Vendor Profile Hub
A centralized database where planners can store and access comprehensive profiles for all vendors, including contact information, services offered, reviews, and previous event collaborations. This feature simplifies vendor selection and ensures planners have all necessary details at their fingertips, reducing time spent searching for vendor information.
Vendor Information Management
User Story
As an event planner, I want to have a centralized hub for all vendor profiles so that I can quickly access all necessary information in one place and make informed decisions without wasting time searching for details.
The Vendor Information Management requirement enables event planners to create, edit, and maintain comprehensive vendor profiles in a centralized database. Each profile will include essential details such as contact information, services provided, rates, availability, customer reviews, and historical data of collaboration with previous events. This ensures that event planners can swiftly evaluate and select appropriate vendors based on their needs, promoting efficiency in the vendor selection process. The integration of this feature with the existing EventCraft platform will facilitate easy access to vendor information, fostering informed decision-making and enhancing overall event planning workflows.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners need to create a new vendor profile for a caterer they plan to use for an upcoming event.
Given that the event planner is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when they fill in the required fields (name, contact information, services offered, rates, availability) and submit, then a new vendor profile should be created, and a confirmation message should be displayed.
An event planner wants to edit the details of an existing vendor profile to include additional services offered by the vendor.
Given that the event planner selects an existing vendor profile, when they modify the details and click save, then the updated vendor profile should reflect the changes correctly and show a success message.
Planners need to access a comprehensive list of vendor profiles to choose new vendors for an upcoming event.
Given that the event planner is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when they filter the vendor list by service type, then they should see only the relevant vendor profiles that match the chosen filter criteria.
An event planner wants to delete a vendor profile that is no longer needed.
Given that the event planner selects a vendor profile to delete, when they confirm the deletion, then the vendor profile should be removed from the database, and a confirmation message should be displayed to the planner.
Event planners aim to review customer feedback for a specific vendor before making a selection.
Given that the event planner is viewing a vendor profile, when they scroll to the reviews section, then they should see all customer reviews accurately displayed with associated ratings and comments.
A planner needs to check the historical data of collaborations with a vendor for previous events.
Given that the event planner is viewing a vendor profile, when they navigate to the historical data section, then they should see a list of past events along with relevant details of each collaboration.
Vendor Rating System
User Story
As an event planner, I want to be able to rate and review vendors after an event so that I can share my experiences with other planners and help them make better decisions.
The Vendor Rating System is designed to allow users to rate and review vendors based on their experiences. This feature empowers event planners to provide feedback and insights after each event, creating a transparent system of vendor reputation that can be leveraged by other planners. The ratings will be visible within the vendor profiles, enabling future users to assess vendor performance and reliability quickly. By integrating this feature, EventCraft enhances community engagement among event planners and promotes high-quality vendor services, ultimately contributing to improved event outcomes.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners want to provide feedback on a vendor's performance after an event has concluded, allowing them to rate the vendor on a scale of 1-5 stars and leave comments regarding their experience.
Given a completed event, when the event planner navigates to the Vendor Profile, then they can see an option to rate the vendor and submit a review, allowing for both star rating and text feedback.
Planners are searching for vendors within the Vendor Profile Hub and want to filter the list of vendors based on their average ratings to find the best-rated options more easily.
Given the list of vendors in the Vendor Profile Hub, when a planner selects the filter option for average ratings, then the vendors should be sorted based on their rating from highest to lowest.
Event planners need to view the aggregated feedback on a vendor's profile to assess their performance before making a decision to hire them for an event.
Given a vendor's profile, when the event planner accesses the profile, then they should see the average rating, the total number of reviews, and the individual feedback comments from other planners.
After submitting a review, planners want to confirm that their feedback has been successfully recorded and is displayed in the vendor's profile.
Given that the event planner has submitted their review, when they navigate back to the vendor's profile, then the submitted review and rating should be visible in the review section of the vendor profile.
Planners should be able to edit their submitted reviews in case they want to update their feedback based on new experiences or reconsider their initial rating.
Given that an event planner has already submitted a review, when they choose to edit their review, then they should be able to change their star rating and comments, and successfully save the updated review.
The system needs to ensure that all vendor rating submissions are monitored for inappropriate content, maintaining a reputable environment for feedback.
Given the submitted reviews, when the system scans for inappropriate language or spam content, then it should flag or remove such content, maintaining the integrity of vendor reviews.
Advanced Search and Filter Functionality
User Story
As an event planner, I want to be able to search for vendors using specific criteria so that I can quickly find the best options suited for my event needs.
The Advanced Search and Filter Functionality requirement allows users to efficiently search for vendors based on various criteria such as service type, location, availability, and previous ratings. This intuitive search capability streamlines the vendor selection process by helping planners find the best matches according to their specific event requirements. The integration of this feature will enhance user experience on the Vendor Profile Hub, enabling planners to navigate vendor options seamlessly, ultimately saving time and improving overall satisfaction with the platform.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor Search by Service Type
Given the user is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when the user selects a service type from the filter options and clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of vendors that provide the selected service type.
Vendor Search by Location
Given the user is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when the user inputs a location in the search bar and clicks the search button, then the system should show a list of vendors located in the specified area.
Vendor Search by Availability
Given the user is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when the user selects specific dates for their event and clicks the search button, then the system should display a list of vendors available on those dates.
Vendor Rating Filter
Given the user is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when the user selects a rating filter (e.g., 4 stars and above) and clicks the search button, then the system should display only vendors that meet or exceed the selected rating criteria.
Multiple Criteria Search
Given the user is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when the user selects multiple criteria (service type, location, and rating) and clicks the search button, then the system should return a list of vendors that match all the selected criteria.
Search Results Sorting
Given the user has performed a search for vendors, when the user chooses to sort the results by rating or distance, then the system should re-arrange the displayed vendors based on the selected sorting option.
Vendor Collaboration History Tracking
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see a history of past collaborations with vendors so that I can evaluate their performance and make better selections for future events.
The Vendor Collaboration History Tracking feature allows planners to view detailed records of past collaborations with each vendor, including services hired, dates of service, and outcomes of previous events. This valuable insight will help users understand vendor performance over time and make better choices based on historical data. The feature’s integration will enhance the Vendor Profile Hub by providing planners with a comprehensive view of their interactions with vendors, leading to more informed decision-making.
Acceptance Criteria
User can access the Vendor Collaboration History for any selected vendor from the Vendor Profile Hub.
Given a vendor is selected, when the user navigates to the Vendor Profile Hub, then the system displays the collaboration history including dates, services hired, and outcomes.
User can filter the collaboration history by date range and type of service.
Given the user is viewing a vendor's collaboration history, when the user applies a date range filter and selects a service type, then the system displays only the relevant collaboration records that match the criteria.
User can compare historical vendor performance for decision-making purposes.
Given the user has access to the collaboration history of multiple vendors, when the user selects at least two vendors to compare, then the system presents a side-by-side performance comparison including service types and outcomes.
User can edit the collaboration history records to update past performance.
Given a collaboration record is displayed, when the user selects the edit option and updates the details, then the system saves the changes and reflects them in the vendor's collaboration history.
User receives an alert if the collaboration history for a vendor is incomplete or missing records.
Given a vendor's profile is accessed, when there are missing records in the collaboration history, then the system displays an alert indicating which records are absent.
Vendor Messaging System
User Story
As an event planner, I want to be able to message vendors directly through the platform so that I can streamline communication and keep all discussions in one place.
The Vendor Messaging System allows event planners to communicate directly with vendors through the platform. This feature includes real-time messaging capabilities, enabling users to ask questions, negotiate terms, and share requirements without leaving the application. This integration promotes efficient communication between planners and vendors, ensuring that all interactions are documented and easily accessible, thus reducing the likelihood of miscommunication and enhancing relationship building.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner initiates a conversation with a vendor to discuss event specifics and asks questions about the vendor's services and availability.
Given the planner is on the Vendor Profile Hub, when they click on the 'Message Vendor' button, then a real-time messaging window should open that allows the planner to type and send messages to the vendor.
A vendor receives a message from an event planner and needs to respond with their availability and any relevant information requested.
Given the vendor has received a message, when they respond within the messaging interface, then the event planner should be notified of the new message and see the vendor's response in real-time.
An event planner wants to keep a record of their communication with a vendor for future reference.
Given that the planner has sent multiple messages to a vendor, when they navigate back to the Vendor Profile Hub, then all past messages should be accessible and displayed chronologically in the messaging history section.
An event planner wishes to negotiate terms with a vendor via messaging while ensuring clarity in communication.
Given the planner is messaging a vendor, when they propose terms or requests, then the vendor should be able to reply with counter-proposals that maintain the context of the previous messages.
A vendor wants to update their offering after a discussion with an event planner to reflect new service offerings.
Given the vendor has communicated changes to their offerings within the messaging system, when the planner accesses the Vendor Profile Hub, then the updated offering should reflect accurately in the vendor's profile after the conversation ends.
An event planner and a vendor are discussing the timeline of a project through the messaging feature.
Given both the planner and vendor are engaged in an ongoing conversation about a project, when either party sends messages, then the messaging system should display timestamps next to each message for clarity on response times.
Integrated Scheduling Sync
Automatically sync vendor availability with the event calendar, allowing planners to view open slots for vendors in real time. This feature prevents double bookings and miscommunications, streamlining the scheduling process and ensuring that all parties are on the same page.
Real-Time Vendor Availability Alert
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive real-time alerts about vendor availability changes so that I can make prompt decisions on scheduling and prevent any potential conflicts.
This requirement involves developing a notification system that alerts event planners when a vendor's availability changes. By leveraging the real-time syncing of vendor schedules, this feature ensures that planners are immediately informed of any updates, allowing them to make timely decisions about vendor selection and schedule adjustments. The real-time alert system will enhance communication between planners and vendors, prevent missed opportunities, and streamline the overall event planning process by ensuring that planners are kept in the loop without having to continuously check vendor availability manually.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor Availability Notification for Event Planners
Given an event planner has set up multiple vendors for an event, when a vendor updates their availability, then the planner should receive a real-time notification about the available slots for that vendor.
Timely Updates for Last-Minute Changes
Given that an event is approaching and vendors are busy, when any vendor updates their availability within 24 hours of the event, then the event planner should be alerted immediately to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Integration with Calendar Systems
Given that an event planner uses an external calendar system, when a vendor's availability changes, then the alert should sync and reflect changes in both the EventCraft system and the external calendar in real-time.
User-Friendly Notification Design
Given that notifications are sent to the event planners, when a notification about vendor availability is received, then it should have a clear and understandable design that includes the vendor name, the available slots, and a direct link to their scheduling page.
Historical Availability Tracking
Given that the event planner wants to analyze vendor reliability, when they view the vendor's past notifications, then they should see a history of availability changes over the past events.
Test Notification Functionality
Given a vendor with active scheduling capabilities, when the vendor updates their availability, then a test notification should be sent to the designated event planner to validate the accuracy and timing of alerts.
Notification Preference Settings
Given an event planner accesses their profile settings, when they adjust the notification preferences for vendor availability alerts, then the system should save these preferences and apply them to future notifications.
Vendor Calendar Integration
User Story
As a vendor, I want to integrate my calendar with EventCraft so that my availability is automatically updated in the event planning platform, ensuring that planners can see my open slots without manual input.
This requirement focuses on creating an API integration that allows vendors to sync their existing calendars (Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc.) with the EventCraft platform. This feature will automatically update the event calendar with the vendor's available slots, improving accuracy and reducing the risk of double bookings. By providing a seamless integration with widely-used calendar applications, event planners can view real-time availability without the need for manual entries, thus enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the scheduling process.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor calendar integration for bidirectional syncing with Google Calendar is established successfully, allowing vendors to see events from EventCraft on their personal calendars directly within Google Calendar.
Given a vendor has linked their Google Calendar to EventCraft, when they check their Google Calendar, then they should see all event bookings made in EventCraft appears on their calendar.
The system must be able to sync vendor availability updates in real time, ensuring event planners can see the most current scheduling information without delays.
Given a vendor updates their availability on their external calendar, when they refresh their EventCraft calendar, then the updated availability should reflect immediately without manual intervention.
A vendor should receive notifications when their availability is added to the EventCraft platform, ensuring they are kept informed of scheduled events that may affect their calendar.
Given a vendor's calendar is synced with EventCraft, when an event is scheduled in EventCraft using their availability, then the vendor should receive an email notification of the scheduled event.
Event planners must be able to filter and view vendor availability by date and time within the EventCraft platform conveniently.
Given an event planner is using the EventCraft platform, when they select a date range for vendor availability, then they should see a list of all open slots per vendor for the selected dates.
In case of changes to vendor schedules, the system should prevent double bookings and notify event planners accordingly.
Given a vendor updates their availability, when an event planner attempts to book the vendor during an already scheduled slot, then the system should display an error message indicating the slot is not available.
The integration should support syncing with multiple calendar applications, including Microsoft Outlook and Apple Calendar, in addition to Google Calendar.
Given a vendor chooses to sync their Microsoft Outlook calendar with EventCraft, when they link their calendar, then the system should successfully import their events and showcase available slots in EventCraft.
Customizable Scheduling Rules
User Story
As an event planner, I want to set customizable scheduling rules within the platform so that I can accommodate my specific requirements and ensure a smooth scheduling process.
This requirement entails developing a feature that allows event planners to set customizable scheduling rules based on their specific needs or industry standards. Planners can define parameters such as minimum notice periods for vendor availability, hours of operation, preferred days, and maximum booking per day. This feature will help ensure that the scheduling process adheres to predefined criteria, resulting in smoother operations and greater vendor satisfaction. By utilizing customizable rules, the platform can cater to various industries and event types, making scheduling more flexible and tailored to individual event needs.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners have the ability to set and modify customizable scheduling rules for their events, including parameters such as minimum notice periods and preferred days.
Given that the planner has the option to create scheduling rules, When a planner sets a minimum notice period of 48 hours, Then the system should prevent any bookings within that time frame when a vendor's availability is checked.
Event planners want to ensure all teams and vendors are informed about the scheduling rules that have been defined for an event.
Given that scheduling rules have been set for an event, When a planner views the event details, Then the system should display all currently defined scheduling rules, ensuring visibility for all users involved.
Planners need to enforce rules that prevent double bookings of vendor slots based on set operation hours.
Given that vendor availability is synced with the event calendar, When a planner tries to book a vendor during their set hours of operation, Then the system should allow the booking only if the vendor is available within those hours, otherwise, it should prompt the planner with a conflict message.
Event planners are required to limit the maximum number of bookings a vendor can have per day to ensure balanced distribution of resources.
Given that a vendor has been booked for the maximum number of allowed events per day, When another planner attempts to book that vendor for the same day, Then the system should block the booking and notify the planner that the vendor is unavailable for additional bookings.
Planners want to ensure that guests can only book vendors when they meet specified conditions based on predefined rules.
Given that specific rules have been set for guest vendor bookings, When a guest attempts to select a vendor, Then the system should verify the guest's conditions against the scheduling and provide an error message if they do not meet the criteria.
Event planners need to create custom rules that can be reused across different events to streamline the planning process.
Given that a planner has created customized scheduling rules for an event, When the planner chooses to save those rules as a template, Then the system should allow those rules to be applied to subsequent events easily and quickly.
Multi-Vendor View
User Story
As an event planner, I want to view the availability of multiple vendors at once so that I can easily compare and choose the best options without switching between different vendor profiles.
This requirement involves creating a feature that enables planners to view the availability of multiple vendors within a single interface. By displaying all relevant vendor schedules side-by-side, planners can easily compare options and make decisions without toggling between different vendor pages. This consolidated view promotes better planning, faster decision-making, and less confusion during the selection process, leading to optimal vendor assignment for various event needs.
Acceptance Criteria
Viewing Multiple Vendor Schedules in a Consolidated View
Given an event is scheduled, when a planner accesses the Multi-Vendor View, then they can see the availability of all selected vendors side-by-side within the same interface.
Highlighting Conflicting Availability
Given multiple vendor schedules are displayed, when a vendor has a scheduling conflict, then the conflicting dates and times should be highlighted visually for easy identification.
Filtering Vendor Availability by Date
Given planners want to check vendor availability for a specific date, when they select a date from the event calendar, then the Multi-Vendor View must update to show only those vendors available on that date.
Real-Time Synchronization with Vendor Calendars
Given vendors have their own scheduling systems, when a vendor updates their availability, then the Multi-Vendor View must reflect these changes in real-time without requiring a page refresh.
User-Friendly Comparison of Vendor Options
Given the Multi-Vendor View is displayed, when a planner hovers over each vendor's availability, then a tooltip with additional information (e.g., rates, services offered) should be displayed for comparison.
Selecting and Booking a Vendor from the Multi-Vendor View
Given the planner has chosen a vendor from the Multi-Vendor View, when they click on the vendor name, then an option to book the vendor along with a confirmation message should be displayed.
Ensuring Accessibility Features are Implemented
Given the Multi-Vendor View is loaded, when a user navigates through the view using a screen reader, then all available vendor information must be read out clearly and accurately for visually impaired users.
Conflict Resolution Suggestions
User Story
As an event planner, I want the platform to suggest alternative slots when a vendor is unavailable so that I can quickly find a solution without excessive coordination.
This requirement includes developing an intelligent algorithm that analyzes vendor availability and suggests alternative dates or times in case of a booking conflict. When a planner attempts to schedule a vendor who is unavailable, the system will automatically present a list of alternative options based on both the vendor's and the event’s constraints. This proactive approach will facilitate smoother scheduling and enhance user satisfaction by reducing back-and-forth communications between planners and vendors.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor Availability Conflict Resolution Suggestion Scenario
Given a vendor is unavailable for the requested time, when a planner attempts to schedule them, then the system should present at least three alternative date and time options based on the vendor's availability.
Event Constraint Consideration Scenario
Given an event with specific constraints (e.g., date, time, location), when a planner seeks to book a vendor who is unavailable, then the system should suggest alternatives that adhere to these event constraints without conflict.
Real-time Updates Scenario
Given any change in vendor availability, when a planner tries to book that vendor, then the system should dynamically update and present alternative suggestions in real time, reflecting the latest availability.
User Notification Scenario
Given a booking conflict, when alternative suggestions are generated, then the system should notify the planner via an alert or message, including the details of the alternatives and their respective availability statuses.
Feedback Mechanism Scenario
Given the planner has used the conflict resolution suggestions, when they select an alternative date, then the system should prompt the planner to provide feedback on the suggestion's usefulness for continual improvement.
Historical Data Utilization Scenario
Given past booking data, when suggesting alternatives for a conflict, then the system should prioritize dates and times previously successful for similar events based on the planner's history.
User Interface Integration Scenario
Given the scheduling interface, when a planner experiences a conflict and views alternative suggestions, then the integration should be seamless, with all options visually clear and easy to navigate.
Contract Management Portal
An intuitive portal for uploading, sharing, and managing vendor contracts within EventCraft. Planners can set reminders for contract renewals and deadlines, ensuring that critical agreements are never overlooked. This reduces administrative burdens and fosters stronger relationships with vendors by maintaining clear communication.
Document Upload Functionality
User Story
As an event planner, I want to be able to upload vendor contracts in multiple formats so that I can keep all my documents organized and accessible in one place.
The requirement entails the ability to upload multiple vendor contracts in various formats (PDF, DOCX, etc.) securely to the Contract Management Portal. This will enable event planners to have all their crucial documents in one centralized location, improving organizational efficiency and ease of access. The system must ensure that all uploaded files are scanned for viruses, encrypted for security, and tagged with metadata for easy retrieval and searchability. Additionally, users should be able to preview documents before finalizing uploads to reduce errors in document management, thus enhancing productivity and collaboration with vendors.
Acceptance Criteria
Uploading multiple vendor contracts in various formats (PDF, DOCX), ensuring a secure and seamless experience for event planners.
Given a user is logged into the Contract Management Portal, When they select multiple documents to upload, Then the system should successfully upload all selected files and display a confirmation message.
Ensuring uploaded vendor contracts are scanned for viruses to maintain a secure environment.
Given a user uploads a document, When the document is scanned for viruses, Then the document should be flagged if any threats are detected and prevented from uploading until resolved.
Allowing users to preview documents before finalizing uploads to minimize errors.
Given a user selects a document to upload, When they click on the 'Preview' button, Then the system should display a view of the document for the user to verify before proceeding with the upload.
Tagging uploaded documents with relevant metadata for easy retrieval and searchability.
Given a user has successfully uploaded a document, When they input metadata tags, Then the system should save those tags with the document for future searching.
Notifying users of upcoming contract renewals or deadlines to help them keep track of critical agreements.
Given a user has uploaded a contract with a set renewal date, When the renewal date is approaching, Then the system should send an email reminder to the user about the upcoming renewal.
Ensuring that uploaded files are encrypted to protect sensitive vendor information.
Given a user uploads a document, When the document is received, Then the system should automatically encrypt the document before storing it in the database.
Providing users with the ability to delete previously uploaded documents if no longer needed.
Given a user views their list of uploaded documents, When they select a document and choose the 'Delete' option, Then the system should remove the document and confirm the deletion with the user.
Contract Renewal Reminders
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive reminders for upcoming contract renewals so that I can proactively manage my vendor relationships and avoid lapses in contracts.
This requirement focuses on implementing a reminder system that automatically notifies event planners of upcoming contract renewals and important deadlines related to vendor agreements. The system should allow users to set personalized reminders, which can be delivered through various channels, such as email notifications or dashboard alerts. This feature will significantly reduce the risk of missed deadlines, foster better vendor relationships by showing professionalism, and ultimately lead to a smoother event planning process. Users will be able to customize the timing and frequency of reminders according to their specific needs.
Acceptance Criteria
User sets a reminder for a contract renewal in the Contract Management Portal.
Given a user is logged into the Contract Management Portal, When the user selects a contract and sets a reminder for renewal, Then the system should save the reminder and confirm with a success message.
User receives an email notification for an upcoming contract renewal.
Given a user has set a reminder for a contract renewal, When the reminder date is reached, Then the user should receive an email notification about the upcoming renewal.
User customizes reminder timing and frequency for contract renewals.
Given a user is on the reminder settings page, When the user selects the timing and frequency for reminders, Then the system should allow saving those preferences and apply them to upcoming renewals.
User checks dashboard alerts for contract renewal notifications.
Given a user is logged into the Contract Management Portal, When there are upcoming renewal reminders, Then the user should see alerts displayed on their dashboard.
User edits an existing reminder for contract renewal.
Given a user has previously set a reminder for a contract renewal, When the user selects to edit the reminder, Then the system should allow changes to the date and frequency, confirming the edit with a success message.
User deletes a previously set contract renewal reminder.
Given a user has a reminder set for a contract renewal, When the user selects to delete that reminder, Then the system should remove the reminder and confirm the deletion with a message.
Vendor Contract Collaboration Tools
User Story
As a team member, I want to collaborate with my colleagues on contract reviews in real-time so that we can finalize agreements more efficiently and avoid miscommunication.
The requirement specifies the need for collaborative tools within the Contract Management Portal that allows multiple users to review, comment, and edit contracts in real-time. This feature enables team members to provide feedback, suggest changes, and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned before finalizing agreements with vendors. Integration with communication tools (like chat or comments) will enhance collaboration and maintain a clear communication trail. This function is vital for ensuring accuracy in contracts and speeding up the approval process, thereby improving overall team productivity and vendor relations.
Acceptance Criteria
Collaboration on Contract Review
Given multiple users are logged into the Contract Management Portal, when one user uploads a vendor contract, then all other users should receive a notification and be able to access, comment, and edit the document in real-time.
Real-time Feedback Mechanism
Given a vendor contract is being reviewed, when a user submits a comment or suggestion, then the system should display the comment in real-time to all users currently viewing the document.
Chat Integration for Discussions
Given a vendor contract is being edited, when a user wants to discuss specific terms, then they should be able to initiate a chat that is linked to the document, maintaining context within the Contract Management Portal.
Change Tracking for Contract Edits
Given a vendor contract is being edited by multiple users, when changes are made, then the system must highlight those changes and allow users to view a version history to track edits and comments made.
Approval Workflow for Finalization
Given that a vendor contract has been collaboratively edited, when all necessary stakeholders provide their approval through the portal, then the contract should be marked as finalized and sent for execution to the vendor automatically.
Reminder System for Contract Renewals
Given a vendor contract has an upcoming renewal date, when the date approaches, then the system should send automated reminders to all users who are part of the contract management team.
User Permissions and Access Control
Given that the Contract Management Portal is utilized by a team, when a new user is added, then the system should allow the administrator to set specific permissions related to viewing, commenting, and editing contracts based on user roles.
Contract Versions and History Tracking
User Story
As an event planner, I want to track different versions of vendor contracts so that I can maintain accountability and ensure compliance throughout the negotiation process.
This requirement includes the ability for users to track different versions of vendor contracts and maintain a history log of changes made. Users should be able to view, compare, and revert to previous versions if needed, along with a detailed log of who made changes and when. This feature provides transparency in contract negotiations and helps in compliance with legal standards, ensuring that users have easy access to past agreements. By enabling effective version control, event planners can better manage changes and maintain accountability in their dealings with vendors.
Acceptance Criteria
User uploads a new vendor contract version to the Contract Management Portal.
Given the user is logged into the Contract Management Portal, when the user uploads a new version of a contract, then the system should save the new version and update the version history log to reflect this change including the upload timestamp and the user's details.
User views the history of a specific vendor contract.
Given the user selects a vendor contract from the list, when the user clicks on the 'View History' button, then the system should display a chronological list of all changes made to that contract, including the version number, modification date, and the user who made the change.
User compares two different versions of a vendor contract.
Given the user is viewing a vendor contract, when the user selects two versions for comparison, then the system should display a side-by-side comparison of both versions highlighting differences in text, and allowing the user to easily identify changes made.
User reverts to a previous version of a vendor contract.
Given the user is viewing the version history of a vendor contract, when the user selects a previous version and clicks 'Revert', then the system should restore the selected version as the current active version and log this action in the version history with the user details and timestamp.
User is notified of changes made to a vendor contract.
Given a contract is modified by another user, when the change is made, then the system should send an automatic notification to all users who have access to that contract, informing them of the update and prompting them to review the changes.
User sets a reminder for contract renewal based on the last version update.
Given the user has uploaded a new contract version, when the user sets a reminder for renewal, then the system should save the reminder and send automatic notifications to the user a week before the renewal date.
Integrated Search Functionality
User Story
As an event planner, I want to be able to quickly search for vendor contracts using various criteria so that I can save time and find relevant documents easily.
The requirement entails implementing a robust search feature within the Contract Management Portal that allows users to quickly find contracts based on various criteria, such as vendor name, contract status, or keywords within the documents. This functionality enhances the user experience by providing instant access to relevant contracts, significantly reducing the time spent searching for information. Advanced search filters and capabilities must be included, enabling planners to conduct thorough and efficient searches across all stored contracts.
Acceptance Criteria
User conducts a search for a contract using the vendor name as the search criterion.
Given a user is on the Contract Management Portal, when they enter a vendor name into the search bar and hit enter, then the portal should return all contracts associated with that vendor name within 2 seconds.
User filters search results by contract status.
Given a user has conducted a general search, when they apply a filter for 'Active Contracts', then only contracts with an 'Active' status should be displayed in the results.
User uses keywords to search within contract documents.
Given a user is viewing the Contract Management Portal, when they enter a keyword present in any contract document into the search field, then the system should return all contracts containing that keyword within 2 seconds.
User searches for a contract but there are no matching results.
Given a user conducts a search with no existing contracts matching their criteria, when they hit enter, then the system should display a message stating 'No contracts found matching your search criteria.'
User utilizes advanced search options to enhance search accuracy.
Given a user wants to refine their search, when they select advanced search options and specify multiple criteria (vendor name, contract status), then the system should return results that match all selected criteria in a timely manner.
User accesses the search feature on mobile devices.
Given a user is accessing the Contract Management Portal via a mobile device, when they utilize the search functionality, then the search results should adjust appropriately to fit the mobile screen and retain full functionality.
User receives a reminder notification for contract renewals based on search results.
Given a user has searched for contracts nearing their renewal dates, when the results are displayed, then the portal should also show reminders for contracts set to renew within the next 30 days alongside the search results.
Collaborative Vendor Chat
A built-in messaging system that allows event planners to communicate directly with vendors within the platform. This feature promotes seamless communication, enabling quick questions, modifications, and updates without leaving EventCraft, ultimately reducing email clutter and miscommunication.
Real-time Chat Notifications
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive real-time notifications for vendor messages so that I can promptly respond to any inquiries and ensure smooth communication throughout the planning process.
This requirement focuses on implementing a notification system for the Collaborative Vendor Chat feature that alerts event planners in real-time whenever a message is received. The benefit of this functionality is that it ensures planners do not miss important communications and can respond to vendor inquiries promptly. This will enhance the coordination process, minimize delays, and provide a more seamless communication experience. Additionally, notifications can be customized based on planner preferences for further personalization.
Acceptance Criteria
Event Planner Receiving Messages from Vendors during an Event Planning Session
Given an event planner is logged into EventCraft, when a vendor sends a message, then the event planner receives a real-time notification on their screen and an optional sound alert.
User Customization of Notification Settings for Vendor Messages
Given an event planner accesses their profile settings, when they adjust their notification preferences for vendor messages, then those settings are saved and applied for future incoming messages.
Response to Vendor Messages via Notification Popup
Given an event planner receives a notification for a new message from a vendor, when they click on the notification, then it opens the chat window with the vendor for immediate response.
Missed Message Notification System for Event Planners
Given an event planner has not viewed vendor messages for a certain period, when the time exceeds the set threshold, then a summary notification indicating missed messages is displayed in the planner's dashboard.
Visual Indication of Unread Messages in the Chat Interface
Given an event planner is in the Collaborative Vendor Chat, when there are unread messages from vendors, then those messages are highlighted and a counter indicating the number of unread messages is shown.
Notification Logging for Historical Reference
Given an event planner receives multiple vendor messages, when they review their chat history, then all notifications received for those messages are logged with timestamps for future reference.
File Sharing Capability
User Story
As an event planner, I want to share files directly in the vendor chat so that I can collaborate effectively without the need to send multiple emails.
The requirement entails enabling a file sharing feature within the Collaborative Vendor Chat, allowing event planners to attach and send files (e.g., contracts, documents, images) directly during the chat. This functionality simplifies the process of sharing essential materials without switching between platforms. By integrating file sharing, it enhances collaboration and ensures that both parties have immediate access to the necessary information in an organized manner, thereby reducing communication barriers.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners need to share a contract document with a vendor during a live chat to finalize a negotiation.
Given that a chat session is open, When the event planner clicks on the 'attach file' button, Then the planner can select a file from their device and send it to the vendor through the chat.
A vendor receives an image of an event layout shared by the event planner for feedback during a chat conversation.
Given that the vendor is in the chat session, When the event planner sends an image file, Then the vendor should receive a notification and be able to view the image immediately within the chat interface.
An event planner wants to share multiple files, including PDFs and images, to ensure the vendor has all the necessary event details.
Given that multiple files are ready for sharing, When the event planner selects and sends multiple files at once, Then all selected files should be uploaded and visible in the chat stream without errors.
A vendor must download a shared file sent by the event planner for review.
Given that the event planner has sent a file, When the vendor clicks on the download link within the chat, Then the file should download successfully to the vendor's device without any issues.
Event planners and vendors need to reference shared files historically during discussions in the chat.
Given that a file has been uploaded in a previous chat, When either party scrolls through the chat history, Then they should be able to view and access all previously shared files with ease.
An event planner wants to ensure that the correct file is being shared with a vendor before sending it.
Given that a file is selected for sharing, When the event planner clicks 'send', Then a preview of the file should be displayed for confirmation before finalizing the action.
The system must handle file size limitations for shared files between users within the chat.
Given that a file exceeds the maximum size limit, When the event planner tries to attach the file, Then a warning message should be displayed indicating the file exceeds size limits and it should not be sent.
Chat History Access
User Story
As an event planner, I want to access the chat history with vendors so that I can revisit past conversations and ensure I have all necessary details about our discussions.
This requirement aims to provide users with access to an accessible chat history feature within the Collaborative Vendor Chat. This will allow event planners and vendors to review previous messages and decisions made during the planning process. Having a documented chat history ensures that critical information is not lost and can be revisited for clarification or reference, leading to improved accountability and transparency in communication between parties.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners can access chat history from the Collaborative Vendor Chat feature after a conversation has ended to review previous discussions and decisions made with vendors.
Given that the user has completed a chat session with a vendor, when they navigate to the chat history, then they should see a list of all previous messages sorted by date and time.
Users can retrieve specific chat history by searching for keywords or phrases related to their event planning discussions.
Given that the user is on the chat history page, when they enter a keyword in the search bar and click 'Search,' then the system should display all chat messages containing that keyword.
Users can distinguish between different vendors' chat histories in the Collaborative Vendor Chat feature to avoid confusion during event planning.
Given that the user accesses the chat history, when they view the list of chats, then the system should display the vendor's name alongside the date and time for easy identification of each chat session.
Users receive notifications for any new messages in their chat history while navigating through EventCraft.
Given that the user is currently viewing the chat history, when a new message arrives from a vendor, then the user should receive a real-time notification indicating the arrival of the new message.
Users can download and export chat history for offline access or record-keeping.
Given that the user is viewing the chat history, when they click on the 'Download Chat History' button, then a file containing the chat messages should be prompted for download in a standard format (e.g., PDF or TXT).
Users can view chat history in chronological order to track the sequence of conversations and decisions made with vendors.
Given that the user accesses the chat history, when they review the messages, then the messages should be displayed in chronological order with the most recent message at the top.
User Tags and Mentions
User Story
As an event planner, I want to tag vendors in the chat so that they receive notifications for messages specifically directed to them, allowing for better task management and communication.
This requirement encompasses the ability for event planners to tag or mention vendors directly in the Collaborative Vendor Chat. This feature will help draw attention to specific messages or tasks directed at particular vendors, ensuring that important information does not get overlooked. Tagging will improve accountability and create an efficient way to manage conversations, particularly when multiple vendors are involved in a project.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner is in the Collaborative Vendor Chat and wants to tag a vendor to ensure they see an important message about a schedule change.
Given the event planner has access to the Collaborative Vendor Chat, when they type '@' followed by the vendor's name, then the vendor should be indicated with a visual highlight and the message should include the vendor's name in a tagged format.
An event planner tags multiple vendors in the same message to ensure all relevant parties are aware of a budget update.
Given multiple vendors are tagged in a single message, when the message is sent, then all tagged vendors should receive a notification of the message in their platform notifications.
A vendor wishes to respond to a message that they were tagged in to confirm their availability for a particular date.
Given the vendor receives a notification for being tagged, when they reply to the message, then their reply should be visible in the Collaborative Vendor Chat and ensure proper threading of the conversation.
An event planner mistakenly tags the wrong vendor in a message and wants to correct this action.
Given a message has been sent with an incorrect vendor tag, when the event planner clicks on the message, then they should have the option to edit the message and remove or change the vendor tag.
Team members need to ensure that all tagged messages are being tracked effectively by searching for tags within the vendor chat.
Given the event planner enters a search term related to a specific vendor's tag, when the search is executed, then all messages containing that tag should be displayed in the search results.
A vendor wants to see a history of messages in which they have been tagged to track their responsibilities.
Given the vendor is in the Collaborative Vendor Chat, when they click on their profile or a filter option for tagged messages, then they should see a chronological list of all messages where they were tagged along with associated timestamps.
An event planner wants to ensure that the tagging feature works seamlessly on both desktop and mobile interfaces.
Given an event planner is using either the desktop or mobile version of EventCraft, when they utilize the tagging feature, then the functionality should work identically between both platforms without any discrepancy.
Integration with Calendar
User Story
As an event planner, I want to integrate scheduling within the vendor chat so that I can easily arrange meetings and track deadlines without losing context in our conversation.
This requirement seeks to incorporate a calendar integration feature within the Collaborative Vendor Chat, allowing event planners to schedule meetings or deadlines specific to vendor communications directly within the chat interface. This integration will enhance productivity by keeping scheduling transparent and accessible, allowing planners and vendors to agree on timelines without needing to exit the platform for external calendar applications.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration of the calendar feature within the Collaborative Vendor Chat allows event planners to propose specific meeting times with vendors during the chat.
