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Unlock Media Mastery

LensLyft revolutionizes digital asset management for the media and entertainment industry with AI-powered metadata tagging, robust version control, and seamless integration with popular editing software. It offers effortless organization, real-time collaboration, and state-of-the-art security, ensuring efficiency and reliability. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, LensLyft's scalable platform enhances productivity and fosters creativity, making digital asset management a hassle-free experience. Unlock media mastery with LensLyft.

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Product Details




Unlock Media Mastery


Media & Entertainment


Empowering creative excellence through seamless and innovative digital asset management.


LensLyft is a comprehensive SaaS platform tailored for the media and entertainment industry, focusing on streamlined and efficient digital asset management. Catering to film production companies, broadcasting networks, creative agencies, and freelance videographers, LensLyft exists to tackle the disorganization, inefficiency, and cumbersome processes that plague digital asset management.

With AI-powered metadata tagging and search, LensLyft ensures effortless and precise organization of video and audio assets. Its robust version control system and automated backup and recovery features guarantee the safety and reliability of your digital files, eliminating the chaos of lost or overwritten data. Seamless integration with popular editing software means that teams can work within their familiar tools while benefiting from enhanced asset control and accessibility.

State-of-the-art security measures protect your valuable content, while the user-friendly interface allows for real-time collaboration, reducing downtime and optimizing project workflows. Whether you are a small team or a large enterprise, LensLyft’s scalable and adaptable design makes digital asset management a hassle-free experience, boosting productivity and fostering creativity.

Elevate your media management with LensLyft, where efficient digital asset management meets cutting-edge technology.

Target Audience

Film production companies, broadcasting networks, and creative agencies needing efficient digital asset management solutions.

Problem Statement

In the media and entertainment industry, managing digital assets is often plagued by inefficiency, disorganization, and a lack of real-time collaboration capabilities, leading to wasted time and increased production costs.

Solution Overview

LensLyft leverages AI-powered metadata tagging and search to ensure effortless and precise organization of video and audio assets, addressing disorganization and inefficiency. Its robust version control system and automated backup and recovery features guarantee the safety and reliability of digital files, eliminating the chaos of lost or overwritten data. Seamless integration with popular editing software allows teams to work within their familiar tools while benefiting from enhanced asset control and accessibility. State-of-the-art security measures protect valuable content, and the user-friendly interface supports real-time collaboration, reducing downtime and optimizing project workflows. LensLyft's scalable design makes digital asset management hassle-free, boosting productivity and fostering creativity in the media and entertainment industry.


LensLyft revolutionizes digital asset management in the media and entertainment industry by increasing efficiency and enhancing organization through AI-powered metadata tagging and search. This precision streamlines the workflow, saving teams valuable time and resources. The platform’s robust version control system and automated backup and recovery features ensure the safety and reliability of digital files, eliminating the risk of lost or overwritten data. Its seamless integration with popular editing software allows teams to maintain their existing workflows while benefiting from enhanced asset control and accessibility. State-of-the-art security measures shield valuable content, and the user-friendly interface fosters real-time collaboration, reducing downtime and optimizing project workflows. LensLyft’s scalable design not only boosts productivity but also nurtures creativity across small teams and large enterprises alike, establishing itself as a quintessential tool for media professionals.


The inspiration for LensLyft stemmed from firsthand frustration observed in the media and entertainment industry. Countless hours were spent managing disorganized digital assets across production teams, leading to inefficiencies, project delays, and increased costs. The chaos of lost files, version control issues, and inadequate collaboration tools underscored a glaring gap in existing digital asset management solutions.

Recognizing these challenges, we envisioned a platform that would harness advanced technology to streamline and simplify workflows. The concept of LensLyft was born out of a desire to create an intuitive, efficient, and secure digital asset management system. By leveraging AI-driven metadata tagging and seamless integrations with popular editing software, LensLyft aims to transform how media professionals organize, access, and collaborate on their digital assets.

Our mission is to elevate productivity and foster creativity by providing a solution that addresses the real pain points faced by film production companies, broadcasting networks, and creative agencies. LensLyft is more than just a tool; it’s a commitment to enhancing the way the media and entertainment industry manages its most valuable content.

Long Term Goal

In the coming years, LensLyft aims to redefine digital asset management in the media and entertainment industry, empowering creative professionals with unparalleled efficiency, intuitive collaboration, and innovative solutions that adapt to the evolving demands of content creation and distribution.






MediaMaven is an experienced media professional specializing in content creation, curation, and distribution. They are proficient in using digital asset management tools to streamline the organization, collaboration, and dissemination of media assets.


Age: 30-45 Gender: Any Education: Bachelor's degree or higher in media studies, communications, or related field Occupation: Media professional, content strategist, digital marketer Income Level: Moderate to high


MediaMaven has spent years working in the media and entertainment industry, gaining expertise in content creation, curation, and distribution. They have experience in managing digital assets, collaborating with teams, and optimizing media workflows for maximum efficiency.


MediaMaven is driven by creativity, innovation, and a desire to deliver high-quality media content. They value collaboration, precision, and seamless workflows that enhance productivity and creativity. MediaMaven is motivated by the need for organization, accuracy, and the ability to access media assets swiftly and efficiently.


Efficient media asset organization, seamless collaboration tools, intuitive user interface, AI-powered metadata tagging, flexible access control, robust version control, integrated editing software, scalable and secure digital asset management platform


Inefficient media asset organization, lack of collaboration tools, complex and time-consuming metadata tagging, limited access control, version control issues, disconnected editing software, security concerns, scalability limitations


MediaMaven prefers communication via professional social networks, industry forums, media conferences, and digital marketing events. They rely on industry publications, online tutorials, and webinars for learning and updates on media management tools and best practices.


MediaMaven engages with digital asset management tools regularly throughout the workday, managing, editing, and curating media assets in real-time. They rely on these tools for essential media operations and decision-making.


MediaMaven's decision-making is influenced by the tool's efficiency, user interface, collaboration features, security measures, integration capabilities, and scalability. They prioritize solutions that align with their workflow and enhance overall media management processes.

