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Where Remote Work Connects

TaskLoom is a cloud-based project management tool designed for remote teams and freelancers, offering customizable task boards, integrated video conferencing, and automated time tracking. It enhances productivity by streamlining communication, ensuring timely project completion, and providing real-time updates and insightful analytics. Tailored to the needs of dispersed workforces, TaskLoom transforms how remote teams collaborate, making virtual project management seamless and efficient. Experience the future of remote work where tasks are woven seamlessly, and projects mastered effortlessly.

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Product Details




Where Remote Work Connects


Project Management Software


Revolutionizing remote work with seamless collaboration and effortless project mastery.


TaskLoom is a cloud-based project management tool designed specifically for remote teams and freelancers. Combining user-friendly task management with real-time communication and deadline tracking, it revolutionizes how dispersed teams collaborate and stay productive. Remote professionals and small to medium-sized enterprises often face challenges in coordinating tasks and maintaining clear communication from different locations. TaskLoom bridges this gap by offering a seamless workspace where all crucial functionalities converge.

With customizable task boards, integrated video conferencing, and automated time tracking, TaskLoom ensures that teams remain aligned and efficient. Its real-time updates and insightful analytics empower users to not just manage tasks but master projects with heightened clarity. Each feature is crafted with the modern remote worker in mind, simplifying workflows and reducing the friction of virtual collaboration.

TaskLoom exists to empower remote teams to achieve their best work through seamless collaboration and efficient project management. It transforms productivity by providing an all-in-one solution tailored to the unique demands of remote work, ensuring teams can stay connected and complete tasks on time, regardless of location. Experience the future of remote work with TaskLoom—where tasks are woven seamlessly and projects mastered effortlessly.

Target Audience

Freelancers and remote teams (5-50 members) from small to medium-sized enterprises seeking efficient project coordination and seamless communication.

Problem Statement

Remote teams often face significant challenges in coordinating tasks, maintaining effective communication, and ensuring timely project completion due to the dispersed nature of their work environments, leading to decreased productivity and potential project delays.

Solution Overview

TaskLoom addresses the challenges of remote work by providing an all-in-one platform that integrates key functionalities essential for dispersed teams. With customizable task boards, it enables teams to organize and prioritize tasks based on individual and project needs. Integrated video conferencing ensures real-time communication, bridging the gap caused by physical distance and fostering effective collaboration. Automated time tracking and deadline management tools help teams stay on schedule and meet project milestones without the usual friction of remote coordination. Real-time updates keep everyone aligned, ensuring transparency and reducing miscommunication. TaskLoom's holistic approach not only enhances productivity but also streamlines workflows, making remote project management seamless and efficient.


TaskLoom significantly enhances remote team productivity and collaboration by integrating essential project management functionalities into one seamless platform. Through real-time communication, customizable task boards, and automated time tracking, TaskLoom has reduced project completion times by an average of 25%, enabling teams to meet their deadlines more consistently. The platform's comprehensive suite of tools reduces miscommunication and increases alignment, leading to a 30% improvement in task accuracy and execution. By offering insightful analytics and real-time updates, TaskLoom empowers teams to make data-driven decisions, enhancing overall project outcomes and fostering a more connected and efficient remote work environment.


The inspiration for TaskLoom emerged from firsthand experience managing remote teams during the global shift to remote work prompted by the pandemic. Struggling with scattered communication, missed deadlines, and fragmented task management, it became evident that existing tools were not adequately addressing the unique challenges faced by remote teams. This realization sparked the idea of creating a unified platform that could seamlessly integrate essential project management and communication functionalities tailored specifically for dispersed workforces.

By combining user-friendly task boards, real-time video conferencing, and automated time tracking within a single interface, TaskLoom was envisioned to bridge the gaps in remote collaboration. The goal was to cultivate a workspace where remote professionals could effectively coordinate efforts, maintain clear communication, and ensure timely project completion, regardless of physical location.

TaskLoom is driven by the desire to revolutionize how remote teams collaborate, ensuring that physical distance does not hinder productivity or project success. The platform embodies the vision of an interconnected, efficient, and harmonious remote work environment, transforming the productivity landscape for freelancers and small to medium-sized enterprises.

Long Term Goal

Our long-term goal is to set the gold standard for remote project management, seamlessly integrating emerging technologies to create an all-encompassing, intuitive workspace that empowers remote teams worldwide to achieve unparalleled productivity and cohesion.


Remote Team Coordinator


Remote Team Coordinator


Remote Team Coordinator is responsible for managing and coordinating virtual teams to ensure seamless communication, collaboration, and project execution. They rely on TaskLoom to assign tasks, track progress, and facilitate effective team coordination in a remote work environment. They are motivated by the need for efficient virtual team management and high-quality project outcomes.


Age: 28-40 Gender: Any Education: Bachelor's degree or higher Occupation: Team leader, project coordinator Income Level: Moderate to high


Remote Team Coordinators have typically advanced from individual contributor roles and have a proven track record of leading and coordinating virtual teams. They are adept at using digital platforms for team collaboration and have a passion for optimizing remote work processes.


They value clear communication and seamless collaboration in virtual workspaces. They are motivated by the desire to increase team productivity, foster a sense of belonging among team members, and achieve project milestones efficiently in a remote work setting.


Effective team communication, streamlined task assignment, real-time progress tracking, meaningful team collaboration, accurate project reporting


Challenges in ensuring clear communication and collaboration among remote team members, difficulty in tracking the progress of distributed tasks, and managing project visibility in a remote work environment


Email, project management platforms, video conferencing tools, collaborative document editing software


Frequent usage for task assignment, progress tracking, and team communication, with a focus on real-time updates and smooth collaboration


Influenced by the need for seamless virtual team coordination, efficient project management, and enhanced collaboration tools for remote work environments

Remote Student Liaison


Remote Student Liaison


Remote Student Liaison is responsible for facilitating and managing remote learning programs for students in virtual environments. They rely on TaskLoom to organize and structure virtual classes, track student progress, and ensure effective communication between educators and students. They are driven by the need to provide a supportive and engaging learning experience for remote students.


Age: 25-35 Gender: Any Education: Bachelor's degree or higher Occupation: Academic program coordinator, online education facilitator Income Level: Moderate


Remote Student Liaisons are typically individuals with a background in education, training, or instructional design. They have experience in managing virtual learning environments and are passionate about leveraging technology for effective remote education.


They are motivated by the belief in the value of quality education and are committed to providing meaningful and engaging learning experiences for remote students. They value clear communication, student engagement, and interactive learning tools.


Organized virtual class schedules, student progress tracking, meaningful educator-student interaction, effective communication channels, student engagement strategies


Challenges in organizing virtual class schedules, tracking student progress in remote learning environments, ensuring effective educator-student communication, and promoting student engagement in virtual classes


Learning management systems, email communication, video conferencing tools, educational software platforms


Regular usage for class organization, student progress tracking, and educator-student communication, with a focus on engaging and interactive teaching methods


Influenced by the need for effective remote education management, student engagement strategies, and interactive learning tools for virtual classrooms

Remote Creative Collaborator


Remote Creative Collaborator


Remote Creative Collaborator specializes in collaborating with creative teams and freelancers in a virtual work environment. They rely on TaskLoom to share project briefs, provide feedback, and manage creative project timelines. They are driven by the need for efficient and inspiring collaboration to produce high-quality creative work remotely.


Age: 25-40 Gender: Any Education: Bachelor's degree or higher Occupation: Creative director, freelance artist, graphic designer Income Level: Moderate to high


Remote Creative Collaborators have a background in creative fields such as design, art, or content creation. They thrive in virtual work ecosystems and are passionate about leveraging technology to enhance creative collaboration.


They are motivated by the desire to foster a collaborative and inspiring environment for creative project management. They value clear communication, constructive feedback, and efficient project timelines.


Efficient creative collaboration, seamless project feedback, streamlined project timelines, meaningful creative team interaction, accurate project progress reporting


Challenges in facilitating effective creative collaboration in virtual teams, providing clear and constructive feedback in remote work settings, managing project timelines and creative resource allocation in dispersed work environments


Creative collaboration platforms, design feedback tools, video conferencing software, project management platforms


Frequent usage for project brief sharing, feedback exchange, and project management, with a focus on inspiring creative collaboration and efficient project timelines


Influenced by the need for effective virtual creative collaboration, inspiring project management, and collaborative feedback tools for creative projects in remote work settings

Product Ideas

Seamless Authentication

Implement a seamless authentication process using biometric recognition and device-based authentication to enhance security and user experience. Users can securely access TaskLoom without the need for multiple passwords, ensuring a seamless and efficient login process.

AI-Powered Task Prioritization

Leverage AI algorithms to analyze task data, prioritize assignments, and provide personalized task recommendations based on user behavior and project deadlines. This feature enhances productivity and efficiency by helping users focus on the most critical tasks, leading to improved project outcomes.

Integrated Payment Gateway

Integrate a secure payment gateway within TaskLoom to facilitate seamless invoicing, payment processing, and billing for freelance professionals and remote teams. This feature streamlines financial transactions, provides transparency, and ensures timely payment processing for project-based work.

Product Features

Biometric Access

Enable users to securely access TaskLoom using biometric recognition, such as fingerprint or facial authentication, eliminating the need for manual passwords and enhancing login efficiency and security.


Biometric Authentication
User Story

As a user, I want to access TaskLoom securely and efficiently using biometric recognition, so that I can eliminate the need for manual passwords and enhance the security of my account access.


Implement biometric authentication to provide users with a secure and efficient way to access TaskLoom, eliminating the need for manual passwords and enhancing login security. This feature contributes to a seamless and secure user experience, aligning with TaskLoom's commitment to user-centric design and data security.

Acceptance Criteria
User enables biometric authentication
Given a compatible device, when the user selects biometric authentication in the app settings, then the system should prompt the user to enroll their biometric data and provide clear instructions for the process.
User attempts to log in with biometric authentication
Given the biometric authentication is enabled, when the user attempts to log in with their biometric data, then the system should compare the captured biometric data with the enrolled data and grant access upon successful verification.
User attempts to log in with biometric authentication (failure)
Given the biometric authentication is enabled, when the user attempts to log in with their biometric data, then the system should display an error message and prevent access if the captured biometric data does not match the enrolled data.
Biometric Enrollment
User Story

As a user, I want to easily enroll my biometric data for secure access to TaskLoom, so that I can securely authenticate my identity without complications.


Develop a user-friendly biometric enrollment process that allows users to easily register their biometric data for secure access to TaskLoom. This feature enhances user convenience and security by providing a straightforward and intuitive biometric setup experience.

Acceptance Criteria
User initiates biometric enrollment process
The system prompts the user to choose between fingerprint or facial recognition for biometric enrollment
User successfully completes biometric enrollment
The user's biometric data is securely stored in the system for future biometric authentication
User attempts biometric enrollment with unsupported device
The system displays an error message informing the user that the biometric enrollment is not supported on their device
User cancels the biometric enrollment process
The system returns the user to the login screen without saving any biometric data
Biometric Compatibility
User Story

As a user, I want to access TaskLoom using biometric recognition on my preferred device, so that I can conveniently and securely authenticate my identity regardless of the device I use.


Ensure compatibility with a wide range of devices and operating systems to support various biometric recognition methods such as fingerprint and facial authentication. This requirement is essential for maximizing user accessibility and ensuring a consistent biometric authentication experience across different devices and platforms.

Acceptance Criteria
Logging in with Fingerprint Authentication on Android Device
Given a TaskLoom user is on an Android device with a fingerprint sensor, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should prompt the user to use their fingerprint for authentication, and upon successful recognition, grant access to the TaskLoom app.
Logging in with Facial Authentication on iOS Device
Given a TaskLoom user is on an iOS device with facial recognition capability, When the user attempts to log in, Then the system should prompt the user to use facial recognition for authentication, and upon successful recognition, grant access to the TaskLoom app.
Biometric Compatibility Testing on Multiple Devices and OS
Given a TaskLoom user is using different devices and operating systems, When the user attempts to use biometric authentication methods, Then the system should provide consistent and reliable biometric recognition across all tested devices and operating systems.
Fingerprint Authentication for Timed Logout
Given a TaskLoom user has enabled automatic logout after a set period of inactivity, When the user logs in using fingerprint authentication, Then the system should recognize the user's fingerprint to maintain the active session until the set time period elapses.
Facial Authentication for Account Recovery
Given a TaskLoom user who has forgotten their password, When the user attempts to recover their account, Then the system should provide an option for facial authentication as an alternative method for account recovery and access to the TaskLoom account.

Device-Based Authentication

Implement device-based authentication to allow seamless login to TaskLoom using trusted devices, ensuring secure and convenient access without the hassle of multiple passwords, thereby enhancing user experience.


Device Authentication
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to log in to TaskLoom using my trusted devices so that I can securely access the platform without the hassle of remembering and inputting multiple passwords, enhancing my user experience.


Implement a device-based authentication system to allow users to securely and seamlessly log in to TaskLoom using trusted devices. This feature will enhance user experience by providing a convenient and secure login method, eliminating the need for multiple passwords while ensuring data security.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in from a trusted device for the first time
Given the user has a trusted device registered, When the user logs in from the device for the first time, Then the user should be prompted to confirm device authentication via email or SMS.
User attempts to log in from an untrusted device
Given the user does not have a trusted device registered, When the user attempts to log in from an untrusted device, Then the user should be prompted to verify login via email or SMS.
Automatic login from a trusted device
Given the user has a trusted device registered and is accessing TaskLoom from that device, When the user navigates to the TaskLoom login page, Then the user should be automatically logged in without the need for additional authentication.
User removes a trusted device
Given the user has a trusted device registered, When the user removes the device from the trusted devices list, Then the user should be prompted to re-authenticate from the next login attempt on the removed device.
Admin adds a new trusted device for a user
Given the admin has the privilege to manage trusted devices, When the admin adds a new device to a user's trusted devices list, Then the user should receive a notification and be prompted to confirm the addition of a new trusted device.
User encounters login issues from a trusted device
Given the user has a trusted device registered, When the user encounters login issues from the trusted device, Then the user should be able to request verification via email or SMS to resolve the issue.
Device Identification
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to register and manage my trusted devices on TaskLoom so that I can easily authenticate and access the platform using my preferred devices, enhancing convenience and security.


Enable users to register and manage their trusted devices for seamless authentication. This functionality will allow users to easily identify and manage their trusted devices, ensuring a smooth and secure login process.

Acceptance Criteria
User Registration of Trusted Devices
Given the user is logged into TaskLoom, when the user navigates to the device management section, then the user should be able to register a new trusted device by providing its unique identifier.
Device Management
Given the user is logged into TaskLoom, when the user accesses the device management section, then the user should be able to view a list of all registered trusted devices with the option to remove or edit device details.
Seamless Authentication
Given the user tries to log in to TaskLoom from a trusted device, when the user enters their credentials, then they should be automatically authenticated without any additional authentication steps.
Multi-factor Authentication
User Story

As a user, I want the option to enable multi-factor authentication on TaskLoom to add an extra layer of security to my account and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.


Integrate multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security for user logins. This feature will enhance the platform's security by requiring users to go through an additional authentication step, further safeguarding user accounts and sensitive data.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in with correct username and password
Given the correct username and password are entered, when the user logs in, then the system allows access to the platform.
User logs in with incorrect username and password
Given an incorrect username or password is entered, when the user logs in, then the system denies access to the platform.
User enables multi-factor authentication
Given the user has enabled multi-factor authentication, when logging in from a new device, then the system prompts for an additional authentication step.
User attempts login from unrecognized device
Given the user attempts to login from an unrecognized device, when logging in, then the system triggers a notification for device verification.

Multi-Factor Verification

Introduce multi-factor verification to add an extra layer of security for user authentication, combining biometric recognition with device-based authentication to ensure robust and hassle-free login process for TaskLoom users.


Biometric Recognition
User Story

As a TaskLoom user, I want to be able to use biometric recognition for authentication so that I can securely log in without having to remember and input complex passwords, enhancing the overall security and user experience.


Implement biometric recognition as part of the multi-factor verification process to enable users to authenticate using their unique biological traits such as fingerprints or facial features. This will enhance security and provide a convenient, frictionless user experience for authentication.

Acceptance Criteria
User attempts to log in with biometric recognition (fingerprint or facial features)
Given the user has biometric recognition enabled on their device, when they attempt to log in, then they should be prompted to authenticate using their biometric data, and upon successful authentication, they should gain access to their TaskLoom account.
User attempts to log in without biometric recognition enabled
Given the user does not have biometric recognition enabled on their device, when they attempt to log in, then they should be prompted to enter an alternative authentication method, such as a password or PIN, and should be informed about the benefits of enabling biometric recognition for enhanced security.
User changes device with biometric recognition enabled
Given the user changes to a new device with biometric recognition enabled, when they attempt to log in from the new device, then they should be prompted to re-register their biometric data for authentication, and upon successful re-registration, they should gain access to their TaskLoom account.
User experiences multiple failed log-in attempts with biometric recognition
Given the user experiences multiple failed log-in attempts using biometric recognition, when they exceed the maximum allowed attempts, then they should be prompted to use an alternative authentication method, and their account should be temporarily locked for security purposes, with a notification sent to the user and the system administrator.
Device-Based Authentication
User Story

As a TaskLoom user, I want the option to verify my identity using trusted devices for authentication to ensure secure access and prevent unauthorized logins, enhancing the overall account security.


Incorporate device-based authentication as a component of the multi-factor verification system, allowing users to verify their identity using trusted devices such as smartphones or hardware tokens. This will add an extra layer of security to the login process and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in using smartphone for the first time.
Given the user has a registered smartphone, when the user logs in for the first time, then the system prompts for device-based verification and allows the user to register the device for future logins.
User attempts to log in with an unregistered device.
Given the user has an unregistered device, when the user tries to log in, then the system denies access and prompts the user to use a registered device for authentication.
User switches to a different device for login.
Given the user has a registered device, when the user attempts to log in from a different device, then the system prompts for device-based verification and allows the user to verify the new device for future logins.
Security Dashboard Integration
User Story

As a TaskLoom user, I want access to a security dashboard to monitor and manage my authentication methods and devices, enabling me to stay informed about my account security and take necessary actions to safeguard my data.


Integrate a dedicated security dashboard within the TaskLoom interface to provide users with insights into their authentication methods, devices used for login, and any security-related events. This will empower users to monitor and manage their account security effectively, promoting trust and transparency.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the security dashboard from the main navigation menu
When the user clicks on the security dashboard link in the main navigation menu, the security dashboard interface is displayed with relevant authentication methods, devices used for login, and security-related events.
User views a history of security-related events in the security dashboard
When the user accesses the security dashboard, they are able to view a chronological list of security-related events including login attempts, device changes, and password updates, with date, time, and event type details.
User manages and updates authentication methods from the security dashboard
The user can add, remove, or update authentication methods (e.g., biometric recognition, device-based authentication) from the security dashboard interface and the changes are reflected in the user's account settings.
User receives real-time alerts for security-related events
When a security-related event occurs (e.g., failed login attempt, device change), the user receives a real-time alert or notification in the TaskLoom app, providing details of the event and prompting the user to review and take action if necessary.
User monitors device usage for login from the security dashboard
The user can view a list of devices used for login, including device names, types, and last login timestamps, in the security dashboard and can identify and manage authorized devices.

SmartTask Insights

Gain valuable insights and recommendations on task prioritization and project deadlines through AI-powered analysis of task data, enhancing productivity and improving project outcomes.


AI Task Analysis
User Story

As a project manager, I want to access AI-powered task analysis to gain valuable insights on prioritizing tasks and setting project deadlines, so that I can make data-driven decisions and ensure efficient project completion.


Implement AI-powered analysis of task data to provide valuable insights and recommendations on task prioritization and project deadlines. This functionality enables users to leverage advanced data analysis to enhance productivity and improve project outcomes by making informed decisions based on AI-generated insights.

Acceptance Criteria
User Analyzes Task Data
When a user analyzes task data, the AI provides valuable insights on task prioritization and project deadlines.
AI Generates Task Recommendations
Given AI-generated task recommendations, the user can prioritize tasks and set project deadlines based on the AI's insights.
User Makes Informed Decisions
When the user makes decisions based on AI-generated insights, the decisions result in improved project outcomes and enhanced productivity.
AI Analysis Accuracy
The AI analysis accuracy is measured by comparing the AI-generated insights with actual project outcomes, resulting in a minimum accuracy threshold of 90%.
Insight Recommendations
User Story

As a team member, I want to receive personalized task prioritization and deadline recommendations based on AI analysis, so that I can optimize my task management and contribute to efficient project completion.


Develop a feature that provides personalized task prioritization and deadline recommendations based on AI-driven analysis of task data. This functionality enables users to receive tailored recommendations to optimize task management and project planning, leading to improved productivity and project outcomes.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Task Prioritization Recommendations
When a user accesses the SmartTask Insights feature, the system analyzes their task data and provides personalized recommendations for task prioritization based on AI-driven analysis.
User Receives Project Deadline Recommendations
When a user accesses the SmartTask Insights feature, the system analyzes their task data and provides personalized recommendations for project deadlines based on AI-driven analysis.
User Accepts and Applies AI Recommendations
When a user receives task prioritization and project deadline recommendations, they can accept and apply these recommendations to their task board, and the system reflects the changes.
Real-time Insights Update
User Story

As a remote team member, I want to access real-time AI-generated insights and recommendations to optimize task prioritization and project planning, so that I can manage my tasks more effectively and contribute to successful project delivery.


Integrate real-time updating of AI-generated insights and recommendations into the task management interface, ensuring that users have instant access to the latest data-driven recommendations for task prioritization and project deadlines. This feature enhances user experience by providing timely and relevant insights for effective project management.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the task management interface
The AI-generated insights and recommendations are displayed in real-time as soon as the user logs in, providing instant access to the latest data-driven recommendations for task prioritization and project deadlines.
User updates a task status or deadline
The AI-powered analysis updates the task insights and recommendations in real-time, reflecting the changes made by the user and providing updated insights for effective task prioritization.
User adds a new task to the project
The AI-powered analysis includes the new task in the insights and recommendations in real-time, ensuring that the latest task data is considered for project management.
User engages in a video conference within the platform
The task insights and recommendations are updated in real-time to reflect any changes or discussions that occur during the video conference, providing up-to-date insights for project management decisions.

Personalized Task Recommendations

Receive personalized task recommendations based on individual work behavior, preferences, and project deadlines, optimizing task prioritization and contributing to improved project efficiency.


Behavior-based Task Recommendations
User Story

As a remote team member, I want to receive personalized task recommendations based on my work behavior and project deadlines so that I can optimize my task prioritization and improve overall project efficiency.


This requirement involves analyzing individual work behavior, preferences, and project deadlines to provide personalized task recommendations. By leveraging data on work patterns, preferred task types, and project timelines, the system will generate task suggestions to optimize prioritization and enhance overall project efficiency. The feature will utilize machine learning algorithms to adapt recommendations based on user feedback and evolving work patterns.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives personalized task recommendations upon logging into the TaskLoom platform based on previous task completion, current open tasks, and project deadlines.
The system provides personalized task recommendations based on the user's work behavior, preferences, and project deadlines.
User interacts with task recommendations by marking tasks as complete, requesting new recommendations, or providing feedback on the suggested tasks.
The system accurately captures and processes user interactions with task recommendations, incorporating the feedback to refine future recommendations.
User's task completion and feedback contribute to the machine learning algorithm's ability to adapt and improve the accuracy of future task recommendations over time.
The machine learning algorithm adjusts task recommendations based on user feedback and evolving work patterns, improving the relevance and accuracy of future recommendations.
Intuitive Task Dashboard Integration
User Story

As a remote team member, I want the personalized task recommendations to be seamlessly integrated into the task dashboard, so that I can easily access and manage recommended tasks alongside my existing assignments.


This requirement entails integrating the personalized task recommendations seamlessly into the intuitive task dashboard, providing users with a consolidated view of recommended tasks alongside their existing task assignments. The integration aims to ensure a user-friendly, cohesive experience, allowing team members to easily access and manage their personalized task recommendations within the existing workflow.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the task dashboard
When the user logs in, the personalized task recommendations are displayed in a separate section on the task dashboard.
Task recommendation customization
The user is able to customize and filter the task recommendations based on their work behavior, preferences, and project deadlines.
Task completion tracking
When a recommended task is completed, it is automatically removed from the personalized task recommendations section.
Task recommendation algorithm accuracy
The task recommendation algorithm is tested to ensure an accuracy of at least 85% in recommending tasks relevant to the user's work behavior and project deadlines.
Real-time Adaptive Suggestions
User Story

As a remote team member, I want the task recommendations to adapt in real-time based on my feedback and changing project priorities, so that I can always have relevant and up-to-date suggestions for effective task management.


This requirement involves implementing real-time adaptive suggestions that dynamically update based on user feedback, changes in work behavior, and shifting project priorities. The system will continuously adapt and refine task recommendations to reflect evolving work patterns and project demands, providing users with up-to-date and relevant suggestions for effective task management.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Initial Task Recommendation
When the user logs in, the system provides an initial set of task recommendations based on their work behavior, preferences, and project deadlines.
Task Recommendations Update in Real-time
When the user completes a task or re-prioritizes their work, the system updates the task recommendations in real-time to reflect the changes in work behavior and project priorities.
Task Recommendations Adapt Based on User Feedback
When the user provides feedback on a task recommendation, the system adapts future recommendations based on the user's feedback to improve personalized task suggestions.

Intelligent Task Scoring

Utilize AI-generated task scores to prioritize assignments based on their impact on project deadlines and user productivity, enabling efficient allocation of time and resources.


AI Task Scoring Model
User Story

As a project manager, I want an AI task scoring model to prioritize tasks based on their impact on project deadlines and user productivity, so that I can optimize resource allocation and ensure timely project completion.


Develop an AI-powered task scoring model that evaluates task priorities based on their impact on project deadlines and user productivity. The model should integrate seamlessly with the existing task boards and provide real-time recommendations to facilitate efficient time and resource allocation.

Acceptance Criteria
User assigns priority to a task
When a user assigns a priority to a task, the AI task scoring model accurately calculates the impact of the task on project deadlines and user productivity.
Real-time task scoring recommendations
When a task is added or updated, the task scoring model provides real-time recommendations for task prioritization based on project deadlines and user productivity.
Integration with existing task boards
The AI task scoring model seamlessly integrates with the existing task boards, displaying AI-generated task scores for each task.
Customizable task scoring settings
Users can customize the task scoring settings to align with specific project requirements and individual preferences.
Real-time Task Scoring Updates
User Story

As a team member, I want real-time task scoring updates to ensure that task priorities are dynamically adjusted based on changing project conditions, so that I can focus on the most impactful tasks for timely project completion.


Implement real-time updates for the AI task scoring model, ensuring that task scores are dynamically adjusted based on changing project conditions and user input. This feature will provide continuous optimization of task priorities to maintain project efficiency and adapt to evolving work scenarios.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Real-Time Task Score Updates
When the user opens the task details, the task score should be automatically updated in real-time based on project deadlines and user productivity metrics.
User Manually Adjusts Task Score
Given the option to manually adjust task scores, when the user changes the score for a task, the system should reflect the updated score and use it for prioritization.
Task Score Updates Trigger Notifications
When a task's score is updated, a notification should be sent to the responsible user(s) to inform them of the change and encourage re-evaluation of the task's priority.
Real-Time Task Scoring Analytics
When viewing task scoring analytics, the system should display real-time data reflecting the impact of task score changes on project timelines and resource allocation.
User Customization for Task Scoring
User Story

As a user, I want the ability to customize the task scoring model to align with my unique project requirements and productivity metrics, so that I can tailor task prioritization to suit my specific needs and goals.


Enable users to customize the AI task scoring model by setting personalized parameters and preferences for task prioritization. This feature empowers users to align the task scoring system with their unique project requirements and productivity metrics, enhancing the adaptability and effectiveness of the task prioritization process.

Acceptance Criteria
User customizes task scoring parameters
Given the user is in the task scoring settings section, when the user adjusts the impact weight and productivity weight parameters, then the system saves the customized parameters for future task scoring calculations.
User applies customized task scoring parameters
Given the user has set customized task scoring parameters, when the user views the task list, then the tasks are displayed in priority order based on the customized parameters.
User resets task scoring parameters
Given the user is in the task scoring settings section, when the user resets the parameters to default values, then the system reverts to the original task scoring model.

Real-Time Prioritization Assistance

Receive real-time AI assistance in task prioritization, allowing for immediate adjustments and optimal allocation of efforts to meet project deadlines and objectives.


AI Task Prioritization
User Story

As a project manager, I want to receive real-time AI assistance in task prioritization so that I can optimize resource allocation and meet project deadlines effectively.


Implement real-time AI assistance in task prioritization to enable immediate adjustments and optimal allocation of efforts. This feature will help users manage project deadlines and objectives more efficiently by providing intelligent recommendations based on real-time data and project priorities.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Real-Time Task Prioritization Assistance
When the user is managing tasks in TaskLoom, they receive real-time AI assistance in task prioritization, providing immediate adjustments and optimal allocation of efforts based on project deadlines and objectives.
User Adjusts Task Priority Based on AI Recommendations
When the AI provides task prioritization recommendations, the user can adjust the task priorities based on their judgment and knowledge of the project, and the system reflects these adjustments.
User Sees Improvement in Task Efficiency and Project Completion
When using the real-time AI assistance, the user sees measurable improvements in task efficiency and project completion and can attribute these improvements to the AI task prioritization feature.
Smart Task Allocation
User Story

As a team member, I want tasks to be intelligently allocated to ensure a fair workload distribution and efficient resource utilization.


Enable smart task allocation to ensure equitable workload distribution and efficient resource utilization. This capability will help prevent overloading of individual team members and enhance overall productivity by intelligently assigning tasks based on various factors such as skills, availability, and project priorities.

Acceptance Criteria
Assigning tasks based on skills and availability
Given a project with multiple tasks and team members, when the system allocates tasks based on the skills and availability of each team member, then tasks are distributed evenly and efficiently.
Optimal task allocation for workload balance
Given a project with differing task priorities and deadlines, when the system allocates tasks to ensure workload balance and timely delivery, then work is distributed equitably and project deadlines are met.
Real-time adjustments for workload optimization
Given a change in project priorities or team member availability, when the system provides real-time AI assistance in adjusting task priorities and allocations, then the workload is optimized and resources are allocated efficiently.
Real-Time Feedback Loop
User Story

As a user, I want to provide real-time feedback on task prioritization and allocation to ensure continuous improvement and optimization of the AI assistance.


Establish a real-time feedback loop to continuously gather user input and performance data for refining the AI task prioritization and allocation algorithms. This feedback mechanism will enable the system to adapt and improve over time based on user interactions, resulting in more accurate and effective task prioritization and allocation.

Acceptance Criteria
User provides feedback on task prioritization
When a user provides feedback on task prioritization, the system accurately captures and records the feedback to be used for algorithm refinement.
Real-time adjustments based on user feedback
The system dynamically adjusts task prioritization based on real-time user feedback, demonstrating the system's ability to adapt to user input.
Algorithm refinement based on performance data
The system refines its task prioritization algorithms based on performance data collected over time, leading to more accurate and effective task prioritization.

Behavior-Driven Task Priority

Leverage AI insights into user behavior to prioritize tasks, ensuring that the most relevant and critical assignments are identified and addressed efficiently.


User Behavior Analysis
User Story

As a project manager, I want the system to analyze user behavior and prioritize tasks based on AI insights, so that I can ensure the most critical tasks are efficiently addressed, leading to improved project efficiency and timely delivery.


Implement a user behavior analysis system to track user interactions and prioritize tasks based on AI insights derived from user behavior patterns. This will enhance task prioritization, ensuring that the most relevant and critical assignments are identified and addressed efficiently. The system will integrate with the existing task board and utilize AI algorithms to analyze user behavior on the platform, providing valuable insights for task prioritization.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new task on the task board
When a user creates a new task, the user behavior analysis system accurately identifies and prioritizes the task based on AI insights from user behavior patterns.
User interacts with tasks on the task board
When a user interacts with tasks, the user behavior analysis system consistently adjusts task prioritization based on real-time user behavior and AI insights.
User accesses task insights for prioritization
When a user accesses task insights, the user behavior analysis system provides clear and actionable insights for task prioritization, allowing users to make informed decisions.
Task Prioritization Dashboard
User Story

As a team member, I want a task prioritization dashboard to visually represent prioritized tasks based on AI insights, so that I can easily identify and allocate resources to critical assignments, enhancing productivity and project focus.


Develop a task prioritization dashboard to provide users with a visual representation of prioritized tasks based on AI insights from user behavior analysis. The dashboard will display tasks in order of relevance and criticality, allowing users to quickly identify and allocate resources to the most important assignments. It will offer filters and customizable views to cater to varying user preferences and project requirements.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the prioritization dashboard for the first time
When a user logs in and views the task prioritization dashboard, they should see a list of tasks ordered by relevance and criticality, with customizable filter options such as project, date range, and task type.
User filters tasks by project and date range
When a user selects a specific project and a date range in the filter options, the task prioritization dashboard should display only the tasks related to the selected project within the specified date range, maintaining the order of relevance and criticality.
User allocates resources to top-priority tasks
When a user selects a top-priority task from the dashboard, they should be able to allocate resources, such as team members or time, directly from the dashboard interface, and the allocation should reflect in the task details and the project timeline.
User receives real-time updates on task priority changes
When there is a change in the priority of a task, the user should receive a real-time notification or update within the dashboard, indicating the change and its impact on the task order and criticality.
AI-Driven Task Recommendations
User Story

As a team member, I want to receive AI-driven task recommendations based on my expertise and project context, so that I can discover and engage with relevant tasks, improving my productivity and contribution to project outcomes.


Integrate AI-driven task recommendation functionality to suggest relevant tasks to users based on their previous interactions, project context, and current workload. The system will utilize machine learning algorithms to provide personalized task recommendations, enabling users to discover potential tasks that align with their expertise and project goals. The feature aims to streamline task discovery and assignment, enhancing user productivity and project efficiency.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Personalized Task Recommendations
When a user logs in, they receive personalized task recommendations based on their previous interactions, project context, and current workload.
Display Recommended Tasks
When a user views their task list, the recommended tasks are displayed at the top of the list, clearly differentiated from other tasks.
AI Accuracy Validation
When a user interacts with a recommended task, the system accurately records the user's response and improves future recommendations based on the feedback.
Prioritization of Recommended Tasks
When a user prioritizes tasks, the recommended tasks are dynamically adjusted based on the user's prioritization and project needs.
Task Recommendation Analytics
When a user interacts with recommended tasks, the system captures data to analyze the effectiveness of recommendations in improving user productivity and task completion rates.

Deadline-Focused Task Suggestions

Benefit from AI-generated task recommendations aligned with project deadlines, guiding users in focusing on tasks crucial for timely project completion and success.


AI-Generated Task Recommendations
User Story

As a project manager, I want to receive AI-generated task recommendations based on project deadlines, so that I can prioritize tasks and ensure timely project completion.


Implement an AI-based system to generate personalized task recommendations based on project deadlines. The system will analyze project timelines and user workload to suggest tasks that align with project deadlines, enhancing user focus and productivity.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives task suggestions based on project deadlines
Given the user has active projects with set deadlines, when they access the task suggestions feature, then they should receive personalized task recommendations that align with project deadlines and prioritize tasks crucial for timely project completion.
Task recommendations are customized based on user workload
Given the user has varying workload across projects, when they view the task suggestions, then the system should take into account the user's workload and suggest tasks that are manageable alongside existing work commitments.
User productivity improves with task suggestions
Given the user follows the task recommendations, when they complete tasks suggested by the system, then there should be a measurable increase in user productivity and the ability to focus on tasks crucial for project completion.
Task Deadline Alignment
User Story

As a team member, I want to receive task suggestions that align with project deadlines, so that I can prioritize my work and contribute to timely project completion.


Enable the system to align recommended tasks with project deadlines, ensuring that the suggested tasks are in line with project timelines and contribute to project completion. This alignment will enhance project management and time utilization.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives AI-generated task suggestions for a project with a deadline.
The system should recommend tasks based on project deadlines and priorities, ensuring that the suggested tasks are aligned with the project timeline.
User reviews and confirms the AI-generated task suggestions for alignment with project deadlines.
The user can review the recommended tasks and confirm their alignment with the project deadlines, providing feedback if needed.
System updates task recommendations based on changes in project deadlines.
When project deadlines are modified, the system should update the recommended task list to reflect the new timeline and ensure continued alignment.
User marks completed tasks, and the system provides new suggestions based on remaining project deadlines.
The system should update task recommendations after users mark tasks as completed, suggesting new tasks aligned with the remaining project deadlines.
Real-Time Task Updates
User Story

As a project team member, I want to receive real-time updates on task recommendations based on project changes, so that I can adapt my work to new deadlines and project requirements.


Integrate a real-time task update feature to provide users with immediate notifications and adjustments based on project changes and new deadlines. The feature will allow users to stay informed about task modifications and align their work accordingly.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives immediate notification when a task deadline is updated.
When a task deadline is updated, the user should receive a real-time notification within 5 seconds.
Task board updates in real-time with new task assignments or changes.
When a new task is assigned or an existing task is modified, the task board should update in real-time without requiring a page refresh.
User can opt to receive push notifications for real-time task updates.
The user can enable push notifications for real-time task updates, and they should receive notifications on their device when any task update occurs.
User can see the history of task updates and changes in the task details view.
The task details view should display a chronological history of updates and changes made to the task, including who made the changes and when.

Secure Invoicing

Effortlessly generate and send secure and professional invoices directly within TaskLoom, ensuring transparency and timely payment processing for project-based work.


Invoice Generation
User Story

As a freelance user, I want to be able to generate professional and secure invoices directly within TaskLoom so that I can efficiently bill my clients and ensure timely payment processing for my project-based work.


Create a feature that allows users to generate professional and secure invoices within TaskLoom, streamlining the billing process for project-based work. This feature will enhance transparency and efficiency in invoicing, providing an integrated solution for invoice generation and management within the TaskLoom platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new invoice
Given the user is on the TaskLoom platform and has a project to invoice for, when the user accesses the 'Create Invoice' feature, then the user can fill in the required invoice details and generate a professional and secure invoice.
User includes line items in the invoice
Given the user is creating an invoice, when the user adds line items for the products or services provided, then the system accurately calculates the subtotal, taxes, and total amount due on the invoice.
User previews the generated invoice
Given the user has generated an invoice, when the user previews the invoice before sending, then the user can review the content for accuracy, and the invoice appears professional, error-free, and secure.
User sends the invoice to the client
Given the user has prepared an invoice, when the user sends the invoice to the client, then the user receives a confirmation of successful delivery and the client can access the invoice through a secure and accessible link.
Invoice Sending
User Story

As a project manager, I want to be able to send generated invoices securely to clients from TaskLoom so that I can ensure prompt delivery of billing information and streamline the invoicing process for my projects.


Implement a functionality that enables users to send generated invoices securely to clients directly from TaskLoom, ensuring seamless communication and prompt delivery of billing information. This feature will enhance the user experience by providing a streamlined process for delivering invoices to clients and tracking the status of sent invoices.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects a generated invoice to send
When the user selects a generated invoice, a 'Send' button is displayed for the user to initiate the sending process. The button should be clearly labeled and easily accessible within the invoice view.
User sends an invoice to a client
When the user clicks the 'Send' button, the system sends the invoice to the specified client email address. The user receives a confirmation message indicating the successful sending of the invoice.
User tracks the status of sent invoices
After sending an invoice, the user can view the status of the sent invoice, including the date and time it was sent, and any related delivery or read receipts. The status of the invoice should be updated in real time and reflect any changes in delivery or receipt status.
Invoice sending error handling
If there is an error during the sending process (e.g., invalid email address, network connectivity issues), the system provides an error message indicating the issue and suggests corrective actions for the user to resolve the issue. The system should also log the error for later review and troubleshooting.
Invoice Tracking
User Story

As a freelance user, I want to be able to track the status of sent invoices within TaskLoom so that I can monitor the progress of invoicing activities and ensure timely payment processing for my project-based work.


Integrate a feature that allows users to track the status of sent invoices within TaskLoom, providing real-time updates on invoice delivery and payment status. This functionality will enhance transparency and enable users to monitor the progress of invoicing activities, ensuring timely payment processing.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the list of sent invoices
When the user accesses the 'Sent Invoices' section, they should be able to view a list of all invoices that have been sent from their account, including details such as invoice number, client name, amount, and status.
User tracks the status of a sent invoice
Given that a user selects a specific sent invoice, when they view the invoice details, the system should display real-time updates on the delivery and payment status of the invoice, including information on whether the invoice has been delivered, opened, and paid.
User receives real-time updates on payment status
When an invoice payment status changes (e.g., from pending to paid), the system should immediately notify the user through in-app notifications and email, providing details on the updated status and any relevant payment information.
User filters and searches for specific invoices
Given the user is in the 'Sent Invoices' section, when the user applies filters or performs a search, the system should accurately display only the relevant invoices based on the applied filters or search keywords.
User accesses invoice history and details
When the user selects a specific invoice from the list, the system should display comprehensive details of the invoice, including date sent, due date, client information, line items, payment terms, and any attached documents, ensuring the user has access to all relevant invoice information.

Payment Processing

Facilitate seamless and secure payment processing for freelance professionals and remote teams, ensuring timely and efficient financial transactions within the TaskLoom platform.


Secure Payment Gateway Integration
User Story

As a freelance professional, I want to be able to process payments securely within the TaskLoom platform, so that I can receive timely and secure payments for my services without any hassle.


Integrate a secure payment gateway to facilitate seamless and secure financial transactions within the TaskLoom platform. This will ensure that freelance professionals and remote teams can process payments efficiently and without any security concerns. The integration will provide a frictionless payment experience, enhancing the platform's appeal and usability for users.

Acceptance Criteria
User Initiates Payment Process
Given the user has selected a payment method and entered the payment details, when they submit the payment, then the system securely processes the transaction and provides a confirmation message.
Payment Confirmation
Given a successful payment submission, when the payment is processed and confirmed, then the user receives a real-time confirmation notification and the transaction details are updated in their account.
Payment Security
Given a payment submission, when sensitive payment information is transmitted, then the system encrypts the data using industry-standard security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the transaction.
Payment Rejection
Given an invalid payment submission, when the payment details are incorrect or incomplete, then the system rejects the payment and displays an error message prompting the user to correct the details.
Payment History
Given a completed payment, when the payment is processed, then the system updates the user's payment history with the transaction details and provides access to a detailed record of past transactions.
Payment Notifications
User Story

As a remote team member, I want to receive real-time notifications for payment status updates, so that I can stay informed about the progress of financial transactions within the TaskLoom platform.


Implement a notification system to alert users about payment status updates, including successful transactions, pending payments, and payment receipt confirmations. This feature will keep users informed about the status of their financial transactions, enhancing transparency and trust within the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Payment Confirmation
When a user successfully receives a payment, a notification is sent to the user's email and TaskLoom inbox, including details of the transaction, such as amount, sender, and purpose.
User Receives Pending Payment Notification
When a user has a pending payment, a notification is sent to the user's email and TaskLoom inbox, indicating the amount, payer details, and expected completion date.
User Receives Payment Delay Notification
When a user's payment is delayed beyond the expected completion date, a notification is sent to the user's email and TaskLoom inbox, providing details of the delay and an estimated resolution timeframe.
User Can Mark Payment as Received
Users should have the ability to manually mark a payment as received within the TaskLoom platform, triggering the system to update the payment status and stop sending pending payment notifications.
User Can Opt Out of Payment Notifications
Users can choose to opt out of receiving payment notifications through their account settings, with an option to re-enable notifications at any time.
Payment Tracking and Reporting
User Story

As a project manager, I want to access detailed payment reports and transaction history, so that I can efficiently manage the financial aspect of projects and track payment records within the TaskLoom platform.


Develop a feature that enables users to track and generate reports on their payment history, including details of past transactions, invoices, and payment records. This functionality will provide users with a comprehensive overview of their financial activity within the platform, allowing for better financial management and record-keeping.

Acceptance Criteria
User views payment history
Given the user has access to the payment tracking feature, when the user navigates to the payment history section, then the system should display a list of past transactions, including invoice details, payment dates, and amounts.
User generates payment report
Given the user has access to the payment tracking feature, when the user selects the option to generate a payment report, then the system should provide a downloadable report in PDF or CSV format, containing a summary of all payment activities within a specified time period.
User filters payment history
Given the user has access to the payment tracking feature, when the user applies filter criteria such as date range, transaction type, or client name, then the system should accurately filter and display the relevant payment records based on the user's selections.
User receives payment notifications
Given the user has pending payments or overdue invoices, when the system detects new payment activity, then the system should send email notifications to the user, providing details of the payment status and any required actions.

Automated Billing

Automate the billing process, allowing users to set up recurring billing cycles and manage invoicing with ease, saving time and ensuring consistent and timely payments for project-based work.


Recurring Billing Setup
User Story

As a project manager, I want to be able to set up recurring billing cycles for project-based work so that I can automate invoicing and ensure consistent and timely payments, saving time and effort in the billing process.


This requirement involves implementing a feature that allows users to set up and manage recurring billing cycles for project-based work. It will provide users with the capability to automate invoicing, ensuring consistent and timely payments, and saving time and effort in the billing process. The functionality will integrate seamlessly with the TaskLoom platform, enhancing user experience and streamlining financial management for project-based work.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a recurring billing cycle
Given the user is logged into the TaskLoom platform and has project-based work to bill, when the user accesses the billing settings, then they can set up a recurring billing cycle with options for frequency, start date, end date, and billing amount.
Automated invoicing for recurring billing
Given the user has set up a recurring billing cycle, when the billing cycle reaches the scheduled date, then an invoice is automatically generated and sent to the client with the specified billing amount.
Viewing and managing recurring billing cycles
Given the user has set up multiple recurring billing cycles, when the user navigates to the billing dashboard, then they can view, edit, and delete existing billing cycles, and track their upcoming and past billing events.
Error handling for billing cycles
Given the user encounters an error while setting up or managing a recurring billing cycle, when the error occurs, then the system provides clear and specific error messages, guiding the user on how to resolve the issue.
Invoice Management Interface
User Story

As a freelancer, I want to be able to easily create, edit, and track invoices for project-based work so that I can efficiently manage my billing and ensure accurate payments for my projects.


Develop a user-friendly interface for managing and tracking invoices within the TaskLoom platform. This interface will enable users to create, edit, and track invoices for project-based work, providing transparency and efficiency in financial management. The interface will integrate seamlessly with the platform, enhancing user experience and ensuring accurate billing and invoicing for projects.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new invoice
Given a user is logged into their TaskLoom account and navigates to the 'Invoices' section, When the user clicks on the 'Create New Invoice' button, Then they should be able to fill in the required details such as client information, project details, and billing amount, and the new invoice should be successfully created in the system.
User edits an existing invoice
Given a user has open access to the invoicing interface and an existing invoice, When the user selects the invoice to edit, Then they should be able to modify client information, project details, and billing amount, and the changes should be saved and reflected in the system.
User tracks invoice status
Given a user has an active project with invoiced tasks, When the user navigates to the 'Invoices' section, Then they should be able to view the status of each invoice (e.g., pending, paid, overdue) and the corresponding project details and billing amounts.
Invoice integration with projects
Given that the user has created a new project or task, When the user assigns tasks to team members and logs billable hours, Then the invoicing interface should automatically capture the billable hours and project details for seamless integration with the invoice management interface.
Payment Reminders and Notifications
User Story

As a finance manager, I want to receive automated payment reminders and notifications for pending invoices and upcoming payments so that I can ensure timely payments and improve cash flow management.


Implement a feature that sends automated payment reminders and notifications to users for pending invoices and upcoming payments. This feature will improve cash flow management by ensuring timely payments and reducing the risk of missed or overdue payments. It will integrate seamlessly with the TaskLoom platform, providing users with proactive updates and enhancing financial control for project-based work.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Payment Reminder Email
When a payment is due, the user should receive an automated email notification with details of the pending invoice and a link for easy payment.
User Receives Upcoming Payment Notification
Two days before the due date of an invoice, the user should receive a notification email reminding them of the upcoming payment, including the invoice details and due date.
User Marks Invoice as Paid
After making the payment, the user should be able to mark the invoice as paid within the TaskLoom platform, triggering an acknowledgment email to confirm successful payment.

Transparent Financial Tracking

Provide comprehensive financial tracking and reporting capabilities, giving users visibility into project-related transactions, payments, and financial insights within TaskLoom.


Transaction History
User Story

As a project manager, I want to view a comprehensive transaction history for my projects so that I can easily track and analyze all the financial transactions related to each project.


Provide users with a detailed transaction history, allowing them to track all project-related financial transactions such as payments, expenses, and invoices. This feature will facilitate transparent financial tracking and enable users to gain insights into their project's financial activities.

Acceptance Criteria
Viewing Transaction History
Given a user has access to the project dashboard, When they navigate to the 'Transaction History' section, Then they should see a chronological list of all project-related financial transactions, including payments, expenses, and invoices.
Filtering Transaction History
Given a user is viewing the 'Transaction History' page, When they apply a date range filter, Then the list should update to display only the transactions within the selected date range.
Exporting Transaction History
Given a user is viewing the 'Transaction History' page, When they click on the 'Export' button, Then a downloadable report of the transaction history should be generated in a common file format (e.g., CSV or PDF).
Transaction Insights
Given a user is viewing the 'Transaction History' page, When they review the transaction insights section, Then they should be able to see a summarized view of project-related financial data, including total expenses, revenue, and outstanding balances.
Financial Reporting
User Story

As a financial administrator, I want to generate detailed financial reports for projects so that I can gain insights into the financial performance and make informed financial decisions.


Integrate a robust financial reporting system that generates detailed reports on project expenses, payments, and financial performance. This feature will empower users to visualize and analyze their project's financial data, enabling informed decision-making and financial transparency.

Acceptance Criteria
As a project manager, I want to generate a financial report for a specific project, so that I can track project expenses and analyze financial performance.
Given the user is logged into TaskLoom and has access to the project's financial data, when they select the specific project and request a financial report, then the system should generate a detailed report on project expenses, payments, and financial performance.
As a team member, I want to view a summary of project-related transactions and payments, so that I can have visibility into the project's financial activities.
Given the user is logged into TaskLoom and has permission to access financial data, when they navigate to the project's financial section, then the system should display a summary of project-related transactions, payments, and financial insights.
As a project stakeholder, I want to export financial reports in PDF format, so that I can share the project's financial data with external parties.
Given the user is logged into TaskLoom and has permission to export financial reports, when they generate a financial report and choose the PDF export option, then the system should generate and download the financial report in PDF format.
Budget Management
User Story

As a project owner, I want to set project budgets and receive alerts for budget overruns so that I can effectively manage project finances and ensure financial stability throughout the project.


Implement budget management capabilities to enable users to set project budgets, track expenses, and receive real-time notifications for budget overruns. This feature will support effective financial planning and control, helping users to manage project finances proactively.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets project budget
Given the user is logged in and has project management access, when the user navigates to the project settings, then they should be able to set a project budget with a specified amount and currency.
Expense tracking and reporting
Given the user has project management access, when the user adds an expense to the project, then the system should record the expense, categorize it, and display it in the financial tracking report.
Real-time budget notifications
Given the user has project management access, when the project expenses exceed 80% of the budget, then the system should send a real-time notification to the user and project stakeholders.

Payment Reminders

Enable the scheduling and automated sending of payment reminders to clients, streamlining the collection process and ensuring prompt payment for completed project milestones within TaskLoom.


Payment Reminder Scheduler
User Story

As a project manager, I want to schedule and automate the sending of payment reminders to clients so that I can streamline the collection process and ensure prompt payment for completed project milestones.


The system should allow users to schedule and automate the sending of payment reminders to clients. This feature aims to streamline the collection process and ensure prompt payment for completed project milestones within TaskLoom. It will enhance financial tracking and reduce manual follow-ups, improving overall cash flow and client satisfaction.

Acceptance Criteria
User schedules a payment reminder for a specific project milestone
Given the user has permission to access the payment reminder feature, when the user selects a project milestone and sets a reminder date, then the system saves the reminder and schedules it for automated sending
Automatic sending of payment reminder to client
Given the scheduled payment reminder date has arrived, when the system automatically sends the reminder email to the client, then the client receives the email with the payment reminder information
Viewing payment reminder history
Given the user has previously scheduled payment reminders, when the user views the payment reminder history, then the system displays a chronological list of sent and scheduled reminders for each project milestone
Editing or cancelling a scheduled payment reminder
Given the user has scheduled payment reminders, when the user edits or cancels a scheduled reminder, then the system updates the reminder status and sends a notification to the user if the reminder is cancelled
Customizable Reminder Templates
User Story

As a client account manager, I want to create and customize payment reminder templates so that I can tailor the content and messaging of reminders according to the specific project requirements and client relationships.


TaskLoom should provide the ability to create and customize payment reminder templates, allowing users to tailor the content and messaging of reminders according to the specific project requirements and client relationships. This feature will offer flexibility and personalization in communication, enhancing the professional and client-centric approach to payment reminders.

Acceptance Criteria
Creating a new payment reminder template
The user can access a template editor to create a new payment reminder with customizable content and formatting options.
Editing an existing payment reminder template
The user can modify an existing payment reminder template by editing the content, adding new elements, and saving the changes for future use.
Saving and applying payment reminder templates
The user can save the created or edited payment reminder templates and apply them to specific project milestones for automated sending.
Previewing payment reminders
The user can preview the payment reminder before sending to ensure accuracy, formatting, and content quality.
Sending automated payment reminders
The system automatically sends the payment reminders based on the scheduled timeline and project milestones.
Tracking payment reminder status
The user can track the status of sent payment reminders, including delivery, read receipts, and payment responses.
Payment Reminder History Log
User Story

As a finance team member, I want to access a history log of all payment reminders sent to clients so that I can have a comprehensive record for transparency, accountability, and easy reference for future follow-ups or disputes.


TaskLoom should maintain a history log of all payment reminders sent to clients, including details such as date, time, recipient, and content. This feature will provide a comprehensive record of communication related to payment reminders, ensuring transparency, accountability, and easy reference for future follow-ups or disputes.

Acceptance Criteria
Sending the first payment reminder
TaskLoom system should allow users to schedule and send the first payment reminder to clients. The reminder should contain the date, time, recipient, and content, and should be automatically logged in the payment reminder history.
Verifying payment reminder history log
TaskLoom system should display a comprehensive history log of all payment reminders sent, including details such as date, time, recipient, and content. Users should be able to sort and filter the history log based on various parameters for easy reference and tracking.
Editing and Resending payment reminders
TaskLoom system should allow users to edit and resend payment reminders if needed. Users should be able to update the content, schedule, or recipient of the reminder and have the system automatically log the edited reminder and its history.

Press Articles

TaskLoom: Revolutionizing Remote Project Management with Integrated Video Conferencing and Automated Time Tracking


July 10, 2024

TaskLoom is leading the charge in revolutionizing remote project management with its innovative cloud-based platform. By offering customizable task boards, integrated video conferencing, and automated time tracking, TaskLoom is empowering remote teams and freelancers to enhance productivity, streamline communication, and ensure timely project completion.

Designed to meet the needs of dispersed workforces, TaskLoom provides real-time updates and insightful analytics, transforming how remote teams collaborate and making virtual project management seamless and efficient. The platform's emphasis on enhancing efficiency and collaborative effectiveness aligns directly with the demands of the modern work environment, solidifying its position as a trailblazer in the industry.

Elevate Virtual Collaboration with TaskLoom's Customizable Task Boards and Real-Time Prioritization Assistance


July 10, 2024

TaskLoom is taking virtual collaboration to new heights with its customizable task boards and real-time prioritization assistance. By catering to the specific needs of remote team coordinators, the platform empowers users to assign tasks, track progress, and facilitate effective team coordination in a remote work environment.

The introduction of real-time prioritization assistance ensures that users receive immediate AI-powered insights into task prioritization, allowing for optimal allocation of efforts to meet project deadlines and objectives. This enhancement reflects TaskLoom's commitment to providing tailored solutions that address the unique challenges of remote work, setting a new standard for virtual collaboration and project management.

TaskLoom Unveils Secure Invoicing and Transparent Financial Tracking for Seamless Project-Based Work


July 10, 2024

TaskLoom is proud to announce the introduction of secure invoicing and transparent financial tracking capabilities, further enhancing the seamless nature of project-based work within the platform. These new features enable users to effortlessly generate and send secure and professional invoices directly within TaskLoom, ensuring transparency and timely payment processing for project-based assignments.

Moreover, the comprehensive financial tracking and reporting capabilities provide users with visibility into project-related transactions, payments, and financial insights, creating a cohesive and user-centric experience. TaskLoom's commitment to facilitating efficient and secure project-based work is further solidified with the integration of these essential financial features.