Given an event planner is using the Collaborative Vendor Chat, when they click on the calendar icon, then they should see an option to select dates and times for scheduling meetings with vendors.
Event planners can successfully schedule a meeting with a vendor through the chat interface using the integrated calendar feature.
Given the event planner has selected a date and time for a meeting with a vendor, when they confirm the scheduling, then the vendor should receive a notification within the chat confirming the meeting.
The calendar integration should sync with existing calendar applications (e.g. Google Calendar, Outlook) to ensure planners and vendors remain up to date with appointments.
Given an event planner schedules a meeting using the integrated calendar, when they check their external calendar application, then the scheduled meeting should reflect accurately in that application.
Event planners and vendors can modify a previously scheduled meeting through the Collaborative Vendor Chat without confusion or errors.
Given a meeting has been scheduled, when either the event planner or vendor modifies the meeting details in the chat, then all parties should receive updated notifications of the changes made.
The calendar feature should allow for reminders to be set for scheduled meetings with vendors to avoid missed appointments.
Given a meeting is scheduled, when the event planner sets a reminder for the meeting, then the planner should receive an alert notification 30 minutes before the meeting occurs.
Event planners can view a summary of all upcoming meetings with vendors directly within the Collaborative Vendor Chat interface.
Given the event planner accesses the chat interface, when they click on the calendar section, then they should see a list of all upcoming meetings scheduled with vendors.
The calendar integration respects time zone differences when scheduling meetings with vendors from different regions.
Given an event planner in one time zone schedules a meeting with a vendor in another time zone, when they view the meeting details, then the time should be correctly adjusted to reflect the vendor’s local time zone.
Vendor Rating & Feedback System
Allow event planners to rate vendors and leave feedback based on their experiences. This feature not only helps build a community of trust among users but also aids planners in making informed decisions by learning from the experiences of their peers.
Vendor Rating Submission
User Story
As an event planner, I want to rate and provide feedback on vendors I’ve worked with so that I can share my experiences and help others in the community make better-informed decisions.
This requirement involves creating a user interface where event planners can rate vendors on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars) based on their service experience. Users should be able to leave detailed comments and feedback describing specific aspects of the vendor's performance, such as communication, quality, and reliability. The system must then securely store these ratings and comments, associating them with the corresponding vendor profile. This functionality will enhance user trust and community engagement, allowing planners to make informed vendor selections based on peer feedback.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner successfully submits a vendor rating and feedback after an event concludes, providing a score and detailed comments on their experience with the vendor's services.
Given an event planner is on the vendor rating submission page, when they select a rating of 1-5 stars and enter detailed comments, then the rating and comments should be successfully submitted and stored in the vendor's profile.
Event planners can view ratings and comments submitted by their peers regarding a specific vendor before making a decision to hire them for an upcoming event.
Given a user is viewing a vendor profile, when they look at the ratings and feedback section, then they should see all relevant ratings and comments from other users clearly listed.
The system provides feedback confirmation to the event planner after they successfully submit their vendor rating and feedback.
Given a user has submitted a vendor rating and comments, when the submission is complete, then a confirmation message should be displayed, indicating the feedback was successfully recorded.
Event planners can only submit feedback for vendors they have previously hired for their events, ensuring insights are relevant and based on real experiences.
Given an event planner is on the vendor rating submission page, when they attempt to rate a vendor they have not hired, then they should see a notification that they are not eligible to submit feedback.
The system securely associates ratings and comments with the corresponding vendor profile to maintain data integrity and user trust.
Given a vendor has received ratings and comments, when the data is stored, then it should be accurately linked to the vendor's profile and retrievable by authorized users only.
Event planners can edit or delete their previously submitted ratings and comments if they wish to update their feedback based on new experiences or changes in service.
Given a user has submitted feedback, when they choose to edit or delete it, then the system should allow them to make those changes and confirm the updated submission.
The rating system includes a mechanism to prevent users from submitting multiple ratings for the same vendor to avoid bias and ensure fair representation.
Given a user attempts to rate a vendor they have previously rated, when they submit a new rating, then the system should notify them that they can only submit one rating per vendor.
Vendor Rating Display
User Story
As a potential client, I want to see vendor ratings and feedback on their profile so that I can evaluate their reliability and quality of service before hiring them.
This requirement is for displaying vendor ratings and feedback in a user-friendly format on the vendor's profile page. The system should aggregate and calculate average ratings, showcase the total number of ratings, and display recent feedback prominently. The display must ensure information is easily readable and visually appealing to facilitate quick assessments. Additionally, this component should allow for sorting and filtering options for users to view the ratings based on different criteria like date or score, thus improving user interaction and decision-making.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor Ratings Display on Vendor Profile Page
Given I am an event planner viewing a vendor's profile, when I check the ratings section, then I must see the average rating out of 5, the total number of ratings, and the five most recent feedback entries prominently displayed.
Sorting Vendor Ratings
Given I am on the vendor profile page, when I click on the 'Sort' dropdown menu, then I should be able to sort the ratings by date (most recent first) or score (highest to lowest).
Filtering Vendor Ratings
Given I am reviewing the vendor ratings, when I apply a filter for ratings of 4 stars and above, then I should only see feedback from users who rated the vendor 4 stars or higher.
Responsive Design for Ratings Display
Given I am accessing the vendor profile page from a mobile device, when I view the ratings section, then the layout should adapt to fit the screen properly without losing readability or visual appeal.
Visual Appeal of Rating Display
Given I am an event planner reviewing vendor ratings, when I view the ratings section, then I must see a visually appealing design that highlights ratings using color coding and icons to represent scores.
User Experience with Feedback Navigation
Given I am a user reading the feedback on a vendor's profile, when I navigate through the listed feedback, then each feedback entry should be clearly separated and easily readable without excessive scrolling.
Average Rating Calculation Accuracy
Given a vendor has received multiple ratings, when I view the vendor's profile page, then the average rating displayed must be accurately calculated based on all submitted ratings.
Feedback Moderation System
User Story
As an admin, I want to moderate the feedback submitted on vendor ratings so that I can ensure that the content remains helpful and appropriate for users.
This requirement involves implementing a moderation system to review feedback submitted by users before it gets published. Moderators will have the ability to approve or reject ratings and comments based on community guidelines to prevent spam or inappropriate content. The moderation interface should allow easy access to submitted ratings, provide options for responding to users, and enable record-keeping of all moderation decisions. This ensures the credibility of the feedback system and maintains a trustworthy environment for event planners.
Acceptance Criteria
Feedback Submission and Moderation Workflow
Given a user submits feedback on a vendor, When the feedback is submitted, Then it should appear in the moderation interface for review by a moderator.
Moderator Approval of Feedback
Given a moderator reviews submitted feedback, When the moderator approves the feedback, Then the feedback should be published and visible to all users.
Moderator Rejection of Feedback
Given a moderator reviews submitted feedback, When the moderator rejects the feedback, Then the feedback should not be published and the user should receive a notification about the rejection.
Record-Keeping of Moderation Decisions
Given a moderation decision is made, When the moderation decision is logged, Then all decisions should be recorded with timestamps and moderator details for future reference.
User Notification for Feedback Status Change
Given a feedback submission is approved or rejected, When the status is updated, Then the user who submitted the feedback should receive an email notification about the status change.
Moderation Interface Accessibility
Given a moderator logs into the moderation interface, When they access the feedback module, Then they should see a user-friendly layout of all submitted feedback categorized by approval status.
Community Guidelines Enforcement
Given the community guidelines are established, When a moderator reviews feedback, Then the feedback should be evaluated against the established guidelines to ensure compliance before publication.
Notification System for New Feedback
User Story
As a vendor, I want to be notified when I receive new ratings or feedback so that I can respond to clients and improve my services accordingly.
This requirement entails the development of an automated notification system that alerts vendors when new feedback or ratings are submitted for their services. Vendors should receive a notification via their dashboard and possibly through email, enabling them to promptly respond to feedback. This interaction increases vendor engagement with the feedback process and promotes better communication between vendors and event planners.
Acceptance Criteria
New feedback submitted by an event planner for a vendor they have previously worked with.
Given that a vendor has registered in the EventCraft platform, when a new feedback is submitted for their services by an event planner, then the vendor should receive a notification on their dashboard and via email within 5 minutes of submission.
Vendor logs into their dashboard after new feedback has been submitted.
Given that a vendor logs into their dashboard, when they check their notifications, then they should see a summary of any new feedback received, along with the option to respond directly.
Automatic reminders for vendors to check feedback.
Given that feedback has been submitted for a vendor, when 48 hours have passed without the vendor responding to the feedback, then the vendor should receive a reminder notification both on their dashboard and via email.
User feedback submission confirmation to event planners.
Given that an event planner submits feedback for a vendor, when the submission is successful, then the event planner should receive a confirmation message on the platform and via email confirming their feedback submission.
Vendor interaction with submitted feedback.
Given that a vendor receives new feedback, when they click to view the feedback details, then they should be able to see the feedback content, the event planner's name, and respond to the feedback within the platform.
Handling feedback submission errors.
Given that an event planner attempts to submit feedback but encounters an error (e.g., network issue), when they try again, then they should receive a clear error message explaining the issue and guiding them on how to proceed.
Feedback visibility for event planners.
Given that an event planner wants to view feedback for a specific vendor, when they navigate to the vendor's profile, then they should see a section displaying all submitted feedback, along with the average rating and the number of feedback submissions.
Reporting Dashboard for Feedback Analysis
User Story
As an event planner, I want to analyze vendor feedback trends through a dedicated dashboard so that I can make data-driven decisions when selecting vendors for my events.
This requirement involves creating a reporting dashboard that provides analytics and insights into vendor performance based on feedback. It should allow event planners to view trends over time, analyze common feedback themes, and see how ratings compare across multiple vendors. This analysis will help planners make more informed decisions based on collective community insights, ultimately enhancing the quality of service they choose.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners want to view the dashboard to analyze vendor performance based on feedback received over the last quarter.
Given an event planner is logged into the reporting dashboard, when they select the date range for the last quarter, then they should see a summary of vendor ratings and feedback trends for that period.
An event planner needs to identify common themes in feedback from various vendors.
Given an event planner is on the reporting dashboard, when they click on the 'Feedback Themes' section, then they should see a categorized list of common feedback themes collected from user ratings.
A user wants to compare vendor performance based on ratings across multiple categories.
Given an event planner selects multiple vendors for comparison, when they view the comparison report, then they should see side-by-side ratings along with the overall average for each vendor.
An event planner aims to generate a report to send to stakeholders that includes vendor performance metrics.
Given an event planner is on the reporting dashboard, when they click the 'Generate Report' button, then they should receive a downloadable PDF report including vendor ratings and feedback analysis.
The event planner wants to filter feedback by a specific rating range to assess vendor performance.
Given an event planner is using the reporting dashboard, when they apply a filter for a specific rating range (e.g., 4 to 5 stars), then the dashboard should update to show only vendors that meet the rating criteria.
An event planner is looking for a historical analysis of vendor ratings over the previous years.
Given an event planner selects a historical time frame from the dashboard, when they view the historical ratings section, then they should see a trend graph showing vendor ratings over the selected years.
Budget Integration Tool
An integrated tool that links vendor costs directly to the event budget, providing real-time updates on how vendor selections impact overall financial planning. This feature enables planners to manage expenses seamlessly, ensuring they stay within budget while still selecting the best vendors for their events.
Real-time Vendor Cost Tracking
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see real-time updates on vendor costs in relation to my budget so that I can make informed decisions and stay within my financial limits.
This requirement ensures that the Budget Integration Tool provides real-time updates on vendor costs as they are selected, allowing event planners to see how each vendor affects their budget immediately. It integrates seamlessly with the existing budgeting structure within EventCraft, providing an interface where users can view updated total costs and how vendor choices impact the overall budget. The tool is essential for maintaining financial control and transparency during the planning process, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making regarding vendor selections and budget allocations.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to select a vendor for catering services so that I can see how this decision affects my overall budget in real-time while finalizing my event plan.
Given I am on the budget management page, when I select a catering vendor, then the budget summary should update immediately to reflect the new total costs, including the selected vendor's fees.
As an event planner, I want to deselect a vendor for AV equipment so that I can track how removing this expense impacts my budget immediately.
Given I have previously selected an AV vendor, when I deselect this vendor, then the budget summary should reflect the updated total costs without the AV equipment fees.
As an event planner, I want to compare multiple vendor options side-by-side to understand their cost differences and how each fits within my budget.
Given I have selected at least two vendors for the same service, when I view the comparison interface, then I should see real-time calculations demonstrating how each vendor impacts the total budget based on my selections.
As an event planner, I want to receive a warning if my selected vendors exceed my budget limit, so I can make informed adjustments before finalizing choices.
Given my total budget is set at a specific limit, when I select vendors that push my total costs over this limit, then I should receive a clear warning indicating that I have exceeded my planned budget.
As an event planner, I want historical cost data for vendors being selected, so I can make informed decisions based on previous events and budgeting trends.
Given I am in the vendor selection process, when I look at a vendor's profile, then I should see historical cost data and trends that inform me about average expenses for the chosen service from past events.
As an event planner, I want to ensure that all vendor costs are aggregated correctly and displayed accurately in my budget report for easy reference.
Given I have selected multiple vendors, when I generate the budget report, then it should show a detailed breakdown of all vendor costs along with subtotal and total amounts clearly, ensuring accurate financial tracking.
As an event planner, I want to receive notifications when vendor prices change, so I can adjust my budget accordingly.
Given I am using the Budget Integration Tool, when a vendor I have selected updates their pricing, then I should receive a notification alerting me to the change and its impact on my current budget.
Budget Notification Alerts
User Story
As a user, I want to receive alerts when my budget is at risk due to vendor costs so that I can make adjustments before it's too late.
This requirement outlines the need for automated alerts and notifications when budget thresholds are approached or exceeded. The Budget Integration Tool must include a configurable alert system that notifies users via email or in-app messages whenever their current vendor selections exceed the allocated budget parameters. This feature is critical for proactive management of event expenses, helping planners to adjust their selections promptly and avoid budget overruns.
Acceptance Criteria
User receives a notification when vendor selections exceed a defined budget threshold during the planning of an event.
Given a user has set budget thresholds for their event, when the total cost of selected vendors exceeds the threshold, then an email notification and an in-app alert should be sent to the user immediately.
User configures budget alert settings through the Budget Integration Tool.
Given the user is in the Budget Integration Tool settings, when they configure their budget alert preferences, then the settings should be saved and applicable alerts should activate based on the defined thresholds.
User checks the budget status after adding new vendors to the event.
Given a user has added new vendor selections to their event, when they check the budget overview, then the total expense should reflect the newly added vendors and alert notifications should indicate if the budget threshold is exceeded.
User updates budget thresholds and verifies alert notifications functionality.
Given a user updates their budget thresholds in the Budget Integration Tool, when the total vendor costs exceed the new threshold, then the user should receive updated notifications via email and in-app messaging.
System logs the details of each budget threshold alert sent to users.
Given a budget threshold alert has been triggered, when the alert is generated, then the system should log the alert details, including the user ID, timestamp, and budget threshold exceeded, for future reference.
User receives a summary of all budget alerts after the event is completed.
Given an event has concluded, when the user accesses the event summary report, then it should include a section detailing all budget alerts that were sent during the planning process, including timestamps and actions taken.
User tests the notification system for different email providers to ensure compatibility.
Given a user has registered with various email providers, when the budget exceeds the threshold, then the notification should be successfully delivered to all configured email accounts regardless of the provider used.
Interactive Budget Visualization
User Story
As an event coordinator, I want to see an interactive graph of my budget utilization so that I can easily understand my spending and make informed adjustments.
This requirement introduces an interactive visualization tool within the Budget Integration Tool that presents budget data graphically, enabling users to understand their financial position at a glance. It would include charts and graphs that update in real-time as vendor selections are made, showing current expenditures versus budgeted amounts. This visual aid enhances usability and helps users quickly identify areas where they may need to adjust their spending.
Acceptance Criteria
User initiates the Budget Integration Tool and accesses the Interactive Budget Visualization feature to view their current financial status for an upcoming event.
Given the user is in the Budget Integration Tool, when they select the Interactive Budget Visualization option, then the budget overview should display as a series of dynamic graphs representing actual versus budgeted amounts.
A user selects a vendor from the vendors list which impacts the overall event budget while viewing the Interactive Budget Visualization.
Given the user selects a vendor, when this selection is confirmed, then the Interactive Budget Visualization should update in real-time to reflect the new total expenditures and budget status.
The user modifies an item in their budget, and wants to see how this change affects their overall financial picture through the Interactive Budget Visualization.
Given the user modifies a budget line item, when the change is saved, then the Interactive Budget Visualization should immediately reflect the updated budget data, including new graphs and charts.
User decides to compare past event budgets with the current event budget through the Interactive Budget Visualization feature to analyze trends.
Given the user selects a past event's budget for comparison, when the comparison option is activated, then the Interactive Budget Visualization should display a side-by-side graphical representation of both budgets for easy comparison.
While using the Interactive Budget Visualization tool, a user encounters an error that prevents budget charts from displaying correctly.
Given the user is using the Interactive Budget Visualization tool, when an error occurs while fetching data, then an error message should be displayed with instructions to refresh or contact support.
A user wants to ensure that all elements of their event budget are represented accurately in the visualization tool after making multiple vendor selections over a session.
Given multiple vendors have been selected or deselected, when the user reviews the Interactive Budget Visualization, then all selected vendors should accurately reflect in the budget breakdown charts displayed.
Vendor Selection Comparisons
User Story
As a planner, I want to compare costs and services of different vendors so that I can choose the best options within my budget.
This requirement entails building a comparison feature that allows users to evaluate multiple vendors side-by-side against their costs and value propositions. This tool should enable event planners to filter and sort vendors based on various criteria such as price, reviews, and service offerings, emphasizing how each option fits into the overall budget. This functionality fosters better decision-making by providing planners with a clearer picture of their options.
Acceptance Criteria
User successfully compares multiple vendors based on cost and reviews to make an informed decision for an upcoming event.
Given the user is on the vendor comparison page, when they select multiple vendors, then they should see a side-by-side comparison showing costs, reviews, and service offerings of each selected vendor.
User applies filters to narrow down vendor options based on specific criteria.
Given the user is on the vendor comparison page, when they apply filters such as price range, review score, and service type, then the displayed vendor list should update to reflect only the vendors that meet the selected criteria.
User successfully sorts vendors by price and is able to view the impact on the overall budget.
Given the user is on the vendor comparison page, when they choose to sort vendors by price, then the vendors should be listed from lowest to highest price, and the total estimated cost should update accordingly.
User saves a preferred vendor comparison for later reference.
Given the user has selected multiple vendors for comparison, when they click the 'Save Comparison' button, then the selected vendors and their comparison data should be saved in the user's account for future reference.
User receives an alert when selected vendors exceed budget constraints.
Given the user has set a budget for their event, when they select vendors that collectively exceed this budget, then an alert message should inform the user of the budget overage and suggest adjustments.
User updates vendor information after receiving feedback or quotes.
Given the user is on the vendor comparison page, when they update the vendor's cost or service details, then the vendor's information should be updated in real-time, reflecting changes in the comparison view.
User can access help documentation while using the vendor comparison tool.
Given the user is on the vendor comparison page, when they click on the help icon, then a help documentation pop-up should display relevant information about using the comparison tool effectively.
Budget Allocation Templates
User Story
As an event planner, I want to use customizable budget templates so that I can streamline my planning process for different types of events.
This requirement focuses on implementing customizable budget templates that allow planners to predefine categories and allocations for various event components. Users should be able to create, modify, and save templates for different types of events, streamlining future planning processes. By having predefined allocation categories, users can ensure their budgeting is organized and aligned with their expectations for different projects.
Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new budget allocation template for a corporate seminar event.
Given the user is on the Budget Allocation Templates page, when they select 'Create New Template', then they should be able to input and save categories and allocations specific to the corporate seminar event, which can be retrieved later.
User modifies an existing budget allocation template for a wedding event.
Given the user is viewing a pre-existing wedding budget template, when they change the allocation amounts and save the template, then the updated template should reflect the new values without errors.
User saves multiple budget templates for different types of events.
Given the user has created several budget templates, when they choose to view all saved templates, then the system should display a list of all saved templates without duplications or omissions.
User attempts to delete a budget allocation template that is no longer needed.
Given the user selects a budget template and clicks 'Delete', when they confirm the deletion, then the template should be removed from the saved templates list effectively and displayed no longer.
User attempts to load a previously saved budget allocation template for an annual conference.
Given the user is on the Budget Allocation Templates page, when they select the 'Load Template' option for the annual conference, then the system should pre-fill the budget fields with the saved allocations without discrepancies.
User defines budget category labels while creating a new template.
Given the user is filling out the new template form, when they enter custom labels for budget categories, then those labels should be saved correctly and displayed in the overview of the budget allocation template.
Historical Spending Analysis Feature
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to analyze my past spending patterns to know where I can save costs in future events so that I can budget more effectively.
This requirement includes a feature that analyzes historical spending data from previous events to help users better understand trends and make more informed budgeting decisions for upcoming events. By integrating this analysis tool, event planners can compare past vendor costs, categories of spending, and overall budgeting effectiveness, leading to improved financial planning and realistic budget formulations for future events.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Historical Spending Analysis Feature via the Budget Integration Tool after completing an event setup.
Given that the user has successfully set up an event with vendor costs, when they navigate to the Historical Spending Analysis Feature, then they should be able to view a comprehensive report of historical spending data categorized by vendor and cost category.
User applies filters to analyze specific vendors or cost categories based on historical spending.
Given that the user is on the Historical Spending Analysis report, when they select specific filters for vendors or cost categories, then the displayed data should update accordingly to reflect only the chosen parameters.
User generates a comparison report of past events' spending to current event budgeting.
Given that the user is reviewing the historical spending data, when they opt to generate a comparison report, then the system should create a report that highlights differences in spending between past events and the current budget.
User accesses historical data to view trends over multiple events.
Given that the user opens the Historical Spending Analysis Feature, when they view the trends section, then they should see a visual representation (e.g., graph or chart) indicating spending trends over a specified number of past events.
The user utilizes insights from historical spending for budget formulation of a new event.
Given that the historical spending data is available, when the user inputs budget estimates for a new event, then the system should suggest adjustments based on historical spending trends and anomalies.
User shares historical spending analysis insights with their team during an event planning meeting.
Given that the user is on the Historical Spending Analysis Feature, when they click the share button, then a shareable report link should be generated that can be sent to their team members for collaborative discussion.
User receives alerts when potential budget overruns are detected based on historical data.
Given that the historical spending analysis is linked to the current budget, when the user examines the budget overview, then they should receive notifications or alerts if any proposed vendor costs exceed historical spending averages.
Customizable Vendor Lists
Enable planners to create and save personalized lists of preferred vendors based on services, pricing, and past performance. This feature helps streamline the vendor selection process for different types of events and ensures that planners can quickly access trusted resources.
Customizable Vendor Lists
User Story
As an event planner, I want to create and save customized lists of my preferred vendors, so that I can quickly access trusted resources for different types of events without having to search every time I plan an event.
This requirement enables users to create, save, and manage personalized lists of preferred vendors based on criteria such as services offered, pricing, and past performance. The functionality allows planners to categorize vendors by event type (e.g., weddings, corporate events, parties) and filter their selections according to specific needs, ensuring easy access to trusted resources. This not only streamlines the vendor selection process but also enhances collaboration among team members by allowing them to share lists, add notes, and update vendor status in real-time. By incorporating this feature, EventCraft boosts efficiency in the planning process, reduces time spent searching for vendors, and leverages past experiences to guide future selections.
Acceptance Criteria
User creates a custom vendor list for a wedding event and categorizes vendors into different service types.
Given the user has access to the vendor list feature, when they select vendors and assign them to the 'Wedding' category, then the system should save the list and categorize the vendors as 'Catering', 'Photography', and 'Florists'.
Planner shares their vendor list with a team member for collaboration.
Given the user has a saved vendor list, when they use the sharing option to send it to a team member, then the recipient should receive an email notification with access to the shared list within 5 minutes.
User filters the vendor list by pricing to find affordable options for a corporate event.
Given the user has a vendor list, when they apply a filter for vendors with pricing below $1,000, then the system should display only the vendors meeting this criterion.
Team member adds notes and updates the status of a vendor in the shared list.
Given the user is viewing a shared vendor list, when they add a note and change a vendor's status to 'Contacted', then the changes should be visible to all users within 2 seconds.
User searches the vendor list using a keyword related to vendor services.
Given the user is on the vendor list page, when they enter 'Catering' in the search bar, then the system should return all vendors associated with catering services within 3 seconds.
User deletes a vendor from their custom vendor list.
Given the user has a vendor in their list, when they select the delete option, then the vendor should be removed from the list, and the system should confirm the action with a success message.
Vendor Performance Ratings
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to rate and review vendors after my events, so that I can contribute to a valuable resource for myself and others during future planning activities.
This requirement involves implementing a performance rating system for vendors, allowing users to rate and review their experiences based on several key metrics such as reliability, quality of service, and responsiveness. The ratings will contribute to an overall score for each vendor, which can be viewed alongside vendor details in the customizable lists. This feature also enables planners to make informed decisions when selecting vendors for their events and helps maintain high standards within the ecosystem by encouraging vendors to improve their services. Additionally, aggregating feedback and displaying trends in vendor performance can aid in continuous improvement for both planners and vendors.
Acceptance Criteria
User rates a vendor based on a recent event experience.
Given a user has completed an event with a vendor, when they access the vendor's profile, then they should see a rating interface to rate the vendor on a scale of 1 to 5 and provide written feedback.
Vendor performance ratings are aggregated and displayed in the vendor lists.
Given multiple users have rated a vendor, when the vendor's profile is viewed, then the average rating and total number of ratings should be prominently displayed.
User searches for vendors based on ratings and performance metrics.
Given a user utilizes the search function for vendor lists, when they apply a filter for a minimum rating of 4 stars, then only vendors meeting this criterion should be displayed in the search results.
User reviews vendor performance history for informed decision-making.
Given a user views a vendor's profile, when they select the performance history tab, then they should see past ratings and feedback from other users in chronological order.
System prompts user to rate a vendor after event completion.
Given an event has concluded, when the user logs into the platform, then they should receive a notification prompting them to rate the vendors used during the event.
Vendor Comparison Tool
User Story
As an event planner, I want to compare multiple vendors side by side, so that I can make informed decisions and select the best vendor for my event based on my unique requirements.
This requirement introduces a comparison tool allowing users to evaluate vendors side by side on key attributes like pricing, availability, services, and user ratings. Users will be able to select multiple vendors from their customizable lists and compare their offerings in a structured format. This visual aid will help event planners make quicker and more informed decisions while ensuring they choose the best fit for their specific needs. The comparison tool integrates smoothly with the existing vendor lists and ratings, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation process. By simplifying the vendor selection process, this feature aims to enhance the overall user experience within EventCraft.
Acceptance Criteria
User wants to compare multiple vendors side by side to determine the best option for an upcoming corporate event.
Given that the user has selected two or more vendors from their customizable list, When the user accesses the comparison tool, Then each vendor's key attributes such as pricing, availability, services, and ratings should be displayed side by side in a structured format.
User needs to filter vendors based on specific criteria to narrow down their selection before comparison.
Given that the user is on the vendor list page, When the user applies filters for service type, pricing range, and availability, Then only the vendors that meet the specified criteria should be displayed in the list.
User requires the ability to save a comparison view for future reference and decision-making.
Given that the user has created a comparison view, When the user clicks on the 'Save Comparison' button, Then a confirmation message should appear, and the comparison should be saved to the user's profile for easy access later.
User wants to view detailed ratings and reviews for each vendor in the comparison tool to help make an informed decision.
Given that the user is viewing the vendor comparison, When the user hovers over a vendor's rating star, Then a pop-up should display detailed reviews and comments from past users about that vendor's performance.
User wishes to access the comparison tool from their mobile device while at an event.
Given that the user is accessing EventCraft from a mobile device, When they navigate to the comparison tool, Then the layout should adjust to be mobile-responsive, ensuring all key features are accessible and usable on a smaller screen.
Automated Vendor Recommendations
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive automated vendor recommendations, so that I can save time and discover new vendors while planning my events.
This requirement entails creating an algorithm that provides users with automated vendor recommendations based on their preferences, past selections, and the specific needs of events they are planning. The system would analyze users' customizable lists, previous ratings, and the type of event to suggest the most suitable vendors automatically. This feature aims to save time for planners by reducing the need for manual searching and empowers them to discover new vendors they might not have considered otherwise, enhancing their selection process.
Acceptance Criteria
User is planning a corporate event and accesses the Automated Vendor Recommendations feature to find suitable catering services.
Given the user has a list of preferred catering vendors and has rated some in the past, when they specify the type of corporate event they are planning, then the system should suggest at least 3 vendors that match their preferences and event type.
A planner wants to evaluate how well the Automated Vendor Recommendations work by comparing suggested vendors with their customizable lists.
Given the planner has previously saved a list of preferred vendors, when they view the recommendations generated for an upcoming event, then at least 50% of the recommended vendors should be present in the user's customizable vendor list or have a higher rating than non-listed vendors.
A user is organizing a wedding and uses the Automated Vendor Recommendations to discover new florists.
Given the user has not previously selected any florist, when they input the details of their wedding date and budget, then the system should provide at least 5 vendor recommendations that meet the specified criteria and are available on the chosen date.
The user integrates feedback from their previous events to refine the recommendations provided by the system.
Given the user has provided ratings for various vendors after past events, when they run the Automated Vendor Recommendations, then the suggestions should prioritize highly-rated vendors in the user's past ratings over those with lower ratings.
Users wish to modify their preferences to see if the recommendations change accordingly.
Given the user has set specific vendor criteria (e.g., pricing range, service type), when they update these criteria, then the system should refresh and display a new set of vendor recommendations that accurately reflect the modified preferences.
A user seeks to validate the relevance of the algorithm after it has been implemented and tested.
Given a random sample of user events planned using the Automated Vendor Recommendations, when feedback is collected post-event, then at least 80% of users should confirm that the recommended vendors met their expectations in terms of service and reliability.
Vendor Communication Portal
User Story
As an event planner, I want to communicate directly with my selected vendors through the platform, so that I can keep all my discussions organized and streamline my planning workflow.
This requirement focuses on integrating a communication portal within EventCraft that allows planners to contact their selected vendors directly from the vendor lists. Users can initiate chats, send emails, or even schedule calls, all within the platform, thus maintaining a fluid workflow. This eliminates the hassle of jumping between different communication tools and enhances collaboration between planners and vendors. The portal will keep logs of interactions, enabling users to track discussions and decisions regarding vendor services, which contributes to better management and documentation of the planning process.
Acceptance Criteria
Planners can access the Vendor Communication Portal directly from their customizable vendor lists while scheduling an event.
Given I am on the vendor list page, when I select a vendor and click on 'Contact Vendor', then I should see options to initiate chat, send email, or schedule a call.
Planners can initiate a chat with a selected vendor through the Vendor Communication Portal.
Given I click on 'Chat' for a specific vendor, when the chat window opens, then I should be able to send and receive messages in real-time.
Emails can be sent directly to vendors from the Vendor Communication Portal without leaving the platform.
Given I choose 'Email Vendor' from the communication options, when I compose and send the email, then the email should be sent successfully and logged in the interaction history.
Planners can schedule a call with a vendor through the Vendor Communication Portal.
Given I select 'Schedule Call' for a vendor, when I choose a date and time and confirm, then the scheduled call should appear in my calendar and be logged in the interaction history.
All interactions with vendors are logged and accessible from the Vendor Communication Portal.
Given I have interacted with a vendor, when I go to the interaction log section, then I should see a complete history of chats, emails, and scheduled calls for that vendor.
The Vendor Communication Portal maintains a user-friendly interface for effective communication with vendors.
Given I use the Vendor Communication Portal, when I navigate between communication options, then the interface should remain intuitive and responsive, ensuring ease of use.
Planners receive notifications for any responses from vendors through the communication portal.
Given I receive a message or response from a vendor, when I check my notifications, then I should see an alert indicating 'New message from [Vendor Name]'.
AI-Driven Insights
Leverages advanced algorithms to analyze historical spending patterns, providing planners with actionable insights that guide them in allocating budgets efficiently. This feature empowers users to make data-driven decisions, helping them to optimize their expenditures for better event outcomes.
Budget Analysis Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want a Budget Analysis Dashboard so that I can easily see where my money is going and identify areas to optimize my spending.
The Budget Analysis Dashboard provides users with a comprehensive overview of their event budgets through visual analytics. It aggregates historical spending data, highlights key expenditure areas, and suggests potential savings based on previous events' financial patterns. This tool will enable planners to quickly identify discrepancies, prioritize spending, and allocate their resources more effectively, improving overall budget management and ensuring optimal use of funds for future events.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Budget Analysis Dashboard to view an overview of their event budget before finalizing the planning process.
Given the user is on the Budget Analysis Dashboard, when they click on the 'View Budget Overview' button, then a visual representation of the overall budget with key expenditure areas must display within 3 seconds.
User reviews historical spending data displayed on the Budget Analysis Dashboard to identify patterns and discrepancies.
Given that the historical spending data is available, when the user interacts with the historical data chart, then the chart must update to show spending patterns over the last three events within 2 seconds.
User requests budget optimization suggestions based on previous events' financial patterns through the Budget Analysis Dashboard.
Given the user clicks on the 'Optimize Budget' button, when the system processes the request, then actionable suggestions for potential savings must be displayed within 5 seconds.
User wants to prioritize spending areas based on data presented in the Budget Analysis Dashboard.
Given the user selects a specific spending category, when they click on 'Prioritize', then the system must highlight the selected area and provide recommendations for allocation within 3 seconds.
User identifies discrepancies between planned budget and actual spend via the Budget Analysis Dashboard.
Given the user accesses the 'Discrepancy Report' section, when discrepancies are identified, then the dashboard must display them along with suggested corrective actions in real-time.
User exports the budget analysis report from the Budget Analysis Dashboard to share with the team.
Given the user clicks the 'Export Report' button, when the export process is initiated, then a downloadable report in PDF format should be generated within 10 seconds.
Spending Forecast Tool
User Story
As an event organizer, I want a Spending Forecast Tool so that I can anticipate my event costs and plan my budget more effectively.
The Spending Forecast Tool leverages predictive analytics to estimate future event costs based on past spending behavior and current market trends. Users can input various parameters, such as the type of event, duration, and location, to receive tailored forecasts that help in financial planning. This feature aims to enhance decision-making by providing actionable budgetary insights, enabling planners to anticipate costs and make informed spending decisions ahead of time.
Acceptance Criteria
User inputs event type, duration, and location for a corporate conference and requests a spending forecast.
Given the user has entered the event type as 'corporate conference', the duration as '3 days', and the location as 'New York', when the user requests the spending forecast, then the system should display a predicted cost range of $10,000 to $15,000 based on historical data and market analysis.
User wants to compare forecasts for different event types based on identical parameters.
Given the user has selected the same duration and location parameters but has changed the event type to 'wedding', when the user requests the spending forecast, then the system should show a distinct predicted cost range for the 'wedding' event type compared to the 'corporate conference'.
User needs to receive alerts for budget overruns based on forecasted spending.
Given the user has set a budget limit of $12,000 for an upcoming event and has requested a spending forecast, when the forecast predicts costs exceeding $12,000, then the system should trigger an alert notification indicating the potential budget overrun.
User wants to adjust input parameters and see updated spending forecasts in real-time.
Given the user has input initial parameters for an event forecast, when the user changes the event type or duration, then the system should update the spending forecast within 5 seconds to reflect the new parameters without requiring a page refresh.
User is interested in trends for spending across different event types over multiple years.
Given the user selects an option to view spending trends, when the user chooses the 'last 3 years' filter for analysis, then the system should present a graphical representation of spending trends for different event types during that period.
User requests insights on how to allocate budgets based on forecasted spending.
Given the user has received a forecast indicating a predicted cost of $13,000, when the user clicks on the 'Budget Allocation Tips' button, then the system should provide at least 3 actionable insights or recommendations for allocating their budget effectively.
User wants to generate a report of the spending forecast to share with stakeholders.
Given the user has viewed a spending forecast, when the user clicks on the 'Generate Report' button, then the system should produce a PDF report summarizing the forecast details, which can be downloaded or emailed.
