge for energy efficiency, Then the user receives a personalized recommendation to optimize energy use further to qualify for the EcoBadge.
User earns an EcoBadge for sustainable consumption
Given the user has consistently made eco-friendly consumption choices, When the recommendation engine suggests earning an EcoBadge for sustainable consumption, Then the user receives specific recommendations for further sustainable consumption practices and products.

EcoRewards Catalog

Explore a diverse catalog of eco-friendly rewards, including discounts, eco-goods, sustainable products, and exclusive experiences. Get inspired to continue your sustainable journey with enticing rewards and benefits.


Browse Rewards
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to browse a catalog of eco-friendly rewards so that I can explore and discover enticing rewards that align with my eco-friendly lifestyle, motivating me to continue my sustainable journey and make environmentally conscious choices.


This requirement entails the development of a feature that allows users to browse and explore a diverse catalog of eco-friendly rewards, including discounts, eco-goods, sustainable products, and exclusive experiences. The feature should provide an engaging and inspiring browsing experience, showcasing a wide range of rewards that align with the eco-friendly values of the platform. Users should be able to access detailed information about each reward, view images, and understand the environmental impact or sustainability aspects of the rewards to make informed choices for their sustainable journey.

Acceptance Criteria
User browses the rewards catalog
Given the user is on the EcoRewards Catalog page, when the page loads, then the user should see a variety of eco-friendly rewards listed with clear and appealing visuals.
Viewing detailed information
Given the user clicks on a specific reward, when the user views the reward details, then the user should be able to access comprehensive information about the reward including its environmental impact, sustainability aspects, and any associated benefits.
Making informed choices
Given the user is viewing a reward, when the user scrolls through the details, then the user should find clear and concise information to make an informed decision about the sustainability and environmental impact of the reward.
Search and filtering functionality
Given the user is on the rewards page, when the user wants to find specific rewards, then the user should be able to use search and filter options to narrow down the list of rewards based on categories, sustainability aspects, and benefits.
Redeem Rewards
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to redeem the eco-friendly rewards I've earned so that I can benefit from the incentives of my sustainable actions, further motivating me to continue my eco-friendly efforts and contributing to a greener future.


This requirement involves the implementation of a feature that enables users to redeem the eco-friendly rewards they have earned through their sustainable actions and contributions. Users should be able to easily select and claim their desired rewards, track their redemption progress, and receive clear instructions on how to access or utilize the rewards. The feature should provide a seamless and gratifying redemption process, reinforcing the value of sustainable behaviors and motivating continued engagement with eco-friendly practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects a reward from the catalog
Given the user has opened the rewards catalog, when the user selects a specific reward, then the reward details should be displayed along with the redemption instructions.
User redeems a selected reward
Given the user has selected a reward to redeem, when the user clicks the 'Redeem' button, then the system should deduct the corresponding reward points from the user's account and provide clear instructions for accessing the reward.
User tracks the redemption progress
Given the user has redeemed a reward, when the user views the redemption progress, then the system should display the status of the reward processing and estimated delivery time.
User access the redeemed reward
Given the user has successfully redeemed a reward, when the user follows the provided instructions, then the user should be able to access or utilize the redeemed reward without any issues.
Personalized Recommendations
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized recommendations for eco-friendly rewards so that I can discover rewards that are relevant to my sustainability goals, enhancing my motivation and sense of accomplishment in my eco-friendly lifestyle.


This requirement entails the development of a feature that delivers personalized recommendations for eco-friendly rewards based on the user's specific sustainability preferences, interests, and previous engagement with the platform. The feature should utilize user data and behavior to curate a tailored selection of rewards that resonate with the individual user, fostering a sense of personalization and relevance. The recommendations should be dynamic, responsive, and continuously updated to align with the user's evolving eco-friendly journey and preferences.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects sustainability preferences
Given that the user is logged in and navigates to the 'Preferences' section, when they select their sustainability preferences such as eco-friendly products, energy-saving tips, and transportation choices, then the system should save the selected preferences to the user's profile.
User engages with the platform for a specified period
Given that the user has been active on the platform for at least 30 days, when the system analyzes the user's engagement and behavior patterns, then the system should generate personalized eco-friendly reward recommendations based on the user's previous interactions and preferences.
User receives dynamic recommendations
Given that the user has recently made changes to their sustainability habits, when the system detects the updates in the user's behavior, then the system should dynamically update and adjust the eco-friendly reward recommendations to align with the user's evolving preferences and actions.
User views and interacts with the recommended rewards
Given that the system displays personalized eco-friendly rewards to the user, when the user views the recommended rewards and interacts with them by adding them to their favorites or wishlist, then the system should track the user's interactions with the rewards for further refinement of recommendations.

EcoLeaderboard Recognition

Compete and collaborate with other users on the EcoLeaderboard, where sustainable actions earn recognition and rewards. Spark friendly competition, track progress, and make a meaningful eco-difference.


User Profile Integration
User Story

As a user, I want my profile to be integrated with the EcoLeaderboard so that I can track my sustainable actions, earn recognition, and engage in friendly competition with other users.


Integrate user profiles with the EcoLeaderboard to allow users to track their sustainable actions, earn recognition, and engage in friendly competition. This integration will enhance user engagement and motivation, providing a personalized experience for tracking progress and earning rewards based on eco-friendly activities.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a sustainable action
Given the user is logged in, When the user creates a sustainable action, Then the action is recorded in the user's profile.
User earns recognition on EcoLeaderboard
Given the user has performed a sustainable action, When the action is validated and earns recognition, Then the user's profile is updated with the recognition and their ranking on the EcoLeaderboard is adjusted.
User engages in friendly competition
Given the user has friends on the platform, When the user challenges their friend to a sustainability activity, Then the friend receives the challenge and can accept or decline it.
User tracks progress on EcoLeaderboard
Given the user is logged in, When the user views the EcoLeaderboard, Then they can see their own ranking and the rankings of other users.
Eco-Points System
User Story

As a user, I want to earn Eco-Points for my sustainable actions on the EcoLeaderboard so that I can compete for recognition and rewards based on my eco-friendly activities.


Implement an Eco-Points system to quantify and reward sustainable actions on the EcoLeaderboard. Users will earn Eco-Points based on their eco-friendly activities, allowing them to compete for recognition and rewards. This feature promotes engagement and provides tangible incentives for users to adopt sustainable behaviors.

Acceptance Criteria
User earns Eco-Points for taking a carbon-neutral flight
Given a user takes a flight, When the flight is carbon-neutral, Then the user earns 500 Eco-Points.
User earns Eco-Points for using renewable energy
Given a user consumes energy, When the energy is sourced from renewable sources, Then the user earns 100 Eco-Points.
User competes on the EcoLeaderboard for most Eco-Points
Given multiple users have earned Eco-Points, When compared, Then the user with the most Eco-Points is displayed at the top of the EcoLeaderboard.
User receives a reward for reaching a certain Eco-Points milestone
Given a user reaches 1000 Eco-Points, When the milestone is achieved, Then the user receives a digital badge and a personalized eco-friendly tip.
Public Leaderboard Display
User Story

As a user, I want to view the public EcoLeaderboard to see top performers and their sustainable achievements so that I can be inspired to take eco-friendly actions and participate in the community's sustainability efforts.


Develop a public display of the EcoLeaderboard to showcase top performers and their sustainable achievements. This public leaderboard will encourage healthy competition, inspire others to take eco-friendly actions, and foster a sense of community around sustainability efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
Users view the public EcoLeaderboard on the platform's homepage
When users visit the platform's homepage, they should see a section dedicated to the public EcoLeaderboard, displaying the top performers and their sustainable achievements. The leaderboard should be prominently featured and easily accessible to all platform users.
Users can filter the EcoLeaderboard by time period
Users should be able to filter the public EcoLeaderboard by time periods such as weekly, monthly, or all-time to view different sets of sustainable achievements. The filtering function should be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to easily navigate through different time periods.
Users can click on a leaderboard entry to view details
When users click on a specific entry on the public EcoLeaderboard, they should be able to view detailed information about that user's sustainable achievements, including the actions taken, carbon footprint reduced, and any rewards earned. This detailed view should provide users with insights and motivation to improve their own ranking.
The public EcoLeaderboard updates in real-time
The public EcoLeaderboard should update in real-time, reflecting the latest sustainable achievements and rankings of platform users. Users should see immediate changes to the leaderboard as users take eco-friendly actions and earn recognition for their efforts.
The public EcoLeaderboard adapts to different screen sizes
The public EcoLeaderboard should be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring optimal display and usability across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. The layout and content should adjust dynamically to provide a seamless viewing experience for all users.

Smart Emission Tracking

Automatically track transportation emissions, energy consumption, and resource usage using IoT devices and smart home systems, providing users with real-time insights into their carbon footprint and environmental impact.


IoT Device Integration
User Story

As a user, I want the platform to integrate with IoT devices to track my transportation emissions, energy consumption, and resource usage in real-time so that I can understand and minimize my environmental impact.


Integrate the platform with IoT devices to automatically collect data on transportation emissions, energy consumption, and resource usage. This feature enables real-time tracking of carbon footprint and environmental impact, providing users with comprehensive insights and data for informed decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
Device Integration for Transportation Emissions Tracking
Given the IoT device is connected and configured, When transportation emissions data is collected in real-time, Then the platform accurately tracks and analyzes the carbon footprint associated with transportation activities.
Device Integration for Energy Consumption Tracking
Given the IoT device is connected and configured, When energy consumption data is collected in real-time, Then the platform accurately tracks and analyzes the energy usage and carbon footprint, providing real-time insights and recommendations.
Device Integration for Resource Usage Tracking
Given the IoT device is connected and configured, When resource usage data is collected in real-time, Then the platform accurately tracks and analyzes the resource consumption and its environmental impact, providing actionable insights and recommendations.
Real-time Emission Insights
User Story

As a user, I want to receive real-time insights into my carbon footprint and environmental impact so that I can make immediate adjustments and informed sustainability choices based on the data collected from IoT devices and smart home systems.


Provide users with real-time insights into their carbon footprint and environmental impact based on the data collected from IoT devices and smart home systems. This feature empowers users with immediate visibility into their ecological footprint, enabling proactive adjustments and informed sustainability choices.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a real-time notification when transportation emissions exceed a set threshold
Given the user has IoT devices tracking transportation emissions, when the emissions exceed the set threshold, then a real-time notification is sent to the user's device.
User can view a dashboard with real-time energy consumption data and environmental impact
Given the user has smart home systems tracking energy consumption, when the user accesses the dashboard, then real-time data on energy consumption and environmental impact is displayed.
User receives personalized recommendations for reducing environmental impact based on real-time data
Given the user has IoT devices and smart home systems, when real-time data is collected, then personalized recommendations for reducing environmental impact are provided to the user.
Sustainable Action Recommendations
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized recommendations for eco-efficient actions based on my environmental data so that I can take practical steps to reduce my environmental impact and engage in sustainable behavior.


Offer personalized recommendations for eco-efficient actions based on the data from IoT devices and smart home systems. This functionality provides users with actionable steps and suggestions for reducing their environmental impact and promotes sustainable behavior through practical guidance and personalized insights.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives personalized eco-efficient action recommendations based on transportation, energy usage, and resource consumption data from IoT devices and smart home systems.
Given that the user has input their data from IoT devices and smart home systems, when the platform analyzes the data and user patterns, then personalized and actionable eco-efficient recommendations are provided.
User views real-time insights into their carbon footprint and environmental impact.
Given that the user is logged into the platform, when transportation emissions, energy consumption, and resource usage data are automatically tracked and analyzed, then real-time insights into the user's carbon footprint and environmental impact are displayed.
User engages with eco-efficient action recommendations and implements suggested changes.
Given that the user has received personalized eco-efficient action recommendations, when the user engages with the recommendations and implements the suggested changes, then the platform tracks and records the user's eco-efficient actions and updates the impact on the user's carbon footprint.

