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Seamless Success, Simplified

InvoFolio is an all-in-one business software solution designed to revolutionize how freelancers and small agencies manage their operations. Featuring customizable invoice templates, automated payment reminders, real-time project tracking, and a centralized client communication portal, InvoFolio streamlines administrative tasks and boosts efficiency. Seamlessly integrating with tools like QuickBooks and Trello, it provides advanced analytics for deeper insights into project profitability and financial health. InvoFolio empowers independent professionals to focus on their core work, fostering productivity and sustainable growth in a competitive market.

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Product Details




Seamless Success, Simplified


Business Software


Empowering freelancers and small agencies to achieve seamless productivity and sustainable growth.


InvoFolio is a comprehensive SaaS solution designed to transform the way freelancers and small agencies manage invoicing, project tracking, and client communication. It simplifies complex administrative tasks, empowering creatives and professionals to focus on their core work. Targeting freelancers, small agencies, and independent contractors, InvoFolio addresses the inefficiencies in invoicing systems, inconsistent project tracking, and fragmented client communications.

This all-in-one platform offers customizable invoice templates, automated payment reminders, integrated time-tracking, and a client communication portal. Its user-friendly interface sets it apart, along with seamless integration with popular tools like QuickBooks and Trello. InvoFolio’s advanced analytics provide insights into project profitability and financial health.

Users can generate invoices with just a few clicks, track project progress in real-time, and centralize all client communications. InvoFolio evolves beyond a simple invoicing tool; it serves as a productivity and financial health dashboard, enabling freelancers and small agencies to thrive in a competitive market. This platform exists to streamline processes, reduce administrative overhead, and enhance productivity, making it the go-to solution for managing projects, invoicing, and client relationships.

Target Audience

Freelancers, small agency owners, and independent contractors, 25-45, seeking efficient project management and invoicing solutions.

Problem Statement

Freelancers and small agencies often face significant inefficiencies in managing their invoicing, project tracking, and client communications, leading to time-consuming administrative tasks, fragmented workflows, and missed revenue opportunities.

Solution Overview

InvoFolio simplifies the complexities freelancers and small agencies face with invoicing, project tracking, and client communication. By offering customizable invoice templates and automated payment reminders, it streamlines financial administration. Integrated time-tracking and real-time project progress tracking enhance workflow efficiency. The centralized communication portal, combined with seamless integration with popular tools like QuickBooks and Trello, ensures all client interactions are organized and accessible. Advanced analytics provide actionable insights into project profitability and financial health, enabling better decision-making. InvoFolio effectively reduces administrative overhead and enhances productivity, empowering users to focus on their core work and grow their business.


InvoFolio empowers freelancers and small agencies by significantly reducing administrative workloads through automated invoicing and payment reminders, saving users an average of 10 hours per week. By integrating real-time project tracking and centralized client communication, it enhances workflow efficiency and fosters stronger client relationships. Advanced analytics provide actionable insights into project profitability and financial health, enabling more informed business decisions and increasing revenue opportunities by up to 25%. InvoFolio's seamless integration with popular tools like QuickBooks and Trello further streamlines operations, positioning it as an indispensable platform for driving productivity and sustainable growth in a competitive market.


The inspiration for InvoFolio was deeply rooted in the firsthand experiences of our team members, many of whom had backgrounds as freelancers and small agency owners. We observed the daily challenges of juggling multiple clients, projects, and administrative tasks, and the toll these inefficiencies took on productivity and business growth.

The idea for InvoFolio emerged from a collective frustration with the fragmented tools available for managing invoicing, project tracking, and client communication. We realized there was a significant gap in the market for an all-in-one solution tailored specifically for freelancers and small agencies.

Our core motivation was to simplify these essential processes, empowering users to reclaim valuable time and focus on their creative and professional passions. By developing a platform that integrates customizable invoicing, automated reminders, real-time project tracking, and centralized client communication, we aimed to provide a seamless, user-friendly experience that addresses the unique needs of this community.

Through InvoFolio, we aspire to transform the administrative landscape for freelancers and small agencies, fostering growth and efficiency through innovative, easy-to-use tools. Our mission is to be the backbone that supports millions of independent professionals in achieving their business goals and thriving in a competitive market.

Long Term Goal

InvoFolio aspires to become the global standard for freelance and small agency management, continuously evolving to empower independent professionals with unparalleled efficiency, seamless integrations, and insightful analytics, fostering an ecosystem where they can thrive and redefine the future of work.






SavvySolopreneur is a driven and adaptable freelancer who relies on InvoFolio to create professional invoices, track project finances, and streamline client communication. They seek to efficiently manage administrative tasks, gain financial visibility, and focus on delivering exceptional creative work.


Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Education: Bachelor's degree Occupation: Freelancer Income Level: Variable


SavvySolopreneur started as a self-taught designer and transitioned into freelancing to pursue her passion for creative work. With a background in graphic design, she values flexibility and autonomy in managing client projects. Juggling multiple assignments, she looks for tools that save time without compromising on professionalism or financial oversight.


Driven by a desire for creative freedom and financial stability, SavvySolopreneur values efficiency and professionalism in her work. She seeks tools that align with her independent, adaptable nature and prioritize the balance between creativity and business acumen.


Efficient project tracking, financial visibility, time-saving solutions for administrative tasks


Juggling multiple projects, tracking project budgets, maintaining financial records, managing diverse client communications


Email, social media groups, freelance forums, productivity apps


Regularly creates and sends invoices, tracks project budgets, monitors client communications


Driven by ease of use, financial visibility, ability to integrate with other tools

Product Ideas

Client Portal Enhancement

Enhance InvoFolio's client portal with a real-time chat feature, file sharing capabilities, and status update notifications. This will facilitate seamless communication and collaboration between freelancers, small agencies, and their clients, improving project transparency and client engagement.

Mobile App Integration

Integrate InvoFolio with a mobile app to enable freelancers and small agency owners to manage invoices, track project progress, and communicate with clients on-the-go. This will provide greater accessibility and flexibility, enhancing productivity and responsiveness.

Automated Expense Tracking

Implement automated expense tracking functionality within InvoFolio to allow users to capture and categorize expenses related to their projects. This feature will provide valuable insights into project profitability and help users better manage their finances.

Integration with Design Tools

Facilitate seamless integration of InvoFolio with popular design tools such as Adobe Creative Cloud and Sketch. This will enable users to directly link project files, track design-related expenses, and streamline invoicing for design services.

Product Features

Real-time Chat

Enable users to engage in real-time chat with clients within the client portal, facilitating instant communication and swift decision-making, leading to improved project transparency and client engagement.


Real-time Chat Feature Integration
User Story

As a project manager, I want to engage in real-time chat with clients within the client portal so that I can communicate swiftly, make prompt decisions, and ensure project transparency and client engagement.


