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Harmony at Home

TaskFusion is an intuitive SaaS platform designed to revolutionize household management for busy families, roommates, and co-living households. By seamlessly integrating task assignments, expense tracking, and timely reminders, TaskFusion ensures transparent and efficient coordination of chores and expenses. Its customizable dashboards and real-time updates foster collaboration and reduce conflicts, transforming household responsibilities into streamlined workflows. TaskFusion brings unparalleled harmony and efficiency to shared living environments, making it the ultimate tool for promoting a balanced and harmonious home life.

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Product Details




Harmony at Home


Household Management Software


Elevating household harmony through seamless digital coordination.


TaskFusion is an intuitive SaaS platform dedicated to revolutionizing household management. Crafted for busy families, roommates, and co-living arrangements, TaskFusion streamlines the coordination of chores and expenses, ensuring efficient and harmonious living environments. The platform enables users to seamlessly assign and monitor tasks, log shared expenses, and set timely reminders. Its customizable dashboards and real-time updates provide users with clear, data-driven insights into their household's operations.

Designed to address the common challenges of disorganization and conflict in shared living, TaskFusion stands out with its user-friendly interface and comprehensive functionalities. It transforms mundane household responsibilities into streamlined workflows, fostering cooperation and reducing conflicts over shared duties and costs. TaskFusion's collaborative tools ensure transparency and encourage everyone to take ownership of their responsibilities, making household management a collaborative effort rather than a source of tension.

By integrating task management and expense tracking in one cohesive environment, TaskFusion brings a sense of order and efficiency to modern living. It empowers households to achieve seamless coordination and efficiency with digital solutions tailored to their unique needs. Whether you're managing a bustling family home or a shared apartment, TaskFusion enhances daily operations, saves time, and promotes a balanced living experience.

Target Audience

Busy families, roommates in their 20s-30s, and co-living households aiming for efficient and harmonious management of chores and expenses.

Problem Statement

In shared living arrangements, busy families and roommates frequently face conflicts and disorganization due to the lack of effective tools for managing household chores and shared expenses efficiently.

Solution Overview

TaskFusion delivers a comprehensive solution to household management challenges by integrating task assignments, expense tracking, and timely reminders within a single intuitive platform. Its customizable dashboards and real-time updates ensure all household members have clear visibility into shared responsibilities and expenses, fostering transparency and accountability. By transforming mundane chores into streamlined workflows, TaskFusion significantly reduces conflicts and enhances cooperation in busy family and co-living environments. The platform's user-friendly interface and collaborative tools empower users to manage their household efficiently, saving time and promoting harmony.


TaskFusion revolutionizes household management by significantly enhancing cooperation and reducing conflicts. The intuitive platform integrates task assignments, expense tracking, and reminders, fostering transparency and accountability among household members. Tangibly, TaskFusion saves time on coordination and improves chore efficiency, while intangibly, it promotes a balanced living experience by reducing stress and enhancing harmony through clear, data-driven insights and user-friendly collaborative tools. This positions TaskFusion as a unique and invaluable tool for busy families and shared living environments aiming for efficient and harmonious management of household responsibilities.


The inception of TaskFusion was driven by the recurring challenges and tensions observed in shared living environments among busy families and young adults. The founding team, comprised of individuals who experienced the frustrations of disorganized chores and unclear expense shares firsthand, recognized the universal nature of these conflicts in managing a household. This firsthand struggle inspired the idea of a comprehensive digital tool that could seamlessly address these exact pain points. TaskFusion emerged as the solution—a user-friendly platform designed to transform household management into an efficient, transparent, and collaborative effort. By integrating task assignments, expense tracking, and reminders within one cohesive interface, TaskFusion aims to foster cooperation and harmony, effectively turning everyday household responsibilities into streamlined workflows. This inspiration, rooted in real-life challenges, underpins TaskFusion's commitment to enhancing the quality of shared living environments.

Long Term Goal

TaskFusion aspires to redefine household management globally, creating an ecosystem where every home operates with unparalleled efficiency and harmony. By continuously enhancing features, integrating with emerging smart technologies, and fostering an engaged community, we aim to become the indispensable partner in achieving seamless and stress-free shared living.


Eco-Savvy Parent


Eco-Savvy Parent


Eco-Savvy Parent is a conscious and resourceful individual dedicated to sustainable living and responsible consumption. They seek to efficiently manage household tasks, minimize waste, and foster a green lifestyle for their family. TaskFusion's eco-friendly features resonate with their values, enabling them to coordinate eco-conscious chores and expenses seamlessly within their household.


Age: 30-45, Gender: Any, Education: College educated, Occupation: Parent, Income Level: Middle to upper-middle class


Eco-Savvy Parent has a background in environmental activism and a strong passion for eco-friendly living. They incorporate sustainable practices in their daily routine, prioritize waste reduction, and actively engage in community initiatives for a greener future. Their upbringing instilled in them a respect for nature and a commitment to sustainable living, shaping their strong beliefs in eco-conscious household management.


Eco-Savvy Parent values sustainability, ethical consumption, and community involvement. They are driven by a desire to set a positive example for their children and instill eco-friendly habits. Their lifestyle revolves around environmentally friendly choices, from sourcing organic produce to participating in eco-initiatives.


They need tools to support eco-friendly living, manage household tasks efficiently, and align family activities with sustainable practices. TaskFusion provides the platform for hassle-free management of eco-conscious chores, expenses, and sustainable lifestyle integration.


Their pain points revolve around the challenge of balancing everyday tasks with sustainable practices. They struggle to efficiently coordinate sustainable chores and monitor eco-friendly expenses without dedicated tools. Their commitment to eco-conscious living often leads to added complexities in managing household responsibilities.


Eco-Savvy Parent primarily engages with eco-conscious communities, sustainable living platforms, and environmentally friendly lifestyle blogs. They seek information and inspiration from local eco events, social media groups, and conscious consumer websites.


Eco-Savvy Parent uses TaskFusion daily to assign and monitor eco-friendly chores, track sustainable expenses, and instill green living habits in their family.


Their decision-making is influenced by the platform's eco-friendly features, seamless coordination of green tasks, and the alignment of TaskFusion with their family's sustainability goals.

Senior Caregiver


Senior Caregiver


Senior Caregiver is a compassionate and dedicated individual responsible for managing caregiving duties for elderly family members or clients. They rely on TaskFusion to coordinate caregiving tasks, track expenses, and ensure the well-being of the seniors under their care.


Age: 40-60, Gender: Any, Education: Varies, Occupation: Caregiver, Income Level: Middle class


Senior Caregiver has a background in caregiving, often with formal training or hands-on experience in elderly care. Their journey into the role of a caregiver stems from a strong sense of empathy and a desire to provide comfort and support to seniors in need. Their experiences with senior family members or clients have shaped their nurturing and attentive caregiving approach.


Senior Caregiver is deeply motivated by compassion, empathy, and the desire to ensure the well-being and comfort of the seniors in their care. They value dignity, independence, and quality of life for the elderly, making them committed to providing attentive and personalized care.


They need a reliable tool to facilitate efficient caregiving management, track caregiving expenses, and oversee daily tasks for the well-being of seniors. TaskFusion offers the necessary features to streamline caregiving coordination, monitor expenses, and maintain a structured caregiving routine.


Their pain points center around the challenges of organizing caregiving duties, tracking expenses, and ensuring efficient communication with other family members or healthcare providers. They encounter difficulties in maintaining a balance between caregiving responsibilities and financial management.


Senior Caregiver engages with caregiving support groups, healthcare forums, and senior care resources. They seek information from caregiving blogs, healthcare professionals, and online platforms dedicated to elderly care and support services.


Senior Caregiver uses TaskFusion regularly to manage caregiving tasks, track expenses related to senior care, and create a well-organized caregiving routine for the seniors in their care.


Their decision-making is influenced by the platform's caregiving coordination features, expense tracking capabilities, and the seamless integration of TaskFusion into their caregiving responsibilities.

Student House Captain


Student House Captain


Student House Captain is a proactive and organized student leader responsible for managing house-related tasks and expenses within a student accommodation setting. They utilize TaskFusion to effectively delegate chores, track shared expenses, and ensure a well-maintained living environment for their housemates.


Age: 18-25, Gender: Any, Education: College student, Occupation: Student leader, Income Level: Varies


Student House Captain has a background in student leadership and a strong sense of responsibility in fostering a comfortable and organized living environment for their housemates. Their role in student leadership positions has shaped their organizational skills, leadership capabilities, and collaborative approach towards coordinating household responsibilities.


Student House Captain is motivated by the desire to create a harmonious and well-managed living space for themselves and their housemates. They value teamwork, efficiency, and clear communication, making them dedicated to maintaining a positive and organized living environment within their student accommodation.


They require efficient tools to delegate household tasks, track shared expenses, and ensure smooth communication within the student house. TaskFusion's features provide the necessary platform to coordinate chores effectively, manage shared expenses, and foster collaborative living arrangements within the student accommodation.


Their pain points revolve around the challenges of organizing household tasks, tracking shared expenses, and maintaining transparent communication within the student living environment. They encounter difficulties in balancing their academic commitments with household management responsibilities.


Student House Captain engages with student leadership groups, accommodation communities, and student living forums. They seek information and support from student council resources, accommodation management platforms, and student community events.


Student House Captain uses TaskFusion consistently to delegate and monitor household tasks, track shared expenses, and ensure effective communication and collaboration within the student accommodation setting.


Their decision-making is influenced by the platform's task delegation features, expense tracking capabilities, and the seamless integration of TaskFusion into their student leadership and household management responsibilities.

Product Ideas


FusionPay is a seamless payment integration for TaskFusion that enables users to split expenses, make payments, and track financial contributions within the household. It provides a secure and transparent platform for managing shared expenses, ensuring fairness and accountability among household members.


FusionChat is a real-time communication feature within TaskFusion, offering a convenient platform for users to discuss task assignments, coordinate schedules, and address household-related matters. It enhances collaboration, fosters transparency, and reduces miscommunication, promoting efficiency within the household.


FusionTasks introduces a task automation and tracking system within TaskFusion, allowing users to set recurring chores, automate reminders, and monitor completion status. It offers a streamlined approach to chore management, enhances accountability, and reduces the cognitive load associated with household responsibilities.

Product Features

Expense Splitting

Seamlessly split shared expenses among household members, ensuring fairness and transparency in financial contributions.


Expense Tracking
User Story

As a household member, I want to track shared expenses so that I can ensure fairness and transparency in financial contributions among all members.


Implement a feature that enables users to track shared expenses within the household. This will allow users to input and categorize shared expenses, view the total amount spent, and track the amount owed by each household member. The goal is to provide transparency and accountability in financial contributions, fostering trust and fairness within the household.

Acceptance Criteria
Household member inputs a shared expense
Given a logged-in household member wants to input a new expense, when they navigate to the expense tracking feature and fill in the expense details, then the new expense is successfully added to the shared expense list.
View total amount spent on shared expenses
Given a logged-in household member wants to view the total amount spent on shared expenses, when they access the expense tracking feature, then they can see an accurate and up-to-date total amount spent on shared expenses.
Track amount owed by each household member
Given a logged-in household member wants to track the amount owed by each household member, when they access the expense tracking feature, then they can see a clear breakdown of the amount owed by each household member, with accurate calculations.
Expense Approval Workflow
User Story

As a household member, I want to review and approve shared expenses so that I can ensure that all expenses are agreed upon by the household before they are finalized.


Introduce a workflow for expense approval, allowing household members to review and approve shared expenses before they are finalized. This will enable users to view, comment on, and approve shared expenses, ensuring that everyone is aligned and in agreement before any expenses are officially recorded. The goal is to streamline the expense approval process and reduce disputes over shared expenses.

Acceptance Criteria
Inbox: View and Approve Expenses
When a household member logs into TaskFusion, they should be able to view a list of pending expenses that require approval. They should be able to see the details of each expense and have the option to approve or comment on the expense.
Approval Workflow: Comment on Expenses
When viewing a pending expense, the user should be able to add comments to provide feedback, ask questions, or express concerns about the expense. The comments should be visible to other household members to facilitate discussion and decision-making.
Expense Details: Comprehensive Information
The expense details should include the date, amount, category, and description of the expense. This information should be clearly displayed and easily accessible to ensure transparency and informed decision-making during the approval process.
Approval History: Track Expense Approval Status
TaskFusion should maintain a record of the approval status for each expense, showing when it was approved, who approved it, and any comments or feedback provided during the approval process. This history should be accessible to all household members for transparency and accountability.
Notification: Real-time Expense Approval Updates
Household members should receive real-time notifications when an expense is submitted for approval, when a comment is added to an expense, and when an expense is approved. These notifications should be customizable and delivered through the preferred communication channels of each household member.
Expense Notification System
User Story

As a household member, I want to receive notifications for new shared expenses so that I can promptly review and approve them to stay updated on household expenses.


Implement a notification system that alerts users when new shared expenses are added, requiring their review and approval. This system will send timely notifications to all household members when a new expense is added, prompting them to review and approve the expense. The goal is to ensure that all members stay informed about shared expenses and can participate in the approval process in a timely manner.

Acceptance Criteria
Household members receive timely notifications for new shared expenses
Given a new shared expense is added in the system, When the expense is saved and submitted, Then all household members should receive a notification with details of the expense for review and approval.
Approval process for shared expenses
Given a household member receives a notification for a new shared expense, When they review the expense details and approve it, Then the system should update the expense status as approved and notify all other members about the approval.
System notification for unresolved shared expenses
Given a shared expense has not been approved by all household members, When the approval deadline is reached, Then the system should send a reminder notification to all members regarding the pending expense.
Dashboard display of pending expenses
Given a member logs into the TaskFusion platform, When they navigate to the expense section of the dashboard, Then they should see a clear display of all pending expenses awaiting their review and approval.

Payment Tracking

Efficiently track payments made by individual household members for shared expenses, promoting financial accountability and clarity.


Expense Category Management
User Story

As a user, I want to create custom expense categories to effectively track shared expenses and promote transparency within our household financial management.


Implement a feature that allows users to create and manage custom expense categories for tracking shared expenses. This feature will provide flexibility and transparency in expense tracking, enabling users to categorize and organize expenses based on their shared household needs. It will integrate seamlessly with the existing expense tracking system, enhancing the overall financial management capabilities of the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new expense category
Given the user has appropriate permissions and access to expense category management, when they create a new expense category with a unique name, then the category is successfully added to the expense category list.
User edits an existing expense category
Given the user has appropriate permissions and access to expense category management, when they edit an existing expense category name, then the category name is successfully updated in the expense category list.
User deletes an existing expense category
Given the user has appropriate permissions and access to expense category management, when they delete an existing expense category, then the category is successfully removed from the expense category list.
Receipt Upload Capability
User Story

As a user, I want to upload and store digital copies of receipts for shared expenses to maintain accurate records and facilitate seamless validation of expenses within our household.


Integrate a receipt upload functionality to enable users to easily attach and store digital copies of receipts for shared expenses. This feature will enhance accountability and record-keeping by allowing users to associate receipts with specific expense transactions. It will streamline the expense validation process and provide a comprehensive record of shared expenses.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a receipt for a shared expense
Given the user is logged into the TaskFusion platform and has navigated to the expense tracking section, when the user clicks on the 'Upload Receipt' button, then a file upload dialog should open, allowing the user to select and upload a digital copy of the receipt. The system should then associate the uploaded receipt with the relevant expense transaction.
Validating receipt upload for expense reconciliation
Given the user has uploaded a receipt for a specific shared expense, when the user views the expense details, then the uploaded receipt should be displayed and accessible. The user should be able to download, share, and delete the uploaded receipt. Additionally, the system should display a visual indicator that a receipt has been uploaded for the expense transaction.
Integration with expense transaction history
Given the user has uploaded receipts for multiple expense transactions, when the user views the expense transaction history, then each transaction with an associated receipt should have a thumbnail preview of the receipt visible. The user should be able to click on the thumbnail to view the full-size receipt image.
Expense Splitting Calculation
User Story

As a user, I want shared expenses to be automatically calculated and allocated among household members to streamline the process of splitting expenses and promote fairness in expense sharing.


Develop a feature to automatically calculate and allocate shared expenses among household members based on predefined criteria. This functionality will simplify the process of splitting expenses and ensure equitable distribution of financial responsibilities. It will alleviate the manual calculation burden and promote fairness in expense sharing within the household.

Acceptance Criteria
Household Expense Tracking
When household members input their expenses, the system accurately tracks and records the payments made by each member.
Expense Split Calculation
Given a set of shared expenses, when the system automatically calculates and allocates the expenses among household members according to predefined criteria, then the allocation is accurate and equitable.
Expense Sharing Transparency
When expenses are allocated and tracked, the system provides a transparent breakdown of each member's contributions and the amount owed, ensuring clarity and accountability.

Secure Transactions

Enable secure and transparent financial transactions within the household, safeguarding against fraud and ensuring trust among users.


Transaction Logging
User Story

As a user, I want to view a detailed log of all financial transactions in the household so that I can track expenses and ensure transparency and accountability among all users.


Implement a feature to log all financial transactions within the household, providing a clear record of expenses and payments to ensure transparency and accountability among users. The transaction log will serve as a reliable audit trail for all financial activities within the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User adds a new transaction
Given the user is logged in and has access to the Transaction Logging feature, when the user adds a new transaction with a valid recipient, amount, and description, then the transaction is successfully logged in the system.
User views transaction history
Given the user is logged in and has access to the Transaction Logging feature, when the user views the transaction history, then all logged transactions are displayed in chronological order with details including recipient, amount, and date.
User filters transaction history
Given the user is logged in and has access to the Transaction Logging feature, when the user filters the transaction history by date range, recipient, or amount, then the system accurately filters and displays transactions based on the specified criteria.
User edits a logged transaction
Given the user is logged in and has access to the Transaction Logging feature, when the user selects and edits a logged transaction with valid changes, then the edited transaction details are updated in the system and reflected in the transaction history.
User deletes a logged transaction
Given the user is logged in and has access to the Transaction Logging feature, when the user selects and deletes a logged transaction, then the transaction is permanently removed from the system and no longer appears in the transaction history.
Transaction Approval Workflow
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to approve financial transactions before they are finalized, so that I can ensure that all expenses are validated and agreed upon by the relevant parties.


Introduce a workflow for approving financial transactions within the household, allowing users to review and confirm expenditures before they are finalized. This ensures that all expenses are validated and agreed upon by the relevant parties, promoting a secure and collaborative financial environment.

Acceptance Criteria
User reviews and approves a transaction
Given the user has an incoming transaction to approve, and they are logged into the system, when they view the transaction details and have the option to approve or reject it, then they can successfully approve or reject the transaction.
Transaction approval history
Given the user has approved or rejected a transaction, when they review their transaction history, then they can see a clear record of their approved and rejected transactions.
Transaction approval notifications
Given a user has pending transactions to approve, when they receive a notification about the pending transactions, then they can easily access the transaction details and approve or reject them directly from the notification.
Receipt Upload and Verification
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to upload receipts for financial transactions and have them verified, so that I can substantiate my expenses and build trust and accountability within the household.


Enable users to upload receipts for financial transactions and implement a verification process to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the expenses. This feature will provide a means for users to substantiate their expenditures with valid receipts, enhancing trust and accountability within the household.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a receipt for a financial transaction
Given a user has a valid receipt, when they upload the receipt, then the system should store the receipt in the user's transaction history.
Verification of uploaded receipt
Given a user uploads a receipt, when the system verifies the authenticity and accuracy of the receipt, then the status of the receipt should be updated to 'verified'.
Fail validation of uploaded receipt
Given a user uploads a receipt, when the system verifies the authenticity and accuracy of the receipt and it fails validation, then an error message should be displayed, and the user should be prompted to re-upload the receipt.

Expense Summary

Provide clear and detailed summaries of shared expenses, empowering users to effectively monitor and manage household financial contributions.


Expense Summary Dashboard
User Story

As a co-living household member, I want to view a detailed summary of shared expenses so that I can monitor contributions and ensure fair distribution of financial responsibilities within the household.


Create an interactive dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of shared expenses, including total expenses, individual contributions, and pending payments. This feature aims to enhance transparency and accountability in managing household finances, enabling users to track and reconcile expenses efficiently.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the total expenses on the dashboard
When the user accesses the Expense Summary Dashboard, the total expenses should be displayed prominently and accurately.
User tracks individual contributions
Given that the user selects the Expense Summary Dashboard, they should be able to view a breakdown of individual contributions for each expense, including names and amounts.
User reconciles pending payments
When the user navigates to the Expense Summary Dashboard, they should be able to see a list of pending payments with clear details, such as the payee, amount, and due date.
Expense Categories and Tags
User Story

As a user, I want to categorize and tag expenses to track and analyze spending patterns, helping me make informed financial decisions and manage my budget effectively.


Implement a feature that allows users to categorize and tag expenses, providing a structured way to classify and analyze spending patterns. This functionality enhances organization and reporting capabilities, enabling users to gain insights into specific spending categories and allocate funds more effectively.

Acceptance Criteria
User adds a new expense with a specific category and tag
Given that the user is logged in and on the Expense Summary page, when the user adds a new expense with a specific category and tag, then the expense should be classified under the specified category and tagged accordingly.
User filters expenses by a specific category and tag
Given that the user is logged in and on the Expense Summary page, when the user filters expenses by a specific category and tag, then only the expenses matching the selected category and tag should be displayed.
User views expense reports by category and tag
Given that the user is logged in and on the Expense Summary page, when the user views expense reports by category and tag, then detailed reports showing spending patterns and trends for the selected category and tag should be generated.
Expense Notification and Reminders
User Story

As a busy user, I want to receive notifications for pending expenses and due dates, so that I can stay on top of my financial responsibilities and avoid missed payments.


Introduce a notification system that sends timely reminders to users for pending expenses, upcoming due dates, and outstanding payments. This functionality aims to promote accountability and prompt action, ensuring that users stay informed and proactive in managing their financial commitments within the household.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a notification for pending expenses
Given that a user has pending expenses in their TaskFusion account, when the due date is approaching, Then the user should receive a timely notification with details of the pending expenses and the due date.
User receives a reminder for outstanding payments
Given that a user has outstanding payments in their TaskFusion account, when the payment due date has passed, Then the user should receive a reminder notification with details of the outstanding payments and a prompt to take action.
User views an expense summary
Given that a user accesses the expense summary feature in TaskFusion, when the user views the summary, Then the user should see a clear and detailed breakdown of shared expenses, including individual contributions, total expenses, outstanding payments, and payment due dates.

Contribution Notifications

Send real-time notifications to users regarding financial contributions, ensuring timely updates and promoting accountability within the household.


Real-time Contribution Notifications
User Story

As a household member, I want to receive real-time notifications about financial contributions, so that I can stay updated and accountable for my financial responsibilities within the household.


Implement a feature to send real-time notifications to users regarding financial contributions, ensuring timely updates and promoting accountability within the household. This feature will enhance transparency and communication within the household, ensuring that all members are informed about financial contributions in a timely manner.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Contribution Notification Immediately After Payment
Given that a user makes a financial contribution, when the payment is successfully processed, then the user should receive a real-time notification confirming the contribution.
Notification Includes Contribution Details
Given that a user receives a contribution notification, the notification should include details such as the amount contributed, date and time of contribution, and purpose of the contribution.
Notification Triggers for All Household Members
Given that a user makes a financial contribution, when the payment is successfully processed, then all household members should receive a real-time notification confirming the contribution.
User Can Acknowledge Receipt of Contribution
Given that a user receives a contribution notification, the user should have the option to acknowledge and confirm receipt of the contribution within the notification interface.
Contribution Reminder Schedule
User Story

As a household member, I want to receive automated reminders for pending financial contributions, so that I can proactively fulfill my financial responsibilities within the household.


Develop a scheduling system to send automated reminders to household members regarding pending or upcoming financial contributions. This system will help ensure that all financial responsibilities are met on time, reducing the likelihood of overdue payments and promoting a proactive approach to financial contributions.

Acceptance Criteria
Household member with pending contribution receives a reminder notification
Given a household member has a pending contribution, when the scheduled reminder date is reached, then a real-time notification is sent to the member to remind them of the pending contribution.
Household member makes a contribution after receiving a reminder
Given a household member has received a reminder notification, when the member makes the pending contribution, then the reminder notification status is updated to 'Completed'.
Reminder notification includes contribution details
Given a household member receives a reminder notification, when they view the notification, then it includes details of the pending contribution such as amount, due date, and purpose.
Reminder notifications are sent according to user preferences
Given a household member has set their notification preferences, when the reminder date is reached, then the reminder notification is sent according to the user's preferred notification method (e.g., email, app notification).
Admin can customize reminder schedules
Given an admin user has access permissions, when the admin configures reminder schedules, then the schedules are updated and applied to all household members' pending contributions.
Contribution Tracking Dashboard
User Story

As a household member, I want to access a dashboard that shows the financial contributions made by each member, so that I can track and review our collective financial responsibilities within the household.


Create a dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of financial contributions made by each household member. The dashboard will display individual and collective contribution summaries, promoting transparency and accountability among members.

Acceptance Criteria
Household member can view their individual financial contributions on the dashboard
When a household member logs in, they can see a summary of their financial contributions, including the total amount contributed and the breakdown by category (e.g., rent, utilities, groceries)
Household member can view collective financial contributions on the dashboard
When a household member logs in, they can see a summary of the household's total financial contributions, including the total amount contributed by all members and the breakdown by category (e.g., rent, utilities, groceries)
Dashboard displays real-time updates of financial contributions
When a new financial contribution is made, the dashboard updates in real time to reflect the latest contributions from household members
Dashboard provides options for exporting contribution data
The dashboard includes the functionality to export financial contribution data in a downloadable format, such as CSV or PDF, for further analysis or record-keeping
Notifications are sent for new financial contributions
When a household member makes a financial contribution, all other members receive a real-time notification informing them of the new contribution

Customizable Payment Plans

Create personalized payment plans for sharing expenses, allowing users to tailor financial contributions according to individual preferences and needs.


Flexible Contribution Options
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to choose from different contribution options so that I can flexibly manage my financial contributions and align them with my individual preferences and financial capabilities.


Allow users to choose from a range of contribution options such as fixed amounts, percentage-based contributions, and custom amounts. This feature enables users to personalize their financial contributions according to their preferences and financial capacity, promoting transparency and flexibility in expense sharing.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects fixed amount as contribution option
Given the user is on the payment plan customization page and selects the fixed amount option, when they input the amount and save the plan, then the system should save the plan with the specified fixed amount as the contribution option.
User selects percentage-based amount as contribution option
Given the user is on the payment plan customization page and selects the percentage-based amount option, when they input the percentage and save the plan, then the system should save the plan with the specified percentage-based amount as the contribution option.
User selects custom amount as contribution option
Given the user is on the payment plan customization page and selects the custom amount option, when they input the custom amount and save the plan, then the system should save the plan with the specified custom amount as the contribution option.
User edits an existing payment plan with a fixed amount contribution option
Given the user has an existing payment plan with a fixed amount contribution option, when they edit the plan and change the fixed amount, then the system should update the plan with the new fixed amount as the contribution option.
Expense Item Customization
User Story

As a user, I want to create and customize expense items so that I can accurately categorize and track shared expenses, ensuring transparent financial management within the household.


Enable users to create and customize expense items based on specific categories, such as groceries, utilities, or rent. This functionality allows users to categorize and track expenses accurately, providing a detailed overview of shared expenses and facilitating transparent financial management within the household.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new expense item for groceries
Given the user is logged into TaskFusion, when the user navigates to the expense customization page, then they should be able to create a new expense item and assign it to the 'groceries' category.
User customizes an existing expense item
Given the user is logged into TaskFusion and has existing expense items, when the user selects an expense item to customize, then they should be able to edit its details, such as category, name, and amount.
User views an overview of all expense items
Given the user is logged into TaskFusion, when the user accesses the expense tracking dashboard, then they should be able to view a clear overview of all expense items, including categories, names, and amounts.
User filters and sorts expense items
Given the user is logged into TaskFusion and viewing the expense tracking dashboard, when the user applies filters or sorts the expense items, then they should be able to organize and view the items based on selected criteria, such as category or date.
User deletes an expense item
Given the user is logged into TaskFusion and has existing expense items, when the user selects an expense item to delete, then they should be able to delete the item and have it removed from the expense tracking dashboard.
Real-time Contribution Updates
User Story

As a user, I want to receive real-time updates on contribution activities so that I can stay informed about financial activities and ensure transparency and accountability within the expense sharing system.


Implement real-time updates for contribution tracking, displaying instant notifications and updates for users when contributions are made or adjusted. This feature ensures that users are consistently informed about financial activities and updates within the expense sharing system, promoting transparency and accountability.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Instant Notification for Contribution
Given a user makes a financial contribution, when the transaction is completed, then the system sends an instant notification to the user confirming the transaction.
Real-time Contribution Dashboard Updates
Given a user adjusts their contribution, when the user confirms the changes, then the contribution dashboard is updated in real-time to reflect the new amount.
Notification for Contribution Adjustment
Given a user adjusts their financial contribution, when the changes are confirmed, then the system sends a notification to the other users in the expense sharing system, informing them about the contribution adjustment.


Instantly sync and view real-time chat updates, ensuring seamless communication and swift response to household matters, schedules, and task assignments.


Real-time Chat Sync
User Story

As a household member, I want to instantly sync and view real-time chat updates so that I can communicate efficiently and respond promptly to household matters, schedules, and task assignments, enabling seamless coordination and effective collaboration within the household.


Enable real-time synchronization of chat updates to ensure instant communication and timely response to household matters, schedules, and task assignments. This feature will enhance communication efficiency and streamline coordination within the household management ecosystem, promoting seamless collaboration and reducing delays in decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
User Sends a Chat Message
When a user sends a chat message, it should be instantly synced across all devices and visible to all members of the household.
Real-time Chat Update Notification
When a new chat message is received, users should receive a real-time notification to ensure timely response and engagement.
Offline Message Sync
When a user goes offline and comes back online, any missed chat messages should be synced and displayed in real time.
Chat Message Timestamps
Each chat message should display an accurate timestamp to indicate when it was sent, ensuring transparency and chronological order of communication.
Message Read Receipts
User Story

As a user, I want to receive read receipts for my messages so that I can track when my messages have been read, ensuring transparency and facilitating timely acknowledgment of important communications within the household.


Implement message read receipts to provide visibility into the status of sent messages, allowing users to know when their messages have been read. This will enhance transparency and accountability in communication, enabling users to track message interactions and ensure timely acknowledgment of important communication within the household management platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the ChatSync feature and sends a message to another user
The sent message is marked as 'Sent' until it is delivered to the recipient's device
Recipient opens the ChatSync feature and receives a message from another user
The received message is marked as 'Delivered' when it reaches the recipient's device
Recipient opens the ChatSync feature and reads a message from another user
The status of the message changes to 'Read' when the recipient opens and reads the message
User views the chat history in the ChatSync feature
The status of each message (Sent, Delivered, Read) is clearly displayed for every message in the chat history
User enables 'Message Read Receipts' in the settings of the TaskFusion platform
The setting for 'Message Read Receipts' can be easily toggled on and off by the user
User receives a notification when their sent message is read by the recipient
A notification is promptly sent to the user when the recipient reads the sent message, providing visibility and acknowledgment of message interactions
Message Search and Archive
User Story

As a user, I want to search for and access past chat conversations and messages so that I can easily retrieve and reference previous discussions and information within the household management platform, enhancing convenience and organization.


Introduce message search and archiving functionality to enable users to easily search for and access previous chat conversations and messages. This feature will enhance user convenience and organization, facilitating quick access to past discussions and information within the household management platform.

Acceptance Criteria
Search for a specific message by entering keywords
Given the user is logged in and has access to the chat feature, When the user enters keywords in the search bar, Then the system retrieves and displays all chat messages containing the entered keywords.
Access archived messages from a specific date range
Given the user is logged in and has access to the chat feature, When the user selects a date range to search within, Then the system retrieves and displays all chat messages from the selected date range.
View message details and metadata
Given the user is logged in and has access to the chat feature, When the user clicks on a specific message, Then the system displays the details of the message, including sender, timestamp, and chat context.
Mark messages as important or starred
Given the user is logged in and has access to the chat feature, When the user marks a message as important or starred, Then the system visually distinguishes the marked messages and allows the user to filter messages by importance.


Organize and track task-related discussions within dedicated threads, streamlining communication and ensuring clarity on chore assignments and responsibilities.


Threaded Task Discussions
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to create and participate in threaded task discussions, so that I can easily communicate with other household members about specific chores and responsibilities, leading to improved clarity and coordination in task management.


Enable users to create and manage threaded discussions for specific tasks, fostering clear communication and collaboration for chore assignments and responsibilities. This feature will streamline task-related discussions and ensure that all relevant communication is organized within dedicated threads, leading to better task management and coordination within households.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new task thread
Given the user is logged in and has access to the TaskThread feature, when the user selects 'Create New Thread' for a specific task, then a new thread is created with the task name as the title and is available for task-related discussions.
User adds comments to a task thread
Given the user has opened a task thread, when the user adds a comment to the thread, then the comment is successfully added and visible to other users participating in the task thread.
User marks a task thread as complete
Given the user has completed the task, when the user selects 'Mark as Complete' in the task thread, then the task thread status is updated to 'Completed' and is no longer editable.
User receives notifications for task thread activity
Given the user is involved in a task thread, when there is new activity such as comments or status updates, then the user receives a notification in their dashboard or via email.
Threaded Task Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive notifications for new messages and updates in threaded task discussions, so that I can stay informed about changes and updates related to chore assignments and responsibilities, leading to improved responsiveness and coordination in task management.


Implement notifications for threaded task discussions to keep users informed about new messages and updates within task-related threads. This will enhance real-time communication and ensure that users are alerted to any new developments or changes in task assignments and responsibilities.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications for new messages in threaded task discussions.
Given that I am a user with access to task-related threads, when a new message is posted in a thread, then I should receive a notification with the content of the new message.
As a user, I want to be able to customize my notification preferences for threaded task discussions.
Given that I am a user with access to task-related threads, when I go to my notification settings, then I should be able to customize my preferences for receiving notifications for new messages in specific threads.
As a user, I want to see a clear indicator of new messages in threaded task discussions.
Given that I am a user with access to task-related threads, when there are new unread messages in a thread, then I should see a visual indicator (e.g., badge or notification icon) on the thread to indicate the presence of new messages.
As a user, I want to be able to mark threaded task discussions as 'read' to clear the new message indicator.
Given that I am a user with access to task-related threads, when I view a thread with new unread messages, then I should be able to mark the thread as 'read' to clear the visual indicator of new messages.
Threaded Task Visibility Control
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to control the visibility of threaded task discussions, so that I can manage privacy and participation in task-related communication, leading to improved flexibility and customization in coordinating chore assignments and responsibilities.


Provide users with the ability to control the visibility and access permissions of threaded task discussions, allowing them to manage privacy and participation in task-related communication. This feature will empower users to customize the visibility of task discussions based on their preferences and household dynamics.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a task discussion to "Private"
Given that the user has created a task discussion, when they set the visibility to "Private", then only invited household members can view and participate in the discussion.
User sets a task discussion to "Public"
Given that the user has created a task discussion, when they set the visibility to "Public", then all household members can view and participate in the discussion.
User invites specific members to a task discussion
Given that the user has created a task discussion, when they invite specific household members to the discussion, then only the invited members can view and participate in the discussion.
User removes members from a task discussion
Given that the user has created a task discussion and invited members, when they remove specific household members from the discussion, then the removed members can no longer view or participate in the discussion.
User edits the visibility of an existing task discussion
Given that the user has created a task discussion, when they edit the visibility of the discussion, then the new visibility settings are applied to the discussion and affect member access accordingly.


Integrate a shared calendar for scheduling meetings and household events, allowing users to easily coordinate and stay updated on important dates and activities.


Shared Calendar Integration
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to schedule and coordinate household events and meetings with other members, so that we can stay organized and informed about important dates and activities.


Integrate a shared calendar feature that allows users to schedule and coordinate household events, meetings, and important dates. This feature enables seamless communication and collaboration among users, providing a centralized platform for organizing and staying updated on shared activities.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to be able to create a new event on the shared calendar.
Given that I have access to the shared calendar, when I create a new event with a title, date, time, and description, then the event should be added to the calendar and displayed for all users.
As a user, I want to be able to edit an existing event on the shared calendar.
Given that I have access to the shared calendar, when I edit an existing event's details, then the changes should be saved and updated on the calendar for all users to see.
As a user, I want to receive notifications for upcoming events on the shared calendar.
Given that I have access to the shared calendar, when an event is approaching, then I should receive a notification with the event details and time.
Real-time Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications for calendar events and important reminders, so that I can stay informed and proactive about household activities and responsibilities.


Implement real-time notifications for calendar events and important reminders. This functionality ensures that users receive timely updates and alerts about upcoming events, task assignments, and shared responsibilities, enhancing their ability to stay informed and proactive.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a real-time notification for a new calendar event
Given the user has an upcoming calendar event, When a new event is added to the calendar, Then the user should receive a real-time notification
User receives a real-time reminder for a pending task assignment
Given the user has an assigned task with a pending deadline, When the deadline approaches, Then the user should receive a real-time reminder notification
User can customize notification preferences
Given the user wants to customize their notification settings, When the user accesses the notification preferences, Then the user should be able to specify their preferred notification methods and frequency
Customizable Event Categories
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to create and customize event categories in the shared calendar, so that I can organize and filter events based on specific types and preferences.


Enable users to create and customize event categories within the shared calendar, allowing for personalized organization and easy filtering of specific types of events. This feature enhances flexibility and adaptability, catering to diverse user preferences and facilitating efficient event management.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to be able to create a new event category in the shared calendar.
Given that I am on the shared calendar page, when I click on the 'Add Category' button, then I should be prompted to enter the category name and color.
As a user, I want to be able to customize the color of an event category in the shared calendar.
Given that I am on the event category settings page, when I select a category, then I should be able to choose a color from a color picker and save the changes.
As a user, I want to filter the shared calendar by event category.
Given that I am on the shared calendar, when I select a specific event category from the filter options, then I should only see events associated with that category.


Sync chat notifications across all devices to ensure users stay informed and responsive to discussions, updates, and task-related messages in real time.


Real-time Chat Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive chat notifications in real time on all my devices so that I can stay informed and promptly respond to discussions, updates, and task-related messages, leading to improved coordination and efficiency in managing household responsibilities.


Enable synchronization of chat notifications across all devices to ensure users are promptly informed and responsive to discussions, updates, and task-related messages in real time. This feature enhances user engagement and collaboration, facilitating seamless communication and efficient task management within the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a new chat message while logged in on a single device
When a user is logged in on a single device and receives a new chat message, the notification is immediately displayed on the screen.
User receives a new chat message while logged in on multiple devices
When a user is logged in on multiple devices and receives a new chat message, the notification is synchronized and displayed on all logged-in devices simultaneously.
User opens the chat notification
When a user opens the chat notification, they are taken directly to the chat message or thread associated with the notification.
User dismisses the chat notification
When a user dismisses the chat notification, it is removed from the notification center or screen, and the notification count is updated accordingly.
User interacts with the chat notification
When a user interacts with the chat notification (e.g., tap or swipe), the corresponding action, such as opening the chat or marking it as read, is executed as intended.
Cross-platform Compatibility
User Story

As a user, I want chat notifications to be synchronized seamlessly across different devices and platforms so that I can receive updates and messages regardless of the device I am using, ensuring convenience and flexibility in communication and task management.


Ensure compatibility of chat notification synchronization across various operating systems and devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. This requirement aims to provide a consistent user experience and accessibility across different platforms, promoting universal access to real-time notifications.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, when I receive a chat notification on my mobile phone, it should sync seamlessly with my tablet and desktop computer in real time.
Given the user has a chat notification on their mobile phone, When they view the notification on their tablet or desktop computer, Then the notification syncs instantly without delay.
When a user dismisses a chat notification on one device, it should also be dismissed on all other synced devices.
Given the user dismisses a chat notification on one device, When they check the other synced devices, Then the notification is also dismissed on those devices.
When a user sends a message from one device, it should be immediately reflected on all other synced devices.
Given the user sends a message from one device, When they check the other synced devices, Then the sent message is immediately visible on those devices.
Notification Settings Customization
User Story

As a user, I want to customize notification settings to control the types of messages and the way I receive notifications so that I can tailor my communication experience to align with my preferences and priorities, leading to a more personalized and user-centric notification system.


Allow users to customize notification settings, including preferences for message categories, sound alerts, and visual indicators. This feature empowers users to personalize their notification experience, prioritizing specific types of messages and managing their preferences for receiving real-time updates.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects specific message categories for notifications
Given the user is on the notification settings page, When the user selects specific message categories for notifications, Then the selected categories should be saved and applied to the user's notification preferences.
User sets sound alerts for priority messages
Given the user is on the notification settings page, When the user sets sound alerts for priority messages, Then the selected sound alerts should play for incoming priority messages.
User enables visual indicators for real-time updates
Given the user is on the notification settings page, When the user enables visual indicators for real-time updates, Then the system should display visual indicators for incoming real-time updates.
User customizes notification preferences for specific contacts
Given the user is on the notification settings page, When the user customizes notification preferences for specific contacts, Then the customized preferences should be applied to messages from those contacts.
User turns on/off notifications for specific message types
Given the user is on the notification settings page, When the user turns on/off notifications for specific message types, Then the system should respect the user's preferences and deliver or suppress notifications accordingly.


Automate chore assignments and create recurring tasks to streamline household responsibilities. Users can set repetitive chores, automate reminders, and track completion status, reducing the burden of manual task management.


Automated Task Assignment
User Story

As a busy household member, I want the system to automatically assign recurring tasks to me so that I can efficiently manage my chores without having to manually track and assign them each time.


Implement a feature that automatically assigns recurring tasks to household members based on predefined schedules. This feature will streamline chore management by reducing manual task assignment, improving efficiency, and ensuring equitable task distribution among users.

Acceptance Criteria
Household Administrator creates a recurring task schedule
Given a Household Administrator account, when the user sets up a recurring task schedule for specific chores and assigns them to household members, then the system should save the schedule and assign the tasks accordingly.
Household members receive automated task assignments
Given the assigned task schedule, when the scheduled time is reached, then the system should automatically assign the tasks to the respective household members and send them a notification.
Household members mark task completion
Given an assigned task, when a household member completes the task, then the member should mark it as complete in the system, updating the task completion status.
Task assignment reflects equitable distribution
Given multiple household members and recurring tasks, when tasks are assigned based on the defined schedule, then the system should ensure equitable task distribution among the members over time.
System generates task assignment reports
Given completed task assignments, when requested by the Household Administrator, then the system should generate reports showing task completion status, overdue tasks, and task allocation by household member.
Reminder Automation
User Story

As a user with household responsibilities, I want the system to send automated reminders for upcoming tasks so that I can efficiently manage my time and complete my chores on schedule.


Integrate the capability to automate reminders for upcoming tasks and deadlines. This will help users stay on top of their responsibilities, ensuring timely completion of chores and promoting household organization and efficiency.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a recurring task with a specific deadline
Given the user is logged into TaskFusion and has access to the AutoTask feature, When the user creates a recurring task with a specific deadline, Then the system should automate reminders for the upcoming tasks and deadlines.
User receives automated reminders for upcoming tasks
Given the user has set a recurring task with a specific deadline, When the deadline approaches, Then the user should receive automated reminders for the upcoming tasks.
User marks a recurring task as completed
Given the user has completed a recurring task, When the user marks the task as completed, Then the system should update the task status and stop sending reminders for that task.
Task Completion Tracking
User Story

As a household member, I want to track the completion status of my assigned tasks so that I can gauge my progress and contribute effectively to household chores.


Develop a functionality to track the completion status of assigned tasks and provide visibility into the progress of household responsibilities. This feature will enable users to monitor task completion, assess performance, and identify areas for improvement.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to see a list of assigned tasks with completion status, so I can track the progress of household responsibilities.
Given that I am logged into TaskFusion and have been assigned tasks, when I navigate to the assigned tasks section, then I should see a list of tasks with their completion status.
As a user, I want to receive automated reminders for pending tasks, so I can stay on top of my responsibilities.
Given that I have pending tasks with due dates, when the due date is approaching, then I should receive automated reminders for the pending tasks.
As a user, I want to mark tasks as completed, so I can track progress and update the completion status.
Given that I have completed a task, when I select the task and mark it as completed, then the completion status of the task should be updated accordingly.
As a user, I want to view historical task completion data, so I can assess performance over time.
Given that I want to view historical task completion data, when I access the task completion history section, then I should see a comprehensive record of completed tasks with dates and completion status.


Synchronize automated reminders with user calendars and notifications, ensuring timely task prompts and increasing accountability. Users can stay updated on upcoming chores and responsibilities across all devices.


Calendar Integration
User Story

As a user, I want automated task reminders synced with my calendar to stay updated on upcoming chores and responsibilities across all my devices, so that I can manage my tasks efficiently and never miss an important responsibility.


Integrate automated reminders with user's calendar applications to ensure seamless synchronization and timely task reminders. This feature will enhance user experience by providing easy access to task prompts across all devices and platforms, promoting consistent and efficient task management.

Acceptance Criteria
User connects a Google calendar to TaskFusion
Given the user is logged in and navigates to the settings, When the user selects 'Connect Calendar' and chooses Google Calendar, Then the user's Google calendar is successfully linked to TaskFusion
User sets a reminder for a household task in TaskFusion
Given the user is logged in and navigates to the 'Tasks' section, When the user creates a new task and assigns a deadline with a reminder, Then the reminder is synced with the user's calendar and a notification is sent to all connected devices
User receives a reminder notification on their mobile device
Given the user has the TaskFusion app installed and notifications enabled, When the reminder for a task is triggered, Then the user receives a push notification on their mobile device
User successfully syncs their calendar with TaskFusion across multiple devices
Given the user is logged in on multiple devices and has connected their calendar, When the user makes changes to their calendar on one device, Then the changes are instantly reflected on all connected devices
Notification System
User Story

As a user, I want to receive timely notifications for upcoming tasks and responsibilities, so that I can stay informed and accountable for my household duties and manage my time effectively.


Implement a notification system to deliver timely task prompts and reminders to users, ensuring that they are informed about upcoming chores and responsibilities. This system will enhance user engagement and accountability, fostering a proactive approach towards task management and household responsibilities.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Reminders on Mobile App
When a task reminder is set, the user should receive a push notification on their mobile app with the task details and due date.
User Receives Calendar Integration Reminders
When a task reminder is set, the user's calendar app should be updated with the task details and due date, and the user should receive a notification based on their calendar settings.
User Acknowledges Task Completion
After completing a task prompted by the reminder, the user should acknowledge the completion within the app, marking the task as done and triggering the next reminder for the recurring task.
Task Reminder Customization
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to customize task reminder settings to align with my preferences and schedule, so that I can efficiently manage my tasks and responsibilities in a personalized manner.


Enable users to customize task reminder settings based on their preferences, allowing them to schedule and personalize task prompts according to their convenience and specific requirements. This customization feature will provide users with flexibility and control over their task management process, improving user satisfaction and task adherence.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a custom reminder for a specific task
Given a task is created, when the user selects the reminder customization option, then they should be able to set a specific date and time for the reminder.
User receives a notification for the custom task reminder
Given a custom reminder is set for a task, when the scheduled time is reached, then the user should receive a notification on all synced devices.
User edits or deletes a custom task reminder
Given a custom reminder is set for a task, when the user edits or deletes the reminder, then the changes should reflect in the task list and notification settings.
Task reminder syncs with user calendar
Given a task reminder is created, when the user enables calendar sync, then the reminder should appear in the user's calendar app.


Provide insightful metrics and analytics on task completion, time allocation, and user contributions. This feature enables users to track their productivity and household involvement, promoting a sense of achievement and transparency.


Task Completion Metrics
User Story

As a user, I want to see detailed metrics on my task completion and time allocation so that I can track my productivity and contribution to household responsibilities.


Develop a feature that tracks task completion metrics, including completion rates, time taken, and user performance. This will enable users to analyze their productivity and contribution to household tasks, fostering transparency and accountability within the household management system.

Acceptance Criteria
User views task completion rate for the week
Given the user logs into the TaskFusion platform, when they navigate to the task metrics section, then they should see the task completion rate for the current week.
User tracks time taken to complete a specific task
Given the user selects a specific task, when they mark the task as completed, then the platform should record the time taken to complete the task.
User analyzes their individual task completion performance
Given the user views their task completion metrics, when they compare their completion rates and time taken with the household average, then they should be able to assess their individual task completion performance.
User Engagement Analytics
User Story

As a product user, I want to understand how users engage with the platform to improve the overall user experience and satisfaction.


Implement user engagement analytics to provide insights into user participation, usage patterns, and interaction with the platform. This will allow for strategic improvements, personalized user experiences, and increased platform utilization, leading to enhanced user satisfaction and retention.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in to the platform and navigates to the TaskMetrics feature to view task completion analytics for the past week.
Task completion analytics are displayed in a graphical format, showing the total number of tasks completed, average time spent on tasks, and the top contributors.
User receives a weekly summary email with a breakdown of their task completion statistics, including comparison with the previous week.
The email contains a detailed summary of the user's task completion performance, including the number of tasks completed, time allocation, and comparison with the previous week's performance.
Admin accesses the user engagement analytics dashboard to view the overall platform usage and user interaction trends over the past month.
The dashboard displays a comprehensive overview of user engagement metrics, such as active users, average session duration, most accessed features, and user interaction patterns.
User receives personalized task recommendations based on their historical task completion patterns and activity on the platform.
The platform provides tailored task suggestions based on the user's historical task completion data, user preferences, and current household needs.
Real-time Contribution Reports
User Story

As a household member, I want real-time reports on individual and collective household contributions to promote transparency and accountability within the household.


Create real-time contribution reports that display individual and collective user contributions to household tasks and expenses. This feature facilitates transparent collaboration, stimulates healthy competition, and reinforces a sense of collective responsibility within the household management ecosystem.

Acceptance Criteria
User views their individual contribution report
Given that the user is logged into TaskFusion and has been assigned tasks, when they navigate to the contribution report section, then they should see a detailed breakdown of their completed tasks and associated expenses.
User views the collective contribution report
Given that multiple users are logged into TaskFusion and have completed tasks, when they view the collective contribution report, then they should see a summary of all completed tasks and expenses for the household.
Real-time updates on contribution report
Given that users are actively completing tasks and adding expenses, when they view the contribution report, then the report should update in real-time to reflect the latest contributions and expenses.


Efficiently schedule and organize household chores and responsibilities using a user-friendly interface. Users can manage task timelines, assign priorities, and ensure balanced distribution among household members.


Task Creation
User Story

As a household member, I want to be able to create and manage tasks so that I can distribute responsibilities and ensure that chores are completed on time.


Allow users to create new tasks, set due dates, assign priorities, and allocate tasks to specific household members. This feature ensures efficient management of household chores and responsibilities.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new task with a due date
Given a user has access to the TaskScheduler feature, when the user creates a new task with a due date, then the task is successfully added to the task list with the specified due date.
User assigns a priority to a task
Given a user has access to the TaskScheduler feature, when the user assigns a priority to a task, then the task's priority is updated accordingly.
User allocates a task to a specific household member
Given a user has access to the TaskScheduler feature, when the user allocates a task to a specific household member, then the task is assigned to the intended member and reflects in their task list.
User views the list of assigned tasks
Given a user has tasks assigned to them, when the user views the list of assigned tasks, then all assigned tasks are displayed with their respective details and due dates.
User edits an existing task
Given a user has access to the TaskScheduler feature and has existing tasks, when the user edits an existing task, then the task details are successfully updated and reflected in the task list.
Task Reminder
User Story

As a user, I want to receive reminders for upcoming tasks so that I can stay on top of my responsibilities and complete them on time.


Enable users to set reminders for upcoming tasks, customize notification settings, and receive timely reminders to complete assigned tasks. This functionality helps users stay organized and ensures that tasks are not overlooked.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a reminder for an upcoming task
Given a task is created, when the user sets a reminder for the task, then the reminder is scheduled for the specified time and date.
User customizes notification settings for task reminders
Given a task reminder is scheduled, when the user customizes notification settings, then the system saves the customized settings and sends notifications accordingly.
User receives a timely reminder for an upcoming task
Given a scheduled task reminder, when the reminder time is reached, then the user receives a notification with details of the upcoming task.
Task History
User Story

As a household member, I want to view the history of completed tasks so that I can track the progress of chores and ensure that responsibilities are being fulfilled.


Provide users with a comprehensive history of completed tasks, including details such as completion dates, task assignees, and any related notes. This feature allows users to track task completion, monitor performance, and maintain accountability within the household.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the list of completed tasks
When the user navigates to the Task History section, they should see a list of all completed tasks, including their completion dates, assignees, and any related notes.
User filters completed tasks by date range
Given that the user has accessed the Task History section, when they apply a date range filter, then the system should display only the completed tasks within the specified range, based on their completion dates.
User views task details
When the user selects a completed task from the list, then the system should display the task details, including the completion date, assignee, notes, and any related attachments.
User exports task history
Given that the user is in the Task History section, when they initiate an export action, then the system should generate a downloadable file containing the complete task history, including all relevant details.
User reviews task assignee performance
When the user selects a completed task from the list, then the system should display the assignee's performance metrics, including the number of completed tasks, average task completion time, and any performance ratings provided by other users.

Press Articles

Introducing TaskFusion: The Ultimate SaaS Platform for Harmonious Household Management


TaskFusion, the innovative SaaS platform designed to revolutionize household management, is set to transform the way families, roommates, and co-living households coordinate tasks and expenses. With its integrated task assignments, efficient expense tracking, and timely reminders, TaskFusion ensures transparent and efficient collaboration for a harmonious home environment.

TaskFusion's customizable dashboards and real-time updates empower users to streamline household responsibilities, fostering collaboration and reducing conflicts. Its user-friendly interface and eco-friendly features make it the ultimate tool for promoting balanced and efficient shared living.

"TaskFusion is more than just a platform; it's a lifestyle changer. It's about bringing unparalleled harmony and efficiency to shared living environments," says John Smith, CEO of TaskFusion. "Our goal is to simplify household management and enhance the quality of home life for every user."

Whether you're a Home Manager, Family Coordinator, Roommate Collaborator, Eco-Savvy Parent, Senior Caregiver, or Student House Captain, TaskFusion meets your diverse needs, ensuring a stress-free and seamless household management experience.

For more information, please visit or contact us at

Contact: John Smith CEO, TaskFusion Email: Phone: 123-456-7890

TaskFusion's New Feature FusionPay: Revolutionizing Household Expense Management


TaskFusion introduces FusionPay, a seamless payment integration that empowers users to split expenses, make payments, and track financial contributions within the household. FusionPay provides a secure and transparent platform for managing shared expenses, ensuring fairness and accountability among household members.

"FusionPay is a game-changer in the household expense management landscape. It simplifies the process of tracking and managing financial contributions, fostering transparency and trust among users," says Emily Johnson, Product Manager at TaskFusion. "With FusionPay, users can streamline expense splitting and promote financial accountability within their shared living environments."

Whether it's splitting utility bills, groceries, or rent, FusionPay offers a hassle-free solution for household expense management. Users can customize payment plans, track shared expenses, and ensure equitable financial contributions, making household coordination a smooth and stress-free experience.

To learn more about FusionPay and its features, please visit or contact us at

Contact: Emily Johnson Product Manager, TaskFusion Email: Phone: 123-789-4560

TaskFusion's Latest Innovation FusionTasks: Streamlining Household Chore Management


TaskFusion proudly presents FusionTasks, a state-of-the-art task automation and tracking system that revolutionizes household chore management. With FusionTasks, users can set recurring chores, automate reminders, and monitor completion status, reducing the cognitive load associated with household responsibilities.

"FusionTasks elevates the chore management experience by offering a streamlined approach to task automation and tracking," says Sarah Parker, Lead Developer at TaskFusion. "Users can enjoy the convenience of setting up recurring chores, automating reminders, and tracking completion status with ease. It's about empowering users to maintain harmony and efficiency within their living environments."

FusionTasks enhances accountability, fosters transparency, and reduces the burden of manual chore management, making it the ultimate tool for seamlessly organizing household responsibilities. Its intuitive interface and user-friendly design cater to the diverse needs of Home Managers, Family Coordinators, Roommate Collaborators, and other household members, ensuring a stress-free household chore management experience.

To explore the revolutionary features of FusionTasks, please visit or contact us at

Contact: Sarah Parker Lead Developer, TaskFusion Email: Phone: 123-456-7890