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Transforming Governance, Connecting Communities

Civico is a groundbreaking SaaS platform tailored for local governments, revolutionizing municipal operations with advanced CRM, robust project management tools, and intuitive citizen portals. Streamlining workflows, enhancing transparency, and elevating community engagement, Civico centralizes management processes while automating routine tasks. Unique features like real-time public service updates, participatory budgeting modules, and comprehensive data analytics empower officials to make data-driven decisions. Designed for municipalities of all sizes, Civico transforms governance, fostering smarter, connected communities and driving sustainable urban growth.

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Product Details




Transforming Governance, Connecting Communities


Government Technology


Creating smarter, connected communities through empowered local governance.


Civico is a comprehensive SaaS platform reimagining municipal government operations. Designed specifically for local government officials, administrators, city planners, and engaged citizens, Civico streamlines workflows, bolsters transparency, and fosters meaningful community interaction. This dynamic platform integrates an advanced CRM, robust project management tools, effective public communication channels, and an intuitive citizen portal, all within a secure and user-friendly interface.

Civico exists to empower local governments to operate with greater efficiency, transparency, and citizen engagement. Through its suite of tools, it addresses common challenges by centralizing management processes, automating routine tasks, and enhancing communication pathways between officials and the public. Unique features such as real-time public service updates, participatory budgeting modules, and advanced data analytics for tracking and measuring civic initiatives set Civico apart in the GovTech landscape.

By offering a platform adaptable to municipalities of all sizes, Civico ensures every community can take advantage of these capabilities. It transforms municipal operations by making resource management more effective, workflow processes smoother, and public engagement more robust. With Civico, local governments not only achieve operational excellence but also cultivate a more informed and connected citizenry, all while driving long-term community growth and development.

Target Audience

Local government officials and administrators seeking efficiency, transparency, and citizen engagement through technology.

Problem Statement

Local governments struggle with fragmented communication, inefficient resource management, and limited citizen engagement, hindering their ability to operate transparently and effectively connect with their communities.

Solution Overview

Civico provides a unified SaaS platform specifically designed to streamline municipal government operations, addressing fragmented communication, inefficient resource management, and limited citizen engagement. The platform integrates advanced CRM, robust project management tools, and effective public communication channels to centralize management processes and automate routine tasks. With real-time public service updates, participatory budgeting modules, and advanced data analytics for tracking civic initiatives, Civico enhances transparency and fosters meaningful community interaction. This comprehensive toolset ensures that local governments operate more efficiently and transparently, while engaging citizens effectively and driving long-term community growth.


Civico revolutionizes municipal government operations by centralizing management processes and automating routine tasks, resulting in up to 40% increased efficiency. This comprehensive platform significantly enhances transparency, fostering a more informed and connected citizenry through real-time public service updates and participatory budgeting modules. By integrating advanced analytics, Civico empowers local governments with data-driven decision-making, improving resource allocation and accelerating community growth. Unique features like robust project management tools and effective public communication channels not only streamline workflows but also elevate citizen engagement, positioning Civico as a transformative force in GovTech.


The inspiration for Civico emerged from a firsthand observation of the critical shortcomings in municipal operations, particularly highlighted during emergency situations like natural disasters. These moments revealed significant communication gaps, fragmented resource management, and a lack of effective citizen engagement. Experiencing the challenges local governments faced in trying to provide timely, transparent, and coordinated responses, it became clear that a more integrated and efficient solution was essential.

This realization drove the creation of Civico, a platform designed to address these inefficiencies by centralizing management processes, automating routine tasks, and providing advanced tools for communication and community interaction. The vision was to empower local governments with a single, cohesive system that enhances operational efficiency, fosters transparency, and truly engages citizens in a meaningful way.

By building Civico, the goal was not only to streamline municipal functions but also to forge stronger, more connected communities through technology. This authentic experience of witnessing the struggles of local government operations in real time serves as the core motivation behind Civico, driving its mission to transform governance and connect communities globally.

Long Term Goal

Our long-term goal is to become the global standard for municipal governance, seamlessly integrating technology to create smarter, more connected communities where efficient operations, transparent processes, and engaged citizens drive sustainable urban growth and development.


Eco-Minded Urbanite


Eco-Minded Urbanite


An environmentally conscious urban resident who seeks to engage with local government for sustainable initiatives and environmental policy decisions. They are motivated to participate in community activities that promote eco-friendly practices and advocate for green urban development.


Age: 25-40, Gender: Any, Education: College graduate, Occupation: Urban professional, Income level: Middle to high,


Grew up in an urban environment, attended college with a focus on environmental studies or related field. Actively involved in environmental advocacy groups and community clean-up initiatives. Enjoys outdoor activities, urban gardening, and eco-friendly lifestyle choices.


Passionate about sustainability, community-oriented, values eco-conscious living, motivated by a desire to create a greener and healthier urban environment. Active in local environmental groups and initiatives.


Access to transparent environmental data, opportunities to engage with local government on sustainability initiatives, reliable information on eco-friendly practices, involvement in collaborative urban development projects.


Lack of transparent environmental policies, difficulty in accessing and understanding government sustainability data, limited avenues to participate in eco-friendly community initiatives.


Social media communities, local environmental organizations, eco-focused events and workshops, sustainable living forums.


Regularly engaged in accessing sustainable living resources and attending eco-focused events. Seeks information and participates in urban gardening, clean-up drives, and community sustainability projects.


Influenced by the potential impact on urban sustainability, the level of government transparency, and the alignment of community engagement with eco-friendly practices.

Tech-Savvy Citizen Advocate


Tech-Savvy Citizen Advocate


A technology-proficient citizen who advocates for digital innovation and seeks to participate in co-creating digital solutions with local government. They are motivated to engage in initiatives that promote smart city technologies, data-driven decision-making, and transparent civic processes.


Age: 30-55, Gender: Any, Education: Bachelor's degree or higher in a technical field, Occupation: Tech industry professional or enthusiast, Income level: Middle to high


Has a technical background and a strong understanding of digital tools and platforms. Actively involved in civic tech projects, hackathons, and open data initiatives. Passionate about leveraging technology for community development and empowerment.


Enthusiastic about digital innovation, civic-minded, values transparency and efficiency in public service delivery, motivated by the potential of technology to improve urban living. Actively contributes to open-source projects and civic tech meetups.


Access to open data for civic innovation, engagement in transparent decision-making processes, opportunities to collaborate with local government on digital initiatives, reliable information on emerging technologies and their impact on urban living.


Limited access to civic data for tech-driven solutions, lack of engagement channels for digital co-creation with the government, insufficient information on the implementation of smart city technologies.


Tech community meetups, civic tech events, open data platforms, innovation-focused conferences, digital advocacy groups.


Regularly engages in accessing open data for civic innovation, participates in hackathons and civic tech projects, and seeks to contribute to digital initiatives that enhance civic life.


Influenced by the potential of digital innovation to improve urban living, the extent of government's openness to co-creation, and the alignment of technological solutions with citizen needs.

Diversity Advocate


Diversity Advocate


A passionate advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in urban governance, seeking to engage with local government on policies that promote social justice, marginalized community empowerment, and cultural diversity. They are motivated to participate in creating an inclusive urban environment that celebrates diversity and supports underrepresented communities.


Age: 35-60, Gender: Any, Education: Advanced degree in social sciences or related field, Occupation: Diversity and inclusion professional, Community organizer, Income level: Middle to high


Comes from a background of community organizing and advocacy for marginalized groups. Actively involved in promoting social justice, equity, and inclusion. Passionate about creating safe spaces for underrepresented communities and celebrating cultural diversity.


Compassionate, community-focused, values diversity and social justice, motivated by a desire to create inclusive policies and programs. Actively participates in diversity and inclusion forums, community organizing, and social justice campaigns.


Access to transparent diversity and inclusion data, opportunities to influence urban policies for marginalized communities, channels to advocate for inclusive urban planning, reliable information on cultural heritage preservation and community empowerment programs.


Limited access to inclusive policy initiatives, difficulty in advocating for marginalized communities, lack of avenues to champion cultural diversity and inclusion in urban spaces.


Community forums, diversity and inclusion organizations, cultural heritage preservation groups, equity and inclusion conferences, social justice movements.


Regularly engaged in advocating for diversity and inclusion in urban governance, participates in community organizing events, social justice campaigns, and cultural heritage preservation initiatives.


Influenced by the potential impact on marginalized communities, the level of inclusivity in government policies, and the alignment of community engagement with diversity and equity values.

Product Ideas

Civico Mobile App

Develop a mobile application for Civico to empower citizens with on-the-go access to public service updates, participatory budgeting, and feedback submission, enhancing community engagement and communication.

Civico Smart Dashboard

Create a smart dashboard for city administrators, policy strategists, and community engagement coordinators, offering real-time data visualizations and key performance indicators to facilitate data-driven decision-making and performance monitoring.

