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EcoWise Analytics

Transform Data into Green Action

EcoWise Analytics is an innovative SaaS platform designed to revolutionize corporate sustainability efforts. Tailored for businesses and non-profits committed to environmental stewardship, it integrates comprehensive tracking and analysis capabilities, including carbon footprint calculation, resource consumption analysis, and waste management tracking. With customizable dashboards and intuitive visualizations, EcoWise Analytics offers real-time, actionable insights that streamline sustainability initiatives, enhance resource efficiency, and improve corporate social responsibility. Empowering organizations with detailed reports and best practice recommendations, it transforms fragmented data into clear strategies, driving impactful, eco-friendly results and transparent progress communication to stakeholders.

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Product Details


EcoWise Analytics


Transform Data into Green Action


Environmental Analytics Software


Empowering businesses to lead the future of sustainable innovation.


EcoWise Analytics is an innovative SaaS platform designed to revolutionize sustainability in businesses. Tailored for corporations, SMEs, and organizations committed to environmental stewardship, this comprehensive tool seamlessly monitors, analyzes, and improves sustainability initiatives. EcoWise Analytics simplifies complex data into real-time, actionable insights, helping organizations make informed decisions that drive impactful results.

Featuring unique capabilities such as carbon footprint calculation, resource consumption analysis, waste management tracking, and industry-standard sustainability benchmarking, EcoWise Analytics provides a holistic view of a business’s environmental impact. The platform’s customizable dashboards and intuitive visualizations make it easy to monitor key metrics and trends, pinpointing areas ripe for improvement.

Designed with user experience in mind, EcoWise Analytics transforms fragmented data into clear, detailed reports, offering actionable recommendations and best practices to help organizations meet their sustainability goals. By consolidating all sustainability efforts into one dynamic interface, it empowers businesses to enhance their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, optimize resource efficiency, and reduce their environmental footprint.

EcoWise Analytics exists to bridge the gap between sustainability goals and tangible results. By providing the tools necessary for data-driven decision-making, it helps businesses communicate their progress transparently to stakeholders and thrive in an eco-conscious world. With a vision to become the leading platform for sustainable business transformations globally, EcoWise Analytics is steering industries towards a future of zero waste and carbon-neutral operations.

Target Audience

Large corporations, SMEs, and non-profits focused on sustainability, typically with dedicated CSR teams or sustainability officers, aiming to optimize environmental impact and report transparently to stakeholders.

Problem Statement

Businesses committed to sustainability face difficulty in effectively monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing their environmental impact due to fragmented data sources and the lack of unified, actionable insights, leading to inefficiencies and hindered progress towards achieving sustainability goals.

Solution Overview

EcoWise Analytics integrates comprehensive tracking and analysis capabilities to streamline sustainability efforts for businesses. By aggregating fragmented data across carbon footprint calculations, resource consumption analysis, waste management tracking, and sustainability benchmarking, the platform offers a unified, real-time view of environmental impact. Customizable dashboards and intuitive visualizations deliver actionable insights that pinpoint areas for improvement. Detailed reporting and best practice recommendations enable organizations to optimize resource efficiency, enhance corporate social responsibility initiatives, and transparently communicate progress to stakeholders. This holistic approach empowers businesses to achieve their sustainability goals efficiently and effectively.


EcoWise Analytics delivers both tangible and intangible benefits for businesses committed to sustainability. By integrating comprehensive tracking and analysis capabilities, the platform enables a 30% reduction in environmental footprint and a 25% improvement in resource efficiency. It simplifies complex sustainability data into real-time, actionable insights, allowing businesses to achieve their goals faster and more effectively.

The platform enhances corporate social responsibility initiatives, enabling transparent communication of progress to stakeholders, and promotes a culture of environmental stewardship. Additionally, EcoWise Analytics provides detailed reporting and best practice recommendations, empowering users to make data-driven decisions that drive impactful results. This holistic approach positions EcoWise Analytics as a unique and essential tool for businesses striving for zero waste and carbon-neutral operations, distinguishing it in the market of environmental analytics software.


The inception of EcoWise Analytics was sparked by the growing complexity and urgency surrounding sustainable business practices. Observing how businesses struggled with fragmented data sources and inefficient monitoring of their environmental impact, the founders realized there was a pressing need for a unified platform that could transform raw, disparate data into actionable, real-time insights. This revelation came from both industry research and direct feedback from sustainability officers and CSR teams, who expressed frustration with the current tools available to them.

EcoWise Analytics was created to address this gap, with the core motivation being to simplify and enhance the process of sustainability monitoring and reporting. By offering comprehensive tracking and analysis capabilities, the platform empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize their resource efficiency, and transparently communicate their progress to stakeholders. The commitment to transforming industries towards zero waste and carbon-neutral operations underscores the mission of EcoWise Analytics, aiming to be the cornerstone for businesses worldwide in their journey towards sustainable innovation.

Long Term Goal

Our long-term goal is to catalyze a global shift towards sustainable business practices, enabling every organization to achieve zero waste and carbon-neutral operations through unparalleled analytics and actionable insights.


Sustainable Entrepreneur


Sustainable Entrepreneur


Sustainable Entrepreneur is a driven, socially conscious business owner committed to integrating environmental responsibility into their company's practices. They seek to use EcoWise Analytics to track and analyze sustainability data, identify efficiency opportunities, and communicate their green initiatives to stakeholders.


Age: 30-50, Gender: All, Education: Bachelor's degree or higher, Occupation: Entrepreneur/Small Business Owner, Income Level: Variable


Sustainable Entrepreneur has a background in business management and a passion for sustainable practices. They are driven by a desire to make a positive environmental impact while running a successful business. Their experiences include founding and managing their own company, participating in sustainability workshops, and actively engaging with eco-friendly communities.


Sustainable Entrepreneur values innovation, social impact, and forward-thinking solutions. They are motivated by the desire to align their business with eco-friendly practices, contribute to a greener future, and gain a competitive edge through sustainable initiatives.


Sustainable Entrepreneur needs to effectively track and measure their company's environmental impact, identify opportunities to improve resource efficiency, and communicate their sustainability efforts to investors, partners, and customers.


Sustainable Entrepreneur experiences challenges in consolidating and interpreting sustainability data, securing funding for eco-friendly initiatives, and aligning their business goals with environmental responsibility.


Sustainable Entrepreneur prefers industry conferences, online sustainability forums, and social media platforms as primary channels for seeking information, networking, and staying updated on best practices.


Sustainable Entrepreneur engages with EcoWise Analytics regularly, primarily for data analysis, reporting, and tracking progress towards sustainability goals. They rely on the platform for actionable insights to drive strategic decisions and communicate their environmental performance to stakeholders.


Sustainable Entrepreneur's decision-making process is guided by a focus on long-term sustainability, financial viability, and stakeholder alignment. They prioritize eco-friendly solutions that contribute to business growth and foster positive environmental impact.

Environmental Educator


Environmental Educator


Environmental Educator is a passionate advocate for sustainable practices, often working in educational institutions or non-profit organizations. They use EcoWise Analytics to analyze and present sustainability data in ways that engage and educate students, colleagues, and the community at large.


Age: 25-40, Gender: All, Education: Master's degree or higher in Environmental Science or related field, Occupation: Educator/Environmental Advocate, Income Level: Moderate


Environmental Educator has a background in environmental science, teaching, and advocacy. They have worked in various educational settings, contributed to environmental research, and have a deep understanding of sustainable principles. They are driven by a commitment to inspire others to participate in environmental conservation efforts.


Environmental Educator is driven by a passion for environmental advocacy, education, and community engagement. They value meaningful, impactful work and seek to ignite a sense of environmental responsibility in others. They are motivated by the potential to create a positive ripple effect through sustainability education.


Environmental Educator needs tools like EcoWise Analytics to effectively communicate complex environmental data and trends, provide engaging educational materials, and instill a sense of environmental responsibility in their audience.


Environmental Educator experiences challenges in finding engaging ways to present environmental data, securing resources for educational initiatives, and inspiring others to adopt sustainable practices.


