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Master Your Warranties

Warranteeze is a powerful, cloud-based SaaS platform transforming warranty management for small to medium-sized businesses, tech-savvy individuals, and home managers. It offers secure, centralized storage for all warranty documents, easy upload with OCR technology, and an intuitive interface. Users benefit from smart categorization, advanced analytics, and automated reminders, ensuring no warranty claims are missed. Collaborative features enable teams to manage warranties collectively. With Warranteeze, streamline warranty management, reduce financial losses, and gain peace of mind.

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Product Details




Master Your Warranties


Warranty Management Software


Redefining warranty management for a seamless, stress-free future.


Warranteeze is a robust, cloud-based SaaS platform designed to empower users in managing, tracking, and optimizing warranties for all their valuable assets. Primarily targeted at small to medium-sized businesses, tech-savvy individuals, and home managers, Warranteeze provides a seamless solution to the common struggles of keeping track of multiple warranties for various products.

Aimed at eradicating the hassle of lost or expired warranties, Warranteeze simplifies warranty management, saving users time and reducing financial losses. Users can store all warranty information in one secure place, accessible only to authorized users. With integrated OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology, uploading and digitally capturing warranty details from receipts or purchase documents is effortless.

Warranteeze’s intuitive user interface ensures that users can navigate the platform with ease. Smart categorization and advanced analytics offer deep insights into warranty trends and utilization, aiding in making informed decisions. Additionally, the platform sends timely reminders and notifications for claim deadlines and upcoming warranty expirations, ensuring users never miss out on warranty benefits.

Collaborative features make Warranteeze a perfect fit for business teams, allowing multiple team members to share and manage warranty information collectively. By leveraging these functionalities, users can optimize their warranty claims, effectively manage assets, and ultimately gain peace of mind.

"Your Warranty, Simplified." Warranteeze revolutionizes warranty management, transforming a traditionally complex process into a streamlined, user-friendly experience.

Target Audience

Small to medium-sized businesses (10-200 employees) needing asset and warranty management; tech-savvy individuals, 25-45, interested in digital organization; home managers, 30-55, overseeing household purchases and maintenance.

Problem Statement

Managing multiple warranties for various products often leads to lost documentation, missed claim deadlines, and unutilized warranties, resulting in frustration and financial losses for small to medium-sized businesses, tech-savvy individuals, and home managers.

Solution Overview

Warranteeze provides a centralized, cloud-based platform designed to efficiently manage and track warranties for various assets. By leveraging secure storage and OCR technology, users can quickly and accurately capture warranty details from purchase documents. The platform's intuitive interface, smart categorization, and advanced analytics offer deep insights into warranty trends, helping users make informed decisions. Timely reminders and notifications ensure that claim deadlines and expirations are never missed. Collaborative features allow multiple team members to share and manage warranty information collectively, making it an ideal solution for small to medium-sized businesses, tech-savvy individuals, and home managers. Overall, Warranteeze simplifies warranty management, reduces financial losses, and enhances user convenience.


Warranteeze revolutionizes warranty management by saving users time and reducing financial losses through its centralized, cloud-based platform. For small to medium-sized businesses, tech-savvy individuals, and home managers, it transforms the traditionally convoluted process of tracking and managing multiple warranties into a streamlined, efficient, and stress-free experience.

By leveraging secure storage and OCR technology, users can quickly capture warranty details from purchase documents, preventing the loss of important information. The platform's intuitive interface and smart categorization deliver deep insights into warranty trends, facilitating informed decision-making. Timely reminders and notifications ensure that claim deadlines and expirations are never missed, maximizing warranty benefits.

Collaborative features further enhance user convenience by enabling multiple team members to share and manage warranty information collectively. Warranteeze empowers its users with a comprehensive solution that not only simplifies warranty management but also contributes to better asset management and financial control.


The inspiration for Warranteeze grew from a shared frustration experienced by many individuals and businesses: the constant struggle of managing multiple warranties for a variety of devices, appliances, and gadgets. The idea was sparked during a challenging moment when important warranty documents were misplaced, and deadlines for claims were missed, leading to wasted money and unnecessary stress. Recognizing this widespread issue, the vision for a unifying, efficient solution began to take shape.

We imagined a platform that could not only simplify the process of tracking and managing warranties but also ensure users never miss out on the benefits they deserve. The goal was to develop a tool that leverages technology to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience, transforming the traditionally tedious task into a streamlined process.

Warranteeze was born out of the desire to alleviate this common pain point. By centralizing warranty information in a secure, cloud-based environment and incorporating advanced features like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for easy document capture and automated reminders for important deadlines, we sought to revolutionize warranty management.

The driving force behind Warranteeze is the commitment to saving users time, reducing financial losses, and providing peace of mind, making it an indispensable tool for small to medium-sized businesses, tech-savvy individuals, and home managers alike.

Long Term Goal

Our long-term goal is to establish Warranteeze as the global standard for warranty management, creating an ecosystem where users seamlessly register, track, and optimize warranties through partnerships with major retailers and manufacturers, ultimately empowering individuals and businesses to maximize asset value and peace of mind.






SavvySaver is a meticulous budget-conscious individual who seeks to track and manage warranties for various purchases, ensuring maximum value and protection. They engage with the product to gain peace of mind and optimize their financial decisions.


Age: 25-40, Gender: Any, Education: Any, Occupation: Budget Analyst, Educator, Freelancer, Income Level: Middle to Upper Middle


SavvySaver has always been meticulous about managing their expenses and ensuring they get the best value for their purchases. They have a keen eye for detail and are always looking for ways to make informed, cost-effective decisions. Whether it's a household appliance or a high-tech gadget, they understand the importance of warranty management in protecting their investments and maintaining financial stability.


SavvySaver values financial security and takes pride in making informed, cost-effective decisions. They are motivated by the prospect of maximizing value and minimizing risk. Their lifestyle reflects a balance between practicality and quality, and they are driven by a desire to protect their investments.


SavvySaver needs a comprehensive platform to efficiently track and manage warranties, enabling them to protect their investments and make informed financial decisions. They seek a solution that aligns with their meticulous approach to budgeting and supports proactive, value-driven decision-making.


SavvySaver faces challenges in efficiently organizing and tracking warranty information, risking potential financial losses and missed opportunities for claims. They encounter frustration in trying to ensure comprehensive protection for their purchases within a budget-conscious approach.


SavvySaver primarily utilizes online platforms, forums, and financial management apps to seek information, validate choices, and engage with brands. They are also open to recommendations from trusted budgeting communities and social media platforms for product research and reviews.


SavvySaver engages with the product regularly, frequently uploading new warranty information, setting reminders, and analyzing warranty-related data. Their usage reflects a proactive, organized approach to managing their warranties and making informed decisions.


SavvySaver makes decisions based on a careful evaluation of cost-effectiveness, risk management, and the platform's ability to align with their meticulous budgeting approach. They also consider peer recommendations, testimonials, and the platform's ease of use and reliability in supporting proactive, value-driven decisions.

Product Ideas

Warranteeze Chatbot Assistant

Integrate an AI-powered chatbot assistant into the Warranteeze platform to provide personalized support, answer warranty-related queries, and offer proactive maintenance suggestions based on user input and document analysis.

Warranteeze Mobile App

Develop a user-friendly mobile application for Warranteeze, allowing users to easily scan and upload warranty documents, receive push notifications for upcoming warranty expirations, and access warranty information on the go.

Warranteeze Integration with E-commerce Platforms

Enable seamless integration with leading e-commerce platforms, allowing users to automatically import product warranty information at the point of purchase, streamlining the warranty documentation process and ensuring all purchases are covered by Warranteeze.

Warranteeze Analytics Dashboard

Implement an advanced analytics dashboard within Warranteeze to provide insights on warranty coverage, expiration trends, and potential financial implications, empowering users to make informed decisions regarding warranty claims and future purchases.

Product Features

Personalized Support

Receive tailored assistance and guidance from an AI-powered chatbot assistant for warranty-related queries, document uploads, and maintenance advice, enhancing the overall user experience.


AI-Powered Chatbot Assistant
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized assistance and guidance from an AI-powered chatbot assistant for warranty-related queries, document uploads, and maintenance advice, so that I can easily manage my warranties and receive timely support.