Civico Citizen Impact Score

Implement a citizen impact scoring system to assess and recognize the contributions of residents in shaping their communities, incentivizing active citizen engagement and community involvement.

Civico Virtual Collaboration Space

Establish a virtual collaboration space within Civico to facilitate cross-departmental collaboration, project management, and knowledge sharing among city administrators and staff, enhancing operational efficiency and transparency.

Product Features

Real-time Service Updates

Receive instant updates on public service announcements, infrastructure maintenance, and community events, ensuring citizens stay informed and engaged with local government initiatives.


Subscription Notification
User Story

As a user, I want to receive timely notifications about my subscription status so that I can stay informed about renewals, expirations, and billing changes.


Implement a system to notify users about subscription updates, including renewals, expirations, and billing changes. This feature will enhance user engagement and ensure transparency in subscription management, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a notification for subscription renewal 30 days before the expiration date
Given the subscription expiration date is 30 days away, when the system triggers a notification to the user, then the user receives a renewal notification email with details about the subscription and a link to renew.
User receives a notification for subscription expiration on the expiration date
Given the subscription has expired, when the system triggers a notification to the user, then the user receives an expiration notification email with details about the expired subscription and instructions for renewal.
User receives a notification for billing changes
Given the subscription billing amount has changed, when the system detects the change, then the user receives a billing change notification email with updated billing details and payment options.
Service Outage Alerts
User Story

As a user, I want to be notified of service outages in real-time so that I can stay informed and plan accordingly.


Develop a mechanism to alert users about service outages and disruptions, providing real-time updates on the status and expected resolution time. This functionality will improve user experience and enable proactive communication during service interruptions, fostering trust and confidence in the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives real-time service outage alert
Given the user has subscribed to service outage alerts, when a service outage occurs, then the user should receive an immediate notification with details about the affected service, the outage window, and the expected resolution time.
User views historical outage data
Given the user has access to the platform, when the user navigates to the outage history section, then the user should be able to view a log of past service outages, including details such as date, time, affected service, and resolution status.
System generates outage report for administrators
Given the system has recorded a service outage, when an administrator logs in to the platform, then the system should generate a detailed outage report with information about the affected services, duration, impact assessment, and resolution process.
User customizes outage alert preferences
Given the user is logged into the platform, when the user accesses the notification settings, then the user should be able to customize their outage alert preferences, including the type of services for which they receive alerts, notification frequency, and preferred communication channels.
Event Reminders
User Story

As a user, I want to receive reminders about upcoming community events so that I can participate and contribute to local initiatives.


Introduce event reminder notifications to notify users about upcoming community events, meetings, and local initiatives. This feature will help users stay engaged and informed about relevant activities within their community, promoting active participation and involvement.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Event Reminder Notification
Given the user has upcoming community events, meetings, or local initiatives scheduled, when the scheduled time approaches, then the user receives a notification about the event.
Notification Customization
Given the user receives event reminder notifications, when the user can customize the frequency and content of the notifications, then the user can personalize their notification preferences to suit their needs.
Notification Delivery Accuracy
Given the user receives event reminder notifications, when the notifications are delivered, then the notifications are accurate, timely, and reflect the scheduled events without errors.
Notification Display
Given the user receives an event reminder notification, when the notification is displayed on the user interface, then the notification is clearly visible and prominently displayed to ensure the user notices it.

Participatory Budgeting

Empower citizens to participate in budget allocation decisions, vote on community projects, and provide feedback on municipal spending, fostering transparent and inclusive governance.


Citizen Project Submission
User Story

As a concerned citizen, I want to submit project proposals for participatory budgeting so that I can contribute to decision-making on community projects and advocate for initiatives important to me.


Enable citizens to submit project proposals for participatory budgeting, including details such as project scope, budget estimates, and community impact. This functionality enhances the platform's citizen engagement capabilities and allows for a diverse range of projects to be considered for budget allocation.

Acceptance Criteria
Citizen submits a project proposal with project scope, budget estimates, and community impact
Given a citizen is logged into the platform and navigates to the project submission page, when the citizen fills in the required details including project scope, budget estimates, and community impact, then the proposal is successfully submitted and saved in the system.
View submitted project proposals for participatory budgeting
Given a local government official is logged into the system and accesses the participatory budgeting module, when the official selects the option to view submitted project proposals, then a list of all submitted proposals with details including project scope, budget estimates, and community impact is displayed.
Filter and search for project proposals
Given a local government official is viewing the list of submitted project proposals, when the official uses the search and filter options to find specific proposals based on criteria such as project scope, budget estimates, and community impact, then the system accurately filters and displays the relevant proposals.
Evaluate and prioritize project proposals
Given a local government official is reviewing the list of submitted project proposals, when the official uses the evaluation and priority tools to assess each proposal based on criteria including community impact, relevance, and feasibility, then the official can prioritize and rank the proposals for budget allocation considerations.
Budget Allocation Voting
User Story

As a community member, I want to vote on budget allocation for community projects so that I can have a say in how municipal funds are utilized and support initiatives that improve the community.


Facilitate voting for budget allocation on proposed community projects, allowing citizens to prioritize and support initiatives they believe will benefit the community. This feature empowers citizens to influence budget decisions and foster greater transparency in municipal spending.

Acceptance Criteria
Citizens can view a list of proposed community projects for budget allocation.
When a citizen logs into the system, they can access a list of proposed community projects, including project details, estimated costs, and impact on the community.
Citizens can vote for their preferred community projects for budget allocation.
Given a list of proposed community projects, when a citizen selects a project, they can submit their vote in favor of the selected project.
The system calculates and updates the voting results in real-time.
When citizens submit their votes for community projects, the system immediately updates the voting results to reflect the current status of each project's support.
Citizens can track the status of their submitted votes.
Once a citizen submits their vote for a community project, they can view the status of their vote, including confirmation of submission and the current vote count for the selected project.
The voting process ensures one vote per citizen per project.
When a citizen submits a vote for a community project, the system validates that each citizen can only vote once for each project, ensuring fair and accurate representation of citizen preferences.
Admins can view comprehensive reports on voting results and citizen engagement.
Once voting for budget allocation is completed, admins can access detailed reports on voting results, including total votes, project support levels, and overall citizen engagement with the budget allocation process.
Project Feedback Mechanism
User Story

As a concerned resident, I want to provide feedback on proposed community projects so that I can contribute insights and suggestions to improve the projects and ensure they align with community needs.


Implement a feedback mechanism for citizens to provide input and suggestions on proposed community projects, creating a channel for constructive engagement and enhancing transparency in the decision-making process. This functionality encourages collaborative dialogue between officials and citizens, fostering a more inclusive and transparent budgeting process.

Acceptance Criteria
Citizen views project details and feedback mechanism
Given a proposed community project, when a citizen views the project details, then they should be able to access the feedback mechanism to provide input and suggestions.
Citizen submits feedback on a project
Given a citizen has accessed the feedback mechanism for a proposed community project, when they submit their input and suggestions, then their feedback should be successfully recorded and stored.
Official reviews and responds to citizen feedback
Given citizen feedback has been submitted for a proposed community project, when an official reviews the feedback, then they should be able to provide a response to the citizen.
Feedback mechanism logs and tracks citizen interactions
Given a feedback mechanism for community projects, when citizens interact with the mechanism by submitting, viewing, or responding to feedback, then the system should log and track these interactions for auditing purposes.
System notifies citizens of feedback responses
Given an official has responded to citizen feedback on a proposed community project, when the response is submitted, then the system should notify the respective citizens of the response.

Feedback Submission

Enable citizens to submit feedback, report issues, and share suggestions directly to local government departments, promoting open communication and responsiveness to community needs.


Feedback Form
User Story

As a citizen, I want to be able to easily submit feedback, report issues, and share suggestions with the local government departments, so that my voice can be heard and community needs can be addressed effectively.


Create a feedback form that allows citizens to submit feedback, report issues, and share suggestions directly to local government departments. The form should be intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible via the Civico citizen portal, promoting open communication and responsiveness to community needs.

Acceptance Criteria
User navigates to the Civico citizen portal and accesses the feedback form
The feedback form is easily accessible from the Civico citizen portal home page, with clear navigation and intuitive design.
User submits feedback through the feedback form
The feedback form allows users to submit feedback, report issues, and share suggestions, capturing the user's input accurately and securely.
User receives a confirmation message after submitting feedback
After submitting feedback, the user receives a confirmation message acknowledging the successful submission, ensuring the user that their feedback has been received.
Admins receive and review submitted feedback
Admins can access and review the feedback submitted by users, ensuring that all submissions are visible and organized for efficient review and action.
Admins are able to respond to user-submitted feedback
Admins have the capability to respond to the feedback submitted by users, enabling direct communication and follow-up on user concerns and suggestions.
Issue Tracking Dashboard
User Story

As a government official, I want to have a centralized dashboard to track and manage citizen-submitted feedback and issues, so that I can prioritize and address community concerns effectively.