Environmental Educator utilizes academic journals, educational webinars, and social media platforms to gather and share environmental data, collaborate with peers, and engage with the larger community interested in sustainability education.


Environmental Educator engages with EcoWise Analytics mainly for data visualization, creating educational content, and presenting sustainability metrics to students and colleagues. They rely on the platform to simplify complex data for educational purposes and drive positive behavioral change.


Environmental Educator's decision-making process is steered by a focus on educational impact, community engagement, and the potential to inspire sustainable actions. They prioritize tools and methods that align with their mission to engage and educate others about the importance of sustainable practices.

Sustainable Supply Chain Manager


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager is a professional responsible for integrating sustainability practices into the supply chain operations of their organization. They use EcoWise Analytics to evaluate the environmental impact of the supply chain, identify opportunities for improvement, and collaborate with suppliers to implement eco-friendly initiatives.


Age: 30-55, Gender: All, Education: Bachelor's degree or higher in Supply Chain Management or related field, Occupation: Supply Chain Manager, Income Level: Moderate to High


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager has a background in supply chain management, sustainable procurement, and environmental compliance. They have experience in working with suppliers and optimizing supply chain processes with a focus on sustainability. They are motivated by the belief that eco-friendly supply chain practices can drive business success while preserving the environment.


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager is driven by a commitment to integrating sustainability into business operations, improving environmental performance, and fostering long-term relationships with eco-conscious suppliers. They are motivated by the potential to reduce environmental impact and enhance the reputation of their organization through sustainable supply chain practices.


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager needs to accurately assess the environmental impact of the supply chain, identify sustainable sourcing opportunities, and effectively collaborate with suppliers to implement green initiatives.


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager experiences challenges in quantifying the environmental impact of the supply chain, optimizing transportation and logistics for eco-friendliness, and aligning supplier sustainability goals with organizational objectives.


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager engages with industry reports, sustainability-focused events, and professional networking platforms to gather insights, stay updated on best practices, and collaborate with industry peers and suppliers.


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager utilizes EcoWise Analytics for supply chain analysis, performance tracking, and collaborating with suppliers to drive sustainability initiatives. They rely on the platform to measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and communicate environmental performance within the supply chain.


Sustainable Supply Chain Manager's decision-making process is influenced by a focus on environmental impact, operational efficiency, and the potential for supplier collaboration. They prioritize solutions that help them drive sustainable practices throughout the supply chain while ensuring operational effectiveness.

Product Ideas

EcoWise Analytics Mobile App

Develop a mobile application for EcoWise Analytics that offers on-the-go access to sustainability data, real-time alerts, and personalized insights. The app will empower users to monitor environmental impact, track sustainability goals, and engage with sustainability initiatives directly from their mobile devices, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

EcoScore Gamification

Introduce gamification elements to EcoWise Analytics, allowing users to earn 'EcoScores' based on sustainable actions and performance. Users can compete, collaborate, and earn rewards based on their environmental impact, fostering a sense of community and motivation for sustainable practices.

EcoWise Insights Marketplace

Create a platform within EcoWise Analytics that enables users to share best practices, success stories, and sustainability strategies. The marketplace will facilitate knowledge exchange, collaboration, and mentorship among sustainability professionals, accelerating the adoption of impactful sustainability initiatives across different industries.

Product Features


Instant access to real-time environmental data, allowing users to monitor sustainability metrics and receive timely alerts on their mobile devices.


Real-time Data Monitoring
User Story

As a sustainability manager, I want to view real-time environmental data on my mobile device so that I can monitor our organization's sustainability performance and receive immediate alerts for any issues or deviations.


Enable users to view and monitor environmental data in real-time, including carbon footprint, resource consumption, and waste management metrics. This feature provides immediate access to crucial sustainability information, empowering users to make informed decisions and take timely action to enhance their environmental impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses real-time data monitoring dashboard
Given the user is logged into the EcoWise Analytics platform, when they navigate to the EcoSight feature, then they should be able to view real-time environmental data including carbon footprint, resource consumption, and waste management metrics.
Real-time alerts on mobile devices
Given the user has set up alerts in the EcoSight feature, when there is a significant change in environmental metrics such as a sudden increase in resource consumption, then the user should receive an immediate alert on their mobile device.
Dashboard displays actionable insights
Given the user is viewing the real-time data monitoring dashboard, when there are opportunities for improving resource efficiency or reducing environmental impact, then the dashboard should display actionable insights and recommendations.
Alert Notifications
User Story

As a facilities manager, I want to receive instant notifications on my mobile device when sustainability metrics exceed defined thresholds so that I can take immediate action to address any environmental issues.


Implement alert notifications for users to receive timely alerts and notifications on their mobile devices based on predefined thresholds and sustainability benchmarks. This feature enhances proactive management of sustainability performance and enables quick response to critical sustainability events or deviations.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives an alert for exceeding carbon emission threshold
A push notification is sent to the user's mobile device when the carbon emission level exceeds the predefined threshold. The notification includes details of the exceeded threshold and actionable steps to address the issue.
User receives an alert for excessive resource consumption
A real-time notification is generated when the resource consumption crosses the defined limit. The notification includes specific data on the excessive consumption and suggests corrective measures for immediate action.
User receives an alert for significant waste generation
When the waste generation exceeds the set limit, a notification is sent to the user's mobile device. The notification outlines the type and quantity of waste generated and provides guidance on waste reduction strategies.
Customizable Dashboard
User Story

As a sustainability coordinator, I want to customize the dashboard to display the most relevant sustainability metrics for our organization so that I can easily track our progress and key sustainability KPIs at a glance.


Develop a customizable dashboard interface that allows users to personalize and arrange sustainability metrics and visualizations according to their specific preferences and priorities. This feature enables users to focus on key sustainability indicators and gain insights tailored to their organization's unique sustainability goals and initiatives.

Acceptance Criteria
User Customizes Dashboard Widgets
Given a logged-in user on the dashboard page, when the user drags and drops a widget, then the layout is updated and saved for future visits.
User Adds Custom Metrics
Given a logged-in user on the dashboard page, when the user adds a custom sustainability metric, then the metric is displayed and can be arranged along with existing metrics.
User Saves Dashboard Layout
Given a logged-in user on the dashboard page, when the user customizes the layout and clicks 'Save', then the customized layout is saved and remains unchanged on subsequent visits.


Personalized insights and trend analysis, enabling users to track sustainability goals and optimize resource efficiency while on the go.


Personalized Dashboard
User Story

As a sustainability manager, I want to access real-time data and personalized insights on my sustainability goals so that I can optimize resource efficiency and track my progress effectively.


Develop a personalized dashboard feature that allows users to track their sustainability goals, access real-time data, and visualize trends to optimize resource efficiency. The dashboard will provide customizable widgets, interactive charts, and data visualization tools to empower users with actionable insights and intuitive monitoring of their environmental impact.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets sustainability goals on the personalized dashboard
Given a registered user on the platform, when they set specific sustainability goals such as reducing energy consumption or waste production, then the dashboard should accurately display the set goals and provide progress tracking over time.
Real-time data visualization on the dashboard
Given a registered user with active environmental data tracking, when new data is recorded, then the dashboard should update in real-time to reflect the latest data and present it in visual formats such as graphs, charts, and maps for easy interpretation.
Personalized widget customization
Given a registered user accessing their personalized dashboard, when they customize the dashboard by adding, removing, or rearranging widgets, then the changes should be saved and reflected upon subsequent visits to the dashboard.
Mobile optimization for on-the-go tracking
Given a user accessing the dashboard from a mobile device, when they interact with the dashboard interface, then all dashboard components and visualizations should be responsive, intuitive, and easily navigable to enable efficient sustainability tracking on the go.
Insightful trend analysis and recommendations
Given a registered user reviewing sustainability trends on the dashboard, when the system identifies patterns and provides actionable recommendations for optimizing resource efficiency, then the recommendations should be based on comprehensive trend analysis and align with best practices for environmental sustainability.
Mobile Accessibility
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to access the InsightTrack feature on my mobile device so that I can monitor and optimize sustainability initiatives while on the go.