Product Ideas


Implement AI-powered metadata tagging to automate the categorization and organization of digital assets within LensLyft. SmartTag leverages machine learning algorithms to accurately analyze and tag media content, improving searchability and discoverability for users.


Introduce real-time collaboration features that enable seamless teamwork and content creation. CollabFlow offers live editing, version tracking, and communication tools to enhance productivity and creativity among users. It enables simultaneous editing, feedback sharing, and content iteration, fostering efficient collaboration.


Enhance security with SecureVault, a robust encryption and access control system for digital media assets. SecureVault ensures data protection, user permissions, and secure sharing, safeguarding valuable media content from unauthorized access or data breaches. It provides role-based access, watermarking, and audit trails for comprehensive security measures.

Product Features


Automatically categorize digital assets using AI-powered metadata tagging, streamlining the organization process and improving content discoverability for users.


AI-Powered Tagging
User Story

As a digital asset manager, I want the system to automatically categorize and tag digital assets with relevant metadata so that I can easily organize and search for assets, saving time and improving productivity.


Implement AI-powered metadata tagging to automatically categorize and organize digital assets, enhancing content discoverability and streamlining the asset management process. This feature will leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze and tag assets with relevant metadata, improving search and retrieval capabilities for users.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a new video file to LensLyft
When a user uploads a video file, the system analyzes the content and automatically assigns relevant metadata tags based on the video's content, format, and context.
User searches for a specific image using keywords
When a user performs a search using specific keywords, the system retrieves relevant images based on the metadata tags assigned through AI-powered tagging.
User collaborates with team members on a video editing project
When multiple users collaborate on a video editing project, the system ensures that the AI-powered tagging accurately categorizes and organizes digital assets to facilitate seamless collaboration and content discoverability.
Version Control Integration
User Story

As a content creator, I want the system to support version control for digital assets so that I can track changes, collaborate with team members, and ensure the accuracy and integrity of asset versions.


Integrate robust version control functionality that enables users to track and manage changes to digital assets, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and security in asset editing and collaboration. This feature will allow users to view and revert to previous versions of assets, facilitating seamless collaboration and minimizing the risk of data loss or errors.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to see the version history of a digital asset, so that I can track and manage changes effectively.
Given that I am a user viewing a digital asset, when I access the version history, then I should see a clear timeline of all edits and contributors, with the ability to revert to previous versions.
As a user, I want to revert to a previous version of a digital asset, so that I can restore an earlier state of the asset.
Given that I am a user with editing permissions, when I select a specific version from the version history, then the asset should be reverted to that version with a confirmation prompt.
As a user, I want to be notified of changes made to a digital asset, so that I can stay informed about modifications and updates.
Given that I have permissions for a digital asset, when changes are made to the asset, then I should receive a notification containing details of the modification, such as the editor and the nature of the change.
As a user, I want to collaborate on a digital asset with version control, so that I can work with others and maintain a clear record of changes.
Given that I am collaborating on a digital asset, when another user makes edits to the asset, then I should be able to see the updated version history in real-time, reflecting the contributions of all collaborators.
Real-time Collaboration
User Story

As a creative team member, I want real-time collaboration features to work on digital assets simultaneously with my team members, enabling seamless communication and creative collaboration to enhance our productivity and efficiency.


Enable real-time collaboration features that empower users to work simultaneously on digital assets, facilitating efficient teamwork, feedback exchange, and creative collaboration. This feature will provide live editing capabilities, instant updates, and seamless communication channels, promoting enhanced productivity and creativity within teams.

Acceptance Criteria
Users can simultaneously edit the same digital asset and see real-time updates from other collaborators.
Given multiple users are editing the same digital asset, when one user makes a change, then the changes are immediately visible to all other collaborators.
Users can leave comments and feedback on digital assets in real time, fostering effective communication and creative collaboration.
Given a digital asset is open for editing, when a user leaves a comment or feedback, then the comment is immediately visible to all other collaborators.
Users can see a real-time list of collaborators working on a digital asset, enabling efficient team coordination and resource allocation.
Given a digital asset is open for editing, when a user accesses the collaboration panel, then they can see a real-time list of all collaborators currently working on the asset.
Users are notified in real time when another collaborator makes changes to a digital asset, ensuring full awareness of changes and updates.
Given a digital asset is open for editing, when a collaborator makes a change, then all other users receive a real-time notification about the change.


Utilize advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and assign accurate metadata tags to digital assets, enhancing searchability and enabling efficient content retrieval.


Automated Tag Generation
User Story

As a content manager, I want an automated tag generation system to efficiently assign accurate metadata tags to digital assets, so that I can easily search, retrieve, and organize content, saving time and improving productivity.


Implement an automated tag generation system using advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and assign accurate metadata tags to digital assets. This feature will significantly enhance searchability, improve content retrieval efficiency, and streamline the digital asset management process within LensLyft. The system will integrate seamlessly with the existing metadata management framework, providing real-time updates and ensuring accuracy and consistency in metadata tagging.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a new digital asset for tagging
Given a new digital asset is uploaded, when the automated tag generation system processes the asset, then it accurately assigns relevant metadata tags based on content analysis.
User edits existing metadata tags for a digital asset
Given a user updates the metadata tags for a digital asset, when the automated tag generation system integrates the changes, then it ensures consistency and accuracy of the updated tags across the system.
System performance during high-volume processing
Given the system processes a large volume of digital assets concurrently, when the automated tag generation system maintains consistent performance and processing speed, then it meets the scalability requirements for high-volume environments.
Quality validation of assigned metadata tags
Given the metadata tags are assigned by the automated tag generation system, when the tags undergo manual validation by content experts, then at least 90% of the assigned tags are deemed accurate and relevant.
Tag Analysis Dashboard
User Story

As a digital asset manager, I want a tag analysis dashboard to visualize and monitor the performance of the automated tag generation system, so that I can make informed decisions about content organization and retrieval based on tag accuracy and usage patterns.