Develop an AI-powered chatbot assistant feature to provide personalized support for users' warranty-related queries, document uploads, and maintenance advice. The chatbot will leverage natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand user queries and provide tailored responses, enhancing the overall user experience through proactive guidance and assistance.

Acceptance Criteria
User asks for warranty-related information
The chatbot correctly understands the user's query and provides accurate and relevant warranty-related information.
User uploads a warranty document
The chatbot successfully processes the uploaded document using OCR technology and stores it securely in the platform.
User requests maintenance advice
The chatbot analyzes the user's request and provides proactive and personalized maintenance advice based on the warranty information available.
Chatbot fails to understand user query
The chatbot correctly acknowledges its inability to understand the user's query and redirects the user to a human agent for assistance.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Integration
User Story

As a user, I want the chatbot assistant to understand and interpret my warranty-related queries, document uploads, and maintenance information accurately using natural language processing (NLP), so that I can receive personalized and relevant assistance.


Integrate advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to enable the chatbot assistant to understand and interpret user queries, warranty document uploads, and maintenance-related information. The NLP integration will enhance the chatbot's ability to provide accurate and precise responses, improving user interactions and satisfaction.

Acceptance Criteria
User Queries
Given a range of sample warranty-related queries, the NLP integration accurately interprets and provides correct responses.
Document Uploads
When users upload warranty documents with different formats and layouts, the NLP integration accurately extracts relevant information such as warranty duration, coverage details, and product information.
Maintenance Advice
When users seek maintenance advice for specific products, the NLP integration accurately understands and provides relevant maintenance recommendations based on the product's warranty terms and usage.
User Interaction
When engaging with the AI chatbot, users consistently receive accurate and helpful responses for warranty-related queries and document uploads, resulting in positive user feedback and satisfaction.
Machine Learning Model Training
User Story

As a user, I want the chatbot assistant to continuously improve its ability to understand and respond to my warranty-related queries effectively through machine learning model training, so that I can receive personalized and accurate support.


Implement machine learning model training to continuously improve the chatbot assistant's ability to understand and respond to user queries effectively. The model training will enable the chatbot to adapt to user preferences, provide tailored recommendations, and enhance the overall user experience by delivering timely and relevant support.

Acceptance Criteria
User interacts with the chatbot to ask warranty-related queries and receives accurate and relevant responses based on machine learning model training.
Given that the user asks a warranty-related query, when the chatbot responds with accurate and relevant information based on machine learning model training, then the criterion is met.
User uploads a warranty document using the chatbot and receives automated, personalized categorization and storage recommendations based on machine learning model training.
Given that the user uploads a warranty document, when the chatbot provides automated, personalized categorization and storage recommendations based on machine learning model training, then the criterion is met.
User seeks maintenance advice from the chatbot and receives tailored, timely recommendations based on machine learning model training.
Given that the user asks for maintenance advice, when the chatbot provides tailored, timely recommendations based on machine learning model training, then the criterion is met.

Maintenance Suggestions

Proactively receive personalized suggestions for equipment maintenance based on document analysis and user input, ensuring proactive care and extending the lifespan of warranted products.


Document Analysis Engine
User Story

As a user, I want the platform to automatically analyze and extract warranty information from my uploaded documents, so that I can easily store and manage warranty details without manual input.


Develop a sophisticated document analysis engine capable of extracting warranty information from uploaded documents. This engine will utilize OCR technology to accurately scan and interpret warranty documents, enabling seamless storage and categorization within the platform. The engine will enhance user experience by automating the process of capturing warranty details.

Acceptance Criteria
Uploading a Warranty Document
Given a user uploads a warranty document, when the document analysis engine processes the document with OCR technology, then the engine accurately extracts warranty information and categorizes it within the platform.
Viewing Extracted Warranty Information
Given a user accesses a categorized warranty document, when the user views the extracted warranty information, then the information displayed accurately reflects the details from the original document.
Automated Maintenance Suggestions
Given a user's equipment warranty is identified and categorized, when the maintenance suggestion feature analyzes the warranty information, then the user receives personalized maintenance suggestions based on the document analysis.
Personalized Maintenance Suggestions
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized maintenance suggestions based on my warranty documents and input, so that I can proactively care for my warranted products and maximize their lifespan.


Implement a feature that provides personalized maintenance suggestions for warranted products. This feature will leverage the analyzed warranty data and user input to offer proactive maintenance recommendations, enhancing the care and longevity of the products covered by warranties. Users will receive customized maintenance guidance to ensure optimal performance and extended lifespan of their warranted items.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives maintenance suggestions after uploading warranty documents.
Given a user has uploaded warranty documents and provided user input, when the system performs document analysis, then personalized maintenance suggestions are generated based on the analysis and user input.
User views maintenance suggestions for a specific warranted product.
Given a user is viewing a warranted product, when the user clicks on the maintenance suggestions tab, then personalized maintenance recommendations for that product are displayed.
User sets up automated maintenance reminders for warranted products.
Given a user is managing warranted products, when the user enables automated reminders for maintenance, then the system schedules and sends personalized maintenance reminders based on warranty data and user input.
Automated Maintenance Reminders
User Story

As a user, I want to receive automated reminders for maintenance tasks related to my warranted products, so that I can stay updated and proactive in caring for my possessions.


Introduce automated maintenance reminders to notify users of upcoming maintenance tasks for their warranted products. These reminders will be based on the warranty details and maintenance suggestions, ensuring that users stay informed about necessary upkeep activities. The feature will enhance user engagement and promote proactive maintenance, ultimately extending the lifespan and performance of warrantied items.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives First Maintenance Reminder
When a user adds a new warranted product, and the maintenance suggestions are generated, an automated maintenance reminder is scheduled for the first maintenance tasks based on the warranty details and maintenance suggestions.
User Receives Ongoing Maintenance Reminders
When the first maintenance reminder is sent, subsequent reminders are scheduled based on the frequency and type of maintenance tasks recommended for the warranted product, ensuring ongoing user awareness and engagement with maintenance activities.
User Views and Edits Maintenance Reminders
Given that a user has scheduled maintenance reminders, they can view and edit the upcoming maintenance tasks and dates, ensuring flexibility and customization for their maintenance schedule.

Document Analysis

Utilize advanced document analysis capabilities to extract and interpret warranty information from uploaded documents, providing accurate and accessible data for proactive warranty management.


Document Upload Enhancement
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to upload various file formats and have the system extract warranty details accurately so that I can efficiently manage and track all warranty information in a single platform.


Enhance the document upload feature to support multiple file formats including PDF, images, and scanned documents. Implement OCR technology for accurate text extraction and data capture from warranty documents. This enhancement will streamline the process of uploading and analyzing warranty documents, enabling users to access and manage warranty information seamlessly.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a PDF warranty document
Given the user is on the document upload page, when the user selects a PDF warranty document and uploads it, then the system accurately extracts text and warranty information from the document.
User uploads an image of a warranty document
Given the user is on the document upload page, when the user selects an image of a warranty document and uploads it, then the system accurately processes the image, extracts text, and captures warranty information.
User uploads a scanned warranty document
Given the user is on the document upload page, when the user uploads a scanned warranty document, then the OCR technology accurately converts the scanned image to text and captures warranty information.
User views the extracted warranty information
Given the user has uploaded a warranty document, when the document analysis is complete, then the user can view accurate and complete warranty information extracted from the document.
User receives automated reminders for warranty expiration
Given the warranty document information is extracted and saved, when the warranty expiration date approaches, then the user receives automated reminders and notifications.
Warranty Data Extraction
User Story

As a user, I want the system to automatically extract warranty details from uploaded documents, so I can easily view and monitor warranty information without manual data entry.