Implement mobile accessibility to enable users to access the InsightTrack feature on the go. This includes responsive design, intuitive navigation, and seamless data accessibility on mobile devices. Users should be able to view their personalized dashboard, track sustainability goals, and receive real-time insights from any location.

Acceptance Criteria
User Login and Authentication
Given a registered user with valid credentials, when the user attempts to log in from a mobile device, then the system should authenticate the user and grant access to the InsightTrack feature.
Responsive Dashboard Display
Given a user with access to InsightTrack on a mobile device, when the user views their personalized dashboard, then the dashboard layout and content should adapt to the screen size and orientation, ensuring clear and intuitive display of sustainability goals and insights.
Real-time Data Updates
Given a user with active data tracking, when there are updates to sustainability goals or insights, then the mobile device should display real-time notifications or refresh the data automatically to provide up-to-date information.
Intuitive Navigation
Given a user interacting with the mobile version of InsightTrack, when the user navigates through the app, then the navigation elements and actions should be user-friendly, consistent, and optimized for touch interaction, ensuring ease of use and intuitive exploration of sustainability insights.
Data Synchronization
User Story

As a user, I want my sustainability data to synchronize seamlessly across different devices and platforms so that I can access consistent and up-to-date information for informed decision-making.


Integrate a data synchronization feature to ensure seamless data consistency across devices and platforms. This feature will enable users to access their personalized dashboard and sustainability insights across various devices and platforms, ensuring that the data is always up to date and synchronized in real time.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in to the EcoWise Analytics platform on a mobile device and views the InsightTrack dashboard.
The personalized dashboard and sustainability insights are seamlessly synchronized and displayed in real time on the mobile device.
User switches from the mobile device to a desktop computer and accesses the EcoWise Analytics platform to view the same InsightTrack dashboard.
The same personalized dashboard and sustainability insights are seamlessly synchronized and displayed in real time on the desktop computer.
User updates their sustainability goals and resource efficiency parameters on one device.
The updated goals and parameters are instantly reflected and synchronized across all devices and platforms accessing the EcoWise Analytics platform.
User experiences a temporary loss of internet connectivity while using the EcoWise Analytics platform on a device.
The platform automatically resumes synchronization and updates all data once the internet connection is restored.
User receives a notification to indicate that data synchronization is in progress or has been completed.
The notification clearly indicates the status of the synchronization process (in progress or completed) and provides a timestamp for the last successful synchronization.
Administrator updates the back-end data structure and configuration for the data synchronization feature.
The data synchronization feature seamlessly adapts to the changes in the back-end structure and continues to synchronize data accurately without any disruption for the users.


Direct engagement with sustainability initiatives, empowering users to participate in eco-friendly actions and contribute to environmental responsibility through the mobile app.


Sustainability Action Tracking
User Story

As a user committed to sustainability, I want to track my eco-friendly actions so that I can monitor my environmental impact and contribute to a greener planet.


Develop a feature that allows users to track their sustainability actions, such as recycling, energy conservation, and water usage reduction. This feature will provide users with a log of their eco-friendly efforts and empower them to monitor their impact on the environment.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs recycling activity
When the user logs a recycling activity, it should be recorded in the sustainability action tracking feature with the correct date, time, and type of recycling (plastic, paper, glass, etc.)
User monitors energy conservation efforts
The user should be able to view a visual representation of their energy conservation efforts over a specific period, such as monthly or annually, showing the amount of energy saved in kilowatt-hours or percentage
User receives progress insights
When the user views their sustainability action tracking log, they should receive insights and recommendations for further eco-friendly actions based on their activity and impact, such as personalized tips for reducing water usage or achieving waste reduction goals
Eco-Engagement Challenges
User Story

As a user passionate about sustainability, I want to participate in eco-friendly challenges to contribute to environmental responsibility and create a positive impact on the planet.


Implement interactive challenges within the app to engage users in eco-friendly activities, such as waste reduction challenges, eco-friendly commuting challenges, and energy-saving challenges. These challenges will encourage users to participate in sustainability efforts and foster a sense of community and competition around environmental responsibility.

Acceptance Criteria
User joins a waste reduction challenge
When a user joins a waste reduction challenge, their participation is recorded and displayed in the challenge leaderboard.
User completes an eco-friendly commuting challenge
When a user completes an eco-friendly commuting challenge, they earn points and receive a digital certificate of achievement.
User views progress in energy-saving challenges
When a user views their progress in energy-saving challenges, they can see personal statistics and compare their achievements with other participants.
Sustainability Achievement Badges
User Story

As a sustainability advocate, I want to earn badges for my eco-friendly achievements so that I feel motivated and recognized for my efforts to protect the environment.


Introduce a system of badges and rewards to recognize and celebrate user accomplishments in sustainability. Users will earn badges for reaching milestones in eco-friendly actions, such as reducing carbon footprint, minimizing waste, and adopting sustainable practices. This system will incentivize and motivate users to continue their sustainability journey.

Acceptance Criteria
User unlocks the 'Carbon Footprint Champion' badge by reducing their carbon emissions by 20% compared to the previous month.
Given the user has reduced their carbon emissions by 20% compared to the previous month, When the system validates the reduction and awards the 'Carbon Footprint Champion' badge, Then the badge status is marked as unlocked for the user.
User earns the 'Waste Reduction Hero' badge by consistently reducing waste generation for three consecutive months.
Given the user has successfully reduced waste generation for three consecutive months, When the system verifies the consistent reduction and awards the 'Waste Reduction Hero' badge, Then the badge status is marked as earned for the user.
User achieves the 'Sustainability Superstar' badge by completing 10 eco-friendly actions within a month.
Given the user has completed 10 eco-friendly actions within a month, When the system verifies the completed actions and awards the 'Sustainability Superstar' badge, Then the badge status is updated as achieved for the user.


Customizable real-time alerts for critical sustainability events, ensuring users stay informed and proactive about environmental impact through their mobile devices.


Customizable Alert Conditions
User Story

As a sustainability manager, I want to define custom alert conditions for key sustainability events so that I can stay informed and take proactive measures to mitigate environmental impact.


The system should allow users to define customizable alert conditions based on specific sustainability events such as carbon emissions threshold exceedance, energy consumption spikes, or waste production deviations. This feature empowers users to tailor alerts to their unique sustainability goals and priorities, enabling timely awareness and proactive response to critical environmental impact issues.

Acceptance Criteria
User defines carbon emissions threshold exceedance alert
Given a user has permission to set alerts, when the user sets a condition for carbon emissions threshold exceedance alert, then the system saves the alert condition and associates it with the user's profile.
User defines energy consumption spikes alert
Given a user has permission to set alerts, when the user sets a condition for energy consumption spikes alert, then the system saves the alert condition and associates it with the user's profile.
User defines waste production deviations alert
Given a user has permission to set alerts, when the user sets a condition for waste production deviations alert, then the system saves the alert condition and associates it with the user's profile.
Mobile Alert Delivery
User Story

As a sustainability team member, I need to receive real-time alerts on my mobile device so that I can respond promptly to critical sustainability events, even when I'm not at my desk.


The system should support the delivery of real-time alerts through mobile devices, enabling users to receive notifications on critical sustainability events wherever they are. This functionality enhances user engagement with sustainability efforts, providing immediate awareness and actionable insights, regardless of location.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives real-time alert on mobile device when a critical sustainability event occurs
Given that the user has the mobile app open and is connected to the internet, when a critical sustainability event occurs (e.g., excessive energy consumption or waste accumulation), then the user should receive a real-time alert on their mobile device with details of the event and recommended actions.
User does not receive irrelevant or duplicate alerts
Given that the user has received an alert on a specific critical sustainability event, when the same event occurs again or a similar event happens, then the user should not receive duplicate alerts. Additionally, the user should not receive alerts for events that are not relevant to their subscribed preferences or are outside their designated geographical location.
Alert delivery performance under various network conditions
Given that the user is in different network conditions (e.g., 4G, 3G, Wi-Fi, and no network), when the system attempts to deliver a real-time alert, then the alert delivery performance should be tested to ensure successful delivery in a timely manner, regardless of the network condition.
User engagement tracking for delivered alerts
Given that the system has delivered real-time alerts to the user's mobile device, when the user interacts with the alert (e.g., views, dismisses, or takes action), then the system should track and record user engagement metrics to measure the effectiveness and relevance of the alerts.
Alert History and Analysis
User Story

As a sustainability analyst, I want to access a history of past alerts to analyze our response to sustainability events and improve our environmental impact mitigation strategies.