Develop a user-friendly dashboard for tag analysis, allowing users to visualize and monitor the performance of the automated tag generation system. The dashboard will provide insights into tag accuracy, frequency, and usage patterns, empowering users to make informed decisions about content organization and retrieval. It will offer customizable reporting options and real-time updates, enhancing the visibility and control of metadata tagging processes.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the tag analysis dashboard and views tag accuracy report
Given the user has access to the system, when they navigate to the tag analysis dashboard, then they can view a detailed report on tag accuracy and its impact on content organization and retrieval.
User customizes tag usage patterns report
Given the user has access to the system, when they navigate to the tag analysis dashboard, then they can customize the tag usage patterns report based on specific time frames and content types.
User monitors real-time updates on tag frequency
Given the user has access to the system, when they navigate to the tag analysis dashboard, then they can monitor real-time updates on tag frequency and usage trends.
User compares tag accuracy between different content types
Given the user has access to the system, when they navigate to the tag analysis dashboard, then they can compare the accuracy of metadata tags across different content types and formats.
Tag Suggestions and Correction
User Story

As a media editor, I want tag suggestions and correction functionality to receive intelligent tag recommendations and make manual adjustments to metadata tags, so that I can ensure accurate and customized content organization and retrieval.


Integrate a tag suggestion and correction feature that provides intelligent recommendations for tags and allows users to manually correct and customize metadata tags. This feature will leverage machine learning to propose relevant tags based on context and content analysis, while also enabling users to fine-tune and adjust tags according to specific requirements. It will enhance user flexibility and control over metadata tagging, ensuring accurate and tailored content organization.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives tag suggestions when uploading a new digital asset
Given a user uploads a new digital asset, When the system processes the asset, Then the system suggests relevant metadata tags based on the asset's content and context.
User has the option to accept or reject tag suggestions
Given the system suggests metadata tags for a digital asset, When the user reviews the suggestions, Then the user can accept, reject, or customize the suggested tags.
User can manually correct and customize metadata tags
Given the user has selected a digital asset, When the user accesses the metadata tags, Then the user can manually edit, add, or remove tags to customize the metadata.
System learns from user corrections and improves tag suggestions
Given a user manually corrects a metadata tag, When the correction is saved, Then the system adapts and improves future tag suggestions based on the user's corrections.


Offer dynamic suggestions for metadata tagging based on machine learning analysis, facilitating faster and more accurate organization of media assets within LensLyft.


Machine Learning Model Integration
User Story

As a content creator, I want the system to analyze my media assets and suggest relevant metadata tags automatically, so that I can easily organize and retrieve my content without spending excessive time on manual tagging.


Integrate a machine learning model into the LensLyft platform to analyze media assets and provide dynamic metadata tagging suggestions. This integration aims to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of asset organization, streamlining the user experience and enabling faster content retrieval.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a video file for metadata tagging
Given a video file is uploaded to LensLyft, when the machine learning model analyzes the file, then dynamic metadata tagging suggestions are provided based on the analysis.
User reviews and applies dynamic metadata tagging suggestions
Given dynamic metadata tagging suggestions are provided for a video file, when the user reviews and applies the suggestions, then the metadata is accurately and efficiently tagged based on the suggestions.
Multiple users collaborate on metadata tagging for the same video file
Given multiple users have access to the same video file for metadata tagging, when one user applies dynamic tagging suggestions, then the changes are visible in real-time to all other users collaborating on the same file.
User Feedback Loop
User Story

As a media manager, I want to be able to provide feedback on the suggested metadata tags, so that the system can learn from my input and improve the accuracy of future suggestions, leading to more efficient asset organization.


Implement a user feedback loop feature that allows users to provide input on the accuracy and relevance of the suggested metadata tags. This feature will enable continuous improvement of the tagging suggestions based on user feedback, enhancing the precision and user satisfaction in asset organization.

Acceptance Criteria
User provides feedback on suggested metadata tags
Given a suggested metadata tag, when the user provides feedback on its accuracy and relevance, then the system records the feedback and updates the tag suggestions accordingly.
User receives updated tag suggestions based on feedback
Given user feedback on suggested metadata tags, when the system updates the tag suggestions based on the feedback, then the user sees improved and more accurate tag suggestions in the future.
System captures user sentiment on tag suggestions
Given a user interacting with a suggested metadata tag, when the system captures the sentiment of the user's feedback, then it categorizes the feedback as positive, neutral, or negative for further analysis.
Real-time Tagging Preview
User Story

As a video editor, I want to see a preview of the suggested metadata tags applied to my media assets in real time, so that I can make informed decisions and ensure that the assigned tags accurately represent the content, ultimately improving the organization of my media library.


Enable a real-time tagging preview functionality that provides users with a visual preview of how suggested tags will be applied to their media assets before finalizing the tagging process. This preview feature aims to give users a better understanding of the tagging impact and ensure accurate and relevant metadata assignment.

Acceptance Criteria
User previews suggested tags for an image asset
Given a user selects an image asset for tagging, when the user requests tag suggestions, then the system should display real-time preview of the suggested tags overlayed on the image.
User previews suggested tags for a video asset
Given a user selects a video asset for tagging, when the user requests tag suggestions, then the system should display real-time preview of the suggested tags overlaid on the video at different time intervals.
User finalizes tagging with preview
Given the user has reviewed the suggested tags on the asset, when the user finalizes the tagging process, then the system should apply the selected tags to the asset and update the metadata immediately.
Tagging impact assessment
Given the user finalizes tagging with preview, when the tags are applied, then the system should track and provide feedback on the impact of the tags on search results and content organization.


Enable real-time, simultaneous editing of media assets, allowing multiple users to collaborate and make changes instantaneously. Enhances productivity and creativity by facilitating seamless, live collaboration on media content.


Real-time Collaboration
User Story

As a content creator, I want to collaborate with my team in real time while editing media assets, so that we can work together efficiently and creatively without delays or version control issues.


Enable real-time, simultaneous collaboration and editing of media assets, allowing multiple users to work together on the same content. This feature will enhance productivity and creativity by facilitating seamless, live collaboration on media content.