Vendor Cost Comparison
User Story
As a corporate event manager, I want to use a Vendor Cost Comparison tool so that I can choose the best-value vendors for my events based on historical data and cost analysis.
The Vendor Cost Comparison feature allows users to compare quotes and past performance metrics from different vendors side-by-side. This requirement will enable planners to make informed choices when selecting vendors, maximizing value and ensuring budget adherence. This tool aims to streamline the vendor selection process by highlighting cost differences and performance reviews while integrating seamlessly with the existing vendor management systems in EventCraft.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor cost comparison of a catering service for a corporate event
Given I have received multiple quotes from catering vendors, when I access the Vendor Cost Comparison feature, then I should be able to see a side-by-side comparison of pricing and performance metrics that allows me to select the best vendor based on cost efficiency and past ratings.
Evaluating audiovisual service providers for an upcoming conference
Given I have a list of audiovisual service providers, when I input the quotes into the Vendor Cost Comparison tool, then I should be able to generate a report that highlights the total cost and key performance indicators for each provider, ensuring a clear view of my options.
Assessing furniture rental options for an outdoor event
Given I have collected quotes from different furniture rental companies, when I compare their quotes within the Vendor Cost Comparison tool, then I should be able to identify the lowest price while factoring in additional services included in the quotes, such as delivery and setup.
Choosing between multiple marketing agencies for event promotion
Given I have gathered proposals from various marketing agencies, when I use the Vendor Cost Comparison feature, then I should be able to see each agency's historical performance metrics alongside their proposed costs to aid in decision-making.
Selecting a venue for a product launch event
Given that I have received several venue quotes, when I utilize the Vendor Cost Comparison tool, then I should be able to view a summary that aggregates cost per guest along with any additional fees, allowing for a holistic view of price versus value.
Comparing transportation services for event attendees
Given I have collected pricing and service information from several transportation providers, when I access the Vendor Cost Comparison feature, then I should be able to analyze service offerings versus costs and see feedback from past clients regarding service quality.
Historical Data Insights
User Story
As an event professional, I want to access Historical Data Insights so that I can learn from past events and improve my future planning strategies.
The Historical Data Insights functionality provides users with access to past event performance data, including budget adherence, attendee satisfaction, and vendor reliability. This feature offers planners a clear understanding of what strategies worked well and what didn’t, allowing them to refine their planning processes. By leveraging these insights, users can enhance their event management practices, ultimately leading to more successful events in the future.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Historical Data Insights feature to review budget adherence for past events.
Given the user has logged in to the EventCraft platform, when they navigate to the Historical Data Insights section, then they should see a detailed report of past events displaying budget adherence metrics for each event attended.
User analyzes attendee satisfaction data for previous events using the Historical Data Insights feature.
Given the user selects an event from the Historical Data Insights feature, when they view the event details, then the attendee satisfaction survey results should be presented in a clear and understandable format, including overall satisfaction scores and feedback summary.
User evaluates vendor reliability by accessing historical performance data within the Historical Data Insights.
Given the user is in the Historical Data Insights section, when they filter the data by vendor, then they should see a list of all vendors used in past events with ratings and reviews displayed for each vendor based on overall performance metrics.
User utilizes insights from historical data to create a new event budget based on past expenditures.
Given the user is setting up a new event budget, when they refer to the historical spending patterns provided in the Historical Data Insights, then they should be able to generate a suggested budget allocation for various categories accurately reflecting past spending performance.
User exports historical data insights for external presentation or reporting.
Given the user is viewing historical data insights, when they select the export option, then they should successfully download the insights in a predefined format (CSV or PDF) without any data loss or format issues.
User receives AI-driven recommendations based on historical performance when planning a new event.
Given the user is using the Historical Data Insights feature, when they initiate a new event planning process, then they should receive AI-generated recommendations based on historical event metrics to optimize their planning decisions.
User shares insights from the Historical Data Insights feature with team members.
Given the user has accessed the Historical Data Insights feature, when they select the share option, then the selected insights should be shared via email or internal messaging with the intended team members successfully.
AI-Driven Recommendations Engine
User Story
As a busy event planner, I want an AI-Driven Recommendations Engine so that I can receive personalized suggestions that simplify my decision-making process.
The AI-Driven Recommendations Engine employs machine learning algorithms to analyze user behaviors and preferences, offering tailored suggestions for budget allocation, vendor selection, and event design. This feature aids planners by providing data-driven recommendations that can improve event success rates. By continuously learning from user inputs and event outcomes, the system evolves its suggestions, ensuring planners are equipped with the most relevant strategies for each unique event.
Acceptance Criteria
User is planning an event and accesses the AI-Driven Recommendations Engine to receive personalized suggestions for budgeting and vendor selection based on previous events.
Given that the user has previously entered event data, when they open the recommendations engine, then they should receive at least three tailored suggestions for budget allocation and vendor selection.
A user receives notifications for recommended vendors based on their historical preferences and event requirements.
Given that the user has a saved event type and preferences, when the AI analyzes the data, then the user should receive notifications for at least two vendor options that match their criteria before the event date.
Planners want to see an improvement in their event outcomes following the implementation of the recommendations engine.
Given that the user has utilized the recommendations engine for at least three events, when they review the event success metrics, then they should see at least a 20% improvement in attendee satisfaction scores compared to previous events without recommendations.
A corporate team is in charge of planning multiple events simultaneously and needs efficient budget allocation suggestions.
Given that the corporate team is managing multiple events, when they input their budget requirements into the recommendations engine, then the engine should generate a comprehensive budget allocation plan for each event within 2 minutes.
A user active in the platform wants to revisit past recommendations to analyze their effectiveness.
Given that the user has used the recommendations engine before, when they navigate to the history section, then they should be able to view a list of past recommendations along with the event outcomes associated with each recommendation.
Users are receiving feedback on the accuracy and relevance of the recommendations provided by the engine after their events.
Given that an event has concluded, when users provide feedback on the utilized recommendations, then their ratings and comments should be recorded and the engine should refine its algorithm based on this data.
A new user is onboarding and wants to understand how to utilize the AI-Driven Recommendations Engine effectively.
Given that the user is in the onboarding phase, when they access the training module for the recommendations engine, then they should see a step-by-step guide with at least three example scenarios demonstrating the engine's functionality.
Real-Time Budget Adjustments
Allows users to dynamically adjust their budgets based on ongoing real-time data during event planning. This feature helps planners quickly respond to unexpected changes in costs or vendor pricing, ensuring they remain within their budget constraints throughout the planning process.
Dynamic Budget Update
User Story
As an event planner, I want to dynamically adjust my budget as costs change so that I can ensure I remain within budget while accommodating any unexpected expenses during the planning process.
This requirement allows users to dynamically update their event budgets in real-time as costs fluctuate during the planning process. It incorporates a visual dashboard that provides instant feedback on budget changes, ensuring users have a clear view of their remaining budget against ongoing expenses. This feature integrates seamlessly with the vendor pricing module and the cost tracking functionalities within EventCraft, enabling planners to respond effectively to any financial changes that arise. By offering a comprehensive overview of budget adjustments, this requirement enhances decision-making and helps users maintain control over their event expenses, ultimately facilitating a more efficient planning process.
Acceptance Criteria
User adjusts the budget for an event after receiving a notification of a price increase from a vendor.
Given the user is on the budget adjustment page, when they receive a notification of a price increase, then they can increase the budget in real-time and see the updated budget within the dashboard.
User wants to reduce the budget after finding a cheaper vendor for a specific service.
Given the user is viewing their current budget and vendor list, when they select a cheaper vendor and adjust the budget, then the total budget should reflect the decrease immediately on the dashboard.
User accesses the budget adjustment feature during an ongoing event planning session.
Given the user is logged into EventCraft and is actively planning an event, when they navigate to the budget adjustment tool, then they must see a real-time report of all expenses incurred and the remaining budget available.
User receives a report reflecting budget changes over the course of the planning process.
Given the user has made several adjustments to their budget, when they view the history of budget changes, then it should show a detailed list of all adjustments made along with timestamps and reasons.
User encounters a budget alert due to overspending relative to their initial budget.
Given the user has exceeded their initial budget, when they receive an alert notification, then they can access the dashboard to see where the overspending occurred and modify the budget accordingly.
Multiple users collaborate on budget adjustments for a single event within the platform.
Given multiple users are accessing the event's budget at the same time, when one user makes an adjustment, then all users should see the updated budget in real-time without delays or errors.
User exports the current budget report to share with stakeholders.
Given the user is satisfied with the current budget adjustments, when they choose to export the budget report, then it should generate a downloadable PDF that accurately reflects the latest budget status and adjustments.
Automated Alerts for Budget Changes
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive automated alerts when my budget changes significantly, so that I can take immediate action to address any potential overspending issues.
The automated alerts feature will notify users in real-time if there are significant changes to their budget or if they approach their budget limits. This requirement ensures that planners receive timely notifications via email or within the application, allowing them to make informed decisions quickly. The alert system will be customizable, enabling users to set their own thresholds for notifications, such as percentage limits or specific financial markers. This integration fosters proactive management of event budgets and helps prevent overspending by keeping planners informed throughout the planning lifecycle.
Acceptance Criteria
User receives an automated alert when their budget exceeds the specified limit during the event planning process.
Given a user has set a maximum budget limit, when the expenses reach 95% of the limit, then the user is notified via email and within the app.
User customizes their alert thresholds for budget notifications within the application settings.
Given a user accesses the alert settings, when they adjust the threshold to alert them at 90% of their budget, then the system saves this setting and reflects it in the notifications.
User receives real-time alerts for vendor pricing changes that impact their budget.
Given a vendor updates their pricing, when the change results in a budget impact of more than 10%, then the user receives a notification immediately.
User tests the automated alert feature by changing their budget and observing notifications.
Given the user is in the budget adjustment screen, when they increase their budget by 20%, then no alerts should be triggered until the new budget is exceeded or approached.
User looks to review the history of budget alerts received during the event planning.
Given a user navigates to the budget alerts history page, when they request to view previous notifications, then the system displays all alerts sent within the defined time frame.
User checks the responsiveness of the alert system during high-stress planning periods, such as last-minute changes.
Given a sudden cost increase during the planning event, when the increase is detected, then the alert is triggered within 5 minutes of the change.
User ensures that alerts are sent correctly across different communication channels (email and in-app).
Given the user has provided both an email address and app notification settings, when a budgeting threshold is crossed, then an alert is sent to both channels simultaneously.
Budget Collaboration Tools
User Story
As a team member in an event planning group, I want to collaborate on the budget adjustments with other members in real-time, so that we can ensure our planning efforts are aligned and transparent.
This requirement centers on facilitating collaboration among team members regarding budget adjustments. The feature will allow users to share budget views and make collaborative edits in real-time, ensuring everyone involved in the planning process is aligned on financial decisions. Integrated chat functionality will enable rapid communication about specific budget items, providing transparency and fostering teamwork. This capability is crucial for event teams working remotely or across multiple locations, ensuring that all stakeholders have clarity on budget changes, contributing to more cohesive planning outcomes.
Acceptance Criteria
Collaborative Team Budget Review & Adjustments
Given a team of users accessing the budget collaboration tool, when a user adjusts an item in the budget, then all team members should see the updated budget in real time without any refresh required.
Integrated Chat for Budget Discussions
Given a user is viewing the budget breakdown, when the user initiates a chat regarding a specific budget item, then all team members should receive the chat notification instantly, allowing for real-time discussion.
User Permissions for Budget Edits
Given a budget collaboration session is active, when a team member attempts to edit the budget, then the system should verify the user's permissions and allow or deny the edit based on their defined role within the platform.
Real-Time Notifications for Budget Changes
Given multiple users are collaborating on the budget, when one user makes a change, then all users should receive a notification within five seconds indicating that the budget has been updated and specifying which item was changed.
Version Control for Budget Adjustments
Given the budget collaboration tool, when a user makes an adjustment to the budget, then the system should automatically save a version history, allowing users to revert back to any previous budget state within the last five changes.
Cross-Device Functionality for Budget Collaboration
Given that users can access EventCraft from different devices, when a user makes an adjustment to the budget on one device, then all users should see the changes reflected on all connected devices with no delays.
Historical Budget Data Analysis
User Story
As an event planner, I want to analyze historical budget data from past events, so that I can improve my budgeting and decision-making for future events.
This requirement seeks to provide users with access to historical budget data to inform future planning decisions. The feature will analyze past events' budget performances, highlighting trends, common budget overruns, and successful management strategies. By integrating AI-driven analytics, users will receive tailored recommendations based on previous data, assisting them in making better financial decisions for upcoming events. This historical insight not only empowers planners to create more accurate budgets but also enhances overall strategic planning capabilities within the EventCraft platform.
Acceptance Criteria
User reviews historical budget data while planning a new corporate event to set the budget based on past event performance.
Given the user is in the budget planning section, when they open the historical data analysis report, then they should see a comprehensive overview of previous event budgets including amounts spent, budget overruns, and successful management strategies.
User analyzes common trends in historical budget data to identify areas for cost savings.
Given the user accesses the analytics dashboard, when they filter the historical data by categories such as venue, catering, and entertainment, then the dashboard should display cost trends and identify categories with common overruns.
User receives AI-driven recommendations based on their historical budget data when planning a new event.
Given the user has completed the historical budget data analysis, when they initiate planning for a new event, then the system should provide personalized recommendations for budget allocations that factor in past performances.
User evaluates the success of previously planned events to justify budget allocation for a current project.
Given the user has access to the historical budget data, when they review the 'successful events' reports, then they must see a clear connection between past budget allocations and successful event outcomes which aids in their current planning.
User adjusts the proposed budget based on insights derived from historical budget data analysis during a planning meeting.
Given a planning meeting is ongoing and the user has accessed the historical data analysis, when they present adjustments to the budget based on data insights, then the adjustments should reflect in the current budget proposal automatically and be visible to all meeting participants.
User attempts to compare their current event budget to the average budget of past events.
Given the user is in the budget planning phase, when they select the option to compare their current budget to historical averages, then the system should provide a side-by-side comparison highlighting differences and deviations from past averages.
Vendor Cost Integration Tool
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see live updates of vendor costs connected to my budget, so that I can make informed financial decisions when selecting vendors for my event.
The vendor cost integration tool will connect with vendors' pricing systems to provide real-time cost updates within the budgeting feature. This requirement facilitates automatic updates of vendor quotes in relation to the event budget, ensuring that planners have the most up-to-date information when making financial decisions. It streamlines the vendor selection process by allowing planners to compare costs within the context of their budgets, ultimately leading to more informed pricing decisions and better cost management for events.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to view real-time updates of vendor pricing within the budgeting feature during the planning process so that I can make informed decisions based on the most current costs.
Given that I have integrated the vendor systems successfully, when vendor pricing changes, then the updated costs should reflect in the budgeting tool without manual refresh or input.
As an event planner, I want to see notifications for any vendor price changes made after I have received a quote so that I can adjust my budget accordingly before finalizing my decisions.
Given that a vendor has provided a quote, when the vendor updates the pricing, then I should receive an immediate notification specifying the change and its impact on my current budget.
As a user, I want to be able to compare updated vendor costs against my budget dynamically, so that I can see in real-time whether the changes impact my overall budget.
Given that vendor costs have been updated in real-time, when I access the budgeting feature, then I should be able to view a comparison of previous quotes versus the new quotes reflected in my total budget calculations.
As an event planner, I need the integration tool to maintain historical pricing data from vendors for accountability, so I can track cost changes over time.
Given that the vendor cost integration tool is functioning, when I analyze historical data, then I should be able to retrieve past vendor prices and the dates they were updated for audit purposes.
As a responsible event planner, I want the ability to set alerts for price thresholds, so I can be notified when vendor costs exceed a predetermined budget limit.
Given that I have set a price threshold for a specific vendor, when their pricing increases beyond that threshold, then I should receive an automated alert indicating the specific cost increase and vendor name.
As an event planner, I require that the integration tool complies with data privacy regulations, ensuring that vendor pricing information is securely handled.
Given that I am utilizing the vendor cost integration tool, when any vendor pricing data is accessed or transmitted, then it must comply with current data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).
Component Cost Breakdown
Provides a detailed analysis of potential costs associated with different aspects of the event, such as catering, AV equipment, and venue rental. This feature enables planners to identify which components require more funding and ensure that resources are allocated effectively to meet specific event needs.
Real-Time Cost Analysis
User Story
As a event planner, I want to view real-time cost analysis for different event components so that I can make quick adjustments to my budget and ensure all expenses are accounted for before the event day.
This requirement entails the implementation of a real-time cost analysis tool within the Component Cost Breakdown feature. It will allow event planners to input potential expenses and instantly see a breakdown of anticipated costs in different categories such as catering, AV equipment, and venue rental. The tool is designed to help planners track, analyze, and adjust their budgets dynamically based on changing event needs, ensuring that they make informed financial decisions and allocate resources effectively. By providing a snapshot of current expenditures against planned budgets, it aims to enhance financial oversight and improve the overall management of event budgets, ultimately leading to more successful events that meet financial constraints.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner enters a budget for a corporate event using the real-time cost analysis tool, including various components such as catering, AV equipment, and venue rental.
Given the event planner inputs potential costs for each component, When the planner saves the budget, Then the system should display a complete breakdown of anticipated costs for each category and total budget available.
An event planner adjusts the estimated cost for catering after receiving updated quotes from vendors during the planning phase.
Given the planner changes the catering expense in the real-time cost analysis tool, When they click on the 'Update Budget' button, Then the tool should instantly re-calculate and display the new total cost and updated breakdown of expenses across all categories.
The event planning team reviews the cost analysis during a collaborative planning meeting to ensure they remain within budget.
Given the team accesses the cost breakdown in real-time during the meeting, When they discuss and make adjustments in the budget, Then all members should see those changes reflected immediately on their devices.
An event planner needs to generate a financial report based on the current budget allocations for various event components.
Given the event planner selects the option to generate a financial report, When they click on 'Generate Report', Then the system should produce a downloadable report summarizing current expenses, budget planning versus actual costs, and remaining budget for each category.
An event planner wants to compare the current budget against historical expense data from previous events.
Given the planner accesses the historical data comparison feature, When they select a past event for comparison, Then the system should display a side-by-side comparison of current budget allocations and past expenses for each component category.
The event planner sets alerts for specific expense thresholds within the cost analysis tool.
Given the planner defines threshold values for different expense categories, When expenses exceed those thresholds, Then the system should send notifications to the planner via email and in-app alerts.
An event planner is reviewing the current budget while trying to foresee potential overruns in expenses as the event date approaches.
Given the planner analyzes the current cost breakdown, When they apply potential scenarios in the cost analysis tool (e.g., increasing guest count or adding services), Then the tool should provide updated forecasts showing how these changes impact the overall budget.
Customizable Budget Templates
User Story
As a event planner, I want to customize my budget templates for different events so that I can better organize and manage my expenses according to each event's specific needs.
This requirement involves the creation of customizable budget templates within the Component Cost Breakdown feature. Users will be able to create and modify templates that reflect the unique financial aspects of different types of events. These templates will include predefined categories for common expenses, such as catering, entertainment, and venue costs, while also allowing users to add their custom categories as needed. This flexibility will enable event planners to tailor their budgeting process to their specific event requirements, ultimately leading to improved clarity in financial planning and easier resource allocation.
Acceptance Criteria
User creates a new customizable budget template for an event and specifies various expense categories to reflect the unique aspects of the event.
Given the user is on the budget template creation page, when they input various predefined categories and add custom categories, then a new budget template should be successfully saved with all specified categories visible in the template overview.
User modifies an existing customizable budget template by adding, editing, or removing expense categories.
Given the user has previously created a budget template, when they access the edit mode and make changes to the categories, then those changes should be saved, and the updated categories should accurately reflect in the user's template list.
User views the details of a created customizable budget template including cost estimates for each category.
Given the user selects an existing budget template, when they navigate to the detail view, then all categories along with their respective cost estimates should be displayed accurately and clearly.
User shares a customizable budget template with team members for collaboration.
Given the user is on the budget template overview page, when they select a template and use the sharing feature, then the selected team members should receive access to the template and be able to view and comment on it.
User deletes a customizable budget template that is no longer needed.
Given the user is viewing their list of budget templates, when they select a template to delete and confirm the deletion, then that template should be removed from the list and should no longer be accessible.
User imports an existing budget template from another event into the customization tool.
Given the user has an existing budget template in a supported format, when they use the import feature, then the budget template should be successfully imported with all categories and amounts accurately reflected.
User creates a budget template and sets a safety margin percentage for discretionary spending.
Given the user is creating a new budget template, when they input a safety margin percentage for discretionary spending, then that percentage should be applied to the total estimated costs and displayed in the final budget summary.
Comprehensive Expense Reports
User Story
As a event planner, I want to generate comprehensive expense reports so that I can analyze my spending, learn from past events, and improve my budgeting strategies for future events.
This requirement focuses on generating comprehensive expense reports that will allow planners to review all costs associated with their events, broken down by category and component. These reports will provide insights into where funds were allocated, helping planners evaluate the effectiveness of their budget management and allowing for adjustments in future events. The reports will feature visual aids such as graphs and charts to illustrate spending patterns, making it easier to analyze financial data and identify areas for potential savings or reallocation of resources.
Acceptance Criteria
Expense report generation for a corporate event.
Given a user has entered all event expenses into the EventCraft system, when the user selects the option to generate a comprehensive expense report, then the system produces a report that includes all expenses categorized by component with relevant graphs and charts.
Review of an expense report by a project manager.
Given a project manager has accessed the generated expense report for an event, when they review the report, then they should be able to see a clear breakdown of expenses by category, with visual aids highlighting spending patterns.
Analysis of total event costs for future budget planning.
Given a user has generated multiple expense reports from past events, when they analyze these reports, then they should be able to identify trends in spending and areas where cost-saving measures can be implemented in future events.
User feedback on expense report clarity and usefulness.
Given a user has used the expense report feature, when they provide feedback through a survey, then their feedback should indicate whether the reports met their needs in terms of clarity and insights for future budgeting.
Accessibility of expense report data for stakeholders.
Given a user generates an expense report, when they share it with relevant stakeholders, then the stakeholders must be able to view the report without issues, and all data should display correctly on different devices or formats.
Integration of visual aids in the expense report.
Given a user has generated an expense report, when they review the report, then the report must include at least one graph and one chart that visualize spending by category to enhance data comprehension.
Export functionality for expense reports.
Given a generated expense report, when the user selects the export option, then the report should be available for download in at least three formats (PDF, Excel, CSV) without loss of data integrity.
Vendor Cost Integration
User Story
As a event planner, I want to integrate vendor costs into my budget so that I can compare different vendor options and make informed decisions while staying within my budget limits.
This requirement involves the integration of vendor costs into the Component Cost Breakdown feature. It will allow users to input and track costs associated with various vendors for different services, such as catering or decoration. This data will be easily accessible and will help in comparing vendor quotes, ensuring planners select the most suitable options while keeping their budget in check. By providing a centralized location for vendor expenses, this feature will enhance transparency and decision-making in resource allocation across different vendors and services.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor cost data entry for catering services is performed by an event planner who is preparing an upcoming corporate event.
Given that the event planner has access to the Component Cost Breakdown feature, when they input vendor costs for catering services, then the inputted data should accurately reflect in the total cost estimate for the event.
An event planner is comparing vendor quotes for AV equipment for an outdoor concert.
Given that the planner has multiple vendor quotes entered into the system, when they access the Component Cost Breakdown, then they should see a comparative analysis of all quotes alongside the respective services provided.
A corporate team is reviewing budget allocations for multiple event components, including venue rental and decoration services.
Given that various vendor costs have been integrated into the Component Cost Breakdown, when the team examines the budget allocations, then they should identify which components exceed allocated funds, triggering alerts for potential overspending.
A freelancer is adjusting vendor quotes due to changes in event requirements for a wedding.
Given that the freelancer has the option to edit existing vendor cost entries, when they update the quote for a decoration vendor, then the updated cost should automatically recalculate the overall event budget in real-time.
An event manager is preparing a comprehensive report for stakeholders showcasing vendor cost allocations.
Given that all vendor costs are entered and tracked, when the manager generates a report from the Component Cost Breakdown feature, then the report should accurately display all allocated vendor costs along with summaries for each service category.
A team leads a budget review meeting focusing on vendor expenses for a charity gala event.
Given that the vendor costs are integrated into the Component Cost Breakdown, when participants access the feature during the meeting, then they should be able to view and discuss the costs live, ensuring all team members are on the same page regarding financial planning.
Budget Alert System
User Story
As a event planner, I want to receive alerts when my spending approaches my budget limits so that I can take immediate action to control costs and avoid overspending before the event.
This requirement introduces a budget alert system that notifies users when their spending approaches or exceeds predefined thresholds. Event planners will be able to set specific budget limits for different components within the Component Cost Breakdown. The system will send automated alerts via email or platform notifications to help users stay informed about their financial status. This proactive measure is designed to enhance financial control and assist planners in making timely adjustments to their budgets, ultimately helping prevent overspending.
Acceptance Criteria
User sets a budget limit for the catering component of their event.
Given the user has navigated to the Component Cost Breakdown section and inputs a budget limit for catering, when the user saves the changes, then the system must store the budget limit and update the display accordingly.
User receives a notification when their actual catering costs exceed the budget limit.
Given the user has set a budget limit for catering, when the actual catering costs are recorded and exceed the specified limit, then an automated email and platform notification is sent to the user indicating the overspend.
User modifies the budget limit for the AV equipment component after the initial setup.
Given the user has previously set a budget limit for AV equipment, when the user updates the limit and saves the changes, then the system must reflect the updated budget limit immediately and validate it against the current spending.
A report is generated showing all components and their respective budget statuses.
Given the user requests a budget report from the Component Cost Breakdown, when the report is generated, then it must include current spending, budget limits, and alert status for each component in a clear format.
User sets multiple budget limits for different components at once.
Given the user is in the Component Cost Breakdown section, when the user inputs budget limits for catering, AV equipment, and venue rental simultaneously and saves, then all budget limits must be stored and verified by the system without errors.
User disables budget alerts for specific components.
Given the user has set budget limits and enabled alerts, when the user disables alerts for a specified component, then the system must reflect the changes and stop sending notifications for that component only.
User views a history of budget alerts triggered during their event planning.
Given the user is in the budget alert settings section, when the user requests to view historical budget alerts, then the system must show a complete log of all alerts triggered, with timestamps and relevant details.
Predictive Budget Models
Utilizes machine learning to forecast future budgeting scenarios based on various scenarios and previous event data. This feature helps planners visualize the financial implications of different choices, aiding them in strategizing the best approach to maximize value while minimizing costs.
Revenue Projection Analytics
User Story
As an event planner, I want to forecast potential revenue based on historical data so that I can make informed budgeting decisions that maximize return on investment.
This requirement entails the development of a robust revenue projection analytics tool that leverages historical event data and predictive algorithms to produce accurate income forecasts for future events. It allows event planners to input various parameters, such as event type, size, and location, to receive tailored financial predictions. The tool enhances decision-making by visually presenting potential revenue scenarios, thereby enabling planners to strategize effectively and increase profitability. By integrating this feature, EventCraft fosters a data-driven planning approach, improving financial acumen and empowering users with actionable insights for greater fiscal management.
Acceptance Criteria
Planners input parameters such as event type, size, and location to generate revenue projections for an upcoming corporate event.
Given a planner inputs event type as 'Corporate', size as '100 attendees', and location as 'New York', When the revenue projection tool processes this information, Then it should display a projected revenue between $15,000 and $25,000 based on historical data.
Event planners utilize the analytics tool to compare different scenarios such as adjusting event locations and sizes to observe potential revenue impacts.
Given a planner modifies event details to compare 'Location: Los Angeles' with 'Size: 150 attendees', When the analytics tool is executed, Then the revenue projection should be adjusted and reflect potential revenue impacts based on varying historical data.
The revenue projection tool visualizes the data through graphs and charts to enhance user understanding of financial forecasts.
Given the revenue projections have been generated, When the results are displayed, Then the user should see a clear graphical representation of projected revenues and trends for the selected parameters over a timeline.
Event planners receive guidance prompts while using the revenue projection tool to enhance the input process.
Given the user is on the revenue projection input page, When they enter data for the first time, Then they should receive contextual prompts guiding them through required fields and best practices for input.
Planners export the revenue projection analysis to generate reports for team collaboration and future planning sessions.
Given a planner completes the generation of revenue projections, When they select the export option, Then the report should be generated in PDF or CSV format and include a summary of projections and inputs used.
The tool integrates with existing event planning features like budgeting and scheduling to provide comprehensive insights.
Given that the revenue projection tool is integrated, When a user accesses the budgeting tool, Then they should be able to view revenue projections alongside current budget data for holistic financial planning.
Custom Expense Modeling
User Story
As an event planner, I want to create custom expense models for my events so that I can anticipate and control costs more effectively and strategically.
This requirement involves the creation of a customizable expense modeling framework that allows users to define and simulate various expense categories and scenarios based on their unique event needs. The feature provides planners with the ability to adjust parameters such as venue costs, catering expenses, and marketing efforts to see the financial impact of each category. This dynamic modeling tool enhances user flexibility, allowing for tailored budgeting strategies that consider multiple financial risks and opportunities. By incorporating this feature into EventCraft, users can visualize and manage their expenses effectively across different event contexts.
Acceptance Criteria
User Customization of Expense Categories
Given a user accessing the expense modeling tool, when they create new expense categories and save the changes, then the new categories should be retrievable and editable in future sessions.
Simulation of Financial Scenarios
Given a set of defined expense categories, when a user adjusts parameters such as venue costs and catering expenses, then the system should display real-time recalculations of the total estimated expenses for all selected categories.
Comparison of Multiple Scenarios
Given a user has created multiple expense models, when they choose to compare these models side by side, then the interface should clearly display differences in total costs, category allocations, and key metrics in an easy-to-read format.
Exporting Expense Models
Given a user finalizes an expense model, when they select the export option, then the system should generate a downloadable report in PDF format that includes detailed breakdowns of all expense categories and assumptions used in the model.
Real-Time Collaboration on Budget Models
Given multiple users accessing the expense modeling feature concurrently, when one user modifies an expense category, then all other users should see the changes reflected in real-time within 5 seconds.
Integration with Historical Event Data
Given a user is engaged in creating an expense model, when they access data from previous events, then the system should allow selection of past models for reference, enhancing the accuracy of current budgeting efforts.
Scenario Comparison Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to compare multiple budgeting scenarios on a single dashboard so that I can evaluate the best financial strategy for my event plans.
This requirement encompasses the development of an intuitive scenario comparison dashboard that enables planners to review and contrast various budgeting scenarios side-by-side. Users will be able to visually analyze the financial implications of different strategies, such as cost-saving measures versus enhanced attendee experiences. The dashboard will facilitate easy navigation between scenarios, providing graphical representations of projected costs, revenues, and other key metrics. Integrating this tool into EventCraft not only aids in strategic planning but also supports the evaluation of alternative approaches, reinforcing a comprehensive understanding of financial trade-offs involved in decision-making.
Acceptance Criteria
User navigates to the Scenario Comparison Dashboard to compare different budgeting scenarios for an upcoming corporate event.
Given the user is on the Scenario Comparison Dashboard, when they select two different budgeting scenarios, then the dashboard displays both scenarios side-by-side with key metrics including projected costs and revenues for each scenario.
A user wants to visualize the financial implications of choosing between cost-saving measures and enhanced attendee experiences.
Given the user has selected two budgeting scenarios, when they click the 'Compare' button, then the dashboard provides graphical representations of projected costs, revenues, and attendee engagement metrics for each scenario.
User saves a comparison between budgeting scenarios for later reference or reporting.
Given the user has selected and compared two budgeting scenarios, when they click the 'Save Comparison' button, then the system prompts them to name the comparison and successfully saves it for future access.
A planner wants to view detailed insights regarding each selected scenario while using the comparison feature.
Given the user has the Scenario Comparison Dashboard open, when they hover over any data point on the graphs for the selected scenarios, then a tooltip appears detailing the specific values for costs, revenues, and other key metrics.
An event planner wishes to switch between different sets of scenarios quickly and efficiently during a planning meeting.
Given the user is on the Scenario Comparison Dashboard, when they select different scenarios from a dropdown menu, then the dashboard updates dynamically to reflect the new selections without reloading the page.
Real-Time Budget Alerts
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive real-time alerts for budget deviations so that I can stay on track and avoid overspending throughout the planning process.
This requirement focuses on implementing a real-time alert system that notifies users when their current expenses deviate from the preset budget thresholds during the planning process. Through ongoing monitoring of spending patterns, this feature will provide timely updates and alerts such as warnings for overspending or reminders for budget variances. By integrating real-time alerts into EventCraft, users remain informed about their financial status, enabling them to take corrective action quickly and effectively, thus enhancing budget adherence and overall event management success.
Acceptance Criteria
User receives a real-time alert when expenses exceed 80% of the budgeted amount.
Given a user has set a budget threshold, when their expenses reach 80% of this threshold, then a real-time alert should be generated and displayed on the dashboard.
User is notified when a single expense item exceeds the preset budget limit.
Given a user is tracking expenses, when an expense item is entered that exceeds the individual budget limit, then an immediate alert must be triggered, detailing the overspending item.
User receives a summary of budget variances at the end of the month.
Given a user is in the Events dashboard, when the month ends, then a summary report of all budget variances should be generated and sent via email to the user, highlighting all deviations from the budget.
User receives reminders for budget check-ins at specified intervals.
Given a user has set up budget check-in reminders, when the specified interval arrives, then a reminder notification should be sent to the user’s device.
User can access historical alerts data for analysis.
Given a user wants to analyze past alerts, when they navigate to the alerts history section, then they should be able to view a list of all past alerts with associated timestamps and details.
User can customize alert thresholds for different budget categories.
Given a user is configuring their budget settings, when they specify custom thresholds for different budget categories, then the system must allow these settings to be saved and used for future expense monitoring.
Budget Health Monitor
A visual dashboard that provides an overview of budget health, tracking spending against budgets in real time. This feature alerts users to potential overages, helping them to manage their finances proactively and avoid last-minute surprises.
Dynamic Budget Alerts
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive alerts when my spending is close to the budget limits so that I can adjust my spending habits and avoid overspending.
The Dynamic Budget Alerts requirement will ensure that users receive real-time notifications when their spending approaches the predefined budget thresholds. This feature will enhance proactive financial management and allow users to make timely adjustments, thereby minimizing the risk of overspending. Integration with the event planning workflow will ensure that budget updates and alerts are contextualized within the user's ongoing activities. Users will be able to set custom thresholds for alerts, making the feature tailored to individual budgeting styles and preferences. The real-time aspect is crucial for preventing last-minute financial surprises and ensuring that planners can continuously align their expenses with their budget goals.
Acceptance Criteria
User sets a custom budget threshold of $500 for an event in EventCraft.
Given the user has set a budget threshold of $500, when their spending reaches $400, then the user should receive a notification alerting them that they are 80% of the way to their budget limit.
User is planning multiple events and has set different budget thresholds for each.
Given the user has two events with budget thresholds of $300 and $600, when the spending for the first event reaches $250, then the user receives an alert for the first event only, without impacting the second event's budget status.
User exceeds their budget threshold during expense tracking.
Given the user has set a budget threshold of $200, when their spending reaches $220, then the user should receive an immediate alert indicating that they have exceeded their budget by $20, prompting actions to adjust future spending.
User wants to adjust their budget threshold after receiving a notification.
Given the user has received a notification alerting them they are approaching their budget limit, when they go into the budgeting tool and change their threshold from $500 to $700, then the new threshold should be saved and reflected in future notifications.
User is able to enable or disable budget alerts based on their preferences.
Given the user has the option to enable or disable budget notifications, when they disable notifications, then they should no longer receive alerts for any budget-related triggers until they enable it again.
User wishes to receive alerts via different communication channels.
Given the user has the option to set their notification preferences to email or in-app alerts, when a budget threshold is reached, then the user should receive the alert through their selected communication channel without fail.
User accesses the budget health monitor and views all alerts in a consolidated manner.
Given the user is on the budget health monitor dashboard, when they navigate to the alerts section, then they should see a comprehensive list of all active budget alerts for their events, including thresholds and spending status.
Interactive Budget Graphs
User Story
As an event manager, I want to see interactive graphs of my budget so that I can quickly identify spending trends and make more informed decisions based on visual data.