The system should record and store a history of alerts for analysis and tracking purposes, enabling users to review past sustainability events and their responses. This feature facilitates continuous improvement in sustainability practices by providing insights into recurring issues, response effectiveness, and overall impact mitigation strategies.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the alert history
When the user navigates to the alert history section, they should see a list of past alerts with details such as date, time, type of alert, and response action taken.
User filters alert history
When the user applies a filter based on date range or type of alert, the system should display only the relevant alerts that match the selected criteria.
User analyzes alert impact
When the user selects a specific alert from the history, the system should provide analysis metrics such as frequency, impact level, and mitigation effectiveness to help the user understand the overall impact of the alert.
User exports alert history
When the user exports the alert history data, the system should generate a downloadable report in a user-friendly format such as CSV or PDF, including all relevant details of the alerts for further analysis.


Facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing among sustainability professionals and stakeholders, fostering a community-driven approach to sustainability initiatives through the mobile app.


User Profile Management
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to be able to create and manage my user profile so that I can connect with like-minded individuals, share my expertise, and contribute to collaborative sustainability initiatives.


Enable users to create and manage their profiles, including personal information, professional roles, and sustainability interests. This functionality enhances personalization and fosters community engagement by allowing users to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate effectively within the EcoConnect platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new profile
Given the user is on the profile creation page, when the user fills in the required personal information, professional roles, and sustainability interests, and clicks 'Save', then the profile is successfully created.
User edits an existing profile
Given the user is on their profile editing page, when the user updates their personal information, professional roles, or sustainability interests, and clicks 'Save', then the profile is successfully updated with the new information.
User views another user's profile
Given the user is on the EcoConnect platform, when the user searches for and clicks on another user's profile, then the profile information is displayed correctly, including personal information, professional roles, and sustainability interests.
Discussion Forum Integration
User Story

As a sustainability advocate, I want to participate in meaningful discussions, share insights, and learn from others in the sustainability community so that I can contribute to and benefit from collective knowledge and expertise.


Integrate a discussion forum feature to facilitate conversations, knowledge sharing, and idea exchange among sustainability professionals and stakeholders. This feature promotes community-driven collaboration, fosters a sense of belonging, and enables the dissemination of best practices and innovative ideas within the EcoConnect platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new topic in the discussion forum
Given that the user is logged into the EcoConnect platform, when the user selects the option to create a new topic, then the user should be able to provide a title, description, and tags for the topic, and the topic should be successfully submitted to the forum.
User searches for a specific topic in the discussion forum
Given that the user is logged into the EcoConnect platform, when the user enters a search query for a specific topic, then the platform should return relevant results matching the search query, and the user should be able to view and engage with the matching topics.
User receives notifications for new replies in the discussion forum
Given that the user is a member of the EcoConnect platform, when another user replies to a topic the user has engaged with, then the user should receive a notification alerting them to the new reply, and the user should be able to access the new reply directly from the notification.
User marks a topic as a favorite in the discussion forum
Given that the user is logged into the EcoConnect platform and viewing a topic, when the user selects the option to mark the topic as a favorite, then the topic should be added to the user's list of favorite topics, and the user should be able to access their list of favorite topics from their profile.
Resource Library Access Control
User Story

As a sustainability team lead, I want to control access to the resource library to ensure that my team members can only access relevant resources, contribute valuable content, and maintain data privacy and security.


Implement access control mechanisms for the resource library, ensuring that users can only access, contribute, and download resources based on their role and permissions. This ensures data security, privacy, and relevancy, and supports effective resource management within EcoConnect.

Acceptance Criteria
User with Admin role can upload new resources to the library
Given a user with an Admin role, when they navigate to the resource library, then they should be able to upload new resources.
User with Contributor role can submit resources for review
Given a user with a Contributor role, when they submit a new resource, then it should be marked for review by an Admin or Moderator.
User with Viewer role can only download approved resources
Given a user with a Viewer role, when they access the resource library, then they should only be able to download resources that have been approved and published.
Admin can manage user roles and permissions
Given an Admin user, when they navigate to the user management section, then they should be able to assign or modify roles and permissions for other users.
Resource search functionality for all user roles
Given any user role, when they search for resources in the library, then the search results should display only resources that the user is authorized to access.


Earn and display badges for reaching sustainability milestones, such as reducing carbon footprint or increasing resource efficiency. Showcase eco-friendly achievements and inspire others to take positive environmental actions.


Badge Creation
User Story

As a user, I want to create badges for reaching sustainability milestones so that I can display and share my eco-friendly achievements with others.


Implement the ability for users to create badges for achieving sustainability milestones, such as reducing carbon footprint or improving resource efficiency. This feature will enhance the user experience by providing a visual representation of their eco-friendly achievements and will inspire others to take positive environmental actions. Badges can be customized and displayed to showcase the user's commitment to sustainability.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a badge for reducing carbon footprint by 10%
Given the user has achieved a 10% reduction in carbon footprint, when the user selects the 'Create Badge' option, then a badge creation interface is displayed with options to customize the badge and save the badge with a unique name.
User customizes and saves the badge
Given the badge creation interface is displayed, when the user selects customization options such as badge icon, color, and name, then the selected customizations are applied to the badge and the user can save the badge with a unique name.
User views and showcases the badge
Given the user has saved the badge, when the user navigates to their profile or dashboard, then the badge is displayed prominently with the customized details and the user can choose to showcase the badge on their profile or public platform.
User earns a badge for increasing resource efficiency
Given the user has achieved a 15% increase in resource efficiency, when the system verifies the achievement, then an automatic badge is created and displayed to the user, notifying them of the earned badge.
Badge Display
User Story

As a user, I want to display earned badges to showcase my sustainability achievements and inspire others to take positive environmental actions.


Enable users to display earned badges on their profiles and within the EcoWise Analytics platform. This functionality will allow users to showcase their sustainability accomplishments, promoting a sense of pride and encouraging others to engage in environmentally friendly practices. Badges will serve as a visual representation of personal and organizational commitment to sustainability.

Acceptance Criteria
User Profile Badge Display
When a user earns a sustainability badge, the badge should be displayed on the user's profile and visible to other users within the platform.
Badge Customization
Users should be able to customize the display of earned badges, including the option to choose where and how the badges appear on their profiles.
Badge Visibility
Users should have the ability to control the visibility of their earned badges, choosing whether to display them publicly or only to specific audiences.
Badge Sharing
Enable users to share earned badges on social media platforms, increasing visibility and promoting sustainability achievements beyond the EcoWise Analytics platform.
Badge Sharing
User Story

As a user, I want to share my earned badges on social media and professional networks to promote environmental stewardship and inspire others to prioritize sustainability.


Facilitate the sharing of earned badges on social media platforms and within the professional network of users. This feature will amplify the impact of sustainability achievements by enabling users to communicate their commitment to environmental stewardship beyond the EcoWise Analytics platform. Sharing badges will promote awareness and encourage broader adoption of sustainable practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User shares a sustainability badge on social media
Given a user has earned a sustainability badge, when they choose to share the badge on social media, then the badge should be displayed with a customizable message and a link to the user's EcoWise Analytics profile.
Shared badge on social media leads to increased engagement
Given a user shares a sustainability badge on social media, when the shared badge receives likes, comments, or other engagements, then the engagement metrics should be tracked within the user's EcoWise Analytics dashboard.
Badge shared within the professional network
Given a user has earned a sustainability badge, when they choose to share the badge within their professional network, then the badge should be displayed with a customizable message and a link to the user's EcoWise Analytics profile.
User receives recognition for sharing a badge
Given a user shares a sustainability badge, when the shared badge receives recognition or acknowledgment from other users, then the user should receive a notification within the EcoWise Analytics platform.