Acceptance Criteria
Users collaborate on a video project in real-time
Given multiple users are editing the same video project, When one user makes changes to the video, Then the changes are immediately reflected for all other users in real-time
Simultaneous editing of image assets by multiple users
Given a group of users are working on editing image assets, When multiple users make changes to the same image asset, Then all changes are visible to other users in real-time without conflicts
Real-time audio editing collaboration
Given a team of audio editors are working on a music track, When one editor adds or modifies audio elements, Then all other editors can instantly hear the changes in real-time
Version Control Integration
User Story

As a media producer, I want the system to automatically manage versions of media assets during real-time collaboration, so that I can easily track changes, manage versions, and avoid conflicting edits.


Integrate robust version control system to track and manage changes made to media assets during real-time collaboration. This integration ensures that all changes are tracked, versions are managed, and conflicts are resolved seamlessly.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to be able to see a real-time version history of the media asset being edited.
Given that multiple users are collaborating on editing a media asset, when I access the version control feature, then I should be able to view a chronological list of changes made, including user details and timestamps.
As a user, I want to know when conflicts occur during real-time collaboration on media assets.
Given that multiple users are editing the same media asset, when conflicting changes are made, then an immediate notification should be displayed, prompting users to resolve the conflict.
As a platform admin, I want to ensure that the version control system is scalable and efficient for large media files.
Given a large media file is being edited in real-time, when the version control system processes the changes, then it should maintain high performance and responsiveness without impacting the user experience.
Activity Feed and Notifications
User Story

As a team member, I want to receive real-time notifications about changes made to media assets during real-time collaboration, so that I can stay informed and contribute effectively to the collaborative editing process.


Implement activity feed and real-time notifications to keep users informed about changes, edits, and comments made by collaborators during real-time editing. This feature will enhance transparency and enable users to stay updated on project progress.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a real-time notification when a collaborator makes changes to a shared media asset
Given a user is collaborating on a media asset, when a collaborator makes changes to the asset, then the user should receive a real-time notification about the changes.
User is notified when a new comment is posted on a shared media asset
Given a user is viewing a shared media asset, when a new comment is posted on the asset, then the user should receive a real-time notification about the new comment.
User can view an activity feed showing a chronological list of edits and comments made by collaborators
Given a user is working on a shared media asset, when the user accesses the activity feed, then the feed should display a chronological list of edits and comments made by collaborators in real-time.


Create a centralized platform for sharing feedback, comments, and suggestions on media assets. Streamlines communication and collaboration by providing a dedicated space for constructive input, improving content quality and iteration.


Feedback Form
User Story

As a content creator, I want to be able to share my feedback and suggestions on media assets easily, so that the content quality can be improved and iterated upon based on constructive input from the team.


Create a feedback form feature that allows users to provide comments, suggestions, and feedback on media assets. The feature will include customizable fields for different types of feedback, such as text comments, ratings, and file attachments. It will support real-time updates and notifications to facilitate quick responses and actions based on the feedback provided. The feedback data will be stored securely and integrated into the media asset management system for continuous improvement of content quality.

Acceptance Criteria
User submits a text comment
Given a media asset, when a user submits a text comment in the feedback form, then the comment is saved and displayed in the feedback hub.
User attaches a file to the feedback
Given a media asset, when a user attaches a file to the feedback, then the file is uploaded and accessible within the feedback hub.
Real-time notifications for new feedback
Given a feedback form, when a user submits feedback, then real-time notifications are sent to relevant users for quick responses and actions.
Customizable feedback fields
Given a feedback form, when a user provides feedback, then the form includes customizable fields for different types of feedback such as text comments, ratings, and file attachments.
Feedback data integration
Given feedback provided by users, when the data is saved securely, then it is integrated into the media asset management system for continuous improvement of content quality.
Feedback Collaboration
User Story

As a team member, I want to be able to discuss and collaborate on feedback for media assets with my colleagues, so that we can collectively work towards improving the quality of our content.


Enable collaborative feedback sharing and discussion among team members within the platform. This feature will allow users to view and respond to each other's feedback, initiate discussions, and work together to refine and enhance media assets. It will support threaded comments, @mentions, and notifications to ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members. The goal is to create a cohesive feedback environment that fosters teamwork and drives continuous improvement of media content.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new feedback entry for a media asset and adds detailed comments and suggestions.
Given a user has permission to add feedback, when the user creates a new feedback entry for a media asset and provides detailed comments and suggestions, then the entry is successfully added with the user's comments and suggestions.
User responds to a feedback entry and initiates a threaded discussion with other team members.
Given a user has permission to respond to feedback, when the user selects a feedback entry to respond to and initiates a threaded discussion with other team members, then the response is successfully added and visible with threaded comments.
User mentions another team member in a feedback comment to notify and involve them in the discussion.
Given a user has permission to mention other team members, when the user mentions another team member in a feedback comment, then the mentioned team member receives a notification and can view the comment, and the comment shows the mentioned user's name as a link.
User receives a notification when a team member responds to their feedback entry or mentions them in a comment.
Given a user has permission to receive notifications, when a team member responds to the user's feedback entry or mentions the user in a comment, then the user receives a notification with the relevant details.
User views a list of feedback entries and their corresponding status (open, in progress, resolved).
Given a user has permission to view feedback entries, when the user accesses the feedback list, then the user can see the status of each entry (open, in progress, resolved) next to the entry title.
User filters and sorts feedback entries based on various criteria (e.g., date, status, media asset).
Given a user has permission to filter and sort feedback entries, when the user applies filters and sorting options, then the feedback entries are displayed according to the selected criteria, and the sorting order is as specified.
Feedback Analytics
User Story

As an administrator, I want to access analytics on feedback data, so that I can gain insights into the performance and quality of media assets based on user feedback, allowing us to make informed decisions for content enhancement.


Implement feedback analytics to capture and analyze feedback data. This feature will provide insights into common themes, trends, and sentiment analysis based on the feedback received. It will offer visual representations of data, such as charts and graphs, to help users understand the impact of feedback on content quality. The analytics will empower content creators and administrators to make informed decisions for content improvement and identify areas for enhancement.