IoT Data Analytics

Utilize IoT-generated data to perform comprehensive analytics on energy usage patterns, transportation emissions, and resource consumption, empowering users with valuable insights for making informed eco-friendly decisions and managing their carbon footprint effectively.


IoT Data Collection
User Story

As a user concerned about my environmental impact, I want to access detailed analytics on my energy usage, transportation emissions, and resource consumption from IoT data so that I can make informed eco-friendly decisions and effectively manage my carbon footprint.


Implement a data collection system that captures and aggregates IoT-generated data from various sources, including sensors, devices, and connected systems. This system will consolidate energy usage patterns, transportation emissions, and resource consumption data to enable comprehensive analysis and insights for users.

Acceptance Criteria
Capturing Energy Usage Data from Sensors
Given a network of sensors collecting energy usage data, when the data is aggregated and consolidated into a single database, then the system should be able to provide real-time insights into energy consumption patterns.
Aggregating Transportation Emissions Data from Connected Systems
Given data from connected transportation systems, when the emissions data is collected and analyzed, then the system should be able to generate reports on transportation emissions for different modes of travel.
Consolidating Resource Consumption Data from IoT Devices
Given data from IoT devices tracking resource consumption, when the data is collected and organized, then the system should be able to provide detailed analytics on resource usage across different categories.
Real-time Data Processing
User Story

As a user committed to sustainability, I want to receive real-time insights and recommendations on my energy usage, transportation emissions, and resource consumption based on the latest IoT data so that I can take immediate eco-friendly actions and reduce my environmental impact.


Develop a real-time data processing mechanism to analyze and interpret the collected IoT data instantly. This feature will enable users to receive immediate insights and recommendations based on the current IoT data, facilitating informed and timely eco-friendly decisions and actions.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives immediate insights on energy usage patterns
Given that the user is accessing the platform, when IoT data is collected and processed in real-time, then the user should immediately receive insights on energy usage patterns.
User receives real-time recommendations for eco-friendly actions
Given that the user has received insights on energy usage patterns, when the platform analyzes the data and interprets it in real-time, then the user should receive real-time recommendations for eco-friendly actions based on the current IoT data.
System integrates seamlessly with IoT devices for data collection
Given that IoT devices are connected to the system, when data is collected from the IoT devices in real-time, then the system should seamlessly integrate with the IoT devices for comprehensive data collection and processing.
Personalized Recommendations Engine
User Story

As a user striving for eco-efficiency, I want to receive personalized recommendations and action plans based on my energy usage, transportation emissions, and resource consumption data so that I can adopt targeted eco-friendly practices and reduce my carbon footprint effectively.


Create a personalized recommendations engine that leverages the analyzed IoT data to provide users with tailored suggestions for minimizing their environmental impact. This engine will offer customized eco-efficiency tips and action plans based on individual usage patterns and preferences.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in to the EcoStride platform and views personalized recommendations.
When the user logs in, the personalized recommendations engine should analyze the user's IoT data and display tailored eco-efficiency tips and action plans based on their individual usage patterns and preferences.
User receives an eco-challenge notification from the personalized recommendations engine.
When the user receives an eco-challenge notification, it should include a specific eco-friendly task tailored to the user's behavior and provide a deadline for completion.
User completes an eco-challenge and receives a reward.
When the user completes an eco-challenge, the platform should reward them with points and recognition within the community.

Seamless IoT Integration

Enable seamless integration with a wide range of IoT devices and smart home systems, simplifying the process of connecting and utilizing diverse IoT platforms to manage and monitor energy consumption, transportation emissions, and resource usage for eco-conscious living.


IoT Device Compatibility
User Story

As a user who is conscious about my environmental impact, I want to seamlessly connect my IoT devices to the EcoStride platform so that I can monitor and manage my energy consumption, transportation emissions, and resource usage more effectively, and receive personalized recommendations for improving eco-efficiency.


Enable the platform to seamlessly integrate with a wide range of IoT devices and smart home systems, allowing users to connect and utilize diverse IoT platforms for monitoring energy consumption, transportation emissions, and resource usage. This integration will provide real-time data insights and personalized recommendations for eco-efficiency, enhancing the user experience and promoting sustainable living practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User connects an IoT device to the platform for energy consumption monitoring
Given a user has an IoT device compatible with the platform, when the user connects the IoT device to the platform, then the platform successfully recognizes and integrates the IoT device, allowing real-time energy consumption monitoring.
Platform provides personalized eco-efficiency recommendations based on IoT data
Given a user has connected IoT devices to the platform, when the platform analyzes the IoT data, then the platform provides personalized eco-efficiency recommendations based on the analyzed data, promoting sustainable living practices.
User receives real-time insights on transportation emissions through IoT integration
Given a user has connected IoT devices related to transportation to the platform, when the user accesses the platform, then the platform provides real-time insights on transportation emissions through IoT integration, enabling informed decision-making for eco-conscious transportation choices.
Real-time Data Insights
User Story

As a user, I want to receive real-time data insights from my connected IoT devices so that I can make informed decisions to reduce my environmental impact and live a more sustainable lifestyle.


Implement real-time data analysis and insights from connected IoT devices, providing users with up-to-date information on energy consumption, transportation emissions, and resource usage. This feature will enable users to make informed decisions and take immediate actions towards minimizing their environmental impact, enhancing the platform's value proposition and usability.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the EcoStride platform dashboard and views real-time energy consumption insights from IoT devices
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when they access the dashboard, then they should see real-time energy consumption insights from connected IoT devices.
User receives immediate notifications for unusual spikes in energy usage or emissions from IoT devices
Given the IoT devices are connected to the EcoStride platform, when there is an unusual spike in energy usage or emissions, then the user should receive immediate notifications for proactive actions.
User sets personalized thresholds for energy consumption and emissions from IoT devices
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when they access the settings, then they should be able to set personalized thresholds for energy consumption and emissions from connected IoT devices.
User monitors real-time transportation emissions from connected IoT devices
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when they access the transportation section, then they should be able to monitor real-time transportation emissions from connected IoT devices.
User receives actionable recommendations based on real-time energy consumption and emissions data from connected IoT devices
Given the IoT devices are connected to the EcoStride platform, when real-time energy consumption and emissions data is analyzed, then the user should receive actionable recommendations for improving eco-efficiency.
IoT Device Management Dashboard
User Story

As a user, I want a centralized dashboard to manage and monitor my connected IoT devices so that I can easily view, analyze, and control the data and settings of my devices, leading to more effective eco-friendly practices and a simplified user experience.


Develop a comprehensive dashboard for users to manage and monitor their connected IoT devices, allowing them to view, analyze, and control the data and settings of their devices from a centralized platform within EcoStride. This dashboard will provide a user-friendly interface for efficient device management, enhancing the user experience and simplifying the process of maintaining eco-friendly practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User adds a new IoT device to the dashboard
Given the user has a new IoT device, when they navigate to the dashboard, then they should be able to easily add the device with its details and preferences.
User views real-time data from IoT devices on the dashboard
Given the user has connected IoT devices, when they access the dashboard, then they should see real-time data updates for each device, including energy consumption, transportation emissions, and resource usage.
User manages device settings and controls on the dashboard
Given the user has IoT devices connected, when they go to the dashboard, then they should be able to manage device settings, control device operations, and configure preferences for each device.

Real-time Environmental Monitoring

Monitor and report real-time environmental data from IoT devices, enabling users to stay informed about their carbon footprint, energy usage, and transportation emissions, facilitating proactive and sustainable decision-making.


IoT Device Integration
User Story

As an eco-conscious user, I want to monitor real-time environmental data from IoT devices so that I can stay informed about my carbon footprint, energy usage, and transportation emissions, and make proactive, sustainable decisions.


Integrate the platform with IoT devices to collect real-time data on carbon footprint, energy usage, and transportation emissions. This integration enables the monitoring and reporting of environmental data, empowering users to make informed, sustainable decisions and take proactive steps towards reducing their impact on the environment.

Acceptance Criteria
Integration with IoT devices for real-time data collection
Given an IoT device is linked to the platform, when the device collects real-time data on carbon footprint, energy usage, and transportation emissions, then the platform displays the data accurately in real-time.
User accessibility to real-time environmental data
Given a user logs in to the platform, when the user navigates to the real-time environmental monitoring section, then the user can access and view the real-time data from IoT devices, including carbon footprint, energy usage, and transportation emissions.
Reporting capabilities for environmental data
Given real-time data is being collected, when a user generates a report on environmental data over a specified period, then the platform provides a comprehensive and accurate report on carbon footprint, energy usage, and transportation emissions.
Data Visualization and Reporting
User Story

As a user concerned about my environmental impact, I want to visually see and analyze real-time environmental data in a user-friendly format so that I can identify trends, track my progress, and make informed decisions to reduce my carbon footprint.


Develop intuitive data visualization tools and reports to present real-time environmental data in a user-friendly format. This feature enables users to easily interpret and analyze their environmental impact, making it simpler to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

Acceptance Criteria
User visualizes real-time environmental data on the dashboard
When a user logs in, they can see real-time data on their carbon footprint, energy usage, and transportation emissions on the dashboard.
User filters and analyzes environmental data
The user can filter and analyze environmental data by time period, location, and category, such as travel, energy use, and consumption patterns.
User generates personalized environmental impact reports
Users can generate personalized reports that visually represent their environmental impact trends and patterns, providing actionable insights for improving eco-efficiency.
Eco-challenges and Rewards System
User Story

As a user, I want to participate in eco-challenges and earn rewards for reducing my carbon footprint, so that I can feel motivated and rewarded for my sustainable actions, and contribute to a community focused on environmental responsibility.


Implement a system for eco-challenges and rewards to motivate and engage users in sustainable practices. This feature allows users to participate in eco-friendly challenges and earn rewards for reducing their carbon footprint, contributing to a gamified and rewarding user experience that fosters a sense of achievement and community engagement.

Acceptance Criteria
User Participation in Eco-Challenges
Given a list of active eco-challenges, when a user selects an eco-challenge to participate in, then the system assigns the challenge to the user and tracks their progress towards completing the challenge.
Earning Rewards for Eco-Friendly Actions
Given the completion of an eco-challenge, when a user achieves the challenge goal, then the system rewards the user with points or virtual tokens that can be redeemed for eco-friendly products or sustainable services.
Leaderboard for Eco-Challenges
Given multiple users participating in eco-challenges, when users complete challenges, then the system updates a leaderboard to display the top performers based on challenge completion and eco-points earned.

IoT-Driven Eco-Alerts

Set up eco-alerts based on IoT data to notify users about excessive energy usage, high transportation emissions, or inefficient resource consumption, prompting immediate eco-conscious actions for minimizing environmental impact.


IoT Data Integration
User Story

As a user, I want the platform to integrate IoT data so that I can receive accurate eco-alerts and take immediate eco-conscious actions based on real-time environmental data.


Integrate IoT data seamlessly into the platform to capture energy usage, transportation emissions, and resource consumption, enabling accurate and real-time monitoring for eco-alerts and analysis.