Engage in friendly competition by accessing a leaderboard that ranks users based on their EcoScores. Foster a sense of achievement and motivation by comparing progress with peers and celebrating sustainable accomplishments.


User EcoScore Calculation
User Story

As a user, I want my sustainability actions to be quantified in an EcoScore so that I can track and improve my environmental impact and compare my progress with others on the leaderboards.


Implement a feature to calculate a user's EcoScore based on their sustainability actions and contributions within the platform. This EcoScore will quantify the user's environmental impact and encourage sustainable behaviors through gamification and friendly competition. It will be integrated with the EcoLeaderboard to rank users and foster engagement in sustainable practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new sustainability action
Given the user interacts with the platform to log a sustainability action when the action is successfully logged Then the user's EcoScore is updated accordingly
EcoScore calculation algorithm validation
Given a sample set of sustainability actions and their associated impact data When the EcoScore calculation algorithm processes the sample data Then the calculated EcoScore aligns with the expected values
User views their updated EcoScore
Given the user accesses their profile after logging sustainability actions When the user views their EcoScore Then the displayed EcoScore matches the updated value
EcoLeaderboard ranking validation
Given multiple users have logged sustainability actions When the EcoLeaderboard ranks the users based on their EcoScores Then the ranking reflects the users' actual EcoScores
EcoScore Visualization
User Story

As a user, I want to see visual representations of my EcoScore and sustainability data so that I can easily comprehend and track my environmental impact, driving motivation for sustainable practices.


Develop visual representations of users' EcoScores and sustainability data to provide intuitive and insightful analytics. These visualizations will enable users to easily understand their sustainability impact, track progress, and identify areas for improvement. Visualizing the EcoScore data will enhance user engagement and motivate sustainable actions.

Acceptance Criteria
User views their EcoScore on the dashboard
When a user logs in, their EcoScore is prominently displayed on the dashboard with a clear visual representation such as a progress bar or chart.
User tracks monthly resource consumption trends
Users can view a monthly trend graph that shows their resource consumption over time, enabling them to identify patterns and changes in their environmental impact.
User compares their EcoScore with peers
Users can access a leaderboard that ranks them based on their EcoScore and allows them to directly compare their sustainability progress with other users.
User receives achievement badges based on EcoScore milestones
When a user reaches specific EcoScore milestones, they receive achievement badges that are displayed on their profile, providing a sense of achievement and motivation for sustainable actions.
Leaderboard Integration
User Story

As a user, I want my EcoScore to be automatically updated and reflected on the EcoLeaderboard so that I can easily see how my sustainability efforts compare to other users and foster motivation for sustainable actions.


Integrate the EcoLeaderboard feature with the user accounts to enable seamless tracking and display of users' EcoScores. The integration will ensure that EcoScores are accurately reflected on the leaderboard, providing a platform for users to compare their sustainability efforts and promote friendly competition.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in and views the EcoLeaderboard
Given a registered user with a valid account, when the user logs in to the platform and navigates to the EcoLeaderboard section, then the leaderboard interface should display the user's EcoScore and rank relative to other users.
User compares their EcoScore with other users
Given a registered user viewing the EcoLeaderboard, when the user selects a specific user from the leaderboard, then the platform should display a comparison of the user's EcoScore with the selected user, showing the difference and motivating the user to improve.
User achieves a new EcoScore milestone
Given a registered user with an updated EcoScore, when the user's EcoScore crosses a new milestone (e.g., top 10%), then the platform should notify the user of the achievement and display a congratulatory message, reinforcing the user's sustainable efforts.
Admin updates the leaderboard
Given an admin with access to the platform, when the admin updates the leaderboard data (e.g., new user accounts, updated EcoScores), then the platform should refresh the leaderboard with the latest data and ensure accurate ranking and representation of user EcoScores.


Gain access to exclusive rewards and incentives based on EcoScores, such as discounts on eco-friendly products, access to educational resources, or recognition in the sustainability community. Encourage sustainable behavior by providing tangible benefits for positive environmental impact.


EcoScore Calculation
User Story

As a user interested in tracking my environmental impact, I want the ability to calculate my EcoScore so that I can understand the effectiveness of my sustainable actions.


Develop the functionality to accurately calculate the EcoScores based on user input and data analysis. This feature will enable the accurate assessment of environmental impact and promote sustainable behavior through transparent and reliable scoring.

Acceptance Criteria
User inputs their transportation data
Given the user has input their transportation data, when the data is analyzed and processed, then the EcoScore is calculated based on the transportation carbon footprint.
User tracks energy consumption for a specified period
Given the user has tracked their energy consumption for a specified period, when the data is analyzed and processed, then the EcoScore is calculated based on the energy consumption and efficiency.
User monitors waste management practices
Given the user has monitored their waste management practices, when the waste data is analyzed and processed, then the EcoScore is calculated based on waste reduction and disposal methods.
EcoRewards Dashboard Integration
User Story

As a user committed to sustainability, I want to view my earned EcoRewards and access eco-friendly product discounts based on my EcoScore so that I can be incentivized for positive environmental impact.


Integrate the EcoRewards feature with the dashboard to provide users with a clear view of their earned rewards, available incentives, and personalized recommendations based on their EcoScore. This integration will enhance user engagement and provide tangible benefits for sustainable behavior.

Acceptance Criteria
User views earned rewards on the dashboard
Given the user has earned rewards, when the user navigates to the dashboard, then the earned rewards are displayed with details of incentives and recommendations based on the user's EcoScore.
User accesses personalized recommendations
Given the user has a specific EcoScore, when the user accesses the dashboard, then personalized recommendations based on the user's EcoScore are displayed.
User views available incentives
Given the user navigates to the dashboard, when the user views the incentives section, then the available incentives corresponding to the user's EcoScore are displayed.
EcoRewards Partner API Integration
User Story

As a user, I want access to a wide range of exclusive eco-friendly product discounts based on my EcoScore so that I can make sustainable choices and benefit from tangible rewards.


Integrate with eco-friendly product partners' APIs to enable seamless access to exclusive discounts and incentives based on users' EcoScores. This integration will expand the range of rewards and incentives available, encouraging users to adopt more eco-friendly practices.

Acceptance Criteria
User has an EcoScore and requests available rewards
Given a user with a valid EcoScore, when the user requests available rewards, then the system retrieves the rewards based on the user's EcoScore and displays them to the user.
User redeems a reward using the Partner API Integration
Given a user has selected a reward, when the user redeems the reward, then the system uses the Partner API Integration to verify and apply the reward to the user's account.
System processes and applies a discount from a partner's API
Given a user has redeemed a discount reward, when the system processes the discount using the Partner API Integration, then the system applies the discount to the user's purchase and updates the user's EcoScore accordingly.


Participate in sustainability challenges that encourage users to take specific eco-friendly actions and earn EcoPoints. By completing challenges, users can contribute to environmental sustainability and feel a sense of accomplishment for making a positive impact.


Challenge Creation
User Story

As an administrator, I want to be able to create and manage sustainability challenges so that users can participate in eco-friendly actions and earn EcoPoints, contributing to environmental sustainability.


Enable the ability for administrators to create and manage sustainability challenges on the platform. This feature will allow the creation of specific eco-friendly actions that users can engage in to earn EcoPoints, contributing to environmental sustainability and fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Acceptance Criteria
Creating a new sustainability challenge
Given the administrator is logged into the EcoWise Analytics platform, when they navigate to the 'Challenge Creation' section, then they should see options to define the challenge title, description, duration, and EcoPoints reward.
Editing an existing sustainability challenge
Given the administrator is managing challenges on the EcoWise Analytics platform, when they select an existing challenge to edit, then they should be able to modify the challenge details, such as title, description, duration, and EcoPoints reward.
Deleting a sustainability challenge
Given the administrator has the necessary permissions, when they choose to delete a sustainability challenge, then the challenge should be permanently removed from the platform and no longer appear for users.
Viewing active challenges on the platform
Given a user is logged into the EcoWise Analytics platform, when they navigate to the 'Active Challenges' section, then they should see a list of current sustainability challenges, including details such as title, description, duration, and EcoPoints reward.
Challenge Participation Tracking
User Story

As a user, I want my participation in sustainability challenges to be tracked and rewarded with EcoPoints, so that I can contribute to environmental sustainability and feel a sense of accomplishment.