Acceptance Criteria
Content Creator Feedback Analysis
Given a set of feedback data from content creators, when the feedback analytics feature is used to analyze the data, then it should provide visual representations such as charts and graphs showing common themes, trends, and sentiment analysis.
Admin Feedback Insights
Given a dashboard view of feedback analytics, when an admin accesses the feedback insights, then they should be able to identify areas for content improvement and make informed decisions for enhancement based on the data provided.
Feedback Analytics Performance
Given a large volume of feedback data, when the feedback analytics feature is used to process and analyze the data, then it should deliver results within a reasonable processing time to ensure efficient data analysis.


Implement robust version tracking functionality to monitor changes, revisions, and iterations of media assets. Enhances workflow efficiency and content management by enabling users to track and compare different versions of media assets.


Version Comparison
User Story

As a content creator, I want to compare different versions of media assets so that I can track changes and revisions, make informed decisions, and collaborate effectively with my team.


Implement a feature that allows users to compare different versions of media assets, including changes, revisions, and iterations. This functionality will enhance workflow efficiency and content management by providing users with the ability to track and analyze the differences between versions of media assets, facilitating informed decision-making and effective collaboration.

Acceptance Criteria
User compares two versions of a video asset to identify changes in the video content, such as color correction, visual effects, and editing.
Given a video asset with two different versions, when the user selects the 'Compare Versions' option, then the system displays a split-screen view of the two versions side by side with synchronized playback, allowing the user to visually compare differences.
User reviews the audio changes between the latest and previous version of an audio asset.
Given an audio asset with two different versions, when the user selects the 'Compare Versions' option, then the system provides an audio waveform comparison visualization and a timeline display of audio changes, allowing the user to identify and listen to specific differences between versions.
User collaborates with team members to jointly review and approve changes in an image asset.
Given an image asset with multiple versions, when a team member comments on a specific area of the asset, then the system highlights the comment and connects it to the corresponding version, enabling collaborative review and approval of changes.
Version History
User Story

As a media manager, I want to view a detailed history of changes and iterations for media assets so that I can track the evolution of content, audit changes, and restore previous versions when needed.


Develop a comprehensive version history feature that offers a detailed timeline of changes and iterations for each media asset. This feature will provide users with a clear and organized view of the evolution of media assets, enabling efficient tracking, auditing, and restoration of previous versions.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the version history feature for a specific media asset
Given a specific media asset, when the user accesses the version history feature, then the system displays a timeline of changes and iterations for the media asset.
User compares different versions of a media asset
Given a specific media asset with multiple versions, when the user selects two versions to compare, then the system presents a clear comparison of the differences between the selected versions.
User restores a previous version of a media asset
Given a specific media asset with a version history, when the user selects a previous version to restore, then the system successfully reverts the media asset to the selected version.
Version Rollback
User Story

As a content editor, I want to rollback to previous versions of media assets so that I can restore content to earlier states and manage unwanted changes effectively.


Create functionality that allows users to revert to previous versions of media assets, restoring content to earlier states when necessary. This feature will provide users with the ability to manage and recover from unwanted changes, ensuring content integrity and facilitating efficient content restoration.

Acceptance Criteria
User reverts to a previous version of a media asset
Given a media asset has multiple versions, When the user selects a specific version and initiates the rollback action, Then the media asset is restored to the selected version.
User confirms successful rollback
Given the user has initiated a rollback action, When the rollback process is complete, Then the user receives a confirmation message and the media asset reflects the restored version.
System handles rollback errors
Given the rollback action encounters an error, When the system fails to restore the selected version, Then an error message is displayed, and the media asset remains unchanged.
Audit trail records rollback activity
Given the user initiates a rollback action, When the rollback is completed, Then the audit trail logs the activity, capturing details of the restoration process and the versions involved.


Introduce a notification center to keep users informed about real-time updates, comments, and changes made to shared media assets. Enhances user engagement and collaboration by providing timely alerts and notifications for seamless communication.


Real-Time Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive real-time notifications about updates and comments on shared media assets, so that I can stay informed and actively participate in collaborative projects.


Implement a real-time notification system to alert users about updates, comments, and changes made to shared media assets. This system will enhance user engagement and collaboration by providing timely, relevant notifications and alerts, improving communication and workflow efficiency within the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
A user receives a real-time notification for a new comment on a shared media asset
Given the user is logged in and has access to the shared media asset, when a new comment is added to the asset, then the user should receive a real-time notification with the details of the comment.
A user receives a real-time notification for an update on a shared media asset
Given the user is logged in and has access to the shared media asset, when an update is made to the asset, then the user should receive a real-time notification with the details of the update.
A user receives a real-time notification for a change in a shared media asset version
Given the user is logged in and has access to the shared media asset, when a new version of the asset is uploaded, then the user should receive a real-time notification with the details of the version change.
A user can view all unread notifications in the notification center
Given the user is logged in and has unread notifications, when the user accesses the notification center, then all unread notifications should be visible and marked as unread.
A user can mark a notification as read in the notification center
Given the user is logged in and has unread notifications, when the user interacts with a notification and marks it as read, then the notification should be updated as read in the notification center.
Notification Preferences
User Story

As a user, I want to customize my notification preferences, so that I can control the types of updates and activities for which I receive notifications, ensuring a personalized and focused notification experience.


Develop a feature that allows users to customize their notification preferences, enabling them to choose the types of updates and activities they want to be notified about. This customization enhances user experience and ensures that users receive only relevant and meaningful notifications, contributing to a personalized and efficient platform usage.

Acceptance Criteria
User Customizes Notification Preferences
Given that the user is logged into the LensLyft platform and navigates to the account settings, when the user selects the 'Notification Preferences' option, then they should be presented with a customizable list of notification types and activities with checkboxes for selection.
User Selects Notification Types
Given that the user is on the 'Notification Preferences' page and presented with a list of notification types and activities, when the user selects specific notification types and activities and saves the preferences, then the selected preferences should be saved and reflected in the user's account settings.
User Receives Customized Notifications
Given that the user has customized their notification preferences and saved the settings, when a relevant activity or update occurs based on the selected preferences, then the user should receive a real-time notification via the NotificationCenter feature.
Notification History
User Story

As a user, I want to access a history of past notifications, so that I can review and revisit important updates and activities, ensuring that no relevant information is missed.