Acceptance Criteria
Capturing IoT data for energy usage
Given that IoT devices are integrated with EcoStride, when IoT data is captured for energy usage, then the platform should accurately record and store the data for analysis and display.
Capturing IoT data for transportation emissions
Given that IoT devices are integrated with EcoStride, when IoT data is captured for transportation emissions, then the platform should accurately record and store the data for analysis and display.
Capturing IoT data for resource consumption
Given that IoT devices are integrated with EcoStride, when IoT data is captured for resource consumption, then the platform should accurately record and store the data for analysis and display.
Alert Customization
User Story

As a user, I want to customize eco-alert triggers so that I can receive notifications aligned with my specific sustainability objectives, prompting targeted eco-conscious actions.


Allow users to customize eco-alert triggers and notifications based on their specific preferences and environmental priorities, providing personalized eco-conscious prompts tailored to individual sustainability goals.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets up a custom eco-alert trigger for excessive energy usage
When the user sets a specific threshold for energy usage and selects notification preferences, then the system should generate an alert when the energy usage exceeds the defined threshold and notify the user according to the selected preferences.
User sets up a custom eco-alert trigger for high transportation emissions
Given the user configures a threshold for transportation emissions and selects notification settings, when the system detects transportation emissions above the defined threshold, then it should trigger an alert and notify the user based on the selected notification settings.
User configures a custom eco-alert trigger for inefficient resource consumption
Given the user defines parameters for inefficient resource consumption and selects notification options, when the system identifies inefficient resource consumption based on the defined parameters, then it should send an alert to the user according to the selected notification options.
User edits existing eco-alert trigger settings
When the user modifies the existing eco-alert trigger settings, the system should update the trigger parameters and notification preferences accordingly, reflecting the user's changes for future alert generation.
System sends an eco-alert notification to the user
Given the system detects a breach of the configured eco-alert threshold, when the system generates an alert notification to the user, then the notification should include clear details about the alert trigger and potential actions to mitigate the environmental impact.
Actionable Recommendations
User Story

As a user, I want to receive actionable recommendations in eco-alerts so that I can easily take immediate steps to minimize environmental impact based on the platform's insights.


Provide actionable recommendations and eco-conscious tips within the eco-alert notifications, empowering users to implement immediate and impactful changes in response to environmental alerts and insights.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives an eco-alert notification for excessive energy usage
The eco-alert notification includes actionable recommendations for reducing energy consumption, such as turning off unused devices or adjusting energy settings.
User receives an eco-alert notification for high transportation emissions
The eco-alert notification provides eco-conscious tips for reducing transportation emissions, such as carpooling, using public transport, or choosing eco-friendly travel options.
User receives an eco-alert notification for inefficient resource consumption
The eco-alert includes specific recommendations for efficient resource consumption, such as using water-saving appliances, reducing waste, or optimizing resource usage.

Corporate Carbon Analysis

Comprehensive analysis of carbon emissions across organizational operations, providing detailed insights and benchmarks for assessing environmental impact and guiding sustainable practices.


Emission Data Collection
User Story

As a sustainability manager, I want to efficiently collect and aggregate carbon emissions data from different operational areas so that I can gain comprehensive insights into our organization's environmental impact and identify areas for improvement.


Establish a system for collecting and aggregating carbon emissions data from various sources within the organization, including travel, energy use, and consumption patterns. This system will integrate with existing data sources and IoT devices to ensure comprehensive and accurate emission tracking.

Acceptance Criteria
Data collection from IoT devices
Given that the system is connected to the IoT devices, when the system collects real-time data on energy consumption and carbon emissions from the devices, then the data is accurately aggregated and stored for analysis.
Integration with travel tracking systems
Given that the system integrates with the organization's travel tracking systems, when the system collects and processes travel-related carbon emission data, then the data is correctly mapped and attributed to the respective activities and individuals.
User data validation
Given that users input consumption patterns and activities, when the system validates user input for completeness and accuracy, then the data is stored and classified correctly in the emissions database.
Data analysis and reporting
Given that the data collection is complete, when the system performs comprehensive analysis and generates reports based on carbon emission data, then the reports accurately depict the organization's carbon footprint across various operations.
Emission Analysis and Benchmarking
User Story

As a sustainability analyst, I want to analyze our organization's carbon emissions and compare them to industry benchmarks so that I can assess our environmental impact and identify opportunities for sustainable practices.


Develop analytical tools to process collected emission data, providing detailed insights and benchmarks for assessing the environmental impact of our organization's operations. This feature will enable us to compare our emissions against industry standards and best practices, guiding us in setting realistic sustainability targets.

Acceptance Criteria
Collect and Process Emission Data
Given a set of emission data from organizational operations, when the data is collected and processed using the analytical tools, then the system should provide detailed insights into carbon emissions, including travel, energy use, and consumption patterns.
Compare Emissions Against Industry Benchmarks
Given the detailed insights into carbon emissions, when the system compares the emissions against industry standards and best practices, then it should provide benchmarks for assessing the environmental impact of the organization's operations.
Set Realistic Sustainability Targets
Given the benchmarks for assessing environmental impact, when the organization uses the benchmarks, then it should be able to set realistic sustainability targets based on the insights provided.
Eco-Efficiency Recommendations
User Story

As a team leader, I want to receive personalized recommendations for eco-efficient practices based on our emission data analysis, so that I can guide my team in implementing sustainable practices that reduce our carbon footprint.


Implement a system to deliver personalized recommendations for eco-efficient practices based on the analyzed emission data. These recommendations will provide actionable steps for minimizing our environmental impact and improving overall eco-efficiency across the organization.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives personalized eco-efficiency recommendations
Given a user with analyzed emission data, the system should generate personalized recommendations for eco-efficient practices based on the user's emission profile. The recommendations should provide actionable steps and tips for minimizing the user's environmental impact and improving overall eco-efficiency.
User views eco-efficiency recommendations
Given a user with personalized eco-efficiency recommendations, the system should display the recommendations in a clear and accessible manner within the user interface. The recommendations should be easy to understand and directly actionable.
User acts on eco-efficiency recommendations
Given a user with personalized eco-efficiency recommendations, the system should track and record when the user takes action on the recommendations. This data should be used to refine and update future recommendations based on user engagement and effectiveness.

Sustainability Performance Dashboard

Interactive dashboard for visualizing and tracking sustainability performance metrics, including carbon footprint reduction, energy efficiency, and resource conservation, empowering organizations to make data-driven eco-friendly decisions.


Carbon Footprint Tracking
User Story

As an eco-conscious user, I want to track my carbon footprint in real-time across travel, energy use, and consumption patterns, so that I can make informed decisions to minimize my environmental impact and contribute to sustainability efforts.


This requirement involves implementing a feature for tracking and analyzing carbon footprint across travel, energy use, and consumption patterns. It will provide real-time insights and actionable steps towards minimizing environmental impact. The feature will enable users to visualize their carbon footprint and track their progress towards reducing emissions, fostering a sense of accountability and eco-conscious decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
User visualizes their carbon footprint
Given that the user has entered their travel, energy use, and consumption data, when they access the sustainability performance dashboard, then they should be able to visualize their carbon footprint in real-time.
User tracks progress towards emission reduction
Given that the user has set emission reduction goals, when they view the progress tracking feature, then they should be able to track their progress towards reducing emissions over time.
User receives personalized eco-efficiency recommendations
Given that the user has integrated their IoT devices, when they access the platform, then they should receive personalized eco-efficiency recommendations based on their emission data and consumption patterns.
User participates in eco-challenges
Given that the user has joined an eco-challenge, when they engage with the challenges feature, then they should be able to participate, track their progress, and earn rewards for eco-friendly actions.
Energy Efficiency Dashboard
User Story

As a facilities manager, I want to visualize and track energy efficiency metrics to optimize energy usage, so that I can make data-driven decisions to reduce energy consumption and improve sustainability within the organization.


This requirement involves developing an interactive dashboard for visualizing and tracking energy efficiency metrics. The dashboard will provide insights into energy consumption patterns, identify areas for improvement, and suggest eco-friendly practices to optimize energy usage. It will empower users to monitor and manage their energy consumption more effectively, contributing to overall sustainability efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User can view total energy consumption for the current month
Given that the user has access to the Energy Efficiency Dashboard, when they navigate to the dashboard, then they should be able to view a clear and accurate total energy consumption figure for the current month.
User can track energy consumption trends over time
Given that the user has access to the Energy Efficiency Dashboard, when they navigate to the dashboard, then they should be able to track energy consumption trends over the past 3, 6, and 12 months.
User can receive personalized energy efficiency recommendations
Given that the user has access to the Energy Efficiency Dashboard, when they navigate to the dashboard, then they should receive personalized energy efficiency recommendations based on their energy consumption data.
User can compare energy consumption with industry benchmarks
Given that the user has access to the Energy Efficiency Dashboard, when they navigate to the dashboard, then they should be able to compare their energy consumption with industry benchmarks to gauge their energy efficiency performance.
Resource Conservation Insights
User Story

As a user committed to sustainability, I want personalized recommendations for resource conservation based on my consumption patterns, so that I can adopt eco-friendly practices and minimize resource wastage.


This requirement entails the integration of a feature that provides insights and recommendations for conserving resources. It will offer personalized recommendations for eco-efficiency, based on individual consumption patterns and behavior. The feature will empower users with actionable steps to minimize resource wastage and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Resource Conservation Insights feature from the EcoStride dashboard
Given the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when they navigate to the Sustainability Performance Dashboard, then they should see a prominent link or tab for accessing the Resource Conservation Insights feature.
User views personalized resource conservation recommendations
Given the user has accessed the Resource Conservation Insights feature, when they input their consumption data, then they should receive personalized recommendations for minimizing resource wastage based on their behavior and consumption patterns.
User receives actionable steps for resource conservation
Given the user has viewed personalized recommendations, when they select a recommendation, then they should receive actionable steps and tips for implementing the recommended resource conservation measures.
User tracks the impact of implemented resource conservation measures
Given the user has implemented resource conservation measures, when they track their resource consumption over time, then they should be able to visualize the impact of their actions through measurable changes in resource consumption and waste generation.

Eco-Initiative Recommendation Engine

Smart recommendation engine that suggests tailored eco-initiatives and sustainability practices based on industry, size, and operational context, enabling organizations to implement targeted and effective environmental strategies.


Industry-Specific Recommendations
User Story

As a sustainability manager in a specific industry, I want to receive tailored eco-initiative recommendations based on our industry and operational context, so that we can implement industry-specific environmental strategies that are effective and aligned with our sector's best practices.


Implement a feature that provides industry-specific eco-initiative recommendations based on the organization's sector and operational context. These tailored recommendations will enable businesses to adopt targeted environmental strategies aligned with their industry best practices, contributing to more effective and sustainable operations.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user from the manufacturing industry, I want to receive eco-initiative recommendations tailored to my industry and operational context, so that I can effectively implement sustainable practices in my organization.
Given a user from the manufacturing industry with specific operational context, when requesting eco-initiative recommendations, then the recommendations provided should be tailored to the manufacturing industry and its operational context.
As a user from the hospitality industry, I want to receive eco-initiative recommendations tailored to my industry and operational context, so that I can implement sustainable practices that are relevant to my business sector.
Given a user from the hospitality industry with specific operational context, when accessing eco-initiative recommendations, then the recommendations offered should be tailored to the hospitality industry and its operational context.
As a user from the technology sector, I want to be presented with eco-initiative recommendations relevant to my industry and operational context, so that I can efficiently integrate sustainability practices within my organization.
Given a user from the technology sector with specific operational context, when viewing eco-initiative recommendations, then the recommendations should be relevant to the technology sector and its operational context.
As an organization with a small carbon footprint, I want to receive eco-initiative recommendations suitable for my size and operational context, so that I can implement sustainability practices that align with our environmental impact.
Given an organization with a small carbon footprint and specific operational context, when accessing eco-initiative recommendations, then the recommendations provided should be suitable for our size and operational context.
As an organization with a large carbon footprint, I want to receive eco-initiative recommendations suitable for our size and operational context, so that we can adopt sustainable practices that address our significant environmental impact.
Given an organization with a large carbon footprint and specific operational context, when requesting eco-initiative recommendations, then the recommendations should be suitable for our size and operational context.
Size-Based Suggestions
User Story

As a small business owner, I want to receive eco-initiative suggestions tailored to the size of my organization, so that I can implement sustainability practices that are appropriate and feasible for our scale and resources.