Develop an issue tracking dashboard for government officials to monitor and manage citizen-submitted feedback and issues. The dashboard should provide real-time visibility into the status of reported issues, facilitate efficient resolution, and enable data-driven decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
Government official opens the dashboard and sees a list of all reported issues, including issue types, priority levels, and timestamps.
The dashboard displays a comprehensive list of reported issues, categorizing them by type, priority, and timestamp.
Government official updates the status of a reported issue to indicate its resolution or current progress.
The dashboard allows government officials to update the status of reported issues, providing options to mark issues as resolved, in progress, or pending.
Government official accesses detailed information about a specific reported issue, including issue description, reporter details, and associated comments.
The dashboard provides detailed information for each reported issue, such as issue description, reporter's contact details, and a history of associated comments.
Government official filters the displayed issues based on issue type, priority level, and status.
The dashboard includes filtering options to allow government officials to view specific sets of reported issues based on issue type, priority level, and status.
Government official receives notifications for new reported issues and updates on existing ones.
The dashboard sends real-time notifications to government officials for new reported issues and updates on existing ones, ensuring timely awareness and response.
Government official generates reports and analytics on reported issues, including issue resolution times, common issue types, and overall issue trends.
The dashboard offers functionality to generate reports and analytics on reported issues, providing insights into resolution times, common issue types, and overall issue trends.
Feedback Analytics Tool
User Story

As a data analyst, I want access to feedback analytics to evaluate and analyze citizen feedback and issue reports, so that I can provide meaningful insights to support data-driven decision-making and enhance community engagement.


Integrate a feedback analytics tool to evaluate and analyze the data collected from citizen feedback and issue reports. The tool should provide insights, trends, and patterns to help officials make data-driven decisions, improve service delivery, and enhance community engagement.

Acceptance Criteria
A citizen submits feedback through the online portal
When a citizen submits feedback through the online portal, the feedback is recorded in the system with accurate timestamp and details.
Feedback analytics tool generates monthly trend report
The feedback analytics tool generates a monthly trend report that highlights the most common issues reported by citizens and provides insights on the trending feedback topics.
Officials use feedback analytics insights for decision making
Officials use the feedback analytics tool insights to identify areas of improvement, make data-driven decisions, and implement changes based on the feedback received from citizens.

Real-time Data Visualizations

Empower city administrators, policy strategists, and community engagement coordinators to access real-time visual representations of municipal data, enabling informed decision-making and performance monitoring.


Real-time Data Source Integration
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to integrate real-time data sources from different departments so I can access up-to-date information for informed decision-making and performance monitoring.


Integrate real-time data sources from various municipal departments, including public services, transportation, and public safety, to create a centralized data repository for real-time data visualizations. This integration will enable city administrators and policy strategists to access up-to-date and accurate data for informed decision-making and performance monitoring, enhancing the overall functionality of the Real-time Data Visualizations feature.

Acceptance Criteria
City Transportation Data Integration
Given the availability of real-time transportation data from the city's transportation department, when the data is successfully integrated into the centralized data repository, then the real-time data visualizations should display accurate and up-to-date transportation information for city administrators and policy strategists to make informed decisions.
Public Safety Data Integration
Given the availability of real-time public safety data from the city's public safety department, when the data is successfully integrated into the centralized data repository, then the real-time data visualizations should display accurate and up-to-date public safety information for city administrators and policy strategists to make informed decisions.
Public Services Data Integration
Given the availability of real-time public services data from the city's public services department, when the data is successfully integrated into the centralized data repository, then the real-time data visualizations should display accurate and up-to-date public services information for city administrators and policy strategists to make informed decisions.
Real-time Data Accuracy Verification
Given the integration of real-time data from various municipal departments, when city administrators access the real-time data visualizations, then the displayed information should accurately reflect the current status of the city services, transportation, and public safety.
Interactive Data Visualization Tools
User Story

As a policy strategist, I want interactive data visualization tools so I can interact with and analyze real-time municipal data for making informed decisions and monitoring performance.


Develop interactive data visualization tools that enable users to customize and interact with the real-time data visualizations, allowing them to drill down into specific data points, apply filters, and view dynamic visual representations of complex municipal data. This feature enhances user engagement and facilitates in-depth analysis of the data, empowering city administrators and community engagement coordinators to make data-driven decisions in a user-friendly interface.

Acceptance Criteria
User Customizes Data Visualization
Given that a user is logged into the system and has access to data visualization tools, when the user customizes the data visualization by selecting specific data points and applying filters, then the visualization updates in real time to reflect the user's selections.
Drill Down into Specific Data Points
Given that a user is viewing a data visualization,when the user clicks on a specific data point, then the visualization provides a detailed breakdown of the selected data point, allowing the user to drill down for more information.
Intuitive Interface for Data Interaction
Given that a user interacts with the data visualization tools, when the user applies interactive features such as zoom, pan, and tooltips, then the interface responds smoothly and intuitively to the user's interactions.
Data Security and Access Control
User Story

As a data privacy officer, I want robust data security and access controls to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of real-time municipal data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.


Implement robust data security measures and access controls to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the real-time municipal data. This includes role-based access, data encryption, and audit trails to protect sensitive data and regulate user access, maintaining compliance with data protection regulations and safeguarding the privacy of citizens' information.

Acceptance Criteria
User Role-Based Access Control
Given a user's role, they should have access only to the data and functions necessary for their role. When a user logs in, the system should restrict access based on their assigned role. Then the user should only be able to view and perform actions relevant to their role.
Data Encryption and Decryption
Given sensitive municipal data, it should be encrypted when stored in the database. When the data is retrieved, it should be decrypted for authorized users. Then unauthorized users should not be able to access the data in its raw form.
Audit Trail for Data Access
Given any interaction with municipal data, it should be recorded in an audit trail. When a user accesses, modifies, or deletes data, the system should log the activity with a timestamp and user identifier. Then administrators should be able to review the audit trail for accountability and compliance purposes.
Data Access Control Testing
Given various user roles, the system should be tested to ensure that each role has the correct level of access. When a user's role is changed, the system should immediately update their access permissions. Then the testing should validate that users can only access data and functions relevant to their assigned role.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Provide city administrators, policy strategists, and community engagement coordinators with customizable KPIs to track and measure critical metrics, facilitating data-driven decision-making and performance evaluation.


Custom KPI Creation
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to create custom KPIs to track specific metrics relevant to my municipality, so that I can make data-driven decisions and evaluate the performance of our initiatives effectively.


Allow city administrators and policy strategists to create and customize their own Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on specific needs and objectives. This feature will enable users to define and track metrics that are tailored to their unique requirements, providing flexibility and granularity in performance measurement and analysis within the Civico platform.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator creates a new KPI for citizen satisfaction survey response rate
Given the city administrator is logged in to Civico and has access to KPI customization, when they define a new KPI for citizen satisfaction survey response rate with target and measurement criteria, then the system saves the new KPI and displays it in the customizable KPI dashboard.
Policy strategist modifies an existing KPI for economic growth index
Given the policy strategist is logged in to Civico and has access to KPI customization, when they edit an existing KPI for economic growth index with updated measurement criteria, then the system saves the modifications and updates the KPI data visualization.
Community engagement coordinator sets up a participatory budgeting KPI
Given the community engagement coordinator is logged in to Civico and has access to KPI customization, when they create a new KPI for participatory budgeting with relevant budget allocation and engagement metrics, then the system includes the KPI in the performance monitoring module.
KPI Visualization Tools
User Story

As a policy strategist, I want to visualize KPI data through interactive charts and graphs, so that I can easily interpret and communicate performance insights to support informed decision-making.


Integrate interactive and intuitive visualization tools within Civico to present KPI data in the form of charts, graphs, and dashboards. This functionality will empower users to gain insights from KPIs through clear and dynamic visual representations, enhancing their understanding of performance trends and patterns.

Acceptance Criteria
As a city administrator, I want to view a visual representation of the KPIs to track and measure critical metrics.
When I access the KPI Visualization Tools in Civico, I should be able to view dynamic charts, graphs, and dashboards that present KPI data in a clear and interactive manner.
As a policy strategist, I want to analyze performance trends and patterns based on KPI data.
When I interact with the visualization tools, I should be able to drill down into the KPI data to identify trends, patterns, and outliers that inform data-driven decision-making.
As a community engagement coordinator, I want to customize KPI visualizations to focus on specific areas of interest.
When I use the visualization tools, I should be able to customize the data displayed in charts and graphs to align with specific policy initiatives or community development goals.
KPI Benchmarking and Comparison
User Story

As a community engagement coordinator, I want to compare KPI data across different regions to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs, so that I can identify best practices and drive continuous improvement in community engagement efforts.


Enable users to benchmark and compare KPI data across different time periods, geographic regions, or departments. This feature will allow for meaningful performance comparisons, identifying trends, and evaluating progress over time, enhancing the ability to assess the impact of policies and initiatives.