Implement advanced document analysis capabilities to extract warranty information such as product details, purchase date, expiry date, and terms from uploaded documents. The extracted data will be used to populate the respective fields in the warranty management interface, allowing users to view and monitor warranty details effortlessly.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a warranty document
When a user uploads a warranty document, the system accurately extracts and populates product details, purchase date, expiry date, and terms into the warranty management interface.
User views extracted warranty data
When a user views the extracted warranty data, the information accurately reflects the details from the uploaded document, including product details, purchase date, expiry date, and terms.
Automated reminders for warranty expiration
When a warranty is approaching the expiry date, automated reminders are sent to the user to ensure proactive management and timely action.
Automated Warranty Reminders
User Story

As a user, I want to receive automated reminders for upcoming warranty expirations and maintenance deadlines so that I can take timely action and avoid missed warranty claims or maintenance tasks.


Develop a feature to automatically generate and send reminders for upcoming warranty expirations and maintenance deadlines based on the extracted warranty data. Users will receive proactive notifications, ensuring timely action to avoid missed warranty claims and maintenance activities.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives email reminder 30 days before warranty expiration date
When a warranty expiration date is extracted from the document analysis, an automated email reminder is sent to the user 30 days before the expiration date.
User receives in-app notification for upcoming maintenance deadline
When a maintenance deadline is extracted from the document analysis, an in-app notification is displayed to the user 7 days before the deadline, providing details and action steps.
User accesses a dashboard with upcoming warranty expirations and maintenance deadlines
The user can access a dashboard that displays all upcoming warranty expirations and maintenance deadlines extracted from the documents, allowing them to view, track, and manage the impending expirations and deadlines.
Automated reminders are customizable by the user
Users have the ability to customize the frequency and timing of automated reminders for warranty expirations and maintenance deadlines based on their preferences and workflows.
Automated reminders are sent reliably and consistently
Automated reminders are sent consistently and reliably without delays or technical issues, ensuring that users receive timely notifications for warranty expirations and maintenance deadlines.

Interactive Q&A

Engage in interactive sessions with the chatbot assistant to ask specific warranty-related questions, troubleshoot issues, and gain comprehensive insights into warranty coverage for different products.


Intelligent FAQ Responses
User Story

As a user, I want to ask warranty-related questions and receive accurate and helpful responses, so that I can understand the warranty coverage for different products and troubleshoot issues effectively.


Implement an intelligent FAQ system to provide accurate and relevant responses to users' warranty-related questions. The system should use natural language processing and machine learning to understand and address user inquiries effectively, improving user satisfaction and support quality.

Acceptance Criteria
User asks a warranty-related question via the chatbot
The chatbot understands the user's question accurately and provides a relevant and helpful response within 5 seconds.
User asks for troubleshooting assistance for a specific product warranty issue
The chatbot identifies the product in question, troubleshoots the issue effectively, and offers a comprehensive solution based on warranty coverage policies.
User seeks warranty coverage information for a newly purchased product
The chatbot analyzes the user's query, accesses the relevant warranty information within the system, and presents a clear and detailed overview of the warranty coverage for the specified product.
User provides feedback on the accuracy and helpfulness of the chatbot's responses
The feedback mechanism accurately records and categorizes user feedback to continually improve the chatbot's accuracy and relevance in providing warranty-related information.
Interactive Chatbot Communication
User Story

As a user, I want to engage in interactive sessions with the chatbot to troubleshoot warranty issues and gain comprehensive insights into warranty coverage for different products, so that I can effectively manage and utilize product warranties.


Develop interactive communication capabilities for the chatbot assistant to engage in real-time conversations, troubleshoot warranty issues, and provide personalized insights into warranty coverage. The chatbot should be able to understand context, maintain conversational flow, and offer tailored responses based on user input.

Acceptance Criteria
User asks for warranty coverage for a specific product
The chatbot provides accurate and detailed warranty coverage information for the specified product, including duration, terms, and conditions.
User reports a warranty issue or problem
The chatbot engages in troubleshooting dialogue to identify the nature of the problem, guide the user through relevant questions, and offer potential solutions or next steps.
User initiates a conversation with the chatbot about multiple warranty claims
The chatbot maintains contextual understanding of the ongoing conversation, handles multiple warranty claims, and provides personalized advice or reminders for each claim separately.
User seeks clarification on warranty terms and conditions
The chatbot comprehensively explains complex warranty terms and conditions in a clear and understandable manner, catering to the user's level of technical knowledge.
User expresses dissatisfaction with warranty coverage
The chatbot acknowledges the user's concerns, empathizes with the situation, and presents options for escalating the issue to a human representative for further assistance.
Warranty Claim Guidance
User Story

As a user, I want to receive step-by-step guidance for filing warranty claims, so that I can easily navigate the claim process and ensure accurate submissions for product warranties.


Integrate guided warranty claim assistance to provide users with step-by-step guidance for filing warranty claims. The feature should streamline the process, educate users about claim requirements, and offer templates and instructions for submitting warranty claims, improving the overall warranty management experience.

Acceptance Criteria
User requests guidance for filing a warranty claim
The chatbot provides step-by-step instructions for filing a warranty claim, including necessary documents and procedures
User seeks troubleshooting assistance for a specific product warranty
The chatbot provides personalized troubleshooting guidance based on the user's product and warranty details
User wants to know the coverage details of a specific warranty
The chatbot provides comprehensive insights into the coverage details of the specific warranty, including expiration date, inclusions, and exclusions
User plans to submit a warranty claim for a product
The chatbot offers a pre-filled warranty claim template and assists in filling out the required information for submission

Contextual Guidance

Benefit from contextual guidance and recommendations tailored to the user's individual warranty management needs, ensuring clarity and efficiency in navigating warranty processes.


Personalized Recommendations
User Story

As a user, I want to receive personalized recommendations for warranty management, so that I can efficiently navigate warranty processes and gain clarity on managing my warranties effectively.


Personalized recommendations feature provides users with tailored guidance and suggestions based on their specific warranty management needs. It leverages user data and analytics to offer personalized insights, helping users navigate warranty processes with clarity and efficiency. This feature enhances user experience by delivering relevant and contextual guidance.

Acceptance Criteria
User Profile Setup
Given a new user creates a profile, When they input their warranty details, Then the system accurately captures and stores the information for future use.
Personalized Recommendations Display
Given a user accesses their dashboard, When they view personalized recommendations, Then the system displays relevant and tailored suggestions based on their warranty data and usage patterns.
User Engagement Tracking
Given a user interacts with the personalized recommendations feature, When they act on a recommendation, Then the system tracks and analyzes the user's engagement to optimize future suggestions.
Interactive Guidance Interface
User Story

As a user, I want an interactive guidance interface to help me understand and use different features within the application, so that I can easily navigate and utilize the platform effectively.


The interactive guidance interface creates a user-friendly environment by offering interactive tooltips, guided tours, and contextual help within the application. It aims to assist users in understanding and utilizing different features, improving user adoption and engagement. The interactive guidance interface enhances the overall user experience and facilitates seamless navigation through the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
User Onboarding
When a new user signs up, they should be presented with an interactive tooltip guiding them to upload their first warranty document.
Contextual Help
When a user hovers over a specific feature, they should receive contextual help in the form of a guided tour explaining how to use that feature effectively.
Smart Reminder
When a warranty is about to expire, the system should automatically send a reminder to the user, providing guidance on how to take action and renew the warranty.
Analytical Insights
When a user accesses the analytics dashboard, they should receive personalized recommendations and insights based on their warranty management activities.
Enhanced In-App Support
User Story

As a user, I want enhanced in-app support to quickly access assistance and resources while using the platform, so that I can resolve queries and issues promptly, leading to improved user satisfaction and productivity.


Enhanced in-app support feature integrates a comprehensive support system within the application, including live chat, knowledge base, and ticket submission. This ensures that users have access to prompt assistance and resources while using the platform, leading to improved user satisfaction and productivity. The feature aims to provide on-demand support to users, addressing their queries and issues in real-time.

Acceptance Criteria
User accesses live chat support from the app dashboard
When the user clicks on the live chat icon in the app dashboard, the chat interface opens, allowing the user to initiate a conversation with a support agent.
User searches and accesses relevant knowledge base articles
Given a search bar in the knowledge base section, when the user enters a keyword related to their query, then relevant articles are displayed, and the user can click to access detailed information.
User submits a ticket for an issue
When the user fills out the ticket submission form with the required details and submits the ticket, then the ticket is registered in the system, and the user receives a confirmation message with a unique ticket ID.