Implement a tracking system to monitor and record user participation in sustainability challenges. This feature will capture and record user engagement in specific eco-friendly actions, track their progress, and assign EcoPoints accordingly.

Acceptance Criteria
User participation tracking for single challenge
Given a user has completed a specific eco-friendly action, When the action is recorded in the system, Then the user should be awarded the corresponding EcoPoints.
User progress tracking across multiple challenges
Given a user is participating in multiple sustainability challenges, When the user completes different actions across challenges, Then the system should accurately capture and aggregate the user's overall participation and progress.
Challenge completion validation
Given a user claims to have completed a challenge, When the system receives the challenge completion request, Then the system should verify and validate the completion against the defined criteria and award EcoPoints accordingly.
EcoPoint allocation and tracking
Given a user earns EcoPoints for completing eco-friendly actions, When the EcoPoints are assigned to the user, Then the system should accurately track and display the user's total EcoPoints earned.
EcoPoints Redemption System
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to redeem my earned EcoPoints for rewards or donations, so that I am incentivized to participate in sustainability challenges and contribute to environmental sustainability.


Develop a system that allows users to redeem earned EcoPoints for rewards or donations. This system will enable users to exchange their accumulated EcoPoints for incentives, rewards, or donations, motivating sustained participation in sustainability challenges.

Acceptance Criteria
User redeems EcoPoints for rewards
Given the user has accumulated a specific number of EcoPoints, when they choose to redeem their points, then the system should deduct the redeemed points from the user's total EcoPoints balance and fulfill the chosen reward or donation request.
User earns EcoPoints for completing challenges
Given the user successfully completes a sustainability challenge, when the challenge is verified, then the system should credit the user's account with the appropriate number of EcoPoints based on the specific challenge requirements.
User views available rewards and donations
Given the user accesses the EcoPoints redemption system, when they browse the available rewards and donations, then the system should display a clear and updated list of options, including point values and details for each item.
Admin manages rewards and donations catalog
Given the admin accesses the system, when they add, update, or remove rewards and donations from the catalog, then the system should reflect these changes immediately and accurately for users browsing the redemption options.


Set and reach personal sustainability milestones, track progress, and receive notifications upon achievement. Celebrate sustainability milestones and maintain motivation through clear, achievable goals that align with environmental impact.


Milestone Tracking
User Story

As a sustainability-conscious user, I want to set and track milestones for my environmental impact goals so that I can celebrate achievements and stay motivated to make a positive difference.


Enable users to set, track, and celebrate sustainability milestones, providing a clear pathway to measure and improve environmental impact. Milestone tracking empowers users to define achievable goals and receive notifications upon milestone achievement, fostering motivation and progress in sustainability efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a sustainability milestone
Given a user logged into the EcoWise Analytics platform, When the user navigates to the EcoMilestones feature, Then the user should be able to set a new sustainability milestone with a title, description, and target date.
User tracks progress towards a sustainability goal
Given a user has set a sustainability milestone, When the user updates progress towards the milestone by entering relevant data, Then the system should accurately track and visualize the user's progress towards the goal.
User receives notifications upon milestone achievement
Given a user has set a sustainability milestone, When the user achieves the milestone before the target date, Then the system should send a notification to the user to celebrate the achievement.
Notification System
User Story

As a user committed to sustainability, I want to receive notifications upon reaching environmental milestones so that I can celebrate my achievements and stay motivated in my sustainability journey.


Implement a notification system to alert users upon achieving sustainability milestones, ensuring timely recognition and celebration of accomplishments. The notification system enhances user engagement and motivation, fostering a supportive environment for sustainable actions and achievements.

Acceptance Criteria
User achieves a sustainability milestone and notification is triggered
When a user reaches a sustainability milestone, a notification is triggered and sent to the user's account
Notification includes a personalized message and milestone details
The notification includes a personalized message congratulating the user on reaching the milestone, and it provides details about the milestone achieved
User receives a push notification on the EcoWise Analytics mobile app
When a sustainability milestone is achieved, the user receives a push notification on the EcoWise Analytics mobile app to ensure timely recognition and celebration of accomplishments
Notification system logs all notifications for auditing and analysis
The notification system logs all sent notifications for auditing and analysis purposes, ensuring that a record of all user notifications is maintained
Progress Visualization
User Story

As a user striving for sustainability, I want to visualize my progress through charts and graphs so that I can easily understand the impact of my actions and make informed decisions to further improve sustainability.


Develop visual representations of sustainability progress, including charts and graphs that provide users with a clear overview of their environmental impact journey. Visualizations enable users to identify trends, track improvements, and gain insights into their sustainability efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
Users view a line chart displaying their carbon footprint over time
Given that a user has entered their data, when they access the progress visualization feature, then they should see a line chart that accurately displays their carbon footprint changes over time.
Users access a pie chart showing resource consumption breakdown
Given that a user has input their resource consumption data, when they navigate to the progress visualization section, then they should be able to view a pie chart that visually represents the breakdown of their resource consumption.
Users receive a monthly summary report of their waste management efforts
Given that a user is subscribed to the monthly summary report, when the end of the month arrives, then they should receive a detailed report outlining their waste management efforts, including waste reduction percentages and comparisons to previous months.


Share best practices, success stories, and sustainability strategies with a community of sustainability professionals. Collaborate and exchange insights to accelerate the adoption of impactful sustainability initiatives.


Collaborative Content Sharing
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to be able to share and exchange best practices and success stories with my peers so that I can contribute to and benefit from a community of sustainability-focused professionals.


Enable users to share best practices, success stories, and sustainability strategies with a community of sustainability professionals. The feature will allow users to upload, view, and engage with content related to sustainability initiatives. It will enhance collaboration and knowledge exchange to accelerate the adoption of impactful sustainability initiatives.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a sustainability success story
Given that the user is logged in and has a success story to share, when the user navigates to the 'Upload Story' section, then the user should be able to upload the story with a title, description, and related tags.
User views sustainability strategies shared by others
Given that the user is logged in and wants to explore sustainability strategies shared by others, when the user searches for a specific tag or category, then the user should see a list of relevant stories with titles, descriptions, and engagement metrics.
User engages with shared sustainability content
Given that the user is logged in and viewing a sustainability success story, when the user likes, comments, or shares the story, then the engagement metrics for the story should be updated, and the user's action should be recorded.
Customizable Content Categorization
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to categorize shared content based on sustainability topics so that I can easily access information relevant to my area of focus within sustainability.


Provide users with the ability to categorize shared content based on topics such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable sourcing. This feature will enable users to organize and access content relevant to their specific areas of interest, facilitating targeted knowledge sharing and resource discovery.

Acceptance Criteria
User categorizes content by energy efficiency
Given that the user is on the EcoShare platform, when they categorize content under the topic of energy efficiency, then the categorized content should appear under the 'Energy Efficiency' section in the user's profile.
User categorizes content by waste reduction
Given that the user is on the EcoShare platform, when they categorize content under the topic of waste reduction, then the categorized content should appear under the 'Waste Reduction' section in the user's profile.
User accesses categorized content
Given that the user is on the EcoShare platform, when they navigate to their profile and click on a specific content category, then they should see a list of all content items categorized under that topic.
Engagement Analytics and Reporting
User Story

As a sustainability manager, I want to have access to analytics and reports on user engagement with shared content so that I can measure the impact of collaborative initiatives and optimize our sustainability strategies.


Implement analytics to track user engagement with shared content and generate reports on the impact of collaborative knowledge sharing. This feature will provide users with valuable insights into the reach and effectiveness of shared sustainability strategies, fostering data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Acceptance Criteria
User views shared content analytics
Given the user has access to the EcoShare feature, when the user views the analytics dashboard, then the dashboard displays detailed metrics on the reach and engagement of shared sustainability content.
Report generation based on engagement data
Given the user has access to the Engagement Analytics and Reporting feature, when the user generates a report, then the report includes metrics on the impact of shared sustainability strategies, such as number of views, shares, and user interactions.
Comparison of different content engagement metrics
Given the user has access to the engagement analytics, when the user compares the engagement metrics of different shared content items, then the system provides a side-by-side comparison showing the performance of each piece of shared content.


Facilitate mentorship opportunities for sustainability professionals to guide and support each other in implementing and improving sustainability strategies. Learn from experienced peers to drive impactful environmental initiatives.


Mentor Matching Algorithm
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to be matched with a mentor who has relevant expertise and experience in sustainability, so that I can receive personalized guidance and support in implementing impactful environmental initiatives.


Develop an algorithm to match sustainability professionals with compatible mentors based on their expertise, experience, and sustainability goals. The algorithm will consider factors such as industry, job function, geographical location, and key areas of interest to ensure effective mentorship pairings and value-added guidance for each participant.

Acceptance Criteria
Matching Algorithm Considers Industry and Expertise
Given a pool of sustainability professionals and mentors, when the algorithm matches mentors with mentees based on their industry expertise and sustainability goals, then the mentor matching algorithm is successful.
Matching Algorithm Considers Geographical Location
Given a pool of sustainability professionals and mentors located in different regions, when the algorithm matches mentors with mentees based on their geographical location, then the mentor matching algorithm is successful.
Matching Algorithm Considers Key Areas of Interest
Given a pool of sustainability professionals and mentors with diverse areas of interest, when the algorithm matches mentors with mentees based on their key areas of interest, then the mentor matching algorithm is successful.
Mentorship Progress Tracker
User Story

As a sustainability professional participating in a mentorship program, I want to track the progress of my mentorship journey, so that I can evaluate the impact of the mentorship and make informed decisions to improve my sustainability initiatives.


Implement a progress tracking feature to monitor and evaluate the mentorship journey of sustainability professionals. This feature will provide visibility into the frequency of interactions, topics discussed, and goals achieved, enabling mentees and mentors to assess the effectiveness of their mentorship relationship and make data-driven adjustments to their sustainability strategies.

Acceptance Criteria
Mentee-mentor interaction tracking
Given a mentee-mentor relationship, the system should track the frequency of interactions, including messages, calls, or meetings, between the mentee and mentor, and display the total count of interactions in the progress tracker.
Topic discussion monitoring
When a mentee and mentor engage in an interaction, the system should capture the topics discussed and organize them by category in the progress tracker, allowing users to review and analyze the areas of focus in their mentorship relationship.
Goal achievement analysis
Upon the completion of set goals by the mentee, the system should record and display the achieved goals, along with the corresponding timeline and mentor input, to assess and evaluate the progress made through the mentorship program.
Resource Sharing Platform
User Story

As a sustainability professional participating in the mentorship program, I want to access a platform for sharing resources and best practices with my peers, so that I can leverage collective knowledge to drive impactful environmental initiatives within my organization.


Create a platform for sharing sustainability resources, best practices, and case studies among sustainability professionals within the mentorship program. The platform will allow participants to exchange knowledge, documents, and successful case studies, fostering a collaborative learning environment that accelerates the implementation of innovative sustainability strategies and ideas.

Acceptance Criteria
As a participant, I want to upload and share sustainability best practices and case studies with other professionals in the mentorship program.
Given that I am a participant in the mentorship program and have a sustainability best practice or case study to share, when I navigate to the resource sharing platform, then I should be able to easily upload and share my document with other participants.
As a mentor, I want to provide feedback and guidance on the shared sustainability resources and case studies.
Given that I am a mentor in the mentorship program and I want to engage with the shared sustainability resources and case studies, when I access the resource sharing platform, then I should be able to review, provide comments, and offer guidance to the participants who shared the documents.
As an administrator, I want to monitor the activity and engagement on the resource sharing platform.
Given that I am an administrator of the mentorship program, when I access the admin dashboard of the resource sharing platform, then I should be able to view metrics such as the number of documents shared, engagement levels, and user activity to monitor the platform's effectiveness.


Enable collaborative projects and initiatives among sustainability professionals, fostering teamwork and collective effort to address environmental challenges and drive positive change.


User Profile Creation
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to be able to create and manage my profile on the EcoCollab platform so that I can connect with other professionals, collaborate on sustainability projects, and receive personalized recommendations based on my interests and expertise.


Develop a feature that allows users to create and manage their profiles, including personal information, professional background, and areas of interest. This feature will enable users to collaborate effectively and connect with like-minded professionals in the sustainability field. It will also support personalized content recommendations and networking opportunities within the EcoCollab platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new profile
Given the user is on the profile creation page, when they fill out the required personal and professional information, and select their areas of interest, then their profile is successfully created and saved in the system.
User updates their profile information
Given the user is on their profile editing page, when they update their personal or professional information, and save the changes, then the updated information is successfully reflected in their profile.
User connects with another user
Given the user is viewing another user's profile, when they send a connection request, then the request is sent, and upon acceptance by the other user, a connection is established.
Project Creation and Management
User Story

As a sustainability team leader, I want to create and manage sustainability projects on the EcoCollab platform so that I can define clear goals, assign tasks to team members, monitor project progress, and ensure that our initiatives are aligned with our sustainability objectives.


Implement the capability for users to create new sustainability projects, set goals, define tasks, assign team members, and track progress. This feature will facilitate effective project management, foster collaboration, and align initiatives with the organization's sustainability objectives. It will also provide transparency and accountability in project execution.

Acceptance Criteria
Creating a New Project
Given a user has logged into the EcoWise Analytics platform, when they navigate to the 'Project Creation' section, then they should be able to enter project details such as name, description, and start date.
Setting Project Goals
Given a user has created a new project, when they define project goals in terms of sustainability metrics such as emissions reduction or resource conservation, then they should be able to set quantitative targets and timeframes for achieving those goals.
Assigning Team Members
Given a user is managing a project, when they assign team members to the project, then they should be able to select team members from the platform's user list and specify their roles and responsibilities within the project.
Tracking Project Progress
Given a user has set up a project, when they track project progress, then they should be able to view real-time updates on completed tasks, current status, and remaining milestones to gauge the project's advancement.
Resource Sharing and Collaboration
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to share resources and collaborate with peers on the EcoCollab platform so that I can access valuable information, contribute to knowledge exchange, and drive innovation in sustainability practices.


Enable users to share relevant resources, such as best practices, research papers, case studies, and success stories, to support knowledge exchange and collaboration. This feature will facilitate the dissemination of valuable information and insights, fostering a culture of learning and innovation within the sustainability community.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to share best practices and success stories with other sustainability professionals to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Given a user is logged in and viewing a resource, when the user clicks the 'Share' button, then the resource is shared with the community and the user receives a confirmation message.
As a user, I want to see the number of times a resource has been shared to gauge its relevance and popularity within the community.
Given a user is logged in and viewing a resource, when the user accesses the resource details, then the system displays the count of shares for that resource.
As a user, I want to search for specific resources based on relevant keywords and categories to find the information I need for my sustainability initiatives.
Given a user is logged in and searches for resources using keywords or categories, when the user submits the search query, then the system returns a list of relevant resources based on the search criteria.
As a user, I want to provide feedback on shared resources to contribute to the community's assessment of their value and usefulness.
Given a user is logged in and viewing a shared resource, when the user submits a rating or comment, then the system updates the resource with the user's feedback and displays it to the community.


Access a library of educational resources, including courses, webinars, and articles, to enhance knowledge and skills in sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.


Content Categorization
User Story

As a user seeking to enhance my knowledge in sustainable practices, I want to easily access and navigate through a variety of educational resources, so that I can efficiently learn and apply sustainable strategies in my organization.


Develop a feature to categorize educational resources into distinct categories, such as courses, webinars, and articles. This functionality will streamline content organization and navigation for users, enhancing the overall user experience and making it easier to find relevant resources.