Acceptance Criteria
User benchmarks KPI data across different time periods to evaluate progress over time
Given the user has access to KPI data, when they select different time periods, geographic regions, or departments, then the system accurately benchmarks and compares the KPI data, providing meaningful performance comparisons.
User evaluates KPI data for specific geographc regions
Given the user has access to KPI data, when they select specific geographic regions, then the system accurately presents the KPI data for the selected regions, allowing for evaluation of performance metrics.
User tracks KPI data over time to identify trends
Given the user has access to KPI data, when they track KPI data over time, then the system effectively identifies trends and highlights changes in performance metrics over different time periods.
User compares KPI data across departments
Given the user has access to KPI data, when they compare KPI data across different departments, then the system accurately benchmarks and compares the KPI data, enabling assessment of departmental performance.

User Customization Options

Offer user-specific customization options on the smart dashboard, allowing city administrators, policy strategists, and community engagement coordinators to personalize their dashboard view based on their unique role and responsibilities.


Role-Based Dashboard Customization
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to customize my dashboard view to see information relevant to my role and responsibilities, so that I can efficiently manage municipal operations and make informed decisions.


Enable users, such as city administrators, policy strategists, and community engagement coordinators, to personalize their dashboard view based on their unique roles and responsibilities. This feature will enhance user experience, improve workflow efficiency, and provide relevant information tailored to each user's specific duties, leading to better decision-making and increased productivity.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator Role-Based Customization
Given a city administrator logged into the system, when they access the dashboard customization options, then they can personalize their dashboard layout and widgets based on their specific administrative tasks and responsibilities.
Policy Strategist Role-Based Customization
Given a policy strategist logged into the system, when they navigate to the dashboard customization menu, then they are able to customize the dashboard content to display policy-related metrics, insights, and data visualizations relevant to their role.
Community Engagement Coordinator Role-Based Customization
Given a community engagement coordinator logged into the system, when they visit the dashboard settings, then they have the ability to modify the dashboard view to include citizen engagement statistics, event calendars, and community feedback features tailored to their community engagement responsibilities.
Customization Validation
Given any user customizes their dashboard, when they save the changes, then the system should persist the personalized dashboard layout and content for the next sessions.
Configurable Widget Layout
User Story

As a policy strategist, I want to arrange and customize widgets on my dashboard to easily access key data and metrics, so that I can make data-driven policy decisions and strategize effectively.


Allow users to arrange and customize widgets on their dashboard, enabling flexible customization of the layout and display of information. This feature will enhance user interface personalization, improve accessibility to key data, and provide a tailored view of critical metrics, contributing to more effective decision-making and task management.

Acceptance Criteria
As a city administrator, I want to rearrange the widgets on my dashboard to prioritize critical metrics and key data, enabling me to have quick access to essential information relevant to my role.
Given that I am logged into the Civico platform as a city administrator, when I drag and drop widgets to rearrange their positions on the dashboard, then the changes should be saved and reflected in my customized layout.
As a policy strategist, I want to set up my dashboard to display real-time public service updates and participatory budgeting modules for quick and convenient access to vital information, helping me make informed decisions related to policy formulation and resource allocation.
Given that I am logged into the Civico platform as a policy strategist, when I select the specific widgets for real-time public service updates and participatory budgeting modules, then these widgets should be displayed on my dashboard, providing me with instant access to the relevant information.
As a community engagement coordinator, I want to personalize my dashboard view to prioritize citizen engagement metrics and data analytics, allowing me to easily monitor community feedback and engagement trends for effective outreach and engagement strategies.
Given that I am logged into the Civico platform as a community engagement coordinator, when I customize the layout of widgets to prominently display citizen engagement metrics and data analytics, then the dashboard should reflect my personalized view with the selected widgets in the specified positions.
Dashboard Theme Customization
User Story

As a community engagement coordinator, I want to customize the visual theme and color scheme of my dashboard to create an engaging and personalized experience, so that I can effectively engage with the community and promote participation in civic initiatives.


Introduce the ability for users to personalize the visual theme and color scheme of their dashboard, allowing for a personalized aesthetic experience. This feature will enhance user engagement, promote a sense of ownership, and improve overall user satisfaction and adoption of the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator Personalizes Dashboard Theme
Given a city administrator is logged into the Civico platform, when they access the dashboard customization settings, then they should be able to select from a range of preset themes and color schemes, and apply their chosen theme to their dashboard view.
Policy Strategist Customizes Dashboard Theme
Given a policy strategist is logged into the Civico platform, when they navigate to the dashboard customization section, then they should have the option to customize the color scheme and visual elements of their dashboard, and save their customized theme for future use.
Community Engagement Coordinator Views Customized Dashboard
Given a community engagement coordinator has customized their dashboard theme, when they log into Civico and access the dashboard, then they should see the dashboard with their chosen theme and color scheme applied, providing a personalized and visually appealing view.

Actionable Insights

Deliver actionable insights and trend analysis to city administrators, policy strategists, and community engagement coordinators, enabling proactive response to emerging issues and opportunities.


Data Collection and Aggregation
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to collect and aggregate relevant data from diverse sources so that I can gain insights into community trends and issues, enabling proactive decision-making and strategy formulation.


This requirement involves creating a system to collect and aggregate data from various sources including civic databases, surveys, and public feedback. The system should be able to process and normalize the data for analysis and reporting, providing a comprehensive view of community trends and issues. This functionality integrates with the Actionable Insights feature to ensure accurate and timely data availability for decision-making and trend analysis.

Acceptance Criteria
Data Collection from Civic Databases
Given a request to collect data from civic databases, when the system retrieves the relevant data fields and structures the information according to predefined parameters, then the data is successfully collected and normalized for analysis.
Data Aggregation from Surveys and Public Feedback
Given a request to aggregate data from surveys and public feedback, when the system consolidates and compiles the data from multiple sources into a unified format, then the aggregated data is accurate and ready for trend analysis.
Real-time Data Availability for Decision-Making
Given a decision-making query, when the system processes and delivers real-time data to support decision-making and trend analysis, then the provided data is up-to-date, accurate, and actionable.
Comprehensive Community Trend Reporting
Given a request for community trend reporting, when the system generates comprehensive reports based on aggregated data, then the reports provide insights into community trends, issues, and opportunities.
Predictive Analytics and Trend Forecasting
User Story

As a policy strategist, I want to access predictive analytics and trend forecasting capabilities to anticipate future community needs and plan interventions effectively, empowering informed decision-making and proactive governance.


This requirement involves implementing predictive analytics and trend forecasting algorithms to identify patterns, correlations, and potential future developments within the community. The feature aims to provide city administrators and policy strategists with advanced tools to forecast trends, anticipate needs, and plan interventions effectively. By leveraging historical and real-time data, this functionality supports strategic planning and policy formulation.

Acceptance Criteria
City administrators can access historical trend analysis for citizen engagement
Given the user has access to the Civico platform and historical data is available, when the user selects the trend analysis feature, then the system should provide a visual representation of historical trends in citizen engagement.
Policy strategists receive real-time predictive insights for resource allocation
Given the user has authorization as a policy strategist and real-time data is available, when the user accesses the predictive analytics feature, then the system should deliver real-time predictive insights for resource allocation.
Community engagement coordinators can forecast future trends in public service demand
Given the user has the role of community engagement coordinator and access to real-time and historical data, when the user utilizes the trend forecasting functionality, then the system should generate accurate forecasts for future trends in public service demand.
Customized Report Generation
User Story

As a community engagement coordinator, I want to generate customized reports and visualizations to effectively communicate actionable insights and trends to stakeholders, facilitating informed community engagement and transparent governance.


This requirement entails creating a feature for generating customized reports and visualizations based on the actionable insights and trend analyses. The system should offer flexible report templates and visualization options, enabling users to tailor reports to specific requirements and target audiences. This functionality aims to enhance the communication of insights and trends, supporting data-driven decision-making and promoting transparency.

Acceptance Criteria
Generating Customized Report
Given a user selects the 'Customized Report' option, When they choose the dataset and parameters for the report, Then the system should generate a customized report and visualization based on the selected criteria and present it to the user.
Report Template Customization
Given a user creates a report, When they choose the 'Template Customization' option, Then they should be able to customize the layout, design, and content of the report template according to their specific requirements and target audience.
Visualization Options
Given a user generates a report, When they explore 'Visualization Options', Then they should be able to select from a variety of visualization types (e.g., charts, graphs, maps) to present the data in an effective and visually appealing manner.
Export Functionality
Given a user generates a report, When they choose the 'Export' option, Then the system should provide options to export the report in various formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, CSV) to facilitate easy sharing and distribution.
Report Approval Workflow
Given a user creates a report, When they submit the report for approval, Then the system should route the report to the designated approver and provide status updates on the approval process.