The Interactive Budget Graphs requirement will implement dynamic visual representations of the budget, allowing users to clearly see their spending patterns over time. Users will have the ability to drill down into specific categories of their budget to identify areas where they may need to cut costs or where they have room to spend more. This feature will integrate seamlessly with the Budget Health Monitor, providing visual insights that make budget management more intuitive. Users can customize the graphs by selecting different time frames and categories, enabling them to tailor the view to their specific needs and preferences.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the interactive budget graphs from the Budget Health Monitor dashboard to analyze their spending patterns for the past month.
Given the user is logged into EventCraft, when they select the 'Interactive Budget Graphs' option, then the system displays a visual representation of their budget for the selected month with categories clearly labeled.
User customizes the interactive budget graph to view spending in a specific category for the last quarter.
Given the user is on the Interactive Budget Graphs page, when they select the 'Last Quarter' time frame and 'Venue Rental' category, then the system updates the graph to display only the spending related to 'Venue Rental' for that period.
User receives an alert when their spending in a specific category exceeds the allocated budget.
Given the user has set a budget limit for 'Catering', when the cumulative spending in that category exceeds this limit, then the system triggers an alert notifying the user of potential overages.
User interacts with the budget graph to drill down into specific categories and view detailed spending reports.
Given the budget graph is displayed, when the user clicks on a specific category on the graph, then the system shows a detailed breakdown of spending for that category along with suggestions for cost adjustments.
User saves a customized view of the interactive budget graph for future access.
Given the user has customized their budget graph by selecting specific categories and time frames, when they click on the 'Save View' option, then the system saves this configuration and allows the user to access it in the future from their profile.
User filters the budget graph to compare current spending with previous months.
Given the budget graph is displayed, when the user selects 'Compare with Previous Months', then the system overlays the current month's spending against the spending of the previous two months for the same categories.
User identifies an area to cut costs from the interactive budget graph analysis.
Given the interactive budget graph shows spending trends, when the user reviews the lowest performing categories, then they can highlight specific areas to adjust their budget accordingly based on the insights provided by the graph.
Budget History Log
User Story
As a planner, I want to access my historical budget data so that I can learn from previous events and improve my financial planning for future projects.
The Budget History Log requirement will maintain a comprehensive record of all budget-related changes and decisions. This feature will allow users to track alterations to their budgets over time, providing insight into decision-making processes and how budget allocations have shifted throughout the event planning cycle. This promotes accountability and enables better strategic decision-making in future events. Integration with the Budget Health Monitor will ensure that users can reference their budget history when evaluating current expenditures against past financial decisions.
Acceptance Criteria
User wants to view the history of budget changes for a specific event within the Budget Health Monitor to understand past financial decisions.
Given the user is on the Budget Health Monitor dashboard, when they click on the 'Budget History Log' section for a selected event, then the user should see a list of all budget modifications made for that event, including amounts, dates, and reasons for changes.
Event planner is reviewing budget changes to identify spending trends during different stages of the event planning process.
Given the user accesses the Budget History Log, when they filter the history by specific date ranges, then the user should be able to see budget adjustments made within the selected timeframe, displayed in chronological order.
A user wants to track budget changes after collaborating with a vendor to ensure that all modifications are well-documented.
Given the user has made changes to the budget after a vendor negotiation, when the user saves the changes, then the system should log a new entry in the Budget History Log reflecting the updated budget, including the timestamp and user id of the person who made the changes.
User receives alerts on budget overages and wants to reference past budget decisions to inform their next actions.
Given the user receives a budget overage alert, when they open the Budget History Log, then they should be able to view prior decisions made around budget adjustments, including any alerts related to similar items over time.
The finance team is preparing a report on budget performance and needs to analyze the changes made over the event period.
Given a finance team member is generating a report, when they pull data from the Budget History Log, then the system should allow them to export all budget change records in a CSV format for further analysis.
User wants to ensure consistency in budget entries and verify changes have been accurately logged post-edit.
Given the user edits an entry in the Budget History Log, when they save the edits, then the system must display the latest changes while retaining previous versions within the log for accountability.
Custom Budget Templates
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to create custom budget templates so that I can streamline my budgeting process for different types of events.
The Custom Budget Templates requirement will allow users to create and save personalized budget templates based on their specific event needs and events types. Users will be able to choose from pre-defined templates or customize their own, selecting different budget categories and allocating amounts to each. The flexibility of this feature will streamline the initial budget planning process, saving time and ensuring users have a foundational structure in place that meets their needs. This will make it easier for users to replicate budgeting strategies successful in previous events, fostering consistent financial management practices.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to create a custom budget template for my upcoming conference that includes venue costs, catering, and marketing expenses, so that I can have a structured budget ready for this specific event.
Given that the user has selected the 'Create Custom Budget Template' option, when they add budget categories (venue, catering, marketing) and allocate amounts to each, then the system should save the template with the correct configurations and allow it to be accessed later.
As a user who has previously created a custom budget template, I want to load and edit the existing template for a new event, so that I can modify the budget as per the new event's requirements without starting from scratch.
Given that a custom budget template exists, when the user selects 'Load Template' and chooses their desired template, then the system should display the template’s budget categories and allocated amounts for editing and allow saving the modified version as a new template.
As a user, I want to view a preview of my custom budget template before finalizing it, so that I can ensure all details are correct and make any necessary adjustments.
Given that the user is in the 'Preview' phase of creating a custom budget template, when they click on 'Preview Template', then the system should display a read-only version of the entire budget template, accurately reflecting all categories and amounts for review.
As an event planner, I want to choose from a library of pre-defined budget templates tailored for different event types, so that I can save time during the planning process.
Given that the user is on the 'Budget Templates' page, when they select 'Browse Pre-defined Templates', then the system should display a list of templates categorized by event type (wedding, conference, corporate event), allowing them to select and use one.
As a user, I want to receive an alert if I exceed a defined budget threshold in my custom budget template, to maintain financial control and avoid overspending.
Given that the user has set a budget threshold for their custom budget template, when they allocate amounts that exceed this threshold, then the system should generate a visual alert indicating the overage and recommending adjustments to meet their budget constraints.
As a user, I want the ability to delete a custom budget template that I no longer need, ensuring my template library remains organized.
Given that the user is viewing their saved custom budget templates, when they select a template and click 'Delete', then the system should remove the selected template from the library and confirm the action with a success message.
Expense Categorization and Tagging
User Story
As a budget manager, I want to categorize and tag my expenses so that I can better track my spending and generate more detailed reports.
The Expense Categorization and Tagging requirement will introduce the ability for users to categorize and tag their expenses as they log them in the system. This will facilitate better organization and tracking of expenditures across various categories, such as venue, catering, and marketing. Users will be able to filter and analyze their expenses by category, allowing for a more granular understanding of spending behavior. This not only provides users with detailed insights but also enhances reporting capabilities, making it easier for users to prepare for future budgets and negotiations with vendors.
Acceptance Criteria
Expense Categorization while Logging Expenses
Given a user logs a new expense, when they categorize the expense as 'Venue', then the system should save the expense under the 'Venue' category and display it correctly in the budget overview.
Tagging Expenses for Detailed Reporting
Given a user logs an expense, when they add tags such as 'Catering' and 'High Priority', then those tags should be saved with the expense, enabling the user to filter by these tags in reports.
Filtering Expenses by Category
Given a user is viewing their logged expenses, when they select the 'Catering' category filter, then only expenses logged under 'Catering' should be displayed in the expense list.
Viewing Total Expenses by Category in Dashboard
Given a user accesses the Budget Health Monitor dashboard, when they view the summary, then it should display total expenses for each category in a visual format (e.g., pie chart or bar graph).
Real-time Alerts for Budget Overages
Given a user is logged into the system with a defined budget, when they log an expense that causes the total to exceed the budget, then the system should send an alert to the user indicating the overage.
Analyzing Spending Behavior by Category
Given a user wants to analyze spending behavior, when they generate a report for the past month filtered by 'Marketing', then the report should show all expenses related to 'Marketing' along with total amount spent.
Customizing Expense Categories and Tags
Given a user has administrative privileges, when they create a new category called 'Travel' and a new tag 'Urgent', then these should be available for all users to use when logging expenses.
Vendor Integration Insights
Seamlessly integrates vendor pricing information to provide budget recommendations based on selected vendors. This feature allows planners to make informed vendor choices while keeping an eye on their overall budget allowances.
Real-time Vendor Pricing Updates
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive real-time vendor pricing updates so that I can make informed budgeting decisions based on the latest information available.
This requirement ensures that the Vendor Integration Insights feature provides real-time updates on vendor pricing information, allowing event planners to have the most current data when making budget decisions. By integrating real-time data feeds from vendor sources, the platform will enable users to receive alerts when prices fluctuate, making it easier to adjust budgets dynamically and freeze estimates when planning events. This capability helps in optimizing costs and make informed decisions that fit within project budgets, ultimately enhancing the overall event planning process.
Acceptance Criteria
Real-time vendor pricing updates during an active budget adjustment session.
Given an event planner is logged into EventCraft and has selected multiple vendors for an event, when any of the selected vendors updates their pricing, then the event planner receives a real-time notification and sees the updated pricing reflected in their budget overview.
Integrating vendor pricing updates for different event types.
Given an event planner is setting up a wedding event with specific vendors, when the vendor prices are updated, then the planner should see the updated prices relevant to the wedding category along with a suggestion on how it impacts the overall budget.
Alerts for significant price changes from selected vendors.
Given an event planner has set a threshold for price changes, when any vendor's price changes beyond this threshold, then the planner receives an alert notifying them of the significant change and its effect on the budget.
Dynamic budget recalibration based on real-time data from vendors.
Given an event planner is using the budgeting tool, when a vendor updates their pricing, then the total budget recalculates automatically to reflect the updated costs and displays the new estimated budget.
Freezing estimates based on real-time pricing alerts from vendors.
Given an event planner receives a pricing alert from a vendor, when they decide to freeze the estimate, then the platform should lock the budget based on the current vendor prices at that moment.
Historical data comparison for vendor pricing changes.
Given an event planner accesses the vendor insights dashboard, when they view the pricing history, then they should be able to compare past prices with current prices side by side to evaluate cost trends.
Ease of vendor selection influenced by real-time pricing recommendations.
Given an event planner is choosing vendors for an event based on budget constraints, when the vendor prices update, then the platform suggests alternative vendors that fit within the remaining budget.
Budget Allocation Recommendations
User Story
As an event planner, I want budget allocation recommendations based on my vendor choices so that I can optimize spending and ensure all areas of the event are adequately financed.
This requirement focuses on generating automated budget allocation recommendations based on selected vendors' pricing information. When planners choose specific vendors, the system will analyze the overall budget and suggest optimal allocations for different event aspects (e.g., venue, catering, equipment). The recommendations will help in managing finances better by providing insights into where the budget can be maximized for greater value and better resource distribution, enhancing the experience for both planners and attendees.
Acceptance Criteria
User selects vendors for an event (e.g., catering, venue) within the EventCraft platform and requests budget allocation insights based on those selections.
Given the user has selected at least one vendor, when they access the budget allocation recommendations, then the system shall provide a list of recommended budget allocations for different categories (e.g., catering, venue, equipment) relevant to those vendors.
The user modifies vendor selections and requests an updated budget allocation recommendation after making changes to selected vendors.
Given the user has made changes to their vendor selections, when they request budget allocation insights again, then the system should display updated recommendations that reflect the new vendor pricing and overall budget analysis.
User wants to view the impact of changing vendor selections on overall budget allocation before finalizing vendor choices.
Given the user has a defined overall budget and selected multiple vendors, when the user modifies a vendor choice, then the system must show real-time adjustments to the budget allocation recommendations and highlight the impact of those changes visually.
User seeks to understand how the budget allocation recommendations align with the overall event budget and specific event needs.
Given the user has selected multiple vendors and is viewing the budget allocation recommendations, when they view the summary report, then the report must include total costs, recommended allocations, and a clear breakdown of how each allocation supports event needs.
User wishes to compare budget allocation recommendations based on different vendor choices to optimize cost efficiency.
Given the user has selected multiple vendor options, when they are in the comparison feature, then the system shall allow side-by-side comparison of budget recommendations with highlighted differences for easier decision-making.
Vendor Comparison Tool
User Story
As an event planner, I want a vendor comparison tool so that I can easily compare different vendors and select the best options for my event.
The requirement includes the development of a vendor comparison tool that allows planners to compare different vendors based on their pricing, services offered, and reviews. Users can view side-by-side comparisons of their selected vendors, which supports decision-making by presenting clear and organized data. This feature not only simplifies the selection process but also enhances the overall planning experience by enabling users to weigh their options quickly and efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor Comparison Tool is utilized by a user planning a corporate event who needs to select between three different catering vendors based on pricing, services offered, and customer reviews.
Given the user has selected three different catering vendors, When the vendor comparison tool is accessed, Then the tool displays a side-by-side comparison of each vendor’s pricing, services, and customer reviews in an organized manner.
A user wants to save their comparison of selected vendors for future reference during the planning process.
Given the user has completed a vendor comparison, When the user selects the 'Save Comparison' option, Then the tool saves the comparison and allows the user to access and view it later without losing any data.
A user notices that the comparison tool needs to reflect real-time updates for vendor pricing after they have been selected.
Given the user has selected vendors with variable pricing, When the vendor pricing changes, Then the comparison tool updates automatically to show the latest prices for all selected vendors.
A planner has chosen multiple vendors and wants to share the comparison with their team members for feedback.
Given the user has completed a vendor comparison, When the user selects the 'Share Comparison' option, Then the tool provides a unique link that allows team members to view the comparison without requiring a login.
The user is researching vendor performance by utilizing reviews provided within the comparison tool.
Given the user selects a vendor to view details, When the user clicks on the vendor’s name, Then the tool displays an expanded view of the vendor with detailed information, including customer reviews and ratings.
The comparison tool needs to ensure accuracy by allowing the user to manually input vendor details if necessary.
Given the user wishes to compare a vendor not in the database, When the user inputs the vendor's details manually, Then the tool accepts the input and includes it in the comparison view.
The user requires a way to filter vendors based on specific services offered.
Given the user has a list of vendors, When the user applies filters based on services, Then the comparison tool updates the displayed vendors to only show those meeting the selected criteria.
Integrated Vendor Ratings System
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see integrated vendor ratings so that I can quickly gauge the reliability and quality of vendors based on user experiences.
This requirement ensures that the Vendor Integration Insights feature incorporates a vendor ratings system that aggregates feedback and ratings from previous users. The ratings will inform new users about vendor reliability and service quality before decision-making. By integrating user feedback directly into the selection process, the system enhances trust and improves the overall decision-making process about vendor choices.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario for Vendor Ratings Integration in EventCraft
Given a user is managing an event budget, when they navigate to the vendor selection page, then they should see vendor ratings displayed alongside each vendor's pricing information allowing for informed choices.
Scenario for Aggregated User Feedback Display
Given a vendor has been selected, when the user views the vendor's profile, then the system must display an aggregated rating based on past user feedback, including individual reviews from multiple users.
Scenario for Sorting Vendors by Ratings
Given a user is on the vendor selection page, when they apply the filter to sort vendors by ratings, then the vendor list should reorder to display vendors from highest to lowest rating.
Scenario for User Interaction with Ratings
Given a user is reviewing vendor ratings, when they click on the rating score, then a pop-up should appear showing detailed user feedback and comments.
Scenario for Rating Update Post-Event
Given a user has completed their event, when they access the vendor selection page, then the system should allow them to submit their own rating and feedback about the vendor used.
Scenario for Ratings Impact on Recommendations
Given a user is considering vendor options, when they view vendor recommendations, then vendors with higher ratings should be prioritized in the recommendation list.
Customizable Budget Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want a customizable budget dashboard so that I can visually track my expenses and budgets in a way that suits my planning style.
This requirement involves creating a customizable budget dashboard where planners can visualize their budget, vendor expenses, and remaining allowances in real-time. The dashboard will allow users to modify visual elements to suit their preferences and track expenses across different categories, improving financial oversight and management. Such a tool enhances user experience by fostering a clearer understanding of budget status and enabling proactive financial management.
Acceptance Criteria
User interacts with the customizable budget dashboard to input projected expenses for different vendors ahead of an event planning session.
Given that the user has access to the budget dashboard, when they input their projected expenses, then the dashboard should accurately reflect the updated total budget and remaining allowances in real-time.
Event planners want to visualize their budget spending across different categories such as venue, catering, and entertainment to refine their vendor choices.
Given that the user has selected various expense categories, when they apply filters to visualize spending, then the dashboard should display a graphical representation of expenses for each selected category without lag.
A planner needs to adjust their budget priorities based on new vendor proposals received at a meeting.
Given that the user is on the budget dashboard, when they modify a budget category and save their changes, then the dashboard should immediately reflect the new budget allocations and adjust the remaining allowances accordingly.
The budget dashboard user is preparing for a presentation and needs to export the current budget status along with visual charts.
Given that the user has formatted their budget dashboard, when they select the export functionality, then the system should generate a PDF report that includes all visual elements and current budget statuses, ready for download.
A user wants to set reminders for budget thresholds to ensure they do not overspend during event preparations.
Given that the user has defined budget thresholds, when they save the settings, then the system should provide notifications when expenses approach the set thresholds during the planning process.
Event planners wish to track their expenses in real-time as vendors are selected and booked to understand the impact on the overall budget immediately.
Given that the user adds or removes vendors in the dashboard, when they finalize vendor selections, then the dashboard must update the budget status and remaining allowances without needing a page refresh.
Automated Budget Alerts
User Story
As an event planner, I want automated budget alerts so that I can be notified when I am close to exceeding my budget limits, allowing me to make timely adjustments.
This requirement entails implementing automated alerts that notify event planners when they are nearing their budget limits or when certain thresholds are reached. These alerts will help users manage their spending actively and adjust their selections in real-time, preventing unexpected overspending and ensuring the event remains within budget. The feature is vital for maintaining financial discipline throughout the planning process.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners are in the budgeting phase of planning an event, and they have established a budget limit within the EventCraft platform. As they add vendors to their event, the automated budget alerts feature should activate, notifying them when they are approaching their budget limits based on the prices of selected vendors.
Given an established budget limit, when vendors are added that exceed 75% of the budget, then an alert should be triggered indicating 'You are nearing your budget limit.'
During the budgeting process, event planners have configured specific budget thresholds (e.g., 80%, 90%). As they input vendor costs into EventCraft, the alert system should notify them when they reach those defined thresholds to facilitate timely decision-making.
Given budget thresholds set at 80% and 90%, when the total vendor costs reach the thresholds, then the system should send alerts stating 'You have reached 80% of your budget' and 'You have reached 90% of your budget' accordingly.
Event planners are actively managing their event budget while making adjustments to their vendor selections. The automated budget alerts feature should execute real-time monitoring of the total expenses and notify users immediately if any changes push them over their budget limit.
Given that total expenses are monitored in real-time, when a vendor's pricing is updated and pushes the total expense over the budget limit, then the user should receive an alert stating 'Budget exceeded by [amount].'
An event planner has multiple events planned and is using EventCraft to manage budgets for each event. The automated alerts feature should handle notifications for each event budget independently, ensuring clarity and accuracy in tracking.
Given multiple events being tracked with individual budgets, when one event's total expense exceeds 90% of its budget, then an alert should be sent specifically for that event without affecting alerts for others.
After receiving budget alerts, planners might adjust their vendor selections. The automated budget alerts should not only notify users of current budget statuses but also reflect these changes instantaneously in the alerts when adjustments are made.
Given a budget alert has been triggered, when the user removes or updates a vendor to lower total expenses, then the alert should be updated to 'Your current budget status is within limits' if the total is now below budget.
Planners may want to customize their alert settings based on personal preference or urgency. The automated budget alerts feature should allow users to set their alert thresholds, ensuring notifications align with individual planning styles.
Given a planner has customized alert settings, when vendor costs are added that exceed these custom thresholds, then alerts should be sent according to the user's defined preferences (e.g., email, SMS).
Post-Event Budget Review
An analytical tool that reviews budget performance after the event, comparing planned versus actual expenditures. This feature gives planners valuable feedback on their budgeting effectiveness, highlighting areas for improvement in future events.
Detailed Budget Analysis
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see a detailed comparison of my budgeted versus actual expenses after the event so that I can identify areas where I need to improve my budgeting strategies for future events.
The Detailed Budget Analysis requirement focuses on providing a comprehensive breakdown of both planned and actual expenditures, enabling users to identify specific areas of over or under expenditure post-event. It will integrate seamlessly with EventCraft's existing budgeting tool, allowing users to pull in data from the event budget and compare it with actual costs incurred. This feature will not only help planners in understanding how closely they adhered to their financial plan but will also provide insights into specific line items that significantly deviated from the budget. This will enhance financial accountability, improve future budget estimations, and help in making informed decisions for subsequent events.
Acceptance Criteria
Post-event budget performance review session with the planning team to evaluate discrepancies between planned and actual expenditures.
Given the event budget data is imported, when the planner opens the Detailed Budget Analysis tool, then the tool should display a comparative breakdown of planned versus actual expenditures across all budget categories.
User accessing the Detailed Budget Analysis after the event to identify areas of over and under expenditure for future improvement.
Given that the event has concluded, when the user selects the Detailed Budget Analysis, then all deviations such as line items that exceeded budgeted amounts should be highlighted with specific reasons for deviation.
Event planner generating a report showing budget performance details after an event.
Given the Detailed Budget Analysis is accessible, when the user selects the 'Generate Report' option, then a comprehensive report including charts and graphs comparing planned vs actual expenses should be generated and downloadable.
Team discussion reviewing the effectiveness of budget management based on insights from the analysis.
Given the Detailed Budget Analysis outputs are available, when the team meets to discuss the analysis, then insights regarding at least three key budget items that significantly deviated from the budget must be presented and discussed.
Integrating with the existing EventCraft budgeting tool for seamless data flow post-event.
Given event data is stored in EventCraft, when the user initiates the Detailed Budget Analysis, then the tool should automatically import all relevant data without manual entry errors.
Post-event feedback collection from users regarding the usefulness of the Detailed Budget Analysis feature.
Given the Detailed Budget Analysis has been utilized, when feedback is collected from users, then at least 80% of users should indicate that the analysis provided valuable insights for future budgeting.
Vendor Performance Metrics
User Story
As an event planner, I want to analyze vendor performance relative to budget expenditures after an event so that I can make better decisions about vendor selection for future events.
The Vendor Performance Metrics requirement will offer an analysis tool that evaluates the performance of vendors against the budgeted amounts. By integrating vendor data within the budget review process, event planners can assess which vendors delivered as expected and which exceeded or fell short of the agreed terms. This functionality will help planners improve vendor selection in future events by providing quantifiable metrics on vendor performance based on budget adherence and service delivery. The tool will also enable comparison against industry standards to ensure competitiveness and quality assurance.
Acceptance Criteria
Evaluation of Vendor Performance Against Budgeted Amounts
Given that the event planner has completed the post-event budget review, when they access the vendor performance metrics tool, then they should be able to view a comprehensive report comparing each vendor's actual expenditures against their respective budgeted amounts, highlighting any deviations accordingly.
Integration of Vendor Data with Budget Review
Given that the event planner has entered vendor data into the system, when they initiate the budget review process, then the system should seamlessly integrate the vendor performance data, allowing for a side-by-side analysis with budget figures.
Comparison of Vendor Performance Against Industry Standards
Given that the event planner is reviewing vendor performance, when they select a vendor, then they should be presented with industry standard benchmarks for similar vendors, allowing them to evaluate performance in context.
Quantitative Metrics Display for Vendor Evaluation
Given that the event planner has completed a review of vendor performance metrics, when they generate a report, then the report should include quantifiable metrics such as percentage of budget adherence and service rating based on planner feedback.
User-Friendly Interface for Reviewing Vendor Performance
Given that the event planner wants to assess vendor performance, when they navigate to the vendor performance metrics feature, then they should experience an intuitive and user-friendly interface that clearly presents all relevant information without confusion.
Feedback Mechanism for Future Event Planning
Given that the vendor performance review is completed, when the planner identifies areas for improvement, then the system should allow them to document feedback and suggestions for future vendor selections within the platform.
Generation of Actionable Insights from Vendor Performance Data
Given that the vendor performance metrics are available, when the planner analyzes this data, then the system should provide actionable insights or recommendations for future vendor engagement based on historical performance.
Budget Adjustment Recommendations
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive automated recommendations for budget adjustments based on previous events’ financial performance so that I can enhance my budgeting accuracy over time.
The Budget Adjustment Recommendations requirement will suggest actionable insights and changes for future budgets based on past performance metrics. By analyzing past expenditure patterns and presenting suggestions for budgeting adjustments, this feature will use AI algorithms to identify trends and anomalies that could inform more accurate future budgeting. It will empower planners to refine their budgeting processes proactively, optimizing costs and resource allocation for future events.
Acceptance Criteria
Use Case 1: An event planner conducts a post-event analysis meeting with their team to review the financial outcomes of the recently completed event, using the Budget Adjustment Recommendations feature to identify potential areas for budget improvement for future events.
Given the planner selects the event from the dashboard, When the post-event budget review is initiated, Then the system should generate a detailed report comparing planned versus actual expenditures and provide actionable budget adjustment recommendations based on historical data.
Use Case 2: A corporate team evaluates the budgeting insights provided by the Budget Adjustment Recommendations tool after they receive feedback from stakeholders on event costs, aiming to optimize future budget processes.
Given that the team accesses the past event data, When they run the budget analysis, Then the system should display trends and anomalies in spending patterns alongside suggested adjustments for future budgets.
Use Case 3: A freelance event planner uses the Budget Adjustment Recommendations feature to prepare a proposal for a new client, showcasing how insights from previous events can enhance budgeting accuracy.
Given the planner inputs past expenditure data into the system, When they request budget adjustment recommendations, Then the system should output a clear summary of recommended budget changes linked to past performance metrics.
Use Case 4: After hosting multiple events, a planning team uses the Budget Adjustment Recommendations feature to analyze the impact of their budget strategies and validate their effectiveness.
Given that the team reviews the results from several past events, When they assess the suggested budget adjustments, Then the system should correlate suggested changes with specific past performance metrics to demonstrate potential cost savings for future events.
Use Case 5: A nonprofit organization reviews its event spending using the Budget Adjustment Recommendations to identify cost-saving opportunities for their next fundraising event.
Given the nonprofit reviews its expense history, When they generate the budget adjustment report, Then the system should highlight at least three specific cost-saving recommendations based on previous expenditure patterns.
Use Case 6: An event management company prepares for a client meeting by reviewing the Budget Adjustment Recommendations to present optimized budgeting strategies for upcoming events.
Given the company has past financial data available, When they generate the budgeting recommendations report, Then the system should provide a comprehensive list of actionable adjustments and a summary of the expected impact on future budgets.
Visual Budget Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to have a visual dashboard that clearly displays my budget performance metrics so that I can quickly assess and understand the financial health of my event after it concludes.
The Visual Budget Dashboard requirement will create an interactive, user-friendly interface that displays the budget performance in real-time post-event through charts and graphs. This dashboard will provide a visual representation of how the expenses aligned with the planned budget, highlighting variances in a clear and intuitive manner. It will enhance the user's ability to quickly grasp financial insights and make data-driven decisions in a more digestible format, ultimately increasing user engagement with the budgeting tools.
Acceptance Criteria
User reviews the post-event budget performance using the Visual Budget Dashboard to compare planned versus actual expenditures.
Given the user has completed an event and accessed the Visual Budget Dashboard, when they select the specific event, then the dashboard displays a clear chart comparing planned versus actual expenditures with visually distinct colors for each category.
User examines variances in expenditures displayed in the Visual Budget Dashboard after an event.
Given the user interacts with the Visual Budget Dashboard, when they hover over any section of the expenditure graph, then a tooltip appears showing the exact amount of the planned budget and the actual expenditure for that category.
User wants to assess the overall financial health of their event after reviewing the post-event budget.
Given the user has accessed the Visual Budget Dashboard, when they view the summary section, then the dashboard presents an overall percentage of budget variance (planned vs actual) prominently at the top of the interface.
User wants to identify areas for improvement in future budgeting based on the insights provided by the Visual Budget Dashboard.
Given the dashboard displays post-event data, when the user selects the 'Insights' option, then they are presented with a summary of the top three areas where variances were highest, along with actionable recommendations for future budgeting.
User utilizes the Visual Budget Dashboard to generate a report of budget performance for stakeholders.
Given the user is on the Visual Budget Dashboard, when they click on the 'Generate Report' button, then a downloadable PDF report is created that includes all charts, expenditure data, and insights from the dashboard.
Post-Event Reporting Tool
User Story
As an event planner, I want a tool that generates a holistic report of budget performance post-event so that I can effectively communicate the financial outcomes to my stakeholders.
The Post-Event Reporting Tool requirement entails the development of a comprehensive reporting function that compiles all budget performance data into a detailed report that can be shared with stakeholders. This tool will not only summarize budget adherence but also include insights, metrics, and recommendations from the previous features. The end-of-event report will serve as a formal document for accountability and review, allowing teams to present findings effectively to executives or sponsors, ultimately enhancing transparency.
Acceptance Criteria
Generating a Post-Event Report for Stakeholders
Given that the Post-Event Reporting Tool is used, when the user selects the budget performance data for the event, then the system generates a comprehensive report detailing planned versus actual expenditures along with insights and recommendations.
Sharing the Post-Event Report with Team and Executives
Given that a report is generated, when the user chooses to share the report with stakeholders, then the system successfully sends the report via email to the selected contacts listed.
Reviewing Metrics in the Post-Event Report
Given that a report has been generated, when the user views the report, then the metrics such as total budget variance, total savings, and areas for improvement should be clearly displayed and easily interpretable.
Updating Budget Performance Insights
Given that the report is generated, when the user updates any budget performance data, then the changes should automatically reflect in the report without the need to regenerate the report.
Accessing Archived Post-Event Reports
Given that reports are generated for multiple events, when the user accesses the archive section, then they should be able to retrieve any historical post-event report by selecting the event date or title.
Filtering Insights for Specific Stakeholders
Given that a report is generated, when the user applies filters based on stakeholder roles, then the system should display only the relevant insights and metrics tailored to the selected stakeholder group.
Exporting the Post-Event Report to PDF
Given that a report has been generated, when the user initiates the export function, then the report should be exported successfully to a PDF format without loss of any data.
Challenge Creator
This tool empowers event planners to design and implement customized challenges that attendees can participate in throughout the event. These challenges can vary from trivia quizzes to photo scavenger hunts, enabling planners to promote interaction among participants. By offering rewards for completing challenges, attendees are motivated to engage more actively in the event, fostering a lively atmosphere and promoting networking.
Challenge Customization
User Story
As an event planner, I want to customize challenges for my event so that attendees are motivated to engage actively and network with each other.
The Challenge Customization requirement allows event planners to design and tailor challenges to fit the themes and objectives of their events. This includes options for selecting challenge types (e.g., quizzes, scavenger hunts), defining rules and parameters, and customizing difficulty levels. By enabling planners to forge personalized challenges, this requirement enhances participant engagement and promotes networking opportunities throughout the event. It will integrate seamlessly with the EventCraft platform, leveraging its existing scheduling and attendee management functionalities to create a cohesive event experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Challenge Type Selection by Event Planners
Given an event planner is creating a challenge, when they select the challenge type from a provided list, then the system should display the corresponding customization options for that challenge type.
Customizing Challenge Rules and Parameters
Given an event planner is editing a challenge, when they input rules and parameters for the challenge, then the system should save these specifications accurately and reflect them in the challenge details.
Setting Difficulty Levels for Challenges
Given an event planner is setting the difficulty level of a challenge, when they choose a level (e.g., easy, medium, hard), then the system should update the challenge information to include this difficulty level and provide appropriate feedback to the planner.
Reviewing Summary of Customized Challenges
Given an event planner completes the customization of a challenge, when they review the challenge summary, then the system should display all selected options, including challenge type, rules, parameters, and difficulty level without any errors.
Integrating Challenges with Event Schedule
Given an event planner has created a challenge, when they link the challenge to a specific time slot in the event schedule, then the system should reflect this link in the event timeline and notify attendees accordingly.
Testing Challenge Engagement Features
Given an event is ongoing, when attendees participate in a challenge, then the system should track participation rates and provide real-time updates to the event planner on engagement levels.
Real-Time Leaderboard
User Story
As an attendee, I want to see my performance on a leaderboard so that I can gauge my progress and strive to be the best at the event challenges.
The Real-Time Leaderboard requirement provides instant feedback on attendee performance in challenges. It will display rankings based on challenges completed, points earned, and rewards achieved. This feature fosters a sense of competition among attendees and encourages continuous participation throughout the event. The leaderboard will be integrated into the EventCraft interface, allowing planners to update challenge results easily and ensuring attendees can view their standings in real time. This boosts engagement and adds an exciting dynamic to challenge participation.
Acceptance Criteria
Display the Real-Time Leaderboard during an event with multiple challenges and participants, allowing all attendees to view their current standings based on completed challenges.
Given the event is active, when an attendee opens the Real-Time Leaderboard, then they should see their position, points earned, and rewards won updated in real-time.
Enable event planners to update challenge results on the leaderboard seamlessly during the event, ensuring that the displayed data reflects the most current participant performance.
Given a planner has access to the leaderboard, when they update challenge results, then the leaderboard should refresh automatically to display the updated standings within 5 seconds.
Allow attendees to filter the leaderboard by different criteria, such as most points earned, challenges completed, or rewards achieved, enhancing their engagement and motivation during the event.
Given the leaderboard is displayed, when an attendee selects a filter option, then the leaderboard should rearrange based on the selected criteria and update the displayed standings accordingly.
Integrate the Real-Time Leaderboard into the EventCraft interface, ensuring it is accessible from multiple devices (desktop and mobile) so that all attendees can view their standings.
Given the event is being accessed on any device, when an attendee navigates to the leaderboard section, then the layout and visibility should remain consistent and user-friendly across all devices.
Provide a rewards mechanism linked to the leaderboard for attendees who reach certain ranks, ensuring they are notified about their achievements and rewards.
Given an attendee achieves a top rank on the leaderboard, when the ranking is updated, then the attendee should receive a notification stating their new rank and any associated rewards they have earned.
Reward System Integration
User Story
As an event planner, I want to implement a reward system for challenges so that attendees feel incentivized to participate and engage with each other.
The Reward System Integration requirement enables event planners to set up a system of rewards linked to challenge participation. This includes defining types of rewards (e.g., badges, physical prizes, discounts), criteria for earning them, and methods of distribution. The integration with the EventCraft platform ensures that rewards are seamlessly incorporated, encouraging participants to engage with challenges and enhancing overall event experience. This system fosters friendly competition and motivates attendees to maximize their event experience through active participation.
Acceptance Criteria
Reward Types Definition
Given an event planner is logged into EventCraft, when they navigate to the 'Reward System Integration' section, then they should be able to define at least three different types of rewards such as badges, physical prizes, and discounts.
Earning Criteria Specification
Given an event planner is setting up a challenge, when they specify the criteria for earning rewards, then they should be able to create conditions that include completion of challenges, points earned, or levels achieved.
Reward Distribution Methods
Given an event planner has created a reward system, when they set up distribution methods, then they should be able to choose from at least two options such as immediate awarding upon challenge completion or at the end of the event.
Integration with Challenge Participation
Given a participant participates in a challenge, when they meet the defined earning criteria, then they should receive their reward automatically through the EventCraft platform.
Reporting on Rewards Earned
Given an event planner wants to evaluate engagement, when they access the reporting feature, then they should be able to view a detailed report on rewards earned by participants across all challenges.
Notification System for Reward Redemption
Given a participant has earned a reward, when they go to redeem it, then they should receive a notification via email and in-app messaging detailing how to redeem their reward.
Challenge Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to access analytics on challenge performance so that I can evaluate their impact and improve future events.
The Challenge Analytics Dashboard requirement provides planners with insights into the effectiveness of the challenges through analytics and reports. This feature will capture data such as participation rates, completion times, attendee feedback, and engagement metrics. The dashboard will allow planners to evaluate the impact of the challenges and adapt future events based on these insights to better meet attendee needs. This analytical component supports continuous improvement and enhances the overall effectiveness of event engagement strategies.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to view real-time data on participation rates for each challenge during the event to assess attendee engagement dynamically.