Integrate the real-time chat feature within the client portal to enable users to engage in instant communication with clients. This functionality will enhance project transparency and client engagement, leading to improved collaboration and decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
User starts a new chat with a client from the client portal
Given the user is logged in and has access to the client portal, When the user initiates a new chat with a client, Then the chat window opens and the user can start typing messages
User receives real-time notifications for new messages in the chat window
Given the user is logged in and has access to the client portal, When the user receives a new message in the chat window, Then a real-time notification is displayed to notify the user of the new message
User can view chat history and previous messages in the client portal
Given the user is logged in and has access to the client portal, When the user opens the chat window, Then the user can view the chat history and previous messages exchanged with the client
User can attach files and documents in the chat window
Given the user is logged in and has access to the client portal, When the user is in the chat window, Then the user can attach files and documents to send to the client
User can see when the client has read their messages in the chat window
Given the user sends a message to the client in the chat window, When the client reads the message, Then the user receives a confirmation indicating that the client has read the message
Chat History and Search Functionality
User Story

As a user, I want to access chat history and have the ability to search within the real-time chat feature so that I can easily reference past conversations and find specific information.


Implement chat history and search functionality within the real-time chat feature to allow users to access past conversations and easily search for specific information. This capability will enhance user experience and improve accessibility of chat content.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses chat history
Given the user is logged into the client portal, when the user navigates to the chat section, then the user should be able to access the complete chat history with all clients.
User searches for specific information in chat
Given the user is in the chat history section, when the user enters a search query in the search bar, then the system should display all relevant chat messages containing the search query.
User views search results
Given the search results are displayed, when the user clicks on a specific chat message from the search results, then the system should highlight and display the message in the chat history.
User navigates through chat history
Given the user is in the chat history section, when the user scrolls through the chat history, then the system should load and display older chat messages as the user scrolls.
Chat history loading performance
Given the user has a large chat history, when the user accesses the chat history section, then the system should load the chat history without significant delays, ensuring a smooth user experience.
Real-time Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications for new messages and updates within the real-time chat feature so that I can respond promptly and stay informed about important communications.


Develop real-time notifications for the real-time chat feature to enable users to receive instant alerts for new messages and important updates. This functionality will ensure timely communication and responsiveness within the chat interface.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a real-time notification for a new message in the chat interface
When a new message is sent in the chat interface, the user should receive an immediate notification. The notification should clearly indicate the sender and content of the message.
User receives an alert for important updates in the chat interface
When important updates or announcements are posted in the chat interface, the user should receive an alert. The alert should be prominently visible and include a brief summary of the update.
User can enable/disable notification settings for the chat feature
Users should have the option to customize their notification preferences for the chat feature. This includes the ability to enable or disable message notifications, update alerts, and sound notifications.
Notification history is accessible for reference
The system should maintain a history of notifications, allowing users to access past notifications for reference. The history should include message notifications, update alerts, and user-specific settings changes.

File Sharing

Empower users to share project files and documents directly within the client portal, streamlining collaboration and ensuring easy access to essential project assets for clients and project stakeholders.


File Upload Capability
User Story

As a project stakeholder, I want to upload and share project files within the client portal so that I can easily access and collaborate on essential project assets with team members and clients.


Implement the ability for users to upload and share project files within the client portal. This feature will enhance collaboration and streamline document sharing, providing clients and project stakeholders with easy access to essential project assets.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a file to the client portal
Given that the user is logged in and has permission to upload files, when the user selects a file to upload and clicks the 'Upload' button, then the file should be successfully uploaded and accessible to the client in the portal.
User shares a project file with a specific client
Given that the user is managing a project, when the user selects a file to share with a specific client and saves the changes, then the shared file should be visible to the designated client in the client portal.
User receives a notification after a file has been uploaded
Given that a file has been uploaded to the client portal, when the upload is complete, then the user and the client should receive a notification confirming the successful upload of the file.
Version Control for Files
User Story

As a project collaborator, I want to track and manage document revisions within the client portal so that I can access the latest file versions and monitor changes effectively.


Introduce version control functionality for shared project files, allowing users to track and manage document revisions within the client portal. This feature will ensure that project stakeholders have access to the latest file versions and can monitor changes effectively.

Acceptance Criteria
Sharing a New Project File
Given a user has a new project file to share, when they upload the file to the client portal and notify project stakeholders, then the file should be accessible to authorized clients and team members within 5 seconds.
Document Revision Tracking
Given a user uploads a revised version of a project file, when the file is saved with a new version number and the previous versions are archived, then all authorized project stakeholders should be able to view the version history and download any previous versions.
Client Access to Latest Version
Given a client opens a shared project file, when there are multiple versions of the file, then the client should be able to easily identify and access the latest version without confusion.
Document Preview and Commenting
User Story

As a client, I want to preview project documents and provide feedback within the client portal so that I can conveniently review files and communicate feedback without the need for additional software.


Incorporate a document preview and commenting feature within the client portal, enabling users to view project files without downloading them and provide feedback directly on the platform. This capability will streamline communication and feedback exchange for project documents.

Acceptance Criteria
Client Access to Document Preview
Given a project document is uploaded to the client portal, when the client selects the document, then the document preview should be displayed within the portal.
Client Commenting on Project Documents
Given a project document is open for preview in the client portal, when the client leaves a comment on the document, then the comment should be saved and visible to project stakeholders.
User Notification for Client Comments
Given a client leaves a comment on a project document in the client portal, when the comment is submitted, then the user assigned to the project should receive a notification alerting them to the new comment.

Status Update Notifications

Provide users with real-time notifications for project status updates, ensuring that clients and project stakeholders are consistently informed about project progress, fostering transparency and trust in the project management process.


Real-Time Notifications
User Story

As a project stakeholder, I want to receive real-time notifications for project status updates so that I can stay informed about progress without constant manual checks, fostering transparency and trust in the project management process.


Enable real-time notifications for project status updates, ensuring that clients and project stakeholders stay informed about progress without having to manually check for updates. This feature enhances transparency and trust in the project management process, leading to improved client satisfaction and streamlined communication.

Acceptance Criteria
Client Receives Real-Time Project Status Update
When a project status is updated, the client receives a real-time notification containing the updated project details and progress indicators.
Project Stakeholders Receive Update Notifications
When a project status is updated, all project stakeholders receive real-time notifications with the updated information, including key milestones, completion percentage, and any relevant notes or comments.
Customizable Notification Preferences
Users can customize their notification preferences to receive real-time project status updates through email, SMS, or in-app notifications, based on their individual communication preferences and client requirements.
Customizable Notification Settings
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to customize my notification settings so that I can control the types of updates I receive, the frequency of notifications, and the communication channels through which I receive them, ensuring a personalized and user-centric communication experience.


Allow users to customize their notification preferences, including the types of updates they want to receive, the frequency of notifications, and the communication channels through which they wish to receive notifications. This empowers users to tailor their notification experience to their specific needs and preferences, leading to a more personalized and user-centric communication approach.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects notification preferences during onboarding process
Given the onboarding process is initiated, when the user is prompted to select notification preferences, then the user can customize the types of updates, frequency of notifications, and communication channels for receiving notifications.
User updates notification preferences in the settings menu
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the settings menu and accesses the notification preferences section, then the user can modify the types of updates, frequency of notifications, and communication channels for receiving notifications.
System sends notifications based on user preferences
Given the user has set notification preferences, when there is a relevant project status update, then the system sends notifications according to the user's specified types of updates, frequency of notifications, and communication channels.
User receives notifications according to specified preferences
Given the user has set notification preferences, when a project status update meets the specified criteria, then the user receives notifications through the selected communication channels and at the chosen frequency.
Notification History and Archive
User Story

As a user, I want to access a history and archive of all notifications received so that I can reference past updates and maintain accountability, facilitating easy access to historical project updates.


Implement a feature that keeps a record of all notifications sent to users, enabling them to access a notification history and archive for reference. This functionality provides users with a complete overview of past notifications, supporting accountability, and facilitating easy access to historical project updates.

Acceptance Criteria
User Accesses Notification History
Given the user is logged in, when the user navigates to the notification history section, then the user should be able to view a comprehensive list of all past notifications.
Notification Archive Functionality
Given the user is logged in, when the user archives a notification, then the notification should be moved to the archive section and no longer appear in the active notification list.
Search in Notification History
Given the user is logged in and in the notification history section, when the user uses the search function to look for specific notifications, then the system should display relevant search results based on the notification content and metadata.
View Notification Details
Given the user is logged in and viewing the notification history, when the user clicks on a specific notification, then the system should display detailed information about the notification, including sender, date, and content.

Mobile Dashboard

Access all key functionalities of InvoFolio on the go, including invoice management, project tracking, and client communication, empowering users with real-time accessibility and flexibility to stay productive while mobile.


Real-time Data Synchronization
User Story

As a user on the go, I want to access the most current data across devices so that I can make informed decisions and stay productive without delays.


Implement real-time data synchronization across all devices to ensure consistent and up-to-date information for users. This functionality will prevent data discrepancies and enable seamless access to the latest data, enhancing user experience and productivity. The real-time synchronization will integrate with the existing data infrastructure to maintain data integrity and accuracy.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the mobile dashboard and updates an invoice on their mobile device
Given the user is logged into the InvoFolio app on their mobile device, when the user accesses the mobile dashboard and updates an invoice, then the changes are immediately reflected in the web application and other linked devices.
User tracks a project progress on the mobile dashboard and sees real-time updates
Given the user is tracking a project on the mobile dashboard, when the project progress is updated in real-time on another device, then the user sees the updated progress on their mobile dashboard without the need for manual refresh.
User receives a payment reminder notification on their mobile device
Given the user has enabled payment reminders, when a payment reminder is due, then the user receives a real-time notification on their mobile device with the details of the overdue invoice.
User accesses the client communication portal on the mobile dashboard and sends a message to a client
Given the user is on the mobile dashboard, when the user sends a message to a client via the client communication portal, then the message is immediately visible in the web application's communication portal and vice versa.
Offline Mode Support
User Story

As a mobile user, I want to continue using InvoFolio even when offline so that I can manage my business activities without interruptions, regardless of my internet access.


Enable offline mode support to allow users to access essential features and data even without an internet connection. This capability is crucial for users who may experience limited connectivity, ensuring uninterrupted access to critical functionalities such as creating and editing invoices, tracking projects, and viewing client details. The offline mode will sync data automatically upon reconnection to maintain consistency.

Acceptance Criteria
User Creates Invoice in Offline Mode
When the user creates a new invoice while in offline mode, the data should be saved locally and remain accessible for editing and viewing until the device is reconnected to the internet.
Automatic Data Sync Upon Reconnection
When the device reconnects to the internet after being in offline mode, the system should automatically sync all locally saved data with the server to ensure consistency and integrity of information.
Real-Time Project Tracking in Offline Mode
When the user accesses the project tracking feature while in offline mode, the app should provide real-time updates on project progress and milestone achievements based on locally stored data.
Offline Access to Client Communication Portal
When the user accesses the client communication portal in offline mode, they should be able to view and respond to client messages and emails, with the system queuing the actions for sending once the device is back online.
Mobile-friendly Interface
User Story

As a mobile user, I want to navigate and use InvoFolio easily on my smartphone so that I can manage my business on the go without any usability issues.


Optimize the user interface to be mobile-responsive, providing a seamless and intuitive experience for users accessing InvoFolio on their mobile devices. The design and layout will be adapted to suit smaller screens, ensuring ease of navigation, readability, and interaction. The mobile-friendly interface will align with the existing design language and branding while prioritizing the most relevant features for mobile use.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the InvoFolio dashboard on a mobile device with a small screen size
The dashboard layout adjusts responsively to the smaller screen without losing functionality or readability
User creates and sends an invoice using the mobile interface
The interface allows the user to easily customize and send an invoice from a mobile device, and the recipient is able to view and interact with the invoice seamlessly
User views project analytics on the mobile dashboard
All key project analytics and insights are accessible on the mobile dashboard, providing a comprehensive view of project profitability and financial health

Push Notifications

Receive instant notifications for new invoices, payment statuses, and project updates, ensuring timely responsiveness and enhanced communication with clients, even when away from the desk.


Real-time Invoice Notifications
User Story

As a small agency owner, I want to receive instant notifications for new invoices so that I can promptly review and address pending payments and keep track of my cash flow.


Implement real-time push notifications for new invoices to ensure immediate awareness and actionability for users. This feature will enable users to stay informed about new invoicing events and take timely actions, fostering better financial management and client communication within InvoFolio.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a push notification for a new invoice while not actively using the InvoFolio application
Given the user has the InvoFolio app installed and push notifications enabled, when a new invoice is generated by the user or received from a client, then the user should receive a real-time push notification with details of the new invoice.
User marks an invoice as paid and receives a confirmation notification
Given the user has marked an invoice as paid in the InvoFolio app, when the action is confirmed, then the user should receive a real-time push notification confirming the successful payment update for the specific invoice.
User updates a project's status and receives a project update notification
Given the user updates the status of a project in InvoFolio, when the update is confirmed, then the user should receive a real-time push notification with details of the updated project status.
Payment Status Alerts
User Story

As a freelancer, I want to be notified of any changes in payment status so that I can promptly follow up on pending payments and maintain financial stability.


Integrate payment status alerts to notify users about payment updates, ensuring quick response and follow-up on outstanding payments. This functionality will enhance transparency and help users maintain healthy cash flow by monitoring payment statuses in real time.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a push notification for a new invoice
Given that a new invoice is generated, when the user is subscribed to push notifications, then the user should receive a real-time push notification for the new invoice.
User receives a push notification for a payment status update
Given that a payment status is updated, when the user is subscribed to push notifications, then the user should receive a real-time push notification for the payment status update.
User is able to enable/disable push notifications for specific events
Given that the user wants to manage push notifications, when the user accesses the settings, then the user should be able to enable or disable push notifications for specific events such as new invoices, payment status updates, and project updates.
Project Update Notifications
User Story

As a project manager, I want to receive instant notifications for project updates so that I can stay informed about progress, address any issues promptly, and communicate effectively with clients and team members.


Enable push notifications for project updates to keep users informed about the latest developments and changes in their ongoing projects. This feature will facilitate efficient project tracking and client communication, promoting proactive management and timely decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives notification for new project updates
When a new project update is published, the user should receive a push notification on their device with the details of the update
User can customize notification preferences
The user can select the types of project updates for which they want to receive push notifications and can manage their notification preferences within the app settings
User can view a history of project update notifications
The app maintains a record of all project update notifications that the user has received, and the user can access this history to review past updates

Mobile Expense Tracking

Capture and categorize project expenses, scan receipts, and manage financial records directly from the mobile app, providing users with a seamless way to track and manage project finances while on the move.


Expense Entry
User Story

As a freelance professional, I want to be able to manually enter and categorize project expenses on the go, so that I can keep track of my spending and effectively manage project budgets.


Enable users to manually enter project expenses, categorize them, and link them to specific projects or clients. This functionality allows for accurate tracking and recording of expenses, providing users with a comprehensive view of their project finances and aiding in budget management.

Acceptance Criteria
User manually enters an expense for a specific project
Given the user is logged into the app and has selected a specific project, when the user navigates to the expense entry screen, then the user should be able to input the expense details including amount, category, and date.
Expense category selection
Given the user is entering a new expense, when the user selects a category for the expense, then the system should display a list of predefined expense categories for the user to choose from.
Expense linking to a project or client
Given the user is entering a new expense, when the user links the expense to a project or client, then the system should save the expense record and associate it with the selected project or client.
Receipt Scanning
User Story

As a small agency owner, I want to be able to scan and upload receipts to easily link them to project expenses, so that I can maintain accurate financial records and streamline expense management.


Integrate a receipt scanning feature that allows users to capture and upload receipts directly from the mobile app. The system should extract key information from the receipts and link them to the corresponding project expenses, streamlining the process of recording and managing financial records.

Acceptance Criteria
User captures and uploads a receipt from the mobile app
Given the user is on the mobile app receipt scanning screen, when the user captures a receipt image and uploads it, then the system extracts key information (e.g., date, vendor, amount) and links it to the corresponding project expenses.
User verifies extracted receipt information
Given the user is viewing a receipt in the mobile app, when the system displays the extracted information from the receipt, then the user can verify and edit the extracted details if necessary.
Receipt is successfully linked to project expenses
Given the user has uploaded a receipt and verified the extracted information, when the user checks the project expenses, then the receipt should be successfully linked and associated with the corresponding project expenses.
Expense Analytics
User Story

As a business owner, I want to have access to visual analytics on project expenses, so that I can gain insights into spending patterns and make data-driven decisions to improve project profitability.


Implement a dashboard for expense analytics, providing users with visual insights into their project expenditures. The analytics should include categorization, trends, and comparison features to help users make informed decisions and optimize their project finances.

Acceptance Criteria
User captures project expenses using the mobile app
Given that the user is on the mobile app expense tracking screen, when the user inputs a project expense with category and receipt scan, then the expense is successfully captured and saved in the system.
User categorizes project expenses for analytics
Given that the user has captured project expenses, when the user categorizes the expenses by type (e.g., travel, supplies, utilities), then the expenses are successfully categorized for analytical purposes.
User views expense analytics dashboard
Given that the user is on the dashboard screen, when the user views expense analytics with categorization, trends, and comparison features, then the analytics dashboard successfully displays visual insights into project expenditures.

Mobile Client Communication

Engage in real-time chat with clients, share project updates, and collaborate on the go, fostering improved client engagement, enhancing project transparency, and facilitating swift decision-making even while mobile.


Real-time Chat Interface
User Story

As a project manager, I want to be able to communicate with my clients in real time using my mobile device, so that I can provide instant project updates, receive feedback, and make quick decisions without being tied to my desk.


Implement a real-time chat interface for mobile devices, enabling clients and users to engage in instant communication, share project updates, and collaborate seamlessly while mobile. This feature will enhance client engagement, boost project transparency, and facilitate swift decision-making on the go.

Acceptance Criteria
Client initiates chat with user
Given the user is online and available, when the client sends a chat message, then the user receives the message in real time and can respond immediately.
User views chat history
Given the user has an active chat with a client, when the user opens the chat interface, then the user can view the entire history of the conversation, including previous messages and file attachments.
Offline message capability
Given the user is offline, when the client sends a chat message, then the user receives the message upon coming online and can respond accordingly.
Notification for new chat messages
Given the user has the app open or in the background, when a new chat message is received, then the user is notified with a real-time notification, allowing for immediate response.
Push Notification Integration
User Story

As a freelancer, I want to receive push notifications on my mobile device for new client messages and project updates, so that I can stay informed and respond promptly, regardless of my current activity.


Integrate push notifications to alert users of new messages, updates, and client interactions within the mobile chat interface. This will ensure that users are promptly notified of important activities and can respond in a timely manner, even when not actively using the app.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives push notification for new incoming message
Given the user is logged into the mobile app, when a new message is sent by a client, then the user should receive a push notification on their mobile device.
User receives push notification for project update
Given the user is connected to the internet, when a project the user is involved in is updated, then the user should receive a push notification on their mobile device.
User can enable/disable push notifications
Given the user has the app installed, when the user accesses the app settings, then the user should be able to enable or disable push notifications for different types of activities such as messages, updates, and client interactions.
Offline Messaging Support
User Story

As a business owner, I want to be able to send and receive messages from clients even when I don't have an internet connection, so that I can maintain seamless communication and address client needs regardless of my location.


Develop offline messaging capabilities within the mobile chat interface, allowing users to send and receive messages even without an active internet connection. This feature will ensure uninterrupted client communication and enable users to stay connected regardless of network availability.

Acceptance Criteria
User Sends Message Without Internet
Given the user has no active internet connection, when they attempt to send a message in the mobile chat interface, then the message is stored locally and a notification is displayed indicating that the message will be sent when the connection is restored.
User Receives Message Without Internet
Given the user has no active internet connection, when a message is received in the mobile chat interface, then the message is stored locally and a notification is displayed to inform the user of the new message.
Message Sync Upon Internet Connection
Given the user's mobile device regains an active internet connection, when the mobile chat interface detects the connection, then all locally stored messages are sent and the interface is updated to sync with the server, ensuring seamless message continuity.

Offline Mode

Access and manage essential project data and functionalities even without an internet connection, ensuring uninterrupted productivity and the ability to work on critical tasks while on the move or in areas with poor connectivity.


Local Data Storage
User Story

As a user with intermittent internet access, I want to access and update project details on the go, so that I can stay productive and maintain up-to-date records even in areas with poor connectivity.


Enable the application to locally store project data and retrieve it even without an internet connection. This feature ensures seamless access to critical project information, such as client details, project status, and invoicing, regardless of network availability.

Acceptance Criteria
Storing project data locally
Given that the application is offline, when project data is saved, then the data should be stored locally on the device.
Retrieving project data offline
Given that the application is offline, when a user requests project data, then the application should retrieve the data from the local storage.
Search functionality in offline mode
Given that the application is offline, when a user performs a search for project information, then the search functionality should work seamlessly using the locally stored data.
Offline Project Tracking
User Story

As a project manager working in remote areas, I want to track project progress and update task statuses offline, so that I can stay on top of project activities and collaborate with team members seamlessly.


Provide the capability to track and update project progress, deadlines, and task assignments offline. This functionality enables users to manage and monitor project activities without internet access, ensuring uninterrupted productivity and effective project management.