Scan & Upload

Effortlessly scan and upload warranty documents using the mobile app, streamlining the process of adding warranty information to the Warranteeze platform on the go.


OCR Integration
User Story

As a busy user on the go, I want to effortlessly scan and upload warranty documents using the mobile app, so that I can quickly and seamlessly add warranty information to the Warranteeze platform without the hassle of manual data entry.


Integrate OCR technology to enable automatic scanning and extraction of warranty information from uploaded documents. This functionality will streamline the process of adding warranty details to the platform, improve data accuracy, and enhance user experience by reducing manual data entry.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a warranty document via the mobile app
Given a user has a warranty document, when they use the mobile app to upload the document, then the OCR technology accurately extracts the warranty information and adds it to the platform
OCR technology extracts warranty information from various document types
Given different document types such as PDFs, images, and scans, when users upload these documents, then the OCR technology successfully extracts warranty details from each type of document
Accuracy of OCR-extracted data is validated
Given OCR-extracted warranty details, when users review the extracted data, then the accuracy rate of the extracted information should be at least 95%
OCR successfully handles varying document qualities
Given warranty documents with varying qualities, when users upload these documents, then the OCR technology effectively processes and extracts the warranty information regardless of document quality
Document Categorization
User Story

As a user managing multiple warranties, I want the system to automatically categorize uploaded warranty documents, so that I can easily locate and access specific warranty information without manual sorting.


Implement smart document categorization to automatically classify uploaded warranty documents into relevant categories such as appliance, electronics, or vehicle warranties. This feature will improve organization, facilitate quick retrieval of warranty information, and enhance user efficiency in managing warranties.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a warranty document using the mobile app
The document is successfully uploaded and stored in the Warranteeze platform
Warranty document is automatically categorized into appliance warranty
The system correctly identifies and categorizes the warranty document for an appliance
Warranty document is automatically categorized into electronics warranty
The system correctly identifies and categorizes the warranty document for electronics
Warranty document is automatically categorized into vehicle warranty
The system correctly identifies and categorizes the warranty document for a vehicle
Reminder Automation
User Story

As a user concerned about warranty expirations, I want to receive automated reminders for approaching warranty expiration dates, so that I can efficiently track and address expiring warranties without missing key deadlines.


Enable automated reminders for approaching warranty expiration dates and claim submission deadlines. This capability will help users stay proactive in managing warranty timelines, reducing the risk of missed claims and ensuring timely action on expiring warranties.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads warranty document via mobile app
Given a user is logged in and on the mobile app, when the user selects a warranty document to upload and initiates the scan, then the document is successfully uploaded to the Warranteeze platform.
Automated reminder for approaching warranty expiration dates
Given a user has a warranty with an approaching expiration date, when the system detects the approaching expiration date, then an automated reminder is sent to the user.
Automated reminder for warranty claim submission deadlines
Given a user has a warranty with an upcoming claim submission deadline, when the system detects the deadline, then an automated reminder is sent to the user.

Push Notifications

Receive timely push notifications for upcoming warranty expirations, ensuring proactive management and preventing missed warranty claims or renewals.


User Preference Settings
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to customize my notification preferences so that I receive only the most relevant and important warranty notifications based on my specific needs and preferences.


Allow users to set preferences for the types of warranty notifications they wish to receive, such as expiration reminders, renewal alerts, and important updates. This feature provides control and personalization, enhancing user experience and ensuring relevant and timely notifications.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets expiration reminder preference
Given the user is logged into the Warranteeze platform and navigates to the notification settings page, When the user selects the option to set expiration reminder preference, Then the system should display a list of available settings and allow the user to choose preferred notification frequency.
User sets renewal alert preference
Given the user is logged into the Warranteeze platform and navigates to the notification settings page, When the user selects the option to set renewal alert preference, Then the system should provide configurable options for renewal alert settings and allow the user to customize their preferences.
User sets important update preference
Given the user is logged into the Warranteeze platform and navigates to the notification settings page, When the user selects the option to set important update preference, Then the system should present relevant categories of important updates and enable the user to select preferred notification topics.
Push Notification Scheduling
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to schedule push notifications for warranty expirations at convenient times, so that I can effectively manage warranty renewals and claims without disruptions to my workflow.


Enable users to schedule the timing and frequency of push notifications for upcoming warranty expirations. This flexibility allows users to align notifications with their operational schedules and ensure timely attention to warranty management tasks.

Acceptance Criteria
User schedules a daily push notification for warranty expirations
Given the user has an active warranty with upcoming expiration dates, when the user sets the push notification frequency to daily, then the system sends a push notification every day for upcoming expirations
User schedules a weekly push notification for warranty expirations
Given the user has an active warranty with upcoming expiration dates, when the user sets the push notification frequency to weekly, then the system sends a push notification every week for upcoming expirations
User cancels a scheduled push notification for warranty expiration
Given the user has scheduled push notifications for upcoming expirations, when the user cancels a specific notification, then the system stops sending push notifications for that expiration
User sets a specific time for push notification
Given the user has an active warranty with upcoming expiration dates, when the user sets a specific time for push notifications, then the system sends push notifications at the specified time for upcoming expirations
Notification History and Reporting
User Story

As a user, I want to access a detailed history of all warranty notifications and generate reports on notification activities, so that I can track warranty management tasks and maintain a record of communication related to warranty expirations and claims.


Provide users with a comprehensive history and reporting feature for all warranty notifications, including a log of sent notifications, user interactions, and response tracking. This feature enables users to review past notifications, track warranty management activities, and generate reports for auditing or analysis purposes.

Acceptance Criteria
User views notification history
When the user navigates to the notification history section, they should see a chronological list of all past notifications, including details such as date, type of notification, and associated warranty.
User interacts with notifications
When the user receives a notification, they should be able to interact with it by marking it as read, acknowledging receipt, or dismissing the notification.
User generates notification reports
When the user requests a notification report, the system should generate a comprehensive report with details such as notification frequency, user interactions, and response tracking, in a downloadable format.
User sets notification preferences
When the user sets notification preferences, they should be able to choose the types of notifications they want to receive, frequency of notifications, and preferred communication channels.

Mobile Access

Access and view warranty information on the go, empowering users to conveniently retrieve details and track warranty status from their mobile devices.


Mobile-Friendly Interface
User Story

As a user, I want to access warranty information on my mobile device so that I can conveniently retrieve details and track warranty status while on the move.


Implement a responsive and intuitive interface that adapts to various mobile devices, offering seamless access to warranty information. This feature enhances user experience by providing easy navigation and optimal display of data on mobile screens, ensuring convenient access and usage on the go.

Acceptance Criteria
User views warranty details on a smartphone
Given the user opens the Warranteeze platform on a smartphone, when they access the warranty details, then the interface should adapt to the screen size and display information clearly and navigably.
User accesses warranty analytics on a tablet
Given the user logs into Warranteeze on a tablet, when they navigate to the warranty analytics section, then the charts and graphs should be responsive and easy to interact with using touch controls.
User receives a warranty claim reminder on a mobile device
Given the user has set up a warranty claim reminder, when the reminder is triggered on a mobile device, then the notification should display clearly and allow the user to directly access the relevant warranty details.
Offline Access
User Story

As a user, I want to access warranty information even without internet connection so that I can view and manage warranties in areas with limited connectivity.


Enable offline access to warranty documents, allowing users to view and manage warranty information without an active internet connection. This capability ensures uninterrupted access to critical warranty details, even in areas with limited or no internet connectivity, enhancing the platform's reliability and user convenience.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to access and view warranty information on my mobile device.
Given the user has an internet connection and the mobile app is installed, when the user navigates to the warranty information section, then the warranty details are displayed in a clear and accessible format.
As a user, I want to access warranty information even without an internet connection.
Given the user has previously accessed the warranty information with an internet connection, when the user opens the mobile app without an internet connection, then the previously accessed warranty details are available for viewing and managing.
As a user, I want to receive a notification when the warranty information is updated while offline.
Given the user has previously accessed the warranty information and is currently offline, when the warranty information is updated in the system, then the user receives a notification indicating the update and can synchronize the data when online.
Push Notifications
User Story

As a user, I want to receive push notifications for warranty expiration and upcoming claims so that I can stay informed and act promptly on warranty-related tasks.