Given the Challenge Analytics Dashboard is loaded, when I select a specific challenge, then I should see the participation rate as a percentage displayed prominently in real-time.
As an event planner, I wish to receive a report after the event detailing the completion times for each challenge to analyze how quickly attendees engage with the activities.
Given the event has concluded, when I generate a report from the Challenge Analytics Dashboard, then the report should include average completion times for each challenge.
As an event planner, I need to filter analytics data by date range so that I can evaluate the performance of challenges over specific events or time periods.
Given the Challenge Analytics Dashboard, when I apply a date range filter and refresh the data, then the dashboard should update to display analytics only for challenges active within that date range.
As an event planner, I would like to see attendee feedback on challenges to identify areas for improvement and gauge overall satisfaction.
Given I access the Challenge Analytics Dashboard, when I navigate to the feedback section, then I should see a compiled list of attendee comments and satisfaction ratings for each challenge.
As an event planner, I want to compare the effectiveness of multiple challenges side by side using key engagement metrics to inform future event strategies.
Given the Challenge Analytics Dashboard, when I select multiple challenges for comparison, then the dashboard should display a side-by-side comparison including metrics like participation rates, completion times, and feedback ratings.
As an event planner, I want to export the analytics data in various formats (CSV, PDF) for reporting purposes to stakeholders after the event.
Given I am viewing the Challenge Analytics Dashboard, when I choose the export option, then I should be able to download the data in both CSV and PDF formats without errors.
Social Media Sharing Capability
User Story
As an attendee, I want to share my achievements from event challenges on social media so that I can celebrate my victories and connect with others who attended the event.
The Social Media Sharing Capability requirement allows attendees to share their challenge experiences and achievements on social media platforms directly from the EventCraft interface. This feature will include options to post updates about completed challenges, leaderboard rankings, and rewards won. By facilitating social sharing, this requirement enhances the event's visibility and fosters community engagement beyond the event itself, encouraging ongoing interaction among attendees and promoting the event to wider audiences.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendee shares a completed challenge immediately after finishing it during an event.
Given an attendee has completed a challenge, when they click the 'Share on Social Media' button, then a pop-up with sharing options appears showing platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Attendee wants to post their leaderboard ranking at the end of an event.
Given the attendee is on the leaderboard page, when they select the 'Share Your Ranking' option, then a post preview appears with options to customize the message before sharing it.
Attendee successfully shares a challenge reward on social media after the event concludes.
Given the attendee has won a challenge reward, when they initiate a share from the rewards page, then the post includes the reward information and a link back to the event details page.
Event planner wants to promote social media sharing of challenges throughout the event.
Given the planner accesses the event dashboard, when they enable the 'Social Sharing' feature for challenges, then all attendees receive a notification prompting them to share their activities on social media.
Attendee wants to edit their social media sharing message before posting.
Given the attendee is in the sharing pop-up, when they click 'Edit Message,' then they are able to modify the text of their social media post before finalizing the share.
At the end of the event, attendees reflect on their social sharing experience.
Given that the event has concluded, when attendees access the 'My Shares' section, then they can see a log of all their social media posts related to the event with engagement metrics.
Multi-Language Support
User Story
As an international attendee, I want the challenge instructions available in my language so that I can fully understand and participate in the event activities.
The Multi-Language Support requirement ensures that the Challenge Creator feature can be accessed and utilized by a diverse audience by offering multiple language options. This includes translating challenge prompts, rules, and interface elements into various languages. This caters to an international audience, making the platform inclusive and promoting participation among attendees from different linguistic backgrounds. By enhancing accessibility through language support, EventCraft can broaden its user base and improve the overall event experience.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to create a trivia challenge that can be accessed in multiple languages, so that attendees who speak different languages can participate equally.
Given the Challenge Creator is opened in a supported language, when I create a trivia challenge with prompts in that language, then the challenge prompts and rules must display correctly in the selected language.
As an attendee, I want to participate in a photo scavenger hunt that has instructions and clues in my native language to ensure I understand all requirements.
Given the photo scavenger hunt is created using the Challenge Creator, when I select my preferred language, then all instructions and clues must be accurately translated and displayed in that language.
As an event manager, I want to ensure the Challenge Creator's interface and options are presented in various languages to facilitate ease of use for diverse users.
Given the language settings can be adjusted, when a user selects a different language from the settings menu, then the entire interface including buttons, labels, and menus must update to reflect the selected language.
As an event organizer, I want to check if non-English languages are fully supported in the Challenge Creator feature to enhance accessibility.
Given the Challenge Creator allows for multilingual input, when I create a challenge using non-English characters, then the system must accept and properly display those characters without errors.
As an attendee with limited English proficiency, I want to receive notifications about challenge updates in my preferred language to stay informed about the event.
Given a challenge update occurs, when attendance is logged from users who selected a specific language, then all notifications regarding the challenge updates must be sent and displayed in that selected language.
Leaderboard Display
Integrating a real-time leaderboard within the event platform allows attendees to see their progress in gamified activities. By displaying top scorers and highlighting accomplishments, this feature ignites healthy competition among participants and encourages them to engage with the event content more fully in pursuit of points. This visibility enhances the excitement of participation and sustains engagement throughout the event.
Real-time Scoring Updates
User Story
As an attendee, I want to see real-time updates of my scores on the leaderboard, so that I can gauge my performance and compete with others during the event.
The leaderboard display must show real-time scoring updates from gamified activities, allowing attendees to see their current status instantly. This feature benefits users by providing immediate feedback on their performance, fostering a competitive spirit, and encouraging increased participation. Integration with the event's activity tracking system is crucial for accuracy and timeliness of updates, ensuring that participants are motivated to engage in activities and strive for top positions on the leaderboard.
Acceptance Criteria
Displaying real-time updates for a gamified scavenger hunt where attendees can earn points by completing specific tasks during the event.
Given an attendee participates in the scavenger hunt, when they complete a task, then their score should be updated within 5 seconds on the leaderboard.
Updating scores for trivia game participants who answer questions correctly in real time during the event.
Given a trivia question is answered correctly, when the score is updated, then the leaderboard reflects the new position of that attendee within 3 seconds.
Ensuring that attendees can view their personalized scores and ranks on the leaderboard during a competition-based session, such as a hackathon.
Given an attendee accesses the leaderboard page, when the page loads, then their individual score and rank must display accurately along with the top 5 scorers.
Allowing event organizers to initiate a manual score update if there is an identified delay in the automatic scoring system during the activity.
Given an organizer selects the option to manually refresh scores, when they confirm the action, then all attendee scores must be updated and reflected on the leaderboard immediately.
Syncing scores across multiple devices used by attendees during the event, ensuring all devices display the same leaderboard information.
Given an attendee logs in from a different device, when they access the leaderboard after completing an activity, then the scores should match the previous device's display without discrepancies.
Filtering the leaderboard by activity categories to allow attendees to see scores specifically related to certain gamified events they participated in.
Given an attendee selects a specific gamified activity category from the filter options, when the leaderboard is refreshed, then only scores related to that category should be visible.
Top Scorers Highlight
User Story
As an event planner, I want to feature top scorers on the leaderboard, so that I can acknowledge high achievers and encourage participants to aspire to those scores.
This requirement mandates the leaderboard to visually highlight the top scorers, showcasing their names and scores prominently. By emphasizing achievements, this feature not only recognizes and rewards participation but also motivates other attendees to improve their scores. The integration of user profiles will allow personalization of this feature, where attendees can see their ranks relative to others, enhancing the overall competitive experience at the event.
Acceptance Criteria
Top scorers' names and scores are displayed prominently on the leaderboard during the event, allowing attendees to view their ranking in real-time as they participate in gamified activities.
Given that the event is in progress, when attendees access the leaderboard, then the top scorers should be visually highlighted, showing their names and scores at the top of the leaderboard section.
Attendees can view their ranks relative to the top scorers on a personalized basis, providing motivation to improve their performance throughout the event.
Given that an attendee is logged in, when they access their profile, then they should see their current rank in relation to the top scorers highlighted on the leaderboard.
The leaderboard updates dynamically to reflect changes in scores and rankings as attendees earn points during the event.
Given that an attendee earns points, when their score is updated, then the leaderboard should refresh automatically to show the updated scores and rankings of top scorers without requiring a page refresh.
The leaderboard includes an option for attendees to filter or sort the scores based on various criteria, such as points earned, time of ranking, and individual vs. team achievements.
Given that the leaderboard is displayed, when an attendee selects a filter option, then the leaderboard should sort the displayed scores according to the selected criteria in real-time.
Immediate notifications are sent to attendees when they enter the top scorers' ranks, enhancing engagement and excitement during the event.
Given that an attendee's score surpasses the threshold to enter the top scorers’ list, when this change occurs, then they should receive an instant notification alerting them of their improved status.
The visual design of the leaderboard is accessible and visually distinct, ensuring that highlighted top scorers stand out for all attendees to quickly identify.
Given that the leaderboard is displayed, when viewed by attendees, then the top scorers' section should be clearly distinguishable through color contrast and font styling appropriate for supporting accessibility standards.
Customizable Leaderboard View
User Story
As an attendee, I want to customize the leaderboard view to focus on my team's performance, so that I can better track my group's progress in the competition.
The leaderboard should offer a customizable view, allowing users to filter score displays by different criteria, such as teams, individuals, or categories of activities. This flexibility enables attendees to focus on the competition aspects they find most relevant, enhancing their engagement with the event. This requirement will integrate with user preferences, remembering past selections for seamless access each time they log in during the event.
Acceptance Criteria
Users can select and view the leaderboard filtered by individuals during a networking event.
Given a logged-in user at the event, When the user selects the 'Individuals' filter, Then the leaderboard displays only individual scores and rankings.
Users can switch between viewing different leaderboards such as teams and categories during ongoing events.
Given a user on the leaderboard page, When the user selects a filter for 'Teams' and then selects 'Categories,' Then the leaderboard updates to show both team scores and category-based scores accurately without errors.
The leaderboard maintains user preferences between logins for seamless use.
Given a user has previously selected 'Teams' as their filter, When the user logs back in, Then the leaderboard displays the last selected filter as 'Teams' without requiring the user to reselect it.
The leaderboard updates in real-time to reflect participant score changes during the event.
Given an active event with participants competing, When a participant earns new points, Then the leaderboard updates to display the new scores within 5 seconds of the points being awarded.
Users can filter the leaderboard based on specific categories of activities during the event.
Given a user on the leaderboard page, When the user selects the 'Activities' filter and chooses a specific category, Then the leaderboard displays only scores related to that chosen category accurately.
The leaderboard interface is user-friendly and intuitive for all participants.
Given a user with varying levels of tech-savviness, When the user interacts with the leaderboard interface, Then the user can easily understand how to filter and view their desired leaderboard options without assistance.
Leaderboard Analytics Integration
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to access analytics from the leaderboard, so that I can understand participant engagement and improve future events based on data-driven insights.
This feature entails integrating advanced analytics capabilities into the leaderboard, allowing event organizers to analyze participation trends and scoring patterns. By capturing and visualizing data related to attendee engagement and activity performance, organizers can improve future events based on these insights. This analytics integration would function alongside the leaderboard, providing a comprehensive view of engagement metrics.
Acceptance Criteria
Displaying Real-Time Scoring Data to Participants
Given the leaderboard integration is functioning, when participants log in to the event platform, then they should see their current score and ranking updated in real-time without requiring a page refresh.
Analytics Dashboard for Event Organizers
Given the analytics integration is complete, when event organizers access the dashboard, then they should be able to view participant engagement metrics including total points earned, activities completed, and leaderboard standings for the entire event.
Historical Data Analysis Post-Event
Given that the event has concluded, when data analytics is accessed, then event organizers should be able to extract a report detailing engagement trends, top activities, and participation rates to inform future event planning.
Filtering Options for Engagement Metrics
Given the leaderboard features advanced analytics, when event organizers use the filtering options, then they should be able to view data segmented by event sessions, participant roles, or individual activities.
Notification System for Score Updates
Given that participants are actively engaging in gamified activities, when they earn points or change rank, then they should receive real-time notifications to enhance their engagement.
Visual Representation of Score Trends
Given the integration of analytics data, when event organizers view engagement metrics, then they should see visual representations (charts/graphs) of scoring trends over the course of the event.
User Experience for Analytics Access
Given the analytics integration, when an event organizer navigates to the analytics section, then the layout should be user-friendly, showcasing key metrics without the need for advanced technical skills.
Gamification Notifications
User Story
As an attendee, I want to receive notifications when I achieve a new milestone on the leaderboard, so that I can celebrate my accomplishments and stay motivated to participate further in the event.
The leaderboard display must include a notification system to inform participants of milestones reached, such as earning a new badge or surpassing a score threshold. This requirement enriches the participant experience by providing tangible goals and acknowledgments throughout the event. These notifications must be timely and should seamlessly integrate with both the leaderboard and personal user profiles to enhance the feeling of achievement.
Acceptance Criteria
Gamification notifications trigger when a participant reaches a new score threshold during an event, ensuring real-time updates and engagement.
Given a participant achieves a new score threshold, when the score is updated, then the system sends a notification to the participant's profile and displays it on the leaderboard.
A participant earns a new badge for completing specific gamified activities, prompting an automatic acknowledgment through notifications.
Given a participant completes all required tasks for a badge, when the badge is awarded, then the participant receives a notification detailing the badge and how it contributes to their overall score.
Participants can view their past notifications about achievements or milestones, allowing them to track their progress over time.
Given a participant accesses their user profile, when they navigate to the notifications section, then they should see a history of all notifications related to badges and score milestones.
Notifications about achievements should be visually distinct and time-sensitive, drawing attention immediately when new milestones are reached.
Given a new achievement notification is triggered, when a participant receives it, then the notification should be highlighted and timestamped for immediate visibility on the event platform.
Notifications should include clear call-to-action elements that guide participants to view their progress on the leaderboard.
Given a participant receives a milestone notification, when they click on the notification, then they are redirected to their ranking on the leaderboard with a summary of their achievements.
Notifications are sent out during the event in a timely manner, ensuring participants do not miss key updates.
Given a participant reaches a milestone while the event is ongoing, when the milestone is recorded, then the notification should be sent within 1 minute of the event trigger.
The integration of notifications into the leaderboard and user profiles should be seamless and maintain system performance without delays.
Given the notification system is functioning, when multiple participants achieve milestones simultaneously, then the system should process and send notifications without noticeable lag or system slowdowns.
Networking Bingo
A fun twist on traditional networking, this interactive bingo card assigns tasks such as meeting specific people, discovering interesting facts, or participating in discussions. Attendees can complete rows to win prizes or recognition, encouraging them to mingle and explore the event more thoroughly. This feature not only fosters networking but also makes it a memorable and enjoyable experience.
Interactive Task Assignment
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to create customizable bingo cards for attendees so that they can engage more actively with each other and have fun while networking.
The Interactive Task Assignment requirement allows the event organizer to create customizable bingo cards with specific networking tasks. Each task can be tailored to the event's objectives and attendees, enhancing the networking experience and making it more engaging. The cards will be digitally accessible via the EventCraft platform, enabling attendees to easily view and track their progress. This functionality promotes active participation, encourages mingling, and fosters connections among attendees by directing their interaction towards completing tasks that involve meeting new people or engaging in meaningful conversations. The requirement also integrates with the event's existing scheduling and attendee management features, ensuring a cohesive experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Event organizers can create custom bingo cards that contain networking tasks relevant to the attendees and the event objectives.
Given that an event organizer is logged into the EventCraft platform, when they navigate to the Networking Bingo feature and click 'Create Bingo Card', then they should be able to add, edit, or remove tasks and save the custom bingo card successfully.
Attendees can access their personalized bingo cards through the EventCraft mobile or web application.
Given that an attendee is logged into the EventCraft platform during the event, when they navigate to the Networking Bingo section, then they should see their personalized bingo card with assigned tasks displayed clearly.
Attendees can mark tasks as completed on their bingo cards in real-time during the event.
Given that an attendee is viewing their bingo card on the EventCraft platform, when they click on a completed task, then the task should be marked as completed, visually updated on their card, and a confirmation message should be displayed.
Event organizers can set thresholds for rewards based on task completion on bingo cards.
Given that an event organizer is setting up a prize structure for the Networking Bingo, when they determine and apply criteria for winning (e.g., completing one row), then those thresholds should be saved and reflected in the event details for attendees to see.
Tracking of attendee engagement and completion of tasks on bingo cards is available for event organizers.
Given that the event is active, when the event organizer checks the analytics dashboard, then they should be able to view statistics about task completion rates and attendee participation in Networking Bingo.
Notifications to remind attendees to complete tasks on their bingo cards are sent out throughout the event.
Given that the event is in progress, when a specified time interval is reached, then notifications should be sent to all attendees reminding them to check their bingo cards for any tasks they have not yet completed.
Prizes and Recognition Management
User Story
As a participant, I want to earn prizes for completing tasks on my bingo card so that I feel motivated to engage more with others during the event.
The Prizes and Recognition Management requirement allows event organizers to define and manage a system for rewarding attendees who complete specific tasks or achieve certain milestones on their bingo cards. Organizers can set various prizes that can include gifts, recognitions, or certificates. This feature will be integrated within EventCraft, allowing easy tracking of completed tasks and associated rewards for participants. By incentivizing task completion, this requirement enhances attendee motivation and engagement, transforming a simple networking activity into a competitive and enjoyable event experience, ultimately leading to increased participation and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event organizer, I want to set up various prizes for attendees who complete tasks on their Bingo cards, so I can incentivize participation and enhance the event experience.
Given that I am logged into the EventCraft platform, when I navigate to the Networking Bingo settings and select 'Manage Prizes', then I should be able to add, edit, and delete prize entries with a name, description, and allocation methods.
As an event organizer, I want to track attendees' progress on their Bingo cards, so that I can determine who is eligible for prizes based on task completion.
Given that attendees have checked off tasks on their Bingo cards, when I view the aggregated task completion report, then I should see a list of attendees and the tasks they have completed along with their eligibility for prizes.
As an event organizer, I want to notify attendees when they qualify for a prize after completing specific tasks, so that they feel recognized and motivated to continue engaging.
Given that an attendee has completed a task that qualifies them for a prize, when I trigger a notification through the EventCraft system, then the attendee should receive a congratulatory message along with information about how to claim their prize.
As an event organizer, I want to customize prize types for different tasks on the Bingo card, to ensure a varied and appealing reward system for attendees.
Given that I am in the prize management section, when I create a new Bingo task, then I should have the option to assign a specific prize type to that task.
As an event organizer, I want to analyze the effectiveness of the prizes in motivating attendees, so that I can make data-driven decisions for future events.
Given that the event is complete, when I access the event analytics dashboard, then I should see metrics on task completion rates correlated with prize redemption rates.
As an event organizer, I want to provide clear guidelines on how attendees can qualify for prizes, to avoid confusion and ensure fair play.
Given that I am editing the event information, when I add a section on prizes and recognition, then the information should specify task requirements and prize types clearly and be accessible to all attendees.
Real-time Progress Tracker
User Story
As a participant, I want to track my progress on the bingo card in real-time so that I can stay engaged and motivated throughout the event.
The Real-time Progress Tracker requirement provides attendees with a digital interface to monitor their progress on completing tasks in real-time during the event. This feature will allow users to mark tasks as completed, visualize their progress towards completing rows, and receive instant updates on their standing relative to prize eligibility. This enhances engagement, as attendees can see how they are performing compared to others, driving a sense of competition and interaction that can lead to increased networking opportunities among participants. Additionally, organizers can track overall engagement metrics through an integrated dashboard.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendees access the Real-time Progress Tracker through the EventCraft platform after checking in at the event. They can view their personalized bingo card with available tasks and their completion status. As they complete tasks, they receive notifications and can see real-time updates on their progress.
Given an attendee has logged into the EventCraft platform and accessed the networking bingo feature, when the attendee marks a task as completed, then the Real-time Progress Tracker should reflect the updated status of the task immediately and display the overall progress in percentage.
An attendee completes a row on their bingo card and becomes eligible for a prize. The Real-time Progress Tracker notifies the attendee of their achievement and updates their position on the leaderboard.
Given an attendee has completed a full row of tasks, when the tasks are marked as completed, then the Real-time Progress Tracker should trigger a notification to the attendee and automatically update the leaderboard to reflect their new standing.
During the event, the organizers want to review engagement metrics for attendees using the Real-time Progress Tracker. They access the integrated dashboard to evaluate overall participation and completion rates.
Given the organizers access the integrated dashboard during the event, when they view the Real-time Progress Tracker metrics, then the dashboard should display the number of tasks completed by all attendees and provide insights into average completion rates and engagement levels.
An attendee encounters an issue where their completed tasks are not reflecting on the Real-time Progress Tracker. They seek support from the event's help desk to resolve this.
Given an attendee reports an issue with their Real-time Progress Tracker, when the support team investigates the reported problem, then the support team should be able to verify and rectify the data to ensure accurate task completion is reflected without delay.
After the event concludes, organizers review data collected through the Real-time Progress Tracker to improve future events. They analyze trends in task completion and attendee interaction.
Given the event has concluded, when the organizers generate a report from the Real-time Progress Tracker, then the system should provide a comprehensive summary of task completion rates and participant engagement metrics to inform future planning.
Feedback Collection Mechanism
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to collect feedback from attendees after the event to understand their experience with the Networking Bingo and improve future iterations.
The Feedback Collection Mechanism requirement enables organizers to gather feedback from attendees regarding the Networking Bingo experience. This can include ratings, comments, and suggestions for improvement. By integrating this feedback feature into EventCraft, organizers can access valuable insights post-event, helping to refine future events and enhance the networking experience. Gathering feedback demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement and participant satisfaction, providing a solid basis for future enhancements.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendee submits feedback after participating in Networking Bingo.
Given an attendee has completed the Networking Bingo game, when they navigate to the feedback section and rate their experience, then their feedback should be successfully submitted and recorded in the system.
Organizer reviews collected feedback from attendees post-event.
Given the event has concluded, when the organizer accesses the feedback report for Networking Bingo, then they should see an aggregated summary of ratings and comments from all attendees.
Attendee submits feedback including suggestions for improvement.
Given an attendee has participated in Networking Bingo, when they provide a comment outlining suggestions for improvement, then this comment should be saved and made available in the feedback report for organizers.
Feedback collection form is accessible to all attendees after the event.
Given the event has ended, when an attendee logs into EventCraft and navigates to the Networking Bingo section, then they should see a feedback collection form available for submission.
Feedback recognition system for top-rated experiences.
Given feedback has been collected, when the organizer accesses the feedback data, then they should be able to identify and recognize the top-rated experiences from the Networking Bingo event based on attendee ratings.
Timely prompts for feedback submission to attendees.
Given an attendee's participation in the Networking Bingo, when the event ends, then they should receive a notification prompt within 24 hours to provide their feedback.
Social Media Sharing Options
User Story
As a participant, I want to share my achievements and progress from the Networking Bingo on social media so that I can celebrate my experience and inspire others to join future events.
The Social Media Sharing Options requirement provides attendees with the ability to share their bingo card progress and networking achievements on social media platforms. This feature integrates with major social media channels and allows participants to promote their experiences, encouraging others to engage with the event. By facilitating sharing, this can enhance the event's visibility and possibly attract future attendees, as well as strengthen community building among participants by connecting them through shared experiences.
Acceptance Criteria
Social Media Sharing Functionality for Event Attendees
Given an attendee has completed a row on the Networking Bingo card, when they select the option to share their progress on social media, then a pre-populated post should appear allowing them to share their completion and tag the event.
Integration with Major Social Media Platforms
Given the social media sharing feature is active, when an attendee attempts to share their bingo progress, then the system should allow sharing on at least three major platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) seamlessly.
Tracking Engagement from Shared Posts
Given an attendee shares their bingo progress on social media, when the linked post is clicked by another user, then the system should track and report the engagement and interactions generated from this post.
Customization of Shareable Content
Given an attendee accesses the social media sharing feature, when they select to share their progress, then they should have the option to customize the message and select hashtags related to the event.
Visual Feedback on Successful Shares
Given an attendee has shared their bingo progress on social media, when the share is confirmed successful, then a visual confirmation (such as a toast message) should display, confirming the successful share.
Privacy Settings for Social Media Sharing
Given an attendee is in the process of sharing their progress, when they interact with the sharing options, then they should be able to select privacy settings (public, friends only) for their post before sharing.
Monitoring Share Metrics via Event Dashboard
Given multiple attendees are sharing their bingo progress, when the event organizer reviews the analytics dashboard, then they should see metrics reflecting the number of shares, likes, and comments received across social media platforms.
Event Missions
Event planners can create a series of 'missions' that attendees can accomplish during the event, such as visiting booths, attending workshops, or answering quiz questions. Completing these missions provides participants with points or badges, culminating in a sense of achievement and enhancing their overall experience. This structured approach ensures a diverse engagement spectrum among attendees.
Mission Creation Interface
User Story
As an event planner, I want to create customizable missions for attendees so that they can engage more actively during the event and have a structured way to earn rewards.
This requirement involves the development of an intuitive user interface that allows event planners to easily create, modify, and manage event missions. The interface should support drag-and-drop functionality, enabling planners to customize missions by adding various tasks such as attending sessions, visiting booths, or answering quizzes. Integration with the existing EventCraft platform is crucial to ensure that missions are linked with participant profiles, progress tracking, and real-time updates, thereby enhancing user engagement and simplifying the planning process.
Acceptance Criteria
Event Planner Creating a New Mission within the Mission Creation Interface
Given the event planner is on the Mission Creation Interface, When they drag and drop a task onto the mission area, Then the task should be added to the mission list and displayed correctly with a summary of the task.
Event Planner Modifying an Existing Mission's Tasks
Given the event planner has selected an existing mission, When they choose to edit a task within that mission, Then the modified task details should be saved, and the changes should be reflected in the mission list immediately.
Event Planner Integrating Missions with Participant Profiles
Given the event planner has created missions, When a participant logs into their profile, Then they should see the assigned missions populated in their dashboard with status updates on task completion.
Event Planner Importing Pre-defined Mission Templates
Given the event planner is using the Mission Creation Interface, When they select the option to import a pre-defined mission template, Then the interface should display available templates, and upon selection, the tasks should populate into the current mission creation area accurately.
Event Planner Reviewing Mission Completion Status in Real-time
Given the event planner is on the event's dashboard, When attendees complete missions during the event, Then the planner should see updated completion statuses and participant points in real-time without needing to refresh the dashboard.
Event Planner Deleting a Mission from the Mission Creation Interface
Given the event planner has selected a mission they wish to delete, When they confirm the deletion, Then the mission should be removed from the mission list, and a confirmation message should be displayed to the event planner.
Event Planner Testing the Drag-and-Drop Functionality of the Mission Creation Interface
Given the event planner is using the drag-and-drop feature, When they attempt to reposition tasks within the mission list, Then the tasks should move to the new location without errors, maintaining the list's integrity.
Point System Functionality
User Story
As an attendee, I want to earn points for completing missions so that I can track my engagement and compete with others for rewards.
This requirement specifies the implementation of a point system that rewards attendees for completing missions. It should track points in real-time, allowing participants to see their progress and compare it with peers. The system must also allow planners to set point values for each mission and determine if specific missions offer bonus points. It will encourage engagement among attendees and reinforce participation in various activities throughout the event.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendees can view their accumulated points on the EventCraft platform after completing missions during the event.
Given an attendee completes a mission, when they refresh their points view, then their total points should update to reflect the new total immediately.
Event planners can assign point values to different missions based on their importance and engagement level.
Given an event planner accesses the mission creation interface, when they create a mission, then they should be able to set and save a point value for that mission.
Participants can see a leaderboard comparing their points with their peers' points at the event.
Given multiple attendees have completed missions, when an attendee views the leaderboard, then they should see their rank compared to others based on total points.
Event planners can determine which missions award bonus points to encourage specific activities.
Given an event planner is setting up missions, when they select a mission for bonus points, then that mission should reflect a higher point value for completion on the platform.
Attendees receive notifications about their points and achievements after completing a mission.
Given an attendee completes a mission, when they check their notifications, then they should see a message indicating their total points and any badges earned.
Badge Recognition System
User Story
As an attendee, I want to earn badges for completing missions so that I can showcase my achievements and feel recognized for my participation.
This requirement entails the creation of a dynamic badge recognition system that awards attendees with badges for completing missions. Badges can be digital collectibles showcased on user profiles, incentivizing participation and competition among attendees. The system should allow planners to customize badge designs and define milestones for badge acquisition, contributing to a gamified experience that enhances attendee interaction and satisfaction.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner using the EventCraft platform, I want to design a badge recognition system that allows me to create various badges for different missions, ensuring each badge has unique criteria for acquisition. This should be easy to navigate within the user interface to encourage frequent use by planners.
Given that I am logged into the EventCraft platform as an event planner, when I navigate to the badge customization section, then I should be able to create a badge with customizable fields such as design, name, and criteria for acquisition that are visually clear and distinct from one another.
As an attendee participating in an event, I want to receive notifications and updates about the badges I can earn by completing specific missions, ensuring that I am motivated to engage with the event activities.
Given that I am an attendee at the event, when I complete a mission, then I should receive a notification confirming that I have earned a badge, including details on the mission I completed and how it contributes to my overall points.
As an event participant, I want to showcase my earned badges on my profile, enabling me to share my achievements with other attendees, thus enhancing the competitive aspect of the event.
Given that I have successfully earned badges during the event, when I view my profile, then I should be able to see all my earned badges displayed clearly, allowing others to view my accomplishments easily.
As an event planner, I want to analyze data on badge acquisition rates to optimize future event missions based on participant engagement levels and feedback.
Given that I have an event with a set of missions and badges, when I access the analytics section, then I should be able to view data on how many attendees earned each badge, providing insight into mission effectiveness and areas for potential improvement.
As an event planner, I want to customize the badge design according to the theme of the event, so that the badges resonate with the overall branding and atmosphere of the event.
Given that I have access to the badge customization tool, when I choose a badge design template, then I should be able to modify colors, images, and text to align with the event's theme seamlessly.
As an event planner, I want to define the milestones for badge acquisition based on the difficulty or importance of missions, ensuring that badges are awarded proportionally to the efforts required.
Given that I am setting up missions for the event, when I create or edit a mission, then I should be able to define a point value or milestone level that determines when a badge is awarded, ensuring consistency across all missions.
Mission Progress Tracking
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see real-time progress statistics on mission completion so that I can adjust the event flow to maintain high attendee engagement.
This requirement involves implementing a tracking system that allows both planners and attendees to monitor the progress of mission completion. This feature should provide real-time updates, enabling attendees to view which missions they've completed and the points or badges earned. It will also allow planners to gain insights into attendee engagement levels and make adjustments to missions as needed to maximize participation.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to create a tracking system for missions so that both I and the attendees can view the status of mission completions during the event.
Given that the missions are created, When attendees access the tracking system, Then they should see a list of missions with visual indicators for completed and pending missions.
As an attendee, I want to see my points and badges after completing missions to understand my engagement level during the event.
Given that an attendee completes a mission, When they refresh the tracking system, Then their points and badges should reflect the updates in real-time.
As an event planner, I want to monitor the overall engagement levels of attendees to adjust missions and encourage participation.
Given that the event is in progress, When I view the tracking system dashboard, Then I should see metrics that summarize total completed missions, participant engagement levels, and areas for improvement.
As an attendee, I want to receive notifications when I complete a mission so that I can be aware of my progress immediately.
Given that an attendee completes a mission, When the tracking system processes the completion, Then the attendee should receive a notification indicating the mission completion and any earned rewards.
As an event planner, I want to generate a report of mission completion statistics post-event to evaluate the overall success of attendee engagement.
Given the event has concluded, When I request a completion report from the tracking system, Then I should receive a detailed report including metrics such as total missions completed, badge distribution, and attendee participation rates.
As an attendee, I want to be able to filter and sort missions to prioritize which ones to complete based on my interests.
Given that multiple missions are available, When I access the filtering options in the tracking system, Then I should be able to filter missions by category, points, or completion status to assist in my planning.
Social Sharing Features
User Story
As an attendee, I want to share my mission achievements on social media so that I can celebrate my accomplishments and encourage others to participate in the event.
This requirement focuses on enabling social sharing functionalities for attendees to share their achievements, points, and badges on social media platforms. By integrating sharing options into the EventCraft platform, attendees can promote their participation and engagement, which can serve as social proof and attract more attendees to future events. This feature is critical for enhancing the event's visibility and creating a sense of community among participants.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendees share their achievements on social media immediately after completing a mission during the event.
Given the attendee has completed a mission, when they click the 'Share' button on their achievement, then a popup should appear allowing them to select a social media platform to share their achievement and a preview of the content to be shared should be displayed.
Attendees receive notifications confirming their shared achievements on social media after clicking the share button.
Given the attendee shares their achievement on a social media platform, when the share is successful, then the attendee should receive a confirmation notification within the EventCraft platform indicating that their achievement was shared successfully.
Event organizers track the number of shares made by attendees on various social media platforms.
Given that social sharing is enabled, when organizers access the analytics dashboard, then they can see a report displaying the number of shares made on each social media platform along with the corresponding engagements (likes, comments, shares).
An attendee wants to edit the message before sharing their achievement on social media.
Given an attendee has clicked the 'Share' button, when they select a social media platform, then they should be presented with an editable text box to customize their sharing message before confirming the share.
Attendees can only share achievements after logging into their social media accounts through the EventCraft platform.
Given an attendee has completed a mission, when they try to share their achievement without being logged into a social media account, then they should be prompted to log in or connect their account before sharing.
Social sharing buttons should be visible and accessible on the achievement notification screen after a mission's completion.
Given an attendee has just completed a mission, when they view the achievement notification screen, then they should see social sharing buttons for all supported social media platforms prominently displayed.
Attendees can view their own and others' shared achievements on a public feed to foster community interaction.
Given that social sharing is enabled, when attendees navigate to the event's public feed, then they should see a list of shared achievements from all attendees, including associated badges and points, which should be clickable to view details.
Instant Rewards Program
This feature allows event planners to set up instant rewards for attendees who participate in gamified elements. Whether it’s discounts on merchandise, access to exclusive content, or entries into prize drawings, immediate rewards incentivize attendees to engage more actively in events, creating a more dynamic and enjoyable atmosphere.
Reward Redemption Process
User Story
As an event attendee, I want to easily redeem my instant rewards so that I can quickly enjoy the benefits of my engagement without confusion.
The Reward Redemption Process requirement defines the mechanism through which attendees can redeem their instant rewards. This includes the creation of a user-friendly interface that allows attendees to view available rewards, check their eligibility, and complete the redemption seamlessly. The system must ensure that rewards are reflected in real-time in the user's account and provide notifications of successful redemptions. This process enhances user engagement and satisfaction by making the rewards easily accessible, encouraging participation in event activities and driving overall involvement in the event.
Acceptance Criteria
Viewing Available Rewards
Given an attendee has logged into their account, when they navigate to the 'Rewards' section, then they should see a list of available rewards along with eligibility criteria and point costs for each reward.
Checking Reward Eligibility
Given an attendee is viewing their rewards, when they select a specific reward, then the system should display a message indicating whether they are eligible to redeem the reward based on their accumulated points and activity level.
Completing the Redemption Process
Given that an attendee has selected a reward they are eligible for, when they confirm their choice and submit the redemption request, then the system should process the request and display a confirmation message upon successful redemption.
Real-Time Update of Rewards Balance
Given an attendee has successfully redeemed a reward, when the redemption is confirmed, then the attendee's rewards balance should update in real-time to reflect the new total points available for future redemptions.
Receiving Notifications for Redemptions
Given an attendee completes a reward redemption, when the system processes the redemption request, then the attendee should receive a notification via email and/or in-app alert confirming the successful redemption.
Invalid Redemption Attempt
Given an attendee attempts to redeem a reward for which they are not eligible, when they submit the redemption request, then the system should display an error message explaining the reason for the invalid attempt.
Gamification Elements Tracking
User Story
As an event planner, I want to track which games and activities attendees engage with so that I can optimize future events based on participant interests and behaviors.
The Gamification Elements Tracking requirement involves implementing a robust system for tracking attendee participation in gamified activities throughout the event. This system should capture data on various interactions, such as participation in games, quizzes, and other engagement activities, providing insights into which elements are most popular. This information is vital for event planners to design future events effectively and enhance attendee engagement by offering rewards that align with attendee interests and behaviors.
