Preference Profiler
The Preference Profiler feature collects detailed information from tenants about their lifestyle, budget, and amenities they desire. By understanding tenant preferences thoroughly, this feature enhances the matching accuracy between tenants and properties, ensuring that users are presented with options that truly fit their needs.
Tenant Preference Form
User Story
As a tenant, I want to fill out a preference profile that details my lifestyle and ideal features so that I can receive property suggestions that meet my unique needs and preferences.
This requirement entails the creation of a comprehensive tenant preference form that gathers detailed information regarding a tenant's lifestyle, budgetary constraints, and desired amenities. The data collected will be integral for accurately matching tenants with suitable properties, significantly improving user satisfaction. The form will be designed to be user-friendly, allowing tenants to easily input their preferences. Integration with the existing ReLease IQ dashboard will ensure that property managers have real-time access to this data, enabling them to make informed decisions. By understanding tenant needs more thoroughly, ReLease IQ will enhance its matching algorithm, leading to better tenant-place correlations and ultimately boosting tenant retention rates.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Preference Form Completion Scenario
Given a tenant accesses the Preference Profiler, when they fill out the Tenant Preference Form completely, then they should receive a confirmation message indicating successful submission.
Integration with ReLease IQ Dashboard Scenario
Given the Tenant Preference Form is submitted, when the property manager accesses the ReLease IQ dashboard, then the preferences should be accessible in real-time without any delay or data loss.
User-Friendly Form Design Scenario
Given a tenant is using the Tenant Preference Form, when they interact with the form, then all fields should be clearly labeled, and error messages should guide them in case of input errors.
Data Accuracy and Consistency Scenario
Given the Tenant Preference Form is submitted, when the data is saved in the database, then the saved preferences should match what the tenant submitted without any alterations.
Accessibility Compliance Scenario
Given a tenant with accessibility needs is using the Tenant Preference Form, when they interact with the form, then the form should comply with WCAG 2.1 guidelines for accessibility.
Feedback Collection Scenario
Given the Tenant Preference Form is live, when tenants complete the form, then an optional feedback field should allow them to rate their experience, which will be logged for review.
Automated Matching Algorithm
User Story
As a property manager, I want an automated matching algorithm that matches tenant preferences with available properties so that I can provide personalized recommendations efficiently.
This requirement focuses on developing an automated matching algorithm that leverages the data collected from the Tenant Preference Form. The algorithm will analyze the preferences and requirements of each tenant against available properties, ensuring that only those listings that closely align with tenant needs are presented. This sophisticated matching not only enhances the tenant experience by streamlining the property search process but also supports property managers in efficiently connecting tenants with the right properties. Implementing machine learning techniques, the system will continually improve its suggestions over time based on tenant feedback and engagement metrics, thereby optimizing the overall effectiveness of the matching process.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant submits their preferences through the Preference Profiler, detailing their lifestyle, budget, and desired amenities.
Given a tenant submits their preferences, when the matching algorithm processes the preferences, then it should return a list of properties that match at least 80% of the tenant's specified criteria.
The matching algorithm runs on a newly entered property into the system.
Given a property is added, when the matching algorithm runs, then it should accurately identify which tenants' preferences align with the new property based on their submitted data.
A feedback mechanism is in place for tenants to rate the relevance of the matched properties they received.
Given tenants provide feedback on the property matches, when the matching algorithm reviews feedback, then it should adjust the weights of the matching criteria accordingly to improve future match accuracy by at least 10% per iteration.
The tenant experience is evaluated after the matching algorithm has operated for a defined period.
Given the algorithm has been in use for 3 months, when a survey is conducted with tenants who utilized the matches, then at least 75% of respondents should express satisfaction with the quality of the matches based on their preferences.
The system integrates with existing property management software to ensure seamless data transfer.
Given integration with property management software is enabled, when a new tenant preference is submitted, then the integration should allow for real-time updates to property listings without manual intervention.
The algorithm scales with an increasing number of properties and tenants over time.
Given an increase in tenant submissions and property listings, when the system processes this data, then it should maintain a performance speed that returns matches within 5 seconds, even with a 50% increase in data volume.
A/B testing is conducted on different versions of the matching algorithm to determine the most effective matching strategy.
Given different versions of the matching algorithm are deployed, when A/B testing results are analyzed, then the version with the highest match satisfaction score among tenants should be selected for standard implementation.
Feedback Loop for Matching Improvements
User Story
As a tenant, I want to provide feedback on the properties I visited so that my future suggestions improve and are more aligned with my actual preferences.
This requirement involves implementing a feedback loop within the Preference Profiler feature that allows tenants to provide their feedback on the properties they are matched with. By collecting feedback regarding the relevance of the matches, the platform will gain insights into how well the matching algorithm is performing. This continuous input will facilitate performance enhancements on the algorithm, ensuring that it becomes more accurate and effective over time. The goal is to foster a system of iterative learning that helps to refine suggestions, thereby improving tenant satisfaction and engagement. Data analytics will play a crucial role in this feedback loop, allowing for data-driven decision-making.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant provides feedback on matched properties after a viewing.
Given a tenant is matched with properties based on the Preference Profiler, when they submit feedback about the relevance of the matches, then the feedback should be recorded accurately in the system and categorized as positive, neutral, or negative.
System analytics captures feedback trends for matched properties.
Given that tenants have submitted feedback on various properties, when analyzing the feedback data, then the system should display trends and insights regarding matching accuracy that can be accessed by property managers.
Algorithm adjusts based on tenant feedback over time.
Given that feedback has been collected over a significant period, when the matching algorithm is recalibrated, then the accuracy of property matches should reflect a 20% improvement as indicated by tenant satisfaction ratings.
Feedback loop prompts tenants for survey completion.
Given that a tenant has viewed a matched property, when at least 48 hours have passed since the viewing, then the system should automatically send a survey request to the tenant, prompting for their feedback on the property match.
Property managers receive notifications about tenant feedback.
Given that a tenant has submitted feedback on a property, when the feedback is categorized as negative, then the property manager should receive a real-time notification regarding the feedback to take further action.
Dashboard displays real-time feedback metrics.
Given that tenant feedback is collected regularly, when the property manager accesses the dashboard, then they should see real-time metrics indicating the volume of feedback received and the corresponding satisfaction levels.
Feedback data integrates with other platform analytics tools.
Given that feedback is gathered, when the data is processed, then it should seamlessly integrate with existing analytics tools to provide comprehensive reporting on matching performance and tenant satisfaction.
Dynamic Dashboard Integration
User Story
As a property manager, I want to view tenant preferences and aggregate data on the dashboard so that I can strategize my property offerings more effectively.
This requirement entails integrating the Preference Profiler's data and insights into the ReLease IQ dashboard to provide property managers with a comprehensive view of tenant needs and preferences at a glance. The dashboard will be equipped with visualization tools that summarize tenant data, such as common preferences and budget ranges, allowing for better strategic planning. This integration aims to enhance the ability of property managers to prioritize their outreach and marketing efforts to meet tenant demand more accurately. With real-time updates, the dashboard will facilitate proactive management of tenant relationships and inventory supply.
Acceptance Criteria
Dynamic Dashboard displays tenant preference summaries.
Given that property managers have accessed the Dynamic Dashboard, when they view the tenant preferences section, then it should display a visual summary of tenant lifestyle, budget, and desired amenities with at least 90% accuracy based on the collected data.
Real-time updates reflect new tenant data inputs.
Given that new tenant data is collected via the Preference Profiler, when a property manager refreshes the Dynamic Dashboard, then the updates should show in less than 5 seconds and accurately reflect the latest tenant preferences.
Dashboard visualizations support strategic planning efforts.
Given that property managers are viewing aggregated data on the Dynamic Dashboard, when they analyze common preferences and budget ranges, then they should be able to generate actionable insights to adjust marketing efforts with a success rate of at least 75%.
Integration error handling is robust and user-friendly.
Given that there is an issue during the data integration process, when an error occurs, then the system should provide a clear, actionable error message to the property manager explaining the issue and suggested next steps.
User permissions allow access to sensitive tenant data.
Given that different property management staff have varying roles, when a property manager accesses the Dynamic Dashboard, then the system should enforce user permissions to ensure that sensitive tenant data is only viewable by authorized personnel.
Historical tenant data is accessible for trend analysis.
Given that property managers want to analyze trends over time, when they request historical tenant preference data, then the Dynamic Dashboard should allow them to compare the last three months of data to identify shifts in tenant needs.
Segmentation for Targeted Marketing
User Story
As a property manager, I want to segment tenants based on their preferences for targeted marketing campaigns so that I can increase the chances of converting leads into actual tenants.
This requirement focuses on segmenting tenants based on their preferences collected via the Preference Profiler to enable targeted marketing campaigns. By categorizing tenants into groups with similar characteristics, property managers can tailor their marketing messages and property showcases to better align with tenant interests. This segmentation not only improves the efficiency of marketing expenditures but also enhances the likelihood of creating meaningful connections between tenants and properties. This capability will support property managers in implementing more effective engagement strategies that resonate with potential renters, leading to higher conversion rates.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant segmentation for targeted marketing based on preferences collected through the Preference Profiler feature.
Given a set of tenant preferences, when the segmentation process is executed, then tenants should be categorized into distinct groups based on their lifestyle, budget, and desired amenities with at least an 80% accuracy in matching characteristics.
Marketing campaigns tailored to tenant segments developed from the Preference Profiler.
Given segmented tenant groups, when a marketing campaign is created, then each campaign should include tailored messages and property showcases that reflect the unique preferences of at least 90% of the targeted tenant groups.
Tracking engagement metrics from targeted marketing campaigns to evaluate effectiveness.
Given the implementation of targeted marketing campaigns, when metrics are collected post-campaign, then at least a 25% increase in tenant engagement and inquiry rates should be observed compared to previous general campaigns.
Integration of tenant preferences with existing property listings for improved match accuracy.
Given the integration of tenant preferences, when property listings are displayed, then the display should highlight properties that match at least 70% of the identified tenant preferences.
User feedback on the relevance of segmented marketing messages.
Given that marketing messages have been delivered to tenant segments, when feedback is collected, then at least 75% of tenants should indicate that the messages are relevant to their preferences and interests.
Monitoring the conversion rates from targeted campaigns to rental agreements.
Given the outcomes of targeted marketing campaigns, when conversion rates are analyzed, then at least a 15% increase in signed rental agreements should be achieved among the segmented tenants compared to historical data.
Real-Time Match Alerts
With Real-Time Match Alerts, tenants receive instant notifications when a new property that matches their criteria becomes available. This feature minimizes the risk of missing out on ideal housing opportunities, allowing tenants to act quickly and secure the best rental options.
Notification System Integration
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive real-time alerts for new properties that fit my criteria so that I can quickly secure rental options that interest me.
Implement a notification system that alerts tenants instantly when new properties matching their specified criteria become available. This requirement encompasses setting up automated triggers based on tenant preferences, which includes key factors such as location, price range, and property type. The notification system should facilitate both push notifications and emails, ensuring tenants are always informed without delay. Its integration with the existing tenant database and property listing will enhance user engagement and streamline the application process, significantly improving the overall tenant experience and reducing vacancies for property managers.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant receives a notification instantaneously after a new property matching their set criteria is listed.
Given a tenant has specified their preferences for location, price range, and property type, when a new property is listed that matches these criteria, then the tenant should receive an instant push notification and an email alert within 1 minute.
Tenant updates their matching criteria and receives new notifications relevant to the changes.
Given a tenant updates their matching criteria for properties, when a new property is listed that aligns with the updated criteria, then the tenant should receive an instant notification indicating the new match within 1 minute of listing.
Property manager sets the notification preferences for a tenant in the system.
Given a property manager configures a tenant's notification settings within the system, when the settings are saved, then the system should confirm the changes and ensure the tenant receives future notifications based on the set preferences without errors.
System integration ensuring notifications work across different devices.
Given that the system is integrated, when a new property is listed that matches a tenant's criteria, then the tenant should receive notifications on both their mobile device and email account without any discrepancies in timing or content.
System maintains a log of notifications sent to tenants.
Given that a notification has been dispatched to a tenant, when reviewing the notification log, then there should be a record indicating the timestamp, method of delivery (push/email), and property details for each notification sent in the past 30 days.
Tenant receives a reminder to check their notifications after a certain period without activity.
Given that a tenant has not interacted with their notifications for a period of 7 days, when this condition is met, then the system should send a reminder notification prompting the tenant to check for new property matches.
Automated alerts are customizable based on user preferences.
Given a tenant accesses their notification preferences, when they select different alert types or channels, then the system should save these preferences and adjust notifications accordingly for future property matches.
User Preference Setup
User Story
As a tenant, I want to customize my property search preferences so that I receive notifications based on my specific needs and interests.
Develop a feature that enables tenants to configure their property match criteria easily. This includes options to select preferences such as desired locations, budget limits, property types, and amenity requirements. The setup should be intuitive, allowing users to save multiple configurations and edit them as needed. This functionality is essential as it directly influences the matching process, ensuring that tenants only receive relevant notifications, thereby increasing their chances of finding a suitable property efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria
User sets up property match preferences for the first time.
Given the user is on the preference setup page, When they select location preferences, budget limits, property types, and amenity requirements, Then they should be able to save the configuration successfully and receive a confirmation message.
User edits existing property match preferences.
Given the user has previously saved preferences, When they select an existing configuration to edit, Then the user should be able to modify the selected preferences and save the updates successfully.
User saves multiple configurations for property match preferences.
Given the user has set up more than one configuration, When they attempt to save a new configuration, Then they should receive a prompt confirming successful saving of each configuration without losing any previous ones.
User deletes a specific property match preference configuration.
Given the user is viewing their saved configurations, When they choose to delete a specific configuration, Then that configuration should be removed from the saved list and the user should receive a confirmation of deletion.
User receives property match alerts based on set preferences.
Given the user has saved their property match preferences, When a new property that meets those preferences is listed, Then the user should receive a real-time notification alerting them of the new match.
User views the dashboard after setting preferences.
Given the user has just completed setting their property match preferences, When the user navigates to their dashboard, Then the dashboard should display a message summarizing their current preferences and indicating how many matches are available.
User attempts to set an empty configuration for match preferences.
Given the user is on the preference setup page, When they attempt to save the configuration without selecting any options, Then an error message should prompt the user to fill in at least one preference before saving.
Dashboard Analytics for Alerts
User Story
As a property manager, I want to analyze the performance of tenant notification alerts so that I can optimize my communication strategy and enhance tenant engagement.
Create a dashboard analytics feature that provides insights into the activity of real-time match alerts. This will allow property managers to track the effectiveness of notifications sent to tenants, including open rates, response times, and actions taken after receiving alerts. By analyzing this data, property managers can refine their approach to tenant communications and improve engagement strategies. This feature is vital for optimizing the alert system and ensuring it meets both tenant and landlord needs effectively.
Acceptance Criteria
Dashboard displays the analytics for notifications sent to tenants regarding Real-Time Match Alerts over a designated period, such as weekly or monthly, allowing property managers to assess engagement levels effectively.
Given the property manager accesses the dashboard, when they select the date range for analytics, then the dashboard should display total notifications sent, open rates, response times, and actions taken on those notifications.
Property managers can filter analytics data based on specific criteria such as property type, tenant demographics, or geographic location to tailor their communication strategies.
Given the property manager is viewing the analytics dashboard, when they apply filters for property type and geographic location, then the dashboard should refresh to show analytics only for the selected criteria.
The dashboard allows property managers to track the trends in tenants' engagement over time, providing insights into which alerts generate the most interest and engagement.
Given the property manager is on the analytics dashboard, when they select the 'trending alerts' option, then the dashboard should plot engagement trends over the last six months to highlight which alerts were most effective based on open and response rates.
Property managers receive actionable insights based on the analytics data to improve future notifications sent to tenants.
Given the analytics data shows low open rates for a certain type of alert, when the property manager reviews the insights, then recommendations for improving the alert content or timing should be displayed on the dashboard.
The analytics feature provides a summary of tenant feedback on match alerts to identify areas for improvement.
Given that feedback has been collected from tenants regarding their experience with match alerts, when the property manager accesses the dashboard, then a summary of tenant feedback should be presented alongside the engagement metrics.
Compatibility Scoring
The Compatibility Scoring feature assesses the alignment between tenant profiles and property features, providing a numerical score that indicates how well a property meets the tenant's needs. This score helps tenants quickly identify their best matches and makes the decision-making process easier.
Tenant Compatibility Assessment
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive a compatibility score for properties so that I can easily determine which listings best match my needs and preferences.
The Tenant Compatibility Assessment requirement involves the development of an algorithm that calculates a numerical compatibility score between tenant profiles and property features. This scoring system will utilize various factors such as tenant preferences, property amenities, location, and rental terms. It aims to provide tenants with a clear understanding of how well a property meets their needs, enhancing their decision-making process. The implementation will include a user-friendly interface that displays scores alongside property listings, facilitating quick identification of suitable matches for tenants and improving user satisfaction. Additionally, the scoring will feed into analytics features to help property managers understand tenant preferences and improve property offerings accordingly.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant searches for a property that meets specific needs and wants to see how well various properties align with their preferences using the Compatibility Scoring feature on ReLease IQ.
Given a tenant profile with predefined preferences, when the tenant searches for properties, then the system should return a compatibility score for each property, accurately reflecting the alignment between tenant needs and property features.
A property manager wants to evaluate how well their properties match the general tenant demographics in their management portfolio using the Compatibility Scoring algorithm.
Given the property manager has access to tenant preferences data, when they query the system for compatibility scores, then the system should provide analytics that displays overall compatibility scores for each property based on aggregated tenant data.
A tenant is reviewing property listings on ReLease IQ and requires an intuitive interface to view compatibility scores alongside property details.
Given the tenant is on the property listings page, when properties are displayed, then each property should show the compatibility score prominently next to other essential details such as rent, location, and amenities.
A landlord wants to adjust their property offerings based on tenant compatibility data from ReLease IQ to improve tenant retention and satisfaction.
Given the landlord has access to the system, when they review compatibility scores and tenant feedback, then they should be able to identify properties that need enhancements or better alignments with tenant needs, including specific recommendations based on the data.
The system needs to calculate and display compatibility scores in real-time as tenants adjust their preferences for property features and amenities.
Given a tenant is modifying their preferences in the compatibility scoring panel, when they make changes to their preferences, then the system should automatically update and display new compatibility scores for all relevant properties without delay.
Testers need to validate that the compatibility scoring algorithm is functioning correctly and provides scores within an acceptable range based on tenant features and property attributes.
Given a known dataset of tenant profiles and property features with expected compatibility scores, when the algorithm processes this data, then it should produce accuracy rates of 95% or higher for the calculated compatibility scores across all test cases.
Profile Enrichment Automation
User Story
As a property manager, I want tenant profiles to be automatically enriched with relevant data so that I can make informed decisions about which properties to offer to tenants.
The Profile Enrichment Automation requirement focuses on the automated gathering and processing of information about tenants to enhance their profiles within the ReLease IQ system. This function will pull data from various sources, such as social media, credit history, and previous rental experiences, to create a comprehensive tenant profile. The enriched profiles will allow for more accurate compatibility scoring and tailored suggestions for properties. The automation of this process will save property managers significant time and ensure reliable data is incorporated into the tenant compatibility assessment.
Acceptance Criteria
Automated Gathering of Tenant Data from Social Media
Given that the Profile Enrichment Automation is activated, When the system accesses a tenant's linked social media accounts, Then it should automatically retrieve and update the tenant's profile with relevant information such as interests, affiliations, and previous rental experiences.
Integration of Credit History for Tenant Profiles
Given that the Profile Enrichment Automation is initiated, When the system requests tenant credit history from the connected third-party service, Then it should incorporate the retrieved credit scores and history into the tenant's profile accurately and securely.
Real-Time Updates to Tenant Profiles
Given that new data sources are available, When data is gathered about a tenant through the automated process, Then the tenant's profile should reflect the new information in real-time without requiring manual intervention from property managers.
Accuracy Verification of Enriched Profiles
Given that profiles have been enriched using automated data gathering, When property managers review tenant profiles, Then at least 90% of the enriched data must accurately reflect the sources utilized in the enrichment process as validated by external audits.
Compatibility Scoring Calculation with Enhanced Profiles
Given that tenant profiles have been enriched with additional data, When the system calculates the compatibility score for matched properties, Then the score must reflect a clear alignment of at least 80% between the tenant's needs and the property features as per the enriched data.
User Notification of Profile Changes
Given that Profile Enrichment Automation has updated a tenant's profile, When the profile changes are made, Then the tenant should receive an automatic notification highlighting the changes for transparency purposes.
Reporting Metrics for Profile Enrichment Effectiveness
Given that the Profile Enrichment Automation has been running, When the system generates a report on tenant profile enhancements, Then it should accurately reflect key metrics such as time saved in profile completion and accuracy of data compared to manual profile updates.
Property Match Optimization
User Story
As a property manager, I want the compatibility scoring to evolve based on tenant feedback so that the matches become more accurate over time, improving tenant satisfaction.
The Property Match Optimization requirement entails developing a feedback loop mechanism that continuously fine-tunes the compatibility scoring model based on user interactions and preferences. This feature will analyze historical data related to tenant choices and the success rate of matches to improve the algorithm's accuracy over time. Property managers will gain insights into how well the properties are meeting tenant needs by collecting data on tenant satisfaction after the leasing process, thereby ensuring that ReLease IQ evolves with market trends and tenant expectations.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant uses the ReLease IQ platform to input their preferences and review property matches based on compatibility scoring.
Given a tenant profile with defined criteria, When the tenant views their compatibility scores for each property, Then the tenant should see a numerical score between 0 and 100 indicating compatibility, and a detailed breakdown of how the score was calculated.
Property managers analyze the feedback from tenants after they lease a property to enhance the compatibility scoring model.
Given a closed lease agreement, When the property manager reviews tenant feedback, Then the system should record the feedback and update the compatibility scoring algorithm accordingly, improving accuracy over time.
The compatibility scoring model is tested for its accuracy against historical tenant choices and success rates.
Given a set of historical data on tenant choices and property features, When the accuracy of the compatibility scores is evaluated, Then at least 80% of tenant choices should align with properties that have a score above 75.
The system generates analytic reports for property managers to visualize compatibility scoring trends over time.
Given historical compatibility scoring data, When the property manager requests an analytics report, Then the report should display trends in scoring, including average scores and match success rates, for the past 12 months.
A tenant receives notifications when new properties that match their profile criteria are added to the system.
Given an active tenant profile, When a new property is added that scores above 70 on compatibility, Then the tenant should receive an automated notification via email or in-app alert.
The system allows tenants to provide ratings and comments post-lease to feedback on their compatibility score's effectiveness.
Given that a tenant has completed a leasing process, When they submit a rating and comment on their experience, Then the system should successfully save the feedback and associate it with the tenant's profile for future analysis.
The compatibility scoring model is reviewed and adjusted quarterly based on market trends and tenant satisfaction data.
Given quarterly analysis cycles, When reviewing tenant satisfaction data and scoring results, Then the compatibility scoring model should show documented adjustments and rationale based on feedback and trends.
Customizable Search Filters
Customizable Search Filters provide tenants with the ability to refine their search according to various criteria such as location, amenities, price range, and lease terms. This level of customization enhances user experience by empowering tenants to find exactly what they want without sifting through irrelevant options.
Customizable Search Filters
User Story
As a tenant, I want to customize my property search filters so that I can find listings that match my specific preferences without wasting time browsing irrelevant options.
The Customizable Search Filters will allow tenants to refine their property searches through various criteria including location, price range, amenities, and lease terms. This feature is crucial as it significantly enhances the user experience by enabling tenants to quickly and efficiently find properties that meet their specific needs. The implementation will involve integrating the filters within the existing user interface of ReLease IQ, ensuring that users can easily select and deselect criteria as needed. This functionality is essential for improving tenant engagement and satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates for property listings.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant uses the customizable search filters on the ReLease IQ platform to find properties that meet their specific requirements like location, price range, and amenities.
Given the tenant has selected specific criteria, when the search is initiated, then the results displayed must only include properties that match all the selected criteria.
A property manager wants to test how the customizable search filters facilitate tenant searches by inputting various combinations of filters to see if the results are accurate.
Given multiple criteria are selected by the property manager, when the search is executed, then the system must return results reflecting all combinations of the selected criteria accurately.
A tenant wants to remove specific filters they previously selected to broaden their search results for rental properties using the customizable search filters.
Given the tenant has previously selected filters, when they deselect a filter and run the search, then the system should update the search results to include properties that no longer match the deselected filter.
A tenant seeks to save their customized filter settings for future searches on ReLease IQ.
Given the tenant has configured a set of filters, when they choose to save these settings, then the system must allow saving the criteria and successfully retrieve it in future sessions for efficient searches.
A property manager needs to analyze which search filters are most commonly used by tenants to improve marketing strategies.
Given the search functionality has been used by tenants, when data analytics are generated, then the system must provide a report outlining the frequency of each filter's usage by tenants.
A tenant who is new to the platform wants assistance using the customizable search filters to find suitable properties.
Given the tenant accesses the search functionality for the first time, when they view the filter options, then the system must provide tooltips or a tutorial explaining each filter's function to assist the user.
A tenant wants to verify that the customized search filters maintain their logic and functionality across various devices (mobile and desktop).
Given the tenant accesses the customizable search filters on different devices, when they select their criteria and submit, then the search results displayed must be consistent in accuracy and relevance, regardless of the device used.
Real-time Search Results
User Story
As a tenant, I want to see real-time updates of property listings as I adjust my search criteria so that I can find the best match quickly and efficiently.
Real-time Search Results will provide users with immediate feedback as they adjust their search filters, ensuring that any changes made reflect instant updates in the search results. This feature is essential for enhancing user engagement as it allows tenants to see properties that meet their criteria dynamically, thereby improving their overall experience. The implementation will require a robust search algorithm and database optimization to ensure performance metrics are met without lag. This function will improve user satisfaction by providing a seamless and efficient search experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User adjusts multiple search filters and expects instant updates to the displayed property listings based on chosen criteria such as location, price, and amenities.
Given a user is on the property search page, When they adjust any search filter, Then the search results update instantly to reflect properties meeting new criteria without page refresh.
A user applies a specific price range filter and expects only properties within that range to be displayed.
Given a user selects a price range of $1000 to $2000, When the search is executed, Then only properties priced between $1000 and $2000 are displayed in the search results.
User narrows search filters to include specific amenities and expects results to reflect only properties with those amenities.
Given a user selects 'Pool' and 'Gym' as amenities, When the search filters are applied, Then the search results show only properties that include both a pool and a gym.
A user changes their search location and expects related property listings to update in real-time.
Given a user enters a new city or neighborhood in the location filter, When they submit the change, Then the search results reflect all properties available in that new location immediately.
User wants to see how many properties match their current search criteria before applying any filters.
Given a user views the search results page, When no filters are set, Then a count of available properties is displayed prominently to indicate the total before any filtering takes place.
User expects the search results to load within a set threshold time for optimal user experience.
Given a user applies or modifies search filters, When results are returned, Then the page should display updated search results within 2 seconds to ensure a smooth user experience.
User wants to revert back to previous search filters after making changes and expects the search results to reflect that.
Given a user has applied new filters and then decides to revert back to the original filters, When they click 'Reset Filters', Then the search results should immediately return to the original listings before any filters were applied.
Saved Search Preferences
User Story
As a tenant, I want to save my search preferences so that I can quickly access my customized settings during future visits without having to redo my filters.
The Saved Search Preferences feature will allow tenants to save their customized search criteria for future use, making it easier for them to access their preferred settings without having to set them up each time. This enhancement not only simplifies the process for users but also encourages them to return to the platform regularly. Implementation will involve allowing users to create and manage multiple saved searches, which will be stored in their profiles. This functionality is vital for increasing user retention and satisfaction within the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant saves a new search preference for customizable search filters with specific criteria including location, price range, and amenities.
Given a tenant is logged into their account, when they customize their search filters and save them, then the saved search preferences are stored in their profile and accessible on subsequent visits.
Tenant retrieves previously saved search preferences to view available properties that match their criteria.
Given a tenant has saved search preferences, when they navigate to their saved searches, then they can see and select from the list of their saved preferences to initiate a search.
Tenant edits an existing saved search preference to adjust the criteria.
Given a tenant has a saved search preference, when they choose to edit this preference and modify the search criteria, then the updates are saved successfully and reflected in their saved searches list.
Tenant deletes an unwanted saved search preference from their profile.
Given a tenant has multiple saved search preferences, when they select an option to delete a saved search, then that particular saved search is removed from their account without affecting other saved searches.
Tenant receives a confirmation message after saving or deleting a search preference.
Given a tenant has just saved or deleted a search preference, when the action is completed, then a confirmation message appears, informing the user of the successful operation.
Tenant views the total number of saved search preferences displayed in their profile.
Given a tenant has saved multiple search preferences, when they navigate to the saved searches section of their profile, then the system displays the correct count of saved searches available for the tenant.
Tenant accesses their saved search preferences from a mobile device after initially saving them on a desktop.
Given a tenant has saved search preferences on their desktop, when they log into their account on a mobile device, then they should have access to all previously saved search preferences seamlessly.
Search Filter Analytics
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive analytics on tenant search behaviors so that I can better tailor my property listings to meet their needs and preferences.
Search Filter Analytics will provide property managers with insights on which filters are most commonly used by tenants in their searches. This feature is important for understanding tenant behavior and preferences, which can guide property managers in optimizing their listings and marketing strategies. The implementation will involve tracking filter selections and compiling data into user-friendly reports that highlight trends and patterns. This capability is crucial for enhancing strategy formulation and improving overall service offerings to tenants.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers need to assess which search filters are the most popular among tenants to tailor their property listings effectively. They will utilize the analytics feature after a month of its launch to determine which filters attract the most searches and adjust their strategies accordingly.
Given that the Search Filter Analytics feature has been implemented, when a property manager accesses the analytics report, then they should see a list of the top 5 most used search filters with the corresponding usage statistics.
Tenants frequently use various filters to refine their property searches. Property managers wish to track the performance of those filters to understand tenant preferences better and adjust listings based on actual behavior. After collecting data for two weeks, they should review the analytics report.
Given that data collection has taken place for two weeks, when property managers generate the analytics report, then it should accurately reflect filter usage trends, displaying at least 80% of the actual filter selections made by tenants during searches.
Property managers are interested in optimizing their marketing approaches based on filter data. They will evaluate the insights provided by the Search Filter Analytics monthly to ensure that marketing efforts align with tenant preferences based on filter usage data.
Given a month has passed since the implementation of the Search Filter Analytics, when property managers review the report, then it should provide actionable insights including recommendations for marketing adjustments based on the top trending filters used by tenants.
To gauge the effectiveness of property listings, property managers will compare the performance of properties before and after implementing the customizable search filters and their analytics. They will look at tenant inquiries and conversions in the analytics report post-implementation.
Given that customizable search filters have been in use for one month, when property managers compare inquiry rates before and after implementation, then they should see at least a 25% increase in tenant inquiries associated with properties that match popular search filters.
As part of continuous improvement, tenants express the need for additional filter options over time. Property managers want to leverage the analytics feature to gather feedback for future feature enhancements.
Given that tenant feedback sessions are conducted monthly, when property managers review the Search Filter Analytics, then they should be able to identify at least three new filter options requested by tenants based on data collected in the report.
To ensure data integrity and accuracy, property managers need to verify that the data captured by the Search Filter Analytics is reliable. They will conduct audits of the analytics data after one week of operation to confirm its correctness.
Given that the Search Filter Analytics has been operational for one week, when property managers perform an audit of the analytics data, then there should be a 95% accuracy rate when comparing the captured data to actual filter selections made by tenants.
Mobile Compatibility for Search Filters
User Story
As a tenant, I want to use search filters on my mobile device so that I can easily find properties while on the go, without compromising my experience.
Mobile Compatibility for Search Filters will ensure that the customizable search filters and their functionalities are fully optimized for mobile devices. Given the significant number of users who access platforms via smartphones, it is crucial that this feature provides a seamless mobile experience. The implementation will necessitate responsive design adjustments and usability testing to ensure that all functionalities work effectively across different mobile devices. This enhancement is essential for maintaining user satisfaction and accessibility on various platforms.
Acceptance Criteria
Mobile users search for rental properties using the customizable search filters on their smartphones and need to ensure that the interface is user-friendly and responsive.
Given a user accesses the search filters on a mobile device, when they select various filters (location, amenities, price range, lease terms), then the search results should update instantly without any lag or errors.
Users utilize the customizable search filters to refine their rental property search while using different mobile devices with varying screen sizes.
Given that a user is on a mobile device with a small screen, when they access the search filters, then all filters should be visible and accessible without horizontal scrolling.
A tenant accesses the search filters on their mobile device to find rental properties that meet specific criteria, including budget and desired amenities.
Given the user has applied multiple filters, when they conduct a search, then the results should accurately reflect the applied criteria and include at least five relevant listings.
Property managers and landlords monitor mobile user interactions with the search filters to ensure usability and effectiveness of the feature.
Given that a mobile user interacts with the customized search filters, when an analytics tracking is implemented, then the data should accurately reflect the number of filters used and the average time spent on the search feature.
A tenant attempts to apply filters using voice commands on their mobile device to streamline their search process.
Given the tenant uses voice commands to select filters, when they issue commands corresponding to location and amenities, then the system should accurately respond by applying the selected filters and displaying the correct results.
Users require accessibility features when using the customizable search filters on mobile devices to cater to diverse needs.
Given that a user with accessibility needs accesses the search filters, when they use screen readers, then all filters should be clearly labeled and navigable, ensuring compliance with WCAG 2.1 guidelines.
AI-Powered Insights
AI-Powered Insights offers tenants and landlords valuable data-driven recommendations about property trends and neighborhood amenities. These insights help tenants make informed decisions on their future homes, enhancing overall satisfaction in their rental experience.
Tenant Insight Dashboard
User Story
As a tenant, I want a personalized dashboard that gives me insights into property trends and neighborhood amenities so that I can make informed decisions about where to rent and feel confident in my choice.
The Tenant Insight Dashboard provides tenants with a centralized interface that displays AI-generated insights about property trends, local market conditions, and neighborhood amenities. This dashboard integrates seamlessly with the existing ReLease IQ platform, allowing users to access important data that influences their housing decisions, discover community services, and compare amenities. By using visual data displays, such as graphs and heat maps, the dashboard enhances user experience and fosters informed decision-making for tenants, ultimately increasing their satisfaction with the rental experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Displaying Local Market Trends for Tenants
Given a tenant accesses the Tenant Insight Dashboard, when they navigate to the Local Market Trends section, then they should see current data visualizations of rental prices, occupancy rates, and market fluctuations for their area.
Visual Representation of Neighborhood Amenities
Given a tenant is on the Tenant Insight Dashboard, when they select the Neighborhood Amenities section, then they should be presented with interactive maps and graphs showing nearby schools, grocery stores, and public transportation options.
AI-Driven Recommendations for Properties
Given a tenant utilizes the AI-Powered Insights feature within the Tenant Insight Dashboard, when they input their rental preference criteria, then the system should generate personalized property recommendations that match their preferences.
Comparison of Amenities Across Properties
Given a tenant is reviewing multiple properties on the Tenant Insight Dashboard, when they utilize the comparison tool, then they should be able to view and compare the amenities of up to three properties side by side in a clear, visual format.
Real-Time Alerts for Price Changes
Given a tenant has saved their preferred properties, when there is a price change for these properties, then they should receive real-time notifications through the Tenant Insight Dashboard and optionally via email or SMS.
User-Friendly Navigation and Layout of Dashboard
Given a tenant is introduced to the Tenant Insight Dashboard, when they explore the dashboard, then they should be able to intuitively navigate through different sections without assistance and find relevant information within three clicks.
Feedback Mechanism for AI Predictions
Given a tenant interacts with the AI-generated recommendations on the Tenant Insight Dashboard, when they provide feedback on the accuracy of the recommendations, then the system should be able to log this feedback and improve its future suggestions accordingly.
Landlord Analytics Reports
User Story
As a landlord, I want to receive automated analytics reports that summarize my property's performance and tenant trends so that I can assess how to improve tenant satisfaction and manage my property effectively.
Landlord Analytics Reports are automated reports generated by the AI component of ReLease IQ that provide landlords with data-driven insights about property performance, tenant satisfaction, and market trends. These reports will integrate with landlords' accounts and allow for easy tracking of rental income, lease expiration dates, and maintenance requests. By having access to visualized data, landlords can make strategic decisions to enhance tenant satisfaction and optimize property management. This feature is crucial for landlords looking to stay competitive in changing market conditions and improve overall property performance.
Acceptance Criteria
Landlord generates a monthly analytics report to review property performance and tenant satisfaction metrics.
Given a landlord is logged into their ReLease IQ account, when they request the generation of the monthly analytics report, then the system should produce a report that includes data on rental income, lease expiration dates, maintenance request statuses, and tenant satisfaction scores within 5 minutes.
Landlord views the analytics report for the past quarter to analyze trends and make informed decisions.
Given a landlord accesses the quarterly analytics report section, when they select to view reports for the last quarter, then the system should display a comprehensive report with visual charts indicating rental income trends, maintenance request resolution time, and comparative tenant satisfaction ratings across the past three months.
Landlord customizes the metrics included in their analytics reports based on specific property management needs.
Given a landlord is in the report customization interface, when they select or deselect metrics such as occupancy rates, maintenance costs, and tenant demographics, then the system should allow them to save these customizations and apply them to future report generations without errors.
Landlord receives notifications for significant changes in tenant satisfaction scores from the analytics reports.
Given that a landlord has set up notification preferences, when tenant satisfaction scores drop below a predefined threshold from the analytics report, then the system should send an automated notification within 24 hours to the landlord and suggest potential actions to improve tenant satisfaction.
Landlord exports the analytics report in different formats for sharing with stakeholders.
Given a landlord views an analytics report, when they select the export option, then the system should provide the ability to download the report in PDF and CSV formats without data loss or formatting issues.
Personalized Recommendation Engine
User Story
As a tenant, I want personalized property recommendations based on my search history and preferences so that I can quickly find the right rental that meets my needs without sifting through irrelevant options.
The Personalized Recommendation Engine utilizes machine learning algorithms to provide tailored suggestions to tenants based on their preferences and behavior. The system analyzes tenant interactions within the platform, such as property searches, saved listings, and submitted inquiries, to recommend properties that align with their lifestyle and preferences, as well as local amenities that fit their needs. This engine not only enhances the user experience but also aims to improve conversion rates by seamlessly connecting tenants with suitable rental options, benefiting landlords by reducing vacancy times.
Acceptance Criteria
Personalized recommendations are generated based on tenant preferences after they complete their profile on ReLease IQ.
Given a tenant completes their profile with preferences and past rental history, when they log into the platform, then they should receive at least three property recommendations that match their specified criteria within two minutes.
The recommendation engine analyzes tenant interactions to refine future property suggestions.
Given a tenant interacts with the platform by saving properties and submitting inquiries, when they log in next, then the property recommendations should reflect these interactions and show improved relevance, with at least 70% accuracy in matching their interests.
Landlords can view insights on tenant engagement with properties and the effectiveness of recommendations.
Given a landlord accesses the analytics dashboard, when they review tenant interaction statistics, then they should see a date range feature and an engagement report that shows at least 80% of recommended properties were saved or inquired about by tenants during that period.
Tenants receive notifications for new properties that align with their saved preferences and search history.
Given a tenant has saved certain preferences and regularly searches for properties, when a new property is added to the platform that matches their criteria, then they should receive an email notification within one hour of the property's listing.
The system updates recommendations based on real-time market data and trends.
Given the recommendation engine accesses current market data, when it processes this data, then the properties displayed should reflect changes in the market conditions at least once every 24 hours to ensure recommendations remain timely and relevant.
Tenants can provide feedback on the recommendations they receive to improve the engine's accuracy.
Given a tenant receives property recommendations, when they select feedback on whether the recommendations were helpful or not, then the system should log this feedback, and future recommendations should show a reduction in irrelevant suggestions by at least 30% in the following month.
The recommendation engine seamlessly integrates with neighborhood amenities data to provide comprehensive insights.
Given a tenant is viewing property recommendations, when they select a property, then they should see related neighborhood amenities listed such as schools, parks, and shopping options that are less than one mile from the property, enhancing their decision-making process.
Community Engagement Feature
User Story
As a tenant, I want to be informed about local events and community services so that I can engage with my surroundings and feel more connected to my neighborhood.
The Community Engagement Feature facilitates communication between tenants and local community services, events, and amenities. This feature allows tenants to access a calendar of local events, connect with community organizations, and receive notifications about services available in the area. By encouraging community interaction, this feature strengthens tenant engagement and satisfaction, fostering a sense of belonging and improving tenant retention for property managers.
Acceptance Criteria
Viewing Local Community Events
Given a tenant is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the Community Engagement Feature, then they should see a calendar displaying upcoming local events for the next month.
Connecting with Community Organizations
Given a tenant is on the Community Engagement Feature page, when they click on a community organization listed, then relevant contact information and a brief description should be displayed to the tenant.
Receiving Notifications About Services
Given a tenant opts in for notifications, when a new service or event is posted in the local community, then the tenant should receive a push notification on their mobile device or an email alert.
Filtering Events by Category
Given a tenant is viewing the calendar of local events, when they apply filters (e.g., Family-friendly, Sports, Arts), then only the relevant events that match the selected filters should be displayed.
Providing Feedback on Community Events
Given a tenant has attended a community event, when they return to the Community Engagement Feature, then they should have the option to leave feedback or rate the event they attended.
Joining Community Discussions
Given a tenant is browsing the Community Engagement Feature, when they select the option to join community discussions, then they should be redirected to a forum or messaging platform where discussions are taking place.
Accessing Local Amenities Information
Given a tenant is on the Community Engagement Feature page, when they click on the 'Local Amenities' section, then a list of nearby amenities with descriptions and distance from their property should be displayed.
Responsive Mobile Interface
User Story
As a user, I want to access ReLease IQ features on my mobile device so that I can manage my property and view insights conveniently while I am away from my computer.
The Responsive Mobile Interface ensures that all features of ReLease IQ, including the AI-Powered Insights, are fully optimized for mobile devices. This interface will provide a seamless user experience on smartphones and tablets, allowing tenants and landlords to access critical insights, reports, and communication tools on-the-go. By embracing mobile optimization, the product aims to enhance user engagement and accessibility, empowering users to manage their properties and make informed decisions anytime, anywhere.
Acceptance Criteria
Viewing AI-Powered Insights on a Mobile Device
Given a tenant with access to ReLease IQ, When they log in to the mobile app and navigate to the AI-Powered Insights section, Then they should see a visually optimized layout that is easy to read and interact with, displaying relevant property trends and neighborhood amenities.
Real-time Notifications on Mobile for Insights Updates
Given a landlord using ReLease IQ, When a relevant update on property trends is published, Then the landlord should receive a push notification on their mobile device to alert them of the new insights available.
Responsive Design Across Different Mobile Devices
Given a property manager accessing ReLease IQ from various mobile devices, When they view the AI-Powered Insights page, Then the layout should adjust seamlessly and maintain functionality on smartphones and tablets of varying screen sizes.
Interactive Features for AI-Powered Insights on Mobile
Given a tenant accessing AI-Powered Insights via their smartphone, When they interact with a recommendation (e.g., tapping to learn more about a neighborhood), Then the app should smoothly navigate to a detailed view without lag or glitches.
Offline Access to Key Insights
Given a landlord who may be in an area without internet access, When they open the ReLease IQ mobile app, Then they should have the ability to view previously loaded AI-Powered Insights offline, ensuring accessibility at all times.
User Feedback on Mobile Interface Usability
Given a property manager using the ReLease IQ mobile app, When they navigate through the AI-Powered Insights feature, Then they should be prompted for feedback on their experience, and a minimum satisfaction rating of 80% should be targeted for usability approval.
Tenant Compatibility Reports
This feature generates detailed reports that outline the best matching properties for tenants, considering both their preferences and the characteristics of the properties. These reports facilitate better communication between tenants and landlords, making it clear why each match is recommended.
Generate Tenant Compatibility Reports
User Story
As a property manager, I want to generate Tenant Compatibility Reports so that I can quickly identify properties that best match the preferences of potential tenants, facilitating better communication and decision-making.
This requirement focuses on the development of a feature that generates detailed Tenant Compatibility Reports. These reports will evaluate both tenant preferences and property characteristics, producing a list of the best-suited properties for each tenant. It should provide data points including rental price, location, amenities, and tenant preferences. By seamlessly integrating with the existing dashboards of ReLease IQ, this feature should allow property managers and landlords to quickly understand tenant needs and make informed decisions, thereby improving communication, enhancing tenant satisfaction, and streamlining the leasing process.
Acceptance Criteria
As a property manager, I want to generate a Tenant Compatibility Report for a specific tenant so that I can quickly identify which properties match their preferences and requirements.
Given a tenant's preferences and property characteristics, when I generate the Tenant Compatibility Report, then the report should include at least three suitable properties, each with details on rental price, location, and amenities, aligned with the tenant's specified preferences.
As a landlord, I want to review the Tenant Compatibility Report to understand the rationale behind property recommendations for my tenants.
Given a Tenant Compatibility Report is generated, when I view the report, then it should clearly indicate the reasons for each property match using contextual data points like preference alignment and property features.
As a property manager, I want to integrate the Tenant Compatibility Reports into my dashboard for easy access and usage during client meetings.
Given the Tenant Compatibility Report is integrated, when I access my dashboard, then the report should be easily accessible and available within three clicks, displaying all necessary information at a glance.
As a tenant, I want to receive the Tenant Compatibility Report via email so that I can review it at my convenience.
Given a Tenant Compatibility Report is generated, when it is ready, then an email should be sent to the tenant's registered email address containing a downloadable version of the report.
As a stakeholder, I want to ensure that the Tenant Compatibility Report complies with data protection regulations to protect tenant information.
Given the Tenant Compatibility Report contains personal data, when the report is generated, then it should anonymize any sensitive data and comply with applicable data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR).
As a property manager, I want to verify the accuracy of the data points in the Tenant Compatibility Report to ensure they reflect the latest property details.
Given the data for existing properties is maintained in the system, when I generate a Tenant Compatibility Report, then the data points included should reflect real-time updates with no discrepancies from the source database.
Interactive Property Matching Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want to use an interactive dashboard to visualize tenant compatibility with properties so that I can quickly identify key matches and enhance my decision-making process.
This requirement proposes the creation of an interactive dashboard that visually represents the compatibility between tenants and available properties. The dashboard will display properties along with a compatibility score based on tenant preferences. Features such as filters for property type, price range, and location will enhance user experience. This capability will not only allow property managers to visualize data easily but will also expedite the decision-making process by highlighting the best matches at a glance, thereby optimizing operational efficiency and elevating tenant service.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant accesses the interactive property matching dashboard to find properties that match their preferences for a new rental.
Given that a tenant is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the interactive property matching dashboard and input their preferences (e.g., location, price range, property type), then the dashboard should display a list of properties ranked by compatibility score, offering at least three suitable matches.
Property manager uses the dashboard to filter properties based on specific criteria to present to potential tenants.
Given that a property manager is on the interactive property matching dashboard, when they apply filters for property type, price range, and location, then the dashboard should dynamically update to show only the properties that match the selected filters, with compatibility scores displayed for each property.
User verifies the accuracy of the compatibility scores displayed on the dashboard after inputting tenant preferences.
Given that a property manager inputs specific tenant preferences and views the resulting compatibility scores on the dashboard, when they compare the displayed scores with manually calculated scores based on the matching criteria, then the displayed scores should be correct within a 5% margin of error for at least 90% of the properties listed.
Tenant receives a report generated from the dashboard showcasing their best property matches.
Given that a tenant has interacted with the dashboard and selected their preferred properties, when they request a compatibility report, then the report should include details of each property, the compatibility score, and the reasons for each match, and it should be generated and delivered in less than 30 seconds.
User assesses the usability of the interactive property matching dashboard during user testing.
Given that a group of property managers and tenants are participating in a usability testing session, when they navigate the interactive property matching dashboard, then at least 85% of users should report that the interface is intuitive, and they can find their desired properties without assistance within 10 minutes.
Administrator reviews dashboard performance metrics to ensure optimization.
Given that the dashboard is live, when the administrator examines performance metrics after one month, then the dashboard should show an average loading time of under 3 seconds and a user satisfaction rating of at least 4 out of 5 from user feedback surveys.
Automated Report Generation Feature
User Story
As a property manager, I want to automate the generation of Tenant Compatibility Reports so that I can save time and ensure that the data is always accurate and up-to-date.
The requirement entails the development of an automated report generation feature that will routinely create Tenant Compatibility Reports without manual intervention. This functionality will include scheduling options, allowing reports to be generated weekly or monthly. This automation will save time for property managers by reducing the need for manual report compilation while ensuring that data is kept up-to-date, which enhances the effectiveness of the leasing process and ensures that the latest tenant preferences are reflected in matches.
Acceptance Criteria
Automated Report Generation on Schedule
Given the report generation feature is configured for weekly scheduling, when the end of the week is reached, then a Tenant Compatibility Report is automatically generated without manual intervention.
Data Accuracy in Reports
Given the automated report generation is active, when a report is generated, then the data included matches the latest tenant preferences and property characteristics as per the database.
Tenant Notification of Report Availability
Given that a Tenant Compatibility Report has been generated, when the report is completed, then tenants receive an automated notification via email with the report summary and link to view the full report.
Customization of Report Frequency
Given the system settings allow customization, when a property manager adjusts the report generation frequency from weekly to monthly, then the reports are generated according to the new schedule without errors.
Error Handling for Report Generation Failures
Given the automated report feature is active, when an error occurs during report generation, then an error notification should be sent to the property manager detailing the issue and suggesting corrective actions.
Integration with Existing Property Management Systems
Given the ReLease IQ platform is in use, when the automated report feature is engaged, then it seamlessly integrates with existing property management systems to pull necessary data without manual data entry.
Tenant and Property Feedback Integration
User Story
As a landlord, I want to provide feedback on tenant compatibility matches so that I can help improve the system and ensure better matches in the future.
This requirement will implement a feedback integration system that allows both tenants and property managers to provide feedback on their compatibility matches. This feature will include a user-friendly interface for submitting feedback and a mechanism for analyzing this feedback to improve the matching algorithm over time. The feedback loop will enhance the system's accuracy and user's trust, making the platform more responsive to user needs, and improving the overall service quality.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant submits feedback on a property they matched with in the compatibility report after a viewing.
Given a tenant has viewed a property, When they fill out the feedback form regarding that property, Then the system should record the feedback and link it to the tenant's profile and the property.
Property manager reviews feedback submitted by tenants about matching properties.
Given feedback has been submitted by tenants, When the property manager accesses the feedback analytics dashboard, Then they should see aggregated feedback for each property along with individual tenant comments.
System analyzes feedback to adjust the matching algorithm.
Given a certain number of feedback submissions have been collected, When the system processes the feedback data, Then the matching algorithm should be updated to reflect trends and improve future compatibility matches.
User interface for submitting feedback is accessed by both tenants and property managers.
Given the user is a tenant or property manager, When they access the feedback submission interface, Then the interface should load correctly, allowing them to submit feedback easily via a structured form.
Notifications are sent to tenants after their feedback is received.
Given a tenant has submitted feedback, When the feedback is confirmed as received, Then the system should send a confirmation notification to the tenant via email or push notification.
Feedback is stored securely and is accessible for future reference.
Given feedback is submitted, When the feedback is saved in the database, Then it should be securely stored and retrievable by authorized personnel only.
Mobile Compatibility for Reports
User Story
As a property manager, I want to access Tenant Compatibility Reports on my mobile device so that I can respond to inquiries and make decisions while away from my desk.
Develop a mobile-friendly version of Tenant Compatibility Reports, ensuring that property managers can access and share reports easily from their mobile devices. This requirement involves optimizing report formatting and incorporating mobile-friendly navigation to enhance usability on smartphones and tablets. Improved mobile compatibility will allow property managers to make data-driven decisions on-the-go, thereby increasing efficiency in their operations and responsiveness to tenant needs.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers are in a meeting discussing tenant compatibility and need to present reports to stakeholders using their mobile devices.
Given a property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ mobile application, when they access Tenant Compatibility Reports, then the reports should load within 5 seconds and display correctly with no missing elements.
A property manager is commuting and receives a request from a landlord to share Tenant Compatibility Reports for review.
Given a property manager is viewing a Tenant Compatibility Report on their mobile device, when they select the 'Share' option, then they should be able to send the report via email or SMS, and the report should remain formatted properly in the shared document.
A property manager needs to quickly assess tenant compatibility while at a property inspection using their smartphone.
Given a property manager is on-site using their smartphone, when they view Tenant Compatibility Reports, then they should be able to navigate using touch controls without any delays or navigation issues, and all key information should be accessible within three taps.
During a training session, property management staff need to learn how to use the mobile-friendly Tenant Compatibility Reports feature.
Given a facilitator is conducting a training session, when staff access the training materials on their mobile devices, then all instructional materials should be clearly visible, videos should play without buffering, and users should be able to interact with the mobile reports demonstration seamlessly.
Property managers are gathering feedback from tenants about the Tenant Compatibility Reports they received via mobile.
Given tenants have received their Tenant Compatibility Reports on their mobile devices, when they provide feedback through an in-app survey, then the feedback submission process should take no more than 2 minutes and all responses should be recorded accurately in the system.
Interactive Property Showcase
The Interactive Property Showcase allows tenants to view 3D models and virtual walkthroughs of properties that match their profiles. This immersive experience helps tenants visualize living in the space and enhances their engagement in the selection process.
3D Model Integration
User Story
As a tenant, I want to view high-quality 3D models of properties so that I can better visualize my potential living space and make informed decisions about my options.
The 3D Model Integration requirement allows the Interactive Property Showcase to utilize high-quality 3D models of properties that are accessible through the platform. The integration should support various file formats and ensure seamless rendering of models to provide tenants with an engaging visualization of the properties. This functionality is crucial for creating an immersive experience that promotes tenant interest and satisfaction, ultimately aiding in quicker decision-making and lease agreements.
Acceptance Criteria
3D Model Upload and Rendering
Given a user with property management access, when they upload a valid 3D model file in supported formats, then the system should render the model within the Interactive Property Showcase without errors in less than 5 seconds.
Compatibility with Multiple File Formats
Given a user uploads a property model, when the file format is one of the following (OBJ, FBX, GLTF), then the system should accept the file and process it successfully without any file corruption or rendering issues.
User Experience with Virtual Walkthroughs
Given a tenant filters properties based on their preferences, when they select a property, then the 3D model should provide an interactive walkthrough experience that allows them to navigate through the entire space seamlessly.
Performance under Concurrent Access
Given multiple tenants accessing the Interactive Property Showcase at the same time, when they request to view different 3D models, then the system should maintain the rendering speed of less than 5 seconds per model for each user without degradation in performance.
Feedback Mechanism for Model Quality
Given a tenant has viewed a 3D model of a property, when they provide feedback on the quality of the model, then the system should capture this feedback and store it for review, ensuring that it is accessible to the property manager.
Mobile Compatibility of 3D Models
Given a tenant accesses the Interactive Property Showcase via a mobile device, when they view a 3D model, then the model should render correctly and function without issues on screen sizes of various mobile devices.
Virtual Walkthrough Feature
User Story
As a tenant, I want to take a virtual walkthrough of a property so that I can experience how it feels to be in the space before scheduling a visit.
The Virtual Walkthrough Feature enables tenants to navigate through properties using an interactive interface. This feature should include functionalities like guided tours, allowing tenants to experience the layout and features of the property (e.g., room dimensions, amenities, etc.) as if they were physically present. This requirement is paramount for enhancing user engagement and providing an innovative way for tenants to explore options before visiting in person.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Interaction with Virtual Walkthrough Navigation
Given a tenant accesses the Interactive Property Showcase, When they select a property and initiate the virtual walkthrough, Then they should be able to navigate through the property seamlessly with no lag and by using their mouse or keyboard controls.
Guided Tour Functionality
Given a tenant starts a guided tour option from the virtual walkthrough interface, When the tour begins, Then they should be provided with audio or text prompts detailing each room and its features in real-time as they navigate.
Room Feature Information Accessibility
Given a tenant is viewing a specific room during the virtual walkthrough, When they hover over designated markers in the room, Then detailed information about room dimensions, amenities, and available features should be displayed in a tooltip.
Mobile Device Compatibility
Given a tenant accesses the Interactive Property Showcase on a mobile device, When they initiate the virtual walkthrough, Then the interface should adapt responsively to the device screen size, maintaining functionality and usability.
Real-Time Loading of 3D Assets
Given a property is selected for a virtual walkthrough, When the tenant initiates the walkthrough, Then all 3D assets should load within 5 seconds without compromising the quality of the graphics or experience.
User Feedback Mechanism
Given a tenant completes the virtual walkthrough, When they exit the experience, Then they should be prompted to provide feedback on their experience, which is then recorded for analysis.
Integration with Tenant Profiles
Given a tenant's profile exists in the system, When they access the virtual walkthrough feature, Then the platform should recommend properties based on their saved preferences and previously viewed properties.
Profile Matching Algorithm
User Story
As a tenant, I want properties that match my profile and preferences so that I can easily find homes that are most suitable for me without wasting time on irrelevant listings.
The Profile Matching Algorithm requirement will analyze tenant preferences, budget constraints, and lifestyle factors to match them with properties that suit their needs. This algorithm is essential for ensuring the properties showcased are tailored specifically to each tenant's criteria, thereby increasing both engagement and satisfaction. It should leverage AI-driven insights to continuously learn and refine match accuracy based on user feedback and behavior.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Profile Submission and Match Generation
Given a tenant submits their profile, when the Profile Matching Algorithm is triggered, then matching properties must be displayed that fit the tenant's preferences within 10 seconds of submission.
Dynamic Feedback Integration
Given a tenant interacts with recommended properties, when they provide feedback on each match, then the algorithm must update the matching criteria in real time to improve accuracy for future matches.
Accuracy of Match Performance
Given a set of properties and a tenant profile, when the matching algorithm generates a list of properties, then at least 80% of tenants should indicate the matches are relevant and appropriate based on post-view surveys.
Budget Filtering Functionality
Given a submitted tenant profile that includes budget constraints, when the properties are matched, then only properties within the specified budget range must appear in the results.
Tenant Engagement Metrics
Given that properties are showcased, when the user analytics data is analyzed, then there should be a 30% increase in tenant engagement compared to previous non-automated matching processes.
Learning Algorithm Adaptability
Given tenant feedback and behavioral data, when this data is processed, then the algorithm must demonstrate at least a 20% improvement in match accuracy after three months of operation based on historical comparison.
Error Handling for No Matches Found
Given a tenant profile is submitted and no matches are found, when the matching algorithm runs, then an appropriate message must be displayed to the user informing them of no suitable properties available with suggestions for optimizing their profile.
Interactive Comparison Tool
User Story
As a tenant, I want to compare different properties side-by-side so that I can easily assess my options and choose the one that best fits my needs.
The Interactive Comparison Tool will enable tenants to compare multiple properties side-by-side based on various criteria such as price, size, and amenities. This requirement enhances the decision-making process by allowing users to evaluate their options more effectively. The tool should be easy to use, with intuitive interfaces that facilitate quick comparisons while also integrating data dynamically from the properties in the showcase.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Interaction with the Comparison Tool
Given a tenant is on the property showcase page, when they select multiple properties to compare, then they should see a side-by-side comparison displaying all relevant information including price, size, and amenities.
Dynamic Data Integration for Property Comparison
Given the properties selected for comparison, when the tenant clicks on the 'Compare' button, then the system should retrieve and display the most up-to-date information dynamically from the property database within 2 seconds.
User Interface Usability for Easy Comparison
Given a user is viewing the comparison tool, when they interact with the tool, then they should find the interface intuitive and easy to navigate, with no more than 3 clicks required to switch between properties.
Mobile Responsiveness of the Comparison Tool
Given a tenant is accessing the tool via a mobile device, when they select properties to compare, then the comparison display should be fully responsive and maintain functionality without any loss of information or clarity.
Feedback Mechanism for Comparison Results
Given a tenant has completed a property comparison, when they submit feedback on the tool, then the system should log their feedback and confirm submission with a success message displayed within 3 seconds.
Performance Test for High Load Comparisons
Given multiple tenants are using the comparison tool simultaneously, when they request to compare properties, then the system should handle at least 100 concurrent comparisons without performance degradation.
User Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As a tenant, I want to give feedback on properties after viewing them so that I can share my thoughts and help improve the platform for future tenants.
The User Feedback Mechanism will allow tenants to provide feedback on the properties they view during the interactive showcase. This feedback can provide valuable insights into tenant preferences and pain points, which can be used to improve the platform and property offerings. The requirement includes implementing forms or rating systems that are simple and effective, ensuring a user-friendly experience while encouraging engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
Providing Feedback After Viewing a 3D Model
Given a tenant views a 3D model of a property, when they complete the viewing, then they must be presented with a feedback form to provide their rating and comments.
Rating System Functionality
Given a tenant interacts with a rating system, when they submit their feedback, then the rating must be correctly captured and displayed in the backend system for analysis.
Feedback Submission Confirmation
Given a tenant submits their feedback, when the submission is complete, then the tenant should receive a confirmation message on the screen indicating the feedback has been successfully submitted.
User-Friendly Feedback Interface
Given a tenant accesses the feedback mechanism, when they interact with it, then the interface must be intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring tenants can complete the feedback process in under 5 minutes.
Data Collection for Analytics
Given feedback is collected, when it reaches a minimum threshold of 50 submissions, then it must automatically generate a report that summarizes tenant preferences and areas for improvement.
Feedback Accessibility for Property Managers
Given the feedback collected, when property managers access the dashboard, then they must be able to view all tenant feedback arranged by property for improved strategic decisions.
Predictive Issue Alerts
Predictive Issue Alerts leverage IoT sensor data to send immediate notifications to property managers and maintenance staff when potential maintenance issues are detected. By identifying problems before they escalate, this feature helps reduce downtime, minimizes repair costs, and enhances tenant satisfaction through prompt resolution.
Real-time Notification System
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive immediate notifications when potential maintenance issues are detected so that I can promptly address them before they escalate into significant problems.
The Real-time Notification System enables immediate alerts to property managers and maintenance staff when an issue is detected by IoT sensor data. This system is critical for timely responses to potential maintenance issues, ensuring rapid communication between the system and staff. The alerts will be customizable based on the type of issue, location, and urgency. This capability will enhance the responsiveness of property management, reduce potential damage by addressing issues early, and significantly increase tenant satisfaction through proactive management of maintenance needs.
Acceptance Criteria
Triggering alerts for a detected maintenance issue due to high humidity levels in a unit.
Given an IoT sensor detects humidity above 70%, When the alert is triggered, Then property managers should receive a push notification within 5 seconds, and an email alert within 10 seconds detailing the location and nature of the issue.
Customizing alert notifications based on issue type and urgency.
Given the property manager accesses the notification settings, When they configure alerts for water leaks as high urgency and HVAC issues as medium urgency, Then the notification system should correctly categorize and prioritize alerts based on urgency levels as set by the manager.
Responding to an alert sent to maintenance staff regarding a detected gas leak.
Given a gas leak is detected, When the alert is sent to maintenance staff, Then it should include the unit number, time of detection, and recommended immediate actions, and it must be acknowledged by maintenance staff within 3 minutes to confirm receipt.
Testing the notification delivery system under high load conditions.
Given the system receives 100 alerts from sensors within 1 minute, When alerts are generated, Then all notifications should still be delivered to property managers and maintenance staff within 10 seconds with no missed alerts.
Logging all sent alerts for auditing purposes.
Given the notification system sends out alerts, When an alert is sent, Then details of the alert (timestamp, type, location, and recipient) must be logged accurately in the alert history log for auditing.
Integration with the property manager's existing communication tools (e.g., SMS, Email, App notifications).
Given the property manager has connected their existing communication channels, When a maintenance alert is triggered, Then the alert should be sent seamlessly through all configured channels without delays.
Verifying tenant satisfaction regarding the response time of alerts.
Given the system is in operation for 3 months, When tenant feedback is collected, Then at least 80% of tenants should report satisfaction with the speed of maintenance responses after alerts are triggered.
Historical Data Analysis
User Story
As a property manager, I want to analyze historical data of maintenance issues so that I can identify patterns and allocate resources more effectively for preventative maintenance.
The Historical Data Analysis requirement involves creating a feature that allows property managers to view and analyze past maintenance issues and sensor data trends. This feature will utilize machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in the occurrence of issues, helping managers make informed decisions about preventative measures and maintenance schedules. By understanding past incidents, property managers can better budget for repairs and allocate resources, leading to better long-term property care and reduced operational costs.
Acceptance Criteria
Viewing historical maintenance issues to create a quarterly maintenance budget.
Given a property manager accesses the historical data analysis feature, when they select a specific property and date range, then they should see a comprehensive report of all past maintenance issues categorized by type and cost, enabling them to accurately forecast future maintenance budgets.
Identifying trends in sensor data to preemptively address potential issues.
Given a property manager selects the trend analysis feature, when they input the specific IoT sensors and time frame, then the system should display graphical trends indicating the frequency and type of detected issues, with insights on potential preventative measures.
Analyzing patterns of past maintenance to improve overall resource allocation.
Given a property manager reviews the analysis results, when they compare the frequency of issues across different properties, then they should be able to identify high-risk properties and allocate maintenance resources accordingly, allowing for proactive management.
Generating alerts based on predictive analysis of historical data.
Given that historical maintenance data has been analyzed, when an issue pattern matches a current sensor reading, then the system should automatically generate an alert to the property manager and maintenance staff for immediate action.
Engaging stakeholders with data-driven insights from the analysis feature.
Given a property manager has completed a historical data analysis, when they export the findings as a report, then the report should present visual data and actionable insights that can be shared with stakeholders for informed decision-making.
Using machine learning to enhance forecasting accuracy for maintenance issues.
Given the machine learning model has been trained with sufficient historical data, when new data is received, then the model should provide accurate predictions of when maintenance issues are likely to occur, with at least 85% accuracy based on historical validation.
Monitoring the effectiveness of implemented preventative measures over time.
Given that a property manager has implemented new preventative measures based on historical data insights, when they review the maintenance log for the next six months, then they should see a 30% reduction in the frequency of the previously identified issues.
User-configurable Alert Settings
User Story
As a maintenance staff member, I want to configure my alert settings so that I get notified only of the issues that require my immediate attention, allowing me to manage my time more effectively.
User-configurable Alert Settings allow property managers and staff to customize the types and frequency of alerts they receive regarding maintenance issues. This functionality will empower users to adjust settings according to their preferences, ensuring they obtain information most relevant to their roles. It enhances user experience, reduces noise from irrelevant notifications, and ensures that critical issues receive the proper attention dramatically improving property management efficiency.
Acceptance Criteria
User needs to customize alert configurations for different maintenance issues on the ReLease IQ platform to manage multiple properties effectively.
Given the user is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the alert settings page, then they should be able to select from various maintenance issues and configure the notification types and frequency for each issue without any errors.
A property manager wants to receive immediate alerts for critical maintenance issues but prefers daily summaries for minor issues.
Given the user has configured their alert settings for critical and minor issues, when a critical issue arises, then the user should receive an immediate notification, and when a minor issue arises, then the user should receive a daily summary notification.
A maintenance staff member needs to adjust alert settings on-the-fly during a busy workday to better focus on urgent tasks.
Given the maintenance staff member is on the alert settings page, when they modify the alert frequency and types, then these changes should take effect immediately without requiring a page refresh or re-login.
A property manager is unhappy with the number of alerts generated for minor maintenance issues after implementation of the new settings and wants to review and adjust them.
Given that the property manager is on the alert settings page, when they review the current settings, then they should see an overview of received alerts categorized by criticality and frequency, and be able to adjust settings accordingly.
User needs to receive a confirmation when they successfully update their alert settings to ensure that the changes are acknowledged by the system.
Given the user has made changes to their alert settings, when they click the 'Save Settings' button, then they should receive a confirmation message indicating that their settings have been successfully updated.
A user has configured different alert settings for multiple properties and wants to ensure the settings are unique to each property.
Given the user manages multiple properties, when they access the alert settings for each property, then each property's alert settings should be distinct and allow for separate configurations without overlap.
Integration with Existing Property Management Tools
User Story
As a property manager, I want Predictive Issue Alerts to integrate with my existing property management tools so that I can manage all operations from one system without data redundancy.
Integration with Existing Property Management Tools will ensure that Predictive Issue Alerts can communicate effectively with other software solutions used by the property managers. This requirement focuses on building APIs and data exchange protocols for seamless interaction between ReLease IQ and existing property management systems. The integration will streamline workflows, reduce data entry duplication, and allow for comprehensive management of property operations within a singular platform, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Acceptance Criteria
Successful Communication Between ReLease IQ and Existing Property Management Tools
Given an existing property management tool integrated with ReLease IQ, when a predictive issue alert is generated, then the relevant information should be transmitted to the property management tool within 5 seconds without errors.
APIs Functionality for Predictive Issue Alerts
Given the designed APIs for integrating with existing property management tools, when the APIs are called with predictive issue data, then they should return a successful response (HTTP 200) confirming that the data has been received and logged correctly.
Seamless Data Synchronization
Given a data entry in ReLease IQ that relates to a predictive issue alert, when the data is saved, then the corresponding record should be updated in the existing property management tool within 10 seconds, ensuring no data duplication occurs.
User Feedback on Integration Effectiveness
Given the integration of ReLease IQ with existing property management tools, when property managers use both systems to monitor predictive issue alerts, then at least 80% of users should report increased efficiency and reduced manual input errors in a post-implementation survey.
Error Handling and Notifications
Given a network failure during the synchronization process, when a predictive issue alert is triggered, then the system should queue the notification and automatically resend it within 15 minutes of resolution of the network issue, ensuring no alerts are lost.
Real-time Dashboard Updates for Integrated Tools
Given the integration is successful, when a predictive issue alert is received, then the dashboard of the property management tool should reflect the new alert within 3 seconds, providing real-time updates to the users.
Security of Data Exchange
Given the data exchange between ReLease IQ and existing property management tools, when the data is transmitted through the APIs, then all data exchanged should be encrypted and comply with industry standards for data security to ensure tenant information privacy.
Tenant Communication Module
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive updates on maintenance issues detected in my unit so that I am aware of what is being done to resolve problems and when to expect action.
The Tenant Communication Module is designed to facilitate communication between property managers and tenants regarding maintenance alerts and updates. This module will directly inform tenants about issues detected and timelines for resolution, enhancing transparency and building trust. By allowing tenants to receive updates on their living conditions and response times, property managers can significantly improve tenant satisfaction and retention, ensuring that tenants feel valued and informed.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant receives maintenance alert notifications through the Tenant Communication Module when a predictive issue is detected by IoT sensors in their unit.
Given a tenant is registered in the system, when a maintenance alert is triggered, then the tenant should receive an immediate notification via SMS and email detailing the issue detected and the expected response time for resolution.
Property managers access the Tenant Communication Module to review and respond to tenant inquiries related to maintenance updates.
Given the property manager is logged into the Dashboard, when they open the Tenant Communication Module, then they should see a list of all active maintenance alerts and tenant inquiries with timestamps and status updates.
Tenants provide feedback on their satisfaction regarding maintenance communication through the Tenant Communication Module after a maintenance issue is resolved.
Given a maintenance issue is resolved, when the tenant is notified of the resolution, then they should be prompted to complete a satisfaction survey, which will be recorded as feedback in the system.
The Tenant Communication Module includes a feature for tenants to view historical maintenance alerts and communication regarding their unit.
Given a tenant is logged into their account, when they navigate to the historical communications section, then they should be able to view all past maintenance alerts, communications, and their resolution statuses.
Property managers analyze the effectiveness of the Tenant Communication Module through performance metrics.
Given the property manager is on the analytics dashboard, when they review the Tenant Communication Module reports, then they should see metrics such as response time, tenant satisfaction ratings, and the volume of communication sent over the past month.
Maintenance Efficiency Score
The Maintenance Efficiency Score provides property managers with a clear and concise evaluation of current maintenance operations based on response times, issue resolution times, and tenant feedback. This feature supports continuous improvement efforts, empowering users to optimize maintenance workflows and improve overall property management.
Data Collection Module
User Story
As a property manager, I want a way to automatically collect and analyze maintenance data so that I can identify areas needing improvement and optimize my maintenance operations.
The Data Collection Module is designed to gather comprehensive data on maintenance requests, including timestamps for request logging, response time, resolution time, and tenant satisfaction ratings. This module will be integrated into the existing property management workflow and will automatically compile and analyze this data to provide insights into overall maintenance performance. By identifying trends and inefficiencies, property managers can strategize improvements, ensuring timely responses and increased tenant satisfaction. The ultimate goal is to transform raw data into actionable insights that inform maintenance practices and decision-making.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration of the Data Collection Module into the existing property management workflow, ensuring automatic data gathering when a maintenance request is logged.
Given a maintenance request has been logged, when the request is submitted, then the Data Collection Module should automatically capture the timestamp of logging, and the request details must be stored in the system without manual intervention.
Analysis of response times for maintenance requests within a selected time frame, enabling property managers to evaluate performance.
Given a property manager is analyzing maintenance performance, when they select a time frame and view the report, then the Maintenance Efficiency Score should display average response times accurately calculated for that specified period.
Compilation of tenant satisfaction ratings following the completion of maintenance requests, to assess overall service quality.
Given a maintenance request has been resolved, when the tenant submits their feedback rating, then the Data Collection Module should automatically update the tenant satisfaction database with the rating within 24 hours of completion.
Identification of trends in maintenance requests based on response and resolution times to inform operational improvements.
Given the Data Collection Module has collected sufficient data, when the property manager requests a trend analysis report, then the system should provide insights highlighting patterns in response times and resolution effectiveness.
User interface displays real-time analytics for maintenance performance, making it accessible and understandable for property managers.
Given the property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ dashboard, when they navigate to the analytics section, then the Maintenance Efficiency Score should be visible and easy to interpret, with clear graphs and metrics.
Validation of the system's ability to integrate data from existing property management software for comprehensive analysis.
Given that the property management software is integrated, when a maintenance request is logged in the existing system, then the Data Collection Module should receive the data and compile it without data loss or errors.
Real-Time Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want a real-time analytics dashboard that visualizes maintenance performance metrics so that I can make data-driven decisions quickly and effectively.
The Real-Time Analytics Dashboard provides property managers with a visual representation of maintenance performance metrics, including response times, tenant feedback, and resolution rates, all in one centralized location. This dashboard will utilize interactive charts and graphs to present data trends and patterns, allowing property managers to make informed decisions based on the latest information. Integration with the Maintenance Efficiency Score ensures that users can quickly assess the current operational health and adjust workflows accordingly, leading to improved service delivery and tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Real-time data visualization for maintenance metrics
Given the property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they access the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, then they should see interactive charts and graphs that display current maintenance performance metrics including response times, tenant feedback, and resolution rates.
Integration with Maintenance Efficiency Score
Given the property manager views the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when they check the Maintenance Efficiency Score, then the dashboard should automatically update to reflect any changes in the efficiency score based on current maintenance operations.
User interaction with dashboard elements
Given the property manager is on the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when they interact with the charts (e.g., hovering or clicking), then they should see detailed tooltips or pop-ups providing specific data points and trends related to maintenance operations.
Real-time tenant feedback display
Given tenants submit feedback on maintenance services, when the property manager refreshes the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, then the updated tenant feedback should be displayed in real-time, showing both positive and negative responses.
Downloadable performance reports
Given the property manager wants to review maintenance performance, when they access the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, then they should have an option to download a performance report in PDF format that includes key metrics, trends, and efficiency scores.
Customizable dashboard settings
Given the property manager has specific data preferences, when they access the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, then they should be able to customize which metrics are displayed and save their preferred layout for future visits.
Historical data comparison
Given the property manager seeks to analyze past performances, when they use the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, then they should have the ability to filter and compare historical maintenance performance data against current metrics for trend analysis.
Automated Reporting System
User Story
As a property manager, I want an automated reporting system that generates performance reports so that I can easily track maintenance operations and identify areas for improvement without manual work.
The Automated Reporting System will generate weekly and monthly maintenance performance reports, based on the collected data from the Data Collection Module. These reports will outline performance trends, highlight areas of concern, and provide actionable recommendations for improvement. The system will allow users to customize the reporting frequency and metrics included, ensuring that property managers can always have access to the insights they need without manual intervention. This feature aims to reduce administrative burdens and ensure that property management remains proactive rather than reactive.
Acceptance Criteria
Weekly Maintenance Performance Report Generation
Given the user sets the reporting frequency to weekly, When the user initiates the report generation, Then the system should generate a comprehensive report outlining maintenance response times, issue resolution times, and tenant feedback for the past week.
Monthly Maintenance Performance Report Generation
Given the user sets the reporting frequency to monthly, When the user initiates the report generation, Then the system should generate a detailed report highlighting performance trends, areas of concern, and actionable recommendations for the past month.
Customizing Report Metrics
Given the user wants to customize their report, When they select specific metrics from the available options, Then the system should generate a report including only the chosen metrics without any additional data.
Automated Report Delivery
Given the user has configured their email for report delivery, When the reporting schedule occurs, Then the system should automatically send the generated report to the user's email without manual intervention.
User Feedback on Report Usability
Given that the reports have been generated and sent to the user, When the user reviews the reports and provides feedback, Then the system should log the feedback for continuous improvement of report usability.
Performance Trend Visualization
Given a generated report, When the user accesses the report, Then the system should visually present key performance trends using graphs and charts for better understanding.
Error Handling in Report Generation
Given that there is an error during report generation, When the user attempts to generate a report, Then the system should display a user-friendly error message and log the error for troubleshooting.
Tenant Feedback Integration
User Story
As a tenant, I want to easily provide feedback on maintenance services so that I can share my experiences and help improve the quality of service I receive.
The Tenant Feedback Integration feature allows tenants to provide feedback directly through the tenant portal, specifically targeting their maintenance experiences. Feedback will be collected through surveys post-resolution and will directly influence the Maintenance Efficiency Score. This will empower tenants to share their experiences and provide constructive input, ultimately fostering a better landlord-tenant relationship. The integration will also facilitate trend analysis of tenant feedback over time, enabling property managers to respond proactively to tenant concerns and enhance service quality.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant submits maintenance feedback after a repair is completed through the tenant portal.
Given the tenant has access to the portal, when they receive a notification post-maintenance, then they should be able to submit feedback through a user-friendly survey, and the feedback should be saved in the system successfully.
Property manager reviews tenant feedback to analyze maintenance performance trends.
Given that feedback is collected from tenants, when a property manager accesses the analytics dashboard, then they should see a graphical representation of feedback trends that influence the Maintenance Efficiency Score.
Tenant submits feedback indicating dissatisfaction with a maintenance response.
Given that a tenant submits negative feedback, when the feedback is analyzed, then the system should flag this response for the property manager's attention and generate a notification for review.
Multiple tenants submit feedback regarding the same maintenance issue.
Given that multiple tenants provide feedback related to a recurring maintenance issue, when the property manager views this feedback, then it should aggregate and highlight the recurring nature of the feedback in the analytics dashboard.
System integration allows feedback data to dynamically update the Maintenance Efficiency Score.
Given that tenant feedback is submitted and collected, when feedback is processed, then the Maintenance Efficiency Score should update in real-time to reflect the latest data without manual intervention.
Tenant feedback includes suggestions for improvement.
Given that tenants provide feedback that includes specific suggestions, when the property manager reviews the feedback, then they should be able to categorize and prioritize suggestions for future maintenance improvements.
Performance Benchmarking
User Story
As a property manager, I want to benchmark my maintenance operations against industry standards so that I can understand where I stand and identify opportunities for improvement.
The Performance Benchmarking requirement allows property managers to compare their maintenance metrics against industry standards or regional averages. This feature will pull data from various external sources to provide context for the Maintenance Efficiency Score. By understanding how their properties stack up against peers, property managers can set realistic improvement targets and identify best practices within the industry. This benchmarking tool aims to enhance operational transparency and drive continuous improvement efforts across the organization.
Acceptance Criteria
Performance Benchmarking for Maintenance Operations Review
Given a property manager accesses the Performance Benchmarking tool, when they input their maintenance metrics, then the tool should display a comparison report against relevant industry standards and regional averages.
Data Source Integration for Benchmarking
Given that the system is configured to connect to external data sources, when the Performance Benchmarking tool is initiated, then it should successfully retrieve and display relevant benchmarking data without errors.
User Feedback on Benchmarking Results
Given a property manager views their benchmarking results, when they provide feedback on the insights and usability of the tool, then the system should record this feedback for future enhancements.
Setting Improvement Targets Based on Benchmarking
Given that the benchmarking data is reviewed, when a property manager sets improvement targets, then those targets should be saved and reflected in the maintenance efficiency score's evaluation dashboard.
Historical Comparison of Maintenance Metrics
Given that the property manager has previous maintenance data, when they utilize the benchmarking feature, then the system should allow them to compare current metrics against historical data to track improvement over time.
Performance Insights Dashboard Integration
Given the completion of the benchmarking analysis, when the results are displayed, then they should be seamlessly integrated into the Performance Insights dashboard to provide an overview of maintenance efficiency scores.
Automated Maintenance Scheduling
Automated Maintenance Scheduling allows property managers to set up predictive maintenance tasks based on sensor data. This feature intelligently organizes routine checks and repairs to ensure that property conditions remain optimal, thereby reducing reactive maintenance needs and increasing operational efficiency.
Predictive Maintenance Alerts
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive predictive maintenance alerts so that I can address issues before they become costly problems and ensure tenant satisfaction.
The Predictive Maintenance Alerts requirement involves the integration of AI-driven analytics to monitor sensor data in real-time, automatically identifying potential issues before they escalate into major problems. This functionality will notify property managers about upcoming maintenance needs, allowing for timely intervention. By ensuring that property conditions remain optimal, this feature aims to enhance overall operational efficiency, reduce costs associated with reactive maintenance, and ultimately improve tenant satisfaction. The implementation of this requirement will reinforce the product's reputation as a leader in automated property management solutions.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers set up predictive maintenance alerts within the ReLease IQ platform after installing sensors in the properties they manage.
Given that sensors are correctly installed and operational, when property managers access the maintenance scheduling feature, then they should be able to set up predictive maintenance alerts for specific assets or systems.
During a property manager's dashboard review, they receive an alert for a predicted maintenance need based on real-time sensor data.
Given that the predictive maintenance alerts are activated, when a maintenance need is identified by the system, then the property manager should receive an instant notification via the dashboard and email.
A property manager looks at maintenance history to assess the effectiveness of predictive alerts over the last quarter.
Given that predictive maintenance alerts have been implemented, when the property manager reviews maintenance history, then they should see a 30% reduction in reactive maintenance requests compared to the previous quarter.
At the beginning of each month, a property manager checks system performance to ensure predictive analytics are functioning correctly.
Given that the predictive maintenance alerts are in operation, when the property manager runs a system performance check, then the manager should see a report confirming at least 95% accuracy in the predictive maintenance alerts generated.
A property manager needs to modify an existing maintenance alert for a sensor that is giving false readings.
Given that a predictive alert has already been set up, when the property manager accesses the alert settings, then they should be able to edit the parameters of the maintenance alert easily and save the changes without errors.
After implementing predictive maintenance alerts, a property manager wants to evaluate tenant feedback regarding maintenance operations.
Given that predictive maintenance alerts are active, when the property manager surveys tenants about maintenance experiences, then at least 80% of respondents should report satisfaction with maintenance timing and quality.
A property manager conducts a training session for their team on how to utilize predictive maintenance alerts effectively.
Given that a training session is scheduled, when it is delivered, then all attending team members should demonstrate understanding by correctly configuring a predictive maintenance alert in a simulated environment by the end of the session.
Tenant Self-Service Portal
User Story
As a tenant, I want to have access to a self-service portal so that I can manage my maintenance requests and lease documents independently, enhancing my overall experience with the property management.
The Tenant Self-Service Portal requirement allows tenants to schedule maintenance requests, access lease documents, and track the status of their requests, all through a user-friendly interface. This feature enhances tenant engagement and satisfaction by empowering them with the ability to manage their requests independently and efficiently. It integrates seamlessly with the existing support and maintenance systems, ensuring that all tenant interactions are tracked and documented, which improves the operational workflow for property managers. The successful implementation of this requirement is expected to streamline communication and improve operational efficiency.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant schedules a maintenance request through the self-service portal interface.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they select 'Request Maintenance' and fill in the required details, then the system should log the request and notify the property manager within 5 minutes.
Tenant accesses and downloads their lease documents via the portal.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they navigate to the 'Lease Documents' section and select a document, then the system should allow the tenant to download the document in PDF format without errors.
Tenant tracks the status of a maintenance request after submission.
Given a logged-in tenant with a submitted maintenance request, when they navigate to the 'Request Status' section, then the system should display the current status of their request (e.g., Pending, In Progress, Completed).
Property manager receives a notification for a new maintenance request submitted by a tenant.
Given a new maintenance request submitted through the tenant portal, when the request is logged, then the property manager should receive a notification via email and on their dashboard within 5 minutes.
Tenant views their previous maintenance requests and their statuses in the portal.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they go to the 'Previous Requests' section, then the system should display a list of their past maintenance requests along with their current statuses.
Tenant receives an automated reminder for upcoming scheduled maintenance.
Given that a scheduled maintenance task is approaching, the system should send an automated reminder notification to the tenant 24 hours in advance via the preferred communication method (email/app notification).
Tenant updates a previously submitted maintenance request.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they select an existing maintenance request and update the details, then the updated request should be saved and the property manager should be notified of the changes within 5 minutes.
Maintenance History Tracking
User Story
As a property manager, I want to track the maintenance history so that I can analyze past issues and make better decisions regarding preventive maintenance and budgeting.
The Maintenance History Tracking requirement provides property managers with a comprehensive log of all maintenance activities conducted within the property. This feature documents previous repairs, maintenance schedules, and related costs. Easily accessible from the dashboard, this functionality enhances accountability and helps in making informed decisions regarding future maintenance needs and budgeting. By enabling property managers to track trends and patterns over time, this requirement aims to reduce costs and optimize maintenance strategies, ultimately improving the property's efficiency and tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Maintenance History Review for Cost Analysis
Given a property manager accesses the Maintenance History Tracking feature, when they filter maintenance records by date and cost, then the system should display a comprehensive log of all maintenance activities categorized by date and associated costs.
Trend Analysis of Maintenance Work
Given a property manager views the Maintenance History Tracking dashboard, when they select a timeframe for analysis, then the dashboard should present visual trends illustrating maintenance frequency and types of services rendered over the selected period.
Accessibility of Maintenance Logs
Given a property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ dashboard, when they navigate to the Maintenance History Tracking section, then they should be able to access and view all documented maintenance activities without any delay or errors.
Integration with Automated Scheduling
Given a property manager utilizes the Automated Maintenance Scheduling feature, when a maintenance task is completed, then the system should automatically update the Maintenance History Tracking log to reflect this task with accurate timestamps and details.
User Permissions for Maintenance History Access
Given a property manager is setting up user roles in ReLease IQ, when they configure permissions for team members, then only designated users should have access to the Maintenance History Tracking logs as per the assigned roles.
Alerts for Maintenance Records Review
Given that a predefined interval has passed since the last maintenance task was logged, when the property manager accesses the Maintenance History Tracking feature, then they should receive an alert prompting them to review the records for potential upcoming maintenance needs.
Exporting Maintenance History Reports
Given a property manager is reviewing the Maintenance History Tracking log, when they select the export option, then they should be able to download a complete report in a PDF or Excel format without loss of information.
AI-driven Maintenance Recommendations
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive AI-driven maintenance recommendations so that I can preemptively address issues and enhance the property condition for better tenant experiences.
The AI-driven Maintenance Recommendations feature utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze property conditions, historical maintenance data, and external factors (like weather patterns) to provide tailored maintenance suggestions. This requirement aims to preemptively address potential problems and schedule routine maintenance tasks effectively. By integrating with existing scheduling tools, this feature is designed to enhance operational efficiency and reduce the manual burden on property managers. The expected outcome is a proactive maintenance approach that elevates the property’s condition and tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
AI-Driven Maintenance Recommendations for Seasonal Changes
Given that the property manager has integrated sensor data and historical maintenance records, when the weather forecast predicts a seasonal change (e.g., winter snow), then the system should automatically generate maintenance recommendations for HVAC checks and snow removal scheduling at least one week in advance.
AI-powered Alerts for Urgent Maintenance Needs
Given that the property sensors detect a significant water leak in a unit, when the alert is triggered, then the system should notify the property manager via email and SMS within five minutes, providing a recommendation for immediate action.
Integration with Existing Scheduling Tools
Given that the property manager uses an external scheduling tool, when the AI-driven maintenance recommendations are generated, then they should be seamlessly integrated into the existing scheduling tool, allowing for easy visualization and modification by the property manager.
Performance Metrics of AI Recommendations
Given that multiple AI-driven maintenance recommendations have been executed over a quarter, when the effectiveness of these recommendations is reviewed, then at least a 30% reduction in reactive maintenance incidents should be recorded as compared to the previous quarter.
User Feedback Collection on Maintenance Recommendations
Given that maintenance recommendations have been implemented, when the property manager and tenants are surveyed regarding the satisfaction of the executed recommendations, then at least 80% of responses should indicate that the recommendations improved property conditions and tenant satisfaction.
Data Security and Privacy Compliance
Given that the AI-driven Maintenance Recommendations utilize sensitive property and tenant data, when the system is audited, then it must demonstrate compliance with data security regulations, ensuring no unauthorized access to tenant information.
User Interface for Viewing Recommendations
Given that the property manager has logged into the ReLease IQ dashboard, when they navigate to the maintenance recommendations section, then they should see a user-friendly interface that displays AI-generated recommendations, including detailed descriptions, urgency levels, and suggested scheduling times.
Real-Time Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want access to a real-time analytics dashboard so that I can monitor property performance and make informed decisions quickly, improving the management process.
The Real-Time Analytics Dashboard requirement provides a visual and data-driven interface for property managers to monitor various metrics, including scheduled maintenance activities, tenant requests, and property conditions. This feature consolidates all relevant data into a single view, enabling managers to quickly assess situations, identify trends, and make informed decisions. By leveraging this dashboard, property managers can enhance operational efficiency, allocate resources effectively, and ultimately improve tenant satisfaction through better service delivery.
Acceptance Criteria
Monitoring Scheduled Maintenance Activities in Real-Time
Given the property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, then they should see a list of all scheduled maintenance activities with their respective timestamps and statuses.
Visualizing Tenant Request Trends
Given the property manager accesses the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when they view the tenant request metrics, then they should see a visual representation (chart or graph) of requests over the past 30 days categorized by type (e.g., repairs, inquiries).
Assessing Property Condition Reports
Given the property manager is reviewing the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when they select the property condition metrics, then they should be able to view a summary of conditions with alerts for any properties needing immediate attention or maintenance.
Filtering Analytics by Time Period
Given the property manager is on the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when they select a custom time period for analysis, then the dashboard should refresh to display data relevant to that selected period without any lag over 2 seconds.
Exporting Dashboard Analytics to CSV
Given the property manager is on the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when they choose to export data, then a CSV file should be generated containing all visible data metrics with accurate formatting and no data loss.
Change in Analytics Based on User Role
Given different user roles (admin, property manager, support staff) accessing the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when they log in, then each role should see a tailored dashboard with features and metrics relevant to their permissions.
Receiving Alerts for Maintenance Issues
Given the property manager is utilizing the Real-Time Analytics Dashboard, when there is a maintenance issue reported, then an alert should appear on the dashboard notifying the manager immediately with details of the issue.
Real-Time Condition Dashboard
The Real-Time Condition Dashboard offers a comprehensive view of the status of all IoT sensors throughout the property. Property managers can easily monitor and visualize maintenance needs in real-time, enabling them to prioritize issues effectively and allocate resources efficiently.
IoT Sensor Integration
User Story
As a property manager, I want to integrate IoT sensors into the dashboard so that I can monitor various conditions in real-time and respond quickly to maintenance needs.
The IoT Sensor Integration requirement involves the seamless incorporation of various IoT sensors into the Real-Time Condition Dashboard. This integration allows for the aggregation of data from different sources, facilitating real-time monitoring of conditions such as temperature, humidity, and occupancy across properties. By enabling property managers to have centralized access to real-time data from all sensors, this requirement significantly enhances their ability to assess the property’s condition, respond promptly to maintenance needs, and improve overall tenant satisfaction. A robust integration framework will ensure reliable data transmission and compatibility with various sensor models, ultimately leading to a proactive approach to property management.
Acceptance Criteria
Monitoring Temperature and Humidity Levels in Real-Time
Given a property with multiple IoT temperature and humidity sensors installed, When the property manager accesses the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, Then the dashboard should display real-time data from all sensors accurately within 5 seconds of data capture.
Identifying Maintenance Needs Based on Sensor Data
Given that IoT sensors are actively monitoring conditions within the property, When the condition dashboard detects a temperature exceeding defined thresholds, Then an alert should be generated and sent to the property manager within 2 minutes.
Data Aggregation from Various Sensor Models
Given that multiple sensor models are integrated into the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, When a property manager reviews the sensor dashboard, Then the data from all sensor models should be displayed uniformly and accurately without any data loss.
User Access and Security on the Real-Time Condition Dashboard
Given that property managers have differing levels of access rights, When a user logs into the dashboard, Then they should only have access to the information pertaining to their assigned properties, ensuring data confidentiality.
Historical Data Tracking for Condition Analysis
Given real-time data is being collected from the IoT sensors, When the property manager requests historical data for analysis, Then the dashboard should allow them to view and export data from the last 30 days without delay.
Integration with Alert Systems for Tenant Notifications
Given a potential maintenance issue detected by the sensors, When an alert is triggered in the dashboard, Then the system should automatically notify tenants via email or SMS within 10 minutes of the alert being generated.
Dashboard Performance and Load Testing
Given a high number of simultaneous users accessing the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, When the system is tested under load, Then it should maintain functionality and response times under 2 seconds for every user request, ensuring reliability during peak usage.
Customizable Dashboard Alerts
User Story
As a property manager, I want to customize alerts for sensor readings so that I can be promptly informed about maintenance issues and act quickly to resolve them.
The Customizable Dashboard Alerts requirement allows property managers to configure alerts based on specific thresholds set for different IoT sensors. This feature would enable users to receive notifications for conditions that require immediate attention, such as when temperature or humidity exceeds predefined limits. By providing the ability to tailor alerts according to properties’ unique needs, this enhances operational efficiency and ensures that property managers can act swiftly on critical issues. This customization capability contributes to better resource allocation and prioritization, ultimately improving the management of property conditions.
Acceptance Criteria
Property manager accesses the customizable dashboard alerts feature to set specific thresholds for temperature and humidity levels across different properties.
Given the property manager is on the dashboard alerts configuration page, When they input a temperature threshold of 75°F and a humidity threshold of 60%, Then the dashboard should reflect these thresholds accurately and allow saving.
A property manager has set up an alert for when temperature exceeds 75°F. They want to ensure that notifications are received in real-time when this condition arises.
Given the temperature sensor detects 80°F, When the threshold is exceeded, Then the property manager receives an immediate notification via the chosen communication method (email or SMS).
The tenant has reported a maintenance issue that needs immediate attention when the humidity level exceeds 70%.
Given the humidity sensor measures 75%, When this condition persists for 10 minutes, Then the system generates an alert for the property manager to prioritize this issue immediately.
A property manager wants to review and modify existing alert thresholds for multiple properties from the dashboard.
Given the property manager is on the alerts configuration page, When they select the option to view all active alerts, Then they should be able to see all current thresholds and edit them as needed.
The property manager is testing the alert functionality to ensure it notifies them correctly when thresholds are crossed.
Given the manager sets a temperature threshold of 72°F, When the system detects a temperature of 74°F, Then the alert notification system must trigger within 1 minute to confirm functionality.
The property manager wants to ensure that alerts can be customized for different properties with varying needs.
Given the property manager is configuring alerts for two different properties, When they set unique temperature thresholds of 70°F for Property A and 80°F for Property B, Then each property should independently exhibit these customized alerts in the dashboard.
Interactive Data Visualization
User Story
As a property manager, I want to visualize data trends from sensors so that I can make informed decisions regarding property maintenance and resource allocation.
The Interactive Data Visualization requirement focuses on creating interactive charts and graphs within the Real-Time Condition Dashboard. This functionality allows property managers to visualize trends over time regarding maintenance needs, sensor performance, and environmental changes. By presenting data in an engaging format, users can intuitively understand patterns that influence property conditions, leading to informed decision-making. This feature plays a critical role in enhancing user experience and operational strategy, allowing property managers to proactively manage potential issues before they escalate.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers access the Real-Time Condition Dashboard to review current maintenance needs during a routine weekly check-up.
Given the user is on the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, when they select the interactive data visualization feature, then they should view responsive charts that update in real-time as new sensor data is received.
A property manager is alerted about a sudden spike in temperature readings from environmental sensors in a specific unit.
Given there is a spike in temperature readings, when the user clicks on the relevant chart within the dashboard, then they should see historical data trends that explain the temperature change over the past month.
After identifying a specific maintenance issue, the property manager decides to analyze the historical performance of the related IoT sensor.
Given the user selects a specific IoT sensor from the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, when they activate the interactive visualization, then they should be able to view a detailed graph showing sensor performance metrics over its entire operational life.
During a tenant request for maintenance, the property manager uses the dashboard to communicate the status of the situation.
Given the user is responding to a tenant's maintenance request, when they access the dashboard, then they should be able to generate a visual report that outlines current sensor data and predicted maintenance needs.
The property manager needs to prepare for a quarterly review meeting by summarizing property conditions and maintenance trends.
Given it is the end of the quarter, when the user generates a report from the interactive dashboard, then they should receive a comprehensive, visually engaging summary of all relevant data, including trends and maintenance actions taken.
A new sensor is installed, and the property manager wants to monitor its initial performance.
Given a new sensor has been added to the property, when the user views the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, then they should see the interactive visualizations reflecting data from the new sensor without delay.
Historical Data Analysis
User Story
As a property manager, I want to analyze historical sensor data so that I can identify long-term trends and make strategic decisions for future maintenance.
The Historical Data Analysis requirement enables property managers to access and analyze historical data collected from IoT sensors. This capability will allow them to identify long-term trends in property conditions and maintenance needs, facilitating strategic decision-making. By having insights into historical performance, property managers can plan for future maintenance schedules, optimize resource allocation, and potentially reduce operational costs. Integrating this analysis within the dashboard enhances the platform's value by supporting data-driven property management practices.
Acceptance Criteria
Accessing Historical Performance Data for Maintenance Planning
Given a property manager is logged into the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, when they select a specific IoT sensor, then they can view historical data regarding its performance for the past 12 months, including trends in maintenance needs.
Identifying Long-Term Trends in Property Conditions
Given that historical data from all IoT sensors is available, when a property manager runs a trend analysis report, then they should receive a visual representation of long-term trends (e.g., graphs showing average maintenance frequency over the year) for each sensor type.
Optimizing Resource Allocation Based on Historical Trends
Given that historical data analysis is complete, when a property manager reviews the maintenance reports, then they can identify specific periods requiring more resources, allowing for adjustments in the upcoming maintenance schedule.
Generating Alerts for Anomalies in Historical Data
Given the historical performance data is analyzed, when a property manager identifies an anomaly (e.g., a sudden spike in maintenance requests), then the system generates an alert and suggests potential causes for the spike.
Comparing IoT Sensor Performance Across Different Properties
Given a property manager oversees multiple properties, when they access the dashboard, then they should be able to compare the historical performance data of IoT sensors across different properties side-by-side.
Creating Actionable Insights from Historical Data Analysis
Given the historical analysis has been performed, when a property manager accesses the insights section, then they should see actionable recommendations based on historical maintenance patterns (e.g., 'Consider scheduling HVAC maintenance quarterly due to frequent issues observed in winter months').
Exporting Historical Data for External Reporting
Given that historical data is displayed on the dashboard, when a property manager selects the export option, then they should be able to download the data in a commonly used format (e.g., CSV, PDF) for external reporting purposes.
User Role Management
User Story
As a property manager, I want to manage user roles and permissions so that I can ensure that team members have appropriate access to the dashboard’s functionalities based on their responsibilities.
The User Role Management requirement will provide the ability to define and manage different user roles within the Real-Time Condition Dashboard. This feature ensures that property managers can control access to sensitive information and functionalities based on user roles such as maintenance staff, technicians, and management. By implementing role-based access control, the requirement enhances security and streamlines collaboration among teams, ensuring that all participants have the appropriate access to fulfill their responsibilities effectively. This function promotes accountability and strengthens operational integrity within property management workflows.
Acceptance Criteria
User Role Configuration for Property Managers
Given that a property manager is logged into the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, when they attempt to create or modify a user role, then the system should allow saving changes only if all required fields are filled out accurately and provide a confirmation message.
Role-Based Access Control in Real-Time Condition Dashboard
Given that a maintenance staff member logs into the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, when they attempt to access sensitive information, then they should only see data that they are authorized to view based on their user role.
Role Assignment and Notifications
Given that a property manager assigns a new role to a user, when the role is successfully assigned, then the system should send a notification email to the user informing them about their new role and access privileges.
Audit Trail for User Role Changes
Given that a user role change is made in the Real-Time Condition Dashboard, when an administrator views the audit log, then they should be able to see a comprehensive record of changes, including the previous and new roles, timestamps, and the user who made the change.
User Role Deactivation
Given that a property manager decides to deactivate a user role, when they confirm the deactivation, then the system should ensure that all users assigned to that role lose access to the dashboard and receive a notification regarding the change.
Multiple Role Assignment Validation
Given that a property manager is assigning multiple roles to a user, when they try to save the assignment, then the system should validate that the combination of roles does not create any conflicts in access permissions before allowing the save action.
Historical Data Insights
Historical Data Insights analyze past maintenance issues and sensor readings to identify patterns and trends. By providing property managers with actionable insights, this feature helps in making informed decisions regarding long-term maintenance strategies and capital improvements.
Data Pattern Recognition
User Story
As a property manager, I want automated insights derived from historical data so that I can proactively manage maintenance and improve decision-making regarding property upkeep.
The Data Pattern Recognition requirement focuses on implementing advanced algorithms that analyze historical maintenance data and sensor readings, identifying recurring patterns and trends over time. This functionality will enable property managers to understand the frequency and types of maintenance issues that arise, allowing for more strategic, data-driven decisions. By leveraging analytics, this feature aims to provide predictive insights into potential future maintenance needs, enhancing overall operational efficiency and ensuring proactive management of properties. Its integration within ReLease IQ will further solidify the platform's reputation for providing intelligent automation and actionable insights, thereby streamlining property management tasks and improving tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers utilize the Data Pattern Recognition feature to analyze historical data during quarterly maintenance review meetings, aiming to identify recurring maintenance issues and prioritize upcoming repairs.
Given a set of historical maintenance data and sensor readings, when the property manager selects the Data Pattern Recognition feature, then the system should display identified patterns, recurrence rates, and trend analytics in a user-friendly report format.
The Data Pattern Recognition feature is used by property managers to predict future maintenance needs based on historical insights, allowing managers to plan budgets effectively for forthcoming maintenance projects.
Given the historical data is analyzed, when the feature generates predictive insights, then it should accurately forecast future maintenance needs with at least 80% accuracy based on past trends.
A property manager accesses the Data Pattern Recognition capability to improve tenant communication by providing insights about common maintenance issues in their property, enhancing tenant satisfaction.
Given the maintenance data patterns are identified, when the property manager reviews the insights, then they should be able to create tailored tenant communications addressing frequently occurring issues identified by the analytics.
During implementation, the technical team tests the Data Pattern Recognition algorithms to ensure they can handle large datasets of historical maintenance data and provide insights within an acceptable timeframe.
Given a dataset containing 1,000+ historical maintenance records, when the Data Pattern Recognition algorithms process the data, then the insights should be generated in under 2 minutes without any errors.
End-users, such as property managers, use the Data Pattern Recognition feature regularly to monitor performance indicators and adjust maintenance strategies accordingly.
Given the Data Pattern Recognition feature is in use, when property managers interact with the feature, then at least 90% of users should report finding the insights actionable and useful for decision-making via user feedback surveys.
The Data Pattern Recognition feature is being reviewed in a demo session with stakeholders to showcase its effectiveness in enhancing property management decisions.
Given the demo is conducted, when stakeholders analyze the patterns identified by the Data Pattern Recognition feature, then at least 75% of stakeholders should find the insights valuable and relevant to their current management strategies.
Custom Reporting Dashboards
User Story
As a property manager, I want to customize my reporting dashboards so that I can visualize historical maintenance data in ways that are most relevant to my management style.
The Custom Reporting Dashboards requirement is designed to develop a user-friendly interface that allows property managers to create tailored reports based on historical maintenance trends and sensor readings. This feature will empower users to visualize data in various formats, such as graphs and charts, making it easier to analyze past performance and forecast future maintenance needs. The ability to customize reports enhances the flexibility and effectiveness of the platform, enabling better strategic planning and resource allocation by providing insights that are directly relevant to the unique challenges faced by individual properties. Integration of this feature will enhance ReLease IQ's analytical capabilities and improve user engagement through personalized data access.
Acceptance Criteria
Property Manager Generates a Monthly Maintenance Report
Given that the property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the Custom Reporting Dashboard and select the 'Monthly Maintenance Report', then they should be able to generate and view a report that accurately reflects all maintenance issues recorded in the past month, displayed in a graphical format.
User Customizes and Saves a Report Template
Given that the user is on the Custom Reporting Dashboard, when they choose to create a new report and customize the fields to include specific data points regarding maintenance trends, then they should be able to save this report template for future use without losing their customizations.
User Receives an Error for Invalid Report Criteria
Given that the user is attempting to generate a report using invalid criteria (e.g., incorrect date range), when they submit the request, then they should receive a clear error message indicating the nature of the invalid input and prompting them to correct it.
User Views Report Trends Over Time
Given that the user generates a report that covers multiple months, when they view this report, then they should see trends in maintenance issues displayed clearly in a line graph, allowing them to analyze patterns over time.
User Interacts with Report Export Functionality
Given that the user has generated a report on the Custom Reporting Dashboard, when they choose to export this report, then the system should provide options to export the report in PDF and Excel formats with all data accurately represented in the exported files.
User Shares a Report with Team Members
Given that a report has been generated, when the user selects the share option, then the report should be successfully emailed to specified team members with a link to access it on the ReLease IQ platform, ensuring they receive notification of the shared report.
User Accesses Historical Data Filters on the Dashboard
Given that the user is on the Custom Reporting Dashboard, when they click on historical data filters, then they should be able to filter maintenance records by property, issue type, and date range, with results updating dynamically according to their selections.
Automated Alert Notifications
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive automated alerts about maintenance trends so that I can act quickly to resolve issues before they worsen.
The Automated Alert Notifications requirement aims to establish a system that notifies property managers of significant trends or recurring issues identified through historical data analysis. This functionality will facilitate timely responses to potential maintenance problems before they escalate, enhancing proactive management efforts. By ensuring that property managers are immediately informed of emerging maintenance patterns, this feature will help optimize resource allocation and reduce downtime for repairs. The integration of automated alerts into ReLease IQ will support the overall goal of efficient property management through enhanced communication and rapid response capabilities, leading to improved tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Notification delivery for significant maintenance trends detected by historical data analysis.
Given that a significant trend in maintenance issues is identified, When the analysis is complete, Then the property manager should receive an automated alert notification via email within 5 minutes.
User access to customize alert settings based on issue severity and category.
Given that the property manager is in the alert settings interface, When they save their custom alert preferences, Then these preferences should be stored and reflected in future notifications sent to them.
Automated alerts for recurring maintenance issues causing disruption in services.
Given that a maintenance issue occurs more than 3 times within a month, When the recurrence is detected, Then an alert should be generated and sent to the property manager immediately.
Integration of automated alerts with the mobile application for on-the-go notifications.
Given a property manager is using the mobile app, When an automated alert is triggered, Then the notification should appear as a push notification on the app within 2 minutes.
Historical data insights used to predict potential maintenance issues and generate alerts.
Given that historical data indicates a 70% likelihood of a specific maintenance issue arising, When the probability is high, Then an alert should be sent to the property manager preemptively to address the potential issue.
Ensuring alerts provide actionable insights along with informative trends.
Given that a maintenance alert is generated, When the property manager receives the alert, Then it should include concise recommendations alongside the trend analysis.
Alerts monitoring and reporting on user engagement with the notifications.
Given that alerts have been sent, When the property manager interacts with the notification, Then their engagement metrics should be recorded for analysis of alert effectiveness.
Long-term Strategy Recommendations
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive long-term strategy recommendations based on historical data so that I can prioritize maintenance and investments effectively.
The Long-term Strategy Recommendations requirement focuses on leveraging historical insights and data analytics to provide property managers with actionable recommendations for long-term maintenance strategies and capital improvements. By analyzing trends, this feature will generate insights that help property managers prioritize investments and maintenance work over time, ultimately enhancing the longevity and value of the properties. This requirement supports ReLease IQ's overall objective of empowering property managers with data-driven decision-making tools while optimizing the management of property investments and tenant satisfaction through improved maintenance outcomes.
Acceptance Criteria
As a property manager, I want to view historical maintenance data trends for a specific property to inform my long-term maintenance strategy decisions during quarterly planning meetings.
Given that I am on the Historical Data Insights dashboard, when I select a property and view its historical maintenance data, then I should see a clear graphical representation of maintenance issues over the past two years, highlighting any recurring patterns and significant incidents.
As a property manager, I want to receive actionable recommendations based on historical data when planning capital improvements to ensure budget alignment and strategic asset investment.
Given that I have accessed the Long-term Strategy Recommendations feature, when I input projected capital improvement budgets, then I should receive a list of prioritized recommendations based on historical maintenance data and projected future trends.
As a property manager, I want to export historical maintenance insights and recommendations into a report format for presentation to stakeholders at my monthly management meeting.
Given that I am on the Long-term Strategy Recommendations page, when I click the 'Export Report' button, then I should be able to download a comprehensive report in PDF format containing historical trends, insights, and recommendations.
As a property manager, I want to compare historical sensor reading data with maintenance issues to identify correlations that may indicate system failures before they occur.
Given that I have access to both maintenance logs and sensor readings, when I analyze the data correlations, then I should be able to view a detailed correlation analysis that indicates which sensor readings preceded specific maintenance issues.
As a property manager, I want to receive notifications for any critical maintenance trends identified from the historical data insights that require immediate attention to ensure tenant satisfaction.
Given that I have set up notification preferences, when the system identifies a critical trend from the historical maintenance data, then I should receive an alert notification with specific details about the required action.
As a property manager, I want to check the impact of historical maintenance decisions on current property performance metrics over the years.
Given that I have selected a property and a specific timeframe, when I view the analysis results, then I should see how past maintenance decisions have influenced key performance metrics like tenant satisfaction and property valuation.
Integration with Existing Systems
User Story
As a property manager, I want Historical Data Insights to integrate with my existing systems so that I can have a cohesive view of all maintenance data in one place.
The Integration with Existing Systems requirement is aimed at ensuring that the Historical Data Insights feature can seamlessly connect with other property management and maintenance systems currently in use by property managers. This integration is essential for providing a comprehensive view of historical data by pulling together information from various sources, thereby enhancing data accuracy and consistency. It will enable property managers to utilize a unified approach in tracking and analyzing maintenance activities across multiple platforms. This requirement is crucial for establishing ReLease IQ as an adaptable tool that enhances efficiency and effectiveness in property management, fostering a holistic view of property operations.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration with a property manager's existing maintenance software to ensure seamless data exchange.
Given the Historical Data Insights feature is connected to the existing maintenance system, When a maintenance issue is logged in the existing system, Then it should automatically be reflected in the Historical Data Insights dashboard with accurate timestamps and details.
Pulling historical maintenance data from various property management systems for analysis.
Given the integration has been set up, When the property manager requests historical maintenance data, Then the system should aggregate data from all connected platforms and display it within five seconds.
Ensuring data accuracy during the transfer and integration processes between systems.
Given the historical data is being transferred, When the data is pulled from the existing systems, Then at least 95% of the data entries should match the source records in terms of details and timestamps without errors.
User experience during the setup of the integration with existing systems.
Given a property manager is setting up the integration, When they follow the integration wizard, Then they should complete the setup in less than 15 minutes with clarity and support at each step.
Testing responsiveness of the integration under load with multiple users accessing the Historical Data Insights feature simultaneously.
Given multiple property managers are accessing the Historical Data Insights feature at the same time, When they perform data queries, Then the system should respond within 3 seconds regardless of user load.
Providing user training for property managers on how to utilize the integration features effectively.
Given a training session is conducted, When property managers complete the training, Then at least 90% of participants should express confidence in utilizing the integration features as assessed by post-training feedback surveys.
Real-time Analytics Updates
User Story
As a property manager, I want real-time updates on my maintenance data so that I can respond to emerging issues immediately.
The Real-time Analytics Updates requirement entails the implementation of a system that ensures real-time processing of data from historical records and current sensor readings. This feature will allow property managers to see the latest maintenance insights and trends as they develop, providing ongoing visibility into property conditions and maintenance needs. With this capability, property managers can make timely decisions based on the most current data, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and responsiveness. Incorporating real-time analytics will establish ReLease IQ as a cutting-edge tool in property management, directly contributing to improved service delivery and tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Real-time updates for property managers viewing maintenance trends during staff meetings.
Given the property manager is viewing the dashboard, when new maintenance data is received, then the dashboard should refresh to display the latest insights without requiring a manual refresh.
Property manager analyzes trends from historical data insights to make a proposal for capital improvements.
Given that the historical data insights feature is active, when the property manager selects a specific property, then the system should display past maintenance issues and sensor readings associated with that property for the last two years.
A property manager receives a notification for an urgent maintenance issue based on real-time sensor data.
Given that a sensor reports a critical failure, when the data is processed, then the property manager should receive an automated alert via email and SMS within 5 minutes of detection.
Property managers reviewing analytics during a quarterly performance assessment.
Given the property manager is in the performance assessment review, when accessing the real-time analytics, then the system should provide a visual report of maintenance trends, highlighting any recurring issues over the last quarter.
An administrator sets parameters for what constitutes a significant maintenance issue in real-time updates.
Given the administrator is configuring the analytics settings, when they define thresholds for maintenance alerts, then those thresholds should be saved and reflected in real-time alerts sent to property managers.
A property manager collaborates with maintenance teams based on insights gathered from the realtime data.
Given that the property manager has insights on maintenance trends, when they discuss these trends with the maintenance team, then the team should have access to the same real-time data to facilitate informed decision-making during the meeting.
Tenant Maintenance Feedback Loop
The Tenant Maintenance Feedback Loop collects tenant feedback regarding the resolution of maintenance issues. This feature fosters better communication between tenants and property managers, ensuring that tenant concerns are addressed and satisfaction levels are maximized in future maintenance activities.
Feedback Collection Interface
User Story
As a tenant, I want to provide feedback on the maintenance service I received so that I can share my experience and ensure that my needs are met in future requests.
The Feedback Collection Interface allows tenants to provide feedback on maintenance issues that have been resolved. This user-friendly interface should be accessible through both the mobile and web applications of ReLease IQ, enabling tenants to quickly share their satisfaction levels and comments after maintenance is completed. It should integrate seamlessly with existing tenant portals and include various feedback methods, such as rating scales and open comment fields. This capability enhances tenants' engagement and empowers them to communicate their experiences effectively, thereby fostering transparency and trust between tenants and property managers.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant successfully submits feedback through the Feedback Collection Interface after a maintenance issue is resolved.
Given the tenant has received a notification that the maintenance has been completed, When the tenant accesses the Feedback Collection Interface via the mobile app, Then the tenant should be able to submit feedback using a rating scale and add additional comments.
The Feedback Collection Interface is integrated with the existing tenant portal without any issues.
Given the tenant accesses their portal after maintenance issues are closed, When the tenant navigates to the Feedback Collection Interface, Then the tenant should see the feedback form integrated within their existing view seamlessly.
The feedback collected can be viewed by property managers in real time.
Given the tenant submits their feedback after maintenance completion, When the property manager accesses the feedback dashboard, Then the property manager should be able to view the tenant's feedback immediately in real-time with the correct tenant's identification.
The Feedback Collection Interface supports multiple feedback methods for tenant engagement.
Given the tenant is filling out the feedback form, When they view the interface, Then they should see options for a rating scale, open comment field, and any relevant multiple choice questions to provide their feedback.
Feedback submissions are stored securely and are accessible to relevant property management staff.
Given a tenant submits feedback, When the feedback is saved in the system, Then it should be stored securely and accessible only to authorized property management staff without any data breaches.
Automated Feedback Reminders
User Story
As a property manager, I want automated reminders sent to tenants asking for feedback after maintenance issues are fixed so that I can ensure I receive valuable insights without needing to manually follow up.
Automated Feedback Reminders are scheduled notifications sent to tenants after maintenance work is completed. These reminders prompt tenants to provide their feedback through the Feedback Collection Interface, ensuring that property managers receive timely responses. Implementing this feature will encourage tenant participation in the feedback process and ensure that feedback is collected consistently across all maintenance activities. This feature should allow property managers to customize reminder timings and messages, enhancing communication and boosting tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Automated Feedback Reminders for Completed Maintenance Tasks
Given a maintenance task is marked as complete, when the scheduled reminder time is reached, then the tenant receives a notification prompting them to provide feedback through the Feedback Collection Interface.
Customizable Reminder Message Functionality
Given a property manager wants to customize reminder messages, when they access the configuration settings, then they can edit the reminder text with a character limit of 250 characters and save the changes successfully.
Feedback Response Collection Tracking
Given a tenant receives a feedback reminder, when they provide feedback, then the system captures and records the feedback response in the property manager's dashboard, displaying the response time and feedback content.
Compliance with Notification Timing Preferences
Given a property manager sets reminder timings within the system, when a maintenance task completes, then the reminder is sent at the specified time and notifies the tenant within the selected time frame (1-7 days post-completion).
Performance Metrics for Feedback Collection
Given an active feedback collection process, when analyzed over a period of one month, then at least 70% of tenants should respond to the feedback reminders sent after maintenance tasks.
System Integration for Feedback Reporting
Given that feedback has been collected, when the property manager generates a monthly report, then the report accurately reflects all feedback collected, including tenant satisfaction scores and comments, as well as trends over time.
Feedback Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want to see a dashboard that analyzes tenant feedback on maintenance services so that I can improve our operations and increase tenant satisfaction.
The Feedback Analytics Dashboard presents property managers with insights derived from tenant feedback regarding maintenance issues. By aggregating and visualizing feedback data, this dashboard allows property managers to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement in maintenance services. The dashboard should provide metrics such as average ratings, response volumes, and categories of feedback, enabling more strategic decision-making regarding maintenance processes. This feature aims to enhance operational efficiency by helping managers tailor their approaches based on tenant satisfaction and preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
Dashboard displays average ratings of tenant feedback over the last 30 days.
Given I am a property manager logged into the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when I view the average ratings section, then I should see the average rating calculated from tenant feedback for the past 30 days accurately displayed.
Dashboard visualizes response volumes corresponding to different maintenance issues.
Given I am a property manager logged into the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when I navigate to the response volumes section, then I should see a chart showing the number of feedback responses categorized by different maintenance issues.
Dashboard aggregates tenant feedback into actionable insights.
Given I am a property manager logged into the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when I review the actionable insights section, then I should see a summary of key strengths and areas for improvement derived from the feedback data presented in clear bullet points.
Dashboard allows filtering of feedback data by date range.
Given I am a property manager logged into the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when I apply a date filter for the last 3 months, then I should see the dashboard refresh to reflect only the feedback data from that selected date range.
Dashboard enables exporting of feedback metrics to a CSV file.
Given I am a property manager logged into the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when I access the export options and select 'Export to CSV', then I should successfully download a CSV file containing all visible feedback metrics.
Dashboard integrates with existing maintenance management systems.
Given I am a property manager using the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when I synchronize data with our existing maintenance management system, then the feedback data should be accurately reflected and updated in both systems.
Dashboard presents categories of feedback clearly.
Given I am a property manager logged into the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when I look at the categories of feedback section, then I should see the categories listed clearly, with each category showing the corresponding number of responses received.
Feedback Response Management Tool
User Story
As a property manager, I want to respond to tenant feedback on maintenance issues so that I can engage with them and show that their opinions matter.
The Feedback Response Management Tool enables property managers to address and respond to tenant feedback regarding maintenance services directly. This tool will facilitate communication by allowing managers to provide acknowledgments, clarify issues, or explain actions taken based on tenant feedback. By integrating this responses feature within the existing tenant communication module, property managers can ensure a responsive and transparent relationship with tenants. This is critical for fostering trust and improving the overall tenant experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant submits feedback after maintenance issue resolution.
Given a tenant has submitted feedback regarding a maintenance service, when the property manager accesses the Feedback Response Management Tool, then the manager should be able to view the feedback details, respond with acknowledgment, clarify issues, and provide explanation on actions taken.
Property manager responds to tenant feedback in a timely manner.
Given a new tenant feedback is available in the Feedback Response Management Tool, when the property manager checks for pending responses, then they should be able to respond to the feedback within 24 hours.
Tenants are notified of responses to their feedback.
Given a property manager has responded to tenant feedback, when the tenant logs into the tenant communication module, then the tenant should receive a notification regarding the response to their feedback.
Property manager reviews feedback trends over a period.
Given the Feedback Response Management Tool collects tenant feedback over time, when the property manager accesses the analytics dashboard, then they should be able to view trends in tenant feedback and responses summarized weekly.
Tenant can access their past feedback and responses.
Given a tenant wants to review their feedback history, when they navigate to the feedback section in the tenant communication module, then they should be able to view all past submissions and property manager responses linked to their account.
Feedback Response Management Tool integrates seamlessly with existing systems.
Given the Feedback Response Management Tool is deployed, when property managers use the tool alongside existing communication systems, then they should not experience any disruptions or delays in accessing or managing feedback.
Integration with Maintenance Tracking System
User Story
As a property manager, I want tenant feedback to be automatically linked to specific maintenance requests so that I can analyze which issues are frequently causing dissatisfaction and address them more effectively.
Integration with the Maintenance Tracking System is essential for linking tenant feedback with specific maintenance requests. This requirement involves ensuring that feedback submitted by tenants is automatically associated with corresponding maintenance tasks in the system, allowing for accurate tracking and analysis of feedback trends related to specific maintenance issues. This integration will also facilitate a more streamlined approach to handling maintenance requests and improve overall efficiency in resolving concerns, ultimately enhancing tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration with the Maintenance Tracking System allows tenants to submit feedback immediately after a maintenance task is completed.
Given a tenant has a maintenance issue resolved, when they submit feedback, then the feedback should be automatically linked to the corresponding maintenance request in the system.
The system generates accurate reports on tenant feedback that can be easily accessed by property managers.
Given that feedback has been submitted by tenants, when a property manager requests a report, then the report should accurately reflect all feedback linked to respective maintenance tasks and be generated within 5 minutes.
Tenants receive a notification confirming their feedback has been received and linked to the appropriate maintenance request.
Given a tenant submits feedback, when the submission is processed, then the tenant should receive a confirmation notification via email or SMS within 1 minute.
Property managers can view feedback trends over time related to specific maintenance issues.
Given a property manager accesses the feedback dashboard, when they filter by maintenance issue type, then the dashboard should display a clear trend of feedback ratings and comments over the past year.
Integration with the Maintenance Tracking System ensures there are no duplicate feedback entries for the same maintenance issue.
Given a tenant submits feedback for a specific maintenance issue, when another feedback submission is attempted for the same issue, then the system should prevent duplication and notify the tenant of their previous submission.
The feedback loop enhances tenant satisfaction metrics recorded in the system.
Given the feedback loop is in operation, when tenant satisfaction is measured after maintenance tasks, then there should be a noticeable improvement in satisfaction ratings of at least 20% compared to the previous quarter.
Warranty & Service Tracking
Warranty & Service Tracking provides a centralized space for property managers to monitor appliances and equipment warranties and service schedules. This feature ensures compliance with warranty conditions and makes it easy to manage and schedule necessary maintenance, helping to avoid costly replacements.
Warranty Registration
User Story
As a property manager, I want to register all appliance and equipment warranties so that I can easily track their expiration dates and avoid unexpected costs due to unclaimed warranties.
The Warranty Registration feature allows property managers and landlords to input and store warranty details for appliances and equipment directly within the ReLease IQ platform. This feature is essential for ensuring that all warranty information is readily accessible and organized, allowing for easy reference when needed. Users can log the purchase date, warranty period, terms, and conditions, leading to better compliance with warranty claims and reducing the risk of costly replacements due to improper management of warranties. It seamlessly integrates with the overall dashboard to provide alerts and reminders for warranty expirations, boosting efficiency in property management operations.
Acceptance Criteria
Property manager enters warranty details for a newly purchased appliance into the ReLease IQ platform.
Given a property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the Warranty Registration feature and input the warranty information (purchase date, warranty period, terms, and conditions) for an appliance, then the information should be saved successfully and retrievable in the system for future reference.
A property manager wants to view all entered warranties to check for upcoming expirations.
Given the property manager has entered warranty information, when they access the warranty overview section in the ReLease IQ platform, then all warranty details should be displayed in a list format, including the appliance name, purchase date, warranty period, and expiration date.
The system sends a reminder notification to the property manager about an upcoming warranty expiration.
Given a warranty is due to expire in 30 days, when the warranty expiration alert is triggered, then the property manager should receive a notification through the ReLease IQ platform and, if enabled, via email as well, reminding them of the impending expiration.
A landlord reviews and edits warranty information stored in the ReLease IQ platform.
Given a landlord has accessed the warranty information for an appliance, when they select the option to edit the existing details, then they should be able to update any fields (purchase date, warranty period, terms, and conditions) and save the changes without errors.
A property manager needs to generate a report of all active warranties to discuss during a property assessment meeting.
Given that warranties have been entered into the system, when the property manager initiates a report generation for active warranties, then the report should include all relevant details (appliance name, warranty period, expiration date) and be exportable in a common format (PDF, CSV).
The system allows for the input of warranty details in bulk for multiple appliances.
Given that a batch of appliances has been purchased, when the property manager uses the bulk upload feature to input warranty details, then all entries in the upload file should be processed correctly, with a confirmation notification showing the number of successfully added warranties and error notifications for any failed entries.
Property manager checks compliance for warranty conditions before scheduling maintenance.
Given the warranty information is logged for an appliance, when the property manager selects to view warranty conditions before scheduling maintenance, then the system should display the relevant terms and conditions to ensure compliance before proceeding.
Scheduled Maintenance Notifications
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive automated notifications for scheduled maintenance so that I never miss important maintenance deadlines and can maintain high tenant satisfaction.
The Scheduled Maintenance Notifications feature sends automated reminders and notifications to property managers and tenants regarding upcoming maintenance tasks. This feature enhances the efficiency of property management by ensuring that necessary maintenance is not overlooked, thereby fostering compliance with warranty requirements and increasing tenant satisfaction. It allows for customization of notification preferences, ensuring that users receive timely updates through preferred communication channels, whether via email, SMS, or in-app alerts. This proactive approach minimizes emergencies and maintenance delays, optimizing operational workflows.
Acceptance Criteria
Property manager sets up scheduled maintenance tasks for HVAC systems in the system, selecting notification preferences for email alerts and SMS reminders.
Given the property manager schedules a maintenance task for HVAC, when the due date is approaching, then both email and SMS notifications should be sent to the property manager and tenant 48 hours before the scheduled date.
A tenant receives an SMS notification for an upcoming appliance maintenance scheduled for their apartment.
Given that a tenant is notified about an appliance maintenance task, when the scheduled maintenance is 24 hours away, then the tenant should receive an SMS alert confirming the time and date of the maintenance.
A property manager customizes notification preferences for receiving reminders about scheduled maintenance.
Given the property manager accesses notification settings, when they update their preferences and save changes, then the new notification preferences should be applied immediately, and an acknowledgement message should be displayed.
A property manager checks the dashboard for upcoming maintenance tasks under the warranty management feature.
Given the property manager accesses the dashboard, when they navigate to the maintenance section, then they should see a list of upcoming maintenance tasks, including dates and appliance details, that require notifications.
A tenant attempts to access their maintenance notification settings through the tenant portal.
Given the tenant is logged into the tenant portal, when they navigate to the notification settings page, then they should be able to view and update their contact preference for receiving maintenance notifications.
A property manager receives no notification for a maintenance task that was due yesterday.
Given a maintenance task is overdue, when the property manager checks for notifications, then no past-due notification should appear, and the system should show a reminder that the task needs immediate attention.
A property manager wants to verify the integration of scheduled maintenance alerts with a third-party calendar application.
Given the property manager has set up an integration with a third-party calendar application, when they schedule a maintenance task, then it should automatically populate the maintenance event in their calendar app.
Service History Tracking
User Story
As a property manager, I want to track all maintenance and repair services performed to enhance my understanding of equipment lifecycle and plan for future replacements effectively.
The Service History Tracking feature captures and maintains a comprehensive record of all maintenance and repair jobs performed on appliances and equipment. This feature is critical for effectiveness and compliance, allowing property managers to analyze service patterns and trends, thereby identifying areas that may require replacements or upgrades. The tracking includes details such as service dates, technicians involved, job descriptions, and associated costs. By providing insights into service histories, property managers can make informed decisions and improve their overall maintenance strategies.
Acceptance Criteria
Service history tracking for appliances and equipment maintenance.
Given a maintenance job is completed, when the property manager logs the job in the system, then the service history should reflect the job details including service date, technician name, job description, and associated costs.
Accessing service history to analyze trends for replacement needs.
Given a property manager is reviewing service history, when they filter by appliance type or service frequency, then the system should display a comprehensive report that highlights patterns and suggests potential replacements.
Generating reports for maintenance compliance and efficiency analysis.
Given the service history is complete, when the property manager generates a maintenance report, then the report should include all completed jobs, costs, and compliance statuses, along with any missed maintenance tasks.
User access control for service history data.
Given different user roles exist within the platform, when a property manager tries to access the service history, then they should only see data relevant to their assigned properties and user permissions.
Integration with notification system for overdue maintenance.
Given a service task is due soon, when the property manager accesses the service history, then they should receive a notification for any pending maintenance tasks listed in the service history that require action.
Bulk updates for service history records.
Given multiple service jobs have been completed, when the property manager selects the jobs to update, then the system should allow them to bulk update attributes like technician name and job description, successfully syncing with the service history.
System performance when retrieving extensive service history data.
Given a property manager accesses the service history for a property with extensive maintenance records, when they request the data, then the system response time should not exceed 2 seconds for displaying the timeline of maintenance events.
Warranty Compliance Checker
User Story
As a property manager, I want to be alerted if any maintenance actions violate warranty terms so that I can ensure compliance and avoid the risk of losing warranty coverage.
The Warranty Compliance Checker feature automates the monitoring of warranty conditions to ensure that all maintenance and servicing adhere to warranty requirements. This helps in preventing invalidation of warranties due to improper management and ensures that property managers can maintain compliance required by manufacturers. The tool analyzes service histories and schedules, alerting users if a maintenance task does not meet pre-defined warranty terms or deadlines, thus safeguarding against costly errors.
Acceptance Criteria
Warranty Compliance Checker alerting a property manager when a scheduled maintenance task is approaching its warranty deadline, ensuring compliance with manufacturer's requirements before the due date.
Given a maintenance task scheduled within warranty compliance, when the task's due date approaches, then a notification alert should be sent to the property manager via the dashboard and email.
A property manager reviewing the service history to ensure all maintenance activities meet warranty service conditions, helping to avoid warranty invalidation.
Given a service history record for an appliance, when the property manager views the details, then it should clearly indicate whether each maintenance task meets warranty conditions with a compliance checklist displayed next to each task.
Automated alerts triggered when a maintenance task does not meet predefined warranty terms, allowing property managers to take corrective action before warranty invalidation.
Given a maintenance task that has passed its designated time frame for warranty compliance, when this occurs, then an alert should be generated and logged, notifying the property manager and providing guidance on necessary actions for compliance.
A property manager integrating Warranty Compliance Checker with existing property management tools to enhance operational workflow.
Given the integration setup, when the property manager links the Warranty Compliance Checker with another property management system, then it should synchronize warranty data and maintenance schedules without errors.
Dashboard reporting on warranty compliance metrics for multiple properties managed by a property manager, aiding in strategic planning and decision-making.
Given the dashboard's reporting function, when the property manager accesses the warranty compliance report, then it should display a summary of compliance status across all properties, highlighting any areas of concern.
A user-friendly interface that allows property managers to update maintenance schedules and warranty information easily and promptly.
Given an update task initiated by the property manager, when they input new maintenance information, then the system should save changes effectively and update all relevant compliance checkpoints without lag.
Training sessions for property managers to understand the functionality of the Warranty Compliance Checker, ensuring effective usage and benefit realization.
Given a training session conducted for the property managers, when the session concludes, then at least 85% of participants should report a clear understanding of how to utilize the Warranty Compliance Checker effectively based on post-training surveys.
User-Friendly Dashboard Integration
User Story
As a property manager, I want an integrated dashboard that summarizes warranty and maintenance information so that I can manage my properties efficiently without having to navigate through multiple screens.
The User-Friendly Dashboard Integration feature enhances the existing dashboard by adding widgets and visuals that summarize warranty and service tracking information at a glance. This integration allows property managers to monitor and manage warranty-related tasks effectively from a central interface. Customizable views and reports can provide critical insights into compliance, upcoming maintenance, and service history, ensuring that decision-makers have a comprehensive understanding of property management status and efficiency.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the dashboard to view warranty and service tracking information for various appliances in their properties.
Given the user is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the User-Friendly Dashboard, then they should see a summary of warranty statuses and upcoming service schedules for all tracked appliances displayed in widget format.
User customizes the dashboard view to highlight specific warranties and service tasks relevant to their management requirements.
Given the user is on the dashboard, when they use the customization options to select preferred data widgets, then the dashboard should update to reflect only those selected widgets promptly without refresh issues.
User generates a report from the dashboard summarizing compliance and service history for a specific property.
Given the user is on the dashboard, when they select the report generation option for warranty and service tracking, then a downloadable report should be available that includes compliance status, upcoming maintenance, and a detailed service history for the specified property.
User receives an alert notification on the dashboard for warranties that are close to expiration and requiring immediate attention.
Given the user is logged in and viewing the dashboard, when a warranty expiration is within 30 days, then the user should receive a visual alert on the dashboard prompting them to take action.
User interacts with the dashboard to schedule a service appointment based on the tracking information provided.
Given the user is on the warranty and service tracking section of the dashboard, when they select an appliance with an upcoming service requirement, then they should be able to schedule a service appointment directly from the dashboard interface without errors.
User verifies that the dashboard updates in real-time after a service appointment has been scheduled or completed.
Given the user has scheduled a service appointment, when the appointment is confirmed, then the dashboard should refresh automatically to reflect the new appointment status immediately, showing updated warranty and service tracking information.
User attempts to access dashboard analytics for warranty compliance across all properties managed.
Given the user is logged in, when they navigate to the analytics section for warranty compliance, then the user should see visual reports representing compliance rates and pending tasks for all properties managed in a clear and user-friendly format.
360-Degree View
The 360-Degree View feature allows users to navigate through properties seamlessly, giving them the ability to look in any direction as if they were physically present. This immersive experience enhances the user's understanding of the space, making it easier to visualize how they would reside in the property.
Virtual Tour Integration
User Story
As a property manager, I want to offer virtual tours of the properties so that potential tenants can explore and understand the space better without needing to visit in person.
The Virtual Tour Integration requirement focuses on providing users with an immersive walkthrough experience of properties listed on the ReLease IQ platform. It aims to leverage 360-degree imaging technology to allow potential tenants or property managers to engage with properties remotely. The functionality will include hotspots that provide additional information about features and amenities. This integration not only enhances user engagement but also improves decision-making for interested parties by allowing them to experience the property as if they were physically present. Implementation involves collaborating with 3D imaging vendors and ensuring seamless compatibility with the existing platform architecture. The expected outcome is to significantly increase user satisfaction and reduce the time taken to finalize leasing decisions.
Acceptance Criteria
User initiates a virtual tour of a property through the ReLease IQ platform.
Given that the user has selected a property to view, when they click on the 'Start Virtual Tour' button, then they should be taken to a full-screen 360-degree view of the property without any loading errors.
User interacts with hotspots during the virtual tour to access additional information about the property features.
Given that the user is in the virtual tour, when they hover over a hotspot, then the tooltip displaying relevant property information should appear within 2 seconds without any lag.
User completes the virtual tour and provides feedback on their experience.
Given that the user has finished the virtual tour, when they are prompted to rate their experience on a scale of 1 to 5, then the feedback should be successfully submitted and recorded without errors.
Property managers upload new 360-degree images for their listings.
Given that a property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they upload new 360-degree images, then the images should be processed and displayed correctly on the property listing within 15 minutes.
User navigates through different rooms in the virtual tour.
Given that the user is using the virtual tour, when they click on navigation arrows to move between rooms, then the view should transition smoothly without any noticeable delay, and the user should be able to see the next room clearly.
User accesses the virtual tour on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
Given that the user is viewing the virtual tour on a mobile, tablet, or desktop device, when they open the property tour, then it should load correctly and provide a consistent experience across all devices.
Admin monitors user engagement with virtual tours through analytics.
Given that an admin user accesses the analytics dashboard, when they view the report on virtual tour usage, then it should accurately reflect the number of tours taken, average duration, and user feedback ratings for the past month.
AI-driven Recommendations
User Story
As a tenant looking for a new property, I want to receive personalized recommendations based on my preferences so that I can find the best options easily and quickly.
The AI-driven Recommendations requirement is intended to enhance the user experience by providing intelligent suggestions based on user behavior and preferences. Utilizing machine learning algorithms, this feature will analyze user engagement patterns and previous interactions with the platform to recommend properties or services that best fit their needs. Benefits include increased tenant engagement, more efficient property matching, and higher tenant satisfaction rates. Integration with existing tenant communications and analytics features will ensure personalized interactions and responsiveness to tenant needs. The expected outcome is a streamlined user experience that increases the likelihood of successful property matches and rentals.
Acceptance Criteria
User receives personalized property recommendations after logging into the ReLease IQ platform.
Given a user logged into their account, when they navigate to the recommendations section, then the system displays at least three recommended properties based on their previous interactions and preferences.
User interacts with AI-driven recommendations to refine future suggestions.
Given a user selects a recommended property, when they provide feedback on the property, then the system updates future recommendations to align with this feedback.
User accesses the 'Recommended Services' section to see property management services aligned with their needs.
Given a user navigates to the Recommended Services section, when they view the recommendations, then the system displays a list of services tailored to their past interactions and current property needs.
User checks how the AI-driven recommendations improve their engagement with the platform.
Given that a user has received personalized recommendations for one month, when they review their engagement statistics, then there is at least a 20% increase in their property interactions as compared to the previous month.
User receives notifications for new properties based on AI-driven insights.
Given a user has opted in for property alerts, when new properties that match their preferences are added to the database, then the system sends a notification to the user immediately.
User analyzes their saved properties and related recommendation accuracy for satisfaction.
Given a user views their saved properties, when they check the accuracy of the AI recommendations, then at least 70% of the saved properties should match their initial suggestions based on preferences and behaviors.
User experiences an integrated feedback loop post-rental to enhance future AI recommendations.
Given a user completes a rental transaction, when they submit their feedback about the property and the service, then their feedback is utilized to adjust future AI-driven recommendations within one week.
Maintenance Request Portal
User Story
As a tenant, I want to submit maintenance requests easily and track their status so that I can ensure my living environment is well-maintained.
The Maintenance Request Portal requirement focuses on creating a streamlined interface for tenants to submit maintenance requests directly through the ReLease IQ platform. This feature will allow users to describe the problem, upload images, and track the status of their requests in real-time. By simplifying the communication process between tenants and property managers, it enhances operational efficiency and responsiveness to tenant needs. Integration with the existing tenant communication system ensures that request notifications are sent to property managers promptly. The goal is to elevate service quality and tenant satisfaction by ensuring timely responses to maintenance issues.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant submits a maintenance request through the Maintenance Request Portal.
Given a tenant is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the Maintenance Request Portal and fill in the required fields (description, image upload), then their request should be successfully submitted and saved in the system.
Maintenance request status tracking for tenants.
Given a tenant has submitted a maintenance request, when they check their maintenance request status in the portal, then they should see an accurate status update (e.g., 'Submitted', 'In Progress', 'Completed').
Integration of the Maintenance Request Portal with the existing communication system for property managers.
Given a maintenance request has been submitted, when the request is saved in the system, then an instant notification should be sent to the assigned property manager via the integrated communication system.
Uploading images with maintenance requests.
Given a tenant is submitting a maintenance request, when they upload an image of the issue, then the image should be stored successfully and retrievable by both the tenant and the property manager in the request details.
Ensuring timely responses to maintenance requests.
Given a property manager receives a maintenance request notification, when they review the request, then they must respond to it within 24 hours to ensure timely communication with the tenant.
Tenant experience and interface usability of the Maintenance Request Portal.
Given a tenant accesses the Maintenance Request Portal, when they use the interface to submit their request, then the process should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and should be user-friendly.
Error handling during maintenance request submission.
Given a tenant is submitting a maintenance request, when there is an issue with the image upload (e.g., file too large), then a clear error message should be displayed prompting them to resolve the issue before resubmitting.
Live Chat Support
User Story
As a potential tenant, I want access to live chat support so that I can get immediate answers to my questions while browsing the platform.
The Live Chat Support requirement aims to provide real-time assistance to users through a chat feature integrated into the ReLease IQ platform. This capability will allow potential tenants and property managers to communicate instantaneously, answering questions, resolving issues, and providing information about properties or services. The feature will significantly enhance user experience by providing immediate support rather than relying solely on email or phone communication. Integration with existing CRM systems is essential to log conversations and track customer interactions. The expected outcome is higher user satisfaction and reduced response times for queries.
Acceptance Criteria
User initiates a chat through the Live Chat Support feature while exploring a property's details on the ReLease IQ platform.
Given the user navigates to a property's page, when the user clicks on the 'Live Chat' button, then a chat window should open allowing them to communicate with a support agent instantly.
A potential tenant asks questions about a property through the Live Chat Support feature and receives timely informative responses.
Given a user is engaged in a chat, when they ask a question regarding property features, then the response from the support agent should be provided within 1 minute and contain relevant information addressing the query.
Integration of the Live Chat Support feature with the existing CRM system to log user interactions.
Given a chat conversation has taken place, when the chat is closed, then a record of the entire conversation should automatically be logged in the CRM with the user's profile information.
A property manager uses Live Chat Support to troubleshoot an issue with a property listing in real time.
Given a property manager is online, when they describe an issue in the chat regarding a property listing, then a support agent should provide a troubleshooting step or resolution in real time.
Users can access Live Chat Support from any device while using the ReLease IQ platform.
Given a user accesses the ReLease IQ platform from a mobile or desktop device, when they navigate to any property listing, then they should have the option to initiate Live Chat Support seamlessly without layout issues.
Live Chat Support shows the average response time to users before they initiate a chat.
Given the user is on the landing page for Live Chat, when they view the page, then they should see a visible indicator that states the average response time is less than 60 seconds.
Enhanced Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want a comprehensive analytics dashboard that provides insights into my property's performance so that I can improve my management strategies effectively.
The Enhanced Analytics Dashboard requirement is to provide property managers with deeper insights into their property performance through an upgraded analytics interface. This feature will allow users to visualize important data trends such as occupancy rates, tenant turnover, and maintenance costs through interactive graphs and reports. The goal is to enable property managers to make data-driven decisions and insights into their property's operational efficiency. Integration with existing data sources is critical to ensure real-time updates and accuracy of the metrics displayed. Ultimately, this enhancement aims to empower property managers with better tools for strategic planning.
Acceptance Criteria
Property manager accesses the Enhanced Analytics Dashboard to review occupancy rates and generate a report for stakeholders.
Given the user is logged into the system, When they navigate to the Enhanced Analytics Dashboard, Then the dashboard displays occupancy rates in a graphical representation with the ability to filter by date range.
A property manager wants to analyze tenant turnover trends over the past year.
Given the user is on the Enhanced Analytics Dashboard, When they select the tenant turnover graph, Then they should see interactive trends for the selected period that update dynamically based on user input.
The property manager needs to evaluate maintenance costs to identify areas for cost reduction.
Given the state of the current data sources, When the property manager accesses the maintenance costs report, Then the system integrates real-time data and displays a breakdown of costs by category and property.
User wants to prepare a comprehensive report on property performance for monthly review meetings.
Given that the user has all necessary permissions, When they select the 'Generate Report' option, Then the system produces a downloadable PDF report that includes analytics on occupancy rates, tenant turnover, and maintenance costs with visualizations.
The property manager receives alerts on significant data changes in property metrics.
Given the user has set up alerts within the system, When there is a significant change in occupancy rates or maintenance costs, Then the user receives a notification via email or within the dashboard interface.
The system should provide comprehensive training resources for new users to utilize the Enhanced Analytics Dashboard.
Given a new user is on the Enhanced Analytics Dashboard, When they access the help section, Then they should find detailed tutorials, FAQs, and a user manual to assist with analytics utilization.
Multiple users attempt to access the Enhanced Analytics Dashboard simultaneously to view different metrics.
Given multiple users are accessing the Enhanced Analytics Dashboard, When they perform different actions (like generating reports, filtering data), Then the system should handle concurrent requests without performance degradation or data mismatch.
Interactive Floor Plans
Interactive Floor Plans provide users with a clickable layout of the property, allowing them to click on rooms to 'walk' into them. This feature helps prospective tenants understand the flow of the space and visualize furniture placement, making the leasing decision more informed.
User-Friendly Navigation
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to navigate through the Interactive Floor Plan easily so that I can understand the layout and visualize my furniture placement before making a leasing decision.
The Interactive Floor Plans feature must include an intuitive navigation system that allows users to easily move between different rooms and areas of the property by clicking on designated sections of the floor plan. This functionality should facilitate a seamless user experience, enabling prospective tenants to visualize the layout and understand the property flow without confusion. By enhancing the user's ability to explore the space interactively, it is anticipated that users will feel more engaged and informed about their leasing options.
Acceptance Criteria
User clicks on a room in the Interactive Floor Plan to view its details.
Given the user is on the Interactive Floor Plans page, when the user clicks on a designated room area, then the system should display detailed information about that room including dimensions, a photo gallery, and features.
User seamlessly navigates between rooms using the Interactive Floor Plan.
Given the user is viewing a floor plan, when the user clicks on various room areas, then the system should smoothly transition to display the selected room without any delay or lag.
User attempts to return to the previous view in the Interactive Floor Plan.
Given the user has just clicked on a room and is viewing its details, when the user clicks a 'back' button, then the system should return the user to the previous floor plan view they were on without losing their progress.
User detects and reports a bug in the floor plan navigation.
Given the user experiences a navigation issue (e.g., unable to click on a room), when the user reports the issue through the feedback system, then the system should log the bug with timestamps and user details for further review.
User customizes the floor plan to visualize their furniture placement.
Given the user is viewing the Interactive Floor Plan, when the user selects a furniture item from an available library, then the system should allow the user to drag and drop the item into the chosen room, and save the arrangement for future reference.
User navigates the floor plan on a mobile device.
Given the user accesses the Interactive Floor Plans on a mobile device, when the user taps on various rooms, then the system should maintain functionality and responsiveness, ensuring accurate room loading and navigational ease.
Room Details Pop-Up
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to see detailed information about each room when I click on it in the Interactive Floor Plan, so that I can assess whether the space meets my needs.
The system must provide room-specific pop-ups when users click on various rooms within the Interactive Floor Plan. These pop-ups should present essential information, including room dimensions, features, and whether it comes furnished or unfurnished. This requirement enhances the decision-making process, providing users with comprehensive details that help them visualize their future living environment and evaluate the property against their needs.
Acceptance Criteria
User clicks on a bedroom in the Interactive Floor Plan to view detailed information about the room.
Given I am on the Interactive Floor Plan, when I click on the bedroom, then a pop-up appears displaying the room dimensions, features, and furnishing status.
User interacts with the pop-up for a bathroom to see if the information is accurate and user-friendly.
Given I have clicked on the bathroom in the Interactive Floor Plan, when the pop-up is displayed, then it must include the correct dimensions and list of features in a readable format.
User tests the responsiveness of the pop-up when navigating between rooms quickly.
Given the Interactive Floor Plan is loaded, when I click on different rooms rapidly, then the corresponding pop-ups must open and close without lag over 2 seconds.
User accesses the pop-up information from a mobile device to check for usability and viewability.
Given I am using a mobile device to access the Interactive Floor Plan, when I click on a room, then the pop-up must be optimized for mobile view and easy to read without horizontal scrolling.
User wants to confirm the furnishing status of the kitchen through the pop-up.
Given I click on the kitchen area in the Interactive Floor Plan, when the pop-up appears, then it must clearly indicate whether the kitchen is furnished or unfurnished, including any appliances that are included.
User seeks to evaluate this feature against competitors' offerings.
Given I review the Interactive Floor Plan, when I compare with features from competitor platforms, then the room details pop-up must provide at least the same level of detail and usability as the best competitor's offering.
3D Visualization Option
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to switch to a 3D view of the property layout, so that I can get a better sense of the spatial relationships and scale of each room.
The Interactive Floor Plans must support a 3D visualization option that allows users to view the property from a three-dimensional perspective. This feature should utilize modern rendering techniques to create a realistic representation of the layout, enhancing the user's ability to comprehend space and scale. Offering a 3D view will significantly improve tenant engagement and overall experience, leading to better-informed leasing decisions.
Acceptance Criteria
User activates the 3D visualization option while exploring the interactive floor plan of an apartment, intending to view how the space looks from different angles and perspectives.
Given the user is on the interactive floor plan, when they click on the '3D View' button, then the property should render in a three-dimensional perspective without lag or error, allowing the user to navigate through the space.
A prospective tenant is trying to understand how their furniture will fit within the rooms of the property while using the 3D visualization feature.
Given the user is in 3D view, when they click on specific rooms, then the size and scale of the room should be accurately represented, allowing users to visualize furniture placement effectively.
The property management team wants to ensure that all property listings include the 3D visualization feature within their interactive floor plans.
Given a list of properties, when each property is viewed on the management dashboard, then each interactive floor plan should clearly display the option to view in 3D, confirming that all listings have the feature implemented.
After integrating the 3D visualization, the development and design team needs to validate that it performs well across different devices and browsers.
Given a set of different devices and browsers, when the interactive floor plans with 3D visualization are tested, then the feature should work consistently across all tested platforms without degradation in quality or function.
A user wants to understand the responsiveness of the 3D visualization feature when switching between 2D and 3D views.
Given the user is on the interactive floor plan, when they toggle between the 2D and 3D views, then the transition should occur smoothly within 2 seconds, maintaining the user's current viewing angle.
The user intends to explore the 3D visualization feature without any prior exposure to the platform.
Given a new user accessing the interactive floor plan for the first time, when they hover over the 3D view option, then a tooltip should appear explaining how to use the 3D feature effectively, ensuring user-friendly guidance is provided.
Mobile Compatibility
User Story
As a mobile user, I want to access the Interactive Floor Plans on my phone so that I can view properties conveniently while on the go.
The Interactive Floor Plans feature must be fully compatible with mobile devices, ensuring users can easily access and interact with the floor plans on smartphones and tablets. This requirement is crucial as a significant number of users will explore properties using mobile devices. It is essential that the design maintains functionality, allowing for zooming and clicking interactions without degradation of user experience on smaller screens.
Acceptance Criteria
Mobile users navigate the Interactive Floor Plans while searching for rental properties on their smartphones.
Given a mobile device, when the user accesses the Interactive Floor Plans, then the layout should display correctly without distortion, allowing for seamless navigation.
A prospective tenant uses a tablet to explore the Interactive Floor Plans of available properties during an open house.
Given a tablet, when the user interacts with the Interactive Floor Plans, then the user should be able to zoom in and out without loss of quality or any functional issues in clicking on rooms.
A property manager demonstrates the Interactive Floor Plans feature using a mobile device to a group of interested tenants.
Given a smartphone, when the property manager uses the Interactive Floor Plans feature, then all clickable areas should function properly and provide informative pop-ups about each room as intended.
A user attempts to view Interactive Floor Plans on a variety of mobile devices to ensure compatibility and performance.
Given different mobile devices (iOS and Android), when users access the Interactive Floor Plans, then the feature should work consistently across all platforms without technical glitches or usability issues.
A user reviews the Interactive Floor Plans on their smartphone after viewing it on a desktop to check for design consistency.
Given a smartphone, when the user compares the Interactive Floor Plans viewed on a desktop, then the layout should maintain consistency in design elements and functionality.
A prospective tenant needs to use voice commands to explore the Interactive Floor Plans on their mobile device.
Given a mobile device with voice command functionality, when the user asks to view a specific room in the Interactive Floor Plans, then the system should accurately respond and navigate to the requested area without errors.
User Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As a user of the Interactive Floor Plans, I want to provide feedback on my experience, so that the product can improve over time and better meet my needs.
The system should include a mechanism for users to submit feedback about the Interactive Floor Plans feature. This could take the form of a simple rating system or a comment box that allows users to share their thoughts and suggestions. Gathering this feedback is critical for continuous improvement of the feature, ensuring that it evolves according to user needs and preferences, thereby enhancing overall satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User submits feedback after interacting with the Interactive Floor Plans feature for the first time.
Given the user has accessed the Interactive Floor Plans, When they select a room and submit feedback, Then their rating and comments should be recorded in the system with a confirmation message displayed.
User attempts to submit feedback without providing a rating or comment.
Given the user tries to submit feedback without entering a rating or comment, When they click the submit button, Then an error message should be displayed prompting them to complete the required fields.
User views the feedback submission page after clicking on the feedback button in the Interactive Floor Plans.
Given the user clicks on the feedback button, When the feedback submission page loads, Then it should display a rating option and a comment box, along with instructions for submitting feedback.
Admin reviews feedback submitted by users on the Interactive Floor Plans feature.
Given the admin accesses the feedback management dashboard, When they retrieve feedback submissions, Then all ratings and comments should be displayed in a list format, sortable by date or rating.
User navigates back to the Interactive Floor Plans after submitting feedback.
Given the user has successfully submitted feedback, When they click a 'Return to Floor Plans' button, Then they should be redirected back to the Interactive Floor Plans without losing their previous selections.
User tries to submit feedback after their session times out.
Given the user’s session has expired, When they attempt to submit feedback, Then they should be prompted to log in again before submitting their feedback.
Integration with Scheduling System
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to see any upcoming maintenance scheduled for the property while I view the Interactive Floor Plan, so that I can be aware of the property's maintenance status and any potential disruptions to my living experience.
The Interactive Floor Plans must integrate with the maintenance scheduling system, allowing users to see current maintenance requests or scheduled maintenance that may affect specific areas of the property. This integration will provide users with insights into the property’s condition and upcoming service schedules, enhancing transparency and trust during the leasing process.
Acceptance Criteria
User views the interactive floor plan and clicks on a room that is currently under maintenance, triggering an overlay that displays maintenance details.
Given the interactive floor plan is loaded and a room is clicked, when the room is under maintenance, then the user sees an overlay with details including maintenance type, start date, and expected completion date.
Property managers want to update maintenance schedules directly from the floor plan interface, ensuring users can see real-time updates.
Given a maintenance request is updated in the scheduling system, when the floor plan is displayed, then the room affected by the maintenance shows the latest maintenance status and scheduled date in real-time.
Prospective tenants are viewing a property through the interactive floor plan and want to know about any past maintenance activities for transparency.
Given the interactive floor plan is being viewed, when a user clicks on a room, then the user should see a history of maintenance activities for that room, including past issues and resolutions listed chronologically.
Users want to receive push notifications when maintenance is scheduled for a room they are interested in from the floor plan.
Given a user has expressed interest in a room, when maintenance is scheduled for that room, then the user receives a push notification with details of the scheduled maintenance.
Users want to filter the interactive floor plan to see only rooms that are currently available for leasing along with their maintenance status.
Given the user selects to filter the view by 'Available Rooms', when the filter is applied, then only rooms that are available for leasing should be displayed alongside their current maintenance status.
Custom Tour Creation
Custom Tour Creation enables landlords and property managers to create personalized tours tailored to specific tenant preferences. Users can select which areas to highlight, ensuring potential renters see the most relevant features of each property.
Dynamic Tour Customization
User Story
As a property manager, I want to create custom tours for potential tenants based on their preferences so that I can showcase the most relevant features of each property and improve my chances of securing a lease.
The Dynamic Tour Customization requirement allows landlords and property managers to create tailored tours for potential tenants based on their specific preferences and needs. The functionality includes an intuitive interface where users can select which property features to showcase, enabling the inclusion of various areas and amenities that appeal to different demographics. This personalization not only enhances the tenant experience but also aims to increase conversion rates by presenting properties in a way that resonates with potential renters. Integration with the existing ReLease IQ dashboard will ensure that these tours are easily accessible and manageable, providing a seamless experience for users who can then track the effectiveness of their tours through real-time analytics.
Acceptance Criteria
Dynamic Tour Creation for a Family Seeking a Rental Property
Given a user accesses the Dynamic Tour Customization feature, when they select 'Family Friendly' from the tenant preferences, then the tour includes areas like playgrounds, parks, and community centers that are relevant for families.
Personalized Tour Creation for Young Professionals
Given a user selects 'Young Professionals' as the tenant demographic, when they create a tour, then the system presents amenities such as co-working spaces and public transport links in the highlighted features.
Integration of Tours in ReLease IQ Dashboard
Given a user has created a customized tour, when they navigate to the ReLease IQ dashboard, then they can view and manage their tours seamlessly without any system errors or delays.
Real-Time Analytics Tracking for Custom Tours
Given a user has conducted several tours, when they access the analytics section, then they can view data on tenant engagement and conversion rates for each tour created.
User-Friendliness of the Tour Creation Interface
Given a property manager attempts to create a tour, when using the interface, then they should be able to customize a tour in under 10 minutes with no prior training required.
Feedback Loop from Potential Renters Post-Tour
Given a tour has been completed, when feedback is solicited from the potential renter, then the system collects data on their satisfaction and preferences for future tour adjustments.
Accessibility of Tour Creation Feature for Diverse Users
Given that the Dynamic Tour Customization feature is being utilized, when different users (e.g., tech-savvy and less experienced users) try to create a tour, then both should find the process intuitive and manageable without assistance.
Automated Tour Scheduling
User Story
As a landlord, I want to automate scheduling tours with potential tenants so that I can save time and ensure I am meeting their availability without constant back-and-forth communication.
Automated Tour Scheduling functionality will enable landlords and property managers to automate the process of scheduling property tours based on tenant availability and preferences. This feature will integrate with a calendar system, allowing users to set up specific time slots for tours, reduce back-and-forth communication with potential tenants, and enhance operational efficiency. By automating this process, ReLease IQ will ensure that property managers can allocate their time more effectively and optimize scheduling to meet tenant needs. The feature will include automated reminders sent to both landlords and potential tenants, improving attendance rates and minimizing no-shows.
Acceptance Criteria
Scheduling a property tour through the ReLease IQ platform during peak leasing season.
Given that a potential tenant has selected their preferred dates and times for the tour, when the landlord initiates the scheduling process, then the tour slots should automatically update on both the tenant's and landlord's calendars, ensuring no overlapping appointments and confirming the booking.
Automating reminders for a scheduled property tour to reduce no-shows.
Given that a tour is scheduled, when the reminder is triggered 24 hours before the tour, then both the landlord and the potential tenant should receive an automated reminder via email and app notification confirming the details of the tour.
Integrating calendar systems for automated tour scheduling.
Given that the landlord's calendar is integrated with ReLease IQ, when a new tour is scheduled, then the ReLease IQ system should sync the tour time slot with the landlord's existing calendar without generating errors or duplications.
Modifying an existing tour schedule based on the tenant's request.
Given that a tenant requests to change the scheduled tour time, when the landlord receives the request through the ReLease IQ platform, then the landlord should be able to modify the schedule, and both parties should receive an updated confirmation instantly.
Allowing property managers to view and manage all scheduled tours in one place.
Given that multiple tours have been scheduled, when the property manager accesses the scheduling dashboard, then they should see a consolidated view of all upcoming tours, including tenant names, tour times, and property details in a clear format.
Providing tenants an option to directly select available time slots for tours via the platform.
Given that potential tenants are browsing properties on ReLease IQ, when they initiate a tour request, then they should be able to view a list of available time slots, select their preferred time, and receive immediate confirmation of the booking.
Virtual Tour Integration
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to take a virtual tour of available properties so that I can better understand what is offered before scheduling an in-person visit, saving time and enhancing my research process.
The Virtual Tour Integration feature will allow landlords and property managers to embed virtual tour technology within the ReLease IQ platform, enabling prospective tenants to take immersive property tours from the comfort of their homes. This requirement will involve collaborating with third-party virtual tour service providers to ensure compatibility and seamless integration with the existing platform. By offering virtual tours, ReLease IQ not only enhances the tenant experience but also expands the reach of listings, allowing for a broader audience to engage with the properties. This feature can significantly minimize the need for in-person visits and streamline the leasing process.
Acceptance Criteria
Virtual Tour Accessibility for Landlords and Property Managers
Given a landlord or property manager is logged into ReLease IQ, when they navigate to the 'Custom Tour Creation' feature, then they should see an option to embed a virtual tour from a selected third-party provider without any errors.
Virtual Tour Viewing Experience for Prospective Tenants
Given a prospective tenant accesses a property listing with an embedded virtual tour, when they click on the virtual tour link, then the virtual tour should load successfully, allowing them to navigate through the property seamlessly with no interruptions.
Quality and Compatibility of Virtual Tours
Given a landlord or property manager has embedded a virtual tour from a third-party provider, when a prospective tenant views the tour, then the video quality should be high definition, and the tour should be fully compatible with various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
Feedback Mechanism for Virtual Tours
Given a prospective tenant has completed a virtual tour of a property, when they submit feedback through the provided form, then the feedback should be successfully recorded in the ReLease IQ system and visible to the property manager.
Tracking Engagement Metrics of Virtual Tours
Given a landlord or property manager has created a virtual tour listing, when they access the analytics dashboard, then they should see detailed metrics such as the number of times the virtual tour was viewed and the average time spent on the tour.
Integration with Third-Party Virtual Tour Services
Given the ReLease IQ platform is integrated with a third-party virtual tour service, when a landlord or property manager selects a virtual tour for their property, then the integration should facilitate the transfer of data without any manual intervention required.
Notification System for Virtual Tour Availability
Given a virtual tour is successfully embedded in a property listing, when a prospective tenant shows interest, then the system should automatically notify the landlord or property manager of the new engagement and provide related metrics for follow-up.
Virtual Reality Integration
Virtual Reality Integration allows users equipped with VR headsets to experience the property tours in a fully immersive environment. This feature elevates engagement by simulating a real-life walk-through and allows tenants to feel more connected to the space.
360-Degree Property View
User Story
As a potential tenant, I want to explore the property in a 360-degree view so that I can get a better sense of the layout and features without needing to visit in person.
The 360-Degree Property View requirement provides a fully interactive, 360-degree view of the property, allowing potential tenants to navigate through various rooms and spaces seamlessly. This integration will enhance user engagement by providing a realistic representation of the property layout and ambiance. The interactive feature not only showcases the property effectively but also reduces the need for physical visits, beneficial in scenarios where potential tenants are located remotely. Its implementation should ensure high-quality visuals, responsiveness across devices, and compatibility with VR technology, thus elevating the overall user experience and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
As a potential tenant, I want to explore a property using a fully interactive 360-degree view so that I can get a realistic sense of the space from my home.
Given that I am on the property listing page, when I click on the 360-degree view button, then I should see a seamless transition to an interactive 360-degree view of the property with high-quality visuals.
As a remote user, I want to navigate through different rooms in the property using the 360-degree feature so that I can assess the layout and ambiance without a physical visit.
Given that I am in the 360-degree view, when I use my mouse or VR controls to click and drag, then I should be able to rotate and navigate through different rooms easily and intuitively.
As a landlord, I want the 360-degree property view to function correctly on various devices so that all potential tenants can access it regardless of their device.
Given that I access the 360-degree view on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile), when I test the feature, then it should display consistently well on all devices without any loss of quality or functionality.
As a user in a virtual reality environment, I want the 360-degree property view to be compatible with my VR headset so that I can have an immersive experience while exploring the property.
Given that I have a compatible VR headset, when I enter the 360-degree view, then I should experience an immersive, seamless navigation that responds accurately to my head movements and controls.
As a user, I want the 360-degree view feature to load quickly so that I do not wait long before I can start exploring the property.
Given that I initiate the 360-degree view, when the loading process begins, then it should load and be ready for interaction within 5 seconds to ensure a smooth user experience.
As a potential tenant, I want the 360-degree view to include key information about each room so that I can understand more than just the visual layout.
Given that I am viewing a specific room in the 360-degree view, when I pause in the room, then I should see informative pop-ups that provide details about the room's size, features, and any special notes.
As a user, I want to provide feedback on the 360-degree property view experience so that I can share my thoughts and help improve the feature.
Given that I have completed a viewing in the 360-degree feature, when I finish the tour, then I should be prompted to provide feedback through a user-friendly interface that allows me to rate my experience and leave comments.
Multi-User VR Experience
User Story
As a group of prospective tenants, we want to tour the property together in a virtual space so that we can discuss and decide in real-time.
The Multi-User VR Experience requirement allows multiple users to join virtual property tours simultaneously, enhancing collaborative decision-making for groups such as family members or business partners. This feature facilitates real-time interaction and discussion within the virtual environment, mimicking real-world interactions. With robust performance metrics, this integration aims to foster a stronger connection among users and promote a supportive environment for making rental decisions. This requirement must also include user interface elements that support communication, such as voice chat and annotation tools, ensuring a comprehensive, interactive experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Multiple users can simultaneously access the VR property tour while using various VR headsets, allowing them to experience the property in real-time together.
Given multiple users have entered the same virtual property tour, When they interact with the environment, Then all users can see each other's avatars and movements in real-time without noticeable lag.
Users can communicate with each other through voice chat while navigating the VR property tour.
Given users are in a multi-user VR environment, When they initiate a voice chat, Then all participants can hear each other clearly without delays or interruptions.
Users can annotate the virtual environment during the property tour to discuss specific areas or features of the property.
Given users are in the VR property tour, When one user adds an annotation, Then all other users can see the annotated commentary in real-time.
Users can customize their avatars for a personalized experience during the VR tour.
Given users are preparing for the VR property tour, When they choose to customize their avatars, Then they should be able to select different appearances, clothing, and accessories successfully.
Users can exit the VR property tour and return to the main dashboard without any performance issues.
Given users decide to leave the multi-user VR tour, When they select the exit option, Then they are returned to the main dashboard within 5 seconds without any crashes or loss of data.
The system can support a specified number of concurrent users in the VR property tour without degradation of performance.
Given the maximum user capacity of the VR property tour, When users join the tour, Then the system should function seamlessly for up to 20 concurrent users.
Users can access tutorial guides and assistance within the VR environment during the property tour.
Given users are in the VR property tour, When they request help, Then they should receive an interactive guide on navigating features within the tour.
Interactive Property Highlights
User Story
As a potential tenant, I want to click on features in the virtual tour to learn more about them so that I can make a more informed decision about renting.
The Interactive Property Highlights requirement allows users to interact with key features of the property during a virtual tour, such as clicking on items to view additional information, photos, or videos. This dynamic approach enables potential tenants to gain deeper insights into unique aspects of the property, like appliances, furnishings, or amenities. The implementation should ensure a smooth user experience, integrate seamlessly with the UI, and provide relevant data without overwhelming the user. It aims to enhance the informational value of the property tour, making it more educational and engaging.
Acceptance Criteria
User Interaction during Virtual Tours
Given a user is wearing a VR headset and engaged in a property tour, when they click on an interactive feature, then additional information, including images and videos, should display within the VR environment without lag or disruption of the experience.
Seamless User Experience
Given a user is navigating through the virtual property tour, when they interact with an item, then the transition to the additional content should be fluid, maintaining the context of the tour without requiring any adjustment or discomfort for the user.
Information Relevance and Clarity
Given a user accesses additional information about a highlighted feature during the virtual tour, when the data appears, then it should be concise, relevant to the property feature, and not exceed a defined character limit to avoid overwhelming the user.
Visualization of Amenities and Features
Given a user is viewing a specific area in the virtual tour, when they activate an interactive highlight, then the system should visually indicate the featured item with an engaging animation or highlight effect to draw attention.
Accessibility of Additional Media
Given a user clicks on a property feature during a virtual tour, when additional photos or videos are displayed, then the user should have options to enlarge or return to the previous view easily, ensuring they can consume the information comfortably.
User Feedback Collection
Given that a user has completed the virtual tour and interacted with the property highlights, when they exit the VR experience, then a feedback prompt should appear to collect their impressions regarding the feature quality and information usefulness.
System Performance under Load
Given multiple users are simultaneously engaging in virtual tours with interactive highlights, when performance is monitored, then the system should maintain responsiveness and load times within a predefined threshold to ensure a smooth experience for all users.
VR Compatibility Checker
User Story
As a user, I want to check if my VR headset is compatible with the platform so that I can enjoy the virtual tours without any technical difficulties.
The VR Compatibility Checker requirement ensures that users' devices meet the necessary specifications for accessing the virtual reality features of the platform. This feature will include a simple, intuitive tool for users to assess whether their current VR headsets and computing devices are compatible with the ReLease IQ platform. By proactively addressing potential hardware compatibility issues, this requirement minimizes user frustration and streamlines their experience when accessing the VR functionalities. The tool must be easy to find, user-friendly, and provide clear feedback on any needed updates or upgrades to hardware.
Acceptance Criteria
User initiates the VR Compatibility Checker from their ReLease IQ dashboard to assess whether their VR headset and computer meet the requirements for running the virtual reality features.
Given the user is on the ReLease IQ dashboard, when they click on the VR Compatibility Checker tool, then they should receive clear guidance on device compatibility along with a pass/fail indication based on the device specifications.
A user with incompatible VR hardware accesses the VR Compatibility Checker and receives feedback regarding the necessary upgrades.
Given the user has an incompatible device, when they run the VR Compatibility Checker, then they should receive a detailed message outlining the specific hardware upgrades needed to achieve compatibility with the ReLease IQ's VR functionality.
User attempts to use the VR Compatibility Checker on a mobile device, expecting a responsive design that works seamlessly across different screen sizes.
Given the user accesses the VR Compatibility Checker on a mobile device, when the tool is displayed, then it should be fully responsive and maintain usability, allowing users to assess compatibility easily without layout issues.
A user successfully runs the VR Compatibility Checker after upgrading their hardware and needs confirmation to proceed with accessing VR tours.
Given the user has upgraded their hardware, when they rerun the VR Compatibility Checker, then they should see a confirmation message indicating their setup is compatible to access VR tours.
User navigates to the VR Compatibility Checker, but the tool encounters a technical issue.
Given that the user is trying to access the VR Compatibility Checker, when there is a technical issue with the tool, then the user should receive an error message explaining the issue and options for further assistance.
A user provides feedback on the VR Compatibility Checker tool after using it for the first time to determine compatibility.
Given the user has completed the use of the VR Compatibility Checker, when they are prompted to provide feedback, then their feedback should be collected and stored for future improvements.
User accesses the VR Compatibility Checker to check if their device is suitable for a scheduled VR property tour.
Given the user is preparing for a VR property tour, when they use the VR Compatibility Checker, then they should receive compatibility results before the scheduled tour to ensure a smooth viewing experience.
Guided VR Tours
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to join guided VR tours led by a representative so that I can get a personalized experience and have my questions answered in real-time.
The Guided VR Tours requirement introduces a feature where users can join scheduled guided tours led by a representative who will navigate through the property while highlighting important features and answering questions. This enhances personalization and can provide users with insights that they might miss in a self-guided tour. The integration must facilitate the tour guide's ability to control the VR experience while ensuring that users have a seamless experience with live interaction capabilities. Additionally, this feature aims to encourage inquiries and enhance user engagement with additional support during the property viewing process.
Acceptance Criteria
Scheduled Guided VR Tour with a Representative
Given a user has booked a guided VR tour, When the tour time arrives, Then the user should receive a notification to join the tour and be able to enter the VR environment seamlessly.
Live Interaction During the Guided Tour
Given users are in a guided VR tour, When the representative highlights a feature, Then users should be able to ask questions in real-time through voice or chat functionality.
Navigation Control by the Guide
Given the tour is in progress, When the guide selects a new area to explore, Then the VR experience should smoothly transition to the selected location without delay.
User Feedback Collection Post-Tour
Given the guided VR tour has concluded, When users exit the VR environment, Then they should be prompted to complete a feedback survey about their experience.
Technical Performance During Tours
Given a scheduled guided VR tour, When the tour is being conducted, Then the VR environment should maintain a frame rate of at least 60fps and have no significant lag or disruptions.
Multiple Users in a Guided VR Tour
Given a guided VR tour is in session, When multiple users join, Then all participants should have synchronized experiences and see the same highlighted features simultaneously.
Accessibility Features in Guided Tours
Given a user with accessibility needs joins a guided VR tour, When they access the tour, Then they should have options for audio descriptions or sign language interpretation available during the tour.
Real-Time Engagement Tools
Real-Time Engagement Tools enable prospective tenants to chat directly with property managers during the virtual tour. This feature encourages instant feedback and allows for questions to be answered on the spot, enhancing the user experience and increasing the likelihood of lead conversion.
Instant Messaging Feature
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to chat directly with property managers during my virtual tour so that I can get my questions answered instantly and feel more informed about the property.
The Instant Messaging Feature will allow prospective tenants to chat in real-time with property managers during virtual tours. This capability enhances engagement and facilitates immediate feedback, ensuring that any questions or concerns from potential tenants can be addressed promptly. The integration of this feature into the ReLease IQ platform will streamline communication, improve tenant experience, and potentially increase lead conversions by providing instant access to key information that may influence rental decisions.
Acceptance Criteria
Prospective tenant initiates a chat with the property manager during a virtual tour to ask specific questions about rental terms.
Given a prospective tenant is viewing a virtual tour, when they click the chat icon and send a message, then the property manager receives the message in real-time and can respond instantly.
Property manager receives feedback from the prospective tenant in the chat during the virtual tour.
Given that the property manager is engaged in a chat session with a prospective tenant, when the tenant submits feedback or a question, then the property manager must acknowledge the feedback within 2 minutes.
Prospective tenants successfully engage with the chat feature on multiple devices during a virtual tour.
Given a prospective tenant is using a mobile device to view the virtual tour, when they access the chat feature, then they should be able to send and receive messages without errors across all supported browsers and devices.
Property manager reviews chat history with prospective tenants post-tour.
Given that a virtual tour has ended, when the property manager accesses the messaging dashboard, then they should see a complete history of chat messages exchanged during that session.
A prospective tenant wants to ask a question about the property features during the virtual tour.
Given the prospective tenant has typed a question about specific property features in the chat, when they hit send, then the system must capture the question and display it in the chat log for the property manager to respond to.
The chat feature is utilized to address technical difficulties during the virtual tour.
Given that a prospective tenant experiences technical difficulties while using the virtual tour, when they reach out via the chat feature, then a technical support representative should respond within 5 minutes to assist them.
Feedback Collection System
User Story
As a property manager, I want to collect real-time feedback from prospective tenants during their virtual tours so that I can understand their needs better and improve our offerings accordingly.
The Feedback Collection System is designed to gather real-time feedback from prospective tenants during and after the virtual tour. This requirement involves implementing mechanisms such as quick rating forms and open-ended questions within the virtual tour interface. The collected data will be analyzed to identify areas for improvement and features that clients value most, enhancing the overall service offering and allowing property managers to tailor their approach to prospective tenants.
Acceptance Criteria
Prospective tenants are using the virtual tour feature of ReLease IQ and interact with property managers in real-time via chat to provide feedback after the tour.
Given a prospective tenant has completed the virtual tour, When they are prompted to provide feedback, Then they should be able to select a quick rating from 1 to 5 and provide optional open-ended comments within 60 seconds.
Property managers are reviewing the feedback collected from prospective tenants after a series of virtual tours to assess areas for improvement.
Given feedback has been collected from at least 50 prospective tenants, When the property manager accesses the feedback report, Then it should display an average rating, a breakdown of ratings, and a summary of open-ended responses categorized by themes.
A prospective tenant chooses to give feedback during the live chat feature immediately after their virtual tour.
Given a prospective tenant is actively chatting post-tour, When they express their thoughts on the property, Then a quick feedback form should automatically open for them to rate and provide comments without leaving the chat interface.
The system compiles feedback from multiple sources for analysis post-virtual tour.
Given feedback from both quick ratings and open-ended responses is accumulated, When the data is analyzed, Then the system should generate a report highlighting top three features valued by tenants and areas requiring improvements, visible in the property manager's dashboard.
Property managers receive alerts when feedback crosses a certain threshold indicating frequent issues or high satisfaction.
Given feedback has been collected continuously for two weeks, When an average rating drops below 3 stars, Then the system should trigger an alert notification to the property manager for immediate review.
Real-time feedback collection is integrated seamlessly within the virtual tour experience.
Given the virtual tour is in progress, When the prospective tenant completes the tour, Then the feedback options should be visible without disrupting the tour flow, ensuring easy access for the tenant.
Multimedia Presentation Integration
User Story
As a potential tenant, I want to see multimedia presentations during virtual property tours so that I can visualize the space better and make a more informed decision.
The Multimedia Presentation Integration will enable property managers to incorporate videos, images, and virtual reality elements into the property tours. This feature will enhance the engagement of prospective tenants by providing a more vivid and interactive experience. Integrating multimedia will showcase properties in a more appealing way, giving viewers a better sense of space and features, which is essential for decision-making in property rental or purchase.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration of multimedia presentation tools during virtual property tours.
Given a property manager is conducting a virtual tour, When they select multimedia options, Then the video and images should load without lag and play smoothly for prospective tenants.
Accessibility of multimedia elements for all users during virtual tours.
Given a prospective tenant is viewing a virtual tour, When they use accessibility features, Then all multimedia presentations should include subtitles and audio descriptions.
Real-time feedback on multimedia content during virtual property tours.
Given a prospective tenant interacts with video or images within the virtual tour, When they submit feedback or questions via chat, Then the property manager should receive the feedback instantly with an option to respond in real-time.
Quality assurance of multimedia content displayed during virtual tours.
Given the multimedia content is uploaded by the property manager, When the content is reviewed, Then it must meet quality standards for resolution and clarity, ensuring a minimum resolution of 1080p for videos and high-quality images.
Integration of virtual reality elements in property tours.
Given a property manager is utilizing virtual reality for a property tour, When prospective tenants access the tour, Then they should be able to navigate through the property using VR controls with full immersion.
User analytics tracking during multimedia property tours.
Given the multimedia presentation is live, When prospective tenants engage with the tour, Then analytics should track user interaction metrics such as time spent on each multimedia element and engagement rates.
Feedback collection post-tour on multimedia engagements.
Given a prospective tenant has completed the virtual tour, When they are prompted for feedback, Then the survey must include specific questions regarding the effectiveness and engagement level of multimedia used during the tour.
Appointment Scheduling Tool
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to schedule follow-up appointments with property managers after my virtual tour so that I can discuss further details and clarify any questions I may have about the property.
The Appointment Scheduling Tool will allow prospective tenants to schedule follow-up appointments with property managers directly after the virtual tour. This functionality will simplify the booking process by enabling users to choose available times and receive reminders, ensuring higher attendance rates and reducing the no-show phenomenon. The tool will integrate seamlessly into the existing ReLease IQ scheduling system, improving workflow and opportunity for personal interaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Prospective tenant completes a virtual tour and wants to schedule a follow-up appointment with the property manager.
Given the prospective tenant has completed the virtual tour, When they access the appointment scheduling tool, Then they should see available time slots and be able to select a time for the follow-up appointment.
A prospective tenant selects a time for a follow-up appointment after the virtual tour.
Given the prospective tenant has chosen a time for the follow-up appointment, When they confirm the selection, Then they should receive a confirmation notification and an email reminder 24 hours prior to the appointment.
A property manager checks their availability for follow-up appointments in the appointment scheduling tool.
Given the property manager is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, When they access their calendar in the appointment scheduling tool, Then they should see their availability updated in real-time based on existing appointments.
Prospective tenants want to reschedule their follow-up appointments after scheduling them.
Given a prospective tenant has a scheduled follow-up appointment, When they access the appointment scheduling tool, Then they should have the option to reschedule their appointment and receive a notification confirming the new date and time.
The appointment scheduling tool integrates with the existing ReLease IQ scheduling system without errors.
Given that the appointment scheduling tool is live, When the property manager checks the existing scheduling system, Then all scheduled follow-up appointments should be reflected correctly without conflicts or discrepancies.
Analytics Dashboard for Engagement Tracking
User Story
As a property manager, I want to access an analytics dashboard that tracks user engagement during virtual tours so that I can refine our approach and improve our conversion rates.
The Analytics Dashboard for Engagement Tracking will provide insights into user interactions during virtual tours, including chat frequency, questions asked, and engagement levels with multimedia assets. This requirement aims to equip property managers with data-driven insights that can inform their strategies for improving engagement and lead conversion rates. The dashboard will integrate with existing analytics tools within the ReLease IQ platform, ensuring that property managers can monitor performance metrics effectively.
Acceptance Criteria
Real-time Interaction During Virtual Tours
Given a user is on a virtual tour, when they initiate a chat with a property manager, then the chat window should appear instantly without any lag time, allowing for immediate communication.
Data Presentation on Engagement Dashboard
Given that data has been collected from multiple virtual tours, when a property manager views the dashboard, then the engagement metrics including chat frequency, questions asked, and interaction with multimedia assets should be clearly summarized in visual formats such as graphs or charts.
Access Control for Analytics Dashboard
Given that a property manager logs into the ReLease IQ platform, when they attempt to access the engagement analytics dashboard, then they should only see data relevant to their properties, ensuring data privacy and security.
Comprehensive Feedback Collection
Given that a prospective tenant has completed a virtual tour, when they are prompted for feedback, then they should be able to provide input on their experience, which is then logged in the analytics dashboard for property managers to review.
Integration with Existing Tools
Given that the analytics dashboard is being developed, when it is integrated with existing analytics tools, then data should flow seamlessly between tools without loss or corruption of information, maintaining data integrity.
Real-Time Updates on Engagement Metrics
Given that the virtual tour is in progress, when interactions occur (chats initiated, questions asked), then the engagement metrics displayed on the dashboard should update in real-time, reflecting the latest user interactions.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As a non-native English speaker, I want to participate in virtual tours in my preferred language so that I can fully understand the features of the property and communicate effectively with the property manager.
The Multi-Language Support feature will ensure that all real-time engagement tools and virtual tour interfaces are accessible in multiple languages. This inclusion will allow property managers to cater to a diverse clientele and enhance the user experience for non-native speakers. Ensuring that language barriers are minimized will broaden the market reach for landlords and improve compliance with fair housing laws.
Acceptance Criteria
User engages in a virtual tour of a property and activates the real-time engagement tools to ask questions in their preferred language during the session.
Given the user has selected a language, when they initiate a chat during the virtual tour, then all prompts, responses, and user interface elements should be displayed in the selected language without errors.
Property managers receive inquiries through real-time engagement tools from users speaking various languages during a virtual tour.
Given that a user interacts using a language other than English, when the property manager receives the request, then the chat should display the inquiry in the original language and provide an option to translate it to English.
A prospective tenant completes a virtual tour session, using different languages for different engagement tools.
Given the user has switched languages during the virtual tour, when they complete their session, then all chat history should be preserved and displayed in the corresponding language based on user input.
A diverse group of prospective tenants is using the engagement tools during a virtual tour.
Given that the engagement tools are being used by tenants speaking multiple languages, when assessments are made post-tour, then at least 90% of the users should report satisfaction with the multi-language support feature via a follow-up survey.
The system is deployed and tested for multi-language support across various virtual tour platforms.
Given that the system is launched, when a property manager accesses the engagement tools, then they should be able to select from a list of at least 5 different languages that are fully supported in all features.
Training property managers to use the multi-language support feature effectively.
Given that training sessions are conducted, when property managers complete the training, then at least 85% should demonstrate competency in utilizing the multi-language support feature through a practical assessment.
Continuous monitoring of language support performance during real-time engagement.
Given that the multi-language feature is live, when feedback is collected over the first three months, then any reported language inconsistencies or issues should be addressed, achieving a resolution time of no more than 24 hours for each instance.
Saved Favorites
The Saved Favorites feature allows users to bookmark properties during their virtual tours. This functionality helps tenants easily keep track of properties they are interested in, streamlining their decision-making process when comparing options.
Property Bookmarking
User Story
As a prospective tenant, I want to bookmark properties I like so that I can easily refer back to them when I am ready to make a decision.
The Property Bookmarking feature enables users to save and label properties they find during their virtual tours for easy reference. This allows users to categorize properties based on their preferences, such as favorite, potential, or rejected. The saved listings will be accessible from a dedicated section in the user dashboard. This functionality not only simplifies the process of comparison but also enriches user engagement and satisfaction by facilitating informed decision-making.
Acceptance Criteria
User selects a property during a virtual tour and saves it as a favorite.
Given the user is in the virtual tour, when they select a property and click the 'Save as Favorite' button, then the property should be added to the 'Favorites' section of the dashboard with a label 'favorite'.
User saves multiple properties with different labels during a virtual tour.
Given the user is in the virtual tour, when they select multiple properties and label them as 'potential', 'favorite', or 'rejected', then each property should be saved under the respective label in the user dashboard.
User retrieves their saved properties from the dashboard.
Given the user has saved properties, when they navigate to the 'Saved Favorites' section on the dashboard, then all the categorized properties should be displayed correctly with the corresponding labels.
User edits the label of a saved property in their favorites.
Given the user is on the 'Saved Favorites' section, when they select a property and change its label from 'potential' to 'favorite', then the property label should be updated appropriately and reflected in the listings.
User removes a property from their saved favorites.
Given the user is on the 'Saved Favorites' section, when they select a property and click the 'Remove' button, then the property should be deleted from their saved listings and no longer appear in the dashboard.
System ensures saved properties persist across sessions.
Given the user has saved properties in their favorites, when they log out and then log back in, then all previously saved properties should still be visible in the 'Saved Favorites' section as per the last session.
User accesses help or FAQ related to property bookmarking.
Given the user is on the dashboard, when they click on 'Help' or 'FAQ', then they should find clear information about how to use the property bookmarking feature, including saving, labeling, and managing saved properties.
User Notifications
User Story
As a user, I want to receive notifications about my bookmarked properties so that I can stay updated on any changes that may influence my choice.
The User Notifications feature provides users with alerts regarding their saved properties, such as price changes, new availability, or updates on status. These notifications can be sent via email or through in-app messages. This functionality enhances user experience by keeping them informed about their interests and opportunities, prompting timely decisions and improving engagement with the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User receives notifications for a price drop on a saved property.
Given the user has saved a property, when the property's price drops, then the user should receive an email notification about the price change.
User gets notified when a saved property becomes available after being previously unavailable.
Given the user has saved a property that is currently unavailable, when the property becomes available, then the user should receive an in-app message notification regarding its availability.
User is alerted when the status of a saved property changes (e.g., 'Under Contract').
Given the user has saved a property, when the property's status changes, then the user should receive an email notification detailing the new status of that property.
User can select preferences for notification types (email or in-app) for their saved properties.
Given the user is in the notification settings, when they select their preferred notification types, then the system should save and implement these preferences for all future notifications about saved properties.
User receives a summary of notifications for all saved properties in one email.
Given the user has multiple saved properties, when the user checks their email for notifications, then they should receive a single summary email consolidating all notifications regarding those properties within the last week.
User can turn off notifications for saved properties.
Given the user is in the notification settings, when they choose to turn off notifications for saved properties, then the system should cease all email and in-app notifications for those properties immediately.
Comparative Analysis Tool
User Story
As a user, I want to compare different properties I have saved so that I can easily evaluate my options and choose the best one for my needs.
The Comparative Analysis Tool allows users to compare multiple bookmarked properties side-by-side. This feature includes metrics like price, square footage, amenities, and location ratings. By presenting a comprehensive view of their options, users can make better-informed decisions quickly and efficiently, thereby enhancing the overall utility and effectiveness of the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User compares multiple bookmarked properties to decide which one to rent based on specific metrics provided by the comparative analysis tool.
Given that the user has bookmarked at least two properties, When the user accesses the Comparative Analysis Tool, Then the user should see a side-by-side comparison of the selected properties with metrics for price, square footage, amenities, and location ratings displayed clearly.
User wants to filter properties based on specific criteria like price range and location while using the comparative analysis tool.
Given that the user is on the Comparative Analysis Tool page, When the user applies filters for price range and location, Then only the properties meeting the selected filters should be displayed in the comparison view.
User needs to understand how the features of the comparative analysis tool enhance their decision-making process.
Given that the user opens the Comparative Analysis Tool, When the user views the comparison of properties, Then the tool should include a key or an explanation of each metric used for comparison to enhance user understanding.
User wants to save their comparative analysis for future reference.
Given that the user has compared multiple properties using the Comparative Analysis Tool, When the user clicks on the 'Save Comparison' button, Then the tool should successfully save the comparison to the user's profile for easy access later.
User conducts a comparison and wishes to share it with others for opinions on property decisions.
Given that the user has completed a comparison of properties, When the user clicks on the 'Share Comparison' button, Then the user should be able to successfully send the comparison details via email or direct link.
User accesses the comparative analysis tool on a mobile device to compare properties on the go.
Given that the user is using a mobile device, When the user accesses the Comparative Analysis Tool, Then the tool should be fully responsive and allow for seamless comparison of properties without loss of functionality or readability.
Enhanced Search Filters
User Story
As a user, I want to use advanced filters during my property search so that I can quickly find listings that fit my specific needs and preferences.
The Enhanced Search Filters feature allows users to apply specific criteria to their property searches, such as location, price range, number of bedrooms, and desired amenities. This allows for a more tailored and efficient search experience, ensuring users can find properties that meet their exact requirements without unnecessary browsing.
Acceptance Criteria
User initiates a property search by entering specific criteria such as location, price range, number of bedrooms, and desired amenities to find suitable properties.
Given that the user has entered specific search criteria, when they click on the search button, then the system should return a list of properties that match all specified criteria.
User wants to refine their search based on new parameters after viewing initial search results.
Given the user has already received search results, when they modify the search filters and click on the search button again, then the system should update the results to only include properties that meet the new criteria.
User requires the ability to see the price range filter applied, ensuring only properties within their budget are displayed.
Given that the user sets a price range in the search filter, when they conduct the search, then the displayed properties should all have prices falling within the specified range, with no outliers.
User wants to save their favorite properties for future reference after applying search filters.
Given that the user has searched for properties and selected one or more to save, when they click the 'Save Favorites' button, then the selected properties should be saved to the user's favorites list for future access.
User prefers to search for properties by amenities such as a pool or gym.
Given the user selects specific amenities in the search filters, when they initiate the search, then the results should only display properties that include the selected amenities.
User accesses the enhanced search filter feature for the first time and needs guidance on its usage.
Given that the user is on the search page, when they hover over the enhanced search filter options, then a tooltip should appear, explaining how to effectively use each filter option.
User Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As a user, I want to provide feedback on my experience with the bookmarking feature so that I can contribute to the improvement of the platform for future users.
The User Feedback Mechanism provides a structured way for users to submit their thoughts, suggestions, or concerns regarding the bookmarking feature or the property management platform in general. This feedback will be collated and analyzed to inform future improvements, ensuring the platform evolves based on user needs and enhances overall user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User submits feedback regarding the Saved Favorites feature after utilizing it during a virtual property tour.
Given the user has accessed the Saved Favorites feature, when they submit feedback through the designated form, then the feedback is successfully recorded in the system and a confirmation message is displayed.
User provides suggestions for improving the user interface of the Saved Favorites feature.
Given the user is logged into the platform, when they provide suggestions through the feedback mechanism, then the suggestions are categorized accurately and stored in a database for review by the product team.
User reports a bug encountered while using the Saved Favorites feature.
Given the user encounters an error while bookmarking a property, when they submit feedback describing the issue, then the bug report is logged with all necessary details (browser, error message) for the development team to investigate.
User rates their overall experience with the Saved Favorites feature after using it for a month.
Given the user has utilized the Saved Favorites feature, when they access the feedback mechanism, then they can rate their experience on a scale of 1 to 5, which is recorded and aggregated for analysis.
User requests additional resources or help regarding the use of the Saved Favorites feature.
Given the user faces difficulty using the Saved Favorites feature, when they submit a request for help, then the system acknowledges the request and assigns a support ticket for follow-up.
User provides feedback regarding overall satisfaction with ReLease IQ's property management functionality, including the Saved Favorites feature.
Given the user has experience with ReLease IQ for a set period, when they complete a feedback survey, then the feedback is analyzed and summarized in a report for the product team to consider for future enhancements.
Guided Tours with Voiceover
Guided Tours with Voiceover provide an audio narration during the virtual walk-through. This feature informs tenants about key aspects, historical context, and highlights of the property, creating a richer and more engaging exploration experience.
Audio Narration Integration
User Story
As a property manager, I want to integrate voiceovers into the virtual property tours so that potential tenants can gain better insights about the property features and history, enhancing their engagement and interest.
The Audio Narration Integration requirement entails the development of a robust audio playback system that allows for seamless integration of voiceovers during virtual property tours. This feature must support multiple audio formats, enable easy uploading and management of audio files by property managers, and allow customization of playback controls (play, pause, stop) for an enhanced user experience. The integration must also ensure that audio clarity is maintained regardless of the device used, improving engagement and understanding of the property highlights for tenants. Additionally, it should incorporate user-friendly settings to control audio volume and toggle captions, ensuring accessibility for all users. This functionality will enhance the immersive experience of property tours and can lead to informed decision-making for prospective tenants.
Acceptance Criteria
Audio narration plays seamlessly during a virtual property tour when initiated by the tenant.
Given a tenant is viewing a virtual property tour, when they select the 'Play' button for audio narration, then the audio should start playing without delay and synchronize with the visuals of the tour.
Property managers can upload and manage audio files for the tours without technical assistance.
Given a property manager is logged into the system, when they access the audio management interface, then they must be able to upload, edit, and delete audio files in a supported format within 5 minutes without errors or crashes.
Audio clarity is maintained across different devices during property tours.
Given that the audio narration is being played on various devices (smartphone, tablet, desktop), when the tenant listens to the narration, then the audio clarity and volume must meet the defined standards of clarity and intelligibility on all devices.
Users can adjust audio volume and toggle captions during the virtual property tour.
Given a tenant is watching a virtual property tour with audio narration, when they use the volume control slider or toggle the captions on and off, then the changes should be reflected immediately and without interruption in the audio playback.
The audio playback controls are responsive and easy to use for tenants during tours.
Given a tenant is engaged with the virtual property tour, when they interact with the playback controls (play, pause, stop), then the response time must be less than 1 second and should match the expected function of each control.
Interrupted audio playback resumes effectively after a brief pause by the tenant.
Given a tenant pauses the audio during the tour, when they click 'Play' again, then the audio should resume from the exact point of interruption within 2 seconds, ensuring a seamless experience.
Accessibility features are available for all tenants requiring assistance during the tour.
Given a tenant chooses to access the accessibility settings, when they enable captions and adjust audio volume, then captions must display correctly and the audio adjustments must reflect their selections instantly, ensuring a fully accessible experience.
Custom Tour Creation Tools
User Story
As a property manager, I want to create customized virtual tours for my properties so that I can effectively showcase them according to different types of tenants, maximizing interest and inquiries.
The Custom Tour Creation Tools requirement encompasses the development of an intuitive interface that allows property managers to create personalized virtual tours tailored to different audience segments. This capability should include features for adding voiceovers, uploading images, and inserting videos to highlight key aspects of a property. Managers should be able to choose from templates or create from scratch, making the tour creation process easy and efficient. The system must also support editing existing tours, enabling managers to update information or adjust content as needed. Moreover, these tools should offer previews of the tours to ensure quality before publishing. This feature aims to increase engagement and enhance the presentation of properties, ultimately improving tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers are creating a virtual tour for a new rental property targeted at young professionals. They want to highlight the modern amenities and nearby public transport options. The manager selects a template, uploads images, adds a voiceover describing the features, and previews the tour before publishing it.
Given a property manager is using the Custom Tour Creation Tools, when they select a template and upload images with a voiceover, then they should be able to preview the entire tour with all elements intact before publishing.
A property manager is editing an existing virtual tour for a family-friendly apartment complex to include new playground images and updated information about local schools. They need to ensure that these changes do not affect the overall tour quality.
Given a property manager is editing an existing tour, when they upload new content and make changes, then the system should allow them to save these changes and view an updated preview of the tour.
A property manager wants to create a virtual tour from scratch for a luxury apartment, manually adding images and videos to highlight special features like the rooftop terrace and gym. They need an easy way to organize and sequence the content.
Given a property manager is creating a virtual tour from scratch, when they add images and videos in a specific sequence, then they should be able to rearrange the content easily and see all items reflected in the preview without errors.
A property manager is hosting a webinar for potential tenants and wants to include a guided virtual tour as part of their presentation. They need to ensure that the tour can be navigated smoothly without any technical glitches.
Given a property manager is preparing for a webinar, when they integrate a virtual tour with audio narration into their presentation, then the tour should run seamlessly during the session with no lag or disconnection issues.
Two property managers are training on the new Custom Tour Creation Tools. They need to ensure they can both create tours independently using the same features and templates available in the system without any limitations.
Given two property managers are using the Custom Tour Creation Tools, when both of them access the system simultaneously, then they should be able to create and save their own tours without any conflicts or restrictions on features.
A property manager is analyzing the performance of previously published virtual tours, wanting insights on which tours have higher engagement rates and which elements contribute to viewer retention.
Given a property manager wants to evaluate the success of published virtual tours, when they access the analytics dashboard, then they should see clear metrics on engagement rates and viewer retention for each tour.
After a property manager creates and publishes a new virtual tour, they want to make sure that potential tenants can access it through the property management website without any difficulty.
Given a virtual tour is published, when a potential tenant visits the property management website, then they should be able to easily locate and view the tour without facing any broken links or errors.
Analytics Dashboard for Tours Engagement
User Story
As a property manager, I want to view analytics regarding tenant engagement with guided tours so that I can make informed decisions on how to improve my property presentations and marketing efforts.
The Analytics Dashboard for Tours Engagement requirement involves creating a reporting dashboard that provides insights into how tenants interact with the guided tours. This dashboard should track metrics such as the number of views, average time spent on each tour, user engagement scores, and common exit points during the tours. The analysis will help property managers understand which aspects of their property resonate most with tenants and where improvements can be made. The dashboard must be user-friendly and allow property managers to filter data by time period, property type, or demographic data of the viewers. This capability is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of guided tours and making data-driven decisions to enhance marketing strategies.
Acceptance Criteria
Analytics Dashboard shows detailed engagement metrics for a specific guided tour.
Given a property manager accesses the Analytics Dashboard, when selecting a guided tour, then the dashboard displays the total number of views, average time spent, user engagement scores, and common exit points for that specific tour.
Filtering capability on the Analytics Dashboard by different parameters.
Given a property manager is on the Analytics Dashboard, when they apply filters for time period, property type, or demographic data, then the dashboard updates to reflect only the data that meets those filter criteria.
User-friendliness of the Analytics Dashboard interface.
Given a property manager visits the Analytics Dashboard for the first time, when navigating through the dashboard, then they should find it intuitive to access various metrics without prior training.
Real-time data updating on the Analytics Dashboard.
Given that a guided tour has taken place, when a property manager views the Analytics Dashboard, then the metrics should reflect the most up-to-date information, not older than a 5-minute delay.
Data representation of engagement metrics in the Analytics Dashboard.
Given a property manager is reviewing the Analytics Dashboard, when they look at engagement scores, then the dashboard must represent this data visually with graphs and charts for easy comprehension.
Accessibility of the Analytics Dashboard from various devices.
Given a property manager wants to access the Analytics Dashboard, when they use a mobile device, tablet, or desktop, then the dashboard must be fully functional and responsive across all devices.
Community Bulletin Board
The Community Bulletin Board feature allows tenants to post and view announcements, events, and news within their community. This ensures tenants are always informed and engaged with what’s happening around them, fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging participation in local activities.
Post Management
User Story
As a tenant, I want to post announcements and events on the community bulletin board so that I can keep my neighbors informed about important happenings and encourage participation in local activities.
The Post Management requirement allows tenants to create, edit, and delete their announcements, events, or news postings on the Community Bulletin Board. This functionality is essential as it provides tenants with control over their content, ensuring they can communicate relevant and timely information to their community. Implementation will require user-friendly interfaces, including forms for posting and editing, and responsive feedback mechanisms to confirm actions. The expected outcome is an engaged tenant community where individuals feel empowered to share information and updates with their neighbors, thus enhancing community interaction and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant creates a new announcement on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they navigate to the Community Bulletin Board and click on 'Create Post', then they should see a form to enter the title and content of their announcement, and upon submitting, the announcement should be displayed on the bulletin board with a timestamp.
Tenant edits an existing announcement on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they select an existing announcement and click on 'Edit', then they should see the announcement's current title and content pre-filled in the form, and upon submitting the changes, the updated announcement should reflect the new title and content.
Tenant deletes an existing announcement on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they select an existing announcement and click on 'Delete', then a confirmation prompt should appear, and if they confirm, the announcement should be removed from the bulletin board and no longer visible to other tenants.
Tenant views all announcements on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they navigate to the Community Bulletin Board, then they should see a list of all current announcements, including title, content preview, and posting date, sorted by most recent first.
Tenant receives feedback upon successful posting, editing, or deleting of announcements.
Given a logged-in tenant, when they create, edit, or delete an announcement, then a success message should be displayed confirming the action was completed successfully, providing clear feedback on the operation performed.
Non-logged-in user attempts to post an announcement.
Given a non-logged-in user, when they try to access the Community Bulletin Board and attempt to create a post, then they should be redirected to the login page with a message indicating that they must log in to post announcements.
Tenant views announcements filtered by category or type (e.g., event, news).
Given a logged-in tenant, when they use filters on the Community Bulletin Board, then they should only see announcements corresponding to the selected category, ensuring relevant information is easily accessible.
Announcement Notifications
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive notifications for new announcements on the community bulletin board so that I don’t miss important events or updates from my neighbors.
The Announcement Notifications requirement ensures that tenants receive alerts for new postings on the Community Bulletin Board. This feature will enhance engagement by keeping tenants informed of important updates and fostering a sense of community. The notifications could be configured for different channels, such as email or in-app messages, providing flexibility to the users. Implementation will involve setting up notification preferences and ensuring that alerts are timely and relevant. The outcome is a more connected tenant network where users are actively aware of community events and news.
Acceptance Criteria
Notification Preferences Setup by Tenants
Given a tenant logs into their account, when they navigate to the notification preferences section, then they should be able to select their preferred channel for announcement notifications (email, in-app, or both) and save their preferences successfully.
Receiving Notification for New Postings
Given a tenant has set up their notification preferences, when a new announcement is posted on the Community Bulletin Board, then the tenant should receive a notification through their chosen channel in less than 5 minutes.
Viewing Notification History
Given a tenant receives notifications for announcements, when they access the notification history section, then they should be able to view a chronological list of all received notifications with timestamps and content summaries.
Configuring Notification Frequency
Given a tenant accesses the notification settings, when they select their notification frequency preference (immediate, daily digest, weekly summary), then the system should update and respect that frequency for sending notifications accordingly.
Testing Notifications Delivery Accuracy
Given a new announcement is posted on the Community Bulletin Board, when the system sends out notifications, then all tenants with the announcement notification enabled should receive the correct notification content matching the announcement details within the specified delivery timeframe.
Opting Out of Notifications
Given a tenant wishes to stop receiving notifications, when they access their notification preferences and choose to opt-out, then they should receive a confirmation message and will no longer receive any announcement notifications going forward.
Event Categorization
User Story
As a tenant, I want to categorize my posts on the community bulletin board so that others can easily find and filter announcements that are relevant to them.
The Event Categorization requirement allows tenants to categorize their postings into predefined types, such as 'Social Events', 'Maintenance Notices', or 'Emergency Alerts'. This functionality will streamline the discovery of relevant announcements and help tenants quickly find information that pertains to their interests or needs. Implementation will require the creation of categories, user interfaces for selection, and filtering mechanisms on the bulletin board. The expected outcome is a more organized and user-friendly bulletin board experience that effectively serves the diverse interests of the tenants.
Acceptance Criteria
As a tenant, I want to easily categorize my event postings on the Community Bulletin Board so that other tenants can quickly find relevant information based on their interests.
Given that I am on the Community Bulletin Board, when I create a new event posting, then I must have the option to select from predefined categories such as 'Social Events', 'Maintenance Notices', or 'Emergency Alerts'.
As a tenant, I want to view all postings by category to ensure that I can easily find specific types of information relevant to me.
Given that I am on the Community Bulletin Board, when I select a category filter, then only the postings that match that selected category should be displayed.
As a property manager, I want to ensure that category options are clearly labeled and easy to understand so that tenants do not feel confused when posting events.
Given that I am on the event posting interface, when I view the category selection, then all categories must have clear descriptions or labels that accurately define what each category means.
As a tenant, I want the ability to edit my postings, including changing the category, so that I can ensure the information remains accurate and relevant.
Given that I have created an event posting, when I choose to edit my posting, then I should be able to change the category of the event without issues.
As a tenant, I want to receive notifications about events categorized under 'Emergency Alerts' so that I am promptly informed about urgent matters.
Given that an event with the category 'Emergency Alerts' is posted, when it is created, then all tenants should receive a notification about it via the platform's notification system.
As a tenant, I want to see the most recent postings at the top of the bulletin board regardless of category so that I am aware of the latest updates.
Given that I am viewing the Community Bulletin Board, when I access the board, then the postings displayed should be sorted with the most recent at the top.
As a tenant, I want a clear indication of how many postings each category contains so that I can gauge the relevance and activity in different areas.
Given that I am on the Community Bulletin Board, when I view the categories, then each category should display the number of current postings within it for easy reference.
Search Functionality
User Story
As a tenant, I want to search for specific announcements in the community bulletin board so that I can quickly locate information that is important to me.
The Search Functionality requirement enables tenants to search through past and current announcements on the Community Bulletin Board. This feature addresses the need for efficient information retrieval, allowing users to find specific events or announcements quickly. Implementation will involve developing a search interface and optimizing the bulletin database for query processing. The expected outcome is that tenants will spend less time sifting through irrelevant posts, leading to improved satisfaction and enhanced usage of the bulletin board.
Acceptance Criteria
User searches for a specific announcement on the Community Bulletin Board using keywords related to an upcoming event.
Given a tenant is on the Community Bulletin Board, when they input keywords into the search bar and click 'search', then the system should display a list of announcements containing those keywords, sorted by date of posting.
User attempts to retrieve past announcements using the search functionality to find relevant community events.
Given a tenant is on the Community Bulletin Board, when they enter a date range in the search fields and click 'search', then the system should return all announcements made within that date range that match the search criteria.
User accesses the search functionality and receives feedback on their search results.
Given a tenant has searched for specific keywords and there are no matching announcements, when the search is submitted, then the system should display a message indicating no results found and suggest refining the search criteria.
User searches for announcements from a particular category on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a tenant is on the Community Bulletin Board, when they select a category (e.g., 'Events', 'Maintenance', 'News') from a dropdown menu and initiate a search, then the system should return all relevant announcements from the selected category.
User checks the performance of the search functionality during peak usage times.
Given multiple users are conducting searches simultaneously on the Community Bulletin Board, when a tenant conducts a search query, then the system should return results within 2 seconds without any errors or slowdowns.
User wishes to quickly find announcements that were published by a specific tenant.
Given a tenant is on the Community Bulletin Board, when they enter the name of the tenant in the search bar and click 'search', then the system should return all announcements posted by that tenant, sorted by date.
User looks for recent announcements but does not specify any search criteria.
Given a tenant accesses the Community Bulletin Board search functionality without entering any keywords, when they click 'search', then the system should display the most recent announcements in chronological order without filtering.
User Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As a tenant, I want to provide feedback on posts in the community bulletin board so that I can engage with my community and express my opinions on various announcements.
The User Feedback Mechanism requirement allows tenants to provide feedback on postings, such as liking or commenting on announcements. This functionality promotes interactivity and community engagement, giving tenants a voice in discussions and fostering a sense of belonging. Implementation will involve creating a feedback interface and ensuring moderation tools are in place to handle potential issues. The anticipated outcome is a lively and interactive community bulletin board that enhances tenant interactions and relationships.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenants can easily navigate to the Community Bulletin Board from their dashboard.
Given a tenant is logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when they navigate to the dashboard, then they should see a clear link or button directing them to the Community Bulletin Board.
Tenants can post an announcement on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a tenant is on the Community Bulletin Board, when they click the 'Post Announcement' button, then they should be presented with a form to enter their announcement details, and upon submission, the announcement should appear on the board.
Tenants can like and comment on existing posts on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a post exists on the Community Bulletin Board, when a tenant clicks the 'Like' button or enters a comment in the comment section, then their action should be recorded and visually reflected on the post without refreshing the page.
Moderators can review and manage the feedback received on the Community Bulletin Board.
Given feedback has been submitted on the Community Bulletin Board, when a moderator accesses the feedback management tool, then they should be able to view, approve, or delete feedback with a timestamp and tenant information.
Tenants can filter posts based on categories such as events, announcements, and news.
Given there are multiple posts on the Community Bulletin Board, when a tenant selects a category filter, then only the posts related to that category should be displayed.
Notifications are sent to tenants when new posts are added to the Community Bulletin Board.
Given a new post is submitted to the Community Bulletin Board, when the post is published, then all tenants should receive a notification within the platform and through email, if subscribed to notifications.
Resource Hub
The Resource Hub serves as a centralized location for tenants to access essential documents, guides, FAQs, and service resources related to their lease. By simplifying information availability, this feature enhances tenant understanding and satisfaction, enabling them to navigate their rental experience with ease.
Centralized Document Access
User Story
As a tenant, I want to access all my important lease documents and resources in one place so that I can easily find the information I need without having to ask my property manager.
The Centralized Document Access requirement ensures that all essential documents, guides, FAQs, and service resources related to tenants' leases are collected and easily accessible within the Resource Hub. The implementation of this feature will enhance tenant satisfaction by allowing users to find relevant information quickly, reducing the time spent searching for documents. It integrates seamlessly with the existing platform database and content management system, ensuring that all information is accurate and up-to-date. The expected outcome is a streamlined tenant experience that leads to improved communication and service efficiency.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant accesses the Resource Hub to view essential documents related to their lease during the onboarding process.
Given a tenant is logged into their account, when they navigate to the Resource Hub, then they should see a list of all relevant documents, guides, FAQs, and service resources organized by category.
Tenant searches for a specific document within the Resource Hub.
Given a tenant is on the Resource Hub, when they enter a keyword in the search bar, then the system should return a list of documents that match the search term within 3 seconds.
Tenant accesses the Resource Hub for the first time and receives guidance on how to use it.
Given a tenant is accessing the Resource Hub for the first time, when they visit the page, then they should see a pop-up tutorial that explains how to navigate and utilize the Resource Hub effectively.
Content manager updates a document in the Resource Hub.
Given a content manager has updated a document, when they publish the changes, then the document should reflect the updated content immediately in the Resource Hub and the version history should record the update.
Tenant tries to access a document that does not exist in the Resource Hub.
Given a tenant searches for a document that does not exist, when they perform the search, then they should see a friendly error message stating 'Document not found' with suggestions to contact support.
Tenant downloads a document from the Resource Hub.
Given a tenant is viewing a document in the Resource Hub, when they click the 'Download' button, then the document should download to their device without any errors.
Interactive FAQ Section
User Story
As a tenant, I want to search for answers to my questions in a comprehensive FAQ section so that I can resolve my issues without waiting for property management to respond.
The Interactive FAQ Section is designed to provide tenants with a searchable and categorized listing of frequently asked questions. This self-service tool will allow tenants to quickly find answers to common issues and inquiries, reducing the volume of basic questions directed towards property management. Integration with a chatbot feature will enhance user experience by providing instant replies to tenant queries. The aim is to empower tenants with the ability to resolve their doubts independently, thereby increasing their satisfaction and reducing response times for management.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant accesses the Interactive FAQ Section to find answers to common questions about their lease agreement.
Given the tenant is on the Resource Hub, when they search for a specific query, then the system returns relevant FAQs that match their inquiry, sorted by category.
Tenant interacts with the chatbot feature in the Interactive FAQ Section to get instant replies to their questions.
Given the tenant types a question into the chatbot, when they submit their query, then the chatbot responds with applicable answers from the FAQ database within 5 seconds.
Property management monitors the usage statistics of the Interactive FAQ Section to assess tenant engagement.
Given the property management accesses the analytics dashboard, when they review tenant interactions, then they see a report showing a minimum of 75% tenant engagement rate with the FAQ section within the first month of launch.
A tenant needs to find specific lease-related documents through the Interactive FAQ Section.
Given the tenant browses the categorized FAQs, when they click on the relevant category, then they should see links to at least 5 key documents related to their lease.
A tenant faces an issue not covered in the FAQ and requests further assistance through the chatbot.
Given the tenant requests support from the chatbot on an unsupported question, when they submit the question, then the chatbot should offer to escalate the inquiry to property management within 30 seconds.
New FAQs are added to the Interactive FAQ Section to reflect recent tenant inquiries and updates.
Given property management identifies a common tenant inquiry, when they submit a new FAQ request, then the new FAQ should be published and visible on the Resource Hub within 24 hours of submission.
Resource Submission Feature
User Story
As a property manager, I want to easily upload and update resources in the Hub so that tenants always have access to the latest information about their leases and services.
The Resource Submission Feature allows property managers to upload new documents, guides, and updates to the Resource Hub directly. This feature will enable a user-friendly interface for property managers to ensure that information remains current and reflects any changes in policies or procedures. It supports various file formats to accommodate different content types. By keeping resources up-to-date, this feature ensures that tenants have access to the most relevant information, fostering trust and transparency in communication.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers need to upload a PDF document containing updated lease policies to the Resource Hub.
Given that I am a logged-in property manager, when I navigate to the Resource Submission feature and select a valid PDF file, then I should receive a confirmation message indicating the upload was successful and the document should appear in the Resource Hub.
A property manager attempts to upload an invalid file type to the Resource Hub.
Given that I am a logged-in property manager, when I try to upload a .txt file which is not supported, then I should see an error message indicating the file type is not allowed and the upload should not proceed.
The Resource Hub needs to display the newly uploaded documents to tenants.
Given that a property manager has successfully uploaded a document, when a tenant logs into the Resource Hub, then the new document should be visible in the appropriate category with the correct title and description.
A property manager needs to update an existing document in the Resource Hub.
Given that I am a logged-in property manager, when I select an existing document and upload a new version of that document, then the Resource Hub should replace the old document with the new one and maintain the same title and description.
A property manager wants to confirm which file formats are supported by the Resource Submission feature.
Given that I am on the Resource Submission page, when I look for the file format requirements, then I should see a list of acceptable file formats displayed clearly on the page.
Tenants need to access FAQs regarding the Resource Submission process.
Given that I am a tenant and I access the Resource Hub, when I navigate to the FAQs section, then I should find clear information regarding the Resource Submission feature and how to utilize it effectively.
A property manager wants to ensure that all uploaded resources are tagged with relevant categories for easy navigation.
Given that I am uploading a new document, when I submit the document, then I should be prompted to select relevant tags or categories that describe the document, ensuring it can be easily searchable by tenants.
Notification System for Updates
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive notifications when new resources are available so that I can stay informed about important updates related to my lease.
The Notification System for Updates requirement enables automated alerts to tenants whenever new documents or resources are added to the Resource Hub. This feature ensures that tenants are kept informed about changes that may affect their leasing experience. By integrating with email and SMS communications, tenants can choose their preferred method of notification, enhancing engagement. This requirement is critical in promoting effective communication and keeping tenants connected with property management, ultimately improving satisfaction rates.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant receives a notification via chosen method when a new FAQ is added to the Resource Hub.
Given a tenant has selected their preferred notification method, When a new FAQ is added, Then the system sends an instant notification through the selected method (email/SMS) to the tenant.
Tenant receives a notification whenever a critical document related to their lease is uploaded to the Resource Hub.
Given a tenant is subscribed to notifications, When a critical lease document is uploaded, Then the system informs the tenant immediately via their preferred notification method.
Tenant can customize their notification preferences through their account settings.
Given a tenant accesses the notification settings, When they select their preferred notification method and save the changes, Then the system updates the tenant's notification preferences successfully and reflects them during future notifications.
Tenants are able to view the history of notifications they have received regarding updates to the Resource Hub.
Given a tenant accesses the notifications history section, When they view their notification history, Then all recent notifications related to Resource Hub updates are displayed with timestamps.
Notification system ensures no duplicate messages are sent to tenants for the same document or resource update.
Given a tenant receives a notification, When a different resource update occurs for the same document, Then the system does not send a duplicate notification until a new document or resource is added.
The system logs all notification events for auditing purposes.
Given a notification event occurs, When the event is triggered, Then the system logs the event details (timestamp, tenant ID, notification type) in the database for future reference.
User Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As a tenant, I want to provide feedback on the Resource Hub so that my suggestions can be considered for improving the platform and my overall experience.
The User Feedback Mechanism provides tenants with an easy way to share their experiences and suggestions regarding the Resource Hub's functionality and content. This capability will empower tenants to contribute to continuous improvement efforts, allowing property management to gather insights and make informed decisions based on user feedback. Integration with analytics will help measure tenant satisfaction levels, highlighting areas for enhancement. The outcome will be a more responsive platform that reflects tenants' needs and preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenants access the User Feedback Mechanism through the Resource Hub after reviewing the available documents and resources.
Given that the tenant is logged into the Resource Hub, When they navigate to the User Feedback Mechanism, Then they should be able to submit feedback regarding their experience with a text box and a rating scale from 1 to 5.
Tenants submit feedback on the Resource Hub after completing a maintenance request via the platform.
Given a tenant has submitted a maintenance request, When the request is marked as completed, Then the tenant receives a prompt to provide feedback about their satisfaction with the process and the outcome of the request.
Property management reviews the collected feedback data from tenants regarding the Resource Hub.
Given that tenants have submitted feedback, When property management accesses the analytics dashboard, Then they should see a summary of tenant satisfaction levels and specific feedback trends over the last month.
Tenants can view the feedback they submitted and the response from property management.
Given that a tenant has submitted feedback, When they return to the User Feedback Mechanism, Then they should see their previous feedback along with any responses or actions taken by property management.
Tenants are notified about changes made to the Resource Hub based on user feedback.
Given that feedback from tenants has led to enhancements in the Resource Hub, When changes are implemented, Then all tenants should receive a notification summarizing the updates and how their feedback contributed to those changes.
Property management analyzes patterns in the feedback submitted to improve the Resource Hub.
Given multiple tenants have submitted feedback, When property management analyzes the comments for common themes, Then they should identify at least three actionable insights to enhance tenant resource access and satisfaction.
Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want to view analytics on tenant interactions with the Resource Hub so that I can better understand their needs and optimize the content available.
The Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard will provide property managers with insights into resource usage, including which documents are accessed most frequently and the type of queries being searched in the FAQ section. This feature will utilize data visualization to present a clear overview of tenant interactions with the Resource Hub, enabling managers to identify trends and adapt resources accordingly. This will contribute to informed decision-making and enhance the overall tenant experience by ensuring that the most needed information is prioritized.
Acceptance Criteria
Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard Data Access and Visualization
Given that a property manager accesses the Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard, when they view the document access statistics, then the data shown should visually represent the access frequency of each document in a clear and understandable format, such as charts or graphs.
Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard Query Tracking
Given that a property manager is reviewing the FAQ section in the Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard, when they filter the query logs by date, then the system should display a list of queries sorted by the most frequently searched terms for the selected time frame.
Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard User Engagement Indicators
Given that a property manager interacts with the Analytics Dashboard, when they examine the user engagement metrics, then the dashboard should display metrics such as unique users, average session duration, and bounce rates for the Resource Hub within the past month.
Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard Resource Prioritization
Given that the resource usage data is analyzed, when the property manager identifies the top 5 accessed documents, then they should be able to prioritize these documents for updating and enhancement based on tenant needs.
Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard Report Generation
Given that the property manager navigates to the reporting section of the Analytics Dashboard, when they request a report for a specific date range, then the system should generate a downloadable report summarizing document access and user queries for that period.
Resource Hub Analytics Dashboard Performance Review
Given that the Analytics Dashboard is live, when the property manager assesses the dashboard's performance metrics, then it should load within 3 seconds for a standard query to ensure timely access to information.
Event RSVP System
The Event RSVP System enables tenants to view upcoming community events and easily RSVP through the portal. By streamlining event participation, this feature boosts tenant engagement and helps property managers organize events more effectively based on tenant interest.
Event Calendar Integration
User Story
As a tenant, I want to see all upcoming community events in a clear calendar view so that I can easily plan my participation in activities and connect with my neighbors.
The Event Calendar Integration requirement entails creating a synchronized calendar feature within the ReLease IQ platform that automatically updates with scheduled community events. This integration will allow tenants to see events in real-time, receive reminders, and add events to their personal calendars directly from the portal. By enhancing visibility and accessibility to event information, this feature will foster greater tenant engagement and participation, leading to a more vibrant community. It will be implemented by utilizing standard calendar APIs to ensure compatibility with popular calendar apps, thereby improving the user experience significantly.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Views Upcoming Community Events
Given that the tenant is logged into the ReLease IQ portal, when they navigate to the 'Events' section, then they should see a list of upcoming community events displayed in chronological order, including event titles, dates, and locations.
Tenant RSVPs to an Event
Given that the tenant has selected a community event from the 'Events' section, when they click on the RSVP button, then their RSVP status should change to 'Going', and a confirmation message should be displayed on the screen.
Tenant Receives Event Reminder
Given that the tenant has RSVP'd to an event, when the event date is one day away, then the tenant should receive an automated reminder notification via email or SMS about the upcoming event.
Tenant Adds Event to Personal Calendar
Given that the tenant is viewing an event's details, when they click on the 'Add to Calendar' button, then the event should be successfully added to their personal calendar application (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook) via the standard calendar API.
Real-time Updates of Community Events
Given that a new event is added or an existing event is modified in the ReLease IQ portal, when tenants refresh the 'Events' section, then they should see the updated list reflect the changes without having to log out and log back in.
Visibility of Past Events
Given that the tenant is on the 'Events' section, when they scroll past the upcoming events, then they should be able to view the previous 3 months of events, including event titles and participation numbers.
Filtering Events by Categories
Given that the tenant is on the 'Events' section, when they select a category filter (such as 'Social', 'Educational', or 'Sports'), then only the events belonging to that selected category should be displayed.
RSVP Notification System
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive notifications when I RSVP to an event so that I can remember to attend and stay engaged with my community.
The RSVP Notification System requirement involves creating a functionality that sends automated notifications to tenants when they RSVP for an event, as well as reminders prior to the event date. This feature aims to enhance tenant engagement by keeping them informed about the events they are participating in while simultaneously assisting property managers in proper event planning. Notifications can be delivered through email, SMS, or in-app alerts, ensuring tenants are constantly updated about their selected events, thus minimizing no-shows and enhancing event success rates.
Acceptance Criteria
A tenant views an upcoming community event, decides to RSVP, and receives an immediate confirmation notification through their preferred communication channel (email, SMS, or in-app alert).
Given a tenant is logged into the platform and views an event, when they click RSVP, then they should receive a confirmation notification through their preferred method within 5 minutes.
A tenant receives a reminder notification 24 hours before the event they RSVP'd to, ensuring they are aware of the upcoming event.
Given that a tenant has RSVP'd to an event, when the event is 24 hours away, then the tenant should receive a reminder notification through their preferred communication method.
A property manager accesses the RSVP management dashboard to review the list of attendees for an upcoming event, including their contact preferences for notifications.
Given that the property manager is on the RSVP management dashboard, when they view the upcoming event, then they should see a complete list of attendees along with their selected notification preferences.
A tenant opts to change their notification preference for event RSVPs after initially setting it, ensuring they can customize their communication method.
Given a tenant modifies their notification settings in their account, when they save these settings, then all future notifications for RSVPs should reflect the new preferences from that moment onward.
In case of changes to an event (e.g., cancellation or rescheduling), all tenants who RSVPed receive updates on their preferred communication channels.
Given an event is modified, when the change is made, then all tenants who have RSVPed should receive a notification about the change within 10 minutes through their preferred method.
A tenant can view a history of RSVP notifications they've received, ensuring they have a reference for past events.
Given a tenant accesses their RSVP history page, when they view the notifications section, then they should see a complete list of notifications received for all events they RSVPed to.
Event Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As a tenant, I want to provide feedback on community events I attend so that my opinions help shape future activities and improve my living experience.
The Event Feedback Mechanism requirement seeks to implement a feature that allows tenants to provide feedback on events they attended directly through the portal. This feedback will be collected via short surveys or rating systems and analyzed to gauge tenant satisfaction and interest levels regarding community activities. The gathered data will provide insights for property managers to refine future event planning and ensure that offerings align with tenant preferences, ultimately increasing tenant retention and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Access to Feedback Form after Event Attendance
Given that a tenant has attended an event, when they log into the ReLease IQ portal, then they should see a prompt to provide feedback on the event they attended within 24 hours of the event conclusion.
Feedback Submission Confirmation
Given a tenant has filled out the feedback form, when they submit the feedback, then they should receive a confirmation message stating their feedback has been successfully submitted.
Survey Questions Relevance and Clarity
Given the feedback survey consists of questions regarding the tenant's experience, when a tenant views the survey, then all questions should be clear, relevant, and concise, ensuring they can easily understand and respond to each question.
Data Collection for Event Feedback Analysis
Given that tenants submit their feedback, when the data is collected, then it should be stored in a secure database, making it accessible for property managers to generate reports on tenant satisfaction and event interest.
Feedback Analysis Reporting Features
Given that feedback data has been collected, when property managers access the reporting feature, then they should be able to generate reports that visualize tenant satisfaction trends and areas for improvement within the community events.
Feedback Mechanism Usability and Accessibility
Given that the feedback mechanism is implemented, when tenants access the portal, then they should find the feedback form easy to locate and use, requiring minimal clicks to complete the process.
Mobile Compatibility of Feedback Mechanism
Given that many tenants access the portal via mobile devices, when the feedback form is displayed, then it should be fully responsive and functional on all major mobile platforms and devices.
Event Attendance Analytics
User Story
As a property manager, I want to analyze event attendance data so that I can make informed decisions about future events to maximize tenant participation and satisfaction.
The Event Attendance Analytics requirement will provide property managers with detailed reports and analytics on tenant participation in community events. This feature will analyze RSVP trends, actual attendance numbers, and tenant feedback to derive actionable insights. By leveraging this data, property managers can better understand tenant interests, tailor events to suit the community's preferences, and allocate resources efficiently, ultimately leading to greater tenant satisfaction and enhanced community engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers need to generate a report on tenant participation after an event has concluded to assess overall engagement levels.
Given the Event Attendance Analytics feature, when the property manager requests a report for a specific event, then the system should provide a detailed report including RSVP counts, actual attendance numbers, and tenant feedback.
Property managers want to analyze trends in tenant RSVP behavior over multiple events to tailor future community activities.
Given the Event Attendance Analytics feature, when the property manager views RSVP trends, then the system should display a visual representation of RSVP counts over time, segmented by event type and tenant demographics.
Property managers aim to understand tenant feedback on community events to improve future offerings.
Given the Event Attendance Analytics feature, when the property manager accesses feedback data, then the system should present summarized tenant feedback for each event, allowing for easy identification of common themes and suggestions.
Property managers hope to allocate resources more efficiently based on attendance patterns of community events.
Given the Event Attendance Analytics feature, when the property manager runs an analytics report, then the system should suggest resource allocation strategies based on historical attendance figures and tenant engagement levels.
Property managers seek to compare attendance rates across different types of events to identify tenant preferences.
Given the Event Attendance Analytics feature, when the property manager selects multiple events to compare, then the system should generate a comparison report detailing attendance rates and demographic insights for each event.
The management team wants to assess the effectiveness of their event marketing efforts based on tenant responses and attendance.
Given the Event Attendance Analytics feature, when the property manager analyzes marketing data associated with events, then the system should display correlations between marketing methods (e.g., email, flyer) and actual attendance rates.
Customizable Event Promotion Tools
User Story
As a property manager, I want to easily create and share promotional materials for community events so that I can maximize attendance and ensure tenants are aware of all opportunities.
The Customizable Event Promotion Tools requirement involves developing a set of tools that allow property managers to create and distribute promotional material for events via various channels, such as social media, email campaigns, and in-app notifications. These tools will include customizable templates, graphical elements for branding, and scheduling capabilities for promotional campaigns. This integrated approach to event promotion will increase visibility and attract more participants, thus fostering a stronger sense of community and enhancing the tenant experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers need to create promotional materials for an upcoming community event to ensure tenants are informed and encouraged to participate.
Given a property manager is logged into ReLease IQ, When they navigate to the Customizable Event Promotion Tools, Then they should be able to create a promotional flyer using the available templates and graphical elements for branding.
A property manager wants to schedule the distribution of promotional emails for a community event to maximize visibility among tenants.
Given a property manager has created a promotional email, When they select the scheduling option, Then they should be able to set a specific date and time for the email to be sent to tenants.
Tenants should receive notifications about upcoming community events to ensure they are aware and can RSVP through the portal.
Given a promotional campaign has been created and scheduled, When the specified time arrives, Then all tenants should receive an in-app notification about the upcoming community event.
Property managers want to ensure that the promotional materials comply with branding guidelines before they are distributed.
Given a property manager has created promotional materials, When they click on the compliance check option, Then the system should validate the materials against pre-defined branding guidelines and provide feedback.
Property managers need to assess the effectiveness of their promotional materials post-distribution to improve future events.
Given a promotional campaign has been completed, When the property manager accesses the analytics dashboard, Then they should be able to view metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and RSVP counts for the event promotion.
A property manager wants to customize promotional content for different tenant demographics to enhance engagement.
Given a property manager is creating promotional materials, When they select different demographic groups, Then they should be able to customize the content and imagery tailored for each group.
Feedback & Suggestions Box
The Feedback & Suggestions Box allows tenants to submit their thoughts and ideas directly to property management. This two-way communication channel fosters a sense of community, helps property managers address tenant concerns proactively, and enhances tenant satisfaction through active involvement in community decisions.
Submit Feedback Form
User Story
As a tenant, I want to submit my feedback easily so that I can share my thoughts and ideas with property management, ensuring my voice is heard.
The Feedback & Suggestions Box must allow tenants to easily submit feedback through an intuitive form. This form should include fields for the tenant's name, unit number, feedback category (e.g., maintenance, community suggestions, etc.), and an open text area for detailed comments. Implementing this feature enhances tenant engagement and communication, leading to improved satisfaction and proactive handling of issues. The collected feedback will be routed directly to property management, ensuring timely responses and actions.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant submits feedback through the Feedback & Suggestions Box.
Given the tenant is logged into their account, when they navigate to the Feedback & Suggestions Box and fill out the feedback form with their name, unit number, category, and detailed comments, then the submission is successfully recorded and a confirmation message is displayed.
Validation of required fields in the feedback submission form.
Given the tenant is on the feedback submission form, when they attempt to submit without filling in the required fields (name, unit number, feedback category), then an error message appears highlighting the missing fields and submission is prevented until all required fields are completed.
Routing of submitted feedback to property management.
Given the tenant has successfully submitted their feedback, when the feedback is submitted, then it is automatically routed to the designated property management email or dashboard for review and response.
User-friendly interface accessibility for the feedback form.
Given the feedback form is displayed, when a tenant views the form, then all input fields must be clearly labeled, and the form should be responsive across all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
Display of confirmation message upon successful feedback submission.
Given the tenant has submitted their feedback successfully, when the submission is complete, then a confirmation message is displayed on the screen assuring them that their feedback has been received and is being reviewed.
Feedback submission logging for tracking and analytics.
Given a feedback is submitted, when the property management views their dashboard, then the submitted feedback must reflect in the analytics section showing metrics on feedback volume, categories, and timestamps.
Real-time Feedback Notifications
User Story
As a property manager, I want to be notified in real-time of tenant feedback so that I can respond quickly and enhance tenant satisfaction.
Property management should receive real-time alerts whenever a tenant submits feedback through the suggestions box. These notifications will be sent via the property management dashboard and can also be configured for email alerts. This requirement ensures that property managers can address tenant concerns promptly and encourages a culture of responsiveness and engagement. The alerts should also include a summary of the feedback provided.
Acceptance Criteria
Real-time notification setup for tenant feedback submissions.
Given that a tenant submits feedback through the Suggestions Box, when the submission is confirmed, then the property management dashboard displays a notification within 5 seconds of submission.
Email notification preferences for tenant feedback.
Given that the property manager has enabled email notifications, when a tenant submits feedback, then an email alert containing the feedback summary is sent to the property's designated email address within 5 minutes of submission.
Dashboard notification clarity and usability for property managers.
Given that feedback is submitted, when a property manager accesses the dashboard, then the notifications must clearly display the tenant's name, submission time, and a summary of the feedback in a user-friendly manner.
Multiple feedback submissions by tenants.
Given that multiple tenants submit feedback simultaneously, when all submissions are received, then each tenant's feedback triggers a separate notification alert for the property manager without any delays or losses.
Feedback notification customization options.
Given that property managers can customize notification settings, when they disable email alerts, then they should still receive real-time notifications on the dashboard for incoming feedback submissions.
Feedback submission impact tracking.
Given that tenant feedback is submitted and noted, when property management takes action based on the feedback, then a follow-up notification should be created to inform the tenant of any changes or acknowledgments made within 3 days.
Feedback Response Tracking
User Story
As a tenant, I want to see how property management has responded to my feedback so that I know my suggestions are being considered and acted upon.
The system must include functionality for property managers to log responses to tenant feedback. This feature will allow property managers to document their actions and communications regarding each piece of feedback, creating a transparent history of interactions. The feedback response tracking will help ensure tenants are informed about the actions taken based on their suggestions, fostering trust and engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant submits feedback through the Feedback & Suggestions Box, and the property manager receives it in the system.
Given the tenant submits a feedback entry, when the property manager views the feedback section, then the feedback is logged with a timestamp and shows the tenant's name and message.
Property manager logs a response to tenant feedback.
Given the property manager reads tenant feedback, when they select the feedback and enter their response, then the system saves the response history and displays it alongside the original feedback entry.
Tenant checks the status of their feedback response.
Given the tenant requests to view the status of their submitted feedback, when they navigate to the feedback history section, then they see their original message along with the property manager's logged response and the date of the response.
Property manager receives notifications for new tenant feedback submissions.
Given a new feedback submission, when the feedback is logged into the system, then the property manager receives an instantaneous notification alerting them of new feedback to review.
The property manager analyzes feedback trends over time.
Given multiple feedback entries from tenants, when the property manager accesses the feedback analytics dashboard, then they can view categorized feedback trends and generate reports for specific time periods.
A tenant provides follow-up feedback after a response has been logged.
Given the original feedback has been responded to, when the tenant submits a follow-up feedback entry related to the original submission, then both the original feedback and the follow-up are linked in the system for easy reference.
Anonymous Feedback Option
User Story
As a tenant, I want the option to submit my feedback anonymously so that I can express my thoughts freely without fear of judgment or retaliation.
A critical aspect of the Feedback & Suggestions Box is the ability for tenants to provide feedback anonymously. This will encourage more tenants to share their true thoughts without fear of repercussions, thereby providing more honest and constructive feedback. The anonymity feature should be clearly marked on the feedback form to assure tenants that their identities will be protected, thereby promoting candid communication.
Acceptance Criteria
Anonymous User Submits Feedback Without Identification
Given a tenant accesses the feedback form, when they select the option for anonymous feedback and submit their comments, then their feedback should be recorded without any identifiable information attached.
Visual Confirmation of Anonymity on the Form
Given the feedback form is displayed, when a tenant views the form, then there should be a clearly visible note specifying that feedback can be submitted anonymously and that their identity will be protected.
Successful Feedback Submission Notification
Given a tenant has submitted feedback anonymously, when the feedback is submitted, then the tenant should receive a confirmation message acknowledging receipt of their feedback without revealing their identity.
System Validates and Records Anonymous Submissions
Given an anonymous feedback submission is made, when the system processes the feedback, then it must ensure that no personal data or IP address information is recorded alongside the feedback.
Accessibility of the Anonymous Option
Given the feedback mechanism is available, when tenants access the feedback box, then the anonymous submission option must be easily accessible and clearly labeled.
Monitoring and Reviewing Anonymous Feedback
Given property management has received anonymous feedback, when reviewing feedback reports, then anonymized feedback should be included in the analysis to ensure tenant concerns are addressed proactively.
Tenant Encouragement for Anonymous Feedback
Given the introduction of the anonymous feedback option, when property management communicates with tenants, then they should actively encourage the use of the anonymous feedback feature to enhance participation rates.
Feedback Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want to view analytics on tenant feedback so that I can identify trends and improve community engagement and satisfaction.
To help property managers understand trends in tenant feedback, a dedicated analytics dashboard should be created. This dashboard will visualize key metrics such as the number of suggestions received, types of feedback given, and response times. This integration will provide valuable insights for property managers and help identify areas for improvement in the property management strategies and tenant satisfaction initiatives.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers review feedback metrics to identify common themes in tenant suggestions.
Given the user is a property manager, when they access the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, then they should see a summary of the total number of feedback submissions categorized by type (positive, negative, neutral).
A property manager analyzes response times to tenant feedback through the dashboard.
Given the dashboard displays feedback, when the property manager selects a specific feedback type, then the average response time to that feedback type should be displayed in the dashboard metrics.
Tenants want to submit their feedback and view responses on the dashboard.
Given a tenant submits feedback through the Feedback & Suggestions Box, when the feedback is submitted, then it should appear in the Feedback Analytics Dashboard with a timestamp and status indicator for response.
Property managers use the dashboard to track the effectiveness of their feedback response strategies over time.
Given a property manager accesses the Feedback Analytics Dashboard, when they filter the metrics by date range, then the dashboard should show trends in feedback volume and response rates for that specific period.
The dashboard provides insights for property improvements based on tenant feedback.
Given a property manager accesses the Analytics Dashboard, when they analyze the feedback data, then actionable insights should be generated automatically based on recurring feedback themes identified in the data.
Property managers receive notifications about new feedback submissions for timely responses.
Given the feedback is submitted by a tenant, when the submission occurs, then a notification should be sent to the property manager within 5 minutes of submission.
The dashboard enables property managers to compare feedback trends across different properties.
Given the property manager has access to multiple properties, when they select a comparison option, then the dashboard should display feedback metrics side by side for the chosen properties.
Discussion Forums
Discussion Forums provide a space for tenants to connect, share experiences, and discuss various topics related to their living environment. This feature encourages collaboration and stronger bonds among tenants, resulting in a supportive and interactive community.
User Authentication
User Story
As a tenant, I want to securely register and log in to the Discussion Forums so that I can safely share my experiences and connect with fellow tenants.
The User Authentication requirement ensures that tenants can securely register, login, and manage their profiles within the Discussion Forums. This includes the implementation of password protection, email verification, and profile management functionalities. By ensuring that only verified users can access the forums, it enhances security and privacy, fostering a safe environment for tenants to engage with one another. This feature integrates seamlessly with the existing user management system within ReLease IQ to provide a coherent user experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Registration in Discussion Forums
Given a new tenant accessing the Discussion Forums, when they complete the registration form with valid information and submit, then they should receive a confirmation email and their profile should be created successfully in the system.
Tenant Login to Discussion Forums
Given a registered tenant with valid credentials, when they enter their email and password on the login page, then they should be granted access to their profile and the Discussion Forums.
Email Verification Process
Given a new tenant who has registered, when they click on the verification link in the confirmation email, then their account should be verified and they should be redirected to the login page.
Password Reset Functionality
Given a tenant who has forgotten their password, when they request a password reset, then they should receive a reset email and be able to successfully update their password.
Profile Management by Tenants
Given a logged-in tenant, when they navigate to their profile settings and update their information, then their profile should reflect the changes and display a success message.
Access Control for Non-verified Users
Given a user who has registered but not verified their email, when they attempt to access the Discussion Forums, then they should see a message informing them to verify their email before accessing the forums.
Integration with Existing User Management System
Given that the User Authentication is completed, when a tenant registers or logs in, then the process should seamlessly integrate with the existing user management system without any errors.
Post Creation and Editing
User Story
As a tenant, I want to create and edit my discussion posts so that I can share my insights and contribute to the community effectively.
The Post Creation and Editing requirement allows tenants to create new discussion posts and edit their existing posts. This feature includes a rich text editor for formatting, adding images, and attaching files. Enabling tenants to express their thoughts clearly and share relevant documents enhances the quality of discussions. This requirement integrates with the database to store post data and ensures that content is organized chronologically, making it easy for users to navigate discussions.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant creates a new discussion post in the Discussion Forums.
Given a logged-in tenant accesses the Discussion Forums, when they click on 'Create Post' and enter a title and content, then the post should be saved and displayed in the forum chronologically, and a success message should be shown.
Tenant edits an existing discussion post.
Given a logged-in tenant views their existing post, when they click on 'Edit', modify the content and save the changes, then the updated post should be reflected in the forum with a timestamp indicating the last edited date.
Tenant adds an image to their discussion post.
Given a logged-in tenant is creating or editing a post, when they upload an image using the rich text editor, then the image should be displayed within the post content after saving.
Tenant attaches a file to their discussion post.
Given a logged-in tenant is creating or editing a post, when they attach a file and save the post, then the file should be downloadable from the post and displayed as an attachment link.
Tenant views discussion posts in chronological order.
Given a logged-in tenant accesses the Discussion Forums, then all posts should be listed in chronological order, with the most recent post displayed at the top.
Tenant deletes their discussion post.
Given a logged-in tenant views their discussion post, when they click on 'Delete' and confirm the action, then the post should be removed from the Discussion Forums and no longer accessible.
Comment and Reaction System
User Story
As a tenant, I want to comment on other posts and react to them so that I can engage in meaningful conversations and provide support to others in the community.
The Comment and Reaction System requirement allows users to comment on posts and react with emojis or votes, fostering engagement and interaction among tenants. This feature encourages tenants to engage with one another, providing feedback and support through comments and reactions, ensuring that discussions remain active. It integrates with the main post structure, linking comments directly to the respective posts for easy tracking of conversations.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant adds a comment to a discussion post
Given a tenant is logged in, when they navigate to a discussion forum and select a specific post, then they should be able to enter a comment and submit it successfully, which is recorded in the comment section of that post.
Tenant reacts to a post with an emoji
Given a tenant is viewing a discussion post, when they choose an emoji reaction from the available options and submit it, then the reaction should be displayed next to the post and counted correctly in the post's reaction totals.
Tenant votes on a discussion topic
Given a tenant is participating in a discussion forum, when they cast a vote on a topic, then the voting count should increase by one for that topic, and the tenant should see a confirmation message indicating their vote was successful.
Notification of new comments to post authors
Given a tenant is the author of a discussion post, when another tenant comments on their post, then the author should receive a notification indicating that a new comment has been added to their post.
View comments on a post
Given a tenant is viewing a discussion post, when they scroll to the comments section, then they should see all comments listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top.
Edit an existing comment
Given a tenant has submitted a comment on a discussion, when they select the edit option for that comment, then they should be able to modify the content and save it successfully, reflecting the changes in the comment section.
Delete a comment from a post
Given a tenant has commented on a discussion post, when they choose to delete their comment, then the comment should be removed from the post without impacting other comments or the post itself.
Moderation Tools
User Story
As a property manager, I want to have moderation tools to ensure discussions remain respectful and constructive among tenants.
The Moderation Tools requirement provides administrative controls for monitoring discussions, managing posts, and handling inappropriate content. This includes functionalities for reporting posts, banning users, and approving new topics. These tools empower property managers to maintain a respectful and safe environment in the forums. Integration with user roles allows for differentiated access levels, ensuring only authorized personnel can conduct moderation tasks.
Acceptance Criteria
Moderation Tools allow property managers to effectively manage discussions in the forums.
Given a property manager is logged in as an administrator, when they access the Moderation Tools, then they should see options for reporting posts, banning users, and approving topics.
A property manager needs to report inappropriate content in discussions to maintain community standards.
Given a property manager views a post that violates community guidelines, when they click the report button, then the post should be marked for review and a notification sent to the moderation team.
Ensuring that only authorized users can perform moderation tasks to maintain the community's safety.
Given a user is assigned a role with limited access, when they try to access the Moderation Tools, then they should be denied access with an appropriate error message.
Property managers should be able to approve new discussion topics created by tenants.
Given a tenant submits a new discussion topic, when the property manager reviews it, then they should have the option to approve or deny the topic, impacting its visibility in the forum.
Moderation of user accounts to ensure respectful communication in the forum.
Given a property manager identifies a user with repeated violations, when they select to ban the user, then the user should no longer be able to post in the forums and receive a ban notification.
Notification System
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive notifications for replies and comments on my posts so that I can stay informed and engaged in discussions.
The Notification System requirement ensures that tenants receive updates on activity within the Discussion Forums, such as replies to their posts or comments on threads they are following. Users can customize their notification preferences to receive alerts through email or in-app notifications. This encourages users to remain engaged with discussions and helps them stay updated on community interactions, leveraging integration with push notification services for real-time updates.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant receives a notification when there is a reply to their post in the Discussion Forum.
Given a tenant posts a question in the Discussion Forum, when another user replies to that post, then the tenant should receive an email notification and/or an in-app notification based on their preferences.
Tenant can customize their notification preferences for the Discussion Forums.
Given a tenant accesses their notification settings, when they choose to receive notifications via email only, then they should not receive in-app notifications, and vice versa.
Tenant receives notifications for comments on threads they are following.
Given a tenant follows a discussion thread, when a new comment is added to that thread, then the tenant should receive a notification in accordance with their chosen notification method (email or in-app).
Tenant can easily navigate to their notification settings.
Given a tenant is logged in to the platform, when they click on their profile icon, then they should see an option to access notification settings.
Notification settings are saved and retained across sessions for the tenant.
Given a tenant updates their notification preferences and logs out, when they log back in, then their previous notification settings should still be active and accurately reflected in the settings page.
System efficiently handles notification delivery without delay.
Given a tenant receives multiple notifications at once, when notifications are sent by the system, then all notifications should be delivered within 5 minutes of the triggering event.
Tenant can opt out of all notifications related to the Discussion Forums.
Given a tenant is in their notification settings, when they select the option to unsubscribe from all Discussion Forum notifications, then they should stop receiving any form of notifications related to that feature immediately.
Search Functionality
User Story
As a tenant, I want to search for specific discussions or topics in the forums so that I can easily find information that interests me.
The Search Functionality requirement enables tenants to quickly find relevant discussions and posts by keywords or topics. This feature enhances user experience by allowing users to locate specific information or discussions efficiently. Implemented with search algorithms and filters, users can sort results by recency or popularity, making the Discussion Forums more accessible and user-friendly. It integrates directly with the database to fetch queries dynamically.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant searches for a specific topic in the Discussion Forums during a routine check of their living environment.
Given the tenant is on the Discussion Forums page, when they enter a keyword in the search bar, then the system should display relevant discussion threads containing that keyword in the title or post content.
A tenant wants to filter their search results by recency to find the latest discussions.
Given the tenant has performed a search for a keyword, when they select the 'Sort by Recency' filter, then the system should rearrange the displayed results to show the most recent posts first.
A tenant searches for a popular topic in the Discussion Forums to engage with others in the community.
Given the tenant is viewing the search results for a keyword, when they select the 'Sort by Popularity' filter, then the system should display results sorted by the number of comments or likes, prioritizing the most interacted discussions.
A tenant enters a keyword that has no matching discussions in the Discussion Forums.
Given the tenant has entered a keyword that does not match any posts, when they initiate the search, then the system should display a message indicating 'No discussions found for your search.'
A tenant is looking to refine their search results further after an initial search.
Given the tenant has received initial search results, when they apply additional filters (e.g., topic category, date range), then the system should update the results to reflect the selected filters accurately.
A user expects to see a loading indication while search results are being generated in the Discussion Forums.
Given the tenant has entered a keyword and initiated a search, when the system is fetching the results, then a loading spinner should be displayed until the results are fully fetched.
A tenant wishes to view their search history for previous discussions.
Given the tenant has performed searches in the Discussion Forums, when they navigate to their search history section, then they should see a list of previously searched keywords with active links to the corresponding discussions.
Personalized Notifications
Personalized Notifications keep tenants informed about relevant updates, events, and community news tailored to their preferences. By providing customizable notifications, this feature ensures that tenants remain engaged and receive information that matters to them.
Custom Notification Preferences
User Story
As a tenant, I want to customize my notification preferences so that I only receive updates that are relevant and important to me.
This requirement allows tenants to set their own notification preferences, enabling them to choose topics, frequency, and delivery methods (e.g., email, SMS, or in-app notifications). The benefit of this feature is that it fosters tenant engagement by ensuring that communication is relevant and tailored to individual needs. This requirement integrates into the existing system by providing a user-friendly interface within the tenant dashboard, where preferences can be easily adjusted. Implementation will involve developing UI elements for preference settings and backend logic to manage delivery based on tenant choices.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Accessing Notification Preferences Settings
Given the tenant is logged into their dashboard, when they navigate to the notification preferences section, then they should see options for topics, frequency, and delivery methods.
Tenant Customizing Notification Topics
Given the tenant is on the notification preferences page, when they select and save specific topics for notifications, then only notifications related to those topics should be received thereafter.
Tenant Adjusting Notification Frequency and Delivery Method
Given the tenant has selected topics for notifications, when they change the frequency and delivery method, then the system should reflect these changes immediately and confirm the update to the tenant.
System Sending Notifications Based on Preferences
Given the tenant has set their notification preferences, when relevant updates occur, then notifications should be sent according to the specified delivery method and frequency without delay.
Admin Reviewing Tenant Notification Preferences
Given the property manager is in the admin dashboard, when they access the tenant's notification preferences, then they should be able to view and edit preferences for each tenant as necessary.
Error Handling for Invalid Notification Preferences
Given the tenant is entering preferences on the notification settings page, when invalid criteria (such as unsupported delivery methods) are entered, then an error message should be displayed and preferences should not be saved until corrected.
Event Reminders
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive reminders for community events and deadlines so that I can stay informed and engaged with what’s happening around me.
This requirement introduces automated reminders for upcoming community events or important deadlines, such as rent due dates or maintenance schedules. The system will leverage tenant preferences to tailor reminders, ensuring they are delivered in a timely manner. This feature enhances tenant satisfaction by reducing missed events and deadlines, ultimately fostering a sense of community and accountability. Integration involves utilizing the existing calendar functions and notification systems to trigger these reminders based on the defined preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant receives personalized reminders for upcoming community events based on their preferred communication method (email, SMS, app notification).
Given a tenant has set their notification preferences, When an upcoming event is scheduled, Then the tenant receives a reminder via their preferred communication method at a specified time before the event.
Tenant is notified of important deadlines such as rent due dates with adequate notice based on their preferences.
Given a tenant has indicated their preference for deadline reminders, When the rent due date approaches, Then the system sends a reminder to the tenant at the specified time frame (e.g., 5 days before, 1 day before).
Community leaders or property managers can schedule and manage event reminders within the platform interface.
Given a community event is created by a property manager, When the event is saved in the system, Then automatic reminders should be generated based on tenant preferences and the configured reminder schedule.
Tenants can modify their notification preferences at any time through their user dashboard.
Given a tenant accesses their user dashboard, When they update their notification preferences, Then the system saves the changes and applies them to future reminders.
Reminders are sent out according to the time zone settings of each tenant, ensuring they receive notifications at the correct local time.
Given a tenant's time zone is correctly set in their profile, When reminders are scheduled, Then they are sent out at the correct time corresponding to the tenant's time zone.
Tenants receive reminders with actionable links (e.g., RSVP to events, pay rent) for easy engagement.
Given an upcoming event reminder is sent to a tenant, When the reminder is received, Then it includes actionable links that allow the tenant to RSVP or take necessary actions directly from the notification.
Community Feedback System
User Story
As a tenant, I want to provide feedback on the notifications I receive so that my preferences can help shape future communication and community updates.
This requirement enables a feedback mechanism that allows tenants to provide input on the notifications they receive. The system can include ratings, comments, or satisfaction surveys related to communicated events or updates. This feature not only allows property managers to gauge tenant engagement but also empowers tenants to have a voice in the community management process. Implementation will require backend support for storing feedback and potential integration with analytics tools to evaluate tenant satisfaction over time.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenants receive personalized notifications when a new community event is scheduled, which includes the event details based on their interests.
Given a tenant has set notification preferences for community events, When a new event is created that matches their preferences, Then the tenant should receive a personalized notification with relevant event details within 10 minutes of the event being published.
Tenants provide feedback on the notifications they receive through a rating system after each notification.
Given a tenant has received a notification, When the tenant interacts with the feedback system, Then they should be able to submit a rating from 1 to 5 stars and optional comments for that specific notification within 24 hours.
Property managers review aggregated feedback from tenants to evaluate the effectiveness of notifications.
Given that multiple tenants have submitted feedback on notifications, When the property manager accesses the feedback analytics dashboard, Then they should see an overview of average ratings and comments categorized by notification type within 1 business day.
Tenants receive a summary of the feedback trends for the community notifications.
Given that feedback has been collected over a month, When the property manager analyzes the feedback data, Then they should be able to generate a summary report showing trends in tenant satisfaction and engagement on notifications for the past month.
Tenants are notified when their feedback has been acknowledged or acted upon by property management.
Given a tenant has submitted feedback, When the property management team takes action based on that feedback, Then the tenant should receive a notification within 7 days informing them of the acknowledgment and any resulting changes.
The system archives tenant feedback to support analytics and future improvements.
Given that feedback from tenants has been submitted, When the feedback is stored in the backend system, Then it should be retrievable for analysis for at least 12 months without loss of data integrity.
Tenants opt-in or opt-out of receiving personalized notifications easily through their user profile settings.
Given a tenant accesses their user profile settings, When they update their preferences for personalized notifications, Then the changes should be applied immediately and reflected in the notifications they receive.
Multi-language Support for Notifications
User Story
As a non-English speaking tenant, I want to receive notifications in my preferred language so that I can fully understand important information and community updates.
This requirement ensures that notification messages can be delivered in multiple languages based on tenant preferences. The functionality will include language selection within the tenant dashboard, allowing the platform to present relevant notifications in the preferred language of the tenant. This feature enhances inclusivity and accessibility, catering to a diverse tenant base and promoting better understanding of important communications. Implementation will involve updating the notification delivery system to support multilingual content.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant selects their preferred language for notifications in the tenant dashboard settings.
Given a tenant is logged into their dashboard, When they navigate to the notifications settings, Then they can select from at least 5 different languages to receive notifications in.
Notification messages are delivered in the selected language of the tenant.
Given a tenant has selected a preferred language, When a notification is generated, Then the notification is sent in the tenant's selected language rather than the default language.
System-admin can update the list of available languages in the system.
Given that an admin has appropriate permissions, When they access the language settings panel, Then they can add or remove languages from the list of available options for tenants.
Notifications are correctly displayed in the preferred language of the tenant across different devices.
Given that a tenant has set their preferred notification language, When they access notifications on different devices (e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop), Then all notifications are displayed in their selected language consistently.
Tenants receive a confirmation when they update their language preference for notifications.
Given a tenant changes their notification language preference, When they click the save button, Then they receive a confirmation message indicating that their language preference has been updated successfully.
Non-existing languages cannot be selected as options for notifications.
Given a tenant is in the notification language selection interface, When they attempt to select a language not listed in the available languages, Then the system should not allow the selection and display an appropriate error message.
Analytics Dashboard for Notification Engagement
User Story
As a property manager, I want an analytics dashboard to monitor tenant engagement with notifications so that I can optimize communication strategies and enhance tenant satisfaction.
This requirement provides property managers with access to an analytics dashboard that tracks tenant engagement with notifications. Metrics may include read rates, click-through rates on links, and feedback scores. This feature allows property managers to assess the effectiveness of their communications and make data-driven decisions on future notification strategies. Integration will involve developing reporting tools that compile and visualize notification engagement data in an easy-to-understand format for property managers.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers should be able to access the analytics dashboard from their ReLease IQ user account.
Given that a property manager is logged into their account, when they navigate to the Analytics section, then the dashboard should load in under 5 seconds and display engagement metrics for notifications.
The dashboard should display a summary of tenant engagement metrics for a selected time period.
Given that a property manager selects a specific date range, when they view the dashboard, then it should display read rates, click-through rates, and feedback scores for that period clearly.
Property managers should be able to filter engagement metrics by notification type.
Given that a property manager is viewing the analytics dashboard, when they apply a filter for a specific notification type, then the displayed metrics should update to show only the relevant data for that filter.
The dashboard should provide visual representations of engagement metrics using graphs and charts.
Given that the engagement metrics are displayed on the dashboard, when viewing those metrics, then there should be at least two different types of visualizations available (e.g., bar chart for click-through rates, line graph for read rates).
Property managers should be able to export engagement metrics reports.
Given that a property manager is on the analytics dashboard, when they click the 'Export' button, then they should receive a downloadable report in CSV format containing the displayed metrics.
The dashboard should only display data for notifications sent out within the selected date range.
Given that a property manager selects a date range, when the dashboard updates, then it should only include engagement data from notifications sent within that date range.
Emergency Alerts System
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive immediate alerts during emergencies so that I can take appropriate action to ensure my safety and well-being.
This requirement establishes a robust emergency alert system that allows urgent notifications to be sent out in real-time, ensuring tenant safety. Alerts may include severe weather warnings, safety emergencies, or urgent maintenance needs. The system should bypass regular preferences to ensure critical information is delivered immediately. This feature is essential for tenant safety and provides peace of mind, showing that the property management is proactive about tenant welfare. Implementation will involve developing protocols for identifying emergencies and ensuring that alerts are prioritized in the notification system.
Acceptance Criteria
Emergency alerts are triggered during a severe weather event, notifying all tenants of an impending storm and safety precautions.
Given an emergency weather event is detected, when the alert is triggered, then all tenants receive a notification within 5 minutes via SMS and email, regardless of their notification preferences.
The system receives an urgent maintenance request, such as a gas leak, requiring immediate attention to ensure tenant safety.
Given an urgent maintenance issue is logged, when the alert is sent, then affected tenants receive an alert via the app and SMS immediately, without delay.
A fire evacuation notice is issued due to a detected smoke in the building, necessitating immediate tenant action.
Given a fire alarm is activated, when the evacuation message is sent out, then all tenants in the building receive the alert within 1 minute, accompanied by clear instructions for evacuation.
During a holiday season, an emergency alert about a potential power outage is issued to keep tenants informed.
Given a potential power outage is identified, when the alert is triggered, then all tenants receive notifications via email and push notification within 10 minutes, labeled as high priority.
An active shooter scenario requires urgent communication to tenants for immediate lockdown procedures.
Given an active shooter alert is issued, when the alert is sent, then all tenants receive an immediate notification through SMS, email, and app alerts with lockdown instructions within 2 minutes.
A scheduled test of the emergency alert system occurs to ensure its effectiveness and tenant awareness.
Given a scheduled test of the emergency alert system, when the test is initiated, then tenants receive a notification confirming it is a test, with a response rate of at least 80% acknowledging receipt of the message within 10 minutes.
Live Chat Support
Live Chat Support connects tenants with property management for real-time assistance. This feature enables quick resolution of questions and issues, enhancing the overall tenant experience by fostering immediate communication and support.
User Authentication & Authorization
User Story
As a tenant, I want to securely log into the Live Chat Support so that I can get assistance with my queries without worrying about my data security.
This requirement ensures that tenants can securely log into the Live Chat Support feature using their credentials. It involves implementing a secure authentication mechanism that protects user data while allowing easy access to the platform. The system must include role-based access controls, ensuring that only authorized property management staff can respond to tenant inquiries. This feature will enhance data security and build trust among users, leading to a higher adoption rate of the Live Chat Support functionality. Additionally, it facilitates easy tracking of user interactions, improving service quality.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant initiates a login to the Live Chat Support feature using valid credentials.
Given the tenant has valid account credentials, when they enter their username and password, then they should be successfully authenticated and directed to the Live Chat Support interface.
Tenant attempts to login with invalid credentials.
Given the tenant has entered invalid credentials, when they submit the login form, then they should receive an error message indicating that the login attempt was unsuccessful.
Authenticated tenant accesses Live Chat Support functionality and sends a message.
Given the tenant is authenticated, when they send a message through the Live Chat Support, then their message should be successfully transmitted to the property management staff and a confirmation should be displayed on the screen.
Property management staff responds to a tenant's inquiry through the Live Chat Support.
Given an authorized staff member is logged into the system, when they receive a message from a tenant, then they should be able to view the message and send a response in real-time.
Role-based access control restrictions for user authentication.
Given that role-based access controls are implemented, when a non-authorized user attempts to access the property management response section, then they should receive a denial of access message.
User interaction tracking for Live Chat Support conversations.
Given that user interactions are logged, when a tenant sends a message, then the system should record the date, time, tenant ID, and message content for future reference and reporting.
Security measures for user credentials during login.
Given the tenant is logging in, when they enter their credentials, then the system should encrypt the password before transmitting it and require a secure connection (HTTPS).
Chat Integration with Helpdesk System
User Story
As a property manager, I want the Live Chat interactions to create helpdesk tickets automatically so that I can manage and prioritize tenant issues effectively.
This requirement focuses on integrating the Live Chat Support feature with an existing helpdesk ticketing system to streamline issue tracking and resolution. It allows property management to convert chat interactions into helpdesk tickets automatically. This integration ensures that all tenant queries are documented and prioritized for follow-up, enhancing accountability and responsiveness. The outcome is a more organized approach to tenant support, leading to faster resolutions and improved tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant initiates a live chat session through the ReLease IQ platform to inquire about their late payment notification.
Given the tenant is logged into their account, when they click the live chat button, then a chat window should open, allowing them to send their inquiry.
The property manager receives a tenant's chat message regarding a maintenance request during their working hours.
Given the property manager is logged into the helpdesk system, when a chat message is received, then the system should automatically create a helpdesk ticket for the maintenance request.
A tenant follows up on their previous chat inquiry about their lease agreement through the live chat feature after receiving a response.
Given the tenant is in an active chat session, when they mention their inquiry about the lease agreement, then the system should retrieve and display the previous chat history related to that inquiry.
A property manager closes out a resolved helpdesk ticket that was created from a live chat interaction with a tenant.
Given the property manager has resolved the issue, when they mark the helpdesk ticket as 'closed', then the system should send a confirmation message to the tenant via chat.
A tenant sends a chat message outside of business hours and requests assistance for an urgent issue.
Given the tenant sends an out-of-hours chat message, when the message is received, then the system should notify the tenant that their message has been logged and will be addressed on the next business day.
The property management team reviews metrics from live chat interactions for the month to assess performance and tenant satisfaction.
Given the property management team accesses the analytics dashboard, when they view live chat metrics, then they should see data on response times, issue resolution rates, and tenant feedback.
A tenant receives an automated follow-up message via chat after their ticket is created from a live chat session.
Given a helpdesk ticket has been created from a chat interaction, when the ticket is created, then the system should automatically send a follow-up chat message to the tenant confirming the ticket and expected resolution time.
Chatbot for FAQs
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive instant answers to my frequently asked questions through the chatbot so that I can save time while getting the information I need.
This requirement involves implementing a chatbot within the Live Chat Support feature to handle frequently asked questions automatically. The chatbot will provide instant responses to common tenant inquiries, such as maintenance requests or lease details, reducing the workload for property management staff. By using natural language processing, the chatbot can understand tenant queries and respond accurately, ensuring tenants receive timely assistance even outside normal business hours. This feature enhances the user experience by providing immediate answers, contributing to overall tenant satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
User interacts with the chatbot during off-hours when property management is not available.
Given the tenant has a question about lease renewal procedures, When they type the question into the chatbot interface, Then the chatbot should successfully provide a standardized response with the relevant lease renewal information within 3 seconds.
A tenant asks the chatbot about submitting a maintenance request during normal business hours.
Given the tenant is logged into their account, When they ask the chatbot how to submit a maintenance request, Then the chatbot should provide clear instructions and a link to the maintenance request form immediately.
Tenants utilize the chatbot to inquire about the status of their maintenance requests.
Given a tenant has previously submitted a maintenance request, When they ask the chatbot for an update on their request, Then the chatbot should accurately retrieve and present the current status of the maintenance request.
The chatbot receives complex queries containing multiple questions about property policies.
Given a tenant inputs a query with multiple questions about visitation policies and pet regulations, When the chatbot analyzes the question, Then it should provide separate, concise answers for each of the questions within 5 seconds.
A tenant uses the chatbot to ask questions about rent payments and due dates.
Given a tenant types a question related to their upcoming rent payment, When the tenant submits their query, Then the chatbot should return the due date and available payment methods along with a friendly reminder.
The chatbot helps tenants recover forgotten account information.
Given a tenant does not remember their login credentials, When they ask the chatbot for assistance, Then the chatbot should securely guide them through the recovery process without revealing sensitive information.
Users provide feedback after interacting with the chatbot.
Given a tenant finishes a conversation with the chatbot, When prompted to rate their experience, Then the feedback should be successfully recorded and analyzed for service improvements.
Real-time Chat Notifications
User Story
As a tenant, I want to receive immediate notifications when property management replies to my chat so that I stay informed about the status of my inquiries.
This requirement ensures that tenants receive real-time notifications when property management responds to their chat inquiries. Utilizing push notifications or in-app alerts, tenants will be informed immediately when their queries are acknowledged or answered. This feature aims to reduce response times and enhance communication, ensuring that tenants feel valued and engaged throughout the support process. Furthermore, real-time notifications will encourage tenants to utilize the Live Chat Support more frequently, ultimately improving overall service satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenants initiate a chat inquiry and once property management responds, they receive an immediate notification regardless of whether they are actively using the app or not.
Given a tenant initiates a chat with property management, when management sends a response, then the tenant receives a real-time push notification on their device.
After property management has closed a chat inquiry, the tenant should receive a notification indicating the chat has been resolved.
Given a chat inquiry is marked as resolved by property management, when the tenant views their chat interface, then they should receive a notification stating the inquiry has been resolved.
In-app notifications should be displayed prominently when property management sends a response to ensure the tenant doesn't miss important information.
Given a tenant is using the app and a response is received, when the notification appears, then it must display on the screen and remain until the tenant acknowledges it.
Tenants can adjust their notification preferences for chat responses through their account settings.
Given a tenant accesses their account settings, when they adjust their notification preferences, then the system should update and reflect the new settings immediately.
In case of push notification delivery failure, tenants should receive a fallback in-app alert to ensure they are still informed of chat responses.
Given that a push notification fails to deliver, when the tenant next opens the app, then they should see an alert indicating there are unread responses to their inquiries.
The system should log all notifications sent to tenants for auditing and tracking purposes.
Given a tenant receives notifications, when property management checks the notification log, then they should see a list of all notifications sent along with timestamps and status (delivered, failed).
Performance Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want to access a performance analytics dashboard to evaluate the effectiveness of the Live Chat Support so that I can make informed decisions to improve service quality.
This requirement involves creating a performance analytics dashboard for property management to track the effectiveness of the Live Chat Support feature. The dashboard will display metrics such as response times, resolution rates, and tenant satisfaction scores. The insights gathered will help identify areas for improvement in support processes and staff performance. By analyzing these metrics, property management can adapt their strategies to better meet tenant needs and enhance the overall support experience, driving continuous improvement in service delivery.
Acceptance Criteria
Performance metrics are collected and displayed on the analytics dashboard after the Live Chat Support feature has been utilized by tenants for at least one month.
Given the Live Chat Support feature has been active for one month, when a user accesses the Performance Analytics Dashboard, then it should display metrics including average response time, resolution rate, and tenant satisfaction score, updated in real-time.
The dashboard must provide filters to view performance metrics across different time periods or individual support staff.
Given that the Performance Analytics Dashboard is displayed, when the user selects a time filter (e.g., last week, last month) or staff filter, then the displayed metrics should update to reflect the selected parameters accurately.
Performance analytics should allow property managers to download reports for offline review and analysis.
Given that performance metrics are visible on the dashboard, when the user clicks the 'Download Report' button, then they should receive a CSV or PDF file containing the currently displayed metrics.
The dashboard must ensure data accuracy and reflect any updates made to the support interactions.
Given that an interaction in the Live Chat Support feature has been updated or edited, when a user accesses the Performance Analytics Dashboard, then the metrics should reflect the latest data without discrepancies.
Compliance with data privacy regulations must be ensured while displaying tenant data on the dashboard.
Given that the Performance Analytics Dashboard is accessed, when any tenant-related metrics are displayed, then the dashboard should anonymize sensitive data, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.
The dashboard should integrate seamlessly with existing property management systems and provide a user-friendly interface.
Given that the dashboard is launched, when a property manager navigates through the analytics interface, then they should find it intuitive, with clear navigation and accessibility to all metrics without technical issues.
Revenue Forecasting Model
This feature predicts future rental income based on current lease agreements, historical trends, and market fluctuations. Property managers can visualize expected revenue streams, aiding in budget planning and investment decisions. By providing accurate forecasts, it empowers users to make strategic financial choices.
Market Trend Analysis
User Story
As a property manager, I want to access market trend data integrated into revenue forecasts so that I can make more informed budgeting and investment decisions based on current economic conditions.
The Market Trend Analysis requirement allows the Revenue Forecasting Model to incorporate external market data, such as economic indicators and neighborhood trends, providing a broader context for revenue predictions. This enhancement will enable property managers to better understand external factors that may influence rental income, ensuring more accurate forecasts. By integrating this data, users can identify potential risks and opportunities in the market, allowing for proactive decision-making. Additionally, the analysis will contribute to enhanced user confidence in forecasts, as they will be based on a comprehensive set of variables rather than solely historical data.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration of External Market Data into Revenue Forecasting Model
Given that external market data sources are integrated,When the Revenue Forecasting Model is run,Then the forecast reflects the latest market trend analysis alongside historical data.
Visualization of Predicted Revenue Streams with Market Data
Given that the Revenue Forecasting Model includes market trend data,When the user visualizes the revenue forecast,Then the report clearly displays both historical and predicted revenue streams, highlighting external market influences.
User Analysis of Influencing Factors on Rental Income
Given that the Market Trend Analysis is complete,When property managers analyze the forecast report,Then they should see a summary of external factors that significantly impact rental income predictions and their likelihood.
Impact Assessment of Market Trends on Historical Data
Given access to both historical revenue data and current market trends,When the user compares the two datasets,Then the system provides insights into how past trends correlate with market data, indicating potential risks.
User Confidence in Revenue Forecasts Based on Comprehensive Analysis
Given comprehensive market trend analysis has been implemented,When users review the forecasting results,Then user satisfaction on forecast accuracy should be rated at least 80% in user feedback surveys.
Risk Identification from Market Trend Insights
Given that market trends are identified and integrated,When property managers draft investment strategies,Then they should be able to list potential risks and opportunities based on the trend analysis provided.
User-Friendly Visualization Dashboard
User Story
As a property manager, I want to visualize revenue forecasts through an intuitive dashboard so that I can quickly understand financial projections and make timely decisions.
This requirement involves creating a user-friendly visualization dashboard that presents revenue forecasts in an easily digestible format. The dashboard will utilize visual elements like graphs, charts, and tables to help property managers quickly grasp potential revenue streams and trends. Enhancing the user interface will improve user experience and facilitate quicker decision-making. The dashboard will allow users to customize their views, enabling them to focus on specific timeframes or property types, aiding in their strategic financial planning.
Acceptance Criteria
As a property manager, I want to view the revenue forecast for the upcoming year so that I can adjust my budget accordingly.
Given that I am logged into the ReLease IQ platform, when I navigate to the revenue forecasting dashboard, then I should see a visual representation of the forecasted revenue for the upcoming year with graphs and charts that display trends over the selected time period.
As a property manager, I want to customize the dashboard to focus on specific properties so that I can analyze their individual revenue performance.
Given that I am on the revenue forecasting dashboard, when I select the option to filter by property type, then I should only see revenue forecasts related to the selected property type, along with visual data presentations that reflect this choice.
As a property manager, I want to compare revenue forecasts against historical data so that I can make informed predictions and decisions.
Given that I have accessed the visualization dashboard, when I select the option to display historical revenue alongside forecasted revenue, then I should see a comparative chart that highlights differences in both historical and forecasted revenue over the same timeframes.
As a property manager, I want to receive alerts when revenue forecasts fall below a specific threshold so that I can address potential issues early.
Given that I have set a revenue threshold in the settings of the dashboard, when the forecasted revenue falls below this threshold, then I should receive a notification alerting me to this situation through both the dashboard and my email.
As a property manager, I want to print the revenue forecast report so that I can share it with my team during planning meetings.
Given that I am viewing the revenue forecast dashboard, when I click on the print button, then I should receive a formatted report of the revenue forecast that I can print or save as a PDF for sharing.
As a property manager, I want to access the visualization dashboard on multiple devices so that I can analyze data from anywhere.
Given that I have logged into my ReLease IQ account on a mobile device, when I navigate to the revenue forecasting dashboard, then I should see a responsive design that maintains the usability and clarity of visualizations on a smaller screen.
As a property manager, I want to save and load different dashboard configurations so that I can switch between views quickly for different analytical purposes.
Given that I have customized the dashboard layout with specific filters and display options, when I select the option to save this configuration, then I should be able to load this saved configuration later for quick access to my preferred view.
Automated Alerts for Revenue Changes
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive automated alerts for significant changes in projected revenue so that I can react promptly to changes that may impact my financial decisions.
The Automated Alerts for Revenue Changes requirement ensures that property managers receive notifications regarding significant changes in projected rental income. This functionality will allow users to set thresholds for alerts based on their preferences, ensuring they are informed of variations that could impact their financial strategies. By providing timely updates, users can react promptly to changing financial circumstances, enhancing their ability to manage cash flow effectively and make informed investment choices.
Acceptance Criteria
Notification for Significant Revenue Forecast Change
Given a property manager has set a threshold for revenue forecast changes, when the projected rental income changes by more than the specified threshold, then an automated alert should be sent to the property manager via email and within the ReLease IQ platform.
Customizable Alert Thresholds
Given a property manager accesses the automated alerts settings, when they update the thresholds for alerts, then the system should save these preferences and apply them to future revenue forecasts without error.
Historical Revenue Change Alerts
Given the revenue forecast includes historical data, when a change in forecast is projected based on historical fluctuations, then the system should notify the property manager of this change through automated alerts if it meets the set threshold.
Real-Time Notifications during Dashboard Usage
Given a property manager is actively using the ReLease IQ dashboard, when a significant revenue forecast change occurs, then the system should display a real-time notification within the dashboard to alert the user immediately.
Alert Confirmation and Acknowledgment
Given a property manager receives an automated alert regarding a revenue change, when they acknowledge the alert, then the system should log this acknowledgment and update the alert status accordingly for tracking purposes.
Testing Alert Delivery System
Given that automated alerts are set up, when a revenue forecast threshold is breached, then the system should successfully deliver the alert through both email and platform notifications, ensuring no alerts are missed.
Multiple Alert Setup for Different Properties
Given a property manager manages multiple properties, when they set different alert thresholds for each property, then the system should successfully manage and send alerts independently for each property based on its individual revenue thresholds.
Integration with Accounting Software
User Story
As a property manager, I want the revenue forecasting model to integrate with my accounting software so that I can streamline my financial reporting and reduce manual data entry.
Integration with existing accounting software is essential for the Revenue Forecasting Model. This requirement ensures seamless data transfer between the forecasting tool and accounting platforms, allowing property managers to synchronize financial data such as past rental income, expenses, and lease agreements automatically. This integration will reduce manual entry errors and streamline financial reporting, providing a comprehensive view of property performance. Ensuring compatibility with leading accounting software will enhance user adoption and expand the feature's functionality.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration with popular accounting software (e.g., QuickBooks, Xero) during the setup of the Revenue Forecasting Model.
Given that the property manager is setting up the Revenue Forecasting Model, when they select their accounting software from a list of supported integrations, then the software should be successfully connected, allowing automatic data synchronization without manual entry.
Automated data transfer between the Revenue Forecasting Model and the accounting software when new lease agreements are entered.
Given that a new lease agreement is entered into the accounting software, when the data sync occurs, then the Revenue Forecasting Model should automatically update the rental income forecast reflecting the new agreement.
Error handling during the data synchronization process between the Revenue Forecasting Model and accounting software.
Given that a data synchronization attempt fails due to a connection issue, when the property manager views the error report, then they should see a detailed description of the error and suggested actions to resolve it.
User confirmation of successful integration and data synchronization after setup.
Given that the integration setup is completed, when the property manager receives a notification regarding the status of the integration, then they should see a confirmation message indicating that the integration was successful and data synchronization is active.
Processing time for syncing data between the Revenue Forecasting Model and the accounting software.
Given that the property manager initiates a data sync, when they check the sync status, then the data synchronization process should complete within 5 minutes for less than 1,000 data entries and reflect accurate data in both systems without discrepancies.
User training on how to utilize the integration features effectively.
Given that the property manager accesses the training module on integration features, when they complete the training, then they should be able to demonstrate knowledge of linking the Revenue Forecasting Model with accounting software and troubleshooting common issues.
User feedback collection on integration feature usability after implementation.
Given that the integration feature has been used for 30 days, when the property manager is prompted for feedback, then they should be able to submit a rating and comments reflecting their experience, with at least 80% of users rating it satisfactory or higher.
Scenario Planning Capabilities
User Story
As a property manager, I want to simulate different market scenarios affecting rental income so that I can prepare for potential financial impacts and make more strategic plans.
This requirement expands the forecasting model to include scenario planning capabilities, enabling users to simulate various market conditions and their potential impact on rental income. By allowing property managers to model best-case, worst-case, and likely scenarios, this feature will enhance strategic planning and risk management. Users will be able to input different variables, such as changes in occupancy rates or rent prices, to visualize how these factors affect their forecasts and ultimately support better-informed decision-making.
Acceptance Criteria
Property managers want to evaluate how changes in occupancy rates affect projected rental income over the next year. They can input different occupancy levels into the forecasting model to assess its impact on revenue under various scenarios.
Given a property manager inputs different occupancy rates into the Revenue Forecasting Model, When the scenario is simulated, Then the model should display the projected rental income for each input occupancy rate accurately.
A property manager is preparing for a potential increase in rent. They want to see how a 10% increase in rental prices would impact their overall revenue. This requires them to input the proposed rent price change into the system.
Given a property manager enters a 10% increase in rental prices into the scenario planning tool, When they run the best-case scenario, Then the system should provide a detailed forecast of the projected rental income reflecting the rent increase.
The property manager is concerned about the impact of an economic downturn on their properties. They need to simulate a worst-case scenario that includes a decrease in both occupancy rates and rental prices.
Given that a property manager selects a worst-case scenario by choosing a 20% decrease in occupancy and a 15% decrease in rental prices, When the simulation is executed, Then the system should generate a forecast showing a comprehensive analysis of potential revenue loss.
A property manager wants to compare different leasing strategies to maximize revenue. They need to input a combination of varied occupancy and rent price changes, simulating multiple scenarios for decision-making.
Given a property manager inputs three different scenario combinations (e.g., varying occupancy rates of 80%, 90%, and 100% along with related rent prices), When they run the scenarios, Then the system should allow comparison options and provide a side-by-side analysis of projected revenues for each scenario.
The owner of the property management company wants to ensure that the forecasting model includes future expenses related to maintenance and repairs, which can affect overall rental income.
Given that a property manager adds projected maintenance and repair costs into the revenue forecasting model, When the scenarios are run, Then the forecasts should accurately deduct these costs from the projected rental income, providing a net income figure.
The property manager is preparing for an upcoming board meeting and needs to generate a report summarizing the potential impacts of various simulated scenarios on rental income.
Given that the property manager selects multiple scenarios to simulate, When they generate the report, Then the report should summarize key insights, including best-case, worst-case, and likely scenarios along with relevant financial metrics.
Lease Renewal Optimizer
The Lease Renewal Optimizer analyzes historical tenant behavior, property performance, and market conditions to recommend optimal lease renewal strategies. This feature enhances tenant retention by informing property managers of the best times and terms for renewal negotiations, ultimately driving higher occupancy rates.
Tenant Behavior Analysis
User Story
As a property manager, I want to analyze historical tenant behaviors so that I can create targeted renewal strategies that improve tenant retention.
The Tenant Behavior Analysis requirement involves implementing a module that analyzes historical tenant data to identify patterns and trends related to lease renewals. This functionality will assess factors such as tenant payment history, duration of tenancy, and communication preferences. By interpreting this data, the system will provide actionable insights that property managers can use to tailor renewal strategies, enhance tenant engagement, and ultimately increase retention rates. Additionally, this requirement will necessitate integration with existing data collection and analysis tools within the ReLease IQ platform. This will ensure a seamless user experience while significantly improving decision-making efficacy for property managers.
Acceptance Criteria
Tenant Behavior Data Analysis for Lease Renewals
Given a set of historical tenant data, when the Tenant Behavior Analysis module processes the data, then it should generate a report detailing potential lease renewal patterns based on payment history and length of tenancy.
Market Conditions and Tenant Engagement Insights
Given fluctuating market conditions, when the system analyzes external market data alongside tenant metrics, then it should identify optimal times for lease renewal negotiations with specific recommendations for property managers.
Integration with Existing Data Tools
Given the ReLease IQ platform's current data collection tools, when the Tenant Behavior Analysis module is implemented, then it should integrate seamlessly without disrupting existing functionalities, ensuring all data can be accessed from a single dashboard.
User-Friendly Interface for Actionable Insights
Given that property managers access the Tenant Behavior Analysis module, when they view the insights dashboard, then it should display intuitive and actionable recommendations for renewal strategies based on analyzed data.
Tenant Preferences and Communication Strategies
Given the communication preferences recorded for tenants, when the system analyzes this data, then it should suggest tailored communication strategies for each tenant to enhance engagement during the lease renewal process.
Performance Metrics Tracking Post-Implementation
Given the implementation of the Tenant Behavior Analysis module, when property managers use the feature over a defined period, then a follow-up report should track the increase in tenant retention rates attributable to optimized lease renewal strategies.
Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement
Given the insights generated by the Tenant Behavior Analysis module, when property managers provide feedback on the effectiveness of the recommendations, then the system should incorporate this feedback to refine its analysis and recommendations for future lease renewals.
Market Condition Monitoring
User Story
As a property manager, I want to monitor market conditions so that I can adjust lease renewal terms to remain competitive.
The Market Condition Monitoring requirement entails developing a feature that continuously tracks and analyzes real estate market conditions, including rental price trends, vacancy rates, and competitor offerings. This feature will provide real-time insights and contextual data that can inform renewal negotiations and pricing strategies. Integration with external data sources, such as real estate market reports and economic indicators, will be crucial for ensuring that property managers have access to up-to-date and relevant information. This capability will allow property managers to adjust renewal terms proactively and competitively, leading to higher occupancy rates and improved financial performance for properties.
Acceptance Criteria
When property managers log into ReLease IQ, they should be able to see the most recent market condition metrics such as rental price trends and vacancy rates on their dashboard to inform their decisions.
Given the property manager is logged into ReLease IQ, when they access the dashboard, then they should see updated market condition metrics that are less than 24 hours old.
Property managers need to receive automated alerts when significant shifts in market conditions occur that may impact lease renewals or pricing strategies.
Given market condition data is being monitored, when there is a change in rental price trends or vacancy rates exceeding the predefined thresholds, then the system must send an automated alert to the property managers via email and in-app notifications.
The Lease Renewal Optimizer should be able to analyze historical tenant behavior in conjunction with updated competitive pricing information to provide recommendations for renewal negotiations.
Given the property manager requests lease renewal recommendations, when the Lease Renewal Optimizer analyzes tenant behavior and current market conditions, then it should provide at least three suggested lease renewal strategies.
Property managers should be able to integrate external real estate market reports and economic indicators seamlessly to enrich the data available for market condition monitoring.
Given the property manager selects a source for external data integration, when they authenticate and configure the integration, then the system should successfully pull in and display the relevant data without errors.
The system should track the effectiveness of implemented lease renewal strategies based on occupancy rates over time, allowing property managers to refine their approaches.
Given lease renewal strategies have been implemented, when the property manager reviews the occupancy rates after 3 months, then they should see a report comparing occupancy before and after implementation, indicating improvement or decline.
The market condition monitoring feature should be able to report on competitor offerings and how they compare to the property’s listings.
Given the competitor data has been gathered, when the property manager accesses the market condition reports, then they should see a comparison chart showing their property's offerings versus competitors' offerings in similar market segments.
Automated Renewal Recommendations
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive automated recommendations for lease renewals so that I can make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.
The Automated Renewal Recommendations requirement focuses on creating an intelligent recommendation engine that suggests optimal lease renewal timelines and terms based on analyzed tenant behavior, market conditions, and property performance. This system will utilize machine learning algorithms to assess various data points and generate customized renewal strategies, thereby automating much of the decision-making process for property managers. By delivering these insights directly through the ReLease IQ dashboard, this feature will streamline the lease renewal experience and reduce the cognitive load on property managers.
Acceptance Criteria
As a property manager, I want to receive automated recommendations for lease renewals so that I can engage tenants at the optimal time for renewal negotiations.
Given a set of historical tenant behavior data, when the system processes this data through the recommendation engine, then it should provide lease renewal recommendations including optimal timelines and terms based on the analysis.
As a property manager, I want to understand the rationale behind the lease renewal recommendations so that I can make informed decisions when negotiating with tenants.
Given the recommended lease renewal terms, when I view the details in the dashboard, then I should see a comprehensive breakdown of the factors influencing these recommendations, including tenant history, market trends, and property performance metrics.
As a property manager, I want to receive alerts for upcoming lease renewals so that I can proactively reach out to tenants before their leases expire.
Given a list of upcoming lease expirations, when the system identifies leases due for renewal within the next 30 days, then it should send automated alerts to property managers via email and in-app notifications.
As a property manager, I want the automated renewal recommendations to update in real-time based on changing market conditions so that I can adjust strategies effectively.
Given current market condition changes, when these conditions are updated in the system, then the renewal recommendations should automatically adjust within 24 hours to reflect the latest data.
As a property manager, I want to evaluate the effectiveness of paid lease renewals to ensure they lead to higher tenant retention rates.
Given historical data of lease renewals categorized as paid and non-paid, when I analyze the retention rates, then I should see a clear report indicating the correlation between paid renewals and tenant retention.
As a property manager, I want to generate and export reports on lease renewal recommendations for team meetings.
Given the lease renewal recommendations generated, when I select the report generation option, then I should be able to download a comprehensive report in PDF format that details all recommendations and their supporting data.
User-friendly Dashboard Integration
User Story
As a property manager, I want to see renewal insights on a user-friendly dashboard so that I can quickly understand trends and make data-driven decisions.
The User-friendly Dashboard Integration requirement necessitates enhancing the ReLease IQ dashboard to display lease renewal analytics and insights comprehensively. This functionality will allow property managers to easily visualize key metrics, such as tenant retention rates, market comparison data, and renewal timeline recommendations in a clear, intuitive format. The dashboard will incorporate customizable widgets and interactive charts to facilitate data engagement and prompt better decision-making. Ensuring this integration is seamless with existing dashboard functionalities will be a priority to maintain user experience and accessibility.
Acceptance Criteria
Dashboard displays lease renewal analytics based on historical tenant behavior and property performance.
Given the property manager accesses the dashboard, when they navigate to the lease renewal section, then they should see an analytics summary that includes historical tenant behavior and property performance metrics.
Customizable widgets allow property managers to select which renewal metrics they want to display on the dashboard.
Given the dashboard is loaded, when the property manager clicks on the customization settings, then they should be able to select and arrange widgets for tenant retention rates, market comparison data, and renewal timeline recommendations.
Interactive charts provide dynamic data engagement for lease renewal insights.
Given the lease renewal analytics are displayed, when the property manager clicks on a chart, then they should be able to view detailed information about that data point in a pop-up window.
The dashboard seamlessly integrates with existing functionalities without compromising user experience.
Given the integration of lease renewal analytics, when the property manager interacts with other dashboard features, then the performance should not lag and all functionalities should operate as expected.
The dashboard provides real-time analytics for lease renewals that reflect current market conditions.
Given the dashboard is open, when the property manager checks the lease renewal analytics, then the data displayed should accurately reflect the latest market conditions and tenant behavior.
User feedback is incorporated into the dashboard design to enhance usability.
Given the dashboard is in use, when property managers provide feedback about the usability of the lease renewal section, then at least three usability improvements should be documented and prioritized for future updates.
The dashboard can be accessed on different devices while maintaining functionality.
Given the property manager accesses the dashboard from a mobile device, when they navigate to the lease renewal analytics section, then the display should be responsive and all features should be fully functional.
Compliance Reminder Alerts
User Story
As a property manager, I want to receive reminder alerts for compliance deadlines so that I can stay compliant and avoid potential penalties.
The Compliance Reminder Alerts requirement focuses on implementing an alert system that notifies property managers of essential upcoming deadlines related to lease renewals, such as notice periods, tenant communication deadlines, and compliance with local laws. These alerts will be customizable based on the specific properties and tenant agreements in the database, ensuring that managers are never caught unaware of critical compliance issues. By reducing the risk of non-compliance through timely reminders, this feature will enhance operational efficiency and protect property interests.
Acceptance Criteria
User receives a notification for an impending compliance deadline 30 days before a lease renewal notice period ends.
Given the property manager has set a compliance deadline for lease renewals, When the deadline reaches 30 days prior to the lease renewal date, Then the property manager should receive a customizable alert notification through the platform.
User customizes alert settings for different properties and tenants.
Given the property manager must set specific alert preferences, When the property manager accesses the customization settings, Then they should have the ability to select alert types and frequency for each property and tenant profile.
User checks the dashboard for upcoming compliance alerts.
Given the property manager logs into the R