Create a notification history function that archives past notifications for reference and review. This feature provides users with a record of all past notifications, ensuring that important updates and activities can be revisited and reviewed when needed, contributing to an organized and informed user experience.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the notification history from the NotificationCenter feature
Given that the user is logged in and has the necessary permissions, When the user navigates to the notification center and selects the notification history tab, Then they should see a list of past notifications with details such as date, time, sender, and message content.
User reviews and filters past notifications in the notification history
Given that the user is on the notification history page, When the user applies filters based on date, sender, or notification type, Then the notifications should be displayed according to the applied filters, allowing the user to easily find and review specific notifications.
User marks notifications as read or unread in the notification history
Given that the user is viewing the notification history, When the user selects individual or multiple notifications and marks them as read or unread, Then the notifications' read status should be updated accordingly, providing a clear indication of which notifications have been viewed.
System archives and stores notifications in the notification history
Given that the system generates notifications for user actions, When a notification is created, it should be automatically archived in the notification history, storing relevant details such as date, time, sender, and message content for future reference.
User performs a search in the notification history
Given that the user is on the notification history page, When the user enters search keywords or phrases in the search bar, Then the notifications matching the search criteria should be displayed, enabling the user to quickly find specific notifications based on their search terms.


Safeguard digital media assets with granular access control, allowing users to set and manage role-based permissions for secure and controlled access to sensitive content. Enable administrators to define user privileges and access levels, ensuring data protection and confidentiality within the digital asset management platform.


Access Permission Management
User Story

As a content administrator, I want to define and manage role-based permissions for secure access to sensitive content, so that I can ensure data protection and confidentiality within the digital asset management platform.


Implement a comprehensive access permission management system that allows users to define and manage role-based permissions for secure and controlled access to digital media assets. The system should integrate seamlessly with the existing platform, providing granular control over user privileges and access levels to ensure data protection and confidentiality.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets role-based permissions for specific digital media assets
Given a user has the appropriate permissions, when they access the digital media assets, then they can define and manage role-based permissions for specific assets.
Administrator defines user privileges and access levels
Given an administrator access, when they configure user privileges and access levels, then the changes are reflected in the access permission management system.
User attempts to access a restricted digital media asset
Given a user attempts to access a restricted digital media asset, when they do not have the appropriate permissions, then access is denied and an appropriate message is displayed.
User revokes access to a specific digital media asset
Given a user has access to a specific digital media asset, when they revoke access, then the asset becomes inaccessible to users without the appropriate permissions.
User receives notifications for permission changes
Given a user is affected by a permission change, when a change occurs, then the user receives a notification with details about the change.
User Privilege Configuration
User Story

As a system administrator, I want to assign specific user privileges for different categories of digital media assets, so that I can ensure controlled and secure content management within the platform.


Develop a user privilege configuration feature that enables administrators to define user-specific privileges, such as read, write, and edit permissions, for different categories of digital media assets. This feature should enhance the platform's capability to assign and manage precise access rights for individual users, ensuring controlled and secure content management.

Acceptance Criteria
Admin assigns read and write permissions to specific user for a category of assets
Given the Admin has appropriate privileges and access, when the Admin assigns read and write permissions to a specific user for a category of assets, then the user can only read and write to the specified category of assets and not others.
Admin revokes edit permissions from a user for a specific asset
Given the Admin has appropriate privileges and access, when the Admin revokes edit permissions from a user for a specific asset, then the user is no longer able to edit the specified asset.
User attempts to access an asset without appropriate permissions
Given a user attempts to access an asset without appropriate permissions, when the user tries to open the asset, then a permissions error is displayed, and the user is denied access.
Activity Logging and Monitoring
User Story

As a compliance officer, I want to monitor and track user interactions with digital media assets, so that I can ensure compliance, security, and accountability for auditing purposes.


Integrate activity logging and monitoring functionality to track and record user interactions with digital media assets, providing a comprehensive log of user activities for auditing and security purposes. This feature should offer real-time monitoring and detailed reporting of user actions within the platform, enhancing security and accountability.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in and accesses the activity logging feature
Given a user is logged into the system, when they navigate to the activity logging section, then they should be able to view a real-time log of user interactions and activities.
Administrator manages role-based permissions for user access
Given an administrator is logged into the system, when they set role-based permissions for a user, then the user's access to sensitive content should be restricted according to the defined permissions.
Security team reviews detailed reports of user actions
Given the security team accesses the reporting feature, when they generate a detailed report of user actions, then the report should include a comprehensive log of user interactions for auditing and security purposes.


Implement robust encryption and decryption mechanisms to protect digital media assets, providing a secure and tamper-proof environment for storing and sharing sensitive content. KeyGuard ensures that data is safeguarded using advanced cryptographic techniques, safeguarding against unauthorized access and data breaches.


Secure Asset Storage
User Story

As a content creator, I want my media assets to be securely stored and protected from unauthorized access, so that I can trust that my sensitive content is safe and secure.


Implement secure encryption and decryption techniques to protect digital media assets from unauthorized access and tampering. This ensures that sensitive content is safeguarded, providing a secure environment for storage and sharing of media assets within LensLyft's digital asset management platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a media asset for storage
Given a user uploads a media asset, When the asset is stored, Then the asset is encrypted using advanced encryption techniques to secure it from unauthorized access and tampering.
User retrieves a stored media asset for editing
Given a user retrieves a stored media asset for editing, When the asset is accessed for editing, Then the asset is decrypted using the appropriate decryption key to allow authorized access and modification.
User shares a media asset with a collaborator
Given a user shares a media asset with a collaborator, When the asset is shared, Then the shared asset remains encrypted during the transfer and is decrypted using the recipient's decryption key upon receipt.
Access Control and Permissions
User Story

As a system administrator, I want to control and manage user access to digital media assets based on their roles and responsibilities, so that I can maintain the security and integrity of the media assets.


Develop a robust access control system to manage user permissions and define role-based access to digital media assets. This feature will enable administrators to control user access and privileges, ensuring that only authorized personnel can view, edit, or share specific media content.

Acceptance Criteria
User Role Assignment
Given a user with administrator privileges, when assigning roles to other users, then the system should allow the administrator to define specific permissions for each user role.
Role-Based Access
Given a media asset with restricted access, when a user attempts to access the asset, then the system should only allow access if the user's role grants permission to view or modify the asset.
Permission Management
Given a user with editing permissions, when modifying a media asset, then the system should track and log all changes made to the asset, including the user responsible for the modifications.
Access Revocation
Given a user with revoked access, when attempting to access a media asset, then the system should deny access and display a notification informing the user that their access has been revoked.
Audit Trail and Logging
User Story

As a compliance manager, I want to track and review all user activities and changes made to digital media assets, so that I can ensure regulatory compliance and accountability in the management of media content.


Integrate an audit trail system to track and log all user interactions and activities related to digital media assets. This will provide a comprehensive record of user actions and changes made to the media content, enhancing transparency and accountability within the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User logs in and accesses the media assets
Given a user is logged in, when they access the media assets, then the audit trail system logs the user interaction and activity.
User makes changes to a media asset
Given a user makes changes to a media asset, when the changes are saved, then the audit trail system logs the user's action and the changes made.
Admin deletes a media asset
Given an admin deletes a media asset, when the deletion is confirmed, then the audit trail system logs the admin's action and the details of the deleted asset.
User requests access to a restricted media asset
Given a user requests access to a restricted media asset, when the request is submitted, then the audit trail system logs the user's access request.
User shares a media asset with another user
Given a user shares a media asset with another user, when the asset is shared, then the audit trail system logs the sharing activity and the users involved.


Enable comprehensive audit trails and activity tracking to monitor user interactions and changes made to digital media assets. AuditTrak provides visibility into user actions, version history, and content modifications, facilitating compliance, accountability, and forensic analysis of access and usage within the digital asset management system.


User Activity Logging
User Story

As a digital asset manager, I want to track and monitor user activities on the platform, so that I can ensure compliance, accountability, and conduct forensic analysis of user interactions.


Implement a system to log and track user activities within the digital asset management system. This includes capturing user interactions, content modifications, and version history for audit and analysis purposes. The feature will enhance accountability, compliance, and forensic analysis of user actions.

Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new asset and saves the changes
When a user creates a new asset and saves the changes, the system logs the user's action, including the asset details and creation timestamp
User modifies an existing asset
When a user modifies an existing asset and saves the changes, the system logs the user's action, including the asset details and modification timestamp
User views asset version history
When a user views the version history of an asset, the system displays a detailed log of all previous versions, including the user who made the changes and the timestamps
Admin accesses the audit trail for compliance check
When an admin accesses the audit trail, the system provides a comprehensive log of user interactions, modifications, and version history for compliance verification
Version History
User Story

As a content creator, I want to view and revert to previous versions of digital media assets, so that I can maintain control over content changes and avoid accidental data loss.


Integrate a version history tracking mechanism to record changes made to digital media assets over time. This feature will provide users with the ability to view and revert to previous versions, ensuring comprehensive content control and mitigating the risk of accidental data loss or unauthorized modifications.

Acceptance Criteria
User View Version History
Given a user has permission to access a digital media asset, when they navigate to the asset details page, then they should be able to see a list of all previous versions of the asset, including date and time of modification.
Revert to Previous Version
Given a user has permission to edit a digital media asset, when they select a previous version from the version history, then the system should revert the asset to the selected version without data loss or corruption.
Audit Trail for Version Changes
Given a user makes a change to a digital media asset, when the change is saved, then an entry recording the modification, including the user responsible and timestamp, should be added to the audit trail for future reference.
Version History Access Control
Given a user role has restricted access to version history, when attempting to view the version history of a digital media asset, then the system should enforce access controls and only display version information based on the user's permissions.
Content Modification Alerts
User Story

As a project collaborator, I want to receive notifications about changes made to specific media assets, so that I can stay informed and take appropriate action if needed.


Develop a notification system to alert users about modifications made to specific digital media assets. This feature will provide real-time alerts for content changes, ensuring that users are informed about modifications and can take action if necessary.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to receive an alert when a digital media asset is modified, so I can review the changes and take appropriate action if necessary.
Given a digital media asset is modified, when the system detects the modification, then an alert notification is sent to the user.
As a user, I want to view a detailed history of modifications made to a digital media asset, so I can track changes and understand the evolution of the content.
Given a digital media asset, when I request the modification history, then the system displays all previous modifications with timestamps and user details.
As an admin, I want the ability to configure the frequency and method of receiving content modification alerts, so I can customize the notification settings based on user preferences and system requirements.
Given the notification settings menu, when I configure the alert frequency and method, then the system saves and applies my preferences for content modification alerts.


Apply dynamic watermarking to media assets to deter unauthorized distribution and ensure content ownership. WaterMarkit embeds unique identifiers and copyright information into media files, preventing unauthorized usage and protecting intellectual property rights, enhancing security and content authenticity.


Watermark Generation
User Story

As a digital asset manager, I want to be able to add dynamic watermarks to media assets to protect intellectual property and prevent unauthorized distribution, so that I can ensure content ownership and security.


Implement a feature to dynamically generate watermarks for media assets with unique identifiers and copyright information. This feature will provide a seamless and efficient way to apply watermarks, enhancing content security and authenticity within the LensLyft platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a video and applies a watermark
Given the user is on the media asset details page, When the user selects the 'Apply Watermark' option, Then the system generates a dynamic watermark with unique identifiers and copyright information, and applies it to the video.
User previews a watermarked video
Given the user is on the media asset details page, When the user selects the 'Preview Watermarked' option, Then the system displays the watermarked video with the dynamic watermark and copyright information.
User disables the watermark for a specific video
Given the user is on the media asset details page, When the user selects the 'Disable Watermark' option for a specific video, Then the system removes the dynamic watermark and copyright information from the video.
Watermark Customization
User Story

As a content creator, I want to have the ability to customize watermark settings for my media assets, so that I can maintain brand consistency and enhance content protection.


Enable users to customize and configure watermark settings including position, size, opacity, and style for media assets. This customization feature offers flexibility and control in applying watermarks to meet specific branding and security requirements.

Acceptance Criteria
User customizes watermark position and size
Given the user has uploaded a media asset and accessed the watermark customization settings, when the user adjusts the position and size of the watermark, then the changes should be visibly reflected in the preview of the media asset.
User adjusts watermark opacity and style
Given the user has selected a media asset and accessed the watermark customization settings, when the user modifies the opacity and style of the watermark, then the changes should be applied to the media asset and be visible in the final output.
User saves and applies customized watermark settings
Given the user has finalized the watermark customization, when the user saves the changes and applies the customized watermark settings to the media asset, then the watermarked media asset should be generated with the customizations according to the user's settings.
Watermark Analytics
User Story

As a media rights manager, I want to have access to analytics that track the usage and distribution of watermarked content, so that I can make informed decisions about content strategy and copyright protection.


Integrate analytics to track and monitor the usage and distribution of watermarked media assets. This analytics feature will provide insights into the reach and impact of watermarked content, aiding in content strategy and rights management.

Acceptance Criteria
Track usage of watermarked media assets
Given a set of watermarked media assets, when users access or distribute the assets, then the analytics system records the user interactions and generates usage reports.
Monitor distribution channels for watermarked media assets
Given watermarked media assets, when the assets are distributed through various channels, then the analytics system tracks the distribution channels and provides visibility into the spread of the assets.
Analyze engagement with watermarked content
Given access to usage data for watermarked media assets, when analyzing engagement metrics such as views, shares, and downloads, then the analytics system aggregates and presents the engagement data in a comprehensive report.


Introduce real-time event alerts and notifications for suspicious activities, unauthorized access attempts, or security breaches within the digital asset management platform. EventAlert provides proactive monitoring and notification capabilities, enabling timely responses and interventions to mitigate security risks and prevent data compromises.


Real-time Monitoring
User Story

As a digital asset manager, I want to receive real-time alerts for any suspicious activities or security breaches, so that I can take immediate action to protect the digital assets and mitigate security risks.


Implement real-time monitoring capabilities to detect and track suspicious activities, unauthorized access attempts, and security breaches within the digital asset management platform. This requirement is essential for proactive threat detection and timely intervention, ensuring the security and integrity of the digital assets.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a real-time notification for a suspicious login attempt.
Given a suspicious login attempt is detected, when the system validates the attempt, then a real-time notification is sent to the user's registered email address.
Security breach is detected and alerted in real-time.
Given a security breach is detected, when the system verifies the breach, then an immediate notification is sent to the administrator with details of the breach.
User is alerted in real-time for unauthorized access to sensitive assets.
Given unauthorized access to sensitive assets is attempted, when the system identifies the unauthorized access, then a real-time notification is sent to the user's dashboard.
Notification System
User Story

As a user of the digital asset management platform, I want to receive notifications for security events and system updates, so that I can stay informed and take necessary actions as needed.


Develop a notification system to deliver timely alerts and notifications to users and administrators regarding security events, system updates, and important platform activities. This system will enhance communication and enable quick response to security incidents and system changes.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Security Alert for Unauthorized Access Attempt
Given a user attempts unauthorized access to the system, when the system detects the attempt, then a real-time security alert notification is sent to the user and administrators with details of the attempt.
System Update Notification
Given a system update is scheduled, when the update is initiated, then a notification is sent to all users informing them about the schedule, expected downtime, and impact on their workflow.
Administrator Receives Security Breach Alert
Given a security breach occurs, when the breach is detected, then an immediate security breach alert notification is sent to the system administrators, providing details of the breach and recommended actions.
Audit Trail Logging
User Story

As a platform administrator, I want to access detailed audit trail logs of user activities and system changes, so that I can ensure compliance, investigate security incidents, and maintain data integrity.


Enable comprehensive audit trail logging to record and track all user activities, system changes, and data access within the platform. This logging feature will provide extensive visibility into platform usage and security-related events, supporting accountability and forensic investigations.

Acceptance Criteria
User Access Logging
Given a user accesses the digital asset management platform, When the user performs an action (e.g., upload, download, delete), Then the system logs the user's activity, including the action performed, timestamp, and user details.
System Changes Tracking
Given a system change occurs within the platform (e.g., configuration changes, software updates), When the change is implemented, Then the system records the details of the change, including timestamp, nature of the change, and user responsible.
Data Access Monitoring
Given a user accesses specific data within the platform, When the user views, edits, or shares the data, Then the system logs the data access activities, including user ID, data object, access type, and timestamp.

Press Articles

Introducing LensLyft: Revolutionizing Digital Asset Management for Media and Entertainment

LensLyft is changing the game for the media and entertainment industry, offering AI-powered metadata tagging, robust version control, and seamless integration with popular editing software. This game-changing platform provides effortless organization, real-time collaboration, and state-of-the-art security, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and a hassle-free digital asset management experience. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, LensLyft's scalable platform enhances productivity and fosters creativity, making digital asset management a breeze. Unlock media mastery with LensLyft today!

Empowering Content Creators: LensLyft Redefines Digital Asset Management

Content Creators are now equipped with LensLyft, a groundbreaking solution that streamlines the storage, organization, and collaboration on media assets. With LensLyft, seamless workflows and optimized productivity are no longer just aspirations, but a reality for content creators in the media and entertainment industry. Unlock the power of efficient digital asset management with LensLyft and take your creative process to new heights!

LensLyft: Transforming Digital Asset Management for Media Managers

Media Managers now have a game-changing tool at their disposal. LensLyft facilitates the maintenance of a centralized repository of media content, control over access and permissions, and streamlines the content management process. It empowers media managers to elevate their content management capabilities, ensuring smooth operations and efficient distribution of digital assets. Discover the transformative power of LensLyft and revolutionize your media management approach today!