Acceptance Criteria
Gamification Elements Tracking during Live Events
Given an event with gamified elements, when an attendee participates in a quiz, then their participation is recorded in real-time, and the data reflects the number of participants for that particular quiz.
Gamification Elements Analytics Dashboard
Given event data, when an event planner accesses the analytics dashboard, then they should be able to view participation metrics, including the most popular gamification activities and the overall engagement rate.
Reward Distribution for Gamified Engagement
Given an attendee who participated in multiple gamified activities, when the participation thresholds are met, then the system automatically generates instant rewards and notifies the attendee via email.
Customization of Gamification Elements
Given a template for an upcoming event, when an event planner customizes gamified activities, then the changes should be reflected in the tracking system and available for attendee participation.
Integration with Event Registration System
Given an event with gamification features, when attendees register for the event, then their profiles should be linked to the gamification tracking system to ensure accurate data collection.
Feedback Collection on Gamification Effectiveness
Given an event concludes, when attendees receive a feedback survey, then the survey should include questions about their experience with gamified elements and their overall engagement.
Instant Reward Notifications
User Story
As an event attendee, I want to receive immediate notifications when I earn rewards so that I can feel motivated to participate more actively during the event.
The Instant Reward Notifications requirement involves creating a system to send real-time notifications to attendees when they earn rewards. These notifications must be instant and delivered via the platform’s chosen communication channels, such as mobile apps, web alerts, or emails. By alerting attendees of their earned rewards promptly, the feature increases excitement and encourages further participation, ultimately driving a more vibrant event experience.
Acceptance Criteria
User receives an instant reward notification after completing a gamified task during the event.
Given the attendee has participated in a gamified task, when the task is successfully completed, then a notification should be sent to the attendee via their preferred communication channel.
Notifications are delivered within a specific timeframe after the reward is earned.
Given a reward is earned by the attendee, when the reward is processed, then the notification must be delivered within 5 seconds to ensure real-time engagement.
Attendees can customize their notification preferences for rewards.
Given that the attendee is logged in, when they access their notification settings, then they should be able to select their preferred communication channel and types of rewards notifications to receive.
An event planner can view a log of all notifications sent to attendees regarding instant rewards.
Given the event planner is logged in, when they access the notification center, then they should see a chronological log of all reward notifications sent to attendees, including timestamp and recipient details.
The system handles multiple notifications for an attendee without duplication.
Given the attendee completes several tasks that earn rewards, when the notifications are sent, then there should be no duplicate notifications for the same reward within a 5-minute window.
Notifications include actionable items for recipients, such as redeeming a reward.
Given a notification is sent for a reward earned, when the attendee receives the notification, then it should include a clear call-to-action to redeem the reward with a direct link or button.
The feature supports different languages for the notifications sent to international attendees.
Given an international attendee has their language preference set, when they earn a reward, then the notification received must be in the attendee's selected language.
Reward Value Configuration
User Story
As an event planner, I want to configure different types and levels of rewards so that I can tailor incentives to suit diverse attendee demographics and enhance engagement.
The Reward Value Configuration requirement allows event planners to customize the value and type of rewards based on event themes and target audiences. This capability should include options for different reward tiers, such as small, medium, and large, enabling planners to tailor incentives that appeal to various attendee segments. This flexibility will enhance the effectiveness of the rewards program and improve attendee satisfaction by providing incentives that resonate with participants.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to set different reward tiers for a conference, allowing attendees to earn varying levels of rewards depending on their engagement.
Given that I am on the Reward Value Configuration page, when I select the 'Add New Tier' option, then I should be able to specify the name, value, and criteria for each reward tier (small, medium, large).
As an event planner, I want the ability to customize the types of rewards based on the event's theme, ensuring they resonate with the audience.
Given that I am editing a reward tier, when I choose a reward type from a predefined list (discount, exclusive content, prize entry), then the selected reward type should be applied to that tier successfully.
As an event planner, I need to review the overall configuration of reward tiers to ensure they align with my event's audience and goals.
Given that I have configured multiple reward tiers, when I navigate to the 'Review Configuration' section, then I should see a summary of all tiers with their corresponding values and types displayed clearly.
As an event planner, I want to test the reward configuration by previewing how it will function during the event to ensure everything works as expected.
Given that I have completed the reward configuration, when I click on 'Preview Rewards,' then I should see a simulated interaction showing how attendees can earn rewards based on their actions during the event.
As an event planner, I want to have the option to adjust reward values after the event starts based on attendee engagement levels.
Given that the event is live, when I access the Reward Value Configuration, then I should be able to modify the values of existing reward tiers and save those changes without any errors.
As an event planner, I need to be notified of any issues that arise during the configuration of reward tiers to address them immediately.
Given that I attempt to save a configuration with missing required fields, when I click the 'Save' button, then I should receive an error message indicating the issues that need to be resolved before saving can succeed.
Analytics Dashboard for Reward Program
User Story
As an event planner, I want to access an analytics dashboard to review data on reward program effectiveness so that I can make informed decisions for future events.
The Analytics Dashboard for Reward Program requirement includes creating a comprehensive dashboard for event planners to visualize and analyze participation and redemption data related to the instant rewards program. This feature should offer insights into reward effectiveness, attendee engagement, and overall satisfaction levels. The analytics gathered will assist planners in adjusting strategies and improving future event experiences, ensuring the rewards program meets its objectives.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner accesses the analytics dashboard to review reward program data after an event has concluded.
Given the event has ended, when the event planner accesses the analytics dashboard, then they should see a summary of participation rates for each gamified element.
Event planner filters the analytics data based on specific time frames to analyze engagement trends.
Given the analytics dashboard is loaded, when the planner selects a custom date range, then the displayed data should update to reflect only the participation and redemption data within that range.
Event planner drills down into specific attendee behaviors to assess engagement with the rewards program.
Given the event planner selects an individual reward category, when they click on it, then detailed analytics should display including the number of redemptions and participant demographics.
Event planner compares the performance of different instant rewards to determine effectiveness.
Given the planner accesses the analytics dashboard, when they view the 'Reward Comparison' report, then they should see a side-by-side comparison of conversion rates for each reward.
Event planner exports the analytics data for sharing with team members.
Given the planner is on the analytics dashboard, when they click the 'Export' button, then a CSV file containing the current analytics data should be downloaded automatically.
Event planner assesses overall satisfaction levels based on attendee feedback related to the rewards program.
Given the analytics dashboard is accessed, when the planner views the 'Satisfaction Metrics' section, then they should see an average satisfaction score based on survey results linked to the rewards program.
Event planner receives alerts for low engagement metrics for immediate action.
Given the event planner has set up alerts, when an engagement metric falls below a pre-defined threshold, then the planner should receive a notification via email or within the application.
Feedback & Reflection Space
Gamification can extend beyond engagement with activities; this feature prompts participants to provide feedback on their experiences during or after challenges. It allows event planners to gather valuable insights that can improve future events while giving attendees a voice, creating a sense of community and collaboration.
Participant Feedback Collection
User Story
As an event planner, I want participants to easily provide feedback about their experiences so that I can gather insights to improve future events and enhance attendee engagement.
This requirement involves creating a streamlined interface within EventCraft that allows participants to provide instant feedback regarding their experiences during or after an event. This feature will include customizable surveys, rating systems, and open-text fields. The feedback received will serve as crucial data to analyze attendee satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and drive future event enhancements. By implementing this requirement, EventCraft will enhance data-driven decision-making for event planners and foster a sense of involvement among attendees, thereby strengthening community engagement.
Acceptance Criteria
Participants can access the feedback collection interface immediately after completing an event or challenge.
Given a participant completes an event, when they navigate to the feedback section within EventCraft, then they should see a feedback form that is easy to access and fill out.
The feedback collection interface must support a variety of question types for comprehensive feedback gathering.
Given a feedback form, when a participant interacts with the survey, then they should be able to choose from multiple question types including rating scales, multiple choice, and open-text fields.
Participants receive confirmation of their feedback submission to ensure they know it was received.
Given a participant submits their feedback, when they click the submit button, then they should receive a confirmation message acknowledging their submission.
Event planners can customize the feedback survey to suit different events and objectives.
Given an event planner accesses the feedback customization settings, when they select different event types, then they should be able to create tailored questions that align with event goals.
The feedback collected should be stored securely and be easily accessible to event planners for analysis.
Given feedback is submitted, when an event planner accesses the reporting feature, then they should be able to pull detailed reports and insights based on the collected feedback.
The feedback interface should be mobile-friendly to accommodate participants on various devices.
Given a participant opens the feedback form on their mobile device, when they view the interface, then it should be fully responsive and easy to navigate on screens of all sizes.
Participants can provide feedback at any time, not limited to post-event only.
Given a participant is engaged in an event activity, when they choose to share immediate feedback during the event, then they should be able to access a quick feedback option without interrupting their experience.
Reflection Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to view and analyze feedback data visually on a dashboard so that I can quickly understand trends and insights to improve future events effectively.
The Reflection Analytics Dashboard will be a built-in analytics tool designed to visualize participant feedback data collected through the feedback collection feature. This requirement entails developing advanced data visualization tools that will allow event planners to track trends, analyze feedback over time, and generate actionable insights. Planners will be able to filter data by various criteria such as demographics, event type, or satisfaction rating. This analytics capability will integrate seamlessly with the core platform, enabling planners to make informed decisions about future programming and engagement strategies.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to visualize participant feedback in the Reflection Analytics Dashboard after an event concludes, so that I can analyze attendee satisfaction and areas for improvement.
Given that feedback data has been collected post-event, when I navigate to the Reflection Analytics Dashboard, then I should see visualizations of the feedback in the form of graphs and charts that track satisfaction ratings over time.
As an event planner, I need to filter feedback data based on attendee demographics in the Reflection Analytics Dashboard, to ensure I can tailor future events accordingly.
Given that I have access to the Reflection Analytics Dashboard, when I select demographic filters such as age, location, or profession, then the displayed feedback visualizations should update to reflect only the selected demographic data.
As an event planner, I want to generate reports from the Reflection Analytics Dashboard to share with stakeholders, ensuring they are informed about participant feedback and suggested improvements.
Given that I've analyzed the feedback data in the Reflection Analytics Dashboard, when I choose the 'Generate Report' option, then I should receive a downloadable report summarizing key insights, trends, and recommendations based on the feedback.
As an event planner, I want to compare feedback data from different event types in the Reflection Analytics Dashboard, allowing me to discern which formats receive better responses.
Given that I have feedback data from multiple event types, when I select an event type to compare, then the dashboard should present comparative visualizations of satisfaction ratings and feedback comments between the selected events.
As an event planner, I want to receive notifications for significant trends in feedback data, so I can promptly address any emerging issues or capitalize on positive feedback.
Given that feedback data is being analyzed, when a significant trend is detected (e.g., a drop in satisfaction below a threshold), then I should receive a notification alerting me to examine the data further.
As an event planner, I want to access previous event feedback data in the Reflection Analytics Dashboard, to evaluate changes in attendee satisfaction over time.
Given that I have conducted multiple events, when I access the Reflection Analytics Dashboard, then I should be able to select a previous event from a history list and view its feedback data alongside current event data.
Gamified Feedback Incentives
User Story
As an attendee, I want to earn rewards for providing feedback on the events I attend so that I feel motivated to share my experiences and contribute to event improvements.
This requirement introduces a gamification element to the feedback process by allowing participants to earn rewards or points for completing feedback surveys. This feature will create a more engaging environment while encouraging higher response rates. The rewards can be managed through the platform, enabling planners to customize what incentives are offered, such as discounts for future events, exclusive content access, or branded merchandise. The inclusion of gamification elements will boost participant engagement and foster a culture of collaborative improvement within the community.
Acceptance Criteria
Participants earn points for completing feedback surveys during events.
Given a participant completes a feedback survey, when the survey is submitted, then the system should award the specified points to the participant’s account.
Event planners can customize rewards for survey completion.
Given an event planner accesses the reward management interface, when they create or update rewards, then the changes should save successfully and reflect in the participant interface.
Participants can view their earned points and available rewards.
Given a participant logs into their account, when they navigate to the rewards section, then they should see a list of earned points and available rewards clearly displayed.
Participants receive notifications for new rewards and points earned.
Given a participant submits a feedback survey, when the points are awarded, then an email notification should be sent to the participant confirming their earned points.
Feedback survey completion rate is tracked and reported.
Given the event has concluded, when the planner generates a report, then the report should include the feedback completion rate as a percentage of total participants.
Participants can redeem their points for rewards.
Given a participant has sufficient points, when they select a reward to redeem, then the system should deduct the appropriate points from their account and confirm the reward redemption.
The system logs all feedback survey responses for analysis.
Given a feedback survey is completed, when the response is submitted, then the system should log the response in the analytics database for later review.
Feedback Notifications
User Story
As an event planner, I want to send automated reminders to participants for feedback submission so that I can increase the response rate and gather valuable insights for future events.
This requirement focuses on implementing an automated notification system to remind participants to submit their feedback after events. This notification should be customizable in terms of timing and frequency. Administrators can set reminders through emails or push notifications, enhancing participant response rates. This feature not only helps in gathering valuable insights post-event but also reinforces the importance of attendee feedback in shaping future experiences, benefiting both organizers and participants.
Acceptance Criteria
Automated Reminder Notification for Feedback Submission
Given an event has concluded, when the configured reminder time arrives, then an email or push notification is sent to all participants reminding them to submit their feedback.
Customizable Timing for Feedback Notifications
Given the administrator is setting up the feedback notification, when the administrator selects a timing for the notification, then the system allows selection of timing options such as immediately after the event, 1 day after, or 3 days after the event.
Frequency of Feedback Notifications
Given the administrator has set the feedback notification, when the frequency option is configured to remind participants, then the system should allow options like daily, weekly, or a one-time reminder after the event.
Participant Response Tracking
Given that feedback notifications have been sent, when a participant submits their feedback, then the system logs the submission and updates the participant status to indicate their feedback has been received.
Feedback Notification Customization for Events with Multiple Sessions
Given an event with multiple sessions, when the administrator sets up feedback notifications, then the system can send reminders for each individual session separately with unique messages.
Successful Delivery Confirmation of Feedback Notifications
Given that feedback notifications are sent, when a notification is delivered, then the system captures a delivery confirmation status for tracking purposes.
Social Media Sharing Integration
Encouraging attendees to share their achievements, interactions, or highlights from gamified activities on their social media platforms can dramatically broaden the event's reach. Integrating social sharing tools enables participants to easily post on channels like Instagram or Twitter, further creating a buzz around the event and encouraging even more engagement and participation.
Social Media Share Buttons
User Story
As an attendee, I want to share my event experiences on social media so that I can engage my network and promote the event to others.
Integrate social media share buttons within the EventCraft platform that allow attendees to easily post updates, achievements, and highlights from the event to their social media accounts such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. This functionality will enhance user engagement by encouraging attendees to spread the word about their experiences, thereby increasing the event's visibility and popularity. The buttons should be easily accessible, customizable for each event's branding, and trackable to measure social media interactions and reach. The implementation of this feature will empower users to promote their participation actively, contributing to a vibrant community and encouraging further engagement with the event platform.
Acceptance Criteria
Social media buttons are displayed prominently on the event highlights page after an event concludes, enabling attendees to share their experiences easily.
Given an attendee views the event highlights page, when they look for social media share buttons, then they should see clearly labeled buttons for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook positioned at the top of the page.
Attendees can customize the message that accompanies their social media posts using the share buttons, making their shares more personal and engaging.
Given an attendee clicks a share button, when the sharing interface appears, then they should have the option to edit the text of their post before sharing.
After posting an update to social media via the share buttons, attendees can see confirmation of the successful share along with a preview of their post.
Given an attendee has posted an update using a social media button, when the post is successfully shared, then a confirmation message should display, and the post preview should show the correct content.
The social media share buttons track interactions to provide analytic insights to event organizers about attendee engagement online.
Given an event organizer reviews the analytics dashboard, when they check for social media share metrics, then they should see data reflecting the number of shares, likes, and comments generated from the event.
Custom branding is applied to the social media share buttons to align with the event's theme and design.
Given an event organizer configures the event settings, when they customize branding options, then the social media buttons should display the selected colors, logos, and styles that match the event theme.
The share buttons on the platform are accessible on multiple devices, including desktops and mobile devices, ensuring convenience for all users.
Given an attendee accesses the EventCraft platform on either a desktop or mobile device, when they navigate to an event page, then they should find the social media share buttons available and functional on both platforms.
Hashtag Generation and Tracking
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to generate and track a hashtag for my event so that I can analyze its social media reach and engagement.
Develop a feature that automatically generates unique and catchy hashtags for each event upon creation. This feature will promote social media engagement by providing a memorable way for attendees to tag their posts. Additionally, it will include a tracking system that collects data on the usage of these hashtags across various social platforms, giving event organizers insights into the event's reach and engagement levels. This requirement is crucial for facilitating user-generated content and allowing event planners to measure success through social media metrics.
Acceptance Criteria
Hashtag Generation for Event Creation
Given an event is created, when the user submits the event creation form, then a unique and catchy hashtag should be automatically generated and displayed to the user.
Hashtag Display in Event Interface
Given the hashtag is generated, when the event details are viewed by an organizer or attendee, then the generated hashtag should be prominently displayed in the event interface for easy copying and sharing.
Hashtag Tracking Mechanism
Given that attendees use the hashtag on social media, when the hashtag is tracked by the system, then the system should collect and display usage statistics including the number of posts and engagements for the event.
User Engagement with Hashtags
Given the unique hashtag is provided, when attendees share their posts using the hashtag, then the posts should be displayed in a dedicated feed on the event page showing engagement levels.
Feedback on Hashtag Effectiveness
Given the event has concluded, when the organizer reviews the tracking data, then the organizer should receive a report on the hashtag’s effectiveness in increasing social media engagement, including metrics such as reach and impressions.
Promoting Hashtags During the Event
Given the event is in progress, when an attendee uses the hashtag during the event, then promotional materials (e.g., screens, announcements) should remind and encourage further usage of the hashtag.
Engagement Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to access an engagement analytics dashboard so that I can evaluate the effectiveness of our social media strategy and improve future events.
Create an analytics dashboard that aggregates data from social media interactions related to the event. This dashboard will provide real-time insights into attendee engagement, including shares, likes, and comments on posts featuring the event's official hashtags. The dashboard will offer visual representations of data to help event organizers understand participant engagement levels, identify popular content, and optimize future events. This feature is essential for providing measurable outcomes of social media efforts and refining marketing strategies based on user interaction trends.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Engagement Analytics Dashboard after the event concludes to review social media interactions and engagement data.
Given the event has concluded, when the user opens the Engagement Analytics Dashboard, then the dashboard should display real-time metrics for shares, likes, and comments on social media posts associated with the event's hashtags.
Event organizer wants to identify the most popular content shared on social media during the event.
Given the user is viewing the Engagement Analytics Dashboard, when the user selects the 'Popular Content' report, then the dashboard should list the top three posts based on engagement metrics such as shares and likes.
User needs to analyze engagement trends over a specified timeframe post-event.
Given the user is on the Engagement Analytics Dashboard, when they select a date range from the past two weeks, then the dashboard should update to show engagement metrics only for that specified date range.
User wants to export the engagement data for further analysis or reporting.
Given the user has accessed the Engagement Analytics Dashboard, when they click the 'Export Data' button, then the system should allow the user to download a CSV file containing all engagement metrics displayed on the dashboard.
An event organizer wants to compare social media engagement metrics from previous events.
Given the user is on the Engagement Analytics Dashboard, when they select the 'Historical Comparison' feature, then the dashboard should display a side-by-side comparison of engagement metrics from the current event and the selected previous events.
User wants to view visual representations of engagement data, such as graphs and charts.
Given the user is viewing the Engagement Analytics Dashboard, when they select the 'Visualize Data' option, then the dashboard should present graphs and charts illustrating the shares, likes, and comments over time.
Event organizer is focused on optimizing future marketing strategies based on engagement data.
Given the user has accessed the Engagement Analytics Dashboard, when they navigate to the 'Insights' section, then the dashboard should provide recommendations based on engagement trends observed from social media interactions.
Customizable Shareable Content
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to provide customizable shareable content so that attendees can easily promote the event and share their experiences online.
Enable event organizers to create and customize shareable content such as images, quotes, and event highlight videos that attendees can post on their social media accounts. This requirement will empower organizers to provide attendees with ready-to-share content that represents the event's branding and key messages effectively. The content should be easily downloadable and compatible with various social media platforms, ensuring a seamless sharing experience. This feature aims to enhance the buzz and visibility of the event on social media, effectively showcasing the event's successes and experiences shared by attendees.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendee selects a customizable shareable content option during the event and successfully shares it to their social media account.
Given an attendee is viewing customizable shareable content, When they select the content and click the 'Share' button, Then the content should be posted to their connected social media account without errors and should display correctly according to the platform's specifications.
Event organizer creates and personalizes shareable content for the event before the event starts.
Given an event organizer is logged into EventCraft, When they access the shareable content creation tool and customize the content, Then the content should save accurately and be accessible for attendee sharing before the event begins.
Attendees download shareable content from the event platform for later use on social media.
Given an attendee is on the event platform, When they navigate to the shareable content section and download an item, Then the item should download in a compatible format that can be easily posted on Instagram or Twitter without resizing or reformatting.
Event branding and key messages are represented accurately in all forms of shareable content.
Given the shareable content is created by the event organizer, When an attendee views the item, Then the content should display the correct branding elements and messages as defined by the organizer in the creation tool.
Social media shares from attendees lead to an increase in event engagement and visibility metrics.
Given the event is ongoing and attendees are sharing content on social media, When the social media metrics are analyzed after the event, Then there should be a measurable increase in interactions, shares, and mentions compared to similar past events without shareable content.
Attendees experience a seamless process when accessing, customizing, and sharing event highlight videos.
Given an attendee is viewing the event highlight video, When they click on the 'Customize and Share' option, Then they should be able to personalize the video content with ease and share it across their social media platforms effortlessly.
Social Media Login Integration
User Story
As an attendee, I want to log into EventCraft using my social media account so that I can quickly access all event functionalities and share my experiences conveniently.
Implement social media login options for attendees, allowing them to register and log into the EventCraft platform using their social media accounts. This feature will streamline the login process, reduce friction for users, and encourage social media sharing by linking their event activities directly with their social profiles. By integrating popular platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, attendees can easily join the event and share their experiences, boosting overall engagement and reducing barriers to entry.
Acceptance Criteria
Social media login option for attendees on the EventCraft platform allows users to easily register and log into their accounts using Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
Given the attendee is on the EventCraft login page, when they select the option to log in with a social media account, then they should be successfully redirected to the chosen social media platform for authentication and returned to the EventCraft platform upon successful login.
Attendees log in to the EventCraft platform using their social media accounts and complete their event profile.
Given an attendee is logged in with their social media account, when they complete their event profile information, then their profile should be automatically populated with relevant information retrieved from their social media account (e.g., name, profile picture).
Attendees share their achievements on social media after participating in event activities.
Given an attendee has participated in a gamified activity, when they choose to share their achievement on social media, then the post should include a link to the EventCraft event page and an image of their achievement, ensuring it is formatted for the applicable social media platform.
An attendee encounters an error while trying to log in with a social media account.
Given the attendee selects a social media account for login, when there is an issue with the social media API or credentials, then an error message should be displayed prompting the user to try again, without losing any data entered on the page.
Attendees can log out from the EventCraft platform and will be logged out from their social media session as well (if opted in).
Given an attendee is logged in using social media credentials, when they log out from the EventCraft platform, then they should have the option to also log out from the connected social media accounts for session security.
The login process using social media should be secure and protect user data during authentication.
Given the attendee attempts to log in using a social media account, when they provide their credentials, then the process should use secure OAuth protocols to ensure user data is not exposed or stored on the EventCraft servers.
Attendees can view a prompt to link their social media accounts after initial login to maximize sharing options.
Given an attendee has logged in successfully, when they navigate to their account settings, then they should see an option to link additional social media accounts for easier sharing during the event.
Sustainability Metrics Dashboard
A user-friendly dashboard that provides a comprehensive overview of key sustainability indicators such as waste generated, recycling rates, and carbon emissions. This feature allows event planners to visualize their ecological impact in real time, enabling data-driven decision-making to improve sustainability efforts for future events.
Real-Time Data Integration
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see real-time sustainability metrics so that I can adjust plans on-the-fly to minimize our ecological impact during the event.
The Sustainability Metrics Dashboard must integrate real-time data from various sources, including waste disposal vendors, recycling facilities, and emission tracking systems. This integration will ensure that event planners have access to the most current sustainability metrics, allowing for informed decision-making. The system should pull data automatically at set intervals, providing a seamless experience and enabling events to measure their ecological impact accurately. The feature is crucial for encouraging responsible event planning and improving the overall sustainability profile of events managed through EventCraft.
Acceptance Criteria
Data integration from waste disposal vendors
Given the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard is live, when a waste disposal vendor updates their data, then the dashboard should reflect this updated data within 5 minutes of the update.
Data visualization for recycling rates
Given the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard is integrated with recycling facilities, when data is available, then all recycling rates should be visualized on the dashboard as a percentage and provide historical trends for the last 12 months.
Carbon emissions tracking and alert system
Given the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard is functioning, when carbon emissions exceed the target threshold set by the event planner, then an alert should be sent via email to the planner and displayed as a notification on the dashboard.
Automatic refresh of sustainability metrics
Given the configuration settings are properly set, when it is time for the next scheduled data pull, then the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard should automatically refresh all relevant sustainability metrics without user intervention.
User accessibility and roles for data access
Given the dashboard is implemented, when an event planner logs in, then they should only see data relevant to their events based on their assigned role, ensuring data privacy and accessibility rules are followed.
Integration with emission tracking systems
Given the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard is operational, when emission tracking systems are connected, then the dashboard should pull and display real-time emission data with an accuracy rate of 95% or higher.
Customizable Reporting
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to generate customizable sustainability reports so that I can share relevant information with stakeholders and demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.
Users should have the ability to generate customized reports based on specific sustainability metrics tailored to their event needs. This requirement involves creating a reporting interface where users can select the metrics they find most relevant, such as carbon emissions or waste generation, and generate PDF reports that can be shared with stakeholders. Enabling customizable reports will empower event planners to showcase their commitment to sustainability, making it easier to advocate for greener practices and compliance with environmental standards.
Acceptance Criteria
User navigates to the reporting interface to customize their sustainability report for a specific event.
Given the user is logged into EventCraft and has access to the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard, when they navigate to the reporting interface, then they should be able to select from a list of sustainability metrics including carbon emissions, waste generation, and recycling rates to customize their report.
User generates a PDF report based on selected sustainability metrics and shares it with stakeholders.
Given the user has selected their desired sustainability metrics and clicked the 'Generate Report' button, when the report is successfully created, then the user should receive a confirmation message and be able to download a PDF version of the report.
User wants to preview the customized report before downloading it.
Given the user has customized their report, when they click on the 'Preview Report' option, then the system should display a preview of the report with the selected metrics and data included.
User attempts to generate a report without selecting any metrics.
Given the user is on the reporting interface and has not selected any metrics, when they click on the 'Generate Report' button, then an error message should be displayed indicating that at least one metric must be selected before proceeding.
User requires historical data for sustainability metrics in their report.
Given the user has selected a date range for their report, when the report is generated, then the report should include historical data for the selected metrics within the specified date range.
User needs to access and edit previously generated reports.
Given the user navigates to their report history, when they select a previously generated report, then the system should allow them to view the report and make necessary edits before re-generating it.
User shares the report with stakeholders via email after generation.
Given the user has successfully generated a PDF report, when they enter email addresses in the share dialog and click 'Send', then the report should be emailed to the specified recipients with a confirmation message displayed to the user.
Visualization Tools
User Story
As a user of the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard, I want to see visual representations of data trends so that I can quickly understand our sustainability performance over time and make data-driven decisions for future events.
The dashboard will incorporate visualization tools such as graphs, charts, and gauges to present sustainability metrics clearly and effectively. Users should be able to see historical trends, compare metrics across multiple events, and gain insights from the visual data representations. The tool will facilitate better comprehension of complex data, helping planners quickly identify areas of improvement and success in their sustainability efforts.
Acceptance Criteria
User views the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard upon logging into EventCraft to assess the sustainability performance of their recent events.
Given the user is logged into EventCraft, when they navigate to the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard, then they must see a snapshot of all key sustainability indicators displayed clearly on the dashboard.
User selects a specific event from the dashboard to analyze its sustainability metrics in detail.
Given the user has a list of events displayed on the dashboard, when they select an event, then they must see detailed graphs, charts, and gauges representing waste, recycling rates, and carbon emissions associated with that event.
User wishes to view historical trends in sustainability metrics to understand performance over time.
Given the user is on the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard, when they select the historical trends option, then they must see a line graph showcasing the trends for waste, recycling rates, and carbon emissions over the past events.
User is comparing sustainability metrics across two or more events to identify best practices.
Given the user is on the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard, when they select multiple events for comparison, then they must see a side-by-side bar chart that clearly compares waste generation, recycling rates, and carbon emissions for the selected events.
User wants to gain insights from their sustainability metrics to plan better for future events.
Given the user has reviewed the sustainability metrics, when they view the insights section of the dashboard, then they must see actionable recommendations based on their metrics to improve sustainability in future events.
Alerts and Notifications System
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive alerts when sustainability metrics exceed thresholds so that I can take immediate action to mitigate negative impacts during my events.
An alerts and notification system should be implemented to notify users when certain sustainability thresholds are met or exceeded during an event. For example, when waste generation exceeds a predetermined limit, the system will alert the event planner in real-time, prompting immediate action. This feature is essential for proactive management of sustainability efforts, allowing planners to react swiftly to potential issues.
Acceptance Criteria
Alert when waste generation exceeds the threshold during an event.
Given the waste generation threshold is set to a specific limit, when the waste generated during the event exceeds this limit, then an automated alert should be triggered and sent to the event planner via the dashboard and email.
Real-time notifications for recycling rate drops.
Given the recycling rate is being tracked live, when the recycling rate drops below a predetermined threshold, then a notification should be sent to the event planner within 5 minutes to inform them of the drop and recommend actions for improvement.
Carbon emissions exceed specified limits.
Given carbon emissions tracking is active, when the carbon emissions for the event exceed the defined safety limit, then the system should alert the event planner immediately with details of the excess emissions and suggest corrective actions.
Daily summary of sustainability alerts.
Given the event is ongoing, when the day ends, then a summary report should be generated and sent to the event planner highlighting all sustainability alerts triggered throughout the day, including actions taken.
User customization of alert settings.
Given the event planner is in the settings menu, when they choose to customize alert thresholds for waste, recycling, and carbon emissions, then the system should allow them to set and save their preferred thresholds for each metric.
Sustainability alert history log.
Given the alerts have been triggered during the event, when the event planner accesses the alert history log, then the log should display a complete history of all alerts, including the types and times they were triggered, and the actions taken for each alert.
User Training and Support
User Story
As a new user of the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard, I want access to tutorials and support so that I can effectively learn how to use the feature and maximize its benefits for my events.
Comprehensive training and support resources must be established to assist users in navigating the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard effectively. This requirement includes creating user guides, tutorials, and FAQs, as well as offering live support options. Ensuring users are well-equipped to use the dashboard features will enhance user satisfaction and optimize the sustainable planning process for events.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard for the first time and seeks guidance on how to interpret the data presented.
Given the user is on the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard, When they click on the 'Help' button, Then a user guide should open in a new window, providing detailed information on how to read and analyze each metric.
An event planner is encountering issues with the dashboard functionality and requires immediate assistance.
Given the user is experiencing difficulties with the dashboard, When they click on the 'Live Support' option, Then they should be connected to a support agent within 2 minutes to address their queries.
A user wants to enhance their knowledge of sustainability metrics available in the dashboard through structured learning.
Given the user accesses the tutorial section, When they view the available tutorials, Then they should see at least three comprehensive tutorials focusing on different aspects of sustainability metrics with corresponding instructional videos.
An event manager wishes to find quick answers to common questions related to the Sustainability Metrics Dashboard.
Given the user accesses the FAQ section, When they search for a specific question, Then the FAQ should return relevant answers within 2 seconds that match their query.
A user feels they have not been adequately trained on the dashboard features and wants to provide feedback.
Given the user has completed the training resources, When they fill out the feedback form, Then they should receive a confirmation that their feedback has been submitted successfully.
Vendor Sustainability Ratings
An integrated system that rates vendors based on their sustainability practices, including eco-friendly materials, energy efficiency, and waste management protocols. This feature empowers planners to select vendors aligned with their sustainability goals, ensuring that all components of the event contribute to a greener outcome.
Vendor Sustainability Ratings Engine
User Story
As an event planner, I want to assess vendors based on their sustainability practices so that I can make more environmentally conscious choices for my events.
The Vendor Sustainability Ratings Engine will evaluate and score vendors based on their sustainability practices, including metrics for eco-friendly materials, energy efficiency, and waste management. By integrating this rating system into the EventCraft platform, planners can seamlessly filter and select vendors that meet their sustainability criteria, contributing to their overall event sustainability goals. This feature will not only promote responsible vendor selection but also educate users on the importance of sustainability in event planning, thereby enhancing the user's overall experience and aligning with global sustainability initiatives.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration of Vendor Sustainability Ratings within the EventCraft platform for vendor selection.
Given a planner accessing the Vendor Sustainability Ratings feature, When they filter vendors by sustainability ratings, Then they should be able to see a list of vendors that meet their specified sustainability criteria, displaying their respective scores.
Displaying detailed sustainability ratings for individual vendors in the EventCraft platform.
Given a planner viewing a specific vendor's profile, When they access the Vendor Sustainability Ratings, Then they should be able to see detailed metrics on eco-friendly materials, energy efficiency, and waste management practices alongside the overall sustainability score.
Providing educational insights on sustainability to users as they select vendors.
Given a planner selecting vendors based on sustainability ratings, When they view the sustainability rating system, Then they should have access to educational content that explains the importance of each metric used in the ratings.
Allowing planners to save preferred vendors based on their sustainability scores.
Given a planner has filtered and reviewed a list of vendors based on sustainability, When they mark a vendor as a preferred choice, Then that vendor should be saved in their account for future reference with a note of their sustainability practices.
Generating reports on selected vendors' sustainability practices for event organizers.
Given a planner who has selected vendors for an event, When they request a sustainability report, Then the system should generate a comprehensive report detailing the sustainability ratings and practices of the selected vendors.
Enabling user feedback on vendor sustainability practices post-event.
Given an event has concluded, When a planner provides feedback on a selected vendor, Then they should be able to rate the vendor's sustainability efforts and add comments, which will enhance future evaluations.
Validating the accuracy of sustainability scoring through vendor audits.
Given the Vendor Sustainability Ratings Engine has scored a vendor, When the vendor undergoes a routine audit, Then the results of the audit should align closely with the initial sustainability score given by the Engine to ensure reliability.
Sustainability Performance Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to view a dashboard of vendor sustainability ratings so that I can easily compare and select vendors that align with my sustainability goals.
The Sustainability Performance Dashboard will provide event planners with a visual representation of the sustainability ratings of selected vendors. This dashboard will aggregate vendor scores, allowing planners to easily compare vendor practices and make informed decisions. By utilizing this dashboard, users can track the sustainability impact of their choices throughout the planning process and adjust their selections as needed. This feature is essential for providing a clear understanding of how vendor choices contribute to the overall sustainability of the event.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner accesses the Sustainability Performance Dashboard to analyze potential vendors for an upcoming corporate event.
Sustainability-Centric Vendor Search Filters
User Story
As an event planner, I want to filter vendors by sustainability criteria so that I can streamline my search for eco-friendly options.
Sustainability-Centric Vendor Search Filters will allow planners to refine their vendor search results based on specific sustainability criteria, such as carbon footprint, renewable energy usage, and waste reduction initiatives. This feature will enhance the user experience by enabling a more targeted and efficient vendor selection process, ensuring that planners can quickly find vendors who meet their specific sustainability requirements, ultimately supporting their overall event sustainability objectives.
Acceptance Criteria
Planners want to filter vendors by their carbon footprint to ensure they are selecting environmentally responsible options for their event.
Given the planner is on the vendor search page, when they apply the 'low carbon footprint' filter, then the search results should only display vendors with a carbon footprint rating of below 100g CO2 per attendee.
An event planner wishes to select vendors that utilize renewable energy in their operations to align with their sustainability goals.
Given the planner is filtering vendors, when they check the 'renewable energy usage' option, then all displayed vendors must have documentation verifying their renewable energy practices.
A corporate event planner is looking for vendors that actively participate in waste reduction initiatives and want to see relevant options.
Given the planner selects the 'waste reduction initiatives' filter, when they execute the search, then the resulting vendors must have clearly outlined waste reduction strategies in their profiles.
An event organizer would like to see a comprehensive list of vendors who meet all their sustainability criteria for an upcoming large-scale event.
Given the planner applies multiple sustainability filters (carbon footprint, renewable energy, waste reduction), when they search for vendors, then only those vendors meeting all criteria should appear in the results.
A freelancer is looking for environmentally friendly catering options for a wedding, specifically interested in meal sustainability.
Given the planner inputs the search criteria for 'sustainable catering services,' when they apply the filters, then the results should only display caterers that provide locally sourced and organic meal options.
An event planner is interested in vendor transparency regarding their sustainability practices and wants to validate their claims.
Given the planner selects the option to view vendor sustainability certifications, when they access vendor profiles, then all displayed vendors must show valid certifications or links for verification.
Vendor Rating Transparency Feature
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see how vendor sustainability ratings are calculated so that I can trust that the ratings reflect true vendor practices.
The Vendor Rating Transparency Feature will provide event planners with detailed insights into how each vendor's sustainability score is calculated. By offering transparency in the rating process, planners can better understand vendor practices and make more informed selection choices. This feature will enhance trust in the rating system and encourage vendors to improve their practices to achieve better ratings, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable event ecosystem.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor Rating Transparency Scenario 1: As an event planner, I want to view the breakdown of a vendor’s sustainability score while selecting vendors for my event, so I can understand their eco-friendly practices before making a booking.
Given that I am viewing a list of vendors, when I select a vendor, then I should see a detailed breakdown of their sustainability score, including sections for eco-friendly materials, energy efficiency, and waste management protocols.
Vendor Rating Transparency Scenario 2: As an event planner, I want to compare multiple vendors based on their sustainability ratings, so I can choose the most environmentally responsible option for my event.
Given that I have selected multiple vendors, when I access the comparison dashboard, then I should see a side-by-side comparison of their sustainability scores and detailed breakdowns for each vendor.
Vendor Rating Transparency Scenario 3: As a vendor, I want to understand how my sustainability practices are impacting my rating, enabling me to make informed improvements.
Given that I am a vendor logged into my dashboard, when I access the sustainability rating section, then I should see feedback on my practices and suggestions for improving my sustainability score.
Vendor Rating Transparency Scenario 4: As an event planner, I want to filter vendors based on specific sustainability practices, so I can easily find vendors who align with my event's sustainability goals.
Given that I am on the vendor selection page, when I apply filters for sustainability practices (e.g., eco-friendly materials), then I should see a list of vendors that meet these criteria.
Vendor Rating Transparency Scenario 5: As an event planner, I want to receive alerts if a vendor’s sustainability rating drops, so I am aware of any changes that might affect my selection.
Given that I have selected a vendor for my event, when their sustainability rating changes, then I should receive an alert notification detailing the new rating and reasons for the change.
Integration with Vendor Database
User Story
As an event planner, I want the vendor sustainability ratings to be integrated with the vendor database so that I have the most accurate and up-to-date information for my decisions.
The Integration with Vendor Database will ensure that the Vendor Sustainability Ratings integrate seamlessly with the existing vendor database within EventCraft. This requirement encompasses syncing vendor data, allowing for real-time updates on sustainability practices and ratings. By maintaining an up-to-date and comprehensive vendor catalog, planners will have access to the most accurate information when making sustainability-conscious choices, thus enhancing the overall efficiency of the event planning process.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor data integration for real-time sustainability ratings update.
Given the vendor database is populated with vendor information, when a vendor's sustainability rating is updated, then the updated rating should be reflected in the vendor database within 10 seconds.
User access to vendor sustainability ratings through the EventCraft platform.
Given a user is logged into EventCraft, when the user searches for a vendor, then the system should display the vendor's sustainability rating on the vendor profile page.
Synchronization of vendor data across multiple user accounts.
Given vendor data has been updated by one user, when another user logs into the system, then the updated vendor data should be visible to the second user immediately.
Compliance check for vendor sustainability standards.
Given a list of vendor sustainability standards, when a vendor is evaluated, then the system should return a compliance status indicating whether the vendor meets, exceeds, or fails to meet sustainability standards.
User alerts for significant changes in vendor sustainability ratings.
Given a user has favorited vendors, when a vendor's sustainability rating changes by more than 15%, then the user should receive a notification alerting them of the change.
Reporting feature for aggregated vendor sustainability ratings.
Given the user accesses the reporting feature, when the user requests a report on sustainability ratings, then the report should generate and display the average sustainability rating of all vendors within a specified date range.
Waste Management Planner
A planning tool that helps event organizers create effective waste management strategies, including recycling and composting options. This feature assists users in minimizing landfill contributions while promoting responsible disposal practices, enhancing their overall sustainability.
Waste Management Dashboard
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to have a dedicated dashboard for waste management so that I can easily track our recycling and composting efforts and measure our sustainability impact during events.
The Waste Management Dashboard provides event organizers with a centralized view of all waste management activities associated with an event. It tracks waste generation in real-time, monitors recycling and composting rates, and generates insightful reports on waste disposal practices. This feature integrates seamlessly into the EventCraft platform, allowing users to visualize data, optimize waste reduction efforts, and make informed decisions to enhance sustainability practices during events. The dashboard not only enhances operational efficiency but also promotes responsible waste management that aligns with the organization's sustainability goals.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Waste Management Dashboard for real-time waste tracking during an event.
Given the event organizer is logged into the EventCraft platform, when they navigate to the Waste Management Dashboard, then they should see real-time data on waste generation, recycling rates, and composting rates.
User generates a report from the Waste Management Dashboard to analyze waste disposal practices post-event.
Given the event organizer has completed the event, when they select the option to generate a report on waste management activities, then the system should produce a detailed report that includes total waste generated, recycling rates, and composting rates, available for download.
User sets up waste management goals for an upcoming event using the dashboard.
Given the event organizer is on the Waste Management Dashboard, when they input specific waste reduction goals, then these goals should be saved and reflected in the dashboard display, tracking their progress.
User visualizes waste management data in various formats through the Waste Management Dashboard.
Given the event organizer is viewing the Waste Management Dashboard, when they select different visualization options (e.g., charts, graphs), then the data should be represented in the selected format without loss of accuracy.
User receives alerts for exceeding waste generation thresholds during the event planning phase.
Given the event organizer has set waste generation thresholds, when the projected waste exceeds these thresholds during the event planning, then an alert should be sent to the user via the platform and email.
User collaborates with team members on waste management strategies through the dashboard.
Given multiple users are working on the same event within EventCraft, when one user updates the waste management plan on the dashboard, then all team members should see real-time updates without needing to refresh.
User accesses educational resources on waste management through the dashboard.
Given the event organizer is on the Waste Management Dashboard, when they click on the educational resources section, then they should be directed to relevant guidelines and strategies for effective waste management.
Recycling Options Selector
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to select specific recycling options for my event so that I can ensure proper disposal of recyclable materials and promote sustainability.
The Recycling Options Selector empowers users to choose appropriate recycling practices tailored to their specific event requirements. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting recyclable materials, detailing the best disposal methods, and integrates educational resources for attendees. This requirement enhances the event's sustainability by enabling organizers to incorporate recycling practices into their planning process, ultimately reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and fostering environmentally responsible behaviors among stakeholders.
Acceptance Criteria
User Selection of Recycling Options for a Corporate Event
Given the user is on the Recycling Options Selector page, when they select recyclable materials from the list, then the system should display the corresponding disposal methods and educational resources for each selected material.
User Confirmation of Selected Recycling Practices
Given the user has selected their recycling options, when they proceed to review their selections, then the system should confirm their choices and provide a summary including potential impacts on waste reduction.
User Access of Educational Resources for Recycling Practices
Given the user has selected specific recycling options, when they click on a link to educational resources, then the system should navigate to a dedicated page containing relevant information and guidelines on recycling practices.
Integration of Recycling Options with Event Budgeting
Given the user is finalizing their event plan, when they review the total budget, then the system should incorporate estimated costs related to chosen recycling practices and display them in the budgeting summary.
Feedback from Attendees on Recycling Awareness
Given the event concludes, when attendees provide feedback through a post-event survey, then at least 75% of respondents should indicate increased awareness of recycling practices as a result of the options presented at the event.
Waste Reduction Recommendations
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to receive recommendations on how to reduce waste during my event so that I can improve our sustainability practices and lower costs.
The Waste Reduction Recommendations feature gives event planners tailored suggestions for minimizing waste based on specific event types, sizes, and locations. By analyzing event details, the system generates actionable insights and strategies for reducing waste outputs, promoting efficient resource management, and improving overall event sustainability. This proactive approach supports users in making informed decisions that benefit both the environment and their event budgets.
Acceptance Criteria
Use Case for Tailored Waste Reduction Recommendations
Given an event planner inputs details about an event type, size, and location, when the Waste Reduction Recommendations feature processes this information, then it should generate a minimum of three actionable waste reduction strategies that are relevant to the specified event criteria.
Validation of Generated Recommendations
Given the event planner receives the waste reduction recommendations, when the planner reviews these suggestions, then the recommendations should include at least one recycling and one composting option specific to the event type and location.
User Feedback on Recommendations
Given that the event planner has implemented the recommended waste reduction strategies, when the user reports back on the effectiveness, then at least 80% of users should agree that the recommendations helped reduce waste levels significantly compared to previous events.
Integration with Other Features
Given the Waste Management Planner is functional, when an event planner selects waste reduction recommendations, then these should be seamlessly integrated into the event budgeting and scheduling features without requiring manual entry or adjustments.
Accessibility of Recommendations
Given a diverse group of event planners using the platform, when a user accesses the waste reduction recommendations, then the interface should be intuitive, requiring no more than three clicks from the homepage to access the recommendations.
Multi-Event Analysis Capability
Given an event organization is using the Waste Reduction Recommendations feature for multiple events, when the planner inputs details for three or more events, then the system should be able to provide cumulative data on waste reduction achieved across all events.
Composting Guide
User Story
As an event organizer, I want a comprehensive guide to composting so that I can implement effective composting at my event and contribute to reducing organic waste disposal.
The Composting Guide feature educates event organizers on effective composting practices and provides step-by-step instructions for setting up composting systems at their events. This guide includes information on what materials can be composted, how to manage composting processes, and suggestions for collaborating with local composting facilities. By facilitating composting, this requirement helps to divert organic waste from landfills, promotes sustainable waste disposal practices, and enhances the eco-friendliness of events.
Acceptance Criteria
User accesses the Composting Guide from the Waste Management Planner dashboard and navigates through the various sections to find relevant composting information.
Given the user is on the Waste Management Planner dashboard, when the user clicks on the Composting Guide link, then the guide should display a structured layout with sections for materials, management practices, and collaboration info.
An event organizer wants to determine which materials are suitable for composting at their event and uses the Composting Guide to find this information.
Given the user is viewing the Composting Guide, when the user clicks on the 'Materials for Composting' section, then the user should see a comprehensive list of acceptable and unacceptable materials for composting.
The event organizer wants to set up a composting system based on the Composting Guide instructions and needs to ensure they can manage the composting process effectively during the event.
Given the user is on the Composting Management section, when the user reads the step-by-step instructions, then the user should be able to identify all required steps and resources for managing composting at their event.
The event organizer needs partnerships to facilitate composting and checks the guide for suggestions on collaborating with local composting facilities.
Given the user is in the Composting Collaboration section, when the user selects a facility from the provided list, then the user should see contact information and details on how to initiate collaboration.
Users need to access the Composting Guide through various devices and ensure the functionality is consistent across devices.
Given the user accesses the Composting Guide on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile), when the user navigates through the guide, then all sections should be fully functional and display properly on each device.
The event organizer wants to evaluate the effectiveness of the composting guide before executing it at an event.
Given the user has read the Composting Guide, when the user completes a feedback form, then the user should receive a confirmation that their feedback has been submitted successfully.
Attendee Engagement Tools for Sustainability
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to use engagement tools to educate attendees about our sustainability efforts so that they are more involved and aware of waste management practices during the event.
The Attendee Engagement Tools for Sustainability are designed to inform and involve event participants in sustainability efforts. These tools include informational push notifications about waste management practices, interactive quizzes regarding recycling, and feedback options to engage attendees in waste reduction initiatives. By fostering attendee participation and awareness, this feature enhances the overall sustainability of events and aligns with best practices in waste management.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendee receives a push notification during an event about available recycling stations and compost bins.
Given that the attendee has opted in for notifications, when the event starts, then they will receive a push notification detailing the locations of recycling and compost bins.
Attendee engages in an interactive quiz on sustainability practices during a virtual event.
Given that the attendee accesses the event app, when they select the sustainability quiz option, then they should be able to complete the quiz and receive immediate feedback on their performance.
Attendee provides feedback on waste management practices via the event app after participating in a session.
Given that the attendee has viewed the waste management session, when they click on the feedback link, then they should be able to submit their thoughts and suggestions, which are recorded in the system.
Event organizer monitors attendee interaction with sustainability tools post-event.
Given that the event has concluded, when the organizer accesses the analytics dashboard, then they should see metrics on push notification engagement, quiz participation rates, and feedback received.
Attendee shares their experience regarding waste management practices on social media through the event platform.
Given that the attendee is logged into the event platform, when they click the share button after completing the sustainability quiz, then their post should be correctly formatted and shared on their social media account.
Event platform sends reminders to attendees about sustainability initiatives before the event starts.
Given that the event is scheduled, when the reminders are configured, then a notification should be sent to all attendees 24 hours before the event starts, outlining key sustainability initiatives.
Event attendees are recognized for their efforts in engaging with sustainability tools during the event.
Given that the event has a reward system, when an attendee completes the quiz and provides feedback, then they should earn points that are tallied and displayed on a leaderboard.
Vendor Guidelines for Waste Management
User Story
As an event organizer, I want to provide my vendors with clear waste management guidelines so that they understand our sustainability standards and adhere to them during the event.
The Vendor Guidelines for Waste Management provide a comprehensive set of sustainability practices that event vendors must follow to align with the event's waste management strategy. This includes guidelines on packaging, food waste disposal, and recycling practices. By establishing clear standards for vendors, this feature ensures that all aspects of the event contribute to a cohesive waste management strategy, improving overall sustainability and presenting a unified commitment to responsible waste handling.
Acceptance Criteria
Event vendors review the Vendor Guidelines for Waste Management prior to an event and acknowledge their understanding of the guidelines through a digital signature.
Given a vendor has access to the Vendor Guidelines for Waste Management, when they review the document and digitally sign it, then their acknowledgment should be successfully recorded in the system.
Event organizers conduct training sessions with vendors to ensure understanding of the waste management guidelines and their implementation on-site during events.
Given a training session is scheduled, when vendors participate and complete a feedback form, then at least 90% of vendors should report understanding of the guidelines.
Vendors submit their packaging and waste management plans as part of their event proposal for review by event organizers.
Given a vendor submits their proposal, when the proposal is reviewed, then it should align with the Vendor Guidelines and receive feedback or approval within 5 business days.
During an event, vendors are monitored for compliance with waste management guidelines, specifically regarding packaging disposal and recycling efforts.
Given an event is taking place, when compliance checks are performed, then 100% of vendors should meet the established waste management guidelines without generating significant landfill waste.
Post-event, vendors provide a report on waste generated and efforts made towards recycling and composting as per the guidelines.
Given the event has concluded, when vendors complete their waste report, then at least 80% of the planned waste management practices should be effectively executed as per the guidelines.
Event organizers collect feedback from vendors about the clarity and applicability of the Vendor Guidelines for Waste Management after the event.
Given the event has concluded, when feedback is surveyed, then at least 75% of vendors should express satisfaction with the guidelines and how they were implemented at the event.
Carbon Footprint Calculator
An automated tool that calculates the carbon footprint of events based on factors like transportation, venue energy usage, and materials. This feature allows planners to assess their environmental impact and take actionable steps to reduce emissions, fostering a commitment to sustainability.
User-Friendly Interface
User Story
As an event planner, I want a user-friendly interface for the Carbon Footprint Calculator so that I can easily input my event's data and receive insights without needing extensive technical knowledge.
The Carbon Footprint Calculator must feature a user-friendly interface that allows event planners to easily input data related to transportation, venue energy usage, and materials used for the event. This requirement emphasizes simplicity and accessibility, ensuring that users with varying levels of technical expertise can effectively utilize the tool. By presenting the information in a clear, visually appealing manner, the calculator can provide immediate results and feedback, positively impacting users' engagement and their commitment to sustainability.
Acceptance Criteria
User navigates to the Carbon Footprint Calculator feature to enter event details.
Given the user is on the Carbon Footprint Calculator interface, when they click on the 'Add Event' button, then they should be presented with input fields for transportation, venue energy usage, and materials used.
User inputs data related to transportation and receives immediate feedback.
Given the user inputs transportation data, when they submit the data, then the calculator should display the estimated carbon emissions associated with that transportation method within 2 seconds.
User views the results after inputting all relevant data for an event.
Given the user has entered data for transportation, venue energy usage, and materials, when they click the 'Calculate' button, then the system should display a summary of total carbon footprint along with breakdowns by category in a visually appealing format.
User requires assistance using the Carbon Footprint Calculator.
Given the user is on the calculator interface, when they click on the 'Help' icon, then a user guide and FAQ section should open, providing clear instructions on how to use the calculator effectively.
User has completed calculations and wants to share results.
Given the user has successfully calculated the carbon footprint, when they click on the 'Share Results' button, then they should have the option to email the results or download them as a PDF.
User with varying technical expertise accesses the calculator.
Given a user with no prior technical exposure accesses the calculator, when they view the input fields, then they should see tooltips explaining each input requirement clearly and concisely, enhancing usability.
User examines the layout and design of the interface.
Given the user is using the Carbon Footprint Calculator, when they review the interface, then they should find it visually appealing, with a clean layout, clear typography, and color schemes that enhance readability and usability.
Real-Time Emission Metrics
User Story
As an event planner, I want real-time emission metrics from the Carbon Footprint Calculator so that I can understand the impact of my event planning decisions on the environment in real-time.
The Carbon Footprint Calculator should provide real-time metrics on carbon emissions based on user inputs. This feature will allow planners to visualize the immediate impact of their choices, making it easier to make informed decisions regarding transportation options, venue selection, and material usage. The integration of dynamic graphs and charts will enable users to track their progress toward reducing the environmental impact of their events and foster a culture of sustainability within their planning processes.
Acceptance Criteria
User inputs event data including transportation methods, venue energy usage, and materials used during event planning.
Given the user has inputted the event data, When the user clicks the 'Calculate' button, Then the system displays real-time carbon emission metrics in graphical form, including total emissions and breakdown by category.
User modifies event details, such as changing transportation options or venue selections, to observe changes in carbon footprint.
Given the user has modified the event details, When the user clicks the 'Update Metrics' button, Then the system recalculates and displays the updated carbon emission metrics immediately without errors.
User views historical data of carbon emissions for previously planned events to assess progress over time.
Given the user selects a previous event from the history log, When the user views the emission metrics for that event, Then the system displays accurate historical carbon emission data in a graph format for comparison with current event data.
User accesses the help section to understand how to use the Carbon Footprint Calculator effectively.
Given the user navigates to the help section, When the user clicks on the 'Carbon Footprint Calculator' guide, Then the system displays comprehensive guidance detailing feature usage and tips for accurate data input.
User generates a report on carbon emissions after event completion to share with stakeholders.
Given the event is completed, When the user selects the 'Generate Report' option, Then the system creates and downloads a detailed report of the carbon emissions metrics along with actionable insights for future events in a PDF format.
User interacts with dynamic charts to visualize how different factors contribute to the carbon footprint.
Given the user is viewing the carbon emission metrics dashboard, When the user clicks on specific categories in the chart, Then the system highlights the contributions of those categories and provides detailed explanations of each factor.
User receives notifications on best practices to reduce carbon emissions while planning future events.
Given the user has completed an event and is back in the planning interface, When the system identifies new best practices based on the user's previous input and broader trends, Then the system displays a notification with tailored suggestions for reducing future carbon emissions.
Automated Reporting System
User Story
As an event planner, I want the Carbon Footprint Calculator to generate automated reports so that I can review my event's carbon emissions and gain insights to improve future planning.
The Carbon Footprint Calculator must include an automated reporting system that generates comprehensive reports on the carbon footprint of each event. These reports should include detailed breakdowns of emissions by category, comparison with previous events, and suggested strategies for reducing overall impact. This feature not only helps planners assess their performance but also provides actionable insights for future events, thereby encouraging continuous improvement in sustainability practices.
Acceptance Criteria
Automated report generation after an event is completed.
Given an event has concluded, when the planner accesses the Carbon Footprint Calculator, then an automated report should be generated within 5 minutes detailing the event's carbon footprint.
Detailed breakdown of emissions by category in the report.
Given that the automated report is generated, when the report is opened, then it should display a detailed breakdown of emissions for transportation, venue energy usage, materials, and other relevant categories.
Comparison of current event's footprint with previous events.
Given an automated report has been generated, when the user views the report, then it should include a comparison of the current event's carbon footprint with at least the last two previous events.
Suggested strategies for reducing emissions included in the report.
Given that the automated report is generated, when the report is reviewed, then there should be a section providing at least three actionable strategies for reducing carbon footprint in future events.
User notifications for report availability.
Given an event report has been generated, when the report is ready, then the planner should receive an email notification indicating the report is available for download.
Accessibility of automated reports for all team members.
Given that a report is generated, when team members with access credentials log into EventCraft, then they should be able to view and download the automated report from their respective dashboard.
User feedback collection on the usefulness of reports.
Given a report has been generated and shared, when the user views the report, then they should have the option to provide feedback on the usefulness of the information provided in the report.
Integration with Vendor Database
User Story
As an event planner, I want the Carbon Footprint Calculator to integrate with the vendor database so that I can choose suppliers based on their sustainability credentials and reduce my event's carbon footprint.
The Carbon Footprint Calculator should integrate seamlessly with the EventCraft vendor database to gather data on sustainable options and practices employed by different vendors. This will enrich the calculator's functionality by allowing planners to select vendors based on their sustainability practices, which can significantly impact the overall carbon footprint of an event. This integration aligns with EventCraft's mission to simplify event planning while promoting sustainable practices.
Acceptance Criteria
Integration of the Carbon Footprint Calculator with the vendor database allows event planners to select vendors based on sustainability practices. When a planner adds a vendor to an event, they must be able to view the vendor's sustainability practices directly in the calculator interface, and the data should be updated in real-time as vendors update their practices.
Given the event planner is accessing the Carbon Footprint Calculator, When they select a vendor for an event, Then the planner can view the sustainability practices of the selected vendor within the calculator and see real-time updates if the vendor modifies their information.
Event planners want to evaluate the overall carbon footprint of an event by selecting various vendors from the integrated database. They need to see how each vendor's sustainability practices impact the total carbon footprint calculation.
Given the event planner has selected multiple vendors within the Carbon Footprint Calculator, When they request a carbon footprint report, Then the calculator should display a detailed breakdown of the total carbon footprint along with the individual contributions from each selected vendor's sustainability practices.
The vendor database should be continuously updated to ensure that event planners receive the most current information about vendor sustainability practices. Planners need to be assured that the data they see is accurate and reflects any changes made by vendors.
Given the vendor database is integrated with the Carbon Footprint Calculator, When a vendor updates their sustainability practices, Then the Carbon Footprint Calculator should reflect these updates within 24 hours of the change being made in the vendor database.
Event planners need to filter vendors based on specific sustainability criteria (e.g., renewable energy use or waste management practices) to make informed choices that align with their sustainability goals.
Given the event planner is using the vendor selection tool within the Carbon Footprint Calculator, When they apply filters for sustainability criteria, Then the calculator should only display vendors that meet the selected sustainability standards.
Planners should be able to receive recommendations for sustainable vendor options based on their event type and specific requirements, ensuring that they can easily identify the best options for minimizing carbon emissions.
Given the event planner is using the Carbon Footprint Calculator, When they input event details (type, size, location), Then the system should recommend sustainable vendors that best fit the event's requirements and provide their respective sustainability ratings.
Once an event planner has finalized their vendor selections, they should be able to generate a comprehensive sustainability report that summarizes the carbon footprint and the sustainability practices of chosen vendors, which can be shared with stakeholders.
Given the event planner has completed their vendor selections, When they request a sustainability report, Then the Carbon Footprint Calculator should generate a detailed report outlining the event's carbon footprint with links to the vendors' sustainability practices used in the calculation.
Planners may want to know the historical performance and sustainability ratings of vendors over time before making a decision.
Given the event planner is reviewing vendor information, When they look at a specific vendor's profile, Then they should see historical data on sustainability practices and ratings displayed within the Carbon Footprint Calculator interface.
Customizable Carbon Categories
User Story
As an event planner, I want to be able to customize the carbon categories in the Carbon Footprint Calculator so that I can accurately reflect the unique aspects of my event and its environmental impact.
The Carbon Footprint Calculator must offer customizable categories for users to define specific aspects of their events, such as food, travel, and waste management. This flexibility allows planners to tailor the calculation to reflect the unique elements of each event, providing a more accurate portrayal of its carbon footprint. By making this feature available, EventCraft can enhance user experience and ensure that planners can address the most relevant areas of sustainability in their events.
Acceptance Criteria
User wants to add customizable categories to the Carbon Footprint Calculator for a corporate event they are planning.
Given the user is logged into EventCraft, when they navigate to the Carbon Footprint Calculator, then they should see an option to add customizable categories for their event.
User adds categories for food and travel to their carbon footprint calculation.
Given the user has selected 'Add Category', when they enter 'Food' and 'Travel' as categories and save, then these categories should appear in the list of customizable categories.
User edits an existing category in the Carbon Footprint Calculator.
Given the user has already added a category labeled 'Waste', when they select 'Edit' and change the category name to 'Waste Management', then 'Waste Management' should replace 'Waste' in the list of categories.
User removes a category from the Carbon Footprint Calculator.
Given the user has categories 'Food', 'Travel', and 'Waste', when they select 'Remove' next to 'Travel', then 'Travel' should no longer appear in the list of categories.
User attempts to save the Carbon Footprint Calculator without any categories added.
Given the user has not added any categories, when they attempt to save the Carbon Footprint calculation, then they should receive an error message indicating that at least one category must be added before saving.
User wants to see the total carbon footprint calculated based on their added categories.
Given the user has added the categories 'Food' and 'Waste', when they input data such as quantities for each category, then the total carbon footprint should automatically calculate and display the sum of emissions from all categories.
User seeks information on what qualifies as a customizable category for the Carbon Footprint Calculator.
Given the user is on the Carbon Footprint Calculator page, when they click on the 'Help' icon, then a tooltip should display examples of customizable categories such as 'Travel', 'Food', and 'Waste Management'.
Sustainability Reporting Suite
Comprehensive reporting capabilities that analyze sustainability metrics post-event, providing insights into waste reduction achievements, vendor performance in sustainability, and overall ecological impact. This feature allows planners to share results with stakeholders, demonstrating commitment to eco-friendly practices.
Data Collection Metrics
User Story
As an event planner, I want to collect sustainability metrics from my events so that I can analyze my ecological impact and improve my practices for future events.
The Sustainability Reporting Suite must have the capability to collect and store various sustainability metrics from events, including data on waste management, recycling rates, and carbon footprint calculations. This requirement is crucial as it enables planners to have access to reliable data that showcases their sustainability efforts over time, establish benchmarks for improvement, and generate detailed reports that can be shared with stakeholders. The data collected will provide insights into the overall ecological impact of events, aiding in strategic decision-making for future events.
Acceptance Criteria
Data Collection for Waste Management Metrics
Given an event with a waste management plan, when the event concludes, then the system should successfully collect data on the total waste generated, the amount recycled, and the disposal methods used.
Calculating Carbon Footprint for Events
Given an event where transportation and energy consumption data are captured, when the event concludes, then the system should calculate the total carbon footprint and provide a breakdown by category (transport, energy, etc.).
Vendor Sustainability Performance Tracking
Given a set of vendors used for an event, when the event concludes, then the system should generate a report evaluating each vendor's sustainability performance based on predefined metrics such as waste reduction and energy efficiency.
Storing Sustainability Metrics Over Time
Given multiple events are logged in the system, when new metrics are input, then the system should store and categorize these metrics chronologically, allowing for historical comparisons and trend analysis.
Generating Reports for Stakeholder Sharing
Given the collected sustainability metrics for an event, when a report is requested, then the system should generate a comprehensive and visually clear report that includes charts and data points for presentation to stakeholders.
User Interface for Data Input and Reporting
Given a user accessing the Sustainability Reporting Suite, when entering sustainability metrics, then the interface should allow for easy input and seamless navigation to reporting features without technical difficulties.
Automated Reporting Generation
User Story
As an event planner, I want automated reports on sustainability metrics so that I can present data effortlessly to stakeholders and demonstrate our commitment to eco-friendly practices.
The system should automatically generate sustainability reports based on the collected metrics, allowing planners to easily visualize and interpret the data. This requirement enhances the usability of the suite by reducing the time needed to compile reports manually and ensuring that key insights are readily available for review after events. The automated generation of reports will include visualizations such as graphs and charts to help in effectively communicating the sustainability performance to stakeholders.
Acceptance Criteria
User initiates report generation from the Sustainability Reporting Suite after an event concludes.
Given that the user has provided event metrics and selected the 'Generate Report' option, when the report generation is initiated, then an automated report is produced within 5 minutes, including all relevant sustainability metrics and visualizations.
User accesses the generated sustainability report to analyze performance metrics.
Given that the report has been generated, when the user accesses the report, then the data should be visualized in clear graphs and charts demonstrating waste reduction achievements and vendor performance in sustainability.
User needs to share the sustainability report with stakeholders post-event.
Given that the report is successfully generated, when the user selects the 'Share' option, then the system should provide options to share via email or downloadable PDF, with a confirmation message once shared.
User verifies the accuracy of the sustainability data presented in the automated report.
Given that the user has access to the original event metrics, when reviewing the report, then the metrics presented in the report should match the original data with no discrepancies.
User wants to regenerate the report if they modify the sustainability metrics post-event.
Given that the user has edited the original metrics, when the user clicks 'Regenerate Report,' then the system should update the report to reflect these changes accurately within 5 minutes.
User navigates through the different sections of the generated sustainability report.
Given that the report is generated, when the user navigates between sections (Waste Reduction, Vendor Performance, etc.), then the navigation should be seamless, with the ability to return to the main overview page with a single click.
Vendor Sustainability Assessment
User Story
As an event planner, I want to assess vendor sustainability practices so that I can choose eco-friendly vendors that contribute positively to the event's environmental impact.
The Sustainability Reporting Suite must include a feature for assessing vendors based on their sustainability practices and performance. This requirement will allow event planners to select vendors that align with their sustainability goals and track vendor performance in real-time, fostering a collaborative approach towards sustainability throughout the event lifecycle. By integrating vendor assessments, the feature encourages reliance on eco-conscious vendors while boosting accountability across the supply chain.
Acceptance Criteria
Vendor Selection Process Based on Sustainability Assessment
Given a list of vendors with their sustainability ratings, When the event planner accesses the Vendor Sustainability Assessment feature, Then the system displays a filter option to select vendors with sustainability ratings above a defined threshold.
Real-time Performance Tracking of Vendor Sustainability
Given an event is underway, When the event planner reviews the Vendor Sustainability Assessment dashboard, Then the system shows real-time data on each selected vendor’s sustainability performance metrics.
Reporting Sustainability Outcomes to Stakeholders
Given a completed event, When the event planner generates a sustainability report, Then the report includes detailed metrics on vendor sustainability performance and waste reduction achievements.
Integration of Vendor Ratings into Planning Workflow
Given the event planner is in the workflow for selecting vendors, When they access the Vendor Sustainability Assessment, Then the system allows the planner to integrate vendor ratings directly into their event planning workflow.
User Feedback Mechanism for Vendor Assessment
Given that the vendor sustainability assessments are visible to users, When an event planner completes a vendor assessment, Then the system prompts the planner to provide feedback on the vendor's sustainability practices to improve future assessments.
Historical Tracking of Vendor Sustainability Performance
Given the vendor sustainability assessments have been completed for multiple events, When the event planner accesses the vendor history, Then the system provides a historical performance graph of each vendor's sustainability metrics over time.
Customizable Reporting Templates
User Story
As an event planner, I want customizable reporting templates for sustainability metrics so that I can tailor the reports to meet specific stakeholder needs and communicate effectively.
The ability to create customizable reporting templates for sustainability reports will be included in the suite, allowing planners to tailor the reports based on specific metrics or stakeholder requirements. This requirement is essential as it empowers users to produce reports that meet diverse needs and preferences, ensuring flexibility and enhancing user satisfaction. Custom templates will help planners to communicate their sustainability efforts in a way that resonates best with different audiences.
Acceptance Criteria
Customizable Reporting Templates Creation for an Eco-Friendly Event
Given a user has access to the Sustainability Reporting Suite, when they select 'Create Custom Template', then they should be presented with options to choose specific metrics and design layout.
Personalization of Reporting Templates Based on Stakeholder Needs
Given a user has created a template, when they enter stakeholder details and metrics preferences, then the template should automatically adjust to incorporate those preferences.
Saving and Accessing User-Created Templates
Given a user has created a customizable reporting template, when they save the template, then it should be retrievable from a 'My Templates' section without data loss.
Option to Export Reports in Multiple Formats
Given a user has finalized a report using a custom template, when they choose to export the report, then they should be able to select from PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint formats.
Integration of Vendor Sustainability Metrics in Templates
Given a user is creating a report template, when they select the 'Incorporate Vendor Metrics' option, then they should have access to a list of vendor sustainability performance indicators to include in the report.
User Feedback on the Usability of Customizable Templates
Given the templates have been used by at least ten different users, when a survey is conducted to assess usability, then at least 80% of users should report satisfaction with template functionality.
Testing for Template Design Consistency Across Devices
Given a user has created a reporting template, when the template is viewed on different devices (mobile, tablet, desktop), then the design and layout should remain consistent without errors.
Stakeholder Sharing Functionality
User Story
As an event planner, I want to share sustainability reports with stakeholders easily so that I can maintain transparency and foster collaboration on sustainability efforts.
The sustainability reporting feature should allow event planners to easily share reports with stakeholders, including clients, sponsors, and team members. This requirement emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in sustainability practices. By enabling seamless sharing capabilities, the feature will facilitate collaboration and open dialogue regarding sustainability efforts, allowing stakeholders to engage meaningfully with the data provided.
Acceptance Criteria
Stakeholders receiving sustainability reports via email for an event hosted last month.
Given an event has concluded and the sustainability report is generated, When the event planner selects stakeholders to share the report with, Then the report is successfully sent to all selected stakeholders via email without errors.
Sharing sustainability reports with stakeholders through a shared link.
Given an event's sustainability report is saved on the platform, When the event planner generates a shareable link, Then stakeholders can access the report via the link without needing additional authentication.
Viewing shared sustainability reports on different devices and browsers.
Given a stakeholder receives a sustainability report link, When they open the link on any device or popular web browser, Then the report is displayed correctly and fully functional on all platforms.
Tracking stakeholder engagement with shared sustainability reports.
Given a sustainability report is shared with stakeholders, When the event planner reviews the engagement metrics, Then the planner can see how many stakeholders viewed the report and any actions taken based on the report (e.g., comments, downloads).
Integrating stakeholder feedback into future event planning based on sustainability reports.
Given a sustainability report is shared and viewed by stakeholders, When feedback is provided by stakeholders, Then the feedback is captured and made available for future event planning decisions related to sustainability.
Customizing the format of shared sustainability reports according to stakeholder preferences.
Given different stakeholders have specific preferences for report content, When the event planner customizes the report format before sharing, Then stakeholders receive the report in their requested format (PDF, PPT, etc.) with all necessary information included.
Ensuring accessibility compliance of shared sustainability reports for all stakeholders.
Given a sustainability report is shared with stakeholders, When evaluated against accessibility standards (like WCAG), Then the report meets the necessary criteria ensuring readability and usability for all stakeholders, including those with disabilities.
Eco-Friendly Resource Hub
A centralized repository of resources, tips, and best practices for planning sustainable events. This feature equips event planners with the knowledge and tools needed to implement eco-friendly strategies effectively, contributing to a culture of sustainability within the event planning industry.
Sustainable Resource Database
User Story
As an event planner, I want an easily accessible database of eco-friendly resources so that I can source sustainable materials and services for my events effectively.
The Sustainable Resource Database is a comprehensive collection of eco-friendly materials, suppliers, and services tailored for event planners. This feature will aggregate and catalog various sustainable resources, making it easier for event planners to source materials, book venues, and engage vendors that follow environmentally friendly practices. The database will facilitate quick searches, allowing planners to filter resources based on sustainability criteria such as carbon neutrality, waste reduction, and ethical sourcing. By integrating this feature into EventCraft, planners will be empowered to make informed decisions that align with their sustainability goals, thus fostering a more responsible event planning culture.
Acceptance Criteria
Sourcing Sustainable Materials for an Event.
Given the user accesses the Sustainable Resource Database, when they filter resources by 'carbon neutrality', then the results should display only materials suppliers that meet the carbon neutrality criteria.
Searching for Eco-Friendly Venue Options.
Given the user is on the Sustainable Resource Database, when they search for 'eco-friendly venues', then the system should return a list of venues with verified sustainability practices, including their certifications.
Engaging with Sustainable Vendors.
Given the user selects a vendor type from the Sustainable Resource Database, when they apply filters for 'waste reduction' and 'ethical sourcing', then the system should present a list of vendors that match these criteria with their contact details and service descriptions.
Reviewing and Comparing Resources.
Given that a user is viewing the Sustainable Resource Database, when they select multiple resources for comparison, then the system should allow them to view key differences in sustainability metrics side by side.
Updating Resource Information.
Given an admin user is logged into the Sustainable Resource Database, when they update a resource's sustainability information, then the changes should reflect immediately in the database and no duplicate entries should exist for the same resource.
User Feedback on Resources.
Given a user is browsing the Sustainable Resource Database, when they provide feedback on a resource, then the system should successfully log the feedback and allow for future edits to the user's comments.
Accessing Educational Materials on Sustainability.
Given a user navigates the Sustainable Resource Database, when they access the educational materials section, then they should see a list of articles, guides, and videos related to sustainable event planning practices.
Eco-Friendly Checklists
User Story
As an event planner, I want customizable eco-friendly checklists to ensure I follow sustainable practices throughout my event planning process so that I can minimize the environmental impact of my events.
The Eco-Friendly Checklists feature will provide customizable checklists that help event planners incorporate sustainability into their planning processes. These checklists will cover all aspects of event planning, from venue selection to waste management. They will include tips, reminders, and best practices designed to guide planners through steps that reduce environmental impact, ensuring that sustainable choices are made throughout the planning cycle. This feature enhances productivity by standardizing sustainability practices and provides planners with clear action items, making it easier to achieve eco-friendly objectives in their events.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to customize my eco-friendly checklist based on the specific needs of my event, so I can ensure that I address all relevant sustainability factors pertaining to my venue and audience.
Given I am on the Eco-Friendly Checklists page, When I select the 'Customize' option, Then I should be able to add, remove, or modify items in the checklist according to my event's requirements and save the changes successfully.
As an event planner, I need to access pre-made eco-friendly checklist templates to quickly start my planning process, ensuring I cover essential sustainability practices.
Given I am on the Eco-Friendly Checklists page, When I click on 'Templates', Then I should see a list of available pre-made checklist templates, and I should be able to select one to use for my event.
As an event planner, I want to receive reminders for each task in the eco-friendly checklist, so I can stay on track with my sustainable planning efforts.
Given I am using a customized eco-friendly checklist, When I set deadlines for each task, Then I should receive timely reminders for each task via my preferred notification method (email/notification), at least 24 hours before each deadline.
As an event planner, I need to track the completion status of each item in the eco-friendly checklist in real-time, so I can ensure all sustainable practices are followed during the planning process.
Given I have a checklist in progress, When I check off completed items, Then the system should automatically update the completion percentage and reflect the status clearly on the checklist interface.
As an event planner, I want to share my customized eco-friendly checklist with my team members, so everyone involved in the planning can stay informed about sustainability practices.
Given I am viewing my eco-friendly checklist, When I select the 'Share' option, Then I should be prompted to enter team members' email addresses, and they should receive an invitation to view and collaborate on the checklist.
As an event planner, I want to access a library of resources and best practices for each item on my eco-friendly checklist, so I can be better informed about sustainable choices.
Given I am viewing an item on my eco-friendly checklist, When I click on the 'Learn More' link, Then I should be directed to a page with detailed information and resources related to that specific sustainability practice.
Green Vendor Ratings
User Story
As an event planner, I want to read ratings and reviews of vendors based on their sustainability practices so that I can choose environmentally responsible options for my events.
The Green Vendor Ratings feature will allow users to evaluate and review vendors based on their sustainability practices. Event planners will be able to post reviews and rate vendors according to their eco-friendly initiatives, such as waste management, energy efficiency, and use of sustainable materials. This will enable other planners to make educated decisions when selecting vendors for their events. Additionally, the ratings will provide an incentive for vendors to adopt and promote sustainable practices, fostering a more environmentally conscious community within the event planning industry.
Acceptance Criteria
As an event planner, I want to be able to find and access the Green Vendor Ratings feature within the Eco-Friendly Resource Hub so that I can evaluate vendors' sustainability practices before making decisions.
Given that I am logged into EventCraft, when I navigate to the Eco-Friendly Resource Hub, then I should see a dedicated section for Green Vendor Ratings that is easily accessible.
As an event planner, I want to submit a review for a vendor based on their sustainability practices so that I can contribute to the community and help others in their selection process.
Given that I am on the Green Vendor Ratings page, when I select a vendor and submit a review that includes a rating from 1 to 5 and a written description, then my review should be successfully posted and visible to other users.
As an event planner, I want to view other users' reviews and ratings for vendors so that I can make informed decisions based on community feedback.
Given that I am on the Green Vendor Ratings page, when I select a vendor from the list, then I should be able to see the average rating and all submitted reviews for that vendor, sorted by date.
As a vendor, I want to see my rating and reviews so that I can understand how I am perceived in terms of sustainability and make improvements as necessary.
Given that I am a registered vendor on the platform, when I log in and navigate to my vendor profile, then I should see my current Green Vendor Rating along with all reviews submitted by event planners.
As an event planner, I want to filter vendor ratings by specific sustainability criteria so that I can find vendors that excel in areas crucial for my event.
Given that I am on the Green Vendor Ratings page, when I apply filters for waste management, energy efficiency, or use of sustainable materials, then the list of vendors should refresh to show only those who meet my criteria.
As an event planner, I want to be notified if a vendor changes their rating or receives a new review so that I am always aware of the latest information ahead of my event planning.
Given that I am following a vendor's page, when that vendor receives a new review or rating, then I should receive an email notification with the details of this update.
As an administrator, I want to manage vendor reviews to ensure they meet community guidelines so that the platform remains a reliable source of information.
Given that I am logged in as an administrator, when I review submissions for new vendor ratings and comments, then I should be able to approve, reject, or edit those submissions based on compliance with the established guidelines.
Sustainability Analytics Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see analytics on the sustainability impact of my events so that I can track my performance and identify areas where I can improve.
The Sustainability Analytics Dashboard will provide event planners with insights and analytics on the environmental impact of their events. By integrating data from various sources such as attendee travel, materials used, and waste generated, the dashboard will visualize key metrics related to sustainability. Event planners can track their performance against predefined sustainability goals, identify areas for improvement, and generate reports to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability to stakeholders. This feature will not only enhance the overall strategic approach to event planning but also promote accountability in achieving sustainability objectives.
Acceptance Criteria
Sustainability Insights Dashboard Initialization
Given an event planner opens the Sustainability Analytics Dashboard, When the dashboard loads, Then it displays the initial sustainability metrics based on default parameters such as travel emissions, materials used, and waste generated.
User Input for Data Customization
Given an event planner selects specific dates and events, When the event parameters are submitted, Then the dashboard should update and reflect metrics relevant to those selected parameters in real-time.
Performance Tracking Against Goals
Given an event planner sets predefined sustainability goals, When the planner views the dashboard, Then it shows the current performance against these goals with visual indicators for each metric.
Report Generation Feature
Given an event planner has selected relevant data, When the planner clicks the 'Generate Report' button, Then a downloadable report in PDF format is created, summarizing the sustainability metrics and insights from the dashboard.
User Feedback on Dashboard Usability
Given an event planner interacts with the dashboard for the first time, When they complete the walkthrough tutorial, Then they should be prompted to provide feedback on usability and suggest improvements.
Real-Time Collaboration with Team Members
Given an event planner shares the dashboard with team members, When they collaborate in real-time, Then changes made by any user should be instantly reflected for all users without delay.
Historical Data Access for Event Comparisons
Given an event planner wants to analyze previous events, When they access the historical data section of the dashboard, Then they should be able to view and compare sustainability metrics from past events.
Interactive Sustainability Workshops
User Story
As an event planner, I want to attend workshops on sustainable event planning so that I can learn from experts and apply best practices to my events.
The Interactive Sustainability Workshops feature will offer users access to various workshops and webinars focused on sustainable event planning. These sessions will be led by experts in the field and will cover topics such as green technology, sustainable catering, and waste reduction strategies. This feature aims to educate and empower event planners about the best practices in eco-friendly planning and provide them with actionable insights they can implement in their events. By promoting continuous learning, EventCraft will position itself as a key resource for planners who strive to green their events.
Acceptance Criteria
User Registration for Interactive Sustainability Workshops
Given a user on the EventCraft platform, when they navigates to the Interactive Sustainability Workshops section and completes the registration form, then they should receive a confirmation email with workshop details and a unique access link.
Content Accessibility of Workshop Materials
Given a user who has registered for a workshop, when they access the workshop page, then they should be able to download all materials, view recordings, and access additional resources without error.
Live Workshop Participation
Given a registered user who joins a live workshop session, when they log in during the scheduled time, then they should be able to participate in the session with functioning audio, video, and chat features.
Feedback Submission for Workshops
Given a user who attended a workshop, when they complete the post-workshop feedback form, then their feedback should be recorded and a thank-you message displayed upon submission.
Expert Moderator Interaction
Given a live workshop session in progress, when a user submits a question through the chat feature, then it should be displayed to the session moderator, who can respond in real time during the discussion.
Integration of Best Practices in Workshops
Given a workshop covering a specific topic, when the session is completed, then participants should receive a checklist of best practices related to that topic via email within 24 hours of the workshop.
Workshop Attendance Tracking
Given a registered user, when they attend a workshop session, then their attendance should be automatically recorded in the system and reflected on their user profile under attended workshops.
Engagement Insights
This feature provides detailed analytics on attendee engagement during events, including session participation rates and interaction metrics. By highlighting areas where attendees are most active, planners can tailor their strategies in real-time, ensuring optimal engagement and participation throughout the event.
Real-time Engagement Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to access a real-time engagement dashboard so that I can monitor attendee participation during the event and adjust my plans to enhance engagement based on live metrics.
The Real-time Engagement Dashboard requirement focuses on creating an interactive display that showcases attendee engagement metrics during events. This dashboard will provide event planners with live data on session attendance, interaction levels, and feedback, drastically improving their ability to make informed decisions as the event unfolds. By combining various data sources into a cohesive visual representation, planners can quickly identify which sessions or activities are generating the most interest and adjust their strategies accordingly. The integration within EventCraft will allow users to seamlessly switch between planning and real-time analysis, enhancing the overall event experience for attendees and organizers alike.
Acceptance Criteria
Real-time data visualization during an event to monitor attendee engagement.
Given the event dashboard is active, when an attendee enters a session, then the session attendance count should be updated within 2 seconds.
Monitoring interaction levels in real time to adjust engagement strategies.
Given the dashboard is displaying interaction metrics, when an attendee sends feedback or interacts with a session, then the interaction metrics should reflect the change within 5 seconds.
Providing a summary view of the most engaged sessions at any moment.
Given the dashboard is displaying attendee engagement, when queried for top sessions, then it should show the top 3 sessions with the highest participation rates updated every 10 seconds.
Enabling planners to customize which metrics are displayed on the dashboard.
Given the dashboard settings, when a planner selects or deselects specific metrics, then the dashboard should update to reflect these selections in real-time without page refresh.
Integrating feedback mechanisms for attendees during sessions.
Given the feedback option is enabled for a session, when an attendee submits feedback, then the dashboard should show a confirmation message and log the submission immediately.
Accessing historical engagement data after the event concludes.
Given that the event has ended, when a planner accesses the dashboard, then it should display a summary of engagement metrics for the entire event, including session attendance and interaction levels.
Session Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As an attendee, I want to easily provide feedback on sessions I attended, so that my opinions can contribute to improving future events.
The Session Feedback Mechanism is designed to collect and analyze attendee feedback on individual sessions after they conclude. This requirement involves implementing an interface where attendees can rate sessions and provide comments, which will be aggregated and visually represented for planners. By evaluating session feedback, planners can gain insights into the quality of content, speaker effectiveness, and overall attendee satisfaction. The feedback will be integrated into the Engagement Insights feature to help planners understand what aspects of the event resonated most with attendees, thus informing future event programming and improving attendee experiences.
Acceptance Criteria
Session Feedback Mechanism allows attendees to rate each session on a scale of 1 to 5 immediately after it concludes to ensure timely feedback.
Given an attendee has participated in a session, when the session ends, then they should be presented with a rating interface to rate the session from 1 to 5 and provide optional comments.
Planners need to view aggregated session feedback data post-event to analyze attendee satisfaction and content effectiveness.
Given the event has concluded, when a planner accesses the Engagement Insights dashboard, then they should see a summary of session ratings and comments aggregated per session.
Attendees must be able to easily navigate to the feedback form from the event platform.
Given an attendee is logged into the event platform, when the session ends, then they should receive a prompt or a navigation link directly to the feedback form for that session.
The feedback submitted by attendees should be stored securely and be accessible only to authorized planners.
Given feedback has been submitted, then it should be stored securely in the database and accessible only to users with planner permissions when they request session feedback data.
Planners want to identify trends in feedback over multiple events to inform future programming decisions.
Given multiple events with session feedback collected, when planners access the historical feedback reports, then they should be able to view trends in ratings and comments across those events.
The feedback mechanism should provide real-time alerts to planners if a session receives low ratings from attendees.
Given a session is being rated, when the average rating drops below a defined threshold (e.g., 2 stars), then the system should send an immediate alert to the designated planner's dashboard.
Engagement Trends Reporting
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive automated reports on attendee engagement trends over multiple events, so that I can better understand participant behaviors and improve future event strategies.
The Engagement Trends Reporting feature will compile and deliver comprehensive reports on participant engagement over the course of multiple events. This requirement will include automated generation of reports highlighting key metrics such as participant trends, session comparisons, and detailed analyses of engagement activities. The reports will help event planners identify patterns and preferences in attendee behavior across different events, allowing them to enhance their planning processes and develop strategies that cater to their audience's needs. This feature will be crucial for long-term strategy formulation and ensuring the continuous improvement of future events alongside the robust capabilities of EventCraft.
Acceptance Criteria
Engagement Trends Reporting generation for a multi-day conference
Given the event planner has selected a multi-day conference, When they initiate the report generation for engagement insights, Then the system must produce a report with participant trends, session comparisons, and detailed engagement activity analyses within 5 minutes.
Accessibility of Engagement Trends Reports for team members
Given that the engagement trends report has been generated, When a team member accesses the report through their user account, Then they should be able to view and download the report in PDF format without any errors.
Comparison of session engagement across multiple events
Given that the planner is viewing the engagement trends report, When they select two or more events for comparison, Then the system must display a comparative analysis of session participation rates and interaction metrics side by side.
Automated notifications for engagement report availability
Given that an engagement trends report has been successfully generated, When the report is ready, Then the system should automatically send email notifications to all designated team members with the report link.
Performance of engagement trends report under high usage
Given that multiple users are trying to generate engagement reports simultaneously, When the report generation is initiated, Then the system must still generate each report in less than 10 minutes per user without crashing.
Customization of engagement insights metrics in reports
Given the event planner has access to report settings, When they choose which metrics to include in the engagement trends report, Then the generated report should accurately reflect the selected metrics without omission.
Custom Engagement Alerts
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive custom alerts when attendee engagement drops below a certain level, so that I can quickly respond and take actions to improve participation during the event.
The Custom Engagement Alerts functionality allows event planners to set up notifications based on specific engagement thresholds during an event. For example, if a session attendance drops below a set percentage or if attendee interaction levels fall, planners will receive an alert, enabling them to take immediate action. This requirement enhances proactive event management by enabling quick adjustments and interventions as needed, thereby maximizing participation and engagement. The alerts can be configured through the EventCraft interface and be tailored to individual preferences, ensuring planners stay informed of critical engagement metrics without monitoring the dashboard continuously.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner wants to receive a notification when session attendance drops below a predetermined threshold during an ongoing event.
Given that the session attendance threshold is set to 70%, when the attendance drops below 70%, then the planner should receive a notification via email and in-app alert.
A planner configures multiple engagement alerts for different sessions of the event and wants to ensure they receive alerts as configured.
Given that the planner has set alerts for session A at 60% and session B at 50%, when attendance for session A drops below 60% and session B drops below 50%, then the planner should receive alerts for both sessions.
An event planner wants to receive real-time alerts based on attendee interaction metrics during a session.
Given that the interaction threshold is set to 50%, when the interaction metrics fall below 50%, then the planner should receive an immediate alert via SMS and push notification.
During an event, the planner modifies the engagement alert thresholds for a session and wants to confirm the changes are applied.
Given that the engagement alert threshold is modified from 70% to 80%, when attendance for that session drops below 80%, then the planner should receive the alert with the new threshold.
A planner wants to test the alert system to ensure notifications are received under specific conditions before the actual event starts.
Given that the planner sets a test threshold of 10%, when mock attendance data indicates below 10%, then a test notification should be generated and sent to the planner to confirm reception.
Event planners want to ensure they can deactivate alerts if they no longer need them during an ongoing event.
Given that the planner has activated engagement alerts for a session, when the planner deactivates the alert, then no further notifications should be sent for that session regardless of attendance or interaction levels.
A planner establishes different notification preferences for various team members managing different aspects of an event.
Given that the planner assigns different roles to team members with specific thresholds for alerts, when any threshold is met, then the corresponding team member should receive the alert based on their individual preferences.
Post-Event Engagement Analytics
User Story
As an event planner, I want to access detailed analytics of attendee engagement after the event so that I can understand what worked well and what could be improved for future events.
The Post-Event Engagement Analytics requirement encompasses developing a feature that aggregates and analyzes engagement data after the event has concluded. This will include metrics on overall participation rates, session-specific interactions, and attendee feedback trends. The goal is to provide a comprehensive summary that helps planners understand what strategies worked effectively and where improvements are needed. This analysis will be crucial for refining future event programming and ensuring continuous enhancement of attendee experiences. This feature will integrate seamlessly with the existing reporting functionalities within EventCraft, creating a holistic view of engagement over time.
Acceptance Criteria
Post-event analytics report generation with participation metrics and attendee feedback.
Given an event has concluded and data has been collected, when a planner accesses the Post-Event Engagement Analytics feature, then a report with overall participation rates and session-specific interactions is generated and available for download.
Real-time access to attendee engagement data during the analytics review.
Given the planner is reviewing engagement data after an event, when they select a specific session, then they should see detailed interaction metrics and feedback trends for that session.
Integration with existing reporting functionalities in EventCraft.
Given the Post-Event Engagement Analytics feature is implemented, when a planner uses the existing reporting functionality, then engagement data from the Post-Event analysis must be included within the overall reporting framework without discrepancies.
User-friendly visual representation of data insights.
Given the analytics report has been generated, when the planner views the report, then the data must be presented in a user-friendly format including charts and graphs for easy comprehension.
Ability to filter feedback trends by specific demographics.
Given the planner is reviewing attendee feedback trends, when they apply demographic filters, then the feedback data must accurately reflect only the responses from the selected demographic group.
Export functionality for Post-Event analytics report.
Given the Post-Event engagement report has been generated, when the planner chooses to export the report, then it must be downloadable in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, Excel) without loss of data integrity.
Attendance Trends Tracker
A dynamic visualization tool that shows attendance trends in real-time, allowing planners to monitor participant numbers and demographics as the event progresses. This feature empowers event organizers to make immediate staffing or resource adjustments based on actual attendance, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for everyone.
Real-time Attendance Dashboard
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see real-time attendance data so that I can make immediate adjustments to staffing or resources during the event based on actual participant numbers.
The Real-time Attendance Dashboard is an essential component that provides planners with a live overview of attendee counts, helping them to monitor the participant engagement dynamically as the event evolves. This dashboard integrates seamlessly with EventCraft's existing functionalities, allowing planners to see numbers broken down by demographics such as age, location, and ticket type. By visualizing attendance trends in real-time, planners can make swift decisions regarding staffing needs, resource allocation, and engagement strategies, ultimately enhancing the attendee experience and increasing overall event success.
Acceptance Criteria
User views the real-time attendance dashboard during an ongoing event.
Given the user is logged into EventCraft, when they navigate to the Attendance Dashboard, then the dashboard displays live attendee counts and demographic breakdowns updated at least every 5 seconds.
Event planner adjusts staffing based on real-time attendance data.
Given the attendance dashboard shows an increase of 20% in participants from the previous hour, when the planner reviews the dashboard, then they can adjust staffing levels accordingly with a one-click staffing adjustment feature.
User filters attendance data by demographics.
Given the user is viewing the Attendance Dashboard, when they apply filters for age and location demographics, then the dashboard updates to display attendee counts that match the selected criteria within 3 seconds.
User exports attendance data after an event for review.
Given the event has ended, when the user clicks on the export data option in the Attendance Dashboard, then the system generates a downloadable report in CSV format containing total attendance and demographics within 2 minutes.
User accesses the attendance dashboard from a mobile device during an event.
Given the user is accessing EventCraft from a mobile device, when they open the Attendance Dashboard, then the dashboard displays optimally with no loss of data integrity or sizing issues, allowing full interaction.
Event organizer receives alerts for significant attendance changes.
Given the dashboard is actively monitoring attendance, when there is a drop or surge of more than 30% in participation within 10 minutes, then the system sends an instant notification to the event organizer via their preferred communication channel.
User reviews historical attendance trends in the dashboard.
Given the user has accessed the Attendance Dashboard, when they select the historical trends view for the last three events, then the dashboard displays a comparative graph of attendance numbers по demographics for the specified events adequately within 5 seconds.
Demographic Analysis Tool
User Story
As an event planner, I want to analyze attendee demographics so that I can tailor the event content and engagement strategies to better meet the needs of my audience.
The Demographic Analysis Tool enables event planners to delve into the composition of their audience by providing detailed insights into attendee demographics such as age, gender, and location. This feature enhances the planning process by allowing organizers to tailor content, marketing efforts, and engagement activities to suit the specific audience segments present at the event. Integration with the existing data collection and analysis tools within EventCraft ensures that planners can access this information effortlessly, resulting in more effective and targeted event strategies.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners are preparing for a large conference and wish to analyze demographic data to refine their marketing strategy and outreach.
Given the event planner accesses the Demographic Analysis Tool, when they input the event's participant data, then they should receive a detailed report showing attendee demographics including age, gender, and location.
During an ongoing event, planners need to adjust their content and engagement strategies based on real-time demographic insights.
Given the event is in progress, when the event planner views the Demographic Analysis Tool, then they should see live updates of demographic data reflecting current attendees.
After the event, organizers want to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing efforts by analyzing the demographics of attendees compared to their target audience.
Given the event has concluded, when the planner generates a post-event demographic report, then they should see a comparison of registered attendees vs. target demographics, highlighting discrepancies and alignments.
Event managers want to ensure that the demographic data gathered aligns correctly with the data collection methods used during the registration process.
Given the event planner sets up the registration process, when they define demographic questions, then all responses should map correctly to the fields in the Demographic Analysis Tool without data loss or misalignment.
Planners aim to utilize demographic insights for personalized marketing during the event to enhance attendee engagement.
Given the event is live, when the planner accesses the demographic data report, then they should be able to create customized messaging tailored to specific demographics present at the event.
Stakeholders review the effectiveness of the Demographic Analysis Tool after its initial deployment to ensure it meets user needs.
Given it is one month post-launch, when stakeholders conduct a user feedback survey, then at least 75% of users should express satisfaction with the insights provided by the Demographic Analysis Tool.
Automated Attendance Notifications
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive automated notifications for attendance changes so that I can react quickly and adjust my plans as necessary to ensure smooth event operations.
The Automated Attendance Notifications feature sends real-time alerts to planners about changes in attendance, such as sudden drops or spikes in numbers. This functionality ensures that event organizers are always informed and can react appropriately to attendee trends. By integrating with messaging platforms and allowing for customizable notification settings, planners can stay on top of their event dynamics without needing to constantly check the dashboard, leading to a more proactive management approach and better overall event experiences.
Acceptance Criteria
Automated Notifications for Attendance Change During a Live Event
Given the event is live and attendance has changed, When the change occurs, Then an automated notification should be sent to the designated planners through the integrated messaging platform.
Customizable Notification Settings for Attendance Alerts
Given a planner has access to the settings, When they customize notification preferences (type, frequency, and channel), Then the settings should be saved and applied to all future notifications regarding attendance changes.
Real-Time Feedback on Attendance Context
Given that real-time data is available, When the attendance numbers change significantly (over a defined threshold), Then a contextual message explaining the potential impact and suggested actions should be included in the notification.
Testing Notification Delivery During High Traffic Periods
Given that a high volume of message requests are being processed, When a significant drop in attendance occurs, Then the notification should still be delivered without delay to ensure timely awareness by planners.
Multi-Platform Notification Functionality
Given that planners may use different devices, When an attendance alert is triggered, Then the notification should be sent to all devices where the planner has the EventCraft application installed.
Historical Data Analysis of Attendance Trends
Given that attendance alerts have been sent, When a planner reviews past notifications, Then they should be able to see a comprehensive history of attendance changes over the course of the event.
User Verification for Notification Receivers
Given security concerns, When notifications are sent, Then planners should be required to verify their identity to access notification settings and historical data.
Resource Allocation Recommendations
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive recommendations for resource allocation based on real-time attendance trends so that I can optimize my resources effectively.
The Resource Allocation Recommendations feature analyzes attendance data in real-time and suggests optimal resource allocation strategies for the event. By leveraging AI-driven insights, this feature helps planners make data-informed decisions regarding staffing, equipment, and other resources, ensuring that all areas of the event are adequately covered without overstaffing. Overall, this capability amplifies efficiency and reduces unnecessary costs, leading to a more effective execution of the event.
Acceptance Criteria
Real-time monitoring during event execution
Given the planner is using the Attendance Trends Tracker, when they view the attendance data, then the Resource Allocation Recommendations should display optimal staffing needs based on current attendance numbers within 5 minutes.
Adjusting resources mid-event
Given the event is in progress and attendance is fluctuating, when the actual attendance exceeds the predicted number by 20%, then the Resource Allocation Recommendations should suggest increasing staff numbers accordingly.
Integration with attendance data sources
Given the attendance data is collected from various sources (registration, check-ins), when the EventCraft platform aggregates this data, then the Resource Allocation Recommendations should reflect accurate, real-time insights based on the combined data within 3 minutes.
Demographic-based resource adjustments
Given the demographic data of attendees is available, when the Resource Allocation Recommendations are generated, then suggestions should indicate staff allocation tailored to specific demographic needs, such as language support for non-English speakers.
User notifications for action on recommendations
Given that Resource Allocation Recommendations are generated, when a significant change in attendance occurs, then the planner should receive a notification highlighting the need for immediate resource adjustments.
Feedback loop for resource effectiveness
Given the event has concluded, when the planner reviews the Resource Allocation Recommendations provided during the event, then they should have access to a summary report on the effectiveness of those recommendations (satisfaction survey results, resource usage feedback) within 24 hours after the event.
Historical data learning for future events
Given the Resource Allocation Recommendations have been implemented in past events, when a new event is planned, then the system should utilize historical data to enhance the accuracy of recommendations and alert the planner to potential adjustments needed based on past attendance trends.
Historical Attendance Reporting
User Story
As an event planner, I want to access historical attendance reports so that I can better understand past trends and improve future event planning.
Historical Attendance Reporting provides planners with detailed reports on attendance trends from past events, enabling them to identify patterns and make data-driven decisions for future events. This feature aggregates historical data and presents it in an easy-to-understand format, facilitating strategic planning that aligns with previous successes and challenges. The integration with EventCraft’s existing reporting tools allows planners to leverage past performance data swiftly, enhancing their ability to deliver successful future events.
Acceptance Criteria
Historical Attendance Reporting for Event Planners
Given an event planner has access to the Historical Attendance Reporting feature, when they select a specific past event, then they should see a detailed report of attendance trends including participant numbers and demographics for that event in a user-friendly format.
Integration with Existing Reporting Tools
Given that Historical Attendance Reporting needs to align with existing reporting tools, when the planner retrieves historical data, then the reporting should seamlessly integrate with EventCraft’s other reporting functionalities without data loss or errors.
Exporting Attendance Data
Given an event planner is reviewing historical attendance data, when they choose to export the report, then the exported document should be available in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, CSV) and maintain the integrity of the data.
Identifying Attendance Patterns over Time
Given the Historical Attendance Reporting feature, when the planner analyzes attendance trends for multiple events over time, then they should be able to identify peaks, fluctuations, and patterns in attendance easily based on the provided data visualizations.
User Feedback on Reporting Usability
Given the implementation of Historical Attendance Reporting, when event planners utilize the feature, then at least 80% of users surveyed should indicate that the reporting is intuitive and easy to understand.
Real-time Data Accuracy Check
Given that Historical Attendance Reporting provides insights based on historical data, when planners compare current and historical data trends, then they should find at least a 90% accuracy rate between reported figures and actual recorded attendance.
Historical Comparison Reports
Given the historical attendance data, when planners generate comparison reports between two or more past events, then the system should provide a side-by-side analysis highlighting differences in attendance, demographics, and engagement levels.
Live Feedback Pulse
This feature captures instant feedback from attendees via polls and surveys during the event. By analyzing this data in real-time, planners can address any concerns or queries instantly, enhancing attendee satisfaction and promoting a responsive environment.
Instant Polling Mechanism
User Story
As an event planner, I want to gather instant feedback through polls during my event, so that I can adjust the program based on attendee responses and enhance their experience.
This requirement involves creating an instant polling mechanism that allows event planners to launch polls during the event seamlessly. Attendees should be able to participate in polls with minimal effort through their devices, ensuring high engagement levels. This mechanism will integrate with the EventCraft platform's user interface, allowing planners to design polls with customizable questions, response formats (multiple choice, rating, etc.), and the ability to display live results on screens during the event. The instant feedback collected will help planners gauge attendee sentiment and make real-time adjustments to improve the overall experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planner launches a poll during a live event using the EventCraft interface to gauge attendee opinion on a session's effectiveness.
Given the event planner is logged into the EventCraft platform, when they select 'Launch Poll,' then attendees should receive a notification to participate with options to respond within 30 seconds.
Attendees submit their responses to a live poll via their devices, and the results are displayed in real-time on the event screen.
Given attendees have received the poll notification, when they submit their response, then the poll results should update on the event screen in less than 5 seconds.
The event planner customizes a poll with different response formats (e.g., multiple choice, rating scale) and saves the poll for usage during the event.
Given the event planner is creating a new poll, when they add questions and select response formats, then the poll should be saved successfully with all options reflected accurately in the user interface.
The event planner wishes to view the analytics of a completed poll to assess attendee feedback after the event.
Given the event planner clicks on 'View Poll Results,' when the polling session is finished, then they should see a comprehensive summary of attendee responses with visual analytics (charts, graphs) within 10 minutes of the event's conclusion.
A technical issue occurs during a live poll, and the event planner decides to pause the polling to address the problem.
Given there is a technical issue detected, when the event planner clicks 'Pause Poll,' then all responses should be temporarily halted, and attendees should receive a notification about the pause with an estimated time for resolution.
An event planner wants to create a follow-up poll based on feedback received on a prior poll, ensuring continuous engagement with attendees.
Given the initial poll feedback has been analyzed, when the event planner creates a follow-up poll, then they should be able to reference previous responses to formulate targeted questions with the option to adjust response formats based on attendee preferences.
Real-time Data Visualization
User Story
As an event planner, I want to see real-time visualizations of attendee feedback data during the event, so that I can quickly analyze what is working and what needs adjustments.
This requirement focuses on developing a real-time data visualization feature that presents feedback results from polls and surveys in an easily digestible format. The data visualization should dynamically update as new responses come in, showcasing trends such as attendee satisfaction and engagement levels. This feature should integrate with existing analytics tools within EventCraft, allowing planners to quickly identify areas of improvement during the event. Different visualization formats, including graphs and heat maps, should be available to convey information clearly and effectively.
Acceptance Criteria
Event planners need to visualize real-time feedback from attendees during a corporate event, checking satisfaction levels as responses to polls and surveys are submitted.
Given that an event is ongoing and attendees have access to polls, when responses are submitted, then the data visualization should update within 5 seconds to reflect the latest results.
During an event, planners want to present easy-to-understand data insights on attendee engagement using various visualization formats like graphs and heat maps.
Given that feedback data has been collected, when the planner accesses the visualization tool, then they should be able to toggle between at least three types of visual formats including bar graphs, line graphs, and heat maps without any delays.
Planners require a clear overview of attendee satisfaction trends to address concerns in real-time during the event.
Given that multiple polls have been conducted, when the planner views the satisfaction trend data, then it should display a summary that highlights areas of dissatisfaction, including the percentage of negative feedback.
As event feedback is collected, planners need to integrate this feedback into existing analytics tools to track performance metrics over time.
Given that the feedback data has been visualized, when the planner selects the 'Export' option, then the data should seamlessly integrate into the existing analytics tools without loss of information.
Event administrators want to ensure that all attendees have the opportunity to provide feedback through various polls during the event.
Given that the event has started, when polls are activated, then at least 85% of attendees should have responded to at least one poll in real-time by the end of the event.
Planners need to ensure that the visualization tool is user-friendly and accessible for quick insights during high-paced event scenarios.
Given that the visualization tool is open, when event planners interact with the user interface, then they should be able to navigate to any visualization type within 3 clicks, with an intuitive layout.
Post-Event Feedback Summary
User Story
As an event planner, I want to receive a summarized report of attendee feedback after the event, so that I can assess our performance and enhance future events based on insights gathered.
This requirement entails creating a post-event feedback summary feature that compiles all attendee feedback collected during the event into a comprehensive report. This report should highlight key insights, including overall satisfaction scores, common concerns, and suggestions for future events. It should be easily exportable in various formats, and planners should have the option to share this feedback directly with their teams or stakeholders. This summary is crucial for evaluating event success and planning improvements for future events.
Acceptance Criteria
Attendee review and feedback session after the event.
Given an event has concluded, when the planner accesses the Post-Event Feedback Summary, then it should display a report aggregating feedback from all attendees, including overall satisfaction scores, common concerns, and suggestions for future events.
Exporting the feedback summary report.
Given the Post-Event Feedback Summary is generated, when the planner selects the export option, then the system should provide the ability to export the report in multiple formats (PDF, Excel, CSV) without errors.
Sharing the feedback report with stakeholders.
Given a completed feedback summary report, when the planner chooses the share option, then they should be able to send the report directly to selected team members or stakeholders via email with a confirmation that it has been sent successfully.
Real-time analysis of feedback during the event.
Given that live feedback is collected during the event, when the planner generates the Post-Event Feedback Summary, then the report should reflect insights gathered in real-time, including trends and immediate attendee reactions.
Reviewing feedback by demographics.
Given that attendee demographic data is collected, when the planner views the Post-Event Feedback Summary, then they should be able to filter feedback results based on demographics (e.g., age group, profession, location).
Ensuring data privacy and compliance.