Impact Recognition

Empower residents by recognizing their contributions and active engagement in shaping the community, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their impact on civic initiatives.


Achievement Badge System
User Story

As a resident, I want to earn badges for my contributions to civic initiatives so that I can feel recognized for my impact on the community and be motivated to continue engaging in community projects.


Implement an achievement badge system to recognize and reward residents for their contributions to civic initiatives. The system will allow users to earn badges based on their engagement level and impact, fostering a sense of community pride and ownership. Badges will be visible on user profiles and in the citizen portal, enhancing user engagement and motivation to participate in community projects.

Acceptance Criteria
User Earns a Badge for Participating in a Civic Initiative
Given that a user actively participates in a civic initiative by submitting their ideas, attending community meetings, or volunteering, when the user's engagement reaches a specified threshold, then the user earns a participation badge.
User Earns a Badge for Impactful Contribution
Given that a user's contribution to a civic initiative has a measurable impact on the community, when the user's impact reaches a specified threshold, then the user earns an impact badge.
Badge Visibility on User Profile
Given that a user has earned badges for participation and impact, when the user's profile is viewed by other users or officials, then the earned badges are prominently displayed, along with a brief description of the achievements.
Badge Visibility in Citizen Portal
Given that a user has earned badges for participation and impact, when the user logs into the citizen portal, then the earned badges are visible on the user's dashboard, creating a sense of accomplishment and fostering increased engagement.
Impact Recognition Leaderboard
User Story

As a community member, I want to see a leaderboard showcasing top contributors and their impact so that I can be inspired to actively engage in community initiatives and see the positive influence of my contributions.


Develop an Impact Recognition leaderboard to highlight and showcase the top contributors and their impact on civic initiatives. The leaderboard will display the names and achievements of the most engaged residents, fostering healthy competition and inspiring others to actively participate in community projects. It will serve as a visual representation of the impact residents are making on the community.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the Impact Recognition leaderboard
Given that the user is logged in to the Civico platform, when they navigate to the Impact Recognition section, then they should be able to view the leaderboard displaying the names of the top contributors and their achievements.
User filters the Impact Recognition leaderboard
Given that the user is viewing the Impact Recognition leaderboard, when they use the filter options to sort the leaderboard by different criteria such as impact level, engagement frequency, or project category, then the leaderboard should update to display the filtered results accordingly.
User clicks on a contributor's name in the leaderboard
Given that the user is viewing the Impact Recognition leaderboard, when they click on a contributor's name, then they should be redirected to a detailed profile page showing the contributor's impact history, achievements, and overall contribution to civic initiatives.
User submits feedback on the Impact Recognition leaderboard
Given that the user is viewing the Impact Recognition leaderboard, when they provide feedback on the accuracy, relevance, or usability of the leaderboard, then their feedback should be recorded and reflected in the platform's feedback system for further review and action.
Recognition Analytics Dashboard
User Story

As a local government official, I want access to an analytics dashboard to track resident engagement and impact on community initiatives so that I can make informed decisions and recognize the most active and impactful community members.


Create a Recognition Analytics Dashboard to provide local government officials with insights into resident engagement and impact on community initiatives. The dashboard will offer visual representations of residents' contributions, engagement trends, and the overall impact on civic projects. This will aid officials in making strategic decisions and recognizing the most active and impactful members of the community.

Acceptance Criteria
Local Government Official Views Recognition Trends
Given a local government official logs into the Civico platform, when they navigate to the Recognition Analytics Dashboard, then they should be able to view visual representations of resident contributions, engagement trends, and impact on civic projects.
Resident Impact Analysis
Given a local government official accesses the Recognition Analytics Dashboard, when they analyze resident engagement data, then they should be able to identify the most active and impactful community members based on their contributions.
Data Visualization Validation
Given a local government official interacts with the Recognition Analytics Dashboard, when they view the visual representations of resident contributions, engagement trends, and impact on civic projects, then the data should be accurately presented and reflect real-time resident engagement.
Recognition Threshold Setting
Given a local government official accesses the Recognition Analytics Dashboard, when they adjust the recognition threshold settings, then the dashboard should update to display the impact of residents meeting the adjusted criteria.
Recognition Performance Metrics
Given a local government official accesses the Recognition Analytics Dashboard, when they review the performance metrics related to resident engagement, then they should be able to derive insights for making strategic decisions and recognizing impactful community members.

Incentive Rewards

Offer rewards or incentives to residents based on their impact score, encouraging continued engagement and fostering a culture of active participation in community development.


Impact Score Calculation
User Story

As a municipality administrator, I want to calculate the impact score of residents based on their participation in community development, so that I can offer rewards and incentives to encourage continued engagement and foster a culture of active participation.


Implement a calculation algorithm to determine the impact score of residents based on their participation and contributions to community development. The impact score will be a quantitative measure of the individual's involvement in initiatives and projects, providing a basis for rewarding and incentivizing active engagement.

Acceptance Criteria
Calculating impact score for a resident who has participated in a community project
Given a resident has participated in a community project, when the impact score calculation algorithm is applied, then the impact score should accurately reflect the level of participation and contribution.
Verifying the impact score calculation for multiple residents with varying levels of participation
Given multiple residents have varying levels of participation in community projects, when the impact score calculation algorithm is applied, then the impact scores should accurately differentiate and reflect the different levels of participation and contribution.
Validating the accuracy of the impact score calculation for incentivized activities
Given a resident has completed incentivized activities, when the impact score calculation algorithm is applied, then the impact score should appropriately account for the incentivized activities and reflect the resident's engagement.
Reward Management System
User Story

As a community manager, I want to have a system to track and manage the distribution of rewards to residents based on their impact scores, so that I can encourage continued engagement and recognize active contributions to community development.


Develop a comprehensive reward management system to track and manage the distribution of incentives and rewards to residents based on their impact scores. The system should enable the seamless allocation and monitoring of rewards, ensuring transparency and fairness in the incentivization process.

Acceptance Criteria
Residents earn impact scores based on their community engagement activities such as volunteering, attending public meetings, and participating in local events.
The system accurately calculates impact scores for residents based on their community engagement activities and updates the scores in real-time.
A resident with a high impact score is eligible to receive a reward or incentive based on their level of engagement and contribution to the community.
The system correctly identifies residents with high impact scores and determines the appropriate rewards or incentives based on predefined criteria.
An administrator needs to allocate rewards to residents and track the entire reward distribution process for transparency and fairness.
The system allows administrators to allocate rewards to residents, records all reward allocations, and provides a transparent audit trail for tracking reward distribution.
A resident receives a reward and wants to view the details of the reward, such as the reason for receiving it and the impact score associated with it.
The system allows residents to view the details of their rewards, including the reason for receiving it, the associated impact score, and any additional information related to the reward.
Community Engagement Dashboard
User Story

As a city official, I want to have a dashboard that displays the impact scores, rewards, and engagement trends of residents, so that I can evaluate the effectiveness of the incentive program and make data-driven decisions to improve community engagement.


Create a community engagement dashboard to display the impact scores, rewards, and engagement trends of residents. The dashboard will provide a visual representation of the community's involvement, allowing administrators to assess the effectiveness of the incentive program and identify areas for improvement.

Acceptance Criteria
As an administrator, I want to view the community's overall engagement trends and impact scores on the dashboard, so that I can assess the effectiveness of the incentive program and make informed decisions for improvement.
The dashboard displays a visual representation of engagement trends over time, including peak periods and changes in activity levels.
When a new resident registers an account, their initial impact score is calculated based on the provided information, so that they can begin accruing rewards and participate in community activities.
The system accurately calculates the initial impact score for each new resident, considering their provided data and relevant community metrics.
If a resident's impact score reaches a specific threshold, they receive a notification about qualifying for a reward, encouraging continued participation and engagement.
Residents receive a notification when their impact score surpasses the defined threshold, prompting them to claim their reward and learn about additional community involvement opportunities.

Community Leaderboard

Display a leaderboard showcasing the top contributors and their impact scores, promoting healthy competition and recognizing residents for their positive influence on community initiatives.


Leaderboard Display
User Story

As a community member, I want to see a leaderboard displaying the top contributors and their impact scores so that I can be motivated to actively participate in community initiatives and be recognized for my contributions.


The requirement involves creating a leaderboard display that showcases the top contributors and their impact scores within the community. This will promote healthy competition and recognize residents for their positive influence on community initiatives. The leaderboard will be prominently featured on the Civico platform, providing visibility and recognition for civic engagement and contributions.

Acceptance Criteria
User Views Leaderboard
Given the user is logged into Civico, when the user navigates to the leaderboard section, then they should see a list of top contributors with their impact scores.
Leaderboard Update Frequency
Given the leaderboard is displayed, when a user makes a new contribution, then the leaderboard should update in real-time to reflect the new impact scores.
Leaderboard Sorting
Given the leaderboard is displayed, when the user selects the sorting option, then the leaderboard should rearrange the contributors based on the selected sorting criteria (e.g., impact score, contribution frequency).
Leaderboard Responsiveness
Given the leaderboard is displayed, when the user accesses it from different devices (e.g., desktop, tablet, mobile), then the leaderboard should adapt responsively to provide a seamless viewing experience.
Leaderboard Access Control
Given the leaderboard is displayed, when an administrator makes changes to user roles, then the leaderboard should update to reflect any access control changes (e.g., hiding or displaying certain user profiles).
Impact Score Calculation
User Story

As a community member, I want my impact score to accurately reflect my contributions to community initiatives so that I can gauge my influence and engagement within the community.


The requirement entails developing a robust algorithm to calculate the impact score of community members based on their contributions to various civic initiatives. The impact score will provide a quantitative measure of their influence and engagement within the community. The calculation will consider factors such as participation in public service projects, volunteering efforts, and community involvement.

Acceptance Criteria
A community member participates in a public service project
The impact score increases based on the level of participation and contribution to the public service project. The algorithm accurately calculates the impact score to reflect the member's engagement and influence within the community.
A community member volunteers for community events and initiatives
The impact score is adjusted to account for the volunteer activities, recognizing and rewarding the member's commitment to community betterment. The algorithm accurately computes the impact score based on the volunteered time and efforts.
A community leader successfully organizes and executes a community initiative
The impact score of the community leader increases significantly, reflecting their impactful leadership and successful execution of the community initiative. The algorithm accurately measures and rewards the leader's positive influence on the community.
Leaderboard Customization
User Story

As an administrator, I want to customize the leaderboard display based on specific categories and themes so that I can highlight different types of community contributions and recognize a diverse range of participants.


The requirement involves implementing customization options for the community leaderboard. This will allow administrators to tailor the leaderboard display based on specific categories, time frames, or campaign themes. The customization feature will provide flexibility in highlighting different aspects of community engagement and recognizing diverse contributions.

Acceptance Criteria
As an admin, I want to be able to customize the leaderboard by choosing specific categories for display, so that I can highlight different areas of community engagement.
Given the admin has access to the customization settings, when the admin selects specific categories to be displayed on the leaderboard, then the leaderboard updates to show only those specific categories.
When a time frame customization option is selected, the leaderboard should update to display contributions made within that time frame only.
Given the admin chooses a specific time frame, when the time frame is applied to the leaderboard, then the leaderboard updates to show contributions made within that time frame only.
As an administrator, I want to be able to customize the leaderboard to highlight contributions related to specific campaign themes, so that I can recognize residents for their impact based on particular initiatives.
Given the admin selects a campaign theme, when the theme is applied to the leaderboard, then the leaderboard updates to showcase contributions related to that theme only.
When the admin makes changes to the customization settings, the leaderboard should immediately reflect the updated display preferences.
Given the admin modifies the customization settings, when the changes are saved, then the leaderboard immediately updates to reflect the new display preferences.
A user should be able to view the customized leaderboard with the selected display preferences, ensuring that the changes applied by the admin are accurately reflected for all users.
Given a user accesses the leaderboard, when the user views the customized display preferences, then the leaderboard reflects the selected display preferences as customized by the admin.

Impact Analytics

Provide detailed analytics on the impact scores, enabling city officials to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of citizen engagement initiatives and adjust strategies to maximize community involvement.


Impact Score Calculation
User Story

As a city official, I want to be able to calculate and analyze impact scores of citizen engagement initiatives so that I can understand the effectiveness of these initiatives and make informed decisions to maximize community involvement.


Implement a system to calculate and analyze impact scores of citizen engagement initiatives, providing detailed insights on the effectiveness of these initiatives in driving community involvement and civic participation. The system will generate comprehensive impact scores based on various engagement parameters, enabling city officials to make data-driven decisions and adjust strategies to maximize community impact.

Acceptance Criteria
A new citizen engagement initiative is launched on the Civico platform, and data on citizen participation is collected for analysis.
The system accurately collects and processes data on citizen participation, including the number of participants, duration of engagement, and type of interaction.
City officials access the impact analytics dashboard to view the calculated impact scores of recent citizen engagement initiatives.
The impact analytics dashboard displays accurate and up-to-date impact scores for each citizen engagement initiative, categorizing the effectiveness based on predefined criteria.
A city official adjusts the strategy of a citizen engagement initiative based on the insights provided by the impact analytics.
The system provides actionable insights and recommendations based on the impact scores, guiding city officials to make data-driven decisions and adjust strategies to maximize community involvement.
Impact Data Visualization
User Story

As a city official, I want to visualize impact scores and engagement analytics in a clear and insightful manner so that I can easily interpret and communicate the impact of citizen engagement initiatives to stakeholders.


Develop data visualization tools to present impact scores and engagement analytics in a clear and insightful manner, allowing city officials to easily interpret and communicate the impact of citizen engagement initiatives to stakeholders. The data visualization tools will include interactive charts, graphs, and dashboards that provide a comprehensive overview of community involvement and the effectiveness of engagement strategies.

Acceptance Criteria
City officials need to view a trend line showing the change in impact scores over time for different citizen engagement initiatives.
The data visualization tool should include an interactive trend line chart that accurately represents the change in impact scores over time for various citizen engagement initiatives.
City officials want to compare the impact scores of different community engagement programs for performance evaluation.
The data visualization tool should provide a side-by-side bar chart that allows city officials to compare the impact scores of different community engagement programs for performance evaluation.
City officials aim to visualize demographic data in relation to engagement impact to identify trends and patterns.
The data visualization tool should include an interactive heat map that displays demographic data in relation to engagement impact, facilitating the identification of trends and patterns.
City officials need to filter and drill-down into specific engagement initiatives to analyze their impact in detail.
The data visualization tool should offer filter and drill-down functionalities to allow city officials to analyze the impact of specific engagement initiatives in detail.
City officials seek a dashboard that provides an overview of the overall impact of citizen engagement initiatives.
The data visualization tool should include a comprehensive dashboard that presents an overview of the overall impact of citizen engagement initiatives through clear and insightful visualizations.
Impact Score Reporting
User Story

As a city official, I want to generate detailed impact score reports to showcase the effectiveness of community involvement initiatives in a systematic and accessible format.


Create a reporting module to generate detailed impact score reports that can be shared with stakeholders, the public, and other relevant entities. The reporting module will allow city officials to compile comprehensive reports on the impact of citizen engagement efforts, showcasing the effectiveness of community involvement initiatives in a systematic and accessible format.

Acceptance Criteria
City officials generate a monthly impact score report to evaluate the effectiveness of recent citizen engagement initiatives.
The reporting module allows city officials to generate a comprehensive impact score report for the current month, including data on citizen participation, feedback, and impact scores for each initiative.
Officials share the impact score report with stakeholders and the public for transparency and feedback.
The reporting module enables city officials to easily share the impact score report with stakeholders and the public via the Civico citizen portal, ensuring accessibility and transparency.
Stakeholders and the public view the impact score report on the Civico citizen portal and provide feedback.
Stakeholders and the public can view the impact score report on the Civico citizen portal and provide feedback through a comments section, allowing for community input and engagement.
Reports are accessible and easy to understand for non-technical stakeholders and the public.
The impact score reports are presented in a user-friendly format with visualizations and clear explanations, making the data and insights easily understandable for non-technical stakeholders and the public.
City officials analyze the feedback and insights from stakeholders and the public to inform future engagement strategies.
City officials use the feedback and insights provided by stakeholders and the public to make informed decisions and adjustments to future citizen engagement strategies, leveraging the data for continuous improvement.

Collaborative Project Management

Facilitate seamless collaboration on projects, enabling city administrators and staff to coordinate tasks, share updates, and monitor project progress in real-time, fostering efficient project management and delivery.


Real-Time Project Updates
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to receive real-time updates on project progress so that I can stay informed and collaborate effectively with staff, ensuring efficient project management and delivery.


Enable real-time updates on project progress, allowing city administrators and staff to stay informed and collaborate effectively. This feature will provide a centralized platform for tracking project milestones, milestones, and deliverables, enhancing transparency and accountability in project management.

Acceptance Criteria
As a city administrator, I want to receive real-time notifications when project milestones are achieved, so I can stay informed and monitor project progress effectively.
Given a project milestone is achieved, when the milestone is updated in the system, then a real-time notification is sent to the city administrators and staff.
As a staff member, I want to easily access a centralized dashboard that displays real-time project updates and progress, so I can stay informed and contribute effectively to project management.
Given I log in to the system, when I navigate to the project dashboard, then I can view real-time project updates, progress, and deliverables.
As a city administrator, I want to have the ability to add and update project milestones and deliverables in real-time, so I can keep the project information current and accurate.
Given I have administrative access, when I add or update project milestones and deliverables, then the changes are immediately reflected in the project dashboard.
As a city staff member, I want to easily collaborate with other team members on projects, share updates, and receive notifications, so we can coordinate tasks and share real-time information effectively.
Given I am assigned to a project, when I share updates or comments, then other team members receive notifications and can view the updates in real-time.
Task Assignment and Monitoring
User Story

As a project manager, I want to assign tasks to team members and monitor their progress so that I can efficiently manage project resources and ensure timely project delivery.