Develop functionality to offer size-based eco-initiative suggestions, considering the scale and capacity of organizations. This will allow businesses of different sizes to access personalized recommendations that suit their operational scale, facilitating the implementation of sustainable practices tailored to their specific capacity and resources.

Acceptance Criteria
Accessing Size-Based Eco-Initiative Recommendations
Given the user has logged into the EcoStride platform and has provided information about their organization's size and operational capacity, when they navigate to the recommendations section, then they should see personalized eco-initiative suggestions tailored to their organization's size and capacity.
Viewing Detailed Description of Size-Based Eco-Initiative Recommendations
Given the user has accessed personalized size-based eco-initiative recommendations, when they select a specific recommendation, then they should be able to view a detailed description of the initiative, including its expected impact and implementation requirements.
Filtering Size-Based Eco-Initiative Recommendations
Given the user is viewing personalized size-based eco-initiative recommendations, when they want to filter the recommendations based on specific operational aspects (e.g., energy use, transportation), then they should be able to apply filters to refine the recommendations.
Adding Size-Based Eco-Initiative Recommendations to Action Plan
Given the user is reviewing personalized size-based eco-initiative recommendations, when they find a recommendation they want to implement, then they should be able to add it to their organization's action plan for sustainability initiatives.
Real-Time Updates and Monitoring
User Story

As a sustainability analyst, I want to have access to real-time updates and monitoring for eco-initiative recommendations, so that I can ensure our sustainability strategies are always aligned with the latest environmental data and industry trends.


Integrate real-time data monitoring and updates for eco-initiative recommendations, allowing organizations to receive dynamic and up-to-date suggestions based on the latest environmental data. This feature will enable businesses to stay current with eco-initiatives, ensuring that their sustainability strategies align with the most recent industry and environmental developments.

Acceptance Criteria
Organization Receives Real-Time Updates
When the organization receives real-time updates for eco-initiative recommendations, the system should immediately process and display the latest data for dynamic and up-to-date suggestions based on the most recent environmental and industry developments.
Dynamic Tailored Suggestions
Given the industry, size, and operational context, the recommendation engine should suggest tailored eco-initiatives and sustainability practices that are specific to the organization's profile, enabling targeted and effective environmental strategies.
Eco-Initiatives Alignment
When the organization implements suggestions from the recommendation engine, the impact of the eco-initiatives should align with the latest industry and environmental developments, ensuring that the sustainability strategies remain current and relevant.
Real-Time Data Processing
Given the availability of real-time environmental data, the system should process and update eco-initiative recommendations in real time, ensuring that the suggestions are based on the most up-to-date information for effective decision-making.

Emission Tracking and Reporting

Automated tracking and reporting of emissions from business operations, offering real-time visibility into carbon footprint trends, compliance monitoring, and generating accurate emission reports for regulatory and internal review.


Real-time Emission Tracking
User Story

As a sustainability manager, I want to track emissions in real-time so that I can make proactive decisions and take immediate actions to minimize our environmental impact.


Implement real-time tracking of emissions from business operations to provide up-to-date visibility into carbon footprint trends, enabling proactive decision-making and immediate corrective actions. This feature ensures accurate data collection and analysis while seamlessly integrating with existing systems for comprehensive emission oversight.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in and can view real-time emissions data on the dashboard
Given the user is logged in to the EcoStride platform, when they navigate to the dashboard, then they should see real-time emissions data displayed in an easily understandable format.
Real-time data updates automatically without manual intervention
Given the user is viewing the emissions data, when there is a change in emissions, then the data should update in real-time without the need for manual refresh.
Integration with existing systems for comprehensive emission oversight
Given the EcoStride platform is integrated with existing business systems, when emissions data is collected from these systems, then it should be seamlessly incorporated into the real-time tracking and reporting feature.
Accurate data collection and analysis
Given emissions data is collected from various sources, when the data is analyzed, then the platform should ensure accuracy and precision in the calculation of carbon footprint trends.
Accessibility of real-time emissions data across devices
Given the user has access to the EcoStride platform on different devices, when they view the real-time emissions data, then it should be accessible and displayed consistently across all devices.
Regulatory Emission Reporting
User Story

As a compliance officer, I want to generate accurate emission reports for regulatory compliance so that I can ensure adherence to environmental regulations with ease and efficiency.


Facilitate the automated generation of accurate emission reports for regulatory compliance and internal review, streamlining the reporting process and ensuring adherence to environmental regulations. This feature provides a centralized platform for generating comprehensive emission reports with detailed insights and analysis.

Acceptance Criteria
As an admin user, I want to input data for emission tracking and reporting, so that I can monitor the carbon footprint trends and generate accurate reports.
Given a data input form, When the admin user inputs emission data, Then the system should track and store the data for real-time visibility and reporting.
As a business user, I want to access comprehensive emission reports, so that I can monitor our environmental impact and ensure compliance with regulations.
Given the emission reporting dashboard, When the business user selects the report type and timeframe, Then the system should generate a detailed and accurate emission report for the specified parameters.
As a regulatory agency, I want to review emission reports for compliance monitoring, so that I can assess adherence to environmental regulations.
Given access to the emission reporting system, When the regulatory agency reviews the emission reports, Then the system should provide comprehensive data and insights to evaluate compliance with environmental regulations.
Emission Trend Analysis
User Story

As an environmental analyst, I want to analyze emission trends to identify patterns and forecast future emission levels so that I can make informed decisions for minimizing environmental impact.