Implement push notifications for warranty expiration and upcoming claims, providing timely alerts to users and ensuring they stay informed about warranty status and renewal deadlines. This feature enhances user engagement and helps in proactively managing warranty-related tasks, reducing the risk of missing important deadlines.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Expiration Push Notification
Given the user's warranty is close to expiration, When the system detects the approaching expiration date, Then a push notification is sent to the user's mobile device to alert them about the upcoming expiration.
User Receives Upcoming Claim Push Notification
Given the user has an upcoming warranty claim, When the system identifies the upcoming claim date, Then a push notification is sent to the user's mobile device to notify them about the upcoming claim and provide relevant details.
User Manages Push Notification Settings
Given the user wants to customize their push notification settings, When the user accesses the app settings, Then the user can specify their preferences for receiving push notifications, including frequency and types of notifications.

Automatic Warranty Import

Streamline the warranty documentation process by automatically importing product warranty information from leading e-commerce platforms at the point of purchase, ensuring comprehensive coverage within Warranteeze.


E-commerce Platform Integration
User Story

As a user purchasing a product online, I want the warranty information to be automatically imported into Warranteeze at the point of purchase so that I can easily access and manage all warranty details in one place without manual effort.


Integrate with leading e-commerce platforms to automatically import product warranty information at the point of purchase. This functionality will streamline the warranty documentation process and ensure comprehensive coverage within Warranteeze by eliminating the need for manual entry.

Acceptance Criteria
User purchases a product from an integrated e-commerce platform
When a user purchases a product from a leading e-commerce platform, the product warranty information is automatically imported into Warranteeze within 24 hours.
Automated import accuracy validation
The imported warranty information matches the product details and accurately reflects the terms and coverage of the product warranty.
Notification of successful import
Once the warranty information is imported, the user receives a notification confirming the successful import and the availability of the warranty details in Warranteeze.
Error handling for failed imports
If the automatic import process fails for any reason, such as product information mismatch or system error, an error notification is generated and displayed to the user.
Integration status update
The integration status for each purchase is updated in real time to reflect the success or failure of the import process.
OCR Technology Integration
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to easily upload warranty documents and have the relevant information extracted automatically using OCR technology, so that I can quickly store and categorize warranty details without manual data entry.


Incorporate OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to allow easy upload of warranty documents. This feature will enhance the user experience by enabling seamless upload and extraction of information from warranty documents, saving time and minimizing manual data entry.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a warranty document with clear text and images
Given that a user uploads a warranty document with clear text and images, when the document is processed, then the OCR technology accurately extracts text and images from the document.
User uploads a warranty document with handwritten text
Given that a user uploads a warranty document with handwritten text, when the document is processed, then the OCR technology accurately extracts handwritten text from the document.
User uploads a warranty document with multiple pages
Given that a user uploads a warranty document with multiple pages, when the document is processed, then the OCR technology accurately extracts text and images from all pages of the document.
User receives a notification for missing or incomplete information
Given that a user uploads a warranty document, when the OCR technology detects missing or incomplete information, then the user receives a notification prompting them to review and complete the document.
User validates extracted information from the warranty document
Given that a user uploads a warranty document and the OCR technology extracts information, when the user validates the extracted information, then the system accurately captures and stores the validated information.
Automated Reminder System
User Story

As a user, I want to receive automated reminders for upcoming warranty expiration dates and claim deadlines, so that I can timely manage warranty renewals and claims, minimizing the risk of missing important deadlines.


Implement an automated reminder system to notify users about upcoming warranty expiration dates and claim deadlines. This functionality will help users stay on top of their warranty obligations, reducing the risk of missed claims and financial losses.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a reminder email 30 days before warranty expiration date
Given a user with an active warranty, when the current date is 30 days before the expiration date, then the system sends an email reminder to the user about the upcoming expiration date.
User receives a notification about a claim deadline approaching
Given a user with an active warranty and a pending claim deadline, when the current date is 7 days before the claim deadline, then the system displays a notification to the user, reminding them of the approaching claim deadline.
User reviews a dashboard of upcoming expiration dates and claim deadlines
Given a user with multiple active warranties, when the user logs in, then the system displays a dashboard showing upcoming expiration dates and claim deadlines for the user's warranties.

Point-of-Purchase Integration

Seamlessly integrate Warranteeze with e-commerce platforms to enable automatic capture of product warranty details at the time of purchase, simplifying the warranty documentation process for users.


E-commerce Platform Integration
User Story

As a Warranteeze user, I want the system to automatically capture and store product warranty details at the time of purchase so that I can easily access and manage all warranty documents in one place, without manual effort.


The requirement involves integrating Warranteeze with major e-commerce platforms to enable automated retrieval and storage of product warranty details at the point of purchase. This functionality aims to streamline the warranty documentation process for users, providing them with a seamless experience and ensuring that all warranty information is conveniently captured and stored.

Acceptance Criteria
User adds a product to the cart and completes the purchase process
When a user adds a product to the cart and completes the purchase, the product warranty details are automatically captured and stored in Warranteeze.
Automated retrieval of product warranty details
The integration automatically retrieves product warranty details from the e-commerce platform at the point of purchase without manual intervention from the user.
Validation of captured warranty details
The captured warranty details are accurately categorized and stored in Warranteeze, ensuring that all relevant information is correctly captured and associated with the purchased product.
OCR Technology Implementation
User Story

As a Warranteeze user, I want the system to extract warranty information from uploaded documents using OCR technology so that I can effortlessly store and manage warranty documents without entering information manually.


Implement optical character recognition (OCR) technology within Warranteeze to enable automatic document scanning and extraction of warranty information from uploaded documents. This feature will enhance user convenience by eliminating the need for manual data entry and enabling quick, accurate storage of warranty details.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a warranty document in PDF format
Given a PDF warranty document is uploaded, When the OCR technology processes the document, Then the warranty information is accurately extracted and stored in the system without manual intervention.
User uploads a warranty document in image format
Given an image warranty document is uploaded, When the OCR technology processes the image, Then the warranty information is accurately extracted and stored in the system without manual intervention.
User reviews the extracted warranty information
Given a warranty document is processed with the OCR technology, When the user reviews the extracted warranty information, Then the data is accurate and correctly categorized in the system.
Automatic capture of product warranty details at the time of purchase
Given an e-commerce platform integration is set up, When a user makes a purchase, Then the warranty details are automatically captured and stored in the system.
Automated Reminders and Notifications
User Story

As a Warranteeze user, I want to receive automated reminders and notifications for upcoming warranty expirations and claim submission deadlines, so that I can stay organized and take timely action to avoid missing important warranty-related tasks.


Develop automated reminder and notification functionality within Warranteeze to alert users about upcoming warranty expirations, document updates, and claim submission deadlines. This feature will ensure that users stay informed and proactive in managing their warranty documents, reducing the risk of missed claims and expired warranties.

Acceptance Criteria
User receives a notification for upcoming warranty expiration date
Given the user has a warranty expiring within 30 days, when the notification date is reached, then the user should receive a notification with details of the expiring warranty.
User receives a notification for document update reminder
Given the user has uploaded a warranty document, when a year has passed since the upload date, then the user should receive a reminder to review and update the document.
User receives a notification for approaching claim submission deadline
Given the user has a pending warranty claim, when the submission deadline is approaching within 7 days, then the user should receive a notification to submit the warranty claim.
User can customize notification preferences
Given the user wants to customize notification settings, when accessing the notification preferences in the app, then the user should be able to set preferences for the types and frequency of notifications they want to receive.

Real-time Warranty Sync

Enable real-time synchronization of product warranty information from e-commerce platforms to Warranteeze, ensuring that all purchases are instantly covered and tracked within the platform.


E-commerce Platform Integration
User Story

As a user shopping on e-commerce platforms, I want my warranty information to be automatically synchronized with Warranteeze so that I can easily track and manage all my product warranties in one place, without the need for manual entry.


This requirement involves integrating Warranteeze with various e-commerce platforms to enable real-time synchronization of product warranty information. It will allow users to instantly cover and track all purchases within the platform, enhancing the overall warranty management experience.

Acceptance Criteria
User Adds Product to Cart
Given that the user adds a product to the cart on the e-commerce platform, when the user proceeds to checkout, then the product warranty information should be automatically synced to Warranteeze.
Real-time Sync of Product Warranty
Given that the e-commerce platform updates product warranty information in real-time, when the information is updated, then the updated warranty details should be synchronized and reflected in Warranteeze without delay.
Cross-platform Integration
Given that Warranteeze integrates with multiple e-commerce platforms, when a user makes a purchase on any integrated platform, then the product warranty details should be seamlessly synchronized to Warranteeze regardless of the platform used.
OCR Technology Implementation
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to upload warranty documents easily using OCR technology so that I can store and manage my warranties without the hassle of manual data entry.


Implement OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology within Warranteeze to enable easy upload of warranty documents. This technology will automatically extract text and data from warranty documents, streamlining the document upload process for users.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a warranty document
Given a warranty document is uploaded, when the OCR technology successfully extracts text and data from the document, then the extracted information is accurately stored in the platform.
Real-time synchronization of warranty information
Given a purchase is made on an e-commerce platform, when the warranty information is synchronized to Warranteeze in real-time, then the synchronized information is correctly displayed in the platform.
Automated reminders for warranty claims
Given a warranty claim deadline is approaching, when the automated reminder feature sends a notification to the user, then the user receives the reminder in a timely manner.
Automated Reminder System
User Story

As a user, I want to receive automated reminders for upcoming warranty expirations and claim deadlines so that I can proactively manage and utilize my product warranties.


Develop an automated reminder system within Warranteeze to notify users about upcoming warranty expirations and claim deadlines. This system will help users stay on top of their warranty obligations and avoid missing important deadlines.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Reminder Before Warranty Expiration
Given that a user's warranty expiration date is approaching, when the system date is within a specified reminder period of the expiration date, then the user should receive an automated reminder notification with details of the expiring warranty.
Automated Claim Deadline Reminder
Given that a user has a pending warranty claim with an upcoming deadline, when the claim deadline is within a specified reminder period, then the user should receive an automated notification reminding them of the impending claim deadline.
Reminder Settings Customization
Given that a user wants to customize reminder settings, when the user accesses the settings, then the user should be able to set the frequency and timing of reminders, select preferred notification methods (email, in-app, etc.), and choose which warranties and claims to receive reminders for.

Centralized Warranty Repository

Create a centralized repository within Warranteeze for imported product warranty information from e-commerce platforms, providing users with a unified location to access and manage all purchased warranties.


Import Warranty Information
User Story

As a user who frequently makes online purchases, I want to be able to import product warranty information from e-commerce platforms into Warranteeze so that I can have a centralized location to easily access and manage all my warranties.


The requirement involves creating a functionality to import product warranty information from e-commerce platforms into Warranteeze. This process should seamlessly extract and store warranty details, such as product name, purchase date, expiration date, and warranty terms, in a structured format within the centralized repository. This functionality aims to provide users with a convenient and unified location to access and manage all purchased warranties, streamlining the process of adding and organizing warranty information within the platform.

Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I want to import warranty information for a single product from an e-commerce platform, so that I can easily add and manage the warranty in Warranteeze.
Given a user has access to the 'Import Warranty Information' feature, when the user imports warranty information for a single product, then the product details, purchase date, expiration date, and warranty terms should be accurately extracted and stored in the centralized repository.
As a user, I want to import warranty information for multiple products from an e-commerce platform, so that I can efficiently manage a variety of warranties in Warranteeze.
Given a user has access to the 'Import Warranty Information' feature, when the user imports warranty information for multiple products, then all products' details, purchase dates, expiration dates, and warranty terms should be accurately extracted and stored in the centralized repository.
As a user, I want to receive a confirmation message after importing warranty information, so that I am informed of the successful import and any potential issues.
Given a user imports warranty information, when the import process is completed, then a confirmation message should be displayed, indicating the successful import of warranty information or any potential issues encountered during the import process.
OCR Technology Integration
User Story

As a user who wants to save time and effort, I want the platform to automatically extract warranty details from uploaded documents using OCR technology so that I can efficiently import warranty information without manual data entry.


The requirement involves integrating Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology into the import process to automatically extract and populate warranty details from uploaded documents. This will enable users to effortlessly import warranty documents by simply uploading them to Warranteeze, allowing the platform to accurately parse and store the relevant information without manual data entry. The integration of OCR technology aims to enhance user convenience and streamline the process of importing warranty information.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a warranty document
Given a user uploads a warranty document, When the document is processed with OCR technology, Then the warranty details are accurately extracted and populated in the system.
User views imported warranty details
Given a user has imported warranty details, When the user views the imported details, Then the details are presented accurately and comprehensively.
User receives automatic reminders for warranty expirations
Given a warranty is approaching expiration, When the system detects the expiration, Then the user receives automated reminders about the impending expiration.
Smart Categorization and Tagging
User Story

As a user who values organization and efficiency, I want the platform to automatically categorize and tag imported warranty information so that I can easily navigate and manage my warranties based on specific categories and tags.


The requirement involves implementing smart categorization and tagging features within the centralized warranty repository. This functionality aims to automatically categorize and tag imported warranty information based on product type, brand, expiration date, and other relevant attributes. Users will benefit from a structured and organized repository, allowing them to easily locate and manage warranties based on predefined categories and tags. The smart categorization and tagging feature serves to enhance user experience and improve the efficiency of warranty management.

Acceptance Criteria
User imports a product warranty document into the centralized repository
When the user uploads a warranty document, the system automatically categorizes and tags it based on the product type, brand, and expiration date
User searches for a specific warranty based on predefined categories and tags
When the user searches for a warranty using predefined categories and tags, the system accurately retrieves the relevant warranties
User receives automated reminders for expiring warranties
When a warranty is nearing its expiration date, the user receives automated reminders to review and renew the warranty

Smart Warranty Categorization

Utilize intelligent categorization algorithms to automatically categorize imported warranty information, facilitating easy navigation and organization of warranties within Warranteeze.


Intelligent Warranty Categorization
User Story

As a user, I want the system to automatically categorize my imported warranty documents so that I can easily navigate and organize my warranties within Warranteeze without manual effort.


Implement intelligent categorization algorithms to automatically analyze and sort imported warranty information, enabling users to effortlessly organize and access warranties within Warranteeze. This feature enhances user efficiency by reducing manual categorization efforts and streamlining warranty management tasks.

Acceptance Criteria
Automatically categorize warranty based on product type
Given a warranty document is uploaded, when the intelligent categorization algorithm is applied, then the warranty is accurately categorized under the respective product type.
Verify smart categorization accuracy
Given a set of warranty documents with different product types, When the smart categorization algorithm is applied to each document, Then at least 90% of the documents are accurately categorized under the correct product type.
Validate categorization speed
Given a batch of 100 warranty documents, When the intelligent categorization algorithm is applied, Then the categorization process is completed within 60 seconds.
Handle unsupported warranty documents
Given a warranty document with an unsupported file format, When the document is uploaded, Then the system displays an error message indicating the document is unsupported.
Categorization Rules Configuration
User Story

As a user, I want to be able to configure custom categorization rules for my warranty documents, so that I can adapt the categorization process to suit my unique organizational needs and preferences.


Allow users to define and customize categorization rules based on their specific needs, enabling personalized categorization of warranty documents. This flexible feature empowers users to tailor the categorization process to match their organizational preferences and requirements.

Acceptance Criteria
User configures categorization rules for warranty documents
Given the user has access to the categorization rules configuration feature, when the user customizes the categorization rules based on their specific needs, then the system applies the customized rules to categorize warranty documents accordingly.
Automatic categorization of warranty documents
Given the user uploads warranty documents to the system, when the system processes the documents using intelligent categorization algorithms, then the documents are automatically categorized into the appropriate categories.
Error handling for categorization rules
Given the user attempts to configure categorization rules, when there is an error in the rules configuration, then the system provides clear error messages and guidance for correcting the issue.
Categorization Analytics Dashboard
User Story

As a user, I want to access an analytics dashboard that displays statistics and insights about the categorization of my warranties, so that I can gain visibility into the categorization process and identify opportunities for enhancement.


Introduce a visual analytics dashboard to provide users with insights into the categorization process, including statistics on categorized warranties, common categorization patterns, and potential categorization improvements. This feature enables users to gain a comprehensive understanding of their warranty categorization and make informed decisions for optimization.

Acceptance Criteria
User views dashboard with categorized warranties
Given the user is logged in and has accessed the analytics dashboard, when the user navigates to the categorized warranties section, then the dashboard should display the total number of categorized warranties and provide a breakdown of the categories.
User analyzes common categorization patterns
Given the user is on the analytics dashboard, when the user selects the common categorization patterns tab, then the dashboard should show a list of the most frequent categorization patterns along with the percentage of warranties falling into each pattern.
User identifies potential categorization improvements
Given the user has accessed the analytics dashboard, when the user views the potential improvements section, then the dashboard should present a list of suggestions for enhancing categorization efficiency, based on historical data and trends.

Predictive Warranty Renewals

Utilize predictive analytics to forecast warranty expirations and renewals, proactively notifying users of upcoming warranty end dates and recommending renewal actions, ensuring continuous protection for warranted products.


Data Collection and Storage
User Story

As a user, I want the system to collect and store warranty data so that I can receive proactive notifications and recommendations for warranty renewals.


Implement a system to collect and store warranty data for predictive analytics, ensuring that all relevant warranty information is captured and securely stored for analysis and notification purposes.

Acceptance Criteria
User uploads warranty documents to the platform
Given a user has warranty documents to upload, when they use the upload feature, then the documents are successfully stored in the platform with accurate metadata and categorization.
Warranty data is automatically extracted using OCR technology
Given a user uploads a warranty document, when the OCR technology processes the document, then the relevant warranty data is accurately extracted and stored in the platform.
Warranty expiration date is accurately captured and stored
Given a warranty document is uploaded, when the system captures the expiration date, then the date is stored accurately and can be used for predictive analytics.
Analytics accurately predict warranty expirations and renewals
Given sufficient warranty data is collected, when the predictive analytics system runs, then it accurately forecasts warranty expirations and recommends renewal actions.
Users receive proactive notifications for upcoming warranty end dates
Given the predictive analytics system identifies upcoming warranty expirations, when users are notified, then the notifications are timely and accurate.
Predictive Analytics Engine
User Story

As a user, I want the platform to analyze warranty data and forecast renewals so that I can take proactive action to renew warranties and maintain product protection.


Develop a predictive analytics engine to forecast warranty expirations and renewals, leveraging historical data and machine learning algorithms to provide accurate predictions and actionable insights for users.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives proactive notification of an upcoming warranty expiration date
When the warranty expiration date is approaching for a product, the user receives a proactive notification with the exact expiration date and recommended renewal actions.
Accurate forecasting of warranty expiration
Given historical warranty data and machine learning algorithms, the system accurately forecasts warranty expiration dates with a margin of error of less than 5%.
Automated recommendation of renewal actions
When a warranty is nearing expiration, the system automatically recommends renewal actions based on the product, type of warranty, and user preferences.
Renewal Notification System
User Story

As a user, I want to be notified in advance about expiring warranties and receive renewal suggestions so that I can stay informed and take necessary actions to maintain product coverage.


Create a notification system to alert users of upcoming warranty expirations and recommend renewal actions, integrating seamlessly with user preferences and device notifications to ensure timely and effective communication.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Notification for Upcoming Warranty Expirations
Given that a user has valid warranties uploaded on Warranteeze, when the expiration date of a warranty is within 30 days, then the user should receive a notification via email or mobile app with details of the expiring warranty and recommended renewal actions.
User Customizes Renewal Notification Preferences
Given that a user wants to customize their renewal notification preferences, when they access the settings page on Warranteeze, then they should be able to choose the frequency, method, and content of their renewal notifications such as email, push notification, or in-app message.
Renewal Recommendation Based on Predictive Analytics
Given that a user's warranty is approaching expiration, when Warranteeze predicts an increased risk of warranty claims or product failure, then the user should receive a recommendation for immediate renewal to maintain continuous protection for the warranted products.

Financial Impact Analysis

Offer advanced financial analysis tools to assess the impact of warranty claims, allowing users to make informed decisions based on potential cost savings, repair expenses, and warranty coverage effectiveness, enhancing financial planning and decision-making.


Financial Analysis Dashboard
User Story

As a warranty manager, I want to access a financial analysis dashboard to assess the impact of warranty claims, so that I can make informed decisions and optimize financial planning.


Develop a comprehensive financial analysis dashboard that provides users with detailed insights into the financial impact of warranty claims. This feature will offer tools for cost analysis, expense breakdown, and potential savings evaluation, empowering users to make informed decisions based on financial data.

Acceptance Criteria
User views the financial analysis dashboard for the first time after login
Given the user is logged into the system, when they access the financial analysis dashboard, then they should see a comprehensive overview of warranty claims, cost breakdown, and potential savings.
User applies filters to customize the financial analysis view
Given the user is on the financial analysis dashboard, when they apply filters to customize the view by date range, product category, or warranty status, then the dashboard should update to display the relevant financial data based on the applied filters.
User reviews the detailed expense breakdown for a specific warranty claim
Given the user is on the financial analysis dashboard, when they select a specific warranty claim for review, then the dashboard should display a detailed breakdown of expenses including repair costs, warranty coverage, and total financial impact.
User generates a downloadable financial report from the dashboard
Given the user is on the financial analysis dashboard, when they click the 'Generate Report' button, then a downloadable financial report should be generated, providing a detailed analysis of warranty claims, expenses, and potential savings.
User receives automated reminders based on financial analysis insights
Given the financial analysis dashboard has been configured, when the system detects potential cost savings or warranty claim expiration, then it should send automated reminders to the user, highlighting actionable insights based on the financial analysis.
Predictive Cost Modeling
User Story

As a financial analyst, I want to utilize predictive cost modeling to forecast future expenses from warranty claims, so that I can proactively manage financial resources and minimize unplanned costs.


Implement predictive cost modeling functionality to forecast potential expenses related to warranty claims. This feature will utilize advanced algorithms to analyze historical data, warranty terms, and repair costs, providing users with proactive insights into future financial liabilities and enabling proactive decision-making.

Acceptance Criteria
User predicts potential expenses for warranty claims by inputting historical data, warranty terms, and repair costs.
The system accurately uses historical data, warranty terms, and repair costs to generate predictive financial models for potential warranty claims.
User reviews and interprets the predictive financial models to gain insights into potential future financial liabilities.
The user can easily access and interpret the predictive financial models to gain actionable insights for proactive decision-making regarding future financial liabilities.
User receives proactive alerts and notifications based on the predictive financial models.
The system sends proactive alerts and notifications to the user based on the predictive financial models, enabling timely decision-making and risk management.
ROI Calculator
User Story

As a business owner, I want to use an ROI calculator to assess the financial impact of warranty coverage, so that I can make data-driven decisions on optimizing warranty investments.


Integrate a return on investment (ROI) calculator into the platform to enable users to quantify the value of warranty coverage and assess the impact on overall financial performance. This tool will facilitate the evaluation of warranty investments and support decision-making regarding warranty coverage extensions or adjustments.

Acceptance Criteria
User calculates the ROI for a specific warranty claim
Given a specific warranty claim, When the user inputs the necessary financial data such as repair expenses, cost savings, and warranty coverage details, Then the ROI calculator accurately computes the return on investment.
User evaluates the impact of warranty coverage on financial performance
Given access to the financial impact analysis tools, When the user utilizes the ROI calculator to assess the impact of warranty coverage on financial performance, Then the calculator provides clear and informative results, allowing the user to make informed decisions.
User adjusts warranty coverage based on ROI calculations
Given the ROI calculator results, When the user analyzes the ROI data and identifies opportunities for warranty coverage adjustments, Then the user can make informed decisions regarding warranty coverage extensions or modifications.

Warranty Coverage Insights

Provide comprehensive insights into warranty coverage across products, highlighting warranty durations, terms, and limitations, empowering users to understand the extent of protection for their purchases and make educated warranty-related decisions.


Product Coverage Overview
User Story

As a user, I want to view a summary of warranty coverage for my purchased products, so that I can understand the level of protection provided and make informed decisions about warranties.


Provide users with an overview of warranty coverage for all purchased products, displaying key details such as warranty duration, terms, and limitations. This feature will empower users to quickly assess the extent of protection for their purchases, enabling informed warranty-related decisions.

Acceptance Criteria
User views product coverage overview for a single product
Given a user has access to the Warranteeze platform, when they select a specific product, then the warranty coverage overview including duration, terms, and limitations is displayed clearly and accurately.
User accesses warranty coverage insights for multiple products
Given a user is logged into the Warranteeze platform, when they review the warranty coverage insights for multiple products, then they can easily compare and understand the extent of protection for each purchase.
User receives automated reminders for warranty expirations
Given a user has uploaded warranty documents to Warranteeze, when the warranty expiration date nears, then the system sends automated reminders to ensure no warranty claims are missed.
Customizable Warranty Alerts
User Story

As a user, I want to set personalized alerts for warranty expirations, so that I can stay informed about upcoming warranty deadlines and take proactive actions to manage warranties.


Enable users to set customizable alerts for warranty expirations, allowing them to receive timely notifications regarding upcoming warranty deadlines. This feature will enhance user awareness of warranty statuses and enable proactive management of warranty expirations.

Acceptance Criteria
User sets a warranty expiration alert for a specific product
Given that the user has logged into the Warranteeze platform and navigated to the warranty management section, when the user selects a specific product, and sets a customized expiration alert for the product's warranty, then the system should save the alert settings and trigger timely notifications before the warranty expiration date.
User receives a timely warranty expiration alert
Given that the user has set a customized expiration alert for a specific product, when the warranty expiration date approaches, then the system should send a notification to the user with details of the expiring warranty, including product name, warranty coverage, and expiration date.
User views a list of all set warranty expiration alerts
Given that the user has set multiple customized expiration alerts for different products, when the user navigates to the 'My Alerts' section, then the system should display a comprehensive list of all active expiration alerts, including product names and expiration dates, allowing the user to review and manage their alerts.
User receives a warranty expiration alert email
Given that the user has set a customized expiration alert for a specific product, when the warranty expiration date approaches, then the system should send an email notification to the user with details of the expiring warranty, including product name, warranty coverage, and expiration date.
Warranty Comparison Tool
User Story

As a user, I want to compare warranty terms and coverage for different products, so that I can make well-informed decisions about the warranty options available for each product.


Introduce a tool that facilitates side-by-side comparison of warranty terms and coverage for multiple products, enabling users to evaluate and compare warranty details to make informed decisions about product warranties.

Acceptance Criteria
User compares warranty terms for two products
Given two products selected for warranty comparison, when the user requests warranty details for comparison, then the tool displays a side-by-side comparison of warranty terms, coverage, and limitations for the selected products.
User reviews warranty coverage insights
Given access to warranty coverage insights, when the user views warranty details for a product, then the insights provide comprehensive information about warranty duration, terms, and limitations.
User receives automated warranty reminders
Given activated warranty reminders, when the warranty expiration date is approaching, then the user receives automated reminders to review and renew the warranty.

Expiry Trend Visualization

Visualize warranty expiration trends for different product categories, enabling users to identify patterns and prioritize warranty management efforts, ensuring proactive attention to products with expiring warranties.


Warranty Expiry Data Collection
User Story

As a user, I want to collect and visualize warranty expiry trends for different product categories so that I can prioritize and manage expiring warranties effectively.


Collect warranty expiry data for different product categories and store it in a centralized database for trend visualization. This feature allows users to track the expiry dates of warranties across all product categories, enabling proactive warranty management.

Acceptance Criteria
User views expiry trend visualization for product categories.
Given the user has access to the Expiry Trend Visualization feature, when they select a product category, then they should see a visual representation of warranty expiration trends for that category.
User identifies products with expiring warranties.
Given the user has access to the Expiry Trend Visualization feature, when they analyze the visualization, then they should be able to identify product categories with a high number of expiring warranties and prioritize their warranty management efforts accordingly.
User receives automated reminders for upcoming warranty expirations.
Given the user has set up automated reminders in the system, when a product warranty expiration date approaches, then the user should receive a notification or reminder alerting them about the upcoming expiry.
Warranty Expiry Trend Visualization
User Story

As a user, I want to visualize warranty expiration trends for different product categories to proactively manage products with expiring warranties.


Visualize warranty expiration trends for different product categories, providing users with a clear graphical representation of warranty expiry patterns. This feature empowers users to identify trends and make informed decisions about prioritizing warranty management efforts.

Acceptance Criteria
User views warranty expiry trends for a specific product category
Given the user is logged into the system and has access to the Expiry Trend Visualization feature, when the user selects a specific product category, then the system displays a graph showing the trend of warranty expirations for that category.
User identifies peak months for warranty expirations
Given the user is viewing the warranty expiry trend graph for a specific product category, when the user examines the graph, then the user can identify the months with the highest number of expirations.
User prioritizes warranty management efforts based on expiry trends
Given the user has identified peak months for warranty expirations in a specific product category, when the user selects a month with a high number of expirations, then the system provides options to prioritize warranty management for products expiring in that month.
User receives automated reminders for expiring warranties
Given the user has prioritized warranty management for products expiring in a specific month, when the month arrives, then the system sends automated reminders to the user about the impending warranty expirations.
Automated Warranty Expiry Reminders
User Story

As a user, I want to receive automated reminders for expiring warranties so that I can take proactive steps to address impending warranty expirations.


Implement an automated reminder system to alert users about expiring warranties based on the collected expiry data. This feature ensures that users receive timely notifications and reminders for upcoming warranty expirations, enabling proactive action.

Acceptance Criteria
User Receives Expiry Reminder Notification
Given that a user has products with upcoming expiry dates, when the expiry date is approaching, then the system sends an automated reminder notification to the user.
Notification Includes Product Information
Given that a user receives an expiry reminder notification, when they view the notification, then it includes detailed product information such as product name, category, and expiration date.
User Acknowledges or Dismisses Notification
Given that a user receives an expiry reminder notification, when they interact with the notification, then they are able to acknowledge or dismiss the notification based on their preference.
Delayed Reminder for Unacknowledged Notifications
Given that a user does not acknowledge an expiry reminder notification, when the notification remains unacknowledged, then the system sends a delayed reminder after a specified period.
User Manages Reminder Preferences
Given that a user receives expiry reminder notifications, when they access their account settings, then they are able to manage their reminder preferences, including frequency, timing, and notification type.

Press Articles

Warranteeze Revolutionizes Warranty Management with Cloud-Based SaaS Platform


Today, Warranteeze, a leading provider of warranty management solutions, announced the launch of its innovative cloud-based SaaS platform designed to transform warranty management for small to medium-sized businesses, tech-savvy individuals, and home managers. The platform offers secure, centralized storage for all warranty documents, easy upload with OCR technology, and an intuitive interface, empowering users to streamline warranty management, reduce financial losses, and gain peace of mind. Utilizing advanced document analysis capabilities, Warranteeze ensures accurate and accessible data for proactive warranty management, while collaborative features enable teams to collectively manage warranties with ease. This powerful platform features smart categorization, advanced analytics, and automated reminders, ensuring that no warranty claims are missed.

"Warranteeze is proud to introduce a game-changing solution that revolutionizes the way warranty management is handled," said John Smith, CEO of Warranteeze. "We are committed to empowering small business owners, tech enthusiasts, and home management teams with a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that simplifies warranty tracking and maximizes cost savings."

With features such as push notifications, predictive warranty renewals, and financial impact analysis, Warranteeze sets a new standard in proactive warranty management, offering comprehensive insights into warranty coverage and expiration trends. The platform's integration with leading e-commerce platforms ensures that all purchases are instantly covered and tracked within the system, providing a unified location to access and manage warranties. For more information about Warranteeze and its revolutionary cloud-based SaaS platform, visit

Media Contact: Emily Johnson Phone: (123) 456-7890 Email: