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Effortless Studio Harmony

ChoreoCloud is a robust SaaS platform designed for dance studios and performing arts schools to streamline administrative tasks, including class scheduling, online registration, automated invoicing, and attendance tracking. With a user-friendly interface, seamless payment gateway integrations, and mobile access, ChoreoCloud simplifies financial management, enhances communication with students and parents, and provides actionable insights through intuitive dashboards. Empowering dance professionals to focus on their craft, ChoreoCloud drives operational efficiency and business growth, making studio management as graceful as a perfectly executed pirouette.

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Product Details




Effortless Studio Harmony


Performing Arts Management Software


Empowering the world of dance through seamless studio management.


ChoreoCloud is a robust SaaS platform designed for dance studios, performing arts schools, and freelance dance instructors. It streamlines the administrative and operational aspects of managing a dance business. Targeted at dance studio owners, school administrators, and freelance instructors, ChoreoCloud exists to alleviate administrative burdens, allowing dance professionals to focus on their craft.

This innovative platform offers class scheduling, online registration, automated invoicing, attendance tracking, and student progress reports all in one place. It features intuitive dashboards and seamless integrations with payment gateways, simplifying financial management. By centralizing data and enhancing communication through notifications and updates for students and parents, ChoreoCloud ensures no detail is overlooked.

What sets ChoreoCloud apart is its user-friendly interface and mobile access, providing dance professionals with the flexibility to manage their studios anytime, anywhere. Enhanced visibility into scheduling, financial tracking, and performance metrics empowers informed decision-making effortlessly.

ChoreoCloud enhances operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, driving business growth while enabling educators to prioritize the art of dance. Dance to the rhythm of efficiency with ChoreoCloud—where managing a dance studio is as graceful as a perfectly executed pirouette.

Target Audience

Dance studio owners, performing arts school administrators, and freelance dance instructors aged 25-55 seeking to streamline administrative tasks and improve overall studio management.

Problem Statement

Dance studios often face significant administrative burdens, such as managing class schedules, processing payments, tracking attendance, and maintaining effective communication with students and parents, which can detract from their ability to focus on teaching and fostering their artistic community.

Solution Overview

ChoreoCloud offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to alleviate administrative burdens for dance studios and instructors. It centralizes class scheduling, online registration, automated invoicing, and attendance tracking into one user-friendly platform. Seamless integrations with payment gateways simplify financial management, while intuitive dashboards provide clear insights into studio operations. Enhanced communication tools ensure effective notifications and updates for students and parents, reducing the risk of missing important details. With mobile accessibility, ChoreoCloud empowers dance professionals to manage their studios anytime, anywhere, improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, allowing educators to focus on their passion for dance.


ChoreoCloud dramatically enhances operational efficiency for dance studios and performing arts schools by centralizing key administrative functions like class scheduling, online registration, automated invoicing, and attendance tracking. This streamlining of processes leads to substantial time savings, allowing dance professionals to focus more on their core passion—teaching dance. With seamless payment gateway integrations, ChoreoCloud simplifies financial management, resulting in improved cash flow and reduced administrative overhead. Intuitive dashboards and mobile accessibility offer unparalleled visibility into studio operations, empowering informed decision-making anytime, anywhere. Enhanced communication tools ensure effective, timely notifications and updates for students and parents, fostering a more engaged and satisfied community. Through these tangible and intangible benefits, ChoreoCloud stands out as a transformative tool that not only drives business growth but also elevates the overall experience of managing a dance studio.


Product Inspiration

ChoreoCloud was conceived to address a pressing need voiced by numerous dance studio owners and instructors who found themselves overwhelmed by administrative tasks. Despite their deep passion for dance and teaching, these professionals were bogged down by the complexities of scheduling classes, managing registrations, processing payments, and keeping track of student attendance. This administrative burden not only detracted from their ability to focus on their art but also hindered the growth and efficiency of their businesses. Inspired by their stories and firsthand experiences with these challenges, we envisioned a solution that would streamline all these tasks, allowing dance professionals to shift their focus back to what truly matters—teaching and nurturing their students. ChoreoCloud was born out of this genuine desire to transform the dance studio management experience, making it as graceful and effortless as a perfectly executed pirouette.

Long Term Goal

Our vision is to revolutionize dance studio and performing arts school management, becoming the global leader in comprehensive and intuitive administrative solutions, empowering dance professionals to maximize their creative potential while fostering thriving and efficiently run artistic communities.


Dance Enthusiast


Dance Enthusiast


A passionate individual deeply involved in the dance community, seeking opportunities to enhance their skills and connect with like-minded individuals. Engages with ChoreoCloud to discover new classes, manage their dance calendar, and stay updated with dance events and workshops.


Age: 25-40, Gender: Any, Education: Varies, Occupation: Dancer, Dance Instructor, Student, Income Level: Varies


Dance has been a lifelong passion, shaping their identity and providing a creative outlet for self-expression. Actively involved in the dance community, from taking classes to participating in dance competitions and performances. Constantly seeking new ways to improve and grow in their dance journey.


Believes in the transformative power of dance, seeking opportunities for artistic expression, personal growth, and community connection. Values creativity, self-discipline, and collaboration. Motivated to explore diverse dance styles and techniques, and eager to engage in the cultural and social aspects of dance.


Access to a variety of dance classes, reliable class scheduling, community engagement, opportunities for skill development, seamless event management.


Difficulty in finding diverse dance classes, managing a hectic dance schedule, feeling disconnected from the dance community, inadequate skill enhancement opportunities, challenges in keeping track of dance events and workshops.


Social media, dance studio websites, dance forums, event listings, word of mouth


Frequent engagement to discover and sign up for new dance classes, regular calendar management for class schedules, occasional event and workshop registration


Influenced by class variety, convenient scheduling, instructor expertise, community engagement, and event visibility.

Dance Studio Manager


Dance Studio Manager


A dedicated professional responsible for the operational and administrative aspects of a dance studio, striving to enhance efficiency and foster a thriving dance community. Relies on ChoreoCloud for class management, student communication, financial tracking, and performance analysis.


Age: 30-55, Gender: Any, Education: Bachelor's degree or equivalent, Occupation: Dance Studio Manager, Dance School Administrator, Income Level: Middle to Upper Middle


Committed to the dance industry, with years of experience in studio management, event coordination, and business administration. Passionate about creating a positive and enriching dance environment for students and instructors alike. Constantly seeking ways to streamline administrative tasks and optimize studio operations.


Values organization, effective communication, and data-driven decision-making. Committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive dance community. Motivated to enhance studio efficiency, financial stability, and student satisfaction. Dedicated to leveraging technology for studio management.


Efficient class scheduling, streamlined student communication, financial transparency, actionable performance insights, integrated payment processing, effective administrative tools.


Challenges in juggling class schedules, inefficient communication with students and parents, lack of financial clarity, limited performance analysis, disjointed payment processing, manual administrative tasks.


Professional networks, dance industry events, industry publications, online search, software reviews, word of mouth


Daily engagement for class scheduling and management, regular communication with students and parents, periodic financial tracking and performance analysis


Influenced by administrative efficiency, student communication tools, financial transparency, performance analytics, payment integration, and user-friendly interface.

Dance Workshop Coordinator


Dance Workshop Coordinator


An energetic individual responsible for organizing and coordinating dance workshops, intensives, and masterclasses, aiming to create memorable learning experiences for dance enthusiasts. Counts on ChoreoCloud for event management, participant registration, communication, and financial oversight.


Age: 25-45, Gender: Any, Education: Varies, Occupation: Dance Workshop Coordinator, Event Manager, Dance Educator, Income Level: Varies


Passionate about dance education and event planning, with a background in dance instruction and event coordination. Enthusiastic about bringing renowned dance instructors and passionate learners together for immersive learning experiences. Adept at navigating the logistical and creative challenges of organizing dance workshops and intensives.


Values creativity, precision, and collaborative learning, committed to delivering exceptional educational experiences. Motivated by the opportunity to facilitate skill development, artistic exploration, and community connection. Aspires to provide seamless event experiences for both instructors and participants.


Efficient event planning, participant registration management, clear communication tools, secure financial processing, actionable event insights, seamless administrative functions.


Challenges in event logistics planning, participant registration management, effective communication with attendees, financial transparency, performance tracking, administrative complexities.


Event management platforms, educational institutions, dance forums, social media, professional networks, word of mouth


Frequent engagement for event planning and participant registration, periodic communication with instructors and participants, occasional financial oversight and event analysis


Influenced by event planning capabilities, participant management tools, communication efficiency, financial oversight, event analytics, and user-friendly interface.

Product Ideas


ChoreoSync is a feature that allows dance studio owners and instructors to synchronize class schedules, share resources, and collaborate on events seamlessly. It enables real-time updates and coordination, enhancing efficiency and communication within the dance studio environment.


ChoreoPay is an integrated payment system that offers flexible payment options for dance students and their parents. It provides automated billing, installment plans, and secure payment processing, ensuring convenience and financial transparency for all users.


ChoreoConnect is a mobile app extension that allows dance enthusiasts, studio owners, and instructors to connect with each other, share experiences, and explore new opportunities. It provides a platform for networking, mentorship, and collaboration, fostering a vibrant dance community.

Product Features


SyncUp allows dance studio owners and instructors to instantly synchronize class schedules, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for all stakeholders. This real-time update feature enhances coordination and reduces scheduling conflicts, optimizing studio operations and workflow.


Real-time Schedule Update
User Story

As a dance studio owner, I want the class schedules to be synchronized in real-time so that all stakeholders have access to the latest and accurate information, reducing scheduling conflicts and enhancing operational efficiency.


This requirement involves enabling real-time synchronization of class schedules, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for dance studio owners, instructors, and students. It aims to optimize studio operations, reduce scheduling conflicts, and enhance overall workflow efficiency.

Acceptance Criteria
Dance Studio Owner Adds New Class Schedule
Given the dance studio owner has logged into ChoreoCloud and selects the 'Add New Class' option, when they enter the class details, including date, time, instructor, and studio location, then the new class schedule is instantly synchronized and visible to all instructors and students in real-time.
Instructor Updates Class Details
Given the instructor has logged into ChoreoCloud and modifies the details of an existing class, including date, time, or location, when the changes are saved, then the updated class information is immediately reflected across all synchronized schedules.
Student Views Class Schedule
Given the student logs into the ChoreoCloud mobile app and navigates to the class schedule, when the student selects a specific class, then the app displays the most current and accurate information for that class.
Real-time Conflict Resolution
Given a scheduling conflict arises between two classes, when the conflict is resolved by one of the instructors, then the synchronized schedules reflect the resolution and notify affected students and instructors.
Automated Synchronization Validation
Given a new class schedule has been added or updated, when the system automatically updates the synchronized schedules without manual intervention, then the synchronized schedules accurately reflect the changes without errors or delays.
Multi-platform Compatibility
User Story

As a dance instructor, I want the ChoreoCloud platform to be compatible across web, mobile, and tablet devices so that I can easily access and manage class schedules and student information from any device, improving convenience and flexibility.


This requirement entails ensuring compatibility and seamless functionality across multiple platforms, including web, mobile, and tablet devices. It aims to provide users with a consistent and optimized experience across different devices, enhancing accessibility and usability.

Acceptance Criteria
A user logs in from a web browser on a desktop and accesses class schedules.
The class schedules load and display correctly without any layout issues or functional errors.
A user registers for classes using a mobile device.
The registration process is smooth, intuitive, and all functionalities, including selecting classes, adding to cart, and completing payment, work seamlessly without any errors.
A user accesses attendance tracking feature on a tablet during a dance class.
The attendance tracking interface is responsive and user-friendly, allowing easy input of attendance data without any lag or display issues.
User accesses the dashboard and view insights on business performance from a web browser on a desktop.
The dashboard data is presented in a clear and visually appealing manner, and all interactive elements, such as filters and drill-down options, function as intended without any bugs or data loading issues.
Automated Notification System
User Story

As a parent of a dance student, I want to receive automated notifications about schedule changes and important updates so that I can stay informed and actively participate in my child's dance education, ensuring smooth communication and involvement.


This requirement involves implementing an automated notification system to alert users about important updates, such as schedule changes, registration deadlines, and payment reminders. It aims to improve communication and engagement with students and parents, enhancing overall user experience and reducing administrative workload.

Acceptance Criteria
As a dance studio owner, I want to receive automated notifications for schedule changes, so that I can keep students and parents informed.
Given that there is a schedule change, when the automated notification is sent to the dance studio owner, then the notification contains the updated class details and the reason for the change.
As a dance instructor, I want to receive automated notifications for registration deadlines, so that I can remind students to enroll on time.
Given that the registration deadline is approaching, when the automated notification is sent to the dance instructor, then the notification includes the deadline date, registration link, and a personalized message to encourage enrollment.
As a parent, I want to receive automated notifications for payment reminders, so that I can ensure timely fee payments for my child's dance classes.
Given that the payment deadline is approaching, when the automated notification is sent to the parent, then the notification includes the amount due, payment methods, and a direct link to make the payment online.


ResourceShare empowers dance professionals to seamlessly share teaching materials, music playlists, and choreography notes within ChoreoCloud. This collaborative feature fosters a supportive and creative environment, enabling instructors to exchange ideas and enhance teaching methods.


Resource Library
User Story

As a dance instructor, I want to access and share teaching materials, music playlists, and choreography notes with my colleagues, so that we can collaborate effectively and enhance our teaching methods.


The Resource Library requirement involves creating a centralized database within ChoreoCloud for sharing teaching materials, music playlists, and choreography notes among instructors. This feature enhances collaboration, streamlines content sharing, and fosters a creative teaching environment. Additionally, it promotes standardization and consistency in teaching methods across the dance studio.

Acceptance Criteria
Instructor uploads a teaching material to the Resource Library
When an instructor uploads a teaching material to the Resource Library, it must be successfully stored in the database and accessible to other instructors.
Instructor searches for a specific music playlist in the Resource Library
When an instructor searches for a specific music playlist in the Resource Library, the search results must return relevant and accurate matches based on the input keywords.
Instructor requests access to choreography notes shared by another instructor
When an instructor requests access to choreography notes shared by another instructor, the access request must be successfully sent, and upon approval, the notes should be accessible to the requesting instructor.
Instructor updates a teaching material in the Resource Library
When an instructor updates a teaching material in the Resource Library, the changes must be reflected in the database, and other instructors should have access to the updated version.
Version Control
User Story

As a choreography lead, I want to ensure that the teaching materials and choreography notes shared within the Resource Library are up-to-date and easily accessible, so that instructors can confidently use the latest content in their classes.


The Version Control requirement includes implementing a system for tracking and managing different versions of shared teaching materials, music playlists, and choreography notes within the Resource Library. This feature ensures that instructors can easily access and work with the most current and relevant content, reducing errors and confusion.

Acceptance Criteria
As an instructor, I want to upload a revised version of a choreography note to the Resource Library, so that all instructors can access the updated content.
Given that I am logged into ChoreoCloud as an instructor, When I upload a revised version of a choreography note to the Resource Library, Then the new version should replace the old version, and all instructors should be able to view and access the updated content.
As a dance studio manager, I want to view the version history of a music playlist in the Resource Library, so that I can track changes and ensure that the latest version is being used for classes.
Given that I am logged into ChoreoCloud as a dance studio manager, When I view the version history of a music playlist in the Resource Library, Then I should be able to see a log of all changes, including timestamps and contributor names, and identify the latest version.
As an instructor, I want to notify other instructors when a new version of a teaching material is uploaded to the Resource Library, so that they can incorporate the updated content into their classes.
Given that I am logged into ChoreoCloud as an instructor, When I upload a new version of a teaching material to the Resource Library, Then a notification should be sent to all other instructors, informing them of the update.
Collaboration Notifications
User Story

As a dance instructor, I want to receive notifications when new teaching materials, music playlists, or choreography notes are added or modified within the Resource Library, so that I can stay updated and contribute effectively to the collaborative environment.


The Collaboration Notifications requirement involves integrating real-time notifications for updates, comments, and contributions within the Resource Library. This feature enables instructors to stay informed about new content, feedback, and discussions, fostering an active and engaged collaboration environment.

Acceptance Criteria
As an instructor, I want to receive a real-time notification when a new teaching material is shared in the Resource Library, so that I can stay updated on the latest content.
Given I am logged into ChoreoCloud as an instructor, When a new teaching material is added to the Resource Library, Then I receive a real-time notification with details of the new material.
As an instructor, I want to be notified when a comment or feedback is posted on my shared choreography notes in the Resource Library, so that I can engage in discussions and respond promptly.
Given I have shared choreography notes in the Resource Library, When a comment or feedback is added to my shared notes, Then I receive a real-time notification with the details of the comment or feedback.
As a dance instructor, I want to receive notifications when a fellow instructor contributes new music playlists to the Resource Library, so that I can explore and use the shared playlists in my classes.
Given I am a registered instructor on ChoreoCloud, When a fellow instructor adds a new music playlist to the Resource Library, Then I receive a real-time notification with the details of the new playlist.


EventCollab facilitates seamless event collaboration, allowing studio owners and instructors to plan and execute dance events, recitals, and workshops with shared resources and coordinated efforts. This feature streamlines event management, ensuring a cohesive and memorable experience for students and audience.


Event Creation Wizard
User Story

As a dance studio owner, I want to easily create and set up events such as recitals and workshops, so that I can efficiently manage and execute successful dance events, providing a seamless and memorable experience for both students and audience.


Develop a wizard that guides users through the process of creating and setting up dance events, recitals, and workshops. The wizard should enable easy scheduling, resource allocation, and communication with students and instructors, streamlining the event planning process and ensuring a cohesive and memorable experience for all participants.

Acceptance Criteria
As a studio owner, I want to initiate the event creation wizard to schedule a dance event, recital, or workshop.
The wizard allows the user to input event details such as title, date, time, location, and description.
When creating an event, the user should be able to allocate resources such as instructors, studio space, costumes, and music.
The wizard provides options to assign and manage resources for the event, ensuring all necessary components are accounted for.
After setting up the event, the user wants to notify students and instructors about the event details and requirements.
The wizard includes a communication feature that allows the user to send event notifications to students and instructors via email or text message.
During the event planning process, the user needs the ability to preview and confirm the event details before finalizing the setup.
The wizard offers a preview function that displays all event details for user verification and a confirmation step to complete the setup process.
As an administrator, I want to review and approve event setups created by instructors or staff members.
The wizard includes an admin review feature that allows designated users to review and approve event setups before they are finalized and made visible to students and parents.
Resource Sharing and Management
User Story

As an event organizer, I want to easily share and manage resources for dance events, so that I can ensure the availability and proper allocation of props, costumes, and music, enhancing the overall event experience.


Implement a feature that allows studio owners and instructors to efficiently share and manage resources, such as props, costumes, and music, for dance events and recitals. This feature should enable the assignment of resources to specific events, track availability, and streamline communication for resource requests and allocations.

Acceptance Criteria
Studio Owner assigns costumes to a specific recital event
Given the Studio Owner is logged into the system, when they select a recital event, then they should be able to assign specific costumes to that event.
Instructor checks resource availability for a dance workshop
Given the Instructor is organizing a dance workshop, when they search for available props and music, then the system should display the availability status of each resource.
Studio Owner requests a resource allocation for a dance event
Given the Studio Owner needs additional props for a dance event, when they submit a resource request, then the system should notify the resource manager for allocation.
Event Attendance Tracking
User Story

As a dance instructor, I want to efficiently track event attendance, so that I can monitor participation and analyze attendance trends for dance events, enabling better event planning and management.


Integrate a robust attendance tracking system for dance events, recitals, and workshops, providing studio owners and instructors with real-time visibility into event attendance. The system should support check-in functionality, attendee lists, and reporting capabilities to accurately monitor and analyze event participation.

Acceptance Criteria
Checking in Attendees at Dance Event
Given a registered dance event with attendees, when the event starts, then the system allows for efficient check-in of attendees using a barcode scanner or manual entry of attendee names, and updates the attendance records in real-time.
Viewing Event Attendance Report
Given a completed dance event, when a studio owner or instructor needs to view event attendance, then the system provides a detailed attendance report with the list of attendees, check-in timestamps, and any missing or late attendees.
Recording Excused Absences
Given a dance event or recital, when an attendee notifies the instructor of an excused absence in advance, then the system allows the instructor to record the excused absence and mark the attendee as excused in the attendance records.


FlexiPay offers flexible payment plans and options for dance students and parents, allowing them to manage payments conveniently and efficiently. It provides the flexibility to tailor payment schedules to individual preferences, ensuring financial ease and transparency.


Custom Payment Plans
User Story

As a dance studio admin, I want to create custom payment plans for students and parents so that they can manage their payments according to their individual preferences and financial situations.


Enable the creation of custom payment plans tailored to individual student or parent preferences, providing flexibility and transparency in managing payments. This feature allows dance studios to offer personalized payment schedules, enhancing the financial ease and agility of students and parents.

Acceptance Criteria
Creating a single custom payment plan for a specific student
Given a registered student in the system, when the studio admin creates a custom payment plan with specific payment schedule and amount for the student, then the system saves the custom payment plan details for the student.
Modifying an existing custom payment plan for a student
Given an existing custom payment plan for a student, when the studio admin modifies the payment schedule or amount for the plan, then the system updates the custom payment plan details accordingly.
Viewing payment history for a specific student
Given a registered student in the system with a custom payment plan, when the student or parent accesses their account, then they can view the full payment history including dates, amounts, and status of each payment.
Recurring Payments
User Story

As a dance studio student or parent, I want to set up recurring payments for tuition and fees so that I can automate the payment process and ensure timely payments without manual intervention.


Implement the capability for recurring payments, enabling students and parents to set up automated, recurring payments for tuition and other fees. This feature streamlines the payment process, reduces administrative burden, and ensures consistent and timely payment collection.

Acceptance Criteria
Setting up recurring payment schedule
Given the user has an active payment account, when they select the recurring payment option and set the frequency and start date, then the system should schedule automatic payments according to the specified frequency and start date.
Viewing and managing recurring payments
Given the user has set up recurring payments, when they access the payment management section, then they should be able to view, edit, and cancel recurring payment schedules.
Notifications for recurring payments
Given the user has recurring payment schedules, when the payment is successfully processed or when there are payment failures, then the system should send email notifications to the user to inform them about the payment status.
Payment Reminders
User Story

As a dance studio admin, I want to send automated payment reminders to students and parents to ensure timely payments and minimize the risk of missed or late payments.


Introduce automated payment reminders to notify students and parents about upcoming payments and dues. This feature enhances communication and encourages timely payments, reducing the risk of missed or late payments.

Acceptance Criteria
As a dance student, I want to receive a reminder for my upcoming payment, so I can ensure timely payment.
Given that a dance student has an upcoming payment, when the payment due date approaches, a payment reminder email is automatically sent to the student's registered email address, including the details of the payment due and a convenient payment link.
As a parent of a dance student, I want to receive a notification for my child's upcoming payment, so I can plan accordingly and ensure timely payment.
Given that a parent is associated with a dance student, when the child's payment due date approaches, a notification is automatically sent to the parent's registered email or mobile phone, providing details of the upcoming payment and options for payment.
As a dance studio administrator, I want to view the status of sent payment reminders, so I can track communication and follow up as needed.
Given that payment reminders have been sent to students and parents, when I access the admin dashboard, I can view a log of all sent payment reminders, including the recipient, date, and content of the reminder, as well as the delivery status (e.g., delivered, opened, clicked).


AutoBill automates the billing process, ensuring timely and accurate invoicing for dance classes, events, and workshops. This feature streamlines the payment process, reducing administrative burden and enhancing financial management for both studio owners and students.


Automated billing schedule
User Story

As a studio owner, I want the system to automatically generate and send invoices based on class schedules and events so that I can streamline the billing process and reduce manual effort.


Implement a system to automatically generate and send invoices based on class schedules, events, and workshops. This feature will streamline the billing process, reduce manual effort, and ensure timely, accurate invoicing for both studio owners and students. It will integrate with the existing scheduling and payment systems to provide a seamless billing experience.

Acceptance Criteria
Studio owner adds a new class to the schedule
When a studio owner adds a new class to the schedule, an automated invoice is generated for the class and sent to all enrolled students.
Successful payment processing
When a student's payment is processed successfully, the system updates the invoice status to 'Paid' and sends a confirmation email to the student and the studio owner.
Failed payment processing
When a student's payment fails to process, the system updates the invoice status to 'Payment Pending' and sends a notification to the student and the studio owner.
Monthly billing reconciliation
At the end of each month, the system generates a report reconciling all invoices, payments, pending payments, and outstanding balances for the studio owner's review.
Payment reminders
User Story

As a student, I want to receive automated reminders for upcoming class fees and outstanding balances so that I can make timely payments and avoid late fees.


Develop a feature that sends automated payment reminders to students for upcoming class fees and outstanding balances. This will improve cash flow, reduce late payments, and enhance communication with students regarding payment deadlines. The feature will integrate with the billing system to send timely and personalized reminders based on the student's payment history.

Acceptance Criteria
Student receives automated payment reminder for upcoming class fees
Given a student has an upcoming class with outstanding fees, when the payment reminder is triggered, then the reminder email should be sent to the student's registered email address with details of the upcoming class fees and payment deadline.
Personalized payment reminder based on student's payment history
Given a student has a history of late payments, when the payment reminder is triggered, then the reminder should include a personalized message addressing the late payments and provide options for catching up on outstanding balances.
Payment reminder is sent 3 days before the class
Given a student has an upcoming class with outstanding fees, when the payment reminder is triggered, then the reminder email should be sent to the student 3 days prior to the class date, ensuring ample time for payment processing.
Payment plan options
User Story

As a student, I want the option to pay for classes and events in installments so that I can manage my finances effectively and access more classes and events.


Introduce flexible payment plan options that allow students to pay for classes and events in installments. This will improve accessibility to classes and events for students with varying financial situations, leading to increased enrollment and revenue. The feature will integrate with the existing payment gateway to provide secure and convenient installment payment options for students.

Acceptance Criteria
Student enrolls in a class using a flexible payment plan
Given a student selects a class to enroll in, and chooses the payment plan option, when the student completes the enrollment process and selects the installment payment option, then the system should calculate and display the installment amounts and schedule, based on the selected payment plan.
Student makes installment payment for a class
Given a student has chosen the installment payment plan for a class, when the student makes an installment payment on the scheduled date, then the system should process the payment, update the student's payment status, and send a payment confirmation to the student.
View payment plan options for a class
Given a student views the details of a class, when the student explores the payment options, then the system should display the available flexible payment plan options for the class, including the number of installments, installment amounts, and payment schedule.
Cancellation of class enrollment under a flexible payment plan
Given a student has enrolled in a class using a flexible payment plan, when the student requests to cancel the enrollment before completing all installments, then the system should handle the cancellation, update the payment status, and provide a refund or credit based on the selected payment plan terms.


SecurePay ensures a secure payment processing experience for dance students and parents, prioritizing the safety and confidentiality of financial transactions. This feature instills trust and peace of mind, offering a seamless and protected payment environment within ChoreoPay.


Payment Gateway Integration
User Story

As a dance student or parent, I want to make online payments for classes and fees securely, so that I can have peace of mind knowing that my financial transactions are protected.


This requirement entails integrating a secure and reliable payment gateway within the ChoreoCloud platform to enable seamless and protected financial transactions for dance students and parents. It involves implementing encryption protocols, PCI DSS compliance, and secure tokenization for storing payment information.

Acceptance Criteria
Successful Payment Processing
Given a valid payment request from a student or parent, when the payment gateway processes the transaction securely and without errors, then the payment status is updated in the ChoreoCloud database and a confirmation receipt is issued to the payer.
Encryption and Security Measures
Given the submission of payment information, when the payment data is encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols and stored securely with PCI DSS compliance and tokenization, then the payment information is protected from unauthorized access or breaches.
Error Handling and Recovery
Given a failed payment transaction, when an error occurs during the payment processing, then appropriate error messages are displayed to the user, the system logs the error details, and the user is guided to retry the payment or seek assistance from support.
Two-Factor Authentication
User Story

As a user of ChoreoCloud, I want an extra layer of security for my account to prevent unauthorized access and protect my personal and financial information.


Implementing two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security for user accounts, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive financial and personal information within the platform. This feature will enhance data protection and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Acceptance Criteria
User Login with Two-Factor Authentication Enabled
Given a registered user with Two-Factor Authentication enabled, When the user enters valid credentials and provides the correct verification code from the secondary authentication method, Then the user is successfully logged in to the platform.
User Login with Two-Factor Authentication Disabled
Given a registered user with Two-Factor Authentication disabled, When the user enters valid credentials, Then the user is successfully logged in to the platform without the need for secondary authentication.
Two-Factor Authentication Setup Process
Given a registered user, When the user initiates the Two-Factor Authentication setup process and successfully completes the setup requirements, Then the Two-Factor Authentication is activated for the user's account.
Two-Factor Authentication Verification Failure
Given a registered user with Two-Factor Authentication enabled, When the user enters valid credentials but provides an incorrect verification code, Then the user login attempt fails, and the user is prompted to reenter the verification code.
Transaction Monitoring and Fraud Detection
User Story

As an admin of ChoreoCloud, I want to have real-time monitoring and fraud detection capabilities to protect the platform and its users from financial fraud and unauthorized transactions.


The system should include real-time transaction monitoring and fraud detection capabilities to identify and prevent suspicious activities related to financial transactions. This will help in safeguarding the platform and its users from potential fraudulent activities and unauthorized transactions.

Acceptance Criteria
As a studio owner, I want to receive real-time alerts for any suspicious or potentially fraudulent financial transactions on the ChoreoCloud platform.
The system should send instant alerts for any financial transactions that show signs of potential fraud, such as unusual activity or high-risk transactions.
As a parent, I want to feel confident in the security of online payments made through ChoreoCloud, ensuring that my personal and financial information is protected from unauthorized access and fraud.
The platform should utilize secure encryption and authentication mechanisms to safeguard user data and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive financial information during online transactions.
As a dance student, I want to have a seamless and secure payment experience when enrolling in classes or making purchases through ChoreoCloud.
The payment processing system should seamlessly integrate with SecurePay, providing a smooth and secure payment experience for students while ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of their financial transactions.


ConnectHub offers a centralized platform for dance enthusiasts, studio owners, and instructors to connect, exchange experiences, and explore collaborative opportunities. It fosters a supportive and thriving dance community, enabling networking, mentorship, and creativity.


User Profile Creation
User Story

As a dance enthusiast, I want to create and manage my profile to showcase my dance experience and connect with other dancers, so that I can expand my network and explore collaborative opportunities.


Enable users to create and manage their individual profiles, allowing them to showcase their dance experience, skills, and achievements. This feature enhances networking and collaboration opportunities within the dance community, facilitating communication and mentorship.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new profile
Given the user is logged in and on the profile creation page, when the user fills in the required fields such as name, dance experience, and skills, and clicks 'Save', then the user profile is successfully created.
User edits existing profile
Given the user is logged in and on their profile page, when the user clicks the 'Edit' button, makes changes to the profile information, and clicks 'Save', then the user's profile is updated with the new information.
Viewing other user profiles
Given the user is logged in, when the user searches for and selects another user's profile, then the user can view the selected user's profile information.
Community Forum Integration
User Story

As a dance community member, I want to participate in discussions, share experiences, and seek advice in a centralized community forum, so that I can connect with other enthusiasts, learn from experienced professionals, and collaborate on creative projects.


Integrate a community forum where dance enthusiasts, studio owners, and instructors can engage in discussions, share experiences, seek advice, and collaborate on creative projects. This will foster a supportive dance community, encourage knowledge-sharing, and facilitate mentorship and skill development.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new forum post
Given a user is logged in and navigates to the community forum section, when the user clicks on the 'Create New Post' button and fills in the required details, then the new forum post is successfully created and displayed in the forum feed.
User replies to a forum post
Given a user is logged in and views a forum post, when the user clicks on the 'Reply' button, provides a response, and submits the reply, then the reply is successfully posted and visible under the original forum post.
Moderator deletes a forum post
Given a moderator is logged in and views a forum post, when the moderator selects the 'Delete' option and confirms the deletion, then the forum post is successfully removed from the forum feed and all associated replies are also removed.
User searches for forum posts
Given a user is logged in and navigates to the community forum section, when the user enters a search query and clicks 'Search,' then the forum displays relevant posts matching the search criteria.
Event Calendaring System
User Story

As a dance event organizer, I want to create and manage dance events, as well as browse and register for other events, so that I can promote my workshops and performances, as well as discover and participate in events organized by others.


Implement an event calendaring system to allow users to browse, create, and manage dance-related events such as workshops, masterclasses, and performances. This will provide a centralized platform for event discovery, registration, and management, enhancing community engagement and participation.

Acceptance Criteria
User browses dance events
Given the user is on the event calendaring system page, when they browse the list of available dance events, then they should be able to see event details, including title, date, time, location, and description.
User registers for an event
Given the user is viewing a specific dance event, when they click on the 'Register' button, then they should be prompted to fill in their details and submit the registration.
User creates a new dance event
Given the user has permissions to create an event, when they access the event creation form, then they should be able to enter event details, including title, date, time, location, and description, and submit the form successfully.


ExploreFeed provides a curated feed of dance events, workshops, and opportunities, allowing users to discover new experiences, connect with like-minded individuals, and stay updated with the latest dance trends and initiatives.


Event Filtering
User Story

As a dance enthusiast, I want to filter dance events by date, location, style, and type, so that I can easily discover and attend events that align with my preferences and schedule.


The Event Filtering requirement entails the implementation of advanced filtering options within ExploreFeed, allowing users to refine event results based on date, location, dance style, and event type. This feature enhances user experience by providing personalized event recommendations and facilitating efficient event discovery, thereby increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

Acceptance Criteria
User filters events by date
Given the user is on the ExploreFeed page, When the user selects a specific date range using the date filter, Then the event feed only displays events that fall within the selected date range.
User filters events by location
Given the user is on the ExploreFeed page, When the user selects a specific location using the location filter, Then the event feed only displays events that are being held in the selected location.
User filters events by dance style
Given the user is on the ExploreFeed page, When the user selects a dance style using the dance style filter, Then the event feed only displays events that are categorized under the selected dance style.
User filters events by event type
Given the user is on the ExploreFeed page, When the user selects an event type using the event type filter, Then the event feed only displays events that match the selected event type.
Clear all filters
Given the user has applied filters on the ExploreFeed page, When the user clicks the 'Clear Filters' button, Then all applied filters are reset, and the event feed displays all events without any filtering applied.
Event Bookmarking
User Story

As a dance enthusiast, I want to bookmark interesting dance events, so that I can save and revisit them later and plan my dance engagements more effectively.


The Event Bookmarking requirement involves adding the capability for users to bookmark interesting events within ExploreFeed, enabling them to save and revisit events of interest at a later time. This feature enhances user engagement and retention by allowing users to curate their event preferences and plan their dance activities effectively.

Acceptance Criteria
User bookmarks an event by clicking the bookmark icon next to the event listing
When the user clicks the bookmark icon, the event is added to the user's bookmarked events list
User removes a bookmarked event from the bookmarked events list
When the user clicks the remove icon next to a bookmarked event, the event is removed from the user's bookmarked events list
User views the bookmarked events list
The user can access a dedicated page that displays all the events they have bookmarked
User receives a confirmation message when bookmarking or removing an event
When the user bookmarks or removes an event, a confirmation message is displayed to acknowledge the action
Event Sharing
User Story

As a dance enthusiast, I want to share interesting dance events with friends and fellow dancers, so that I can connect with them and promote community interaction around dance activities.


The Event Sharing requirement focuses on integrating social sharing functionality within ExploreFeed, enabling users to share interesting dance events with friends and fellow dance enthusiasts through social media platforms. This feature promotes user engagement, expands the platform's reach, and encourages community interaction and collaboration.

Acceptance Criteria
User shares an event on social media
Given the user is viewing an event in ExploreFeed, when the user clicks the share button and selects a social media platform, then the event details and a custom message are correctly shared on the chosen platform.
Event shared message length validation
Given the user is sharing an event on social media, when the custom message exceeds the character limit allowed by the selected platform, then an error message is displayed, and the user is prompted to revise the message.
Shared event tracking
Given a user shares an event on social media, when another user clicks on the shared event link, then the original user's profile is attributed with a referral tag for the shared event.
Validation of shared event visibility
Given a user shares an event on social media, when a friend or follower views the shared event on the social media platform, then the event details are displayed correctly, and the user's shared post is visible to the viewer.
API integration testing
Given the event sharing feature is implemented, when the platform's social sharing APIs are tested for performance and compatibility, then the APIs respond with the expected data and integrate seamlessly with the platform.


MentorMatch facilitates mentorship connections between experienced dance professionals and aspiring individuals, fostering skill development, career guidance, and personal growth within the dance community.


Mentor Suggestion Algorithm
User Story

As a dance student seeking mentorship, I want to be matched with an experienced mentor who shares my career aspirations and skill set, so that I can receive valuable guidance and support in my professional growth within the dance community.


Develop an algorithm that suggests mentor-mentee pairings based on skillset, experience, and career goals within the dance community. This algorithm will enhance the MentorMatch feature by providing personalized and relevant mentorship recommendations to users, fostering meaningful connections and facilitating effective skill development and career guidance.

Acceptance Criteria
User views mentorship suggestions
Given a registered user accessing the MentorMatch feature, when they select 'Find Mentor' from the menu, then they should see a list of mentorship suggestions based on their skillset, experience, and career goals within the dance community, with at least 80% relevancy to their profile.
Mentor-mentee pairing confirmation
Given a user selects a suggested mentor from the list, when they send a mentorship request, then the mentor should receive a notification and be prompted to confirm or decline the pairing within 48 hours. If confirmed, the system should automatically assign the mentee to the mentor's schedule.
Relevancy validation
Given a set of mentor-mentee pairings suggested by the algorithm, when the pairs engage in mentorship activities, then feedback and progress reports should be collected and analyzed to validate the relevancy of the suggested pairings. At least 85% of the pairs should report satisfaction and positive progress within the first month of mentorship.
Mentor Profile Management
User Story

As an experienced dance professional, I want to be able to create and manage my mentor profile, so that I can connect with aspiring individuals and provide mentorship based on my expertise and availability.


Implement a feature that allows experienced dance professionals to create and manage their mentor profiles, including details such as expertise, availability, and preferred communication methods. This feature will empower mentors to showcase their skills and availability, facilitating seamless connections with aspiring individuals seeking mentorship through the MentorMatch platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Mentor creates a profile with expertise and availability
Given the mentor is logged in, when they fill out the profile form with their expertise, availability, and preferred communication methods, then the profile is saved successfully.
Mentor updates their profile information
Given the mentor is logged in, when they edit their profile information, then the changes are reflected in the profile and saved successfully.
Mentor views their own profile
Given the mentor is logged in, when they navigate to the profile section, then they can view their own profile information.
Mentor deactivates their profile
Given the mentor is logged in, when they choose to deactivate their profile, then their mentor profile is no longer visible to aspiring individuals.
Mentor reactivates their profile
Given the mentor is logged in and their profile is deactivated, when they choose to reactivate their profile, then their mentor profile becomes visible again.
Progress Tracking and Feedback
User Story

As a mentor or mentee, I want to track progress and provide feedback on our mentorship experiences, so that we can monitor our development and continuously improve the mentorship process.


Integrate a progress tracking and feedback system that enables mentees and mentors to set goals, track progress, and provide feedback on mentorship experiences. This system will enhance the MentorMatch feature by promoting accountability, goal setting, and constructive feedback, ultimately facilitating effective skill development and personal growth within the dance community.

Acceptance Criteria
Mentee sets goal
Given a mentee has been matched with a mentor, when the mentee sets a specific and measurable goal for skill development, then the system should record the goal and associate it with the mentorship relationship.
Progress tracking
Given a mentorship relationship is active, when the mentee logs progress towards the set goal, then the system should update the progress and provide a visual representation of the progress to both the mentee and mentor.
Feedback submission
Given a mentorship relationship has reached its milestone or completion, when the mentee provides feedback on the mentorship experience, then the system should record the feedback and notify the mentor about the feedback submission.

Press Articles

ChoreoCloud: Revolutionizing Dance Studio Management with New Features


ChoreoCloud is thrilled to announce the release of revolutionary new features designed to elevate dance studio management. The latest updates empower dance studio owners, instructors, and students with enhanced tools for seamless scheduling, collaborative resource sharing, and secure payment options. With ChoreoCloud, the dance community can expect a paradigm shift in operational efficiency and creativity, driving business growth and fostering a vibrant dance ecosystem.

"Our commitment to innovation is unwavering. The new features are set to redefine how dance professionals and enthusiasts engage with ChoreoCloud," said [Name, Title, Company]. "We believe that these updates will transform the experience of managing and participating in dance studio activities, setting new standards for excellence and convenience."

The new features include ChoreoSync, a real-time synchronization tool, ChoreoPay, an integrated payment system, and ChoreoConnect, a mobile app extension for seamless networking and collaboration. These additions are poised to bring a new era of connectivity, creativity, and community to the world of dance.

For more information about ChoreoCloud and the latest features, please visit [Website] or contact [Contact Information].

About ChoreoCloud: ChoreoCloud is a robust SaaS platform designed to streamline administrative tasks for dance studios and performing arts schools. It provides class scheduling, online registration, automated invoicing, and attendance tracking, empowering dance professionals to focus on their craft and business growth.

Press Contact: [Name] [Email] [Phone]