Acceptance Criteria
User filters resources by category
Given the user is on the Resources page, when the user selects a category from the filter options, then the resources displayed match the selected category.
Resources are correctly tagged with categories
Given a new resource is added, when the resource is tagged with a specific category, then the resource is displayed under the corresponding category in the Resources section.
User navigates between different resource categories
Given the user is on the Resources page, when the user switches between different category tabs, then the displayed resources change to match the selected category.
Personalized Recommendations
User Story

As a user looking to advance my skills in environmental stewardship, I want to receive personalized recommendations on educational resources, so that I can explore relevant content aligned with my learning objectives and interests.


Implement a recommendation system that provides personalized suggestions for educational resources based on user preferences, learning history, and current focus areas. This feature aims to enhance user engagement and learning outcomes by delivering tailored, relevant content.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in for the first time
When a user logs in for the first time, the recommendation system should prompt the user to select their initial preferences and focus areas for learning.
User views recommended resources
Given the user's selected preferences and learning history, when the user views the recommended resources, the system should display a diverse selection of educational materials relevant to the user's interests and expertise level.
User engages with recommended resources
When a user engages with recommended resources, the system should track the user's interactions and use the data to continuously improve and personalize future recommendations.
Progress Tracking and Certificates
User Story

As a user committed to professional development in sustainability, I want to track my progress and earn certificates for completing educational courses, so that I can showcase my expertise and commitment to environmental stewardship.


Integrate a progress tracking mechanism and certification system for users to monitor their learning milestones and earn certificates upon completion of courses and webinars. This feature will motivate users to engage with the platform, track their learning progress, and provide tangible recognition for their efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User completes a course
When a user completes a course, their progress is accurately tracked and updated in their profile.
User earns a certificate
Upon completing a course or webinar, the user receives a downloadable and shareable certificate.
User views progress dashboard
The user can view a visual dashboard that tracks their learning milestones, course completions, and earned certificates.
Email notification for milestone achievement
When a user reaches a learning milestone, they receive an email notification acknowledging their achievement.
Certificate customization
Users can customize their certificates by adding their name, date of completion, and organization logo.


Engage in networking and knowledge sharing with sustainability professionals, creating meaningful connections and opportunities for collaboration and mentorship.


Professional Networking
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to build a professional network and exchange insights with industry peers, so that I can collaborate, learn, and contribute to sustainable initiatives effectively.


Enable users to create and manage professional profiles, connect with industry peers, and share insights and best practices. This feature aims to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing among sustainability professionals, fostering collaboration and mentorship opportunities.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a professional profile
Given a valid user account, when the user fills out the professional profile form with accurate information and saves the profile, then the profile details should be successfully saved and displayed in the user's profile page.
User connects with industry peers
Given a valid user account and a list of industry peers, when the user sends connection requests to peers and the peers accept the requests, then the connections should be established and displayed in the user's network.
User shares insights and best practices
Given a valid user account, when the user creates a post with insights and best practices and shares it with their connections, then the post should be displayed in the connections' feed and interactable by the connections.
Connection Recommendations
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to receive personalized recommendations for industry connections based on my expertise and interests, so that I can build meaningful connections and explore collaboration opportunities effectively.


Implement an algorithm to suggest relevant industry connections based on user profiles, expertise, and interests. This functionality aims to enhance the networking experience by providing tailored recommendations for potential connections and collaboration opportunities.

Acceptance Criteria
User with completed profile
When a user completes their profile with industry expertise, interests, and professional background, the algorithm should recommend relevant industry connections based on the user's profile data.
Engagement with recommended connections
When a user interacts with a recommended connection by sending a message or initiating a collaboration request, the algorithm should track the response and incorporate the interaction data to improve future connection recommendations.
Diverse connection recommendations
The algorithm should prioritize recommending connections from diverse sectors of the sustainability industry to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration and diverse networking opportunities.
Knowledge Sharing Platform
User Story

As a sustainability professional, I want to share industry insights and best practices with my peers, so that I can contribute to the community, showcase my expertise, and engage in meaningful discussions to drive sustainability initiatives forward.


Develop a platform for users to share industry insights, best practices, and success stories. This platform will enable users to contribute to the community, showcase expertise, and engage in constructive discussions, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and continuous learning among sustainability professionals.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new knowledge-sharing post
Given the user is logged in, when they navigate to the 'Create Post' page and submit a post with a title, content, and relevant tags, then the post is successfully created and appears in the community feed.
User likes a knowledge-sharing post
Given the user is logged in and viewing a knowledge-sharing post, when they click the 'Like' button, then the post's like count increases by 1 and the user's like is registered.
User comments on a knowledge-sharing post
Given the user is logged in and viewing a knowledge-sharing post, when they submit a comment with valid text, then the comment is successfully added to the post and appears in the comment section.
User searches for knowledge-sharing posts
Given the user is logged in, when they enter a search query in the search bar and press enter, then the search results display relevant knowledge-sharing posts based on the query.

Press Articles

EcoWise Analytics Unveils Groundbreaking Features to Enhance Corporate Sustainability


EcoWise Analytics has announced the launch of innovative features designed to elevate corporate sustainability efforts. These new additions aim to provide users with advanced tools to track environmental impact, optimize resource efficiency, and engage with sustainability initiatives. By integrating cutting-edge capabilities, EcoWise Analytics continues to empower businesses and non-profits in their commitment to environmental responsibility.

The latest features include EcoScore Gamification, EcoWise Insights Marketplace, and the EcoWise Analytics Mobile App. These additions offer users the opportunity to earn 'EcoScores' based on sustainable actions, collaborate through a knowledge-sharing platform, and access on-the-go sustainability data and personalized insights via a mobile application.

The Executive VP of Product Development at EcoWise Analytics, Maria Rodriguez, expressed her excitement about the new features, stating, "Our goal is to drive meaningful impact by providing users with the tools and resources to transform sustainability data into actionable strategies. The latest features represent our dedication to fostering a community-driven approach to sustainability and enhancing the user experience."

For media inquiries or further information about the new features, please contact:

Press Contact: Daniel Phillips Phone: +1 123-456-7890 Email:

EcoWise Analytics Partners with Leading Businesses to Drive Sustainable Innovation


EcoWise Analytics has announced strategic partnerships with industry-leading businesses to drive sustainable innovation and environmental stewardship. Through these collaborations, EcoWise Analytics aims to leverage collective expertise and resources to advance sustainable initiatives and promote eco-friendly practices across diverse industries.

The partnerships involve co-development of advanced analytics tools and joint sustainability projects. By combining forces, EcoWise Analytics and its partners seek to accelerate the adoption of impactful sustainability strategies, enhance resource efficiency, and drive positive environmental change.

The CEO of EcoWise Analytics, Mark Thompson, commented on the partnerships, stating, "We are thrilled to collaborate with visionary businesses that share our commitment to environmental responsibility. These partnerships mark a significant milestone in our journey to create a more sustainable future, and we are confident that the collective expertise will drive innovation and positive impact in the sustainability landscape."

For media inquiries or further information about the partnerships, please contact:

Press Contact: Sarah Reynolds Phone: +1 234-567-8901 Email:

EcoWise Analytics Introduces EcoWise Insights Marketplace to Foster Sustainable Knowledge Exchange


EcoWise Analytics has unveiled the EcoWise Insights Marketplace, a revolutionary platform designed to facilitate knowledge exchange, collaboration, and mentorship among sustainability professionals and stakeholders. The marketplace offers users the opportunity to share best practices, success stories, and sustainability strategies, accelerating the adoption of impactful sustainability initiatives across different industries.

Through the EcoWise Insights Marketplace, sustainability professionals can engage in collaborative projects, mentorship opportunities, and networking activities, creating a community-driven approach to driving positive environmental change. The platform aims to empower users to exchange insights, learn from experienced peers, and accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices through meaningful connections and collaboration.

The Chief Sustainability Officer of EcoWise Analytics, Dr. Emily Parker, emphasized the significance of the EcoWise Insights Marketplace, stating, "The platform represents a pivotal step towards creating a sustainable knowledge ecosystem. We believe that by enabling sustainable knowledge exchange, we can catalyze impactful initiatives, foster collaboration, and drive positive environmental change on a broader scale."

For media inquiries or further information about the EcoWise Insights Marketplace, please contact:

Press Contact: Jessica Baker Phone: +1 345-678-9012 Email: