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Accelerate Innovation Together

Inventorium is a cutting-edge SaaS platform revolutionizing product development for design and engineering teams. It centralizes project management, enhances real-time collaboration, and leverages AI-driven analytics for smarter decision-making. Seamless integration with CAD and PLM systems, advanced project tracking, and intuitive version control streamline workflows, accelerate innovation, and improve product quality. Inventorium is the ultimate tool for empowering teams to bring superior products to market with unprecedented efficiency.

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Product Details




Accelerate Innovation Together


Product Development Management Software


Revolutionizing product development to drive innovation and efficiency.


Inventorium is a sophisticated SaaS platform designed to redefine product development for design and engineering teams. Catering to product managers, engineers, designers, and R&D departments in the manufacturing and tech industries, it empowers users by streamlining inefficiencies and enhancing collaboration. By centralizing project management, Inventorium ensures data-driven decision-making at every stage of the development lifecycle.

This cloud-based solution is packed with unique features that elevate productivity. Real-time collaboration tools facilitate seamless teamwork, breaking down silos and fostering unified project efforts. Advanced project tracking keeps everyone aligned with timelines and goals, while intuitive version control makes managing iterations effortless. One of its standout features, AI-driven analytics, provides actionable insights, helping teams refine their strategies and make smarter, faster decisions.

Inventorium integrates effortlessly with popular CAD and PLM systems, offering a cohesive environment to oversee the entire product journey from ideation to launch. Its secure, scalable architecture and customizable options cater to the specific needs of diverse teams, whether they're small start-ups or large enterprises.

Inventorium exists to eliminate the common pain points in product development, accelerating innovation and enhancing product quality. With its cutting-edge tools and user-centric design, it is poised to become the industry standard, empowering teams to bring superior products to market more efficiently.

Target Audience

Designers, engineers, product managers, and R&D teams in mid-to-large manufacturing and tech companies, focused on improving product development efficiency and collaboration.

Problem Statement

In the fast-paced and complex world of product development, design and engineering teams are often hindered by fragmented tools, siloed data, and inefficient processes, resulting in delays, miscommunications, and compromised product quality.

Solution Overview

Inventorium solves the identified challenges in product development by providing a cloud-based SaaS platform that centralizes project management for design and engineering teams. The platform includes real-time collaboration tools to break down silos and foster unified project efforts, advanced project tracking to keep timelines and goals aligned, and intuitive version control to manage iterations effortlessly. Its AI-driven analytics deliver actionable insights, enabling teams to refine strategies and make smarter, faster decisions. By integrating seamlessly with popular CAD and PLM systems, Inventorium offers a cohesive environment to oversee the entire product journey, accelerating development cycles, improving product quality, and enhancing overall team productivity and innovation.


Inventorium revolutionizes product development for design and engineering teams by reducing development cycle times and enhancing product quality through centralized project management, real-time collaboration tools, and AI-driven analytics. This comprehensive platform enables actionable insights, seamless integration with CAD and PLM systems, and intuitive version control, which collectively boost team productivity and foster innovations. As a result, businesses experience accelerated innovation, improved efficiency, and significant cost savings, setting a new industry standard in product development.


Product Inspiration: Inventorium

The inspiration for Inventorium emerged from observing the chronic challenges design and engineering teams face in the product development landscape. During numerous interactions with product managers, engineers, and designers in the manufacturing and tech industries, it became clear that their daily workflows were plagued by fragmented tools, siloed data, and inefficient processes. These obstacles often led to delays, miscommunications, and compromised product quality, stifling innovation and productivity.

The pivotal moment came during a collaborative project where disparate systems and poor version control resulted in costly errors and frustration. Recognizing the commonality of this experience within the industry sparked the drive to create a solution that would revolutionize product development workflows. The goal was to build a unified platform that could streamline project management, enhance real-time collaboration, and leverage AI-driven analytics to provide actionable insights—all within a secure, scalable cloud-based environment.

Inventorium was conceived to bridge these gaps, enabling seamless integration with existing CAD and PLM systems and offering advanced project tracking and version control. By addressing the core pain points of inefficiency and disjointed communication, Inventorium aims to accelerate innovation and elevate product quality, setting a new industry standard.

Through this platform, we envision a future where design and engineering teams can collaborate effortlessly, innovate faster, and bring superior products to market more efficiently than ever before.

Long Term Goal

Inventorium aspires to set a global benchmark in product development technology, transforming how design and engineering teams innovate by continually integrating advanced AI, IoT, and emerging technologies to foster seamless collaboration, superior product quality, and unparalleled efficiency across industries.


Tech-Savvy Innovator


Tech-Savvy Innovator


The Tech-Savvy Innovator is a forward-thinking individual who seeks to revolutionize product development processes. They are highly passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technology and AI-driven analytics to enhance collaboration, make informed decisions, and streamline workflows.


Age: 30-45 Gender: Male Education: Bachelor's degree or higher in engineering, design, or technology-related fields Occupation: Product design manager, innovation consultant, technology entrepreneur Income Level: Above average


The Tech-Savvy Innovator has a background in engineering, design, or technology and has been involved in various innovation projects. They are driven by a passion for technology and have a deep understanding of the complexities of product development processes. Their experiences have shaped them into forward-thinkers who are always looking for ways to improve efficiency and quality in their projects.


The Tech-Savvy Innovator is driven by a strong belief in the power of technology to drive innovation. They are motivated by the desire to break new ground, disrupt traditional processes, and bring products to market with unprecedented efficiency. Their values center around embracing change, fostering collaboration, and leveraging advanced tools for smarter decision-making.


Seamless project management, real-time collaboration, AI-driven analytics, efficient workflows, innovation acceleration, product quality improvement


Complex project management, lack of real-time collaboration, inefficient workflow processes, inadequate decision-making insights, slow innovation, product quality issues


Professional networking platforms, industry conferences, technology forums, innovation workshops, webinars, technology podcasts


Engages with the product daily to manage, collaborate, and analyze project data, seeks continuous improvements in processes and decision-making


Driven by the potential to enhance innovation, streamline workflows, and improve product quality. Influenced by the compatibility with CAD/PLM systems, reliability of analytics, and ease of use

Product Ideas

Collaborative 3D Model Viewer

A web-based 3D model viewer with real-time collaboration features, allowing design and engineering teams to review and edit 3D models together. Seamless integration with existing CAD and PLM systems for efficient project management and version control.

AI-Driven Design Feedback

An AI-powered feedback system that analyzes design iterations, identifies potential improvements, and provides actionable insights. It enhances decision-making for design leads and engineering managers, improving product quality and accelerating innovation.

Augmented Reality Product Visualization

Integrating AR technology into the platform, enabling users to visualize 3D models in real-world environments. This feature enhances product analysis for product analysts and tech-savvy innovators, facilitating immersive and interactive product assessments.

Product Features

Interactive Model Annotation

Empower design and engineering teams to add real-time annotations, comments, and feedback directly onto 3D models, enhancing collaboration and communication during the review and editing process.


Real-time Annotation
User Story

As a design and engineering team member, I want to be able to add real-time annotations and comments on 3D models so that I can efficiently collaborate with team members and provide direct feedback during the review and editing process.