Facilitate the assignment of tasks to team members and provide monitoring capabilities for project managers. This functionality will streamline task allocation, progress tracking, and deadline management, empowering administrators to optimize resource allocation and ensure project timelines are met.

Acceptance Criteria
Assigning a task to a team member
Given a project manager has a task to assign, when they select a team member and define the task details, then the task is successfully assigned to the team member.
Updating task progress
Given a team member has been assigned a task, when they update the task progress and provide relevant details, then the task progress is successfully updated in the system.
Monitoring task deadlines
Given a project manager needs to monitor task deadlines, when they view the dashboard and receive notifications for approaching deadlines, then the task deadlines are effectively monitored.
Collaborative Document Sharing
User Story

As a project team member, I want to share and collaborate on project documents in real time so that I can contribute to accurate and efficient project communication and documentation.


Implement a feature to enable collaborative document sharing among project team members. This functionality will allow team members to access and collaborate on project documents in real time, improving efficiency and accuracy in project communication and documentation.

Acceptance Criteria
Project Setup
Given a project with multiple team members, when a document is uploaded to the platform, then all team members should have real-time access to the document for viewing and editing.
Collaborative Editing
Given a document is open for editing by one team member, when another team member opens the same document, then both team members should see real-time updates and changes made by each other.
Version Control
Given a document has been edited multiple times, when a team member accesses the document, then they should be able to view and restore previous versions of the document.

Knowledge Sharing Hub

Create a centralized platform for sharing and accessing critical knowledge resources, best practices, and key insights, empowering city administrators and staff to leverage collective expertise and drive informed decision-making.


Knowledge Resource Repository
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to access a centralized repository of knowledge resources so that I can leverage collective expertise and make informed decisions for efficient municipal operations.


Implement a centralized repository for knowledge resources, best practices, and key insights, providing city administrators and staff with a single source for accessing critical information and expertise. The repository should support various file formats, include search and filtering capabilities, and enable collaborative contributions and discussions to enhance knowledge sharing and decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator Access
Given a city administrator is logged into the system, when they search for a specific knowledge resource, then the system should return relevant results based on the search query.
File Format Compatibility
Given a user uploads a knowledge resource, when the file format is PDF, DOCX, or XLSX, then the system should successfully store and display the file without any formatting issues.
Collaborative Contribution
Given a staff member is viewing a knowledge resource, when they leave a comment or suggestion, then the system should display the contribution and notify other users of the update.
Knowledge Resource Contribution
User Story

As a city staff member, I want to contribute and share knowledge resources so that I can foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the municipal operations.


Integrate a feature that allows city administrators and staff to contribute and share knowledge resources, best practices, and insights, enabling a collaborative environment for sharing expertise and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. The feature should include version control, content moderation, and user permissions to ensure quality and accuracy of shared knowledge.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator Contribution
Given a city administrator has a knowledge resource to share, when they access the platform and submit the resource, then the resource is successfully uploaded with version control and attributed to the administrator.
Staff Contribution Moderation
Given a staff member submits a knowledge resource, when the resource undergoes content moderation, then the resource is either approved and published or rejected with appropriate feedback.
User Permissions Management
Given a new staff member joins, when their user permissions are configured, then they have access to contribute, edit, or view knowledge resources based on their role and responsibilities.
Knowledge Resource Analytics
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to track usage and engagement with knowledge resources so that I can make data-driven decisions to optimize the knowledge repository and identify areas for additional knowledge expansion and development.


Develop analytics capabilities to track usage and engagement with knowledge resources, providing insights into the most accessed resources, user engagement levels, and areas of high interest. The analytics should facilitate data-driven decisions for optimizing the knowledge repository and identifying areas for additional knowledge expansion and development.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the knowledge resource analytics dashboard and views the most accessed resources.
The dashboard displays a list of the top 10 most accessed knowledge resources, along with the number of views for each resource.
User analyzes user engagement levels for specific knowledge resources over a defined period.
The analytics dashboard provides the ability to view user engagement metrics, such as time spent on each resource, number of downloads, and comments/feedback received.
User identifies areas of high interest and demand for knowledge resources.
The analytics dashboard offers a feature to identify the most requested and searched knowledge resources, enabling the user to prioritize content creation and updates based on user demand.
User leverages the analytics to make data-driven decisions for optimizing the knowledge repository.
The analytics dashboard presents data insights that help the user identify underutilized resources, areas for improvement, and trends in user interests, leading to informed decisions for knowledge repository optimization.

Cross-Departmental Communication

Enable fluid communication and information exchange across various departments, allowing city administrators and staff to engage in constructive discussions, seek input, and coordinate efforts for streamlined administrative operations and improved inter-departmental cooperation.


Unified Messaging System
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to easily communicate and exchange information with other departments within the Civico platform, so that we can streamline administrative operations and improve inter-departmental cooperation.


Implement a centralized messaging system that allows seamless communication and information exchange across departments within the Civico platform. This feature will enable city administrators and staff to engage in constructive discussions, seek input, and coordinate efforts for streamlined administrative operations and improved inter-departmental cooperation. The messaging system will integrate with user profiles, departmental channels, and project management tools to facilitate efficient collaboration and decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
As a city administrator, I want to send a message to a specific department to request input on a project we are working on together.
When a city administrator selects a specific department and sends a message through the unified messaging system, the message is delivered to the selected department's channel and all members of that department can view and respond to the message.
As a department member, I want to receive a notification when a new message is posted in my department's channel.
When a new message is posted in my department's channel, I receive a notification through the unified messaging system, alerting me to the new message.
As a project manager, I want to create a message thread within a project to discuss specific tasks with team members.
When a project manager creates a message thread within a project, all project team members can view and participate in the discussion, and the message thread is linked to the specific project for easy reference.
As a city administrator, I want to be able to search for past messages related to a specific project or topic.
When a city administrator performs a search within the unified messaging system, relevant past messages related to the specified project or topic are retrieved and displayed, allowing the administrator to review the communication history.
As an IT support staff member, I want to be able to share files and documents securely through the unified messaging system.
When an IT support staff member uploads a file or document to a message thread, the file is securely stored, and all authorized users within the thread can access and download the file.
Real-time Updates and Notifications
User Story

As a city staff member, I want to receive real-time updates and notifications about important developments and relevant discussions, so that I can stay informed and make timely decisions.


Integrate real-time update and notification capabilities across the Civico platform to keep city administrators and staff informed about important developments, project updates, and relevant discussions. This feature will ensure timely dissemination of information, enhancing transparency and improving decision-making processes. Notifications will be customizable based on user preferences and role-based access, providing relevant updates to each user.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator Receives Project Update Notification
Given the city administrator has pending project updates in the Civico platform, When a project update is submitted by the relevant department, Then the city administrator receives a real-time notification displaying the project details and relevant information.
Staff Customizes Notification Preferences
Given a staff member has access to the Civico platform, When the staff member navigates to the notification settings, Then they can customize their notification preferences based on project types, departments, and urgency levels.
User Receives Real-time Public Service Update
Given a user has subscribed to specific public service updates, When there is a real-time public service update in the Civico platform, Then the user receives a notification with the relevant update details and information.
Departmental Announcement Board
User Story

As a department head, I want to have a dedicated announcement board for my department within the Civico platform, so that I can effectively communicate important information and updates to all staff members.


Create a dedicated announcement board within the Civico platform for each department, allowing officials to post important announcements, share updates, and initiate discussions specific to their department. The announcement board will facilitate department-wide communication, ensuring that all staff members are informed about key developments, policies, and initiatives within their respective departments.

Acceptance Criteria
As a department head, I want to post an important announcement for my department on the announcement board, so that all staff members can stay informed about key developments and initiatives within the department.
1. Given that I am a department head, when I post an announcement on the announcement board, then all staff members in my department should be able to view it. 2. Given that an announcement is posted on the announcement board, when a staff member in the department logs into Civico, then they should receive a notification about the new announcement.
As a staff member, I want to view announcements posted on the departmental announcement board, so that I can stay informed about important updates and discussions within my department.
1. Given that I am a staff member in a department, when I log into Civico, then I should be able to see all announcements posted on the departmental announcement board. 2. Given that a new announcement is posted, when I view the announcement board, then I should be able to see the details and any attached files related to the announcement.

Task Assignment and Tracking

Provide a streamlined system for assigning tasks, tracking deadlines, and monitoring task status, empowering city administrators and staff to efficiently allocate resources, prioritize activities, and ensure timely project completion.


Task Creation and Assignment
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to create and assign tasks to staff members so that I can streamline task allocation and ensure timely completion of key project activities.


Implement a feature that allows city administrators to create tasks, assign them to specific staff members, and set deadlines. This will streamline task allocation and ensure clear accountability for project activities within the Civico platform, enhancing overall project management efficiency.

Acceptance Criteria
City administrator creates a new task and assigns it to a staff member
Given a city administrator is logged in to Civico, when they create a new task, assign it to a specific staff member, and set a deadline, then the task is successfully saved and appears in the staff member's task list with the correct details and deadline
Staff member views their assigned tasks and updates task status
Given a staff member is logged in to Civico, when they view their assigned tasks, update the status of a task to 'In Progress' or 'Completed', and save the changes, then the task status is successfully updated and reflected in the task list
Administrator assigns multiple tasks to a group of staff members
Given a city administrator is logged in to Civico, when they create and assign multiple tasks to a group of staff members, and set deadlines for each task, then each task is successfully assigned to the respective staff members and appears in their task lists with the correct details and deadlines
Task Tracking and Monitoring
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to track and monitor the progress of tasks so that I can proactively address any delays and ensure timely completion of projects.


Develop a system for monitoring task progress, tracking deadlines, and updating task status in real time. This feature will enable city administrators and staff to gain visibility into the status of tasks, identify bottlenecks, and take proactive measures to ensure timely project completion.

Acceptance Criteria
As a city administrator, I want to assign a task to a staff member and track its progress to ensure timely completion.
Given a task is created and assigned to a staff member, when the staff member updates the task status, then the system should reflect the updated status in real-time.
As a staff member, I want to view all tasks assigned to me and update their status as I make progress.
Given I log in to the system, when I navigate to the 'My Tasks' section, then I should see a list of tasks assigned to me and be able to update their status.
As a city administrator, I want to receive automated alerts for tasks that are approaching their deadlines or are at risk of delay.
Given a task deadline is approaching or at risk of delay, when the system identifies this, then an automated alert should be sent to the responsible staff member and the administrator.
Task Priority and Resource Allocation
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively so that I can optimize resource allocation and ensure timely completion of high-priority activities.


Introduce a feature that allows city administrators to prioritize tasks, allocate resources, and manage task dependencies. This functionality will empower administrators to optimize resource allocation, streamline task prioritization, and ensure that critical activities receive the necessary attention and resources.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator Prioritizes High-Impact Tasks
Given a list of tasks with varying priority levels, When the city administrator assigns high priority to critical tasks and low priority to non-urgent tasks, Then the system should update the task priority status accordingly.
Resource Allocation for Critical Projects
Given a list of critical projects and available resources, When the city administrator allocates resources to high-priority projects, Then the system should update the resource allocation status and notify stakeholders of the changes.
Task Dependency Management
Given a set of tasks with dependencies, When the city administrator sets task dependencies and monitors their progress, Then the system should ensure that dependent tasks are only started after their dependencies are completed.

Collaborative Decision Support

Enable collaborative decision-making by providing a platform for city administrators and staff to collectively analyze data, explore options, and evaluate potential outcomes, fostering evidence-based decision support and promoting efficient policy and strategy formulation.


Data Analysis Tool
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to have access to a powerful data analysis tool so that I can analyze complex datasets and make evidence-based decisions for effective governance and policy formulation.


Develop a robust data analysis tool that allows city administrators and staff to analyze and interpret complex datasets, facilitating evidence-based decision-making and strategic planning. The tool should include visualizations, filters, and export capabilities to empower users to derive valuable insights from municipal data.

Acceptance Criteria
As a city administrator, I want to upload a large dataset of municipal data to the Data Analysis Tool and filter it based on specific criteria to derive insights for evidence-based decision-making.
Given a large dataset of municipal data and filtering criteria, when I upload the data and apply the filters, then the tool should display accurate and relevant visualizations and insights based on the filtered data.
As a city staff member, I want to export visualizations and insights from the Data Analysis Tool to share with other team members and use them for collaborative decision support.
Given visualizations and insights derived from the Data Analysis Tool, when I export them, then the exported files should be in a commonly used format (e.g., PDF, CSV) and should accurately represent the data and insights.
As a city administrator, I want to conduct a comparative analysis of multiple datasets using the Data Analysis Tool to explore correlations and patterns for informed decision-making.
Given multiple datasets and the comparative analysis feature, when I compare the datasets, then the tool should accurately identify correlations and patterns, providing valuable insights for decision-making.
Collaborative Decision Evaluation
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to be able to evaluate different options and potential outcomes collaboratively, so that I can make well-informed decisions and formulate effective policies for the city.


Implement a feature that enables city administrators and staff to collaboratively evaluate various options and potential outcomes based on analyzed data. This will facilitate collective decision-making and strategic planning, supporting the formulation of informed policies and strategies.

Acceptance Criteria
City administrators can collectively analyze data to evaluate potential outcomes
The platform allows city administrators and staff to input and analyze data collaboratively to assess potential outcomes of various decisions.
City administrators can explore options for strategic planning
The platform provides tools for city administrators to explore and consider different options and courses of action for strategic planning.
Outcome evaluation tools are available for evidence-based decision support
The platform offers tools and features that enable evidence-based evaluation of potential outcomes, supporting informed decision-making.
Real-time collaboration for decision support
The platform supports real-time collaboration among city administrators and staff for collective decision support and strategic planning.
Scenario Analysis Module
User Story

As a city administrator, I want to be able to simulate and assess the potential impact of different policy decisions and strategies, so that I can understand the potential outcomes and risks to make informed and strategic decisions for the city.


Integrate a scenario analysis module that allows city administrators and staff to simulate and assess the potential impact of different policy decisions and strategies, providing a comprehensive understanding of the potential outcomes and risks associated with each scenario.

Acceptance Criteria
City Administrator simulates the potential impact of a new urban development policy using the scenario analysis module
The module allows the administrator to input various parameters and variables related to the policy, run simulations, and visualize the potential outcomes in a visually intuitive format.
Staff members evaluate the financial implications of different budget allocation scenarios using the scenario analysis module
The module provides tools for analyzing budget allocation scenarios, comparing funding distribution across departments, and generating comprehensive reports on the financial impact of each scenario.
City council members assess the environmental impact of different infrastructure development strategies using the scenario analysis module
The module enables council members to input different infrastructure development proposals, analyze their environmental impact on air quality, water resources, and ecosystem health, and compare the sustainability of each scenario.

Press Articles

Civico SaaS Platform Revolutionizes Local Governance


July 3, 2024

Civico, the groundbreaking SaaS platform tailored for local governments, is transforming municipal operations with advanced CRM, robust project management tools, and intuitive citizen portals. Designed to streamline workflows, enhance transparency, and elevate community engagement, Civico centralizes management processes while automating routine tasks.

"Civico represents a significant leap forward in how local governments interact with citizens and manage operations. It empowers officials with real-time public service updates and participatory budgeting modules, enabling data-driven decision-making," said John Doe, CEO of Civico.

Policy Strategists, Community Engagement Coordinators, City Administrators, and citizens are experiencing the profound impact of Civico's unique features. From comprehensive data analytics for evidence-based policy decisions to real-time public service updates and participatory budgeting, Civico is revolutionizing the way local governance operates.

For media inquiries, please contact: Jane Smith Email: Phone: 123-456-7890

Civico Mobile App Empowers Citizens with Real-Time Engagement


July 3, 2024

Civico, the innovative SaaS platform, introduces a mobile application to provide citizens with on-the-go access to public service updates, participatory budgeting, and feedback submission. The Civico mobile app aims to enhance community engagement and communication, offering convenience and accessibility to residents.

"With the Civico mobile app, citizens can actively participate in civic initiatives, access real-time information, and contribute to shaping their communities," said Sarah Johnson, Product Manager at Civico.

The mobile app furthers Civico's commitment to fostering smarter, connected communities and driving sustainable urban growth. It empowers residents to stay informed, participate in budget allocation decisions, and provide valuable feedback, enhancing the transparency and inclusivity of local governance.

For media inquiries, please contact: Alex Brown Email: Phone: 123-789-4560

Civico Launches Citizen Impact Scoring System for Community Involvement


July 3, 2024

Civico, the leading SaaS platform for local governments, introduces a citizen impact scoring system to assess and recognize the contributions of residents in shaping their communities. The impact scoring system incentivizes active citizen engagement, fosters community involvement, and celebrates the positive influence of residents on civic initiatives.

"The citizen impact scoring system is a pivotal step towards recognizing and empowering residents who actively contribute to community development. It promotes a culture of participation and ownership," said Emily Jackson, Director of Community Relations at Civico.

Through the impact scoring system, Civico aims to encourage continued engagement, reward residents for their contributions, and foster a sense of pride in their impact on community initiatives. The initiative aligns with Civico's mission to drive sustainable urban development and promote transparent civic processes.

For media inquiries, please contact: Mark Wilson Email: Phone: 123-456-7890