Enable in-depth analysis of emission trends over time, allowing for the identification of patterns, correlations, and forecasting of future emission levels. This feature provides valuable insights for strategic decision-making and long-term planning to minimize environmental impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User views emission trends for the past year
Given the user has access to the Emission Trend Analysis feature, When the user selects the date range for the past year and views the emission trend analysis, Then the system displays a comprehensive report showing emission trends over the past year.
User identifies emission pattern correlations
Given the user has access to the Emission Trend Analysis feature, When the user applies correlation analysis to the emission trend data, Then the system identifies and presents correlation patterns between emission trends and specific business activities or events.
User forecasts future emission levels
Given the user has access to the Emission Trend Analysis feature, When the user uses the forecasting tool to predict future emission levels based on historical data, Then the system generates a forecast report with predicted emission levels for the upcoming year.
User extracts emission trend data for strategic decision-making
Given the user has access to the Emission Trend Analysis feature, When the user exports the emission trend data in a machine-readable format for external analysis, Then the system provides a downloadable file containing the complete emission trend dataset.
User creates custom emission trend visualization
Given the user has access to the Emission Trend Analysis feature, When the user customizes the emission trend visualization by selecting specific emission sources and time intervals, Then the system generates a customized visual representation of the emission trend data based on the user's selections.

Corporate Eco-Challenge Management

Facilitate the organization and management of internal eco-challenges and sustainability goals for employees, fostering engagement, collaboration, and recognition of eco-achievements within the corporate environment.


Eco-Challenge Creation
User Story

As an eco-conscious team leader, I want to be able to create custom eco-challenges for my team, so that we can work collaboratively towards specific sustainability goals and track our progress over time.


Enable users to create new eco-challenges, set specific sustainability goals, and define participation criteria. This feature empowers users to initiate and manage custom eco-challenges tailored to their organization's sustainability objectives, fostering engagement and accountability.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new eco-challenge
Given that the user is logged into the EcoStride platform, when they navigate to the 'Create Eco-Challenge' section, then they should be able to input the challenge details including title, description, sustainability goals, start date, end date, and participation criteria.
Validation of eco-challenge sustainability goals
Given that a user has created an eco-challenge, when the challenge is initiated, then the platform should validate the sustainability goals to ensure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
Participant invitation and registration
Given that an eco-challenge has been created, when the organizer sends invitations to participants, then the platform should allow participants to register for the challenge, confirming their commitment to the defined sustainability goals.
Dashboard view of active eco-challenges
Given that there are multiple eco-challenges initiated by different users, when a user logs into the platform, then they should be able to view a dashboard displaying all active eco-challenges, their details, and progress.
Notification of completed eco-challenges
Given that an eco-challenge has reached its end date, when all participants have completed their tasks, then the platform should generate notifications to announce the successful completion of the challenges and recognize the participants' achievements.
Eco-Challenge Participation Tracking
User Story

As an employee, I want to be able to track my participation and progress in eco-challenges, so that I can stay engaged, see my impact, and contribute to our team's sustainability efforts.


Implement a system for tracking employee participation and progress in eco-challenges, providing real-time updates and insights into individual and team contributions. This functionality enhances visibility and recognition of eco-initiatives, driving motivation and reinforcing a sustainable culture within the organization.

Acceptance Criteria
As an employee, I want to view my personal eco-challenge progress on the platform dashboard, so I can track my contributions to the corporate eco-challenges.
Given that I am logged into the EcoStride platform, when I navigate to the dashboard, then I should see a dedicated section displaying my current eco-challenge progress, including completed challenges, ongoing challenges, and my overall participation metrics.
As a team leader, I want to receive real-time notifications when my team members participate in eco-challenges, so I can acknowledge their efforts and provide timely recognition.
Given that I am a designated team leader, when any of my team members join or make progress in an eco-challenge, then I should receive immediate notifications with details of their participation and achievements.
As an admin, I want to generate reports on employee participation in eco-challenges, so I can evaluate the overall engagement and impact of the eco-challenge program within the organization.
Given that I am an admin user, when I access the reporting section, then I should be able to generate detailed reports showing individual and team participation metrics, including the number of challenges participated in, points earned, and contributions to the organization's sustainability goals.
Eco-Challenge Rewards and Recognition
User Story

As a team member, I want to receive recognition and rewards for my eco-friendly actions and contributions to eco-challenges, so that I feel motivated and appreciated for my sustainable efforts.


Introduce a rewards and recognition system for employees based on their involvement and achievements in eco-challenges, fostering a sense of accomplishment and incentivizing sustainable behaviors. This feature cultivates a positive feedback loop, encouraging sustained eco-friendly practices and active participation.

Acceptance Criteria
Employees successfully receive eco-challenge participation points upon joining an eco-challenge.
When an employee joins an eco-challenge, they receive participation points that are visible in their account within 24 hours.
Recognition badges are visible on employee profiles for completed eco-challenges.
When an employee completes an eco-challenge, a recognition badge is automatically displayed on their profile within 48 hours.
Rewards are redeemed by employees using their participation points.
Employees can redeem their participation points for rewards through the platform's rewards catalog, and the rewards are delivered within 7 business days.
EcoStride: Redefining Sustainability with Actionable Insights


EcoStride, a revolutionary SaaS platform, is transforming the landscape of sustainable living for individuals and businesses. The platform's intuitive interface simplifies the complex task of tracking and analyzing carbon footprints across travel, energy use, and consumption patterns. By offering real-time insights and actionable steps for minimizing environmental impact, EcoStride empowers users with the tools and knowledge for a greener future. With seamless integration with existing systems and IoT devices, personalized recommendations for eco-efficiency, and engaging eco-challenges, EcoStride makes sustainability achievable and rewarding.

"EcoStride is not just a platform; it's a movement towards a sustainable future," said [Key Personnel]. "We are excited to see the positive impact it has on our users and the environment."

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