Enable design and engineering teams to add real-time annotations, comments, and feedback directly onto 3D models, enhancing collaboration and communication during the review and editing process. This feature will improve the efficiency of the review process, reduce the need for additional communication tools, and ensure that feedback is directly integrated with the 3D models.

Acceptance Criteria
User adds an annotation to a 3D model and saves it
Given a 3D model is open for editing, when the user adds a comment or annotation to the model, then the comment is saved in real-time and can be viewed by other users editing the model.
Multiple users add annotations to the same 3D model simultaneously
Given a 3D model is open for editing by multiple users, when each user adds a comment or annotation to the model, then all annotations are displayed in real-time for all users editing the model, with no conflicts or overlapping annotations.
User edits or deletes an existing annotation
Given a 3D model with existing annotations, when the user edits or deletes an annotation, then the changes are saved and reflected in real-time for all users editing the model.
Annotations are automatically synced with the latest version of the 3D model
Given a 3D model is updated with a new version, when users access the model, then all existing annotations are automatically synced with the latest version, ensuring that users view the most up-to-date annotations.
Annotation History
User Story

As a design and engineering team member, I want to be able to track the history of annotations and comments on 3D models so that I can review the evolution of the design and understand the context behind the changes.


Provide a history log of annotations and comments made on 3D models, allowing users to view and track changes, revisions, and discussions over time. This feature will enhance transparency, accountability, and traceability of the review process and provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the design.

Acceptance Criteria
User views annotation history for a 3D model
Given a 3D model with annotations, when the user selects the annotation history feature, then the system should display a chronological list of all annotations and comments, including timestamps and user details.
User filters annotation history by user
Given the annotation history is displayed, when the user filters by a specific user, then the system should show only the annotations and comments made by that user, organized chronologically.
User filters annotation history by date range
Given the annotation history is displayed, when the user filters by a specific date range, then the system should show only the annotations and comments made within that range, organized chronologically.
User navigates to the original location of an annotation
Given the annotation history is displayed, when the user clicks on a specific annotation, then the system should navigate to the original location of that annotation within the 3D model.
User exports annotation history as a report
Given the annotation history is displayed, when the user selects the export option, then the system should generate a report containing all annotations and comments, including timestamps, user details, and 3D model snapshots, in a downloadable format.
Collaborative Editing
User Story

As a design and engineering team member, I want to be able to collaboratively edit 3D models with team members in real-time so that we can work together efficiently and share feedback and modifications seamlessly.


Facilitate simultaneous collaborative editing of 3D models by multiple team members, enabling real-time sharing of design changes, feedback, and modifications. This feature will improve efficiency, streamline the editing process, and encourage active participation and interaction among team members.

Acceptance Criteria
As a design team member, I want to simultaneously collaborate with multiple team members on editing 3D models, so that we can share design changes and modifications in real time.
Given multiple team members are editing the same 3D model, when each member's changes are instantly visible to all others, then the collaborative editing is successfully implemented.
As a project manager, I want to track and review the editing history of 3D models, so that I can monitor the changes made by team members and ensure accountability and traceability.
Given the ability to track and review the editing history of 3D models, when I can see a detailed log of all changes made, including timestamps and user details, then the editing history tracking is successfully implemented.
As a lead engineer, I want to receive real-time notifications of design changes made by team members, so that I can stay updated on the progress and quickly address any conflicting modifications.
Given the option to receive real-time notifications of design changes, when I receive immediate alerts for modifications made by others, then the real-time notification system is successfully implemented.
As a quality assurance specialist, I want to validate the accuracy of simultaneous changes made by multiple team members, so that I can ensure the integrity and quality of the 3D models.
Given the ability to validate simultaneous changes made by multiple members, when I can verify the consistency and accuracy of the models post-edit, then the validation of simultaneous changes is successfully implemented.

Version Control Integration

Seamless integration with existing version control systems, allowing teams to track and manage changes made to 3D models, ensuring data integrity and facilitating efficient project management.


Version Control System Integration
User Story

As a design team member, I want the system to seamlessly integrate with our existing version control system so that I can easily track and manage changes made to 3D models, ensuring data accuracy and efficient project management.


This requirement involves seamlessly integrating with existing version control systems to enable efficient tracking and management of changes made to 3D models. It enhances data integrity and facilitates streamlined project management by providing a centralized platform for version control.

Acceptance Criteria
Team collaboration on a 3D model
Given that multiple team members are working on a 3D model, when changes are made, then the system accurately tracks and captures each modification, including timestamp, user details, and nature of the change.
Version comparison and rollback
Given a project with multiple versions of a 3D model, when a user compares different versions, then the system allows for a clear and precise comparison of changes, and enables seamless rollback to a previous version if necessary.
Integration with CAD and PLM systems
Given the existence of CAD and PLM systems, when integrating with the version control system, then the integration enables seamless data exchange between the systems, ensuring consistency and accuracy of 3D model information.
Audit trail for version changes
Given a 3D model, when changes are made, then the system maintains a comprehensive audit trail of all version changes, including a complete history of modifications, user actions, and timestamps.
Version Comparison and Merging
User Story

As an engineering team member, I want the system to provide the capability to compare and merge different versions of 3D models so that we can collaborate effectively, resolve conflicts, and make informed decisions in real time.


This requirement entails the ability to compare and merge different versions of 3D models to facilitate collaboration and decision-making. It empowers teams to identify changes, resolve conflicts, and seamlessly merge modifications, enhancing real-time collaboration and decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
User compares two versions of a 3D model
Given two different versions of a 3D model, when the user initiates the comparison action, then the system displays a clear and comprehensive comparison of the two versions, highlighting differences and similarities.
User resolves conflicts during model merging
Given conflicting changes in two versions of a 3D model, when the user initiates the merging action, then the system provides clear options to resolve conflicts, allowing the user to select, merge, or discard changes based on a user-friendly interface.
User successfully merges two versions of a 3D model
Given two versions of a 3D model with resolved conflicts, when the user confirms the merge action, then the system seamlessly combines the modifications, ensuring that the final version includes all accepted changes without data loss.
Version History and Audit Trail
User Story

As a project manager, I want the system to maintain a detailed version history and audit trail for 3D models so that we can review changes, track modifications, and ensure accountability for design decisions and project progress.


This requirement involves maintaining a comprehensive version history and audit trail for 3D models, allowing teams to review changes, track modifications, and ensure accountability. It provides transparency and traceability to effectively monitor the evolution of designs and decision-making processes.

Acceptance Criteria
Reviewing Version History
Given a 3D model with multiple versions, when a team member accesses the version history, then they should be able to view a chronological list of all previous versions with details of changes and contributors.
Modifying 3D Model
Given a team member makes a change to a 3D model, when the change is saved, then the system should automatically log the modification in the audit trail with a timestamp and user information.
Traceability of Changes
Given a user wants to trace the history of a specific change, when they search for the change details, then the system should provide a detailed log including the user, timestamp, and nature of the change.
Audit Trail Access Control
Given a team member wants to access the audit trail, when they have the appropriate permissions, then they should be able to review the complete audit trail, including the history of all changes and contributors.
Version Comparison
Given two versions of a 3D model, when a user initiates a comparison, then the system should display a visual diff highlighting the differences between the two versions.

Multi-User Real-Time Editing

Enable multiple users to collaboratively edit 3D models simultaneously, providing a synchronized real-time editing environment for seamless design modifications and improvements.


Real-Time Collaboration
User Story

As a design team member, I want to collaborate with my team in real-time on 3D models so that we can make synchronized design changes and improvements efficiently.


Enable real-time collaboration for multiple users to simultaneously view, edit, and annotate 3D models. This feature will allow seamless design modifications and improvements, enhancing team productivity and creativity. Real-time collaboration will be integrated within the existing model viewing and editing interfaces, providing a synchronized environment for concurrent design activities.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens a 3D model for viewing
When a user opens a 3D model, all collaborators should view the changes in real-time
User initiates editing of a 3D model
When a user starts editing a 3D model, all collaborators should be able to see the changes in real-time
User annotates a 3D model
When a user adds annotations to a 3D model, other collaborators should see the annotations appear in real-time
Multiple users edit the same part of the 3D model
When multiple users edit the same part of a 3D model simultaneously, all changes should be synchronized and visible to all collaborators in real-time
User saves the edited 3D model
When a user saves the edited 3D model, all collaborators should see the changes immediately and be able to continue editing seamlessly
Version Control Integration
User Story

As a design team lead, I want to track and manage model changes in real time so that I can ensure data integrity and accountability during collaborative design processes.


Integrate real-time version control capabilities to the multi-user real-time editing feature, enabling users to track and manage model changes. This integration will enhance accountability and traceability for design modifications, ensuring seamless collaboration while maintaining data integrity and accuracy. Version control will be seamlessly incorporated into the real-time editing environment, enabling users to view and manage historical model versions.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens a 3D model for real-time editing
Given a 3D model is opened for editing, when multiple users make simultaneous modifications, then all changes are synchronized in real-time.
User tracks the version history of a 3D model
Given a 3D model is being edited, when a user accesses the version history, then the system displays a chronological list of all previous versions with details of modifications.
User views and compares different versions of a 3D model
Given a 3D model version history is displayed, when a user selects two versions to compare, then the system renders a visual comparison highlighting the differences.
User reverts to a previous version of a 3D model
Given a 3D model has multiple versions, when a user selects a previous version to revert to, then the system restores the selected version as the active model.
Activity Logging and Audit Trail
User Story

As a project manager, I want to track and analyze user interactions and design modifications in real-time so that I can ensure transparency and accountability in our collaborative design processes.


Implement activity logging and audit trail features within the real-time editing environment to capture and track user actions and changes. This will provide transparency and accountability, allowing users to review and analyze design activities, modifications, and user interactions. The activity logging and audit trail will be seamlessly integrated into the real-time editing interface, providing a comprehensive record of collaborative design actions.

Acceptance Criteria
User opens the real-time editing interface and starts making modifications to a 3D model while being connected to the platform.
The system captures and records each user action, including model modifications, annotations, and interactions with other users, in the activity log.
Multiple users collaborate on editing the same 3D model in real time, making simultaneous changes and annotations.
The system ensures that all user actions and changes are accurately logged, time-stamped, and attributed to the respective users in the audit trail.
A user views the activity log to review the timeline of modifications, annotations, and interactions within the real-time editing environment.
The activity log presents a chronological and detailed record of all user actions, providing the ability to filter and search for specific events and changes.
A team lead accesses the audit trail to analyze the collaborative design process and track individual user contributions.
The audit trail presents a comprehensive overview of all design activities, user interactions, and a breakdown of individual contributions, allowing for detailed analysis and accountability.

3D Model Measurement Tools

Integrate precise measurement tools into the viewer, empowering users to take accurate measurements within 3D models for technical analysis, design validation, and manufacturing considerations.


Measurement Tools Integration
User Story

As a design engineer, I want to take accurate measurements within 3D models so that I can validate design specifications and ensure that the product meets the required dimensions for manufacturing.


Integrate precise measurement tools into the 3D model viewer to enable users to accurately measure dimensions and distances within 3D models. This feature enhances technical analysis, design validation, and manufacturing considerations, providing valuable insights for product development and engineering.

Acceptance Criteria
User measures dimensions of a 3D model
Given a 3D model is loaded in the viewer, when the user selects the measurement tool, then they can accurately measure dimensions and distances within the 3D model.
Measurement units conversion
Given the user has taken measurements within the 3D model, when they choose to convert the measurement units, then the system accurately converts the measurements between different units.
Multiple measurement points
Given the measurement tool is active, when the user takes measurements at multiple points within the 3D model, then the measurements are accurately displayed and can be compared.
Annotation Capability
User Story

As a product designer, I want to add annotations to 3D models to communicate design changes and provide contextual information for collaboration with the engineering team.


Enable users to create and attach annotations to specific points or features within 3D models, facilitating communication, collaboration, and documentation of design decisions. Annotations enhance the ability to convey design intent and capture critical information within the context of the 3D model.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a text annotation on a specific point in a 3D model
When the user selects a point in the 3D model and adds a text annotation, the annotation is displayed at the selected point within the model view.
User attaches an image to a specific feature in a 3D model
When the user uploads an image and attaches it to a specific feature in the 3D model, the image is visible and associated with the selected feature in the model view.
User edits an existing annotation in a 3D model
When the user selects an existing annotation and edits the text or properties, the changes are reflected in the annotation within the model view.
User shares an annotation with a project collaborator
When the user shares an annotation with a project collaborator, the collaborator can view and interact with the annotation in the shared 3D model view.
User searches for annotations within a 3D model
When the user searches for specific annotations using keywords or tags, the search results display relevant annotations within the 3D model view.
Dimensional Analysis Tools
User Story

As a quality engineer, I want to conduct in-depth dimensional analysis within 3D models to verify product specifications and identify any deviations from the design intent.


Incorporate advanced dimensional analysis tools to perform precise measurements, tolerance analysis, and geometric dimensioning within 3D models. These tools support in-depth analysis and validation of product dimensions and tolerances, ensuring compliance with manufacturing requirements and design specifications.

Acceptance Criteria
User measures a specific feature on a 3D model
Given a 3D model is loaded in the viewer, when the user selects the measurement tool and clicks on a specific feature, then the tool accurately displays the measurement in the specified unit of measurement and with a high degree of precision.
User performs tolerance analysis on a 3D model
Given a 3D model is loaded in the viewer, when the user selects the tolerance analysis tool and specifies the tolerance range, then the tool identifies and highlights areas of the model that fall outside the specified tolerance, providing a clear visual indication of non-compliance.
User validates product dimensions for manufacturing requirements
Given a 3D model is loaded in the viewer, when the user applies the dimensional analysis tool to critical dimensions, then the tool provides accurate measurements, geometric dimensioning information, and identifies any potential manufacturing issues such as interference or insufficient clearances.
User compares dimensions between different versions of a 3D model
Given two versions of a 3D model are loaded in the viewer, when the user selects the comparison tool and specifies the dimensions to compare, then the tool accurately displays the differences in the dimensions between the two versions, highlighting variations and providing quantitative data on the changes.

User Role-based Access Control

Customize access control and permissions based on user roles, ensuring the right level of access for each team member, enhancing data security and confidentiality.


User Role Definition
User Story

As a system administrator, I want to define user roles and access permissions so that I can customize access levels and ensure data security based on different team members' roles and responsibilities.


Allow the system administrator to define specific user roles and their corresponding access permissions. This includes creating role templates and customizing permissions for each role to ensure tailored access for different team members.

Acceptance Criteria
System Administrator Role Creation
Given the system administrator has logged into the system, when they access the role management section, then they should be able to create new roles with specific access permissions.
Role Template Customization
Given the system administrator has created a new role, when they customize the role template by defining access permissions for each module and feature, then the changes should be applied to all users assigned to that role.
Role Assignment and Verification
Given a new team member has been added to the system, when the system administrator assigns a predefined role to the team member, then the team member's access should align with the permissions defined for that role.
Role Permission Modification
Given a change in project requirements, when the system administrator modifies the access permissions for a specific role, then the updated permissions should immediately apply to all users assigned to that role.
Role-Based Access Verification
Given a user with a specific role attempts to access restricted features, when the user tries to perform actions beyond their assigned permissions, then the system should deny access and display an appropriate permission error message.
User Role Assignment
User Story

As a team manager, I want to assign predefined user roles to team members so that I can easily manage access control and ensure data security based on team members' responsibilities.


Enable the assignment of predefined user roles to team members, granting them access based on their designated role. This ensures that team members have appropriate access rights according to their roles, leading to improved data security and streamlined collaboration.

Acceptance Criteria
User assigns a role to a team member for the first time
Given that the user has the necessary permissions, when they access the role assignment feature, then they should be able to select a predefined role from a dropdown menu and assign it to a team member, and the system should update the team member's access rights accordingly.
User updates a team member's assigned role
Given that the user has the necessary permissions, when they access the role assignment feature, then they should be able to update a team member's assigned role from the existing predefined roles, and the system should reflect the updated access rights for the team member.
User removes a team member's assigned role
Given that the user has the necessary permissions, when they access the role assignment feature, then they should be able to remove a team member's assigned role, and the system should revoke the team member's access rights accordingly.
User without permission attempts to assign a role
Given that the user does not have the necessary permissions, when they attempt to access the role assignment feature, then they should receive an error message indicating insufficient permissions to perform the role assignment.
Role-based Access Control Interface
User Story

As a system administrator, I want to have a user-friendly interface for managing user roles and access permissions so that I can easily customize access levels and enhance data security for different team members.


Develop a user-friendly interface that allows system administrators to easily manage and modify user roles and access permissions. The interface should provide clear visibility of available roles, permissions, and user assignments, facilitating efficient access control management.

Acceptance Criteria
Admin role creation
Given the user is logged in as an administrator, when they navigate to the role management section, then they should be able to create a new role with specific access permissions and assign it to users.
Permission assignment
Given the administrator has created a new role, when they assign specific access permissions to the role, then these permissions should be reflected for all users assigned to that role.
User visibility
Given the administrator views the user roles and permissions, when they navigate to the user management section, then they should see a clear list of all users, their assigned roles, and access permissions.
Role modification
Given the administrator wants to modify an existing role, when they edit the role's access permissions, then the changes should be updated and applied to all users assigned to that role.
Access restriction
Given a user is assigned a specific role, when they attempt to access a restricted feature, then they should be denied access and prompted with an appropriate message.

Intelligent Iteration Analysis

Leverage AI algorithms to comprehensively analyze design iterations, identifying potential areas for improvement and innovative enhancements. Provides actionable insights to guide design decisions and improve overall product quality.


Iteration Analysis Algorithm Integration
User Story

As a design team member, I want the system to integrate AI algorithms to analyze design iterations and provide actionable insights so that I can make data-driven decisions and enhance the quality of product designs.


Integrate AI-driven algorithms to perform in-depth analysis of design iterations, identifying areas for improvement, enhancing product innovation, and providing actionable insights for data-driven decision-making. This requirement is crucial for leveraging AI capabilities to enhance the quality and innovation of product designs.

Acceptance Criteria
User triggers the iteration analysis algorithm for a specific design iteration
The AI algorithm analyzes the design iteration for potential areas of improvement and innovative enhancements
AI algorithm provides actionable insights for design decisions based on the analysis
The AI algorithm presents clear and actionable insights to guide design decisions and improve product quality
Design team leverages the AI algorithm insights to make informed decisions for iteration improvements
The design team utilizes the actionable insights presented by the AI algorithm to implement improvements and innovations in the design iteration
Integration of AI algorithm with project tracking and version control systems
The AI algorithm seamlessly integrates with project tracking and version control systems to provide real-time analysis and insights for ongoing design iterations
Visualization of Iteration Analysis Results
User Story

As a design team lead, I want to visualize the results of design iteration analysis to understand improvement opportunities and make informed design decisions.


Provide a visual interface to present the results of the iteration analysis, including detailed insights, improvement suggestions, and innovative enhancement opportunities. This requirement aims to improve the accessibility and understanding of the AI-generated analysis results, facilitating informed design decisions.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the analysis results for a specific design iteration
Given a design iteration, When the user selects the iteration for analysis, Then the system presents a visual breakdown of analysis results including areas for improvement, innovative enhancement opportunities, and actionable insights.
User interacts with the visual breakdown of analysis results
Given the visual breakdown of analysis results, When the user explores specific insights or enhancement opportunities, Then the system provides detailed information and explanatory tooltips for each element, allowing the user to understand and evaluate the analysis findings.
User shares the analysis results with team members
Given the visual breakdown of analysis results, When the user selects the option to share, Then the system generates a shareable link or exportable report that includes the analysis findings, improvement suggestions, and enhancement opportunities.
User receives feedback on shared analysis results
Given a shared analysis results link, When team members access the link, Then the system ensures that the shared content is accessible and viewable, allowing team members to provide feedback and comments on the analysis findings.
Iteration Analysis Report Generation
User Story

As a design manager, I want the system to generate detailed reports of design iteration analysis to facilitate review and decision-making by the design and engineering teams.


Implement a feature to generate detailed reports based on the AI-driven iteration analysis, summarizing key findings, improvement areas, and actionable recommendations. This requirement is essential for creating comprehensive documentation of the analysis results, facilitating review and decision-making by design and engineering teams.

Acceptance Criteria
As a design team lead, I want to generate a detailed report of AI-driven iteration analysis to review and identify areas for improvement.
The system should generate a comprehensive report that summarizes key findings, improvement areas, and actionable recommendations based on the AI-driven iteration analysis.
When the design iteration analysis is completed, I want to access the generated report to review the AI-driven insights and recommendations.
The report should be easily accessible from the platform, providing detailed insights and actionable recommendations for the design iteration analysis.
As an engineering team member, I want to collaborate with the design team by using the generated report to implement recommended improvements in the product design.
The report should contain clear and actionable recommendations that can be easily understood and implemented by the engineering team to enhance the product design.
Upon implementing the recommended improvements, I want to verify the impact on the product quality and performance.
The impact of the recommended improvements should be measurable and verifiable through testing, and the product quality and performance should demonstrate noticeable improvement.

Actionable Improvement Insights

Deliver actionable insights derived from AI analysis, guiding design leads and engineering managers to make informed decisions for improving design iterations and accelerating innovation. Enhances the decision-making process and boosts product quality.


AI-Driven Insights Generation
User Story

As a design lead or engineering manager, I want to receive AI-generated insights on design iterations so that I can make informed decisions to accelerate innovation and improve product quality.


Implement an AI-driven analysis module to generate actionable insights for design leads and engineering managers. The module will utilize advanced algorithms to analyze design iterations and provide data-driven recommendations for accelerating innovation and improving product quality. This requirement is essential for enhancing decision-making processes and enabling teams to take informed actions based on AI-generated insights.

Acceptance Criteria
Design Iteration Analysis
Given a set of design iteration data, when the AI-driven analysis module processes the data, then it should provide actionable insights for improving design iterations and accelerating innovation.
Data-Driven Recommendations
Given AI-generated insights, when design leads and engineering managers utilize the recommendations, then it should result in measurable improvements in product quality and innovation acceleration.
Decision-Making Enhancement
Given the availability of actionable insights, when design leads and engineering managers integrate the insights into their decision-making process, then it should lead to more informed and effective decisions.
Integration with Design Review Workflow
User Story

As a design lead or engineering manager participating in the design review process, I want to seamlessly access AI-generated insights to make informed decisions and provide feedback based on AI-driven recommendations.


Integrate the AI-driven insights module with the existing design review workflow to seamlessly deliver actionable insights within the design review process. This integration will ensure that design leads and engineering managers can access AI-generated insights directly within the context of their design review activities, enabling them to make informed decisions and provide feedback based on AI-driven recommendations.

Acceptance Criteria
Design Lead Access to AI Insights
Given a design review session, when the design lead accesses the AI insights module, then they should be able to view actionable improvement insights derived from AI analysis.
Engineering Manager Access to AI Insights
Given a design review session, when the engineering manager accesses the AI insights module, then they should be able to view actionable improvement insights derived from AI analysis.
Alignment with Design Review Workflow
Given a design review session, when the AI insights module is accessed, then the insights should be seamlessly integrated within the design review workflow without disrupting the existing process.
Real-time Alerting and Notification System
User Story

As a design lead or engineering manager, I want to receive real-time alerts and notifications for AI-generated insights so that I can promptly take actions to drive improvements in design iterations and product quality.


Develop a real-time alerting and notification system to proactively push AI-generated insights to design leads and engineering managers as soon as they become available. This system will ensure that stakeholders are promptly informed of new insights, enabling them to take immediate actions and make timely decisions to drive improvements in design iterations and product quality.

Acceptance Criteria
Design Lead Receives Alert for New Insight
Given a new AI-generated insight is available, when the system detects it, then the design lead receives a real-time alert notification.
Engineering Manager Receives Alert for New Insight
Given a new AI-generated insight is available, when the system detects it, then the engineering manager receives a real-time alert notification.
Proactive Push Notifications for Multiple Insights
Given multiple AI-generated insights are available, when the system detects them, then all relevant stakeholders receive proactive push notifications for each insight.
Visualization and Reporting Dashboard
User Story

As a design lead or engineering manager, I want to access a visualization and reporting dashboard for AI-generated insights so that I can gain a comprehensive overview of insights, track progress, and make strategic decisions based on the presented data.


Create a visualization and reporting dashboard to present AI-generated insights in an intuitive and accessible manner. The dashboard will display key metrics, trends, and recommendations derived from the AI analysis, providing design leads and engineering managers with a comprehensive overview of the insights and enabling them to track progress, identify patterns, and make strategic decisions based on the presented data.

Acceptance Criteria
As a design lead, I want to view AI-generated insights on the dashboard, so that I can make informed decisions for improving design iterations.
Given that I am logged into the platform and have the necessary access permissions, When I navigate to the visualization and reporting dashboard, Then I should be able to see key metrics, trends, and recommendations derived from the AI analysis.
As an engineering manager, I want to track progress and identify patterns in the insights presented on the dashboard, so that I can make strategic decisions based on the data.
Given that I have access to the visualization and reporting dashboard, When I view the dashboard, Then I should be able to track progress, identify patterns, and make strategic decisions based on the presented data.
As a team member, I want the dashboard to be intuitive and accessible, so that I can easily understand and utilize the AI-generated insights.
Given that I access the visualization and reporting dashboard, When I interact with the dashboard interface, Then I should find it intuitive and accessible, enabling me to easily understand and utilize the AI-generated insights.
As a design lead, I want to be able to customize the dashboard views to focus on specific metrics or recommendations, so that I can tailor the insights to the current project needs.
Given that I have access to the visualization and reporting dashboard, When I customize the dashboard views, Then I should be able to focus on specific metrics or recommendations to tailor the insights to the current project needs.

Automated Enhancement Suggestions

Utilize AI-powered system to automatically generate enhancement suggestions based on design iteration analysis. Presents innovative ideas for improvements, streamlining decision-making and driving product innovation.


AI Data Analysis
User Story

As a design team member, I want the system to provide automated enhancement suggestions based on design iteration analysis so that I can quickly evaluate innovative ideas for improvements and streamline the decision-making process.


Implement AI system to analyze design iterations, extracting key data for enhancement suggestions. This feature will enable the automated generation of enhancement ideas based on deep analysis of design data.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads design iterations for analysis
Given the user uploads design iterations to the AI system, When the AI system analyzes the design data, Then it successfully extracts key data for enhancement suggestions.
AI generates enhancement suggestions
Given the AI system has analyzed the design data, When the AI system generates enhancement suggestions based on the analysis, Then it presents innovative ideas for improvements.
User reviews and approves enhancement suggestions
Given the AI system has generated enhancement suggestions, When the user reviews and approves the suggestions, Then the AI-driven suggestions are considered to streamline decision-making and drive product innovation.
Enhancement Presentation
User Story

As an engineering team member, I want to easily review and evaluate AI-generated enhancement suggestions presented in a user-friendly interface, so that I can efficiently consider innovative ideas for product improvements.


Develop a user-friendly interface to present AI-generated enhancement suggestions, facilitating easy review and evaluation by the design and engineering teams. This interface will support seamless integration with the existing workflow, presenting innovative ideas in a clear and organized manner.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the enhancement presentation interface and views the AI-generated enhancement suggestions
Given the user has access to the enhancement presentation interface, when they view the interface, then they should see a clear and organized layout of AI-generated enhancement suggestions with the option to review and evaluate each suggestion.
User evaluates a specific AI-generated enhancement suggestion
Given the user selects a specific AI-generated enhancement suggestion, when they review the details of the suggestion, then they should be able to view relevant data, such as analysis results, comparison with previous iterations, and potential impact on product improvement.
User integrates an AI-generated enhancement suggestion with the existing workflow
Given the user finds an AI-generated enhancement suggestion suitable for implementation, when they initiate the integration process, then the interface should seamlessly integrate the suggestion with the existing workflow, allowing for version control and tracking of the implemented enhancement.
Enhancement Feedback Loop
User Story

As a design and engineering team member, I want a feedback loop to provide input on AI-generated enhancement suggestions, so that the system can incorporate our feedback into the iterative design process for continuous improvement of enhancement ideas.


Create a feedback loop mechanism to capture user feedback on AI-generated enhancement suggestions and incorporate it into the iterative design process. This feedback loop will enable continuous improvement and refinement of the enhancement ideas based on user input.

Acceptance Criteria
User Feedback Submission
Given a user has received an AI-generated enhancement suggestion, When the user submits feedback on the suggestion, Then the feedback is captured and stored in the system for analysis.
Feedback Analysis and Incorporation
Given user feedback has been submitted for an enhancement suggestion, When the feedback is analyzed and evaluated, Then the enhancement idea is refined and updated based on the feedback.
Enhancement Idea Version Control
Given an enhancement idea has been refined based on user feedback, When the idea is updated, Then the previous versions of the idea are stored and accessible for reference.
User Alert for New Enhancements
Given a new enhancement idea has been refined and updated, When the idea is finalized and added to the system, Then all relevant users are alerted about the new enhancement.

AR-Enabled Product Placement

Empower users to virtually place 3D models of products within real-world environments using AR technology. Enhances product analysis and assessment for product analysts and tech-savvy innovators, providing an immersive and interactive experience for evaluating product designs and features.


3D Model Rendering
User Story

As a product analyst, I want to be able to view 3D models of products in real-world environments using AR technology, so that I can accurately assess the design and features for better decision-making.


Implement the capability to render 3D models of products with high fidelity and accuracy, ensuring a realistic representation within real-world environments. This allows users to visualize products in detail and evaluate their design and features effectively, enhancing the overall product analysis and assessment process.

Acceptance Criteria
User places a 3D model in a real-world environment using AR
Given that the user has selected a 3D model and enabled AR mode, when the user points the device's camera at a suitable surface, then the 3D model is accurately placed and anchored within the real-world environment.
Realistic representation of 3D model features in AR
Given that the user has placed a 3D model in AR mode, when the user examines the model from different angles, then the model's features and design details are displayed with high fidelity and accuracy within the real-world environment.
Interactive manipulation of 3D model in AR
Given that the user has placed a 3D model in AR mode, when the user interacts with the model (e.g. rotate, resize, or move), then the model responds accurately and smoothly to the user's manipulations within the real-world environment.
Performance under varying lighting conditions
Given that the user has placed a 3D model in AR mode, when the real-world environment experiences changes in lighting conditions (e.g. bright sunlight, low-light conditions), then the 3D model maintains its realistic appearance and accurately adapts to the lighting changes.
Cross-device compatibility for AR placement
Given that the user has placed a 3D model in AR mode on one device, when the same 3D model is accessed and placed on a different compatible device, then the model placement and interaction are consistent and seamless across devices.
Interactive Product Placement
User Story

As a tech-savvy innovator, I want to interactively place and manipulate 3D product models in real-world environments using AR technology, so that I can deeply analyze and assess the product's design and features in an immersive manner.


Enable interactive placement and manipulation of 3D product models in real-time, allowing users to explore different angles, positions, and scale within AR environments. This feature enhances user engagement and provides a more immersive experience for evaluating and analyzing product designs and features.

Acceptance Criteria
User places 3D product model in AR environment
Given a 3D product model and an AR environment, when the user selects the model and places it in the environment, then the model should appear in the environment at the selected position and scale.
User manipulates the 3D product model in AR environment
Given a 3D product model placed in an AR environment, when the user interacts with the model by rotating, scaling, or moving it, then the model should respond accordingly, maintaining realistic movements and proportions.
User explores different angles of the 3D product model in AR environment
Given a 3D product model placed in an AR environment, when the user navigates through the environment and views the model from different angles, then the model should remain visually stable and accurately positioned in the environment.
User experiences smooth and seamless interaction with the 3D product model in AR environment
Given a 3D product model placed in an AR environment, when the user interacts with the model, then the interaction should be smooth, responsive, and free of lag or visual glitches.
Annotation and Collaboration
User Story

As a product development team member, I want to be able to add comments and annotations to 3D product models in real-world environments using AR technology, so that our team can collaborate and share insights effectively for better product assessment and decision-making.


Integrate annotation tools and collaborative features within the AR environment to facilitate team collaboration and communication. This allows users to add comments, annotations, and share insights while evaluating 3D product models, enhancing teamwork and decision-making in product analysis and assessment.

Acceptance Criteria
User annotates 3D model with comments
Given the user is viewing a 3D model in the AR environment, when they select the annotation tool, then they can add comments and annotations directly onto the 3D model.
User shares annotated 3D model with team members
Given the user has added annotations to a 3D model, when they share the model with team members, then the team members can view the annotations and comments in the shared AR environment.
Team collaboration on annotated 3D model
Given multiple team members are viewing an annotated 3D model in the shared AR environment, when one member adds a comment or annotation, then other team members can see the new addition in real time.

Real-Time Product Interaction

Enable users to interact with 3D models of products in real-time through AR technology, allowing for a hands-on experience and detailed examination of product features within real-world settings. Facilitates in-depth product analysis and assessment for product analysts and tech-savvy innovators.


AR Model Interaction
User Story

As a product analyst, I want to interact with 3D models of products in real-time through AR technology so that I can conduct in-depth product analysis and evaluation in real-world settings.


Enable users to interact with 3D models of products in real-time using AR technology, providing an immersive and detailed product examination experience within real-world environments. This feature enhances product analysis and evaluation for product analysts and tech-savvy innovators, fostering a deeper understanding of product features and functionality.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the AR model interaction feature from the product dashboard
Given that the user is logged in and has access to the product dashboard, when the user clicks on the 'AR Model Interaction' feature, then the 3D model of the product should load in real-time using AR technology.
User interacts with the 3D product model using AR technology
Given that the 3D product model is loaded in real-time using AR technology, when the user interacts with the model through AR gestures and commands, then the product features and details should respond accurately to the user's input.
User examines the product features in a real-world environment
Given that the user is interacting with the 3D product model through AR technology, when the user moves the device to change the perspective and view the product in different real-world settings, then the product features should remain aligned with the real-world environment and display accurately.
User evaluates the product functionality and performance through AR interaction
Given that the user is interacting with the 3D product model in real-time using AR technology, when the user performs a detailed analysis of the product features and functionality, then the AR interaction should provide a seamless and accurate examination of the product, including its performance aspects.
Real-Time Collaboration
User Story

As a design team member, I want to collaborate in real-time with colleagues during product analysis and examination so that we can share insights and findings instantly, leading to improved decision-making and knowledge sharing.


Facilitate real-time collaboration among team members during product analysis and examination, enabling instantaneous sharing of insights and findings. This feature enhances team synergy, encourages knowledge sharing, and improves decision-making through immediate access to diverse perspectives and expertise.

Acceptance Criteria
Team collaboration during real-time product analysis
Given multiple team members are simultaneously examining a 3D model of a product through AR technology, when each member can annotate and comment on specific features in real time, then all annotations and comments are visible to all other members in real time.
Instantaneous sharing of insights and findings
Given team members are analyzing a 3D model of a product in real time, when a team member discovers a key insight or finding, then they can instantly share it with all other team members through the platform's collaboration features.
Seamless integration with CAD and PLM systems
Given a 3D model of a product is being examined in real time, when the platform seamlessly integrates with CAD and PLM systems, then the user can access and incorporate design data from these systems to enrich the analysis in real time.
Real-world simulation of product usage
Given a 3D model of a product is being interacted with in real time, when the AR technology accurately simulates real-world usage scenarios, then users can assess the product's performance and functionality in different environments.
Integration with CAD/PLM Systems
User Story

As a CAD/PLM user, I want the AR Model Interaction feature to seamlessly integrate with our existing systems so that we can streamline workflows and ensure smooth data exchange for a cohesive product development process.


Integrate the AR Model Interaction feature seamlessly with existing CAD and PLM systems, ensuring compatibility and smooth data exchange for a unified product development ecosystem. This integration streamlines workflows, enhances data accuracy, and facilitates a cohesive product development process.

Acceptance Criteria
User interacts with 3D model using AR technology to examine product features
Given the user has access to the AR feature, when they interact with a 3D product model in real-time, then the 3D model should be responsive to user input and accurately display product features.
Integration with CAD system for data exchange
Given the product analyst initiates data exchange, when the AR Model Interaction feature integrates seamlessly with the CAD system, then the data exchange should occur without errors or loss of product information.
Integration with PLM system for unified product development ecosystem
Given the tech-savvy innovator uses the PLM system, when the AR Model Interaction feature integrates seamlessly with the PLM system, then the unified product development ecosystem should allow for smooth collaboration and data consistency.

In-Situ Assembly Visualization

Provide a feature that allows users to visualize the in-situ assembly process of products within real-world environments using AR technology. Offers a dynamic and interactive way for product analysts and tech-savvy innovators to assess and optimize assembly workflows and ergonomic considerations.


AR Visualization Integration
User Story

As a product analyst, I want the ability to visualize the in-situ assembly process of products using AR technology so that I can assess and optimize assembly workflows and ergonomic considerations in real-world environments.


This requirement entails integrating AR visualization capabilities into the product, enabling users to visualize the in-situ assembly process of products within real-world environments. It involves the development and implementation of AR technology to provide a dynamic and interactive visualization experience for product analysis and optimization.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses AR visualization feature and initiates in-situ assembly visualization within a real-world environment
Given that the user has access to the AR visualization feature, when they initiate in-situ assembly visualization within a real-world environment, then the AR technology should display the interactive product assembly process in the real-world environment accurately and seamlessly.
User interacts with the AR assembly visualization to manipulate and analyze product components and assembly sequence
Given that the user is interacting with the AR assembly visualization, when they manipulate and analyze product components and assembly sequence, then the AR technology should respond accurately to user inputs, allowing smooth manipulation and analysis of virtual product components.
User leverages AR visualization for collaborative assessment and decision-making on assembly optimizations
Given that multiple users are collaborating using AR visualization, when they assess and make decisions on assembly optimizations collaboratively, then the AR technology should support real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to view and interact with the assembly visualization simultaneously.
Real-time Collaboration Enhancement
User Story

As a design team member, I want to collaborate in real-time during the AR visualization process so that I can provide valuable input and insights for optimizing assembly workflows and ergonomic considerations.


This requirement aims to enhance real-time collaboration features to support seamless interaction and feedback during the AR visualization process. It involves integrating real-time communication tools and collaborative interfaces to enable multiple users to participate, discuss, and provide input during the visualization experience.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in and initiates an AR visualization session with a product assembly.
The system allows multiple users to join the session and view the AR visualization in real-time.
During the AR visualization, users can provide live feedback and annotations on the assembly process.
The system captures and displays real-time comments and annotations from participating users within the AR environment.
Multiple users collaboratively manipulate and interact with the virtual product components during the AR visualization.
The system accurately synchronizes the interactive changes made by each user in real-time, reflecting the manipulations of virtual product components for all participants.
Version Control for AR Visualization
User Story

As a tech-savvy innovator, I want to have version control for AR visualization data so that I can track changes and iterations made during the assembly optimization process and ensure the accuracy of the visualization.


The requirement involves implementing version control functionality specifically tailored for AR visualization data. This feature enables users to track and manage changes, iterations, and annotations made during the AR visualization process, ensuring accuracy, traceability, and auditability of the assembly optimization efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads AR visualization data for a new product assembly
Given that a user uploads AR visualization data for a new product assembly, When they access the version control feature, Then they should be able to view the complete history of changes, including annotations and iterations, for the specific AR visualization data.
User makes changes and annotations to the AR visualization data
Given that a user makes changes and annotations to the AR visualization data, When they save the changes, Then the version control system should capture and record the modifications, along with timestamp and user information.
User accesses a specific iteration of the AR visualization data
Given that a user accesses a specific iteration of the AR visualization data, When they select an iteration from the version control history, Then the system should display the exact state of the AR visualization at that point in time, including all annotations and modifications.

Immersive Product Scale Comparison

Facilitate an immersive experience for users to compare the scale of different product designs within real-world spaces using AR technology. Enhances the ability of product analysts and tech-savvy innovators to evaluate and fine-tune product dimensions and proportions for optimal user experience and visual impact.


AR Product Visualization
User Story

As a product analyst, I want to use AR technology to compare the scale of product designs within real-world spaces, so that I can evaluate and fine-tune product dimensions for optimal user experience and visual impact.


Implement a feature to enable immersive AR visualization of product designs within real-world environments, enhancing the user experience by providing an interactive and accurate scale comparison for product dimensions.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects a product for scale comparison in AR environment
Given that the user selects a product for scale comparison in the AR environment, the system accurately displays the selected product within the user's real-world space using AR technology. When the user moves and adjusts the product within the AR environment, the system maintains accurate scale and dimensions, providing a seamless and immersive experience.
User compares multiple products at different scales in AR environment
Given that the user compares multiple products at different scales in the AR environment, the system accurately displays all selected products within the user's real-world space using AR technology. When the user scales and adjusts the products within the AR environment, the system accurately reflects the differences in scale and dimensions, allowing for accurate visual comparisons.
User interacts with scale comparison interface
Given that the user interacts with the scale comparison interface, the system provides intuitive controls for scaling, rotating, and moving the product within the AR environment. The interface allows for precise adjustments and easy manipulation of the products, enhancing the user's experience and facilitating accurate scale comparisons.
User exports scale comparison images or videos
Given that the user wants to export scale comparison images or videos, the system enables the user to capture images or record videos of the scale comparison in the AR environment. The exported media accurately reflects the scale and dimensions of the products within the real-world space, allowing users to share and analyze the scale comparisons outside the AR environment.
Real-time Scale Calibration
User Story

As a design engineer, I need the capability to calibrate and adjust the scale of product models in real-time within AR environments, so that I can ensure accurate scale comparisons and measurements for design optimization.


Incorporate real-time scale calibration functionality in AR visualization, allowing users to accurately calibrate and adjust the scale of product models within the AR environment for precise comparisons and measurements.

Acceptance Criteria
User calibrates the scale of a product model in AR environment
Given a product model displayed in the AR environment, when the user initiates the scale calibration feature, then the user can accurately adjust the scale of the model by interactively resizing and placing virtual markers for reference.
User compares the scale of two product models in real-world space using AR technology
Given two product models displayed in the AR environment, when the user activates the scale comparison feature, then the user can accurately position and resize the models to visually compare their dimensions within the real-world space.
User saves the calibrated scale for future reference
Given a calibrated product model in the AR environment, when the user finalizes the scale adjustments, then the user can save the calibrated scale for future use, ensuring that the model retains the adjusted scale for subsequent comparisons.
Integration with CAD and PLM Systems
User Story

As a design team member, I want the AR product visualization feature to seamlessly integrate with CAD and PLM systems, so that I can access and compare the latest design iterations within the AR environment for efficient collaboration and decision-making.


Integrate the AR product visualization feature with existing CAD and PLM systems to enable seamless import and synchronization of product designs, ensuring compatibility with the latest design iterations and enhancing collaboration between design and engineering teams.

Acceptance Criteria
User imports a CAD file into the AR product visualization feature
Given a CAD file exists, and the user initiates the import function, when the file is selected and uploaded, then the AR product visualization feature accurately displays the imported product design in the real-world space with correct dimensions and proportions.
User synchronizes the latest design iteration from the PLM system
Given the AR product visualization feature is integrated with the PLM system, when the user performs a synchronization update, then the latest product design from the PLM system is successfully imported into the AR visualization feature without any data loss or corruption.
User collaborates with the engineering team using the integrated AR feature
Given the AR product visualization feature is integrated with the CAD and PLM systems, when the user shares a product design with the engineering team, then the team can access and view the design in the AR environment, make comments, and provide feedback on the design elements.

AR-Powered Product Performance Simulation

Integrate AR technology to simulate the performance of products within real-world contexts, allowing users to assess and analyze product functionality, ergonomics, and user interactions. Provides valuable insights for product analysts and tech-savvy innovators to refine product designs and features.


AR Simulation Model
User Story

As a product analyst, I want to use AR technology to simulate product performance in real-world contexts so that I can gain valuable insights to refine and optimize product designs and features.


Develop a 3D model simulation feature using AR technology to accurately represent product performance in real-world scenarios. This feature will enable users to visualize product behavior, test ergonomics, and analyze user interactions, providing valuable insights for design refinement and optimization.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects a product for AR simulation
Given the user has the AR Simulation Model feature enabled, when the user selects a specific product for simulation, then the 3D model should accurately represent the selected product's performance in a real-world context.
User interacts with the AR simulation
Given the user has loaded a product for AR simulation, when the user interacts with the simulation by adjusting perspective and orientation, then the 3D model should respond in real-time to accurately reflect the changes in the product's behavior and ergonomics.
User analyzes performance insights
Given the user has completed the AR simulation, when the user accesses performance insights and analytics, then the system should provide quantitative data on user interactions, visual ergonomics, and product functionality based on the simulation.
Real-time Interaction Analysis
User Story

As a tech-savvy innovator, I want to analyze real-time user interactions with the AR-simulated product to gain data-driven insights for product refinement and enhancement.


Implement real-time analysis of user interactions with the AR-simulated product, capturing and analyzing user behavior to provide data-driven insights for product refinement and enhancement.

Acceptance Criteria
User interacts with AR simulation to test product functionality
Given a user interacts with the AR-simulated product, When the system captures and analyzes the user's interactions in real-time, Then the system provides data-driven insights for product refinement and enhancement.
User receives real-time performance feedback during AR simulation
Given a user interacts with the AR-simulated product, When the system provides real-time performance feedback based on user interactions, Then the system successfully enhances the user experience and product functionality.
AR simulation accurately reflects real-world product performance
Given the AR simulation is activated, When the AR simulation accurately reflects the product's performance in a real-world context, Then the system successfully provides valuable insights for product analysis and refinement.
Product Behavior Reporting
User Story

As a product designer, I want to generate comprehensive reports based on AR simulation data to support informed decision-making for design iteration and feature enhancement.


Enable the generation of comprehensive reports based on the AR simulation data, providing detailed analysis of product behavior, user feedback, and performance metrics to support informed decision-making for design iteration and feature enhancement.

Acceptance Criteria
User generates a behavior report for a specific product simulation
Given a user has conducted an AR simulation for a specific product, when the user generates a behavior report, then the report includes detailed analysis of product behavior, user feedback, and performance metrics.
Behavior report includes performance metrics and user feedback
Given a behavior report has been generated, when the report is reviewed, then it contains quantitative performance metrics and qualitative user feedback for actionable insights.
Behavior report supports design iteration and feature enhancement
Given a behavior report has been generated, when the report is utilized, then it provides valuable data to support informed decision-making for design iteration and feature enhancement.

Press Articles

Inventorium: Revolutionizing Product Development with AI-Driven Collaboration


Inventorium, the cutting-edge SaaS platform for product development, is set to revolutionize the industry with its AI-driven collaboration features. The platform centralizes project management, enhances real-time collaboration, and leverages AI analytics for smarter decision-making. Inventorium's seamless integration with CAD and PLM systems, advanced project tracking, and intuitive version control streamline workflows, accelerate innovation, and improve product quality. According to our CEO, John Smith, 'Inventorium represents the next leap in product development, empowering teams to bring superior products to market with unprecedented efficiency.' The platform is set to define a new standard for design and engineering teams, offering a comprehensive solution for streamlined and efficient product development.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Contact Person: Jane Doe Contact Number: 123-456-7890


Inventorium: Empowering Design Leads and Engineering Managers for Superior Product Development


Inventorium, the leading SaaS platform for product development, is empowering design leads and engineering managers to achieve superior product development. With features that centralize project management, facilitate real-time collaboration, and leverage AI-driven analytics, the platform equips users with the tools to streamline workflows and improve product quality. Jim Watson, a Design Lead at a prominent engineering firm, states, 'Inventorium has revolutionized how we approach product development. It has become an indispensable tool in our quest for innovation and excellence.' Inventorium's seamless integration with CAD and PLM systems, advanced project tracking, and intuitive version control provide the foundation for efficient and effective product development processes.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Contact Person: Jane Doe Contact Number: 123-456-7890


Discover Inventorium: The Ultimate Tool for Tech-Savvy Innovators in Product Development


Inventorium, the ultimate SaaS platform for product development, is catering to the needs of tech-savvy innovators seeking to revolutionize the industry. The platform's cutting-edge features, including the integration of AI-driven analytics and seamless collaboration tools, are tailored to meet the demands of forward-thinking individuals. According to Sarah Johnson, a Tech-Savvy Innovator, 'Inventorium has completely transformed how we approach product development. It has empowered us to push the boundaries of innovation and creativity.' With a focus on enhancing collaboration, informed decision-making, and efficient workflows, Inventorium is set to become the go-to tool for individuals driving change in the product development landscape.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Contact Person: Jane Doe Contact Number: 123-456-7890


Inventorium Unveils Groundbreaking Tools for Collaborative 3D Model Viewer and Real-Time Editing


Inventorium, the forefront SaaS platform for product development, unveils groundbreaking tools that revolutionize collaborative 3D model viewing and real-time editing. The platform's interactive model annotation, version control integration, and multi-user real-time editing features provide design and engineering teams with a synchronized environment for seamless design modifications and improvements. These tools, along with integration of CAD and PLM systems, empower teams to efficiently execute complex projects and ensure data integrity. John Parker, an Engineering Manager at a leading technology company, expresses, 'Inventorium's innovative tools have immensely enhanced our ability to manage and execute engineering projects with precision.' The platform's commitment to providing advanced features for streamlined and efficient product development reflects a paradigm shift in the industry.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Contact Person: Jane Doe Contact Number: 123-456-7890