Acceptance Criteria
User updates project progress and deadlines while offline
Given that the user is offline, when they access the project tracking feature, then they can update project progress, deadlines, and task assignments locally on the device.
Offline project tracking syncs with online data upon reconnection
Given that the user updates project information offline, when the device reconnects to the internet, then the changes are automatically synced with the online data, ensuring consistency and accuracy.
Data integrity maintained when switching between offline and online modes
Given that the user switches between offline and online modes, when they access project tracking, then the data remains consistent, and there are no discrepancies in project progress, deadlines, or task assignments.
Offline Invoicing
User Story

As a freelancer, I want to be able to create and send invoices while offline, so that I can maintain a steady cash flow and manage client payments efficiently, irrespective of internet availability.


Allow users to create, edit, and send invoices even when offline. This feature ensures that users can manage their finances and billing activities without being dependent on internet connectivity, enabling uninterrupted business operations.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new invoice while offline
Given that the user is in offline mode and has opened the InvoFolio app, when the user creates a new invoice with all required details, then the invoice is saved locally on the device and is marked as pending for syncing when the device reconnects to the internet.
User edits an existing invoice while offline
Given that the user is in offline mode and has opened the InvoFolio app, when the user edits an existing invoice with updated details, then the changes are saved locally on the device and are marked as pending for syncing when the device reconnects to the internet.
User sends a pending invoice while offline
Given that the user is in offline mode and has opened the InvoFolio app, when the user selects a pending invoice to send to the client, then the system checks for internet connectivity and notifies the user if the invoice can be sent immediately or if it will be sent when the device reconnects to the internet.
User receives a payment for an offline invoice
Given that the user is in offline mode and has received a payment for an offline-created invoice, when the user records the payment in the InvoFolio app, then the payment details are stored locally and are marked as pending for syncing when the device reconnects to the internet.

Smart Expense Capture

Capture project expenses effortlessly with AI-powered scanning and automatic categorization, providing users with a seamless way to track and manage project finances.


AI-powered Expense Scanner
User Story

As a project manager, I want to use an AI-powered expense scanner to effortlessly capture and categorize project expenses, so that I can track and manage project finances accurately and efficiently, saving time and minimizing manual effort.


Implement an AI-powered expense scanner to enable users to effortlessly capture project expenses through automated scanning and categorization. This feature aims to provide a seamless way to track and manage project finances with minimal manual effort, thereby increasing efficiency and accuracy in expense management. The AI-powered scanner will integrate with the existing expense tracking system within InvoFolio, enhancing the overall user experience and simplifying financial record-keeping for projects.

Acceptance Criteria
User captures a receipt with the AI-powered scanner
Given a receipt image is captured, when the user initiates the scanning process, then the AI system accurately recognizes and categorizes the expense.
Integration with existing expense tracking system
Given the AI-powered scanner has categorized expenses, when the expenses are synchronized with the existing expense tracking system, then the data is seamlessly integrated and reflected in the user's project finances.
Accuracy and efficiency of scanning process
Given multiple expense receipts are scanned, when the AI-powered scanner processes the receipts, then the accuracy rate is at least 95% and the processing time is under 5 seconds per receipt.
Expense Categorization and Tagging
User Story

As a finance team member, I want to categorize and tag captured expenses for easy organization and retrieval, so that I can track and analyze project expenses with precision and flexibility, enabling informed financial decisions.


Introduce a feature that allows users to categorize and tag captured expenses for easy organization and retrieval. By enabling users to categorize and tag expenses, this functionality ensures that users can track and analyze project expenses with greater precision and flexibility. This feature will enhance the organization and accessibility of expense data within InvoFolio, ultimately empowering users to make informed financial decisions and manage project expenses effectively.

Acceptance Criteria
User Categorizes an Expense
Given the user has captured an expense, when they categorize the expense using predefined categories, then the expense is tagged and organized accordingly.
Automatic Categorization by AI
Given the user uploads an expense receipt, when AI-powered scanning automatically categorizes the expense, then the expense is tagged with the appropriate category and organized in the system.
Expense Tagging and Retrieval
Given the user has categorized and tagged expenses, when they need to retrieve specific expenses based on category or tag, then they can easily access and review the expenses based on the chosen criteria.
Real-time Expense Reporting
User Story

As a project stakeholder, I want real-time expense reporting to gain up-to-date insights into project spending, so that I can proactively manage project budgets and make informed financial decisions based on accurate and timely expense data.


Develop real-time expense reporting capabilities to provide users with up-to-date insights into project spending. By implementing real-time expense reporting, users can gain a comprehensive view of project expenditures as they occur, enabling proactive budget management and informed decision-making. This feature will integrate seamlessly with the existing reporting modules in InvoFolio, delivering accurate and timely expense data for enhanced financial visibility.

Acceptance Criteria
User Captures an Expense
When a user captures an expense using the Smart Expense Capture feature, the expense details are accurately scanned, categorized, and saved in the system.
Real-time Expense Tracking
When a user incurs an expense, the expense data is instantly updated and reflected in the real-time expense report, showing the latest information on project spending.
Expense Report Integration
When the real-time expense reporting feature is activated, the expense report seamlessly integrates with the existing reporting modules in InvoFolio, ensuring consistent and cohesive financial visibility.

Real-time Expense Alerts

Receive instant notifications for unusual or high-value project expenses, empowering users to proactively monitor and control project costs for improved financial management.


Real-time Expense Alerts Configuration
User Story

As a project manager, I want to be able to define specific expense thresholds and triggers for real-time alerts so that I can effectively monitor and control project costs for better financial management.


Implement a user interface for configuring specific thresholds and parameters for real-time expense alerts. This feature will allow users to customize the alert triggers based on spending limits, types of expenses, and project budget thresholds. The configuration will provide granular control over when and how users receive notifications, enhancing their ability to proactively manage project costs and financial health.

Acceptance Criteria
User Configures Project Budget Threshold
Given a user has access to the real-time expense alerts configuration, when the user sets a specific project budget threshold, then the system should store and apply this threshold to monitor project expenses.
User Sets Spending Limits for Expense Alerts
Given a user has access to the real-time expense alerts configuration, when the user sets spending limits for different expense types, then the system should accurately trigger alerts based on the defined limits for each expense category.
User Receives Real-time Expense Alert
Given a user has configured specific thresholds and parameters, when the expense exceeds the defined limits, then the system should send an instant notification to the user, indicating the details of the expense and the project it is associated with.
Real-time Expense Alert Notifications
User Story

As a finance manager, I want to receive instant notifications for high-value project expenses so that I can promptly review and address any unusual spending, ensuring effective financial control and project cost management.


Develop a system to send real-time notifications when unusual or high-value project expenses occur, providing users with immediate alerts on their preferred channels such as email, SMS, or in-app notifications. The notifications will include details of the expense, project information, and recommended actions, enabling users to quickly respond and take necessary measures to address the unusual expenses.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives an email notification for an unusual expense
Given the user has incurred an unusual expense exceeding the defined threshold, when the expense is logged in the system, then an email notification is sent to the user's registered email address with details of the expense and recommended actions.
User receives an SMS notification for a high-value expense
Given the user has incurred a high-value expense exceeding the defined threshold, when the expense is logged in the system, then an SMS notification is sent to the user's registered phone number with details of the expense and recommended actions.
User views an in-app notification for an unusual expense
Given the user opens the InvoFolio app, when an unusual expense is recorded for the user's project, then an in-app notification is displayed with details of the expense and recommended actions.
Real-time Expense Alert Analytics
User Story

As a financial analyst, I want access to real-time expense alert analytics to identify spending patterns and anomalies so that I can make informed decisions to improve project cost efficiency and financial control.


Integrate advanced analytics capabilities to track and visualize real-time expense alert data, allowing users to gain insights into expense patterns, trends, and historical alerts. The analytics feature will provide visual representations of expense data, anomaly detection, and comparison with budgeted expenses, enabling users to make data-driven decisions and optimize project financial management.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives an instant notification for an unusual project expense
Given the user has set up real-time expense alerts and incurs an unusual project expense, when the expense alert threshold is reached, then the user receives an instant notification via the app or email
User views visual representation of expense data and historical alerts
Given the user has access to the expense alert analytics feature, when the user navigates to the analytics dashboard, then they can view visual representations of expense data, historical alerts, and trend analysis
User compares budgeted expenses with real-time alerts
Given the user is using the analytics feature, when the user selects a specific project or time period, then they can compare the budgeted expenses with the real-time alerts to identify discrepancies and deviations

Custom Expense Reports

Generate detailed expense reports tailored to project requirements, offering users valuable insights into project profitability and financial health for informed decision-making.


Expense Category Customization
User Story

As a project manager, I want to customize expense categories for each project so that I can track project-specific expenses accurately and generate detailed reports for informed decision-making.


Allow users to customize expense categories based on project requirements, providing flexibility in tracking and managing project expenses. This feature enables users to create specific expense categories that align with their unique project needs, offering a tailored approach to expense tracking and reporting.

Acceptance Criteria
User customizes an expense category
Given the user has access to the expense category customization feature, when the user creates a new expense category with a unique name and description, then the new category is successfully added to the list of available expense categories.
User edits an existing expense category
Given the user has access to the expense category customization feature, when the user edits an existing expense category by changing its name or description, then the changes are successfully applied to the category.
User deletes an expense category
Given the user has access to the expense category customization feature, when the user deletes an existing expense category, then the category is permanently removed from the list of available expense categories.
User associates expense categories with projects
Given the user has access to the expense category customization feature and a project, when the user associates specific expense categories with the project, then the categories are properly linked to the project for expense tracking.
User generates a customized expense report
Given the user has access to the expense category customization feature and project expense data, when the user generates an expense report filtered by customized expense categories, then the report accurately reflects the expenses associated with the selected categories.
Expense Attachments
User Story

As a user, I want to attach receipts and documents to project expenses so that I can maintain a detailed record of expenses and validate financial transactions.


Enable users to attach receipts and supporting documents to individual expenses for comprehensive record-keeping and validation. This functionality allows for seamless documentation and verification of project expenses, enhancing transparency and financial accountability.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to attach receipts to individual expenses so that I can keep detailed records of project expenses.
Given a completed expense entry form, when I upload a receipt file, then the receipt should be successfully attached to the expense.
When managing project expenses, I want to view and download attached receipts for verification and record-keeping purposes.
Given an expense entry with attached receipts, when I view the expense details, then I should see an option to download the attached receipts.
As an admin user, I want the ability to review all attached receipts for expenses across projects.
Given access to the admin dashboard, when I navigate to the expenses section, then I should see a list of all expenses with attached receipts for review.
Expense Report Generation
User Story

As a project administrator, I want to generate detailed expense reports for projects to gain insights into profitability and make informed financial decisions.


Facilitate the generation of detailed expense reports, providing users with valuable insights into project profitability and financial health. This feature empowers users to assess project expenses, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed financial decisions.

Acceptance Criteria
User Generates Detailed Expense Report
Given the user is on the project dashboard and has entered all project expenses, when the user clicks the 'Generate Expense Report' button, then a detailed expense report including all project expenses is generated and displayed for the user to review.
Expense Report Customization
Given the user is viewing the expense report, when the user selects customization options such as date range, project categories, and expense types, then the expense report is dynamically updated to reflect the selected criteria.
Expense Report Insights
Given the user is reviewing the expense report, when the user views the report insights such as total expenses, category-wise expenses, and project profitability analysis, then the insights are accurate and provide valuable information for financial decision-making.

Expense Insights Dashboard

Access a centralized dashboard to view comprehensive expense analytics, enabling users to identify trends, optimize spending, and make data-driven financial decisions.


Expense Overview Dashboard
User Story

As a business owner, I want to access a centralized dashboard that provides comprehensive insights into my expenses, so that I can identify trends, optimize spending, and make data-driven financial decisions.


Develop a centralized dashboard to provide users with an overview of their expenses, including categorization, trends, and insights. This dashboard will allow users to track and analyze their spending patterns, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed financial decisions. It will seamlessly integrate with existing expense tracking tools, providing a comprehensive view of the user's financial landscape.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Expense Overview Dashboard for the first time after logging in
The dashboard displays a clear and intuitive overview of the user's total expenses, separated by customizable categories such as utilities, travel, supplies, and others
User selects a specific time period to view expense trends and patterns
The dashboard allows the user to select a specific time range and instantly updates the expense analytics to reflect the chosen period, showing trends, spikes, and variations in spending
User reviews a monthly breakdown of expenses within a selected category
The dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of individual expenses within a chosen category, including dates, amounts, and descriptions, enabling the user to analyze and manage spending within specific expense categories
User compares the current month's expenses to the previous month
The dashboard offers a comparative view of the current month's expenses against the previous month, highlighting percentage changes and identifying areas of increased or decreased spending
Expense Categorization and Tagging
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to categorize and tag my expenses for better organization and analysis, so that I can track and report my financial activities more accurately.


Implement a feature that enables users to categorize and tag their expenses for better organization and analysis. Users can assign custom categories and tags to their expenses, allowing for detailed tracking and reporting. This feature will enhance the accuracy and granularity of the expense data, providing users with a more comprehensive view of their financial activities.

Acceptance Criteria
User categorizes an expense with a custom category
Given a user is logged into InvoFolio and navigates to the Expense Categorization and Tagging feature, When the user adds a new expense and assigns a custom category to it, Then the system saves the expense with the custom category applied.
User tags an expense for detailed tracking
Given a user is logged into InvoFolio and accesses the Expense Categorization and Tagging feature, When the user adds a new expense and tags it with a specific tag, Then the system associates the tag with the expense for detailed tracking and reporting.
User views expense analytics on the Insights Dashboard
Given a user is logged into InvoFolio and accesses the Expense Insights Dashboard, When the user views the comprehensive expense analytics, Then the system displays trends, spending optimization suggestions, and data-driven financial insights.
User optimizes spending based on expense insights
Given a user is logged into InvoFolio and explores the Expense Insights Dashboard, When the user identifies spending trends and receives optimization suggestions, Then the system provides actionable recommendations for making data-driven financial decisions and optimizing spending.
Expense Trend Analysis and Reporting
User Story

As a finance manager, I want to analyze expense trends and generate detailed reports, so that I can make informed budgeting decisions and track financial performance over time.


Integrate advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to enable users to identify expense trends, conduct comparative analysis, and generate detailed reports. This functionality will empower users to gain deeper insights into their spending habits, make informed budgeting decisions, and track their financial performance over time.

Acceptance Criteria
User views monthly expense trends on the dashboard
When the user selects a specific month, the dashboard displays the trend line chart of monthly expenses for that month.
User compares expense categories for different time periods
Given a start and end date, the system provides a visual comparison of expense categories over the selected time period.
User generates a detailed expense report
When the user requests a detailed report, the system generates a downloadable report containing expense breakdowns, trends, and comparisons.
User sets custom expense thresholds for notifications
The user can define custom spending thresholds for different expense categories and receive notifications when the spending exceeds the set limits.

Tool Integration

Seamlessly integrate InvoFolio with popular design tools like Adobe Creative Cloud and Sketch, enabling direct linking of project files and streamlined invoice creation for design services.


File Direct Linking
User Story

As a freelance designer, I want to directly link my project files from Adobe Creative Cloud and Sketch to InvoFolio so that I can easily create invoices and manage projects without the need to manually search for files and information.


Enable direct linking of project files from Adobe Creative Cloud and Sketch within InvoFolio, allowing users to conveniently access and reference design files when creating invoices and managing projects. This integration streamlines the process of associating design work with billing and project management, enhancing productivity and efficiency for design services.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects a design file from Adobe Creative Cloud or Sketch to link to an invoice in InvoFolio
Given the user is logged into InvoFolio and the integrated Adobe Creative Cloud or Sketch account, when the user selects a design file, then the file is successfully linked to the invoice in InvoFolio.
User receives a real-time notification in InvoFolio when a design file is updated in Adobe Creative Cloud or Sketch
Given the user has integrated their Adobe Creative Cloud or Sketch account with InvoFolio, when a design file is updated in the integrated account, then the user receives a real-time notification in InvoFolio.
User accesses the linked design file from InvoFolio with one click
Given the user is viewing an invoice in InvoFolio that has a linked design file, when the user clicks on the link, then the design file is opened in the respective integrated application.
Design Tool Integration Dashboard
User Story

As a small agency using multiple design tools, I want a dedicated dashboard in InvoFolio to manage the integration with Adobe Creative Cloud and Sketch so that I can easily configure settings, view linked files, and monitor the status of design tool integration.


Implement a dedicated dashboard within InvoFolio to manage the integration with design tools like Adobe Creative Cloud and Sketch. The dashboard will provide users with a centralized interface to configure settings, view linked project files, and track the status of design tool integration. This feature enhances user control and visibility over the integrated design tools within InvoFolio.

Acceptance Criteria
User Configures Design Tool Integration
Given a user has access to the settings, when they configure the integration with design tools like Adobe Creative Cloud and Sketch, then the configuration is saved and applied to the user's account.
User Views Linked Project Files
Given a user has linked design projects, when they access the integrated dashboard, then they can view a list of linked project files along with their details.
User Tracks Integration Status
Given a user has integrated design tools, when they access the dashboard, then they can track the status of the integration, including successful and failed integration attempts.
Invoice Customization for Design Services
User Story

As a design freelancer, I want to customize my invoices in InvoFolio to include specific design service elements and templates so that I can accurately bill my clients for design work and improve the professionalism of my invoicing process.


Enhance InvoFolio's invoice customization to include specific design service elements and templates tailored for design projects. This customization will provide users with the ability to create specialized invoices for design services, incorporating design-specific billing details and itemization. It caters to the unique billing requirements of design professionals and agencies.

Acceptance Criteria
Creating a customized invoice for a design project
Given a design project with specific billing details, when user selects design service elements and templates, then the invoice should include design-specific billing details and itemization.
Linking project files from Adobe Creative Cloud to InvoFolio
Given a design project in Adobe Creative Cloud, when the user links the project files to InvoFolio, then the linking should be seamless and the project files should be accessible from InvoFolio.
Generating streamlined invoices for design services
Given the integration with design tools like Sketch, when the user creates an invoice for design services, then the process should be streamlined, and design-specific billing elements should be available for selection.

Expense Tracking

Track and manage design-related expenses within InvoFolio, providing valuable insights into project profitability and financial health specifically related to design services.


Expense Category Management
User Story

As a freelance designer, I want to be able to categorize and track my design-related expenses within InvoFolio, so that I can gain insights into my project profitability and make informed financial decisions.


Allow users to create, manage, and categorize different types of design-related expenses to track and analyze spending more effectively. This feature will provide the ability to assign expenses to specific projects and clients, offering a comprehensive view of design-related costs.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new expense category
Given the user is logged into the InvoFolio dashboard, when the user navigates to the expense category management section, then the user can create a new expense category with a unique name.
User assigns an expense to a project
Given the user is managing expenses for a specific project, when the user selects an expense to categorize, then the user can assign the expense to the appropriate project within the system.
User views expense category analytics
Given the user wants to analyze design-related expenses, when the user accesses the expense category analytics dashboard, then the user can view a breakdown of expenses by category, project, and client for comprehensive financial insights.
Receipt Upload and Storage
User Story

As a small agency owner, I want to easily upload and store receipts for design-related expenses in InvoFolio, so that I can maintain organized financial records and simplify the expense tracking process.


Enable users to upload and store receipts for design-related expenses directly within InvoFolio. This functionality will provide a convenient way to maintain a digital record of all expenses, supporting accurate financial tracking and reporting.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a receipt for a design-related expense
Given the user is logged into InvoFolio and has navigated to the 'Expense Tracking' section, when the user selects the option to upload a receipt, then the system should allow the user to choose a file and successfully upload it for storage.
User views a list of uploaded receipts for design-related expenses
Given the user is logged into InvoFolio and has navigated to the 'Expense Tracking' section, when the user accesses the list of uploaded receipts, then the system should display a clear and organized list of receipts, including details such as date, amount, and description.
User deletes an uploaded receipt for a design-related expense
Given the user is logged into InvoFolio and has navigated to the 'Expense Tracking' section, when the user selects a specific uploaded receipt and chooses the option to delete it, then the system should promptly remove the receipt from the storage and update the list of receipts accordingly.
Expense Analytics and Reporting
User Story

As a project manager, I want to access detailed analytics and reports on design-related expenses in InvoFolio, so that I can monitor project profitability and identify opportunities for cost optimization.


Integrate advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to visualize and interpret design-related expense data. This feature will offer insights into expense trends, project-specific spending, and client-based cost analysis, empowering users to make data-driven decisions for financial planning and project management.

Acceptance Criteria
User selects date range for expense analytics
Given the user is on the expense analytics page, When the user selects a date range for analysis, Then the system displays expenses within the selected date range.
Expense trends visualization
Given the user is viewing expense analytics, When the user navigates to the expense trends section, Then the system displays a visual representation of expense trends over time.
Client-based cost analysis
Given the user is on the expense analytics page, When the user selects a specific client for cost analysis, Then the system generates a report showing expenses associated with the selected client.
Export expense report
Given the user is on the expense analytics page, When the user selects the export option, Then the system generates and downloads an expense report in the user's preferred format (e.g., CSV, PDF).

Project File Linking

Enable users to directly link project files from design tools to corresponding projects in InvoFolio, ensuring seamless access and management of essential project assets.


File Linking Interface
User Story

As a project manager, I want to link project files from design tools to InvoFolio projects so that I can easily access and manage essential project assets within InvoFolio, streamlining project management and improving efficiency.


Develop a user-friendly interface that allows users to seamlessly link project files from design tools to InvoFolio projects. This feature will streamline access to essential project assets and enhance project management capabilities within the platform, optimizing user efficiency and workflow.

Acceptance Criteria
User Links File from Design Tool
Given the user is on the project details page in InvoFolio, when the user selects the 'Link File' option, then the user should be able to choose a file from a design tool and associate it with the project.
Validation of Linked File
Given the user has linked a file from a design tool to a project in InvoFolio, when the user navigates to the linked file section, then the linked file should be displayed with its associated project.
Error Handling for File Linking
Given the user is attempting to link a file from a design tool to a project in InvoFolio, when the selected file format is not supported, then the system should display an error message indicating the unsupported format.
Real-time File Synchronization
User Story

As a designer, I want changes made to linked project files in design tools to be immediately updated in InvoFolio projects so that I can access the latest project assets without manual synchronization, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.


Implement real-time file synchronization between design tools and InvoFolio projects to ensure that any changes made to linked project files are immediately updated within the platform. This functionality will enable users to access the most up-to-date project assets without manual synchronization, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

Acceptance Criteria
User Links Design Tool File to InvoFolio Project
Given the user is logged into InvoFolio and has a project open, when the user selects a file from the design tool, then the file is successfully linked to the corresponding project in InvoFolio.
Real-time File Synchronization Enabled
Given the user has linked a file from a design tool to an InvoFolio project, when changes are made to the linked file in the design tool, then the changes are immediately synchronized and updated within the corresponding InvoFolio project.
User Accesses Linked File in InvoFolio Project
Given the user is accessing a project in InvoFolio, when the user navigates to the linked files section of the project, then the linked files are accessible, and any updates made in the design tool are reflected in the linked files.
File Version Control
User Story

As a team member, I want to track and manage different versions of linked project files within InvoFolio so that I can review and revert to previous file versions, ensuring data integrity and having a safety net for project asset management.


Integrate file version control to track and manage different versions of linked project files within InvoFolio. This feature will allow users to review and revert to previous file versions, ensuring data integrity and providing a safety net for project asset management.

Acceptance Criteria
User links a project file to a project in InvoFolio
Given that the user is logged in and has the necessary permissions, when the user selects a project file and links it to a project in InvoFolio, then the project file should be successfully linked and accessible from the project details page.
User views file version history for a linked project file
Given that the user has linked a project file to a project in InvoFolio, when the user accesses the project file details, then the user should be able to view the version history of the file, including timestamps, version numbers, and comments.
User reverts to a previous version of a linked project file
Given that the user has linked a project file to a project in InvoFolio and has accessed the file version history, when the user selects a previous version of the file, then the selected version should replace the current file version, maintaining file integrity and data consistency.

Design Expense Reports

Generate detailed expense reports tailored specifically to design-related expenses, offering valuable insights into project profitability and financial visibility for design services.


Expense Report Templates
User Story

As a design project manager, I want to access customizable expense report templates for design-related expenses so that I can accurately track project costs and analyze financial visibility for design services.


Create customizable expense report templates tailored to design-related expenses, allowing users to generate detailed reports for accurate financial insights and project profitability analysis while efficiently managing design service costs.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to select a design expense report template from a list of available options so that I can generate a report tailored to design-related expenses.
Given a list of available design expense report templates, when I select a template, then I should see the template details and be able to generate an expense report using the selected template.
As a user, I want to customize the details and fields in a design expense report template to accurately reflect the specific expenses and information related to a design project.
Given a design expense report template, when I customize the template details and fields, then the changes should be saved and reflected in the generated expense report.
As a user, I want to view and analyze the expenses in the generated design expense report to gain insights into project profitability and financial visibility for design services.
Given a generated design expense report, when I view the report, then I should be able to analyze the expenses, view detailed insights, and track the financial performance of design services.
Expense Categorization
User Story

As a design professional, I want to categorize and organize design-related expenses to gain a clearer understanding of project costs and analyze financial data with precision.


Implement expense categorization functionality to classify design-related expenses into specific categories, enabling users to organize and manage expenses more effectively for accurate financial tracking and analysis.

Acceptance Criteria
A user adds a new expense entry and categorizes it as a design expense
Given the user is on the expense entry form, when the user selects the design expense category from the dropdown menu and submits the form, then the expense entry is successfully categorized as a design expense.
An expense report is generated specifically for design-related expenses
Given the user generates an expense report, when the report includes only expenses categorized as design expenses, then the report provides detailed insights into project profitability and financial visibility for design services.
An expense report is generated including all expense categories
Given the user generates an expense report, when the report includes expenses from all categories, then the report provides a comprehensive overview of all project expenses for accurate financial tracking and analysis.
Real-time Expense Tracking
User Story

As a freelance designer, I want real-time tracking of design-related expenses to stay informed about project costs and make timely financial decisions to optimize project profitability.


Enable real-time expense tracking for design-related costs, providing users with up-to-date insights into project expenditure and financial health for proactive decision-making and cost management.

Acceptance Criteria
User adds a new design-related expense
Given the user is logged in and navigating to the expense tracking section, when the user adds a new expense with a design-related category, then the expense is immediately reflected in the real-time expense tracking dashboard.
Expense report generation
Given the user has entered design-related expenses for a specific project, when the user generates an expense report for the project, then the report includes detailed breakdowns of the design expenses, providing insights into project profitability and financial visibility for design services.
Expense category customization
Given the user wants to customize expense categories for design-related expenses, when the user edits or adds design-related categories, then the changes are accurately reflected in the expense tracking system and expense reports.

Press Articles

InvoFolio: Revolutionizing Business Management for Freelancers and Small Agencies


InvoFolio, the all-in-one business software solution, is set to revolutionize the way freelancers and small agencies manage their operations. With customizable invoice templates, automated payment reminders, real-time project tracking, and a centralized client communication portal, InvoFolio is designed to streamline administrative tasks and boost efficiency for independent professionals. The seamless integration with tools like QuickBooks and Trello provides advanced analytics for deeper insights into project profitability and financial health, empowering users to focus on core work and foster productivity in a competitive market.

"InvoFolio is a game-changer for freelancers and small agencies, offering an unparalleled suite of features for efficient business management," said John Smith, CEO of InvoFolio. "We are excited to empower our users with the tools they need to thrive in their endeavors and achieve sustainable growth."

For more information, please visit or contact us at

Press Contact: Emma Johnson Email: Phone: 123-456-7890

InvoFolio: Empowering Freelancers with Innovative Business Management Tools


InvoFolio, the innovative business software solution, is empowering freelancers with a comprehensive set of tools to streamline administrative tasks and drive productivity. By offering customizable invoice templates, automated payment reminders, real-time project tracking, and a centralized client communication portal, InvoFolio allows freelancers to focus on core work while efficiently managing business operations. The seamless integration with tools like QuickBooks and Trello provides advanced analytics for deeper insights into project profitability and financial health, fostering sustainable growth in a competitive market.

"InvoFolio is a game-changer for freelancers, providing the support they need to succeed in the ever-changing business landscape," said Emily Davis, COO of InvoFolio. "We are committed to empowering independent professionals and helping them achieve their business goals through enhanced efficiency and financial visibility."

For more information, please visit or contact us at

Press Contact: Oliver Brown Email: Phone: 234-567-8901